EOS IT Service MGT L5

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


NTQF Level V

Ministry of Education
August 2011

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF).They are national Ethiopia standards, which
define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific
occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
• Occupational title and NTQF level
• Unit code
• Unit title
• Unit descriptor
• Elements and Performance criteria
• Variables and Range statement
• Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective
occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
• chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level
including the Unit Codes and the Unit Titles
• contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
• occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard August 2011
Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management

Occupational Code: EIS ITM

NTQF Level V

EIS ITM5 01 0811 EIS ITM5 02 0811

Establish and Maintain Prepare Disaster Recovery
Client User Liaison and Contingency Plan

EIS ITM5 03 0811 EIS ITM5 04 0811

Develop System Plan and Monitor the
Infrastructure Design Plan System Pilot

EIS ITM5 05 0811 EIS ITM5 06 0811

Research and Review Match IT Needs with the
Hardware Technology Strategic Direction of the
Options for Organizations Enterprise

EIS ITM5 07 0811 EIS ITM5 08 0811

Implement Quality Facilitate and Capitalize on
Assurance Processes for Change and Innovation
Business Solutions

EIS ITM5 09 0811 EIS ITM5 10 1012

Establish and Conduct Develop and Refine
Business Relationship Systems for Continuous
Improvement in Operations

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard August 2011
Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Establish and Maintain Client User Liaison
Unit Code EIS ITM5 01 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to establish and
maintain client user liaison in an IT environment, post
implementation. This occurs after the business-critical functions
have been determined.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine 1.1 Information technology used in the organisational unit is

support areas identified and recorded.
1.2 Stakeholders of the system are identified.
1.3 Organisational structure, culture and politics are identified
in relation to support requirements.
1.4 Level of support required by each organisational unit is
2. Develop 2.1 Organisational units are contacted, as required, to verify
support support needs.
procedures 2.2 Procedures are established for providing required support,
including method of contact, frequency of meetings and
2.3 Agreed procedure, service-level agreement, is
3. Assign 3.2 IT skills required to assist each organisational unit are
support identified with support activities.
personnel 3.3 Personnel are assigned according to human resource
3.4 Availability of selected personnel is verified.
3.5 Support is provided using agreed procedures.
3.6 Feedback is obtained from the appropriate person on a
regular basis.

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Variable Range
Stakeholders May include
• sponsor
• user
• development team
• project team
System May include but is not limited to
• databases
• applications
• servers
• operating systems
• gateways
• application service provider (ASP) and ISP
Service-level May exist for many different infrastructure services, including
agreement • communications carriers
• ISPs
• ASPs
• SLAs for vendor products
SLAs should consider business processes and requirements,
clearly specify and quantify service levels, identify evaluation or
audit of service levels.
May include
• workload and performance considerations
• expectations regarding servicing
• penalties
• charge back to business units
Appropriate May include
person • supervisor
• teacher
• authorised business representative or client

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Ability to establish and maintain client liaison in an IT
• Evidence of communication and reporting mechanisms
consistent with the identified role and as agreed between the
parties must be demonstrated.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • General knowledge of the role that IT plays in the client’s
Attitudes business domain. Knowing what equipment supplies
business-critical services (e.g. web server for e-business,
internet file transaction security for client accounts)
• Awareness of who the stakeholders are, what role they play in
the organisation and how dependent they are on the IT

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infrastructure (e.g. salespeople and other mobile workforces
may need a remote access communication service while
• Detailed knowledge of the IT system’s current functionality in
supplying the essential and desirable services to the
organisation. (e.g. what servers are engaged in providing the
services such as email, web, proxy, firewall, back-up)
• Broad knowledge of quality assurance practices in relation to
how the service is supplied (e.g. are response times for help
desk issues adequate for maintaining the organisation’s
desired business activity level?)
• Current industry-accepted hardware and software products,
capabilities of IT devices, and detailed knowledge of areas
related to the organisation’s services, (e.g. specialised
knowledge of website security, dynamic data exchange or on-
line open file back-up system).
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Plain English literacy and communication skills in relation to
analysis, evaluation and presentation of information such as
reporting on service history issues are necessary. These
could be in response to particular problems or in response to
an approach to quality assurance processes aimed at a
general improvement.
• Teamwork skills involve the contribution to solutions and goals
of a non-routine or contingency nature (e.g. when a major
system upgrade is needed and a workgroup approach is
employed to implement it).
• Group facilitation and presentation skills in relation to
transferring and collecting information and gaining consensus
on concepts, such as when there are alternatives to decide
upon, in installing new technology or in altering the service
process for the current system.
• Project planning skills in relation to how to deliver on scope,
time, cost and quality, and how to promote communications
and manage risk.
• Negotiation skills in relation to other team members and
applied to a defined range of predictable problems, such as
organising equitable workloads for each team member when
extra (weekend or night) work is necessary for a major
network upgrade.
• Report writing skills for business, requiring depth in some
areas, analysis and evaluation of information in a defined
range of areas (e.g. outlining possible alternatives in
technology or equipment changes).
• Customer service skills, including a semi-educational role
when dealing with end-user problems, so that, by explaining
relevant concepts, the learner can empower the end-user to
attempt remedial action, the next time a similar problem

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Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
• Service-level agreements
• Documented support requirements
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard August 2011
Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Prepare Disaster Recovery and Contingency Plan
Unit Code EIS ITM5 02 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to analyse the impact
of the system on the organisation and carry out risk analysis,
disaster recovery and contingency planning for the project.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Evaluate 1.1 Business-critical functions and the security environment is

impact of Identify from documentation and from discussion with
system on business area and project team.
business 1.2 Critical data and software is identified from documentation
1.3 Potential impacts of business risk and threats on IT
systems are assessed.
1.4 Statutory requirements, commercial requirements and
contingency possibilities are Identified and evaluated
according to specifications and cost constraints
2. Evaluate 2.1 Threats to the system are identified with consideration of
threats to security analysis and internal and external business
system environment.
2.2 Risk minimisation alternatives are evaluated against
specifications and cost constraints.

