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3 authors, including:
Raja Sambandam
Valliammai Engineering College
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Asst. Professor
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science &Technology, Kolundhalur – 631 203
[email protected]
Asst. Professor
School of Management, SASTRA UNIVERSITY,Thanjavur – 613 401
Job satisfaction refers to one’s feelings towards one’s job. If the employees
expectations are fulfilled (or) the employees get higher than what he / she feels satisfied. If
the job satisfaction increases organization commitment will increased. This results in the
higher productivity. The main objectives of this paper are to assess the job
satisfaction: to identify the effectiveness of job satisfaction and to find out the several factors
like personal and organizational factors influencing job satisfaction: to identify the
effectiveness of job satisfaction and to find out the several factors like personal and
organizational factors influencing job satisfaction of employees.
In this study, 125 no’s of respondents have been taken as sample. Percentage analysis,
weighted average, chi-square have been incorporated for research analysis. The study helped
in revealing the level of satisfaction of employees with reference to the various factors
provided in the organization. This study clearly shows that employees under organization are
more or less satisfied with the job. The organization should consider on the salary,
relationship of employees and supervisors, grievance handling and give more opportunity for
the new employees.
Job satisfaction refers to one’s feeling towards one’s job. An individual having
satisfaction is said to possess positive attitude the job.An individual joins an organization
with certain expectations and when these expectations come true the individual becomes
pleased with her organization and her job, and this increases her efficiency and performance
(Nelson & Quick, 1995). Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but
points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation
which are affect (emotion) beliefs and behaviour.
Job satisfaction speaks on the satisfaction the employees have towards their jobs and
different aspects of the jobs. It also says about the extent to which people like (or) dislike
their jobs. It is a posture variable and people have different perceptions about job satisfaction.
The word job satisfaction can be assessed based on different angles like need fulfillment,
psychological needs, new opportunities, career development etc. The higher job satisfaction,
lesser the level of attrition in companies.
1. Personal factors like demographic factors, salary and other fringe benefits and
2. Organizational factors like nature of work assigned, superior-subordinate relationship,
and inter-personal relationship opportunities for advancement.
¾ The study is limited to krishnagiri district co-operative spinning mills ltd. only.
¾ The data is collected from 125 employees only.
¾ The study is limited to the employees of production department only.
¾ The findings and observation made in the study purely based on the respondents’
answers which may be biased.
The present study is based on descriptive analysis using primary data to investigate
the objectives and testing the hypothesis. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect
the primary data.
Simple random sampling method was used among the sample size of 125 employees
of production department of krishnagiri district co-operative spinning mills ltd. Uthangarai.
In this study percentage analysis, weighted average, chi-square have been used as the
research tools.
Keith Davis, job satisfaction is defined “favorableness’ (or) unfavorableness with
which the employees view their work and results when there is a fit between job
characteristics and wants of employees.”
According to price 2001, job satisfaction can be defined as the effective orientation
that an employee has towards his/her work. Job satisfaction describes the feelings, attitudes
and preferences of individuals regarding work (kam 1998).
Porter and Lawler (1968) collect the influences on job satisfaction in two groups of
internal and external satisfactory factors. According to them, internal satisfactory factors are
related to the work itself (such as feeling of independence, feeling of achievement, feeling of
victory, self-esteem, feeling of control and other similar feeling obtain from work) whereas
external satisfactory factors are not directly related to work itself (such as good relationships
with colleagues, high salary, good welfare and utilities).
Management and leadership style play a vital role in determining the job satisfaction
level of employees (Carrand Kazanowsky 1994).
High and low a job satisfaction level also depends upon the type of organizations
(Schoderbek and Plambeck 1979, Solomon 1986).
To find out the level of satisfaction and effectiveness of the various factors at
krishnagiri district co-operative spinning mills ltd, weighted average and chi-square have
been incorporated.
Aim: To find the relationship between the lengths of services and working condition
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant relationship between lengths of services and
working condition
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between lengths of services
and working condition
Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly TOTAL
satisfied dissatisfied
YEARS 4 6 2 2 1 15
5-15 5 9 8 16 2 40
15-20 5 11 12 1 1 30
ABOVE 20 6 14 8 11 1 40
TOTAL 20 40 30 30 5 125
Chi-square =
O = Observed Frequency
E = Expected Frequency
Occupation/ Significance at H1
Satisfaction 22.446 21.026 12 5% Level Accepted
speed of
It is diverged from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is greater than
the table value and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence the Null Hypothesis is rejected.
From the analysis it is identified that there is no close relation with the length of service and
the working condition. Hence we conclude that there is significant relationship between the
lengths of services.
Aim: To find out the averages by using weighted average method,
Find out the ranks for working condition, Welfare and social security, working hours and
Grievance handling procedure.
Weighted average
Working condition∑ (WX 1) = 332 III
Welfare and social security ∑ (WX2) = 408 I
Working hours ∑ (WX3) = 408 I
Grievance handling procedure ∑ (WX4) = 366 II
¾ It is found that 32% of the respondents are about 20 years of service and 32% of
respondents are above 5-15 years of service.
¾ It is found that 52% of the respondents are satisfied with the relation of supervisor.
¾ Majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with co-workers in the organization.
¾ High levels of respondents are satisfied with the grievance handling procedure.
¾ Majority of the respondents indicated satisfied for salary determination.
¾ 88% of the respondents are satisfied with the overall performance.
Welfare measures and job security should be given more importance, so that the
employee turnover may be stopped. The reward system should be modified. It should be
based on the performance and experience.
The study helped in revealing the level of satisfaction of employees with reference to
the various factors provided in the organization.This study clearly shows that employees
under organization are more or less satisfied with the job. The organization should consider
on the salary, relationship of employees and supervisors, grievance handling and give more
opportunity for the new employees.
The study also considered some other problems lie to under by the government I hope
the management would consider my suggestions definitely it will improve his business highly
motivated employees are consider the great asset of the company.
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