Chern 1974
Chern 1974
Chern 1974
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1. Introduction
This work, originallyannounced in [4], grew out of an attempt to
derive a purelycombinatorialformulafor the firstPontrjaginnumberof a
4-manifold.The hope was that by integratingthe characteristiccurvature
form(with respect to some Riemannianmetric) simplex by simplex, and
replacingthe integral over each interiorby anotheron the boundary,one
couldevaluate these boundaryintegrals,add up over the triangulation,and
have the geometrywash out, leavingthe soughtaftercombinatorial formula.
This processgot stuck by the emergenceof a boundaryterm whichdid not
yieldto a simplecombinatorialanalysis. The boundarytermseemedinterest-
ing in its own right and it and its generalizationare the subject of this
The Weil homomorphism is a mappingfromthe ringof invariantpoly-
nomials of the Lie algebra of a Lie group, G, into the real characteristic
cohomologyring of the base space of a principalG-bundle,cf. [5], [7]. The
map is achieved by evaluating an invariantpolynomialP of degree 1 on the
curvatureformQ of a connection,0, on that bundle,and obtaininga closed
formon the base, P(Q1). Because the liftof a principalbundleover itselfis
trivial, the formsP(Q1) are exact in the bundle. Moreover,in a way that
is canonicalup to an exact remainderone can constructa formTP(8) on the
bundlesuchthat d TP(8) = P(Q1). Undersomecircumstances, e.g., dimP(Q1)>
dim base, P(Q1)= 0 and TP(8) definesa real cohomologyclass in the bundle.
Our object here is to give somegeometricalsignificanceto these classes.
In ? 2 we reviewstandard resultsin connectiontheory. In ? 3 we con-
structthe forms TP(8) and derive some basic properties.In particularwe
show that if deg P = n and the base manifoldhas dim2n - 1 that the
forms TP(8) lead to real cohomologyclasses in the total space, and, in the
case that P(Q1) is universallyan integralclass, to R/Q characteristicnum-
bers. Both the class above and the numbersdependon the connection.
In ? 4 we restrict ourselves to the principal tangent bundle of a
* Workdoneunderpartialsupportof NSF GrantsGP-20096
and GP-31526.
P(Q1) e W(P)(a);
i.e., P(QI) representsthe characteristicclass correspondingto theuniversal
Weil image of P.
For some of the calculations in the sectionsthat follow it will be con-
venientto have classifyingbundles equippedwith connections. To do this
we use a theoremof Narasimhan-Ramanan[10]. We introducethe category
s(G). Objectsin s(G) are triples a = {E, M, 8} where {E, M} is a principal
G-bundlewith connection8. Morphismsare connection-preserving bundle
maps; i.e., if a = {E, M, 8} and ar = {E, M, -}, and p:{E, M} {E, M} is
a bundlemap, then (P: ar a is a if
morphism 'p*(a) = 8. An object A e s(G)
is called n-classifyingif two conditionshold: First for every a E S(G) with
dimM < n there exists a morphism (P: aw A. Second, any two such
morphismsare homotopicthrough bundle maps. We do not require the
homotopyto be via morphisms.
Proof. Set f(t) = P(qp). Then f(O) 0 and f(1) P(Q1). Thus
f dt .
(3.3) P(Ql) = \
We claim
(3.4) f'(t) = 1dP(8 A q1)
We firstobserve
d ((Pt)= + (t 2 [ ' ]
Using (2.3)-(2.8) we have
On the otherhand,
1dP(8 A Tt"h) = 1P(d8 A ?t") - 1(1- 1)P(8 A d99tA jt-2)
ldP(O A 99-1)= lP(Q A 91-l) -2 IP([8, 81A P'-') + ltP([8, 8JA GTi) =
ds TP( (s)))
ds( |S=O = lP(0' A Ql-~1) + exact.
(d(+TP0(s)) =0) -
d(dTP(0(s))) 1=0
I 1=)=P(Q' A Ql-1)
{TP(06)} =*(U)
Proof. Choose u e C2-1'(M,R/Z) as in Proposition3.14. The assump-
tion P(Ql) = 0 implies 7r*(3u)= 0. Since every chain in M comes from
one in E this means t3u = 0. Thus u is an R/Z cocyclein M, and Proposi-
{TP(0)} e H21-(E, Z)
dic(x) = c>(x)e
where x e T(E)e, and e = (m; e1, ... , en). Now let g be a Riemannian metric
on M, and let 6 be the associated Riemannianconnectionof E(M). Let
E19 ... En be horizontal vector fields which are a dual basis to oil, ...,
, n.