3. Formulate 3.1 Prevention and recovery options are evaluated to support

prevention and critical business functions against business specifications
recovery and cost constraints
strategy 3.2 Current operational procedures are reviewed to ensure
adequate risk safeguards and contingency plan are in
3.3 Disaster recovery and prevention strategy is submitted to
appropriate person for approval
4. Develop 4.1 Resources required for disaster recovery are identified and
disaster documented according to specifications and cost constraints
recovery plan 4.2 Processes required for disaster strategy are identified and
to support documented according to project standards
4.3 Cut-over criteria are identified before initiating disaster plan.
4.4 Disaster recovery plan is documented and submit to
appropriate person for review and sign-off.

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Variable Range
Business-critical May include but are not limited to
functions • financial systems
• customer service functions
• payroll
Documentation May follow
• ISO/IEC/AS standards
• audit trails
• naming standards
• version control
• project management templates and report writing
• maintaining equipment inventory
• client training and satisfaction reports
Project team May include:
• Solution developers and business clients working together
• Individual business analysts
• A number of third-party solution developers working together
• A number of different businesses working in partnership
Software May include but is not limited to
• commercial
• in-house
• packaged or customised software
Specifications May include but is not limited to
• technical requirements
• user problem statement
• current system functionality
Constraints May include but is not limited to
• time
• budget
• resource
• hardware, software
• policy and legal constraints
System May include but is not limited to
• databases
• applications
• servers
• operating systems
• gateways
• application service provider and ISP
Appropriate May include a
person • supervisor
• teacher
• authorised business representative or client
Threats May include:
• Weather (storms, earthquake)
• Security
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• Information technology failure (hardware, software)
• Accident
• Espionage
• Sabotage (hackers)
• Telecommunications network failure
• Denial of service
• Virus attack
Supplementary questioning of the client may be used during the
phase, where necessary, to ensure that all issues relating to
threats to the system are considered and appropriate choices
made given the need to prevent, limit, recover, respond and
recover from disasters
Back-up strategy May include
• hot standby site
• warm standby site
• cold standby site
• mobile van
• supplier
• bureau
• contacts through user group
• third parties
Contingency The contingency plan will vary in format and content detail, but
plans will typically:
• Identify weaknesses and provide for the implementation of a
prevention program
• Minimise disruption to business operations
• Provide a coordinated approach to the disaster recovery
Statutory May include
requirements • legislation (e.g. Privacy Act)
• industry-imposed controls and standards. In certain
organisations (e.g. health and banking), there may be strict
laws regarding confidentiality and reporting of data
Security May Includes
environment • legislation
• organisational security policies
• customs
• expertise and knowledge that are, or may be, relevant
The security environment also includes the threats to security
that are, or are held to be, present in the environment
Cut-over criteria May include:
• Estimate of time before system is operational
• Estimate of business impact
• Authorisations to cut-over
• Actual system down time

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• Refresher of cut-over plan
Commercial May include but not limited to:
requirements • Back-up
• Storage and recovery of data
• Access to internal network
• Passwords/logons
• Encryption
• Firewalls
• Hacking
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
Standards May include
• ISO/IEC/AS standards
• organisational standards
• project standards

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Evaluated impact of system on business continuity
• Evaluated threats to system
• Formulated prevention and recovery strategy
• Developed disaster recovery plan to support strategy
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Broad knowledge of basic engineering (e.g. when evaluating
Attitudes threats)
• Broad knowledge of fire/safety knowledge (e.g. when
formulating prevention and recovery strategy)
• Detailed knowledge of back-up methodologies (e.g. when
formulating prevention and recovery strategy)
• Broad knowledge of systems engineering (e.g. when
evaluating threats)
• Specific components of the business planning process
relevant to the development of IT business solutions (e.g.
when evaluating impact of system on business continuity)
• Broad knowledge of the client business domain (e.g. when
evaluating impact of system on business continuity)
• Detailed knowledge of the system’s current functionality (e.g.
when evaluating impact of system on business continuity)
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Logistic management skills for identified resources and
procedures skills (e.g. when IT hardware, software and
resources required for disaster recovery are identified and
documented according to project specifications and cost

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• Negotiation skills in relation to self and other team members
and applied to a defined range of predictable problems (e.g.
when business-critical functions are identified from project
documentation and discussion with client business area and
project team)
• Project planning skills in relation to scope, time, cost, quality,
communications, risk analysis and management (e.g. when
business-critical functions are identified from project
documentation and discussion with client business area and
project team, and when contingency possibilities are
identified and evaluated according to project specifications
and cost constraints)
• Research skills for specifying, analysing and evaluating broad
features of a particular business domain and best practice in
system development (e.g. when threats to the system are
identified, taking into consideration security analysis and
internal and external business environment)
• Facilitation and presentation skills in relation to transferring
and collecting information and gaining consensus on
concepts (e.g. when business-critical functions are identified
from project documentation and discussion with client
business area and project team, and when disaster recovery
plan is documented and submitted to higher authorities for
review and sign-off
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
• A vulnerability assessment and general definition of
• Business impact analysis
• Acceptance test plan
• Information technology security assurance specifications
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard August 2011
Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Develop System Infrastructure Design Plan
Unit Code EIS ITM5 03 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to specify the
hardware, network, software and infrastructure required to
support the system.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Specify 1.1 Critical principles, functions and framework for the system
architecture to operate across business units, are identified. taking into
requirements account the project deliverables, acceptance criteria and
current IT blueprint
1.2 Functions are organised into layers or wrappings and
components to meet business requirements.
1.3 Processing environment, the hardware, network and
software required to support the operational environments
are identified.
1.4 The system topology model, templates and standards are
refined to guide development
1.5 The project guidelines, standards, models, acceptance
criteria and general framework are utilised to develop the
2. Specify 2.1 Various products and vendors are evaluated against the
hardware and requirements of the architecture to determine the best IT
software solution.
2.2 Current and future capacity requirements are estimated and
evaluated against client future requirements.
2.3 Requirements are identified for upgrade or change through
analysis of software versions and interoperability status of
existing system and applications.
3. Conduct walk- 3.2 Requirements model are compared against technical
through and specifications and acceptance criteria.
compare/ 3.3 Requirements model are compared against vendor
contrast proposed offering
performance 3.4 The requirements model benchmarked against current
industry standards and IT blueprint for performance,
interoperability and expected future organisational
4. Document and 4.1 System infrastructure design plan are prepared including
report on hardware, network, software and general infrastructure
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findings aspects
4.2 Recommendations are documented and referred to the
appropriate person for improvement.

