Chern 1974

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Annals of Mathematics

Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants

Author(s): Shiing-Shen Chern and James Simons
Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 99, No. 1 (Jan., 1974), pp. 48-69
Published by: Annals of Mathematics
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1. Introduction
This work, originallyannounced in [4], grew out of an attempt to
derive a purelycombinatorialformulafor the firstPontrjaginnumberof a
4-manifold.The hope was that by integratingthe characteristiccurvature
form(with respect to some Riemannianmetric) simplex by simplex, and
replacingthe integral over each interiorby anotheron the boundary,one
couldevaluate these boundaryintegrals,add up over the triangulation,and
have the geometrywash out, leavingthe soughtaftercombinatorial formula.
This processgot stuck by the emergenceof a boundaryterm whichdid not
yieldto a simplecombinatorialanalysis. The boundarytermseemedinterest-
ing in its own right and it and its generalizationare the subject of this
The Weil homomorphism is a mappingfromthe ringof invariantpoly-
nomials of the Lie algebra of a Lie group, G, into the real characteristic
cohomologyring of the base space of a principalG-bundle,cf. [5], [7]. The
map is achieved by evaluating an invariantpolynomialP of degree 1 on the
curvatureformQ of a connection,0, on that bundle,and obtaininga closed
formon the base, P(Q1). Because the liftof a principalbundleover itselfis
trivial, the formsP(Q1) are exact in the bundle. Moreover,in a way that
is canonicalup to an exact remainderone can constructa formTP(8) on the
bundlesuchthat d TP(8) = P(Q1). Undersomecircumstances, e.g., dimP(Q1)>
dim base, P(Q1)= 0 and TP(8) definesa real cohomologyclass in the bundle.
Our object here is to give somegeometricalsignificanceto these classes.
In ? 2 we reviewstandard resultsin connectiontheory. In ? 3 we con-
structthe forms TP(8) and derive some basic properties.In particularwe
show that if deg P = n and the base manifoldhas dim2n - 1 that the
forms TP(8) lead to real cohomologyclasses in the total space, and, in the
case that P(Q1) is universallyan integralclass, to R/Q characteristicnum-
bers. Both the class above and the numbersdependon the connection.
In ? 4 we restrict ourselves to the principal tangent bundle of a
* Workdoneunderpartialsupportof NSF GrantsGP-20096
and GP-31526.

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manifoldand show that if 0, 8', Q, Q' are the connectionand curvature

formsof conformally related Riemannianmetricsthen P(Q1) _ P(Q'1). More-
over, if P(Q1) = 0 then TP(8) and TP(8') determinethe same cohomology
class and thus definea conformalinvariantof M. In ? 5 we examine the
questionof conformalimmersionof an n-dimmanifoldinto Rn+k. We show
that a necessaryconditionforsuch an immersionis that in the range i> [k/2]
the formsPi (Q2$)= 0, and the classes {(1/2)TP1(8)} be integralclasses in the
principalbundle. Here Pi is the jth inverse Pontrjaginpolynomial. In ? 6
we apply these resultsto 3-manifolds.
In a subsequentpaper, [3], byone of the presentauthorsand J. Cheeger,
it will be shown that the forms TP(8) can be made to live on the manifold
below in the formof "differentialcharacters". These are homomorphisms
fromthe groupofsmoothsingularcycles into R/Z, subject to the restriction
thaton boundariestheyare the modZ reductionofthe value of a differential
formwith integral periods evaluated on a chain whose boundary is the
given one. These characters forma graded ring, and this ring structure
may be exploitedto performvectorbundlecalculationsofgeometricinterest.
We are very happy to thank J. Cheeger, W. Y. Hsiang, S. Kobayashi,
J. Roitberg,D. Sullivan, and E. Thomasfora numberof helpfulsuggestions.
2. Review of connection tbeory*
Let G be a Lie groupwith finitelymanycomponentsand Lie algebra 9.
Let M be a Co orientedmanifold,and {E, M} a principal G-bundleover M
with projection w: E -d M. Rg: E n E will denote right action by g e G. If
{E', M'} is another principal G-bundle and p: E E' is a Co map com-
mutingwith right action, p is called a bundle map. Such a map defines
P: M-e M', and the use of the same symbolshould lead to no confusion.
Let {E,, B0} be a universalbundle and classifyingspace forG. B0 is not
a manifold. Its key feature is that everyprincipalG-bundleover M admits
a bundlemap into {E0, B0}, and any two such maps of the same bundle are
homotopic. If A is any coefficient ring, u e Hk(B0, A), and a = {E, M},
then the characteristicclass
u(a) e Hk(M, A)
is well-defined
by pullingback u underany bundlemap. Since G is assumed
to have onlyfinitelymanycomponentsit is well-knownthat
(2.1) H21'(B0, R) 0 all 1.
We finallyrecall that EG is contractible.
* This chaptersummarizesmaterialpresentedin detail in [7].

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Let 91 = 9ggXg ...* ? . Polynomialsof degree 1 are definedto be

symmetric,multilinearmaps from 9l OR. G acts on 91 by inner auto-
morphism,and polynomialsinvariantunderthis action are called invariant
polynomialsofdegree1,and are denotedby1P(G). These multiplyin a natural
way, and if P e II(G), Q e I '(G) then PQ eIV+ '(G). We set I(G)
E)II(G), a graded ring.
These polynomialsgive informationabout the real cohomologyof BG.
In fact,thereis a universal Weil homomorphism
(2.2) W: I(G) > H2(BG, R)
such that W: I(G) Heven(BG, R) is a ringhomomorphism.
If {E, M} is a principalG-bundleover M we denote by Ak l(E) k-forms
on E takingvalues in 91. We have the usual exteriordifferential d: Akjl(E)
Ak+ll() If 'p E Ak l(E) and * E Ak' l'(E) define
cPA , e Ak+k',l+l(E)
'P A *(x1, , Xk+k) = Reshuff1eU(7)(P(X,1 , x k) (0 1r(xlk+l 9 zk+k )

