LalitCivil 075.76 Final

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

lg0f{o g+= M –sf]

cf=j= @)&%.&^ @nflu nlntk'/ lhNnf leq lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] b/-/]6
nlntk'/sf] rs|ky -l/‹ /f]8 _ leq / rs|ky aflx/ # ls=dL= ;Ddsf] nflu l;len,
:oflg6/L tyf On]lS6|sn sfo{x?sf] nflu cfaZos lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] b/
-/]6_ lgDgfg';f/ sfod ug]{ lg0f{o ul/of] .
l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _
d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
1 s_ lsl;dsf]
d]lzgaf6 O{+6f
pTkflbt O+{6f -!–
g+=_ xhf/ 15300 15300 15300
v_ lrDgL e§fsf] O{+6f ,, 14000 14000 14000
u_t/fO{ sf] ! g+=O{6f ,, 17500 17500 17500
6'qmf O{6f 3=ld= 2500
3_ l;d]G6 sf] O{6f
BK108N xhf/ 15000 15000 15450
BK118As ,, 15800 15800 16274
ª Concrete block
size (40*15*20 ) cm uf]6f 37 37 37
size ( 40*10*20 ) cm uf]6f 32 32 32
size ( 39*14*19 ) cm( Ocm or equivalent ) uf]6f 50 50 50
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block

Size 24"*8"*4" uf]6f 148 153 162

Size 24"*8"*6" ,, 215 222 233
Autoclaved Aerated Concrrete (AAC) Light
Density (>3.5MPA)
24"*8"*4" uf]6f 114 114 121
24"*8"*6" uf]6f 171 171 181
24"*8"*8" uf]6f 228 228 244
Density (>4.5MPA)
24"*8"*4" uf]6f 126 126 126
24"*8"*6" uf]6f 189 189 189
24"*8"*8" uf]6f 252 252 252
Density (>6.5MPA)
24"*8"*4" uf]6f 138 138 138
24"*8"*6" uf]6f 207 207 207
24"*8"*8" uf]6f 276 276 276
2 Sn] 6fonx?

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
5fgfdf 5fpg]
s_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt 6fon uf]6f 18 18 18
v_ lrDgL e§fsf] 6fon ,, 16 16 16
u_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt w'/L ,, 32 32 32
3_ lrDgL e§fsf]
e'O{df÷ w'/L5fKg]
sf};Ldf ,, 26 26 26
s_ d]lzgaf6 pTkflbt Sn] 6fon uf]6f 10 10 10
v_ lrDgL e§fsf] Sn] 6fon ,, 9 9 9
3 9'+ufsf] sfd -Stone work )
Rubble Stone
-s_ 7'nf] ;fOhsf] vfgLsf] 9'+uf 3=lk
-Quarry stone) m= 70 70 70

-v_ 7'nf] ;fOhsf] vf]nfsf] 9'+uf

(River Stone) Æ - - -
-u_ :yfgLo 9'Ëf (Av. Lead 500 Æ 60 60 60

sf];Lvf]nf-r]x]/]_sf] Psgf;]
uf]nf] 9'Ëf - River round Pavel) Æ 89 89 89
5fKg] 9'Ëf -Flag stone_
s_ !Æ ;Dd afSnf] ;km{]; 8]«; j=lkm 81 89 89

v_ !!÷@
u/]sf] Æ ;Dd
5fKg] 9'Ëf
u_@Æ ;Dd,,afSnf] ,, 9'Ëf ,, ,, 95 104 104

3_ ,,@ ÷@Æ ;Dd afSnf] 9'Ëf ,,

j=lkm 110 110 110
ª_ @,,!÷ Æ – #Æ ;Dd afSnf]
,, 120 132
9'Ëf ,, ,, 149 164

4 ljleGg k|sf/sf] afn'jf 3=lk

s_ vfgLsf]afn'jf (Quarry sand) m= 79 79 79
v_ vf]nf÷gbLsf] afn'jf (River sand) ,, 79 79 79
5 qm;/af6 pTkflbt /f]8f 3=lk
-s_ ^–!) dL= dL= ;fOhsf m=
3=lk 65 72 72
-v_ !)–@) dL= dL= ;fOhsf m=
3=lk 75 77 77
-u_ @)–$) dL= dL= ;fOhsf] m=
3=lk 70 75 75
-3_ ^ ld=ld= down m= 65 72 72
6 km'6fn]sf] 9'Ëfsf] lu§L
s_ ;a} ;fOhsf] lu§L ,, 70 72 72

