BE EngGuide RooftopSeries10ZHZJZR PDF
BE EngGuide RooftopSeries10ZHZJZR PDF
BE EngGuide RooftopSeries10ZHZJZR PDF
R-410A Johnson Controls Series 10 J**ZH/ZJ/ZR units are convertible
single packages with a common footprint cabinet and common
J**ZH/ZJ/ZR SERIES roof curb for all 3 through 12.5 ton models. All 6.5 through 12.5
ton units have two compressors with independent refrigeration
3 - 12.5 TON circuits to provide 2 stages of cooling. The units were designed
for light commercial applications and can be easily installed on
60 Hertz a roof curb, slab, or frame.
J**ZH/ZJ/ZR 3 THROUGH 10 TON All units provide constant supply air volume. A variable air
volume (VAV) option, which features a variable frequency drive
(VFD), is available on 6.5 through 12.5 ton J**ZH/ZJ models
Table of Contents
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Component Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Prior Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Capacity Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Airflow Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Sound Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Typical Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Weights and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Weights and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Economizer Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Component Location
Cooling With Gas Heat (3 Through 5 Ton)
20-gauge aluminized
steel tubular heat
Roof curbs in eight-and exchanger for long life
fourteen-inch heights. (stainless steel option)
Second model
nameplate Slide-out motor and
inside hinged blower assembly for
access panel easy adjustment
and service
Dual stage Belt-drive
cooling for blower motor
comfort VFD location (optional)
Power ventor motor
Compressor #2
access (high- 20- guage aluminized
efficiency steel tubular heat
compressor) exchanger for long
life (stainless steel
Two-stage gas
Base rails w/forklift heating to maintain
slots (three sides) warm, comfortable
and lifting holes Slide-out drain pan temperature
with 3/4” NPT,
female connection Intelligent control
Roof curbs in eight- and board for safe and
fourteen-inch heights. efficient operation
Side entry power Compressor #1 access
Toolless and control wiring (high-efficiency compressor)
door latch knockouts
2 = 208/230-3-60
4 = 460-3-60
5 = 575-3-60
Prior Nomenclature
elements each carry a 5-year warranty. Aluminized steel drive comes completely wired and pre-programmed from
(10 yr.) and stainless steel tubular heat exchangers carry the factory.
a 15- year warranty. An optional, factory-installed manual bypass switch
available with factory-installed VFD can be found in the
Factory Installed Options Blower Motor Access compartment. The switch can be
used to either route power to the VFD for modulating
Johnson Controls offers several equipment options factory
control of the blower motor, to bypass the drive and
installed, for the J**ZH/ZJ/ZRline.
operate the motor at full speed, or to power the drive (and
• Optional Factory Installed Economizers - J**ZH/ZJ/ZR not the motor) for diagnostic purposes.
units offer a variety of optional factory installed
VAV is not available with the factory-installed 3rd. party
economizers with low leak dampers. The outdoor air dry
BAS controllers. VAV is only factory installed with the
bulb sensor enables economizer operation if the outdoor
Smart Equipment™ Controller.
air temperature is less than the set point of the economizer
logic module. See economizer options section to A 'VFD-ready' option provides the provisions for a
determine the correct economizer for your application. customer-installed drive. The unit comes with a mounting
bracket installed in the Blower Access compartment which
• Down flow / End Return Economizers (with
may accommodate other vendor's drives depending on
barometric relief and fresh air hood) - All units offer a
their size. In order to utilize the unit's mounting bracket,
variety of optional factory installed down flow
the maximum recommended drive dimensions are limited
economizers that are shipped, installed and wired with
to approximately 9" H x 5" W x 7.5" D.
low leak dampers designed to meet ASHRAE 90.1-
2010, AMCA 511 Class 1A damper, and the If the drive will not fit in the allotted space, then it will have
International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to be mounted elsewhere; either within the building on a
certification requirements by achieving leakage rates of perpendicular wall which is not subjected to excessive
3 cfm/sq. ft. at 1" of static pressure. Each economizer temperature, vibration, humidity, dust, corrosive gas,
goes through a rigorous 60,000 cycle test. Dry bulb, explosive gas, etc., or within an appropriate enclosure
single enthalpy, and dual enthalpy (with field installed rated for outside installation to safeguard against
kit) can be selected. The economizer has spring return, moisture, dust and excessive heat. A terminal block
fully modulating damper actuators and is capable of located in the control box is provided for field connection
introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air of the VFD controls.
intake dampers open, the return air dampers close. The • IntelliSpeed™ Supply Fan Control Option (ASHRAE
changeover from mechanical refrigeration to 90.1 compliant) - Units configured with the
economizer operation is regulated by the outdoor air dry IntelliSpeed™ Supply Fan Option will contain a VFD for
bulb temperature or the outdoor air enthalpy input. The multi-speed supply fan operation. This option allows the
optional (field installed) single or dual enthalpy kits supply fan RPM to vary based on the number of
provide additional inputs to monitor outdoor air/ or return compressors or heating stages energized. The
air humidity and temperature for true enthalpy control. economizer's minimum position will also be configurable
The installer needs only to assemble the outdoor air to vary based on the supply fan VFD frequency output.
hood, attach the enthalpy control the hood and mount • Aluminized Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For
the hood to the unit (Hood and control are provided). applications in non-corrosive environments.
• Power Exhaust - This factory option allows down flow or • Stainless Steel Gas Heat Exchanger - For applications
horizontal end return economizer operation. The power in corrosive environments, this option provides a full
exhaust must be removed from the unit and mounted stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.
in the horizontal end return duct work when applying
• Stainless Steel Drain Pan - An optional rust-proof
the product in the horizontal, end return
stainless steel drain pan is available to provide years of
trouble-free operation in corrosive environments.
• Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized outdoor
• Low NOx Option - For units with gas furnaces in
air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damper assembly
locations where codes require that the Oxides of Nitrogen
with an outdoor air hood and filters. The outdoor air
emissions from the furnace be below 40 Nano grams per
dampers open to the preset position when the indoor fan
motor is energized. The damper has a range of 0% to
100% outdoor air entry. • Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 3kW to
54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
• Alternate Indoor Blower Motor - For applications with
base units. All heaters are intended for single point power
high static restrictions, units are offered with optional
indoor motors that provide higher static output and/or
higher airflow, depending upon the installer’s needs. • Disconnect Switch - For gas heat units and cooling units
with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unit is
• Variable Air Volume (VAV; 6.5 through 12.5 ton, only) -
provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to the
A factory-installed variable frequency drive (VFD),
largest electric heat available for the particular unit is
mounted in the Blower Access compartment, is used to
provided. Factory installed option only.
control the speed of the indoor blower motor in order to
maintain a constant static pressure in the supply duct. A • Convenience Outlet - (Non-Powered/Powered) - This
duct pressure transducer is provided with the unit. The option locates a 120V single-phase GFCI outlet with cover,
on the corner of the unit housing adjacent to the refrigerant circuit pressures, refrigerant circuit
compressors. The “Non-powered” option requires the temperatures, as well as the environmental temperatures
installer to provide the 120V single-phase power source and and humidity via multiple sensor inputs.
wiring. The “Powered” option is powered by a stepdown • Provides a building owner, technician or contractor with
transformer in the unit. Factory installed option only. the operational characteristics of the RTUs entire
• Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operation refrigerant circuit to ensure the unit is functioning at its
of the unit and provide a fault message to the control specified performance level.
board. Smoke detectors are available for both the supply
• Provides alarms if the unit is not functioning optimally.
and/or return air configurations.
• Filters - 2” Pleated MERV 8 or 4” Pleated MERV 13 are • Remotely accessible via the Mobile Access Portal
available to meet LEED requirements. A 2” Throwaway is (MAP) gateway as well as scrolled on the UCB LCD
shipped as standard. screen.
• Novar® BAS Control - The Novar® building automation
system controller is factory installed. Includes supply air
sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and
air proving switch.
Factory-installed smoke detectors may be subjected to
• CPC BAS Control - The Computer Process Controls
extreme temperatures during "off" times due to outside air
Model 810-3060 ARTC Advanced Rooftop building
infiltration. These smoke detectors have an operational
automation system controller is factory installed. Includes
limit of -4°F to 158°F. Smoke detectors installed in areas
supply air sensor, return air sensor, with optional dirty
that could be outside this range will have to be relocated to
filter indicator switch and air proving switch.
prevent false alarms.
• Honeywell BAS Control - The Honeywell W7750C
• Phase Monitors - Designed to prevent unit damage. The building automation system controller is factory installed.
phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of phase Includes air supply sensor, return air sensor, with optional
condition. (Standard on units with Scroll Compressors.) dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.
• Coil Guard - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to Field Installed Accessories
protect the condenser coil from damage. Additionally, this
kit stops animals and foreign objects from entering the Johnson Controls offers several equipment accessories for field
space between the inner condenser coil and the main installation, for the J**ZH/ZJ/ZR line.
cabinet. This is not a hail guard kit. • Down flow and End Return Economizers (with fresh air
• Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential hood and barometric relief) - All units offer a variety of
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit optional factory installed down flow economizers that are
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high shipped, installed and wired with low leak dampers designed
pressure drop across the filters. Factory installed option or to meet ASHRAE 90.1-2010, AMCA 511 Class 1A damper,
field installed accessory. and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
certification requirements by achieving leakage rates of 3
• E-Coat Condenser Coils - The condenser coils are
cfm/sq. ft. at 1" of static pressure. Each economizer goes
coated with an epoxy polymer coating to protect against
through a rigorous 60,000 cycle test. Dry bulb, single
enthalpy, and dual enthalpy (with field installed kit) can be
• E-Coat Evaporator Coils - The evaporator coils are selected. The economizer has spring return, fully modulating
coated with an epoxy polymer coating to protect against damper actuators and is capable of introducing up to 100%
corrosion. outdoor air. As the outdoor air intake dampers open, the
• Hot Gas Bypass - Allows operation during low load return air dampers close. The changeover from mechanical
conditions while avoiding coil frosting and damage to refrigeration to economizer operation is regulated by the
compressor. When suction pressure falls below valve outdoor air dry bulb temperature or the outdoor air enthalpy
setpoint, the valve modulates hot gas to the inlet of the input. The dual enthalpy kit provides a second input used to
evaporator. HGBP is standard on all units with VAV and monitor the return air (field installed). The installer needs only
optional with constant-volume units. to assemble the outdoor air hood, attach the enthalpy control
the hood and mount the hood to the unit (Hood and control
Control Options are provided).