If p E Skl(E) and * E Ak'l(E) define

[(p A] G Ak+kl',(E)
[(by *]$19 9 Xk+k') =EShuffle "(7:)['P ($:r 9 ;rXk)9 *(X,-k+19 X 7-k+k')

Let P be a polynomialof degree 1 and 'pE Akl(E). Then P(q') = Po p

is a real valued k-formon E. The followingare elementary
(2.3) [(p A] = (_ I)kkl+l[age<7p]

(2.4) [[?, A], (P = 0

(2.5) d['p,A] [dp,A] + (_-)kp[, dI]
(2.6) d(T A = dT A * + (_ )k A d*
(2.7) d(P(9)) P(dqq)
(2.8) P('p A A P) = (_1)kk'P(* A ' A P)
where 'p 1 _Ak',l' p e Ak",l" and in the firstthree lines 1= I' 1.
If P e IF(G) thendifferentiating the invarianceconditionshows
(2.9) '1 (-t)kl+ +kiP(r, A *. A [*i, (PI A *. A A 0) 0
where viE Akil(E) and 'pe AJl1(E).
For e e E, let T(E)e denotethe tangentspace of E at e and V(E)e
{x G T(E)e Idw(x) = 0}. V(E)e is called the vertical space, and may be
canonicallyidentifiedwith 9. If x E V(E)e we let x E 9 denote its image

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under this identification.A connectionon {E, M} in a 9 valued 1-form,

8, on E satisfyingR*(8) = ad-'o 8, and 8(v) = v for vertical v. If 8 is
a connection,setting H(E)e = {x E T(E)e I 8(x) = 0} defines a complement
to V(E)e called the horizontal space; i.e., T(E)e V(E)e & H(E)e and
dRg(H(E)e) = H(E)R The structuralequationstates
(2.10) d8 = Q- 1[8, 8]

whereQ is the curvatureform. Q e A1"(E) and is horizontal,i.e., Q(x, y)

Q(H(x), H(y)), H(x), and H(y) denotingthe horizontalprojectionsof x and
y. (2.4) and (2.5) show
(2.11) dQ = [Q. 8].
An element p e Akl is called equivariant if R*(p) = ad g-1 Ap. A con-
nectionis equivariant by definition,and so is its curvature by (2.10), as
equivariance is preserved under d, wedge products, and brackets. If
'p e Akl (E) is equivariantand P e 1 (G) then P('p) is a real valued invariant

k-formon E. In particular, Q1 = Q A ... A Q is equivariant,and so P(QI)

is real valued, invariantand horizontal,and so uniquely definesa 21-form
on M whose lift is P(QI). We will also denote this formon M by P(QI).
Formulae (2.11) and (2.9) immediatelyshow this formis closed.
THEOREM 2.12 (Weil homomorphism).Let a = {E, M, d} be a principal
G-bundlewithconnection,and let Pe II(G). Then

P(Q1) e W(P)(a);
i.e., P(QI) representsthe characteristicclass correspondingto theuniversal
Weil image of P.
For some of the calculations in the sectionsthat follow it will be con-
venientto have classifyingbundles equippedwith connections. To do this
we use a theoremof Narasimhan-Ramanan[10]. We introducethe category
s(G). Objectsin s(G) are triples a = {E, M, 8} where {E, M} is a principal
G-bundlewith connection8. Morphismsare connection-preserving bundle
maps; i.e., if a = {E, M, 8} and ar = {E, M, -}, and p:{E, M} {E, M} is
a bundlemap, then (P: ar a is a if
morphism 'p*(a) = 8. An object A e s(G)
is called n-classifyingif two conditionshold: First for every a E S(G) with
dimM < n there exists a morphism (P: aw A. Second, any two such
morphismsare homotopicthrough bundle maps. We do not require the
homotopyto be via morphisms.

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THEOREM2.13 (Narasimhan-Ramanan). For each integern thereexists

an n-classifyingA e s(G).

3. The forms TP(8)

Let a = {E, M, 6} e s(G). The bundle {w*(E), E} is trivialas a principal
G-bundle, and so all of its characteristiccohomologyvanishes. Thus
*(P(Q')) = P(Q1) is exact when considered as a form on E. Set qt-
tQ + 1/2(t2-t)[0, 8], and set

(3.1) TP(8) = 1\P(8 A :p-')dt .


P e 11(G),and TP(8) is a real-valued invariant (21 - 1)-formon E. It is of

course not horizontal.
PROPOSITION3.2. dTP(8) = P(Q1).

Proof. Set f(t) = P(qp). Then f(O) 0 and f(1) P(Q1). Thus
f dt .
(3.3) P(Ql) = \
We claim
(3.4) f'(t) = 1dP(8 A q1)
We firstobserve
d ((Pt)= + (t 2 [ ' ]
Using (2.3)-(2.8) we have

f = IP( d (Tt) A vT`l

= dt
IP(Q A vT-1) + I t- 1 P([01 01 A 9T1)

On the otherhand,
1dP(8 A Tt"h) = 1P(d8 A ?t") - 1(1- 1)P(8 A d99tA jt-2)

= IP(Q A 'P') - 2lP([8, 81 A t-') - 1(1- 1)P(8 A d~ptA vT-2)

by the structuralequation (2.10). Now using (2.10), (2.11), and (2.4)

dqpt= t[ptg,8]
Plugging this intothe formulaabove and usingthe invarianceformula(2.9)
on the last piece we get

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ldP(O A 99-1)= lP(Q A 91-l) -2 IP([8, 81A P'-') + ltP([8, 8JA GTi) =

by the computationabove. This shows (3.4) and the propositionfollows

The form TP(O) can of course be writtenwithoutthe integral,and, in
Ai = (-l)il! (I - )!/2i(l + i)! (I - 1-i)!
one computes
(3.5) TP(O) = , AiP(o A [0, Q]$A gl-t-i)

