Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Odia Vol-5

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q1q16rlflqe G'alqc

I qrn-eeto I

o8fl Grl6l

"Ge, catq6'" Gg6'18e" e66at6o'

oG8loE'gt I
qc,6rfl6r$'q1flc'166'' qG qo6 eo q6ot 6'q'18 ll"
qlfl ol6l6'G, 661 l816110l

orflqs flo
qrfl1 arQgcrr6,o
aat8,Gltflqq flo
Qeearno srsi
6JG'64q0 - 9Eq oo9
60lQ : (o99U) guql ooEC, 9691 9o9l-
Email : [email protected]

qdqq e'e6o

Qota o"ae6l : G'66te6l 9oQ9

gafl qe9i96l : QC a6qc'o 9oQ9
Q ooo

AAAIAA : Qlfl1 GlOllQo

FLnq-6'. goo.oo

ffit6'Q :
Qqarc QAq <q aro6" qtqq
{/ur, or6flq0or66il
q6,60q0 9 -


MA; Published by Rarnakrishna Math, Vivekananda Marg,
Bhubaneswar -2;2'd Edition 1" Reprint on 196 October
2017 Price: T. One Hundred only.
gafl gel6lc'a
' o6tq'te o1q1otflqq 6oG'cQ qolq clq.o qet6aqo
Gr6rc'o1 etol "qtqlotnqqealqo" qao o89l CIl6l
6qnr r qtff oot{tcc <Q qa, rle G'6rf,'tqtlQat ortotea aqG'lo
cG eQoretoteo gatef QQqldG'lQl eetoa6 L.;- '

qlqlorflqqeatqo edala qet6{a qta qas g.,lte'

qllre otstco ag6o 6q'la aoqe e'e'Qa qaq6o o66o t sQ
oaflCIrcle qotde ord tlQoro G'gq6oge,callllodl ooclcl
are6o elqe qol6t qGaG t ctct agQul G'6loB qctoeeo Qn'a
cqraetG'tqatcfl g8q6' t sQ ortoso q1fl qaa q66e
qarera qto(qrqo fl6qg cra qg)co q'Eg e,lc'el adqo
ooreeto6 r qd gor6o eteot6 otst oh sQ ot66 Ru 6eos
eetfi atflo 6qto
' 6aa
arqo t

sQ ao qot6to6o aqe aa6olq otd' autoe qt

oeaca frqc 6ee'sQ al69l qom I Q16tr6', qgd g atqofre
sria clnvgd qeq qaa clnq oalqac' oel osttota6 I _
qflgq'o anrtl6t 6Qa-{Ql doreteteq Oee'eo ate6e
qreicr r

60qalQl, Qcc9 rr oG tt

Qlflqq flO, 6J6'6CqA q6'1616,

Qora qatdea 6eeoe

qlotflqq 6a€'6'qer 6qo aqo-oot6el 6'1G'o
q"qre-oto Qo6tg eG ooRtao qtQo qta 4fu8 aca I ol8
6o6e qer6e' 'qtgtotoqeoatqo' gao qEfl oloo Qota
Qrqed qatdc aeqQGQ al69l alco aqoe eqq t sQ
q"qeet6e gqE asa q6'l oloocllG'6'qfioloq 6Qe I

tgQoro otoo-otOelfllca qtot sQ q'qoo6 alqo 6ac'

-{et eloe atdt 6qrq t

99 C6Gtfi.Q, 9oQ9 qcr6t6,
oa6ea 6sa qEr
Q. q1o1flqq6'oQo 6eaqe, e6Qg, cllEo, olgQ qQQlQ,
flQflreod qq6 ooetoe.o Qcaloeac'0 slaa R

s. qtotoqe-66d, fllqo, 6816 G'6Q9, QlQ1, dQo,

ersle, otoa qoalo qqG ooe oaso ee

qt. oqtflqqo oeo oeoqt6 oofllac sff6o 98

u. orqa ololflqq 6\lflqq06a ooc qff6a xR

8. orqa qlolflqq c'frooto ollflqqo o6a CIqfr qtr6o

9. orrflqqo oeo q6eqo, 6'6Q9, 6q qq6 006'sff6o 99
g. etclqot 6eseo 6l'llflqqo 060 oEfr Qff6a 9T
T. ar6ltqo Qoqteco oeogtO CIo6'scr6a 99
c. 61qof, ord qtqo 6'6ogca €'qlqeol r9
qo. al61qa Qar{lG'6Q 01qO e60q 0 aG"{leq CIo6'sff6Q TT
ee. olqo qlalflqq aldlqa Qaqlo60 c6og g
A6',jl6'rt CIOG. q6f66 CC

e9. 006's6r60
orqQ qlolflqq oldlqa aa'1lc6Q eqo
Qqr. erotqa aoqtoco ceog gq6 oofllec'qGrGQ eer
eu. otqa qlolflqq ooc's6160 ald1qQ Qoqle6o e99
Q. 6e64fi eQo efisdqo flhoeo eux
9. qlotflqq fl66't69tlQcG' flOoeo e8N
$. qtotflqs o qrgo eGo Q9qr

u. e6eq, orsrrn qq6 floo olaflleqa 6eotG go Q l-o

8. OOflteG qQCIGQ OlqO qlQlnqq RC9

9. C,QIAA60 9lo 99e

fl6aqcta (qra)s' q"6g etect 9flU

01q18telqs aalqc
gafl oo6go
Olotfrqqfi adc 6eaqe, G'G6r8, fltqQ,
oroQ qQ6'16r, OGfltOOO gC)6 GrOGldG'A
6,6aloeae g alG'o
(orqoe.a aagt Gotaet otei'fltqQGQ olooc' olfiq ooa)
arG e6etcr, at6a e o0o;qeQolfll ss ot6fi a6qlaQ,
qrrS rOlatflqq ofraota 6qtflqqo6o aaglc'aqa6 l616'l-
eorer (cancer) 66at aotaatq atQc'G '(G" oloo qo6'l6lc'
66arqe aaG t

oro6lc' or6q o6lfle"q 6oaG'e aagt e,ettoetotei'

flrEoq q6'qa ootots t atG qale ql6Q EaGl qfloco q6ll9l
eQ flrqa gq eGR, "ato6t 6oG aa6t" qtatflqe eqa6,
"oroeqoQq', eo6 otg6o 9Jfi64 en od 6Ql6tol{, atet aG
aoqrO r ser6e qrc oGQ 6 etd ?"
fllqQ ql00l OGQ OIOQ qQAl06'qGrGA 6Qgll6'66't g
eog 6og oQen I otooc' qo 6oo g 8661 qa6'61 eg ao6o
el6n r oroo qE 6saq aqe6, flaldfl ot6 66etolq 6flla
oeflg"qc'e 6et atort 6qta6, 69r erd t edfltn flal oQflq'"Ql
orfr6 r (oooeo orot) t

oroeae 6'661 q'q olooq e,qa6, flQl6lg, q6llol{

oefle"qq eoQ seL\ ela6'lo eqG t alo6l o q60c eoqaG,
aro6rGQ 8OA 6C'lU q{ ?
OISA-As man I have the greatest regard for him.
oreo(otooGo aqc qO)-otoa fl416fl aaqq ea
or6'Q oaql aq88 I

otoo-aqqa I
e g1qlQlnqs aalqo

filEQ-Alfigllfi'f; Aq6A, OQ9IQ'EI 60AG' A060 6€',ln

aqG,ld I . *
oloQ-olQl q6d 6q I q6nqq 016l olQ, 6filQ actual
loss 6QQ6, q66a qo 6ecr6 ca[ et6 oQol{ t ot'oo6e
6ee Gee' cotctlf, ooq ol{, ata O Gs erd; 6ee, ota 6
ee6 6oG ?
qtqo oQnt ogedtco aal 6qnl I o6eto 6c eoeoeeen
oroo oQFlq'ql 6aaq 6oqq'lq otatG, 6qGG6G'6e, egedt
aoao el6fi'r; OlOOq. 6Oq. 6q qlolflqeq eQelen; '9lQl6lg,
aro6r otooco aaclo aqla6'l std'sotcl qG eGaG t'
otea(otoae g6)-aQor egedt alo6lf,Q {olq
ar6qatgelcn I alo6l 660 oloal 6mte aoeo Lecture 6u6,
ea q6erg atq6 t

oteo qo ? 6nle6'lo Q oentgo !6oqcn-ricoara

ofr as God's Lower Third ! ala aqo6 6oea o (oq, oes,
ons) eq eler aG I 6q aalol mark aOQ6R, 'alo6l oloaGo
aacto G'S,taar gta* eoto q€ eGaG t'
otqa-flQot ogedteo 6qtq 60, oQclQ'Ql 6q'q'
fl6fi,466l 6ee, soto orn c6otoG t

otoo-gs I olgl e'o qs tOee 6al6 onl e6et t

al6flfll66, oloQ, ell69lfll66' O C'lq cancer 6oeo oaet a6 t
atcetnlsc oa oGoreler{ I 6qo QG ererG crd, eq 6o0
oR o6ee I (eqore'c q6)-eosq, 6al6 qlqld oo, Gq
{cu66' qfl6g sqQod devotee orh eqet egaG I

qlolnqq oo6q6r6o
fltqa 6'loaqarQerqeQ qoql6fle' oeR t qatOal o6a
Ga 66er qflsco qlolflqqq odao6 qRs 6eeoc eGR I

oQ6R, otoa at6 6'9 aqqo oGeG r

q16tflqq-oao eela6 t
qafl oa6go ql

glqe-'ato6tg6,ot6l otBec.o a? e,gtaet otd'

eorer qQ e6a6-erfr.qQ oar q6 oraelen r

qlatflqq-Qs oQelnr t
orqa-flQor oge,air r

qlQtflqq-otst o6Q ?

- cqelorei' oQar ogedrq ee6,'osorqor oqe,

fl tEa
(God's Lower Third) r ednre otoo aqBG, eqoc oreo
agqd (qqs, oes, oae) aO r (oone"q 6oG'6.e oror) tq6
6cr6o ee6, orQ 6Fer qoaeo 6o orrfroleG, ata oegte.Et
6oac'o 6er r 0g' ato6t qflgce oeG, 'edfllc fleJ oegre'El
ot6l8 r'
qlotetqq(ea ea)-6q e'eter oQ6, e'rq eeerq q
crd es 6at6o 6Gr ee, eq 6ee oqG r

gO eg6 As man I have the greatest regard for

him. {QtA Oree sQ 6CI, ri otq aG'ctQ nse erd, 6q agor
Qqrq'eo 6cle o6aq oO aG r

q1atflqs- ara 66 oat 6eat ?

-ri qfl ofr, 'ar6 eerq ord'G G'6otG,g 6eG' ?,
orgo oQen, 'G'6otG'9 ata 6flte qo o6 r q6 arG CIerq
6eG', ata 6"6t G'6otq''o t' (qtotRqg6.o eror) t ata oq6,
"g6flcrr6o ero erdea 6flto 6e6o 6'G.t 6ete cnteqtq eeaO
- qa 66er elorq eore' CIelorri'qna q< erd r,,
6gfltgo6a 6egl6 ao6l6tfi q6r66l
G6oer060 qlqo Qeaqe 66tqtfl1 oecte"Er 6o€'q
o6ie e6erq arQen I q6r6e 6a6oe'd qtqo@ r 6eaqe
Grarce a6oa 6n qen tatotoos geaeo a66',e orel qoo o6
aaOo qdq afrooreo oeqaG r arQ orqo qroroqeq o1fre
6ara q6tfi o6n I a6ce aoOo E6n-c6og, flQflr oger,ir,
cG'66ilo16', 01o6, ntg fltqe, 6ol6c6oE,atO orooo t
u qlglatnqq Qalq8

flQflt ogeor(Geaq)-oema, otei eG 6s66R,

edote' o'et eoqen aqq I
6eq-o'a aQQ t eoe16, eoabteo edflte eQ6,
eqQorea d qq I 6aan fraeo q6er t e6loQ e6loQ ol6ll6Q
{ere zt6lt{ G't qaadl, eedotea et ot6adt, sQ odqe t
sQoteo qd eornaor eoq6 ! -
oQor s'ged1- Oq oQa6, qA {6 qotG <o flu eqt6 t
qroroqq(ecagc' q6)-eoe 6e,sc'o a6'gl Q'61
eero6 I aod og eo6 oto6, eso6 oq araG estaoto6 t
ej ooRe"oco 6t6'l g ao16' eoq Oqoteo t eQgteo oQflq"q
6ar r

egedl-flQlclfl! alodlao alqlQ efrgta6 t

Qes-d, 6G'll,lg{ efr sto6 r (qtarnqec' qG)-
aro6rG'o olql eal gO eoqelq arQB t qO ototq-
qlelflqq-oad ?

Ge'a-edloQ aoo eoen etdt66so qq6qla oQeR t

Qea-uot 6'6oGR u6et eto I {Qol6Q d eetnaot t
Ololflqg-ceoto' oQGR, ae'q glo6o staelg fren
erd-sotq alQ eseoot stofr t
nQor ogedl-606orol Q'61 ? agh o96 t

Qea(erosorQ qtoraqec qA)-ge6 utset Q< ! ala

cQerg eee etdt
qroraqe(oroa)-o0 olsl 6Qlaal'(, 6oce 6QQ I

Qes-qQG I

{Qt oO qraroqec olocl6'64 o6o eeen g 6e eneo

qtotfl qq 6q6oca6c' 6rqal66'61 60 al?qq6'q 6916o oG

eQaG t

' Q. qlqo 6aalo ela etqdt, aeq'q 6e

G'lG'l6Q EGn I Qqgg

oar oQntqtgee Gt6o oqc6'qei eetoots, 6a e,6d oo€loo, oQ ela

saQ I
qafl 06680 E

{Q 6qfil6a6l, {O aqo qdq 6oq. ao6o oorll6c'

eeQ orqaG, 68Q oe eqa6 I olQlo fleQ ola eoo6, eq
eqQ oraeo se q€eo qlolnqec' alqQ. erd oQaG t ecQ
orarqoefioo, eeQ orq, eoQ et qlslq 6oetllol flqelaolo
eos1o6, otQtG'Q eoo6 ole
- t

flQflt ood qqc'CI46o clloca-Gas eoa eqae16-

eq oGea flGeo eso6 ffiode o9o6, sQ oteeo eqo6,
"qo1fl'oGotcoq 6o6oq t"
cc'cclotn erqeG I ala oo, o1o6 otoen-
Gfl 6'0 oo'qg aolQ q6fl 46flq,
oalqoQ q6fl qlQlGslo I

EIoqQ atcnla q6fl 6gno atoto qfr,

€ltrG'O q6fi glnlulo I

clcl Qqqo oa, 6O1Q QeCl oG"

aqQo 66lal6o 6611016o I
fletoG utGe6,860 a6o aot oQ
860 qe8 agleGn oN I
G''teat oce q6, eno uoo 96
610 6A61 416'lRQ 0160 I

Bu oqqaqeoflQat etdn eeo,

g6qd ooloo ql6a I
qq6fl goo ot6,
qfren qao ot6,
aqcl6a q9 q6fl O1fl I
oG'6ltG'6LQ 46, Q e,t6e flQflG,
q61le aq1fl I
, utG'6o qed atoeo, qflQ eQ6l 6'60,
eetG eq eorG qrir ol0l !
qflQ {
QeelQ CIlG'6G'A ClQ1G',Q,
alglel6Q 609 6'6q a,llQl I
fr6 qo, co, ool,
ger6 qaq 6q,
qeo od fl6rn alnfl I
e olqlotnqq aatqo
6a Bre, Ga ego, Oa o6, Oa 6ogr,
6a 6a qroeo atqq I

o1o6 qO oraa6-
td Qe-(eraor) erdel
6oroo Qqereo cqflteo fteal I
flqtotc'eqni6't 6 orqot sQ aQ
66u Qnra ooqoei, 6a6o a6ee oraoefi
qq6 aq6 oq6 oa, eflc G'q{e qo uO,
(eG eCI eern)
9tQt60t66t qqota {etetQ 6QtQ6lt,
Godolf,' QqALIt6' 6GlOt6610 qqQt,
(aror q6nt6e, 6file qefl qlu eoGonr t)
{6e atcoce 9116, qaalg es6 eetneo fln eG gd r

[6rfr 016'] l

g6nr ooo o16 :uon ooo er6

qo 6qnt erG qnarn;
ordoro, ardeQ qtdfi6'ee,r6 o6,
aq ont ontgc'
(ordQ ei arQfr { 6qn Qq oee)
a6c'a sd o6e otqo Olatflge gg6a 6a66l
[qqqre tl'alqdq o5o' ! aG'etoqo g6at6.F]
qtaroqe(oreoc qG)-at6a66o 6'ad 6616t{ A{,
edsrn nar sea6 r ess6 610 6'rt66t, ejara rjeera oee erdl
"{ aqgr oeo od greo cld r o6erq 66R e , 9, f ,
xQorfr o6rct g{ t" :

c'609-qqqe 6 cr r

qlarflqq-et .(e g qaa or6e r,

erQare,oo-atmt d, eQoreQo6e6oq r

qlornqq-Qore qn 6?leot{ r sr6oq qtot otqRta

oatot{ gtq I 6q 6tQ, 6GrQ" qQt6t, OGO AOIO tetOeO 66q
e. The absolute as distinguished from the Relative.
qafi 06680 e

6,Q OO 6066t, BtG'1 6q6Qfiu 6'lqolc6 6alfr c6a lqg66'o

6q 6A G,at{ I 6ltqo QoG eqeelo 6'16l ? c'661 60 enqednt
otucqo q66'6[ g 6160 6'J6ll OOIAA r eO 60 Ol6tnl, eq 60
oQ, orueoo q6od g 6t66 got, <Q aal fl6e' oq 60 eo
oore60nr t ata 60o ead ooolo ?
Qe'a-qeco golgta6, gg1616ll !
qlotflqq-flAsq 6os tltodl eG aqo aeotd ga6 r

eq qc'areea ae0loeo aaG qo, aq aq'olo 6'6q64 6{ao

areror qeaerd, qcfltcc' 6fl6q crd r 6gG etett stoo sgd'
ercer qd'e' Grflq qai eent r 6o qeien flal 6lflq qui eent;
Qq orao 6o eoo qu at6q t (ooeeo ttot) I

nQnt-gl,t oO oaoto q{, 61l6lQ 6meo q6 6c'66l

aad 6ac'? 6oeo A6 Goatq GQ€' ! (anaco etet) t

Gea-Qq atqol qa6fi qa6fl {066 6qo6e q6at

9160 r

qtoroqe(oa ea)-q6 eeQ gso c'lqolqss6 o6et

eoq 6aerq uoto 6s t (oaoco etot) t

0@6 q6r6o 6qRlG'O
sQ qflg oat 6QQ6, so6 qflgeQ G'loa qlalnqqq
6oq6'tq arQen g alq6' qad eca t ea ega6, q'1fi ot6
66erq eflto Qo ortfrG, 6e6'n qfl Qal otge1fr, Ql6f,' aol
nr6qe, I ala 6Q6o oaet otge1fr t
qlotflqq-qto est66, ont qfr6, ects otGeo A660
en o6 ata 6ot 6Gat esa6 t
otoa-qet6n' qq6a0 gto6 t

oQnr ooo otGQ otoo ed goer oat ogaG t 6'Q66l,

R6'tq1o60 'Laughing man' cld I olBQ qQelQ eQeR, otQt
6A100160; 6qQ6'l enquire O6erg eee r (oneea etat) t

I orBol e'l€,qla 0 olQa qloHqq ]

G'1o01 ori ear oQnt t
r q1olatoqq eatqo

qiotflqq(otooc'qO)-G'tooi ori I s1q ae' ori eerfr

a6G'eG'o ute6l oQG t gG 6'G,t G' 6G'e ooo q86 6oq agt6o
eeQ 66qr e6o, 606s' 6q flaq I orriq6 Rat flqq r 6qs,m eea
{ qg erri,i eG oQ aqor 6da eeraot{, G'qG'qta Qqreeo
scr otd flfl, otete oer gq6 6oqG't-6ot6'atfl I

6'roo-6o6q', oO 6eao eqQo6 Getot{, erdqer

sroro go I qfl ot66a eQor6'r a6o&o o6er arg I
fl'terflqs-d, oteol orrj,{eo Fagrei etq,6o sG ooa
CIoaro QQrg{, orQr6q6n qq on I

' "6o6G' 6nr6o egri'ori aoq cr etd6, q.qtel el6o

oGeo n8eo qtqqcr ag aoeta I aqe6'ot6o oO elen 6nt6e
alqqcr Qee e6rG 6aG r d eorG< eoteect eoaO-oeera
66ilQ 6t6&0 66tO q6r60 Q6q, aG,r{ 6RtQ 60q6n qd oe'q
od orfr ot{ at qG ox r 6q ala e'6d 66g'a 66toq 6oq6n
qq atcc, I g{o eatnreerfr a6o I (ooeco eror) r96 oq6
o96 oeieo e6e t"
tqtqa odereeo oall
oroa-96 ore oa6e oq6 onr< r rjoee 6eq'$ flAE,{
ordQ, aqe'recodeqer o6er a6q r rjro66 o6eoqfiaot
6.< r ear6' 6st6'fieoto gh oQ {661 6o66t oete 6<, ata
81060 066' o6n 6,6ea arQ 6tatG r

glorflqq-G,rs, {eG 6eq eat ! 6{aq qataGr qtqo

orrir; otgaree 060areq.0A OaG I

oroa- ar6 srro eee erd t

qtoroqe(c6og6'qA)- 66< oto 6tet e,t I

, c6eg 6'toqot eca 6rae6, ac'qtcq atoqoe au erq6 r

goo qoQ e,tfl o16'-6re6t 6e,

q,a68 aqo LltQ, flua qQd g qt6r Qfl6r 6Q I

{Q 06'6'tfl Lj6'AqO OG'C 6q,

ana g{ 6qa e6,60 a60 ordc ee

6toro Gsroor6 6free Ger66r,

qafl oa6Bo
6064 G'A Alfl qul qa66 0066;
qoa nuflCI oG'61160'
q{ 6a qoflela' 6oteo 6c'64 I

acoq q5 ettaen-
otetn e6so fll' 66tl 69116o' (qgngt)
QG crdq etd mtq' 6eteo tt
(qgaar 60 fll' oton eea)
(tl or') qfl 6gclo gol' ole' oG oqatot'
(o or') org6aeot qala 6gflql66o ll
qfla { ol6n 6lQcQ', 66"G'l QGg 6e'qt et6o
66"G't G'tGe alao6t6o;
adl qa qtedoov o at' eqooeo ae6oeq'
e,o eeec'eQG flt' uet, (oflt')
66 ot'6oeo tt
qfl6g olc'6o aea t o6o
616'o6Q 96 aqo qdq I
or6oqt6ata rr," &'r e"eraa6 tegaG' 'oton e'6eo Rt'
"A etd mte 6eteo t' 6ea qi gaea utqo
;il;;;aa q'rd'{
eetaaG I olQlc6o o1olflqq I

oq16 eO ol6al8a eqto Oat

gfr otoa6 lqr{616o
o,er" 6oQQ cOe aetu G'ql{{el6anee
eetq etd Q olooq'o
oloo I 6q flL.lq Oat eetaa6 I 6Ql6l16'Q
6Qnl I oloQ science
ani* e,td t ntqco fluq olc'-qfll{
"r, a.tlolo 6oq6'lq RtGeR t

oQs6, 6q aerq esto sQ aGJo

60q66'r Olgl6'Q srte egtoG,
6qfll06Q etq',q e6ocq ate6l
q'rqa6' 6QQ
o,d d ao 6ec; ola ao6el 6QGrl' eeQ
t eoo6 eceoelQ< ellolq seg
eotaoG t

g 6qll'lcg
ooFllG'G q6r6Q I qlQlnqg

<Q oedl 060

qfl6g q6 aton qed a6a t ot6 atost
-- -
eqto6 t96 eatetdt etfrnt t

ql;'"qe(orooc go)-{a 60 ora oO eoqn q{
Science eAd e6a ?
qflQ ed { qg Oncl eelfr 6al'j ?
Qo q1010tfiqs aatqo

otoo(qtoterqqf, qO) 6oabt6a {60 6Rto6o 6aa6

6Elot6o natural (are6o) eerfr eeru g{, o6'ct eerfr eq'ru
gs erd r (eeogq) 6CI66''6G'6n q6fl otaeln 'ot6tf,.' o66o ar,
661 6gl6e, 66 erriq ord src Gs,r6e' 6q6o6e6n ara qar6
sr6fr erd r Oar eq,ra6fi, ara oad! otet 060 a6co oE6o
ora orotcofr; orrQfr 6o display o6or eeq' erd I
qtaraqe(orooc 96, oereov)-q6fl 60 a6'6', ao6'
96flq6'q (oooco erer)-qen ocllota tqoqctoeGe CIta
eoQ e'r6 otqaE6n ro0 orQarea gtot o66t, Gret6e6a gne-
orno 6eteors, 6q q6ono6e o6en GG g< erd I ecQ
g<o er6 groG erdtqlnol q61qeQ6n, qqq6flsu66,QqG
6oeeo 6a6o atqa; 6q sosr, ri A Agg 6flla eq6o se 6q
oer 6,n erd I eqeo6a66,qct eQ6R, qE 6ota 6'q6a e'n cld
or'e a6ce flrec aG r 6or'CI qog6o eoe a6 odor eq6,
oq6o en alq6, 6q eoQ a6o oroea qq ora6 r
oroa-qfl q6r6e eat6e otQorqgerd r(orov)
g6R acqoar oQnr tglonqs Geo gao oreesr eder
aqE6n lata otct sglurG QoQ eo e6erqg{-6q 6saeo
flar Qat 6q,Rt I

otoo-q6fl otat6c'6r6e oQEn, ata 6'66t qE 6nte

qflq. qq 66,tot6e 66taot or6elRr,-6q qq ear q66 I
qlalflqq-6q ot6'1ot6'a Bq atnotQ I flaa atq6.
or6ie gta atget6n I ri aqot6a66o flr6eo oQetfr r oaG
as'eta I eg atfiota orroen flaa qtq6.o oqorq ee6 eerfr fi
accr oG sod oreeo o6e I aoeroso atQ q{'ee'roreo eo
6o6oae 66taot or6en I 6oe6a oro eQelnr I qfl6g eQ6R,
flAo 6,tqq eQ Oarsra r c[ etoer ofr r

oroe-{ flat aqoc.a 6$flt-{el6e flal 6nt6e 6qeo,

6qtu aoo a61GIo e6etqg{ tsfltatqtqesG, eRree6qeq,r
Qorq s6ego e Q

[ 6e.a o ccogco flqo1s qo c'de ]

aG sueo olqo glolglqqc'o qq66o Ge's6'qGT6o
aBfltac'o etcca aatetdt eq'a6 t e ^
6es-6{ e,cd 69ll qfi6o qot qdot oe6; ei qo6o oQen
flar 6Er e'ota Oa6, eedoteo oao eea6 I
e6aQ-Guardian angel f, oO !
Ge's-otelca {alq (oooe"o eoeq) eoq6 ! 6oa
ou qd'6 r

qraroqe(ea qa)-otfes66l 6q ac'{ G66l !

6'6oq-ri flu {alq 6ee' aeco ao soqG t (Qeac
qG) eqetqtd aoO oQ6-atodlq'Q eal 6qta oea atd t

Qota o6sgo
qlalFlqg-6det, fl1q6t, 6S'16' 6'649, G'lfi'.l,
61610, 6lt6llf,i, 6.l@61 q6rQlQ qq6 a@f;
so6n at6eo qq q6'1fl1 6e1 eotaeto, ct6o e e6e,gs
or6s aeqtaa errs Elqlo I O1qloafla"q 606'efreotea
eeQ ovtogqo ooolco 66qrei oQaG I oloa
qoeto 6Qqt
eqa6 I glCI qoqq atq6, ala olG'6aeqaqsola qalo 6ea
6nt60 qiot ototato oo6 t

oaqatn I 6a6oo Oc qed 6loo1fll qelr qe'r ee'to

ora6 t <Q fleetec' q1alflqs6'o fisqaom-qei-6stoea
a6erQo 6,64G t 66 ntq u6 qqeoeG'a aue oadl-G'q
606160 aqtqqo I qQalQ a6'l oloQfil66'qeol 606186, 6QtGt
66qra aqlal I 6rl6lt{Q10 6gqoo saal q6 {al86Q G'1QG'64
ag Qonin oo6 t edfltc sQ outagqa 6Qol6Q aa6 t 6sqoet
qrdo66t glolflqqc'o eoet aga6 t eeaqt6 ee=lflto eQotor
do asqoo <Q oa'q 6qal aon6s etfretotse ortel-qodt
cqrolc atcotad c6erq aa6n sent 6ga6 t
e e glolQtfiqs aatqo

{60 6et6aq, 6g. an q,6' 6ete 6nte ode o6erg

arqa6-qlotflqqa orergatQen do16 g atc'o q{ I a6aqa
qorqq ! oqte
* q6r66
aqet ctQ-afl96. oar eqa6, eoo6
6qflrc6'e gttr$ 6a6' I 66s6e otgeglcc, Geogos ergo
Erec,re, ear eQerg {et66'n6e 6egu e6R I Qq oroo Gee'
aa ero oet og6 t eq eg6, "ata otqt qQo eat e6e g'rd,
6ea0 6flt qtr60 ear eQe r"
g1otflqg6'o aatqo ore oG otoe .qot6q,6'6a FJqLI
eero orar6 r eaelord.(60 E6t ud eQ oq6 I

6e, oo6'r qflaso ot8aq e.etq' eoer orei'fllEe 06G,,

6o6J qlotnqec oQo oarerdr eqa6 r

glatflqo(areoc qO)-6eto6't qqatqat eeto6 rgq

orn aG I atat, 6o6a ed @gueo sod eeto6 ? otet 6a66t
6qa qsu6t 6ra clQ Qt-tie ?
srreo-riotoec. ot6qore6, otqqgeQ6, glet oR
6gQ, OtgtQ eQ6Q I

qlaloqq-eos, qri (Orqs qEiegs.o eao ex/e*)

qa oc oe atQ6'tQ, fl6' QoQ oq8 I

orqe-atnt6,tg g6f! ota e't qq{q c'reer srei'r

erm-ee,iare ota6 r

qroroqe(oreoe. q6)-e'rooc ga6 6eq I a6o

arQerg qe r

gilEO (3 6|tBA6. qata

fltqQ oroe6' 66e ao6o 6ata 6oq66l, G,'too G,66r
qa6'61 6,q6'qtr6o q'QoG t

oroo(oreoc q6)-edfltc {a fr6q qdq qn aat

eqqln r od6t6e atqc, 6etn, 6oq6et 6q,nt eq6 I or6fi, 6o6
us6, eao 6qnt ! (eqq) 'eqQ 6roG 6rao t'
e'q oraa6-
Qora o6eeo eql

QQ ot'Q olflolc, eoeoOe oca 916l I

gtQot ot'Q eeqt6s qne, G'6lo eO atsRt6o t

6qflo1qs et6 egto G'6Q, qen clG'q66'lo1 6q


oe.qs qnGo eqdl qo66l, e6o 6{ 0l'6o'

ot' qoteo qqdee, 66la qq aoq6o I
466'6r6e 6466 60661, Al6'l6d et en6e6i'
arO ord, ae otdoeto6
qot qedt
q'fle a66fts'
Geoc 6ecoe ood Qoa 6qa
6ogrn 6qQ, ol'Q oQ6l6c e''Q6q q86 6Rd I
oroo(oreoq)-oro6 qqoR, ctt <Q ooG 6o0t atO
ord ae otd oeto6 qot qedt
grreo-d'; ooG o16 qoo I a6'6 ol€'o 9016 I

orgo(qeqe6o)-a6ce qaa eeto6, q6fl $lae o?

6cue oclc't flalco $laal 66ls 69'laol{, olglocQ
r[ oroot
golo q{ tOec qootcq
o6etqetetco le' $to eret6en,coq
qaro6 setfr oec e66 t

fllqo-{ o ort6 ofi Qal I -

oloo-algl, {ol6Q G'l 6qOl6Q? q6fl9ll60 OlQl eQA I

fllqa-fl416CI, {ol6Q 6QA G'l 6qol60 6QQ'
areo eO filag I {aQ fll ale'lc'Q e'at eea6 t

oloQ-A16'1 o 6'661 ql8lf,'1 q1 66',rlQ t (ateoco

fllEo-{aear eod'O aG t
otoo-<Q oG q66 t (oreoe.o otot) t

q6Oe qlqo 6eaqe ga6'qlc'q ooc'Q ola qfllu

cataqnl I oloa au as6o el6n I eqQ oat eea6 t
olo0-Qlao eoqfr t ee6 orte e'6 o6't ?
gllEQ-oaflQ'q eos'eq'G 60, aqo 6ero6 ega" ote
g{ otat ee6 eqen edlerQ oG qs etd t eq oe6 eo'
ieqroeo aroa q{, alol 6Q1Q Qqu q<, Qq eoe eotQ
q1q1Qlflqq ealqc
olqQ-flaQ 6eql68, g 6q 60 Reflectedlight !

qoen fla8'{a
fl6 ors G,ld I fiqQ aqoQ q6QlaQ I 6q86CI
ao6a c'qlel
a6q g{ etd t eo" flqsl aflo qs r Qq aqo6'
Q6a q{ I

otBo-d otet qo t

oloo-grrQ aooq aO66t, go er6 ad 64161 6oq

qff6o eal
oeflg"q 6ooq 6oqc'lq Oee t oa6o gO oteoc
eQerg nt6en t egodtco aqGlo 6sa
otoo aolocn I

fitEa-ooflQ'q 6q'6''6 ol6q otq'o Oet atQet aB


I olq 01616o
ae"olo oO ats, QB 6n o6Q ala oQe eld
G'IG'Q aQGla o6'loQQ6Q, aQe.lo
qd q< I olG'ol6Q
ae"GtQ Rtd, eqqord t 6Qq'otQ ol6q
atQen ag"6'lQ
06,100l{ I 6A$q 60qtqtso fl4160 {60 G'g
66tlQ', 6Q60

Qea ata e,gol 6o6laaG t oooq"Q 6oG.' clq

Qt6 Sqeoeeen
G',loleq olasl66'r I 6060646G' 60ta eeeR'
egt t 6oqtql6o flq16fl Qlocqol 60 ol6q
e6l6s eot uG
qflCIco alo
otG'q6tr arQ orQeo aolo 6o6R, ato 6otCI
eorO eG oQen I ^
otoo-algl, {qlf, Qgaeo Qoqtqtoo flal6q6'Q Q
clo ?
fllqo-eq 6e qq CI6 6o6laq6n I 6o6a Qal Qa
oR otat6
eoq6, e6geotec o'e'qote ei6 eg6, 6q eqo6
q'td t atooa cloQ 66lle I

eotQe6, otoso q6ar nt6et' e[ eoog

qndeo olglo
enot{ erd r qo olol olo flaJ olsl I 6oca oto
fllqa-alo6l ei6 orn otatG ctd t ooos'qcoGt
alodq'6str1Qla' eetfr flBea n€eo eg6' 6etltq{
qlol o6en st6
aG t eq etfr atooq eQqen eo, otQateo
aq6 oeg, s6en std oeeR etdtetatota
qc1q oCI680 Q8

6oso ereerol s6en 6'tqte 66 e6greo erdt ee Qq6, atodt

'6q1etet' t
OIOO-I don't deserve the Compliment, Gt16' AIQ
Q'6t? feelings, o6, ala aG'qlcq feelings 6461 6aGR 6eQ
6oeo eq or6e, eeQ qreo etd t
fltqa-Explanation Qs q't 6oQ ol6Q, Q< et al60 cl;
GqRataa, CIrc'-oO {a aqd c'{t StebbingonDarwinism
alodlG'a library6Q 6oqfr I Stebbing QQ6, Human mind
orer qror Q 6Qa-evolution qlQl 6aa 8l aqo qE 6aa-
equallywonderful. 6q 66t0.( qloo aonl 6o486-theory
of light. Whether you know the undulatory theory of light
or not light in either case is equally wonderful.
otoQ-d, alQ 6Q'q8, stebbing, Darwinism 9ll6'G,
qA aqo flr6'6 !
qA ooflq"q 6oG'G'eat oQnt I
G'toQ-{ (ooRe'o 60c') 60qG ale16'Q QolelQ I
fltqQ-ot6' 'QtG'1'9lt6c an6l I 6AA OtQtq OQfilA, 86Q
6q otqd atfl aa6 r aqfiflte otqtq alfli 6,q4, qlElq
otq,tq God QQG, 6q orqd6tfi oa6 I 6EI ul606, OqO 6066
crd; so 6066 r qoroc qq'Hra1flt6o CItq'tq qq aQ otea6,
60r6r19il60 OrArq ArQr Aq6, OO9il6C Olelq CIoG'lo 6,Q6,
oQgtE'Q 60q' Otq6 atGr ea6 I

"016' or6q q66; eere.o 66t0{ otflf;lt elnt, 6qel6o

a6r elnr r arere O6u ocnoare oeate 6q'6n otat6 ot6q
olat6 I 6q qq a6Q, q6fr 6 aaeo oGflac'lq old t 6nto6
o0 e6e qq6'e6r, orer 6q6R AQt 6AQ 6tflnlto acr6o qgta
6OQIQ 0< <G" Q6Q, {0 6a qOO qq6, 06164 O6il 6Atael6'l
q6t I oa 6aQ e6a Rr6l Qff, 6q0 6tflnt60 q6l 660 o6ila
6q a6q 6qa 6a qsQ atn Q6r6Q 06Tl6alaelat qot t sQ
{a 6t9tnt0 06160 qq6" c1n, Q6ro1, qg 0610 6'J6ll 06fl9{ I

{Q acJo a,lrore 6o6t 6'66t 6RtQ eQRt, atq 6fltQ GoG oo

Qe qlo1olnqq ealeio

oQQta eQ6 ? q6fl A6c' 6Od'A616A QGrlOB 691160 6qoAfi

6a reqQo6 oefle"q saac'6oeoqgGrla a6- oqueio,
qg qgarae 6ato otc' otstco atG stat6 0 alco otat6 t

orq'e 60 6 6rtq', 6 etoto aG'gt, otel Q{ qQe t

oto0-A11 things to all men ! olQl flel on qed,
although St. Paul says it.
fltqo-oaflg'q aagl Q< g€e t orc qdq
q66 qor G't{aqrfl 6'6'GR uo c" qol ala ue e.'qolo q6CIo
q6ror{ crd r 6geto 6' 64661 Ogetoo onl-edlon qqlol{
erd r oarqgoc'a oolo otc' I olqqtqq'oG c 6a6R Gl'6'Q
qg ora g6nt{ ctd t oooe"q 6q'G'6'Q sQ oorto CIla q{o
o1qqlq ote't oQelen olQl-Be ye Perfect as your Father in
Heaven is perfect.
oroo-al8t, otG'Q Cqo aaglcQ qeaateo QoO
606rq6r 6'A ?

fltEQ-alolooE 6'661 G'qq G'qo qoqa 6o6llqdl oa6 I

eeeioc 66oetq, 6ea0e-olglG'lq,-6eaa6'-Qf,'alflalg


sod6e q6466'tq, ecahe G'G'66ttotct, eod'eoa"6c elflq'lg

sQod r

66q'G', eGatqq g 0160q

sQ qflg eal 6aa 6qa q1ql olto ooflQ'qsoG'
6tqtflqqaa eod'oeo aastc eqa6, eqQ oo qq66a oloo6'Q
6r? arQ oqqnt I 6qco6anq qna 6e eql6l{ I olq6a
cororar oeo eQaG I a6ae CIo qq66a ao6e; oqilco
qtqg 6ato eorg, 6al6'G'6Q9, ooo at6 aa6 t onoeo g€
eqQ oerest6l erotco natqqsc' argq oQG I qfl6s eoo6
flaqqu qdod qto cstcttfil qq66o eQoG I aaal aoq 6e,a
G'oflrg1flr6c eoo6 atco oqaG I otoo g fllEa atQ qoto
oG aree qad 6,6n I

G',looq eoq eQ eQ qtaroqe eqa6, 'at6 qq on

ad r' geo ooc'q6rca oqac'qaolq acce oatetdt etfrRt t
Qota o6ego Qe

qdear-ergrc'rergo otoo oGn qruo

qlarflqq-Oeoe eGoroq ced66r, $rfr sr0oq6e e'6r
6aa ? aqo6'o oroog 6er oen 6flre aq'gt ac'qgeta g{ r

Oorqor sQoeq', 6q 6q oG oroq qo odve 6616r.( ea6r

e6o r 6q6o6c'6n aflgq q6BrG' q< r o6oa Qeee eQoroq
g 6'rq0 6qfl eE6n 6q 6flr6o qo o6 fl6c g.( r

"etgt G'rerg6r oroa 6flr q6r6o od c6elen r eorq eoQ

aG'gt6t 6qnt ! otgtoce orq oQfr, q6R aad eqa ? orq
oo oQ eao gBe r 6'r'6e g€ er e'er gQo r qfla o eos16
aoo qG r 6sro uasr 6oq ea erOerq nr6en I ate 6sre
oro 6Ce'rq fir66n r"
oroo-orcrorergcr oroa QqG crtqO qR oca ulo6t
oo6 t s6€a Qqae'6 r

o rEo (qerol ) oroo cQelen, rj ereioer eo Qq ra oeo

otQ I

qiotnqq-qfrs* qflfllcc'a eeo o6o t eGRq q6r6a

606t cetaqnr- ejoe,r6fr, Rqsro odeq oao ? 6q eQnt,
'arere, 69r ara s6ele' t<Q aqoarerdrq6 6flro qdr 6anr;
cQfr eo, qfla 6oG oar I qfla o eir6 etcq6 I orar qq
0oo16 6er oqa, eod'ordq oga, orerd qd eoa erorq6 t
slnr 6ro6n qnra erq6 a6o r oreroco a6aa 6rqo1o oar
6ear r oeo q"ardc' 6enr r ri qO er6fr r 6q6o6G''66' eQen
flar6ra ! arfl arqqaeo arQee rr[oQfr, or'o oqoco ogr r

oro6a eQ6n, arflo 6qor6o flar oo ua6, 6oq6a r rj eQ

qQ oQfr, QoQ oro aa6 ee ? '66ttorf,', !'66rtot6'' r'eod'otee
eqA6R, eqQo6 oo ct ead ?
or@e-'66ttot6'! 66ttot6'r' qatG e'o ?
qraroqe(oarqro) e616.( qcr coraro e{ar r 6orarca
flrha eg e@, oecr e6qe-6nr6e flrflr, oornee 6ne,
aro6o q,Qcroo flrnr r qfl6g 6qro cO <Q eororeq araG;
e. eGfl oq e,rerat-acrerore eeer qQo 6e6a r
er qlqlolnqe ealqo

otaG {flr66' oefl 610, 6Q6G'6Q6R oata6c' 6'ld I 6a'ldQ

steloore arQ, 6066; 6oa'et66o oq6, '6oftG' !' '6QdG' l'
Q6oo o6e ata eea at6oo Qq6, '66ttot6'' !' '66ttot6'' !'
q6 QGso o6a a6d or6gro 6,q6, 'Q6', 'Q6', otglocQ
eeQ oq6 'ee', 'ee' I ao{G'o6atG'6'Q so6 etR 6eaEala
soq qrorQ6' ota6e ealqotogltce fl6c oQ6, < edat6 qq
aafl 66lto tGqoatet ead 6't6t? 60 QQnt,'6G'61G"'6Qde'!
ora'ro aei {flr66' og (s6qoto) Qs t eg oQnt,'66ltole''
'661016',' t oro aei rj snrnq eoqfr, {glcc eerron aeitq
.(fl6c qq66rqoa r 60 eQfit, 'e6' 'e6'-ote aei egRt,
o0 eorg oR, 6o6e aQ aeirq eoo eq6 (erat) t eo eQnt
'ee', 'eQ'-olQ olee sQ-6osQ aod 6'Q, QQdl 6'Q,
{ot6c o 66rqa on t (erot) t

"srAe argc' q6r6o are {e atnq otae1fi; aene o6o

6flr q6r6o Qera c6etqatQEen rrjo c1efr (onaco erov) t
6qflr6c eflro eqQ aagt 6oq6n ata 6flt q6r6e aatetdt e.'Q
oQ6n, flardg r ar66r orqt oQetfu qfl q6r6o oat cQ 6q qq
Qoqr qg fl6c 6ant r edflrc qQ6 oteo qot 6a6cl sloo
aor6, a6e crd, slci Qqre gs, sla q6qo q.( r 6qEorci eq6
6ea6' eQ oQen eaQ o6o qaG crd r"
qd car-qafl qnrrl-ar6drq' s q^d eeso
Olornqq-d, otq'a qor 6q'6n 8r6,e e'6t ata aCItq'
a6e ? 6G'6i or, cio clg{, 66 e.'reo erd, eoee { qqoat 6s
a6a ? qA { sroe-orore aflfl r arflraqqo qrflce 'etn'
'Qtgt' 0Q UtG'9ilOG, ArA eO Arq6R AtA 6'66l l]t6'606'l O{ |
s eqa6 or'e Grdq, 66rs 6enrcr6g ure sofr 6aG I rj ncr
eoa* ear a6a; 66rs 6aa 6aa flr q66r q66r orc'a a8a 816'
oolee o16 eofr 6aG r
Qora o6ego Q c

"C6lt66'6n aqo6' at6dte catoelnt {6le e{i I

G'aq6a oQareo 6,ad 60 odc eenr ! qfl6g eQ6R, 6a6etq
sqraoraAS, e6'loQ 600r f,',e{at t eqQ 6eorg ata {a gata
eeraofr r 0e 6oea ara e.6rq 6oqatq orofr r 6o6o6G'66'
orqo qor o6erqoraelfr, eto6t a6fi,a qflfl6o otqo6. algq
e ore 6ao qo aooqarqEnt {G,'q6r cJo6a eoaqfr r eod'
ORr ear 016160 oqEnt, 6q 6flt ot6q atq €' e{6'lt, 6,gelnt,
qfl fJ66a aad 6616t.( ee,qr6e eoq6, qflo 6a61 ot6qOerq
gat6lqr6 fltgat
qlatnqe-gJ o 9J6r a a8 c,t66t otQ, 6o6Q .(qg G,6q,
6< t ei G6e, flt, ri oa, q6fl oal; Ei oo, qea oaor, rj
ea, q6fl oat, sgg6 oora eqo6 oeo, eoo6 qera eooQ
aee, eoo6 onra eqo6 e6n; e'te" cra,', g{ g{ r orcd e,a,
rj ecen oG grg r Otgr6!1 6o6o6a6n qq,gurar ac'q1 6c'a
orael6n, e.'e, 66s na oQnteld, qoeg ota.e qd.qt e6R
aQen <oG qfi ala 6e6G' crd r eqeo6a6n O1fiol cQsR,
'qeooreo sflro erd6 6,fl 6oaa; aq qga.o 6''a, qqc.o oat
rjorco otqt fltg r'6rrc.'l6G''6re sQ aegrso 6e.'g6. ar6eo gro
eofr; xeo o Qeaq seo o16 eeo, eqQ 6aaq.o er6eo gro
6q,fr, < 6gaea aa6 ego oao 60q I

oroa-oratose qtautc 6eat a6q r

qroraqe(e,ro sarQ)-rj caoa66 r eqQ aastst

arQen 6a6q,tq 6gtaot{ I aad oeo 66 er6oreo nrd r

oroe*qraLlc 6q,at a6q, ero eer?en ead 6aa ?

qlorflqs-6q6o6a6c'oo d66 eOoreo ? 6o6a q6el
6flra aagre 6o0 flee co t o0 soot fl66' ee otat6a6n
qfl qr.(qqo 66 clnv erd r
qlq1Qlflqq aalqo
oloo-flalds ! oo snel 6alfr fl6G'8Q6' Olql6a6Q
Q6l {60 Alq6 ? 6G'6
qgcldq slo {olqal6El', a6ce 6Ql6l1G
qlG oellla 069 !
ooq CIloolGo eld, {olq ala 8A
6 edl'a{c oe
l'o a",q"q'-o6e6'.6t1ol-flqoq6fl RCG' eoerd eo'

qlolnqq-nelo c'lqq eQEfr,

q., *iu eg oao, 6cll6o ntqe eetfr r[qorej eetaetfr t
n'rQoro et c alt6olo I 6o6G' e6t6s oat
a6-fl6s ouo
*O*, ," d eeen flclo6G' I fiqa1o oO ot6ea o6g
qer oO o6fle t
goq nt66
-"otoo-q6n ad fl6c' eqs aclc e6ed'
qqlc' eeo' o6oq eso6
eeril ei qs'e rrOO ? 6o6G' qflq
6orqi oeo qnqeoo6 66rd oso t
qlorflqq-ri e'ao ot6etq *q9'
66o eote-6q e6l alodqot6etqcqa6 t
oroo(qtoraqec qG)-q6fl Qa6l eqa? flqoc'o
0gl !

qlolflqs-ala eud cq6 t aqala oO stslea flAot{

*ru *-6", uae' eqi"q qo'e66'Qcn, riqe a6or6Q erd'
mr6eu e6er esrro eEi ged r qrqe 6'Q66t, -'at[e I
qg 6os1lo6o6n'
e6erq d eee; qflo qola oQIQG' t' qtqe
sQ oq 6nlefll6c qo t '6e1ol6e olqo aOoq atQeleR'
flal aqo6'
cqflroc' gto6o aqqa 61860 eod'og og6 eo
aer6o-otc'o aBl aqolo og flal een ctd t
Influence of Motives]
[Liberty or Necessity ? -
otoo-o6 flqoc'o Qgl, 6oGG' q6fl aalaldr ega
erdQ r Gnlaflte,q *i* ."*,"'ti o:" aal
eqa orda t
qlolnqq-qataaG, eqelord'aee t'rioa 6q o81 t'
otoo-"u 6qu, otqt 6'Qota, G'6eq qgd aqo e't6

gqcO oo t

e flAo etq etOeo e6ed Een t

(otor e e/mm)
, 6oors qdeae 66o or9" oe oetotGq
Qota o6eeo e Q

66o glQtdlfl, olel 9l6G' aoq I 6q aQlE 6oq ul69l

eq I A single step against the Almighty will (otc oQt
6qo'eo oreo) eeQ 6 ot0ol6Q erd t
61166-Free will eq eoaa6 o I gi fl6ee6n aqo 6et
o6o160, qA 6'aGQ e' eGoteo t
664-elqdtao aqo 6er G'l aeq edloQ qo.etriq an
Rre6 eerfr eaG talgG'!co atoo eo6 erd, eqQ on Rtfietet

e'rgo-erd6, riedeu eetfr eeo-

66o-eq odeq o6elq06l nte6 eetfr t

eot0 om6; olqlqa8laalq

-9l6eeA eett6s ont
Oer edeq 6atb,tce-
664 Cnt6qeutae'tea ut6o g<, eoalotd' aQ 6ooq
orar6; arc6' ato6tq 66'aot{ I olq cfilaeo qfr 6lQG'l I
(oaeca etot) I

1'ste' eeg' odqtor GGur erieetoet' 1

qlatflqe ari e6erq 66n ga6fl Qqtq ooetCI, GlQl

oQo eg 6ggeo 6sl Qq fl6c' alco q{, 6osq'ota ee e'{6
orriqeo gqa g{ t fltG oen 6Ql{ 69lleo a6-<Q ste, sQ
6qro, qa6ct ooato t6lot gtcc e6et qe6r q66r alco g{-
or'o6e 66r6n I G$ra66tqo'do 6Q661 ale'o c'6Q I olQloGQ
6rere zr'6 60610l{, 6q6ocG'6n ateo atq6 eQot< r sQoQ
q6fl q6fl eltc'G'q'qat{ r ri6ee, orqo a6a G'lool6o Oateqta
e"qA-q,Uoeu,a 6ar6 eqG se" 6at6 e6et qnqea ort6
otoQ-eoee a6 'heat' (aoro) 6s, ala 'light'
(arenre) nu 6q I elqu6o 6a6lol{ oo, 6q aaloco 6ag
eorQors t Duty (oder ori) e6otq o661 6eG'6' alc'o g{
orer qed', eq nu aG I
. qG)-eoe6o sltocn 00ea q6Q I oE6a
_ 1,_u"(66oc
flat atcc I
99 q1g10tnqs oatqo

GQa(oloos gG)-orier qo r

oroo-erd6 ?
66o-6066'qoq r (oneco eror) r

alEo-6aq, {ae 6ntct6e qfr qar arQ oQRr r

66o-(orooe q6)-qoq; serQsn ode,{ etd6

QO68 ?

e'roo-sQoO oco inctination (neo sQ argq o6) r

areo (66oc'gA)-'6otgt qore d0166r r, (erov) r

o0 eor6s Ooq qf; 6e6lt, ata qtutc asr eoabreo t

oroa- rj sat6a6'6a qtula eetfr eqerd I 66tq eleeo
q,ot aa, oaq 6060 qe ot{, oret6 6oeo qtLl16,
t oaQ e'ot
6q6R 6q606G'66'-

lO1 otflqs 0 F ree wilt l

qlatflqe-oq ofre ou sQ aoflt 6oae{6n r (eors'
e,6oqc'qO) ser ea6r e.et6,reo a6 t
(orooe" qG)-eo$, flqe oqoqo6,6Qt oal, Ejoe r

sa 6qro oG ororo g.(, 6e o c'Iaqo-.qoo er.i q6fr oe,

6nt6a ee6 urefl eq r' GoQ e'td ? 66'ote6a eorG< aoRr
a6-eeuGs qr6ea oto aqtaa, atq. G'teo6r qq oto6o
6008; G6oer 060 atg, G'teoo, oran q6etq Rl66t eoo6
a6Rre eq6 'gj aRoR 6eaG', 'ri qq6 t, 6816' CRraree
oro6; eJtQ, 6ot6'6' g ato6t6t gQo ere'e; eoelord eg'ala6 I
eoahres'o mrR eero6 6qflt6c Oq qero 6a6 es, sQoq
arq, ata6d, 6otg6' qQe e,toe ge*6, Oee' eoa- ntgt6 t et6
oee' 6ai eg6, eoelord'eqarse' qqo6 I s6 eto ererooQ
6arors, otet 6e6n ata eRoR qa6 crd I etae ,rj arir,
vQ a6elc affitcq g{ I aqoc. o6eo oqo6arq, e,6)et eto
er6ecen qg qq t-a6e6l er6oo eto6e 6eq ct6o, etoq
oQereR, ata eRBR gvord !
"6o6os6taqo ooic G'q{, 6o6os6t eqQ oooo6 qai
o g.(, 6q6oo6t rj orir vQ qn oQe; rj oq ordr c66, aoq
Qota odego esl

otei,{ e66, qq6Gla 6Qtu oaG'q Qac'l{ 66lq' 6G'lL,l ol6'Q

gllgl--016'fllAlA El'EllQ enlQq'l QIQ 6'6OlG'g I Gr0t{l fll0l
erqq 86Q, qosa u66Q, olq nlo eQlgl{ I 6[1 6116l Q6Q,
60 G'lqQqode OeO, eq d nrgt olQ 6QlQ olaol6Q r aqo6
{eflrg cdr r-ejao6ir, s 6Qtq otQtQ aA, 6Et G'lq'Ao, {
ear 6a6G' 6qcq oQe1fr r"
66o-Freewill6oQ atoo et6en t
qrat a6q- q aaoa e6Q I

66o-fnen I and others feel it to be the reverse.

(ar69rflr6c qfl6g oq oner 6alu Qqq60, alGflfil6c ooo8 l)
(oooco erar)
otoo-odeq 6oeo QQCI element-(e) or,ie'r eerfr
edeq eri e6erq ora (r) o6e alco gv t 6q qafltastco
atco 6?a eerfr ora cr{ r 0nrsa66' 6o6ct oeooeo C6Q
6e6n gcarQo eg 66o gs I q6od 6etc6 ga6fi geotQoo
atco g{ erd r (erar) r qaog qq c'qs I

flreo(qoo)-oea atco, 6 qsm q66r 9tc6Q atc'o

gs, oQet G,g aq I ate,o 6't6t6Q etrj,{ egeR, FreeWilleed'O t
?J6aqa1 o6 qlolnqsGa orEIatG'
qlornqs-s -
(otoo) otet ega6, oto ctel ae6qot
oO rfl6og qaatea ol$qei66 erdetd-ee=loQ qeatee
erd, fl6ag qoeroq 6oqq,tq en RtGGt, {ele etfl aeQqct
oO r 66< arcc'g{ o aad ara e66 ?
"ele6r,l oQelen; 6q orgr t oO eleo eor6eo G'e g{,
6qel6o flu 6ore aro6 erd; Ae. qfl otoogco eoo6 goror6

o6q-a arQ a8 ot6Q 6'la I

"e16'6r q'L,t 6'at qo6r ooaerord' Rtoo a6orar6e
orfloqa q6r6o eogr c6etq otaEGGl I Gq qtoleraq odc
oG ge o6e,rq Rr6en r otgt6,E' ga6o qqq 6ate eQen;
eu q1qlolflqq aalq6'

'greo t ri qn ga6o qqe earo6, q6fl 66 ea 6a t' fi'teo

eQeR, 'ergr r gO eoreo G'e 6c'Gr, eoee qQ eo 6a eoo6
qfl otoogso qoro6 e6e, ara so6 q,a eosd qfl qc,c'
eRrQRt grorca gJ6l.Lr c'qs t' etfl eQ6Gr, 'ate gttt 66 eo
6a t' eteo 6,Q66l, 'ata GG 6ole oeete crd, eoen ooete
qfl 010096o qo'ro6 r'
"ser <QoQ r eoo6 flqoq.6eG'6' 6oqatq e,tsd, ata
66 uR, clto, ce,eqfi 66 ea'en or{ crd r serd ern goro6 t

"arc'c 66s qs oo, 6q6og atco qsd r o16o, 6gno

atco I ocr(ailo) eQelnr-6q6o6a6n rj ot'o ooq gta
orae1fr-'qefl {orqarq; aa6y 6flr q6r6e atnto eG atco
ora eaqord'are',-{Q Gae atac aG t

"6o6G'{er ao6e ara eot6s aegt aG t etne oO

ora6-66 0e. ord, qso eor6s GQer ug6 t

qroroqe(ooerG'6 q6)-<ete.o(arooeo) neo

6rta oad gGa t flqoq. qreicr oetq{, 6a flqo 6fl16o qq
aer 6a eooQ aoq arritea oO c q< t

"6cle Ru sQ aq,gr ERt I {atqotqq olG'oq'6 t ei'ftt'

'9lt'ot6'{oCI arq86't 60 6firaflr6c aflr 6QrQola 86R I 69llQ
{e aagr o6e 6fir6o oe'lgr a6er otd {G,' Gclte gtqntfr
aqteG,tgrd sqfiree c66r 66'6rqrqar6 oea G'Eltacoa 6t6n-
goo, eqern r rjflr', flr'o16 oqetqtd atQfr ata anutalq
ote 6oe aQfr "ore 6oqa arq 6aq Qs atQG t" QnutQlq
{e" aeq qqcfiroqeQeofr txQ aeetsa flt'€lt'ot6 olqe1fr t
ar6 arO aqEfr, 'grr ! eorG'e, glt ! 6clt6o o69 co; eoo6
qqq aqog flG, e, or{ r (oroae. gG) qsro otq'| 6aq-
0q or6orte', €,rq CIrG' r"
6,66'A AOAIQ 0 At9il6'q C'1€'-6Et9l 6'9f 0 qQqq
qrorflqq-oO 6'tete eteqq(qd) at6Qt, 6e 6oan
aqo 6er 6,6e, orqara 66 on nt66l nrd r eoQ eaQ qroqu
6Jd6a aqq 6JEqq qdo a{otor gaG I etflotqcq seto ori
qolCI o66Qa, 98

e6erq 6oqt 8661,66186Q qaqq nla q{ t oefrfro


oQen BGct clol 6erq ae' ol{, 6q6oGQGe 6'6loQ Qoela

od6 <Qqq a6otn alQ qse' I G'6loo Qoala <Q qsteq
6,1q,os6o o6et eg eOo I eoee
gO eeQ atea eqetold'
arfl6,t6lcq eeto afi 6'6Q, 6q86Q 60lo erd, <elq 6ern ori
ee6 r <oG eri c6etqeeet o6et qq on t 6q qoeg oto6
nrdr eg oOe t ooeqdeei a6etqea'e; G'6d goe,d G'9lo'll6l
e6oro6 tG'66 gac6l6'o qoqq coqalqfren lsQ 6ero eri
eq eq" oe' frfro qQGJ6l q6fl q6'qq 6Qlaol{ I

"6Joqq 6q'Rlfll6g flqa Rlo olc' qolq q{ l" .

n'qtuta6l 6fi16e <Q eJoqQa aeat g8otaG e'rd; eeo
6fir6o eQqnt, Qad CIc'lotdq fletda I e6o6o otefldqtot
Rto G'6et flqsq c'1c'e6Q a6Q6l't, ol ead ?

qcls oa6gq'
Gl{tflqqa 664 G'6Agr6 00nl€'G q6r60
cGrtGI el66 t c6oqt
otq6o dltllglqqa 060 6'6Ag g aa'{lG''{ oQ9llc6'qfr60
eQaG I qflq ad6'l I atG gq ol66t, acqlao Qrr8, 9l6tfiG'lo,
arQc qer eqelt, etde e g 6e t
otq60 c6og, a6 gq6c qQo eat egaG t
e'60g-otgo elfr 8'61 60 oG ont t
orr, e6ot earo 66e1nl, qol GQernr t
' "o-ota
q1erflq€(oeteat)'-eieeo eqt 46, Rta fl6 otQaOe t
6'6oq 6Q< etetageten, q6 atQeq' I olq6o n6e
qd oaoeo oar oge6-
ee qlqlotoq€ aatqo

qrotnqs-qflq eg6-{Oeat qq elao q6er Oq

qed-qq6 olG'6e qqsq. (aqoq) arfroc s qas, odorg
figr q{ r

a6-ernrqate Rtnt-ato6ta 6et6r flar Rtm 6oeo r

eeiflrc eors eqro6 eerfr sorq qoc' qoc ero atge6 r

qtoraqe(ooreor)-qo6 e6e, 6el6t e 6?ta 6oG'6'

oo Glgt edelen 6nt6o aad oa6e-atgl, otooca aa6t
6QRI ?

a6-seo orql Rre6-'rjora o6fl qq r' q6 eeG

flAsq aoflr aro ord6 r

qlotflqq-coqn I ar6 oao q6fl ot6. orwq 0e t

ft6--,-o0 6q'o 6oG'tqat.q, eoee CIQ t
qtotflqq- efrn Ont6 6o0 z {otqs0 arQ eot6e,
orq'r6g6n q6fl otqqqaateQe r-ote e6oeq ege r

at66t q'QIQQ o6ct6'9, ct aqo?

