Cjohnston Krichey Literacyplan 13mar

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Literacy Learning Plan - Mr. Jones

National University

Chelsea Johnston and Kevin Richey

ITL 608 Design and Process of Teaching

Week Two Assignment - Literacy Learning Plan

Cristina Salinas-Grandy

13 March 2019


Through the case study of Mr. Jones and his students, we can effectively analyze a seventh-grade

math class and create a quality lesson plan. With knowledge of the students we can better create

a learning plan that will benefit all students’ learning needs. Consideration of all students

strengths and needs, we can formulate a plan that will allow students to thrive and provide the

necessary tools to have them succeed. Students will gain a quality understanding of rational

exponents through this well-crafted, student specific learning plan and will be able to

demonstrate their growth through assessments.


Literacy Learning Plan - Mr. Jones


The process of creating a lesson plan can be complex. Lessons are structured around

common core standards for all students, but not all students learn in the same way or at the same

pace. This is where the principles of universal design for learning can assist teachers. Using the

principles of UDL we created a lesson for Mr. Jones and his unique set of learners in his class.

The lesson focuses on mathematics standards. It addresses each of the learners in Mr. Ray’s class

and uses multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression to address all the

different learning needs within the class. We also reflected on our own choices as a teacher and

how we have grown as education professionals.

Learning Map

Stage 1: Planning Your Instruction

Target: Standard(s), Goals, Outcomes

Teachers: Mrs. Johnston & Mr. Richey

Grade Level/Content: Seventh/Math (Algebra I)
Total Instruction Time: 120 Minutes

Academic Standard:

CCSS. Mathematics Standards Map N-RN 1

Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer
exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents. For example, we
define 51/3 to be the cube root of 5 because we want (51/3)3=5(1/3)3 to hold, so (51/3)3 must equal 5.

CCSS. Mathematics Standards Map A-SSE 3a

Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity
represented by the expression. Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines

Essential Question(s): Objective: Skills (what will you explicitly

How does understanding integer Students will be able to understand
exponents help you understand and and extend the properties of 1. Students will need to understand
apply rational exponents? exponents to rational exponents. vocabulary terms such as: integer,
exponent, radicals, and rational
What is a rational exponent and exponent.
what can an integer exponent do to
2. Students will learn Common
Core Grade Level Algebra 1
Rational Exponents

3. Students will need the skill of

applying integer exponents to an

Student Learning Goal:

Students will be able to extend the properties of exponents to allow them to simplify mathematical equations.

Student Social-Emotional Goal:

Students will practice cooperative learning strategies by positively and effectively working in various group
settings. Students will be encouraged to voice their opinion while respecting those of others. As students gain
more confidence in their understanding of rational exponents, they will be encouraged to peer teach and socialize
productively in a work-pace setting.

Barriers to Learning (level of literacy; language proficiency levels; funds of knowledge; attention span):

Most students in the class are performing at a low level of proficiency and are struggling academically. Three of
students are ELL and thus have a low level of literacy in English. 35 % of students are earning Ds and Fs and
40% are earning Cs. Students may need extra time for instruction and application practice time to deepen their
understanding. Taking the time to ensure all students understand the material is essential in their progression.

Common Misconceptions:

Students may have difficulty finding connections between integer exponents and rational exponents, and will
ultimately lack the knowledge on how to extend the properties of exponents to the given equations.

Students may have difficulty identifying the differences between rational and integer exponents.

My Classroom Composite:

● 20 Students total; 12 boys and 8 girls


● 46% Hispanic, 38% Caucasian, 7% African American, 6% Asian, 3% Other

● Nearly 30 % of students are earning D’s and F’s; 40% of students are earning C’s
● 3 Students are English Language Learners (ELL)


● Mexican-American
● English Language Learner
● C & D Average Student
● Visual and Kinesthetic Learner (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)
● Suffered from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that impacts student academically
● TBI impacted short term memory
● TBI impacted hearing (student wears hearing aid)
● Needs improvement on social skills
● No Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place


● Mexican-American
● Bilingual; Limited English Proficient
● Not fluent in reading/writing English
● Visual Learner (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)
● IEP to help improve English Proficiency


● Caucasian
● B and C Average Student
● Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Learning (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)


● Caucasian
● Straight A Student
● Kinesthetic and Visual Learner (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)


● African American
● B Average Student
● Kinesthetic and Visual Learner (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)

● Behavioral issues/concerns


● Iraqi Descent
● Low C and D Average Student
● Fluent in three languages, English being one of them
● Visual Learner (Based on informal Language Style Inventory)


● Caucasian
● Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and is Wheelchair bound
● Exceptional academic standing
● IEP Goal: Make and keep friends
● Communicated through voice synthesizer
● Has a caregiver and aid
● Visual and Auditory Learner (Based on informal Learning Style Inventory)