The operationwhich associates to a e s(G) the form TP(8) is natural;

i.e., if p:a-o a' is a morphism,since 'p*(d) = 0 and thus R*(f2)= Q, clearly
q*(TP(8)) = TP(0). This naturalitycharacterizesT up to an exact remainder:
PROPOSITION 3.6. Given Pe 11(G), let S be anotherfunctor which
associates to each a e s(0) a (21 - 1)-form in E, SP(6), which satisfies
dSP(Q) = P(Ql). Then TP(Q) - SP(8) is exact.
Proof. Let a = {E, M, 8} with dimM= n. Choose a' = {E, M, 0} e s(G) so
greater than n. Let p: a
that a' is m classifyingwith m sufficiently "a"be a
morphism.Now in E we have dSP(s) = dTP(Q) - SP() - TP(0) is closed.
But since E is an approximationto EG its 21 - 1 cohomologyvanishes for
sufficiently large m. Thus SP(8) = TP(8) + exact. So by the naturality
assumptionon S, SP(8) R*SP(8) =* TP(8) +? * exact =TP(6) + exact. D-
PROPOSITION3.7. Let Pe 11(G) and Q 1(G).
(1) PQ(Ql+8) - P(Ql) A Q(Qs)
(2) TPQ(8) = TP(8) A Q(Q8) + exact= TQ(8) A P(Q1) + exact.
Proof. (1) is immediate. To prove (2) we may use naturalityand work
in a classifying bundle. But there, d(TP(0) A Q(Q8)) = P(Q1) A Q(Q8) =
PQ(Ql+8) = d(TPQ(0)). Similarly d(TQ(0) A P(Q1)) = d(TPQ(0)). (2) then
followsby low dimensionalacyclicityof the total space of the classifying
bundle. D
We are interestedin how the forms TP(0) change as the connection
PROPOSITION 3.8. Let 0(s) be a smooth1-parameterfamily of connec-
tions on {E, M} with se [0, 1]. Set 0 = 0(0) and 0' = (d/ds)(0(s))S=0 For
Pe 11(G)

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ds TP( (s)))
ds( |S=O = lP(0' A Ql-~1) + exact.

Proof. Building on the theoremof Narasimhan-Ramanan it is not difficult

to show that one can find a principal G-bundle {E, M} which classifies
bundles over manifolds of dim > m > dim M, and to equip this bundle with
a smooth family of connections s(s), and to find a bundle map p: {E, M}
{E, M} such that p*(O(s)) = 0(s) se [0, 1]. It thus suffices to prove the
theorem in {E, M}, and by choosing m large enough E will be acyclic in
dimensions <21-1. We now drop all "hats" and simply assume H21-'(E, R) =
0. Thus it is sufficientto prove both sides of the equation have the same
differential. Now

(d(+TP0(s)) =0) -
d(dTP(0(s))) 1=0

I 1=)=P(Q' A Ql-1)

where Q' = (d/ds)(Q(s)) ,=O. Also

d(lP(0' A Q1-1)) = lP(dO' A Q1-1)- 1(1 - 1)P(0' A dQ A Q1-2)

- lP(d0' A Q`') - 1(1 - 1)P(0' A [Q, 0] A Ql-2) by (2.11)

-P(dO' A Q1-') + 1P([0', 0] A Q1-1) by (2.9) .

Now d0'=d((d/ds)(0(s))J,=o)= (d/ds)(d0(s))K.=o=(d/ds)(Q(s) - (1/2)[0(s), 0(s)]) =O=

Q- [0', 0]. Putting this in the calculation above shows
dlP(0' A Q1-1) = IP(Q' A Ql-1)

and this with the firstcalculation completes the proof. D

If Pe 11(G) and P(Q1) = 0 then TP(0) is closed in E and so defines
a cohomology class in E. We denote this class by {TP(8)} e H21'-(E, R).

THEOREM3.9. Let a = {E, M, 8} with dim M = n. If 21 - 1 = n then

TP(0) is closed and {TP(0)} e H"(E, R) depends on 0. If 21 -1 > n then
TP(0) is closed and {TP(8)} e H21'-(E, R) is independent of 9.
Proof. P(Q1) is a horizontal 21-form. If 21 - 1 > n then 21 > n and
since the dimension of the horizontal space is exactly n, P(Q1) = 0. Thus
TP(0) is closed, and {TP(0)} is defined. We will see in a later section that
when 21-1 = n, {TP(0)} depends on the connection. However, suppose
21 -1 > n. Since any two connections may be joined by a smooth 1-para-
meter family, it is sufficientto show, using the notation of the previous
proposition that

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d-( TP( )) IsO exact

By that propositionit is sufficientto show P(8' A Q'-') 0
O. Since 8' is the
derivativeof a familyof connections,all of which must agree on vertical
vectors, 0'(v) = 0 for v vertical. Thus P(8' A Q'-') is a horizontal(21 - 1)-
form,and thus must vanish for 21 -1 > n. EZ
The equation in E, d TP(0) = P(Q1), implies that TP(0) I Em is a closed
form,whereEm is the fibreover m e M. Formula (3.5) showsthat TP(0) I Em
is expressedpurelyin termsof 8 ] Em, whichis independentofthe connection.
Morespecifically,let o denotethe Maurer-Cartanformon G, whichassigns
to each tangentvectorthe correspondingLie algebra element. Set

(3.10) TP = (- i)1 P(o0 A [a),'4l") .

21(21 1)

TP is a real valued, bi-invariant(21-1)-formon G. It is closedand represents

an elementof H21-'(G, R). For me M and e e Em let X: G>Em by X(g) =
Rj(e). Then X*(O) = co, and (3.5) shows
(3.11) X*(TP(o))= TP.
The class {TP} e H21-'(G,R) is universallytransgressivein the sense
of [1]. In fact, recalling Borel's definitionof transgressive([1], p. 133), a
class h e Hk(G, A) is called transgressivein the fibrespace {E, M} if there
exists CE Ck(G, A) so that c I G e h and &e is a liftof a cochain (and thus a
cocycle) fromthe base. It is called universallytransgressiveif thishappens
in the classifyingbundle. In this case the transgressiongoes from{TP} via
TP(O) to P(Q1). One can do this over the integersas well as the reals, and
if we set
Il(G) = {P e 1(G) I W(P) e H21-'(BG, Z)}
one can easily show
(3.12) Pe Iol(G) {- TP} e H2`1(G, Z)
and (3.11) shows this is equivalentto
(3.13) P E Io(G) TP(O)I Eme H2'1-(Em Z)
wherein all these equations we mean the real image of the integral coho-
mology. The followingpropositionwill providea proofof this, but also will
give us some extra understandingof the form TP(0) when Pe Il(G).
For a real numbera let ite R/Z denoteits reduction,and similarlyfor

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any real cochain or cohomologyclass - will denote its reductionmod Z.