6C,6tQ g C'6Aqq AffO
e6ag arQ grereo eQen r Oorq ooenreqrQ 060 G'6og
qq e,r6era eeloo?a6 I flt 0 otafltcc ue6, 6qorcq"o
CIo6r 6oto6t o6erq6ac'tc6og atoc oat6r eoetorei'ggo
eeaeG r aGoueo Qoqrqrooq" aga6'to tn6o 6060 fltq
6oeor e6elen r aa e6ero ecotes e6eoo OCe eeee-
sQ es'q oge_6 I otqo qflg aa66' aa6-ceogq. 6qa
g€eo eoslaa6 r

grotoqe(oreoq)-eJtgt, 6o6tG' 6qcq eQfr,-

oqelntCI I 6o eg 6e 6Rt, otgte 6teq,l Ooer 6er e'
6q orqq fltq oot ot{ I 6o6e e,6ag {6e ae. goo, oarc
gs e'rd ordQ t e6at6'6ot6e fle q{d ot6,6o qodd oen
o 6q aq odee I
o,qo atmt 6e6,, edare flal qg qoa otoerd t
opla oa6ga ee

qronqq:Aq. o1g 66otcl't 6aGR 6qqg Qqt6'

oeecrd I 'oee qq q'6ctag o6eo6, olocQ qlh,lcl eQ6'-
org eGoroq 6a6a so6 nee qs erd r (oerso'r) eqtqtd'
cfiqoo 6oaEcn t eq oQen, o6lgG'lo 6G'l 6QGa 6qE6o
stear 6aer ohe-cq6o6a6$ Q6eeeta aqo6et ealolo
or6e t

"6e6q' 6qq fiat sSoO eQqen t eQen-oQt6tfl, o0

eeQ o"oroqOq orq eO aqo 6et eeo-Glsl 016o 6 erd r
6qel60 oteto QG eotg eee Q t
"deQfi, otq eQotot 6QGR q'qlo qo qqd g ala1g616l
etn qd qqd 6etlt ga6 r 6q6o66'6n, 'sq't e'fltoG, 6oa 0q
* !-
orq e66 soqQote'atcq G't-Q I oqoE c'qala elgaQq
aqaq. arO Qsa 6et l.
l'e66, gl6nroe ag Gdta 6ata elnt I gaGR Gc'taolq
gor ot6eo et6Rt,-ol'o6Q 'at6Ql 69llQ { eao eeRt r.'
oQ eorQ eeto oen oQnl- Aq.61q QIlQL,llc, 6fi'la6'l eoo6
orfr eots I

qfl6s ega6 t

c6oq <Qoq oat q6 etoGo'eeeto6 agoe eG

eorasQen I otc 91fi'Q aG'st qG fllEQ (ceagc 96,
oereov)-eoraoQn eo t
qmtflqq (oreoe' qG qeteqq)-'cio 6eo 6oq'qoq
ecoa6, eoelotdnetso Rg6, {9ttcc ag(act Qtenteotee,)
oogqsq eca 6oG QqG l'
srEo 6ee q'qta6o aa6, nGo eeet a6o. t Fe'o eotg
eoQ eo66 ctd-ooo eoet6 I olq6o sQ oat egs6 I 6'661
qlcaree Goeqo qtr6o gtots qgd elnl I 6q 6eo eoto eq
g acq cQt qlcntefitcc'6ols eeot eetfr fleea6 egelnl 60,
'eoggo o alodllQ 66'tlQ, 6EIQE6Q 6'rG'l6Q Rg6 t',
ef 0101olflqs eatqo

lqo E€r 6sr 66tqtn6ar sfilantc,Ge

e'r66at (3

e'616e se6 olatl

o6n 6'66t s6ee 610 6laqnt I otq6a qO a6oa arc6o
6e6R re6eeq66 oaqr eoerqeQen I G66t oo 66 6oatq
6r6R r otq6o qq eqa6, 'ead 6q,R?' G'66t oro oQeR eq
qa oaqr eooa6 r

otq6a eqoG
-'o166 o6er eql 6 er t - a6e,e oqa 6'G.t -
cffrqrfloe 6G'r r fl6c e6e1fr, er6aerr 6o6G' t'
Etectriciry 0 Qtqo16'6Go gq'qe 0 otflogca
a t6fi$q ode qtiear o666tqo6o o1d66,6t
- -
a6oq otqaq aa ar6 Qqvqcr6o gq6 sooraee
oQelen r ar6 ar6 6ofita6n I

qno 9616t I olq6o CIo6 q6r6a eQoG I aqn a6d ao

AqQo.q. ar6o,6 r 6qoroogto qQq' 69oo €'tqe1 arQa6 r

6a66''6ro 69 orqoq aoeto 6o6R I

otq6o atccce aQo 69 eoqs6 I sE'6Je' e16 otic oG
CIoflroqage6-'6e,61 eo6, 6oQ eera6 t'
CIoguc'q 96 eosraer gtd' 'aa6'r,l ototctle 69' ardorq
aQsn r 6geo qtotneq'q eoq arnOo eeao6 r

qrqo c'tqolc'e g16nt6,fltcc. gQ nar atn I otqe

eqa6, "a66,e6c senr6 ofieoqoeo 6'6d qeqtqt eoqe1fr r

6,a eto Rat atn I qaqrqt6 et6u et6ll, e'qelcn't ot6e an'ct
cqat I

6aqoo o6a o609 6tro oraaG r oro gQa eQoroq

oreq<i I otqo6' q6q o1q eQorerqo oat g qaqtqo ao6o6
q6 oao 6'6oqc'a aaloe 6qnt? c6ag6.o 6t1o-
(e) CIe 6 so Oo eoro 6sen erfr,
(r) aeeo e'r6e ar aeoorfrcr r
qolq oa6go e c

(qr) 6 q6 e'16'6e flfl 6a cta oatflfl 6e, oO eod-

q6er6G,, oatd-gtqo, 6e RoG'o e6e 6a !
go or6fi acqrao Qrr8, fi6lcG''te, 6e qteQ otuot t
ar6 ceoq, oroe qaore, ctqtct og 66o, otoa eotcQ,68t6'
e6eq, er6r6l, nlea gq6 a6ce ao6o I otoo atQ eto

6016 qaolq oat g qlatflqqe"a @su 6qae' o6Q

oroo oQen, '6G6e ctltflatqa" qfiGo qGR aat aa, fiatq6 t'
qrorflqq o e66 org cQen '6to qOeG'' ?'
oroa-q6fl 60 6t1o q6 nt6elg atoa eQ t ote otO
aqarq 6aa r

oroo 96 eQen I 6Er6o6a6fl 6"609 gntro oq6o 6t1o

6raa6, orqr qt6r6a otcqot 0 glofi oe oc etqa6 t
(e) eagro aoro G'o6'ee€,t qfle,
66ilGrrQ A16rO Qq O"O|A I

aqo elaQl ofl6e QoG'-6'lEG'-QlQ,

6e6o eg eoeo qriv etd ae oto r

6616or G'qoar Lre'uroqcro, eta, qqi qna ooro

6e gr6e6, 4666'6fi14 6t.( ueq ug'q <o ot6 a6eto t

(g) FAg a6'r6a flt oo6e eot qootd t

6oq 601611 dt6' e6e eera 66 qq'tc'lq1 I

aee a6'ro 6et6fi, flet6ito Qeqten,

6oorG o6fln, aQao ol.q otQ t

flerorn qou6, aoro eqc 06,

qflrq oOso ot 6< gea <ot eQ;
aCIfl ooocr66!, 6qfl0 6gnt een,
66u6o a6' a6'etq 6Ba Aonoen t
t{lo qlqlolfiqq Qalqo

ol0o RtEaq QQGR, "It is dangerous

to him ! " ({
610 OtqOC'0S60 On q6d, CIt6'6q6R a6'ej O6OreO) I

qlotnqq flreoq gq e6n, e'o oqe6 ? 6q aaQ

6O6R, "O|OQ Og eqSG, 6'166' AtO6lG'Q QtA qfltU 6QG' t"
Ar' oq oq qrorflqe 66s oras 6qrasG; orgoc' A6q acro
ooegtQ eqo6 "cr, G'r, etd6 ote 6qG' ?" Gq. eg ag 6q
6lO1Q 6llG'qfil{60 flq 6466l ! 6A1A qoCQlG', CAC gA !
a6,lq I atq qacat oa aoaE r arq'qsre 6lc'l I 9tc qE aa6'ta
6a qng aeri$ r ara 6q nqor qdG r c6ogc'flUa oq6a
oqo 6110 erq6-
Q qoo 66u6rr, Qaroo oe qo ord r

arG eflro aea arQn qoqc'ra; 6qR aq aq6nr arG r

qq 69flfla qoao qror, 6 uo qflq eoQ aoerat

qoa qr6 6a 6a eoq'
orer 66 a6, qon 6a eq era r

6t1O- I q6 6,1A66'9191 6Q Cta, OAtflg 6Q,

gG oao-q6or66,oor6r frqo 6oo6e 6,o6a
a666, lrcorG 6er osnroa 6q,
oG n6o 6q a,rc, oofl aoc ooe c oe 6e I
gtcro qeuo A6 coqarq e ored eq,
aO eq oE ao66' oG, 6qfl-A6 6aq c or6e 6q r

6 Ero ootq'ee'qr68 6066r aorefla 6e,

gO sq oro ger66 oq'6qfl oro 6'q{ aoo 6a r

ooro oQg eqR, ofieotflq 6e,

gO eq 6qfl ec',6e, oG',69flfi6 e'Qo o o6a 6e I
otqet Qot G'qr6' qfl qGo o"6a 6e,
oO eore oegr6o, 6'ra qflq o6t{ q'do 6e I

q6n 6flr0 qoa ooco6 areoGna ee r

"qore oGg eqR" ffGa {0 a'd qq"flqotoo aflqri

6RrBG'6e eQ aOeR, arqr ! arer I
qola oa68o flQ

c60g q6 erroen-
soeo 6ee 6q6'6q 6gR quto I

6ArA qqor9r 6raa qQ6'191, G,qq q'q'G' 69fl. aglllo ll

6a6G' 6qa 6flro qe qrdnc,, eaee 06 eJd eqo qotc,G',
Ql'qle aoG'6erea 6frtoc, slcr&6G, 0e entoe as,te I

6a66'oe6tgr6 eG eooe, 6R-lgqq 6oq 6etaq,otEG'

a,6oa Qq eOQ ode, eRt606 eiOoea a6eto t
(era)eeeo 0e eRro uest eefl, eoee fre et6 qno ooo,
eoee CIe oa oracr qoo, oOqQ a6org' 6ntolele I

arq od a66r oo ooq6, et6o 6ce 6o e6or6qe qfr,

OaQ eqoer6 qaoreo o16, asr6 aur6 ego oqato I

6g6a orcrfl.6sra aQO o166 qGotcc qt66o otQ6,

6ee, o16 qo6c, floraQ, e6oeo 6oq o66 6eta I

Bre g 6sre Qeraeo-gg ode
o6oueo orqa qtolgtqq ateqq"sl Rro oda6 t 6to
qflrg 6anr r 6q6o6a66,o6o o cloio-erno 0 qt'a-qqs
g g1a-aorcro EuLrecrae eoQ oentqquct6 eat 6a€,te
nr6nr r qCIrs qfls 6nra 6oqu I qfl6g eoQ qsr argg ord
oa88 r QQflrc 6qq aoc' 6Ql6 6AA0 ? A6 6'OFllG' flaJ
eoo6 qq6o oq-eoo6Q r4qote 6e'vt6s, eQcio eq'a6 I

6q6o6G'66' 6q or8oq q6tr,tue' cO cga6, "f,rBt o{t6t eo,

oqo6'G'rgr oOG', 6qe{6o q6 nat aad ? eat, qdt, oq oQet
0q aed r ejseoeg 6fire, rjeQ eG eQ cr66 ? ag €,9 6nto
<ear g6en 6flr6o eao eQee r gO oe6, 'ee6e, oroe6'l
eO qQ eQ erg6 ! Roro eal !' {qq otG' olt6l ee t"
oroo-6gre 6q atq'qfle ctd; entee oao oQee, rj

SlarfiQq-qflo eqaG eeq aG t (oaaco atot) t

qlorflqq-6os1, mrc-elmlc alQ ga 6o6G, otq et6

gtde t G'rG'r HrG'o cro affirq' t otOoqo ae'ete flal aHtG' I
sle q1qlQlflqq ealqo

{e fiqa odoloeo aa6, sQ 6eiatQ6't 96o nta mle' I olq

6eog qo6o et6eto etfl Qqte I oto6Q oet q66, eq eet6

orGer sra" ara eorG< aeto qcgtco t eet6 otQet 060 aoa
oer O6Oaror{ | ga6fl amtc aqt qo odet oto- mte eet6
arOerqg{ | oratoce Htc'-affile aorgqdoeta 6oc'lqg{ I
6q 60 Ht6' amtc'e oogt6ea I nqd eQegeR, oto t < 6
arqriq ! {6oag &tc1 qa'e6q eoe qg66ttoca aulo 6QlQ
er6elen t arn eQeR, oto, otQtQ mtR 46, olqlQ amlc flal
aG r gtero {e mto 46, otgtQ a6co ffitg'flel aG t oteto
arcfira eeru aG otato aoeto 6attl Ral aG I qgslo-
affiroe oaor6se, oto qdqo ooot6eo, urirurio ooot6eo
qO aq6o oeot6ea, <et eQ qlatflqq atoqotda oto atq6
eG oga6-
arq fl6,qfrCIot
arn'1 a€'oq elee' ogdci 0c otaat tt

ac'r6ge6qt66t tooFt- ggqqo gsla q{ ele

qlarnqq--Ootqoee'tuqoq I otqt qflQ. 6o0

qeraQ t oO scQ qfl ece, '64 6sO 6tto6'r ?'ototgednte
6oQ gera6 t aG ee6ee, '600 64, e,t eoo6 6a t'e6t6'(
eg,qrqorq'toe6d q6fl gq c6egnt, GotQ qtfll atQ6, alglqlfll
arQeR 6o6 ateo gs r eatt6 eQRt, 'Qad1 6010 qlfl1 6e6R
g orOS edntc 6ot6o Qod qera6 t' qotoeo aG 0600l
6o6o6a6e' QRrnaq' 060 oe qod Q6n, 6q6o66'6n olq
flt e'r6,r qo6o ode eosn r 66ote qq qo ode oO 66lsca
o6tc,o1q oQ6n, flt 6G'o6e eoa" qgo eat 46, {aQ 69ttQ
6000 6qa gg O6lC q{ I 6q6O6A6n CI6401 Qg6R, AIG'I qq
ode oO e6erq etd, eose qtqqcr e,o I

gg 6 66o-c1deo eatot.( ctd t e'eo oQelnt-

qq a-gE 6QlQ6, 60aG' qq agq GalQclQ I {QlQ 91160 {Q
60, 6G'q,, qQt6t, OQ AIA qq dlq, aa6a a6,lodl 6qal6Q
qola 06680 qlfl

aGq sera6 eetotaotco; AQ. qg eo Q eq eaQ <odqe

a060 eQol6 6'la I 6qEol0 qg {oot18 aQq GalaclQ I ala
q6arc'o6'qff6e qlqt, eo6t-60 0oA ateoqo otal qd6o
e,Og{ erd, orero 6ala6 6q ot66t I

ot6or{o ae'6're- oro g qdq
orqo glotnqq qA otBaqq6alu€'cO eQen, "66'6t,
aa6're 6'6r6R wrc gsetdt 'c1o eee 6G'6Q, "dJ.-" CIQ 6o6e t'
'dj' I 'eota'<Q qaG aHtG't 'q6fl' t3 'gfre'<Q qa6 mtc t
eo OqCIB, 6e e6a-6q 6rqo I qen dodt, qsn daqoga,
r[ eoon oa; 6fit6o ego6 6,ela, eqo6 G,6Q I ata { qq-
qflQ L,tG', qno .4qrir, qflQ 6'60, qgrQ d qe, q6ae, eato
66 gsd r rj ora r qfio eoo6 gqR, eoQo6 eqet e6eto
6flrQ AqQrQ l"
"6oa'flr6e' 66s eQog oQe'6, Gqfitcq'Q qcs q6ff

aq,6'to arci q66'ram',1qq orqo6'qcr6a aqala oalcq'laelnrl I

'6e eg6, 6q qq rj ereo l' rj eQfr, so 6ffr otclP{6lt, 6q
oao cQqen Ei Oqt ote6, ri 0q1 ota6 t co etg 6q oadl
oea', rj G'rq !"
dr{rfloq-6o (ermqe orqo) atodqqq oro6 r

qlorflqq-arcq oad eQ6 t o8eoqa otmoOoeo

66ilOt.( 69l6QGOt6t10 6[1 6860 AQ"QIO I Ol 60Q6Q 66116'l{
qo6'r 6q,dt el6lr r 6q eod'eteeo atqednlt, eqO etseo eeo
gae'd 6are orere ot66oa etfr otae{en I 6flq'eot6tl cqfltaq
6'QRt, '< I ot66eor t' aoq Gntao ag'G,tQ Qat aad ata
eQQ t

crqrflG'q-flatdCI I otoo ertO aG aao oqo qq

cga6-< 6oQ aar ?
gletflqq-qna ead e6al od qG t
qlu 0101otflqq 6'atqo

c6og-G,6aro6 qG adrq Calculating eG r

q1olflqq-at6o 6QtQt, q ata 6t06e, I a6ot6o 6060

6Q AtA 68 A6, 6A66'Q6'tQ Ot$ AA, eAeO eer6 og a6,
soq Qorese 6ore ooate ead ? q ala $tac'tq arQq,
are, greot r (orra eqc qO) q6n .( q"ete6e aqo-qtuc'
grd flrce 6'g otas I 6rqo6'oloog6o 6o6 o16 qs, orord
6eqr ae I qflo {60 qgetflce oaoteaad t Csnrq0 eca
6eto G,eR qflo 6'a6l 6q,G' ? 6G.'$, auot{ flo6e q6fl gloln
sereoro rgQ eorornco 6e6o flad flo a6, { Qoreea goo
oad o0et0 ?
otoQ-ata oqo6'o flo infinite I 6q fl060 eos 6'rd r

gtoroqe(oqtfl agc' qO) ata aqaq s6nocrsr 0a

cr r 016 ao6o aq ota 0a r oq 6ntoq aO eoQ ere 0<,
6q oad aoqtg ao6 t oroo ar6 eoeq'6 c, 6o6G' 6qqq
eo q8ee r

otoe-olc fic6e oao aB 6a 6aa6' e'ro6 r aqor

Qqre cG aao oQo t sq Qqro eqstdeo I

qr a o qe ( o tfl
eg6' q O ) qo n fi'G.a q g 6q e 66l 6 t.(
- t

oar tofreote 6ntaflt6c o96, 'oqeco eGeaqeore t'erd6


cr, 6Ql e'dqqfi6o oqa6, ata cdqqserea oqa6 t{flc6e

6e 6oea 6006, aqo6 6oa flu seQs6 eo$G I

'66[6,guc,{' 6,ut6t 6'1oeo a606r{ ?

'ego ofieoqo atqEnt I 6a$t6e66l 6cl6o ogqRr e'o
oe'rorniq flatoo I e'6o6e eor6< eq a6-oarc ged Qr
fiqo nro 60 flqsq 6'1c'co ecedri, otqt aq enre d 6'eG t"
Q^fr, 9^S, 6't6l6t 0 9tE't6,t6t61
6qrfl aq-Eil
6a1o eoQ e'ao 6osta 6o6lot6o ?
eeQ oao 6061te or6e 60, eqQ ooto 6'tatoq erfrors t
qolq 06680 sl8

01arfiqq-6oaflr6c oq Qo, or6'a 6Q6' og8 qflq

60$taG'lq ! 6ata 6nl fltont Qt G,fltaflt, otG.o G 6Q6, I 6'661
G'g6RtQ qto6Q QoG" { qg Agt ot6'Q cat{ I

6qrfl eqJargt, qn 6oQ, Eil 6aa {et6a q6oo ead ?

glatflqq-oEqo 6c0 6oa- 6oQ, 6qQG qn 6oa I

fl6', q6, aec'ra ara 6a {atq6e'a Eq 6a1a I 6od'6o1q6o

o6are'c'e areo Rto q.(, ala q6rit6t g<, eoQ0 eto6t6lele I
oe6a oQ6,'oto6'o1 oqt' qflgc'o aoto'qet6,roo' (qota)
4660 aQqs erd r

qrare,aq6qrc'e-oqosot6a {G,sltg od 6 qro

q1orflqq-6aa6,q6en e'6r 6eG' t 66 eo t
"86 Q6 A66a eQsn ead 6sa ? 6qel6o oaer 6or
"QG er6 6oq6a eerfi eqeR au 6err q< ord r 66
6raarqq.( r eaderqoorho G'ae qot, ead'e're,r6o eaoo-
qoro q'qQqtq c a66'r sQg e'o 6'6ilot{ t egd'oreqa qota
aqeqrq a6, eqRrc6' oo6e afla 6,aoa qot eoer atedl
eEao qsd t eoelord'eq6, 66 qtuc ae I 6et6o6a6n qn,
Eil, ere6r, flatatect ararq oe6 oq qBor6e I 6o6o6a66)
oqoc'or6r6e qreje'r ode, orq'oto 0960 {efltg oO qreier
"ae6l,r6e 6uo 6floc o6a q1olct6,g otqeQeR, qeo
6cr or6q oa 6a I aenqt eQ6n, orgr g0 G'e 6oc, ee'es, sQ
q'o 0a-6rle oOerel^ea eor6eo e'e g{ 6qg6o aro6 erd;
Qq ee oro I eso6 qfl ota otq6o eoo6 6flto ctc e6e !"
rj orare. ot616e {afllg oO ordetfr I fltatc ota 0g60
qa 6oa ero eor? eQEfr, "flt, {e Ga qoo astc, sa 6a
qfle src', 6fil6o ele.ro6 0a I sa 6a goo q6, {e Ga goa
aq6, eoreo qoro6 6u r 6a qfl oto, sa 6a qfle qdq,
6fi160 qo'ro6 0a r sa 6a gno e6l, {e 6a qao flc, 69160
fl9 g]q1Qlflqq aalq6'

flato6 Oa; so 6a qoo uri, se 6a gno aur-i, eoteo ge't

oO 0a r'
"uri ead er orer6 ori r uri eeen d auri ee'etq
6aG' r qdr{ eeendoro 6q'arq6qG'r Hrc ecendagr6'6carq
6q'€, I g6 ee.en 6 aq6 6ac'tq eee I eoo6, otQto atcnte
6eru a6, oEre aoere 6G,rLl ou aG I otqtQ sQ eetu 46,
orqre a66,o 6qrLI fld aO t gtgto CIR 6otu a6, otgto Ro
6ert; fiu aB r"
"o0 erere tee firEl 6ra oqo6'otoog6a oO o6e,
6q qqe [Joq, ara eQeqra $ra oO q'qte6o atq6 e6g-"
oto0-6o64 6q aufl I {ol6Q 66116.( aal aq8-
qs qea flr'q $roE6n r qoo flr'q $reG''r oeo aea efrq
(eoeeo c1n-eoro) 6ent ! sQ eoto otd opium (aCn)
$ta6n r 6drer aad e'rd t a0o 6ra 6G'6atq egto oQeR,
* 9^ <
etQq8t6'QQnt ctQ,-6qelol0 G'ald I
qe6oG'c'a 6iro qaoeo sgd €,qlfiqtg6 oaso oQGR,
q6 oarerdr erfrRt t

qE'Et g 6ern erf-fneosophy
qlarflqe(avraege. gO)-o'oro uri; 6qel6o 6ots
erdr Qqaqo6'oroog6o flc oq, otactclc'e eera ed e6e t
{e 606r G't, oO erere 00eo 66ror{ G'a q{, eq eoo6
qflgc qr6r6o oarerrir e6e, q{o errjq Ru oeo, 6q oe
eso6 ea 6oeo oeg, eqQo6 r

q'qre6e eqr qt gO aQe r fl6' aoo6 6ereo, 6q

q'qree qog erd'r oeo r (orooq gO) q8e r
oroe-ore oO e'ars, q€6 6oG t
6qtfl G'q-66!q 66 qe t (ooeeo e'tov) t
qlorflqs(ea ea)-ata sQ eqeqra a6ca 6c uO
oge6 I ead Fqa ? (oaoco erar) r
qolq oa6Bo fle

0g-Rat6fl, eloqo ea6 0a6 ?


glorflqq-6flre Qar {Q, 6oaflr6G' 618rr QQ qQ8,

6e!flr6c cqgaQ 6Rr0 I ara 6oaflr6e q6, aatq 6't6't qato
oO ordr6, 6qflr6q' ou 6qsoo r eoo6 erar asea orfr
erfr o16 eeraCIG, sQ oO r ac,q 6a66o G66t e'o oq6 orer
eQor6et, {er fler <a oO r .qQ enre flrcc'e oqo6'or6o q6'
oO eqer oOc r

derfl aq-Qq eoorec (qoo0eq) Aq ud qcsstoc

QQA|Q 6OEr Aq88 r

qlorflqs-rj eoorce. Qsq onoreeo e'reo crd r

crqrfr eg-o6er 060 G,larer eod'argq or{-

og6nroq, 6'8g6nreq oo,rr0-rQag eloo0eo e'dror{ r

qlorflqq- or 6graor6o r 6910 ore 696 erd, qqflrcq

e,66 gq e6elnr, arG 6 6e1 t a,qnrc oQ6R, r[ero, 6e! csq
* 68an QtglG'o8t 06a ! 69lto oq {Q 6'il6'
.(qga8 et66t ctQ, I

crqrfl aq-6qflr6c' o96, 'grgrer' qq as6 r aro6r6e

6o0 6qro t
qlorflqg-6sre oar 6qrq o6se o aa6 r .(qq ear
edore ara r rj oR 6q,aro6a q6fl arQe r a0 eareo Qqro
eo, eod'eleo qflo o16 qs orere aora eqroCIe r 6oqe o
9J eG'l G'{ 6,tQ, Q6il C{ etq I {Ot6Q fltq6 6OG'tq O6g6'tQ,
eoelord'a6c6o arq6 r (oaaco arar) r (oroac qA)-
qflq{al *
Qg8; 016r QQorQ, 6q qqo a6Be 8n-o6't, 9ilc,
Gfiqoq;-G'Q9ilC 9r?6'r ASOC AqOq. OA; ArA .(Otq fl(6Q
oGeo arQG,, fiqac'o aar e16en ealoor 6eG' I

a8 qf]a o6Q oroQ aora 6carq6il6graro a6R t{oQ

qflaca qtqo 66o69 66rE arQen s orqo6'o oooqfr eca
asQE 6e6R r oroo orq,rq eoq arcOo 6a6fi g 95 aroe
qad 06R r

oroo-rjqereeen eq (66o orq) arQee' crd r sofr6

orfr 0Q 06 eea6, q66r q66r arQ asOo r (anoca erar) I
qrr qlqlolflqq ealqo
6 6a c' qQo G''t ooc'o 6s e qo o ( ScienceAssociation)
t t

aar 6qarq nr6nr r

q'oinqe-6er6o Oec eaotq ee'ooe t

oroo-q6n 6qorq66R flqoc'a arqdq cto qq6oq
asrn eqra6e r

qlQrfiqe-q6o ?

e'toa(66oG qO)-qg 6'Q but do not worship him
as God(aqo eorfr qe't ooara) t ss6 061 6nta6lo Ao
$0ro aqo ?
66o-oao aOQ oE'roa 6< .( q"qto-qqg g
q6cs-qr6eqord o6n orqata oa6l 466 qegtotq'o Qqt
oad aqr 6c'rfi 6q'tlt q{ ?
oroo-Qer ord'cge'rd I 6flta srer q6lt etd t e'eet
6q'rerore Ont atQelnt, 6q qtql o6ootoRt I qfl6g f,'teco
616rt 6o6n tcjororeree allost{ eQfr I claco got eoactdt

6fr?Go 6o6o6G'6, ot{ A660 aote G'6c46, 6q6ocq'c ol'{

6ne 6'ro6e q6r 6oc're aota etd r ri ereo 6q otet, ri ou
orqr, ord6 orarqqdr o66 r ejeaa.(etG'e oloq6 6e'aol6a
crd t-argr eo6 enaO;(qtornqeco otoq6 qeo) t
66er- Angels (eoeero) sA Aqde L,l6'q ucq eqa6 r

orea-6o6e ore,e qh ecet oao ateuir t ri eo

qflsc'o 6eaor6e r-{e
0a t sa 6a t (onee otoo q6
qadJ r

ceog(orooa qO)-{atq atcfl flqo oO nseeq t

6oG erer6 t ego6 Vegetable Creation (a6o) 0 Animal

Creation (eroeqersr), {flG''G'Q oB fl8at so6 sot6'( Point
(arn) a6, eaaielee {sr6'r a6o 6 gtett,6o o6etot6 eqeo I

eqQs6 Man-world (cosnre) 0 God-wortO leoeenre) <Q

q6rq oCIGQa qlc,

eCIq frarse eerrGs grn a6, ega:et6a oQer oqqo s q'q6

RAS'{ 6'r flqa r

otSQ'.-at6Q, aqQs oat6Q aqflt 6,en etd t

eeog-ri God (aqol eqnrd, God like Man (oqo
qnr er6) eg0 r

6'roa-6a og Ge 6e,o orre or0 oqerq g{ I gatfl

o6er on Aed r 6flte ota eoQ qGn erd r tvty best friends
(eodoree 6flte eafl e'q) enreo e6olo Gdq eerfr flen
eo6 t q6fl qg g{o 6cl6o earorc-tr6 oQeoe I
qrarflqe-(orooe. qG) 6e Gad !{el6c qflq6e6o
on srar6 r q6fl arQe ee,tfi nqdoru eG e'r6 ae6 r

66O-Every one has the greatest respect for you,

oroQ-6f'ilQ qg, 6flta g1 ocige-69il66'flec eoG

hard-hearred (eqe ooor cler),-erdQ G,t, 6gle eore sQ
6q fi ore elet ot$6a gero eeo erd r

616o-eoee flaroq ! ato6t6'o floo eat6 eerfror o

atleast out of pity for your friends (eqOrCC qG aeOe
qore6)-sQ oee aO 60,6qflt66'atodqgG orgarer6r
-auo oQG tqofltcc'a6ost 6flto a{e feelings
worked-up qs (aejrq eo'o orq'A{) | (eeoge gG) I sfrea
tears in solitude ! (r[ <er sor q,Q e,teo) t
Frerqq€ 0 6'1ao onged-a€'6,tet6 o eeog
oroe-(qtoroqee qO) on, q6R otq'6e6e 66la6.e
6oq ao60 oro 0a,'6ee6t on qed I
glotflqq-rj eo cr6ot6e 60, etete 6oq ao6a oto
60a8 Q 6'ta !
oroo-etar on qee-; GGs o 60tti q{ ?
qlotflq€-6fltQ 6tlG'lq,gt6Q 69ilo otQt g.( otQt qnq
eao eQQ ? 6q elG'gt o6a ot6a 60 6G',tatq{ sQ qereo eoro
Uo 01010lnqq ealqo

6qaG r aqa6' ota6e ei aqro q{ I aetoco so6 q{, 6'adt

e66 t
olOQ-{ o16g6 I He expresses regret for what he
does; erduer Sintul (aorra) sQG eeru aG t

qroroqe(o6aq6 qO)-g o qq (q6arq) q oac't;

{atq qqraGo !
664(orooc' g6)-flatdfl ! ato6t qn qGa6, ee
eqedord'qsqo qe6 | {qtfie 6oa qs-aoto6E' I e,lq'Q
flon ord' .( 6qflrcq qd oo6 I GqgrG'Ge oto qeo cO
{erc'o 60161 6eG'ra qq qatac'r, eoelotd'646n Ga6G'ote6 t
a o 61 6Q 60 6o6a6G' colic (C1n eeoe ) 6Q lQ8I6'l l, 6q 606066'
r t

aro6r6e e'6r regret (qsg) eetootd, erd6 <eo arQ e'r6

oqelfr ? orqr serfr orQ e'l6 oQeret e'd af,'qta t eotet otd
regret (gasr ae) 6Qtaot6o, ot'eelfr e'laQ flcrf;' qtue otd'
ed o6or ag,qrq erriq eetfr oec e6ee etd t
oroe (ag6or eeta, 66dG'qG)-go 6aeeo etGofr,
6a, qo oroq6 6a (66oe oroqfr qqd) t (ceoq'a'qG)
aro 66 gsd ee his intellectual Power (66oe g6oot)
or6erq 6aa I

ceoq(orgos qO)-ata eett0s aat 6o6q I 66ttst.(

Scientific discovery (e'e'6nrno qoqalqlo a6or) gtd'aloet
6,1aG' e€6i e6oro6-oo1e, aqgot aoqt6 86"orc6 erd r

uta fiqaq et6et Grandest of all Sciences (eqe 6mre) -

ser ord's health risk (oato cel GaGGl esa, so6 fleQ
ota) a06c'G'tg ?
ol00 6o6o religious reformer (urirordv) eetaeG,
(orq.), (e6oau), Buddha (go),
Jesus Chaitanya
Mohammed (neao) {flt6e' qq 6ds6o aQ"QlQ6Q qEi-
ce'6, 'ej grq oQfr otetd 0q t' s Q oat !
oqei o6eeo ue

66o(orooc' q0)-flercrg, 6q 60ro aro6r6'e flu

eqa6 ! 6q eflgc'e aq,6,re 46, ettoo { 6ero uataeteo 0e
eqQ eors aro6r6e flar eea6 r (oroo etoe aQen) r

eeog(otoac qG)-We offer to him Worship

bordering on Divine Worship (<etq. atcftfitcc qc't oq-
6q qe,r fiqac'qar oG r)
-otqa qrorflqq arooce erne oG eqe6 r

eqa oo6go
otqo qlarflqs 6lqlnqqo6'a oBG q6r6o
oloo g fltqo-qto aq6,u6l ?
arG 6Jqc'ro, arQc qq sq1, 9c o166 a6qrc'e,
QTTB qlqto r 6e ooer 6qa r orq6o otQo r efroor aedo
dqtoqqaca oQaG roroa orerq66er cga6 r oroec'e oe
omr6eelnr r orooG'q6r6o orqo qlarflqqc'q G6d 6qaa
car eqa6 r orqo6'q60co aear qndee qaro 6e,o orarq
qra goqa arQerg g< r

oroe-6c'sr, or8 6erot orgflo {a oar r eq6,

Goethe's Spirit (eettsele' qg oata) etqt6oRt, 96 Goethe
6'rar 6oq6n r Q areujq ear t
gilEe-oefle"q6q'G' eE'G, 6q qq oar6a argrgrcG'e
e'6r e'eere ? oqoc' oroogca o6nro e,6orq ar6crflr6c'
qqfiQ. arQq r 6q ee6, e'eo e6orq ara 6roG'rq otaEnt r

6q er66, ata eoqQn 6G,a 6a6o 618, 6060 orf,', 66,60 og

od erd enqerqnr6Rr re6oro 6,661 6010 ertrce 6o6r6anrq
eq eQeR, q6fl 6,a6 eqa ? {orq erd6 arQe ? 6q6o6G'66,
eg sRta6 eQfit, {or6e 6e6o 618, 6e66'6'16', 6a6o og 6q
oqerq6, {orqara 6rac,rqarQG r e6oro enreG eQnr, ara
ue 0101olflqq aalqo

$raarq urq8 o ara 6laola,-qflQ 6Q6o og, 6e6o oln

{qq oo$ra ea6 ?
oroejoegre'q qte ag6t 6cas6 eog6 t
.(ero6e oroe or6'e ealfrootelq q'tqololn qao6Q
a6ee oe aQerqnr6sn-eoeq 6ot6t16ete, atqG, 6qfltc6'Q
otfrot 6Q'sre66l, eQ6R, ot8a qtn\6'tQ {Q'aG'qleq a6e'ce
otalq qa6fl 6qare o6Een I 6qflt66' a6ao otQe oQoteo
orc Qqeeo 66r6JE6n, aoqr6 r

oroa orQeo aOeR, fltqo flat q6r6e aOen I otoa

6at61q 6OSJE66I r qa6fl 6oroet6lq, OlQlOcQ OatOqt O6,
'orqroce orelGar ore' t
qq 6Qr6r1 6061 6QnrO6O OlqO glQlglqqq GQqQlq
CIeo r oroo orq6flr6ree e6d otqa oQoroc 6oe 66n I
6qor6a 66 Qna 6enr r 66q. eo6arQ q6 ere a6R I
otoQ-.(Q G'lq6'qff6a oQflQ"q6'eal 6QRl I

eloa0o aar-oesin atnoq eat 6e6lt I oeoe'Et <Q erq6

qG orerrQo r erdh e'rd ? s oe6, ri qq. G'r66t I
fllqe-6'r, or6ee ordO ? 6o6c' g66, aeo eoerr
GA|AEQ| r 6q qflA6Q OQflQ"qGOQ flqQ6' eal egel6n I
6a6o6a66' s eQelen 60, 'd, 6q q.g Gr66r r'
oroa-s erq6 Science Associationq (Qutc efr6)
e6o q,e'ro org6ro eer eooa6 t
errQ orfrerqRrGRr ragaero eoo eoq6 rorgo orqoc'
6qq'r qao6e ear cQenr

oroa-qflfl rcG'e e'6r eer .<erqoFeoqoqooraq'r ?

gllEQ-6'r, 6qA6O 6l09lrG"6'0 eg aq6Ur r efrOOreO
oa6fi EIAA| gQr ArqG'r 6grQOr6Q, 60$r qdt 6QrQOt6Q I
oroQ-{E6o o a6G'o 66' 6aQ8 I
gilQQ-OOflleG'O eqetgrei'ea=lerQ ee erd I 6qflt6f,'
eood eqer e6oro6, .oQ eoqr oqeG r 6ee o <or6e a6,
ogei o6eeo Nql

6qor6e ou aG tGqolq6eR qdot coqalqola6c'erd, sQ

QIG'€,| I

qlotflqel, otoo q86'lo, olqql qq66'qcr6o _
otoo g fltqa oqlflgqoo e6l0'( Qon qeea aoQc'
6e6R r soQ qoo ao6o q'leloq alool elot ga6 oa aG t

e6r6s qd-o$nea tl asa6 aao-ofieteo I {alo qacl

oaGq sta eo66, otqo qlolclqe eQaG I olq6o qQlqq
G'oc r ot6t6o otoo CIlgq1 g acq oofllce aaG t
G'IOA QIO 6oq66'l g OlqlQ AG'gl qflg AG'6|O 6AGR I

q6fl flqo qflo1fl oal 6q6'lq RtdRt t

olgql-eal6t Q'61 6'16l ? qg qqaq I

otoa-qflg dDelusion (qo) ! 6oGG'elq'lo qfl ala

erdQ er qn ? qn et6eteeq ata qfl6s aal al eq6 erdQ t
I cannot believe that God is real and creation is unreal. (6'tqA
eoq, ate orco qQ fiatt, s 6qto eQoteo ct l)
6qttg' o olqCItG'-gre o oG
qiarflqq-{ 6G'6[ CItG' q6fl qG], ti olq I 60 orj'{e
6ae qoq eetfr- eG'tu aG, ci q6fl CI16' oQ6, eg oriqe eqoq
I gJ

6qae ore d oR, ri d eq, < qG on qed t

-a ^^ ^-

ate e'6t 6'td ? "oQ 6etdlg ooq 6oq6n '6oa* oQ'

oo nGq 6oqcn au eqQ 6Q l"
- orrqq (otoac qG)-seqQal CIlel oQfr, eeoteeo
aG r orq qq6 eoet, eoee et6e t
otga-ot66, { Q'61 ole oQ 6glc eataa6 t ata v
ou sQ eat eeG ? 6tq e' sQen saaclQ I

otoo-6aaf,' g6en qn oQotea, q6fl ettfi go ele t

q6t ac,1 6,at ol6'rnl I

qlq1orflqq eatqo

otqo6a orc{6 6q,Q!

qlarflqe(otooc' q6)-aroo ool eqaG 60, d
eoelord'<aren (area qq6f, atgq6o$la) qn orsrq
01616, r

Oerq erarG erd r

oroo(oreoc' algq gQoro eQ)-eeeo6e66, oQfr r

6o6q, qfl aq,'ete 6eaeo oQG r q6fl cntaflreq oroq6 6a
erQe ?
grEo-otqt a6e6n 6nt6a aro6 r

oroe-6qflte6'a 6JR, ggtecoet a6o t

flrEQ-atq,a ? qaqoGa 6't0to6t ?
oroo-6qel6o eflro aroQ nd r qerec gG eqQo6
grqa-6aa- eed'flqsr{ fld6o 6G,d1 96,16 t ot6 og
G,r6r6e a6, 6q6or6re1, co1, qqg6o-qet6 uto6l Faraday
(orarsg)q esso ar6ee, qoc Bachelor of Science q oa6t
sqeo fltGes, t
oroo-6qe{6o do16 I 6066,God (aqo) ee erdQ t
flrEo-ar6ctflr6e' oaqoq ccrqre eg e.'rdQ ? qfl96.
qoa flarsa G'rerqd aaG I ato6l fir.t og Qoa 6c,6t1 6oq
erer6 er o16 ererG r

qroraqe(orooc gO)-66 QG G6seo 6a61 qatd I

arodq o oQ6, q5irco oQ ar6eo {a qato 069, 6ts6e

{o qG,ro oeg, q6 oderea ate {e qoto I odoea 66
6ad1 qar6 I 6e6tct gqrorO ala .(ot6e ao6o CIoclcc aa6t
qflra ? qqrac'a flcqrd qg 016"016o qndo cq,raelnt r

oroo qq aQen I afl6g eroe aa6 r

qraroqe(oroocq6)-6ost, sorg6 qoo ege aG r

q6fl 6nr6o oQe,gog 6rR ot{ I

qlolflqg 0 q"qlQl 6'1Q-'qeR 6alo1, 6'191:1, :

oloo-qcel Child of Nature (qq6o 6q) eoelord'
<eo ogG I 6nt6e oto6o Qlocoa e'flqlo eo6, <e1so eoto
aE q{ tfl6e'o6o so6 on 6nle6lqsota o6eoaa6 leoae
eqnqors'a Geuotee <Q.qoto e6elen I qflq.oq6 qer-
Ololflqq-qflo aat o'o rig66 t q6cl 6nlo1, Qlfl1,
aQ"QtQl I

otgq (orooe qG) *aeirq qna e'teq aG 't e'teo uri

d sQ, sct eaQ, flle-qgnco 66110, Qlfl, aQ'olo I qflg
e'lG'G'e d <8 r,rri r

oloo-eqo6 eQen 6clo aqscl 6ean eoq06 r aet

sdloQ oatco oaoto crd r od e'6erq 6066l qg 0q 0q eat
oQQ r qscs gq oQen r

aQ66llfl 0 6snla Involution & Evolution 66

g6,to ao
66qnaoeo orqo 96 olqglc'qQo oat oqa6 r

glotslq€-e'o 6't6t ? s (oroo) ednte ee6 ee6

aO aqentng otaaG I flqa ele qaG, eerq 9o6, q€o
arqr6a sQ og 6ota < eqa6 I 6o66'646n Qentnq atQee
oq ot6ee t

"Gont qsa oqulEqla 6661 cl&t fren l" oqal eql6s I

anqr 66s, cl&t eotG< anot 66s t ogt QG oqal t6a,

oqar flat 66 nerr Aed'r QA66s6o flAsq 60661 60, oqello
d qg,r, ne'ro d oqat I eo eq6"o6 oq eetae6, 6qE flu
nqsq eeqoaG t (otoac 96):os 66 geroo I aufl oQ,
flalfl oo, aafl oo I aufl oo 6'6Q, 6lQO 6qOl6Q a8B I

cqflrcc'floca g€ aRett, aqa anol I flalcl Qo e6Q, aqo

aeriqrot qog6o aeG t 6q qoa flalco aqaq.6066 I aocl
ue 01q10rflqe earcio

oo 6o6sr, flqo dqg6area6 I 6q d eq6"a6 oq seroaG I

6er 6c'66r aqo qig Qoeare r

"q6fl 6t1or, or6rG,o, 6G'orG ert6 oe,-6o6e .( aq

"aqe a'er qQ flarce e'rer6 ?"
oroe-G'r, qqe,r6r6a aa6; ara aaG eerfr 66reror{

66 qosoee ac.t ear oQnr r

orqa Olarnqqao 6lqo1aCIra odorqs, 6qE6o agsor

e6ero qerac,r r

oroo(qtornqee q6)-ora erOe r 6flro qq CIr€'

q{ r qnflle,c'orq seor orOoreo r

6Bt6' a6aq(aereav)-ore s0 ara 6Qs eeo, eao

ede t
otQQ-Controlling Powers nu (et6eto oO) eQe t
Olalflqq g flrEa-orer aroo ego6 r

fuEe-orG', 6g6a ead 6eG', ato6t eQ oro6 r

66s6r o6e sar oaqr ear oQnr r

qlotflqq (orooc g6)-6cro 6aEgG arqo erd,

orero 6'16r r ga ged qed 6 z
otoo-6flto flar eoelg6 arqe erd-6910 6'c'r areq
esrnl oQoee r

qlorflqg-gq ofte fler sQgO a6'qfi6,q-6reG'l

qna6o {60 aoqfloq 60, 6raqe eaflo er6oreo ctd t
eeQ q<o G,Qfir, '6qee't 6ta etd, 6qa6'r gtoto eeto6 t'
6q6o6G'6c o6e, 't
{e aq&6,6'r 6roro z d qeo o t'
aqo 6ered aaqfloq oQer ara Qea 6ere6 acqflf,'q
oQer flueo a6ce q6oo eerfr orqeo e'o ofroe6 aqa6 r
oofiroq erd orqo ororflqq orooq 6o6ra qsrqqce
eqa6, 6o6r, Qo eesn 66s G'ofl q{-s
(oroa) qq oo
e1eR, edore 6oq 6Qs non seaa6 r
eqa oa6eo Ye

oroa-Qo aoq eoo qa6, 6q s eqeo eato

6'rer cenltcrd r (onoco etot) I

otoo 6otq olqac'qQo oat oqa6

66'66', t

otoo-6nlafll6c oroqh 646, elodl e6olo erd r

qlatflqq-qFI6s aad a$o oGoteoq u6oto6 t

eod'flo Oq, otot eQe erd t
qlotctqs-qO 6CI4 ala eqelo1 eoo aG t

otoo-Gq 96 oao t
qlotflqq-q6eoo-Q golo 6'16l t ee'Q fllao 6ql6'
gtts, GoQ fltE 06'l stts, 6oQ fllE'Q sl6'l 6tt<, 6QQ fll8Q oRlQ
$r.{ I ata a}detol eoo r riecq al66l eofi 68qoo 66etq
6g, otqto6o oloo G''6ot, olaloco a6ataelet ofllqQ6etg
aers-ede-oloo qa6'lo o edeqaqode
Et'uqt 6Qnl I olq6o aqo 6eteo nq 6q6R I {60
agsot, 6q ea Ass etd gfr oraa6 t ga et6eo aeaff
qoa sQ
og s's'eo eQ so qGeo eoqaG I olq6o el6e'e
aG'gt6e aQen t

otq6o gq6g eeto o6q '(eleco oqe6-"66'61,

a6o6o flG'n1c caloolaEnl ! olQloco eoqfi-Ga acae
6'ar I olooq eoqfr, otq'o 666e 060 6q'e-ata ee6 otq
oQerq eeecld I ala c'6q eoqfr I flc6o aOnt 'otq Ru
Ga' t oto eal qag eQQ
q'qlQ1 6'1Aq 6'16',1 A€l6q'6I
g qac'61 66110
Olqo 6qlfl aS oloo eotcQ ala 6''6d
arQaG t{aQ 69fllec'qQo eat ogaG t

dtlfl q'q-atgl, eq6c ega* oat6 oQeleR, 6 enq'to

ear !

gtoroqe(oe teot) eod' catt -

6qlfl aQ:-6aa eo oQeR, Hle 0 aslcQ oa oloq
6r6R AAd Q6q I
01q1otflqs aatqo
qlotflqq(qatcatt)-Qmm I ctct Btee ctet amt6, I

oiqoeo aqo aa6, {ele ctn mrc r eeers qeo e,r6ero

crfl Qgre I aQo6. qQo arnrg, otcotco atelgcotu, {ete
era 6src r

"6,to6o aQ a6, u6oq a6; <elo ctcr Htf,, r eqQ elo

e'r6 ore,or0 6roet 0 $ta qEqE 6qate aR 6mre r

6qlfl eg(oereorl-ara-eaQ eero ear r

qtoroge(eoreor)-d, eoo6 oto6e eer qeeR ara

eor6s oet qcote'c g{, otetoce otoo eerG ereraeG aora
aelq oata Oarors r eqQo6 amt6, aet erero o6er ora-
8l0Qet qcatce g.{ I ast6'ct6 o6Q $to-a8tc aoqqoeta
6oatq $( I 6q6o6een Gste a6'gt I
otqo 6l{tct ag6'ao6a qqa 6q,taa6 r alrct eq aaq
srOE, edflre 660e ord'aqo 6er e6erq agr ea,ra6 r

oeflq,"q6oo6. clcr q6 sorq arQa6 r <er qciq ara Oec

arQqsn I
qroroqe(oqtfl eg6. q6)-6oa odi .qaleenee arQ
6oG' I aqoig qqfi ar{olo anq ee1erQ e,ar eQecrd r Qeqj
eRre aQero 6oq6n erR o6o{ro e6e rseoOc o q"qroc6
6oqn, qgaqro roqo deqara qqaagraqa doov; ara
oq qoOn ord' t q.qroso a6 aad ? atflqto 6tgt, 6lte€,tq
egt g{, Qg aragreo a6 oad? olqal ala 6otot, 6ta6n
aqq6' g{ I
6ilfr G'q-armr d, otar ega6,,qgqoq I .--
gtatflqq-a6e'a 6c u6 oqo 6oa ori a6o, q,dnre
q'qte-e'&tc,6e Qle, aqa 6er ee6,adr66s
Orieotoeate I

6ric c 6q,6a fle 0o eq,e cld r eog ooorq 66 qo6a alt6,o

arc 6qoo e6erq q< I
6qtfl eq G6< ctoe eQ6R, eoo6 e,o 6er e,qeG r

O_latnqg(eo'reor)-ate 6ost, ote flel qq oOora6,

ara qeirqe'r erd6 z (oaoco qtqq) r 6,66r u",hq",, ,,,
oqd o6eeo UC

qeirqe,r eq crd erdQ z eq el6 aQQ conrl, ata ote otd

CIre r 66'10r gr"Er 6req'to aO oto6 t

6qrfl aq-arer6 flUo aat !

qroroqe(oereor) {Q q'qta6o etfr ata 66 fr6e6

aG r 06QoO erfrq arO 66 6oe eeetq q{ I 60 66 Goe
6ce or6e, ea d eqo r or6'e 6et e6etotd'eett6s 6de gre
ae r drae src r q6fl e6et seo ri au eoorq 0Q I

qfl6s 66 qns qq aa6 t

crqrfl t
flQtcto, c'etea oaet a6 q6 eao
e'qqad e6erq 6eG' ?
qlorflqg-6tqoq. ee, areQe ota6o ola; Gq qg
6'6ro6o6G' r oq nfie artrco oateteit oe, oq ofie d
cQ eoee, orq'e 6a6o eororqrO, 6e,66'' G'GIQ Qfrta1 etqe I

qed I areo Gtqaqato

a1661 6Er
-aqe'r6erq6eEt o6er 6q
Ge, orq,ro6a orer eer, 6Er d e,orosoee t
6qra aq-flerclo, flqs,{ q'QtQ6Q oQ eceo acqta
G6e, oro oel oea r 6q flAsq aa6t oqoq nto o6ol6e t
qlorflqe-6oe otlt6le areer o0 eoQ aqa nlo otd
qluG'l QGQ, AIQ ella.l6'l Aq. Oq, 6'rqQq. Clq Olq, AG eOe
oqr6 q{, orq ara oro 6o6o6esn ed c6e t atolo qCIta
sqa6 qra eoracoG'r o6e ou qO qO etqa eetfreaot; 89
flrge qrc aerear gea o0 aroldtnq 6ceot{, ot6q6nl ata
qfr erqa eer6 esrasreo erd t

olqo6'o cOa eurq r oocucc aar6'.; a6?qQ qorQq

oqtq otqo ororcrqs fic, q866o aroe 6ere aq66 eteo
flm6' 6er oqa6 r dqrfr €,qq qrqa eoaaG, aora eoaa6;
flqaq. orq orq oO eoeoqro q{, ata oto q6i ede erd r

oE9r oa6go
olqo qlotnqq e.fie'olo 6tqtngqa o6a osG
ar6 qgero, arQc aro, qqos qgfl1; erde es 6e; mo
or6er aeqr6,e errs qlqta I qlotflqq or{lflqqoq O6ereej
arQaG I 6otot6'rt osa aa6; qflfl qatf,' ee'r; oleoc oQo
{6,re1 oar cqa6; Rtqo otoa qeatac. ot6q ote 6et6le
$ao 6o6a g otqtqq6r6e ar6es, I 6te1ee aggot q6q otqa
ot0916'6'6er oqaG r

qtoroqe(oreoc q6, oareor)-arQ q6't66, q*j

arQelnr, CIR qCIt6't sl6'1go gq6are r 6 arqdq t e6oc,{ e6o
oQ oceo {er ute6u eeta6-66uo1CItG', q$lelc'', flqo qqs
ara rj eoo6 gqG I

flrqo-armr d r

qrjeq qR CRr, oao ea/eo I q6jQ. eoqer orei'

orq6o eo aetqfi qa6; 6q oe6nta qqiq arQerq 0a6 erd r

eoqerord'9a6fl {60 G'qtqfi 6atag6n ea OeR ot6eo orqo

o6eoqoq eorq arQ qtqoc. oeo oo0o 6etael6n I fltEe
qaq orc' 6q qff6o at6i 6o6taata 6oeE6n r aqoq 6o6
or6ergg{-ot'qQo q Oeaeo a6ce aarerdr o6a otq6o
ofieerqoq eo6 oraelsn r

aolgo G'qq es/eo 6ae I CIoclt66,otq,tq66ror (Onr)

eorfr orqEeR, G'eiore flu orc6 r 0nr0 oCIG'toc.e ctfl qd6t6'
q6en orreGqn 6ata qoq a6e I
otBQ g gilEo
oc qta qt6e o6t6't t fltqa otoe qoatoc. oaqolaa6 r

orgt aq6o solotnl eQoegrero G',teot, sqQoteo otooq.

oEfl oa6go 8Q

ar6T6eoaG ao6o eQ eal cgaG I otBec'qA$6o ateotgca

o16 a6, 6q?d6o nt6\ o6ra ora eoge6 I otoo o€ea flGeo
acfiao eorsr sr6ee oata eoaa6 I a6o aeo flaoto e6tfr
ato atqq o6qaflr6'Ge atete a6o6tu6o O# eq'aa6 | qlEQ
soqae6 r

oroo(oreac 96, oeteot):{Q 6osl, {fl16e

(nrnara) 6flr argqordo6,6qeo 6oqeo a6c'aoo 6etot
C6 eoa6 orar 6oqcrat6 t eoqoq6, GQG''G' o6eo Qad 6QG',
Hrc oeare (nreoeo etet) I {e Gq's, BGqa eg aQoeR,
flaore e6rfr garafr, 6qflr6c 6aq ooecfl I cqfltcco oO
eqnrnrd, qrs' ord serfr r $taG't 66e eelfr eto6 adt

Groe alQ e6oo6tetea eQen r egdoeo eQo6

ataflrel r oroo 6Qs 69ro o9o6, atqa eQ eoelaa6 e
$6s ff6s eea oqa6 I 66ts6o 6Gso Canon Farrar's Life
ofJesus eQ oQen r

oroo fl8eo sGeo oo cqoG t eotfroottela otQoslc'l

6060 aq6o cqtaelnt, 6qQ qa6.'14 60o9 oQetq eQen;
ura aQen 60, "{Q qog 60o9 er99 qletoo Calcutta
Journal ofMedicine eofrfre t" otoQGQ setfrooutele Qoca
qq 6qrq r

flrEe ata 66q q,Q etQlQ o6a6, Munger's New

Theology I Ol@A 6Aq6n I

oroQ-Munger 6G'6[ gO Qoto aocQ Qote oGaG t

qar e6oaq, qE €,r o16Jq1e eQeletq 6qtq o6etq Ga6'-

eao6 qed r

orea(aaeqq) e6oeq at qac'oat qsd, {qt AGcrqG

ear caraetG'rq 6qrq e'6erq eae t
oroo-otal agl qa I

flrqo-fJcerq oqa6, sQ qato oGaE t (otooco

orar) I
8e qlq1arflqs earqo

oroo orQeo eQeR, nrEo flai aOen r orQ orrogqo

a6elerea sra6 r 0e go gqo r qacd sro oG eG orae6 I

oroo orqgr Rrr fl8so n8eo coqarq are6, orq' Qeqea

oarerdr 6enr r

areo(eersq{)-arodq orggl eQa6, oaor6sonq

aroe e6erq 6a6' I

G,rBo-orql 6oQ t
srEe-flqrer, gS 6e1e, {qqaro6r flrcG eldt otqql
flarflg 6G'ruq{ eloo0e r oraragr aro6r a6'oro Rtnr oreG
crd r eaelord'eq 6erug{ asro6 oQa6, {aa fl6n flAEq
e'q e 6qq'G'rd, e61oQ e,lae'q, 6raog QB eeraor6sq,crd r
oaor6eoRorq aroa o6erq 6eG', orero6a a6e'a e'g 66n
6e6o6q,66r flqsq caraoro6 t
otoQ at6Q G)tQt-
crqe-ara oQa6, arocrflrec'o 6o Science (6mrc)
6G'e Hr6, eq fraqt mr6, r ^qe uB sa etd r eq aoflr flal
eooa6 r eso6 qa6 eare qa aG r e6r6s qao e'n oe
Spring (eoor) eoa atq6, Qota qao Spring (eoor) erd,
GoGc' edt eG, gror qed eeta6 r Gq G'G, 6q ee66c oQe nrd t
aro6rc'6qrco HrG'flaJ qao edre,n oG qqCIe r

oroa (aa sa)-qo6a !

elO e<dqrfrqqlqco arQ ao6o 6q6'rt I G,too qoera
qrqo qoro oroaq orQeo aora6c6n r eq eroerfr otqoq
60qG"rq oraq6n r

oroQ qQerQs go ao6o6r-8re1Q efle
ore6a eqQ eorornr o6e eQa6-q6r6e 6a6oc,6r
oo r oro0.(G,'goro6r qfi60 cat oqa6 r

oroo(qtorflqsa q6)-q6 o16 (e'rer) eera6 ?

(oereov) 6o6e 6,r6rq CIer on (oooco erov) r
osn ooego Eql

Olorflqq (oereov)-Gqel6o. c AO r ri AO oreq'crd,

oO s,red'r (oroo g oorttcc eqad) I
olqo qc'lo, oloQ 0lg916'0 6'19110l I Olq6a goloq
6oq otqglc'o qd6t6' oqa6 r

gtotoqe(gotoq)-alsl, 6q 6a6o an I aqo 6et;

6Jatora; ata Goteto qt6'lo qg olq' 66'488 I
fltqeao qq a8t eo oaotGean gacr ellaaco 6aQ I
6e 6at6 c'6oqq atcg al6g-aae olq6o eoo6 q6etq
ote6q,-{gG oteso oqe6, "QaotG68n oatB olqq'1 Qadl

"tt*;1"11 q ead eQaG

ffr Jn,.",, otoaes G) - a ro qcr

G'r6r ? qsfl sqqGqrq oaerd; flqeo 060 qfla aaot6eenq

aroa o6erq 6qG' r (ooeea etot) I

etoa (oerear)-aaotBeoaq aloa ed aece e.e

oea sG at Rqsq g.(, qA {olq atQntnteg o aaot6eenq
araa6e atea I (oroo g qflgf;Q etat) t

oiqo see'uqa, oatO 016'0 6rqo1fl ole g{ 0 6q

aqoc'a eat qdot oe6; <Q eat eeaG t

qoro-etfr QtatG'gt eoqfr t


qlotfiqs-6q a160 a160 6qlaolae{nl; 646 a6a I

olQQ-Qal ala Qlq'QQfllG'Ofi A6q I

qlotflqq (otoae. qO)-orfr eod'otetesl 6q'laqnl,

6qet6o qoqeoqfr I eoqfi, slco aleo-Gq6ooscl6af,'6o
qq, urc'o-eq oteoter6 r (qoroc'qO) s (oroo)oG aea
ats'o ora6e, aLrs aqi qq qd eoqee t ata 'rf otQt oq6,
orerd Oq,' ata acqfltcc' otqt oe6 oret 0q qed' xQoq oat
orer6q6n ata oQee etd-eeoto oeio aal alQ ora qdq
Qtata6'G'lQ I

G,16,6'O A606lq 6',al-R6&n1A A€I6q,6l

orrer6q 6ata otBQ qaetoq cqo6-
EU q1010lflqq eatqo

' "fielq e,rq-do 6,6t 6,G.t aqa ! gt g1 l-

916, !
qqro 6aaa ! 6q qq eeinra alO, qe 6oeo fiqa6. qG on
0a r aqora atco eo6ot6t ee t"
otoo qaalo 6'10a asG t qfl6g flee I

0totfiqs-nq6'1 qte,le dtc eat agE6n r edq

G,6'fifi, aus a6f qq.qd t ete eoo6 flte, eoQ 6'G!6Q A|S'O6Q
odq6 r oarei al6,6o {at qoq qo 6oqc' I

aceElqlg, 6'ne flaJ qtorerdr or'6oeo egg6 eerGs

oe oQG I etqtce 6oeo e.'e I Btcl 6o66-ae6e c'tal6o
eqQ goarqt | 6o6q,o6'G eao t oe a6 eq'rfr e'n qaolct
eogtgraO,.aeo 6'teto eq'tu eea6 r 'i1- oe oQen sQ eetnt
gs r <Q 'rf6 o0 orfror.q, otat6q6n otq,t e6a orer eldea
oQg< e'rd r

"stole ure q6 6oG ero ? ace aiet6, 6qq6a

6c\dr 6qto oQ gst atoose aqG r 6orer6, atqt og1 r ool
Oaoreo crd, Gororaeo aq6 I atcoe q1flt crd r"
oofltse, ac't6,.6ala <Q ureeorgr cal e1qa6 r 66 qaa
060 qoto qO oar atoa e6R I

qoro(ooaroq. qd)-or6erq osn 6q qq Btat I

otoa-Btsr oO aQn eoes,6eerG GGe ooero r qrj,{,
Qq AIA 8lfll I ag. 6' 6QCn StOt 6'Ad I {66t AeB God
real(oqa oov,) e6 creation unreal(eoo. fravr) ! creation
flu9 real (eoo. Ru ae'v) Rur r

goto-alar, oriosa soo6 qGGa, eqeo6 flcqo

odereo vQ e,oq eoeirora6 I

oroe-66ltot{ eg e oQen qGQa q€eee, eo6 r

aeoq-otd6, fiqo G'g*! otoe qq aA oQsn r

coq-66of,,e 0 Science-oeo 6s'dt

qroraqe(orooc qO)-e6r6s aat q6fl eeq eQa r

aratagt 60 fle'a 6ot6 qtat gs, <aB ara eae eQ orelG r

66\ofi qen oQa I

oEfl oa6a0 E8

"6€'cra oQAeR, se6 aqo Oet cen 6nla 6acqlq

eerasrarG teg6, e,eto.-e6oetqGete6 snto ae6ee'q g{ !
6c'tugqo, olQt6' 6atb,t6Q G'6lGr. 6olLl eQaa6, otq 6eto6
466'tll !