Variable Range
System May include
• Databases
• Applications
• Servers
• operating systems
• gateways
Acceptance May include
criteria • Timeframe
• cost implications
• technical and logistical Considerations
Business May be in reference to
requirements • the business
• system
• application
• network or people in the organisation
Hardware May include but is not limited to
• workstations
• personal computers, Laptop and PDA
• modems and other connectivity devices
• networks
• ADSL modems
• remote sites
• servers
Project May include a
• total organisational change
• a systems-only change
• a business improvement process
• e-business solution involving the total organisation or part
of the organisation
Standards May include
• ISO/IEC/AS and relevant standards
• organisational standards
• project standards
Software May include but is not limited to
• commercial Software
• in-house developed Software
• packaged or customised Software

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Network May include but is not limited to
• large and small LANs, WANs
• the internet
• PSTN for dial-up modems
• private lines
• VPNs
• data and voice
• Current Internet Technologies
Architecture May include but is not limited to:
• Operating system: any operating system that has multi-
user ability, Linux, Mac OS, Windows XP or above
• Database software: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL
server, Ingres, DB2,Informix, MySQL, SQL server
• Configuration: small memory model, large memory model,
requests per second
Requirements may be in reference to
• the business
• system
• application
• network
• people in the organisation
Solution May include but is not limited to
• new hardware,
• hardware upgrades,
• new software, software upgrades,
• user training
• implementing a new system
Client May include but is not limited to
• internal departments,
• external organisations,
• individual people
• employees
Applications May include but are not limited to
• commercial software applications;
• organisation-specific software;
• word processing,
• spreadsheet,
• database,
• graphic
• communication packages
May include presentation applications contained in:
• Microsoft Office
• Lotus Suite
Specifications May include but are not limited to
• technical requirements
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• user problem statement
• current system functionality
Documentation May follow
• ISO/IEC/AS and relevant standards
• audit trails
• naming standards
• version control
• project management
• report writing conventions
• maintaining equipment inventory
• client training
• satisfaction reports
Organisational May be in reference to
requirements • the business
• system
• application
• network
• people in the organisation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Specified hardware and software
• Conducted walk-through and compared/contrasted expected
performance criteria against vendor proposed offerings
• Documented and reported on findings
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Current industry-accepted hardware and software products
Attitudes • Broad general knowledge of the client business domain,
particularly the business function and organisation (e.g. when
specifying architecture requirements)
• Basic knowledge of cabling and telecommunications
technologies (e.g. when specifying architecture requirements)
• Broad knowledge of vendor product directions and
technology directions (e.g. when specifying hardware and
• Networking technologies, including broad knowledge of
general features and capabilities incorporating substantial
depth in some areas (e.g. when specifying architecture
• Broad knowledge of systems architectural design principles
and methodologies (e.g. when specifying architecture
• Broad knowledge of modelling techniques and methodologies
(e.g. when specifying architecture requirements, and for
comparing and contrasting after walk-through of expected
performance criteria against vendor proposed offerings)

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Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Problem solving skills for a broad range of unpredictable
problems involving analysis, diagnosis and evaluation (e.g.
when specifying the critical principles, functions and
framework for the system to operate across the enterprise or
business units, taking into consideration the project
deliverables, acceptance criteria and current IT blueprint)
• Plain English literacy and communication skills in relation to
analysis, evaluation and presentation of information (e.g.
when the initial statement of hardware needs is written)
• Group facilitation and presentation skills in relation to
transferring and collecting information (e.g. when estimating
current and future capacity requirements and evaluating
against client’s future requirements, and for documenting
recommendations for improvement and referring them to
appropriate technical specialists)
• Questioning and active listening skills (e.g. when specifying
the critical principles, functions and framework for the system
to operate across the enterprise or business units, taking into
consideration the project deliverables, acceptance criteria
and current IT blueprint)
• Technological capability assessment skills involving analysis,
diagnosis and evaluation (e.g. when evaluating various
products against architecture requirements to determine the
best IT solution, and for estimating current and future
capacity requirements and evaluating against client’s future
• Research skills for specifying, analysing and evaluating broad
features of a particular business domain and best practice in
system development (e.g. when evaluating various products
against architecture requirements to determine the best IT
solution, and for benchmarking requirements model against
current industry standards and IT blueprint for performance,
interoperability and expected future organisational needs)
• Project planning skills in relation to set benchmarks and
identified scope (e.g. when specifying the critical principles,
functions and framework for the system to operate across the
enterprise or business units, taking into consideration the
project deliverables, acceptance criteria and current IT
• Report writing skills for business requiring depth in some
areas, analysis and evaluation of information in a defined
range of areas (e.g. when documenting recommendations for
improvement and referring them to appropriate technical
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.

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• Client requirements
• The project deliverables
• The acceptance criteria
• Current IT blueprint
• Information on a range of IT business solutions and vendor
• Future organisational business process requirements
• Technical specifications
Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard August 2011
Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Plan and Monitor the System Pilot
Unit Code EIS ITM5 04 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to test and evaluate
the developed system among a subset of clients to gauge
reaction and gather feedback.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for 1.1 Objectives, success criteria and acceptance criteria are
pilot system established and confirmed for pilot implementation
1.2 Technical and organizational resources required for pilot
implementation are identified and secured.
1.3 Executive support for pilot is established and confirmed.
1.4 Project plan for pilot is completed and project documentation
is referred to appropriate person for approval
2. Install pilot 2.1 Pilot is installed and configured according to project plan
system 2.2 Technical readiness of pilot is verified and recorded.
2.3 Necessary actions is taken to ascertain accuracy of data.
2.4 A status report is prepared and submitted to appropriate
person for sign-off.
3. Monitor 3.1 Pilot and support documentation is reviewed, to ensure
implementation complete understanding.
of pilot system 3.2 Pilot and system procedures is Identified.