The Bocksteinexact sequence

(3.14) ' Hi(X, Z) ) Hi(X, R) ?2`4 H'(X, R/Z) Hi+'(X, Z)

showsthata real class, U, is an integralclass if and onlyif U = 0. For X any
manifoldand A any coefficient groupwe let C(X, A) denotethe cochaingroup
with respectto the group of smoothsingular chains. If 9 is a differential
formon X then p e C(X, R), and by '9 e C(X, R/Z) we mean its reduction
modZ as a real cochain.
PROPOSITION3.15. Let a = {E, M,0} es(G). Then if Pe IJ(G) there
exists u e C21-'(M,R/Z) so that

TP(0) = ir*(u) + coboundary.

Proof. Let a' = {E, M, d} e s(G) be k-classifyingwith k sufficiently
large. Since Pe I' we know that P(iEl) representsan integralclass in M.
Thus the R/Z cocycle P(&:2') vanisheson all cyclesin M, and so is an R/Z
coboundary;i.e., thereexists u e C2-1(M, R/Z) such that 3i = P(Q2). Thus

USr()= 7 *(8) = *(Q)

= 7c*(P(fii1))= dTP(0) = 3TP(6) = 3(TP(0))-

= 3(iA )). Since we have chosenk large, E is acyclicin dim21-1,

So w7r*(i)
and so
TP(Q) = w*(i) + coboundary.
The propositionthen follows in general by choosinga morphismp: c a'
and taking u = *(u). F
We note that (3.13) and hence (3.12) follow directly from this. We
also note that forthese special polynomials,the classes {TP(0)}, when they
exist, have the propertythat their modZ reductionsare alreadylifts. That
THEOREM3.16. Let a= {E, M, 6} e s(G) and let Pe IJ(G). Suppose
P(Q1) 0. Then thereexists Ue H2-'(M, R/Z) so that

{TP(06)} =*(U)
Proof. Choose u e C2-1'(M,R/Z) as in Proposition3.14. The assump-
tion P(Ql) = 0 implies 7r*(3u)= 0. Since every chain in M comes from
one in E this means t3u = 0. Thus u is an R/Z cocyclein M, and Proposi-

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tion 3.14 shows z*(u) 0 TP(0). Letting Ue H21-'(M,R/Z) denotethe class

representedby u the theoremfollows.
Characteristicnumbers in R/Q. An interestingspecial case of this
theoremoccurs when M is compact,oriented,and dimM = 21 - 1. Then
foreach P e I,(G) we knowthat P(Q1) = 0 and {TP(0)} e H21-'(E, R) depends
on the connection. On the other hand, reducing modZ, {TP(0)} = w*(U)
forsome Ue H21-'(M,R/Z) - R/Z. Thus U is determinedup to an element
of ker7r*. Now, either ker7r*= H21-'(M,R/Z), or ker7r* is a finitesub-
group of H2-'(M, R/Z). In the second case, since all finitesubgroupsof
R/Z lie in Q/Z, U is determineduniquelyin R/ZIQ/Z -R/Q. Let Atdenote
the fundamentalcycle of M. Define SP(6) e R/Q by
SP(6) = 0 if ker 7r*= H2-'(M, R/Z)
SP(6) = u(tt)/Q otherwise.
Examples in the last section will show that these numbersare nontrivial
invariants. *
COROLLARY3.17. Suppose dim M < 21 - 1. Thenfor P e IJ(G)

{TP(0)} e H21-(E, Z)

Proof. Since dimM < 21 - 1, H21-'(M,R/Z) = 0 and so {TP(0)} = 0.

Thus from(3.14) {TP(0)} is the image of an integralclass.
4. Conformal invariance
In thissectionwe suppose G = Gl(n, R). 9 consistsofall n x n matrices,
and we definethe basic invariantpolynomialsQ1, Qn,

Qj(Aj (D) ... ($ Al)= !, tr A,lA~r***A


It is well known that the Qj generate the ringof invariantpolynomialson

9. If a = {E, M, 6} is a principal G bundle then 0 = {60j} and Q = jQj},
matricesof real valued 1 and 2-formsrespectively. One verifiesdirectlythat
for any q' = {q'j} e Akl(E)

(4.1) QQ(Q1)= . 1j'2 A '2't3 A ... A Qjjj1

(4.2) Qj(q A Q1')= = n I 1'52 A Q A2,3A A
These polynomialshave differentproperties. In particular the Weil map
* This constructionwas made in discussion with J. Cheeger. It is an easy way of
producingthe modQ reductionsof R/Z invariantsdevelopedin [3].

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(see (2.2)) takes the ring generatedby {Q21}isomorphicallyonto the real

cohomologyof BGl(n,R) = B,(n), while the kernelof the Weil map is the ideal
generatedbythe {Q21,1}.
PROPOSITION 4.3. Let a = {E, M, 6}e s(Gl(n, R)). Suppose 0 restricts
on an 0(n) subbundleof E. Then Q21
to a connection (Q"21+1) - 0, and
is exact.
Proof. The firstfactis wellknownand is oneway to prove Q21+,e Ker W.
Our assumptionon 0 is that there is an 0(n) subbundle F z E such that
at each f e F, H(E)f 9 T(F)f, or equivalentlythat at all x tangent to F,
6 j(x) = Odj(x).
- It easily impliesthat at all pointsof F. Qij = - Qj as a
formon E. Now if A is a skew symmetricmatrixthen tr (A2"+')- 0 and
by polarizationwe see Q21+?(A, (? ... ?( A2,1,)= 0 when all Ai are skew
symmetric.Since Q21?1(Q21+') is invariant,we need only show it vanishesat
points in F, but at these points the range of Q21+'lies in the kernel of
Q21+1.Thus Q21+?(Q21+')- 0. The same argumentshows that TQ21+1(0) IF =