"ara eflQ Science Ggt6' I {Q6'l fr6en 6qa6'l g{,

6qaer frfieer {aot g{ I {qgle 68t 6'eR, c'gqQe oetoQ
a66'r flA8qQ G'Q'6G'lUq1C 6QAIQ elAlG'Cl 6Ad1 al{ I

eqqQeeo aqaq. 6octtol'( I

R6-orqteacn flAoq 6oea a{a qqoloco 6a6lol{ I

ara frerqqsc'otco arg6 a{a qq ala6Q 6a6lCIl{ I

flarqq86ol60 a{a qal6l I

8l8Q:q, flqgq6'ol6a G'6'lo 60sllol{ I

Olornqq-orqGere6 aedoeq 6sat ! eod eFocqea

eg oriqe 6006,eqte6, eod'e6ocqco Qto-sto-eoe o6atn
eera6 t eeG ooto oq6, Gq eto6 ctd eq oqaG I oeG
or6eo qro 6olg6t6lt I ol6t6o aq 6016? 6'lq I ol6l6a 6oa

: ^ s
aero, 0161 61060 6oa aq, 6qE6o q Qlo 60190l{
^ ^- I

"qr66e oro qq6 I atq alo6t6t eoda6 t eate0Rt

6,6e, artaraodqgte atco alco erqaG tateoetd60 osn
aG aG t a6e eee, oQofltco at6o uteo etdl oqaG t
6oeo 60 6qa e6oeq qqo ue6 otqt 6't66etd t"
G'rso qeeta 6etq aOen I {ao 6ota qeo e6so t

orqo floroqq fld Oateaen t

oroo-6oo6e Gnt6e flUgo€'q oteG t ala fl6'l6o

e'6r '6e aqo ! 'q6fl, qeR' ce6 ? ettocl 6ee eofr6 q'e6
6n-6er6r 6q're6, eqetorti'q6fl flqa6' e'dr ege t edate
6err6 eroeo sQe, 6ot6q ea I { o q6fl oQ4et aat t

qtotnqq-aad ata cQG t

otoQ-ala6i aaa €'la ? 016 6Ql6r60 aqq, 6ol6'6Q
eQ ttraq Caq r ara cetcl 6a6n Gtq oQgnrd o ata atalq
eQq t
89 01qloHqs aatele

010tflqq-0q ear a6o a6o eQerq es'erceo r 6q


or' gs crd r

or00-uta oQerq er oQe ord6 t 6q ead c't6J

crerG r
-e6d Aqnfltc cflre aq oq,eer
arqr' '6et arqr'oQ 6q'ra eG olqetnr ! ote6'66t enre oQRr,
q arftiq. otqq, eoee 6gro oqg orde ? 6q o 66Q oroeo
qqa U0 q6oro6 I
60 l6t1o f,ig6r 6ot6tl ?reri6t GqRon'
qlotflqq-otG"ot6Q 6o6o6a6n-fl6'Q 60t6t q.(,
6q6o6q'66, o6o aqoq qq 6os'eo 6o6s1 I qoo fiilso
606Gr r

"6qsel6s sar a6, sQ eoro 6060 6a61 ee6'eqeo d

aq,G'6oqflG'qoqtqo 6aa tCIofilnieo e'eo oga (eeaeino)
oar aE I 6q sc'dqrngq CIt{ r 6ee aeeo otq6a ora6 r oeo
aro g fltalc'e qt6, cateEarq ee'6 eeraG I qlqo 6roq G6e
6a6qrq eoe eerfr q,lo6e uQ enaara6 r eeoqr Geleo eq
.qeo 6oq 60 6,tet aoo 6oa ora6, ead'ere eoa gra6
soqGG eerq er6 atq ao eG aqo 6er
t 6't6'6e e,6d 6gl6t1
aqetnt I 6ot6t1e 6oa6e oro erGorq 6ot6t1 ot6t6o e,QaORr,
"6,ad qcoqotq6,rq t rjnqoqOeroq6, geor 6oa ao6o
oro 6Q,a otfrotaq ?" 6q6o6G'en Qqnmc eQRt, "69160
sflr e6sq', 6q eorO{ qfl oorq6, 6a6qlq 6ero6 eoro
eerq oqerd, ata eltoo aqo 6er eqa6 aae ato6lc.o 6atq
aq6 ts Q uooo aqo 6er t" 6q ao 6ds6a q'qte e'qroo6
fiqo arat;ct a6a6q6e orfr oraelnt I 6q,6r1tqaQe1Rr, "q6fl
6flro qS 6rqac' qO aqotot 6qetq q6fl 6r:lt6o 6errae r

6a6qrq orqmroed 0116 e6e16lr r"

or@o-{ar orGo eotqct I ec6'1 efr6r I
oEft 06690 89

6A!6'681 6o6'rq q"qtQlQ ASUAIA

010tflqq-6q,6, 66il6'{ 60 qd r 6'66t QtG,t E6n | 6,66t
0606'0l$166 ore,r q66n or6ao qo6 r q6'qq o6eo oer
oea s6o are.'rqeeG, orerg8e ? ere,roa q66c co'G, qea
ar6 q6 ! o11o6,0 o6o,oaqeo6 oree- 6fl, 016'r q66e so6
oalee6 ord,G t riqqOe seoe6 qqN ata arer gRsr oqG,
q6fl ar66r qe rso6 ordQ t o6o eero qrlr6'CIG'6'Ru eo6 r

666coeo erc'e Hrccroo 6q'Rr eo aqad ag, araqq-

ee, ql, llfi,, 6'G', gle-e'qfl qq a6'q I q"qte qG aq fratt
6atu 6ac'rq 6EI q'Qlre '16 a6n r 6er qogea 6aG'n 6,dq
G,Q66n, orerq oQe eo odarc si qGG r

ara sor6< 60 qd r 6,66r eq66a q66e glfiorcrG'o

qoo6,q6erqe'eer o6oq'a gcflre'n,caroEnr r edorc 6u6ao
060 flq flqre r a6ca 66r6,aro6o G'66r 6nta atQI 6,QRr,
flqrofl G'6d aafl ercrao g6o ora6 r 6q cQ66'r, orgr6e6a
61f,'t 6Qre8-Otq Atd I 6RtQ6 Oqfit Aq 6'4.( AgAUr A8 I

ot6e 6o6orG nern {e' ara eoeorO eorg aoG-qQ qq

6G'a qflg 6c oQerq g{, 816 coqarq g<, 66< eaeR
aaqe erd r eqeo6a6n orerc'e or6ao g6o oooro 6q gg*9

Qg66l, At6q, R6rG'ArA 66rqelQt 0|6A0 060 AOtq0te tA

ota8 {oa 6fite otQtG'a a a6'q0 el6'0 o.( 69il6o Qo-6,4t
qerraor6eo r (orooe. qG) q€n ? €'roo qq aQen r

6G,G,G' or6oq g or@a

olotflqq-G,ad 6,t6t, 6aq'6' olo6)rt6Q aad 6aa ?

o6e'areg'a66,e arer6-qer6-66'0, qor6r 0 oa r 6q6oc'n
orOoqeo aad 6q6, ? 66ee, eQorerq oeere r Qeeo edoroq

o0 atq, 6o6G'orere aar q6r oraorce r eoalorec q'qreq

qta oGaG, 6qflrc6'6,ar 6c0 Qad 6ae !
"6110rqQen aad g{ ? odaro'611e'1 6r'10r'oQeR orer
g< t 'otot eHot'oQ oG 'o,rt61r' 6aroah( | q'qre6e etfrct
erue'ce ared otera oqr6r 6qroote6, 60 fiqoq.6or6,adr
Er 0101otflqq aarqo

oq a0or08, 6q Q 61orQ flfl qq8 I 6110r ea6' q"qq oQer

oeore etd t 'oqt6fl' 'o,il6r1' oQ ot6en d 6e6il r"
oroe-'o,{r6n' eQetq6en d66rgr{ o €16'r at6etq
R6-soee caqlo 66rqrff orqoqeQqieR, o oel c
ar6eR flQr g( r orq6o eoecOq rrcerqa coqarq oree{661,
6qor6e caqlo 66rqrfl1q{Q ore'ro ear oQelsn r 6q6o6e6n
66tqtfl1 eQ6n, oq urqo6.'Gr6r'g{, orer qfi6e aq qoqa
a6a 01611 g{, 6'1611 0 6'qr6r1 aai <a r

oroQ-6fil6o 6,66r QrLilQ flr6Q'eQEen r eQ6n,

enlt fir6c ead G,r6r ? aar6'r 0n6ra 0a aeirq'urer, rltet'
(oaoeo eror) r

(oarsar) urG 'a,rrer'64 oQnr r

gt? q't Science
oroo Qora 6a6fi r orqo qlarflqqc' ot6t6o fltEa
G'EI8B 0 {A1860 ear 6qa8 r flrqQ oroo6 ooq otael6n,
eaQoqaar esaG r

' oreo(q1CIrflqqG q6)-nrn 0610 flraq a66'eo

eetgr 6aroree{6'rr, ara ecqacrc'q flaoro qfr r <e1ord'
oQen 6c'qfi, 6qflr6c a6neo 66rqr coqor6 e'rer6, eoq
erfreren ! at66t mic'oeere, or'oce oO r eerrBs ga6 eega
flar fleare gfi Ofrero eoq aQoen r 6qfrc6'o Bte fi'elnt
eoel oO eeRre.rd r

qtoroqe(oereor)-eqo6 Brce aei qQe Bte-

6qflt6,Go Science (6mtc)o mte t
nrea-q6 eQ6n, '66oc'.t, qe 6arorqglE oQoraaG
eerfi 6qro e66 I-6'rsr qed'r'
"6616{ ct6 eeto6-6oq, 66,rqc'o gd'qr e6R r

oQeR, so6 ere g fieralc'r eo d orq 6c'qc'r oao g.rcrd r

osfl 0668q, 8C

---o !
qlornqq-{olelQ eal olg8B , q." gal q6'6q'48 I

{et6an6a aa6lQ ead 0l{ ? {60 aQql qtdlG' !-66'l

6ere6 ! eq{Oala Qal qo SqEl cla I

ueold o6 ol qolc'o
qtatnqg sqQ eototRl oGQ eQeG I 6qolq
6q'6'r B6't I
a6c,o qQ< eteroo 6nta otq soqalq atQaG I qfl6g eloe
aaG r

flrqe ot6t6a eQaG I 6'ls aGr6Q {60 b{64 eot6s qoet

oar eqaG l otqca e'tfit OFee:fllqo etat 0otoeo66l I
qtornqe(areoc qG)-eost, atGotfi ee6 utet6
e6erq qeqe'rd I {G'raoGG'a$q-6elLl cQlaoN I s'dnte
66,G,n S'd'e I

flrEQ a18G'ae6 t 0Q flel 6equ I

6ao.s6t oco otq6a G'lalq ata eettG< oal ega6 t

qiorflqq-atgt, {916c 60 qq {alqfi'6o gqe6 eQ

6flr6o eoqe6-oat nrd, Gto e'td, soteo eo eo$6 t
orq6o eao ofro eqa6 60, auolqfiqoc'o oO aeotd,
eqelord'{60 6nte6o atoqio, eqelord oogtt66' aelq 6ala
otG' o6q eta aQe I

fltqQ aao 6q'66'l- al8l, {fll6G' AqAlOdC'A Aal A6Ce

aroqq8a6, ara 6ogtG-otot eoee 6 flel 6qfll6c'ceqalq
grar6 nrd-qoteo q'tne qlotq', 6oe61a CI aqo-69fl64
6earo eq6q t eqOn oore qetdlc'o 6oq alod olaelcn I
6qor60 QrqlQ o6Q AIO6I OOelQ6l eqetGn I al6glFll6c flal

6qor6e Ee I c'66t atQ oQeR, so6 qote,o qqs eeaoteo

eeen 6 eoq ntet6 |
. fltqlQ qd gqe6 ooen r oa q6 6squ'l QGso oeo
orq60 qO qgqaea ntEoqeao eqaG t
eo glglQtfiqs oalqo

glorflqs:atgt otooao ead 6G eeaG ? {ote eat

eq e'o 6rnota6e ecae6 ?
fltqe-{Q a6flt6 ele eed'ar6? 0e ? a6a ct a6e
66u6r{ ergtcae ergr6e r eq6ea 66t6't{ oat fl6e. oQsn
ea orq6 r

Olorflqq-Q oar r
firEo-6aGe oGqen, 6rec,l qng6a soa'ooetotea
gel oQ6, eea- ooarol andt { qq oqofte gB oro6 cr6;

{60 a6'qfleq I eoQ gG eQ OaG s oeetol6e 6}d o0

erd eqeoeeen tt
eQ oe6-, qo oOerd r otqa qdq'r
ac'qfloq oqet6,t 6sasa ato6q oG elerq aroo orq vQ
oar6 qoraqcn r ato6t geta 6oeE6R 60, 6q 6sq Oer eO
acqflG',q, flqQ oet aCI a6a I

qtatflqe-sQ aar qQe 6eaeo 6a od Oer e6eq,

cra ?
flrqCI-aad{ oet QQ6a I 6G6q'QgO 8t9t, A6CQ OAt
qfi orar6 r ar6 Rul oR earGq 6'Q6R, "G'telg org q€eo
6aqar oeo:se aotect qdl6,t r"
qlotflqq-riqad oQfr r
flrqe-atoo eQqen, e6' CI qno etat otcteo o6e,qa
aal r (qratflqqc.o erov) I ata ato6l eqQ ore'rq. Gsaeo
oQelen eoa" ore'r agE6R, 'qeo areo q€ !' (gtoroqeca
erar) r

ara eQelen, 61ote aat I 6note qtoaat otfret erue

ouro-erfral atuc'CI arq6 oqro I otooq aroo eQeleR,
(orror e, eera) El'qtol eeta 6 6or soee ? 66,nJ g{ .( eat
eq qG o16 ererG I 66to6e 'utet' 'Lltet' oQ eaterdt 66tE
e6R I
orq6o osc otd Oer oqeG-atna oo qd srd'6er
oga6 I at6,e oo Ftdlgqotq6a qde ooeo oarerair e6erq
ooraGn I
oEfl oa6QO 9Q

grorurqg oe gqr6r6o-'qgqaq" 6oq nrnl
qoqr 6ere ora6 r orqo Orarnqqc 660 arqa eqa6 r

orqoqodo e6erqarQqG't 6e6o6'6t oB otqa6'600 eol0<

or6ieo eQaG r orq6o aeri$-aar oq ererG r oe flersCI
eod'nrec aa6, 6qflr6o flar G,1ea6e aqo 6er eqa6 r

66sd 060 c6aq 6'6d c'qc'qQo arQ oaq6n I e6og

GQcf,r, { 6gre q'q, { 6a6o6ro qa o6'ar oOaG t s '6eqar'
en$G r '6eqat'e 66lg10 qora eQ arqe' qa6r 6,6R I otqa6'
q6r6e car eQee r

c6og-a{ arurqqc'o 6oa enqa6 r

qraroqe(ensac' qO) 6nqa, qq'o

-oao I

6nsto-otutqq d ooqg, tioroa aq qqo r eeQ

ohrqs ooqqq. nor6g oer6qq qqs-qq6, 6o-qdr r

qtorfl qq
- eeq 6ovot

qorac6e ntnr eQelen, ergrerur

ra,r r r E 6oqE6n r 6qfl ala,l r

egrG'fi r

"6,rgrerur, cqflaral r ala ar66re 6sR Goqotut t OatG,

8qra6fi gafl6a Rr6\ 66ilEil, Otqto6Q flEq RtQ, Otgto6Q
LlRr, oreroco ara 66rqr 6o6trolq erd I sa6 Ooqoruro
qqo-eoabrea en6 ec6 6ero eo 6qteot{ t"
"6er erurqq, ala R16,t otlltqe r eofr6 q5ir aro ofr,
6or qiiva qqo ara nrnr o6o qqo r

"q6' CIo 6e6o6a6o 6oqea e6q, 6a6o6o6n et

6)1Ql6Q l"
"orsrc'e 6oe ore.o d nrm r qo 6ar eg ged r"
6R6a-atmt, 'got6'co qe' ata 'fle1eto qe' ee6
orao ?

glorflqg:{et66tqtfl1flte6'e Flo r o$oeo o6onlee'

{oa eQ8 erq r 6qflt6'ca qq {a; otLlt fi,tq I qtQato qq
6q0o6i r

6n6e-arsr, erllrqe doo'qE, r

ee qlo]arflqq Qarqo

01orflqq-6aq ! 6q ore. qtot qg qae q{ r eeQ

6eG'fl f,'QtOtQ qd qtelo I 6qq fld qot6 ata qat6' I 6qg
qg o soQ cr6 t
{'or6'e aG ard-eae crd, 016'qrot qqqaG'qs t 6n
6rqdl 6060 aooq. aoq er erd6, aretdq qd'or6ee erd r

s0 gq eo qg 6o6-orql eQ qs crd r ororqete 6e6R


nu qdso eA q{ er6'r sO eeQ qq oee, 6a QsO t orsre

aoo, 6sQ 6a, cr eoo6 6a r qgo aoot qg, ara 66 ged r

Eq o6.t6ga
dqlnqqQ o6a e6 QQQ, G,66rg, fiq qq6 @@c'
qlqo q,norFrc' ora oBr-glqo eoG'qo G'g !
qlorflqe dqrnqqa o6e CIorrf,'q'qQo 66qreei erq
ega6 r ar6 o6ere r arQc, qq aEfl1 64 oaa s'aet I

a6qq,0 me G''t66t, QrrS qlEta r

{or6e oesrcc orqoGo eqer a6erord'OerorQ oe6 r

edorc qo'r eoQ q"qre oqr6 eG erq,r6 r

qg6eto orqaao 6qq'a I 6q CIo G"6t6e og

qad 4086 r oot qa 6Q|Q8B, qotc'c6o 6qfltc6'Q goqo
qlqrdqrflqcoc'o q&6o {elei erq eoG I otG'o Cqere qg
qtqo edeqo eg g o6erao acqtcq qfl6g e6eo ae6 r

e6eqo e6'ee gurc o6n't oefle"q 6oG's ol6q

aoerfi 0161010 oo6-Qeo6o8 oee q1 cntafltcq 6e,a
grar6 q6 Goo ee'rae6 r 6osr 6aelq, af,'etfl eQeleR, qeo
orq'lqa6Q o6e oQ-otqt o6Q orQt G,qG'eQ I

ar6 e6efto arQa6, 6q orqoqode oG aG or0 CItace

qdrfi 06R r
Eq o06Qo ,ql

qlolflqq-6o6 oR 6q,a ! ato6t 6q'618o, aoc

GG'flta ?

e6efto-armr, oroe { Qgseo ea ora6a oQ or6ee r

66lraflr6c 6o6o6a6n oroq6 6a6,
6q6o6a6n or6a 6eflr6n enr 6oeo etc,rfieaqgoro oqa6 r
{a qE60 a 6oqar{ r

aQeqor-arocr qhJ r arodq qfl6g qoro o6se,

6qe{6a 6018 oad ?
glorflqq-{ear Ue, gqto, creq', o0n-snrc6'
ord'gqe',r r 6q. ri Qr t aroo ge'iro arQee r

q'6-arsr, areo 6ee er6eq'ra arQq-aroera'o oQer

oeare sqe erd r

a'6eqor 6oro enee-qdrn oqa6 r oroq6 6e,atq

oraa6-orq6o oro qsro eeaaG rQqa6eqor arQen crdr
-66,re cQ ooq6 6c6R r

a6eqo 6'u6grqar6' 6'66'r r ore6a soo66 orq qrdrc

6o6leG'r a6o6rl6o Oateeen t oqa6, "6'6,'etfl a6ce gs6r
oa6 r ej aeeofr, Oee CIQ-oto qnflle'c' q6r6o 606l
oQQ r selord'6q oa q.( r 060 q6flfi6e' eQole, 'qqrq.
0q ar6Rr !"
r,6-sog car 6s oQnr t aroo QG or6ee crd r

e6q,qo Qora eeeR r

gtoroqe(oreae. gG)-o6 a6-orer s, 6q6n 66'rq

oG oroq6 enen ordQ r
"a6e 60 qflq eQe1fr, 'otG'6e eoqfr otoo 0 ata
add-e{ eqQ aro G'6e r 6o6J {orq arQe6 r"
qtqa-ar&r, oOoree 6nle I

qlarflqs-a qQn !
oroe qaarea or6r6e orqoc'o aqgor qaro eoerord'
Rrqo oo16 66'rnre arQaG r oroa arG q6 otqoq 6oq€'rq
CIee r
eu qlqlarcrqq aarqo

, oroe, orqo g RQRre,oo qq6 oooro6'6,ar oga6 t

orgo-ord eoa- eQ oQflreoo 6fir6o eogroee eerfr

- G'a CI ard €'rqrB ! QQ6n, qa otaelfi I otat
eaq6n 6ata
6ArA0160-6flrQ flU g{ r

nqe-or6e on oer qor aG r

or8e-orq'r 6e6a <0 oor t

ol.qoc qflsco otoo eqe6, "6eG'6'oO eca eaet
6ga-Hro oO c ar< !"
area-ard6, orq6e o ca,6-"Hrc oea oO r 6o6G'
or6'e Bro, o6-ara aro6rflre6'e mre, oO Goso a66'a
oorq r

"6q 6o6oeosn ce6*'ffirG' gso o0' oro Fil66'-

oqsrc'a gee o16, qgsr6'o oeo or6-o6rG',rcq er6etoeo
aro6tcrc'G'e srao aej-6qqq a6nq (oQaqrer mrc)
gan6 not Verifiable by our standard; oqgte aGAelol
ffirc'qror oelor eeror{ erd r QotaG verifiable (egmrc)"
or0o qq oQ, q6 aaore qfioco oar eqa6 r

oroa-aeoro 96 ead ? ara oroe q6 ecer ead r

flteo-atd6, aro6r o eeG experiment (aqornn)

qflaco orco g€ 6oq ora q{, flqoq 6oq6n ota q{ I otqt
oQ qs, 6lqoq. c1o qaTae nrd erd6 ? flqsqo qoa flatco
aqo aa6 r

"Qq ur-i aqqrco oioloeo crerqo Qoqflre r sQ

Qsqeo 6q6o aro6r e'roG erdrodoloso oO oe6, otqg6t€l
e6ereo 6ote ead ?
"oeflq,q 6oe oeG, edlerQ eqt'loQ eq6o ot6o qetd
a{e r qal 006160 0 016160 6c'fl1 qorGro qaB r 016r qg
grc6e a6-Qq qqodl6o g co16o ee6 aG r aqoq d
cflqlo c,atq{-flAgqq qed r God is God-not, man is
God(oqo daqo, nqor 6qaqo qed) r
sq oa6ga ' e8

, "Gtqo 6q6' (ornrcv 6era) qw 6,6lot{ crd r qag

+^ <
Qqro aoeo 6 Goo e6e I <Qqq eat otq6o osG r

al6 nreoq otoe ot6'e o6e eteo eQ aoero 6066l I

'Physiological Basis of Psychology'-'as a token of brotherly
regards'. :

olalfrqs or*o*a
,#H ;1;'x;
otq6o ooc q6reo eQaG:r qfla.(6le6t r frq elna
e.'eo qr8atc'o106' q6o ear eqa6 r frqc aqq gta flB
eci ee6' r frq qt€atc Gr"6t6e 6'ggad eOaG r oOe 6,tqt6e
qrGeaa 6otote, 6oso 66qat aG r s,dfltc q.que oqt6r
eGaG r{gt6"e oqgtfi'oflRruneo I otG.e 6'66t otflGe Goroo
6e, eqQ ote {G,'ata G'66t6lte, eoq6o q,qq oGnt I eqe6c
frq o"oro oqt6 a6a I 6e euaker (eereaorq) hgorago r
frO-'gE en oq aq6fi 6R6r !' o:

qlatflqs 6ate c6oeq at6s at6g aqe6,-eood e

frg ou q6orqote6a-'sG etgt ot6.e eel6enio t''r ',, ,
"qiQatqfllcc ontq God (6ro) ee6" Qgotce otq
d erq, qq, fiqa-<Qoq ee6 I 6qt$o16e aeeeqfi<
ore t eor6{ or66e Qqarec e.'n CaaG, ogeG e'f,'; flqe,
qrGarqotec ata eor6s ote6a 6ae6-eqe6 Go-d orq r

Aqncr6,gn66'ate eorGs otc'6o OaaG-egaG orG; arqr

: gl r

-eo6c Jesus qeG r srflqs. 6t{e r (orooree
q0) os (grornqe) eoiore so6 aeG .eO acq qfiaco
qt8to. fiqa I

aro6rcl6c (ooorse) {atq 6Q orqorel6 r rj at6q

{arq ur6,6a ooin o66-er,isrrc qtfltq eoel6 r eoqe1fr
eorGv aoqto, 6q a6' atqc ao6o eQeG; o6n atec'66t
eQa6-sl6'e 6q6o arutQa ae6 eqroerd r ' t l
: '1sQ eooeo flqaq.o otdeo qtooln aaG t fJala
agf,'co qorotfi g aH1a6o oei otoeenl-{ol6o Q{-
ura qG'60616Q ala 6'66 488 I
: glotnqs-qna 66 ode q<i t :

frg-atmt, 66Q 6o6oeesn e1fr eqQ qnqeo'6eqt6

odn eeae{nt I otqtoce olflqotie e66 I 6q qo ala eadl
oQ6-eq cdooq otgtco ctol cqlooq 08 q6a I

66oo o6e oBFl6'6' oGT6Q eal aq eg frg 6'l€ll g

oqre e6rfr 6oeo qer eoqa edlstc 6o6la6fi I

orq6o 6'tootq o6nl I G'tootq es6atQ egs6-

"ote$let egRr cr6-"{erq (figq) eoqfr, etoodeo Oat
6ereoG r"
qQ eal eq aq otqco qfltUEI eeas6 I oQolq'{ eeto
a'otflfilc aG,gt6Q qflhtg 6a6RI

6qo. gq6s eeta frqq 6oq 6c'6l ege6 I ecifltc alu

Oar eeraaG I otq'tcG'd6e frqc ae oonde oqa6 o age6 t
ero uO oge6, 'qsfl otet otde otet eetaCIe l'
otqoc'a 6c'lLlg{ o1q6'o olct 6Qal l6q ala glqea6l
fig(coeorQ)-ei eqQ6e'otq flG', ql6l, 6lo10-qq
arodq qado e66 r

orqeo orG'r6ad60 ega6 r

orq6o ao6c'6tc' e6fi I ftg ooole6' ol66a 6'lco

qdear oqednt'eqa6 I otGQ gaota Gotoo 6e' 6oG Blqal
$Qg?er qror flre6'nr16,t erao6l.asfi-otetfiu eQsn t
orq6o frOs' oq ecenta'oefltc'q cQeR I
c66lg, oloo qoc'to qq6s q6o etdelG'o6Q
oteo aoato atQa6 I otooq caq,olqca qfll{s I

Qqq ore ao6fi 060 olq6o otq't6o6t6o eqsG - "6'lodtec

geo qGoree I erado G'ted r"
oroa eqe6, d I
Eq 066gq' es

: qlolflqq-686Qtq 6gtQ6'tQ I

otoo qe86 60, olqQsQ aqot6a6 6qre6 I 6qEotd'

age8-"6r;, q6fl qq 6atq6Q a8 t"
otQ6a qQtqq 6ila86-

FIG'gilOtGR 9ilOt66l O6e, fto fltOt6A fltOR 6G't66't I

qqoa qq 6G'a, qqa flqfi'rt 6aa,

ot6 eqN Btc-qQ, fle fltotfi otc e6e I

9I6'9tS Og OQt, 66iluG,A6Q Q0 OlQt,

gqto Q6Q, {Q qot otG,a6n Bqdd fren r

610 qA otoa CItatQq gtg 6e6R I oteac.o nat qadto

Qtet6G'6t 6Qfit {q'. 6a otooG 6otnq ota c,Qto 6066.1 I
Gaqso o6e 6lt6'qaod 6gnt-6q6o6e6n oto aota at6
eg8a-"CIe !q6fl 6 qoo ear eos !6't6'6 6otn6o aQa6,
crq6at6o eat eQQ eldo ererqeQ6 r-orGeq6q6fi, ott
6\taa !"
qQ ear egagorqa6.a eq6a ag oQonrrr
qO ouerGe ote6a otoaq eqe6-,.qffi qq fla !

orqr c6a6n oto oqota6 crd r gO ega6,

"QEfl eaet ?-6ael60 eao aG ? -6'Gt, eaQ,

6eto q6,-6qq6e ead aG t-oq66't6g16eten
6q 6el eqla 6et 6e 1,,
{60 aqgot 6oeo otqo6.a otet6G,6 eea6 6aq.
oocl66, 66o eeraa6 r orqeo oge6-..g6 eq n6or-
oroG esen rj qdreorq 6o6e" e'66g acq {e 66e el66.r,
orqoar 6qnt I 6e ot6.o eoe qnio aq6a 6161 6le6n-
a00qfl00t oa flR gilG|EI fit06Q,
atg'6o a6ctn 6te 6nt6'6e tle6l1 o6n I

ero eQ eerfr go erg eor6 eG e6 flc 6ta6e I

qlqlQlflqq ealqo

eG eqoteo aeo aqOe q6fl Qlal6Q,

sra q'6etfl, qa qdeta, q-G'lqG'l 6060 G'l66Q I

Olorflqq-ata eqo6 t 6oleo-Qqmeo t'

6,609 oraaG-
e) 6oreo Qqeteo 6qfl16'c-6lQQ1,
flq'tote Qqnlnl G orgot-flG fl6 t

9rQt6O166l qq {AlQlo 6QlQ6)l,

606 etf,' a'{G'L.ltG' 6060 qg qqQl

r) 6ea flfl 9tt6'q eQ 6qoc 6oere t

oroo.(etq flaGQ oro qqa6 l610 qfllg eontqeqe6
"OorcoQqntso sQG qoo !' otooq' al6'o 6oq olq6o
oqe6-'qa QQRI, 'qlgt 66s (ao) etq 60gl, GlQloGQ
6fl160 arQe'rq oQeo arQeoQ l' G'tol gtaqt6 6'Q6R, 'q. qa
arQg oO otOco, eRto atoQ erd-Gq ei ara etQQ otd t'
(oroo g qflqc'a eto't)t

eqOo flt qacd 6nteq 60gla66l I e{ cqfllc*

G.66r r6lqste eeeeoqfr t-Aq.qE lolooq(oateet) 6q
q6fl oq60 QQG't"
otoo e'10G'aQenI

qgfi o6t6ga
vcrfilqc't 6q''qso otqlnqqa 66et ooc q6r6o
qlolflqq oqtnqqa oQ 6ololnleo o6oos aeo Oat
eetaaG r aflo c6't I olqoq'o oGute *q {G" SolG'6Q
oooQ 66'10l I RlqQ Olq06'al6o6l6Q q66'q01 al6'16'gqlo
ar6aG, qqto qg6o olq6o a6 o16 CIlc'cQ Oat eeta 69o
flsaco utoet nqe6 lqqd e6er qdqolqc'l e6tfr eoaa6 t
agfl oa6Bo ee

flrEaq ega6, qoa qqto t at6 qgeto, atQe afllq'lqql I

or g 66 c6aao QrrB qlElo t atG otmqet t

orq6o fltEeq oco6ata QeE'qal atnl Rtotq, gq

oao-,66 g q6o6l eoa ar6 q616f,' qe't eQetqoQelsn I fltEo
qtctce cqoo6o otqaf, ot$q qqto at6a6 t
otqo orflqqroa g 6'fr6'r6're6 6to qQ, G'loa qaataq
ou eQelen
eoergro* arde'tq t

nrea oqa6, 'sQ G'Q at66 tatfl qqto ata eflG'lotes

6ro eQ r' qtoroqe eQ6fi, vQ oto og (otooc 6oeo)
q6a6 aotQ 6oa I

6110-fic Q oq ca ot'6e, 6069 aqa aota 66Q !

orq,o 6ga 6Er 6[r, orro 6cr ot'6e eo udoteo I

6116r-Qt01 60Q QS Cr66r ? OQ6!C C Ot.( Sg OdSe t

6110-fl46o qG oro e.'rda I

so6 o6g 6Eo, oro een cfratet qn I

6110-fic'6e erR gfrOet,

arnl a8oq q6n oqG'61 of,, olQq'l I

Rtqo cQeR e'armr I ote6o fitEeG'qQo oso ooole6t

eqeG-oroeo eG 66'10r r {60 agsot q6q otqo odot
qqq ae6 r

qlorflqq-ara 6q 6lootfiil GIR t-'{ q'qte 6utelo

gt6'1 t'

flrEa-Q al8l I

otq6o eoro. qn6e eeao6 r q66r qe6T 6,6eetot

arQ6oa gQ or6,6Q oar 6q6Q r {Qr6G'n6e qfll{g I A16'
6'6rerorc'o qe'r 6qe{ord'e'o Aqdqa qn6o {o" Etfitblg I

a6c'a Ed o6a eto 6eqtq oara eog6 uG eqeo etq,qaQ6t

a6R r
eo g1g1Qlflqq ealqo

6,!n1q6.r 6oqea Goft tG'6' q6r6a
orq6o eqQ ago 060 CIoc'qtr6o eQa6; qqg go6't I
Qaor aseo eler o6uree oet eooe6; oontc€' oq6oeo
eQoG r erfr, ersrn, 6eu,e, Gtn'1oo, oleo gq6 aceo oo
aa6 r orqoG adG't qofl clerre'ic cat ega6 t
qroroqe(oro qq6q)-qqedfltn Ru e'fr e'fr eq6 t
6o6o6G'66r o6eoqoeo E6lt, 6q6oeeen oQetnt, dtfi 6a
c6e66l erfra o66 r

"flt otq G'tele c6eoeR r 6nreflr6G, aEen 6eq'o G'G'l

6'6'r eqetnlr r 6q {or6e E6R {60 ente atQcatcG I fit otq
q6aa 6o66't r

"66r-sQsQ aroa a6elnt tdadaqq lotQeo eot

q6r6o CIe eqqeo eo6 oeo t ae.t Ontotce Gel ot$qatQen
Goo g.q r cqercq 6oqc,te o0 Fi ofroorg ot{-6ot6o
e6e, 6qflt6g, e'6r q'qte atO atQeq, 60 Gqfltc'q Goqetq
6ee r Onrnrcq e'n'qal 6aat atoq aa6o Q6?, q $tat uta
cqflreq eo r e'r6 ot6fr, eq oQq,etd t
"6q6o6q,6n fllelq eQfr-at otq. qq o6 qoteeneo
q6oa Gacrd r oreroce 96fr, eo qotee CIe t
"66u-{or6a et6n qQqgORtaten sRt qQo frGorQ
car66 r 6q qorac'q 6nt se' sQQq CRtfltee fret atQet
e6erq fir666r r"
eerr(Qero orreea)-arsr, {et o 69l €tG'6oeo e elnt I

ergr '66t'q-qno flG'6q otat qBee, olet e'o qea

q8e t
66r- qqeA oQen t

qtoroqe(eerr-qG)-q ord6 <oQ orqq-+i eoreo

qa orq 64611 6qa Q6Q I

"g qq oe-edfltc' 66'to ata eqQ orts, otd t

qgfl 06680 ee

ooflrec' qQe' oatetdt oeo {G" 6Erflt6c' acq ooq

erfrfror 060 orq6a 66r-q o6,re66l g oQ6n, q eao QG
nee eq6 t
66il-At8t 6'l I

orq6o Rrqoq0066r, arG elntqer, 66 qe'to ulcgte.'c

o6er oR r cqflrcq aeo cQarq r erd'6ar or0 ar66 6 e'rd
oerQ o r

orqo e6oc6rcrqora o@Rtc'qqng G'6le6n I et6'1oo

0 ac,trcrt oBqo qcro aq6or6 a6fi r

qflfl aora 9or 6a6' r or8a orqoq 6oqG,rq arQeR r

qff6e aaroa etna6 r orqoc'or6i6o a6ca oo eQaG r

66a, crmoo, 6ogra, er6re, esrer (notg), nrg oreo

q6l6 r orq6a Elerq.t G'oG'; oreCIc' q6r6o 6ar6 g tngur6q
ear 66q 6a€'ro6o oqeG, qoord'sQ eQ arQG r oreoq.
oro6a flrqo 6qa a3 qa6o 6o6a r

oroa 610 g6erq agrqaro e66l r

orqo60 ar6o6rQ69r flrqo g G,6d ao arflqqroqQ 6110

oraaG r

6110-grc'Q oq eo or6e, 6€r6q aea aora 66e r

6t1o-etm 6oG 6s e'reo ? oadc 6,ot{ s?-adec r

6110-Frc eo q6 6,rfr 6'r6rc,rr

6110-Ro 60 ern qfrOer r

oroo 66oqeqaG, qao sQ ertoo orn-G'16ltQ 6110-

q0's,6oeo, G'16ile 6t16, I oteaq'offoea 66o g sl6'loo
ao6a frfr oto qaraa6 r

(e) ora era6o Ear oq60 <Q ear Qfl otor,

cerfln oe66r er6en or'a qe e'oo 6or r

016' Ra6o er6en 6o16, cro quro G'64 flrqe'r,

66,qor e6R, 6G,or6r 69661, 6erfl6,eotd ot or<eo 6Q t

(v) qroo ernr Qy 6oa o6,_

18 _.. _ -
GAAOrq Arq CIr{ 6,ra CIrq r
99 g1g10rfiqs Qarqo

6e6o er0 aq ar6q rj eo so6,

atato 6stc'ce aet e6qaa,, d t
atq't ot6n ot'60 0l{ G'l oq,
6gt etoao qqe oA t,
6AC,0 6 66ilQ {
60tQ Q6'6'1,

allla qfl1Q q9l u60to ea't
A +
6G,AOrq AG't AlqAE AQ,
QtQe alq8 0laa8, QIQ ?

6A60 6066 6A66 0t{ CIlQ OtQ,

ora 066 66rn a6o G'tG't 6Qtn,
6G'60 ar6q ot{ qQ Qlo 6l{,
{Q 0160 ar{ {40 oat{ l
arQ 604- er6d 6nr ard 96,
6er eqRr 66n g' or6fr e'td t
oQ o e orsQ gott'o et6,
eod'8e6 or{, q6' G erd z
gr'e aG 6oot ga q6eo6',
6e6006f,'ara orrfre qoc' ?
c,{a 6a ara 6eot aG ot'Q
0rq6r .( eoro 6Qg aote I

oflqr 6o16 qer 6q aga,

qn Qer ara erd 6flt aoto,
oaer oq6 606I 060 qo6 tt
(m) uoeo Soro esteo t

G'roeo arG eflt oet66t lt

6ora eo e6orgr efi G'16.,q6fi,
aORr eoa eq 6qfl-eo16e,
ar6 ri orrQor< eqQ ooscr
ararq eQQ qrsorot 6flt aG6Q,
e'r6' qs66o orrQots ar6 Ad otQ gt<eo tt
qgfl 066gq, 9qt

(x) eG eG 6€,tn qtd o6, e'rG el6 arq e6te cltl,lte I

(s) ega 6e€'atq eqo6eotaro,

eQor.q oor 6qfl0 qato I

606 6rour6a eqa eQor<,

eoeo ored'6s, 6qeo orq Qs I

6gn0 Qsoror eqR 6oeo,

eG eetn q$t qlatut 6qfl60 I

6q6fl oor6r fle e6, 6qR 0066r oet6t G'6'ta, ,

orur 6q6fl eA eQ, atq atq atq ote u

oro 6J6J q6l 66tat, (norg) g atqo otG't6eo 6e6lt I
nrg Ooeros otstce eQelsn I ffo 66to6qat o6e otto6.
qQo oroo q6 ear oga6 I eroerfr qolo (oqnoro) orqoq
erqo eorrfror t4eu 6oael6n I otoo qoete q6 6oo egao6 r
oroQ-q o ata fla ota etq I 69il6o c' aot6 atqal
eorfror 6oaa !
Olorflqs (oerar)-qoa a6ovlflq. !
oroe-eflro edloQ qfloco a6q,qr erd r

orso u6olr fit6c,c'Et $ eerfr qGeG t

qroroqe(oaror)-erd ee ! qeqtele a6oqr fll'

flQorq, ara 6eee q6tc'g{ I aQoqr-gl' n6oen aeo'le,
g{-6qqoret* ee6 qeqtatt qalel 0q Aeri'r
e6oqo"arQe6 I ote6o ego6, qnq 6aq6e atco
g< r e6oqo aG 6eqt r RQoreo c eQ RrG eo6o e,Q orqaq
oen oqe6 I a6aflo a6ae eq tlQn r

orsrce aeloa flnfl6 eQeG I cqflteqnsq oO olq6o

or6'e g6r'qr od ege6, arqr ! arG eoro 6 e1a 6c ! 6ao.go
060 oroo 0 orse eqnrna6 6orq ecen r e6eqo au 6ola
6G'6R t, 0q qaaeo eQsn ri qO arQQ r
9X 61010rflqq ealq6'

a68lol v6'l$1qG'l
deqG,tfl, afllG'lqql, qsql 961 t eqQ aoo 660 qc'lo
qfig ultcCIteo eeta6 t ete'tGut q[q, ooc', GQog, ficlo,
oloqre tg Rtot6u freta otqoe 6eeq CIorll66' at6aG t
ore6a eQaG I oofltce effjrdeo eo6.eQ6'6 I 6Qo, 616ll,
etfl, 666, qG'1ntfi, fllqQ, Ql6llR, 6ogre, 6et6' c6oq, QQtQl
gq6 aqoo aaG t

otq60 oqa6, "qdl ald" t 66 qnaoco olq6o

Ole'qelotq qqqQo 6eeoe Q66r I fllqo 01616o eQsG t
flrqec' eltq'q aeta olq6o oqa6, qfl6g 66< ute eo t

oflr6€'qfl6g ute oga6 t

60616os166a olqae olooqso qqnlnl ado een t

flrqle flar 6s''qq adet een I olgloco QlGllnl g Qlgl {6'" oca
o6e aaq qag aoflt66'q1eod6o geru6 aejo oen t

6osre ola6o qererh 600 qgflsl qqclal eQ qfre

6ale olo6e Aq6oa qerrfl eqg6 I oogll6c'qo6g "6'a fll !
e'fl fl !" qG'1 oqa6 t

60616061 olqa ololclqq qflh{s 6466l I G arqdq t

ooflrce acJo qotea eoqo6 toqaco ee'qt6ris FJGI flon !
qa ag6o 6'atoa I olqa 6qo qq" G'lqqHlG'qcq I aaQlQl
eero eQgG I qtstq'6'6qlot' o'o otqoc 6oeo ar6{or
6a6a ! qflGg aetq 6ala <Q aqe'Qoloaolge,l e.oelolc'o
116 ode eqo6 r

{ao oorlcn oe oqo6 I ala e'66l 6110 6110 ee'oga6

I qn6g 6ol6ote eQ qoqaeo 6taa6 r 66o oe eqa6'-
6< eq 669 etn ato0m qo qfllce, I
6< eq o68togn 6'ad qon ao aQ6q q'4166'll
6-s eq ao6{6'a a66Q qtq, QecQ 6o66'060 q6'l6l I

tlqqqqlq olq, oc oe oo 6la6c'll

q5 oraaaG-
qgfl oa68o e8

o1G' or6d1, g6oet6ot, qQae,gfl QqoulQett;

qef,'orn6,Que at6ot qqdt Aqidr adqqOerr t
qti 8to1 otQt oQflt gqo, q'Q n1c qfl c'olq'qqo;
g'Q g6'G,n aG6'acn, g"Q 6G'ttft, 6eqtfl6ad qoQct t
eilGrq oto&6r 9t1flt"qQ G''l1o, oa oG 8l6f i.ll6c qolallfl;
e6ea6e 6aore g6ct g{ qta, oat0 aolt0 e,tCIo ot66 t
6qorq ar6 ae oQo, otge'eco o6etqQo,
ereootQ ouq6o 6,tG' G,E, oaoaaot Qornedet I

qraro qru6a q6q 60 qteo Qotote Qotqca GQtetQ,

eeQ ecQ e6a q? eaqt6eia, Gq Go qGfl cooefll ocfi I

60 aa{ or'o aGqO g{, 6q ac'{ 6q oafl qg a6q,

oqo6o gara aGdec'lq, EIoG' gtt'otot QeRleeutOet t
6eror ee oqaG-
flao qrQct dr{t9ll dalqcl qd qQlal
qoa flr66 40fl ga flt, 6oce eq'aed6 r

6q qflcfl rj oen, aee eotfrQ glote q'Ge G'Gc,

o16 ooe frora Ei flt,' otco eo6 qn qeterh r

fl6 ooc q6r6e 0taa6-

qQc Gorflra agl 9ll 0gl9lfl1 olQl qfl,
corero eri qfr ee at 6RlGo eeR eG atfr t
066 G'E ae eal o6t6o Rottg 66,
ar6o org gil qqoo el6Q aQ a6ul6llfil I

arfr oe qfr oat, atfr oa qfr ooot,

arfr oa gfr oCIt 6ofle elfirlg eofln e,fr t
(o) qod e,q6160 err qdQG 6etao ot60 I

, a6l'ort oioqn etut6q or{ q6a l

q6fl 9t6rG,6'lJlO, 6'08 fl6rn Al.lle I

606A ofit qal fl6Q, Of,'l€rn Bel Q6Q ll

(oro) urc,oglql 6ete gtt'6g1, 6cl6o 6atao eec't I

($ro) 6Go aoreo flt ofl6o eot qoat6 t

glqlarnqq eaqo

otqQ qq6s Gatosa I {Q 6106 6lQ6'lq A16€'6l

(oro) 6e6a G'r 6 otee Qg^nt' ftqtflt qut 6offo1,
ors,qnrg 646ltqotq6o gO ateoo ega6-
(erto) 6e qe6? qot o6fi atc'6o fl6rtc't,
quror6e G'f,' an oen Gq ocq'6'l (at) t

otq6o ooqoc atco std'66< olaq qeet eqaG t

QA seteen6o otc'6e 66QtQ, q'tQ't HtG' 61eq 6e66l !

6aqeo 060 6lon l6G' qfl 69 otqoq gd tne6 qotoeea
e6ooerrerq66n; qn6g fr6 atcoeo eoG qoro 6qc'o e6fi I

o16 cs'r r orq6a eQ ootaeR-otq 6QRIS, q6ogc'a 060

arG vormqe'r 6q'q', q6flflt6e qflGg 6flao aste6 otQ al6'1
q6,r60 egr66a I

aoflrcc atco oq oq Qont glq6o aeEo g6oga

qa6o aose 6a6R I g6aq ao oqqeQl60 Gqfllcq aoQ
flqfite e6oeerRrq 6co aEIIQGR I oGQ aaq' I qoeg oO
q6rlo 6re ar6'o oqa6 I

960g6' oq qqlo ola oeqo ooq es6et eeng otQ

qaqeaq a{a 6alaEnl I

aqfl oa6ga
c,r6rlqo aoqtc6Q ceogra o@s q6r6o
qorQq glornqg fl tq*e, 6au,e, QG'eta
Olatflqq ooelcc'qtrla ytQlalqle'co elq eqe6 t

{60 aqgor q6q orc'e eot6q 6et 6o0 oogltcc'o fltrn

ee6' r 6eor6 sdloQ el edloQ og 6saeo 6or eqeG r
aqa s6ege 99

qgc,re, e e ot66 O6qaQ, ntdato 99 Gf,', qq ounr

6e ournqqoq otq6o et61ga aoqteq atQelen I at6'q €'lQ
6e qdq{orq atQelen , o
qaa oo9il6c gfi6l8 olqo6' 6qal ola QldlqaQ alq
aq'gre' eqa6 t ednte flu 6e6ocdt oo oaq CIe't atQet
ooG rqal oofitce gta gora ode e'6erqatqG-fled fl6el
orG60 QQ8 I

CIoflrcc qtfl qfl6g fr6o eerae6 I Rrre qlElo

orq ooflrcG'Q qfi16l9l 6aa8 I 66Eq OOFll6C' qlq q9l6g
arQoend r errts qlqtoo 6dsq 661 g 6tQ6'. olqoq odc
eQelen; e6aee sototG oco e r 18 qlqtao fia.loloqcafll6e
qdor srorao oqa6 I Qrru qlqtoa cqq6c'aa;fltqco Eta
E{6'q6a grqo 664 (eors) otqoq ode o6elen t 66otq
sea aeiro. Oeqao gmsq sq qdot ototgto oqaG I Qrru
Oeqaa 6ds6e Eueot qqa otqoq oGesrqo aGoeo o<ie'
e6eten r g6c,u g E16ola errs qlEtaa a6E Rtq6Q olqaq
qa6fl ode edeten r

ar6- qaren cqfi-ooff aOe1nt I glotfiqq Goureq

eqa6, 'q eote 6'to, cote Gstf,'Go eQG t' etfiQoQ c'8
ede6 ega6, 's6ool 6ee !' ata 6qe uO e'tetq atoa eq
eq ego6, '0s ate6e fiqoq. ot66 et qoqt utQe eQG,
.orere {orq 6qq arQetq 6qe t' atG qat66t qoeo oOnt
:oo6' ao6Q fld qol e6a6 I qfll{g 6Qla 6qfllcs as6Q
sod qror qd aOeG I cafltcc aq 6o'de o6elen; e,eo et6
erG oQelen, 'aro6rGe {60 oqt !' eqoo qtat etd r dela
66lrotf,'q qot o6ee eerfr ege6, "66ror6',q G'tO atd t"
aG quG'te, eo'ls c 6c; ordoto qe Qotat, g$ otdsl
66qae, errs glqro I q'Ql eeta6 I otq6o e,ogtotco 6ot
eqeG r
ef q1q1orflqe aatqo

OaqCIo o6a otq6o aG qq. qo6a a6d qac'6t CI86.

qQo oar age6 r 66e etn1, qc16llfi, glEe, c€,661ot6', 6611,
Ooern qq6 oooree ao'G r

Olornqq-eeriGs g6'1 66ar6e-sororri' I 66'60

flrqo-armr, ga 66ect fletce I

qlornqq-90 ear6'o1et atoadt, 6o6G' ote otct .(60

6qG'G'lqa ?

arqo-ee6 eee crd-orqr6 6oeo eqroCIe r

qrorflqq-argr, orfr qqc'ta, aoecolctaflo qflq-

qen 66er qdq arQorde ad t
flrEa-arsr d, arQQ r

otqa qlotnqg G,'6r aQotQ ? aggG'to qEq

qtoroqe(oleoe q6)-atgt, { 6et6tol eoeo 6neo
6rR 68,G' ?

fltqQ-6,a{ 6ate8-8806'nt6ta
6Q6t I

gloterqq-easo 0e t
qrEe-otu ea fltq Rr6oreo r

sQ oarea otq6o erna sG ae8riq 6e6R I oqa6-

'6'ad oga ?'
fltqa-al8t, qq 6rfi eq,taoe t

glorrrqq-orqr ee t-argt, {60 orqola qo ooie,

ere, qfltlt sea6 t-oal6 so6 eoro erd6 r
fltqa-almt, ge oq eea6 oo, 69 aeqoq aG I

qlotflqq-Q, escol I
flrqo-alo6tc'e { aasto o6ede eee rOorera atgq
eq6 r-'Qoqre A=' sriqe oqcrd r

qlolflqs-d, eRra6or eo sea6.-s66 oQorgnrdr

qg orerflo eoq6 I a6o a6e fl66' q{; otatq ara eQQ r
aqfl o66ga 9C

eoqerd';-sQ oo oq 6eae{atq 6eco qon oo atqaG t

"qq qqe 6qq q'l 6duoa'oG otoqeerrio eoGcd-

'aqe qna6o 6fiqeo 6e€' !' (otqo g gttEoc'a etat) t

flrqo-66'ee eettG< ecodq, 66lte oQlst t otgeci

6oeo ooarqr oQ gtfl G' Gatfiatet, {Q eeeoOe 6e'eo
o8nr6,c'a eret eeta6 I qtuet, eqn e oO I
qlarnqq-dotot eeta6 I 6qQ, 6oerc ooqolaEnl I
(Goure qC) q. eq 6oq 6oG nee gs t

Goge-atmt, at66l ge'r oO Ant qo-Qg edare

arQeoa oQera aG nld t
nrea-ejOen eoqEfr, {euGG'qqqqs I
qroraqe-eealoreo t
RrEo-argt, 66tt6{ otg6a Oateeto fl'tlflqqo 664
eoqe1fr r 6q'm 6eet, {fl6e G'G6t G'6d 6e6o etutOq eofr
6qor6o arQ eQ oQa6-eqetsta't
aolo aagt Gotela aeacr
elfl ru
- -
sQ carqq6Jqotq6o otet6q eqaa6 tQaqoo 6oqu
eero oQen r qfltlltr !
eqa6- "6oqd atonq
otq'o ao6gr 6qntq fltEaq
oq6ore,rogama6 t-aeqqqoat eQetqoBt eea6, 69
orqcrd r

argr, sQ Forero atgqflc'o q6, 6qen na eqet otd,

ged t
areo(aerq eera)-atmt, otat ceteotce I

g1 orflqq-edore nu Foteta a6o qGotcoqeoQo6

o+ie cq6 r-Qq.eqeeeo'ota qaed oG oQG r

"66ue oelflr oret eqa, orer 0q I sQ eoto 6qelq


6s aeoei e{ G'Qe6r, edl ota8 I 6oaflt6e q'qlQ oql6l 8Q

aaG, eqor6c, aeos t ata eadatcc a6o alQ 'atmt 6gG
aa6' oeteG, eqflt6G'q,QoGI t
ro glolotnqq aatqo

"o6,craq 6oqn nrd t 6qtflqqa6o eo qr6nr oG

arQnr r oot6Rt, '6gQ aaG'-orero6e ara eo$t q,rd r
eeog oro" orq aroo eeo, 8q flG' crd t"

OrA$-6,Eo odolqo-glotflqs 6s r
[email protected]

alagtgl 6tsa8 qsd eoc,deroogal r

' uQsot 6oG'66r1 G'qtqs qa. 66a gc'16 6fl u

qroroqe(n6c qO)-6q ao6 ord'eseoeG'cf,' 6oe

urooc6 arqG, 6a6o6e66' ot6'q6r6o ooflcc auq atqG t

eoQ aeoa, 6eQ eQoei r eeQ er qtetoqetel I

"q,6 {6le eei eaqeo Gore'rotg ode e6e,rq ora

6ao fretce qQ aegr 6e6lt I eao eoqfr !-{at6€,6n6a
6,tQ'tBtc6[6'q I

"6o6o6a66|eto6 eoa6 ed q'ga aeito.

(er*r/ue qre) eoeoeacn gan {fi plest I etnl flOoeo
(o6eoqaeo) oQen, 'goao a6a 6aq,tqer{ t'-aoao
aeJ er6nqfr r qfiutalqoor6erqoQen,'Ee Fl6c 6,le, eroe
gtt6G'oQfltqt t'
"6o6o6c'6n atnG q<, eetO aoq 66,ro e6e, 'at6e
oorrcfi' Qs ead'oree ag dtg atq ! q'qiet 6nteotc6.
qtr6e oQ earo qro orfrOe I s Qsq a'froorrqq (o.ore,'r
ogr enreq) eQfr r 6qflt6c G,Q66r, 'ee eq fle'o gct t' {et
6qlo e6 are eqfr I 6qedore o eoQ ogaq6 r
arQ fr6o eeae6 I
"q6 6osle6n otuG,6t 6qatqo t qa6n flAo etq otat
oeo' oq ofro, otq a t6q 6e6€, eoqerd r oreeo eoqfr ,
edioed qqo, A660 eerO r 6o6o6a6$ a6ce Gc oeo:oq{
eoqfr, 6q6o6a6c' ReR oQRr, -serq d are6 orereglbo
aEgr qa6go rQ

6OqE ! ArA 6R 6'd 6q8lq0 q',Qfll6, flU Oq 69lQ 6'lQle I

6qor66, qq 661]oad I q6oq 6'6d GElalqo 66'1fi fl66' q{ I
"{Q aG'gr 6o6o6a6n eont, Oq eflt oG 6'6d atQ,
ogr, Crnr, qqqt atfl qq 66otn eQ eooctRt I sq'ogo
e6r6s eorGq oq6o 6qt eoa Qfl6t Q6Q, ata a6ulA6 oq
aeia6 6are a6o I 66lo60 qagto og qq6o 6qto66lt I
"6e6o6q'6n eed' qot6'o ente atQee', eaag qdq
9I' G6ilQ 60ael6f,i r Olq'6Q A6e, q {a gA Alq6A 60qfi,
"66og,q6oeqe q'etdq," G'6'qE otq ae6'qo 0og ota6 t
6qel6o anorflq eoqfr, ata 6G'tGLl qoq eoqfr I qfio ala
qflo {otqfrer arQet 0$64 aaloc'eeta6 I 6td1 ata 6acq
eoqe1fr, aG qec (Christ) of,'6o el6n I
"G'6gE oen eot6q Cnr eoqe1fr t gg eQnt, '6o6q'
qna eor6s qet6'6qe t'e[eQfr,'Gfite ea olgeotF !6fit4
aerc 6eq,6qd t sqQ Ont6 Qtgtnt !"
"eQfi, flr qata oG QGr, otqt6Q66l 6'6d aqcnla

ar66a I 6qqor6l flao otq oao esuo 6qal e6R I 6e6O

eta6e 6q6,r !-an6t oota o6eo6n-atqcqet otd't otQ,
qerO-orerq otat 6oc'tq oQ6, otelq otet 6at eeta6 t
qrg6n flAo 6'rgq qctoqg eetfr oqelnl t
" "66,q <Q qs (aeJro. otqoc' qo) ode eQaG I s
e'61 Ge 6oq ? 6e'a oQen, 'qeq. qd'en eso6 aAoQ g{,
6q66'6a6fr eqoQ cataelnt I
"Rrqqfrora soQooo oo tetdeqo6 ee6 etet6 t-
6o6a 6e0re ara Qea GG oqa6 I
, "orq6e eoqfr 66s6e otaq $tQ oQetq 6ge I
aga qflace 6cl ot (oootoco qtgtot) otflq 6lata
6q,eel66l, 6q6o6a6n etofr ata QQfr,-sQt co eqQ olaq
6rear I ara qor6 oq t
G'Afl OO6gq,
aqaq ord'grqo f,'Gogf;a c'qtqnc'l
otqo qlorsrqq ardlqo eoqle'cCI eoQ qei o66o aoo
oeo eQeG r o6eoqo vetnt nOoorq qlqg ata otetdt
otqo q6n qrlm 6cc're arQelen I olq6a flOe" qQo eqQ
qqaat oqa6-ega6-eqoreo (o6eoqoeo) e'o edatc
o116 aor t
ar6 eols :QOG', qqr eqdot, cqtflato; u ot6e
6,tqflra1 errg qlqto I aool?;-qflo E6'l t ceog atQ
eQen r orq6o orarq oGea flGea eoqa6 0 otc atgq otQ
aoq oqe6,-6006 otco 6qa aq6 sq6 t adq 6o6ta
ed eqa6-"er0qfir t" orq6e AAq gq oQen r gd a&q
60$re oga6, "cr6 erG oq arQelnt t"
afl6g 6'ree r {ae c60g cat eqa6;-
e6oq-6qorq ur6 CIet ord'Bo c66 r

orarflq€-eedorq t
eeog-o66dqoa Gc,R6ta Geeq-saoteo ot6eo
qG e'r66 r

qlorflqq-cr, 6Erflr6e' (orror6qo or{os) aqo6

eoeq'erd r oEG'fi 616l 016r,-a6ca qrqarc eg eGaG t

"6q" eqQ e,r6r6 aolqat 6qot6a 6to GG'61 t"
qfl6g G'1eq'r ore6a q6 ear cqo6 r

. glorflqq(neoge. q6, oareoq)-sQqerd t

ceaq(orqea o o6q argqerd)-66tet{ ttrsu otaeR
osr, eoa:el6a oer q6r oret eero6 qq qA otat6 t
qrqo (qe) eorotn fld eQeG r ea ega6-d A

{flre6 qoea CIQ r Olqo ernloo (eate) otqoc'ord'aela

ar6elen r ae1oo q'req orqo6'orsrco elnt I ott6o ooglfi'q
cafl 066g0 rql

uqo Qoo6r ega6 rga6fl c6ogqcocn-oletoea eG qq

oQ 6qeoen; ooelco eo eoo6 otacn 66ltgto 6G'6R I
aqo6' 016l glqs e6aq$o aqlqn6,t g olg
vY srvl I

qoqr eera6; G,6og oen eQ ofitsl ettasG o 6qoeo

R6q'or$eo Gea qro 6oG aqtqn eea6 eq qsdeo oe
eqe6 r

c6og (o6e. qG)-ere'aOeta 6R soteo ute e6e1fr t

aorq qoa 6oea {o uq6' aA6I6 6ent I
o0-.(er qoheto 6't61e6l I

e6ag-crar 6qreor6a;-asoo8 eol g Omnto

aAqG r aroorq er6eo atocoa 6oqatq oQfr t
eroerfr o6ero E6lr r aoaq ora 016 a6r6o eoetto6
orq qg eQfr r

'rj oQfr, qflsc'a aq6l6 GeRt, 6flt6o GG 6aq t

qflqG'o 6qar 6gre e'6t 6e6, G'rd t
fl6-eq qoqe'o oQen t
c6oq-6q eQ66l, 'g ooe 66u6t{ 66 eectee eQ
atQ6R, qg 6ac, r qead or{ t'
Sri Ramakrishna and the Vedanta-GOq tl ntnt
aasqged I

eQfr,-"6flr agr {a a6r6e GO er6 6e oatqa
eera oQQ ! qfla qfloco a6o a6a $raarq 406 t"
"6e 6ore o o16 ete qG I 6q aaat otq atg6
ac'gr aG r q o 610 6re, qB qqrg 6qr qQ eqtg
e6' '60r t
n6-d* eq eaer eq6 60, qnh{q onq atQ 6oq6n
qga 60 6qQ 6aefi G,1q' e6rq, {a qflg 6ata8B I aqo
6A|6SA {q Aq'gt 6AtAOt6Q I 6q QQG, 6'1q'64t6'OOg qflhl
RtQ 6,6Q, AtA C6'q oq,tS etd t
ru 61q1Qlflqs Qalqo

6,6Q$-6a QQ6n,-qOQQ G6 eeOteg Q6 at, Qgl|{

nrCI a6onr flar ae' aegt eqtagtGe t

"ar6 qer66'oogofr tqfl6g otfr eoen;-ala qQeR,

'ead {or6e 6qot6o qqq. ? ataq oalsr ( seo
* qO qG'Jq.
GG6'6e, oerflcl erd, I'
o6-qno flr GG eQen t
G'6ag-cl; Gq qataq't otd'ete; e6oa fll"Ql elfil,-
-Aq eraerq ogt c'elnt I

o6-orer o6e ?
e'6og-41fl6' oGQ, eqQ oQer ooq sQerq ofr r

oQe,rq ora eoqfi oqr 6616'r{ eloaco o6oe' 6qat I oQt6'l

eos6 aqo 66e t ar6 6oo uq uq 6eatqRtGRt t-so6
eroor, 6s6q' 6q6R ot0ctd t

orergeo c'Qog oeta e6'l0etqatoq qfr t otgt 6oQ o6'la

ar6fr r 66'ro elst6o eedO oOont e'r6 ot6fr etd t qemot
ot6t 6oe arqegfr,-coeota qc't,-ri edlgetfr eldlqa
Qrgr6Q r"
a6ag 66 qfls ntaq' oQ q6 oQetq Rt6en t

eeog-Geee qgln6 q6 qO flc Gtoto esto6 I

aq'arerriq oaGes qQ Genr6 66e asee ooqqt onGQ,
o 6
t 6e elen fr en, " ct g€vq' gJqqq' fl et gqgq'Oas
q t
"er6fr,6fro o Oect6gte eeta6 I 46fi'e ooqqt 06'60
flAsq 6'e eera6-ae6'a ooqqt on6a A6o agt 6QIQG,
ata a6ea Groqqt 06'60 so6 oerqqoG'o qtr 6'tto6qtQ6 t"
o6-arer !

c6og-q"qre ara on nteet etd r et'EttecQ eoo--gtee

aaG, eqflrca €retq 6'6d qac'6t ooq at6sn ata otalq oct
nre6 erd !
G'6og eorq gO moe oQeR I f,'coqf, 6oeo otg
e6ar6lq r edflrc flat gt6t elaq otaq eq6 r c6og q6 ear
G'q'fl oa6Ba 18

,c6og (odq qG)-arsdnl6'c'Q 9161 6tte 6eta6,

6flro qr6 u6a eeaG I atodqlcc' 6 ucl !
n6 GE aae GaGR erd, gq e,G ae6 t otgs6 olqca
eQelen fiqa6 otd ertqn 6q6fi flqa oeic gs I e!6''ql oGQ
oeo nd aoo ooq 66nr I 6oqsn olq6o 6Qo t
org gtg cc't I otqos ot66o 6ogre g 6611 t otqeo oQ
oQ,eeogq'e Qat cgaG I

qlotflqq-.ecog oco 6 aredq aG'sl 6ocl; sQ

or6crd ! {ete qro 6oG ataq olaq
eea66oqs t eqQ eo estGs eat a6-e66 qfl o6elnt;
flqoq. QoO nto ootot{ ? qq oQ66'r, 6fl1 qGrGQ alq;
60160 eostoeo6 QoG aqoq RtQ Qolol{ t <el aQ e6lGs
6or6a1q 6ea otq ot6eo qq'ta u6en t QG so 060 clq
aQeoor o6a qfl eGR, '6oto qt66t 6oG eeaelnl ? 6q
eQ6rr, 'qro st?0et oG eoaERt l'
"6lqes otd'gro ataqotagoen e't6e eo aqo ode
ara eo6 erd r qiOct RtR 6q6fl,-qqlol{ so atg qrir
aofl 6e6G'l
orqaG'o arG ageor eQG I dalQo qeo eq e'atO
G,6og qas'6e sQ aqQat,-q6Go eG egaG t
e'6og <Q ot6ea o8eoqaq otfr oloe6 I 6CI1o aselo
aflrq'rarqt eera6 I e6oqq'qGrca 6'66t qa6'6t oo t a6 ot6so
eoqrcte aeG t QSeo eoelaG 60 6q qeqlqlglqq' 6oeo
eQaG r

oo9ilfi,6'o o1g eGotoq-q"qlQ g ea6'oa6ll

ga6c flcrnato 8 ot6st, 6'lqfllo1, eo'lg gg 0a t qog
aoarq u6r I otqa glatflqq doqtco eQ fl6c'oQo 6qoeo
ogeG r
re 0101orflqs earqo

qlotflqq-Ercero oO v6orqr6e ot{, q6fl orq666

ean 66eoe r

erd-eil8r q r

orq6o 06.qfloe oQ q5 ear ege6 !

Olerflqq-argr, CRrRrRq'o vog e'o eqa6 aq

6oq ? eeQ greogq onra6 o seQ 6trr qr6aq r

"6e o,lt6l oQ oq arge6 ! 6'6oqq 60g ! elqeQoror

6e6R er"eue qa od 6q'rl,rg{, arqlggrcc ernqd o6 eeru
ga6 r

fl6-atgt, q'qre6e ot6 geot I

i grorRqe-G'ea 086r ! aqorq 6oqc,-91 qg 66,4
6 sear t
u rmr qi' r ara aroo oQe1efi , sqarf,'f,a (eodoree
fl 6
q'qe6e qa66 eO erer6 eanrceo) 6c6r 606r crd, ecor

606il OrQ A6'A QAq'rq 069 I

qlorflqg-cosrcr-Fouicq ! '.(e 6ore 6c, 6er6e

.qe 60'-arq I ara ee'loQ-qsd erd r seo edloQ aredo
erd r efie1 erue d q'qro r 6q'6cr, sc'r oOen d er6erq
(erre.eo) agr g.( r R6 eer eer eO eQ aOen r orq6o flel
eQen r

G'r?ro e6erq 66n a6c',e Qote qee r

(aaaeo eror) eose o6eoqo6o eQeleR, Qqoroto eera

q'qre6e oQor6en 6qE6a 66 eG erd r
q1Qrflqq-q arf,'Q oQ r

a6-armr, Qqog oOR, EqdO aeare r

orq60 6G oo eroe oQeR

fld-arn 6qflr6c aoGdqoqeilQ ooarq66n r qqq

6oqn r

qlorflqq-Qad 6oqn ?
eq'fl o66Qo f9
, flA-coqfi 6006 6'60g qq6 qa'1t41 6ata86, UA
e.r6 eQaG r rjotr 6qflre6' flerce oQG r 6qflt6c oot6l sla
qai erqe6 r si eQfr 6r&ra qaio oo r

eteqtetl 6s-orqo$o o1q'r g QtQao a€'gt

qlotflqq-flG'GQ oql6 6a6a 6afil; olQl6q'6n 6q
qeqrql r orq6a 6Qs etoe oQ q6 oat egaG t

qlarflqq-Qqeroereo aG eoetqq{, 6o6G' o !

od-egeeroeo flrqargt o6oe,tq oQeleR, 'oO
etflcr enro aO r oG erRa 6aruq.( arflar fld6e qed t
qlarnqq-Q?fror 616r, 6u6r eru6o ool qed I $tasn
0o ofrors r

"argr, {60 aroo, orq'-{qq eod'areg 6r6u ?

o6-eerug{ 610160 eod'grslotolo eat qeroro6
eqQ aesr eero6 r qq a6'8 cn qd 6se 6ee etriv eg6,
aroo 6ee Gfiq-qq qd6a flar 6fi9 r

qlorflqq-d'; erne aG'gr6e oq6 r "atgt 6q'e e'61

ara oQe crd ?"
otq6a g a6 etoe aa6 r e'6ag ogarQen I {ao ooq
CIee r ecoras ed q6 arQee r

Corq'o oesnre qrQ oeo or6'e fll oroaree a6

aE6oaa6-fl8eo ciGeo aaGE r 6,609 6qflte'6'o {efltq
ooqr;-6q coroerro eQ cqflroq qare6q, r 6q ceageo
are6' oelor eenrnrd r e€iRre otq eGoror r eeegord'
arG ooa GG esorog e6e'rqefreorqsrao6 r G,66 q'qorq
{ado 6'6'r ale 6o6a r eqQ sc'reo ooa 66 flrqe $rear
601619 e6eoo arQee r

6'6oq-CIoq a6a ora6 r (o6c qG) nQor ogode'

oe 6qra 66, aroo eaer CIeo t
etd, orqea 016' arqq eroro o6agq
^ ^:Pq 1X1,"9
^ 6,6188-'QrQe', ?
Tr qlqlatnqs eatqo

o6og-6qQ orgl eoo ora6, 6't6'qfi6e eQ 6Q< oa

460 r

orq60 sa q€eo e6agq eoqe6 I

6,6oq-{otere G'66t eq eQa6, 6fl6o 66e eG't ule

6a6a r eqQ ec'reo ooo 66 fltqe acotag eOarQO r

orq6o moe oQ o6c argq ae'ra66 r

o6(aeogq)-G'r, q6er ar66 ar66r ora-rjoeo 66 I

adfl 06l6gq'
G,tdlqa aouc6Q qlqB G'6ag g aG,'{1g''{ aoflts's
c'6agq src'6CI16t 0 o6egrgro arnqa ao6o6r
otqQ qlorgrqq er61q0 aq"{rc6Q, qno6a oofilcG'
q6r6e aasrc cqa6 r orQ gra atoet I 66e c6eq, 6dr,
grEe, ger 66uorn,6eo rarG elgoro, ot6\qe yr 0e, egcs
arn; orqcJc fltqo qqoqr 6qg e e or6fi qrd, e rre glqa I
orqo6' 6oa aqg-G6.( eoroo6 I CIsfltse ot66a
eQ6'6 r 6eo Oarsq,ro oerr oge6 r orq6a aqsor 6saea
oqaG r

qlorflqq-6CIr6'r6,ra or$q66n 6on 6o6a r ara 6o0

eoraarq 6aG' 6q cQeoee r

qar 66rorc.,-otet6e6n e,rfr qcren al6flnt6q, ote

ar6q r

flrqe-ar6 eeQ ersn cQ eq,o sraG I

6d1-A 0raor6Q I

qtornqe(oooq 6a$la)
-ee otoot6e r
s'on o6eeo rc

6100 QGso oeo ofreoqo a6oea 6flleo1o grqo

Gorf,'rg'ta A66nteltac' otgq eoR at6etq 66R

olq6a eoraa6 I oool6s'qqotq eQaG I olqca Qolo.

a0 eQen r a60gqelcatuc eG oat ega6 t
grorflqq(g'eogc qO)-qg Gdg, 66qo ot6'ol6o
48, QA6q ^1CRg I
"6ood G,rA6a qos qd's aos at{, 6qerq66g l"
"er6r16e oq'ototrjq otae{ca ! eot6' clt"El-oto 6eQ
eqQ q,r66 oraEnt-soto. qaleonr t oq'ototrjq QQ66t,
qa*eoq ! Bqr6, eQnr-qq ! qGfl Gntco qd'erd t Eisru qoq
qohrd r arqr 669 t gea eoQ qe ata I
"qg ate ftlql I ffil6't fltat o'tt6t Q6Q t"
"firgr alaed qqo I GQa 6ost sQ otclal alqaln efr-
ara qo1o0 ar6nre eostotaetd t"
otqca qrfJgt6 Geo g Groflleq'Q oBeo uden I
oqa6-"6ee 60g, 6cl e1d ara eoett gtaetdt
"erfl qero egod eQgG-'o6uo1 aoto 60gl-
"oo 6q orgt at? 6.qnrd I flQtcuflta qct e6o I
6re6u6ro 6gre e6e, 'f'l', oa stQeo ! qoa atQeoen qgmlc
6ee r'erqo, qq, qqq-.qA 66 aest stclfltsc agla OaG t
oocrce, {qq aq'gt 6aG-'GoGG'gdt giad, 6El6ogd qg
aGr g^

"6060o6r Eiu6, 6q6o86l6oG6 60, 6qQ 6oq'f,' 9llgl,.

e1o66q, eq8'6t6,' 6'q qg 6Qla88 I
s'6og g acqfltcc'moe aa6 I
glernqq-fltgt€'la qq I ea$ oQfi, ae 6oq I
neog-qe r

orq6a c,6agc'a ero qd ad e6erq Rl6en t q6 oat

ega6-"{qq (eeogco oq) ooco Rad I mteto Gq
an6r RE6r-fJA, 6e6QQl gqnt q< t"
co g1010rflqs aarqo

"Bto1, Hr6,aro eOet oeo flu Gotttfltqt eeo oQoreo-

GlB, G'Ot,6GiQt6trt, {Aag66'A OAO|GO l{QlQ qA6'46G',6'{ I
qaflca 6Rre6or, Qotaea eerqron'r"
"ffiroloG oar4a eera gqod e6e, orqrceeR enre6gr
qs erd r eqqor6i'oqororrjq '6c*le rr* oqEsn r

"ara flqaco urc'o6or6r o6etotd'-q6ar6r
o6erord-o6, or8 6ee eeG r"
".(Q '6oqro dJ-, 'ooo d1--{el6o eotg etd t 'eGtq
d1'eo eoro g{ r orq ooie c6eroce 6'rnae qotc, g{ I
'G'r6'ee dr-ea eqil'lerQ eore erd r eoo6 odoeo etdo qGAa
6nroq orhqne' oeanrd r 6orq.'r oaQ eoqerq oaQ oQ Qq
q*eoen a0ors r srer6eo aec'ro eorQora6 r edflre ara
erer6eeeR erOE oeanrd r 'rf crflq nrg ar{ r"
"6oq6e oeq qd 6'11f,'r6e e6e r egqQ eoor6g om
qd sor6q arQer | 6rrf,,t6e aq'gr6' enrefisr g 6nrq ord-
atoo ora* |

orq6o aO qq qa6e oar eqo6 r 6Qv etoq' oQen t

q6 oonrcqcqaG'"6elee {60 aqsor-Qga6o{r flrqr
erd t <Q 6G,Gr, erFrRrR, 6 oe, Q oQeto 6910 fi6g' erd-
69eraa erne q<i ordorq6 r-ora sra*oreer gs erdr
6Q q 6AG'n AOqr flrgt aq 6oe8B-6nreeil6'c'ore-
"Qq GovrRrar oQen 96 arQerq 6qe r ueoror6
Ooqrflrqr o66 t GQ.q erqe'r oQen darQerqqs-eo6 eo6
urQerqgs r qgq,rqcr osn e16 r CIBer66,6q.fJO s,rer6 e'rdr
"oO er6r6e arero 6oeoqr6r g{, orerceen qO g{-
ara arQergq< erd r Hrclrrfi'Ge s16 r"
f,'60Q:5q6C AQOI O8edte' OAq Ar69lRt6C' OtQelq I
groraqe(ooreor) or'o60 ?
e6aQ-otG'o6 qo6 6Jq8lo1 eoq6,rd t
qrornqe(oerea,r ) e'6r caraelnr ?
o6fl oa6g0 CE

G'6QQ-Ulfl9ll6'q 610 6lQ6'lq eQ6R-6ltrltl0

6qtfl el69l qld ol{, {06'6qo6 el6d'.....
61c qA eQen-s oto erdQ ? 6qfl-69fl on nl66l
erd t ata fld, EI1 qBtG' G6'a 66Q, {Elg 6110 {ol6Q erd6 t
qlotflqq(flteoe gG)-oa 60618 !
orqo qlorflqsco oBs sld'eoe ulo6l
olqo qlatfiqq amlqo QoqlcGQ aaslc eqa6 I qs'ql
eero6 i olq6a aqs I aoa qq66o aoot6ele eeta eQaG t

c'6oq g etgltn oocqot oqs6 t fi6 ot6eo eQaG t

orq6o afroe6 otelq 6 ooeqet e6erq oQen t o6

oo6qc'r eqa6 r

arG oQeto, eu ot6st, Rtd, errg qlElo; 669 9 Ge',

otf,\qc qq,t s'6'n1 t eto o6eto 6c otqoca q80q aoacfl
aaqrcco qet aq€o eetaota6 t oo eeia ce ficalaa
ofieoqaeo flQtEtctlcoteeo gt6o celaelnl I {aQ 6q aqg
elerq. oosu6c' Getoqe t eoelord Gotq'aoeo Qqq'
eora6 r

oofltce' qdot aoqteea ao6o uE'6 tl olqo6'o 6qal

eqa6 r q1q1sl qQ eqeteo Oetatg 69o I qq'a oofllec'
flarGo c6eg, etstl6l, 6Qgre, 6Qo, 61611, q'lgQl9l, 6ol61q'
er6'1, erq qqG aa6 t
G'oq ooclec oQeo fl€eo alQ oe6, qta qoue utQ
orqaq odc noG G't G't6'Q qFUo ce'aotat6 t otoe, dEo
66uor6', {fltcg'ou qdot oe6 t 6016 66lon flu oqG I
otq6a at6 6sos aqs I ooa orQ ga qeo r ar6
qq osa eem Ge1, egl6fila6o Qoql$ qfr eoo6 alc'ofla
eero6 I otqaco oeot-oqo Gnn Qoo ooineo flal ooG'
goaeo atec' ntd t eoo6 og eQeuc qlel ac'qs e6t6s
ce g1010rflqq aatqo

qoa e,6a1 flatce 6qflt66'Grq aqBG I oq66 6oqu, 6ea6,

aqe flnoCI q6ieo qs oga oo eea6 I eoo a6\ 66a otq6o
eoroe6 rard aga-Ggr eeanrdt6'6dqo G6t oo Osooeo
otgt60 aElSG-6e6o6466'Qt ea6t q6at6'c 6QG't a6o a60
6o arq6 g orqoqGqroo qtq 6clll eea6 r

"{ o'er 69r ct flet6ot6t ? qqqEeor n qB66t6,gqorC

QotRqeo !'.( oad eqQ eorerteer t
Rrea 6ae'eo eQeG r orq6a ofro eQ arq6 Qoeq
arQorqoga6 I otqoc'o eE 6oq6a ototct Qofro eeloCIe r
flrEoq ar6g ar6g aG eqeo ega6, "q6fl69rr6e er6e
eq,rfi seo 6'E 6arcr eq6-oosg gG eAG' 60-'{60
6,E, 66,6e eoe gta'-6'rer6g'6n eoe otQeoG t"

<Q oar q6 orooroc'o qoq q866o 6ored eqa6 r 0q

6qflrc6'a 0or, fror, ootedt sq qQ oat eqo6-qfl69
flOG'488 I 6Aq 6AA Qlq88, {Al0 6'19l QPl6l Crucifixion !
oQ6'OtQ 60Q 0q6,6' I

oora orQ r orqoc'aqso ess6 ee6 o96 r 6 asra

earOe t cfreorq6nre oor6l6u I qlqg a6oq otga g Olqo
ce66lotn oQore'q q6T6o eea 66a eqQ ooro orQeo
arQen r

6locr6c'or66a eQsG I orq6o 6Qs qaeeae6 rega6,

"6q'g 6rero, or 6aa; eog6 ouqoQ 6oe !"
66aq'atgqacta oqo6-"a6ce aqata qo eoq6 r

orsr fl{6o sQ qoB ou (6e'o e16) eog6 r"

erflhl fioaGa
oo6e qern 6a6,r r ar6 egrRero e6g q 6G', eg or6st
ord, errg r qfla 96'1 6eG'r orqo 66s orn aa6 g oBRl6,G.
qQo areg er6g, 6o6o6e66'G'r e6let6e oar oga6 I ot6t6o
6'6eg, ersr6l, fltqe, nrg dalo 661016' gq6 aeG r
o6fl o66ga cq

oo9ilG'6'AA60 eal ela; qq'olg6o olqac'6oea aqg

aesr qad oA 6aflt6n Getoeo qqcato eQsG I
[otqa6' ode, flQQ, 6'1Gr, 6'6to ]
qroroqe(orEoc' atqq acte, oofit6'6' qO)-oao
eoqG e,rd ? aqo 6qgeetaoG !flqsq ata esri'ete eoq6,
qfl6g eog6 eflqt6o 6at6-eqote,a'6eeo 6Qt eto, gto
g flga enrae6 t eoo6 aea eoEfi flefie 60, 6'6ot, Qtgt,
flqsq, 66rq qg flaflo--qq e6t6s 6Qgeo 6at6 t ,

"606iti 6q Q-616,,Q,6EI Q 6'n, 6El Q A6ln 6QlO8e !"

otq6a oao egaG 60 e'1a-gactso otoo esto eq Ge'o
6e1e e'1a0 nein otd'e6ote eoaa6 t
aqodoroe, e6, asifr eetoe6 tsQ oat age?.otqca
6lre6e 6eora eeta oqe6-"eltQt ! atQt !"
q6 saQ oraragt I otqco c'teq 8t6'qe'q eeaaG t
ooflrce Q'odor6qg eero qqe6 eQaG r

otq6a 66< gqGa eeta oqaG--"q'dfltc enro QG

ee erd; 0q qdteal t"
orqoc'a sQ go g8cto aoto aast eofi ogatec aetq
eera oQaG r 6lrg atqq a+ta q6 ega6-
6qa ar66'r-q€6o erocoa eQ oQ6-r[ eoq6 eo
fl{a a 6ooCI a66o qloGoa 098e I
otq6o ooclf,'q eoga6 g osnts'6 gG eqeeo ego6
Qer6o eeos'6 r eoo6 6qq aroo eo6, esQs6 otslR g
G'cogqaroo eqeG ! 6qnte'c'qgca qto gnla atoo eqa6 t
[filnt qaa6r el66't 1

QGso o6e slEoe eqaG. '6tolost 6GGn oQen

66lreflrc6'e e6oaq qaet t'otqeo qA go o6ua6 t

orqo qd eqe6-"6o6q'oQe etd /'

aomec orqa6, otq6o q5 eao oQee t otqo 96
ega6 "6o6G' ooe' erd,-'eran g gJd eoq Ql6o 69It66,
cu qlqloHqs earq6'

qR6Er ud oee.oee r qan e q6f eerfi e[ oq eooeo6 t

<fr6 o cfigoea erm eo el6 t"

or6rn(qeqeeo)-atoo fiqoq. eQQ:5ssQ
ato6r6e eoe oQG, I

qlotflqq-orar aqo6' e8r -

6'608-aro6r6'o ogr ata oqa6a og {Q 6QlQ
sroG r

ore6a 66q etoe aa6-eso6 eao otqa6 t

qrarflqq(eeog, orqrnr6 ooc' q6)-am eQen

6AA6| 6eAO ?