3.3 System functionality and integrity tests is supervised

3.4 Document findings
3.5 Appropriate technical support is provided as required.
4. Evaluate pilot 4.1 Pilot objectives and success criteria is reviewed against pilot
system operation
4.2 Client and executive feedback on pilot is reviewed against
acceptance criteria
4.3 Areas of success and improvement are Identified and
4.4 Assess the impact of changes on the pilot
4.5 Document review process and submit to appropriate person

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Variable Range
Acceptance May include but not limited to:
criteria • timeframe
• cost implications
• technical
• logistical considerations

System May include but is not limited to

• Databases
• Applications
• Servers
• Operating systems
• gateways,
• application service provider and ISP
Pilot Details of pilot will vary according to
• organizational requirements
• Nature of system.
• All system pilots will take an iterative approach and involve
users in the process
Client May include but is not limited to
• internal departments,
• external organisations,
• individual people and
• internal employees
Organizational • Will vary, subject to nature of pilot.
resources • Staffing resources would be expected from user
community, technical operations, technical support,
technical development, supplier, project manager and
executive sponsor.
• Financial resources will need to be secured to fund the
• Systems developers and IT technicians
• Representative experts from relevant business areas (e.g.
• managers or operational staff)
• Representative users
• Personnel with an understanding of corporate governance
(e.g. legal, audit and data security specialists)
Acceptance May include
criteria • timeframe,
• cost implications,
• technical,
• accessibility and
• logistical considerations

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Appropriate May include a
person • supervisor,
• teacher,
• authorized business representative
• client.
Project plan May include a number of variables,
including parties and their responsibilities,
• project scope,
• project objectives,
• Schedule,
• Project budget, etc.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Prepared for pilot system
• Installed pilot system
• Monitored implementation of pilot system
• Evaluated pilot system
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Current industry-accepted system piloting methodologies,
Attitudes with knowledge of general features and capabilities
• Current industry system development and design
methodologies (e.g. when preparing for pilot)
• Current industry-accepted hardware and software
products, with broad knowledge of general features and
capabilities and detailed knowledge in some areas (e.g.
when installing pilot system)
• Project objectives and client requirements (e.g. when
monitoring implementation of pilot)
• Overall project objectives and client requirements (e.g.
when preparing for pilot)
• Client business domain
• Three or more current industry information gathering
methodologies (e.g. when preparing for pilot)
• Role of stakeholders and the degree of stakeholder
• System’s current functionality (e.g. when installing pilot
• Quality assurance practices
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Problem solving skills for a defined range of unpredictable
problems involving participation in the development of
strategic initiatives (e.g. when technical and organizational
resources required for pilot implementation are identified
and secured in a timely manner))

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• Plain English literacy and communication skills in relation
to analysis, evaluation and presentation of information
(e.g. when training and user participants’ exposure to joint
application development (JAD) process is facilitated)
• Project planning skills in relation to scope, time, cost,
quality, communications and risk management (e.g. when
project plan for pilot is completed and authorization
obtained from higher authorities)
• Group facilitation and presentation skills in relation to
transferring and collecting information and gaining
consensus on concepts
• Research skills for identifying, analyzing and evaluating
broad features of a particular business domain and best
practice in system piloting (e.g. when organizational
procedures used for the pilot are documented)
• Teamwork skills involving the contribution to solutions and
goals of a non-routine or contingency nature (e.g. when
client user and executive feedback on pilot are reviewed
against acceptance criteria)
Resources To demonstrate competency in this unit the person will require
Implication access to:
• Acceptance criteria
• Pilot plan
• Effective assessment of this competency requires access
• A pilot system
• Project plan
• Technical materials and
• People to be involved in the pilot
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Research and Review Hardware Technology Options for
Unit Title
Unit Code EIS ITM5 05 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to apply research
skills in conjunction with reviewing hardware solutions, as part of
an analysis of emerging technology.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Research 1.1 Organizational needs and selection criteria is established

1.2 Suitable suppliers and vendors are determined.
suppliers and
IT industry 1.3 Source information from suppliers and vendors
2. Evaluate and 2.1 Hardware is reviewed and tested against organizational
report on requirements.
options 2.2 Findings are report to appropriate person according to their
suitability for organizational requirements
2.3 Information in a report is documented and submitted to
appropriate person.

Variable Range
Hardware May include but not limited to:
• Workstations
• personal computers
• modems
And other connectivity devices
• networks,
• DSL modems
• remote sites and
• servers

Appropriate May include but not limited to:

person • supervisor
• teacher
• authorized business representative or client

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • the ability to apply technical knowledge in the preliminary
analysis of emerging technology according to
organizational requirements or practices
• Ability to convey and access conceptual information
regarding emerging technology in relation to organizational
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Current industry and technology information sources (e.g.
Attitudes vendor seminars, expert email groups, etc, as mentioned
• Current business practices in relation to preparing reports
• Components of the business planning process relevant to
the development of IT business solutions
• Current industry-accepted hardware and software
products, including broad knowledge of general features
and capabilities, with particular reference to emerging
trends and product design
• Broad knowledge of vendor product directions such as
self-configuring ADSL or cable modem-router-switch for
the Small Office Home Office (SOHO) market
• General knowledge of the client business needs, with a
view to expanding into new possibilities, as presented by
new technology
• Basic knowledge of quality assurance practices, to
promote reliable investigation processes
• Basic knowledge of information gathering techniques
• Industry networks
• Key individuals and organizations within the IT industry
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Solving unknown problems in a range of contexts,
particularly in developing new approaches with new
technology (this includes problem solving skills for
resolving unpredictable problems, with reference to the
new technology)
• Basic planning skills in relation to scope, time, cost,
quality, communications and risk management
• Participating in the development of reports and summary
findings Plain English literacy and communication skills in
relation to analysis, evaluation and presentation of
information, such as when presenting the results of testing
new technology and proposing new potential directions as
a result of this
• Teamwork skills, involving the contribution to solutions and
goals of a non-routine or developmental process, such as
investigating new technology for new roles in the
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• Group facilitation and presentation skills in relation to
transferring and collecting information and gaining
consensus on concepts and new proposals
• Communication skills to convey complex and abstract
concepts and information
Resources To demonstrate competency in this unit the learner will require
Implication access to:
• Internet
• Journals of industry/professional associations
Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Match IT Needs With the Strategic Direction of the Enterprise
Unit Code EIS ITM5 06 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to ensure IT services
meet current and future internal operational enterprise