0. (Here we mean the form restrictedto the submanifold,F, and not

simply as a form on E consideredat points of F.) Thus TQ21+1(0) is a
closed formin E whose restrictionto F is 0. Since E is contractibleto
F, TQ21+?(0) can carryno cohomologyon E and hence must be exact. D
Let us now specializeto the case where E = E(M), the bundleof bases
of the tangent bundle of M. Points in E are (n + 1)-tuplesof the form
(m; e1, * *, en) where m e M and e1, * , en is a basis of T(M)m. E comes
equipped with a natural set of horizontal,real valued forms oil, , n, (,

dic(x) = c>(x)e
where x e T(E)e, and e = (m; e1, ... , en). Now let g be a Riemannian metric
on M, and let 6 be the associated Riemannianconnectionof E(M). Let
E19 ... En be horizontal vector fields which are a dual basis to oil, ...,
, n.
Let F(M) denote the orthonormal frame bundle. F(M) Z E(M) is the
0(n) subbundleconsistingoforthonormal bases, and since 0 is theRiemannian
connection,0 restrictsto a connection F(M).
Let h be a C- functionon M, and considerthe curve of conformally
related metrics
g(s) = e2shg, s e [0, 1].

Let 6(s) denote the curve of associated Riemannianconnectionson E(M).

Let 0 = 0(0), 6' = (d/ds)(6(s))Is=oqand F(M) the framebundlewith respect
to g.= g(0).

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LEMMA 4.4. At points in F(M)

Tj=38id(ho7) + Ei(how)()j -Ej(ho ir)(ot

Proof. This is a standardcomputation,and is perhapsmosteasily done

by using the formulafor the Riemannianconnectionin termsof covariant
(cf. [7]). It is easily seen how the connectionchanges under
conformalchange of metric,and one then translates this result back into
THEOREM4.5. Let g and g be conformallyrelated Riemannian metrics
on M, and let 0, Q, 0, &2 denotethecorrespondingconnectionand curvature
forms. Thenfor any PE IV(Gl(n,R))
(1) TP(Q) = TP(6) + exact,
(2) p(51)= P(Qt)
COROLLARY. P(Q1) = 0 implies that the cohomologyclass {TP(0)} e
H21-1(E(M), R) is a conformalinvariant.
The corollaryfollows immediatelyfromthe theorem,and (2) follows
immediatelyfrom (1) and Proposition3.2. So it remainsto prove (1). Since
the Qi generate I(Gl(n, R)) we can assume P is a monomialin the Qu.
Using Proposition3.7, an inductiveargumentshows that it is sufficient to
prove (1) only in the case P = Qu. Proposition4.3 shows that for any
Riemannianconnection Q21?1(Q2t+')- 0 and TQ21+I(0) is exact, so we can
assume 1 is even.
Any two conformallyrelated metricscan be joined by a curve of such
metrics,with associated connections6(s). By integrationit is sufficient
(*) d
=TQ21(0(s))) = exact .

Since each pointon the curve is the initialpointof anothersuch curve, it is

enoughto prove (*) at s = 0. By Proposition3.8 it will sufficeto prove
(**) A Q21-1) 0 .
We use the notationand formulaof Lemma 4.4, and workat f e F(M).
Q21(6' Set
a = (aijd(f o i))

,= (Ei(f o 7r)oj- Ej(f omw)a,).

Then 6' = a + R. Now (4.2) shows

Q21(a A Q2b-1)= d(fo 2r)A Q21- (Q21-') = 0
by Proposition4.3. Also using (4.2),

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Q21(9 A Q21-1)= -i ; El(fo 7r))2A Qi2,i3A A Qi21,1

But, since 0 is a Riemannianconnection,the Jacobiidentityholds. This


A Qtj = 0,
and shows Q21(8 A Q21-1)= 0. Thus at points in F(M), Q21(0' A Q211) = 0
and (**) followsby invariance. D
5. Conformalimmersions
Let G = U(n). Let A be a skew Hermitianmatrix and definethe ith
Ie ( U(n))
ChernpolynomialC E

(5.1) det (XI - A) = Ej=OC(A X *- * A)X;n-i

where Ci is extended by polarizationto all tensors. Let ci denotethe ith

integral Chern class in BU(fl). Then ci e H2i(BG, Z), and letting r(c) e
H2i(BG, R) denoteits real image,

(5.2) W(Cj) = r(c)

We also definethe inverseChernpolynomialsand classes Cl and c?

(5.3) (1 + C1 + + Q + (1 + C1+ + CO = 1
(1 + + + + Cl +
Cl ***+ C& * )U (1 ***+ C") =1

These formulae uniquely determineCl and cl, and since W is a ring

(5.4) W(Ci) = C
The inverseclasses are so named because, for vector bundles, theyare the
classes of an inverse bundle. That is, if V, W are complex vectorbundles
over M with Ve W trivial, then using the product formulafor Chern
class, cf. [9], one knows
(5.5) ci(W) = cl(V)
Let Gnk(c) denotethe Grassmannmanifoldof complexn-planesin C"+k,
and let E.,k(c) denotethe Stiefelmanifoldof orthonormaln-framesin Cn+k,
metric.Then {E.,k(C),
withrespectto the Hermitian Gnk()} is a principal
U(n) bundle. There is a natural connectionin this bundle most easily
visualizedby constructingit in the associatedcanonical n-dimvectorbundle
over Gn,k(c). Let -(t) be a curve in Gf,k(c) and let p(t) be a curve in the

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vectorbundlewith wo p = v. So foreach t, v(t) is an n-planein C"+k, and

p(t) is a vectorin Cn+k with p(t) e 7(t). Then p'(t) = (d/dt)(p(t))is a vector
in Cn+k, and the covariant derivative of p(t) along y is obtained by
orthogonallyprojectingp'(t) into v(t). We let 0 denotethis connectionand
a., k(C) = {En,k(), Gn,k(C), 6}