"edflrc eoelG {e
cqraoro6 r eoo oa6o qqq
glorlr eQ6n, 'qeR qoa 6oeo ala r'6o6o6e6e q& ettqn
6era qqq ode e6erq erden-vo6 ettqnot-ess6
6orQ arqgr arqQ a6a-646o6e66' 6q ata emt6en etd t
orerrn(ooarcc 96, qqqoeo)-e6l'lo aaonc Qat
egaG r

geq c'ar-orqo olarnqq g 6'160 eil66llo!6r
ooflr6eGoqu eero eQaG totq6o CIonlcqq6qa6o
eoqe6 r 0e, es ao6o aro at6n-66 eQee t
qrornqo(eeogrOq)-.(et 6oeo gaed ae6 t e.eo
osfir6c'a6ost eqa6, 96 eao eQeq't
glornqq-6'661 6Er, ara G66l orco oo r ooo 6ero
orfrelnr-orqre ou qQ eoto eem6 I qqo ?
ooflrce e1eq,6e fl6Ja6 r

Olorflqq-{c,ar erElqor e.G6, 6s q q€e, r

Q8qfla 060 orq6o qd aar 0988 r

: "6e gtgst 6ere erq,ore 6ero-oofrte.s qQo atq6 t

ooflrse orq'qQo q6 orfrorar6 r
o6fl o66eo c8

Qr$tn-6qe{ota ato6l alqflleq 6000 8lq''6aQ eln

6, otat6 I

orq6o qqqq.aqs6 r eqoG, q'taflQ an aotqatQen

cr66n, 6110 6re66u gd eorq etfroen I atQeRtcteR, GQQ
6Qen crd (orgoce 0 qflsc'o a6q ero,r) I

66qoq qq 060 otq6o q6 eqa6-

6aE'Lro6r q.den e'E uG r
"a6e a6e e6e, ata eoo6 ulQetq e g{ t"
"66'66'ead-66u6s eat et6 t 6aao 6te gte ata
aee ero, Q6orfi CIR 6r6oetd t"
"ara 60 6aa uroo o6et-sQG oge'otd't
ote6o ooco e6eeoq-ao6'o 6aeo-ao6 qtr6a
6ero oRorarG, sQ aar ead ega6 ?
6'6ogmo mre-o6-e6og g q"qre oqtd
orq6o 6,6agq a6qa eoqe6 I

gloroqe(e6eq6' Q6)-eslc Fll"ElQ GllQ 66'a

oraqfir r oqore,tdq 66n6'n eca Oeeea otaelcnl I eetc'
qoro. orq qdeonr r ac'orertjq 6ag eera e86n, q 6flrco
qdeoe ! 6q eQn-gq.q6fl 6cl6o qd nrd, Q r[atr gog
qri'erd r qeo 6oro oo r q6fl e'6t 6oe, q6R e'o ftc, q6fl
Q'd q6' ? q6R Q',$ Sere eo r qe ala ^1G'6'lg-QIq, Q6'8,
ons 66go-edloQ gd6o fiq Aa*6 r

"gg QoG 6'16r ? eogd erg r qtio, q6s-qq 6'tq

gror arq6, 69erg66g r

e'6eg:armr d r

qloHqg'-qdrolo r flrarolo r aGoqrflrqr g oo,{rflrar

aoqo aoro r etfig orue erQoqr r sr6,, 66ot6q, o6, soq
6olro r4qrir r aq'orerdq Qoqrh srqr oqE6e r qcn ata
acqflr66' 60, 69r ord'orqa-sQ oreet Goqtfltfl I

: Oottrolal etqloqce eqQ ggmre aro g{ r ess6 QQo

aoa otq,te, ot106Q 8to I 6Qq 66,Q 8to6a oqqq't o6Q oel
ce q1010lflqq Qalqo

Q?eo 0erarQer ea6-mrcclrCI 060 flaJ 6oqto ri o6G r

eRre6sr ora" o6-q6 oG arqroc ord'oQer ooc' qsco

Qnrq e6er ora- Golreo ri o$6 r

eeogrO oofir6f,'etoe ao,6 r otq6o e'6t { eog 6eo

as,gr Qgaeo oge6 t
ccog-orrrer o6er ear eQen eeQ eeQ 6flr ao6e

qtornqe(qqqoeo) 6q16 oe6'te

- I

orq6o 6e' oataa aff goqff 6a6ta egaG "6GttG.(

60s aoea oO ara serr6s GGs ahq, gael GGsq otaatq
o6n aoo GGeq acroarq eee r qed Q t eoretq a qc'to6n
as'qG e'o fr66' ?"
eeog-armr d r

qroraqe(esoqq, qqqoea)-crqofla 6oq6n ata

eaer 66 60610r{ ?
c6eg-q'qre oqr6 d e6erq 6q'a ?
Olorsrqq-orqr cQfr, fiqofla Goq6n ata eao QB
6o6tor{ ? CIo El"qre ata 66 6oslot.{ ?
"6o6G'flc6a Gqro rsorqeoahree atq6, eeQ q"qret
ge6 r"
erer6 ergr6 6G.q aer e{nt-ql 6nte6'qaeo oQet
(orerrR, nreo qq6co asq eror) r eqQ ogr6ee 6ete6at I

le6og g aloarG' I
orq6o c6aqq a6qa6o eoga6 r 6aq eoq eoo6
ar6'o6e o6q<i eaa6'6 r ogrr6'G aroq ae,ra ega6-
"qq!"-G'6og orqoq qqrcqq eqa6, 'qq' ead ?
groraqe(ooreou)-flqrq oqro orti'qq6 s'rfr6 r

e'6og g oocr6c' gq aa6 g orqaq soqa6 I {ae

er6rn oar aqo6 r

orsrn(orqoq, oeeor)-c6oq arodq eeot qq6 r

a6R 06680 c9

ore6o ega6 o ega6-"ti' t qd eoq6 ace'6a

gqBG r (areoc gG) erd 6e ?"
Rrqo-atmt d t

ort6o G'6og o o&qeogs6 o gg qtot o6o eG otstn

6 ac,qfirc'q so6raa6 r qa6fl ofio eQ c'6ogq 6q'$tQ66l,
6,r' o6e n6q eoertocn r etsun otqoc afro q€a6 g eat
ege6 r

orsrrR(oereor, qmtnqq6' gG)-aroo oqe6

ccogso G'1earG, ? ata {etc'e q61otc' z (otqeo ega6)
eeog(aereq,{)-{ 6c'dt aat ee6 crd, ela GItGqf,{;
eqe{otd 6atl,tg{ eqa6 I

qlarflqq(oereor, eeoqq)-atgt, eoto G ole ?

e6Qg- q'lOOlQ, q$16tlQ, - qqolGr I

orqa glarflqs-6q 6q r
otq6o sQ oat qO eooQ otG'6Q qed eeen; c'86Q Qto
0q aad eqa6 I

qrornqe(ccoq g a6'qlc,q oooreq)- eoq6 <et

oG6O e erqeo I
c'6agqa6o eQ gfl aqe6-"ead qBn'J?"
c6og-("orer Q6" ueire) 6060 qe oord qq
aro6r6'6oq r

qroraqe(orsrn gG areoeo)-6oqg !
otq6o eeogqBQ{ 610 6raG,rqaqaG r eeog qo eO
6raa6 r c6ogfi0 oqtclo ote,-6tao6 t

' "cfre'l on6ro eRo6e'oRq oqalacflGoaoonq

gofre q6'eq6T6soor, oe6 orerqieooed 66let t"

060 gaoo 6ra6,r 060 orq6a eeogqafre'eG eqa6
'6q ead r 6q qq aG qrflrG'l otc' t'
e6ag {a0 q6t or€,e 6r1e erragG-
q$16e 6'1q,e, flaqo so Q 6utc
ge, 6eoro 6r6fi orfr, qe'erql ar?ee oer6r I
cr q1qlorflqq Qareio

ore a6,q Qe6re1, qfren flrlrG' 66uoggrel,

Qs ereo et6r, eqflq eqfre 6aG'qoa 6er6 r
arqq ggn 6,19, qo 6oq 6G' qfi,
qso or' eoo uO r

goro qrQG q$l oq6,r6e qrq 6oe,

ri eo, Qe eo6 $ra r

aGr oolc' oq60 oOA ri o161 6oa

gedo eo66 e'rac,dqrfl crgr 6re 6ue r

oro qO otq6o (3 oonrcc'Aqu caraa6 r orqo o

otslnc"o oqq6qflrg eQora6 r c6og gO qe'eorola ore6e
6eouo eera erde 9060 6raaG-
crqrfl q6fl 6sr0 aq, geo eoro Qa,
6 eq,rfrG 6 eerfrG qflq 6e 6,14,
rj eo aor6cl G're1 r

eroo oqjo q6fr, q6sr flar qfi,

qn eQ qflq. d eelQ6 6CIr6o,
60a 6'6Oq6Q Aq. QerOA 0066' r

G'q6'-a&6' qeo, qdo orqf,',

qflq d'1rfl aere o6 cro6 eq,
a6rq 006' q6fl, 6t66' egqt6
6r'itgr-ooG' eel6 oton sq,e
atr aq dlon 6qG' I

6rn't60 OoQ eq, qo6fl egre

qoq c,q 6106', 6Qq,,
6ryrfl-q'r0 oQ6r6Q qoq aq 6106' 6qG' I
q6fl 60aa qdq eq, fln q6q qeqrfll,
oslq 6o6q oE, 9r1c'q eo g16
og an q6n aq as 6flr? ora il

otqo olotgrqg etGrlqo aslltoGo 6,6oq g aeqre'r
oBG q6r6Q
g6'6OG' 0 OtqO olQtnqg
qlorflqq oofirc'c'q6r6a ar61qo eaqrc,6e ae6 t ar6
qgere, qfla 86,r; e6g-qq auflr r c o16$ sQn; Qrrg r
c6eg, otm, 6egre, flrEe oen eQ oat oga6 t
Gouc(areoq qG)-6oqrqroo6'e 66u6r{ aad qoe
qfi 6aG' ? a6aqc'ora" eerrerc erfle 6or6rq'e6- .

6'6QQ-ZltQ QOqtqtetoq' otst6Q etQot e6et ooeto

erdr aaGe qdqeeog qe6arq6o6eG r 6eor6a qoqd otie
oOelen <6 6qQ qd oqeeo 6o1e ero6a 6oq 6araE6a r
eori go 066' g6'6oe ooqqr oQ Giro grg 6araq6R, eqQ
qs grc'6o caraelc'r qoc'qsqflu otfe e6eten r ernr eQ6R,
"06G, 6rgro a6fl6r G,rq6 060 c6og 610 qraqcn-qoff
qfi6e 66qtn, goo oorr0 r"
qrorflqq a6l660 6eerr aseo oQeG r aroqr qoa r fl6
{eral omr eqa6 r nrg arQ 6qor6e eQen r

qtoraqe(a6c 96)-$60 6oe6e oerear eoo s

een 6,6 eerer ar6q, r

R6-armr, d'r
gtoroqe(nrqq)-ooe ora o6adr € 66'10r; qdeflre
6A60 Orgt ?
ntq-{o 6'6't 06 adt I

orq6a fldq orflQ ear q66rq 0610 e6n I

c6og atq aogo 6a6R 166[, Qrsilfir g ala 6'6d qaG,6t
og fl{ arQ q'Qen I otq6a 6'6aqq oro6e ato qnta 6oatq

grorflqq afro ed c'6aqqegaG-60q8 ?

eoo g1ololnqq salqe

g6.6oG'o'o et6e t aO g el8,Ruo a€'gl

' qtotRge (oteoe 96, oeteot)-6QolQ (aeiro.
qo,oar) oIaelnr r

oteo (eeoq6'qG)-qe6oc'6o Q oo t
ccoq-ooqqt qtat nto o64er aqotGq eo qdeo
qoro e6or6 eror6 r eoqotd'qflGs ee6 et0e t
qlorflqq (atro eG)-erOa erd6 t ct6e Aed; etdeo
eQor6 e,rqr6 r gs ea6 6't6t ? Getl,l-qqoq 6el ed e6-
orer d 6eq'r-6erll q6lo 6qq'r I
: ' G'6eg-aim d t snteq'o GG egot 46,-qo'', adq,
ara 6ar{qq r

qloflq€-s ota'6 Ggnt; qo6'66ttct{ R16't I

"6e erdO erOe eeee I egd'oteo qqoq 6q'tu g.(,
t" {'
6qor6o a0-at6 flde a6'gt
s'6og (nreoe. qG) -eoa- PIG'gl6Q Contradictions
mee! eoa" Uyarogen UIQ Oxygen 6Q dlc'fl G,n 6al6 Es,
eOQ Hydrogen PIIQ Oxygen 60 flal Oxyhydrogen blowPipe
(qne uqqE a66srr) aqe qs r
"6od'aG'gt6e eri g eeioqto Qoq oae; aeitq 6oto
esi r"
"6odflr66'q"qte1, aQao Qga eea oQoG, 6Qfil6c
ee6, og '46; q6 fitqtatolfit6c eqa6,-'G'tC, gs6'o
aegt sQ '46' g 'ctO'e oe t"
glotflqq-{Q'46,'6'16'qq6o qo r oatej qoq a0
arOo aqieo aofll6c 6aqoo qfl6s qq aA aaG t otq6a
qd ear ageB I

qS6AASQ Agt, 66Qtg'{ g C'6O8

Olarflqq (esoge qG)-eqore'ca (qo'eoeco) 6
flG, ?
c6og-aqa aa6 Q RtgtG, .( qqeat q6'oQ etetG t

6o6a qen alqicrcc qO 016'qoa ofl6e q<i Ent t

{alo6t oa6go QoQ

"6616.{ q'ro qol a6,q {e os1 6010 eQ orq 6loatq

oraeler, ga 6aQ os16o qtd auta€'t otei'6o' eoqo Rt"q
er6 ereostq eoeel6R t"
orqo qlotetqq floc'uaG t G'cog aqe aateo oQo
Q6'6OG'C'O,Oat eqAG t
ceog-6 e6or6q I et6'te qa Gata qq oqto a6n I
orer6'e QG e'rd-e6]oQ r4Oriq etd, eqntec ate oad oqt6l
a6ee r

"6o6o6q6f,' q6'6gte,0dto nro c6, ooqace arQ6n,

6q6o6a6n q1q, qgq.-ete'q'6te a6aaq eGotetq etaaa6'
c6erq eQen r 6 e6orol t 6q <eo aqtqsoac'Q alea6t
6Q,6tQj- qAGOAq erAO e6 8Q6Q, qg ! q"qlQeo AQ Uri
QQ I,,
floe' 488 r aQfltG' fld 6aldq eal ogG'lQle
orq6o I

eeog-a6 oO qo' 66 atq 6'et6n t-6eG!G' 66la t

Q e6oroq !-6rao6a ooeqt o6erq G,Q6R, ata eQen-

oe6q' qs,rq.6R crolost r' aeirq oG 6dro ete c eco,
orer6e6n 6cro 61010 <Qoreo 6Jqora,-sQ od qq qGqt I
ooto do c'aflrq !-
otqatfla e 466l e'o QG g{ l-
6161- 606A q6fl 60 QQ, gil"Qr 6llQ66l AQqd g{ l-
FrQI 6roer a6o t
c,6og-6os6 fir"q 6rs-eqQ oO (or"o otto eQ)
6eq'n ere fler 6100160-andr CIro 6 errooreo I
6q6'.oo o6e orqa Olorflqq oar oqa6 r q6 go'eoeeo
oar affo o6:qfl eqe6 r

qlornqq-(qe'eoeca) eao, cJo6o atn etf;lt?

ceog-at$r c,r; qgrso filnl 466,e {og 06fi olal
q(, a660 6qa qora r

qlorerqq-eq ?
c,60g-eq qfll{g I
eoe 0101alflqq ealqo'

orqo gloraqgco go'{$ o6le

' orgeo fioa as6 I ccog (3 ucqtf,'q oofltce otatq{Q
qGso soqa6 r eotq 6q asq etqq eQ 96 e'eogc qtr6o
aar arocr e6n r a5 ggfl eqa6 ' t
qtoraqe(e6aq6' qG)-atet-{otGQ oq 66 u6,
ged t Rgo e'rfr, ge erfr, sqOQ eoq6 odqe t'
c6og arod 6q qgaast eolo eG 6q aegteo aQeG t
a6 (qoog) -qg aegt 6aloa6, Qo aq'gtco !
gtoroe€-Gs eoo6 oen et6 aq6 t
{er oQ orqo flotflqq o6c atog sefl $6e 6ccn
ve'qO ear eQeR r

qlor?rqq-.(Q omr ego6 qA$Ga eos16, qo'rn-Oq

eqQod rI (aqoq) eoqG I ata eoqfr-
ser eQ orq6o 6eo qoaea ato eoa ofto eqe6, ata
c'6ogq cga6, "ead oQfi, ee 6G'q ?"
c'6ag-q68 I

qlarflqs-Qq 6oq I *
c6ag-onor6'60 qd cla I

qlarflqq q6 o6o eqa6-eoqfi, eo (aqo) am

qaa nd6o es aa6 sel eq6 |
oeog-d, d, eqtre" I

glornqq-6o64 e6t6q soslfltq a6-(ooo O

q6at6 e6er grd'r
eeog(oreoq)-netgqo 6ee' ep 6aq'toco 6laa
aoro ord'oe6-aec'te 6e'a oe6-eoea q6 qllst 66'a
oeG r

"6000 egtGat Qtft, atcflctt6G' alal 6ala (ot

compulsion) eflt6at-Qtfl eq I Retqqo66l qaoso
eor6ar erfl oo6 r
{0rq6 oa6B0 Qotll

otqa ololflqs 0 qqqol

qO qfi6s qqQA ul86 I acaqa qolQqolqo qlolnqq
96 ear eqe6 t 6ee' Q<, sQ oQ eeogt6 oootcq gd
qeraa6 t

qtatetqq(ceogr6 ooe. qG)-alo o eoettots I 6q

Br6'6e aOet eg eEao !
ceog-atmt d t

glotelqq-6osq', oG eoQ eloq aOat<, onq oaQ

oarQ ata e6q aola 6cool6a I

olqo glolfiqqGQ otE q6'to qlflhl

qGeoao qtqatQqnt tea (eateo) eQnr-'Q atqrjq t
qflorco otu gato qnt{ eoqfr t-
"6e6o6q'6n e6oq-eoa qs6o ate.q'oO flalalq
eao6 { ot6'q 6q otnq {ata6o OaTar6 a6o, ala elfih{
fl1eeo.-ota ego6 gt6 6oeo otg
66eeo g ateoco qqat{, eqQo6 flqlG'lq soe 6oeo
o6eea {6," EIgl{ q{ l"
"6o6o6G'66' G't o$14e.-6oq q56o osloa
6060646CI { Ol6'6Q O 64606G',66'6q Oln6A I

"6e66'6e6q' 6gtficloo.-Retq'tq 6oso OslQoG

ar6g at6g aooq Q6o, ototoco qagloq etq aOen qfll{
g{ r

"6e6o6G,6n q't 6dtqoor- aeirq oeretqo oG

edo6 e6't 6'Gt, otaloco qagloq ola qglh{ I
orstn(oootec gG)-ara {qg-a6e'e eal
6qlQ6tnl-60q 6Qlo 6aG' I
QoU 01q10tflqs aatqo

G.t6r1qa QoqtcsQ a@66tc et6r6a
at61qo eaqtace eqQ aoo 66e 6roqteo6o

66e 6t61 e fl6 rote6o oet e6erqo6qaororeqa6 r

6q 06l eqaG I
eoecen,l qna qtg B6't I cqtflalo, e6q e"qtG, eteG
flqrEal qer r e6g qqtqflr, e6q ne GG,, e r or6s vQn
eT19 I

aqo 6ntat6'aeo e6go.glG aee,o16o eea6 I ote6o

e,6d oog o"grG sra" 66 66 GGe G$erg sotoE66l r ogG
eo6arQaG r

qlotsrqq oQ6R, aad ead ar6q

oo-saqrGoo 6061, o60-goooor, Btno-
gaooqt I

qlotflqs qQ ard t
oearco eonr e'rd r

grornqe(erq eera) or' qQ aro

-et', r

ntEe 066' qOaG I c6oq g otoe efreotq eo6en r

66o eotgq' 6oq g acqtcq gt6,q gtaEca I

oroo-ar6 at6firl6e, eqo $taq I

c6og-arG oe a6aa6't 6Q arQG I ooaqt ao I

(oteoe gG) 0 Slavery (orqq) of body,-of mind

(aorao otqq-fleo orqq) 0q eoo6 eflrGaro a6'st ! dele
ae eood sara qeri'ata otate !
q8qt 6QRt {G'" AOQ 060 g pjcqteq gte6Q at6.Ja ant
6enr I otq6o Qaorso aoor6qo eero eeaG I eogtottre
6er egaG I Oaqsooeo o6o otqoc. qq$6a aoet|,lo&c
ge oto ega6 r o6o a6'otoG.o qeolQoe"ota r

qtq6oa6gt aotq. oa oodq6" e'rfreor Rr6eorteq,

6oe't6oq rerdeesidooe oee6druor6Rr e6e€s,
{alo6t 06690 e08

sro6c,.tr ccrroerus qeGoeoss, etflqco aotcn !

o6e d61, o6 g arae'cd g0c6t oo aa6 t
gaoro qflrg 6efit I olqa glotnqs aoqe oO gQatGQ
qroeor6, cflqre oga6 t
': . fl61 $lolflqqq 06rl Qq88 I OIQGA aqlQl aO olqlq
eqa6, e6r6q'oao erB al6e r (vet eQ oao otGa ooc
aet6 qror arG eo6roen) ox gu ur6er ofi unt oaoo otG t
-atmt si' r

qrotnqq-araqq er6eo 6€re 6ta6it6a66' 69160

aro-Gar 6s g{ r

aqa66,r6eo eao crion, graqu aG r
egl6rc'l6q :

goOc fl6rn6'ro, etftcq'gtt, oQnt 66dtgt, eflotdg

{qfi, er 9 qlQto r qroaetn-otto.qtatflqq aoo 060,
610'{160 q'q8B I qflq qrfl rel I 916l olg6o ed6n, q108016,60
66fl qt6, e6arQ.orqoqqoro egaG r orn (oa) flel qet6s
arQaG 0 g6ucr eQ aoeeoc,e66l t oto atOqer qnornr
otqoq 6eeoe e6R r a6ea ag o66'-6eo eQgG ! G'66t
qa6'6t orqac oea aa6 r orn oteoc qQo eat oga6 t
qtoroqe(oroc qO)-GsG 6oqs ?
ero-arsoq'6oeo oq66 aG redore ?Jroo6 aggor
6sgeo aar 6qe r
qlotflqq ooqaQen s q66'oeO oroq6'qe eqa6-
"agEor Qar flal e06, ?"
oiqoco oG ee'ror a6, orog Oq eoacrd t eaelotei'
orga or6c'g oe fro eoerqoQa6-eq gofltq eoa at6ee t
Qo9 01q10rflqq earq6'

otqoG'oro6Q flro 6at6nt I .(Q olqal edate 6aog flo6a

q6.'l 6aa6 r

qlotnqs fl6qq66'o6o ootq86, "oaQ et6 otd ?"

a6 oqoerrqaO Oar 6q6R-oao q't6 atOetgofroot CIee t
glarflqe eqa6 edfle ata t

-armr n, {9166, oqotao6,
{9lcc qtr6a gta6 t

o6 qoc G'oree 6e'tgto6r aeg eett6s unt gao et6

66en r een Qqoo qflsca atdlqoq es6 atQen t

orqo6'or6q ora qdrsr eQ et66 oq6n I otq6o unt

er66 q'roeo uG eoqa6 I otoe al66'q oQ, Gtlot q'g6o qlata
oroe, qrqo ot6tn gtnlote, ata fl{ 6e6oe6t atQ ao0o
6e6n r o6e er€rn, 66t1, 6et6' 6'6oq qq6 oootee aa6 t

oro0 orqoG'o 6Qr6t Elao6Q qflg 640 6C6R I

Olcra oroo(eqarcc qG)-qfl6s 6 qq6a allc;

aei on eaQ <?o16 aqr6 t graqu I

qrornqq-crd6-otq'e e'tfl o6cl, otq 6et ecn,

orG'Q 6rQ6il60 6A6n-
qlara-armr, qroqu eod'ate? CIet-qd eqo eri r

qlorflqs-Q6 oEieorro qs r Qq olc'e ctn qd6o

a66',e eoe oG ors r eeer qd e'qo ori otd'qto e,e adt

6q,aro qnr, 6q 6q 66fl qrc anr r 6fir qlc'co q0 frse t

eq e,{6a eq eoo6 oor eqQ oO oQRt, Qg ata Go sa Ge
6qa6'r eenr otd t

qrcra-arffir,6tq6o aB es erise' etet6 seeR s6eto

oO crd r qlc'ra orgo od c6erq aoqo I

qrarfiqq(o6e'qG)-qe ct, aqecot6 ata e'teeet6

6oeo a6oe oorq r oqoeer6a aoen; qs e'rd; ea ct I

fl6 qq aQa6 fl6 ofitnq ega6, "q6fl Qs t"

6aqoo o6a oroootec etfrqeR I otqo qlqo ot$tn
etnorea qQo oar eqaG r
{etQ'6t 066g0 Q09

Qrnore:Otcta otoo 6c'ole edr eo6-eotetq'tGq'

se6 t

o1alflqg-Q'Qlol 6QtQ,'Qq qqeq'-{

qq flo on
6'66t oe-otfiolq elflca eq eRte6-Gq flal 6q'ole
ecr oo6; Qq fleafll 0a Qc'ql8 I
qrornqe(oereot) - qqfllCIl -qd fleafll t (oterrnc
qG) ee'rao qetrrir Qg ag aal Qgelnl; 6t'o6Q ecq qGont t
6ele Gq'Q ofiEGn 6qfllg'6'qcr6o QG e'at eQat'6 I glq'HlG'
eQen e'et mtc qs t
6,t9l'6.g 6'Al6Q OlqO glQtflqgsa 6al9ll8
ernrote-Htc aqo eoq6 r GQ< oO seen oot t eq6e
eor6< eat flGG'oG arQe{fr I 6o6G'alodl fi1cll"et eG 6o6R I

qlalflqq-(euq seta).-QBl6l, oad ?

ernote-atmt, sQ 0nl6 alQ eQen eo-Gee'Qa t

q1otflQ€-d'6q, olQ (eere ceaqa) 6oeo 6oa qG

aredl geeo oG crd I 6q acq elfl alqtq ne6 eteo etd t
(o6c qO) "eto 6oa 6osl 69110 colgllg eea6 l" G'lcl
ore erd, <Q qe aagt flGe oata olqo6'Q calfllu eea6 t

esd'oreo etst CItG' etd eqoteo oqo Qoqnte t sQ eal fl6g'

oere ead olq06'o aaloe, eea6 t
etstcl gtnq'to 6ota eaeR t

6oqc'r ord'egaogc'eGQ totqelo flua ote laoqlcqglo

ar6q g edl? edl? otqo6 o-eo atQ s6sts I aofllcc'qelo
e6a fld 6qqq.6qo g< erd r

6t61-ot6t6'1 {aQ utQen uqet at6 oQeo6 t

Olatflqq (eqord qoeo)-G'1, G'l t atQG', otfr0e t
ot6tn-4t66 ae'q olue'd 016 ol6qatQen 6flto Q"qt
6aael6lt I otatoca 6q qol eG eoteo eoto eoa16- flqqq
oleGqqq ! 6q sa$ 6aG'n alogllG'6'ola ala88 ?
QoF 01q10rflqq earqo

6t6tl-otq,t q6a", 6qaqs qflqco ordQ ? ata 6qo6

aogQ r

er61rR-aoga qfl6g oo6 r qfl6g o'o 6rrQ 6eta ot6

or6q arQaG ? orq at6flfll6o ead eE eoae,r{ ? c6og
060g are6 6sQ el6n, 6e6o od oqqen t
6611-o6oq otqt A660 oe6, ordqee flar otet eo6 r

et61t6'r-otoo aoota 66,60 e'6r olq oQaG r lr6erq

eren saQ eedrs AdG r

qlatqqq (otettns. 96, qeqq'eo)-66 6109 ?

er6rn-G'r, oeo 6toQ I
qratnqs o6q offo oga6, qen ar6 {ot6e 6taG' ?
er6tn-$latqct, 6q oqaG r

otq6a oru eqio erne oQ Oerao 6qta 006. q6r6o

eQaG r sod qflaco ot6lf,i1 QQ eree a0 ooo oe6,t olgt6e
Oar eera6 r

od (oorq, at6s at6g)-eaaro oQ 0erg cs, ara 66

aqar 0oar0 crq r 66t1 otGelq gqta 6o6R I
ar6 qar eda qao 8oo; oQnr eoflt6c a6e,a arQ6,G r

orqoq 0 q1q1fltq qerro eG arardro qad e6n I qlqo

G'G'eroG'gt, R6egtgG''6'ql, ar6rer6'Iee gtg6n g acq16,r{ a66'e
flQer ooqreo alQa6 r eeQ ecQ qerct6 eea arQe6 r-
6qfll6c, oteoq qerrR o6erq aoo ooq arQen r eeQ
ee,Q orqoc otoogco qe g a6o eoen r orooree.a qa6
creo eqio acql otqoqoro qoraaG
gtdo ql6't 6s eoe drB e6,
eoeo or0 eQ alee 60 ri eo6 r

erto-qO q,6 eerneo eteo

61o-6as sQ argG 6e6rer, sQ eo6 at6q6o I
Qoo or6eo era erer6eo e,rd, q,.dlutel al6q6a I

01o-qototfl G'o qat Qq6't atflQ,

geien qrgsir Qor e6e 60 aeta ?
.(etod 06690 eoC

Olorfiqq q66'o oQ eqa6, "06l flr'ftr' egBG !"

qrg6rlo 6q oQ qCIre r otq6o olstnq ofro oqa6,
"6'tq. 610 otaatq 6,qct t" gtg6t1 erto otaa6 I oofltcc
aqa6 r

goo aem
a,6, e666 ar6
qoq ora6 sar 6qeee r

oQnr ogsrrcc aoo oq oc'q 666l I aoa 6a6't otqo6'

or66a oO g e'6d ga6'6r oo eQaG I 6'60g o6e, q6c'd
a6R r qlorflqq 0q eQa6, c6og eoo6 catsqo oec'tel
ee'a qqa6 r

qeqtqla e6e 6an 0 G,6aq

c66g arq orq06' 016160 G'q6n r otqaq qdto c6og
RQnr ogRrca qao6e oogeorer6 6o6orre qaro o9o6 I

G're1q6r flqo 6'116l oa6a CIflG'e 6q, (s ear aroo) oQeG

qlorflqe edlerQ aar oqorarG, qfls
-qqa6 r

c6og q5 oqa6, ej ered ar6 rj aqa orire ersd

erd r qroroqq 6'6ogq<e q€eo eoqa6 r qdeo edloQ car
6'lQ I

e6og a8ea n8eo flUo qo6o arg6 eqa6-qo{ct

sraflc89l r

orQ aroer r orq6a doqtce eQa6, o6d ga6,6t oo

eQeG rq6og aCq ordq o16 orqaq6oq6'tqarQaG, eto6o
oreorG aflntcnq o qoG qnfltnt I q6aq oofltcq. atgq
a6o a6o g orqoc' atgq a6o a6a aolag6; ara aeoe
ear e$rfr ega6 I

geog(o6 qqOq. acra)-aCq-e'rrir oqor6 urQfi r

or6fr qa crG'6e 6619 600 ead 6e6', orrjqqr6 arQerdon r

arG oQnr 66616r, q6 oernero; atfi6t6'q Oer eonr

erQl CIrG,R O{ Qtnl-0{ Otfiq oq88, otq o6c a6n Q
o6aq 6Qa I

orqa qlarflqq asq aror eqa6 r

eeo g1q1Qlfiqq aarqc

g6og-qqq.ot qtqqode odergoen, q66 qn s

on 6ce 6erq q{ | sqedord sqQe a6fr r alo6t6' otd s6't
6teo, 6066'o6q't6' etn eo66 t eoQ eotG< ooql 6oalq
etoe, q6 eoQ flat ee,te 6'Gt gQB o6erq Qut oeo e'td t

CI6tG'tc,oeo oOeo$6 sG" GFGG'oq qed eo6 t

orq6o qo anto qcc'o oQ aqaG, "q6fl 0q eqa t"

q6oq 96 ega6, ooetfr arQ ot6fr etdto'gt6 e{al, a106160
06erq qn 6oa qatofr t
qlarflqq o6q oeco eO oqa6, "atet Q QO !"
q6og-arge1fr, eoelord'9o6 qnntn 66'0 atQfr,
er6aor qnt t

oofltce gto qqcg etfroen I otq6o a6q otoeeet

e6erq g o6n o6erq oqa6 t
qta6 o6t6gc'
orqa qlorflqq al6l1qo aoqlc6Q oos ql6r6o
66o g Rtqa
er61qo eoetce qd oroeo ge6at ae6o I o6gloo
o6e aoqreoa g aoql6'o qs qQe og 6ooea aqn eeta6 t
qoQota o&fl 6oeo Qon qe I aoo oo qolo alcnleco
arenrao r oeer grar 6oQ 6'tatoq atqed€'l al66'rle qe6ot
ot6q 6o6il ora8 I es fle160 olqQ ololglqq do'{l Qo6Q
eQaG r e'6d gae,d oo Gsooeo olstco eQaG I otq6o aqs,
OQeresi aoqre,qarQo6 toocl6c eoet e6etqqfi6o aa6 t
s6r6{ 060 ooslsc eQ6, eoQ ogflat at66'rle eogtgta6 I

eq oo6 o6o Oeta ao t stG atqa6 01 ql fltot otqol6llc'oq

atq-6 r gq66l1 6t6q.{aoo 06c16' oq al6filo 60611 ola8 I
qtod 066g0 QQQ

flt' orqec' ard atqa6 I qqo aao 0660 6ol6Ea6o

ae6o r 6q oqflat atcnte 6ogtota6, aoqlc auGo sQ Qon
ooo o6o qd eeroq eot6s atot qe6o1 016' alqq sto6 t

qirov eqra {Q etgtce oteq 0e'tq q{ I alslo qQ ulQ6Q,

Gsogos o6o qrdeo, a6cc'qn g on ete aG t

6or6te1 ot6ce 6Qo, otEo, ntg ala e66 qoed og

eQa6 r orqo6' eat eqaB t atG qgela, Q9 ot6et sQn
errg; e6or6 u 6R, e ecqt e6g qq, gcqtooll I

6aqso oea 66o s fltqa sQ oaeo gq86 s oGeo

o€eo oarerdr eqaG I

fltEa-ceqtqlcnto Ga6o goo ! ac'e otn uO qq6o

qQ 6ao erfr6 t

66er-6sG er6n t
slEo qq6o 6qs eoen e,rd (unilormity ofNature)
aro Qnroo 6nra qgqoc qoc eog eefreetqqtol eoqaG t

eq60 orqlg a6, eoqaG I

66a-or oQet aqeo; qq'860 6qra gs erd r

flrea-ord6, eefrsetq qror 0Q 6?61tol{ I

660-0q eoq6 eetfr QoQ eQQ t qetc'1 ala ogo

RGeo sO ara e61aQ GOs ats, ot'Q stucoa alqa algalq
g<o so6 606l otaot6o I

eoqta6e qc'e oofl66' otqac' eqetotd'qiot oe6 t

6e&e, deo, 616t1, 6'tgQl9t, et6'1, 6ol61q,

G'6eg, er6r6r,
nrgqq6 oe6 rqas CIoclce eeQ eoQ gote'atq6 g o€eo
oGea org6o ou oa6 t eeQ et fl6at fl6al atq6 t atG eeog,
et6'l 0 oroe o6eoqo etc'1 aOao aoqtc'q otag6 I c'6og
6qor6o ouc'6'1 gsf[c'6o eQ aqo 6er odee; qtue e6ee t
60616'66r qae'd qqoto qcr6o olaa6 I
qQ9 qlq1orflqq 6,arqo

qlorflqgq'a o@Freq gG eqe
(66cr, firq g flrEe, G'rqercr, 6egre, otertn)
66er, nrg grEo aooq ora 6c'sr6, orqe 6or{r6e'
eQeG r 6611 g ara e'6d gecd oo 646'r ord'sQ o6e eI66'1,
q6fl €'rgorfr, 6egrc,, er6rn {fr66'au atQen t

ooG eg r orqo6 oo,{r 6oe'ea 0eur0 oar 6ore

qcar6'ala 6'a8ro QQ8 r oQo aoa6Q 66116'{ qrQ a8; qgq
a0 eeQ qtocoa 660 q6a6 e6erq q< r eoQ qroo qrflG,l
orq6 ooo o6er sr$eo ara e6rGs qro aG r eeQ gro eoa
o6o 0oo eere aroGq oto g{ r eqQ Bro ao6o Oareeen
aoqree 6g09, egrcnra aq6a er6'oa oolr6 6oslror{ r

CIoflroq orQ creroo e6erq q{, 6erflr6c srh od

ero6 r oar6 er6er060 orqo 66raarq66R, eod'og6 oeo
eQee, 6q 6ee qdoee 6aor oara 6e6o6G,6G, eQ ogG er
eoro oe6 r aggor 6qq oteoc'o qla 69r ord r eoelord'
6qq'e qra eQ eQ qfla a6'ra 6a6 r

arG orqoco aqsor 6Qx e66 r CIoor66,arQ eyfre

6ara qdrgr e6R'(6,'orqoG'qq66a o6rd ao6a eQen t

orq6o qotoG or6q ar6erq flrqoq cQen r orqo

66oq'oQo sqaqde oarereir oqaG r

qroraqe(GQac q6)-06l aa t (nrgc qO) serq

oflrq qara r ara orc ar66a r

6aqoo oeo q6 6,Q6R, "GG enqar ar6 0a r"

6ug-orc eoa6 r corarcq a6'Ear ar6erq ola6 r

orq6o eQaG rG'66r oB eaeorC qnflrn orqoqFeeoe

e6R r otq6a 6e ere,reo e6r6e seo eerr6< eoelQe 06en r

orqQ qag flargo aoq 66'rug{ q6'r a6R r oocilcc aarQ.

6aro 6oqs6 r goG flr6, crflrq arQ 66erq 6o6R r

orq6o nGeo g8so oe'tga6, "e'6'qar e'6 arQnt ?"

qto6 066g0 e egl

fl6 oreoq o6n aqBA r orqac' or6r6e e6d CIo

6ooEG't eor6< eoe arooo6fr Ear r orq6o eqQ omr6 o6q'
ero6e 6a6R r n6 sqQ o6n6e o6n 466l r fl6 smt eqa6,
orq6o qo6 nrnr 6nrq orQ orerq flaJ 6066'l I
nrqoreoq066r oo 6saso oqa6 ror6'e eerr6< qro
aro eeio q6r6,gra eoq eei 6enr 6oq oqr6 466 t eq qetc6
orqoq a6e'e aa ocie oQe{nr r

nrq(qraraqec gO)-6q or'G'qo oercGo eQ eoq

erfr orQea eqo orOelen r qr flai eerc 66te6o sron oQ
6era oraa6 r 6ea Onrareq flrquq co6 r oB oda fl8sa
sGeo {or6e oe6; eqe{ord'o16 q'aor6r ca6 r

olq66 qlorflqq <a'r q6 66o sqeR r

66cr-an[o <eo aror q6 nu adngre. eoreeo c16o

6q,raet66l r 6o6a {grae qere srd'so6 eoro o6er 66
ar*rir qed r

q'qlo6a 6o6 aqa 6'rto g{ ?

66oa srei' enqar arQG r orq 6c'rorco oon aqQ,
qO 0 aerreq frqra r aerqc6e6o orqo 6or6,rc r orqo 6ee'
eqQ qRg 61roq qq$6a oq.qqroca o6oo eeR r or'oeo 6e,
aro6o 6rear GOs 66o aroq 6aa eQ6n, on oqQ t
66a oqerso eQ erraaG r 66oq Oaer ord 6oarq
6aG' I orqo6'6oqre o6o qd 6016160 g6oa6o o16 aB r

g1Eet6',, eGorst fltq I otq6o aQeR, "6qot6e orn ot6 aG l"

orq6o {60 aqg 60, Oar 6ec'ro oO e,rd r

ooorcc areieiq 6ara 6o6IoG orqac aqr6o qor crd r

6erao t ernaqQ oCIqrq a0 areera oraeG r 6ee' q6oaq

o16 ergro 6o6a r CIoor66' 6gaeo gqu r orqo qlornqq
o16 ograen I qrqq 66.q or5 qro6e 6G,a 6oqa6, aor aG
Q erd ? 6oq6n s16 eqeo aor qed r aGBr 6q ara onor6
66e erd er6 eoseo a6grqee sqQ o16 66oq 6o6R r
eeu g1q1orflqq earqo

66o enqar 6raa6 | oo6t6t e,q6oea eQaG r fl6

orqoq omr eqa6 t

66a(qroroqec qG) - GocaqatgEt"QtQ oqtG e6ee t

orq6o q6or eat eQorqcelsf,i, 6G'6G,G46fi Qat eQen
o1€d aE 6qaEnr r 6e soeo ae16 qaTa QqtQtGQ 66oq
oet666r, "or'e qt g Ontoteq'e oo6t Golgct Qod 6Qc ?"
66o-eq 6saeo er6crd I qfl6s gq ae6 r 66o
c6'EA1 $rQ $rA QAI AIQA e6fi I

660-argr, crer6la-eed'e'r 0q t ee eeotse q"qte

oqro o6er er q"Ele6e oQ otqot6ett
gtoroqe(nreo6'gG)-qtotGe e'o oQctd ? actqo
6ere q'ereeo oQ oei ceR, og fiau aonqqed qtG'QtQ
o6e q"qreea o6en aqo fitoq{ I
"6oahr6e aE6o etg6, 6qflt6c'6qeao 66lto t"
"q"qre6e eter srfi GoQ ero t ego6 eteoeo eeQ
e'eo aG r eq 6oo-erete eq6o6st t"
q6 qfl6s qq a8G I

qtarflqq (oteoc gO)-eQ? 6ost {G" ot6 oR t

area (66crc'qO)-otq colateo ogQ, Gettto t

Olarflqq-G6qro t

6Qo(ora 6ta, qql6qr)-on 090 |

Olarnqq-g6 ara, oqQ erra t ( flteoq) aqQ Aa

a6c'rqd0 r

6106 6ra 6ra ac'{Qar aq88 r

qt'qtQlQ 916' g 6e 6e oqt61Q 91f,' fle160 g6AC'

66o (grorflqe q6)-atet, flqtda, flG'et {60 QoGQ
a0, 96 o6,q ar6q erd6 t
fl1AlflQ€-Q"QrQGQ 6eerg srend eqo6 q.{ I

6e6o6a6f,' ao6o o 6o6o6G'6f,, 066' r 6aco6G'6n a6a

ar{Q'{ q{, q6r 66,6o646n aflor{ r Qrficl elEc 6oQ oaQlq
q.(, 6qe{ord'so6 q{ r q'qte6a oo 6e6o6q'6e aqo66t,
QtQd oa6Bo ee8

e6erR o6e, 6QGoGc'6o at otfret-etgea 6et Q6Q I eoo6

qtlrecr o16-eceocq'Gn q6o6l6a a6q o 6a666acn ool
or' G'r Qeteo G'GEII

"oqr6r,rflreq'e eat anqt I GEl9il6G' etfrel-etgoq fle

erQarS 6ec'n fiqaq6oaoto6, Ga6'e eG oq otc o6oto6 t
OqOqorrol 6q'6n flQo aqom 6aflteqata 66 on Rteetetdt
6ss oar eqen oO otat6; aqolo aal 6q6R qsr6 t oarei
orr6r oqoq aat G'qo1o acq edloQ cat oe6 etd t

"flqflr6 6aa6'qfiGa a6q-flUote c6e eetfr t ac'l

ed^loQ 66s oqar6q eR Rtcctc'td t"
66a o6ero 6BtG' Bto aooq qlo ctlloalq 66n I

qroroqe(oreoc qG)-aqaaa aqqa q'QQlo,

6o6aora qq fl6' otc'atqq ot.( I acceqgl{ egQ $lQ6R,

orq aa eoo6 eq at6 uta aeq66 e ettat6 t

aeoro eeo6{o adea 66Lt1o6 tl o6 aela

66o qcira ooq atQ otqaa. qA66o eQaG s el6'
$raa6 r

qlarcrqq (66oq qG)-or$rn qq6 edflte gGaG,

eed'er orn, ecde't ao; eed'G't qoq, eedgt fraqt I 6qctt6e,
qgge gG o'alose oto oe6 t qt 46, qg nel eeto6-Qg
gBa,G 60 aq fraqt I a6oq t {ntGG' q"qla6o frg eeeeetd t

"6006 oqat flta t oq' 6oea oeo, 69 eoeeo 08s

6a6R 06'Rreqerd r

66o - armt, 6qqgr[qse ctd t atoo ct6o6'66l qflgq

6fi9 ara qo' e6eoa oto6 t q'qlQ1 6qa al 0'{1611 6ga

qflgqon o6soa ota6 t rjQqra 060 60 916''0 oG'a eQGR,

qg 6'10 6'cc g{
qlotflqg-qta G'q c' el6n occ' q.( etd t 6frfr <e'
aee eoeorG 6a eoe' qa6 crd I
Qee o1q1atflqq Qatqc

,6rQ6r 6qqq qda G'rq


,q1otflqel*ataG,6a.(oa a6 I ,

66o qq 6e-aroc'
-arodqo I

oofirGc ac,rq 6qra qqaG r fr6f; Qto6Q o6:fl Re6a

fle6a CIo eeroora6 r

qlalflqq-d, ot' 6atoot6o; o6-cor agfren qqnr

G,r6r6e flu oreo g16 r

"6o6o6c'6n o6aero q{, 6q6o6a66' oo eeo6q

Rt6e,erd r q6't ore- q'qa eqe{c't qaotq er6orea erd t oret
eroq ar6Er, ora,r 6s I qeql og 6ott 6otq flg og eQ orn
orfrOq r

arer 6gre eo 6 aesr ora6 r

(9ilE06 90)-OORtCI 6Q6R AtA ^^* 88 OAetA 6,lq I

flrqe-arm d r

qlor g qlonlr-clrgueora g qqr€,oroo 66e orq'

qlorflqq:e6rO{ ota atqq e6eteq{ I otclt6'oto6o
6nB, e'tqq, G'tqnq, q$q aolt6 I qglaotaGa 6qqg elnt; 96
fluaarc'Rar elfit I

"qtflo16'e flUa oto-qdoo at6oov aG t qtotc'o

qa qo1q, qdqa arOosq crd r

"eq 6''tc6 n1G''t I 6o6o6a66' eod'ote t

6e,g6' qQo o6eerqao a!fi oOosa o66t olonl

orqoq 610 qdraatq atqE6n I 6q dqlflt Et"6t1o g qgq"olo
6re aqelcn r qfl6g ot6tn1 eeG r 6a 6't61qo aoqtoq flel
qior aree 0 orqa6'ot6q0erorei'€'g aogc,e6o I ooqtcq
eqetsrd'qior eqq oQerq q< r

qtoraqe(60or6 CIo6' q6)-orermo RqoCIta I

ofieoqaq 6en oraelnt I q,otq o16 aOnr r ri qq afr, erd6

erqa ? eq oQnr qo 6qG r (onaeo aror) r

"are 66G, arQelnr r ej srraerq eQG r eorq oq6, 'oor

onnrQ' ?' fj 6'r'e fr66,lotG' c e,r6 6itaq'tq nr6fr I or'o6e
qto6 o66Qo Qe9

6q eQ6rr, 'flcq sfltco qcae6on eld6 t' qfl efr, '6GtQ

I ote ?' 6q eQ6rt, 'ogQ ote l' d eQfr, 'al6Q, 6FllQ 60
nrqsor6 t ri etototc'q fltq qGea 6c'661 I serq6 eQRt,
'eo oqdereoerd l' Gq6oee66'QlglfilnqotQ eQfr, 'al6o
erfrnlrn, flc'q q6oa eq'R eetfr eg6 qo e l' ol'Q edotc
flat 6qa olG' a8 l.
664-eq ot616'1-uG't{ I o9fl16'6
01616'1 6Q66lG',

ot6q fltg 6ta66r6 eq o aqqqQ alo6l6'o 6et o96 I ea

eod orreeo egcr crd6 otato 6e6aGqGR ao eee eld t
"almt, eao oQQ r ri eao e1fi ata alodq 6et oG
rj oao eqro6 r qe6 atn'Et.t e1nt, edRta 6q aln'qq fiqa
Oeioe'rea o6oo eeto6 ! q6d olo EGll, edflte 6oE'eto
eero6t ate ea6t oQG I
oofltce gq 6ata eQaG I Ql6ln ol61s1o eal acq6
eQ Ee ogaG t QQ6R, g8$a eal, 6El aogG' eGQ ala
orerord'a6G'Ga eE gtatG t

6oere (olettnc qG) gt a6, eqe{ord'60lo elc

qs$ q{ r alcftfucc' otg e6ote coaolq I

ot6l6l (Aao sero)-G ererq6 I ola etqateo <Q

qg eat !
66oqao6o6t-catco atao
aqeqaeta gev
-€'t@o -e6olce
qroroqe(664c gG)-etfrm ersc dq'Ello I acc6a
6'6rq6aee og sd aee eoG rQqectqee6 oqa66'r q{o
o6c' qq atQtQ ol{ I

"etflteqqo qtflco 6soca Qg 6aG t Qq oao G'l6l ?

eodnree qq oqoQ ot6 ot66o Qq 6a6, cqcllq's.o Qq o16
'6or?6e olfrot< t eod'atec 661t6't{ qt6 e6t6 olelceal 60o
eeT q1q10rflqs Qarqo

"6od'flr6G' 66're qq6{aatQ ooG, 6oe 6etq't, eltq

o8grcq'e 6qer eo6, cqfltcq.o derri,{ on A{ I 6qflm6.e
d sqn q{ r"
't{e'roo oQore,q.o GOg etraoreo e.rd r eoelcRre,
6er6not6c eE otae{c't 6a6n 66qr oQ aej asrrin oo6,
6qelcc'0 aei soo6 qe'-oo I
qer eQ otq6o gacd 6Gec6. e'ra oQeR r

66a-ore6'q oa6.o qqaoto fic'tatel ot6qeqFs

oaqt ca8 G'lQ I ot6Q 0t6'- dtc ag I
g6gro6t 06t69q,
G,rorqa aoqlcca c,6oq qq6 ooflt6,6. q6r6o
grorflqe atoiqo aoqtcce ooG. q6r6e era egoG r

dola qq aqa-6qooclc6'e oeiq'srd'odor deuqn I arG

6r6G're, e6or6 8 0c, e6g elqr oqdor, (asqn eq or6st
Qrre qrero) qdflr GE r

ee,soOo ur6 gra goqq 060g ofieerqoq ora6,6-

oEG'6'16o aqo 6er ao6-qrucr ao6 r ar6 qoql qflaca
q6r6o qlqo otoa g ot6lq eeo eo6aG r qaa o16 aroe'r
eera6 r caqtql g o6o oea fr6 aolre,6q fl6cteo e66 r

oocrcc a6c'6o 06,660 urc aga6 I c6eq, a6qega6-

"{gu6c'ovro ega6", (adrqotc oqaqaorqede oqo6 l)
6aqso oeo s6 aoo qe 060 otqo6'ot6t6o eQaG r

orq6o orarqotc'a6't g 6tqet g6ero e.'d ardelqeQeR r eq

o$o 6oeo eler qo6err ore'q <e1Qo eura ar6en r

goOc qatcf;'otq6a a6qooro oota6a I 6q 66nqtc,

060 orqaq o6c a0 q6\ oa stoq otaq6n I
g6qto6r 06690 QEC

flac'Q g1, qg 66la6o 6sd fler eqtoa6 I olq6o 016'

qlqaoqteqat6et eat g aoqleco qqlo oleG't oat oQen t

orq6o oatoto6 oqe6-"{olq atQetq oQe;-

qa6c oQee;-6olo qa6qess6 eeo ato6;-ala {olq
arQ 6rre6G't"
R6-atmt d r aqae oteo oO qG orosn ot6on

qlorflqs eElet eO ega6-"8t t (eote o6d q6oa

6s r ara veo eg Cnt I
" q€Geotec'Q oaetaq oO goeo qelc q6a I ao6fl
QqQovrnao OQurrot stg el6a tGqflle'co glgt{ 6anl l{6oag
mret, qe6eota 69 qa6fl qat6ot6en etd t eqtee flqo {
edloroq eooetet6 t
"aqe {6oc'g HIG'I I o6TGQ qe aa6, oatC a6nqve
66uo6o .(er6a66'64 aulo I Qeotot ateq atd etdG ?"
c'66t oo-eq g60e' cltrlqle Q6etq ots t
Ololflqq-'<otq. atqG etd etdQ t'
oo-'atgt atQ6'tqeQQ t'
qlanqq (nrqe qO)-q6o ateq ntderdQ t
I g16nl6'
gll6'ca nal6 GIE6I
qtiear fl rqoc oaq qatonf,' l
firEeG oea G'a oa e{io ga6 ectt olqa6' ol6lq
ardrqo aoqtcq atQ 'qdtetfl G'o Qol', 'fle6nl alfllo fl6'
qfler' ooqr6 610 qdtoelcn I otqca 6o6o6acn fllqoc'
oqroqqo eofrogt 6aq qolclclc o6eleR, (flo ot6ql
er6qG,a erru; et6e eg,6c, gqeto,) 6q6o646fl sQ getG
ecqr orqoq 610 qdtael6n I olq6o etto e16 a6oa qqe
6qrae{6n I Go6ocq'6e ottoc olcl6o ol61qoaoqleeo at6
6alfll66'AOGQ 6116' 6lael6n, 6l0fll6G' OGn AIA qqet6n I
6qflr6e 96 ong oeta 61e q65n r
Q eo q1o1otflqs Qatqo

Olalflqs(ntEofi gO)-Ga Ontnrcg ara qro G6ra
ctQ I a66'C66'6te6fi AR6t Oat I Otgl otQt Ot6t60 6ilQ6n
nar arGorq I glcnlc,gtteqo nerd qgd I

tolqo qlotnqgsa ataqlc,t --oBerrQq gqtQ,

otqaG qq$6o qqotgso qn eoe al6 o$r eera6 r

orq6a 6oqt6e eQaG I qfi Boccoa 6eqd qer eqa6 r

" qooG'qq 6a6o6q'6n flgQ6Q, 606o66,6fl QQ6O, 6A6G'6866'
qou6o qO seeoeeen er er6eo66e uroo oqaG r

fl6at6fltee' 6ata6oqarQsn g oqoqqdtao6 aoQe

I eeeR I otq6o 6e,g edare' flel qe't ega6 r 6ee' 6fl6a
qqfltnt oo6n I
66 qfla oeo eoo6 qqa 6ata flc'cnrccq GEirnq
qorc, 066t r o6q onr qn6< 6a6fi I
qa6ac' 6,ad aqo6'a a6q filae{66'l?
6'eagq 6st
qflg qot6' 6'a6t 6ete6; orqso filEes qQo ear
ega6, 060 6t6t1 au aa6 r

qtaroqe(nreoc qG)-c6og g 66lr aad ogel66l-

eao Qero 0qE6n ?
oreo(oorc qG)-G ear caeelnt ?
oor-6osc 6c'rug{ aQO t
qlotflqq-'aqo el6 a6'sQogead eat cqaEnt ?
oor(oereor) (eeagq) orOQ t
olotflqg-G'tQ I

G'6ag arQ arqc qad e6R I

Olarflqs (nreae q6)-geo 66 qe eo r 6 ear

6Qaqnr, QQ I
c6og-6oo 6tecl eqra6 I 6qqqeao eQQ r ,
q6qlo6t o66Qo Q9e

olatnqq-6oe ofi 6ataoe I

oreo(oereou)-ge,aesr 6eqeo ea I

6'6aq-6nte ea6l q6'-aG'gt qtg 6eta6 eg eQ6 r

clEo-flqo aa6-s qsdeo ge ead ee6 t

e66g-aqo aa6 eerfr 6oQ eqaG t qeadeoo q€
aqa I Berkeley eao eQa6, 6'ro6 o ?