• Smart Equipment™ with Communication Option • Single or Dual Enthalpy Control, Accessories - These
Control - The Johnson Controls Smart Equipment™ with kits contain the required components to convert a dry bulb
Communication Option Control is factory installed. It economizer to a single enthalpy and/or dual enthalpy
includes all the features of the Smart Equipment™ control economizer.
with an additional gateway to BACnet MS/TP • Barometric Relief Damper - Zero to 100% capacity
(programmable to Modbus or N2 protocols). barometric relief dampers for use with horizontal flow, or
• FDD (Fault Detection and Diagnostics) - Refrigerant field installed economizers.
side A factory installed control system option on the • Power Exhaust - This accessory installs in the unit with a
commercial equipment that constantly monitors down flow or horizontal end return economizer. Power
exhaust plugs into the connector in the unit bulkhead. • Gas Heat Propane Conversion Kit - This kit converts a
User must purchase the 1EH0408 barometric relief gas-fired heater from natural gas to propane. It contains the
and hood kit when applying the product in a main burner orifices and gas valve replacement springs.
horizontal flow application. The power exhaust must • Low NOx Kit - For units with gas furnaces in locations
be mounted in the horizontal end return ductwork. where codes require that the Oxides of Nitrogen
• Manual Outdoor Air Damper - Like the motorized outdoor emissions from the furnace be below 40 Nano grams per
air damper, each manual outdoor air damper includes a joule.
slide-in damper assembly with an outdoor air hood and • Gas Piping Kit - Contains pipe nipples, fittings and gas cock
filters. Customers have a choice of dampers with ranges of required for gas supply connection with external shut off.
0% to 100% or 0% to 35% outdoor air entry.
• Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 3kW to
• Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized outdoor 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damper assembly with base units. The 54kW/208-240 volt, field-installed heater
an outdoor air hood and filters. The outdoor air dampers kit is not available with VAV units due to a lack of space to
open to the preset position when the indoor fan motor is accommodate the heater’s fuse block accessory.
energized. The damper has a range of 0% to 100% outdoor
All heaters are dual staged. Cooling units include an
air entry. Factory installed option or field installed accessory.
adapter panel for easy installation of the electric heaters.
• Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operation Necessary hardware and connectors are included with the
of the unit by interrupting power to the control board if heaters. All heaters are intended for single point power
smoke is detected within the air compartment. supply.
• CO2 Sensor - Senses CO2 levels and automatically • Metal Frame Filter Kit - Metal frame with polyester filter
overrides the economizer when levels rise above the medium.
preset limits.
• Permanent Filters - Permanent filters are available.
• Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit • Roof Curbs - The roof curbs have insulated decks and are
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high shipped disassembled The roof curbs are available in 8” and
pressure drop across the filters. 14” heights. For applications with security concerns, burglar
bars are available for the duct openings of the roof curbs.
• Coil Guard - Field installed decorative wire coil guard.
• Hail Guard - This kit includes a sloped hood which installs • Roof Curb Transition - Single Piece Adapter (10" High) -
over the outside condenser coil and prevents damage to Roof curbs for transitioning from Series 10 units to J**ZH/
the coil fins from hail strikes. Field installed accessory only. ZJ/ZR units. Fits 7.5 to 12.5 Series 10 roof curbs only.
• Flue Exhaust Extension Kit - In locations with wind or • Burglar Bars - Mount in the supply and return openings
weather conditions which may interfere with proper to prevent entry into the duct work.
exhausting of furnace combustion products, this kit can be • Thermostat - The units are designed to operate with 24-
installed to prevent the flue exhaust from entering nearby volt electronic and electro-mechanical thermostats. All 6.5
fresh air intakes. thru 12.5 ton J**ZH/ZJ units and all 3 thru 12.5 ton J**ZR
• Gas Heat High Altitude Kit - This kit converts a gas heat units (with or without an economizer) operate with two-
unit to operate at high altitudes, 2,000 to 6,000 feet. stage heat/two-stage cool or two-stage cooling only
Conversion kits are available for natural gas and propane. thermostats, depending upon unit configuration.
Field Installed Accessories - Non-Electrical
1BD0408 All Burglar Bars, Downflow All Cabinets
(Electric / Electric Models), 50” Tall Standard
1CG0419 All Coil Guard Cabinets
1CG0420 All Coil Guard (Gas / Electric Models), 50" Tall Standard Cabinets
1CG0427 All Coil Guard (Electric / Electric Models), 42” Tall Cabinets
1CG0428 All Coil Guard (Gas / Electric Models), 42" Tall Cabinets
All Tall (50") Standard Cabinets, (Excludes 12.5T
1HG0411 All Hail Guard Kit "V" cabinets)
1HG0415 All Hail Guard Kit All Short (42") Standard Cabinets
1FE0412 All Flue Exhaust Extension Kit All Cabinets
1FF0414 All 2" only Metal Filter Frame Kit All Tall 50" Cabinets
1FF0415 All 2" only Metal Filter Frame Kit All Tall 42" Cabinets
1FL0402 All Permanent 2" only Filter Kit Includes (4) Four Filters) All Tall 50" Cabinets
1FL0423 All Permanent 2" only Filter Kit (Includes (4) four Filters) All Tall 42" Cabinets
1GP0405 All Gas Piping Kit All Cabinets
1HA0442 All High Altitude Kit for Natural Gas All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1HA0450 All High Altitude Kit for Natural Gas 3 - 5T (80, 120 & 160 MBH Input)
1HA0451 All High Altitude Kit for Natural Gas 3 - 4T (60 MBH Input)
1HA0443 All High Altitude Kit for Propane All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1HA0452 All High Altitude Kit for Propane 3 - 5T (80, 120 & 160 MBH Input)
1HA0453 All High Altitude Kit for Propane 3 - 4T (60 MBH Input)
1NP0442 All Propane Conversion Kit All 6 - 12T Cabinets
1NP0454 All Propane Conversion Kit 3 - 5T (80, 120 & 160 MBH Input)
1NP0455 All Propane Conversion Kit 3 - 4T (60 MBH Input)
1RC0470 All Roof Curb, 8" Height All Cabinets
1RC0471 All Roof Curb, 14" Height All Cabinets
1RC0472 All Roof Curb, Transition (7.5 T thru 12.5T to 3T- 12T) All Cabinets
Wooden Crate for extra protection during shipping and Standard Cabinets Only (not applicable to units
1WC0412 All handling 119" in length)
1LN0407 All Low NOx Kit 3 - 5T (80, 120 & 160 MBH Input)
1LN0408 All Low NOx Kit 3 - 5T (60 MBH Input)
Accessories (Continued)
Field Installed Accessories - Electric Heat
2TP04520925 230
2TP04520946 460 9kW Electric Heat All 50" Cabinet 6.5 and 8.5 Ton Models
2TP04520958 575
2TP04531825 230
2TP04531846 460 18kW Electric Heat All 50" Cabinet 6.5, 8.5, 10 and 12.5 Ton Models
2TP04521858 575
2TP04532425 230
2TP04532446 460 24kW Electric Heat All 50" Cabinet 6.5, 8.5, 10 and 12.5 Ton Models
2TP04522458 575
2TP04533625 230
2TP04533646 460 36kW Electric Heat All 50" Cabinet 6.5, 8.5, 10 and 12.5 Ton Models
2TP04523658 575
2TP04525425 230
2TP04525446 460 54kW Electric Heat All 50" 10 and 12.5 Ton Models
2TP04525458 575
2TP04540925 230
2TP04540946 460 9kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 Ton Models
2TP04540958 575
2TP04541825 230
2TP04541846 460 18kW Electric Heat All 42" 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 Ton Models
2TP04541858 575
2TP04542425 230
2TP04542446 460 24kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 Ton Models
2TP04542458 575
2TP04543625 230
2TP04543646 460 36kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 Ton Models
2TP04543658 575
2TP04510325 230
3kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 3 Ton Models
2TP04510346 460
2TP04510625 230
6kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 3, 4 and 5 Ton Models
2TP04510646 460
2TP04510825 230
2TP04510846 460 9kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 3, 4 and 5 Ton Models
2TP04510858 575
2TP04511525 230
2TP04511546 460 15kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 3, 4 and 5 Ton Models
2TP04511558 575
2TP04512025 230
2TP04512046 460 20kW Electric Heat All 42" 4 and 5 Ton Models
2TP04512058 575
2TP04512325 230
2TP04512346 460 24kW Electric Heat All 42" Cabinet 5 Ton Models
2TP04512358 575
Accessories (Continued)
Field Installed Accessories - Fresh Air
1FA0413 All Manual Outside Air Damper 0-35%, Downflow All Cabinets
1FA0414 All Manual Outside Air Damper 0-100%, Downflow All Cabinets
1EH0408 All Barometric Relief Kit for Power Exhaust, Horizontal Application All Cabinets
2EC0401 All Single Enthalpy Control All Cabinets
2EC0402 All Dual Enthalpy Control (Includes 2 Sensors) All Cabinets
Economizer for Downflow, End Return Horizontal, or ERV
2EE04707624 All All 50" Cabinets
Applications. Includes FA Hood, Exhaust Hood w/Baro Relief
Economizer for Downflow, End Return Horizontal, or ERV
2EE04707424 All All 42" Cabinets
Applications. Includes FA Hood, Exhaust Hood w/Baro Relief
2EE04706924 All Horizontal Economizer without Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2MD04703824 All Motorized Damper, Downflow without Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2MD04703924 All Motorized Damper, Horizontal without Barometric Relief All Cabinets
2PE04704706 230 Power Exhaust 230V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
2PE04704746 460 Power Exhaust 460V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
2PE04704758 575 Power Exhaust 575V Downflow or Horizontal All Cabinets
Guide Specifications tonnage sizes. J**ZH/ZJ/ZR units are available in the following
configurations: cooling only, cooling with electric heat, cooling
GENERAL with gas heat, reheat only, reheat with electric heat and reheat
with gas heat. Electric heaters are available as factory-installed
Units shall be manufactured by Unitary Products in an ISO options or field-installed accessories.