PROPOSITION 5.6. For i > k

(1) Ci(Qi) = 0
(2) { TCiL(0)}e H2i1 (Enk (C) Z)
Proof. Since the n-dimvectorbundle associated to {E,,k(c), G.,k(c)} has
a k-diminverse, (5.5) shows that ct(afl k(c))= 0 for i > k. Thus the form
Cl(Q) is exact on G.,k(c). Now Gf,k(c) is a compact,irreducibleRiemannian
symmetricspace, and it is easily checkedthat the formsP(Q1) are invariant
underthe isometrygroup. Thus Ctl(Qi) is invariant and exact, and there-
fore must vanish. So the class {TC (6)} e H2i-1(Enk(C),R) is defined.
Since W(Cl) = cl e H2i(BU(n,,Z) we see that C2le Io(U(n)). Using Theorem
3.16 we see that {TC-'(0)} is a liftof a 2i - 1 dimensionalR/Z cohomology
class of G.,k(c). But the odd dimensionalcohomologyof this space is zero
(forany coefficient group),and thus {TCQ(0)} = 0. The Bocksteinsequence
(3.14) then shows that {TCQL(6)} e H2i1-(Enk(c), Z). LII
Now let G = 0(n). Let A be a skew symmetricmatrix and definefor
i=1,** , [n/2] the ith PontrjaginpolynomialPi e Io2i(O(n))

(5.7) det (XI - (1/27r)A)= Q(vA0-')

Adj/0] P(A ? **. ? A)>"2X +

where we ignore the terms involving the n-odd powers of %. Also let
pi e H4i(BO(,,,Z) denote the ith integral Pontrjagin class. Then
W(Pi) = r(pi) .
Let p: 0(n) U(n) be the natural map. Then p induces p*: I(U(n))
I(O(n)), p*: H*(U(n)) H*(O(n)), and p: B(c-, BUc,().Using Theorem2.12
one easily sees
= p*(W(Q))
forany Q e Il(U(n)). The definitions of Pi and pi are such that
(5.8) p*(C2i) = (-1)iPi, P*(C2i)= (-l)p
We also definethe inversePontrjaginpolynomialsPi-
(5.9) (1 + P1 + ** + P[n/2])(1
+ P1 + *** + PL +

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and note that Pi e IJ2'(0(n))since p*(cf)e H2i(BO(), Z), and one easily sees
W(P,#) = (-1)ir(p*(c2))

Formula (5.9) shows Pi = -P - P._1Pf-, - PiPL1. Proposition 3.7

shows that TP1(6) = - TPi(0) + terms involvingcurvature. Thus forany
a = {E, M, d} e (O(n))
(5.10) TP-(6) Em = TP (0) I Em.
We now definethe real Grassmann manifold,Gn,k, the real Stiefel
manifoldE,,k, and the canonical connection0 on {El,k, Gn,k} exactly as in
the complexcase. We set al,k = {Enk, Gn,k, 60}es(O(n)).
PROPOSITION5.11. For i > [k/2]
(1) PI(Q2i) = 0

(2) {(1/2)TPf-(0)} e H4i-' (En,k, Z)

Proof. The natural map R" CO inducesthe commutativediagram

-1 En, k(C)

Efn,k-i-* GE,k(C)

It is straightforward
to checkthat
Pi(Q2i) = (-1)iq,*(C2(Q2i))

TPi (0) = (-1)* (TC21 (0)) .

Since i > [k/2] 2i > k, (1) followsfromProposition5.6, and from(2) of

that propositionwe see that
{TPt (0)} = (_J)i, eTC21i(Q2i))
e H4i-1(E,,k Z)

We will be finishedwhenwe show

LEMMA5.12. Let reH*(En,k(c), Z). Then qp*(7) is an even integral
class in H*(En,k, Z).
group A we want to
Proof. For any Lie group G and any coefficient
consider the inverse transgression map r: Hi(BG, A) H'-'(G, A). This map
is definedas follows. Let u e Hi(BG,A) be given and choose ' e Z'(B,, A)
with i eu and with YI1{m} = 0 for all me B,. Letting z: EG -BG be the
projectionmap, and recalling that EG is acyclic, we see that r*(y) = 3,8,
where S9e Ci-'(EG, A). Since vy{m} = 0, 8 IG is closed, and thus defines
r(u) e H-'(G, A). Acyclicityof EG guarantees the map independentof

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choice of ,8, and it is easy to check it is also independentof choice of Y.

Thus z: H$(BG, A) Hi-'(G, A) is well-defined.z is in fact the inverse of
the transgressionmappingconsideredin [1]. We remarkthat if A is a ring
then T(u U u) = 0. This follows since if y e u with wr*(y) = 5,9, then
wr*(yU -i) = a(,8 U w*(Y)),and ,8 U wr*
(y) I G = 0.
We firstconsiderthe case k = 0, i.e., E,,o = 0(n), EnO(c) = U(n), and
ga: 0(n) U(n) is the natural map. We considerthe diagram

H*(U(n)) 90* H*(O(n))

H *(Bu()) H*
and note that it is commutative. The Bocksteinexact sequence of cohomo-
logy correspondingto the coefficientsequence 0 -Z- Z-) Z, 0 shows ?

that an integral class is even if and only if its mod2 reductionis zero.
Thus it is sufficientto show that for any u e H*(U(n), Z2), q*(u) = 0. Let
c? e Ht( U(n),Z2) denotethe mod2 reductionof c?. Now it is well-knownthat

P*(C?) = Wi U W?
where Wi is the jth Stiefel-Whitney
class. Thus
= T(p*(c)) = T(Wi U Wi) = 0.
On the other hand, H*(U(n), Z2) is generated by the set {z(C8)},and thus
q,*(u) = 0 forany u e H*(U(n), Z2).
To do the general case considerthe commutativediagram

H*(Enk(C), Z2) H*(Enk, Z2)