Focus Student #1: Special Needs


● Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

● English Language Learner (ELL)
● Visual and Kinesthetic Learner


● Allow for student to use tape recorder/take notes with a laptop

● Provide extra set of teacher notes to student
● Teach in small groups
● Have student sit in front of the class or near instruction center
● Allow for brain-breaks periodically
● Modify assignments
● Allow for additional time

Focus Student #2: Special Needs


● English Language Learner

● Visual Learner


● Additional visual aids

● Word bank with vocabulary terms defined
● Notes/instruction offered in Spanish and English
● Allow student to use tape recording/laptop to take notes
● Simplified written and verbal instruction
● Allow student a designated time to have a peer translate instruction

Focus Student #3: Special Needs


● Visual and Auditory Learner

● Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy
● Identified as Gifted
● Computer Savvy


● Arrange classroom to adhere and facilitate mobility to all areas and stations
● Modified assignments to allow for student to effectively complete
● Provide student with copy of instruction notes
● Allow for student to use tape recorder/computers to take notes in class
● Allow student to demonstrate work/thought process verbally

Differentiation for High-Achieving & Gifted Learners


● High-Achieving Student
● Visual and Kinesthetic Learner

Differentiation Strategy:

● Ask deeper and more analytical questions after completing class work
● Allow student peer teach
● Allow student autonomy to express his work
● Teach in rotational/self-paced groups

● Create additional challenging work for when student completes class assignments


● Identified as Gifted
● Visual and Auditory Learner

Differentiation Strategy

● Allow student to peer teach

● Ask deeper and more analytical questions after completing class work
● Teach in rotational/self-paced groups
● Create additional challenging work for when student completes class assignments
● Encourage student to reach out to other students socially and academically to promote growth in social

Multiple Means of How will the content by presented/shared in multiple ways to highlight critical
Representation features, represent different formats, media types, and cultural diversity? How will
you monitor and assess understanding of representation?

Learning will be presented in a variety of ways to ensure all students

presented information in way that suits their learning style. Content will be
presented verbally by the instructors. Along with verbal instruction there will
be visual examples displayed on a smart board. Students will be given a
vocabulary sheet that will be used by the class to review new terms. The
students understanding will be assessed by the instructor using informal
assessment techniques such as picking students to answer questions in front
of the class, in class worksheets, and group collaboration-based work.

Multiple Means of How will students engage in the process of new learning? How will the content
Engagement become accessible, meaningful, and relevant to the learner? How will you monitor
and assess this process?

Students will be given handout introducing them to new vocabulary words.

The instructor will provide a review of prior learning material. Then the class
will work in groups at various stations that encompass the learning objectives
for the day. Placing the student’s in groups gives meaning to the learning
because students are not just responsible for their own learning but each of
their group mates learning. During group work the instructor will be moving
around the classroom and asking questions to the groups to insure they are
understanding the material.

Multiple Means of What principles of choice for the product of learning will you accept? How will
Expression you provide a space for communication, creativity, critical thinking, and
collaboration (4C’s)? What measures will you use to assess products on learning?

Students will express their knowledge through a variety of ways. They will
share answers with the teacher using a whiteboard. They will work together
in small groups to solve more complex problems. They will also be given
time to work individual and assess their own understanding of the material.
The instructor will measure asses learning collecting group work at the end of
the class and evaluating student performance.

Managing the How will you manage the classroom/setting so students transition successfully
Classroom through instructional stages and student groupings? How will you create an
Environment optimal learning environment (space, time, pacing, interactions, expectations, and

The pacing of instruction will be gauged by the instructor. The lesson plan
provides a general length each section should be. The time may vary
depending the needs of the students. During collaborative work the instructor
will use a timer to manage how long the groups work at each station. The
teacher will use the group work time to do informal assessments to see how
students are learning.

Stage 2: Teaching

Daily Agenda:

1. Students are to complete an integer exponent review sheet individually to access prior knowledge

2. Go over those answers with class and ask for any questions

3. Introduce new Vocabulary Terms; pass out vocabulary list to all students to have them paste in the note

4. Give quick review/refresher lesson on integer exponents

5. Give overview instruction of rational exponents to entire class; allow for questions

6. Break students into groups of five (each group should have a mix level of academic proficiency)

7. Explain each rotation station to the class


8. Have student groups work through each station

9. End of lesson debrief; broadly access classes overall understating of rational exponents and answer any
final questions

Instructional Procedure:

1. Students are to complete an integer exponent review sheet individually to access prior knowledge (15

2. Go over those answers with class and ask for any questions (4 minutes)

3. Introduce new Vocabulary Terms; pass out vocabulary list to all students to have them paste in the note
journal (5 minutes)

a. List will consist the words integer, exponent, and rational exponent

b. Students are encouraged to take notebook home to aid in their homework

4. Give quick review/refresher lesson on integer exponents (5 minutes)

a. Provide examples and work as a class to solve them

5. Give overview instruction of rational exponents to entire class; allow for questions (25 minutes)

a. Begin with verbally going over vocabulary again

b. Provide a couple examples and solve it for the class

c. Provide examples and have students raise their hands to participate in solving the equation

d. Have students solve a problem individually and raise hand to share answer

6. Break students into groups of five (each group should have a mix level of academic proficiency) (3

a. Make sure groups each have a strong academic student in their class

b. Encourage students to work together and peer teach

c. Remind students of effective group work protocols

7. Explain each rotation station to the class [station 1: Visual/Auditory (work with teacher/one-on-one),
station 2: Group Work (Interpersonal), station 3: Independent Work (Intrapersonal), station 4:
Kinesthetic/Manipulatives Work] (3 minutes)

a. Visual/Auditory group will work with teacher and use white boards to share answers with the
group. Students are encouraged to ask questions here and allow for one-on-one time to occur.