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
;8ssf] Sub-base/base course sf
nflu k|of]u ul/g] lgdf{0f
7 ;fdfu|L 3=lk
s_ dxfb]j j];Lsf] vf]nfsf] u|fe]n m= 55 55 55
v_d]nDrL vf]nfsf]
u_es'G8]j];L u|fe]n
,l6sfe}/j sf] u| Æ 55 55 55
-3_ vf]nf÷vfgLsf] :yfgLo u| Æ 50 50 50
-ª_ Granular sub base material Æ 45 45 45

(Crosser run material size 63mm down ) u|

fe]n Æ 60 60 60
-r_ Base-course sf] nflu ldS; 3=lk
;f]lnË (WBM) ug]{ sfo m=
3=lk 65 67 67
-5_ 9'uf+sf] w'nf] (Stone dust) m= 30 30 30
;8s sfnf] kq] ug]{ sfdsf]
8 ;fdfu|Lx?
i) *)÷!)) u|]8sf] lj6'dLg s]=hL 68.00 67.60 74.62
ii)CRMB-DIGO 55 Bitumen ,, 77.00 72.90 75.82
iii) Packed bitumen emulsion sf] sfd -
l56f] hDg] (RS 60%) ,, 64.00 63.00 67.82
l56f] hDg] (RS 65%) ,, 68.00 66.80 71.72
l56f] hDg] (RS 70%) ,, 72.00 70.50 75.62
dWod hDg] (MS 60%) ,, 65.00 63.80 68.62
dWod hDg] (MS 65%) ,, 70.00 63.80 72.62
9Lnf] hDg] (SS60%) ,, 66.00 68.50 69.82
Slurry Seal with 60% bitumen ,, 73.00 64.90 74.92
Hi - seal Redymix ,, 98.52
Polymer Bitumen ubf{ lj6'dLg
iv) ;8s sfnf]kq] ,, 109.52
gpKsLgsf] nfuL k|of]u ug]{
;fdfg Anti stripping ,, 323.50 323.50 328.02
v) sfnf]kq]df lj6'dLg sd k|of]u
ug{sf] nfuL /flvg] Rubber Asphalt
vi) sfn]kq] ;8s Pot hole 6fNgsf] ,, - -
nfuL k|of]u ul/g] Pre-coated
Aggregate ;fdfu|L ,, 30 30.00 30.00

vii_sfnf]kq] ;8sdf /]vf+sg ug{

k|of]u ul/g] Therom Plastic Road
marking ;fdfu|L

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

a) B.S. Grade s]=lh 170 170 170

b) Most Grade Æ 188 188 188
c) Glass beads Æ 154 154 154

ljleGg sDkgLaf6 pTkflbt

9 l;d]G6x?
ननपपलबपट उतपपददत दबदभन ओ.दप.दस दसमननट NS #49 ( पदत बबरप
५० कन .दज) Aofu 797.00 797.00 841.00

ननपपलबपट उतपपददत दबदभन दप.दप.दस दसमननट NS #385 ( पदत बबरप

५० कन .दज) Æ 765.00 715.00 743.00
-r_ ;]tf] l;d]G6 -40kg/bag) Æ 1055 1055 1118
5_ nf]8 cgnf]8 चपजर Æ 10 10 10
10 Ready made Premix Concrete
Panchakanya, MAW or equivalent
M 15 3= ld 13205 13205 13865
M 20 ,, 13725 13725 14411
M 25 ,, 14375 14375 15094
M 30 ,, 15240 15240 16002
M 35 ,, 17600
M 40 ,, 19000
11 kmnfdsf] 808Lx? M
-s_ ljleGg ;fOhsf TMT Bar
a) 8mm dia. s]=hL 72.00 76.00 83.60
b) 10-20mm dia. ,, 69.00 73.00 80.30
c) 25-32mm dia. ,, 72.00 76.00 83.60
-v_ ljleGg ;fOhsf] TOR Steel
a) 8mm dia ,, 75.00 77.85 85.64
b) 10-20mm dia. ,, 74.00 76.85 84.54
c) 25-32mm dia. ,, 76.00 79.35 87.29
-u_ ljleGg ;fOhsf TORKARI Steel
-3_4.75, 7 mm Wire
Binding dia -808L ,, 75.00 77.65 85.42
afFWg]tf/_ ,, 84.00 87.22 95.94
12 ljleGg lsl;dsf sf7x?
sf7 3=
-s_ #… b]lv *Ú ;Ddsf] ;fnsf7 lkm 5500 5500 5500
-v_ *… b]lv !@Ú ;Ddsf] ;fnsf7 ,, 5700 5700 5700