9uE0-6q eQg'6 eo-Their esse is percipii (The

existence of external obj ects depends upon their perception)
'6o6o66,noN eQflo etrjq g'rfi6, 6q6o66'n ot{ e,6o !'
- eotcrqoffio otqaq ao6e.a -..creeod
qtotfl qq
- aqfi age{661,'oeeodeoo.' q6 oceod
RO qs r'

"6e.6o6osr6t gi aG 6et6os6t 6qG'q 6qeo @rG,

6oa" I

ceog(areos qG)-6oro sG ee, otet6a6fi aqo

aa6 eerfr QqG eQee ? ata Qqro aeieo o6 srar6, olsr
6e6R 6qc'q 6qae ore'Rr6erqdeee t{at qlolo e6R oqo
60 oflHq 6q0al au or6etq eeo r

"g60 6aq,o qB66tq 6aqa I 6q 60 {60 q$ 6ooa6,

6eeat qfr oraa6 erd6 t ot6.o 6060 qot ! 6q atqote,q
6enrG e,g ore eoae6 fl qoq 6'9, oq oqer 6 er o rder gnor,
- r

{q'" flalqleaae Er6r r' 'gtgouq." netgqg q.qg8,

eet6s gq aA aaG r

-eoro 6qee ota6e 6atu g{

qroroqe(e6oE6. qG)
60 6€1 6oeo 6s eeo aG r

at6cg RtR oe arQ q'Qen I 6q otqoq eerfroorrele

6Qar eqaG r ttrsnr6 6'at 6qnt o6e, olq6e aeg6 eedo o6
grccrcflleaq eoelaaG r
eee 01q10lflqq Qalqo

oroo at6c'g-'6q enro nrriga QloQ qa t'

c60q onq atQa6 t 6ee 6ee. 6ilo otaa6 t
qqqs6 qa o6n G'Qde 6OQ,
6re Q6R fiG'916l I
qflQ ol06a qg6nle 66lle q6a
otd aet qd ote-em tt
o6aq,6'o 66s ege. 6o10 6QlaG t oteoq egaG
'eqRo6 oQen 6oQcQ flc oGQ I olel c eeen r[8s ? flqoq
Q Aeri'-eoeot 6 qed'-earo qs erd, q8$ fld etd t'
otqoso a tQq6'l g6Qqq. qEI 1A q6O86'A 6AAl
- -
orG e'ae't Gq'6lt I 960g g a6'ql6"l o89ll6c olqo6'
or66a qfifltf,'at6 6eeoe c6o6 l660 c'lqolcl, qGQg, Rlq,
FrEe, qq6 aa6 t

orqsCI q6oqc'o fltc 6ee 66'l6Q 06aG I ascg gq

eera eQsG I 60 ae6o aa6, otqeo 6c'lb.lg{ otc6 qet
egoG r

otqo aolq geogq ofro oO ot6en I 960g 6lotllol6q

atQer gea 6ee 06e1er flt6' 6oa olc'6lG'l6Q Oolaeoen t
q6og clc ota qdtfl a6R I olqo qd otetq ofro eG
oo6qq't c6erq oQen I g60g olqo6'o oocq6'l osn I
t eretlqo aaqrece oosttcco o'e.tde I
orq6o esahea ao6, otsto s6fl 66ea eett6q ge6ot
aG r sQ qq6ot otc'ot66o 6a6oe'd oo 66ln aoolo 6ce
oro errao6 I ote6o ntgf, fltaifleo eQ oolecn-'geRotee'
eGs s6cra eo t'
mEe,6'tgotfi gq6 eriore flil olqoc'olglco eQeG t
oogrcc 6laEc't Gtlo 6qRt6G'qdJBG I
'gGsetfr atoo eo-lo ctGe l'........
orqo otdo €fdf q6f G'tqotct, areo qq6q ofro eG
ogaG- "geflfltc€' onqota I 6Elfitc6 qcr6o 81Qe' QQ {G"
qoq ao r" 6qflt6c' onq atQ otdceo 6ol6l6ocn I
g6sto6 066g0 e 9ql

6aqoo o6a olq6a q6 enre soro <Q oogQe

6roarq eQen-
ed"lo ct6ete atG6tGQ t edlo otq'Q ons't etdea I

q06'rg eot6 ato 6d1o ctce l"

orde. qfltg 6aat I g6oq otaa Gato otaa6-
ot6ln 6fllQ 8lG'1, 01616'1 69110 gllal I

ej orco or6e qa, 6flt fltato eI o{tol t

c'tc,t G'g[ G'q 6et6f,i, qot 0o fit' ot'ao6e 069,

orrgre fJqnt 6e6 a? eeten;
e6not6o ot'o gel qdJ QA gflQ a6gGQ,
qd 6 nltro ot'otoo qqo 6'l6E ll

le6og g aqa6o a6q-oeeta, qd, qcag l

oreo Ototerqeqode eQ etoteo orQeo aqa6 t ett?
or$6a e'6eg, ar6tn Out eeta otq'qQo at6'lo oqa6 I qflo
Ge eogr r etareo q6 etfr atQee I

arG guero, 666ttgt c 6c, e6g qet qfisl t se ot6cl

{061, RrTg r e6ag eoltc oaGQ qq qA fi6c' qQe eat
ege6 r o6e flta g otafllaf,o ot6 eq-edat6' gltl
qG'6ores o6o16 etet6 soqord 66o as6 r

ceog-Goqtqroec qfico eri eflto uta oooto etd t

6arq 0erord'0o o66 I 6GItGt{ efrototeo Rqteee,o etrjq

6easo eeo eQG I 6lqo Oqo etet6 t
flA(qer6qq)-q6fl aofltc' 6qqg Qqa, 060 Qge
etd t Scepticism AqA nl0 0A60 66116'l{ stage; sQ Oq
stage oto 6Q661, ara 66 A16610 616R, 6O6G' OIA OQ6'lCq
nro eoror{,-{et oeflQ'etsoe eQoG t

G'6og-6os6 eta eoe16, sQoG eoQ ooetcqeoq6 t

n6-d, orqea eoqa6 t

c6aq-6aqqfl6'o qn 6alaol6o I
e9u qlq1otflqq eatqo

o6-eoegd'aegtee orer 6G'66r, 6qa aG'gr6e orer

ot' otd'reality-oo{ I 6o6o8d qq 64q8, 6stt6s aaqleq
oras; 6q6os6r aoqreB qfl os6o reality; ool; 6q qao
aegr eo6en-egg6 G'r6re6r aG,gr6e:ao,{re6 o1q eerfr
qflQ 6c'Rl 6qtaot6Q I 60 aagt60 flqa G,dG'QQtot{, 6QI
aQgr 6Q66'l 6q686C'6R reality (AOV) 6eru 6QG' I
eeog-gi qoq 6'red'r ee6e ooflE q flerdac' qfi6o
qq oqi ofr r

o6-(oerear) aad 6qraE6u ?

e6og-6q 6flr6o aqE66l, '6Frr6G eoQ eeQ aqo
oeG r' ci oAfi 'e6're 66lr6e 6rqo oaq, 6grro 6060o6r qoij
eerfr eeru e' g.(, 6q6os6r eOQ e'rd r'
eq oQeR-'a6G'6e otet eQ6G,, orar o Eroq-orer o
r,rgi t'
rieafr-'6ee' 0q c q8en acq 6nrae oar q66erd r

o6(oatsot)-qao otG' Copernicus, Berkeley-

{flre'6'e gO t eetoo ente eqaG-qrit otn1e6, Copemicus
orer g6en etd-e'etoe 66110 egaG-Extemalworld (etet
e'ero) 46, Berkeley otQl q6en e'td t eoq Lewis eGa6,
'why was not Berkely a Philosopical Copemicus ?'
G'6Og-9166 History of Philosophy 60A0IA68 ?
fl6-QUdl, Lewis ?
6'6Qg-Cl, Ueberweg-German 6R646' qgQ OQC'lq
6qa r

fl6 e6n eqa, 'oqereo Eet oao6 eeQ oao

eoq6 ?' 6o6G'flqo flAsq eera gO urQ eeG 60, 'ejfiqe r'
or'6Q66r q6fl oad Qqn oae ? g69r Lazarusf, 619 erdo ?
6O6OCa66, Lazan*"Q06nlQq OIO AbrahamQ AQ66r 60, fi
arffafltq,q eQateq 60, q6'q qo oacfire ara eoe a6 t
Abraham oQ6fi, q6o oro eQen epl6 6qflr6e 6qro o66c, ?
6qfll6a eQ66', Qs eerrers qarcora arQ <Qag oar eg6 r
q6qlo6t oa6g0 e98

"otgco aQaG otq6oto eG e'otots erd r Gqrqea d

qqq{-mte 6qle redc al6'lo aql
CIG'G'ta 6ere eOaG I ol6'Q aa6et seto6 I 6q fllEoq
or6q atQ eqa6, '6oqtqtooe'o qo6' tn 646' eetfr 96fr t

69il60 fld 6loqaqr6 eororg o6etq 646' I qfi6Q elo'{


eqe etd t'

olfl aln qdco 6l r6oq'l - g6aq6'a
6q'6l6eaQ oaal
een 666't et66't I olqo eataa6 I QlflRln oo6qG'l
cga6 roeo delo 6611016'0 n6 ou aa6 t Qlflnln o6eoqoq
ar6 orqoq 6oqc'lq atQaG I
orqo adqqoalao e,Geoetgtl o106o

6r?o19r eQ eldlqa aovlcq arQetg
eQqen t eq atQ o+ie eG otoa6 r o6 stQorgl 6a6G'l olqo
66rolc'q. afiood gq ega6-'{Ql6' ol6q olae ? 66llolc
oqaG-arst d t'
qfla ot6 ea6't 6Q6ll I gcoq, 'Qlcl gq6 efreot
eo60erq qqo eeao6 t

e6ot6 ota t eoq0e6a6n'olqac'660 aqo 6ofl q{ I

g6oq eaelord 6G'6ll6oo at6 eooaG t ooote6 qoel6o

6'6flQ6O6R 6q'q a6l 6AA I

qeog-erdQ, 6€'dl6eo eeQ gaotcd etfreoen

erd t-eoQ oR eoaete6 t

qgslclo aasl I
e,eet oe(oeteor)
-oorllc'ao ednte
edflre 6El{Q'-6'oo fiast t gO 'gen qq, d otq' sQ ote
6o6o6q'6e atQe eqe6'ee66' {Qqg 6qc'l 6qa I (oooco
etot) t

ogder qdego
otqo glorgrqg os6. qt6r6o G,r6l1qa ao'.ilc6Q
QHlqQ AOqt6' I Qtsilfil, 6t61 g 9ilEQ qoqt qflq60
aq'qtc oa6e oootect cqo6 I otqo Olotnqe aqg;-
aolteq 6eer coloerg arQo6 I 6q ao6o Qon oeo aaG,
CIoor66' olc.o 6q6't eqo6 r arG qqete, 9 9 or6er sQn,
erre qlEtQ, Good Fridaya qri6c I

€nEo-otqo6"e alno aagt-6q 66qoo aeieo I

616t1 0 etsln-otq6o flat.(gt oQ6,6 r

at$tn-60o6 e6r6'r.( tower ? ot6Q eQen qq $6,0

fren, oq coqatq fren, 69 eoQ sqorea oaq oro6 6rd I

fitqa-otqo oQaG, { aagtce qdor flqo ode

6ereqt6e r oq<iqeo Qsqoq eEatq oe q0 qqnt atocCI
6ai org Ll6e I

oor-q6o qota eoro eeaea otqa etqq aqe{6n,

"6ori'qQ gror oo6'tc' 6'lt6r g{, orer d qqq6 r eod'gO
qrar aei g{, oe g{, 6oqfl er6ot qs, o6nr6 qo, ea
ercq6 reo qG srOfroroQ o6 qgtqcean 6era Gs reqroQ
oO orer on oQ qed r eoa" q6eo o6tG,,te' fito g.(, eoe q6
Qg eoroQ sd on oQ r

fitEe-ater tQear t

6d1-eto1 ooql otqoc. ot6t6o agel66l, ,,atco oa6t

6qa ? dee, Fuf,'G.e o aleo a6 t aqo,{ otc,6o eq,t eql o6
e'rqoG, 6raBG r"
et$tn-otgo eQeR, orer Go6 6e€, ? qgtoo ata
Oeareo e'61 {et ? e,1eflt6e Gearcc eca ae6 r 6eqrq6
qq c 6r6n qgtco g< erd r e6r6v Ooso 6'6.te atoo, aQa
g$e atc'o, ata aoq 6ereo aqoqnto e6 areo rsQ qo e,o
6e66'eslc'6elaot6o z aGoreo sQ gqrco eorer o6a1en r
eqdo o6e€o eee

fltqo-elc''t edote qacoaq 6er oqeG, eqelotd'

are'oo aolo aal e'qaG I

Qlslln-Olqa6'olsl60 flal q6.6OAG'Q AAI AOIAe{6R I

oeflg"qcq'q QQGR, "q86oG'aaolQ q66'1, 016'qff6Q aadl

qfle't q{ ? ag oao G'E'QAl t"
ernr oQEen, 'o966 o flqa6'a6o qora t ota o6eo
6 aqorg atco, ala 016' o6eo d Qgqreo-
fltqo-olqa oao oQeR t
Ql6ll6'r-Olqo oQen, otet 6o6 6Aq' ?
oO ata 6rqa6llCI oO cao {G'l ?
[qrornqe-oQc qcr6o-'ctfielc'luco ,e'utn']
aoqtc'Q eqQ eototnl 'Q6\' 060 olqo qlolflqq ot06'
q6r6a eQ aa6 t soq ee6 soto eeto6; alG 96-o1o1l fl6qg
qoato g oloo ol6c'g oa coqalq atQa6-o6 66et qnt
edloQ aoalo 6glool6Q I 66Q e6oq, Ql6ll6'1, 61d1,
flrqe, CIG'cla g aG'r1lct{ a66,a oofll6G' ae6 t

aoqtn6 oloooql alqfilcc'o I Qlo 9o, 98 6G'l oql

6oatq g{ I qc'a oofllca gla aoqle,eo oeG t eqRtee d
o'qo*o eoet oo6 lqc{CIBsllse qiot atqG n8eo oGeo

a'Oeo flu oq6 I 6qfllc'6o nu Oeot6 olqac'a eoet e6ctg

a8r t 6q qfl6s eriea 6'a-edloQ et eo'lerQ eei c6erg
qo , 6qol6Q oQ eqet o6sro6 ctd t aoqteo sd
"ti", sat oO olqo6'eqeteei gotR co6, aqet'o sd
g6ag 6aG r 016'e'lfl6o aoqle, oglo 6n6logl eeto6 t eea
orea gtg6l g e'6d otqt qdot 6qo aeG t

qrornqe(oloo qoelo 0 ae'qfllef, qG)-61q 6d

eea6 t

oroo(oooleq 6o6la)-eoee {fl16c ag gqc I

r (qtornqec
aoqtG'Q qae 6d 6oc'lq{fllee'o ea=loQ oe eld
gG) eos, edotn elEG'ooelQ I
e9r glqlotflqs aatqo

otq6o o6ogq aoa 6oatq at6o6r 6o6R I S,60g gq

eO ao6 totoe 96 oar oqo6 r

otoe-etuo oeete r q6 orfrer flr.l oeote I

066'9 otoo-ot6" (graraqec) gr o16 erQ eoao6 r

otoe qoeto (olqoe q6)-6oEn ?

groraqe(asq atqq c6)-eq'6'&t6, !
otoo qCIote-e,&t6' c oQen o qfl6g oefle"q I
qlotnqq-91 6nto 6oe6e nr6sR aqs q{; esabreo
nro6 eqorso oa6l qs, eoo6 eot otae eer Q66 r

oroo-rj oror 6qra e6o,-6o6e c 6?6R ot6

eoa"o t
gtatflqg-q,to6o ecr aj6en qro eGors r 6qro eo
6eteot.( | 6'616e o6 eeQ 6oqto El"qte e6o,_flqe6"o
6qG't-qtqooc.o 6qG't o6e, 6qe{6o eote ctdt
"g166rte 6e'a fltqta ql.Ele eoG r 6qE6o aqoq 01fr
orar6 I 60 e'6oe gl', 6e deoen sQ orqtg qo-ql6ntoo
qo uda6 r vQB Oq e,r6en ata fltate Erqte o6erq agr
g.a erd; qq gt 6nleq Oq or' eerfr eert,l 6a6R ola 6olro
q'Ele e'6sro t6lqa ooic c 6a6n g166lre 6 egqerorc
eerfroovrel (Homeopathy) ttrou 6ta ote6o 66On
eea A6{ oR as6 r

ot6e'q- on6e6,to6CI atodq eerfroo,rrE clo6e otoel

e6erg 6qa I ata otfl c6q6n eq at e nror r (ooaca
erer) r

e6Qg-Nothing like leather.(6o eo16 etR 6,6e, 6q e6e,

engrs6 aqe 60o { e'6o6eara e6 erfl r (qos6.oerq,{) I

6gqgo 060 otoogtren erfrereR r

e,gdo odego e9c

qlornqs e.r66 e.l6et-ctsc otttst c6o6t
orqa flrqos'qQo oat ega6 I 'QtfrG'l' qaoeo 6eo
aear 6saso cga6 I '
glorflqq (oreoc gd)-erfro1 etue cGa6R een etd
eerfr sflrec eqa6 r 6ote aegt qndeo 6qflt6e e,to6 ctd t

"g16atG,6'6oa6a eto nt6eR alo6Q oQdt qs t"

"o0 arelflor oQ ot6qoat eQetqots, gtS6Q eoo6
6616'r{ q1flr ar{, 6q q1flt a6qno6 Oero oO etd t

"060 {arfi eQA, .(oA qflgca oO edloQ q16fila

at6Ql, otqt6g66'l {6,t6G'e6A G'16'6,Q AG'gl 6AlAOt<, AtQ 6qQ
el6nr0qarar eerfr mt6'9.{ t"
firEo aarq 6ato otqos'o 6aot otstco q'Q <Q qflg
oar qga6 r Qaerrq 66s qoeo Qae'ta6' oQo ceog eat
egaG r oac'ra 6ere oGaG I atflotst std eoqt eqa6 r

aroiqo eoq rc'6o otqoq 6oqq'tq 6ad1 a tQg laG e,td I oq'Rta
q'qle a&rn6e aO eeroEe'tq olqo qlotflqq o16' ord'66o
oe6 t eq,G',ra6'eao lm/yx eei ea'G" t

qroroqe(ccaqG gG)-otqqq qtaq 60 I

e'6ag s oaata olqoc algq aeta 66s eQen I otqo

eEltet cG qd oaaaq oqa6 - "61q alaqqs Gaq I q1
oqdr 6'6r ero6r6e gfrg crd r Qeir6 est6 oto6 I (eeog,
CIacra g fiqa6'eror)
"6r6rc'rc'6'ot6e fi6' 0q oqg 60
q'1oqqs 6q ofldt1
q6r6a oee', Gq efl6t 060 ctd t" 91 q6r6a 66'en aqola
ear cQg r

6aqoo o6a otqa qd aotot oQ orectaq ega6-

"ar6 sot6e 6teil t"
eoe'ra oQen-atst d r rjorn aG t efll ord'o'ro qaq
ero I
efio q1q10rflqq 0arqo

q6og arQ eQeG t eGotst fltq I CI8el6c otqoq

qoqroce geqa qnflrn 6eeoc oo6 t eoQ otngQq otqo
eor6< eorO< eQ onreo OoG r q6oq Osooso eQoG r

orq6a qqe 6arfi orq qaO qfiflln 6o6R I gcog otqaq

gorReQ eqQ firnr flgeco urao eQ 6G't6Q 66en t
afl6q gq oA eQeG s olqoq eoqa6 I {aQ 9609
oreoq qora cd ooraflrc 6e66l, eq 6otq ecee t CIet
qfloce oaaaq arO cQen 6adt6ee oeol 6fita 6a t ort6
ooR eqa6 r orqo6'ao6e qao6e Ocsect ot6 oon g< t

eeEsr6i'q6og 6adr6eee oaor QO ar6a6 t

qlorflqg EIorG'o gq6 o@G'q$6o 6'l61qa
[orqoco ao6o6-60r qq q'qrq eor qd aqtq-ecag g
erarcoc e6gl
ordlqo aoqtc'64 otqo glatflqq aoQ a6\ 66Q
eQaG I qq66o q'1etc'o, fltEe, ate fld 6'66t gec'6t oo,
ara alorcoa a6r6o 016'0 qaed aq. arQo6 t etatco Qq
6o6terqr, efreor e66lG'6e errql glqra6a adqe' eoea6
6odq esdora 6qor6e q6n r glornqq ags 6qtas6 qO
orqcoqarqarQa6 rQqeoa efreororqqro {6re do 6at6
6eG' r aloreoq 6aqc,rord'orqa or{g 6eraq6n r

orqa aloreoc' argq aet6 6edo oG nreaq ofro

e6R-eso6 aqa6 qec6 on r

qroroqe(eleroc I firqoc'q6)-qecrorec 66< oat

qq, ri q6d r nrea qqc6 as6 eoq otqo flrqaq q{ a6R,
6'60q aG t orq or6arer r .
c6ag aooq arQsn g orqoc' or6i6o eQen r

grornqe(ecog 0 otarccq)-qae'd 66s car qe t

q,lere'o gqe6 aa6 r a6oa eogos eG eq G,ar arefi 6,6el I

oqa6 oCI68o QmQ

flol6'o(6'6oEs q6)-atgt, o8o qs6 aldo ?

qlQtcoG'Q aatqao ota
96flu0 I 6oaht6G,eatqaQ
q6eR, 6egr6c qGor6en 60, {et6'qoa 6qfl6o qd r

6'6Qg-The Scheme of the universe is devilish! I

could have created a better world ! (< 6'ooO c,tla0t 6oq
fl60 q{ 60, .(Ql dtgOtCO ge, 9i {Qt A60S| On 6'qo qe
o6arar6) r

alarco-q86 c e[6n aad q6 66,tu q.(?

CGAQ-I am giving no scheme of the universe but
simply my opinion of the present scheme (eoo 6 ao toleeo
q€ o6erq6a6', ciorer ogcrdr rjoq6-eod'eqeer 60616,
6q G'qast on a6d t)
eoee e6r6{ eat6e Qqro oen .( qg qflqqt q6aa
Ol{ I Our only refuge is in Pantheismi qq66 d' AqO,
Qqrq eeerorcg 66ldQ qflqet oeeeld I ri d qqGA eq6 r

gterco-cq oat oQer qge r

6'60g-Adtd s6ae[ q0 eA arq6 oqaG r

tf aecrqovec're6etA ctq'
c o 60'11flqfl1 G,€o66't c 6,tq
6[0rcoqo8 6r6G.'r{Q' d6atraq il Q il
c o qr6rq'6Ht fi' 66 o8atq-
ri or qgurqd et oscetota I
c arqot6tot0e G, Gelogotq
f,oteoqog 66erte" 6eer:eq rrrrr
e 6fl 6qsat66t'l c eR ehroeoredl
ft6ot 666'6fl 66e orqdoree r

e ueeir e ereai 6,etcfit c ccilfi-

f,orcoqos 66ertq" 666't{qq ltqllt
G, gdr{'c oto'e 6ql$q. e q8$b

c R6gt a ol€i' G' 6q'ot:e oHts I

eqre qlomHqq aalqo

aQ' 6QtQ6." 66G' 60teq' G' 60tot

c egd fiq" ggede 6or-

qorcoqos 6eerte' 6eer:eq, rrart
aQ'6'6'Q68r G'QrQrQqGqt
6ggre' qdg qedQardrrl r

6'erqffo'e6o e16ri 6flq-

Aore'oqos 6eerte' 6eetteq ttott
Q1Qtco-eflflo r

orq6o aloreoq aerer e6R, {ere aoo Oa r

adq oo 6a$ra€{ orer, 6oa o8eo
0at6Q1e oQ 60$ra8r orQr r 6a oqo! aqoo orq,
92 -6qe{6Q
aqoeo€'g{, ara rjdso,6Er{e"-6EIE6o flLrq aqarqaG' r

eerGq qra 6oa oo 6ooq ore q{, ata ctfl qto 6oa fl{
oQq ora g{ r

, qfl6g qq oA ao'6 r eterco n'6ogqeQ6a, GQs 6to

6rarq r n6og qo eG edlore sue 6ros6-
6C'Ol6Ar6Aqq qQr Q6fr6Bt
osreflr6g6r e qEn68 r
a66ilOfle8eo6d eQ88
edlgteees 6qor6rqG'G8 rel
qL$" G6Or8 GAAnREqBs

or6rqg'Gorqflrfleae8 r

aarflQ qlno qqq88

edlgte'ees $t orcrlG,e8 u9u
qrc,oor6e o6g€oee
aQc6'qqq66 QfiBs
e,gder s6ego Qqlql

edloteees $t otqqq'68 lls'lll

orqo o{
q6eR,-"ztQ6d" qqg66l QflG8"-qcs
q6tr z16g atee oqa6; alql t ata afio eO ege6, 'sQG
6CIt6r1Q RO6r
c6og sri]ste oga qutg ege6 t

eogrGota" o6edqeg '-j':

, alQlG'fllqcqa66'llQq88 I

cre'R glQl" e eQs qoBs

e6lolcG'88 6A oloqaea llull

gqt$Q' ot6'G'€J6,O6Gl
qqteogt6 Qoteaee t
oEr6l6cl aq oaqfl88
Gdlgteees 6A 016'1468 llSll

6'6Oq Qd 61lQO8:-
o6qdnrcoq r

ao 6ete" qo e'oQuteq t

Gqrgqq 6019" flcGql R6ol oqal6elgG'lo" I

q't6ilo10" gldqq 916l'oQ'c'6adqq I

qrarnqe(q'Goga qG)-ata 6qa6'l-"601 qq, 66
6qr qq* 6Q
^ !,,
*."q 6to6 6trao6-
gq6q art66'Gq eer 6l6lst, 66'l Qq eQ eqt qet eQ t
{a gq6et aoc't qtflt, 6ct qq eQ eqt qet eQ tt..
qa6e oorn 6o at stetc'q, edle or 0qeQ 6qeti'edqr
a6oq, 061 6tt* qal qfltqt, 6e,t Qq eQ eqt qet eQ u
er{t flfitae ett Qqett Aqcrfllg'l
er{t fiqEltg,,
e6eq eret q6e, actot, 66'l qq eQ eqt qet eQ tt
etet ea" Gilt, 6oen Gft" eqt, eoot oo6o eet6t ee dl t

qa6e qq6et Qo eQ q6'tol, 6ol qq eQ eqt qet eQ tl

ad eq inoo od e,nt'oq tno G'ctl" GEt atd eot oq t

eei edl'6o6t qtl G'G'Q atflt, 6ct qq eQ eqt g et eQ tt

I i
qflu 01010rflqs aarqo

6qrorqqfl 6o6r-orfir, q 66qr 6er6t c q,q 6erRr r

aG,aq onq eric'oe' fi atgt, 6et eq eQ eqt qet eQ tr

"e6eq 6R 6fl"" sQ ear qQa 6JA'orq6o ogror eO
oge6 60, 6qt q6oqec qoa6o aoG, 6q aeriqrflt r "eqi
ed' eoert q a1 G,G'o arar, 66,r qq. 6A 6qt q Qt 6E rr" eletc'o
sQB g6 c6oqq oga6,-'6qt q fl 6Q', ednm qq. gq. r
rI qea; g6cr r
a6Qg-Give me one and I will give a million (ei aO
e6r0s or{, 6,ra seen 6qo, 6016 aaqrqce o6oreo-
aeiro. e o6a qc,q eara) q6fl si ej aur 960; ri eqolo ate
G,8 G,IQ I
sqr oQ e'6ag aerega€otq 6060 gQs eqre argd
e6erg nr6en r q6 ooea gq 0A eQaG r

qraroqe(oere'oa q6, e'6ogq eowro)-6oo6

6arsqo oearel ee'o qAG r

(oreoc qG eroreoqeoerra)-"Q dre ! 6a6'tot6t6e

g'rerqro egod oorssQ qo oQars r

otqofra qeq6'at silEQ, elotco
a tQEL6't
gq6c. Er6r6o r

orqe qlarflqe aer[er ror6r6e etoreo g flrqo eQoG r

oo 6aqu r orqo6" 6o1e6a aGag oa6r; oonr6c'qQ saor

6oq6n 6qcrac'e qoa 6or<i q{ I otqo 6q aaoq GJale
oqa6 r qq qq €'oc6o eQaoG r

ooflrce qfi 0 q6l€ln ar6 ado oGaG I otqa qoq

flarce ae6o €'lergclae 6c'mg{ qer oqa6 redom qn6ca
figoce eoaaG r 6e6o6a66' er 6'q6e, qoflco, et6eooso
eoaa6 ! 6'66r q,r6'a eog6 qa6c'a euq6 !
orqoaa 6o6o606n oqolg olq'q{, 6q6o6866' 6q
6,eG eo, aato 6oeo oerergaelerrot eera6 roarergaOea
ogdo o6ego efl8

aqala 6oa aqo16 gs eerfr oq'6 t"(aQ fltEaq'qQo oat

eqaG r

groroqe(areoe qG)-etq 6a6o6e6n 406

ereoerd r

"odflr6, G'tnaete t eqs{grd qa 6aa sQoQ oq6 r

ouo eos16 616r ? 60106'r ego6 e?l6o 6alQ n6g I 6EtQGt

eorearq6 r 6oeo e'eo aG serh eoteetg6 t

"6ood a6rq, oq n8 eto Oatota6 t 6oeo olotG

arq6 66 erd r 6oo ogo6ete l"
oreoc'a car cQereo aq eea6 r ord gin I fltEo
619 otqo eao eQerq orqo6 orer aqfltc cG cgaG, 'ata
aeo6a o6ars'q eo61a6 r"
qrarnqq-aeoco G'tet6e, aag6a eog6 I a$o
qGoree r qGoreo 6o6'n eerrBs 6616' atqa o6, sQ 6$tne
a6e6e, arar60 oqa6 r soG eoe16 r

flrqo g elerco <Q qqode e,at qga6 t Qaopo oeo

orqo 6qflrc6' argq q€ eoo oqe6 r

qlotflqq (oreo g flare'oc qG)

6G'ru q{ r eeQ so eeru gaG erd r

lglarflqs g 6ol6rrest-u6t6 odel

"66'616 e6r6s eor6q e6r6'6oeo c1o eq6 t"
eoe16 6o6o6c'66,otc'ot6e ft6,e 6ot6t g{, 6q6o6c'6n
eq eor6s orsrco o0e6e r"'
"G'6iflre 6aaG'eos16 oeieo arqo aoo o6oreo; sero
eorGs or$6a 66'ra so eQG r" orqa 96 gq 6ara aQen r

6aqso oea 95 egaG, e,ga qat e6oe,{ 6s, are eGoeqa

qat 6'9 6q r ooroea 6or66q6e 6atllg{ 6glte 6et6t eere6 r

arorco sQ oar6 qBorord'arga qG,r6r e66l r eqetord'

Rrqo aqs6,-"6refl gr6eo ero eor66en oe6, gr6ea
e. a" nqut etoQ" 6lto" 9r6,rl6G cl{Q" GG8 I
aQq6ea e qs66a gqo6 QetRleG'narct t/tt
efle q1q1Qtnqq aatqo
aro 6ar?6nr r Qq orqt q6d, aau6e qto 6010 ore6 r"
etoreo(orqoc'qO)-ato6r aqq, oo eE ot{ erd6 t
qlorflqq-Goao eE I

orq6o 96 eao oQee orer q6orq ao6q a6ost

eqa6 r

oiqeo oqo6-"qG ot6e ?"

flrqo ar6g ar6g eretcoqaPJ6t oga6-
flrqo-6ate 6or grd', aq,tgo6t I 60g seo aqa, 6q
{ql q6q flqo6'or6a fl6'6o 6Et6' a6t 6ot6t I

etoreo-d, eoo6 ChristGo crucifixion t eoee tetd

, Mystery I orq06'o otdQ sso CIGdil ?
flrqe-orq6o ego6 oe6, orarc agt t{ot6e otG'e
sQoQ 66f,'r r

{sr6c gacd ar6g at6s oar eqo6 I otq6a aqrar eQ

alarcoqgq eqa6 r etomo aqtet qB n or6ergorqeo q5
eqror cQ qe ogeG, '6q ead eqeG t'
qler€,o-.( enro 6sto oat ege6 r

0roroqq-6a o otce aqfltc' r (ateo g a1et6,6'6'

gG)-aear eoq6, oee o66, '66oev 6ea'-{ eatqflgq
aqG' G,rq I Qn6Q OtO 686, 6qA qq Ot€t At6et I

oreo(etorcoc' g6)--qflfl cemeqen eQeo erd r

otqro e6oeq 6eG'te qflq 6eq,, otgeQee I

qgd or 6qd z
eroreoq ao6o6t-6qd 6 oa
ererco orqo6' ota6e alo gRlaBG r gr6eo flrEo
eQo6 r firq {G'" ata e6d qa6'61 oo ooq nQeo oGeo
arq8s r qgG,rQ 9qr ota$ {qa Qrr9 q1qt0 I ala qq gta6o
(Good Friday), qfla ga qqa r qlerec ar6 sQorea d aa
gqro oraoG r orqoco {ate egt 60, eletcc {ot6e aaq I
eqdo o6ego Qsle

qQo cat oqa6

emte'o ola6o qlo gala gnla olqa6 t

eoQ oqo oat ala aq aq qri' r eoo6 al6'oq qetaaG t

orq6o aqg, oloo odot eoe1al , * -_ = _..^
a10tG'o-66'6G'{60 0rte6 etQ6 ? oloa6-0l60 Aqlq
e66r o 66e t alo6l o 6'16'8 I
qroroqe(oreoc gG)-oloaq 6qre erdt qoelo
(oroo) eQelRt, '6QtGl oQGa€' etd t'
gterq'o-Goce ol6'el erd6 r glQlcqalo 6q6'l
nreo(etotcoc gG soteeo)--GQ GG'otdotqetotG t

orcQ 6014 681 OO€llccQ fltre olQ I

o16 GIQfi I q6 flurq qflg l6q'6l6ea oool6'611 6el6o I

etetc'o aO oaotG one6 6'6ne 6oaaG t otqeo eoqa6 t

qlotflqs (etotcoc qG)-eoec'o106'19ll oolaoa I

etatco oQa6, 6qlflle6'6060 olae,lfll C6en olq6o

aretfice QQGe, eqetgld'olq6o qa6l eola 6q'486, eag6
6q otaG'tglt oola OaG t

etoIcoc'Q 6lo6'l on eetaetdt oto 66s eta6at elRt t

ore6o eI6 eq' gsqo 6QGR, ala aoq ao olalq egaG,

enqar smc' ? 6oq {60 6lo10, oat oQotq etet6, oat6
aoe ao gq eqaG t

96 nrgq gfl eqe6, 'qoRteq eao sQ alo 6la6'lq

eQtaERt ?'
olq6o ael6o 6J6l oE oq.ctet6 I glo etno oO
Geraoeqto oeG t a1ol8o6'qtr6o qoc'61 qlgog atQa6 t

eoelotd qor er6e a6Q aca ael ol6qetge6 I

qrornqe(e1olco6' g6)-n1err efitfroeR q6fl9ll6c'

Qad aqCIq 8Q ?

Qlotc'o-6aq6o alo6lcQ oao aG ? alo6l o G'lG'o I

Olotflqq (eeo qrgos Oag'tac argq ae16 6edo

Qmr q1o1olflqq ealqo

qQtG,o {a0 oorfl qad Q466, I 6q o6g' qeoc

afrooreooA q6 Aq 6o6q qorredn e6ee r 6qot6o orc'o
orrje aG r ee qaO qatoogo qfitoa I erru qterog <Q
crriq oQ arqeG r qe,raage ctn Qq 6raoq (sina rimes)
se" Qq quro (sina sudhar); etot6'o errql qtetoeo G.s.
aor{ oraE6a I
elerco Qqerot; ofreoreo ado6,oQe6R, qlqo 6adc'
6qqq. qior odc 0 016' qQo qdor arc'ro aqqcff I atcl
oOaeo orqo qlorsrqsc'or6qoBeo aGeo atqet66l I
feraleceo oelsr!, qqd a 6qd t] *
qrotflqq (etore'c'c gG)-eqotqc 666l eeeet6.t
eietc'o (oereor)-er8 !are 60 6qor6e eeQ erer6 I
gO arsn qsr6s or6ot eq r

qlorflqq-oQ9il 6060 ora ?

sreroo (oerear)-{aq erriqeo orl ooctt I
qlarnqg-6466' ?

etoreo eQen r orq6o gd eqo6 t

qlorflqs-<Qoreo eecr ? (etorec qqe6 aaG) r

qlornqq-e.'ri qror aad 6ee ?

etorao qq aA aaG t
flere'o ara OQs earerdr oeo Gota geo e6R r

qlorflqq-eoee arQo t
elerc'o-cerflere 6e e96CI6 I cqtflG,te 6e qetsn
arQ eofir o66 r

[Rleo, G'6e9, ooe gq6]

nrEo orqo6 016160 eQaG r eterco {afltg otfrosR t

q1orflqq (oreoc g6)-qq ofi,6'r ?

flrqe-argr d qore6 c'? rrua I

qlornqq, QQ66l-{6110 6tQ 6Qt6l !{60 qQq6OE6Iq

arq8 r
eqda o6ego eqc

fltqe-atml 1i', qq qal G'e166l so6 q< erd r

grotflqe-6flt6o ot'c eooqecoCIetqot6 agt t

erqe-CIergeg aE 646'l 6qq6o u/s 6co ete t

glotflqq-66er orq I
srEo-atst d t

otq6o G6< qle eeta6'G t 6qtn o6ee t

glotctqe(nreoc qG)-qQG e6lfr6a ala QoG'l

oora6a t

otq6o aQ6'tQ qQG estficoalq ogaG I eg 6ocl,

eeelord 6aot aseo qo oelocoelq e'ga6 t

slEe o6fl eqe6 I olqoc'o GG< ogt atQG t

qraraqe(66s 6gtoeo, nreocg6)-Qo Q'61

Geraelnl ?

fllqo-utmt 66s calaelnl I

c6eq, doo g fllqo, oce qnoaa qd Goeo oat

ega6 r

6'6og-Q uredr{ ! {60 eqi oQer seo etu Go'tt

qserd; GoQ entee QqG 60, qa 6G Qe etue 466 eoq
6qq oootc'GltQ 6Qa ! ocl€'lc nto 6 {60 qqe I (ooo
qG) eoro ot6 eero6; fllEQ 9lel6lfl6'Q flai eato6; eoto 6q
< sdqe ot6 eetoetd t
fltqQ-olQl6a6fi 96fl 8Q' 66lqq qala, al6fl qg
016'l ooqolatlc, 6Q6R A169l qqAlG'l ooqolaqq6fl eQ"
66rqq qata I (aaoco etot) t
e,eog(eeteot) sra6
-sQ 6q (oone"aeoe)
q6Een-ata qqqqeQEen t'

e. eatG gqre odq 6eaeo I qqloco Col, EQ ata aqd,

qo qqflstdaqotQ ooloelcn lote'l qfl Q66Q, gqloq.6qol6e ale
6 edern dgroeG ? 6qflleco olelc ol6q 0erq oa 6alael6ll I 6oq
se ao6iqsQ eat eqa6 r
QUo q101arflqq earqo

otqo qlornqs 0 6'6ag gq6 aoflrcco ne.fiq
aoo6a6'r aoee a6\o6o er6oe erg eQaG r c6eg,
6reo, 61611, ntg 6oteoror6.,, 66,ore, 66d, ergr, flrqe,
9606r a6aa aa6 r

qflgG'ar6q6ole6rsrn arQa6 g orqaq6oqar flt6g

016'oe6r6e Ao R6ra eocr eGaG r ao6G'6creo 6oqsororn
ernoq'o6 e,ga6, 6a0te erq arQa6 r

6aote a66'o Ocseo orqoq 6oq6,rq arQelen r ee

a0q orrir aon6o Grerce el6n r 6qor6e orqoG' aggor
ear 016 arQs6 r 6aore 060 g6a6 o6erarg orqoG'o oo
qaroct gqa6 r

6aoro orqo6'o ooq6 6ee ogoeo qqd e6R g

arcoso eaQ qh 6oa qflsq 6ooo oqoG r oofltce flse
a6'oo eQ eqQ qF qoo eqa6 I

6ooq 6oarq orao6, sg6 qoaeo eq 6ee' orqo6'o

eoerqh eeen r flrqe eQen r orqo flaJ flrqac' argq
e'rd q,Qsn r CIogr66, 6s6loeo eQaG r otqac'o CIta no6l
eo$rora6 r oGso fl€ea oreiFqro orro oqa6-eoo6 ore
6aeo eqa6 r ac'66roo eooroqofro oqo6-66o earec'
qQo oe oo r 66cr cre erfi,qaiaG, ara ega6-"crqrdq,
cr6, 6,rG'qah r areo e'rd c-qfr, atoo 6s t eqeoeeen od
e66, eq an6r ear r" (orqoeo etot)
qlorflqq a6oqG'gG aetfi 6eder cO ecoroqeo$ras6
o aqa6-"eqouo e66 r (oonrce. gG) seoro e6ogq
oQqeR, edflre od eo;6qeooso e6eroeo oqr6? 6oq'tq
eae r (esoq6'qG)-6eore6'oro qh 6a r

eeora(ceagq)-orc oroqh 6a r orereacn 6sa r

g6oq CIecroc'e oqrqco eQaG r orqo qlorflqq flsq

qrql eG orc arqq anrao6 r caoraq eqa6, arer QgO
oqa6 006g0 euQ

qCIt6' ! 6aote orqoc'o ofro qG q6aqc' arqq aqqo 6ara

eQen r

q6og 66s a6ore1 r CIoflrse eeQ eoQ aoqr6'e sreo

ord eleroo oo oroc' or6q ad o"qe e6erg oreelsn r

eoelora-q,g a6ore eera6 r q6ag aoqrc,o a{er"d $d 6aG r

qeag(ee'oroc gO) <sO ag qrqfl r6,G' o r$6e ea6r

rj eQoteo r q6 eoQ eeQ (ceog) eceo 6e esRr, qelrql
6a66o qe6qr ode odere orae{66l r ag ag aruflrg.q
6oqarq !
orqo qlornqq g6ogqore oqa6 r oga6, d eqoree
0fir66rre, an flo qB oro6 crd r

qeoq(eaoroc gO)-qq6oa cao erer6 crd, crero

Q erre r 6q 6'G'r6e oqe ga6, 6q orG'6eo aAE !
orq6a fJ6 qfiro q6ag6 oar6e ri'orqo6 r 'orG' 6ce
oqe'<Q aar q6 6aore flar arf,'o gcro cqaG r

aoflrsc G'rcrqare sroq ards6 g orqoc' qq66o

aqeG r orq6o Gaeo OQs eoen r q6oq qro6o qqro 6oa
aflsq erQ eoorg eQsn r

9609 onq 66n r 060 qoro 6ooer eee r

qraroqe(eoorec' qO)
-qeo q6ogq. gero 6a, ora
or6go ederg croroe r

o6 ocn o9o6 r orq6o oQen q6fl 6ra6,crd t o6q

flar o6n qqro oraarq ooreGn r

grg qs,,ir sqRr6 r 66o g 01fl 6or6e1 qor6o qOaG r

606-q6fl Orqoc'asg-oad o0r 6nq8 ?

q19r-e{ eQRr ?
erdcr-r[g66 r 6flr6o 6oG' ?
q1fl-6't, rjFse, e gG ororgsoQerd-eq qgsi6e,
oret* oq6 aev orel* ged r

66o-eao ags !

q1fl-6flta 60818 o6Q O|QG' I

ex9 qlg1orflqq oarqo

[orqeo a6aqa qorQq-gtgoa q1g@ aqo]

Qts'rlo6o, orqo6' 664 atqu e'nr eeta6 I qlgCIo
Orqo aqc'(eq) soqerq arQaG I otqco ot?tq coqatq
arqa gor6r e6eten rfitqe o ga et6e$ og eQaG I otqa6'
aA66o aa6',1og6a flft1 0 qe qna otn oQG I oo 6oqu t

eos6 e'66 flqrcorsrt Fgooeo 6ot6t6e eQoG I otq6o fltnt

6CA U16Q AO|A88 I 600Q 61f,'l6Q OS'6G' !

aqo(eaeqd ortoea)-fltnt Cota eo6 r

flre'r Cor 6enr r {ero6o otq6o aqo6'qQo aeee eat
eQen r aqo Qorq ee'ee t

qlarflqq-qeo qd arQe t

aqo-arffir, arQorq o116 oer I a6ae qoq atQetq

g{, 6qetord'qg qflfl64 srso erd t

qlorflqe-q6fl atq {otq errQoqt eee t

aqoc' qG orqoco a6qqe 6qq 6oq qfleg QQo

eeaa6 r

[otqQ qlotnqs g ooeilG,fi $ qq]

so6o 66ero, {6gn sx o166 r e,6d ao atQa6 t

qff6o qr g e6r6s qro edo qg reed eeq, est6s alooqio

qg coqoqro q'66 r qt6 eeQOcotq ston oQ eqtao6 t

eqEord orqa qlornqq otq flBeo aBeo utQetq ee6 t

or6eo qrqlsror orqardt aoee qao6o olqoq

qaraarq urQen r ogGo el atqa 66'a q6tr qeo atQen t

6ra 6ra orq6o orarqooaoerrOsqeo 466'a gq e6a

g 660n sQ aorrng arQ qtqtorarc' orsrce oQorq eQen t
orar6e6n 66re ago efrOo r ora 6et6'6o eot6s Ga elnt t
orq6o ofro od oQen or'g ou ar6e t
orqoci $ra6'ro6e ooc' q1 gre6 g6qto o6eoen t

otqoc'q6r6e 66oer oareroir 060, O1O1gr 6o6o6c''6n on

6eq 666r, 6q orqoq gotn oG ot6 qtr6e 6t6R I
eq6id qa6Eo euql

or0 qrq ea6t 6QRl l olqa oggllcG qs6Q 6q0 a6o

c,QBG r qnflrn 6646.t o6 om eqo6 r

orq6o onlqntn 6ee qtose uQ Gee 6ee eao egaG r

r Qrqrg6a ego6 qqQ 6ala a6q nrn 6q'6R I

66laqeg oo-q1q aoqtcq atQ glqlntalc' otstco
660e oQerq orqo eQo6, o6 og q6a6 I
gafl oo6go
6actq'G' e6o g6-edqa fl 6oeo
e o166 6''rqaral erre,.;oOero eo1g er 0e,
qflraa flr66rqc' asOeoeo o16o eq'e r qoro, eQeRror,
6'o661016' eoq qq6 a6ce qrg CIonrc'q' qQo 6adG'eg
6qq, qlernqeq o{ia o6erq ofieoqa o6aq arQa6 r erer,
fl6et6fltqc gq6 aee'ee aoOo aa6 r

qrqo8nrcc, a6c6o 6adc'G'o arQer ar6q crni oGaq

atQe6 g otqo6'ot6r6e eQoG r qfl6g qqg, 6een o6o
Oetq a6'taa6, 6e6o6e6n 6o6G' arQ6e, 6e6o66'6c' 6e6a
6'rere,6e arQ aeooo e6ee r orG'e arQer griqo o6e 6'190r
g 6ar-qfli nrdaQ6 r

{ae 6o6tc'arQaG r ero6e ga6 een g qna e6r6{

60rq'r r 6c,6ro qlorflqec'a eoer qd ed eqqQq 016160
aq6o6n se' o1fre qdrfl a6n r orqo fl{r e1fre eero
g6e'aaro e6n r

Olatfiqq arc'o6e egs6 r ate 6edeq qQo car eqa6 I

qrornqe(eeooG' q0 oa'rear)-eeoe q6fl 6cl6o

erd, 69 qfl 6e6lrsr6e 6flr6o or{ cror6 r q6a conrflrcq
oqetfi {6a ar6sr ee're6 eqe6,r, or' o6e e6r6o arQee r

(eeooea 6sqorac' qO) " ar6e, qflfltcc'o eor6o

errQa6 r rj <eoee6, or{ ee'reG oqelfr, 6qet6o or e'fro
6od r

"66rA06 O6C qq6G fl6n G'rq r qq 019160 6Q'E Crq,

€'rao agrqn 6q,ra q6'6o eQen-'qtd 6e 6,iG'c flfl 6'16,e',
6q6O6466, qe 6610 4rfi6,9ilC6' AqO Arq6n r O6Irq6A
Er616r6r, 66101616r r c,qrqn a 6q,6R 6l6rc'rG'6 ooic q< crd r
qafl 06680 QX8

(eeooe. qO)
qcta ear q6org orer6 r"
6e6re gen QG Gs, {cr6c qfl6g

eooe(6ete' or6''6e, ae'ror)-{or6e ear oQer Rrec

erra or6q qE 0Q e6erq Oel t

qtoroqe(oerov)-6o6G' 6,ad 6'16r, ooo qorq'

6t6&tgo qorro ah r q6fl a6e 6r6&eo Gnoerq ee'o er6R
ara ej a6a flar er6fr r (oooca eror)
qoa ue'r er66 r arnt o0o cqc'oe are,dr qorora6 r

grarnqe(eeore gq6c g6)-eoqn, 6oQ qoo

G'tc'6il I 66'6G'64Afi60 6A 0Q 6'GtQ8, AtQ 6'6d CtCt
qoto qoo Raal 6oa oro orGore arfiro cq6 r eflro Q
6qe orc, r 6sre ero6 qa ara ara 6rfr ed oo eOQ ord6 t
ordQ soen 6qtre'eGQ rrjero gao e'rcr qaro 016r or6or

ee'raQ I {aflrg gg qg erd6 oQQ r drB, q'rq.t, erqee, qfiq,

flUa-agara6a orq orQ6, areo oGG, 6nrq c66 r

6o6a aarq 6ara <Q oarqQe q6JsA r eqa6, src, g

o6o <od arqriq qoo ausr{r 64646q66'r e16 erd r

eooe(qrolnqsc' qG)-aro6r eeeo6e <QoQ

66roc6o oQee-gefl .(or6e 6nrere6r{ 6e6' r

qralflqe-{at qno 6 aar r ejerro 0a oQar<, orq'a

crfl a6e r ej e'ooaraa oQer ereo e,rd r

q,qflrc cQelen-ej ero 6eg, cng <qg 6'166 016,

6eee {6,919 arflG'e 6er oso r

6a66'-arar rj 6''aqflr6rfl aOQ r 69 eoorec qfl6g

{orq arq6Q r

qlotflqq-ejaaoc oro q6o qO ro0 oqle6 arQeq,

6e6q'-aro6r orer aqg aro6r arQer 6gn eee erd r
eu9 qlolatflqq earqo

c'6eoqo n6oeo ao6'er6r6e Olotflqg
seo q'etei6'o arsqre'c eero6 I q'qao eolo eooa6 t
oEG'6,1qq'eteie' on o6o 6oqarqe6 tqq'q Qor ee'taa6 t
66uo1 orq 6616' ee,raa6 r ala qae'd oootf,'eetaeG t
glorflqq 610 atQa o6R-
qOnrn 06'60 e'te sO qeet oQe,,
qes oQe, e6qee 0e, 6fltgg6' Qot otQQ I
oEA66 6e e'o6 eoii'cro,
are qflq 6oa 6qa 8Q erfl r

glorflqq Q'e Qgoeo qor eqs6 I {ae qflt}ts 6e661 I

qflt{ off o6e oeo ao6q eqroa6 I 6ade qq,6s qtr6o
Qar aq88 r

qqiuci qrfleg 6,at

"eqoa 600 orq6lte eelot{ teoo6 qeootee eeQ
orQ, eeQ 66ler, eeQ e'rere6e, eeQ €'t ooqe'ca atQo t

orqre ess6 qQur, ara orqre soo6 qq6 eaQ aqqtco

arQa r a6a6.t e6r6{-eeQ ar66e arQG eoQ seo atQa t

flqo odco aorg, aec"rQ or{l6t

(sooe qct66'g0) "aor46060 0G,, 6q6o flqoco
ca6,oQ 6QA I A6' G,O60 €'Et Ot6t G'6fl etA I $tR CR6Q 46fl;
eqQgd 016'0 qorq't6, eoa'oteo or6'e aesre, 6qor6o 6'6gt
crd r orc or66a o1c qlc ore d on r

"qq ereureea oQetq. q.{, so66 6'J6ro6'r6o flal

ae6'ro g{ r qrar 6or6lqeoqG enr uQ gor 066, q6tr q6tr
6q erqo 610 6ra6 r"
" 6oQ gq 666, q66r q6ff qdgo"oret oar et?tq6 t"
"qrflrcl zrrlre 6a6n 66qar 06en aq6re qs, 6Q<
96'646n 68rU, AOfilC q{ r
qafl 066g0 ex9

6or6il6, Aqrqnot 0 aqo nto

"G'vrqn G' 6e66l otq' ode 6en crd t sQ evtqnot
6er6re e 6e6a q< erd r eoahrec orfret-ersc Rueo aaG,
6CIr6re eeta etd, 6qflrcq'e q'r{rq6'or gs Rtd t"
"erflreqqe6o qoga ga Oearor 6flt qt66a aeent:
oro-orE aEQ o6'tt I 6flt qtqtGa {6J6oq 666' 66tat{, {Q
goro qfr ogetnt I q'Qlt 6q,6n a6fi q66r oqednt-frr' 06,
d eoeo eg?tfr-otet eoQ, <Qog Gat, 6q qq e' e1Rl, erO
crO ogelnr-flt' CI6 r e66'r e6fr 66 orn nlqnrd r ej orota
aG'gr 6oq erqe1fr r

"{a G''r6,G ofr aqac ord'erOer rsQgG ar{tqnot I ata

666er, 6reet 66 seen oR Rt66l ordr sorroree sQ eqtqnot
o 016" gta- orOet t

afl6g ac,tq 6ala figooeo <Q qq oar olqe6 I q.Q,u

6ere6, arqa erFet 6nta arqa erfr 6oa6nt I eooe gq6
qrgCIo6r6r qfl6g G'n6ot6t oQ 6se I qataalo at6qtac
eqaG r

eooe(oereq,{)-ar6 ao oao qQ r
Ororcrqe(oersov ) gq. 6't66t
og oQnr I qaflca g1G,

0r'o60 96, or'geo ooal6 r

(aoaco qq atco o arov) I qq 66s 6aG'lq o16 ooer

et6Rr, orq6a oEG',o1 916,60 qtgCIscltcc. qQo oar cqa6 r

groraqe(oetcqq 66,6a qq6f, qG)-aqo Rto 060

q'qre6e on6o oQ gs I qQq. qder oso q6 eetc r

"aqe nto o6e og 6fig g<, eoo6 oqat flta I 06.

6oeo oQen fleJ 6oe6a oG Rt66t ctd" r

qtg Qesr er6nr I qfl6g Oer ord'G'qg I qoto oQ6R,

ar6 or6eo {0160 oQereR oR r

qlotflqe 6e6c'q oqa6, al6 sorso oQgra r

eaoe(aersov)-orn ora a6; Oerqeoe r

QUT g101orflqq aatq6'

glorflqq-otdQ Gq, qflq aad ateie st6alo 610 c

eeen 6o eee crd r eoaq6 elnl o6e ot6eo aOE eotaoRt t

orq qn o6e 66ueG'rq Oatotaeletq oto ata 6o eq'nt etd t

(ooaco orov) | otq BCoo 6q'at 6oq othatot atQ eQnt,
ead qflq 6o eea crd6 seag6 QQ6'tt, ctt' Qad e'ld,
qn oo6a 6o eeaerd, qeo BQs atd'e ot6atst at6 eoa
or6e t edflre 6oaqd1 ataql"'ot6ateo o16 ar6 6qa 60
argr6r eq. aq" ooto 6gtea a6o1o 6QRl t" (ooaco atot)
6ora qag6e 6e6lG', otqoc' eaer ed eototoqat
eorB< qnsotql qq6r a6n o o1fre 6qto qdtfl aG 'ee6uteo
G'q 6qa' eerfr oo nreq'qQo eQetqnt6sn t <QoG 6qfll6c'
orqoc'orq 6ora qed G,cGl I

g6ogG' 6oq. qlalnqgGo qol6lnc'
(arn, fl6ct6fltee, eQenlaq g st6Qg scltqtfl16'
ar6 oraqe oogltc6' q6rco qcagc' ooq atQa6 t

erre qlEro alstg, nlq I qta q'ut 6QRIO t

glorflqe QGeo qdq aooeG'et dlqo fl G'Gfl tao6' 66Q

6Qs Qqro 6aaet66l r

q6aq6' 6otor6u eOooooq CIofitce' atQa6 I fl6aq

66rqrfll, cCIrf,rora otq qq6 g6eeotoo ao6o aa6 t 01qo
646q, 6qqC'A ArqG'|Q OAI e{Rl I 8A AIAOIO Clql8 | qlg
qfiroe qtqo eQentaq qtcqle g ala c'q gtgoa atQaG t
e6oo6rer oeo qoo$ g eoo gotsta6-ot' ao6o
e6r0.{ qoo orfrer g o6ar I otqaq 6eo qcog eqQ otfret
ao6o eQorq aq6all,t 6,6n I

qlorflqq oga6 qna { 6 eat tsel oQ fl6aq 66lqln1c'

ordeo eQen t oq afrea eot{tG'GQ 6oco6q'66' ol0la6l
qafl o66eo QUC

caaefir.qlotflqq q6ot alaelen I 6a6o fllq std'ololgcl


n6ag eorqtot(oocllc'G' qG)-d {Ql6' 6oe'eo

6e66,e n'q g'g odor oqe1fr t so6 flse.66'rla ejeeeeeeen
qlulo6l ore ged
- r {etc' o116' qg qG)-ea
qq qflo 6 oat ri ete
orq etc,, olcotq ore; ri ol6'a-alqlAora; qed Rqlq I

"Go aeto qOotco eq d 6ac'6r qlqq I qoq 6oq6n

oqg etned 6ostlol{, ol6q ota edloQ oei crd I 60
eq d eoen Gqio; olQl6'Q 6oq, ote.6 fi16'l l"
qrqe Qoa eldQ t Qllll6'6qrl6o I

-." qg eq dotm, atoqo6 qG-86-gna ega6 t eo

qq 6q q elG'1 l"

"fiqoqode' Qalol{ | qE flc, ge'g6eo odc cotots t

erfict-otgcea utq6 oQen oe fl6e g{ l"

"flG'q. Ge,a aal I fle 6lll€'1 6lQo q6l, egd'ooea
ggtaq'6qa Q6l 6QC'l flA6Q S16" 916'6Q AHIC I PJAA 6Qle
e'o,o an,ngta6 aeite'. aqa 6nlea flG'6o 6lolo ocr Ll66 l"
qlqo eQenrot qlc'tll6'r 0 acqlc'l ql86lofll6e' <ao atQ
arqc qad a6n I

qcag qn flln 6ea olqaqCotoetqatQen I 6EI 9116'l

qro6o u6en-Qqeor6s ol6qOfreoen t

q6og agqd 6aloo6o oCfl etoolco olo eQen;

qtr6o Qlct s cl6cl6fllQe qq6 I q6og aGnteea oqe6;-
6flre otct eeta6; e'eo o6e qrgo xQaq66so orjqtq't eao
6'166r I acea es1 6d oG sQ otnt atOG, ol6l6a eQfr oqatnl
oo flteq'Gt6't6o Oota 6a t edfltc qGorq6 6fllo aoQlL'U
o6rG,tq' aeio aute ga'6; ue"q,loQ flel qeG r 9j aq'ctot,
q8o q1o1atflqs aatqo

6nto qetatd6 6c6a I 6cle ogero oercrdtogagagutot

616 6o6t6e oQetq RrGRr g asg6'q q6i enr r

{66r oe 6oeo eQenrev 6ro6tae6 tqlotnqq ore6qe,

6era qoq eqa6 r eoa" errnr 60eoeel6n, eqQ olnl aoro
6nt6o 06en I {a eto6a flrn'r uO, aoo eto e6lte 6rto g
qou eqa6-
qoq oocto6 eflreo-
ar$o sooeG-
(qso orQ I a6eo r)
(eoq-og-ero 0F6 r)
q6og atcoco Qqe'-orgo eqQ Rrnr 66 erqa6 r

960g o6c €t6c ogaG, CIoc'tc orjeror, {E6o e6'loe q6oe

erd r Qq 6q olc-G'tsG, !

qlotflqe Oee 6ro sraaG-

e6eetfi ot'e cqq e?a e1o
arQa6 eaQ qa ota6e I

(nrE'sra 6s eqn G<)

(6ea o16 0s aero oors)
(ge,o ge enoro Qs)
a6G'0 oo otqo6. qtr60 qe'r eqeG I

qfl6s as6e 6eta at$to ogoG r

qlatnqq g6ogq. oqe6, "6sl6o 66 elaroe e'rd t

ser oQ 6t6gtete cO aeaqoq66n tg16ateflt6e arQ
err6s egfre eara aO oOoreeo otqaq gdtn o6R I

aterotco 66s Qqro o6 orqo ofreoqoq otqt a6n.l

qafl oa6Qo Q8e

Qq6ar qtgelgllc'o gl6c'tqG'6o qlolnqg
(atR, 6G'6trGr, c'6og qq6 oBs oeieo)
atG qtotaqe Qqhar glgqfllao
qtaq6e flcanaq
ooq qQo arQa6 t mle e6lqo16'060 fl6qlq6' 6qao I e
order e,tqotal errg qlqlo QQetQ,
qflg ECI 6aq'l
qlqo 6a6l€'6Alq, Qlgl, 9l60l6fllge, 6'nQlfl, ql-8CIB
ore,eoree,, mto e6lqo1, 6QG'IQ, qlqao et6etg etQotq
Elec,te, otGotq A66loldlg, cGQg, Ql6ll6l qq6 aecc oo
as6o t

e6oq, oro qq6e qcr6o ota 6GOe 6anl olqoq

o6eoqaeo ode eQaG t atG ou <Q aqa6o 60161016'
o6s6 r eo Qc16al qlqqnlaqsr8eo oGeo atq6 e 6qol6a
6rto 6tatG g aolqg'l ooG t

qlg qfllc'o oo6 aqateQ aolq6'l 6aq' I

ga6fl GG oto 6qfil t 6'6ag onl 6110 oto oto6, otq

oroatq aqsalu eotfierq 6al 610 6la6n I

ErQl cqfiit t deoao esTlot o6o eoqat 06 qgolot

6a6l6e atQ ao6o t

e61'lot-ooflQ"q etg eedoteo 6a ?

66oo oca 6ada glgCIsodq qGrGQ LrG se9en
8 o16e 6ato qlQlflqqq qdlgl Q66t I qfi6g 6'lQql ao6o
eoGE, oaqo ateo ego6 t oqdereo qas oosllcq ao6e
60q- otqca eQ eQ oqa6 t
qro'oqe(aereou)-q'qlQGQ eee elderd6 t eoeo
aad G'ldt t nc 6e olslco erd r 6e olslcQ ae oQen o
oo6,req6oG'tfla eoo 6atota6, otfret-ol8o olgl6Q aoa I

eogodor qlu-qcr oo6'lQ I

" flc 6e uuteso oQen 6oca qlllG'l oGG' I qiot

qqG' otgtco qqg 6qG'1, Elll1qfi 96o16'0 I g{o 6dceo
Q89 qlqlotflqq aatqo

6cor6 6'rc'e 6Gr, aa6't qtqqtr I nc'q etrfr oqen q6fl qq

6QrQOr{ t"
"fltOat{ ot6q sO aRor oq6a, geo qqCIe r 69
erm o16 6oeo sG eqQ orOar6q qgta e$, or' eeen qqe
* rr
etQ r"
"egle6rr6,e qer 6aieo o16 Rln 6ete6nt I Oat"tA.
arqlQ a6 Q6, 6od'Oe'rq eeQ oot I 6o(L qerq oeeo oeeo
oora6,tq 069 I
, "q ee,ilr, el o96 6oq q.qte o96, eor qe oQero-
{et qg a8l6, I rj orG.o otEt, ot6Q oo, ot6.Q Q8t8-{
Qg 06l r"
o",a**6e or{ crd r eriore Goro eG oq,,ra eonl,
qO eahqos'r0er oeo eao6 66s eorg efite at{, eqQs6
sedotq d atQors r"
"otq, ode e6er o6e 6q eoa" ri oqOa6, otq oqet
d qerors r eso6 oeetot soaer6 gd qer eeroora6 I orel
qror ata Q'qrerriq gs od r"
Olorflqq otqo ooo ateot ao6o eQ xe qg eat
oga6 r 6ada qq6 oooo 6oqu eero qqaG r orG rcr
er66 r 66ao oqr G'r6fir, {gto6e aotqfl atosr 6e6' I
qrornqe(eooe qq66. gG)-s e'6t qflfltcc.o
aorq6,t eea g'rdordG t
6e6e-aotqct ead 6ee ? {ao qgeea6 r

glotnqq-nd se, essQ oEO eqo6 6ea I

eooe-erd6 {oo 616l eea6 I

glotflqq a6aa eQergeoae a0 oqrq6,t atea a6n I

aotqet fld6Q olqa aoto. oetafltc-qfltbde 6a6R I

qtg ooclcc erro erraaG-

frc G't6e e6eern e6ec'rn e6eerR r

eQ eQ eO ec'rfr oeQq ot6e oR u

e'en eG g6n 96, ag'6n a6ee,eQ r
qafl 066g0 Q8q

069 e6, qedu g6, eQRa { 6lfl€n I

qlolnqq {6q'flai Qlq'g 6g10 oolaflle' t ecoe a6
eedoeo etoolqgltrdq0qla66l
olG'Q Ql6ttl6 I

oto eeaG I {ao olq6o 610 qtr6o qor oga6 t

eqdoeo oB 6tdl etga6 I

Btc G'lgc'a Qoeo 060 q1olflqq, 6Qdq'qqGqenqat

qareq'to at6fll6'G' eea6 I
cqfltce G'e6ol6loG q5 oe,qoqla atQ eQen I olqos
aar egoq.gA oto otae6 I 6ode 6qel6o eotet 6ooa6-
flqGnl alfllQ flC 4fl0 dl'llflloo e1nefl66l I
oo 6ss fiU qg s'R ototG qqn qo66r I
611O-flelfiloo alel66l6o glG'q0 filq aoee'6n
aq6so qq'lolq 666fl 66llg1 6S6q 069 6616t I
otqca 6edG'aoq flt6o6n I qfl6s fr6 otg Qqso
oriqe 6to g qoq 466l I
qfl qa.c Gottoo
G6< Gqrfl cd orqeo ccdaqeqe6 - qqq
eoate Gclt ot$q oolaEa erda t 606o0 64, Ei 6q
6e0 aad o66 z
6oda ooq ego6 I olq6o egaG-efll €'l9l 01616'6o
gard aa ordQ r eQ enq, sq'Q al6c'64 6nq, elalq aq
oeror{ ctd I oetelc olqlq eg eo6, 6'616Q oQen 6 otq
qfl6g et6 sta6 I 6o1Q 6'6'60 qn q66, 6q ogor6 oore
groot{ t aeqatG qolf,' ol{G'td t agoq e'o e6e ? flAs'{a
i nJ*q. ere'erd-Gf,rte ! 6010 ! eori' ldeo on oq6 eoQ
A,f* q6 oo eQe t cf ooam 6aalq s'red erd t eosd
G'16,otg olc al6'olq Q1c 6qle Q6g I
q1 qo 960 gc' 6 aQ O qO 01 O fl qs 60 6O6G'6G' qCI 6l R 6',

e6R atslq Rtqo gafl 6e erre qlElo, 6q6o66'6f,'q1qo

686aca atQeto oat elnt-6qeo arQot6 etqt6 I 6q garl
qg g Qora Qcqle. 6ete eoetq 466'16e oqe{66l I
Q8X q1g10rflqs aarqo

Orad Q 0e, gnro es o166, Qrre qg6'ro 0e 6e6G,

ora'e e'rflror gq6ero fierere,rfie Grer6'6e (Steam Yacht)
a6e'a qgooq6f,,a efroororqcqrflgr oriqe qRo o6elen r'
oa6e oGsoqoeo e,rere a6'are oeflg"q 6oaqaora 6e6fi,
q6r6e qoa r orer6,r6e 6a66, eQenrm qq6 grgorooo,
qflro, 616og, e'rQrflcr, c66rg 9o"6 t
Ooraro ggo oat eqaqOlotflqq qflt{s 6s661 lgtqo
eQenw eqrc'qrn erto erraaG g 6610 aeorn erq6 r qflhl
otr 060 orq6a oraa6-
oqrflr srr' Q en e66 r

Beo orar en 6oeo 6e6o etr eoetra6 r

oraro eodet qflfl6o orqCIq c'fieerqoeo gqta

Oarernr r 6e66'aQ6eernr 61660 gqra66l-oqGo er? grq
6oa oo ge'6o qrqo atfiBoer ercr*q'ooqGoeoeo Oee r

qolg 06t6gq,
g1arfl qg fl 6f,,r6fl lena' n6aea
(scoe' 6ee, g6aq, ar6c'q frq, eQento{ gc}66'
a6r6o )
glqo fl6er6crec,G'60; 9q eao 6c16ar g1q; 960g6'
oo 6es,ea r ar6 m o166 6eqao ohero, erre qlqto I

grornqq aoarg gra u6l afla6o 61at6ne eGeG r

6ar6'Gleor 66e go grenlr 6e r orqo ga flaaro eQoeetrcr

oeo asQe r

oq'rflqoca oore qerr66'qtr6e Orotflqq ear eqa6 t

e Olqs a6qg .qa 6ooo areoq qa 66 flrq 060 oQelen r

oQero 6o6oors 060 crEo orqoqode eo6, eoqarol errg qlqto t

Qora o6eBo

6l6rc-alod at'qla oqtet oGaG erd6 t 6lq6o q'qla

arqflq eqe eQG t

qlotnqe-Qnl al flo eao <eo e't6 crd; eo otot

eorG otq QGQ, 6q otet qet6 olgl 06q I
o6le' gG q"qlQ oqto QQ6, ot' 6q6n flqoc'
Gqo'eo etdu eotgs I
glolflqq- qfl6g oqto e6ee erdQ t ol6'Q aa6l osl
6s qrr6g Qqar qqo oG etfrel-alueco atqo oQee ? 6''lG'Q
e'6 ae,,{ 66 oer erd t eed16 olfiQ QBl, eedlG aGst sltoo
e'o eg et6s6 t
ot6' aat Ql"EllQ e6et eetfr q6fi eqa I 6o6o6acn
q1 qg floG eqeo6G'6c oGalSG' Qal 6oqolQf,'l etQG ?
60 6o6a6n $ toatq o acrd- or 69q - 6q6oca6$ aoG'le6'Q

aar 6oqot0ar erd6 t

orse Q'6t oatfllqlco er6 gl etdtotq'fllglco a6otq
6oq eetu g{ gA 6orqa6oq eetu g{ lEl"EllQ ?rGoq-sQ
aG <Q nrd, Oq otf; gllolco 66'lL,lg{ set Oq I 016' fllqlco
eiedr eetfr eetuq<; ala 6fllo {a qqql-qg, olo-6ladl1,
G,ror-fltat, ooqta-{ qq6fllo eetfi eetug< t
"fltflteo 6oqt a6oqt aoa oQG t a6oqta E!"qlQ 6Jalo
Gq ata 6oqtfltgt-8lc', o6, otqom aF aqoc algq.
66,QOl.( l"
"olc qolq 60 fllglo ao1o, olfr 0860 qgqfile-
6oqr a6oqt Qg Qfllc t"
"q"qtQ aEfl 6o11610 alqfl t etfret-otgG'60t16 ea6l
ede t qcod 6nl6o onq otfroen fiot 6'l sl6l 9l6c Q6Q
G'IQ f'
"6064 qfl6g etd6 oql6 o6ee ? qfla G'6qGR aadl
oq16 q{ ? 66116118 6Qle666l 606A Cqi6O
qflg g{ I 6alq
ed eeQ oqto oGoteo t
e89 qlolaroqq aatqo

"{eqete sGorerl a6, orq erde eGorgrq eerfr cgG,

oreq6 6alee sa e6orerl gs r 6uero qa r flr' qor o16
6h(-qu eo16< qtuto6l atn eqednt t6q etsr erfrernr osa
Gr'e s6ersq 6q,nt, 66qat 06 erar onr r q6 66 0o seo
60 sonr-6fit6o eerr6s oro fr66, o6l6'G,t oefil I orer6
6oeo ge'ro qO g e'tflt, gor 66erg eeer eq6 I 66rt6e eet

0ra8 6aao ?,,

qtg,CIosloa q6r6a 6e6G' alQaG I qlornqq a6dt6e
eQaG r 6a6G', atQ a0 oO orreeo qdtft 6'6R I otqoG. q'tgt
ordgg 6a6o eQen 0 olo o6o oretso eQsn r eB qflq
ot6ao oro 6anr I
otolce olqo aat cqa6 I a6dte oqderea qas oo6t6l
QqSA r

qlotflqe(oonrec q6)-o.oroo ori aq' eOn;

-: - -- q0 q0 qn6n
66'rq6o 6ooCI asto 6Qta og8 I 6o6q' qG
ud q6en ulta CIa erd r aei eo 6q aqaq. o6 e'rd r

"oO ee, q"qte e'ci gO seo eOc, aotg eerd ?"