9001 certified facility. Johnson Controls J**ZH/ZJ/ZR units are
convertible single packages with a common footprint cabinet DESCRIPTION
and common roof curb for all 3 through 12.5 ton models. All 6.5
through 12.5 ton units have two compressors with independent Units shall be factory assembled, single package, (Elec/Elec, Gas/
R-410A refrigeration circuits to provide 2 stages of cooling. The Elec), designed for outdoor installation. They shall have built in
units were designed for light commercial applications and can field convertible duct connections for down discharge supply/return
be easily installed on a roof curb, slab, or frame. All J**ZH/ZJ/ or horizontal discharge supply/return and be available with factory
ZR units are self-contained and assembled on rigid full installed options or field installed accessories. The units shall be
perimeter base rails allowing for 3-way forklift access and factory wired, piped and charged with R-410A refrigerant and
overhead rigging. Every unit is completely charged with R- factory tested prior to shipment. All unit wiring shall be both
410A, wired, piped, and tested at the factory to provide a quick numbered and color coded. The cooling performance shall be
and easy field installation. All units are convertible between rated in accordance with DOE and AHRI test procedures. Units
side and down airflow. Independent economizer designs are shall be CSA certified to ANSI Z21.47 and UL 1995/CAN/CSA No.
used on side and down discharge applications, as well as all 236-M90 standards.
GAS HEATING SECTION (IF EQUIPPED) 511 Class 1A damper, and the International Energy
Conservation Code (IECC) certification requirements by
Heat exchanger and exhaust system shall be constructed of achieving leakage rates of 3 cfm/sq. ft. at 1" of static
aluminized steel, and be designed with induced draft combus- pressure. Changeover from compressor to economizer
tion with post purge logic, energy saving direct spark ignition, operation shall be provided by an integral electronic
and redundant main gas valve. The heat exchanger shall be of enthalpy control that feeds input into the basic module.
the tubular type, constructed of T1-40 aluminized steel for cor- The outdoor intake opening shall be covered with a rain
rosion resistance and allowing minimum mixed air entering tem- hood that matches the exterior of the unit. Water
perature of 40 ºF. Burners shall be of the in-shot type, eliminator/filters shall be provided.
constructed of aluminum-coated steel. All gas piping shall enter
Simultaneous economizer/compressor operation is also
the unit cabinet at a single location, through either the side or
possible. Dampers shall fully close on power loss.
bottom, without any field modifications. An integrated control
Available with barometric relief and power exhaust.
board shall provide timed control of evaporator fan functioning
and burner ignition. Heating section shall be provided with the • MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR DAMPERS - Outdoor and
following minimum protection: return air dampers that are interlocked and positioned by
a 2- position, spring-return damper actuator. A unit-
a. Primary and auxiliary high-temperature limit switches. mounted potentiometer shall be provided to adjust the
b. Induced draft pressure sensor. outdoor and return air damper assembly to take in the
design CFM of outdoor air to meet the ventilation
c. Flame roll out switch (manual reset). requirements of the conditioned space during normal
d. Flame proving controls. operation. Whenever the indoor fan motor is energized,
the dampers open up to one of two pre-selected positions
e. All two stage gas units shall have two independent - regardless of the outdoor air enthalpy. Dampers return to
stages of capacity as shown on Page 5. the fully closed position when the indoor fan motor is de-
energized. Dampers shall fully close on power loss.
An electric heating section, with nickel chromium elements, ADDITIONAL FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS
shall be provided in a range of 3 thru 54KW. The heating sec- • ALTERNATE INDOOR BLOWER MOTOR – For
tion shall have a primary limit control(s) (automatic reset) to pre- applications with high restrictions, units are available with
vent the heating element system from operating at an optional indoor blower motors that provide higher static
excessive temperature. The Heating Section assembly shall output and/or higher airflow.
slide out of the unit for easy maintenance and service. Units
with Electric Heating Sections shall be wired for a single point • VARIABLE AIR VOLUME (VAV) - The VAV option using
power supply with branch circuit fusing (where required). a variable frequency drive (VFD) shall be available on
6.5 through 12.5 ton models for applications requiring a
UNIT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS constant supply-duct static pressure. Units equipped for
VAV shall be controlled by a duct pressure transducer
Unit shall be capable of starting and running at 125 ºF outdoor with a 0 - 5" WC pressure range. The pressure transducer
temperature, exceeding maximum load criteria of AHRI Stan- shall provide a 0 - 5 VDC output signal to a VAV control
dard 340/360. The compressor, with standard controls, shall be board which, in turn shall provide a 2 - 10 VDC speed
capable of operation down to 0 ºF outdoor temperature. Unit reference signal to the VFD. The control board shall
shall be provided with fan time delay to prevent cold air delivery operate using factory-installed Supply Air, Return Air and
before heat exchanger warms up. (Gas heat only) Outside Air Temperature Sensors with a nominal
resistance of 10,000 Ohms. Units equipped with VFD's
ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS - All unit power wiring shall shall have factory-installed manual bypass as an option.
enter unit cabinet at a single factory provided location and be
capable of side or bottom entry to minimize roof penetrations • CONVENIENCE OUTLET (POWERED/NON-POWERED)–
and avoid unit field modifications. Separate side and bottom Unit can be provided with an optional 120VAC GFCI outlet
openings shall be provided for the control wiring. with cover on the corner of the unit housing the compressors.
• ELECTRIC HEAT - Electric Heaters range from 3kW to
STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTIES - Compressor – 5 Years, 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of the
Heat Exchanger – 10 Years, Elect. Heat Elem. – 5 Years, base unit.
Parts – 1 Year
• PHASE MONITOR - Designed to prevent damage in out-
OPTIONAL OUTDOOR AIR (Shall be made available by either/ of-phase condition.
or): • COIL GUARD - Designed to prevent condenser coil
return air dampers that are interlocked and positioned by • BAS CONTROLS HARDWARE - Include supply air
a fully-modulating, spring-return damper actuator. The sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator and air
maximum leakage rate for the outdoor air intake dampers proving switch.
shall be designed to meet ASHRAE 90.1-2010, AMCA
pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit
thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high- • ROOF CURB - 14” and 8” high, full perimeter knockdown
pressure drop across the filters. curb, with hinged design for quick assembly.
• BREAKER – An HACR breaker can be factory installed • BAROMETRIC RELIEF DAMPER – (Unit mounted –
on gas heat units or cooling units with electric heat. Downflow, Duct Mounted – Horizontal) – Contains a rain
hood, air inlet screen, exhaust damper and mounting
• DISCONNECT SWITCH - A disconnect can be factory
hardware. Used to relieve internal air pressure through
installed on a cooling only units sized for the largest
the unit during economizer operation.
electric heat available.
• PROPANE CONVERSION KIT – Contains new orifices
and gas valve springs to convert from natural to L.P. gas.
applications in a corrosive environment, this option
provides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly. • ECONOMIZER (Downflow and Horizontal flow)
• SMOKE DETECTOR – A smoke detector can be factory • POWER EXHAUST – (Unit mount – Downflow, Duct
mounted and wired in the supply and/or return air mount – Horizontal flow)
compartments. • DUAL ENTHALPY KIT - Provides a second input to
economizer to monitor return air.
Physical Data
JA3 thru A5ZJ Single Stage Gas Heat Physical Data (Continued)
Nominal Tonnage 3.0 4.0 5.0
Quantity of fans 1 1 2
Fan diameter (Inch) 24 24 24
Type Prop Prop Prop
Drive type Direct Direct Direct
Quantity of motors 1 1 2
Motor HP each 1/3 1/3 1/3
No. speeds 1 1 1
RPM 850 850 850
Total CFM 3300 3700 6300
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan Size (Inch) 12 x 9 12 x 9 12 x 9
Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal
Motor Sheave 1VM34 1VL44 1VM34 1VL44 1VL40 1VP56
Blower Sheave AK69 AK69 AK56 AK56 AK61 AK74
Belt A47 A47 A47 A47 A47 A51
Motor HP each 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2
RPM 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725
Frame size 56 56 56 56 56 56
4 - (24 x 16 x 2)2,3 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)2,3 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)2,3
Quantity - Size 4 4
4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 - (24 x 16 x 4)4
1. JA4ZJ and JA5ZJ have crankcase heaters standard
2. 2 In. Throwaway, Standard, MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value).
3. 2 In. Pleated, Optional, MERV 8.
4. 4 In. Pleated, Optional, MERV 13.
