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Shahid Mehraj Shah Curriculum Vitae: Ontact Nformation

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Shahid Mehraj Shah Curriculum vitae

C ONTACT Design Engineer (Wireless Systems) Work: +91-80-2293-2854

I NFORMATION Redpine Signals Mobile: +91-95-3514-5886
9th Floor, 2B Maximus, Mindspace, E-mail: [email protected]
HITEC City, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 WWW:
India www.shahidshah.weebly.com

Q UALIFICATIONS Wireless communication, Physical Layer Security,Information theory, Machine learning,

AND I NTERESTS Data Analytics, Game theory.

E DUCATION Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (Aug 2009–Jan -2017)

Ph.D., Electrical Communication Engineering,
• Thesis Topic: Secrecy rate enhancement with modified criterion and resource
allocation in wiretap channels
• Adviser: Professor Vinod Sharma
• Area of Study: Physical Layer Security

Master of Engineering (M. E),

• Adviser: Professor Vinod Sharma
• Area of Study: Physical Layer Security
National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India

B.Tech. (Aug-2004–July-2008), Electronics and Communications Engineering, GPA:

8.84 (10.0 scale)
• Major project: Speech based control of electrical devices
• Minor project: 3-in-one filter design

E XPERIENCE Redpine Signals Inc., Hyderabad, India

Design Engineer December 2016 to present
• Testing and debug of various algorithms for WLAN (IEEE 11b, 11g, 11n) chipset.
• Provide the architect for Cellular IoT (based on LTE Release 13 standard).
• Perform simulations for various filter designs to nullify non-linearities in RF Cir-
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Research Associate January 2016 to August 2016
• Working on mathematical modelling of energy consumption of households
• Developed and implemented clustering algorithms from datasets collected through
field measurements.
• Model activity patterns and appliance usage based on socio economic profiling
and historical consumption. Incorporate building models and field data into the
• Create a consumption model linking the all of the above information to disaggre-
gate consumption into the sources Implement a searching algorithm to identify
opportunities for intervention towards regulation. This is being done by using
various regression algorithms.
• Construct randomized control trials to experiment and learn based on outcomes
and optimize the performance of the algorithms

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REVA University, Bangalore, India

Assistant Professor August 2015 to December 2015
• Taught core subjects for M. Tech (Digital communication) and M. Tech (Signal
• Co-ordinated M. Tech (Digi. Comm.) final year projects
University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K, India
Lecturer November 2008 to June 2009
• Taught core subjects of undergrad course in electronics and communication en-
• co-ordinated final year projects
BSNL, Srinagar, India
Internship January 2006 to March 2006

R EFEREED [1] Shahid M Shah, Krishna Chaitanya A, Vinod Sharma. ”Resource Allocation in a
J OURNAL MAC with and without security via Game Theoretic Learning", EURASIP Jour-
(S UBMITTED ) nal of Wireless Communication and networking (Undergoing second revision),
[2] Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, ”Enhancing Secrecy Rate Region for Recent
Messages for a Slotted Multiple Access Wiretap Channel to Shannon Capacity
Region", Physical Communication (Submitted),

[3] Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, ”Enhancing Secrecy Rates in Single User wiretap
channel", IET Communication.

C ONFERENCE [4] Shahid M Shah, V. Kumar, V. Sharma, “Achievable Secrecy Sum-Rate in a Fading
P UBLICATIONS MAC-WT with Power Control and without CSI of Eavesdropper” , In: proceed-
ings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Commu-
nications (SPCOM 2012)
[5] R. Rajesh, Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, “On Secrecy above the Secrecy Ca-
pacity”. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication
Systems (ICCS) 2012, Singapore., May 19, 2012.

[6] Shahid M. Shah, Parmeswaram S, Vinod Sharma, “Previous Messages provide

the key to achieve Shannon Capacity in a Wiretap Channel” In: proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) - Workshop InfSec,
Budapest, Hungary, June 2013., December 16–19, 2013.
[7] Shahid M. Shah, Vinod Sharma, “Achieving Shannon Capacity region as Secrecy
Rate Region in a Multiple Access Wiretap Channel” In: Proceedings ofIEEE
Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015, New Or-
leans, LA, USA., April 8–11, 2015.
[8] Shahid M. Shah, Krishna Chaitanya A, Vinod Sharma, “Resource Allocation in
Fading Multiple Access Channels via a Learning Algorithm”, In: presented at
IEEE Information theory and applications (ITA) workshop, San Diego, USA, Feb,
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• International Journal Digital system
• IEEE Transactions on Information forensices and security
• IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
• IEEE Wireless communication letters

C ONFERENCE Member of Technical Program Committee: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Tech-
S ERVICE nology & Applications (ISWTA), Malaysia, September 21–24, 2013.
Member of Technical Program Committee: 2016 IEEE International Conference on
Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Jaipur, India,
September 21–24, 2016.

P ROFESSIONAL Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member, 2002–present
M EMBERSHIPS • IEEE Communications Society (2012–present)
• IEEE Information Theory Society (2013–present)
COMSNET Travel fellowship
• To present paper in IEEE WCNC conference in New Orleans, USA

C OURSE WORK Credit (at IISc Bangalore):

• Digital communication, Information theory, Random Process, Communication net-
working, Wireless communication, Wireless networking, Detection and Estimation
theory, Topics in Multiuser communication
Audit (at IISc Bangalore):
• Probability theory, Linear and Non-linear optimization, Functional analysis, Real
analysis, Measure theory
Credit (at NIT Srinagar):
• Communication system, Probability and statistics, Linear algebra, Data Communi-
cation, Microwave engineering, Information theory and random process, Transmis-
sion lines and Antenna theory, Computer security

H ARDWARE AND Computer Programming:

S OFTWARE S KILLS • C, C++, ASP , Pascal,Python
Numerical Analysis:
• M ATLAB, R, Maple, Mathematica
Operating Systems:
• Microsoft Windows family, Linux
Database tools:
• dBMongo

AVAILABLE TO • Prof. Vinod Sharma (Professor, IISc, Bangalore)
C ONTACT email: [email protected]
• Dr. Majed Haddad (Assistant professor, Avignon University, France)
email: [email protected]
• Dr. Zafar Ali Khan (Professor, IIT Hyderabad)
email: [email protected]
• Prof Rajesh Sunderesan (Associate Professor, IISc Bangalore)
email: [email protected]
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M ORE More information and auxiliary documents can be found at

I NFORMATION http://www.shahidshah.weebly.com/.

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