"eota aCIqtq6ot6l I
6q 6o6t6e (eroroqgoea)
6aag6rlfltaqeoq6 tqot qot 6eaG, eto6e 66 oQfrera ora
a6, s66r 6c,aqd1 Onrq ora-qara6; qO ooreratcc. qtr6e
ear aq6; eq6-qo ao6o srel er6 aE eoaora t
"G'qder66r1 q1 qq olo oq6, 6q odor aog6 ot6t6e
oe oQ eQG r"
"6066'{oo 6aet ord', qrue oeate t oBso aGeo
6dcq ota otq or6erq eee r oO nro aO eri o6q< r errfr
er6''6o ooq orfren eto6e aor RrGe-elo6e 6oR 6l6ta
oerq orrfreR ara 8or RrGq g'rd l"
edore a6dt6e qro eea6 I q6fl qrqo eQente.l flaJ
Qora o6eeo e89

c'a c'g atcortgl gget6en

orqo areo6o qoq age6 I q6tr q66r 6a6ot6 oosto
nat qo.t ego6 r 61oet6, ? otqac'Goqso qtn eogtota6 t

etdcreo 060 qn6s ao6ad6' o6etq qtolaqe 66

erraerqorden r6oqeot6s at6so frqtetO atQnt I 6eda 6q
ar6 $6e uQ oQen, otq6o qtaq'tq RtGeR I 6ede cnolg
6 eqQod L,r66R, 6tqat6o c1d eor6eo66'r I o6'SGQ q'.t6'e
o6erq nr6cR I

qlornqq {ae q"qleeo uri qs Q erd 96 eoQoar

ogaG r

qraroqe(eooer66' qO)-esd'atee q"qtQ6o oQ

orq o16 ore6, 6qflt6e, c'1o CIo I qo6o eetQs ftg6t 66't€,
oarC 6lqaq. oraar otd'es'qt eq6 r sqt6 eto Graoo I
"oO Ge .qoG aG cOa t oOe eeen flel CI6tG'tc6'
qorq.ea6r G'q{ r aqga qqq,g{ I ac'to eeio uocto oeo
oO aqa ar6e, ot aad GQs 66s 6oto at6nt6o eee t
{et6efl6e oo arenrOo 6ee t"
sQ ogoaal aate16 eaoG't6 qag oocl6t atco ega6 t

ecoe(oreeg frga q6, oeteot)-atoac oea 6ee

sQoO 646f,l oa qaet I

0166'9-arcr, ot6 oR oat tetgt, qn ao6o qgoto I

Qt66'q,, otgt 0 fl66'l6filq€c'A flAql gaG


{ao oreoqaoco Eat aesqaqcco otaa6 tGqolco

6q 6orac o6ee I fl6ct6glec'G'gltot 6utflqoo1 qng atcqte,c
.-cGaG r glorflqq atqe qqd o6n I etet6u fretat6 Qotcoq
sroqgeq 6oq otto eQerg nt6en I 6tQ 6ita oqa6-eot
oro* seo c6e r {aqtq eao ot6 flu otgtco qnt I

eeoerO ooctd_aodteo eQ 6taa6 I gtqo oe'q atQ

sqfltcqEaraatqnr6en I 6qfl1f,'G ateo std'qG noto oto
erras'6 o orqaG I
Q8r q1o1arflqs ealqo

{6A O66dqO A6A I 6edQl0 006161 61060 AOIA

6O6R g OOrlfr qQd O6R r

or66'8c o6a qlalflqs
(arn, fl6s'r6cllee, 66,61G' eoq gq6 aefltG'G
q6r6o eFre gteto)
oeto6ar ohea ot6e'q6'oo I flGetcfltqg'G'o6a aqG'
6e, qtqo 6G'6q', at6c'g etqq. e,Qelen, ato6t6' oeo sQgG
6ee aqe 6a6R oR gaer r ot6c'q ataOo eq'ta otet6 a6oql6l
oOaG r

arG a6era eo 0166r, 6eqao QrrQ qlEto t at6 aqe

eee eerfr 6a eera6 r atoce 6e-asee og atQee-
6a6r6,qq6 qrqoooo Q arQse t

sQoQ qfla6e qtqoo a66teotac'o qotqato, Qfltn,ta

at66'gq 6'6ilQ66'r r Pr6OrQ6,la neni'l qgOea otQ qa6l 6a6G)
6rere oqr6r o6a6, eoQ orQeo oto6ot66t {Q etflto atQG t

r o166 66qae, orsi6o px Qe I aflteta sQ qato eea

arQa6 r ee6er0 qrg6ro6t6t uedle otnc oga6-o6eto 6c
6qflt6fi'6od arQee, et66'g 66o eesn t

ern, etceqq oqa6-ato6l erd6 orga6 eeoeetq

arQse crd t orq6o arga6-ato6t e'ro6 e,rdes eq qiot
qflr{a, fiqoq.qoq6 eqo6,-otqlao alcoco 6'oq alco
arqroe' oq6 r

ercr, e16o9, erG'6frec, Fr6cr6glec, 6o6q'qq6e oQo

606r o6R r 6o6ra 6,Q6R, 'otd6, ei o so6 aat eQ ctd eo,
dCI6 erdrooae"q flet6lo atQee ara ri6Q erd t-Feq
06, aecr'lo eere6, eee{ord'an6t 6'l6l6a eQ gto6 I 66'GtG',
or6eq qq6 oroarcq qQ6'aat oqa6 I o6CI Olalnqqc'o
aflt{ aasre 69 eor eero oQE t
Qora o6eeo e8c

oreeg(enoq'G' gO)-oaflq'"Qt flalogq a6oe 6nla

oeG eOooqf, aG'ote I

soae(onrq 69 eoetra)-<sG qfll{ eostots ctd t

olqqlE, flqao {9llc6'o Caaelfil I

6e flsl qflflco gtc'GfltqcG' ooq qlotclqe atQelen I

6qor6o Gqro cO 66.q eneotet e6ee I 960g cqoG-alo6l

an 6oq6a eerfr eQeten-olnq !otqotQeo q6og 6G'6rn
o66rqroo EQgq.6co6lcn t 6o0 aG aotot<, o66lqloa
6Q6tQ6fi I elo 0860 Ct6 (Silver Nitrate) 6G'lnl ol{, ol'
oeo aQ e6o I

orqoc'eG 6atota6-qeGI q66T 6q qfll{g 6a6n I

{ao otqo ot66'q frgs' aoq atQa6 I ol6og qolcc'

eoqG ar6egq I

qlqo n6ag Gotqtfll oQ aodlco ol6lG'o oto oqa6 t

a6c'e oo ao0o-6464 <orjqa atQ etc't6 I qlolflqq oal

ega6 r s *_
qtoraqe(orofitcc' 96)-a"otaco 6aG' 6'lQ elQe ?
6o6a G'g eOe' t at6 etqeetoo 6ot6l eoa atQfr I 6e6o
erorse 60 6's't6eta6 t eert6< e'totco 66en 6olRQ 66 eee
erd; ara flir a6c'e 6q6 qror G'6''t a8-6qq0qet6 oqee t

eqQgd q"qrelfitcGe a6oe G'oc I 6rct6'tcf,Q qol e'Ga6R

6e c'of,,eGeto agta ctd t

"orq. ogic osn ata oo erd, ors' otal 6oeo Qoqt

u6oqr qa a6;-oole o6a flA6r{ 6ffg esraotco I ooflQ'q
ac'gr6e 0q eerug< I qu6o ee' 46, q"q ego6 qu qq6l
eO or6q oqt6 e6e I q''Qt ot6Q QqeO o6Qa ot6o etd t"
e'6d oo-6o6G'q'elato 64fl ead ?
gtatflqg-qq6'teq6o Qqrq I ot6'G'leq aanae; olc
eroq qo qQ ud qe, q'qteo otri'{ eo t
Q9o glq1Qrflqq Qarqo

"qqc' qO etqs.r gG oder 0q qed' r oGoreo e1g

qo6o arqG r qqff qot 6e6R aE odn gs | 6q6oca66'qq
aqc 0160 Rtc qa6 t"
"qe6,' Gqreeo 6,ad c g{ I qq qgco aegt6tc6o
6gqflt6e, eo soo6 gre6, aq€'o at6qtG'coga6 te'6d 6o1e
Guer, eq 6 6ger r or'e eotGs qtfi elat, eq oQeo o?{ gtl
ar&6 r gqaeg'c6qcn 60, qu oQo otCIq eqa 6uet6 ece t

6ag eero 6q CItet at6qnt Offeoen qe'eQeR-got6eo

q0 aQoraq t 6uer6 {qt qqc'atst ct6c eO coteo qQetq.
6Rr r 6q6o6a6n G'tetao ooin GoGR; gqe Gata aQsn-so
org6eo qu a6, eoeo or6e eqeo etqlQa, qq. qqE 6acc' I

eoo o196 6re qq aG'te. I eas 6eoot qd eo qnq atQ et

enreGq oQeR-olotfldq o0 eoteo odc e eata eoee ri
sQ eneo gr6rorl6t eQG r G'tetad odc eoen, Qg gg eoq
or6i6fi ere r 6q6ocG,6n ql 66'Uog aqflt, qc} qq6oq'q. oo
ode e 6a, are otq'o o0 6le1e ot{ otatca6n ei ou oato
oqro oOG r or' o6e ctetad a6o qqq o6ie 6o6R t"
"6osr qqo6 elerq 6e,o odo eeRt 0 qq6oac'o fld
6QQI I,,
eoeloq6-soq6 eRto 6lqqq1 oQ ot{, oatO eRto
qq oo'{tc,o ota I

"qfl69 qq6q6'tqotet6, 6oq 6qatqeeQ eqeo etet6

G'la l"
Qq eoe oc efreo eeir std e'ea ntd t 6e' efreo, sttR
efrso esR r

't61q eod'no6g eoee Qqto eO eqQ etn6q ee,o

qrlrc CIe'e' o6erg q{ r"
eoQ dlqet qtol
" 6oe- arqf,t 6oso cJgr 6ar6 q'<,gQen
G'sqa q€ e'n ord"qqo 6ateat{ t eqQ e,n {elGoG'Ge
aof,'6'q'6o:qQ ors aor eeot gdqe saorce o6a r
Qora o6eeo e9e

or6c'8G oQc6o olarnqs
ar6oe qrgcto arQaG 6oqr orq6o eqa6-"qrg eor-
cr 6dr6lr ?" grg Ercr6,6e 6qfro eqrecr g{, {er qq o16l;
6A. qg ar6erq q{ r 6oq'$ aorqc,r 6nqea6o gs erd r orq
qrelcr o6orq see eso6 sororq6 erfrsro orc' otQ' oq6o
qo'ro6 eee r

"erolo erq,re ore aG qO 6oeo fler ore aG t etero

ot8 66il61t 6'G't{, 6q 6OO Ot86A QtOl 6t'( r eqQO6 6OeO
erfiet-eruc 6orq e{6n oO er6 qs f '
"G'tgr6e 6naoq gq6 ec'en aad 6eG' ? 6tq6t eo6e
a6q' ag flgr ao6a 6rqrQ G,6'Q r Qr6G',n c't6 qqea qa6n
araroq aOox 6q ooooeo arOeo oQors r"
"6CIr6rq6 oqr6 6q,6n ooto CIet qflace aqoq fl6c
oQe r orqr c 6e6R {a q'qree o966o oee o?e-e1, eg,
rJG', frc', ogo aotr6 r oE1 aeyrq eG arurqq eG'rfr aeq r

6q Qor? u6en aqY cqT ceo f '

"6o6Jqior aolrq o6er ooore r olc'e c,rflqd etdc,
orc'e Qr6', 68r, are greje'r-eoo6 earerre6 CIt.{ ala qgl
or0 oq6a grc Q6Q t"
".(oQ q"qre1 6fire q'qre6e orel oF eee, qq etgt
Q'rfi 6'6e, Gq eoerso oe o? aee,, aejrq CIqocot6o fle' oE
oriqQq. a6e r q'ere e6erq 66e 6oa6a oc' nrser r 0q
Ererel oo oqar ora o6, oc6a oQen fler 6oa o6'6lnrt I

gg o aG a6oa r orq qr' 6q'rfr orGen arg oO qo.r

qer oQ Olorfiqq 610 6re66l-
cr'{rflroa arer66r6o ae qQeirer a?eo6n r
e6'J66O qG'rorqr 66r6fl 66il9r 66169 069 66tR il
ffo-o66rar G'ror6or 66rr grr'eeR etng6 r

. 6q 66'6r qorfr earar oorneo6 n

Q99 61qlQrnqs aalqo

otq6o qoq aqsa g 610 6lAS6 lCI8fll6c, flal a08G I

ololflqq aqfiqs qfihds 64486 I qfl6s'(o qe6o 6oq8a

g 69 qanat oQ oal 6qlQ8G I

oroo 6otaQ, qflU 6oG eerfr oa16l e6er old'oqsa

ae16 soaa6 t ota't 6oq oocttce a6oq 6og eeen t

aqo q"et6ie qoq 060 qfl6g alqc qad 466l I
<oG qna6o 6e6tc', acq 6o6ood ooqGca ag0o I olqaq
gorn oG atq6'qad 6,6R I

oreeg(eoaea'qO)-ostq'to 610 qoe 6QRl I

sQ oat aQ qtqo eQentotq q6 oto olaalq aq6olll
e66't I

eooe(oteegc gG)-eoe6'6G'6c' ooflQ'q flaloq

eQaG 6q6o6e6e eh,=loQ oeo etde e'6e eld t

6t1o 6ent t eQentat g glgoo 9ll6c 6110 olaalq

cr€,{eG't6o e6eetR e6eetn e6selR t

eO aQ eQ eetfr ore Qqoteo eR tt
e'6c s6, gen e6, oeg 46, qedv e'6,
aa66'a6ee'q6, q'6oa { qflon tl
qtorflqq g o@flrcq 61ataat ord' Qonea al6qlc'c
eea6 r {64 fld saQ qteietea eQ eeoeq'qQo cat aqaG t

erur aatee o6c'tqtooflloc' ot6qotoel6n, - eqQ qqaal I

qrarnqe(sc,6tea' q6 oateot)-at6 eeq oneo aQ

aoroar eoqfr r eoqfr 60, 6ttfr ato aoGQ sQ aeo etd t

aroa 00ea .(a qeto etfr eG'th OaG t eoee aQ a6o I

eqQo6 aqatfl e'at 6tfr q6otat6, 6qEGa 66 g< erd, oeo

org qfr orat6; a0 6oeo aqotct oO qoe et6 6qtnt at<,
soeq'eqQ eat qqa,lte6l q{ I cceq q6, oJfr atat6 t

.(ao otq6a QonQ. arQaG I qca elede alqs6a olq

G'Qt6tRt I
qola oa6ga e9qt

9lc69ilqc6 9ilOt Orqor6rl 6r'1rflrqoQl 6oG''t oa6os6t

eqs6 I flccfitec 6'qeG-"6fro 6qqng1 G''f,'c1 qtqts
q6oro e6R g orqoq Eara66l r" ersr qq6 sraer qflaca
oo0o E6n r

sod'osa orqo $ras6, 6qa oCI qA$ areorce 6e6G'

gq6 oroaree' 6rac'rq eQaG r

eeQOe eeq ererdtqtq 'ouRqoo 6qtc 6qae, 01

edner eoo qCIrdt' ao6o el6n r

(, 066gc'
glatnqs g q1g@ q'Gfl
(gtqo auenrn 6qq6 060 orqa q1orflqe6'o
oofitec q6r6a crdcreo g qlaB ef;n eg
e66'rorera qq6f, q6r6o cearocae)
ar6 orgo aue6 oaq arQa6; nreiora l r 0e, qo
eqeir 6% o6ero 90166r, (6eoao, QT.TU qrero) orqo
q€qrasgca arofle aGaG r

CIe auo e'eo eogG or6eg.q raoq re/mo e{i eq,e r

orq6o orq o116 orR srarG r atrec'e Q oG I qlot 6e aOq

orriq oee, gra qoqa qoqr qflaca orqo qraraqeq odc
e'6erq oraetcn r or6e oe 6616lr a6'ree 6c'6c66tnt6e I

6qorq ofieoqaeo elar orqo6' or6q orQeo oraet66l I

selora- g6olq grg qa e6r 6r?oqr 6oae{6a I 6oafl otqoq

ooia e'd arc'o nrCI a6ergorae{6n r orc'qtA$qaat q6ee',
<oO qQur qrs caacEar r sq8q''r crg6a orqaqolfre eera
qdrfl aqedcft, q6r6' q6r6 oea 6q flr at6'1q ooie e6erq
srasr6n r o6e oen Qar 6aaetar eao6e 66rn aqelen r
Q9X qlq1orflqq aalqo

orqo A6e, otqOqtn e6et std oqe{6n I auQG'eoe s6qel

6orq {60 aqae 6qaelnl 60 6q a8 o61 9ltl6Q 6gt601o
6qreoqe{6cl r o16 c/Qo6l Qrloco olqaota Oatslaelnl I
6er fld a0 orqaqgotn eQ q6 6t?eo aqelcn I oq6o ooq
eo6ataelen t

auQ olqaq qlfl 661101 6'6'lQA OAq 60AOIAE6R I

orqo arQen 6qot6o aqe Rt6ot{ I olqo g oB RIG'q 6G'a
auo qq ateo co6 0 clol ola6o 6qnl6'q odeote oO
qar6 r

Gee otgo ot6' 6oq otaaG I auo 6'Qs6t, alod a6G'Q

Oe qe { ooq atQ ce1eR, ao et6a 6ala olaetnt t eoo6Q
{e qete 616'6qaetfit t at6 6oGlS 6QQ 66lal 6oG eeto6 t
ara 6sQ eqt6{ qoo soa6 r ri ar6 oqoq. e1q otQEfr I

<o66 6'qqag g6etnr I "Q'61 eqa 6a !" -8Q olqo auoc'

argq q6qq6o aota eQetq RtGeR t
ar6 6 aqe 6q'G' I olqa alcofia g oogll6c'alc'o6o
o6qd ord6 et esd'oleo olqo o006, 6qol6o oqac
oar G,,.to1o aeq edloQ eal 6QG'6'ld t oroatee atQa6 0
orqoq6oqat otd'aeee qal 6nla arQa6 I auo 6se eoq6
nr6egq I 6El otGQ 6a6oe,6l eg eoq6 olGegqq 6oao
oO ar6aG I 6qflt66' 6ee, orqaq ode a6ee g eal eQee I
otqa qlolnqg qalq{ G'o6'6Q oofllac' qQo aat
egaG r<oG qflflco auo 646o6''d c'q6'oQo otqoe 016160

arQ eQen t

auo(efroq 6osla olqo6' gG)-aeroa as otd

s6o, aeco eQog enqa6 I alodq6aqetqatQa6 l{Qlc'Q
ora efrR etq t

qroraqe(oereou)-eGfl t gen qO slsl Qlq'6Q a6'l

eGo(eQ eQ)-aetoa I 66'tol cllgco (oooeo
eror), qtceaao 66'tot fltq6Q ac'l I
oo1fl oa6go

q'6n o alulqg-qgtQGIocQ G'tlt61ttl

qlolnqq-erd es, q1qe, 69fl64 ary 6qloel6a I

ql""l6 eqneo Goei eetoqen I qqqoo eeQ eeQ aqloql

eo6, qtotl,llc'6gcl6o Qoo r ont eld6 G'l6l ? ula 6'ao
or {60 eate otd6 ? 6o6os6l aqa qo6o 6a6oo6l
6o6lot{; eoo6 qqgo en' etned 6c'6tlol{ I 6'6'

or6qG6R g alo6o at6 seqen ala a1e' c al{'


slq 6An 0 qg r qril qaeo eerfi qq 68lg, 606110l{'

66R ata 6816 6o61lCIr< erd I oqac'
qqo 0q' e,tdot6en
ara Q6,l 60sllol{ erd, eate flii 6a$lols etd I 6q a6G'0
qee eat, anllts acqcfi q< crd t eo oriqe-ci geo ea
qeo 6o6o6ae
JOru elfl-qo 6 aG t og otc6 nle'l I ri,
at{ 6q6G!GG'6' ol{ 6q c'lclqoco gal6 ga6 t
"q1qg gqo, qlflo1 olq'o o6-alo'{o6 lqqo
ara gq6 I q66' cldo orec oad ? qqs ala
gq6 asoo
."-","*" ,ti" *,d I qqo, gq6 eeesn oQsteo erd; qq6
eot6< ot
sat gqs aca66r oQoteo e td t eor6qoQen d ata
aG sqt
aQo g€erq gs t eoo6 aG ala otQot aO t otQet
.qq"re qi i,dtaQ 891 otQet a6qRo ot6 g< erdreoq
q6's sldeo qlqqc'o q€ qraote alq'q-s q1flo16 qe e9ff
06aG t
arqq I qlclolc'o ed e6Tlo Gole'o6; q1flG1 Gnlao
q1fl6,1 o1nale n6 eoa ao
qtGa6 I Olfiolc'o olo6o A€Lo
eo6J qtqe qqo OFa6; aeirq
qq6 aerea qqsa a86o s
q'lel6Q 6flG'aG l"
<Q earqQe 66lE 6QGtl, qo6
qageo auoq" qGR
oat oQetqRt6eR
J eqerer ooqo Q'QI6'16Q al6g al6g
gq6 t

qio,aqu-(aetear efrn gq6s q0)-Q'61 6s

arodt fit66'o'o,*,eo ead ealaldr egaQ t
(onaco araq)
al,lo-atst, <Q 6eaeo 66< eal 6eaelfil, qqqo
q'l$qlQ aal I
e99 q1o1otflqq 6'atqo

qlatgtqq(qQt6qe, Er9rg6. g6)-eor6s eplt fi6c oQ

69il6o aq fltq6 I q$, 66t6.( 68 Aq6-At6A qAO AAC'tq
oroelnt I o66t ogcntaq qao eqelnll I eao eq oq or'o
66s e6ont I 6Er enra6 ovro (Damn) 6otfr eQ aOnr r

e,r6e 6q oetoe aei e'teo crd r eqeo6a6fi 6q qa aqol qq

eqQoreo oqr dloatn sesn G atoq e'tfll aoro oQRr; q6o
6gu6o oqtfl nQR, {ete flt6c.(66,e'6r ee I 6q ente6 6,Qfit,
er6o q qaa ao ct; {eto oree eqs6 OG ged, eoee 66s
rel,rc'6e qaCI ao rq,r6a orQero enra qed, eq aQRr, o,{rA
Rrse oO CIfi q.(, ot' 6e6R rj olrq, 6fite etot oqtgt, 6gle
eag'qqs orrq (oaoeo oror) I ala oqlfl flree oO $oro
6QlQal{, OIQtGE'Gf;r q6fl Or{tfl, qflQ q'tot Oglq, qflQ OAO
qqs oqtfi (onoca erar) r errfr orrq qed r oqtq, oqtq,
oqrq, oqt o'{tcl orlfl t (oooe'o ac' ettt)
orqo glarnqg g goto erdv
qflgc'o etqq ao 6aG't o6e efra q6 6,at atea o6R I

efrfl-Rq,rofl ato6t erdO qero ea6 erd t

qraraqe(eaea)-qeto I 6q qq aGflrco oar I

flqo9o qg e'1a r esQ d eeen qe,ra o6se, 6s eg-qriv

q€ oO sQ eoog gero eOaG r qoro c6er e'o qtflt6*{
oar ? 6q 6o6r6oe ar6o6r o 6o6R goro q{ erd r eoee
eee cr6ordQ t at6o6t eera crd, 6qgea oQ erfra; 6nl6a
qaOo qdee cl o6e egnOeo I 6o6o6G'6f,' odqe q6fl ag?da
6q66\6a6n griqe 6nl6a oQeq, atet e.( ee'01 ogeG t qo
aQer oo eera0er 060 6oqa eaa-O GG erd r

"6o6o6G'n ots a6o oto a6, 6q6o6a6nors qli aq6

e6o r cro er6 66',66'1, qu eoo6 6 sqsd efrorq f'
"qruc oG Ge'o 66 eeroerq" q{ t or' c eeeR qero

gs erd r '6e'e 66taatq gre e,td 66.otq ote t' atocle
qo1fl oa68o e99

6d reer GrGl t c'td qA €'tq6, a l'6Q 66'Ql al' 69ll o 16160 66 laq
ur'r (erot) t

"6q eooeo(otnrogqoeo)elmlolo 60l6lQ1Q gql

ao6e qq6ec etgt 6oQ6, 6RlaFIl6c qal6n atQ 6oq.
or6qne' oo6 t oatd etgt eo6et q'o g{ ctd t eaeea qlflo
6nreflr66, ooslg oG ontetg odlacn I 6qfll6c' eqtGs
eer6q or6eoeR-'{otGQ qtqt, s6gt e6q ctd; olet ee-n
or0 eee t' ot' o6Q oggarg6 a6' I ala 6G eotnfltn etd t
afirc'1e gqo -qflsq ar6etq eas' I
"6qQoO 6rqo qlslqalo 060 oG eoQ al6o6l olatG
6o6c' gero q{; Gala 6ot gs, ot' e6g66t qo oatq q6e
G{ ?"
sQ earqQa qfl6s ocllooleca Qo ea'to g6elq
RrGeR r

qlqo e6n g ooaln

qlolflqq (efrne. gO)-arel alo6l o qq o6o, ato

ego eQ eRqe6, atod ea6l oeG, ogoqo edel aad ?
q6r6e oao 6e ? oQet6'uG o t
eGn-gootn lolgl aad ?
qlorflqq-d stcRtsr oca a€'q 6nlaq 6etq q<
erd,-qedg g<'nrd t Gq eoeocen ol{ Hl6' s' 6gto6,
6lqo nro e egla6, 6q6o6c'6rol{ q"EIlQqeoaatQetqeee,
edloQ fleo 6sto etd t eqeoca6! sl{ oaalfl nu uG t
Branra 6e6R, aqo odc eoen qO 6elool{-ala atQetq
qs erd r aq6l llteqestGen 68 g{ cl6; mlcrQeo sO ecQ
Qo, qs orq Ge,a ara g8o 66in1 g{ atd t eq EI"EllQ e6steo
etd, or'o o etfrfl=etuecQ atq6 etd t aqet ulc, 6EoGQ
q6en aad 6qa ?
c'frfl(acl ^'\
- - /^^ QEi)-flalda, -
916l16tr 6' 618 oh otdq qfilo€'
a6Q G'lQ I
eer 0101alflqq Qalqo
qlorflqg-ol' 6G'1fr 8lc1 9lnl6r 06 q60 I 60 flqO
odc o66, 6q aqo oG' alo 6'66-6'rta, Q6lq oe' qed I
or'o qRdg gs ard I qetc'l oe, qtiuento QQ, oqcnte-
edloQ e,r6rq otq atQetq q< etd t

"eosr-{alco6l1 I q6fl o g66, eqtq oQ etd t ero

oQ orare,e oQen 60, G'lo oO ectt6s Rter 6at erO oG Ad
Ea ! orar qed (oaoea etat) t

"fi 66,,61a 6qqq. sQ eat eQetfr I 66'6t6' oel6en-

flqr6ra, oec,rfl oaet aG t eisoe et 6qo6 66 eQfr t eQfr,
qara flr6c ot6 qsl6, eoqQe Goeo eotgt etO a6, q6
egr qr6 6 aG t 6o6o6acn, 66tq 6t6r arQ e'Q olat6 I 6olgl
qr6 orfren qc{ro eqqQq oeta 6< r 6q ost et6 ot66R,
6qqqq.qflro ooqelt66l; at6 e'n eoo ee6 ea6o oata 96
qar er6 a6o; Bt6g erd r eoel Gad€'q oQfr, eo srjqe est
oQe,, qara arOo ord, 6o66's6r Hrg' Rto g., sqta6, 6o6os6t
aqo ooie c 6ete6, 6q6oo6t qqto ea6o oQlaG'l atQe etdr
aeJrq eo6 so6 <Q q"qleq atQerg eqq', 6gto ctd t otq
Rro a6R eoee otdcJO qs, Go6a qslo eteg, atd6 G'l slalo
g€so eq QB alflco ateq etd I st6'1 fllatqoto eetaota6 t

6q ara flrfle q"qte6e aad cde t

"6o6q' atatq atq'tq fitqt el'qtQ6o ente6gt gtd eq
oqGaG r stfl Qoqtfltot atqs e'G oq'6 I olG'Q ota otd'eq
d oq6a6; eoo6 6JG,6oe, dq'Qtotriq t"
(ofrn q0)-atod ead eo6, Rgoto edeq aa6l ?
efrn(eQ qA)-atmt, olq't oO cg6, soee alo'lo Ggt
o efle1c I
qroraqe(Gao eero)-{8, q6ct o e'g a6e I q6cl
srer 6eor6 oa, otq'tdqdqererqG I 6fite stgt 6tat6 otel6
a,rq6 aeo r Fl6,t6ta6n qnro erq6 at6at I sag Oaen oago
arq6 aso r arfret-otuc 6oea Ocor6 oQa, eqQ ear qdq
ere,rq6 r 6eG'6' 6ea 6et aen Qqtq qota q{, oqou oo6 t
qola 06690 e9e

{ oqa 6et eeR oon qaG, fiqo qlslqalo 6a6R soQ oat
eoQ oQee etd t

- - e6n-gBl ol6oq o elfret-6'l8c')
(eeoc' qG) - "qQt ot6or{ 6acn Qad 6qG'', oO aqo
gt6oq oao ege, oO
6er eat< r oO 6eee edotqq eal'( ?
arfiet-ctgacQ flG'QGQ ?"
"6R 6tt616tt qq ae'q.ao6, QqoQ o?at Qo6Q a6'Q I

o6o aece eQog oQ6, sqte etQoteo,66 eQ eRqoteo, 6q

q16nla qO atoo,6G'lcllc gq6qara eetfr flec o66, ea gO
QoO s6o ? 6lqo6'o160 fle' c E6n o6o oaet t
"6QQ ecQ oee ea6 <Rtea 6ac'f,' aqo aqo oqa6;
or6n I {nt6c' 6qo o6e I al6€l og 6oG Qatdl, Qod qsl
6o116 eqg gc'l, qtdlG'', aQoqs I ela fl6e 86Q,
6el G'g
Qerr6tt, 6A eq oetg a0 ooa 6qt$la q6n I alaq 6ocl6'1,
6a6o agta6eco, otot Qatett r (oosa se) t"
"God'fltcc'aqo 6et eoG,6gaeo atq6, etfrel-otgo
gG eore etfr0et srd'6q,or6 qreier oo6, esahtce'o Qeq
oq Aor Rt66l, e6otoog-gL,ll aqolo aeq 66 orn nteo ctd,
qA66o gu6a cn
cqrfltc'G'Q qate ego6 Q"qQ qolG'' I Q'q
q'"qQ er6 eoqe eq16{
fietta 6a, Q6'| oqlcl Qd q"q gu Oae I
OoqQur otfrCIe I qa CIoa sO fld 6lqo6'Qog r eq ata 66
ered'e-t6; otq ala 66 on Rteo ctd t
(efrae gG rlq oreeo)-"alo6l 66 oee c6ee
2 ..
G'la l" *
e*n-alsl, cl{Q aal qdlalq alq6'la I

qlatnqs g oGoloala
glatfiqq(ef;oc qG)^-orfrcl-elBe' d.q'qto I {slo
s,roelot Iflqoq 6aqalq,Getodetq6< erd, eerr6< ga6
qete' 6q6R gt 'qfieo olo CIadl oO oQerq g{, ala ql
Q9o fllqlQtnqq eatqo
qfi60 odol aqoe 6at eQatq q{ I ot',6Q6ft qaodG' fic
orG' arE'q 6e (3 qr uei oreieo qqta 6ee I oqota c' 6t66'l
flqo1o ate'o alqtoc ed g< erd I fi6ec. ot6t6e qreier
e,6erq qs eoo6 oo1ota erfror< I G',elqn so,ra greinr I 6q
aerirrnr; oO aredeor ar< 6eu q6ee I

"ele-6'tEc" t gi oEG'fl 06$ 6ttrt ot6t6o 6,Q 'gc.t'

'flt6' 'fltG d 66't', '6'G1 d gt6' eQ ot6eo oete 6c'fr !"
-ec'r flrG r fletda qa oaqt elen erQeqOarorq r

eq'r oO Frr6, or 6e6n oat-ocetoalo c6ege crd t

qlq@ c|frfl-eooo aq6'to 0 aff6ot6t
qlotflqs (ofrae gG)-oar I ocatoolo I qflo qtar
e'6r 60 q6fl ocotooto o6e' r o6go <eo eQor, 6q
6o6o6q'66' 66ueo6o, 6q6o6a66' gO eoe Oareera eJdeo
o6gt o66s, e,r6or6e ct I 6q6o6a6e aeate, aGflrc, c,tj
ear6g erfrstq ?

"earrelqorfrct-ersc orrer e6erqq{ I 6q ata qa6t

eGoreo er6. r eao oora qd 6ao 6taG't a6q qed I qeqtql
o0 crerq6<, 6q 6ee. 6s eerfr flee e6ect I oat flqo6.o;
R6g e'sr oar e6q, ? Q'tealtf,' qq d etgt6. eat r 0q oartot
fle60 flal 6\rl6t 060, G'tQt6a flal 6'il6l a6a I 6q e10 etts ntd
6ar or ot6t6e q? oqat flu 616'r qed r orersa qq ata oO eq
e6? $lacl, 6o6a 6nt6a e16ee eld r

"q"qtQl 66'ltoQ 6'G.t OQ6'|Q a6, etdQ ct otQ o60to

aeG r cqfllcc'o qgo e6erq'eere r qt g Onrgtfi'qqataetq
6e6' I qea o6ee ord soen oq6 ara G,e6aq, aejrq oot
ara qeqtql r 6q osro qat6q6n 6e aq6o gito.tgaq at66t I

orq fld 6a6o6c,66' oua o6erq o6q I 6o6J q.qte1 6ntoo

6'6'r oeele r o6q'ro aed 6ors6t oderq g< r

"q'qte1 6nta qe oo 6q,6R ae,qo eeta efi e6e I

aflQ oG' Rto, oo, q6, q86-flQQq. qflOdt 6'6Q, GtG'

or6r6e OeorQ qreinr G6e, acq QG ered erd r sero erct
qola 066g0 e9e

6qlo eqi*a6'rqo eqra ori o6or r qeqtqrq au og eri

6erR oreso ederqq{ r 6o6G' qeqrql El"Elrelgroa oh 6gq
e9t ao8 c'to I

"q'qtQ1 G'qo G'qtfl ote6Q oo alqtqalc a6Q 6q c'6.'Q

aqare ord', 'o6eroc,re'ord'qed r oioloeo eQ aoG, eoq
ctq E, 6et€,r QQror{ I QQ6' 6qar 6Q6R CGQ AOAIQ 6Aftt
'o6eroere' qed r sQoQ odoloeo e66'o 6qar-6aa6'
flAsqa ged, e,ree.'qa. rrerce e66'o eqer oO eeQ oeo, o0
6q erfloo ored erd qot 060 qei ered e,rd; eoahreco
eoer cq6, 6qflra6' or6q eo'lerQ qotoara s,red erd, so6
ola6e gO eqer e6CI, 6o6G'or'e oard 6qtfi eti, ag'rqg efi
aarq.( r sQsO 6qrn eti a6n ore Qao onqro g{ r{aro
e,ro er.ieorer r <Q ori esro6 oqo arCIo eerr6s sa r

Q8. Aq 6,06" 6,G)q6 OE6O q6A I

"6o6J eq6, eo actao eq,ro sod eEi geo, e,gte6-e,
G'ro e6e, eq 6e.'a flffG' e6e r oee aoate ooo gtfic' flqo
8Qg-6O Oq, Eaq, q'tot fltat, on, qfi, 6q'l, elq'fl1e6'
9 a a I
ola cQ88 I G'tofltata 6lo6Q 6oa 6qa 68'61, 6Et otGQ 6qQ,
6'1G,cqosr e6er ord'eooa6 r ooreo 6oeo eod'oqr eos,
orq't orc6 oqt, Osqqtq e'lae' oot o6or grd'eq,os'6 r q6gr
oqr ao G'r e' ao eo ea=lerQ cr e61oQ qg6a e'rc'erdq e6ee I
ors' erdq aeO oee ard r

"ao.(q'G,r6'ae edeq cao ? or6'e 6061610 6qer, orq

eso6 Rro oder, ode e6er q{, cqelold orrqn 6qle ot6'
016160 greJer e66,r r"
fiqo d eg ala etg aq'E[
"6rsl oQelen, 6flre acr ea eeeoqQs Oqeoqoror,
arqororn e6eo6, orqr6a6n crQenrcc'o a6ee aoate
6qa r aQqfi, Q a6'rqB 6ara oo {aqq8Q, 66}6Q fio q6a I
Oq AqOC' qO AI8OQ €l0 Oel66'l A6'lqO 6AAl Ag OOfi' I

a6ca erfl qer066'r 6oa o6q eilqo arQgr{, 6|rd g{ ata I

?se glqlalsqq aalqo

orrq6 Gern alacQ oq6, 6q g'(o 06l oto- oat 6Qto6, etR
o6er srd'oar eeto6 t ee6 eri c6erg eteR, eci-91061
fiqoq.e1fiots t ata aQfr 6q I qflqesl6< oat oetq6, oO
aeo qg' ot6q atQ eo6t 646, ot' 6a6n qcn e'tq etde et
eeeogQ.< Oqeoqorol G'l Qlqolotn otde ? olqola6n ae'q
66 on nteo e,td r fi$ oor Caen st6at qgo odll ala QGt
6'1t661 G'lQ I

"6gdRt6e Qtqololcl, Oeeeoqatat e6ee ala {el6o

areo oteca 6qflt6c'Q on enle;6qeqot ansl I 60 qa oo
6q fiqac' G'tlo1o 66 ered erd, ee6 cei 6oso sO eq oeg,
6q aqrqn eeta qtejet G'6Q, 6Q aqo, qole6 eetta cri eoto
Ga, or' G'6q66l eod'flc qflol6a 6eor6 Rl6 oeet, eqQ
flco at6e 6Q6'6gta ota6; eqQ oeeo 6sa 6et eatota6 t

qor o6o eqot eot6s an6l 6qd1 I aqo qq ag ala qq

aeg <oQ Galu 6'6Q66r gor o16 gs erd t <Q q'qtQ a6o't,
ga6c ord, ata {Q Q"qlo6o 6s cdt, eq 6seen oo't, 6ot;
<Q eeru €'6acn c1oroO qs e'rd t

"e'G,QtO qott6e eeto ari e,686 t"

ul66 6Qql G'l A1661 6rqQ ?
qlolclqe(efroc q6)-eoQ eeQ oee eoG otq e
q6q' eQ6,
oQeR, eQ e sQen fiqa Rlo gs g'rd I 6qfll6e
ar66t 6'1aQ Qsa el6elq. q{, ateo otOqo oQetq qs t
(onaco etor) | 6qfll6c ce6 oqoc q€ g6]6q. e' qGen
aqaq.6'6lot{ crd r qso e'o ogc ? al66l otCIqo e'l al66l
6rqo ?
eGo-d, atfiq olu6't et6elg q{, G'6loQ Qsa t

.(06'0 stn 66et G' 6aGR 6rqaq. 6.'t6q 6oG ? al66l oQlq6ll
eQ e't6etq g< t
qo1CI 06690

qlolnqq-qflfll6'C'O 6qQ {el Qal I A166l OqQ' Ol

060 qe I olq Ql6l ecn ooalo oQeer oq er6 ot6e r

or'6e6c'r gO qao QBI al{, og ofiec eeeotG 6Q,


efire,1e G'tclo, eoeot6 €'6e1, {ql fl{

et6ot6e r og nfie
6ee eQsoee r 6q oG otq qlfico al6'lo 6'
q{, 060 qcad
e6erqGt6n oqalq oO gseo e6ergc 6< oteqcR seeot6
6e, 6G,6o Gfite1o 6'161o, eceot6 eGBt, <ogoOqeleo QoQ
erOe t otq e't6en qg e,otots,* Qq or oca alfllcq 6eq
er6elo ata alG'l'61 ala QGq q'td t eeoeo sQ eat a6 t eo
oriqe ente6g6ocll 6'0l{; eq od'le ot'Q geta eal
qrqc'tq atQ66t, 6q qg G'al q'o 6QlQol{ I 6Rl6Q olq 6c'o
6'al{ I

"al66l 6tqo 6lto,e olo6o QG er ac'q eal r etq6q

arfl-fla eo o6etg 6at66rt, Gg orq qql6al, 'clol' 'clQl'
oo aQ I 'fl' fl166' 6rqo ala 'Ql' fll66' G'6lo I al66 aqo
ot'o6e G6ro, {6'qet$en qgG'6llol{ I 'Q' o6Q oO oetoet
q6, at{ acce 6Qlool{ t eq frota 6oGR ala QG oee crd r

eq 6ea a6G'e I

at66l e ol'oco acea; ate6 aqQn Gt'060 e,1ae'6o I

"qflQ ooelo aqoq. Rto e6et t

q6fl {60 6''60, qe, or0qa cr0qo {qqaqa erdQ t

qflo atfl. 6ta6'l oQelQ t e6eteo 6a6oda ala 64, 6Q6o
ge'tQ ote', 6a6o no eat6 og, {qg $aQGQ qfi6 6'19l
ead ? q6fl an 6la€'lq atQa, ala Gllaola I { el"qloq

urrO utl ott.t things shall bL added unto you-Jesus'

eeu glqlotflqq Qatqo

oqsr arQ6 o6atc6. nro ord't eqoG ogfr erer 6sgeo oe

6c'ar on ged r ara 6tac'tq arQa ara 6teota t"
e6R-ara oraq scaYq ?
gotflqq-otqG'qtqn ea,ra grdcr eo r&e6e eeeR
eq 6qg q6eo I q.(o ssd ea1oQ qo36r q6ta 6o6R otql
6CIrq ag g6ur eelaont I eeQ q<o eQ6G'q, ss6 een
6lqoq. otQG, I

eGo-6s ? qq teq 6ee oR ata 6to, 6ot6o 6jero

ara GaG r (a,rav) r

grotflqs-q,rd6 ee !ote,ta otqt 6oe6e qQe rqfl6g

aad onra-arfrat 6te ae'fl o6sra6 ? 6oq oro arQsn
flr' eq qaq onta Gar orfrar OaG crd r 0s qde, otete
600 6'ero, otq fltsa egtn 6a6, ee4orri'G,ad flt, 6q qaq
0q on orar6 r
aqa fitoQ aota-q'qrqfiot, elacQ 6qlo
"qqerorse Qqro o6erqgs r qqdq6oreo, qOoreo
dqq, ot6'oat Qqlo oen-G'tfie oG eqro e6R-aqenlo
q{ r otfioa 6oQ 6qro I ari e,QO, '6q 6ore orro qs, , Oq
erdii, '6q 6flte ote t' {at6c'c6o cotfiadt 6qro I qso
6q gtg6t Oer, 6rte g.(o aflto ORt r gtt'oQ6, eq 66a qc I

sq6Qeo e'r66, qo6o 6q o6e o1o r sQ erne ofr eqro;

qq€,totco <QsG 6qro oooro rQarol q6, Qero
96, Qe,ro
qQ een 6rqo Rto qs e,rd r Gqro ara qeno, eofl 6q6R
eeo cldt'qen ot616e 6a qqqae, I aoolotqa6c'a qo6a I

"ot6,e eog6 fltarqc soqen 6,16s,61 ie,"o,o,;eo*

froro eroso 6oa qntaatq sra, 66 ered erd, edloQeleo
een cld, G'6e, 'ct, rj nl' orerq 66, t eqQg6 aqoc ora"
q,qtqnot oeota I atqt ! 6oQ aogr !Groe ego6 gl,
crr, eQ
016o q{ r ed'loQeleo gen nrdt olstqq.qteee s eq,q6,
66rt6 andt 6u66t, otatq aia 66 oa fit66t G'td-6'6.t, Fttc,
qolo oa6go Q98

6oeggr, aQqq6, otatqAO oR Rt66t 6'td, 6q alc6e fll'Fll'

eQ oroo g{ r orqt otd'Rt'gaqelfl alQ e6l0atQetqq'( l"
"sQoO q'qtqno r eod' oa6o:olzl, QQ, Aqnfllq,
qt€ate, 6to, g88t6't gla, 6qQ G'r{lqnc'l 6?a
ear r 6Er o aerjetflt, qf,\ oaco etfroeR flal 60lo nrd-o6
aqrqeor ar{ 6ar q6 orn oag et6ece t

"eg oa6e gn a6-efl6s oo6 ema o0 0q

orfr6, ara etete Oqerqe'rdteoelordetqlo oto ae'qetdt
aqrqnor E6n qtqqff qGots, qlqqcr6o 6e' a? oataae 0q
eO eeaq.c r

qrgqsle'6o qlqo eQentm elto 6tae6 I
orqo Olorcrqe ordc qq" 6J6l q'oto. ootqfllc' 6Qla
flqor66,6r6o erei{Hrc'6lcq 6qcn I {QtGG''fl6e aec1d, qfllbtg I
Oateqra qflhdg I Qfl6g 6G'E6'oG Oar ea'taaG t c'Gfl eug
eera 6q 6oeo ota otstco {e qe6o 6oq88 I 6q qflh{
6e6G'6Q6n eOqerA',rG t
Q6oo oeo 06s etqt Bte eadet o6a olq6o 6qfl6o
aea 6aro qor e6erg 6rt66a, eso6 qteo'lato qt6etoc
a0oeo 006'q6r6a qo.r oqa6 I 6q aqo qoi{ ! eGo gq6
qg e'er6''l oet GRto ag 6oq atG'tq t G arqriq ! {alo clfl
oad 6gfirc'o ? orqaqoa olQ6R fl69 eao'(60 aqa q{ ?
sQsQ aad eq'qtoeo qteq'loto e6elen t <?od ead 6q
caqlo6o g g16sg6o 69910 q'lo G''qloE6R ? {g'l oo6a
o 6nre eoerr6at ote cqraoteo etd I as qdoqt6l, {q'lG'Q
66r, orgr, go, 66 oaete ctd t set ead fiq'co a6adq ?
{6q' aoro ead ? e< oQGR, fltat otd qqgfr G'qlqn 6QQl,
6',qrenor, eqfld eota, eqfld acaflq r 0q eqa eqeR o6ie
e99 01q10rnqq Qatqo

ooercc qQoO Oete6etqnt6en s eoQ aqo eoegnio

qoe g erderco eoqotqnr6efi I otqo qlotflqqc'et6oteteo
qfl6g oorafllo 6QlQ {Q qe6Q 6Oq88 I
erderee orqo o1fro 6qta qdtn oqo6 t 'ot6q'o-
CIB-ooarc'sQ ear aoto6t ega6, mtc'l-6oto1-oo qflgc'
eod60 qdlfi I
gA es6 atqe qa6l ocn I
"oro (g)
qlqo e6n 0 o6est6-aqo 6qel
o6o (orqo6'qO)-ctel6lo, oO 6o0 gs t
qlorflqq-G'qrqeot t Ont soo6 flt'q c 6oq aqata
flecc6 or'q soqerq et6o, eqQo6 aqtqn eeta aqo6' otd'
er6en orq flir RrCI eetot{ I

"aq6droq 6a6R qd6o RtR q{, 6qGoGc'GG'g€tot{

eo, qerirrog eeetstd'ata eo6 etd t eqQs6 s0 etQtQ
flqoc' ord qro G'qtqn 6eere 6oslgl{, 6qcosa6n Gaq
geq{ 60, .( eq6o aqo Rto ata GG'dl eg6 erd r

"G'66r qqqoer6nt, atmt, aqoqotaq'to aota a6oo

6ag r qq eQen, arq ci qflq a6aa eo6 t set oQ otq
qte{6a eea e6r6s 6or6tel ot6q6c'oct6fi tqoe'dcte ot6eo
o6eR, sod qoqeo aoq qq6eqqot6 6oeo et6 u6en t

66oo oeo arQeoetg 6ot qo se6 OateqRt t gq oot6en

gaqQoQ 66,ru cq'aelf,lt t 6sq QQGlt, qlo at?CIet od eetu
6qael6'lr, qrd uraq oraq 6eaEnl! I 6qGoGG'6n qg eQen
flqoc' ord' eoeoee6n qtd ataq otaq o6e, eqeoeeen
t^ I I

G,t6iq'60, ot6'o qt$tqetQ Qta ala 6€'Q G'lQ


"qgq. eq6, ooeo otQen oad 6aq' ? 6to1o o6' 066'

oq a6, ord aoeo ato 66tq et6eR eao 6aG' ? aqR flt6e
ord g<, or6eo oteq et6, qQoto ot6 oen ats t aqn at6e
orac'rq eeen ot6 6oea g?etq. GQG' t"
q6'1s 06690 Q99

aimt, eao eQQ 0860 6dl6l G'ol aB t (oaoeo

eror) q0 gq 6'ld I

qlotflqq-olq qod a6n qq oro e6sx I €lG

erc,eo e'nsia eosr< r q?erq 6qe 6't' a6QGR oq fr6e'
e'rd t sstt6s 610 qd-
gg6a qoql660 69llQQ clc I
oen, otore6'olaa Ggfl-Oqa,la ll
e6l6en oloa qoq oBeo qolse I
Gq 6q oO qo6q a6e mtceol aAfld ll
fltC aseo enl{ ocrl 6< sq ec I
q6{a a6a fld qd, allq qqqlead ll
orqeo etq'o eqQ eoegnia flUo eqca <Q sttoG
6il066'l I qolg qflg 6nla alqE 6A10 9106016l eOO
nr6eR I G1o qfllq 6qalq q6 e'at aloa 6qnl I

qroroqe(efrae gO) se'Q eeQ gQerq otetG etd t

cqfltcc' q'g6, ee6 flqa 6rqo o6_oao 668 elq'6o olglf,i
sqraOQ ? aqo6' 6gn6o oo eqOoteq 6qfll6a ee6 es
orco qq 6o10 6ola ota6 tGq.<Q qq66llefllee set qeG
ard es, qGotco aqoo ql6o I

"e[ oeogq eQe1fr, fl6e'eo 69, eett6< qQl6Q qal{

eq 46, ala q ot6 eatag q eodoreo eQ oq 6laq ?
€'609 cQnt oE'eo eQ qd egto staQ r ri oQfr erdQ t
o8eo oro qQeG 6la6n 6ole ead ? 6'60g QQ6tt, ot' 6q66t
eq6e nrlqola n606 I 6q6o6G'6n e[ aafr etet
oq eqo6 ged, sQ oq aqooq, {E6Q QQen flqs'{ el6o
crd, aoa q{ t"
"6o6laq6 qg fllo r QG oa ctd, g?en aflQga6 t"
{aQ ef;a otgaqgdlel een-Goiq qoo a6ee I

eGR-oqtdfl 6ell6o 6060 6edrl,r flec e,GaG eieoeo

Aed't esrr6s greier a6-aqqq e'6
qetoea a6a 0o{6'-
, 'q1olglQq-CIfi6q'6" AqOG'QAI 6Q6fi OA I
e9r qlqlatflqs ealqo

G'frfl-cElolce 6 eoqee'oro a6,6 t

grornqe(oerear)-aad 6q ! 6qot6o 6o6 oo ?

eoahtee 6610tf,i, 66lot6', 66,6e, 6e6a eQeleR, 6qflt6,,G.
o6 0 z (oaeco orov) r

6,6d oo-gtet6a, 66lot6', 66lot6, oa6 oao t

qroroqe(ea eA)-6o6a oa6 o96 qo r eor6s
G'r6l[6o e6ar flteG.e 6otetc a6 t sqor6c oegt 66qG.',
6nt6o ornr, 6ce 6or, sroeo q'6 creta qfr ara qdeo edor
e6cro r org oQen e66', 6o6e eoe oro* e6ar orrt egaG;
91 g Ontfltcq o qatac'tq 6qa I oofi 66qG', vQ aar q6
a6ca qot6 6qfllc6 corotcq arq6; ord6 er eqflrse e'ro6
60 .(Fr6,G'6orerc6e qcr-qor 66refirn eqe erdr 6er6rcr66,
6otetc'qota eofiG 60, g1e*6e e6e,rn egaG, ara eQ atflotfl
oqe6 r 6ets1 ore eQ6R, e.'eo oQoeo, ,6e6t6' ! 6a6a !
6ade t' 66 CIo q6e ata e'eo oQaeo, 6ototn ! 66ltotn I
66tote' rgd 66s aarq'rdr e 6qa6Ja?q 6,66t oQaeo-e6 t
eG t ed !' 6t?6rr erQe,t eal 6o6o6c'6n {egato 6dE 6e6.rl,
6q6o6e66' ata e'6d eQaeo ieo t eo I ao I ee t, ao<G,
<eo o0 69fl 6oq e6arflrcc. ot$6a 66,t oaqt 6oa 6ot6t
6flo eeen; er6en 60 {€lt6c' 6o6q'6a6fl o6se crd r

" 6q.6,at e'6t 6tet6tcl6G,atQetoeo eo eQelnl,

G''t6t ?
'6e6tG'l 6a6a !' ot'e gl6c {a, {flt6e oq 6s t aeirq
eod'oor$nree arQeR {gl6c ogOs ? 6o eQnr, ,e6ror6, i
66lotfl !' Gl'e cltcfi'{e {flte'q sos16 66tqo gR r eo oQnr
'q,6 t eG !' or'efltcc' 6o6q,q 6oqs 66tqa on, 6qq6otq
'e6' aeitq a'oet oq6 t ata CIx eQRt .ee I q,e !, ol,aotec
{a 6o6qq 66tqo on 6o61s 6qq6otq odq aao oo t,
sQoO 6qflt66'ooo oo erg r, (oneeo eror)
eGn 6ora qad o6n I 6o6e {etq 6ata o,er orqeleR r

aoe oo6't ot6q arQ soqen, otc,e arQ arQe6 I 6oq,6o

qola 066g0 eec

6eefl 6'19l I 6'66t c,tq otoe 66o aora ee'a oaQ atQ orq
gro6e 6q'6R r e6q e'o orgOen t
ergun arQaG 6q qctG'6' utgrq G'flelgtc qQo
orael66't r 6qorq 666e eqRr eo6a6 r orqeo otf,.eal
6ao g 6o6aq6'ot6r6e cQelen g ot6. qQo arnro e6erg
cqflrc,q eQelen r eoelord' 6eflt6e et6ln6" qtr6e a6,to
o6erq osr ed arQeien r q6en, {etc' e'tfl etsln I
6100 g qlc*le {fit6c qtg6t, auo qed e6e r

et66, qaqtfll 6taG'lq or66q, 6o6J oooo 6a,ta

onraq66l r 6qel6c,qoc arQa6; e,roG crdeo otqo auaq
6e6o en oralG I otq6a Ge6, "Gro eorG.q qae e'r6 I qfl6g
.(Q 6'to1fl t"
aue otqo gotflqsq s qflcao oentc'q aG aq qde
or6eea o6eots oO qaraaG r eoreelce os6t6t g otqo
q1otflqq6'o aatqqq qad eq aq ot6.a aqo egao aQ
qoa6o qa6r qaa qqq qoqtq,de' c,en I

auec' ooq qotctfic 0c qrqo G',Gfl, glotnqqq ot6.

ooq Oer ora* agsoru e6erq eq 66Qe oeo qrqo 66o
g nrqoq ct6'a qtqQ1ot6fl aqtq oota 6aaE6R I 6Q9il6'6.
aQo qrolnqqa qa6\6o a66'a eat 6ent I otqaq 96 oda
a6erqarQero aer ef;fl goro oo6, 69arriroe arQer qrie
q< erd r

o66dqo ouc'6ls[c6e 66c,e,1 66lqatdt' oro

g or6fi 6eqao QTTx glEta6o gtqo auo6.'ooq
orqa gotnqs qotstele e6elen (3 qlqg eGo erqc oQo
ar6'ro o6elen r qciq.sQ ogaar Ggo eeraa6 I

{g o6'6ilQ 08 q'c o6Q aato 99 otogl 06qaQ, 6toG'to

6e orgo qlotflqq oua6rslc'6o o6eoqo6o oogl6'G. q6r6e
e'Gn qoto eoet s6lqot6tle 66'6Ga a"6 olo 6eG'te olOeten
g eneorg 6qro eei Qsaea a66,6,oal oQelsn r
QTO glglaroqq ealqo

qQo eQelen t
Olotflqe oEG'6'1 qn 64fi ao6a oos'
fltEaq oro e6 qdiac'lq eQen I 6QOIQ, Qtfl, 6e't66ttotn,
oroe (6ereo), qaa (Qqororo), qGQg qq6 aeee aoEo
86R r

oqa oa6Ba
G,6eq, Qtslnl gq6 floa olagllc'Go 6eolQ qo
aota c6o no lqqo c6og, Qlsl16l gq6 at6 v6eatQ
aoarq eOaG r qo 6e 060 olqoc'o eBGe{ qe'l 1qq' I

aola aoo 9lo olu fllq 6QRl at6o eeta6 t otqo

qrornqq Fovutaq Oeto eo66c 6qlo e,td t eeag, Qlclln
gqr6 oonrcc'o o1q e6otoq t Oec oteltns'Oot oog eodCIet
g'ii ot6lRS aq6otlle6erg atQelen lQl6l16'l QQ66l, "Qtd
6 arsootec atq6 t ri<oteo on aG tedflte ato'tdto eog,
eso6 alo6telt6c 6clt6o gfr orar6; ara ri flal alo6lflle'g
gfr or< t" egtg6'Q olq eQotot t qiot qla,l6'6loc cga6 t
eor6< o6e6q-6od odq' nto o6ee I
eeogtO CIoflt6a 6a6oca6n e.'oallc ea6, gO
6a6o6a6c fiu dlqoto oo6 t c6oq QQ6, '6110160 ooq'l€'
eod'6erq er,i o6etg eQa6-6q qc'l, e,o, ellfi'{a qg acl
-ac'q eriqatsn r'
at6 a6og efreotg arQa6 I ooo floafll eal
gerg€ o6etg eea6 I aolnoco qlsl 6oalg g{ I

fltEe qat6' G'aG't qflCIGo floca aoOo eelae6

ago6o q6ad 6'Rlo6Q, olqls 60g qlqo 6'lQe al€'o6o

6e-q'Gno uQen-'6t62at ote0gt ct6o 6Gtt6't t'

otc'Gt1o qQo ot$tn flat 60161 6a6R I ala 90 ed

gor ega6 | c6og q86.(Qqto oont oOaG t
oqei odeeo Qre

ote0qt ote0qt el66' 6olnl, Qqaq al66'6116l I

6o 6a on oFlQ eree qg6 QolG' 9116' ll
, 6oce etfi 6'6l9l6tl, QGI6Q aec Qqn Ql6G I
uQ LtQ uq en-16 G'o, e,6$ fl6116'QIR ll
gtoo otafllcq' qfl6g Qo6'lq oGaG I 660 edfltn
G'6eg, QtGttGl,6Q&e, 6Qo, 6161, al6'1 q'lgQlfl, olQQ, QQ16l,
delo eorgtcr,6tQq'l g gllEo aa6 t 6ol6l1c, Qlqql.'6'lc'c'64
aeG I 6qfl166'edate fld rlo eofictetG t
atG eqtfleto, v6eotQ ge 6't66 6ogfllo1 I al6l9l1
oneto 6c oQo, etfi, 6Qgre, 6llQq'1, Ola6lala odareel
Lrog otgl e6ee t
Olqo 6611 Ocor6 01906' 6qG'l eeo aaG I
6ero6at I 6100 6'18g01 6co 61'16'ettaeG-
6e oqo Qfl. q'q, (eornr) e6ntqsG flQlolc'Qle I
a6q'q6tr 6 6€tgtn, 66R aqlafllft, 6nlec 66ttn, Rtscl
goo 6otee'
al66r eg 6fil6o, I

G'cog ofrootg edntc eo6aG t edate aal ql6'

o6etet6 I etel e6oqg oet66n, 'ftee€tl 6q'Q aad ?

a6og oreo 9966 qG oat oge6 t "Qtfr6{ ots6'

6'qr6r G'e6fi eee etdt otfim e'aoql
qlaq I 6g6ocnlo qfl6g
$6RtafltG'G'Q ed t6e 8q, {cllec'o aal a6lql loOS
orqt ed o6eten I q18s qlqto o6elen oo, 69 QsG 669 I
aorq g'olae QoG oq16 Q66l I
arorn-g6 qloel 6oG oqto 6'6nr I
ocoq 6tr1 ql6'o16 oog eo6en I Ql6''lQ gol 86ll

GtfJst I GilQot ArQ Ceogs qEl6T 6AlA qdlgl e66'l I 6q flal

6eorQ aoc'tq e66'6-offi qlcg CIee t a6og olgo aoq
oto otso$ gcllfl e6n g aoGE eeta Goqolf,' tllc'o6n I
QT9 qlqlQtflqs 0atqo

CIaetaq.e aat 6qa6 I CIag,ta 6erq e6a6, etfi otct

o6etg eEaG I c'6og oga6, ,6qflt6c,o q"qlel 6,1g, !
aoatg 6q,6lt t6earQ qe,to at6ore.'c eea6 I 6G,nog g
qG't68 6Qtfl 6QG' I
6G'6'l6,lO AtQQ6t SQtGtRt I
qoqt es,ra6 I otgooco q6l 6oa 661
a6,qtcq oag qdt
6ee 66n I g6oqe 6oc'6oa16 o66't otstca qdtgt e6 a6
oO oreo atfl ae.'toct o9o6 I ,,g1 gl qg 6o6,tg8 cfrs tq1 g1
crfiaref, G'fi8 I q1 q1 e.'oeta-gCIgt-aoet6flceqt cR8 | q1
q1 EoCIe,tso ccts !01 qt atutaqalo fi,ft8 tqt
Fovrcotq, ql
aeQorfl, ql CI6o6ovt cfis ! q1 6otot6rto, ql q1 osotored
G,Fr8 ! qtolotq, gt nqdta, qt 6qrfrgra cats !,,

fioe 6ofii 6ts 066' 6eqe'ro atcgte'c r orQ casr I

{aa q6't 6ea I qt6e {6lto6t qflqca Qora qer r er6

qq,a6a e't6 qer I c6eg, etsltf,i, 6teo, etnt, d'e1o eertotn
qg6 noo olefllce, qfl6s 6G'n 6s oea aoOo r qo6 o
etrqo ae'6 I fro CIteclc,G. €trJS a6d q6.,t aga6 r

et6'1 6t1ot oto ega6 t eQeq G'6ie, et.stl-6oto_

oEieorst r oro sRea c6ogc. qQo oar o 6oro eqa6 r

otnr-qdqg trIqe, AA, qna o96 r

esoE'-ei qQ cg6 6o6 ? ace se o6 6el6o

ooraa6 r vQ crer erriq, 6er oriqe eq eoraaG r

nreo (qero)-orgso oq,6, 6o6os6t ri,,r,16, 6,q6,,

<Q eetu aB eqeooer odqe aroqroOo e6ltot6e a6 r o6
nl6erg see,r
arnr 6ga eoro Gagoer 6ar aga,6 r ol,o6e aga6
- " etdv orgtg oe6, eq og fratr I 6er arorg eqra c,rd
-6q qg fl6c o6n qq Rt66t-,, 6,6eg _-.,6qt{g.,, eQ6R
60 'dJ" Sqt{, 6q {e
'ri' geiiI glc, 6oe, {ag atq 6o6n
otet e6q, eoQ'rf' r

ctlorotot6e ornr or6ero oga6-ar6s t or6e t or6e r

e,qei o6seo e Tql

{ao e6og qgG ooat6c'qfl69 oolggllc'6ela qo'l

61e.e0 oe 6qctn aog aa o6gao ega6 t flGea aGeo
qgqoco G*qS t 6eqg l' qQ Re a6'lodl egeG I 6olQ
orQ r ge osa egdat 6E r ot666 elselo I a1a6'S
a G'ge I

e66e-equlot, sQ edlata-e6al6'l9llQ oocl6lfr

ea6a ae't6o-'6eqg t 6eqg l' sQ flalfla qc1 6910
6a1e otG'6e aee atel66o a0 a6o qGotaoeo 6l1c'6aal9
RrGRr t

q6'tqfllg 6aal la06dloa 6aa G'cqaqeeogt6 0@6161

qrg qgdeo 6t6rl qtc GGR I

qat6' 6QAl I ql6'l6B 618616l fio60 0lBo 648 ola

oqos g6lelc'Bca oeo(aeirq e6oe,6tet aeo) q6fl 86cl
arQ <oQo eetaaG I 6'6oq qoa A06' e66e 6'9 tllocl
eGaG r eqeeo edlodq qsGQ 016'A6 g 6oqo ooallqqo
aqd qdra o6q eeuGs fr66 I aonflsn eoea o_Qqd, q6
eqargoso t eoo6 aso qGotco ql6QQ egt6q gqgq
qreo6 6ettaet otd' eoeeoa ulo6l e6a6-ae6'lo-416'lo
qeraorgtd'l eg eoq.6, 6q ala 6'q6oola orgetdt6'6ogf,o
aqsqfr Oq eog6"a6 ed r 0q sQ G'flqco qt e6oeq EI'QllQ
orro o6egen I

ooglcco otoet gtdqlqo anolgl 6'16'69 gnfietat6

qdOeq (6eorQ Oc) ooroa6 r

ettunl qgG e'eo gaad ooG' qcr6a e'cag 6os

Oareeta 69q e'neorsr egaG t eotG< gaG erra al6'o ag
eg ege6, 'uG'q enQtgt !' 'Llc'{ G'6'Ql9l t' (oRoco etot)
{ao e'cag etne oQ aeqq ego6 I Qq66l6ll 91s161
6oe {6't6G'$64 qoQto I oq 6eao6leq I c6oQ6' a6'gl 6osl
e'6d oo atQtc't oG org ulod esn-oten oQCIee t

Oera ega6, si on aG t' (oaoc'Q ae, erar)
erx qlq1otflqq aatqo

slEo qgOS CIt6r g gqm frEte

Qe,oo eel6t6lt I
flrEe ateoo et6'eoga6 I aoflt66'6'gqfl aCIoe--.efl qg
flerete !eg qS qeto6'
(o6o glotcl5'e6.o gan flo e6og qg6
oof,o e6aroq o otue )
aerec6ro6e sto r orgo qiorngqc"o aode oeo
ceogr6 ooflrse' {ag catas6 r qeogc qOgreo 6qflt6'Ge
q,arq,c6te6o aQq,r orgi'eor6s q'tqate eera6 t eqQ
ar6 Roso o6oo I otCIo o6a qg6aa otgo qlotflgqa.a
6oq eqor aG r asogrQ ooerree.eQen, ara e.a,og isas
nrd; eo o erfrer-etsc oqt6 e6erg aea6, areasrrec 6sA
ara 6ag eo66g r oor Forqe'te ote eeoaG I c6ag qg
oraflr6'6'oqtc'Lle ega6 I 6qgl6o fld otg CIa ote oe6 t
e,6ag aQ6fi, qrue e6er9 6qq, 0l'6'6q6R o6q,tc6 Rro
a6eqc' crd r eq 6ee g qgotaflt66' etateu qtll6'6o qEa
6e6R r 66,0, qer6r g oefleco flca 66a cflqrec,rord'aeee
qara qtuc't6o gga 6e6n I 6a6o6e66' er Fdeeo o6e
6e606e66' Qt {etQl qdto flat6o, 6o6o6q'66' 66il6,'1O6O
qrue ea6 I flo fleJ6e 6066,altc o6e {etfi eg uteeo 6e
orsR qo[i r q5 eoee qfl6q <og fr6o 6gra q"etdct6'o6e
Boq agatar6 r eqarec Qeosoe G,6aq 6rqCI nto ord errgn r