JA3 thru A5ZJ Two Stage Gas Heat Physical Data (Continued)
Nominal Tonnage 3.0 4.0 5.0
Quantity of fans 1 1 2
Fan diameter (Inch) 24 24 24
Type Prop Prop Prop
Drive type Direct Direct Direct
Quantity of motors 1 1 2
Motor HP each 1/3 1/3 1/3
No. speeds 1 1 1
RPM 850 850 850
Total CFM 3300 3700 6300
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan Size (Inch) 12 x 9 12 x 9 12 x 9
Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal
Motor Sheave 1VM34 1VL44 1VM34 1VL44 1VL40 1VP56
Blower Sheave AK69 AK69 AK56 AK56 AK61 AK74
Belt A47 A47 A47 A47 A47 A51
Motor HP each 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2
RPM 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725
Frame size 56 56 56 56 56 56
4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5
Quantity - Size 6 6
4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 - (24 x 16 x 4)6
1. 1st Stage Capacity is 75% of Full Capacity.
2. 1st Stage Capacity is 70% of Full Capacity.
3. JA4ZJ and JA5ZJ have crankcase heaters standard.
4. 2 In. Throwaway, Standard, MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value)
5. 2 In. Pleated, Optional, MERV 8.
6. 4 In. Pleated, Optional, MERV 13.
JA3 thru A5ZR Single Stage Gas Heat Physical Data (Continued)
Nominal Tonnage 3 4 5
Quantity of fans 1 2 2
Fan diameter (Inch) 24 24 24
Type Prop Prop Prop
Drive type Direct Direct Direct
Quantity of motors 1 2 2
Motor HP each 1/3 1/3 1/3
No. speeds Var. Var. Var.
RPM (max.) 850 850 850
Total CFM 3500 7000 7000
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan Size (Inch) 12 x 9 12 x 9 12 x 9
Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal
Motor Sheave 1VP34 1VL44 1VP34 1VL44 1VP34 1VL44
Blower Sheave AK61 AK59 AK61 AK59 AK61 AK59
Belt A47 A47 A47 A47 A47 A47
Motor HP each 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2
RPM 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725
Frame size 56 56 56 56 56 56
4 - (24 x 16 x 2)2, 3 4 - (24 x 16 x 2) 2,3 4 - (24 x 16 x 2) 2,3
Quantity - Size
4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4 4 - (24 x 16 x 4) 4
JA3 thru A5ZR Two Stage Gas Heat Physical Data (Continued)
Nominal Tonnage 3 4 5
Quantity of fans 1 2 2
Fan diameter (Inch) 24 24 24
Type Prop Prop Prop
Drive type Direct Direct Direct
Quantity of motors 1 2 2
Motor HP each 1/3 1/3 1/3
No. speeds Var. Var. Var.
RPM 850 850 850
Total CFM 3500 7000 7000
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan Size (Inch) 12 x 9 12 x 9 12 x 9
Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal
Motor Sheave 1VP34 1VL44 1VP34 1VL44 1VP34 1VL44
Blower Sheave AK61 AK59 AK61 AK59 AK61 AK59
Belt A47 A47 A47 A47 A47 A47
Motor HP each 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2
RPM 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725
Frame size 56 56 56 56 56 56
4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5 4 - (24 x 16 x 2)4,5
Quantity - Size
4 - (24 x 16 x 4)6 4 - (24 x 16 x 4)6 4 - (24 x 16 x 4)6
Capacity Performance
JA3 thru 12ZH Cooling Capacities
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
1. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, deduct air blower motor, MBh = 3.415 x kW. Refer to the appropriate Blower
Performance Table for the kW of the supply air blower motor.
2. These ratings include the condenser fan motors (total 1 kW) and the compressor motors but not the supply air blower motor.
Drive Selection
1. 2600 CFM
2. 1.6 iwg
3. Using the supply air blower performance table below, the following data point was located: 1268 RPM & 1.95 BHP.
4. Using the RPM selection table below, Size X and Model Y is found.
5. 1.95 BHP exceeds the maximum continuous BHP rating of the 1.5 HP motor. The 2 HP motor is required.
6. 1268 RPM is within the range of the 2 HP drives.
7. Using the 2 HP motor and drive, .5 turns open will achieve 1268 RPM.
Airflow Performance
Sea Level
Correction Factor
1000 ft
0.900 2000 ft
3000 ft
4000 ft
0.800 5000 ft
6000 ft
0.750 7000 ft
8000 ft
9000 ft
10000 ft
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Air Temperature (ºF)
The examples below will assist in determining the airflow blower tables to select the blower speed and the BHP
performance of the product at altitude. requirement.
Example 1: What are the corrected CFM, static pressure, and Solution: As in the example above, no temperature
BHP at an elevation of 5,000 ft. if the blower performance data information is given so 70°F is assumed.
is 6,000 CFM, 1.5 IWC and 4.0 BHP?
The 1.5" static pressure given is at an elevation of 5,000 ft. The
Solution: At an elevation of 5,000 ft. the indoor blower will still first step is to convert this static pressure to equivalent sea level
deliver 6,000 CFM if the rpm is unchanged. However, Airflow conditions.
Performance Table must be used to determine the static pressure
Sea level static pressure = 1.5 / .832 = 1.80"
and BHP. Since no temperature data is given, we will assume an
air temperature of 70°F. Altitude/Temperature Correction Factors Enter the blower table at 6000 sCFM and static pressure of
Table shows the correction factor to be 0.832. 1.8". The rpm listed will be the same rpm needed at 5,000 ft.
Corrected static pressure = 1.5 x 0.832 = 1.248 IWC Suppose that the corresponding BHP listed in the table is 3.2.
This value must be corrected for elevation.
Corrected BHP = 4.0 x 0.832 = 3.328
Example 2: A system, located at 5,000 feet of elevation, is to BHP at 5,000 ft. = 3.2 x .832 = 2.66
deliver 6,000 CFM at a static pressure of 1.5". Use the unit
RPM Selection
Size Airflow Max Motor Blower 6 Turns 5 Turns 4 Turns 3 Turns 2 Turns 1 Turn Fully
Model HP
(Tons) Option BHP Sheave Sheave Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed
JA3 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VM34 AK69 N/A 531 584 637 690 743 796
(3) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK69 N/A 796 849 902 955 1008 1062
JA4 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VM34 AK56 N/A 663 730 796 863 929 995
(4) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK56 N/A 995 1062 1128 1194 1261 1327
JA5 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VL40 AK61 N/A 787 847 908 968 1029 1089
(5) H. Static 2 2 1VP56 AK74 N/A 1035 1084 1134 1183 1232 1281
J06 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(6.5) H. Static 2 2.30 1VM50 AK64 N/A 1039 1094 1150 1207 1256 1308
J07 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(7.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK61 N/A 1088 1147 1205 1265 1312 1365
J08 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK94 N/A 690 728 767 805 843 882
(8.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
J10 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK84 N/A 776 819 863 906 949 992
(10) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
J12 Std. 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(12.5) H. Static 5 5.75 1VP56 BK77 1052 1095 1136 1175 1216 1272 N/A
JA3 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VM34 AK69 N/A 531 584 637 690 743 796
(3) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK69 N/A 796 849 902 955 1008 1062
JA4 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VM34 AK56 N/A 663 730 796 863 929 995
(4) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK56 N/A 995 1062 1128 1194 1261 1327
JA5 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VL40 AK61 N/A 787 847 908 968 1029 1089
(5) H. Static 2 2 1VP56 AK74 N/A 1035 1084 1134 1183 1232 1281
J06 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VL40 AK74 N/A 641 690 739 789 838 887
(6.5) H. Static 2 2.30 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
J07 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VL40 AK69 N/A 690 743 796 849 902 955
(7.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK69 N/A 955 1008 1062 1115 1168 1221
J08 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK89 N/A 731 771 812 852 893 934
(8.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
J10 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK84 N/A 776 819 863 906 949 992
(10) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
J12 Std. 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 887 936 986 1035 1084 1134
(12.5) H. Static 5 5.75 1VP56 BK77 1052 1095 1136 1175 1216 1272 N/A
JA3 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VP34 AK61 N/A 575 636 696 757 817 878
(3.0) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK59 N/A 878 941 1004 1066 1129 1192
JA4 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VP34 AK61 N/A 575 636 696 757 817 878
(4.0) H. Static 1.5 1.5 1VL44 AK59 N/A 878 941 1004 1066 1129 1192
JA5 Std. 1.5 1.5 1VP34 AK61 N/A 575 636 696 757 817 878
(5.0) H. Static 2 2 1VL44 AK59 N/A 878 941 1004 1066 1129 1192
J06 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 897 945 991 1035 1079 1126
(6.5) H. Static 2 2.30 1VM50 AK64 N/A 1039 1094 1150 1207 1256 1308
J07 Std. 1.5 1.73 1VM50 AK74 N/A 897 945 991 1035 1079 1126
(7.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK61 N/A 1088 1147 1205 1265 1312 1365
J08 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK89 N/A 735 775 815 851 889 930
(8.5) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 880 928 972 1016 1067 1110
J10 Std. 2 2.30 1VM50 AK84 N/A 785 821 858 901 940 980
(10) H. Static 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 880 928 972 1016 1067 1110
J12 Std. 3 3.45 1VM50 AK74 N/A 880 928 972 1016 1067 1110
(12.5) H. Static 5 5.75 1VP56 BK77 1052 1095 1136 1175 1216 1272 N/A
Airflow Performance
JA3 thru 12ZH Side Duct Application
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1500 659 0.35 719 0.46 780 0.57 843 0.67 905 0.77 964 0.87 1020 0.97 1071 1.07 1116 1.17 1154 1.28
1600 675 0.38 735 0.50 796 0.60 859 0.71 920 0.81 980 0.91 1036 1.01 1087 1.11 1132 1.21 1170 1.32
1700 691 0.42 751 0.54 812 0.64 875 0.75 936 0.85 996 0.95 1052 1.05 1103 1.15 1148 1.25 1186 1.36
1800 707 0.47 767 0.58 829 0.69 891 0.79 953 0.90 1012 0.99 1069 1.09 1120 1.20 1165 1.30 1202 1.41
1900 724 0.53 784 0.64 846 0.75 908 0.85 970 0.95 1029 1.05 1085 1.15 1137 1.25 1182 1.35 1219 1.46
2000 741 0.59 801 0.70 863 0.81 925 0.91 987 1.01 1047 1.11 1103 1.21 1154 1.31 1199 1.41 1236 1.52
2100 759 0.65 819 0.77 881 0.87 943 0.98 1005 1.08 1065 1.18 1121 1.28 1172 1.38 1217 1.48 1254 1.59
2200 778 0.73 838 0.84 900 0.95 962 1.05 1024 1.15 1083 1.25 1139 1.35 1191 1.45 1236 1.56 1273 1.66
2300 797 0.81 857 0.92 919 1.03 981 1.13 1043 1.23 1103 1.33 1159 1.43 1210 1.53 1255 1.64 1292 1.74
2400 817 0.90 877 1.01 939 1.12 1002 1.22 1063 1.32 1123 1.42 1179 1.52 1230 1.62 1275 1.73 1312 1.83
2500 838 1.00 898 1.11 960 1.22 1022 1.32 1084 1.42 1144 1.52 1200 1.62 1251 1.72 1296 1.82 1333 1.93
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1200 513 0.4 614 0.5 706 0.5 788 0.6 863 0.7 931 0.8 993 0.8 1050 0.9 1104 1.0 1156 1.1
1300 525 0.4 627 0.5 719 0.6 801 0.6 876 0.7 943 0.8 1005 0.9 1063 1.0 1117 1.1 1169 1.2