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Evaluate 1.1 Current strategic plan of organization is analyzed to

current understand the industry environment and current
business organizational goals.
strategy 1.2 Information related to current operational practices and the
strategic plan is compared to determine possible IT gaps and
improvement opportunities.
1.3 Information regarding the impact of IT developments is
reported to appropriate person(s)
2. Evaluate 2.1 Information on current IT systems supported by the
impact of organization is reviewed.
changes 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of current and proposed IT
systems are compared and documented.
2.3 The objectives and implications of introducing changes are
2.4 Findings are document and forward to appropriate person(s)
for feedback.
3. Develop 3.1 Action plans are developed for the proposed changes that
action plans can be implemented according to organizational policies and
3.2 Action plans that take account of appropriate operational,
financial, legal, human relations, internal and external
operating environments and other relevant considerations are
3.3 Document action plans, ensuring that standards, targets and
implementation methods are detailed
3.4 Documentation is forwarded to appropriate person for

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Variable Range
Appropriate May include but not limited to:
person • supervisor,
• authorized business representative or client

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • accessed and analyzed relevant information on changes
to technology and resources;
• analyzed strategic plans to determine future technology
• monitored resource utilization and cost efficiency and
effectiveness of technology
• Developed action plan
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Broad knowledge of technology and product directions for
Attitudes evaluating and forecasting vendor and technology trends
• Analysis and planning approaches to technical problems
or management requirements, taking into account the
hardware platform used by the organization, and network
and security guidelines
• Broad knowledge for evaluating current system
functionality to forecast for planning
• Broad knowledge for evaluating internal and external
operating environments
• Broad knowledge for evaluating the operating systems
supported by the organization to forecast for planning
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Negotiation skills in relation to planning and selecting
appropriate equipment and services for self and others,
such as when planning for client support service delivery
within quality, time and cost parameters
• Evaluation and report writing skills involving analysis for
evaluating IT changes, documenting recommendations
and developing action plans
• Evaluation skills to determine possible IT client support
• Broad strategic planning skills in relation to current
operational practices and future requirements and the
implications of introducing IT changes
• Planning and analysis skills for reviewing objectives and
performance measures
• Time management skills in relation to planning the
management of client support services
• Organizing and presenting information in relation to
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business report writing requirements
Resources To demonstrate competency in this unit the learner will require
Implication access to:
• Detailed information relating to business strategic plan
• Budget constraints
• A timeframe for the strategic plan
• Business objectives
• Business risks
• Information on a range of IT business solutions
Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: IT Service Management
Implement Quality Assurance Processes for Business
Unit Title
Unit Code EIS ITM5 07 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competency required to define and
implement quality assurance processes and procedures to
ensure that business solutions achieve quality performance

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan business 1.1 Business quality performance expectations are determined

quality and standards are benchmarked.
assurance 1.2 Business standards and guidelines are developed for
process achieving each benchmark.
1.3 Strategic quality responsibilities are allocated for meeting
business standards and guidelines according to business
1.4 Quality policy and procedures are communicated to
appropriate stakeholders.
1.5 Expectations, standards and benchmarks are documented
into a quality plan based on business documentation
1.6 Appropriate quality management systems guides are
Identified, including quality management plan for complex
2. Implement 2.1 Quality policy for business directive is written.
quality policies 2.2 Quality management plan is created for business process.
and plans
2.3 Quality management plan is distributed to key people for
2.4 Feedback is analyzed to determine if corrective action needs
to be taken.
2.5 Changes are made to quality management plan, if required,
to incorporate corrective action.
2.6 Key quality tasks and functions are allocated to appropriate
person as per the quality management plan.
2.7 A quality reporting and monitoring program is established
and documented.
2.8 Skills of staff is checked and documented to ensure that they
are able to meet the quality standards required.

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3. Control quality 3.1 Quality performance guidelines, procedures and processes
assurance are implemented as per the quality management plan.
processes 3.2 Stakeholder feedbacks is obtained including client
satisfaction to monitor implementation of quality processes.
3.3 Quality process performance is monitored as per the quality
management plan.
3.4 Monitoring of quality performance is reported to key decision
3.5 Breakdowns are identified and recorded in the system and
create corrective action requests.
3.6 Immediate corrective action is taken, where necessary.
4. Improve quality 4.1 Quality performance results are collected, analyzed and
measured against benchmarks to determine quality
4.2 Frequency of quality breakdowns is determined through
corrective action requests in order to identify whether
defects are isolated incidents or require a wider analysis and
corrective action.
4.3 Corrective actions to be taken are determined and
responsibility is assigned for taking the action where
4.4 Person to be responsible for quality improvement is identified
4.5 Corrective action solutions is implemented and performance
is measured.
4.6 Benchmark standards are reviewed and adjusted periodically
in order to improve quality performance.
4.7 Quality performance results are documented and the
information is disseminated to stakeholders as appropriate.
4.8 Business procedures are reviewed at predetermined
schedules as part of a management review process and
quality reporting function.