6o6o6a66' oo6, qteato6q'dG' oao o6et t eoa'aota6e

016 6lto oQer r
Rtq, otao g gq,t 66loto-{gucG.e oeora ern erd,
{flre,6'e ctfl acflsl oQ qeog qaer slo oa6 rq6og oQcfir,
ora ! g6ctel6c' .qQ glceo otgo6.o o16 eco eQe, ara
ar6crsr66, qfl6g oGeo fl€eo orG srd'er otd sorg arQg I

6a6l 6oq e6lerra e6orore'rq CIoslt6c, ototao og og aia

eqel o6eeo QT8

oas eg6en G'6e9, elglnr, 6Qurc, G'tqQtcl, 6tQo, 6t611

G.,rd I

0 atfi oQoen r Q60c 060 q6atu g gqe alQen I 6otctlc g

ntqg'crao6e el66r, so eei ssa atQ ge9en tetertuo qdot
stog ororao eo6 r c6ogq e eoG eq oQ otg e el6a I 6q
"6''a 66'oG'reg" <Q ato6a ge at6eoen I floo Qtaflt6c
"ers qgG'l el 060" <Q ea G'oato qF otot oGeo oGea
ee6, orqr fler 66nuo 6etta0en t 6eqg eodet 060 6q
flo6a G'tq e6R r orqac'o ata gae'd og eQ 0 g6'q1, e'6og
g 016' qg CIraflrc'g oior odn c6erg atq6 t aG'66tE6Q
660e 060 6qflr66'fio6e G'tq ecn I

(eeageo qdcar o dlatnqsGa 6qa)

ar6 qgero, g8 o166r, fltd, QTTg qtEto,-glEo
sroe CIrsrcrreg ode cderg arQe6 I 6o6G'g flu atQa6 t

fltEa qrfl ode o6erg atq6 € 6o6G'6464 aQstat6 t eto

o6ero 6c arQ aO aQ s 6qtfl 660e EGn I floo otaflt?S
Qsosos c6ogG' edalc otq e6atoq I cot 6q aqe 6q'la
qdq,r eqflrc6 eofretg ate6 t

orG eera6 r ar6 orQea ntqo aQee I

qoqr o6e 61611 flUa atgt eO oO otgo oca atcnta

e'r6en 0 qdr 6066l r soQ qerr ee'o eod'660 6oco osct
a6, qeorc6a orsq ora qdrcr ogoG t

{ae arn6 sqra6 r oot atn6 cga6 I flo Gllecl6c',

fltqe, 6o6aq qfl6q ero eor? arn6 eoqa6 e qem qea
arn6 ge 6rae6-'6'a 6e tiora, oe' 6e data I qgt 6E
qor6e r qo ao flercoe t!'
c6ag g flrqQ 946'6r eat eg8e I 6'6oq olsoG'01618
Oer aeqa6co qdoar flrqec'or616e o9o6 I 6'6aqc'G'qq
edflre gx eei 9 flrq 6eG' I

"qa6fl qa6fl 6o6o6q',66,ofr, eq6o6een Oec otq'6Q

6,Q6f,r, q6fl atQe l"
Qre olq1orflqs Qarqo

"rf o6fr, 6 aredl t a< eaq6 6fr6o aeee Ong

oge r orQro6Q QQ66t, 96fl oad 66tg{ 66'qro 6o$arq
ora f''
oQfr, urmr d r 66ueer qig eorn 016160 6066r
eos6 s6r6s eeqrG gBG r"
crEe-q,dnre aad 60sr ?
e'6og-ar66 6Iq eoflEfr r ogofiec oomeo 6ee
otso 6fit6o q{io6 fl6c sr6c,ead eQen, ejamrR eeroofr r

eqQ ed qCIraco Eise flrq 6amg oF e1fr r

"6flte 6ere eee q6 orgo flrar orf,,lfi orour6 erOqen r

or0 erG oQeleR, flrar qg aq,nre 6a flt' r 6,609 ego6 g0
G'Ot{ t"
"606G66'66' G'ror gt6oen, Rt' 6rtogu6G'6rac'rg oro6n
erd, eqeoeoee'Oea aeor qafi qtr6a ora org 6q'6refi r"
"6q aeot qe$ oQen, "c6egce eror R6oraaG,
6qflrc'G'e ort6 eE, erigte eg6'rsG'gr6e gG qreroq oo6

"aaor qa 6nro6o ei org orfr eoerq Rr6fr r eQfr,

etQa aro6r 6'rG'orGr6Q 6q qgaar aq6fi ? 6q ooBo 6at0
orOerg nr6en r eq oQen, '60r ord rj qreo qreo 6sr
eQoree r'
"6q arflgre'g onora e61qo e6elen r arod aa6r
flrEo-a6Jgrcg q6oa crd r orq'a a6ego 6gfi r

6,6o9-6crreo 6sR {erer eoG eor6s ear eQen r

ue,{ eeQ ael6n r {ear aroo (aroorcq 6oeo) ara eraro

oq6q'G,lq ?
gllQQ-G'l lQAd QAGR ?
G'6Q$-6Q eQSn 6flto O QO|O eOglAerO A6 erd r

eor 6oo eoo o66, oad ogq ? oafr,-ct, otQt 6QG'

oqei odeeo Q19

"otf, aatg agla eoaedfi;-{ql Gl6' olslg 6J6l8e I

"q"i.?l 13x..T:'" 6a, ri Garol aos oero ese1fr, aree

eed'orso 6s og aG alq,-gnflle'g e eoG ento qto etQ
gta6 t flt', QQ66r, '6rg9tt6G'Ag atQee,'-6O6q' 6q'6, qg
o 9108 !,,

(eeogc a$g ellula aeclo)

' "O6G'6oa qto eo od 6o66'qq'lg tl 66oetg6 ent
6gaeo aQqen 60 6'l'Q oo Qsgeo eQeoeR, 6q 6oa aqa
G'IQ I,,
oreo-dlqOG t atflate'c'6eeeo flel 466'Qao eQaG t

ar61g6a oQet qog6a gflo aeo eqQs6 aeet 6alaE6ll;

geri' t *
o6ogJGqQ aeateo 66'lLl 6e6ll 60, 69llQ 6Q1Q clQ,
6eq,n qdG eo6otg6 t otgeo aoo e6Q el6n I 69110'{ aagl
066' cqtaqar rejeoQ aq'sl6o or6erg nr6fr t etOelg Rt6fr,
6flrQ ead 6?al ! gQl 66lloln aoaB ola olBos QQ6R,
e6ag otga6 t

"ols qQG 6061 6qG'lg, eq eQen, '{6G'et6 ot6g,

erG eflt st6ea oQnt t'-ri eQfr efito Qad 6anl !
"6q eleq oBfllc'q aeta eQeR, eo 6e,q et6 ot6en
eoe oGe erd r ri gnro oGG I 6ee oQen, 96rl oee e6en
gqqgofl elu6e eofioto re[eQfr, rigeg atee etdr (oreo
o a6ag6'erar)
iata eot6s eo66, eot6s eett6< etot,66s al flSst{
6oG66r, Gq'tlt g{ eoo6 al66 ae G'8lB6o eo66 t egg6
691 6qr I Amherst Street 60 606OGA66' dQO6' OOg Ofi,
6roog eQfr, <Q oo eoo6 6fllo qg G'6ll I GIQ 6oo etegQo,
oagQe, eoo6 a6ca 6no 6qt 6qt r
Qr r g1010tflqq aatqo

"ei 6e flo agotql erriq eee, ea (orgea) 66 oe6

6're I A qtute6t qtg qnte'6o aor eerae1fr, ero6 o ?
gilEQ-o,g9 qI otet et66t I

6'6oq-eo etOqen 60, 6qot9 g16ntefll6c'otat6 r

q16areclc6 qq66o alt6' oetot{ crd; eog Gor egelen I

6cl6o 60 eQen erd r 6ec 6aG'n oQ66r, ot6ln0 xeal eQg

crg 60,-g6n qfltoco qCIq 6etee, ot6q6e or'o au eeetg
Q8|6QA r

fltqe-gfl ctco 6e'tqee6, eoqgflg6,to6to6REr6 r

c6og-a66'o gs6t aE oteat oeo vQ aegr eeraG r

flrqa flqtofl, ato6r 986 aE oroe'terG, 6oqfl6eeo gssteE
c ore6n Resignation (aqocoreo q.qd aodo) g< erd-
Absolute Dependence on God.
e6og-atat-{6o €,g 0 6oemo; eeeo 6ear t

enro 6od 6es eeo eQ or6ee r

clEo-eq oQa6, gfle ae"eto qflo6e-{ 'aq"'
QrqrQ ?
aei aad ?
nreo-aeitQ otrdetg e,6d qff egoG, 6em ae"ete
6A|A8-6O6J ?qS Aofllfi' Qg I AtA e66 q61 Otgro aQo
eoen, d, ae'6,re qrflo1c"a 6qtae{nt ae', Qg < 'aqo'
orqre t adrg, Bq 6flto 96,-sQ ae.ete;-g€d'ae.'
ofisoaa6 I otqoc.o oate fit6c sQ-aqod <Q ae.ere
go 6oeo ofi eoaa6; otat qot a6e'a erdq eoro 6e6q'l
neag-Qg doraaa qQo oQoree 60 6elo ges erd r

oreo(oetoreo)-oler aO goo ost 6o6q 6eto6o

{ae acqtcq oo slcf, oat oQnr-Qe'a 66tqtfl1

qQo6o I

6'6eo-6e 6e'a eotqrola oat eQeleR, aal6,6e tlet

eoa6 r
eqei o6eeo Qrc

flrqo-aeirq oo 6oeo edotn fld gcad c6e'tet6 i

"69 cruroqga 660 6e'a eotqtfll otgos cQeleR, 'ef
arodq orerce sQ qoeo odc o66; sQ oataeo ? g6el
fld 6qor6e ao6o.PlGr t"
c6og-606G'g alg, QlglG.'lg, {fl166' qfl6g EI'QIIQ
oqr6 o6ee-qq eeet cgaG I olglc'lg Privately eQaG,
gaed o6e oqt6 e66 r

flreo-gaeei oeo ? qt, ORtglG'G'Q G'icotag 6Q66l

6ArU g{ ?

6',64o-ata 6 aaetq ogt6o6' t eot6q 6816' 6Q

66sq, t Gao 6oroo 6qflt6e g8ee I

fitqa-66llql6',Go AC AG'AI, ged t

aeag-6 aast ?
flrEe-{6o 6llc', e6G'toea ag, 6Qlflt8 I

G'6AO-O|G'6Q66l eA6 6'q 6nlQ 6Qle6nl I

"erfi1, 6reo, 6t6t1, qteot {ol6G'-66tlolG''G' otg
6e6o G'q 6nre r .{gr6,6'e 0r{161 66,60 I 6clotq'' orq (otqa
euEe-orgo cQelen eo (eototn) soto ento ge6 t

6o6q'oroeg o o16 oO oo6 eoGB r

c6ag-eao t
suEo-6o6o6a6c qacfl qacfl o6eoqo0 ol{,
ot9o6 060 oogl6'6'e ooato otfrnt ocQ, 6'tetag arQ Oec
eofrfr-eororn argatQ QQ'qtcQ f,'rtnl qgo oaGQ qro eolQ
oQe6-or96a eqQoteo Oat eetas6 r Orin ogtcnle I

orso6 aao 0q aao6e ead'eloot6 aG otqto 0q aoo

or{eo nre qqa etgt I cqotce ato eoQ oe{Gn I 6oltl 6s6lt
eog6-661016,6o6uoo egtoe6 g otg6o atqtq eoaa6 I
6'6Oq-Q 6O61 CIQ I

fltqoJata orgo oQea fl8eo agel6n 66tolnq'Q

oeqe'El aagr r 6o6G' {qt flal fl6c a6, otqeo G''tqqlCIofltG'G'
QCo q1o1arflqq aalqo

6aeg 6er arQer a6erg eroo e6elea r acceae qrG'.,r6,

eQ eoaelen r

e6og-ata orgo 6nr6o eQeleR, or'e gG oerte'Er

aG'gr 6o6G' s6't ora'eq Rtntfro otQQ t ara eQa6, ' eq

{otQtQ 6fire qq8 r 6oaflr6e 6fltQ aro6ilQ 6nr0 6qfl166'
{orq qdor arQes' r'
"6o61-G'rg6 ao6o eq Ga6 6q,ael6n r eq qdor
.t t
AtqCa6R I
66ilOrf,'q6r6Q Agel6n {G" Ot8Q6'Ot68 6q'61
"69il6o cQeleR, -'66ilot6' Qo-ootq QE'; 6e sote
enre ge6 r o0 arserra ga6e org eoGer ord'cj erO erd
arae ?"
"6eQ eeQ orq Goqrco eerfr qoro eGaG I 69
eo (orgsa) eceoao oQa6, ri d aeQo-e6ocq-6oq16,0
{erl,re6e 666,6r r"
gro6e arfi ooq16'660 gee,d oo eQeG r e'6d oqr6r1
g G66r qe1 r aoac'o q,aq tv r /t*
goe,d ear cga6 r <sO
qflgca nrqo arQen r 6q flo6o 660e oQee r

ar6 gq gra6g; r o166 a6gn erre; qgaro r eeiflre

qflq qern 16'1 6q,c'rflrqo arQ orgo ooqoro qdtfl o6n I
oQo6o 6,6eq, er6rn 996 oonrcq' qQo eosr eO gen
vQ oeo arQ q,Qen {G'" gee'6 006'qa qqrocr eO gen
6qflrq',6 oar q6erg nr6en r qq,1 oo6'e aot q"qle or{t6t
o6erg r groe o'{ral CIo c6re- cratg q'qte orl6r c e6erg
oir6r'r eo-srer 66 eri a6-e66a r QG o6en og
eog eqraCIe r

"6'66r q6elsn, eo cdg Oeq't eq e6d c'SS ger66R,

eei 6o0t eEG 6eo s? eea e'da 69 arfrerg nr6en r ed
oqeJ o6eeo Qce

of acr 6qre6, q6fi q6tr sQ enreG 6'r'ao6e oQoen r ara

eQen {ae 6flre ed eor6r 6ere6rf,u r ,

qamo-6fir66 Ereqre 616l f,ir66r erd; genarcc 6e6o

atc'o60 a8 !
0r{1o10g-g6fi {6c ear egs eEQ r erqr6q'e'erer6
ulq r e6oQ a6o qaa aQ 66116r eQc'a I
ca6'r o6Q or8o 060 d61 qc'r 06R I
qrq {610gr er6Rr r groe orefir66'g6fl q6fl 66nqte
e6erg 66n r qre 060 qE ag s6urc eO g6ole otga oo9
or0 orsa$ qdrcr g oQo6o ajt6'Q6a I
orqa 6or6to6e ctoe CItafltcc'eQ garo ote6n tfltqo
flar 016 q6tr gqro ota6n I
EIo'{r 6enr I qdt 6oc,t 060 g6gt aroG eqnt I o6a
er6rn, 6d1, qet 6610tn (3 a01d eQaG t
firEe flar aa6 r ot6tn otgo 6taet 6Ie qtaute6o
o$q'te G'g8e I
orerrn(ocrt qg6c qG)-d 6eo orga e'nGar 6teG'l
qdg e'e,6ar erroelfr I 6sl6o eofr eq eQ6R, "eor arog erd
orgcrdr g erdG { etct eB r"
-ejerOerg nr6fr r

ger cgrrstn-rj arorgee ot6. 6taG'l GOs ao6e

6e'rq6o 6eqro ocroqfr, 6a6o6e6n eq oQeR, '6q $toq
' ere6r ao6o Flqe G'6ogq'qQo gCIBG g ao6q a6ee
QarG'rQr QoeB te6oq QQ66l, ao a8 fitGcctq-
fltEQ-AA6r, QO !
c'6og-6q otet otqt egel66't, ga6n 6'90 aat fltg
ee1fr r 6ee eq eQ6R, 6o6q, atgq erd6 t
d e6fi, eo6erg at6q, ear c16org gsd r'
' €rqe-6q aad eQ6R ? ,

6'6Qg-6q qq gQ eeen I
Qce olq1arflqq earqo

oa6g'daG'ra r c 06$ a6qn Qrrg I otgoc'6016r

o6e sroe oraflrce arqre 060 06{ Qqta oga6 I G'6og
0 srEo groo ofln 6ereo eler e6ereo sert6s 6aoen eQ
6dceo oar ege6 r 6,609 I 01806'0 q.6oroo ega6 r

c6agc'G'aq 9u; firEog qrv eei r

orEo-010o6'qQo qafi eo$r6c6 gno oR ota6e

aec aG t
c6ag-otar ofieerqo ernr oOose r orG'oea eqQ
0n sQ 9o6 erto erraelfr-
src orn 6e Geaoec r

q'qre 66o6a, Qeooto 6e6d,

gq 6or a6,re66r n

6gq oue aG''r qo66r,

qg 6010 oe, 66'ged arees,
oa eqsn 6o1 6ere a6eoc
gfra arosr e'6c l
qoq o6a flG' 8Q at6QtQ6t,
6gct-o1o e'r6 e,n ago6r,
qtq60 qa0 Q$ qdq uc,
66rc66'aO goen n
enor eflre ar6 o6a oq166r,
oE6)o ceo odq e'oo,
oQgr oo6c' 0$60 qa01
691 Qfi ga 6'6? il

atqqff cr6rr aG ora-urfl

OtG 6a6n e'd o6e 6qra,
oaqra 6a6n ser6e sa
eq sra-6erq1666r u

o0 eog oea eae arere

qrdqcd 6a eorqro er6,re,
eqa o06Qo Q Cqt

6et o6a 0t6't0 q6'6' qoto

69rG'060 otQt 6tq60 il
61o-OG'6ee 6e earo 6oen erfr r

0er66 aA qg oe at6t sa ord rr

gsn Qgee era, e1d 6e,r6 aera r

eofr6 oQG gog, 'arq 6flt Bo6q 6c'rfr' rr

gaq q6ra gro 6oeo oes e6rfr I
ao6o arq 6,t6e qg g6a gor cd rr
flrqe-6110 qO aao oQen t
c6og-otc'o atc, 6ateoteelnt I otfic,tgs oot6en,
's ORIG 6s ?' alqt, 6G'6o on ora6 I 69160 q6 arQerg
eQen r
flrEa-{aroeo sod'or6e 6a$r0nr r

c6ag-{ato6a ele'6fltee,6' o6e otgtoce qO I

o6eoqoeo I 6qaa eo6 oleeo 6cl6o oe o6erg Rr6en I
ge oQ oQ6fi, 'ctelad, g6gt 6fit ord'eoe utoo oQ arQa t'
"Qg <Q ear elQe atatg eQse etd t"
flrqa-ara aao eQen t
c6og-g6sr 6Fl ord'eoe uroo cd ergarQa I fltatg
oQqfr, 'Frr' ti ead otaotce ! 66n atqt q6r6e oar oQQ t
grr', erfrc1-aruc'-oqr61 qa oo 6, ole66l 6oG qeloteo
oQQ t' cQ6R, 'geo orgea arQ 6flt6o aotan ara eQn,
r[ arQB r' rI 69 66 e'reo cr6; ofreot 060 eara 6oea
earoe{fr r

flrqe-aejrq gen {a qflflGe PresentUB, Absentflrl

aB, eoo6 flQo 6qas6 qraro g 6ororo I

ceog-69 { aar erets o6e nld r

6'66lq6' gG enraasl ota" ar6o6r

6'6ag-at61qo6a 6q 6flt 6oeo aG qsro o6elen r

at61QQ aoqt6,6o 6l8o6n qQ er6

^^^ 1,11;:o66'6a6s
6'QQr,6'1, gCA ?
ecu q1olarflqq 0arqo

c6oq-d tatfiB aQfr, eqt Qto tlo eo6 totnt 'G'QGtl,

gflo 6oq qd'erg 6sil 6oqGQ 66116't{ QU6l shock RtGRt t'
o ea, (aianree oueo) etet6g oQse crd- q6mr
QOq r

grEo-gct 6oeo a0 quto e,6R, {QlQ 6eos acadq

a6, go qror a6ce otdq eee t 6ee, 6eo et6e,6o eRGeleR,
t€'eog ent6.dst Goq'l'
esog-Ei 69 aQe1fr, 'ri eq og orGQ etd t'
"6q eQ66r, 'gfle etg o6e t' dooo otQ 6flt QoGQ
eoas'6 r eq edRrc eea6 t ot'Q go6el e'tqo eeta6
G'qtBG, t

nrqo-edfltc eoo6 og efr c ot'( I olgo agE6n,

6G'tL,r g{, gt6cqG' 60, GotstQt 6oeo flts'ol6'6o 610 al{
eoabrea flraersc' arQ Qqla co6 I eod'otoea og efrots,
6a 6ro6e ale clla arQ oa6 erd t

G,6Oq6O a6lq 60
6,6AO-0180 691160 ClQlfl6l 0gE6n I
RrEa-ggtg 'ototfldt'egE6a ot66t I
c6og-6't6o aqg qflqco edle ord eRt etog ot6
66'A C'E6R I

erdqeo qQ6n, 'et6 6ftt otstco oQnt; ea 6se, G<;

e,r6or6en 6agoqto eQG' t'
flrqe-6o6o6a6n gfla Oee 66aa ooiq ac'gl
6qre0Rr, ged t
c6oq-eqQ qnaeo 6atu 6aae{Rt, 6006 6flto 6to1o
crd, eoen AdO aG r oei6t eoQ eetfr oco ataQ ogEfr, I

6q6o6q'66'eolq fl6c 6e6lt, ead cg6 t

9ilE0-60606066' 01060 etdlq6a E66'l ?

e'eog-d I ot6to oQ og etet6 atQfr I 6q qq 6'6R,

'geo oao erfa t' ejoQfr, riqoh{a ssto oQ6, '6q QQ66l,
gfla o ag ale' gG t oatqo ooo169 ota I qfll{o gB oat t'
oqei o6eao QC8

qrEo-d, 6q ogelca mre' oso Gmre r arog aOnr

oea q6 QQeo 6er arQer o6er I

c6og-ar6'1 Bto st6' oee I r[ eeelorel org errfr 6< I

mtc'e'6t qa6'64 6q'a ? ate6 oO Ee 6aa I
"q6 oree ergqo6eoqo6o oQelen, oleo6 QG eoe
qee- t"
flrEa-ga 6saeo ate ead oQelsn ge I

c6og-6or eat6e sso 6qro 60 6o6o6aee'' eQfr,

'aro6r eoa" qo eosiG 6q qg fre'e gn, 6q6o6a66' fltalc.
orstg ota oor66R, 'fl' G'6eg sQog oat o66, 6o6a {qg
aad 96r ?' oreroce oQen,el GQ6R, 6q qg qoq t'
orga eQeleR, 6atl,rg{ fi6ceG'', 'gao oto q6en
(or6eo o,ro eoa) <q,rq 6oea so aB6, eq qdod d oo
cO oerr eeQ 0a eora qo6 r'
"Qg, Frree ctet6a,,6q o {60 oar oQelsn r ord eRro
QAd 6Q6'il !"
flreo-edora 6o qr66, oeqt 6eq'te oO erd r

orqaG'a 69 sl6c aG o t
ceog-e'd a6o qqq o I

flrqo-e,6d q'gQol 6e' arGelnr I otetG. oeqotaqnt,

6qflr6c' 66u6t{ 6'c't 6oat9 otdeR, 6EI 66,Rt etd t og eto
oro 6ura arQ sc'r ordnr I 6e 6nt6e eQ6R, '6q6o6e6n o
eRn RrE ?'6q oQnt 6q6o6c'6c, 6e or6e1fr, qaqtql-6'Gt
qa8r0 6to cta t'
xQ ear gO 6'6ag er6ca oo uQ gq oQen I
FrEo-gea eaiore e6o,{ qr6a I gfi ao6a qg ota I

g6fi fioo oto 916,S gtgsrl a6o r

G,6Ag-qhle CI6'6' otQt ar69r9il6o aoq, qg otc {

lri:" 9? to_"*_. falyiro 6sa) sQ 60, ornerg <Q
qrLrc gre qfltcnloct aoa I olfiatg ae6, ot6 o6tc.,e6q,
atQ 'dtue 6,ad ?
QC9 q1q10rflqq ealqo

rlEe-otq'to 6006 6qtq eq eoo6 eg t

ecog-atflfilf,'q o 6Q qla,lc' e6etg oQaG I

c6ag otgoq 6gcl0 oar 96 oQaG r

6,6og-6stt std' fllalq 6eeeo a6o G'al eQa6 I

6o6o6a6n glac'tq stantd-eloIGQ otn eqta6-060 61q

aq-6q6o6acq' Ggrt otqi'ea't qrejcr e,delen t

fitEo-otQt 6'1661, 991 o161g 6JAEfr I

c'6og-6'6'l 6Q6'rl Cld t eq oQ6R, qt' oQa6, eqt6t

oror, 6gu6t6ot Getaol6Q I olo, otfr eq'tagleo t

"6flt qO {60 6qa-Qg eosoeeen eo]oQ aoGg

ore arQ6, q6tr q6ff et6ot6a6 I aaolq'qGrGQ 6o6oca66'
ggetfr, aqQ GRte6'qtr6a 6G'6G'6G'6n ota oQetfr I 6q6occ'6e'
inrerog ara 6ra6n crd; ero 6Qs a0 ata aORt etdt ote'o
aqg qfla6e olc' qEi'srile aO ata aOnr e'rd; eQsn, goo
< J ..
G'AfltC 6q'lQClQ l"
"a6o a6o e1q a6qro al6q I algolglc'oGQ 69llo 9l6G'
6snt, 6o00 66 crd I flqa eetfr seQ etqt6 t

glEo-otg6o o agq6n, olG'Q flal <QoG aG'gl 6q'66'

6a6n 6aae{Rt I 906'61 etae aa6 I fllqo oga6, "Lle'l
g6finr6o t ot6 6e orq 6et oga !" e'6og oQ66l, "Qtd ?
a'rg eo6 orgcrdeetfr aato otto a6etqagt eqa6 Qtd ?"
orQ eero6 t 6ourc ga1 ulclg QG so eent eo6a6 t

orq'rg eoG ooo otaflt6c g filEo qfl6q alao qal6 a6R I

6q qa1 otqto Geoett eQetg nt6sn t 6agce'o eaq edfltc

g*/gs 6ee tqoqtoG seo eoQ ec6 ute oga6 t6oso
eo6a6 eetfr aqot"6 ag66o atQ eQen g alc'lo cen t otQ
ee'r o6Q 6t6t1 otgo6 eot6 6eeoc 460.0-61fl6'eQlo66t I
cto otaalce 6ogeg eee otQ alalo a6etg eQeR t
610{ fialco 96, eot6s ooot6 tl GGs 6Jo, ala olga6'o
gGo orao-gqto I

€r89r oa6gc.'
oB 9il6,G g'og6a olgo q16.ll9l?g
(e,aleeoo6a G'6ag gg6q'o qtuc g c1g
ar6 eGorer q6ot t g 6''t6$ 6fi,QTT9 qlElo t o6ota
aoorq r c6og flrqoa'qQo oat cgaG t cfrQot, qg qqto
corqor 6nQa e6rGs qqa oG'o6a qie' ao6o ao6g eQaG t
o6 eqQ 060 oqloQ co6 I Merchant of Venice,
Comus, Blackie's Self Culture {Q og eQ o9o6, ololQfl
qqo e,go6 r $fi64 oq'taatg 6aG' I

qra oa flrq 6QQ, olgo glolgleq oo Rlcs aqlfl

qqg6o CIqro qlrsrg orfroraaG t aQetQo o GetQo CIsntca
orso qlarflBqG'o 6qc'r agelar qflaco sod' eqs qgco
eoreq,roa6, orer ara 6a eeero gedr oorq aqutoq'aodeea
atcorel oa oraoG oor, 69 qfl6g sgo6 {agt6t I oQqQ
qd erdoQa6 r edare ooqag o eo6sn cqfltso ata afl
LlaG et? I acq 6ate6 q6t6a ala alQlo oR f,'ll66l G'lQ I 016'
8?t ata acq ear 66 orn nregr crd I Qfl6g 6rrG'6, ols aa6l
ara eoG gr6er cr6 t 6q'o aQolaa6, G'tltgn 6eto ot66R,
aqo 6ogr6oee r oQ oraaG, are6o 6e6R 6q 6aa q6ee r

6o6o66'6e 6desa arar6, 6q6o6466'eqQ aroooa qd aen

o6q r argrcCI erfrRreeen a6a6lqq6' CItece .(ata1 otO etO
gn6 r01060 eaelord'6ar6u o66 aQelen, g6clelt6c etstce
or0 or0 gfre, eoq6ele oqt6 a6erg 66< oe eea6 t eeQ
eoQ orrgaG, sq orfr0er o6a crd6 d <onjqe eEaQ6 r <Q
a6oq q"ereea oQerg {6G aot t 6ea fl66' e6R 6'6ata
oqro e6oree, or' eg6 ead'O t
qaooofir66,arolqa e6eteo oQ Oe'ot6 otgoc'Gqat
a6eten r orGe flarqflr{ osa a6et q6e oa qahct sQ 6e
Qer q1q1Qtflqs ealqo

6eo oog eg66en r org6o ort'r6g 6q'6n qeqtqte G'ter{

6q (eergar ee aorr6) uroo o6er9 aaar qato aotll or{t6t
o6erg eQcalen r 6qflr6n' Gnrafiq'a otstGe oe, 6ot8,
e'qe'dt, 66rErR aoqrO aor{qo orG'6e o66o elsn r Qg
or96a cqflrag ovr6t aQ oraa6 r go 66 e'etc eo60etg
0a G'elfit I

q6ag sqflrog oQ6R, ere, g6flcr6c ata gareg 0e,

ssr6s 60 oqr Garara r g6grgr6e 6 oQe ata alflFlc'ae
{ato 6q'G't otQ a 66t6{ gte oQetQ, ot 6'6Q6fi q'QtQ6Q
ss6 orreeo 6oo16 6sd oe'raq' ? 6qor6o g6flflr6e arq
q'6e;rejarorqo e6erg ot8a6'eqer 6oee oqGSo eoae1fr,
edflre 6qet6o eqr 6d e6e r g6aq qa6fl qa6fl Rt6q
gaflrq 66o 6'G'r en6ls 6oaq6n r q6fl cto6a af,'.tt6't{
otQ9il60 GCItCI 60G'rO6Q, 6Qt 6r6Q 6G'r 606R I AQt?6'6lQ6Q
eoa- orgr oo FatetRt, orq'ro CIgr g tax fr6 {6te BG't I otc,e
qrgcro oefu oa6'6'r are 6or6'ct0o 6ao I get 66ltolo, filq
g oroaGe 6erord'oo ord r 6er6 6clotc' qa6fl etdlqa
e6olg otgaG'o 66 g 66s og 6G'a 6qa G'qtoeg 66nr I

q6r6e oroa qrg6r g 61611 r or6eo oao arQ oQen I otQQ

qorae oraEca r 666e, o6a 6q 6 arQen I c6eq, 6eo, 6tdt1,
6oera 0 er$1 qa6fl fl6ar fl6ar oB arqetsn I QtGIGl, Rtq,
6or6r1c,, g arnl 0Q sQ qflflce Ecraa CIteEcn I otnl {efltel
flal6e eoden r er6rn 6e6oflrq o6e, g 6or6l1c <aeqi o6a
eo6elen r

660e fiarGe c6eE'cra, elsl6r, 6egr6', dleo, 6ldt1,

G'tgQtgl, 6Ot6l1C, QtQ1, fitq, flO6Q QlQl Q6R, AIA OOS
esdsn ard r gen qqe g g6c'tL.t atQ oQen t Gst.lo 0 eG
oeo arQ oe9en r

q6og t <Q qan ao gn6 gtG'GQ oqt t 9o6

qOgrea sQ arqa 6q'6'lr r gnq oe qgo oQ otga qlotrlgs
orGe rlnflc c,rfrot-arga oqt6 q^6ora G'6R t e6'loto
oER Oa6g0

e6or6qete qerQl c6oq gq6 ooc qal qeolfl ecroe' Qg-

nrrig e'e qA$64 gem o6a lala gno ao 6s gfre r oo-o
o'on'ee fllgetc' etne sQ oQat'6-gflq Pl6o6l QQat'6,
6e66''6G'6R gen utQo t atG oo aq 6ac'l6o
qg 6'61 66ls
eera6-utG otaerg QG erd-eo66'6c'66' geo atQe-atQ
oraflte,G"Q stoalo acolag o6eoe I 99lo a?Gfl 6qq
een 6< aq't ag 6qde ce6 oQotde t

(eeagrG oofllefiQ ffqoc old'ourgfiol g

q'ga6 t
efrooteo eqQ 6'noeo c'6oq o6sq qQo eat
6,60g edote CIBflte'c'o 6col I floa
qglgG'o aeo6a o1g
e6or6q I aoatag odn o6q otd'qnes 8606 seaaG t
eeog(et6sa' q6)-6nl6o 66 on nrg crd t sQ
arocts qGtr Qat o96, oa 6q46, ednte 4006 t

neoq QG sd G'1Qa aQen t oeo ogoG-'o6otocedc'

eGQ t'
a6-ot'o eeo I Q6alG'6 ord'o qg SaloN I

eeog-o6 qut oatfr G'ol6Q ?

fl6-ol 6q66l 6laG'r 96 nt6e I

f,'6aQ Q6 GG qnq etoe oQen t

ccaq-o6em etetG eelfr eetu eea6 I {6e greler

egG aea 6Q6n 6'Qta gtae'td I

"66,60 eoGfi, fl8 gclo a6oca eQ eQ 6'gG !"
"6060 Ql6'1 Qo, ala acq qo eo6fr I 6o6G'6 otG
6ee g'td t"
"ga6'l oQqt 6G'e ?"
ccog 66ltol a6'lag (eoato orQeo) aolacoa floS
oree6, eqetord 8a oQEII I

6aq 6oq org (aroeQ) srlQeo aoOo 6q66l I qlg

e6ogc'qflaqq I floQ olafllc'S qdol on otatG tl ecig!
9oo q1010rflqe 6)atqo

oog orar6 I ot6'e oe aete e6o fio ot6i6e r efraor

a0qea orrjq oo6 I olae orQ aO r eqQ orQea eQ a0eg
urQ agOo 6e6n I

6,609 o69 oaor 6oete 6o6R; ata aad 6aa I qtg

q6r6a 0Q I arso 66 qarg r fl6 e'nGat qata66l I

s6 au eoQ errQeo a06fi, 6qflta6. oQo oog 6se r

q"er qflqso qfl6g flo6a gq9en I floe oraaree 6gQ

0c oeraa6 0 qtuc oga6, o6 eo6es' I otgo glatnqe
orqioorcc'g,0g60 q660o eeaa6, orer eofrerg a6 oGea
oBeo no ooic o6erg orar6 r

flo6a 6oae aer6 r oderoeo {ocug erQo qor orc

flr'q 6ostG'tg 60g ota88 I G''tgQtct, 6Qo, Qtfil qQlbltFto
oraa6 r

6qor60 ara 66 0n oQ oaotgt ode e6ee r

(orgo glatfl6'gca 6oqra Qr"qte g 6,6ogc

c6ag flo 6rteflte6 oetel,ltc ega6 I qqa eaeoOe
orue a6e1efi le,6oq otc. ot616o o6qto6G'6lc oat aotaelcn I

c6oq afreor sraa6 sofr eqQ a6'qo6e ea Ggsco eora

orfr oraa6 I a6oq arQ qag qden I 'et6,t' orde org Oerg
eoo6 z 6qarsrn G,el6n I 6q flog erq,l6 o8eoqo e6s,lea
gfrerqotagcn tot6l6lg qfl6g'ete't'eerfr orgelen I aeJrq
'et6rn ore't'qtqeae ata 66166 G'tgt t'
6,6o9-'erer arg aea oer6Q r oldQ olg CIerg
6onr ? (e6oc q0)-g6el o 66lg6flRla 6nQeo 6tqqn,
orq Rot a6sr6n erd t
o6o(a6 qgqoeo)-oteo ora oQelsR, oar0 6q
orfrgrRr r
osfl 066g0 90Q

e6aq(ntqof, qG)-6q'69, rieirot aq6uteo oQO t

{or6e 6 qo fllqto q"qto6o atQ oQG t q6 estote'l 8al6q

6lnr I

er6r6l odeoqo ctm nOog eo6 arQa6 I oaola ol$

q6r6Q 66,AOl6lE6R I
orerng c6og qqaa'eat oQen I gqa eeaqg sr6s
og enGelen t sqQ og oQtota6 t ogeo'qQ ficico en6a6 t

'ei oo q6'64 gotac etfrfr r {ot6o oQet eflt oo6a 6oo t

{0160 oreo g6edc eea6 I at66t 6\tot, clt, 600 qflg6

qq eo6fr r or'o e clflto qd eo6fr I gaaa qq aE ota6;
oog eo606'tg Gataednt I 6oq {ao qag ota6 t ooflq"ql
6oa 6flr6o oQeleR, 60l o6a 6qflt66'og a6ota6; cqnlcq
6Qrq o69 Rrd t'
ersrn ogs6, <Q qg alo6l 6otq eq otfrotsr6 t eq
gO oQ6, 'eeeg qtfl oag ol{-91' 0 CIle aadla'$aQ
6c'ar9 g fl6,4flt o6erg I 610 g.(, 6't6fl ol eo6teo6 eoto
oog CIerq aar 6gq' I

c,609 sQ aat qA gq eeta oQen t

orsrn oteig 6er oat aga6 I {otso aQ o 66 eenl

erd r eq orqr egq6n eoatc ode eq'nt eaa"O ? ot$tn
earoa6 r 6eeea Qt et 6dtoe6, 6< et eQaG I

er6rn-etn eeiorg etet6 oQet I

6,6og-aret6 o'o 6aa ? gre 66 6aG' ? eqEotd'gte

Hrc asq r

c'66 ao-ot' 6e6R Et"QItQ oqto on ctdQ ?

c6oq-otng otafr crd eer6 60 6qtfl q6lsa oQG
ara Cnr0fr6'ato 6g'Q, Gq 6oG oat I

ser oQ 6,649 a0 6en t

er6la earoa6 t 66oo o6a a6ag qoatfl alQ eQen I

9C^9 glolarflqq aarqo

6dtQ e6 QQEIq CIlG'GQ eg86 (eAO6 OqOG'

ao6ia6o,G,o etoe eerae,6)-"al6o, 69tt68 eotex qG
ar6 eoea !-ata oeere etd t-ata oedlqaq cqag'td !"
ceog(eram oreeo)-qQoteo aG, Qto q'Qlo 6c I
(onaco etot) t

qaa6'ear 96 Gq6'tB RtGRt t

er6m-'qG g oleto qhlc" eQ6eo 46, qeqtqtfllc'co

{o qtr6Q:oQer on qed t 'oautQt cetQl'Q eat u6 t
6r6tl-Eiqa'lrq fll6c ct I 69tto a6flq gre 66 ctd I
so6 aror crd, esd'oreo ri aQ e steo t

ooeraG'eat oOnt I o6'ctac'qlco El"G'6'loe aQal

Gqraednr r

eeog(erclnG q6)-oenrao 916't 6al6ll e96;

eqeisrd'eo 96o0 ofieoqo gfrerg oteEfil I
I er6gor6o ecutc eat oQnt I olglog oa g0o e6ee t
eeaq(et6u6r6' qG)-erd, d AG etso etd
qoqr 6gnt I 6t611 ol80 qlolngqG'660 qdl 6o6a g
aG'qrcq o6Q 6060 OI$OG'A 066l qnl, 6A019 Om qdl 606A
g fluQ q06o clfl aCI og q6la a6R I

.qao ato6 eea6 I floQ otafitcc'g acr{le{ osfilGc

qfl6s ooesrQ Oat eqto ato6 ode ega6 t oet etq6 t

CIecrcn qfrqaco ato6 ero ettagG-

ea 6e g'ota oe, 6e deto r

gqt 6E qe6e qa qa Q0 oelcoe ll

o6oq {Q ero uatoaG I et61uto6o Qqetac qq$6o
<Q erto g< t

fl6 floo CIoclc'S ode eG ooo qt6 nto oOsG I floQ

$taar Oaer eos 6aatg eeet et6nt t aofllcc qfl6g 6lflG'
a6a r 6qflr6c oe oG n6g qatoen t
oEfl 066g0 9ofl

otQ gclgao 6anl I oAS 69r eaa nrd'teirga6 lqfl6s

oQaG, sqQ ueotul, 68Qf;.' otn ctet6 tfl6 Oeooeo oOeten t

ar6 e6ot6 qdar rR6'qctat 661101o6o 6e'oo ega6 I

ors6a q1alfl8q6'oat ortgaG t

ceagr6 floa atcrgllf,ca 66er1st'l g

6orgtq'r6q oro-Et"q.tdclen o 8oq
flrqe oGeto 6e arQs6 I gtlc'lo oriqe adto. otuOe
Fro6e oQee t atG o6eto I qqs CIofllce gta o6eto 6c no
ode o6erg ateG t atG etfr estoelde qlq oq g{ I cllEo
orso qlotngec ol6lg eotetet6q eat 66 66 q6e1en t

eoeg6 E6a Gotoat6qo eqt:e'ole atqg e6elg ol96a

eroo e6aen; ata oQelen 6q6'q 6qaao 0t16'oa I fllqo
6oG6q, floe atafltcq'qQo fren 6 etd I eotoetfiq
Qar oQlQ66't I

flrqe-atat, eotqel6q6o ggtslc'oar 6o0 ir6 t ,

ot6tn-ql,ll, gql, gsl, 986l { qflg fllal I flao G'ld
6QAr AOlq I

fitqa-clco 6ld 060 oml aN eqQ qg I el ead ?

or6tn-d' I

fltEa-otga flal qQ eat eQelen I ngnl otg sQ eat

oQelen I

atcl, Qtgtfi e'o e6q QI"qlQ e6erg eQelen tqg6 66

ersrnl-old, s oriqe o ola ctd r otag aeoto eetfi
flel flta 6'lq I
<QoG eatetdt eeaa6 t so6 qflflco 6'6Q9, olQQ
g era 6'661 oo ctcnoloq eo6atQen I 6alflle6'Q celeclog
gfrOero oat Ent-Aq eflet otaen erd t eqfllec atQ
eQen r estoet6q oat otfrelg RtGRt t
eoX qtfltotstqq Qatqc

c'Gog(flteaf, qG)-oa 6a qS aA I nlnta eat

otdG ?
flrEo-d,6ot6tG,t6q6e a6, G6< 6Gq 6ofrA tntnte
ggmrc 6QlQelRt, g6d ?
e6og-q', ara eq'aenqt Et"G'tq' ? qA egoa otet
ootn 6ant ?
gilEO-Q9^ 9t6f,'Oq8 I

c6QQ-.-QG'o ednr6 6e6o o9tQ'ta I

gtoo cltagilG'Go qoqe 6l6nqttr 0 qg q6't

eeogrO oofltce otrtqte e6erg oras6 tfltEo fld qtc
a66a I fiot 6oG fltqo sol 6eao6 I G'etg eso Geter qtqq
6100 og flat qt6r6e qrc e6erg sraaG r qe qorerorGe qee
gtg6 qG'a nog odor arq6
' nreo(oooe q6)-0te1 6tet r

c6ag-sot 66'oelatg e'd so6 egaG I (oreoco

fiog eletcoa grorflr6e
o@fit6c at6,6o 6tAst ooto
oroo aeo ol6t6e qre eQerg sras6 I qfl6g 66gal c'q
06eG r ar6 eGorst sg 0o I ga6' 6tot I

oreo(eeogc' q0)-q666 6ataot6e I

e6aq-atoclfltec.e ooro eQorora q6ooe; ged r

a to6t6Q, 6o6G'QG)t96'0
arqo qQerg nr6en e or6erg 6rr66n, "6tfr ea6t
6IQ1Q ?,,
qtctce CIofltce aog eo6sn g 6619 6blto otgo
01otogq6' o6a q6ad 066l I qoto qcio G'6t G,6t 6ete
01806'0 OIA 0960 qql8'6t1 6OGR I
6,6oq6'a qe'l oog arQereo QG Ona cetaEnt I qg
flatete'ts qerro oO gn 6q'atg ala eo66 o qqotqca gn
*- ' 4
crq rog oa ao66l gn- cla ? qqotgso eor6s ga6 6qog
oEfl 06690 908

elfit, otQt eo6'6Q ggta 666'oG'a6R ra6a ostu6 6,6R I o6Q

q6tfl a6 0lcr06Q ola aQ6R I

(oleroo, olga 6ra 0 ctGrlooqte oo)

floa orefllsc 6eg orcr e6oq eerfr ogelen g eoa-
o6a qfl6g <og ga6, eoQ oog 'e'tctoe' 6ge{6n r qde6s
086l oQ6'60 6OA9lt6C CG,G'6Q Uqte UlQdil At OtOtO ASg6n,
eqQarsa 6aa6,ogq66l r nrm sQ ooo qto go aO a{6,t"6t
qflaca oget6n eerfr aoo otaflt6c {qtg age{66r 'er6'1
ooqtc'oe I olnl ooq16'ooo aeo6o oteoc.o 60 I otqte
aee6o orgoc'a efieeoq oo r sQ oeo Oar eqeR aroO
60610r{ 0 oefltsf,' arQ olgo qerra oo6 I efieeoq ooo
aoa6o orcr oe r ooG qq nat I atqtee ooat6c,arQen;
sQ oea 6qflt6'S aorqejor eototaelnt I otc't ooa aaa6o
eertGs 60lo oo I CItefltce' '6ortc'c oo'ogelsn I {ot6e CIo
Fil6G'ArQtQ 0qE6n I
or6't6ee qd eoroeo 6',toot I aeo ee66l {Q q'teot6e
GarOar g.( r areora 0q aao6a 6et6oe oa I

orga fio otel ooq16'ooo qieo G'reot I ateote
o6o-oQn 6ot6t6e aetq G'6aa se qfr6o nta6qal oo l<Q
qflg 60 catotnt ao6e I atfi-ooqta oo 0 qfr6o 6lta6qo1
6e flaignco {a otntg cototntg aOer QQ toofltca 6ot6'c
oao aao 66eo sototnte srog aOera Q0 r eeogrO aoo
oraflrcc {0 Q0 6oe qoqt qflgca sr6{ fl6at orog oo6 r

6qor6e ao6c'6to eG eqflree flqac qao6o era Qsgeo

ar6nrocr oo6 r 6a6o6a6n at otga q1atflBqc. G,at, 6G,66)
et oa"orerriq6e, erfltqoae G't otqg1e6. aat; 6066'er Qg
odeo oar, 6o6q'€,t oaGerotg o6ic dtqo eat; 6G'o, qet6t,
oQQ Aar r

orct66e eQ csog ot6 606'gqor eeeo o6at6,6.o clfl

qo otde eo6 t 600 g a6'qtc'q CItafltog grro 6$rG I 6'to1
9c.9 q1q10rflqq earqc

6,roqoe 6ga1en r <Qoeo G'6og CItafltcc'qfr6o ag qflq

e6erfl q"etdeeo atoo aget6n g ate'oco 6'G'ri eSECn I
6'60g g UEf geta-eltg'6olgt egieglGl
c6og ore'roce eQaG I oofltce eQaG-gOntn atea
g ctoo CIreclco r uEi qota oat oQnt t
nreo(ceag6' gO)-Goqtqtoo cq'6, fi 6c'o 6taat
oq6o 6lqa6' ear ararq ose ctd t
6'609-6A0 6lOAlQ CIA ?
orqo-6oqrqr6e eg6, qeccQ, fl6qt o6Q al69tcl66'
qgr6g aqac'orstg 610 I o6cG,Q, 6Q68 6qQS Ofi?Ofll6e
aqoq 0160 6ee66fi I 6e6G'6AQ AC'6lt{ q'qlQ6Q OIOOIO
eGeG r 6o6o6G,6n qfltd 6qnt, 6q6o6G'6n g{o 6rqa QQ6e,
org o66 6ao flre I oto6e fi6coe, 6flt6o 6caocn r rigso
6e6a 6aQ6' qflre'g or< r rj a6oa ac'qtfl e66 r e't otd'
6G,oe ggfl 6anr r 6q6o66'6n Eig<o eQfr, eaoe cqQ 69160
sQsQ gflae{66l r 6o6J<QsO erriq e66 r of aqa goflteg
gd gso eGeG', 6060 6qQS ce'autq t atQnt o6a g{o otq
sor6ee r g {arg ao6o6t 6oaEB t g 6ee, aqo6'eat 66
e,l6 crf, oo9 ao6od 6oae{B ? at6e 6.q aa, <etg atg6
s66 eeo 0a t (oaaco atov)
eoel Qorrorcre oe6, 6ee' o oath otg erd, q6 oo
ord'eeo firear (eooco e'rar) r Ei 6se' fiqac' 6sqeo 66
gGerd, q6 oo0 Q enaep eo6 t

e6og-60.(e6r g8erd, eo qd otuc't gGnr 6oQ t

orea-q6 olu6t aa6 ?
c6oq-6o <asr g€eld eq o6etoote 6oG oteeo
gGnr t gn OoG gGnt t gn eQ Ontoteg 6ott 6etoetg
q6a6 c6, Qotegta qa-8ace elo
6eG', ara El"qre6e 6Qet
eo 0q, {e6'r ar gGnr 6oG t
"60 6616'r{ 0q gee, cq qg g s t"
oEfl o66QO 9o9

ntEo(q6c8)-olsa o qo6a Qq6, '60 flqos 6'166,

6q qg ge6 t'ata q"qto e6et gn e6et qaoeo Gottotoag
oQelen 60 '6q qg a6e'tqdqg{ l' 6o'{tqtoo oqt uB eetfr
eQEen r{
o6c'tqdo qQ t{
oce'lqdco 6ols ctd t

6rear o6Q aoo Grtoo16o 6qta oQaG t n6 0 g6ntn

e6eeoq ooo qd Oqea eoa" aoa flqfio QQ 46, olq'lo
o6r6r6e eQ era ega6 I 6o0 ot6'6o olgoc'qQo o6e6lqa6o
qa6fl ode eent eqQoatg6ntn eQaG lq"qlo orR RteetetQ
eerfr eq aeo otei qfldco otaelcn t eqQ qfls 618 cgaG t
66oer 060 c6og atQ oteteo eQen t estetetGq eal 6ac'lg
RrGRr r

csog(o6c qG) -Caoao eolc'| 6s6'l oal ?

fl6-oaet, 61G'6lQ eat age ?

c6ag-g ! alo6t oQaG

fld-q a8 oQ8 I

ceeg-o'6t {ot6o eQ oQsG t

n6-ct, oeo 6ea oQEfr I

a6oq 6atc 6GltotG''3 oorqat6etqega6 I6816 66llo16r

6ee ure eqE6n I
eeog-Q'Go ofitql qgo ea I uqlc' o'o age eo ?
ar66r or8a g qluG'o eqet e6 Preparation 6'Q I Ol O6Q
uqrc'r ateer cri ot' o6e l,t'ttg' r (oooco etav)

ooo ofrfleo RcIRG acea efr aB I 6qol6a a6g,,o

6a aG r fltqe eettGs sa glnca'(elel eQa6 t so6 qflaco
goa arQ as6o I 6G''n 66et eee
orEo-{o eceoOe 6ent Sat6g olaelcl ga ord't
qfl6g 66o eetoaG t eqfltoc qQo eost eelo6 ? 6e6o6466'
arQn t
gao orj'le otae1fr t (aoaca otot)
6G,tGGtQ t

fltqo-G''q, 6ee Qat 8Q, qsd I Salg olaEn ?

goa-odedqa atfi o0og, 6qol6o <e orQ Efr r
eor qlq1Qtflqq eatqo

nrEa(qatqt)-ate'ot fletdace edflrc 6sG ore r

qqa-at6'or aQeR, 960 6fit6o aao orr6e t (aoraco
oror) r

nreo(orrev)-gea aao oQn t

qqe-ci gq oQfr r

fltqo-ot'o6a ?
qqe-qd eQ6n, esr ord'ofltq ar6a (aoraco t
erar) r 6ere 6e'atg erq,rG r (eror) r

flrqQ-or 060 sat6q 6n ?

qqa-q6fl 6c,ta6e 6fr r e6t6s e't6t6e orOeo oQfr r

arg6 areoa frQ ar6fr r oQa Oerg Oerord'eonorE'r Qeqeo

og6nt6,flte,g oerGfr, {ot6e fr6e 6 erd t
flrqo-sqflrco aaer cQeR t
qqa-6'G't{ q6,t{ otaote I {60 conCIE't 6s soe z
(aoraco aror) r

flrqQ-q6r6Q ead E6'rt ?

goe-er6s A6ll I oegre'q 6oG'6'o oQ qnr I aQ
arqr66 6o6ta ord r

(6orqg q'eto-at66r alot-Fn' ct at66t

aqo ?)
Olqo 66t16'e G'tot oog arQo6 r eror floB qag
seaOee I otgo qlotflgqc'a aqgot qfloco qtfl ca fltq
ud aecq 6o eera dd1 otc'o 6qat oCIE66l I 6Et a6no6a
6,s orjqo oQqen I {gtq6o 9'6 oroelen r eror o69 qtg6t,
69 atue g Fqrere I 66ti G'totclatG.e eg qa I 6qfltc6'e
ag ar6r 60, 6r6n olooqt 060 6ate'6to oG 6qfllac.o 9861
go c6e r 69 orerercs otaat ord'eq qg oqt6 o6elen I

agflrog erO oeG 'oaer o66, Fi 66 gQorg erd I eqflree

6a6o ar6r o6qen I flr' 6clre ereor C6orO erar6; rj eaeo
arcrr e6qfr, ot6 6te6ll Cora6 r 66 eenl erd r oog so6er
oEfl oa6go 90C

aqaG't qs flaror6, erfre1-arsc oqt6 o6at0 aQ86 I ala

Oero aors crd r'
oreo qrarflBqc'o qrlrog ooc e6et oeo oot6'Cot
o11666r, {ae 6€'16.,1 6t6t 6ag eo6ee t 69 ae 6e oso
oQnr oeo flo arOo 6qnr r oog 66 0e ororato e,6et seo
61611 flo6a era c6erg 0o cen r 6o6J Oot oGea oBeo ot6

6CA|S atQS I 6q 6aldq fi6o 06G'6,t9 I Ate G'tOt Atq88 q6l

acq qto 6oa oerac'eeR, 6go0 otq'qQo 6ogt e' 6qe I

0or nrqas 6q6 r orG'a6r6e aoe ateqtca gB g0

ear eQelg nr6en r

Cor-{or6e adr 6.q t <Q eeaq o 6060 cqo cI6' r

{er6c o oag eo6 oraetea r oer oQ qA atoa e6elen t

flrqe-{orea cdr eoQ ord I qfl6g qrclc I eeag e'o

e6e6, t 6eo asr cel6n 6oQ e'6 qqoqro oOolea ? at6fl
o'o e"qQi Q6o qaoqrer eQ arQorgq. ?

Oor-gea o oR ags r 96fl q"qteee eQe sG'"

eorqc'r eSB r {a6e e'er uri g< ad t <q'rd arfle ear I

aea orf d6t1 qq6o og 0 {orqnu CIer arQer 6,9 ror'e fl'
60 6e6o o196 r

orea gsGo 6qra gq oQen r

Cor-an orq eerrGer 6oaea oga r oot oO ored rj

or8 e'6d CIfi qrq6 orerg ena06 r agcrorad orsrg 6'66r CIR
org arQe6 r eqQ arqc6rg 6r6ri 60616',r r

6rl$taQ 660lor, etaqtql g 6'1611

e161rR 0 flrqo arfiooqr-ooo q60er G'reor6a
ooer06r cga6 r

orerrn(ova eara)-flrqe flq,rdq, arefl qfleg fr6

qrue o6er r ar6cr qqcqro adq r oO eaQ a6a 60 6rqa
o 9tfi6n f,'tq, .(60 6osil6ost atqo ? c6oq {arQ oR QaQ
eq'a6 r 6q 6,69, 'erfl e fr6eR, at6fl a'o oqtet qQo aa
eQo q1q1alflqs QatFio

oOg; o'o OnrOfrq'o aror 6qg t' 6G'6n 6a6R G'6og q6ag
ear a6g r aro6r org oor6eo I

flrqe-"Oq oar r er$ra erg, eoq6 gfla Rc Ral

flqoG' ord' ovrgn 6ere6 r"
ersrn-flrqe flqroq, eao eQQ t Qgeo qflsca
erior 0or orei'qrer G',qrg6! catoEnt I
"frqe fler6rg, 6'eg, ot c6e6fi 66 eee crd,
6OqCrQr6, 6JA6OA6'A 0 Oq I 6.'8 qQ6l 00 O6'tqe I G'qtQ6OG'
Oar eoorg eQ6R, oarO Oar eqeR eld I

firqe-96fl 6et6lt eore6ro0soe aat age ? fltat

or6'qg 6Je6oc' onraE6n t d, eqtq ata qa6oq'6'o 66'q
ecaroeac aG rsa q"qre6e ara uri o6erg eQaG tqo6oa
cQa6, eQoroog 6ean qle I ala q"qte6e 6erq,oO qt
6nrenc6'qQo erq cderg qor eGaG I

er61tn-a6co gt6c eo6, gt 6nta c soGen 6q,Rt I q1


enre eoG qo gard'6066r e'd 6aa ?

e6oq orfr or6ea 0g eQnr, "6o6oo6t 6glte etf'lota
aB eqsosd q1, qgs 661016oo a6; ot c 6a66l qt qgg
eaoreoo Rrd r

nreo-Oq oar r CRrRtc,Go e1 qgo eoo erd r

ersrn-6qe1ord' ag6, atefltG'6'e qtll6' e'eete,

flrqrolo e 6e661, 6oG oreeo Hlc 6eG' ? 01613 eg oag
Oer, eere c'6tog 66'60 e'd ogcnta arQo6 I otng c6ag
6qflr6,S eaer o96, o16or r

c'6oq g 6l6t6l166 (Resignation)

a6og oar ega6 I fltEe 6oo9 eren crd I 6ee qdOo
qre6r6e gA gB 66 q6erg ota66l I

c'6og oga6-oolr0 erio gre' arn erd I

G,66r ogcnra-arer fiq16fl, qtllc a6en ot6

orQ6Q0 ?
a60g-016'Bot I 6t1ol6o aQa6-
sEfr o66Qa 9eQ

aqos odqorer" gecsarr[a 6e6

qrfiaq odqeter oerqgr6 fltasl er/oe ll
G6fla 6e6t" ete qdoteec otQo
oq qqmle oot" dt6'atc" qtg'tQ dlqoq t er /ol
"orc'e eot c'GE'Gn qtuc' Qc'ceo 66 gs erd t otq'6
6Q6il61O 6qAlS g{ I

og6nro-at6ctot6e. etcet fl6u arQ 6o0 o69 r

c6aQ-6O6O6G'6n erdeq', atQeq' t

"ato6tglg'Ge GqotGQ edq't 6tfit 6t68 al69l 6ll6tllo

orQ r"
6t$6fitA-6qel6Q aro6 erd, 6o6q'46'q eRte eoo6
e orat6 t
c,6eQ oQ eQes'o utco 0g eld r

CIg66lra-ct, otged-eoeq'oO eoei6 olue'd otaaG

6o6q', e CIet on t

(ato6 o ccoqc'o qgcllot oto)

qor{to6e ato6 eeRt I GroflGG'q6 goter6 6Qta "6'a
6e tioro" qfl qa6a 6tQ ota otgog ee e6e'tg nt6eR t
ara6 qeo CIo cu6c'eag ota eQen I fllEa eQaG I qqa
qg 610r oro oO cJdtac'tg RtGeR I 6'6oq 6se atQ qo eQ
oro o6erg Rr6sn t
ggrG'o" oeflg6ro" coc'f,'" mrecldq
g01016'" 66lG'EIg6t" oqaqq tOnsqq I
xe' 6oq Qqnflen' odutototqo"
Gu6'to1o'Gqo oQo" qq'qg" q'eRtfi ll
gO otasn-
f,'qcototde'c q6ato{o't dedtqc'os 6eotqeos tl
q1flq oo'qgqg'eotfr t qlclQ qQ" ggqg'oe't6 tl
Orflq oa" gqq.g" qotfr I O1flq oo' gqqff efltfr t

fi'6oq qnfro qo6o qg61ol oto odetg nt6sR t ato

CIofufi,Go on eood 6eto 6qa eto 66to6 0o eetaoRt t
9e9 q1q10rflqs 6)atqo

qog ao orgo agEsfi qflUo e'orq6 et6 qd eoo6 serres6

6a eerooee, c6eg ora6n goa 6oeo 60 aBG, 6q flaJ
eqQod gq 6ara qo6 r arer r ao ore€lcqa G qger6 r
(orqa glatn$\sfi eqe o orsrrn)
: 6,rn1 ooq16 66e or6rn eQaG I ot6i6e qqe I fltqo
ou aa6 r

er61rn o6ero CI qete, oqro oO arQaG I aeo6o o1g

66er6r,r, .(G,rGl criorotog Qar acq ereg orfrOerg arga6 r

oarO qoeq geraaG r

arerrn(qoea q0)-erd6 atq,tog ontaq ? {ot6e

qhtracr r .(arg arQ orar6 t q6 eeog6'sQ 6ntee e6r I

<og arQ gareg 0g t

qon-ofreor6o eror, fir' oQoG r oraeq,a6 eren
sqflrcae 6qq 6flr6o e'r66<, 6oq ?ag onraOerg ersd r

at6tR-qg fleteta eoo6 oR ora16, 6q6o ead atot

flr' 616l gtar6 r ar6grcr6c or6'e aad o6q eo, 6q {60 oR
olata I G'tga 6q atfl9ilG'6'Q 6c''9, flc, atatQ, fl6rn cfl6G
{60 aqg E6n r a6flcu6o aaer e6q t
oreo (qoe')-arer, er6rn 0q oQa6 r soelord'org
ca6 ae6ge gorQg r

qqa-gcro caer ererO Oerg aar g< crd r

ersrnl-6fir fle.6o 6arn sea6 eo, crior otos ota
660o oe6 r a6o a6o orse sQ qg e'l6t6o edloQ eGorea
oro oe6 g 660o qrue ooG r o1196, 660e ouoot aOQ r

oat6 q'qrote e6org CIerg oc g< ord r

-^ G,a6t as'a ?
orc'ro6e oree 0 qqa aat age6 I otee6'e fltat
nrer6 r 0or orslrRc Oora'oQ Qora 6erq eOeG I oteo fld
Gero e6qen r 69 og Qearo eera6 I oo edore oteac
oo r oree flar gqas gerae6 r
9 eql
oEfl o66QO

qqe-el 6gnl Hle cl 6qnl 6gfi, ead 6ao oQetg

6ea ?