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
-u_ !@ lkm6 b]lv dflysf] ;fn &#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
sf7 ,, 6300 6300 6300
-3_ ;fh sf7 ,, 2425 2425 2425
-ª_ hfd'g sf7 ,, 2239 2419 2419
-r_ ;Nnfsf] sf7 ,, 1100 1100 1100
-5_ l;;f}+ sf7 ,, 2414 2608 2608
-h_ h+unL l;;f}+ sf7 ,, ,, 5529 5971 5971
em_ ptL; sf] sf7 ,, 623 673 673
-`_ :yfgLo s'sf7 -kmdf{ k|of]hgsf] 3=
nflUf Mixed wood) lkm 1260 1260 1260
#* sf7 bfp/f
df]6fO{sf] s]=hL 20 20 20

s]ldsNnL l6«6]]8 d]l;gd]8

jf6/k|'km, af]// lkm| ;f]nL8sf]/
km\n;8f]/ ;6/
13 ;fwf/0f
Plain j=lkm 235
Ordinary-one side teak water proof j=lkm 280
Both side teak water Proof j=lkm 325
jf6/ k|'km ul/Psf]
Plain j=lkm 245
One side teak j=lkm 288
Both side teak j=lkm 333
14 s'lbPsf] sf7sf] sfd tof/L
i) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf
s'FlbPsf] :yfgLo ;L;f} sf7sf] x'Ssf
(2'-6"x3"x3") uf]6f 797 836 878
ii) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf
s'FlbPsf] h+unL :k]zn ;L;f} sf7sf]
x'Ssf (2'-6"x3"x3") ,, 869 912 958
iii) e¥ofËsf] /]lnË tyf afb{nL cflbdf
s'FlbPsf] ;L;f} sf7sf] x]08 /]n /
(3"x4") =lkm= 724 760 760
iv) e¥ofËsf] /]lnËsf] 3'Dg] 7fpFdf
s'FlbPsf] ;L;f} sf7sf] uf]nf] x]08 /]n
(3"x4") uf]6f 3186 3346 3346
v) b]jL b]jtfsf] d'lt{ s'FlbPsf] $…
b]lv %… nfdf] -#Æx *Æ_ ;fn sf7df
6'F8fn agfpg] sfd ,, 10139 10646 11177
vi) b]jL b]jtfsf] d'lt{ s'FlbPsf] ^…
b]lv &… nfdf] -#Æx *Æ_ ;fn sf7df
6'F8fn agfpg] sfd ,, 11587 12166 12774
vii) ljleGg a'§f tyf b]jL b]jtfsf]
d'lt{ s'FlbPsf] ;fn sf7sf] em\ofn
9f]sf agfpg] sfd -vfkfsf] df6fO{ $) j=lkm
ld=ld= b]lv %) ld=ld= ;Dd _ = 2173 2281 2395

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

viii) 3f]8fsf] cfs[lt ul/ s'FlbPsf] $Æx

%Æ ;fOhsf] #… b]lv $… nfdf] ;fn
sf7sf] tof/L 6'F8fn agfpg] sfd . uf]6f 5069 5323 5588
ix) ;fdfGo k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] j=lkm
sf7sf] cfFvL em\ofn tof/L = 724 760 798
x) dWod k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf]
sf7sf] cfFvL em\ofn tof/L ,, 1014 1065 1117
xi) ljz]if k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf]
sf7sf] cfFvL em\ofn tof/L ns ;xLt ,, 2173 2281 2395
ljz]if k|sf/sf] s'FlbPsf] ;fnsf] sf7sf]
cfFvL em\ofn tof/L ns gePsf] ,, 1376 1445 1516
xii) #Æx !=%Æ ;fOhsf] ;fnsf] /
sf7sf] s'FlbPsf] knL tof/L ug]{ sfd =lkm= 507 532 558
xiii) sF'lbPsf] ljleGg a'§f /fvL
agfPsf] ;fn sf7sf] $Æx %Æsf] sfg]
{; lad cflb tof/L ug]{ sfo{ ,, 869 912 958

xiv) $Æx %Æsf] ;fn sf7sf] gfu a'§f

sF'lb tof/L u/L h8fg ug]{ sfo{ ,, 724 760 798
15 Wooden Parquet Flooring j=lkm
i)Shisam wood 150mm*30mm*8mm = 174 174 183
ii)Wall panelling ( with wood frame) sisam
ljleGg df]6fO{sf]
wood. (75mm*16mm) ,, 580 580 580
16 KnfOp8x?
-s_ # dL=dL j=lkm 19 19 20
#=% dL=dL= ,, 22 22 23
-v_ $ dL=dL ,, 23 23 24
-u_ ^ dL=dL ,, 37 37 39
-3_ * dL=dL ,, 41 41 43
-ª_ !@ dL=dL ,, 62 62 65
-r_ !( dL=dL B/B ,, 90 90 95
5_ !* dL=dL PLY ,, 93 93 97
P/F. Water Proof
s_ $ dL=dL j=lkm 39 39 41
v_ ^ dL=dL j=lkm 53 53 56
u_ * dL=dL= ,, 58 58 61