I7T* I7T*
H*(U(n + k), Z2) H* (O(n + k), Z2)
where w: U(n+k) -
U(n+1)/U(k) = Enk(c), and w:0(n+k)-0(n+k)/0(k) =
Enk are the quotient maps. It is known,cf. [2], that the w* on the right
is injective. Thus, since the image of the lower Ap*is zero fromour special
case, so is that of the upperA*. This completesthe proofof the lemmaand
the propositionfollows. D
By restrictingthis propositionto the fibreand using (5.10) and (3.11)
we obtainthe well-knownfact that

(5.13) 1 { TP,} E H"t-(O(n), Z)


The polynomialsPi and P~ were consideredon the Lie algebra of 0(n),

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but theyalso live on that of Gl(n, R), and pull back under0(n) Gl(n, R).
We will also denotethese by Pi, Pi e I,'(Gl(n, R)).
THEOREM5.14. Let Ma be an n-dim Riemannian manifold. Let
a(M) = {E(M"), M?, 6} denotethe Gl(n, R) basis bundleof M equipped with
the Riemannian connection6. A necessary condition that Ml admit a
global conformalimmersionin Rn+kis that Pt(Q2i)= 0 and {(1/2)TP1(6)} e
H 4i-(E(M), Z) for i > [k/2].
Proof. Let qA:M" Rn+kbe a conformalimmersion.By Theorem4.5

we may assume 9 is an isometric immersion. Let F(M") denote the

orthonormalframebundleof M", and considerthe Gauss map $

F(M") > E, k

which is definedas usual by mappinga point into the tangent plane at its
image. Letting 0 denote the canonicalconnectionon Elks it is a standard
fact that <*(6) = 6, the Riemannianconnectionon F(M?); i.e.,

AD:{F(M ), M, 6}
-1 cxlk

is a morphism.Thus by naturalityand the previous proposition,in F(M"),

Pi(Q2') = 0 and {(1/2)TPt (6)} e H'4-'(F(MI), Z) for i > [k/2]. By invariance,
P (Q'i)= 0 in all of E(M"), and since {(1/2)TPt(6)}e H'i-'(E(M"'), R) it
must actually be an integral class there since its restrictionto the retract
F(M") is integral. F2
Remark. This theoremis probablyof interestonlyforthe codimension
k < n/2. This is because if k > n/2 our conditioni > [k/2]already implies
Pi (Q2")= 0 fordimensionreasons,and the correspondingclass, { TPt'(a)}, is
independentof connection(see Theorem 3.9). At the same time Corollary
3.17 already shows that {TP1(6)} e H'i-'(E(M), Z), and it seems likelythat
the same is true for{(1/2)TPt (6)}.
6. Applications to 3-manifolds
In thissectionM willdenotea compact,oriented,Riemannian3-manifold,
and F(M) -r* M will denote its SO(3) orientedframe bundleequippedwith
the Riemannianconnection 6 and curvature tensor Q. For A, B skew
symmetricmatrices, the specific formula for P1 shows P1(A (0 B) =
- (1/8z2)tr AB. Calculatingfrom(3.5) shows

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(6.1) TP1(0) = - 0{012 A 013 A 023 + 012 A Q12 + 013 A Q13 + 023 A Q23}

Since dimM = 3, dTP1 = 0. By (5.13), (1/2)TP1(0) IF(M)m GH3(F(M)m, Z).

We will thus be interestedin the class

{ TP1(0)} e H3(F(M), R)

From the general considerationsat the end of ? 3 this data is enough to

produce an R/Q invariant of M, but since M is an oriented 3-manifold,
F(M) is trivial; and we definethe R/Z invariant,*4!(M), as follows: Let
X:M-u F(M) be any cross-section.Then set

(6.2) 4D(M) = |2ITP1(0) e R/Z.

If Z' were another such, then homologicallyX' = X+ nF(M)m + torsion,

where n is an integer. Thus since (1/2)TP1(0) I F(M)m is integral,and forms
integratedover torsionclasses give 0, 4D(M) is well-defined.Recallingthat
Pi- = -P1 we immediatelyget the followingtwo special cases of Theorems
4.5 and 5.14.
THEOREM6.3. 4!(M) is a conformalinvariant of M.
THEOREM6.4. A necessary condition that M admit a conformalim-
mersionin R4 is that 4D(M) = 0.
Example 1. Let M = RP3 = SO(3) togetherwith the standardmetric
of constant curvature 1. Let E1, E2, E3 be an orthonormalbasis of left
invariantfieldson SO(3), orientedpositively. Then it is easily seen that
VE1E2= E3, VE1E3 =-E2, and VE2E3= E1. Let X:M-*F(M) be the cross-
sectiondeterminedby this frame. The above equationsand (6.1) show

()= =
X*( ? TPl(0) 1a

where a is the volumeformon SO(3). Thus from (6.1)

PD(SO(3)) = 1 Vol (SO(3)) = I

272r 2
since Vol (SO(3)) = (1/2)Vol (S3) = r2. Using Theorem6.4 we see that SO(3)
admitsno global conformalimmersionin R'. This is interestingsince,being
parallelizable,it certainlyadmits a Coo immersionin R4, and locally it is
isometricallyimbeddablein R4.
* Atiyahhas subsequentlyshown that 2@(M) is the modZ reductionof a real class.
This will be discussedfurtherin [3].

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Example 2. Again let M = SO(3), but this timewith the leftinvariant

metric, g, with respect to which XE1, E2, E3 is an orthonormalframe.
Direct calculationshows

(D(SO(3), go) = 2X2 1

and this can take any value in R/Z.

