RPH Bi Pra

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Preschool : Prasekolah Bestari

Time : 9.30 pagi – 10.00 pagi (30 minutes)

Module : Teras Asas
Tunjang Utama : Bahasa dan Komunikasi (Bahasa Inggeris)

Focus : (BI 3.0) Reading Skills.

Contents Standard : (BI 3.1) Identify letters of the alphabet.

(BI 3.2) Read simple words with understanding.

Learning Standard : (BI 3.1.7) Sound out letters of the alphabet (basic phonics).
: (BI 3.2.1) Hear and pronounce simple words.

Learning Objectives : In the end of this learning course, students will be able to:-
1) Pronounce the sounds of letters and alphabets.
2) Imitate sounds with their voice and match these sounds to the
letters of alphabets.
3) Know basic phonics.
4) Pronounce simple words (e.g.: chick, cat).

Knowledgeable : 1) Students already know on the names of animals and things in

the surrounding.
2) Students already know all the alphabets shape.

Thinking Skills : Identify the sounds of letters and alphabets by using the phonetic
sounds, state the names of the animals,

Moral : Confident, Brave, Pay attention, Follow instruction.

Teaching aids : Slideshow (the pictures of animals and things),

Song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”.

Focus MI : Verbal-linguistics, Kinestatic, Music, Intrapersonal.

Vocabulary : Dog, Motorcycle, Snake, Bee,

Steps/ Time Contents Learning Activities Resources/Notes

Induction Test the knowledge. 1. Teacher will ask if the ABM : Pictures of
( 5 minute) students have ever seen the animals.
any kinds of animals. MI : Linguistics-
1. Teacher will ask the Verbal,
names of the animals in Intrapersonal
the pictures. Skills: state the
names of animals
Moral : Confident,
pay attention.
Step 1 Sings a song:- 1. Teacher will show the ABM : Song “Old
( 10 minute) “Old MacDonald had a slideshow that contents MacDonald had a
Farm” the lyrics of the songs. Farm.
2. Teacher will start to MI : Music, Kin
Old MacDonald had a farm, sings the phrase by static.
Eya Eya Oo, phrase and students will Skills : Identify.
And on his farm he had a follow every phrase. Moral : Follow
cat, 3. Teacher and students instruction, brave,
Eya Eya Oo, will sing together. confident.
And the meow meow here,
meow meow there,
Meow here, meow there,
Everywhere meow meow
Old Macdonald had a farm,
Eya Eya Oo…
Step 2 Phonetics sounds:- 1. Teacher will show the ABM: the pictures
(10 minute) “zzzz….” picture of animals and of animals and
“rrrrr….” things on the slideshow. things on the
“ssss…” 2. Then teacher will helps slideshow.
“ooo….” to encourage the students MI : intrapersonal
“eee….” to imitate sounds with Skills : Identify
“aaa….” their voice and match Moral : Follow
“uuu….” these sounds to the letter instruction, brave,
“mmm….” and alphabets. confident, pay
Ending Sing and rewind back all the 1.Teacher will ask the ABM : Song “Old
( 5 minute) learning outputs. students to match the MacDonald Had a
phonetics sounds with the Farm”
Reflection sounds of letters and MI : Intrapersonal,
alphabets. Music, Kinetstatic,
2. Teacher will sing back Skill : Confident,
the song “Old MacDonald Brave.
Had A Farm” together with
the students.

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