MOON EFFECTS On Consciousness: Page 1 of 7

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MOON EFFECTS on Consciousness

It has been known for centuries that the full moon can affect people’s consciousness and
behaviour. Many people may feel wakeful at night with energy streaming through their body
for the three days before full moon.

It is only recently that I have discovered why this may be happening. NASA-supported scientists
have realized that something does happen every month when the Moon passes through Earth's
magnetic tail.

"Earth's magnetotail extends well beyond the orbit of the Moon and, once a month, the Moon
orbits through it," says Tim Stubbs, a University of Maryland scientist working at the Goddard
Space Flight Center. "This can have consequences ranging from lunar 'dust storms' to
electrostatic discharges."

Anyone can tell when the Moon is inside the magnetotail. Just look: "If the Moon is full, it is
inside the magnetotail," says Stubbs. "The Moon enters the magnetotail three days before it is
full and takes about six days to cross and exit on the other side."

Human consciousness too is made up of electrical activity – which can be measured with an
electro encephalograph – and a magnetic aura, or field of energy. A lot of people can feel this
field of energy; for example, when you smile you can feel the field of buoyant, glowing energy
extending into your aura like the energy field of a magnet.

I have often wondered why I am affected so much by the moon from three days before full
moon to a few days after. The magnetotail provided me with the perfect explanation; as the
moon charges up when within the tail and becomes much more electrical and magnetic, it is
only normal that this increase in power should be felt on Earth.

We all know from astrology that each of the planets, and the sun and moon, have an influence
on our feelings, emotions and consciousness. The moon affects our emotions because the
moon influences water; just as the moon causes the tides, it exerts a pull on the watery
components of our body, and we feel this as emotions. The body is made up of 70 to 80% of

Human consciousness is also affected by sun spots and the mass ejections from the sun's
corona; these are what cause the solar winds of magnetic energy which affect the Earth's upper
atmosphere and give rise to the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights.

I feel it is beneficial if we extend our awareness to take in all these influences of the celestial
bodies, as they all communicate with, and have an influence on, each other by the transfer of
electrical and magnetic energy – which could also be called consciousness.
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Our body has a field of energy – the aura – which is the same as the aurora or magnetic and
gravitational field of the planet. We are all One, a part of the Universal Life Force; and it is
natural to be aware of the greater cosmic system, which is as much a part of our consciousness
as our brain is.

As human consciousness evolves and moves from the individual awareness to an awareness of
greater integration within the whole cosmic system, we also expand our understanding of the
unity of life and develop a love of all things, in the realization that We Are All One.

Wish Fulfillment: The Monthly New Moon

A fair number of astrologers believe that the day of the new moon each month is a power day
that can be accessed to change or improve your life. Some astrologers liken these days to
'wishing' days - in which the correct wish, expressed in the correct way, has the power to come
true. Others look at the two week period after the new moon as a time to sow seeds that can
be later reaped for favorable results. The metaphors some use are those of 'birth' or 'newness',
'fresh start', or even simply increased focus on the sign and house where the new moon falls.
You may use whatever metaphor or conception that suits you, but let's look for a moment at
the astrological symbolism to get an idea how the new moon presents a special opportunity
each month. Roughly speaking, the moon represents the subconscious mind, and the sun the
conscious one. The sun also symbolically represents the driving force of our daily lives.
The moon, however, works at night, reflecting on the activities of the day, attempting to
integrate them, understand them, to see how we can resolve potential conflicts they generate.
The moon represents the power engine that underlies our conscious thought, the machine that
is always humming beneath the surface of our lives, generating the energy that fuels us,
keeping us going. When the subconscious and conscious minds are in conflict (astrologically,
when the sun and moon are in conflict), the subconscious always has the upper hand,
inconvenient and illogical as that may seem from time to time. All of our conscious attempts to
lose weight, for example, can be sabotaged by a subconscious association between weight and
safety. The Moon represents our needs, the Sun our wants. And when our needs come into
conflict with our wants, the primacy of need usually wins, somehow or another.

