Impact of Big Data On Electric-Power Industry: Liu Qing Zhu Boyu
Impact of Big Data On Electric-Power Industry: Liu Qing Zhu Boyu
Impact of Big Data On Electric-Power Industry: Liu Qing Zhu Boyu
Li Qinqian
Info. & Document Center
State Nuclear Electric Power Planning, Design & Research Institute
Beijing, China
e-mail: [email protected]
of integration, the original application simply rely on human impact. For example, for the management of equipment,
judgment,people's work would also be simplified through a users can effectively use big data to improve and standardize
computer system for data analysis and data mining function, the management of equipment.
and can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the work, or With the development of Big Data, the management will
even be replaced by means of information. use real-time data transmission equipment, may collect all
A suitable set of data in the data collection, perhaps the time, various locations, various types of a series of data,
people will not have important applications, but in another so that each device into a real-time management
seemingly unrelated areas, through the analysis of Big Data system[7].At the same time, the real-time data acquisition
mining may get unexpected results.With this innovative Big will provide reference data for comprehensive development
Data applications, the energy of the information data will be and repair, through the analysis of historical data, to predict
amplified, the arrival of the era of big data may be a the importance of equipment and the service life, reduce the
landmark change in people's lives. serious accident caused by sudden damage of the important
B. Impact of Big Data Era on the Electric Power Industry
2˅Big Data platform model of electric power industry
1 ˅ Impact of Big Data on electric power industry The power industry can use the characteristics of big data
decision and management to improve the following functions: information data
For the decision-making layer of the enterprise, the management of power plant equipment, real time production
development of large data is of great significance. Now the information monitoring and application in power plant
big industry depends on the development of information (including fault diagnosis and condition based
network, through the big data decision-making system for maintenance),technical upgrading and improvement, visual
enterprises in the past and present data analysis, predict the query, personnel simulation training,etc.[8].Through the Big
future[6]. The comparison of the data integration, internal Data and other technologies to achieve the historical data and
and external, the characteristics of big data, i.e. between production data online collection and distribution. Power
regions, industries and enterprises sector coverage and plant inspection personnel can be automatically or manually
penetration, formed the basis for decisions nonlinear, enter the power plant site real-time data through GPS and
other tools, which can be dispersed in the power plant
uncertainty oriented, bottom-up. This new type of decision- operating data, production data, fault diagnosis data and
making is to subvert the traditional, linear, top-down status of the maintenance of the collection. Through the big
decision-making model of the elite. However, it should also data technology will power plant production information of
be noted that once we have encountered errors and false data, the historical data and real-time data management and
the impact will be disastrous. The development of Big Data analysis, support the production of power industry.
for the management and grassroots also have a profound
In the nuclear power survey and design industry, Big in the conditions and to ensure the safety of data.In the
Data can be applied to nuclear power conventional island information society, the protection of privacy security will be
experimental verification data,2D or 3D design, equipment the behavior of the whole society[11].Information, the
parameter index and usage trend forecast. In the design of network, the tool itself is not good or bad, it is important that
nuclear power conventional island, the simulation model can people how to use the tool, and the purpose of the big data.
be input to verify the data. In the 2D or 3D design of nuclear
power plant, various types of the results that calculated by V. EPILOGUE
the data model, professional simulation software can be input Harvard University sociology professor Gary Gold said:
into the big data platform. With the help of the effective "This is a revolution, huge data resources so that all areas has
result of big data, the survey data of nuclear power plant is began the process of the quantization, whether academic,
analyzed and processed. Technical support is provided to the business or government, will begin this process in all
nuclear power plant operation management personnel, fields."With the arrival of Big Data Era, Big Data may bring
through the technical level to improve the safety and the huge value is gradually being recognized.Through the
reliability of nuclear power plant operation. comprehensive perception, collection, analysis and sharing
In the power design industry, refinement, standardization of all kinds of data, we can find out the world and understand
and standardization of the software and hardware resource the new perspective of the world.At the same time based on
management can be achieved through the characteristics of the facts and data to make decisions, the way of thinking will
Big Data. For software resources, the operation behavior of be changed. Great changes will be brought to the entire
each user can be collected, summarized, analyzed and power industry, the information network and even the whole
summarized. Sort out all kinds of data: such as the frequency society.
of use of professional software, the length of time, etc..
Reports of software usage can be formed. For hardware
resources, monitoring the use of hardware equipment. REFERENCES
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