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Variable Range
Quality standards May include but not limited to:
• May be specific to organizational standards, international
standards, national standards, internal or customer-supplied
Client May include but not limited to:
• internal departments
• external organizations,
• individual people
• employees
Appropriate May include but not limited to:
person • supervisor
• authorized business representative
• client
System • Databases
• Applications
• Servers
• operating systems
• gateways
Stakeholders May include but are not limited to
• end user
• internal or external client
• government body
• corporate body
• community groups
Documentation May include but are not limited to
standards policy relating to
• sign-off, storage,
• distribution,
• revision
Standards may include ISO/IEC/AS standards, organizational
standards, project standards
May include tools for documenting (e.g. word processing
packages, desktop
publishing packages)
Quality May include
management plan processes, authorizations and responsibilities for
• quality control
• quality assurance
• continuous improvement,
• communications and responsibilities,
may contain
• critical success factors
• measurement criteria and inspection

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• audit
• report and
• review procedures
Standards May include ISO/IEC/AS standards, organizational standards,
project standards

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence • Planed and implemented business quality assurance
procedure and appropriate process
• Improved quality.
• Well documented and disseminated Quality assurance
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • Website architecture, including operating system
Attitudes • Technical performance measurement
• Business model understanding
• Customer and business liaison
• Website privacy, accessibility and equity legislation
• ISO/IEC/AS standards
• Copyright and intellectual property
• Quality concepts
• Quality improvement processes
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills • Website development
• Website analysis and security auditing
• Technical test design development
• Testing implementation data
• Testing evaluation data
• Evaluating feedback from a variety of key stakeholders
• Evaluation analysis
Resources To demonstrate competency in this unit the following resources
Implication will be needed:
• Quality guidelines
• Access to related quality standards
• Data related to the business model
Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment • Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
• Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation
Unit Code EIS ITM5 08 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to plan and manage
the introduction and facilitation of change; particular emphasis
is on the development of creative and flexible approaches, and
on managing emerging opportunities and challenges.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Participate in 1.1 Manager contributes effectively to the organization’s

planning the planning processes to introduce and facilitate change
introduction 1.2 Plans to introduce change are made in consultation with
and facilitation appropriate stakeholders
of change
1.3 Organization’s objectives and plans to introduce change
are communicated effectively to individuals and teams
2. Develop 2.1 Variety of approaches to managing workplace issues and
creative and problems are identified and analyzed
flexible 2.2 Risks are identified and assessed, and action initiated to
approaches manage these to achieve a recognized benefit or
and solutions advantage to the organization
2.3 Workplace is managed in a way which promotes the
development of innovative approaches and outcomes
2.4 Creative and responsive approaches to resource
management improve productivity and services, and/or
reduce costs
3. Manage 3.1 Individuals and teams are supported to respond effectively
emerging and efficiently to changes in the organization’s goals, plans
challenges and and priorities
3.2 Coaching and mentoring assist individuals and teams to
develop competencies to handle change efficiently and
3.3 Opportunities are identified and taken as appropriate, to
make adjustments and to respond to the changing needs
of customers and the organization
3.4 Information needs of individuals and teams are
anticipated and facilitated as part of change
implementation and management
3.5 Recommendations for improving the methods and
techniques to manage change are identified, evaluated
and negotiated with appropriate individuals and groups

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Variables Range
Manager a person with frontline management roles and
responsibilities, regardless of the title of their position
Appropriate those individuals and organizations who have a stake in the
stakeholders may change and innovation being planned, including:
refer to: • organization directors and other relevant managers
• teams and individual employees who are both directly and
indirectly involved in the proposed change
• union/employee representatives or groups
• OHS committees
• other people with specialist responsibilities
• external stakeholders where appropriate - such as clients,
suppliers, industry associations, regulatory and licensing
Risks may refer to: • any event, process or action that may result in goals and
objectives of the organization not being met
• any adverse impact on individuals or the organization
• various risks identified in a risk management process
Information needs • new and emerging workplace issues
may include: • implications for current work roles and practices including
training and development
• changes relative to workplace legislation, such as OHS,
workplace data such as productivity, inputs/outputs and
future projections
• planning documents
• reports
• market trend data
• scenario plans
• customer/competitor data

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of • Planning the introduction and facilitation of change
Competence • Developing creative and flexible approaches and solutions
• Managing emerging challenges and opportunities
Underpinning • Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Knowledge and business operation, especially in regard to occupational
Attitudes health and safety and environmental issues, equal
opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
• the principles and techniques involved in:
 change and innovation management
 development of strategies and procedures to implement
and facilitate change and innovation
 use of risk management strategies: identifying hazards,
• assessing risks and implementing risk control measures
 problem identification and resolution
 leadership and mentoring techniques
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 management of quality customer service delivery
 consultation and communication techniques
 record keeping and management methods
 the sources of change and how they impact
• factors which lead/cause resistance to change
• approaches to managing workplace issues
Underpinning • Communication skills
Skills • Planning work
• Managing risk
Resources The following resources must be provided:
Implication • Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable materials
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods • Interview
• Observation/Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Unit Title Establish and Conduct Business Relationship
Unit Code EIS ITM5 09 0811
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to
manage business relationship with customers.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Welcoming customer environment is maintained

contact with 1.2 Customer is greeted warmly according to enterprise
customer policies and procedures
1.3 Effective service environment is created through verbal
and non-verbal presentation according to enterprise
policies and procedures
1.4 Customer data is maintained to ensure database
relevance and currency
1.5 Information on customers and service history is gathered
for analysis
1.6 Opportunities to maintain regular contact with customers
are identified and taken up
2. Clarify needs 2.1 Customer needs are determined through questioning and
of customer active listening
2.2 Customer needs are accurately assessed against the
products/services of the enterprise
2.3 Customer details are documented clearly and accurately
in required format
2.4 Conduct negotiations in a business-like and professional
2.5 Maximize benefits for all parties in the negotiation through
use of established techniques and in the context of
establishing long term relationships
2.6 Communicate the results of negotiations to appropriate
colleagues and stakeholders within appropriate
3. Provide 3.1 Features and benefits of products/services provided by
information and the enterprise are described/recommended to meet
advice customer needs
3.2 Information to satisfy customer needs is provided
3.3 Alternative sources of information/advice are discussed

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with the customer
4. Foster and 4.1 Pro-actively seek, review and act upon information
maintain needed to maintain sound business relationships.
business 4.2 Honor agreements within the scope of individual
relationships responsibility.
4.3 Make adjustments to agreements in consultation with the
customer and share information with appropriate
4.4 Nurture relationships through regular contact and use of
effective interpersonal and communication styles.