- 6anl
aud ?

otee-etdG, oQflQ"q flaloflg o eoGa I mlc 6gG'

gqa-Q fll6c o e't6et I aad et6e
mte 6Qa ? mle t
o6era as6 6 crgt6, ot'Q Q Oq erd r

otee-d, otgl qoq, slg'16 91o6Q aqo etatG t

oreo(qooe)-atet qqc6'a eg Q uegt I 01860
eQelen, sgd'fltee ooalc,S etqt6, cqfllcc'a sQgG aegt
g^( r 6a6oeeen G 6elu3{ aoelc ua6 ct ctet6 I oloe
I*'rgo edflte edlo'ao alcnlecl ega6, eoqord'81c16'
o060 aqoctet6 eerfr ogoG I ol86a 6qeQelen, ElGr ala
og eotG< 6'161160 gegee t
Qlafltcs q66ir €'66l8-G'66l9s 4680 eal
arc'ocQ aeitq etm ooqlG' 660, e'GQq gqe eal
egaG I 6oQ ata eot6< 016160 Ql6lln, eda e 6816'66lloln
aa6 t 66ls6o gql 66lloln atQeG t
q'6og 6t16'l olo oga6 g gqes elotaeG-
Grqoa odqotet" gecea:rfe GeG t
qroaqoiqorQ oalqq'tG atast tt
ocfla dodt'618 qioteee oloo -6lqocl

oQqqtolQqol" 6lG' gte" qtqqQ ll

qdufitqoGotm fl16fl4" 6od'q6' I
aQ" qt eioreoeorqt eotofis-
Tl;1?tr'lZr, ,se,ee
9QU glq1atflqs aatqo

e,6oq-6oqq (ogtqe' ? ,qtrrqq oiqorF,oaqgr6

flrafl I aqos cr6et ! g at6,qq fi6', g org elO o169 t aea
o166, Ftgsq oad t se egd'aEr.gtq elat 6oqq, q66 s
66u6{ 66t6{ Solar System (edloeoo) r uronrcGo qelel
eor6x Solar System (ee'loeoo)o a'o r qSire gnOreo
qEG,1 6e66'qg r eoQ qelelco oger 966 esrGs eore o6 r

c6og stro orao6-

(geo 6or aren dq)
eQra q6eo 6oG,atrre e'efl,
qqta q6eo ao atfle 6'gG,n
' 6'Gaq.6q eera qfr eeo ewn,
atng aoq Ga gcin-6o6t u
G'l6e gn a6n geo eneh 6 6el6n,
q6o e'6t eo6 qg fie orfr g6a u
aO ara e orQg gg {er eein,
a6oo eern 6o0e s0 oeg qfieo rr
6q aren qg aO a60 at€r o6',
06o q6a gs 6or oed qec tr
SgeJct 6rr qg 6o6ta ata6e,
fl6al oeu gd 6ar geG olo6t l
qtc 606l arfl eo6a oo erd6ots; .
6qqat6fl ge Cor Ger ars 6oto u
d6eae 6a eotF, d6aae ersn gfr;
Q'61 6'l ot6g 06, atfl gg€,n 1
"oQ ee I ot6e 6adt6to eero oQee .r,,
e6og eao6 arGqeero q5 oraae-

qg, orq ri gflo, oro d gno I

96fl qg arfre eoro rr

qa fi6 gG eoa, eon eo'lorn r
oEgr oa6go 9Q8

oaG-CIta Gu gg 6ll{ 6'G'G'lcl ll

96fl qg G'fltctfl, sQ ero oN t
otat QelQ 6'e eo66l ooo Gs tt
"Gtf, aal ead Rec etd ? 6rqo eo 6Go olalq I
g CgG, eotGs G'l8l6Q 6010 6oG q6CIe r g nee e6g
ore'qerg elora ar6g t eq eQeG, fl6c eld; qeeoe aG
6ed16e eel6s 8q 0t0 t eoqord alfiR agEfr, d6'1, 6lG
Cer eea aqas arOg t
"oqo oato Qg, 0160 6o61160 6qlalaq; 6q d 9ol
e66G,, org grelar aQ-
'g6e q'6dt" q6" 6oc att' otQ 6otr1- '
aqcot flt qqoflfl I oficql flt eeqt66iaa tt
qeotreit aqo'6flq t atGoteri {bt tl
Sg CI6o o66t'A6' I 6ec att" olQ 6otq tt
qqa-Q qlu6'l e6et r
eeoq-eee6'otc'a atfl 8Q I olgo6'a 6110 9166'ctd't
e60q ettoG ettaeR
(aora-a'lc 81fl)
(e) 6,{tftt ftt' 66t1, oQql ga6 ntn t
q6,l60 al 6alQlol6o aa 6fllo 8Sl OIR ll
gfi ctcft Q66 alf,'-om, eetfie6 flQlcoa I
ej eo aee'6q flq, 6e eteq (eato) flalqa ll
{ aq'El'qlo 661Q, Olgl o 6aalo 6QG'l
6e ereoq qt6 ealo, oa clgl 6fllo glo ll
(s) 6q atea qg aO 466' alfl elc I

et60 oca g{ Oot eoo q6'c'll

, qqe-geo'ega aqo aaG r qO gen ge, eldle e

aG,q 6o6oc'o eQ,otaaG 60,'(e G'6lo al6o al6o g€ eatoG t
9e9 0101orflqq oatqo

acog-Chemistry (6afrq) qQerd ? at6e,

CombinationOs e6e ? 6006 Gn 6at6 e6er ora-Oxygen,
Hydrogen, UtQ Electricity {q qg human hand66
QQrOt{ I

"Intelligence force qfl6g g16'6 I flaqgo 6'66t; 60

6 sQag eroq enre6 r"
gqe-aqt aA serfi QsQ 6'169 r
c6og-'q6e 066r. glstft't6eo6e oQB r
"John Stuart Mill flat 6qa oat aAsG I 6< age,t
6oeo sQ ogr 6oosG orq. Goeo 6a6e oqt 6< ereo ruitt
sQ oar eQsG r eo (orgeo) o egelen '6qro d qro' I 6e o
orsr6e oQaG r 6qro a6a 6ent I
sel eQ c'6ag flUo qo6o errasG-
6sl6o erd eere'eo oro, rj 60 6ot o6feo r

960 ag 960 66lq rj ea ee,ro Foeeo tr

66'ltfl q't efiso erd, crd'aE q flt.Ql6e I
oqGeo, nOea etd, etderdt, 66nrq6o rr
crd Qar qn6o rj, eoro eGorerq qaqtce I
esr6en fr6e seo, q[ d es 6qrea l
(e'roet ?d6n aqa6ot6e a6qra gs)
gae-g6fi 6o6o6c,66' Se, o6c'tc erer6; qd see,
sQ ag oat ags I gfl aat6a 0Q erd, g6st gtg oo G,o6,tpt I

(ooaco erov) r

c6ag-{eat ata 6o6a6a6fi eonraG erd-eseoso

Grfrcr, etq6'1, 6q6os6t flqo6. oteo a6qtq r eett6< e't
e6r0.( etoct oQar< I g{o 6oea 6oeo oQerg oar aG-
orq o6e, 6ar o6o eec'-{Q qg atflct I

6,609 a6eo 6q 6q 6ete 6t1o otaatg nr6en r 'eq

6re6rCIo G'qfi, oegt Colgttot' t
oufl 066g0 9e9

G'fl606',6,a6G.'Q G'gflGrnolol, 6'g 6'a fl6r6'Ol0l I

q"Q6'6ro 9861910l, Qqgeeotol, e,fl 6oG'6'a 6oa ll

a6eq aee aolo, crd os' aofll gg otd oe oosll I

gg 6eqqo aqloe QQ 6qg oosllQl 6''fl6oq'6''o6oa ll

6'fl o61q'oq oot6l, qofr oe 0o66l, qg g6lfr oa eo66l I

oofl 61061 9691 6Q, 6'1G'6G'91Q661, 6.,A 60q',6'0 6oa ll

oaqloacd og < frn6, qg ag s freG t
{ 6nl6a gR6 6a, oo66'rl6Q get6, G'a 60A 6'A 60A ll
a6og qd otaen-olafllc'S e6oq ote o6elg q6
oga6 r

oqo qq ot660 ao6-cqot eoo6 q6ol60-

6o ngatnt ga e6oo aa{o sqa Catntso t

G''16'rqlq'gl 661C'60 61fi1, 8lQ',lQ66l I

9eet6n 6,€r, G'lq6Q ofl, qdl6'oQl a6Qgl6Q I

egat aG ct6 ogeo, CIQccl gcn q66a I

aqqs 6et G'o oal, CICIGfl.G'al { q"ql6Q I

fltEQ at06lg {Q qfls eal qOaG t

e6oq aOen r oa 6oag atQet qfla6o egaG, eG eG

qo 64fl eqtaqnt6 I G'lool6o gllEog eoG c'Qen, "fl18a
fietcto atog ot6 dQG''l l"
gloe G66l ota o6ogg ago6, "6oGG'' ogalc' otqt6
eerfr ss at6q agein ctdQ ?" 6'6ag oQetg nt6en t
(esogea olq 66al6q -G'6ogao qeslgng
ga6e cqtgtalCI c ot6fi lfilECI qeln 6anl flo G'6lol6a
e6r6{ osflcf,'eQoG I fllqa otga6, olqca floQ olofllas
orfim-etue' oqt6 eoloe6 t atqt ! {9ll6c ot6l0l06 olo
. aqrgf,, t gto6 eoo6 qlslQ s6ge I floa Qlafll66' eood
qrotQ G'tetad t agOc qdg orgaco flalqfllrt eeta6, eoq
eqQ qas eite eqQo6 oQG t
eer qlglQtflqq aatqo

6qe a60lail I 6aaf,,Qtfl G'tQ'te I

{flr6,q 6q qaoqrG eQrQ6R I ata 6Q6oc'6g 6q 060

ofra6 erd6 t <sre 0'6r erF'loQ aota-crd t
€'60g aoa flqnrg 6oG6R, FrEe {ere1 6BfL66'
eQaG r 6q 0q,ra arQ eQ eQ oQsR, fltEe gtet6ta, ea6t
eea6 t 66 ear 6q,a 6qa Rrqo oQen, arer gcre QoQ oqo
qa r eor6s 66 ge ora r

c6og qo eQ aoer; o&e, g6' eerfrerg nt6sn-

qqamcc aqos gfr oQa6-6a6o aoem eeG-erRr,
edlo tg erqieqeo erd6 sqflree, aroflce'rq,taqco CIctq'tc 6qG'l
0 08t 6'Q8 G'tg I
6'r6n.t gtCIr6eoee'rongfroege ge'qot6e' 6olql
ent ogeeiQ6fl6a'{r oeeloeGors 6rg6er or" 9o6 r

crcr6or66reg8$rq gaeooa68 dae" c qorfr

8e6aqr 6fi{oerr,r8 6e 6e 6e eorre q1nqt6oq,66at l
eo'legr ta" ea'lecser 6sq6susds ouGririqedl
o6qr acqr{Qeeos goue'qafiqroed}esr 6sqs r

edet6erQelf," Frfl g,oqo6ar nreodtqqg'

Eo6aqr 6fi{oerlrs 6o 6e 6e eorrg q1flq,t6oa ffcslt tl
erdeoq 6oQaror' 6ooer6sr6qrqe6er0oreds
ored eoreddearedqe'eQoeqe eo'lQere" e otcet I

fr aqreorq'r6nredqn6 fl fl er6a qdeeuieqcr'

sB6G'rJr cgrtoems 6e 6e 6e eore qloat6oa 6t6fit l

qrqr gqlseren qge6{Qelll e'rgo' 6t6r6olfl'
qerd" er eor6ggoa6q,G'lg soQqtonr6 r

crclor ogcunr qoQ QeQor oo,qedqoel"

Eecaqr co{oeltls 6q'6q,6e eors q1flat6oc,66at l
6lq'oqqo" qo'e qqo" q6g 6,016 ;,1eo'
6qrff o Qo'Qoe gooe eed Qeo B66n I

erarsseQor 6'6'r oqocoeige Qeol cp,i6

6qt{o' qG'q6ot oq'tg QGIQ' qlo8o' qG,ot il
9 Q.C
oBfl 066g0

ooqt6 ga olo 6elocl6ll t 96 eatetdr eqtaG t

ceog-Gfig ql"Ello oaq G'l olQl eQQ, onet-etuc
oqr6 e, etdtgt q6r6oqaalq o6erqqot g< erd t
eod'gteeo qfr, 80, eoo, qdo-
aGfidqeei qfr e'rnqq66' qoregeio Goeaeeo t
ecnaca qg golsor6eo oa6'e1gr 6on6 o6ote tt
6aote G'totl6o 60 ofi6l oeo erd, e6-oq fl6ot eg
orG,"e6e ntd, oteto qal a1c'c'l
dotoqn'oofi" oG'lBQ" 6laq1qlfut got6oleo' I

66atGQ" a" gq6s I G' 6qa6o qalBQ' oqq G'oqqelaeq I I

e6l6s 610 qdq-

Btq Gflta-Blq'6o Qfledl, eld olq Oeea oGdll ll
et6 Oc qer ord orcot6R qld6'q atqt 6 6gaet tt
ealgte c 66en ula Qolo erd r q"qlo 0{16l I
set eQ g6 qo eG edlote ouefl aq6 oqa6 -
6G'oteel6eqqQlot Qgl6el, 6gte fllcgdl o q€oee,
acdlQfl8seQ66l ooas edlq1aae8 6tal6'lc'88 ll
c6ag gO egaG, flAs{ erdQ e"qnco G'a eeG', otdQ
frfltco e6'6qQ t oqoro qqo e'o t 'Goteaqoa 66ettq'
66€,tte" qd eoQ qGoteo t
eeag qn6o qa6o oqotetrjqc'o gG'arq6 eqa6-
ti'flJerqeqes'toGotF 6'lQ'G'e eqrg6eq e o g16166'69 I
q' o 6aqlfl6l9l1 6' 6066'l e elqCoteoqos 6eettg"
6eetreel t

6'60g ula eotGs gG', G'lg6q'G'lEQ, 6laoB-

6a fluqoc I ei qflo dadl6e; 6ell66' qote6 eto;
69r, oto, 6fllQ, Qtr1 qga 6fll3e,m, QEa gqlqgl$ eo I
oro 0960 oG 6a I -

enlgr qoeetoQ 9li"l 1?1"* ',

c G66oqeocla qcnes'6lo6l'96otl I
99o 01q10tflqq 0atqo

olo 066 GoeqreQ qtQ flI. etqqoc n

enrQsor 6fltse't6nc qgoto qo,r6q r

qeat olgrictreneQ gtQ flt. nqqoe n

oO etes oicu g86i6dtetqe. q6ot I

an,tqofle'tau grQ cl" frqqoc lt

6tot66oa qreeraQ orej q"qre adg I

qcrirerqfrgrfr grQ Rt. flUqoc l

eq,eeleC flot qE eor6gra" qaq qaq I

odereq flq,gs6i. grQ ot. flUqae' lt

6oc 6oa goeareQ e'tetflct oetads I

e'oq q"qte eflrsttf" grQ or" flUqoc u

erogtfr q6atqoa. qernrfr oatqos I
G'er9te6to't6ota,Q gtQ flt" fltlqoc' u
qqo. c qo. QBq qqou qo. crat I
Erqlce oro oece,Qq gtQ flt. frqqoe lt
60ql8Qqq,gt6ilflI6G'qtcq8 qo" flat I
aQqu flAoqtdt. grQ or. nqqoc l
Grrcortc aq q6mto. oriett eRroor6o" t

6qtte'606., gorerosrQ flt'fiUqoc l

qq ag Q e,reorrq q1q6r qq6sqG't I

oq'ogto6't or6grQ fll'flUqoc l

area(qooa)-ceogca o1g e6orol I 6oq floo
CIraflrec'e sQ aegr I {cl6,q 6oE6n e'qle6e Eal otqo6.
CIocrac'o orfret-orgc oqtcte ogt aaloor eea6 I atet,
{flte6'e 6oQ aegr I ac'q 6o6oe.'dq 6q e.qte6e ard6 s
odqe oqo6 ? 6q e'6r s6loQ aorq o6eo ? 6q ead olg
e6or6q 6o6e, e't e"qto6e 6Jnta oq6o6q' ?
ar6 eeog 0 ata 6'661 ga 6''d ota atate gea ofroor
66n r ar6ea e6og eo6ee I e.6ogG.6e fleaflt<se e 6e6
sE 06690 99e

catae,td r floo oraflr66' e6ogc ao6ic qal adoto6 ard r

qfl6g orga6, a6og 6a6o6asfl eo6ee t


Eq oo6ga
ar6 eqroere, c 01661 6fl Qr19, ce.'qq-qqt-Qotat
6a1 r ceogrG oooree flo6o aaG t deo, c'tgotfl g et6'l
OlssgqoraaG rOaere ot'qsoqetqotaa6 tfltqo atQsG t

61reG'r Oaer osa floe otaflteo 6Qs Qqra eqe6 r

qer 6610rn 610 6iror6e oto enela6 I

aoarq qflq I oatg aaa oG atQ ao6o tGttfr olo, 6'nt

uQ Oorq asu 06oG I aqa 6ntoc' oq o16 ot6'o oq {66t
eoeo qg6 r qfl6g oel66n, "e'd 6qte6 t oetg 6'QGn,
6Q< oeo oq oq6 r cj ara ooq eo66 etd, atoocttoc'
q6r6e <Qoreo oQQ r eo Gqtootoo t" otg eaio no aCIqlEl,
or ord'4106 r aro flrEr eent at?G t eq eot6s 6qteotoe t"
gloo 6ltQ9lt6e qfl6g QQ6n, "q69r 6t8 qA, 6O6 ArQR ?"

oalg-a efteclq oro6Q orn ern atqs I oofll66'

oor66R, "ggr 0or e6rq a6u qar6q 6et ?"
oetg aQen, "arQG''r qfloco eq edte'6 ent, Go6I
q6rQ" a6u 666tRt t"
o8grcc 6'QeR, "q6fl 6ttrt6e gte eQ arq, arQ 6te
qa r oraroco arQ oarercir eee l'
oerg ofreoro eorOs aO egre etog €''6t6o cqqact
eQaG I aflsqfl t o / t t eei eee r orq6a qlotnqqqo6eoqo
et6'1 nOoeo ooe e6elen .(G" oteo 6eo6 qot CItc'c
6alaE6a r a6o 66 orG orc'or6r6e eto o6elen t qote a6
srqo 0 carfln r orq6o qq 6qa e6qen 6q cQelen, "GGIQ
999 glglatnqq oarqo

Qq eo6 ese, eciorc 6ota 66s eorts aG I <ee 66 see

n'rd r eoeo6c'6e oarq6 q<, 6qGo6G'GG, 0q eoQ aflaco
qfrq 66 eOorea crd r oeo qfrq atQ 6oop'to eGQ t" at6
oc'1q G'rorfic,r cflraqg tQqaet Ge6oe qqo aG to6efltec'
qG oar, aqo 6er, sQqq aG t eeoqtq Qqteotoe aecc6
aqi egeo aoqatQaG I at'qteqata eo6eo erd, xQ q"QB I
oolg 66n qre e6erq staa6 t qtotnt6e oteq Ose t
a66l CIo q6T6e groa6 r ot6'e otd aet eo, 0nt6o otq
qoo6 eoo6 e6oc,{ 6qa I qte o6e 6q oc{gq ote Sess
qdre'q 6ea66n I olq qo eoe o6ic cgta eQen, ".{ot6o
floa otafirce o8eo fl€eo or6eo .(atel atQ utc oo6 t
{or6e arflflref,e ute e6et en I q"qte 6o aQoq, sgt
6rROtG'6Q 6qtuq{ r" QG'1g eqQ Oarq6 Urceo eQeR t utc
6a61 s6r oG sr6en erd r ae a6o aO t

aCI6q aoq eo6en I otqo aog arQ aocCI otqaq

qdrfl 6''6R r ogG eQ6R, <Q oeo floQ olofitee' utn oo6,
oc'19 flar 66q ure, o6etg 6,Q6R, Qq ute 6ad1 Edl 6qnl

o6-ead, fie, ag oE6' ? 6oq66'tug{ a0 g?en t

6aru g{ Lrqre' 6ear erd t
oalg-ara Erqreq6066 erd, otet64o I GoGa qoq
qo flG'6t oE6' I

fl6 g ac'19 floa .(a 6'qo gtc6o Oat egraa6 t fl6

q6,6o6'6'oe egaG r 6oG'ee'qtfltea'o eot6{ ffo qA qa
6oG'G'e gaa e6oeq 6ateq6lt t at6etfr flo6o ge'-e6o o
e6ocq-o6oa ar6nro6,r qdor g< r oO eqQ oto qtaa6-
qrda enr 6< eoe ote e6,
, eeabrq arQ, otd ots otQ t

eoeo o16 eQ areq rj eo eo6,

I eot 0166' ot6e ot{ G't od rr
sq oa6Qo 99n

ot06o f,,6e9, otoe 0 q66-efreotq 6o6cn I atQ

oQ6R, g8 qq qar eara6 I cqfltc'q efrooteo e6'loQ 0roo
ooq 6oeo cataEclt I

f,,6o9 g groa etQglGG', flEQ, oetg gq6 ol€'lo6Q

eQaG r c6ag noq arQ qos aat q6a6 t
(qeg 6'rc' g e'6ogc'aosafl)
c6oq 6rao6-6lo flletflce eood aalgq Qo6od
arg 6€re, arg6o qfladt, ctd otq CIeeo oadt I

c,6ag 96 eraeR-eood oalgqQoeee eqa6-

Co oqurnr qa e6oa aa{o ego Oatnteo t
66 qnq 060 gtoo CIteflcc etfi ooqlc'oeo eQaG t
66aq'ri go e6o s e6oeq o6o <Q go sto qoc qse arQG t

c6eg, 6r6n, erglr6l,eee, nreo qqG eQaG I qoc'floGQ 6t6t1

6cor6.(e fle'6e orqo6'o qer6 eoet co6 I ot6'Q Gqat Goq
qfl6g aerq eeroa6 r orqoco elqsot qflaco eq ot60e
eggd ot6'e 6EIG'I o6eleR, {64 fld eqQo6 ac'e'g fl€'6Q,
66rra oO qq'ar6e eoet oqa6 t
floa G'66r ora ge e6o o e6oeq o6o oqa6 t qo 66<
c'r{61otq'6e e6oeq eOorqo oqa6 I e6og eQ 66e 6G'o6l6R
{6''' eQ66l, "sQod olG',6e on 66oq flar 6010 eotg{ t"
a6og 6ea e6ocl 6oG'G'e egn 6ooo oat oqa6 t

eroo ora-rj oq6 eeQ etetq 6qo coootea ctd t

a66g-6cr6o oefie'Qr fletoa eqn eooa6 t

floa ore-arar, q6fl e'6t otgt otao ?

c6oq-qe'o q8q ? QServantClass (erqac 6Q6'e
eqerro) r q6R qfl6q 6flte 6qrat o6er a6q t (onoc
etot) t

q fl6o eqq. qg qGt r (eror) t ot' oRtq gqo eo I

(aaoeo eror) I

floe ore-oQQ e'rd r (oooca etot) t

eey g1q1olflqq aalqo

flrEQ (q6o)-olQa qlolflqq fio olQflleq a6ee6'

6oeo aG eooo6 I 6eq'G,c'Gog 6oeo ged r sQ oO e eten
e'o erfrct-atuc oqlct g{ ?
(ao-@teettcffa olucl)
oo6c flcre'aro 6fl fllq eo ot6s t ut6 Rq'tqlfllq'Q
aro r e6og gq6 ooo Grtecucc'at6 6eoe qeo ot'c qe't
ega6 r orqo eo qAsco Qeoto oe qqc 6qnt, 6atfl 6qQ I

c6og 6110r oro ega6 t

fl6 oorqre e6elg Gl6R I oc'19 ste ao6o {81e1

6eoo oqaa6 I c,6og atqd eqelet oe gga6 t

d' aenrqotsq'to 6QtG cts'

o o eqroQce 6'e gl6t-6f,'6g I

o o eottoolfrd eoeet c etq-

florco qor 6eet:eq 6eet:eq tt
{aa oalg 6t6fl qt6'qt6 eo6a6; 0ol q6l I

ceog(o6c gO scteeo)-*ee qte eO atQG, <66

qqe oG'1qq oot qot eohetq oQ olq 660 66qu I

nyor ar6 6o6R r

ceag(n6e qO)-<ao o'{tctlo qett 06etg eee t

aO (oereor)-eod'oqto ?

ac,lg 66qar q6t6 OO OIG'1OOq1fr OOq CIlQ C6'6'6O

eQen r 6aruq{ 6Qv ute e6ee t
Eq oa6QO 994

olotnqg aq6,1qflto 9610 oBc'qfi6a
(qtqo 66\dq'eqq (erFe) 'eoee'gc,ra otqe,
uonrco, 6ecra, Qa0, G'6'619, 66o)
qrdo ora q1fl,'gsr eg6o qlorflqq earqo, eqai ero,
goro q6or 6e ordar6 Qotarea 668 odG r Lreq q6fl t{60
aqo qror 6o6r6e Qgn r eqo 6c qdqgraraqee oQo eoto
caraEar a6aroaaa Qsasa e.,r6erq erdeln r orq'r e.'draarq

60qr a08 r eqao qlflc'Qn Qr6q 6cQ arq G'rQ 60, qloodr
osico 6G', ordsr, rlqd g qrqsr6sqo qg aar soreeen 0q
0q enq aqQ r orqr 66 nec aG enq6 r g{o 6cao oar
ac,{Oe qQo fr6oraor6e ere6r rj ase,e oar qfraro6 t

6AtUg{ Qrre qlEroQ 6ilQO1A AAerd qflA6Q qafl

ocic r eqOo 6adG, c,rqc'a arQero aar r rj edlereo ora
6ro60 a0 aoq ootGfr, "oefl?"e eodotea ?" 6q eee
Oer eroorea o6arq ara6 eQqer <e er6q 6o6ta eQen
"{e oeflq'"q r" e6''rLr0 A61 66aG ara o6arqara6 eQaG
eoq or6fr, '< q6 6 garo oocrg'q t' 6A eoqfr, qo66rq
aooqe6'6 ara qa q,ro 6G'q6,eG aur 6q eera o6arqara6
oQaG r fl66,6Ear '{er6e 6e6o6a6n 6a6n arg6'oO o6arq
ara6er aGtqrq erd, eoee eoru eea6 .( oeflq'e 6e6q' r'
oGara a6 6eseo orc'orq,r6r or$6a 6'6d arqeQoG r q6fr
016'6,rfi or6oq frg, eo 66'6TR oodefleeo arQqre eoeget6
6AtOE66'r I AtA Otq't6t oOeA 6A60O6| enre eQA6 r 66<
o6a ar6aE' ergq. eQen-"6osr 6' 6o6rG' arq6 6 G'rd ?"
e'eo 6Qs ar66a ota eo6 atQ cQen-"6.,r !" ara G6<
do 6aG'rqeQsn-"ara a6o 6oqfi r" {ae flar e'6d 6oE
atQ oQen-"cr r" q66r q66r oafla"q 6oe eQ eQ oQ6R,

Q qlqo aQer qaro ao qrqo a6aq €'ra qq (qrfl)q.sQ o96

6nh186n I
999 q101otnqs aarqo

'ooe aoee o6q'ooe, ete atQsn qt6l6'ta GfltqQ t'


d, sosr o 6a6q'e 6o6e 6oG ar6 ! atQe, atQe setfr ateq

erd r 66 qflg o6a qto qoqt 6ent t so6 qflaeQ 6edc'
oflan qq arQ asOo r

arQ stcrfrq 6alo 6'tqqdto 6'6R,.Gq au 0q eqQod^

cQ G6q o6a Ao aotecn I 6q6o6G'6n qflt{s-oqa6-
"Gfreerore 6nroq qere 6aa atQa6-eo er r[ eqor
eo6 r 6q orqr oI o166 erd r o6etg g{, qGfl co I ri
6q qq orQa crQ" I
eqQ aesreo GGs 6eq ee eQ oqa6-"ti $tQ6,
Ca6, aQO r ej sraQ, eara6 r 06 r ri eq qq otQQ cld t"
6e6G' erq eoqa6 ara.olag eeaa6, CItoco ato flBso
ctGso "z,rer8 arer8" eqaG t

d olgoeo ac'gt 6aq ortq6, ".( Q'61 G'fi ?" ata o

6e6G'6a6R so6 eoqerd, ara eoo6 6qrot otel o G'tdt I

qflht afi 060 6a6a atgq.6,Q6n, "6Q6lG', 6ec qao

6qore orae1fr, q6fr qes eqo, "oO G'olso gQ oOoteo
qr6o6o ora oQQ r" cf eo6o6G'6n aoeq ord (eoabrea
6e6G' arqc' g1 g acr{rc'q 91 66uaflt6n eQelen) ortOfr,
orgr6e6n {firec'e o6u e'6r 6aa ? q6fifit6c qot, {et6G'6n
qOorco qr6o6e 6oG gra gQe t 6ca6' grh gaeo QGt G's'l
aG, sdloQ orodq odr6a ora eQRt, 6q oQotq6 6oG t
e6'r Glrece qA LIq eO 6Q sQnt t qcflfltce' OQs uqtc
.,re6r a6oro Gqorar qo qoe e6re CIre 96 erato oat{ I

q6fler6fi,o16 Roteo aeo gQe 0 a6o aOe, q6 qQe q6

aOq' r sQo6 orfre r q6flfir6c'{or6G'6n qQoQe 6oG ?"
6a6a ergoQeR, "qeae 0'61 6eG'crd t ne6 Go6ag
G'ta orqQ ?"
oefle'q 606r, "6c,6aqG'ra orqe, 6G'Geg, GoGG'g"
sQoO oQ ga 66 aa 016' a6adq6a q6tgl G'6Gl, Gt'oGQ
oa6n : { eat6 Qtd, 6.'d6' 660 q66tqG' 6Qae{Rl, aaalg
sq o66Qo 999

66'1016'A oqgnt I 6a6oe eei geo ara efra eqo6 Uq.dltft

cE r eeo oer6nr fletoa, ar6 erfi o ato6t6 o6CI €,Ao {gt
urq crd r eq aQeR at6e I {6c' o ore oQora6 r eoeeg
{64 flu a.rrr6' a,le6l oe6, eq o 6eia odee r 6q eo e.'ser
eG'o6g r

6osr, 6o6oOc orar ar{, 6El6o6e o6g oag orfr t

oagq. er6 erq,ro e6erq 66R ol qQo qeeao 66 a.o orfr

al6Et r ara 6o6o6a66' fltqt eoe eetaot{, 6q6o6G'6n qqnt
eQar r 6q6o6a6e cQar ara q6q,a qaq cqteors r eQar,
6oeo $q.6q. 060 r atqt q{ an6t, 6to1o q{ an6t I 6oe
q6r6o qo o6q erd t "eqa 60 'dr'" eg q4neo oet{ I

c'qnrq 'dJ- o'o fre e,rd ? qqdt 660 aqe oa aO6; eerr6
G,rsre o66a r q6 ooOe 6q,qe, e6rGs qai erar66- td1
ou eqQo6 | oq6 6otnt olg qto ae 6Lltenl oeo 6 6o
or{ G'rd r"
e'o ag ag 6a6a etqq. oQenr , d 66,6rG,, qfifltcc.a
afroot alqfllce eq,G 60,'aqe erer6 ?'G'rqQQeo aqa6,
s6r0s ora oare ata eor6s oto o6,teot glt6g 'e8 e'6t
6q,6'rr' oQ o0 a6eq 6QtQ6l6R I OtOAqOet 6Q6'rt-O|OQ Atq
arg 6qra ora6 r t, sgrec oe6, oqo erqrG r

oer{ 6oe oqt qeo otde atea 6ent I otet o6a otet
eoqfr otet clil 6'g-6'etaoeo qfr6 crd r qoeo ctOerq
Rr66R, 6adaq fld 6,tqelG'to eoqfr, oQeo olqe, ata aoq
qfl6s olq eo6 ctqa6 I e'tg ctq otqo {et6e6n 6o-
qflrrts ra6aa oer sQsO 6nt tqqq6J6oq"eoqqBfr'os
OQflQ'QI qO I,
ara 66e, 6ata,lq{ e rrgl qlql060 q1otflqo60 6e6oG''6t
qoaq.q6r6o ee'a orae1fr reqOc cqfltcqeoqoerden-
"{cr6g'ordQ atQeG t"

rj-araerq 6oqG'rq r
eef 01q10lflqe aalqo

orqo-6fit6o Q'61 6oQGG' ? {9ll6c qg 6fr0o.4t0

6OStgC,l ?

fi-.(flt6c' o otal 6oqc'lqarQ ctqt6, alodqcoqalq

arQa6 t

orqa-6064 fl6eq{ {cll66'oqo6o oao I 6oeo aQ

aG r eereo eei ot6eo o6'ta Qgi, o6en aQ etetde I {91166'
fl6?q{ eqQ etota e'to I atflq o6en aG ererq6 erd t
ar6oflt6a sQ eas oar q6 eQg I eq6c ata Q'6t
e'd G,ar eoRt, Oq Ree ctd I 6o6a 'd/o oo gts etd, ata
arfrm-etge', oql6o 6'at flel 66 eqtoelnt t

ara 6eo gto6 t gora oG eQ6, oQen 60

6aron setr6eR oq oq eQ aeo GGs 6st 6Q< 6ot, "'6qa
e6rO{ at6 eooote ?" tioQfr-66l6fll6eq ? olqo oQen
-"ar6r ot ?" fl6eq{ eett6< at6 gq eofr t eqQ6e 6fl6oq6o
fl66,q.( ata eoQ 6'86n t sesot6
e'6t 016 600 aG ?"
ote6o-atd, eeei'O aG r eooe 6aqc' oeo egoQ
6tte6, eoes'6nca oar eq6 I 6'66 Ral otQ etnt q'ao 6ea
arQelRr, otqt etd6 qtaatqaol 6s6ll cr6, q6 06s oeo e'eo
orer6 or6q eoc eeaatQnt I c''g flq eO eeteta 6tafr t
6o6G'e'6r etet e't6 eoro qtotQa olaco etfrot< t eoo6 e?at
68, ore'6e aq ca6n atqcrt al6o al6o elQoeg t et6 eoro
eqQo6 orfrots I 6q 6ntq' ofr ee'to aQ aota Oaeld r

rioerGfr-"6Q616'' erq6oQ 6nlo ?"

otqca-alcQ eq e6ot RAsq I

a-ala 6g6filaq alq ?
Olt6O-06't 66ll$, OrR Otat6 I

Ei-6eeraq'tq ?
olq6o-CIfi 6nlQ, 66'64 OA eQ8 I

rI-Aq. € qtg 6oea ootq aad ?

otq60-oolQ Plla ead ?
6E oa6Q0 99C

{0160 6aldccdl6 Qt66', G'66l EltG'tQQ eo* oo u6ats

ara G'66r cret6 6oeo 'Qtltt 69ttQ ate o66' ooltO clet
gera 016r or6ett q'e'ta at{ I qtggttcc Goteto eg" uG eQ
oQa6 r ara Qqntee, ctn't geto otclot6ett ee,taa6 t
"6'6'ata s'ag-6ototQ ata qtatQ I olQl G'6r olQl
aor6e 6'eo gq, Ht6'e aEotGQ G'Q€r G'n 6qtQol{, oO Qoeo
en aoo g{ r"
"6qQ eot6s 66e t atcr qato 6RlQ aRQl aa6ll
66o 6aG r esod 6ot6tolo otGoteteo ot6 ots I 6loq{
e,n eeao6; oot6sn eQee 'e6'" I 6q 616'q eod'atee e,n
6G'ea6, eQee'ot6' acq eett6< ot86a 'qtgq', ata eotGs
6r6'6a'arql', -G'Gr 6q so f'
e6arneo uo6'tco oteiaeqoc qtrco 6o6t cataqnl
eerfr oQorgeQen-"6qQ caloocro otflqflto o" rf oQfr
'd armt' t

orqo otq 6sO nt6nr t

ei-qq oR nt6nt t

orqco-arer 6Er oe cr, eion t

d-orq'qtr6e e'd atodtco q$el g{ ? 6q 060,
6gre ento ara aro6t e'd 060, stc'1 ? aoo gO 66s
aq'rq 6ara qq 6era oQen r fr66s aur fr66< oeo ri oQfr'
"orer6q'a eq o6o eera oto6, ato6t 9t6''tQ 6nte I ato6t6'
01616o qq flcr t"
<ao eQ eQen "6Qq oQe, 0q QQB t"
69160 oot6eR, "6flte oEG'G1 Goqs ?" QQfr, atmt
d r eqoreo aad 6,ad aqelcn ot fld 66 oQen, cqa e'te't
orao qruer ear, ne16{o oal fli,t oQen r ri oorGfr, "Gtq.
oro6 QsQ ?"
eee-at6e 6q'o gae, qqtq eood etsd eq6od
arflsrc'q eiqaG I qat ao6a etqa nt6elen stdoteo e,td t
e$o olq1otflqs aatqo

arO er6 6o6o6a6n orqa 66,a 6ureor{ q6tr q66r oq eA

Rr6ors I

rjorqoco a6q?qqd q6 enqetfi, e86e, "d6G'$t,

orfi ormqerB 6raatq6eq' r"
CIrtr eQen eee erdr
6ftt6o,eQ66r, "96flflt6e 6'El'qte6e oQe, eoqGQs eettntO
6or oQ oe r arfl orfl aqa aae GotG nr6a6 I q6flflt6e
o ara qo6oc'G'oQ 6qtaotQa 6'tq-6o aqot6G'd60 eQq
eero o0oQq,r
"q'qro6e oQe o seo elor6eror enq6a-eene
e'rflr 6a r6q orqt e6era eal e6eq'tG'g
6ato oo orq ofr
gen oQe,r q'rqc'6nr6frq6060 atoo eg6, oreure 6oe6,
e1uta6 eao6 oto 6e'o Cnt, Qg fl66, gt6c G,t66t,"{6flte
qed, er66 666l-ute edloQ q'od crd r"
"600A Odq $rQG'lQ 6A66'l QIO6Q 6OR n6lQ 6e6'lq
g{, 6qQoQ 6OR AO|Q Qel, OtQt 6Q6Q AtA q'qtQ6o 6'90
eee erd, frg eee crd t"
{6o6afl oN oen q'Q aar 6aaqnr; edare 66'aooq
a0 na 6era 6dra6n I 6cu6o oQen "qffr oe r" ei oerr
o6orgnr6fr r eros'oQen r GQs geo eQen "qG'6tegl 6e,
oerr6 66s sr6sa oor oQ 6a r ej eQfr, "q6 qae e' aB
eog6 t" qQ aQen- "ardQ oQeF ?" rf oQfr, "6o6e ale
ara r" eqQOn or$6a oQ eod'areo gra6 otet ata 6a66'
eee erd r

66oae.-6ad'aoa eal g6et ear6s e'nr6e a6qsl

e6e--sqae arfl gna seqclEoqeea oroe1fr, or6e Q.<.
gro o6era ae,r6'Qo o6e r sQ ee6e qfl q6r6o orf,e 606l

orqsoqarflrsg aQeR, "{elqq6 ecd'orgotg6r ?"

"argr q6fl o 06n r on o r o16 g6ore r eareo 6Qq
gG eoaorda ? qfl G'rot o eq6n arQeleR, {or6e 666c
e166r r"
sq o66Qo 9fle

r[ ootGfr, "otq.6oQ eoelenl ?"

6,Q6R-"CIGl 6Rt6', eoee oGea fl8ea {q 66'6J
G'6,6 r"
OQs eQen r ri cQfr, "atflfttog 66 eoq l" 6'Q6Q,
"qoaQ.6q ?" (qofl qeettotuta) t

r[ aQfr, 'ato6l6' odl6't o ? 6fl1 q6r6a alelo 6Qla

arQ t'
orqca-qoa eqqat, 'ntcf qno otqt aQeto aO
{erao6a e'Q6ae't I aad 66tt6l{ aalq aoq ao eQe t' ri
eQfr, eota oaet ad ? 6flt eal ei noaa eQQ, soto aaet
ri qQ qa nQfr, "olQl o 6etfl t"
aBE6t ssa eQ d d aq aq 610 u6sn-
qq, qq qq qoql6a6Q 6fllaQ flc I

060 gaoo 6la 6ta qq qq aqegq6o6a I qfll{ ocr

6Q6'rr, OQ'-OlAd ecJelq nr6en r,Cot qettq qa atoeo e,t6
srd soreee6a aqt odqe aooq 66666t, 6qE6o 66 a"ct
oen qg66, ata 66st qq6 I ci ara 6fl1 qcn aosa oaqo
6qe'r 6qG 6ala u16Q Lt16o aqq, 'qett6 orR Oot 6sta6 t'
66s oeo 'qa dnt qett eQ qor6q Ofreosn t Ofr 66ao
6era ooetoet a6etq nt6en I aQQ Oelq ottlo cot tl RtO
arfl qq6q at6 gotden-"{ aot, RtO qflQ ?" ri aQfr,
'cr !' q66r qsGI aQeR, "fi atetg q€6, sot qoa qed r ri
aor RrO 6oq6n flqsqq gQorsa t eqQ eett6{ 66'rla erd'flrd'
ad easoqgts 66eoa 66'rt, {Ql 6slfl otQt6 t"
66 qoa oeo sQ otaca 660 aaa o66Q sQflq Ad
e,G eQgQeR t eQota 6flt6o got6eR, "al6Q, 60160 aadl
aqCIq, fl6c 6,qB ?"
r[ aAfr 6't atodl qq qaq I 6o6G' <od ootqe6 ard6 t
9q]'e gloIotflqq eatq6'

otqo-at6o 6ecra gq6 aeor oec eo6 I 6Etot6c'

arQen edloQ qet6o eetrGq qot qq'ta eQorq g< r 66o
eoroq 69 r
rj-eed'66a eors ? 60 ed{qo eoG t
rj-seee eoqord, era qOG I

orqGa-of,i 6Rt0

q-fl6t8 fio stat8 6'l oa6 ?

orq6o-suact, 6tae,t eoeoOe 6teG' ? "q6fl a6oqq
6q ?"

a-atffit, ct I

orq6a-6flto qqQSr 60, qfla ot qttr6Q at6'to 6Qa,

eq G.s orq o66, Qere o6e,td r

rj-armr d, arnro e66 I

olq6o=-uto Qtgt oQc aeo otrie 6qq' I eqQoreo
6o$r6qe I e'QIt qfig6e eoQorq ora r

rj-armr, d r

orq6o-0e o t 6elg ora r

ej-arooca qqfl 6e6rt, otqt orOG erd t aooq CI6 r

060 elet 6a o6t6 aQ eo6toen, o6e oet66R, "qo6oc's

sQ frfrq'2"
eJ-flGn 6AtR qd8 I

orq6a-6aQ a6q6A{ 6nt6o 0a I

rj-armr g-, sao 6o6o6a6n arQG, eeo arQG r ara

6o6t 6qnt crd r ara eoQ qreoo qte6a eeerq ot6r.t6e
o6ctQ I

eq6e' q'dt qlfioco otctG'tgc. ooqofr I c6ag6 q6r6o

6061 6ef,u I otq6a eorO< oeo o6arq ara6 eQelen, c6eq
orc' €'rer6r or6t6e r rj oqsreo I e6ag6. qfi6e atfito o6e'rq
aQeR r
sq 066gq' 9gtql

c6oq 6,Q6R, eora ar6 qq Ao 6qO r oar oQerq erer

eeaord r rj eQfr, "0q aG ara 6ee arnro 6e6.' r"
eqQ arnro 6enr ercg qlEroce 6sr, 6ar qq flrq6e,
arn6flrqr6Q r

orqoc'o aer o qei eaorg 6ag', 6o6J eraoei oeo

qqi eenr r arqr eqQ 6eecreo6 q6T6o arn6flrqr6o eeeor6
0e eoeo at6'o6e eo oe'raalfr r 6e6o6a6n 016'aqr6a o
6e66''6e6n 6flr G'qr6e, ara Oeo 6doeo otq' qQo e6r6s
oao qff6o r ara orc'q6r6o 6a$r GQraara r orQo6'aQr qq
eeerord'eqQ eo6r r

oteo6' q6r6o qra er6 sru Oea eoer, 6q eqQ aa

qfla flar6a <oQ soreielnr, 60 orq (orgoq) fl6e caaEnr
eood qq'orol, 6oG qrute CIrace oar oQ6, qA6q arQer
060 Ft6c 6qeEnr, ar6e aro6e arar or6q oraqfr r' sqQ
eeo Ooeo oror eoq6 g sre6 6qE6o e'rao flWrs oG
oq6 r eaQ Oerrqoedt qq6aq ot6o q.6 oOoso oelG r

eq o 6eqa6'a aqac qac' 6? t ara eqQ aqolo aqoadtso

areo6er orjqe aqorCIo eera6-{er GrrQ "qorrfr o Aqciqe,
qorrfr o q6,8 qc8 r" 6flre oO sg6, edarc qe geo 6oG
ot6t,tttQ t"
q1fl(fl68'q6,ra qg)c q'69 6'1e'G,1
qlqo flcqgera qq qqdlo "ql O1 alflqe G'atqo"
6e 'q1fl' 'flrqe' , 'fl6' , sfltQet 6fl146'G't 'e6d oo' aoqtO
agctnso er aoqei o6oso alaedce 6e'qeJg aqG'la 6oEl
aO su qofi 6ara e'rer6 r ete6t ot6'e erd ealoo adg
qar6o eera6 r qlarflqq oeoe'q6q'aq6q errg qlqtoco
qa6fi osie a6eten t <Q qflo6o Gq cflcqtofrstq Qottnao
ctqtflaore 6u6r6e qure 6oo E6n I qtotflqq oefiof;'tca
9o66o er6i16r, 6'rgero, q66'tLt, qo, eoaog, o6\q, E16Qlq',
crerflcr gq6 664 qfisco sQ Qoqtnso stg qen tselotd'ea
'flrqe flercro' G,tfi6e g66o eIGn I sod6 otqo 6c'6ncG'6n
otq flrEe, fl6ag Rrqo eetfr qsatllo eqe{6n I otqoc'a
a6oa aeo6r qeqrql g qal-qer6'6dqnrqo flaroq dgaea
orqac'6eeeo as6o aoteE6n I {Qt REtt oO qt 66o eots
t'crEe d soq6 qq 60toa6o 6dE G'6R l"
'6,arqo'e arecr6e qtflqotoaoo sQ eqtaG aqo
eeraa6 r

"oG, oatqo" og 6'iGro' oQ6otQo" eqstoagt

qq'6fi6r6,'q1flq,r6o'qG qsrG ea q6or ec't8 t"
qrorflqqc"o earqo qoro qie flrqa flarda 60 qag
66lraflroae qe6a aqo L,rar getQo aG qeitafl of,'ataa
a{aror sqrac6 r sQ qaso otote qqe qtG'R1n o0; ote-
oretdq, aB aar6o oe'to 6gtcR, qtde'etc oe'tgo16, aota
aoteor g aG,r.l adgQo g6rin odoqeo 6'6toe odeqe
qrQol eru6e a{ora qia qaaroq afla a6s'6 r

a6no e99e qrn ar6lq {rQ 6c, qgG'ta QrSu qtEto

qara Qx o166 ero ssot 6c fl6aqota ofraoto Qqhat
of,s 6eeroro6r e'rq 6aq6o 6'ega6 e'6elen t ota Oota etst
Eat flUqoc'qg (3 ororc'orfl qdflat 6ocl I flUqoc ofraot
a,raeordeo eeer a0oq CIrace otrjq aqetsa I flcaqc'ta
61fl (fl Gagala qg)c' q'fr q G'14c1 9gr8

flUqacc' qo1fl fflel6n I Oor oqqoo s cllol qqiflat,

6qflrc',G'e qenot, fll1a aqaalo Lrci6ql ord'9o66o qcn
g I

eltorc' 6qa G qqqd o16 oeogq fllqCIoco o6eto o6alnt t

flcagera oru eqi c'flqco aG"c1G'qQo Rtegdqoa coqalq

otaE6a r eodet qflflco 6qfllo6'Q edlet ofieoqa 016'64
nr6Rt r 6o6G6a6G'Qct6g flOoea 6oa 6oa1 6oqG'l6Q G''tlg,
6q6G6a6e 6q ql qt oreotaot o0o qa6g ete-oooeo
{ara1 eeta oOetq. fll'q. c6oq goc e6erq ntden t sQ
qflfl64 otq qoc'oo 6oq qtaOog etet6 eeo sdlarcld
grg6r orc'flga6e qg gtoo qda orqct 6Q'6n {G" alfie 6lG
eera 66eao G'floGQ otq caqalq nt6en t ooedt qflCIco
flrEa flatdCI oge{6nr eo eqQ edlnrqd qlgd 64486 qa'
olarflqq I

flGAqAlA QlRqAln6Q 6?AlQ ![n6O AeiO6'eqE6fi I 6q

aoqe 6fiutG'1 stqecn {G" oo1fll6a qg6a6n qao tg Qota
gr0 a{arQ aqq6n I qRq. olololo G'16'6Q 6q OdOdAlA
6ronr 6o6'1q 6a6o gdltfi eqelcn r geirqel qflaco 6q
otdqoa or6erat qoflcCI ot'e g6ot qq66o aoQe ogelcn I

Entrance,F.A.,B.A. OQIE| qeOVOoeO 6q qql6',o qoo aata

eera qd otael6n I ergu qlqloca B.A. oalolco qola sla
a{arQ eaelen t Qo'ltaa g e66't6'60 AQIOC Aqqal qflo60
6Er etfltao, €tetCItoo, qol6l, 'qte6oato6otqo' ar6 trr'iqa
oQalen I e"qo qot6t g etG"{atgtOeo fld ol6'Q 6eos a{ala
elnr r qflla EIcIG', 6qent, o6'16'lQq, QQQ otfleOo al6o
eqre 'qtfl'c'o A6g qnl t e6c g edle ode nu 6at aaloe
c6agen r G're6G,G\, Qeagoe 6a eeqteoq a'd6 a6 aaa
6rrc'6e 6q ailfls, o6e{en t <Q ergu qlqloca 6q 6ada
6aq6'o q"gdtat eraett 6ger6oc'1q 6etq' o6eten t 6qur
6OA1q OlqA qlQlglqq g qlq1fll qlaol 6oG'1 aoqs 6qa
eqE6n r
9flg qlq1atflqq eatqo

airoc,t c,td,{6o qfi 6qq't qdg neegera 66On

e8-lor6rot a0qso aB qflo srd'orrj,J edEsn r orqe or'c
6'tac aror ac,r{ gata 66e cQ oqE6n I 6et adtoor erri,{sa
q6ad o6R I 6El 6,t6en qtegn, QG qn, 6oq oene qn,
sosqrofrerq qn, arriv gR, o6qeln qR, 06serR eqfreror
{G," fi6E'6l qna qLlc 6oa oreeo errir e6elen I QG g 6oe
a66'r6)6Q 6q AeltoQ 6ltG'6Q Q"Qt6,1, Ode, O6qtq {Q'aaicta
ar6 Qsaeo 6srorn a6elen I 66lo6e eq aio qneo errir
e,6elsn r eq s6o oqooq Qoqrqroo g q6ogcta ererdr
od gr,rroorcl flOgtflrea qQo erdq a6alsn I qfla qflaca
.(ar{o dorqoroeo orq orrir e'6erq 6qae{at I atgclsc
ota'o ettQtdq, ueiGrtq'g qq,6,aalto6't q6lt6'16a Qeoo arqe
6aael6fi r aalootce 6q o6q1 6q,taq6n I 'q1fl' cedaeg
6qqc aqorGo arqE 6ata qRre g0o sG'. '6'ft6,gete'q
orae{6n I Otatflqsc' o6ie Rra a6er o6a 6q 6o6a6
aroeifl.-66e are6r ooira aQe1e6l, "t38, 6e66'6qq6. aqot
60 {60 CIn ntcJEnt 0 6q 60 6oq'ot serfr fleR 6eaE66r,
olQ at06t 6q606a66| 6q aEG,ts,€,9ilo6 qQ olqa6. ot6q
o l ol fl B a6let6n .(G,'
t otqQaa aqofl a ao 606 tG,6l1 o tq06.0
6'rfl a6ft6i o aO qoto aqet66l t" qletstqee o6ea ea
ga6s 6e'a arfls s qtgqflte'eo qo66o qrqo c66gg,ta
qgc 6ceq errQ qlEtoco otaelcn r oG fluce o6eroea
aqo,{16o otc'6e aorG g€ 6aarq qr.qr6o oro q6crog
6qO otaat ord'oseq'eta aete c6to€,tq1 Ge.'o orqro6 flqo
adro og oQareq qa6o errg q1qta, coqotel fllqce
arqq 6eeE6n I {ot6a aeslc oder qoaeo 6e qqor
Qeoqo flqqoroc' oa o6eoqeCI etnl oOoq otaEcn {e.
qoqr qflace 6,16'1 flOoo o69 o6se66e 6r6G'tc qlotnqq
oefle'q 6oa6'6eq ode nror e6e1eR I qotflqqc. aatqo 6Jq
qq" orffe 6G'rLi 6q'at 60 eq ego6 ot6tG'o oqEc't CI616'tc'
qa6oG' aat qt6'6ara 6sg6o oo q66r q"erda aqeat 61
q1fl(fl6q,gc'ra qg)6 e'69 6,14c1 9fl9

66r-1016r r 'qrcr' Qorq ener qflgco orqo

orq'q6 ato' eetfr
eQeten r Qota odceo oree, 'qlfl'q. oQ6R, "60$, qfle
REd oa qnr, ri eorf,, g eq 60{66l qGoreo r" qtetoqe
'qto'qq€re6o66l 60, "flqeqet6et eea6 ffire' {6" 6rqoq.
c er6or a&rc'r" q6 oQen 60, "Feteraeo 6qro o6er on;
6q orera fiar qoq sG" sr6ece 6oa1 qqal qe6 6gat t"
'grR'qGor6en eo, flqoqrsrosro duri rq6fl g1otflq€6'
qG 'qto'co arcqio qQ oraerq RrGRr t.

oQero oar a6,q qG6coreceo o8eerQoq arQ
q1orfiqq6'oag qfi 6'lto Qqed6n {6" 6Q6n6G'66'.oo oG' alq
eO qruc oe'06o qoa aOerQo 0qE6n r

6ee gtaroqq orqoQ6n, "qfle sor q6 (qtatoqee

qO) seo arodo erd6 r qfiooreo c'go 6nro erq ea6 r

6qfltcc'o enr qO areeio crd;69qoer aG ord6 t 6'ersoa

q"qre r" a6e oQqeR, "606r, ggre 6e, geo Q<, goo
aGe-arere, qcre aolo qflo or6sqo-s oq rj ereer f '
acq qqfico oQelsn, sQ eqso qtsOocrc qrcmorff qflsq
eoqe1fr-6qflrc'6 flerce qflq fler eoqelfr r 'gta'q otqo
oQeleR, "gsre e6oeq or6ao ogr g6 qoqOQ6-qen 6e
6nro, e6r0s qer-eggd Cor o qg r

<QoG q'qre qne ae'r{6're1 'gtfl'q orqo ao6od g

qtu6,qtqtoqea aqiqa{ioo aruQe aqo16o qro 6o6n r Qornm
otge 'qtfl'q qqqqg eq'er ord'eo6o6 6oae6a .(q''' 0r'6'
fle6a qeqrql 6q'are arqe e'Qeter qflqce qasrqfla on
06 qo qE ar066r e0 c'qa oaet6n r orqo orq qrQ€'r 6aa
eQeleR, "crc,6e oqr6 6e6n oqr61 6eG' r" q6 cQqen, or
6sr6o oQ6, "qRq flr'6'e orrir o6erg 6ae-qflq e'6o6o
Grtoao qdtoalq 6QG' t" 'flt' 6I6tG'oo o6oq eot6s gto
6oe Qr"QIre6e e6t6, f,'6oq 016r€'0 6< gerroe' ?" q1 6edq'
qg 6nq88- "qrQoq o6Q 6nro ofic g1 q1 orflqq earqoo
qrejaor r or6a qn ofr 6e'q elero oq qarq 6oao e6er d
<Q uri qaa q6rq edlorjq r"
eqrr 01q10rflqq aalqo

qlorflqq 60 orq oe16r eqel6n, orer fli.r, 'earqo'

eo fien r (erru, ,ecCIae e or6er) 'q1o' gr g1 orqoc'o
aqconn erdle e6e' 6e 6eoo G'd, or6fi, ero, 6e1 q6flo
ora6eo frOeo o6alen i serq 66 aG 'qrqr otoqq
aarqo'Q aqa r a6'orQ qq8so {oQ a1G,6,-ooo qEalo
Lifl-aoar 6a aan r ,

600 G'd eaeq'qlfl'Ge ora6 enqer aCIr{rEl elnr t<Q

qo oQo'gtA'aqo 9"6o6, aqrurecr egor oO o 6qaao
eqier d6o u{ero1 el6n r orej soro ecio eqeut6'o6e fle,l
6q q1orflqg6' 6'1aco q6qtG'G'1 qE ora60 6oqotqg6n I

{oqc'r{oro oior 6eq arqqcr 6oare {e naq atqet otq

o6eetqo, dr{rflqqo 0 er61qo oar ac'qrcq gr6,fltG',6'6o
qlorflqqc' o69 arGuso 6eo a6mor qelaq. 6n6t6o qo

6OG,r OrQ 6qQdr GOAERT r O6'Q AeIOCt Otq OAATO g

acq tcq q6'oc aq olo a6'qacgilc6'60 glatfl qe6' q teetq c'8o
eqetnr r 6o6J <Q 9ro6 ao6a eq ac,i6enre66e 'erq eff'
9^ <
ora c'oQ aqq66'l r

{aat oroala G'qtQ6aa6'0 fl6, a6t8 eetaqRl t sQ

qflaca ono orG nror ord' eoe6 G'reo or'q qrqe-o6o,
orGe Hrc 0 oro qndta ao6o6ro6,1 ooot caerq ao6od
6aael66l r onos 'or6rG'o' qoa afln,{ ae o6oq qtg
cq'raednr t eqQo6 arq6o G,9re, 'qrfl'q'RrcQe aot6gBoo,
'qtoroqe earqo' qoa aclnq oq nto e66 r 'oarqo'6e
qlolflqq eqo6, "af , gi ara eQorg cld-orcr, €t6eg,
6e'a, qq6q.60 6a, sflrse s66 eeq qo arrir oeq r Rr'
orq (oreoq) anrs oO eoq ord6 t arar q86, eq6Geo
6or'e 6,tdq 6eG't"
qraroqq aog qqs g qeqtqrc'o arod g6n I qas
e,16,e6e:frel 6oQ orqqo 6gq aogt RtCI qqa-.(ato qfiB
aorqed.eea66 'qtR' t eo ga6 qg e qa6 e6,qt6'e e.'ea
q6n r e'6d qag CIrc'ce orq o6eroo c,rCIq eec ederg
qrn(fl 6ageta qg)c' q"6g G'1G'a'l 9glc

6aaa66l flai oc6t atod ao CIlaco 6q qdol 6e' arodq

qrureq 6oael6n t o6o ctqoeg 6oltqt6oc' qtot o6etho
crqrflqto qnco 'qta' gutc' 6so orteeo otrjq eqel66l I
a6o ao qaa o01sl 06' GIR C 6qQlq QOqtqtoo flaldg
Ergr6nreet eO oQelen-fllqQ, ooclg'Qq 6G'Q G"{9, qfiQ
eecro 6gaeo nsq Go€'tq6't'Q qflfl erdr sQ qfllsnlec'lco
qq6' ern a6q6 Eatq" eq o6sqoeo edloQ 6et e eG
oqsorq qutc 6so ooq agol 6oca I on6o olq aleta
qG'6o qq61c Gqatq oQnr t soo 0e sso Oea 0e' oo
G'roor6e oaote6l ooOe 6oQ Onrores'ot6i'
6taqe a6ol6'g c6eq' z <Q qoa6o 6''661 er6 otq eett6<
og 6a6n t ao o96 otc' aq qcogcla etet6 6nqE6n I

6oq eeneQ adloQ GrlG'6Q 60161606|1 Otd'qtR'CA flOlflo

e,r6erqerdalen I o6a otqa {q'l qd cQelsn-"on 868,
Rt' Bnte ec6e f'
sQod 6eo arodqaqqod e6erqola 6q 66 et6 ao
6e crrirq esot 6oGlEGn flel ota o6etoa Qeos aq6ut
ceracelet I erru qlElo, alqalol fllqGQ otgo otqoQelen,
"6'dfltc, ota oGQ Qg, 6qlfll6c e.'l6q eoo6 qGR 6qflle'6'o
aro6ue, ata 6oeo e't6G', q6fl cqfllcc'Q atoetto gd,
6qfl166'fld qfla ato6ltQ qQG t" qlolcrG'e ud <Q atod,
<Q errds,{ qaqtq na gtcagela qluc e6elen I

qrarfiqq flatqfltlt qiq g 060 'glfl' 6e qtue,lo aa

qqo oteirse' oQelen I etfltaqqoca glolflqqc qolq 6q
6oq6a eo a'qd alfllaqqo OeqteRteqlo {8 oQg erejesg I
flqeq, oq-osl so66 oq-nol nu eoo6 ne'teett6gqgo I
odeoqoeo ou 6't6'Q aqqo aqq6 salaEnl I olqo6'
Geqdeo 6q q16flgq otaet6n I q16'6alaq flOoeo eq
orar6e66e 6soo aqiqoro qleoelaqatfrerc odelen t eq
c,ora c6o ooq flGsa nGeo ola q1CIlflqqc oql61 qaqlql
69qRrec arq G'tq aQ eeoto Elltlq'l ocJe{6n I
9Uo q1010rflqe aatqo

G'ere o6te flo o6otne'tce 'qlgr' 6afro ale[o ororor

oqetGf,'r I qtfl1 oeocreoq' oderoeo are[e ace qflqGa
'g1fl'G'e are[a ararov Qeog a6fl616ol6tq I errc qlEtoq
6afro qOotoeo 'qta' qtqtot qteot 6oG'16. eqet ola- e6t
ooraQ6n r

eT(o q grcfl glqto flel6Q 'qlfl'0106 qQe oueo

qqoQ Oerorq qlglotqoc' 6Gr se' grqrar'g aaRFlG,
oG cera 6oae{6n I flc6o qq' atgE6,t qflace, qtqtor'q.
credroe 6aaE6n r grqrRr'q flar qflo qflaco 6e, ooq
arflGcr cG oG qeatco 6qat eqE6e r 'q1fl'6. olqa 660
01olflqq6 c'r{€,qo 6''oglt6't, 91flq. otqo6 qc'e aQ, e'tRt,
qrq, 6fit6n4ce oloe, otq6,t, qtqtot'6.o Qgo oer, oo6q,
grg6'e 6a6 (3 eto {G'. otoe o6t, oe qe6't6o qo6o aG t
6ee qtqtnr'6 ar6o6r6o q1fl orq'oarqo' qdtoEcn I
<or q6 qtqrnr' aoqe qqE 6g6R {q," q1nq. arardro od
oQen-go qdq sQoq oar qd 6flte 6at.,l 6snt 60 6q
6ee oqa6 .(e' qs6,talo6o qet6 oderq aqo6 g arardro
6A6R I

"qtqtoroqe aatq6'-g1fleEo" ctgt a,lte6t oQ

oqfl&el, e6ro6ic, aqcetalo, Qg oQor qq6 oqatf,'lq,
qor6o arQa oQareo qcr6o 6qatq nl6nr I o6a <Qqg
saQolo aQ qrnr Qgerrororec cqo aqcc'tLrc 6qqq ecoe
RQereo qafi or6t gor6o q{ I 060 Qora orro-ecou,
qfigot6t--- e(oT, oqeiorro_- eceo .(6,o oEgt ot6t- ecqtg
qlqreco qar6o q{ I CItaola g 6eoor a6ca gete CItotce
sQ qeoo etqato eqra6 I flo181 earflreorni'oarqo' oro
oO enqelen "The exactitude is almost stenographic."
q1ql aatqo qat6 060 otnqs no 0 61o1fir'c qeqqar
qar CIoflre'c'o qfltctfi 6aotq nr6nr I q1O1 aatqo oto 060
6qodt nlor oG 66,6o6'6t qeqtql 6q,G'tq otflqq flo6a 6ot6t
6o6R I 66lte, oto q"qte6e o16o ootQcl ulet qetQo 6e6lt I
01fl (fl 6agcta qg)6' q"6g o1G'c1 9Xe

qrfl1 Ggnrec 6nq6a- "G,atqo oto6e qote q'G'te 6nto

gro oraa6, qeg qqg oo atac aoRG eqa6" t 'G'atqo'
oro o6e a6aa er6en 60, qlotflqq cnltootc'a qoca ar6qo
6araE6a r orc'e oad6o qter oodo a6R G'1ae atG atQe
g e'la 6aiq see r Q c*s qlEtoco qtflc'a e.'6qtqa aoa6o
qoro66'Gtro6r6e 6q'6grg qqro 60tE cQeten- "q1fl qa6ct
otc' aarqo flrufice qlql ornq€ 6oG'q aO aa qflg flalso
6nta oqo qq66a aqorGo eQaG t <Q aatqo 6q Qoct c
o6elen q1O1 orqaq 6Qerq eqe' 6na 6q'laatatet t qtds,l
uri orne oG ou o66'q qarq 6lte aetot{ g1O1 otnqq
o6o sQ eor qto'e fld6e qd eara qO a06 t" otelto't
6odq aq aoG'o otc' o6e qfltslfi 6q'Rt I eq 6e, oeo 0e
flrq 060 qrq, qd oeo eqi {e,flrg qq6oa q1orflq€co
aar d sqflr?q q6rae{6n r R6agc'ta eqedcn-"I am an
insignificant person, but I live by the side of an ocean and
I keep with me a few pitchers of sea water; when a visittor
comes, I entertain him with that. What else can I speak of
but his words ?"
<oO groadr g ooo qd oreea qtfl aqet6n, fl6c
6qaq6lr eogd orqoc' 6oe'eo eQ eqorea otat qqa6 I

eod'arcea eQ eq orqo6'qao6o atcntoet aqE6R,6qQgtc'

€ orqoc' ntnr sogqQe flarce eos6 eaq 66o 6q'aelnt I

otG'e arcnroer orga qo6o qorCIo 6aaEnr r 06\ qre6,

fl6q,qG,ra6'q6r6e qr6rq oe6 .{6,'orc'a qrsrqetoo Qeoot
Searchin Secretlndia qga6o fr0e6'eaG I gafl qlslqalao
6eoot qq6r6o {Q grG,GQ enqa6 "A venerable patriarch
has stepped-out from the pages of Bible and a figure from
Mosaic Times has tumed to flesh !" fi6Q96'ta qfl qaqlql,
orG'Q G,1G,6' AAr Oqr6Q Aqn qer8 r olfl-aelo q1q1Qlflqq
eatqo 6ean aoqo qlQoq qed-ser 6eq eteoo aao
G't611 I 9t6?g6,ta6' q"q6i6Q arQ eg qaa qaqtqt eetaeG
0 ue 6'1ac6a qoc aqGqadr orQas r 6oafir6c 6rq a6o
eYe o1qlQtfiQs 6,atqo

ode o6a6, ot6e 6ot6treenr6o q6, 6o"a,ate g qoflot

6a6o6G'6G' eoen qfrero qed I qtflt Qqrerco sool cQelen
"60 groe oao adt org eoq6 qeqlql seraa6 'earqo'
gro cO 0 fltEo flatoac'e qei od r" qtfl1e,16o q6€o
flo6a qaqrq1flr66,aqa 6ereo oq oQeo {G'" "q191 otflqq
aarqo-q1fl-oqo" oto6a eoo6 eqQ qaqrq flont 6ar6
6e66'r orqaf,a q66 oar 6q ao6a afl6o srne o6ero eeqr
aqq6n r orG'Q ufl aEa6Q gtotoot c8{61t {G,' qg 68960
{eflrq qlarnqqc'o qflea e16 eoqqen I Eltet e'rec Lrd
orqac'o afliCI aqo orert g6eeod 6race qo qo6o otf,,c
a6elen r flrqe flar6g6'o aquqto qga6o qtfl1alc'o qtot
qG'qoro'oeeE'eta oa enqa6'
"otGQ CIt6, el6'lt 6Jq, aE {a I qq d oE, ag d qq,
aoa a6a r qrorflqe gq6r, orq' 6oaee 68r, aqLtetc
o 6ooQa odr aQ otc'e aee qtotfiqqflo ceteqnt {G'.
arer6e flcagqg qnt I otG"o eq6q c't qto8y erre o,{ro aO
6q orflqeflo 6aar ord'eeer o6qen I 6q otc'e qrurc 6er
er e,{6q ar qroar{ oro 6qdn 6oa qq6o gtd 6atael6n I

qq6' ar606r, qqfr atdl g qqc' qqff {Q 6Q6lt otG. 0860

aqre g {eflrg eua 6gg I aa6q q"qte ard,{sa 6'l gn6a
oeraar qflflco aeJrqoruroo orrjq qflgca ole'o 6e,o eq6q
g qro8q e{Rt | 6q 6o6o6a6n 6Q q.qtQ aqg6n g qnQ
oeraLJrc o6lq6n 6a6o6a6fl orqo 6ao qoa no elnl r 6q
qr..ue6r oreiq 6oeo flil 60 ctc'o otflqeoa qQ o oraqeed
efrQo Enr otel qE qot6 otaEnl r eoqcQ6 fltqo fiatoaca
CIra 6Q6tr a6a atnqq ala G'lgtQ flcagcta 6JQ..... t"
qlql orqoc' flatqflt{ qdq oroorn+.flatse fl6q,gc'ta
dqaea qq6 oqgtc osfc aaG I {et ot6 Oesso oaa oQg
otejsro qeo oderOo edfit I sQ srco q66 esg o6gmrceo
qlEtcr 6arael66l e sQ stco qaar o69 mra oO e6r6e
ardelen I q1q1 otqo {at q6 aQelen, "6e,Q eQ nrer6
q1n(fi6agc'ra qg)6 q'69 6'14e1 9Uqt

6ee,d...." arc'c6e ag Qotie ao6 g otc'e flge g Goaco

qto 6oa arotqiro oo6 g ee6 "ot6-aot oO t" flcQqota
otqoc'o ar606rqoralot606aq060 olQQ Qla g qol 66964
61e6ara 6ooq q6i od aCItaelfl alc'o RtGr cdelen t sat
016 orqeo fl6aq G,ra6'eto e{i od oQalen, "q6fl q6"' I
6O6O6G'66' ololQrflqeealq0 qge alalaGa 6RqG'l
ardq aroa 6E'aelnr6q6o6a66,'6o6totaEnt 6CI sq qototaco
{erere g e6oq cG arn e6'lael66l I eoeo6n orjte sQ gaea
e0 erqro 6, g{, eqeoOa eq sQ qo otnc aqE6n I ouft
oi6 qg6r qflrg arc'6o 6q 6oq'o,ltq eo6 I otqso eqel6n,
"or6q'o-6ro-o6arc 66 d {e t" ot6lG.'ooto otoao qGr6Q
6o erec 6'110 oe6, 6oq flcagolaG'o flal anaq Rta
eera6 r eoeoOe qlatflqq G'tfl .,tota,lgteo oQe qloloao
qlornqqaarqo I orgr qQo 'qlfl' flu afla 6q'ta oQee t

Qcfl9 qlqro, qq flrq u or66t, seetGot at6qet

oeOc', 66era aarfi 96t qfloco qlqtotqa g fltalc' ctfi
aq"eq.I "e1g6oe, flt'6flt60 6atc,q64"-.qQ ecro gtejet
orqaqo6ra 60r6r16,e 'q1fl'or ee aqq6e coq'ou6l e6n I

<q,r eaod agrqorfll 60t6te'6'qn6r 60t6lce qo5 eao6

0q eoraoQcn r er61qo q6u6',64 eod'ateea qlqlotqoa
eoe o9elo 6qreE6'lr, orerd o6o qtese otG'Q g69 eoq
eofl g6orsr qrg 6q'ftt t flcqqcta 6aotn glglotqoc'otq
6aroel6n 0 66rs6o eru ore'6 ot6i6o gte otacn I fiGqqota
qdq qtornqqaa aq aeo6r oo sQ fltst e'6o ovto o6a6,
6q. <Q aclaq areO qtqtorqso eoo6 hre.a Qa 6sq std'
6eir6o e6elen r


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