1400 537 0.5 639 0.5 731 0.6 813 0.7 888 0.7 955 0.8 1017 0.9 1075 1.0 1129 1.1 1181 1.2
1500 549 0.5 650 0.6 742 0.6 824 0.7 899 0.8 966 0.9 1028 0.9 1086 1.0 1140 1.1 1192 1.2
1600 558 0.6 660 0.6 752 0.7 834 0.8 909 0.8 976 0.9 1038 1.0 1096 1.1 1150 1.2 1202 1.3
1700 566 0.6 668 0.7 760 0.7 842 0.8 917 0.9 984 1.0 1046 1.1 1104 1.1 1158 1.2 1210 1.4
1800 573 0.7 675 0.7 766 0.8 849 0.9 923 1.0 991 1.0 1053 1.1 1110 1.2 1164 1.3 1216 1.4
1900 577 0.8 679 0.8 771 0.9 853 1.0 928 1.0 995 1.1 1057 1.2 1115 1.3 1169 1.4 1221 1.5
2000 580 0.8 682 0.9 773 1.0 856 1.0 930 1.1 998 1.2 1060 1.3 1117 1.4 1172 1.5 1224 1.6
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
4. Field Supplied Drive.
1. Blower performance includes gas heat exchangers and 2” filters. See STATIC RESISTANCE table for additional applications.
2. See RPM SELECTION table to determine desired motor sheave setting and to determine the maximum continuous BHP.
3. kW = BHP x 0.932.
Sound Performance
Indoor Sound Power Levels (3 thru 5 Ton)
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Horizontal Ducted Inlet, Standard Static Belt Drive)
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Horizontal Ducted Discharge, Standard Static Belt Drive)
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Vertical Ducted Inlet, Standard Static Belt Drive)
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Vertical Ducted Discharge, Standard Static Belt Drive)
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Horizontal Ducted Inlet, High Static Belt Drive)
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Horizontal Ducted Discharge, High Static Belt Drive)
UNIT DESCRIPTION / MODEL JA3ZH/ZJ/ZR / 3 Ton / High Static Belt Drive
TEST CONFIGURATION Horizontal (Side Supply) Ducted Discharge
Indoor Blower Speed (RPM) 896 - 3.5 Turns Open Equivalent 1,072 - Fully Closed Equivalent 1,170 - 2.5 Turns Open Equivalent1
External Static Pressure (IWG) 1.0 1.6 2.0 1
Nominal Airflow (CFM) 1,200 1,100 1,000
Blower Motor BHP 0.64 0.93 1.08
ID Blower Cooling ID Blower Cooling ID Blower Cooling
Octave Center Freq. Hz
Only (dB) Operation2 (dB) Only (dB) Operation2 (dB) Only (dB) Operation2 (dB)
63 77 81 83 84 83 84
125 74 76 76 77 80 80
250 67 68 70 70 72 73
500 65 66 67 67 67 68
1000 61 62 67 67 66 69
2000 58 60 63 63 63 64
4000 57 59 62 62 62 63
8000 51 53 56 57 56 58
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Cooling Operation – ID blower, compressor and outdoor fan operating at 230 VAC.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Vertical Ducted Inlet, High Static Belt Drive)
UNIT DESCRIPTION / MODEL JA3ZH/ZJ/ZR / 3 Ton / High Static Belt Drive
TEST CONFIGURATION Vertical (Bottom Return) Ducted Inlet
Indoor Blower Speed (RPM) 927 - 3 Turns Open Equivalent 1,085 - 1/2 Turn Open Equivalent 1,190 - 2.5 Turns Open Equivalent1
External Static Pressure (IWG) 1.0 1.6 2.01
Nominal Airflow (CFM) 1,200 1,100 1,000
Blower Motor BHP 0.68 0.93 1.09
ID Blower Cooling ID Blower Cooling ID Blower Cooling
Octave Center Freq. Hz
Only (dB) Operation2 (dB) Only (dB) Operation2 (dB) Only (dB) Operation2 (dB)
63 77 79 82 83 79 81
125 68 69 70 71 72 73
250 60 67 62 69 64 67
500 58 58 63 63 62 63
1000 54 55 60 60 60 60
2000 48 49 56 56 55 55
4000 43 44 48 49 51 51
8000 44 44 45 46 47 47
63 77 79 78 78 81 81
125 69 73 71 73 73 74
250 63 63 63 64 66 66
500 63 64 62 63 64 64
1000 59 59 59 59 61 61
2000 54 54 53 54 56 56
4000 49 49 48 48 50 51
8000 45 46 45 46 47 47
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Indoor Sound Power Levels (Vertical Ducted Discharge, High Static Belt Drive)
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
1. Differentials for Cooling Operation (IDB, COMP, & ODF) are logarithmically calculated from the horizontal flow sound test.
• Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 260-2001. Refer to 2001 Standard for Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning
• Testing datum includes effect of standard inlet air filters.
• Test duct dimension: 18 in. wide x 28 in. high x 8 ft. long, no elbows.
• Test duct termination is flush with reverberant room wall.
• Duct end (sound reflection) corrections included: (7.2, 3.4, 1.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 0, 0) dB at (63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) Hz respectively.
Electrical Data
JA3 thru A5ZH Standard Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1 w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.7 24.2 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.7 24.2 25 30
208 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.7 24.2 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.7 24.2 25 30
230 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.5 11.7 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.5 11.7 15 15
460 4.5 34.0 7.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.4 9.2 15 15
575 3.8 28.0 6.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 21.8 27.3 30 35
E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 30 35
208 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 21.8 27.3 30 35
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 30 35
230 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 10.9 13.1 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 8.3 10.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 69.0 75.8 70 80
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
E24 24.0 2 57.7 78.7 85.5 80 90
None - - - 14.7 16.9 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 14.7 16.9 20 20
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 39.3 42.1 40 45
None - - - 9.7 11.5 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.4 33.6 35 35
J06 thru 12ZH Standard Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 55.3 62.2 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
E36 25.5 2 70.8 97.0 103.9 100 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 149.4 156.2 150 175
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 62.6 69.5 70 70
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
E36 34.0 2 81.8 110.7 117.6 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 138.4 145.3 150 175
(10) None - - - 24.2 26.4 30 30
E18 18.0 2 21.7 31.3 34.1 35 35
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 55.4 58.1 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 69.2 72.0 80 80
None - - - 17.9 19.7 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 24.7 26.9 25 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
E36 34.0 2 32.7 43.9 46.1 45 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 55.0 57.2 60 60
None - - - 70.0 75.5 90 90
E18 13.5 2 37.5 70.0 75.5 90 90
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 90 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 70.0 75.5 90 90
E18 18.0 2 43.3 70.0 75.5 90 90
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 37.2 39.4 45 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 37.2 39.4 45 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 25.8 27.6 30 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 35
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZH Hi Static Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.7 24.2 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.7 24.2 25 30
208 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.7 24.2 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.7 24.2 25 30
230 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.5 11.7 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.5 11.7 15 15
460 4.5 34.0 7.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.4 9.2 15 15
575 3.8 28.0 6.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 21.8 27.3 30 35
E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 30 35
208 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 21.8 27.3 30 35
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 30 35
230 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 10.9 13.1 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 8.3 10.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 32.1 39.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 47.7 54.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 60.5 67.4 70 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 35.6 42.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 53.6 60.5 60 70
E20 20.0 2 48.1 68.6 75.5 70 80
E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
None - - - 15.5 17.7 20 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 15.5 17.7 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 17.8 20.5 20 25
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 3.4 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 26.8 29.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 34.3 37.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
None - - - 10.1 11.9 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.8 16.1 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.4 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 21.0 23.3 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 27.1 29.3 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
J06 thru 12ZH Hi Static Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 58.8 65.7 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 80 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 66.1 73.0 70 80
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 25.5 27.7 30 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 32.9 35.7 35 40
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 19.1 20.9 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
None - - - 74.4 79.9 90 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 74.4 79.9 90 100
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 80.0 86.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 106.0 112.9 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 158.4 165.2 175 175
None - - - 74.4 79.9 90 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 74.4 79.9 90 100
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 89.7 96.5 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 119.7 126.6 125 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 147.4 154.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 39.1 41.3 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.1 41.3 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 6.6 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 44.3 47.1 50 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 59.4 62.1 60 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 73.2 76.0 80 90
None - - - 27.4 29.2 35 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 28.2 30.4 35 35
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 5.2 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 35.4 37.6 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 47.4 49.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 58.5 60.7 70 70