Variables Range
Opportunities to • informal social occasions
maintain • industry functions
regular contact • association membership
with customers • co-operative promotions
may include: • program of regular telephone contact
Negotiation • identification of goals, limits
techniques • clarification of needs of all parties
• identifying points of agreement and points of difference
• preparatory research of facts
• active listening and questioning
• non-verbal communication techniques
• appropriate language
• bargaining
• developing options
• confirming agreements
• appropriate cultural behavior

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of It is essential that competence is fully observed and there is
Competence ability to transfer competence to changing circumstances and
to respond to unusual situations in the critical aspects of:
• consistently applying enterprise policies and procedures
and industry codes of practice in regard to customer
• providing a quality service environment by treating
customers in a courteous and professional manner through
all stages of the procedure
• using effective questioning/active listening and observation
skills to identify customer needs
• communicating effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
• maintaining relevant and current customer databases in

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accordance with enterprise policies and procedures
• ability to build and maintain relationships to achieve
successful business outcomes
Required • Operational knowledge of enterprise policies and
knowledge procedures in regard to:
 customer service
 dealing with difficult customers
 maintenance of customer databases
 allocated duties/responsibilities
 General knowledge of the range of enterprise
merchandise and services, location of telephone
extensions and departments/sections
• Basic operational knowledge of legislation and statutory
requirements, including consumer law, trade practices and
fair trading legislation
• Basic operational knowledge of industry/workplace codes
of practice in relation to customer service
• negotiation and communication techniques appropriate to
negotiations that may be of significant commercial value
Underpinning Skills • Use workplace technology related to use of customer
• Collect, organize and understand information related to
collating and analyzing customer information to identify
• Communicate ideas and information
• Plan and organize activities concerning information for
database entries
• Use mathematical ideas and techniques to plan database
cells and size
• Establish diagnostic processes which identify and
recommend improvements to customer service
Resources The following should be made available:
Implication • a workplace or simulated workplace
• documentation, such as enterprise policy and procedure
manuals relating to customer service
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods • Interview / Written Test
• Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Elements of competence contain both knowledge and
Assessment practical components. Knowledge components may be
assessed off the job. Practical components should be
assessed on the job or in a simulated work environment.

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Occupational Standard: Information Technology Service Management Level V
Develop and Refine Systems for Continuous
Unit Title
Improvement in Operations
Unit Code EIS ITM5 10 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the skills, knowledge and
processes required to ensure that continuous improvement
systems do not stultify and continue to improve along with
other operational systems in an organization. This unit is
about improving the process yield/unit of effort or cost,
reducing process variation and increasing process reliability,
upgrading, enhancing or refining process outputs, and
includes developing a culture of reviewing and sustaining
change ensuring improvements are maintained and built on.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Describe organization systems that impact on

parameters of continuous improvement
current internal 1.2 Identify current relevant metrics and their values
systems 1.3 Check that metrics are collected for all improvements
1.4 Determine yield of current improvement processes
1.5 Review results of improvements
2. Distinguish 2.1 Identify all improvements which have occurred over an
breakthrough agreed period of time
improvement 2.2 Distinguish between breakthrough improvements and
processes continuous improvements
2.3 Determine the timing of breakthrough improvement
2.4 Analyze factors controlling the timing and selection of
breakthrough improvements
2.5 Analyze continuous improvements to identify cases
where breakthrough improvements were required
2.6 Validate findings with process/system owners and obtain
required approvals
2.7 Improve timing/selection of breakthrough improvements
2.8 Improve other factors limiting the gains from
breakthrough improvements
3. Develop 3.1 Check that levels of delegated authority and
continuous responsibility are appropriate for continuous
improvement improvement from the shop floor
practice 3.2 Ensure all personnel have appropriate capabilities for

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continuous improvement processes
3.3 Ensure personnel and systems recognize potential
breakthrough improvement projects
3.4 Ensure sufficient resources are available for the
operation of continuous and breakthrough improvement
3.5 Check that relevant information flows from improvement
changes to all required areas and stakeholders
3.6 Check data collection and metrics analysis capture
changes which result from improvement actions
3.7 Check that improvement changes are standardized and
3.8 Check review processes for routine continuous
3.9 Remove or change factors limiting gains from
3.10 Modify systems to ensure appropriate possible changes
are referred to other improvement processes
3.11 Institutionalize breakthrough
4. Establish 4.1 Review value stream systems that impact on
parameters of improvement
current external 4.2 Review procedures for deciding improvement
improvement methodologies Identify current relevant metrics and their
system values, as appropriate
4.3 Determine yield of current improvement processes
4.4 Review results of improvements
5. Explore 5.1 Review mechanisms for consultation with value stream
opportunities for members
further 5.2 Develop mechanisms for further improving joint problem
development of solving
value stream
improvement 5.3 Develop mechanisms for increased sharing of
processes organizational knowledge
5.4 Obtain support and necessary authorizations from
process/system owners
5.5 Capture and standardize improvements
5.6 Improve factors limiting gains from continuous
6. Review systems 6.1 Review all systems which impact or are impacted on
for compatibility improvements and the improvement system
with improvement 6.2 Analyze relationships between improvement systems
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and other relevant systems
6.3 Analyze practices caused by and results from the
6.4 Negotiate changes to the systems to improve the
outcomes from improvement systems
6.5 Obtain necessary approvals to implement changes
6.6 Monitor the implementation of the changes

