Big Data Quiz
Big Data Quiz
Big Data Quiz
1) The US Chamber of Commerce A. 15% 6) What online entertainment 8) More devices, more data:
reports what percentage of the B. 40% powerhouse analyzes data According to a recent study by
world’s data has been created in C. 75% direct from its 27 million The Economist, by the year
the past two years? D. 90% subscribers, such as “plays”, 2020 the number of mobile
pause, rewind, fast forward, connected device operating
ratings, and searches to inform across the globe should reach
2) An all-encompassing term for any collection of data sets so better business decisions. what number?
large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using
traditional data processing applications is _ _ G _ _ T _. A. Pandora C. Netflix A. 100 million
B. iTunes D. Hulu B. 800 million
C. 1 billion
3) Match the five characteristics of Big Data with their high level
D. 10 billion
concepts: 7) According to a 2014 study by
Forrester Research, what is the
A Volume 1. Speed of generation average percentage of business 9) TRUE or FALSE:
B. Variety 2. Links, correlation, and depth data that companies analyze? For organizations that aren’t
C. Velocity 3. Quantity of data currently looking to do big
D. Variability 4. Categories of data A. 32% data analytics, there is little
E. Complexity 5. Consistency/Inconsistency B. 62% or no benefit to examining
C. 2% the data they’re retaining and
D. 12% evaluating how it’s being used.
Collecting and storing big data alone isn’t enough to produce real
business value. Analytics is necessary to extract valuable insights
from the data. THE RESULTS
1-2 Correct:
You have a byte of knowledge when it comes to this big concept.
5) By fielding some 700,000 A. WHO (World Health Brush up on your skills if you want to keep up with times.
reports of patients with Organization)
flu-like symptoms per week, B. UNICEF (United Nation’s 3-5 Correct:
this organization uses big data Children’s Fund) OK, you got a kilobyte.
analytics to determine what C. CDC (Centers for Disease Not terrible, but a little shaky… like a grandma with a smartphone.
strains of flu should go in the Control) 6-7 Correct:
annual flu vaccine. D. USAID (United States Agency Megabyte-osaurus!
for International Development) Looks like you’re ahead of the curve – but don’t stop here.
8-9 Correct:
Dang, gigabyte, you’re big data game is on point. You probably know more about us than we do.
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866.209.3516 Answer Key: 1. D 2. BIG DATA 3. A3 B4 C1 D5 E2 4. TRUE 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. FALSE