1. Minimum Circuit Ampacity.
2. Dual Element, Time Delay Type.
3. HACR type per NEC.
JA3 thru A5ZH Standard Indoor Blower - With Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 28.9 34.4 35 40
E03 2.3 1 6.4 28.9 34.4 35 40
208 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
None - - - 28.9 34.4 35 40
E03 3.0 1 7.2 28.9 34.9 35 40
230 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
None - - - 14.6 16.8 15 20
E03 3.0 1 3.6 14.6 16.8 15 20
460 4.5 34.0 7.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
None - - - 11.5 13.3 15 15
575 3.8 28.0 6.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
None - - - 31.8 37.3 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
208 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
None - - - 31.8 37.3 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
230 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
None - - - 15.9 18.1 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
None - - - 12.3 14.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 4.5 1 12.5 37.0 42.5 50 50
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 50 50
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
E24 18.0 2 50.0 81.5 88.3 90 90
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 50 50
E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
E24 24.0 2 57.7 91.2 98.0 100 100
None - - - 19.7 21.9 25 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 19.7 21.9 25 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
E24 24.0 2 28.9 45.6 48.3 50 50
None - - - 13.7 15.5 15 20
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.4 38.6 40 40
J06 thru 12ZH Standard Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 67.8 74.7 70 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 83.5 90.3 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 109.5 116.4 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 161.9 168.7 175 175
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 75.1 82.0 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 93.2 100.0 100 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 123.2 130.1 125 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 150.9 157.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 29.2 31.4 35 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 37.6 40.3 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 46.6 49.3 50 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 61.6 64.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 75.5 78.2 80 90
None - - - 21.9 23.7 25 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 29.7 31.9 30 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.9 39.1 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 48.9 51.1 50 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 60.0 62.2 70 70
None - - - 80.0 85.5 100 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 80.0 85.5 100 100
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 100 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 80.0 85.5 100 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 80.0 85.5 100 100
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 42.2 44.4 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 42.2 44.4 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 29.8 31.6 35 40
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 40
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZH Hi Static Indoor Blower - With Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 28.9 34.4 35 40
E03 2.3 1 6.4 28.9 34.4 35 40
208 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
None - - - 28.9 34.4 35 40
E03 3.0 1 7.2 28.9 34.9 35 40
230 9.1 68.0 14.2 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
None - - - 14.6 16.8 15 20
E03 3.0 1 3.6 14.6 16.8 15 20
460 4.5 34.0 7.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
None - - - 11.5 13.3 15 15
575 3.8 28.0 6.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
None - - - 31.8 37.3 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
208 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
None - - - 31.8 37.3 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
230 11.6 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
None - - - 15.9 18.1 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
None - - - 12.3 14.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
None - - - 38.6 44.1 50 50
E06 4.5 1 12.5 38.6 44.1 50 50
E09 6.8 1 18.9 44.6 51.5 50 60
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 10.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 60.2 67.1 70 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 73.0 79.9 80 80
E24 18.0 2 50.0 83.5 90.3 90 100
None - - - 38.6 44.1 50 50
E06 6.0 1 14.4 39.0 45.9 50 50
E09 9.0 1 21.7 48.1 54.9 50 60
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 10.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 66.1 73.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 81.1 88.0 90 90
E24 24.0 2 57.7 93.2 100.0 100 100
None - - - 20.5 22.7 25 30
E06 6.0 1 7.2 20.5 22.7 25 30
E09 9.0 1 10.8 24.0 26.8 25 30
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 3.4 2.2 5.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 33.1 35.8 35 40
E20 20.0 2 24.1 40.6 43.3 45 45
E24 24.0 2 28.9 46.6 49.3 50 50
None - - - 14.1 15.9 15 20
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.8 21.1 20 25
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.4 1.8 4.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 26.0 28.3 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 32.1 34.3 35 35
E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.9 39.1 40 40
J06 thru 12ZH Hi Static Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 71.3 78.2 80 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 78.6 85.5 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(10) None - - - 30.5 32.7 35 40
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.2 41.9 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 23.1 24.9 25 30
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
None - - - 84.4 89.9 100 110
E18 13.5 2 37.5 84.4 89.9 100 110
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 92.5 99.3 100 110
E36 25.5 2 70.8 118.5 125.4 125 150
E54 40.6 2 112.7 170.9 177.7 175 200
None - - - 84.4 89.9 100 110
E18 18.0 2 43.3 84.4 91.0 100 110
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 102.2 109.0 110 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 132.2 139.1 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 159.9 166.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 44.1 46.3 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 44.1 46.3 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 6.6 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 50.6 53.3 60 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 65.6 68.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 79.5 82.2 90 90
None - - - 31.4 33.2 40 40
E18 18.0 2 17.3 33.2 35.4 40 40
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 5.2 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 40.4 42.6 45 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 52.4 54.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 63.5 65.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZJ Standard Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.2 23.7 25 30
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.2 23.7 25 30
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.6 11.8 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.6 11.8 15 15
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.0 8.8 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 21.3 26.8 30 35
E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 30 35
208 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 21.3 26.8 30 35
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 30 35
230 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 10.9 13.1 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 8.3 10.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 69.0 75.8 70 80
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
E24 24.0 2 57.7 78.7 85.5 80 90
None - - - 14.7 16.9 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 14.7 16.9 20 20
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 39.3 42.1 40 45
None - - - 9.7 11.5 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.4 33.6 35 35
J06 thru 12ZJ Standard Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 55.3 62.2 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
E36 25.5 2 70.8 97.0 103.9 100 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 149.4 156.2 150 175
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 62.6 69.5 70 70
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
E36 34.0 2 81.8 110.7 117.6 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 138.4 145.3 150 175
(10) None - - - 24.2 26.4 30 30
E18 18.0 2 21.7 31.3 34.1 35 35
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 55.4 58.1 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 69.2 72.0 80 80
None - - - 17.9 19.7 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 24.7 26.9 25 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
E36 34.0 2 32.7 43.9 46.1 45 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 55.0 57.2 60 60
None - - - 70.0 75.5 90 90
E18 13.5 2 37.5 70.0 75.5 90 90
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 90 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 70.0 75.5 90 90
E18 18.0 2 43.3 70.0 75.5 90 90
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 37.2 39.4 45 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 37.2 39.4 45 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 25.8 27.6 30 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 35
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZJ Hi Static Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.2 23.7 25 30
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.2 23.7 25 30
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.6 11.8 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.6 11.8 15 15
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.0 8.8 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 21.3 26.8 30 35
E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 30 35
208 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 21.3 26.8 30 35
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 30 35
230 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 10.9 13.1 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 8.3 10.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 32.1 39.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 47.7 54.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 60.5 67.4 70 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 35.6 42.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 53.6 60.5 60 70
E20 20.0 2 48.1 68.6 75.5 70 80
E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
None - - - 15.5 17.7 20 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 15.5 17.7 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 17.8 20.5 20 25
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 3.4 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 26.8 29.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 34.3 37.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
None - - - 10.1 11.9 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.8 16.1 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.4 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 21.0 23.3 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 27.1 29.3 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
J06 thru 12ZJ Hi Static Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 58.8 65.7 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 80 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 66.1 73.0 70 80
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 25.5 27.7 30 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 32.9 35.7 35 40
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 19.1 20.9 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
None - - - 74.4 79.9 90 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 74.4 79.9 90 100
