PP 1945 1953 Pratik PDF
PP 1945 1953 Pratik PDF
PP 1945 1953 Pratik PDF
As India is agriculture based country and 70% people do farming and related work. Agriculture is required to be
boomed to enhance the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country by improving the productivity. The
productivity of the crops can be increased with the help of pest control. Pesticide spraying is the necessary
procedure in cultivation of the crops. The present idea deals with the designing and fabricating a pesticide sprayer
which will be useful and affordable to the farmers which will assist to increase the productivity of crops. Though
this project an attempt has been done to improve the method of spraying the pesticide that will enhance the
productivity and increase the farmer’s income. So we have designed a pesticide spraying machine which will not
only increase productivity but also will reduce the effort of the farmers. The machine will save the time of the farmer
as well as efficiency in spraying. This model carries multi nozzle pesticides sprayer pump which will perform
spraying at maximum rate in minimum time. Constant flow valves can be applied at nozzle to have uniform nozzle
Keywords: GDP,Pest Control, Pesticide Spraying Machine.
In order to reduce the harm to the environment and people the research and development of plant protecting
machine focus on improving the mechanical work efficiency and the effective availability of pesticide. This option
has agreed among people all over the world, especially in the developed country. Agriculture is an important sector
of the Indian economy, accounting for 14 % of the nation’s GDP. India is set to be an agricultural based country
approximately 70 % of population of India is dependent on agriculture directly or indirectly.
Our farmers are using the same methods and equipment for the ages. Indian agriculture is a diverse and
extensive sector involving a large number of actors. It has been one of the remarkable success stories of the post-
independence era through the association of Green Revolution technologies. Generally mechanization of small
forms are very difficult and non-affordable but Japanese make it happens.
One of the most common forms of pesticides application, especially in conventional agriculture, is the use
of mechanical sprayers. Hydraulic sprayers consist of a tank, a pump, a lance (for single nozzles) or boom, and a
nozzle (or multiple nozzles). Sprayers convert a pesticide formulation, of one containing a mixture of water (or
another liquid chemical carrier, such as fertilizer) and chemical, into droplets, which can be large rain-type drops or
tiny almost-invisible particles. This conversion is accomplished by forcing the spray mixture through a spray nozzle
under pressure. The size of droplets can be altered through the use of different nozzle sizes, or by altering the
pressure under which it is forced, or a combination of both. Large droplets have the advantage of being less
susceptible to spray drift, but require more water per unit of land covered. Due to static electricity, small droplets are
able to maximize contact with a target organism, but very still conditions are required.
The project aim is to remove the backpack and foot spraying techniques, eliminate the human efforts, to
decrease labor cost by advancing the spraying method and constant flow of droplets and using non-conventional
sources for charging the batteries.
1945 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
Fig. 1.1.1
1.1.2 Aerial Sprayer
Aerial sprayer is another type of spraying it is beneficial for the farmers having large Farms. This technique
by farmers is not affordable to farmers having small and medium farms. In aerial spraying the spraying is done with
the help of small helicopter controlled by remote. On that sprayer is attached having multiple nozzles and sprayed it
on the farm from some altitude.
Fig. 1.1.2
The smallest sprayers are hand-carried, compressed air sprayers. They contain a 1- to 5-gallon tank with an
air pump in the top and a wand with a nozzle for directing the spray. Their best use is for spot treatment of small
areas. In operation, the tank has to be pumped up frequently to maintain pressure, and the tank must be shaken to
agitate the chemical.
Fig. 1.1.3
The tank in this sprayer holds about four gallons of material. A hand-operated pump pressurizes the spray
material as the operator walks along, and the wand with nozzle directs the spray to the target. It use is limited to
small areas that can be reached from a walkway.
1946 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
Fig. 1.1.4
With a tank size up to 200 gallons, these sprayers will fit onto an ATV or electric cart. They can also be
mounted on wheels and pulled by hand or with a compact tractor. A small electric or gas engine powers the pump.
The unit may contain a hose reel and gun or a boom with nozzles.
Fig. 1.5
1947 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
Commercial 42 19 48 85 70
Iron ,
1948 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
The distance and height of the crop have been decided after discussing with the farmer and agricultural
expertise. And we have taken average distance and height of the crop.
Table 2.4.2- Distance and height of the crop
1949 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
1950 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
RF = resistace factor
The resistance factor accounts for the frictional losses between the caster wheels and their axles and the drag on the
motor bearings. Typical values range between 1.1 and 1.15 (or 10 to 15%).
Tw = 66.828 lb x 13 in x 1.12 = 14 lb-in
Step Six: Reality Check
The final step is to verify the vehicle can transmit the required torque from the drive wheel(s) to the
ground. The maximum tractive torque (MTT) a wheel can transmit is equal to the normal load times the friction
coefficient between the wheel and the ground times the radius of the drive wheel.
MTT = Ww [lb] x μ x Rw
Ww = weight (normal load) on drive wheel [lb]
μ = friction coefficient between the wheel and the ground (~0.5 for mud)
Rw = radius of drive wheel/tire [in]
MTT = 25.33 lb x 0.5 x 13 in = 164.645 lb-in = 0.19 N.m
From above calculation we select the solar panel and the dc motor which is use for the generating power
and drive purpose respectively.
1951 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
Based on the experiment performs it is found that the solar panel used in the project, provides 17 volt
0.58amp.the scarcity of power can be overcome by this, on the other hand the battery is rechargeable by supply
available at homes. The manual labor is eliminated by this module, the constant and effective discharge is achieved
which eventually increases the productivity. There are no health hazards to the operator .
1. Cost of the sprayer has reduced compared with existing sprayer, so it can be operated by small scale
2. Flow rate is increased by 2.5 times the manually operated sprayer.
3. Area sprayed per hour has increased by 2.6 times of the manually operated sprayer and 1.5 times the
knapsack power sprayer.
4. The suggested model has removed the problem of back pain, physical fatigue and health hazards.
5. The model has nozzle which has continuous flow and long reach and the flow is adjustable.
6. Imported hollow cone nozzles should be used in the field for better performance.
7. This alone pump can used for multiple crops
8. The arrangement of nozzles is adjustable according to the crops.
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1952 www.ijaegt.com
ISSN No: 2309-4893
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
I Vol-04, Issue-03, May 2016
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1953 www.ijaegt.com