Teacher will do most assessing with the students in her station.

b. Group Work (Interpersonal) group will work with each other to solve a series of problems. They
are to productively work together and come to a consensus on their answers. Students are
encouraged to peer teach at this station.

c. Independent Work (Intrapersonal) group will allow students to access themselves in their current
understanding and allow for me to better gauge their retention. Students are to individually
complete as many equations possible during this time.

d. Kinesthetic/Manipulative Work group will interact with their group while using connection card
games to aid in their understanding. One card states an equation and they must match that card to
another with the correct answer.

8. Have student groups work through each station (15-minute rotation blocks; 60 minutes total)

a. Timer will be set at the beginning of each station. Students will be held responsible in ensuring
they move to the next rotation after each 15 minutes.

9. End of lesson debrief; broadly access classes overall understating of rational exponents and answer any
final questions (10 minutes)

Materials Needed:

● SMART Board
● Each student needs their Math Journal and a pencil
● Exponent Review Worksheet
● Vocabulary Term list
● Individual Worksheet
● Math Textbook
● I Have Who Has Cards and Matching Cards
● 21 small white boards
● 21 dry erase markers
● Group Worksheet
● A timer
● Extra copies of instruction notes for students who need it


Continuous observation of students’ performance, checking for understanding, providing feedback and
suggestions to students who need help.

Assessing students understanding through teacher group work time. I will be able to make note of those who are
struggling and make a point to retouch base with them and assure they are progressing.

I will check in with each group during the end debrief section to address each group’s overall understanding.

All students work will be collected at the end of the math period.


Complete a worksheet of 10 equations that demonstrate your knowledge of rational and integer exponents.

Stage Three: Assessing Student Learning

What evidence of student learning At the end of the class students turned in their group work and the work
has been collected? from their individual station to the teacher.

How will you analyze this The teacher will assess the assignments and grade them appropriately.

What instructional decisions can After the assignments have been evaluated the teacher will have a better
you make as a result of your understanding of what areas should be focused on. Also if the group
analysis on the evidence? work was beneficial for the students and what students should be paired
with one another during the next collaborative learning activity.

Stage Four: Reflection on Teaching and Learning

What new information did I get about my students in relation to their learning preference?

We received information about each student's learning preference. Almost all of the students in this class
scored highest in visual learning. The students also benefited from collaborative learning in the past so
that what made a focal point in this lesson.

How will I use this information to plan my future instruction?

Based on the classes learning preference future instruction will use principles of UDL to insure that
learning content is presented with multiple means of representation. Although most of the class scored
high in visual learning there is no perfect mean of representation and providing various instructional aids
will be optimal for the class.

How effective were my practices? What will I keep, what will I improve and what will I discard?

We believe that the group work was really effective for the class because the class has such a wide variety
of learners that are performing at different levels. The group work provided a chance for the students to
learn collaboratively and ask their peers for help to solve problems. And reviewing previous learning
material was also beneficial for the students. We can improve by adding means of representation for

learners who need more time to process information, or for learners who have memory difficulties. There
is nothing from our lesson that we would discard.

What new understanding do I have about my own teaching practices?

We have a new understanding for creating a learning environment that is accessible to all types of
students. Mr. Jones provided a challenge by addressing the many different needs in his class. We learned
how to adapt lessons to all students’ level of proficiency. We also learned that when students are given
meaningful activities in makes learning more effective and students overall more successful. Especially
for EL students who attached meaning and new learning to concepts the already know (Burden & Bryd,

What have I learned about myself as a teacher?

We have learned that we have begun to grasp the concepts of UDL and what the principle look like when
they are put into practice in a classroom. There is not a perfect way of teaching, teaching must be adapted
to students learning preferences and needs at the time of instruction.

As a professional learner, where do I need to continue to grow and strive for?

As a professional learner the goal is to always be growing and trying to expand our knowledge of teaching
to different types of learners. We will continue to strive to learn new ways to implement the principles of
UDL in the classroom. We will always be faced with new challenges in the classroom and encounter new
students with various learning needs. It is important for to be prepared as we possibly can so we can adapt
to our students and provide them the means to be successful in the classroom.


Burden, P. Byrd, D. (2016). Methods for Effective Teaching.

California State Board of Education. (2019, March 14). California Common Core State

Standards Mathematics. Retrieved from California Common Core State Standards:


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