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
3_ ( dL=dL= ,, 64 64 67
-ª_!@ dL=dL ,, 74 74 77
r_ !( dL=dL PLY 121 121 127
5_ !( dL=dL B/B ,, 102 102 107
Natural Teak Plywood
One side lamination
-s_ $#dL=
-v_ dL dL]
=dL (Group Match of in 5 j=lkm 56 56 48
pcs) ,, 74 74 69
$ dL= dL] -Regular_ ,, 64 64 60
$ dL= dL] -Crown_ ,, 43 43 43
$ dL= dL] -Beri_ ,, 49 49 49
$ dL= dL] -Whitest line_ ,, 39 39 39
$ dL= dL] -Beach_ ,, 46 46 46
$ dL= dL] -Recon 18 No._ ,, 36 36 37
6 OST j=lkm - - 126
6 BST ,, - - 160
9 OST ,, - - 140
9 BST ,, - - 173
12 OST ,, - - 153
12 BST ,, - - 187
19 B/B OST ,, - - 165
19 B/B BST ,, - - 200
18 OST ,, - - 187
18 BST j=lkm - - 221
17 Ready made Door
38 mm th. Redimade solid core door
Plain j=lkm 226 226 226
One side teak ,, 254 254 254
Both side teak ,, 285 285 285
One side teak waterProof ,, 278 278 278
Both side teak waterProof ,, 308 308 308

Ready made Teak wood Doors

(Seasoned and Poisoned treated )
( excluding the cost of fitting, transportation, Painting)
Readymade door shutter Recon, ordinary (1 side
teak) Sqft 178 178 178

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Readymade door shutter Recon, Special (1 side
teak) ,, 241 241 241
If Oneside water proof ply fitting
Readymade door shutter Recon, ordinary (1 side
teak) ,, 203 203 203
Readymade door shutter Recon, Special (1 side
teak) ,, 273 273 273
Wooden Listy =lkm
1/2" wide = 14 14 14
3/4" wide ,, 17 17 17
1.5" wide ,, 28 28 28
Decorative ,, 39 39 39
Infill Material Shera or equivalent
Frame C - Studs( 0.55mm*0.75mm*3m) uf]6f 418 418 418
Frame U - Studs( 0.55mm*0.75mm*3m) ,, 418 418 418
Board 9 mm ,, 2450 2450 2450
Fiber mess tape (for 90mm/roll) ,, 330 330 330
PU sasuage rod ,, 1980 1980 1980
18 Prelaminated Particle Board
Plain Particle Board (Exteriors Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 36 36 38
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 40 40 43
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 52 52 55
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 69 69 74
One side lamination Melamined faced
(Exteriors Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 72 72 77
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 81 81 86
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 95 95 102
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 123 123 132
Both side lamination Melamined faced
(Exteriors Grade)
-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 81 81 84
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 92 92 96
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 107 107 111
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 135 135 140

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Plain Particle Board (Interiors Grade)

-s_ ( dL =dL j=lkm 27 27 28
-v_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 30 30 31
-u_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 44 44 46
-3_ @% dL=dL ,, 58 58 60
One side lamination Melamined faced
(Interiors Grade)
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 39 39 40
-v_ ^ dL =dL ,, 55 55 58
-u_ ( dL =dL ,, 63 63 66
-3_ !@ dL= dL=] ,, 72 72 75
-ª_ !* dL=dL=] ,, 83 83 87
-r_ @% dL=dL ,, 104 104 108
Both side lamination Melamined faced
(Interiors Grade)
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 44 44 46
-v_ ^ dL =dL ,, 60 60 62
-u_ ( dL =dL ,, 72 72 74
One side lamination Melamined faced
(Interiors Grade)MDF
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 45 45 47
-v_ $ dL =dL ,, 51 51 53
-u_ ^ dL =dL ,, 63 63 65
-3_ ( dL =dL ,, 83 83 86
-8=_ !@ dL =dL ,, 92 92 96
-Rf_ !* dL =dL ,, 119 119 124
-5_@% dL =dL ,, 164 164 170