Variable Range
Competitive systems Competitive systems and practices may include, but are not
and practices limited to:
• lean operations
• agile operations
• preventative and predictive maintenance approaches
• monitoring and data gathering systems, such as Systems
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software,
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Materials
Resource Planning (MRP) and proprietary systems
• statistical process control systems, including six sigma and
three sigma
• JIT, kanban and other pull-related operations control
• supply, value, and demand chain monitoring and analysis
• 5S
• continuous improvement (kaizen)
• breakthrough improvement (kaizen blitz)
• cause/effect diagrams
• overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
• takt time
• process mapping
• problem solving
• run charts
• standard procedures
• current reality tree
• Competitive systems and practices should be interpreted
so as to take into account:
− stage of implementation of competitive systems and
− the size of the enterprise
− the work organization, culture, regulatory environment
and the industry sector
Code of practice and Where reference is made to industry codes of practice, and/or
standards Ethiopian/international standards, the latest version must be

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Organization Organization systems may include:
systems • problem recognition and solving
• operational/process improvement
• improvement projects
• product/process design and development
• processes for making incremental improvements
Relevant metrics Relevant metrics include all those measures which might be
used to determine the performance of the improvement
system and may include:
• hurdle rates for new investments
• KPIs for existing processes
• quality statistics
• delivery timing and quantity statistics
• process/equipment reliability (‘uptime’)
• incident and non-conformance reports
• complaints, returns and rejects
Process Improvement process yield may be regarded as:
improvement yield • the benefit achieved for the effort invested
Breakthrough Breakthrough improvements include:
improvements • those which result from a kaizen blitz or other
improvement project or event and are a subset of all
Timing of Timing of breakthrough improvements includes:
breakthrough • frequency (which should be maximized) and duration
improvements (which should be minimized) of events/projects
Continuous Continuous improvement is part of normal work and does not
improvement require a special event to occur (although may still require
authorizations) and contrasts with breakthrough
improvement/kaizen blitz which occurs by way of an event or
Resources for Resources for improvements include:
improvement • improvement budget
• guidelines for trialing of possible improvements
• mechanism for approvals for possible improvements
• business case guidelines for proposed improvements
• indicators of success of proposed improvement
• mechanisms for tracking and evaluation of changes
• forum for the open discussion of the results of the
• mechanisms for the examination of the improvement for
additional improvements
• organization systems to sustain beneficial changes
Capturing value Capturing value stream improvements includes:
stream • revised contractual arrangements
improvements • revised specifications
• signed agreements
• other documented arrangements which formalize the

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raised base line
Systems impacting Systems which impact/are impacted on improvements and the
improvements improvement system include:
• office
• purchasing
• rewards (individual or team at all levels)
• sales
• marketing
• maintenance
• process/product
• transport and logistics
Organizational Organizational knowledge should:
knowledge • be able to be quantified or otherwise modified to make its
outcomes measurable or observable
• be able to be expressed in an accessible and distributable
form appropriate to the organization operations and
Improvements Improvements may:
• be to process, plant, procedures or practice
• include changes to ensure positive benefits to
stakeholders are maintained
Manager Manager may include:
• any person who may have either a permanent or an ad
hoc role in facilitating the function of multiple teams in a
workplace, departments or entire organizations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be
Competence able to provide evidence of the ability to:
• critically review current continuous improvement
• establish ongoing review of continuous improvement
• implement improvements in the practice of continuous
• better align internal and external systems
• gather data through interviews with stakeholders
• review existing data
• obtain additional data through a variety of techniques
• communicate and negotiate at all levels within the
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and • competitive systems and practices tools, including:
Attitudes • value stream mapping
• 5S
• Just in Time (JIT)
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• mistake proofing
• process mapping
• establishing customer pull
• kaizen and kaizen blitz
• setting of KPIs/metrics
• identification and elimination of waste (muda)
• continuous improvement processes including
implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategies for a
whole organization and its value stream
• difference between breakthrough improvement and
continuous improvement
• organizational goals, processes and structure
• approval processes within organization
• cost/benefit analysis methods
• methods of determining the impact of a change
• advantages and disadvantages of communication media,
methods and formats for different messages and
• customer perception of value
• define, measure, analyze, improve, and control and
sustain (DMAIC) process
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
• undertaking self-directed problem solving and decision-
making on issues of a broad and/or highly specialized
nature and in highly varied and/or highly specialized
• communicating at all levels in the organization and value
stream and to audiences of different levels of literacy and
• analyzing current state/situation of the organization and
value stream
• determining and implementing the most appropriate
method for capturing value stream improvements
• collecting and interpreting data and qualitative information
from a variety of sources
• analyzing individually and collectively the implementation
of competitive systems and practices tools in the
organization and determining strategies for improved
• relating implementation and use of competitive systems
and practices and continuous improvement to customer
• solving highly varied and highly specialized problems
related to competitive systems and practices
implementation and continuous improvement to root cause
• negotiating with stakeholders, where required, to obtain
information required for implementation and refinement of
continuous improvements, including management, unions,
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value stream members, employees and members of the
• reviewing relevant metrics, including all those measures
which might be used to determine the performance of the
improvement system, including:
− key performance indicators (KPIs) for existing processes
− quality statistics
− delivery timing and quantity statistics
− process/equipment reliability (‘uptime’)
− incident and non-conformance reports
− implementing continuous improvement to support
systems and areas, including maintenance, office,
training and human resources
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication • workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
• specifications and documentation relating to planned,
currently being implemented, or implemented changes to
work processes and procedures relevant to the assessee
• documentation and information in relation to production,
waste, overheads and hazard control/management
• reports from supervisors/managers
• case studies and scenarios to assess responses to
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
• demonstration in the workplace
• suitable simulation
• oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of
principles and techniques associated with change
In all cases it is expected that practical assessment will be
combined with targeted questioning to assess underpinning
Context of Assessment of performance must be undertaken in a
Assessment workplace using or implementing one or more competitive
systems and practices.

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Sector: Information and Communication Technology
Sub-Sector: Information Technology

Level V IT Service Management

Level IV Hardware and Web and Multimedia Designing Database

Network Servicing and Development Administration

Level III Hardware and Web and Multimedia Designing Database

Network Servicing and Development Administration

Level II IT Support Service

Level I IT Support Service

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business,

industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise

to the development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Staff and Experts of MoFED,

Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who

made the development of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was revised and finalized on August 2011 Addis Ababa,


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