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 80.0 86.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 106.0 112.9 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 158.4 165.2 175 175
None - - - 74.4 79.9 90 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 74.4 79.9 90 100
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 89.7 96.5 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 119.7 126.6 125 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 147.4 154.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 39.1 41.3 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.1 41.3 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 6.6 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 44.3 47.1 50 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 59.4 62.1 60 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 73.2 76.0 80 90
None - - - 27.4 29.2 35 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 28.2 30.4 35 35
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 5.2 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 35.4 37.6 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 47.4 49.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 58.5 60.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZJ Standard Indoor Blower - With Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 28.5 34.0 35 40
E03 2.3 1 6.4 28.5 34.0 35 40
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
None - - - 28.5 34.0 35 40
E03 3.0 1 7.2 28.5 34.9 35 40
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
None - - - 14.7 16.9 15 20
E03 3.0 1 3.6 14.7 16.9 15 20
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
None - - - 11.2 13.0 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
None - - - 31.3 36.8 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
208 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
None - - - 31.3 36.8 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
230 11.2 88.0 17.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
None - - - 15.9 18.1 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
460 5.6 44.0 8.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
None - - - 12.3 14.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 4.5 36.0 7.0 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 4.5 1 12.5 37.0 42.5 50 50
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 50 50
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
E24 18.0 2 50.0 81.5 88.3 90 90
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 50 50
E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
E24 24.0 2 57.7 91.2 98.0 100 100
None - - - 19.7 21.9 25 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 19.7 21.9 25 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
E24 24.0 2 28.9 45.6 48.3 50 50
None - - - 13.7 15.5 15 20
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.4 38.6 40 40
J06 thru 12ZJ Standard Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 67.8 74.7 70 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 83.5 90.3 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 109.5 116.4 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 161.9 168.7 175 175
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 75.1 82.0 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 93.2 100.0 100 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 123.2 130.1 125 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 150.9 157.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 29.2 31.4 35 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 37.6 40.3 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 46.6 49.3 50 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 61.6 64.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 75.5 78.2 80 90
None - - - 21.9 23.7 25 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 29.7 31.9 30 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.9 39.1 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 48.9 51.1 50 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 60.0 62.2 70 70
None - - - 80.0 85.5 100 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 80.0 85.5 100 100
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 100 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 80.0 85.5 100 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 80.0 85.5 100 100
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 42.2 44.4 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 42.2 44.4 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 29.8 31.6 35 40
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 40
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
J06 thru 12ZJ Hi Static Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 71.3 78.2 80 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 78.6 85.5 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(10) None - - - 30.5 32.7 35 40
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.2 41.9 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 23.1 24.9 25 30
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
None - - - 84.4 89.9 100 110
E18 13.5 2 37.5 84.4 89.9 100 110
208 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 92.5 99.3 100 110
E36 25.5 2 70.8 118.5 125.4 125 150
E54 40.6 2 112.7 170.9 177.7 175 200
None - - - 84.4 89.9 100 110
E18 18.0 2 43.3 84.4 91.0 100 110
230 23.1 160.0 36.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 102.2 109.0 110 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 132.2 139.1 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 159.9 166.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 44.1 46.3 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 44.1 46.3 50 50
460 12.2 87.0 19.0 1.3 6.6 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 50.6 53.3 60 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 65.6 68.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 79.5 82.2 90 90
None - - - 31.4 33.2 40 40
E18 18.0 2 17.3 33.2 35.4 40 40
575 8.7 62.0 13.5 0.7 5.2 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 40.4 42.6 45 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 52.4 54.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 63.5 65.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZR Standard Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.2 23.7 25 30
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.2 23.7 25 30
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.6 11.8 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.6 11.8 15 15
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.0 8.8 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 24.3 29.8 35 40
E06 4.5 1 12.5 24.3 29.8 35 40
208 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 24.3 29.8 35 40
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 35 40
230 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 11.6 13.8 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.2 44.0 8.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 9.3 11.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.8 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 69.0 75.8 70 80
None - - - 27.0 32.5 35 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 27.0 32.5 35 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
E24 24.0 2 57.7 78.7 85.5 80 90
None - - - 14.7 16.9 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 14.7 16.9 20 20
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 39.3 42.1 40 45
None - - - 9.7 11.5 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.4 33.6 35 35
J06 thru 12ZR Standard Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1 w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 55.3 62.2 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
E36 25.5 2 70.8 97.0 103.9 100 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 149.4 156.2 150 175
None - - - 48.9 54.4 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 62.6 69.5 70 70
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
E36 34.0 2 81.8 110.7 117.6 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 138.4 145.3 150 175
(10) None - - - 24.2 26.4 30 30
E18 18.0 2 21.7 31.3 34.1 35 35
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 55.4 58.1 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 69.2 72.0 80 80
None - - - 17.9 19.7 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 24.7 26.9 25 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
E36 34.0 2 32.7 43.9 46.1 45 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 55.0 57.2 60 60
None - - - 68.4 73.9 90 90
E18 13.5 2 37.5 68.4 73.9 90 90
208 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 90 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 68.4 73.9 90 90
E18 18.0 2 43.3 68.4 73.9 90 90
230 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 33.6 35.8 40 45
E18 18.0 2 21.7 33.6 35.8 40 45
460 10.6 75.0 16.5 1.3 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 23.6 25.4 30 30
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 30
575 7.7 54.0 12.0 0.7 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZR Hi Static Indoor Blower - Without Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1 w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 2.3 1 6.4 18.2 23.7 25 30
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 22.1 29.0 25 30
E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
None - - - 18.2 23.7 25 30
E03 3.0 1 7.2 18.2 23.7 25 30
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 25 35
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
None - - - 9.6 11.8 15 15
E03 3.0 1 3.6 9.6 11.8 15 15
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
None - - - 7.0 8.8 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
None - - - 24.3 29.8 35 40
E06 4.5 1 12.5 24.3 29.8 35 40
208 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 30.1 37.0 35 40
E15 11.3 2 31.4 45.7 52.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 58.5 65.4 60 70
None - - - 24.3 29.8 35 40
E06 6.0 1 14.4 24.5 31.4 35 40
230 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 0.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 33.6 40.4 35 45
E15 15.0 2 36.1 51.6 58.5 60 60
JA4 E20 20.0 2 48.1 66.6 73.5 70 80
None - - - 11.6 13.8 15 15
E06 6.0 1 7.2 12.3 15.0 15 15
460 5.2 44.0 8.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 0.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 16.8 19.5 20 20
E15 15.0 2 18.0 25.8 28.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 33.3 36.1 35 40
None - - - 9.3 11.1 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.3 15.6 15 20
575 4.8 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 0.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 20.5 22.8 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 26.6 28.8 30 30
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 4.5 1 12.5 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 32.1 39.0 40 45
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 47.7 54.6 50 60
E20 15.0 2 41.6 60.5 67.4 70 70
E24 18.0 2 50.0 71.0 77.8 80 80
None - - - 28.6 34.1 40 45
E06 6.0 1 14.4 28.6 34.1 40 45
E09 9.0 1 21.7 35.6 42.4 40 45
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 6.8 5.5 0.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 53.6 60.5 60 70
E20 20.0 2 48.1 68.6 75.5 70 80
JA5 E24 24.0 2 57.7 80.7 87.5 90 90
None - - - 15.5 17.7 20 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 15.5 17.7 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 17.8 20.5 20 25
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 3.4 2.2 0.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 26.8 29.6 30 30
E20 20.0 2 24.1 34.3 37.1 35 40
E24 24.0 2 28.9 40.3 43.1 45 45
None - - - 10.1 11.9 15 15
E09 9.0 1 8.7 13.8 16.1 15 20
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.4 1.8 0.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 21.0 23.3 25 25
E20 20.0 2 19.2 27.1 29.3 30 30
E24 24.0 2 23.1 31.9 34.1 35 35
J06 thru 12ZR Hi Static Motor - Without Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 13.5 2 37.5 58.8 65.7 60 70
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 74.5 81.3 80 90
E36 25.5 2 70.8 100.5 107.4 110 110
E54 40.6 2 112.7 152.9 159.7 175 175
None - - - 51.7 57.2 60 70
E18 18.0 2 43.3 66.1 73.0 70 80
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 84.2 91.0 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 114.2 121.1 125 125