The magic of the new moon is that for one day each month - the sun and the moon are on
exactly the same page. This is not the normal state of affairs astrologically, and it isn't the
normal state of affairs in human life. Balancing the relationship between our wants and needs,
conscious and subconscious minds, our drive to do and our craving to reflect and find meaning
is an ongoing process, dynamic, always in flux. It is normal for every person to experience a
continuing range of compromises and adjustments in dealing with both needs and wants. It is,
in fact, so normal, that many of us take it for granted and don't give it a second thought.
For one day each month, however, both the moon and the sun are willing to get together and
have a brief conversation about how wants and needs can be merged, how the subconscious
and conscious minds can work together. This is a great thing! It does indeed represent a
wonderful opportunity.
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Here's how you might take advantage of it: On the day of the new moon each month, allow
yourself to experience the full intensity of your biggest or most immediate want. Perhaps it is as
simple as the desire for a sexy new car - or an overarching desire to succeed in your career. Just
allow yourself to feel how much you want it. That night, take fifteen minutes to allow your
subsconscious to reflect on and talk to you about that want. What does it feel like, what are the
hesitations, doubts, and fears, what need does it represent? You may write out your thoughts,
or think quietly to yourself.

This is an important step. It wouldn't be a want or a wish if you had already fulfilled it! Since
you haven't, there must be something blocking that fulfillment. The moon, the subconscious, is
the key to finding out what that block is. Your conscious mind may tell you the reason you don't
have a sexy new car is because you don't have the money right now. Your subconscious mind
may tell you it's because your family will ostracize you if you become a sexy new person instead
of the responsible, self-denying, practical car driving person they expect.

Ask your subconscious and conscious minds what they would like to do about fulfilling your
wish. Your Sun may say - now that it knows what the problem is - let the family adjust. Knowing
you'll probably get some flack, just be prepared to deal with it. Your Moon might say - wouldn't
it feel so good to see that sexy symbol of your sexy, confident inner self sitting in the driveway.
Now that you know what's at stake with this particular wish, your Sun can go off and do it's
business of calculating out how you are going to pay for this car, and your moon can on about
it's business of reminding you that you need to validate yourself as a sexy, deserving person
sometimes. The sun can help deal with the moon's fear of alienating family members, and the
moon can help give the sun the motivation it needs to take the actions that will meet your
needs. Perhaps you don't need a car at all - perhaps you need to adjust your relationships with
your family members. The two luminaries working together can help you figure this sort of
thing out.


1. Introduction
Over the decades there have been many scientific reports for and against the effect of the
moon on human behaviour. The reports analysed heightened mind activity, increased visits to
general or psychiatric emergency departments and people complaining of higher levels of
physical and mental distress.
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) examined the effect of the moon on human
behaviour using spiritual research methodologies. In the spiritual research that we conducted
to ascertain the effect of moon on human behaviour the short answer was yes, it does have an
effect. The following are the various aspects on how the moon affects our life.

2. The generic subtle (intangible) effect of the moon

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All objects including stars, planets and satellite bodies along with their gross (tangible)
attributes emanate subtle (intangible) frequencies. These physical attributes and subtle-
frequencies affect us in varying degrees at a physical and subtle-level.
The frequencies emanating from the Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, i.e. mind
of human beings. By ‘mind’ we mean our feelings, emotions and desires. The mind consists of
the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. Within the sub-conscious mind we have a
number of impressions that are embedded that decide our basic nature and personality. We
are however not aware of the thoughts or impressions in our sub-conscious mind. These
impressions get collected over a number of lifetimes.
These impressions in our mind are the catalysts for all our thoughts and subsequent actions.
Both the impressions and our thoughts have their own subtle-frequencies.

The moon frequencies are slightly more subtle (intangible) than the subtle-frequencies of our
thoughts but are less subtle than the frequencies of the impressions in our mind. The moon
frequencies have the capacity to make the thought frequencies from the impressions in our
sub-conscious mind to surface to the conscious mind. Once in the conscious mind we become
aware of them. Thus one will be influenced as per the predominant impressions in one’s mind.
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Similarly the moon also affects the mind of animals. However as the sub-conscious mind of
animals consists of impressions related only to basic desires such as hunger, sex, sleep etc., the
heightened thoughts are related to these basic instincts only.

4. Effect based on gravitational pull of the moon

When the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun are combined. The
moon exerts a pull on the Earth on other days too, but it is not as powerful as on the days of full
moon and new moon.

Suppose we were to take in a deep breath, the air sucked into our mouth is three times as
much as a normal breath. Now let’s translate this analogy to the Moon and its pull on the Earth.
During full moon and new moon days the whole Moon is pulling Earth and the effect is as if in
the earlier analogy the Moon is taking a deep breath. We find that the circular atmosphere of
three times the size of the moon is attracted from the Earth.