Let F(M) denote the orthonormal frame bundle. F(M) Z E(M) is the
0(n) subbundleconsistingoforthonormal bases, and since 0 is theRiemannian
connection,0 restrictsto a connection F(M).
Let h be a C- functionon M, and considerthe curve of conformally
related metrics
g(s) = e2shg, s e [0, 1].
A Qtj = 0,
and shows Q21(8 A Q21-1)= 0. Thus at points in F(M), Q21(0' A Q211) = 0
and (**) followsby invariance. D
5. Conformalimmersions
Let G = U(n). Let A be a skew Hermitianmatrix and definethe ith
Ie ( U(n))
ChernpolynomialC E
(5.3) (1 + C1 + + Q + (1 + C1+ + CO = 1
(1 + + + + Cl +
Cl ***+ C& * )U (1 ***+ C") =1
where we ignore the terms involving the n-odd powers of %. Also let
pi e H4i(BO(,,,Z) denote the ith integral Pontrjagin class. Then
W(Pi) = r(pi) .
Let p: 0(n) U(n) be the natural map. Then p induces p*: I(U(n))
I(O(n)), p*: H*(U(n)) H*(O(n)), and p: B(c-, BUc,().Using Theorem2.12
one easily sees
= p*(W(Q))
forany Q e Il(U(n)). The definitions of Pi and pi are such that
(5.8) p*(C2i) = (-1)iPi, P*(C2i)= (-l)p
We also definethe inversePontrjaginpolynomialsPi-
(5.9) (1 + P1 + ** + P[n/2])(1
+ P1 + *** + PL +
and note that Pi e IJ2'(0(n))since p*(cf)e H2i(BO(), Z), and one easily sees
W(P,#) = (-1)ir(p*(c2))
-1 En, k(C)
Efn,k-i-* GE,k(C)
It is straightforward
to checkthat
Pi(Q2i) = (-1)iq,*(C2(Q2i))
H *(Bu()) H*
and note that it is commutative. The Bocksteinexact sequence of cohomo-
logy correspondingto the coefficientsequence 0 -Z- Z-) Z, 0 shows ?
that an integral class is even if and only if its mod2 reductionis zero.
Thus it is sufficientto show that for any u e H*(U(n), Z2), q*(u) = 0. Let
c? e Ht( U(n),Z2) denotethe mod2 reductionof c?. Now it is well-knownthat
P*(C?) = Wi U W?
where Wi is the jth Stiefel-Whitney
class. Thus
= T(p*(c)) = T(Wi U Wi) = 0.
On the other hand, H*(U(n), Z2) is generated by the set {z(C8)},and thus
q,*(u) = 0 forany u e H*(U(n), Z2).
To do the general case considerthe commutativediagram
but theyalso live on that of Gl(n, R), and pull back under0(n) Gl(n, R).
We will also denotethese by Pi, Pi e I,'(Gl(n, R)).
THEOREM5.14. Let Ma be an n-dim Riemannian manifold. Let
a(M) = {E(M"), M?, 6} denotethe Gl(n, R) basis bundleof M equipped with
the Riemannian connection6. A necessary condition that Ml admit a
global conformalimmersionin Rn+kis that Pt(Q2i)= 0 and {(1/2)TP1(6)} e
H 4i-(E(M), Z) for i > [k/2].
Proof. Let qA:M" Rn+kbe a conformalimmersion.By Theorem4.5
F(M") > E, k
which is definedas usual by mappinga point into the tangent plane at its
image. Letting 0 denote the canonicalconnectionon Elks it is a standard
fact that <*(6) = 6, the Riemannianconnectionon F(M?); i.e.,
AD:{F(M ), M, 6}
-1 cxlk
(6.1) TP1(0) = - 0{012 A 013 A 023 + 012 A Q12 + 013 A Q13 + 023 A Q23}
{ TP1(0)} e H3(F(M), R)
()= =
X*( ? TPl(0) 1a
dt )(Mt)) t=0
16W2 M<Bq
&R> .
(6.10) dt(P(Mt))t= = P A Q)
dt =
where this makes sense since the formsP(0' A Ql-1) all are horizontaland
invariant. The definitionof Pi given in (5.7) works as well for general
matricesand one easily sees
(6.12) P1(0' A Q) = -?
j=l 0t. A Qjj
at pointsof F(M).
Let x e T(M)m, Y a local vector field, and let VtY denote covariant
with respectto the connectionat time t. Differentiating
differentiation we
get a tensor,A, definedby
1-A, Ro *>o0(x, y, z)
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[10] M. S. NARASIMHANand S. RAMANAN,Existence of universal connections, Amer. J. Math.,
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(ReceivedJune 13, 1972)
(Revised December1, 1972)