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 141.9 148.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 25.5 27.7 30 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 32.9 35.7 35 40
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 42.0 44.7 45 45
E36 34.0 2 40.9 57.0 59.7 60 60
E54 54.0 2 65.0 70.8 73.6 80 80
None - - - 19.1 20.9 20 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 26.2 28.4 30 30
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 33.4 35.6 35 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 45.4 47.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 56.5 58.7 70 70
None - - - 72.8 78.3 90 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 72.8 78.3 90 100
208 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 80.0 86.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 106.0 112.9 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 158.4 165.2 175 175
None - - - 72.8 78.3 90 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 72.8 78.5 90 100
230 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 0.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 89.7 96.5 90 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 119.7 126.6 125 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 147.4 154.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 35.5 37.7 45 45
E18 18.0 2 21.7 35.5 38.1 45 45
460 10.6 75.0 16.5 1.3 6.6 2.2 0.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 44.3 47.1 45 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 59.4 62.1 60 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 73.2 76.0 80 90
None - - - 25.2 27.0 30 30
E18 18.0 2 17.3 28.2 30.4 30 35
575 7.7 54.0 12.0 0.7 5.2 1.8 0.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 35.4 37.6 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 47.4 49.6 50 50
E54 54.0 2 52.0 58.5 60.7 70 70
JA3 thru A5ZR Standard Indoor Blower - With Powered Convenience Outlet
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each)
(each) Motor Motor Outlet MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt Size w/
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
RLA LRA MCC FLA FLA FLA FLA Model kW Stages Amps (Amps) (Amps) Pwr Exh
None - - - 28.5 34.0 35 40
E03 2.3 1 6.4 28.5 34.0 35 40
208 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 40 45
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
None - - - 28.5 34.0 35 40
E03 3.0 1 7.2 28.5 34.9 35 40
230 8.7 68.0 13.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 40 45
JA3 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
(3) E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
None - - - 14.7 16.9 15 20
E03 3.0 1 3.6 14.7 16.9 15 20
460 4.6 34.0 7.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
None - - - 11.2 13.0 15 15
575 3.5 28.0 5.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
None - - - 34.3 39.8 45 50
E06 4.5 1 12.5 34.6 41.5 45 50
208 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 45 50
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
None - - - 34.3 39.8 45 50
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 45 50
230 11.9 88.0 18.5 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0 E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
None - - - 16.6 18.8 20 20
E06 6.0 1 7.2 18.5 21.3 20 25
460 5.2 44.0 8.1 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
None - - - 13.3 15.1 15 20
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 4.8 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0
E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 4.5 1 12.5 37.0 42.5 50 50
E09 6.8 1 18.9 42.6 49.5 50 50
208 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 11.3 2 31.4 58.2 65.1 60 70
E20 15.0 2 41.6 71.0 77.9 80 80
E24 18.0 2 50.0 81.5 88.3 90 90
None - - - 37.0 42.5 50 50
E06 6.0 1 14.4 37.0 43.9 50 50
E09 9.0 1 21.7 46.1 52.9 50 60
230 14.1 88.0 22.0 2.1 5.2 5.5 10.0
E15 15.0 2 36.1 64.1 71.0 70 80
E20 20.0 2 48.1 79.1 86.0 80 90
E24 24.0 2 57.7 91.2 98.0 100 100
None - - - 19.7 21.9 25 25
E06 6.0 1 7.2 19.7 21.9 25 25
E09 9.0 1 10.8 23.0 25.8 25 30
460 7.7 55.0 12.0 1.3 2.6 2.2 5.0
E15 15.0 2 18.0 32.1 34.8 35 35
E20 20.0 2 24.1 39.6 42.3 40 45
E24 24.0 2 28.9 45.6 48.3 50 50
None - - - 13.7 15.5 15 20
E09 9.0 1 8.7 18.3 20.6 20 25
575 5.1 36.0 7.5 0.7 2.0 1.8 4.0 E15 15.0 2 14.4 25.5 27.8 30 30
E20 20.0 2 19.2 31.6 33.8 35 35
E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.4 38.6 40 40
J06 thru 12ZR Standard Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 67.8 74.7 70 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 83.5 90.3 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 109.5 116.4 110 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 161.9 168.7 175 175
None - - - 58.9 64.4 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 75.1 82.0 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 6.8 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 93.2 100.0 100 100
E36 34.0 2 81.8 123.2 130.1 125 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 150.9 157.8 175 175
(10) None - - - 29.2 31.4 35 35
E18 18.0 2 21.7 37.6 40.3 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 3.4 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 46.6 49.3 50 50
E36 34.0 2 40.9 61.6 64.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 75.5 78.2 80 90
None - - - 21.9 23.7 25 25
E18 18.0 2 17.3 29.7 31.9 30 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 2.4 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 36.9 39.1 40 40
E36 34.0 2 32.7 48.9 51.1 50 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 60.0 62.2 70 70
None - - - 78.4 83.9 100 100
E18 13.5 2 37.5 78.4 83.9 100 100
208 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 100 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 78.4 83.9 100 100
E18 18.0 2 43.3 78.6 85.5 100 100
230 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 38.6 40.8 45 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.2 41.9 45 50
460 10.6 75.0 16.5 1.3 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 27.6 29.4 35 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 35
575 7.7 54.0 12.0 0.7 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
J06 thru 12ZR Hi Static Motor - With Powered Convenience Outlet (Continued)
OD Fan Supply Pwr Pwr 2
Motors Blower Exh Conv Electric Heat Option MCA1 Max Fuse2/ Max Fuse3 /
Size (each) MCA1
w/Pwr Breaker 3 Breaker
Volt (each) Motor Motor Outlet Size w/ Pwr
(Tons) (Amps) Exh Size
(Amps) (Amps) Exh
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 13.5 2 37.5 71.3 78.2 80 80
208 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 87.0 93.8 90 100
E36 25.5 2 70.8 113.0 119.9 125 125
E54 40.6 2 112.7 165.4 172.2 175 175
None - - - 61.7 67.2 70 80
E18 18.0 2 43.3 78.6 85.5 80 90
230 16.0 110.0 24.9 3.0 9.6 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 96.7 103.5 100 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 126.7 133.6 150 150
J10 E54 54.0 2 129.9 154.4 161.3 175 175
(10) None - - - 30.5 32.7 35 40
E18 18.0 2 21.7 39.2 41.9 40 45
460 7.8 52.0 12.1 1.6 4.7 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 48.2 51.0 50 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 63.2 66.0 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 77.1 79.8 90 90
None - - - 23.1 24.9 25 30
E18 18.0 2 17.3 31.2 33.4 35 35
575 5.7 38.9 8.9 1.4 3.6 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 38.4 40.6 40 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 50.4 52.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 61.5 63.7 70 70
None - - - 82.8 88.3 100 110
E18 13.5 2 37.5 82.8 88.3 100 110
208 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 18.0 2 50.0 92.5 99.3 100 110
E36 25.5 2 70.8 118.5 125.4 125 150
E54 40.6 2 112.7 170.9 177.7 175 200
None - - - 82.8 88.3 100 110
E18 18.0 2 43.3 84.1 91.0 100 110
230 22.4 149.0 35.0 2.1 14.0 5.5 10.0 E24 24.0 2 57.7 102.2 109.0 110 110
E36 34.0 2 81.8 132.2 139.1 150 150
J12 E54 54.0 2 129.9 159.9 166.8 175 175
(12.5) None - - - 40.5 42.7 50 50
E18 18.0 2 21.7 41.6 44.3 50 50
460 10.6 75.0 16.5 1.3 6.6 2.2 5.0 E24 24.0 2 28.9 50.6 53.3 60 60
E36 34.0 2 40.9 65.6 68.4 70 70
E54 54.0 2 65.0 79.5 82.2 90 90
None - - - 29.2 31.0 35 35
E18 18.0 2 17.3 33.2 35.4 35 40
575 7.7 54.0 12.0 0.7 5.2 1.8 4.0 E24 24.0 2 23.1 40.4 42.6 45 45
E36 34.0 2 32.7 52.4 54.6 60 60
E54 54.0 2 52.0 63.5 65.7 70 70
Typical JA3 thru A5ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 208/230 Volt Unit (Options)
Typical JA3 thru A5ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical JA3 thru A5ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Unit (Options)
Typical JA3 thru A5ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with/without Electric Heat Wiring Diagram
Typical JA3 thru A5ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with/without Electric Heat Unit (Options)
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 208/230 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 208/230 Volt Unit (Options)
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Unit (Options)
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with/without Electric Heat Wiring Diagram
Typical J06 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with/without Electric Heat Unit (Options)
Typical J12ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 208/230 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical J12ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 208/230 Volt Unit (Options)
Typical J12ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Wiring Diagram
Typical J12ZH/ZJ/ZR Cooling Unit with Gas Heat 460/575 Volt Unit (Options)
Size Weight (lbs.) Center of Gravity 4 Point Load Location (lbs.) 6 Point Load Location (lbs.)
(Tons) Shipping Operating X Y A B C D A B C D E F
ZH 728 723 40 26 175 143 182 223 121 105 92 117 134 154
ZH 768 763 40 26 185 151 192 235 128 111 97 124 141 162
ZH 869 864 40 26 210 171 217 266 145 126 110 140 160 184
ZH 915 910 38 24 212 158 230 309 149 121 100 147 177 217
ZH 915 910 38 24 212 158 230 309 149 121 100 147 177 217
ZH 1052 1047 38 24 244 182 265 356 171 139 116 169 203 249
ZH 1095 1090 38 24 254 189 276 371 178 145 120 176 211 260
ZH 1285 1280 48 24 240 281 410 350 156 173 192 280 252 227
ZJ 745 740 40 26 180 147 186 228 124 108 95 120 137 157
ZJ 780 775 40 24 174 142 207 253 120 104 91 133 152 175
ZJ 775 770 40 24 172 141 205 251 119 103 91 132 151 174
ZJ 1035 1030 39 25 245 191 260 333 170 144 122 167 195 232
ZJ 1055 1050 39 25 250 195 265 340 174 146 125 170 199 236
ZJ 1065 1060 38 24 247 184 268 360 173 141 117 171 206 253
ZJ 1075 1070 39 24 245 191 278 357 170 143 122 178 209 248
ZJ 1285 1280 48 24 240 281 410 350 156 173 192 280 252 227
Size Weight (lbs.) Center of Gravity 4 Point Load Location (lbs.) 6 Point Load Location (lbs.)
(Tons) Shipping Operating X Y A B C D A B C D E F
ZR 872 867 40.3 25.5 205 170 223 269 141 124 110 144 163 185
ZR 885 880 40.9 25.1 202 172 232 273 139 124 112 151 168 187
ZR 872 867 41 25 198 169 230 269 136 122 110 150 166 184
ZR 962 957 38 23 214 159 249 335 150 122 101 159 191 234
ZR 970 965 38 23 216 161 251 337 151 123 102 160 193 236
ZR 1205 1200 38 25.5 297 221 291 390 208 170 141 185 223 274
ZR 1205 1200 38 25.5 297 221 291 390 208 170 141 185 223 274
ZR 1470 1465 51 25.5 270 363 477 355 172 207 254 334 272 226
Ø 25.31
11 3/8
LEFT 4 3/16
59 27 5/16 21 3/16
2X Ø 24.38
LEFT 27.31 21.19
28.86 29.66
11 3/8
See detail B for drain location
21 3/16
LEFT 4 3/16
27 5/16
Detail A
Ø 3.126 Ø 3.126
7.705 7.715
4.727 4.737
3/4” FPT
32 11/16
6 13/16
6 13/16
27 1/2
20 1/8 19 1/8
17 1/8
12 5/16
18 1/16 FRONT
3X Ø 0.875
Ø 2.469
Convenience Outlet
Power Entry Ø 7/8
JA3 thru 10ZH/ZJ/ZR Unit Side Duct Openings
Return A
Supply Air
C 31-5/8
20 6
2 TYP.
8 or 14
23 4
50-1/2 30-1/2
26 80-5/8
94 59-1/4
Economizer Options
Economizer Usage
Application Cabinet Height Description Model
Side Return All Horizontal economizer without barometric relief 2EE047069241
Downflow, End Return 42" Economizer, 42” tall cabinet 2EE047074242
Horizontal or ERV 50" Economizer, 50” tall cabinet 2EE047076242
Field Installed
Duct Work
Low Leak
Power Exhaust
Barometric Relief Damper
Field Installed
Duct Work
Power Exhaust
Barometric Barometric Fresh Air Hood
Relief Damper Relief Hood