Drone Guard BATS Brochure

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Drone Detection
and Disruption System

LIEGE SCIENCE PARK l ALLÉE DES NOISETIERS l 8 - B-4031 ANGLEUR (BELGIUM) l TEL +32 (4) 367 08 88 l FAX +32 (4) 367 13 14 l e-mail: [email protected] l www.bats.be
GUARD While mini and small size drones have
been on the market for some time,
recent technological advances have
dramatically increased these systems’
capabilities, enabling them to be used
Drone Detection and Disruption System also for hostile intelligence gathering,
smuggling or to be weaponized. Drone
Guard is a compact light weight
• Integrated Radar / EO / Jamming System scalable drone detection and disruption
• 360° Coverage system that is tailored to meet these
challenges and provide an effective
• Addresses all Types of Threats protection suite.

The detection layer is based on

compact radar, capable of detecting
and tracking the drones. The radar
triggers the other layers of the protection
suite. As a result of the radar detection,
an Electro-Optical (EO) system that is
cued to the suspected drones for
classification and identification. The
second layer provides the
countermeasures used to disrupt the
target flight. These are activated from
the command and control center based
on inputs from the radar and EO
sensors. Countermeasures include
cueing a jammer to the target or a
weapon mount to physically destroy the
Jammers Jammers


Operational Concept
Drone Guard consists of several COTS sensors, integrated together via a command and control center to provide
an integrated solution for detection, identification, decision making and eventual disruption of hostile drones.

The detection segment is based on

advanced 3D compact radar, capable
of detecting and tracking the drones.
The radar provides the first layer of
detection necessary to activate the
other parts of the protection suite.
The identification segment comprises
of an Electro-Optical (EO) system that is
cued to the detected drones for
classification and identification. The
EO system operates independently on
a dedicated pedestal and is cued to
the radar targets. Detect Identify Decide Disrupt
The Command and Control segment
enables the operator to make informed
decisions based on the detection and

identification layers and to elect to
operate the flight disruption system
The flight disruption segment provide
the typical countermeasure against the
targets. These are activated from the
command and control system based on
inputs from the detection and
identification layers. Countermeasures
include cued jammer to the target
threat elimination.

Radar EO Sensors
The radar sensors are the first layer of the system which detect threat up to 20 km (depend on The autonomous cameras operate on
the radar type and the target RCS). AD26D or AD26B are sensors of this type. AD26D is a their own independent pedestals and
man portable radar and the AD26B is a transportable one. slew to the target upon radar cue. POP
or MINIPOP are sensors of this type that
can cover the detected area.

The AD26D Compact Radar AD26B Radar Autonomous Camera (Typical)

carried in two backpacks

Flight Disruption
Drone Guard's jamming system is based on field proven technology, supplied as
COMJAM equipment for numerous customers worldwide. This modern Jammer is software
The system provides
defined hardware based on COTS elements. This allows future upgrades and provides following features:
high reliability for environmental conditions and heavy duty operation. In combination
with specially designed directional antenna, the jammer system achieves • Tunable Power according to requirement
very effective disruption capability even with low power transmission, • Versatile Jamming technique for various
as suitable for installation in urban and crowded areas. The Remote Control Model Types
jamming system supports following modes of operation:
• Azimuth and Elevation Control
Integrated fixed mode with the radar system: the jammer can
be mounted around the protected area in order to provide The system has been successfully tested with
Perimeter Protection. This way of operation is recommended various R/Cs and Platforms available on the
for "No Fly Zone" creation for any site and especially for market and verified non disturbance zone for
urban areas where low power and high efficiency civil Wi-Fi.
jamming is important.
Minimum electromagnetic disturbance to the
Integrated mobile mode with the radar system: the environment (Wi-Fi ,phones etc. ) enabled by
jammer is installed on its own rotating pedestal. In this utilizing a specially designed jamming antenna
case Jammer operates as a directional defeat unit, cued and control of jamming power.
by Radar or operator. The effective range is
approximately 1500m with 10 W transmission power. In Integrated mode of operation, the command
and control system can be installed on a
Stand-alone Jamming operation provides spatial volume portable PC or can be used on a fix work
protection of the site regardless of the exact location of the threat. station. Operator can decide on jamming
The antenna that is located inside the case can have opening up Jammer Configurations activation according to information from Radar
to 90º. (Fixed suitcase example
or directional) and EO Camera.
Following frequency bands: 433 MHz
900 MHz
1.575-1.620 GHz (GNSS)
2.4 GHz
5.8 GHz
Radar Jammers
Parameter AD26D AD26B Parameter Specification
RF BAND X X Jamming Modes Manual NB and WB Jamming
Coverage (EL) 20º-60º 20º-60º Frequency range 400 -6000 MHz
Detection Range Output Power Adjustable, up to 10 W @ VSWR 2:1
For very small 3 Km 4.5 Km
UAV Antenna Directional Antenna / Omni-Directional
Accuracies Environmental Conditions Customized to platform type
(Elevation) 1º 0.5º
Weight 30 Kg 90 Kg
Power 150 W 400 W
Parameter JAM12D [Stand Alone] JAM12D [Radar Directed]
Coverage (Az) 60° 20°
Jamming Range Up to 500 m Spatial Up to 2000m

Power Supply 220V AC or 28V DC 28 DC

(Internal Batteries)
Batteries 3-4 Hours. NA

Operation Capability
Power Consumption 180 W 180 W
Weight 15 Kg 15 Kg
Dimensions 20" Mobile case 50X50X35 cm
Platforms Mobile Case, Vehicle Pedestal w. Positioner

Typical Operational Scenario
The following scenario describes
possible system configuration in a
typical critical site located in urban Jammers installed around
area. The Radar continuously scans and the protected area
detects suspicious objects. After
identification by the operator based on
the EO sensors, the targets are jammed
by the jammer system which is directed
to relevant sector. The benefit of using
this configuration allows multi target
intrusion protection. Radar 360°

Typical Drone Guard

System Layout

governmet site


Drone guard operational definition is to provide alert and

long range protection against drones, is it designed for:
• Over 2km* detection range for very small,
low & slow flying objects
• Over 1km recognition range or
miniature drones and quadcopters Radar detection
• Over 2km** effective >2km*
disruption range
RF jamming
* Reference target is DJI's Phantom drone
** The system is designed to effectively
jam a Phantom drone from 2km
when the operator is min 200 EO/IR recognition
away from the drone

LIEGE SCIENCE PARK l ALLÉE DES NOISETIERS l 8 - B-4031 ANGLEUR (BELGIUM) l TEL +32 (4) 367 08 88 l FAX +32 (4) 367 13 14 l e-mail: [email protected] l www.bats.be
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