Let M be a fixed3-manifoldand let C(M) denotethe space ofconformal
structureson M. Since q1 is a conformalinvariantwe may regard
(D: C(M) > RIZ e

If gt is a Co curveof conformalstructuresthen <>(g,) is a Co R/Z valued

function(we shall see this below). We are interestedin calculating the
criticalpointsof the map (D.
Let g = <, > be a fixedmetricon M. With respectto this we let V, Y
and Rx ,Z denotecovariantdifferentiationand curvature; i.e.,
where X, Y, Z are vectorfields. The operatorVx extends as a derivation
to all tensors,and all tensorshave a natural innerproductinducedby <, >.
We make the usual identificationof A2 with skew symmetriclinear trans-
formationsand so for x, y G T(M)m we oftenregard
(6.5) Ry G A2T(M)m .
Because we are workingon an oriented3-manifoldthereis an identification
of T(M)m with A2T(M)m given by the metric. We denotethis by
(6.6) * : T(M) m > A2T(M)m .
Let el, e2,e3 be an orthonormalbasis of T(M)m and define
6R: T(M),m A2T(M)m m
(6.7) 3R(x)= 3=
This definitionis independentof choiceof frame. Combining(6.6) and (6.7)
we definethe symmetricbilinearform &R on T(M)m by

(6.8) aR(x, y) = <&R(x),y*> + <&R(y),x*> .

Now let B = B(, ) be a Co field of symmetricbilinear formson M and
considerthe curve of metrics
gt(x, y) = <x, y> + tB(x, y).
For small t these are Riemannian.

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THEOREM6.9. Let Mt = {M, gt}. Thenfor small t, PD(Mt)

e C-(t) and

dt )(Mt)) t=0
16W2 M<Bq
&R> .

Proof. The invariant (D was definedby choosing a cross-sectionin

F(M), but we would clearly get the same value by choosingone in E(M),
the full Gl(3, R) basis bundle. This is moreconvenient. So let Ot denotethe
curve of connectionsin E(M) correspondingto the metricsgt, and let 0 =
O0,Q = QO, and 0' = (d/dt)(0t)It=oThe general variationformulain Theorem
3.8 shows

(6.10) dt(P(Mt))t= = P A Q)
dt =
where this makes sense since the formsP(0' A Ql-1) all are horizontaland
invariant. The definitionof Pi given in (5.7) works as well for general
matricesand one easily sees

(6.11) P1(A, B) = 12[tr A tr B - tr AB] .


Now if we work at pointsin F(M), range Q is skew symmetricmatrices,

and so the firsttermvanishes,to give

(6.12) P1(0' A Q) = -?
j=l 0t. A Qjj
at pointsof F(M).
Let x e T(M)m, Y a local vector field, and let VtY denote covariant
with respectto the connectionat time t. Differentiating
differentiation we
get a tensor,A, definedby

(6.13) AXy= d (V%Y) (i)

dt t=o
where y = Y(m). At f = (m; fi,f2, f3) e F(M) the followinghold
0i (x) = <Adr(x~i fj>

Qij(X, Y) = <?dr(x),dr(yfi fj>

where x e T(E(M))f and R is the curvature of {M, g}. Now regarding

P1(6' A Q) as a formon M, (6.12) gives

P1(0'A Q)(x, Y,Z) = f rKA ', - <Ay,Rx,> + <Aq,RIy>]

1-A, Ro *>o0(x, y, z)

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(a) = volumeformon {M, g}). Combiningthis with (6.10) gives

(6.13) dt (Mt)) = 872 3M Ro *>.

Since the range of R o * is skew symmetriclinear transformations,
may as well project A to have the same range; i.e., set

<Azy, z> = -<Aiy, z> - -!<Adz, y> .

2 2
(6.14) <A, Ro *> = <A, RO *>
Finally, using the definition of Riemannianconnectionin termsof covariant
derivatives (cf. [7]), and setting

<DBxy, z> =1 [Vy(B)(z, x) - Vz(B)(y, x)]


equation (6.13) shows

and thus from (6.13)
KDB, Ro *> = <B1 aR>
dt(D(Mt))tO 82r2JM 1672 JM

wherethe last equationused Stokes' theoremand integrationby parts. D

We should note fromthe definitionof &R that tr &R = 0, and this is
as it should be since if B = Xg, where X is a functionon M, our metricis
changingconformally,PD(Mt)shouldbe constant,and <B, &R> shouldvanish,
which is impliedby tr &R = 0. More importantly,the bilinearform 5R is
itself a conformalinvariant (this can be directlychecked), and it has been
shownby Schouten,cf. [6], that &R 0_ if and only if {M, g} is locally con-
formallyflat; i.e., if and only if each point of M has a neighborhoodcon-
formallyequivalentto R3. For example, S3 is locally conformallyflat. This
sincethe integrabilityconditionforlocal con-
fact is peculiarto 3-manifolds,
formalflatnessin higher dimensionsinvolves no derivativesof curvature.
We, therefore,conclude
if and only if {M, g}
COROLLARY6.14. g e C(M) is a critical point of JD
is locallyconformallyflat.
Kuiper, in [8], has shown that compact {M, g} is locally conformally
flatand simplyconnectedif and onlyif {M, g} is conformallyequivalentto
Sn with the usual metric. We, therefore,conclude

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COROLLARY 6.15. Suppose M is a simply connectedcompact oriented

3-manifold. Then either<) has exactlyone critical point and M is diffeo-
morphicto S3 or 1Dhas no critical points and M is not diffeomorphic
to S3.
We do not see how this helps to settle the Poincareconjecture.

[1] A. BOREL, Sur la cohomologie des espaces fibresprincipauxet des espaces homogenesde
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[3] J. CHEEGER and J. SIMONS, Differential charactersand geometricinvariants,to appear.
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cation to Riemanniangeometry,Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 68 (1971),791-794.
[5] S. CHERN, Geometryof characteristicclasses, Proc. of 13th Biennial Seminar,Canadian
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[6] L. P. EISENHART, Riemannian Geometry,Princeton,1949.
[7] S. KOBAYASHI and K. NoMIzu, Foundation of DifferentialGeometry,Vol. I, II, Inter-
science, 1969.
[8] N. H. KuIPER, Conformally flat spaces in the large, Ann. of Math., 50 (1949), 916-924.
[9] J. MILNOR, Lectures on Characteristic Classes, Princeton Lecture Notes, 1957.
[10] M. S. NARASIMHANand S. RAMANAN,Existence of universal connections, Amer. J. Math.,
83 (1961), 563-572;85 (1963),223-231.
(ReceivedJune 13, 1972)
(Revised December1, 1972)

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