At the time of full Moon and new Moon days the Absolute Cosmic Principles (Panchatattva) on
Earth such as the Absolute Earth (Pruthvī), Absolute Water (Āpa) and Absolute Air (Vāyu) are
pulled towards the Moon. This creates a type of subtle very high-pressure belt.
In this process at a physical level when water is attracted towards moon, rather than the water,
the gaseous elements in water (water vapour) come above water and enter the subtle high-
pressure belt. Since negative energies are predominantly in gaseous form they get pulled into
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the subtle high-pressure belt. Here they group together and get added strength in numbers
from each other. They therefore attack humanity to a larger extent on these days. The impact
of this is that the attacks of ghosts on humans both at a physical and mind level can be as much
as three times more.

In the hermitages (ashrams) of SSRF around the world, an increase in negative energy attacks
and subtle negative pressure has been observed on full moon and new moon days. It starts two
days prior to full moon or new moon and ends two days after.

5. Consequences of increased effect of the moon on full moon and new moon.
On new moon days, the Raja-Tama spreading ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.),
people engaged in occult rituals and predominantly rājasik and tāmasik people are strongly
influenced and receive black energy for their Raja-Tama activities. As it is a day conducive for
negative activities, it is considered an inauspicious day for any positive activities. As the Raja-
Tama from the moon affects the mind, the incidence of Raja-Tama tendencies like running
away, suicide or possession by ghosts is highest on new moon. Especially during the night, as
the otherwise naturally available purification by the Absolute Cosmic Fire Principle (Tējtattva)
through the Sun being absent, new moon night is a golden opportunity for the ghosts to cause
distress to man.

On a full moon night, as the illuminated side of the moon faces Earth, minimal subtle basic
Raja-Tama is transmitted on this night compared to other nights. Hence on this night minimal
Raja-Tama energy is available for ghosts, Raja-Tama predominant people or practitioners of
occult rituals. However, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) take advantage of the
effect of the gravitational pull on a full moon day and cause heightened distress.

Spiritual research has further revealed that there are some finer differences between the effect
of new moon and full moon on man. Overall the distressing effect of moon on man is more on
new moon than on full moon. The adverse effect of full moon is more on the physical or gross
body (sthūladēha) whereas that of new moon is more on the mind. The effect of full moon is
more apparent whereas the effect on new moon is more intangible (subtle). As the effect of
new moon is not apparent to the person, it is even more dangerous. This is because as he is not
aware of the distress, no step is taken to overcome it.

Between new moon and full moon the effects of new moon are less noticeable to us. However
the negative effect is more on new moon. The reason for this is that on new moon the effect on
man is more at a subtle-level as opposed to the full moon where one is aware of the increase in

Seekers who do a lot of spiritual practice are primarily sāttvik in nature. As a result they are
more sensitive to changes in the Raja-Tama in the environment as compared to an average
person who is himself Raja-Tama predominant. The upside is that seekers of God are better
equipped to access protection of God from negative energy.’
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6. Why are recent reports unable to find evidence of the effect of the moon on human
Some earlier medical/psychological studies had documented the effect of the moon on human
behaviour. But studies conducted in the recent years have failed to correlate this effect. The
reason for this is that in the last decade there has been an unprecedented increase in the
overall Raja-Tama in the world. This excess in Raja-Tama has been primarily orchestrated by
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.).

This overall increase in the Raja-Tama component has widespread effect on all aspects of the
world. The problems range from increased mental issues at an individual level to increased
fights in families to terrorism to natural disasters. As a result of the underlying overall increase
in erratic behaviour throughout the month, the additional effect of the new and full moon that
is still present goes largely unnoticed in statistical studies.

7. What can we do to protect ourselves from any harmful effects?

Since the harmful effect of the new and full moon is due to a spiritual reason, only spiritual
remedies or spiritual practice can help in giving protection.
At a worldly level, it is best to avoid taking important decisions or buying-selling on these days
as ghosts can affect through these media. Increase the quantity and quality of spiritual practice
from 2 days prior to and continue for 2 days after full moon and new moon days. It is also
beneficial to chant Name of God as per religion and/or spiritual protection ritual.

During the waning phase of the moon, i.e. the period between full moon day and new moon
day, as the size of the moon progressively reduces, the subtle basic Raja-Tama frequencies
emanating from it progressively rise. This is because the darker side of the moon progressively
increases. Hence to protect oneself from the adverse influence of this enhanced Raja-Tama, it
is important that we step up our spiritual practice during this period.

During the waning phase of the moon, we should at least try to stabilise the increased efforts
we had put in, in the earlier fortnight. This is so that we can again renew our efforts at
enhanced spiritual practice in the next waning phase of the moon.


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