Both side lamination Melamined faced

(Interiors Grade)MDF Century &
-s_ # dL =dL j=lkm 51 51 53
-v_ $ dL =dL ,, 57 57 59
-u_ ^ dL =dL ,, 70 70 73
-3_ ( dL =dL ,, 89 89 92
-8=_ !@ dL =dL ,, 98 98 102

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
-Rf_ !* dL =dL ,, 124 124 129
-5_@% dL =dL ,, 168 168 175
Alstone Hybrid Board (WPC Board)
-s_ ^ dL
Century =dL - !@@) x @$$)
& equivailent
_ j=lkm 163 163 170
-v_ !@ dL =dL ,, 261 261 271
-u_ !* dL =dL ,, 395 395 411

Other HardBoard/ Sunmica &

19 Formaica)
-s_ ;gdfO{sf (4' x 8') kftf 472 472 486
-u_ kmf]/dfO{sf
xf8{jf]8{ (Hard board) 12 mm j=lkm 73 73 75
thick Æ 42 42 44
Alstone Hybrid Board
४ मम.मम बपकब Hybrid Board (WPC
-s_ ^ dL =dL size ( 1220*2440) j=lkm 84
mm j=lkm 158 158 120

-v_ !@ dL =dL size ( 1221*2440) mm Æ 298 298 221

-u_!* dL =dL size ( 1222*2440) mm Æ 415 415 305
६ मम.मम बपकब Hybrid Board (WPC Art Jali) j=lkm 370
१२ मम.मम बपकब Hybrid Board (WPC Art Jali) j=lkm 553
१८ मम.मम बपकब Hybrid Board (WPC Art Jali) j=lkm 713
WPC door framme 100*50 mm upto ht 7 ft j=lkm 380
WPC door shutter 30 mm th. (7*3) size j=lkm 540
18 mm th. WPC OLIGO (colour) j=lkm 575
Alstone Hybrid Board (WPC Board) ,
Rucca Eco-Wood, Femiuha, Century & equivalent

^ dL =dL size ( 1220*2440) mm j=lkm 168

!@ dL =dL size ( 1221*2440) mm j=lkm 319
!* dL =dL size ( 1222*2440) mm j=lkm 444
Fiber cement board (infield wall 8+75+8) a=ld
3.2 MM =
(2'x2') j=lkm 26
3.2 MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 28
3.5 MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 32
4MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 33
6MM (4'x8') = 47

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
j=lkm &#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

8MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 63
9MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 71
10MM =
(4'x8') j=lkm 80
12MM (4'x8') = 89
Fiber Cement Board j=lkm
8MM (3"x9'-10") 9'-10"Rft =
j=lkm 32
8MM (6"x9'-10") 9'-10"Rft j=lkm = 50
8MM (8"x9'-10") 9'-10"Rft = 68
Fiber cement board (infield wall 10+75+10) a=ld 6370
Vinyl Laminated gypsum ceiling board (7 mm
thick) = 90

Iron Square Pipe/Black

20 Pipe/Channel/ Angle/I-
Beam/Black Sheet/MS Plate
i) Iron Square Pipe s]=hL 79 79 70
ii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS Angle ,, 85 85 81
iii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] Black Pipe ,, 79 79 81
iv) ljleGg ;fOhsf] Channel ,, 86 86 83
v) ljleGg ;fOhsf] I-Beam ,, 87 87 82
vi) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS plate ,, 84 84 88
vii) ljleGg ;fOhsf] MS Square solid bar
up to 16mm s]=hL 85 85 85
viii) ljleGg df]6fOsf] Black sheet ,, 79 79 83
21 G.I. Wire
i) 8 gauge
a) light class s]=hL -
b) medium class ,, 88 88 92
c) heavy duty ,, 93 93 98
d)Comercial wire ,, 83 83 87
ii) 10 gauge
a) light class s]=hL - -
b) medium class ,, 88 88 92
c) heavy duty ,, 93 93 98
d)Comercial wire ,, 83 83 87

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

iii) 12 gauge
a) light class s]=hL - -
b) medium class ,, 88 88 92
c) heavy duty ,, 93 93 98
d)Comercial wire ,, 83 83 87

d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically

selvedged double Twist wire mesh
22 sf] u]ljog jfs; tof/L
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically selvedged
double Twist wire mesh sf] x]lj lhÍ sf]6]8
tof/L u]ljog jfs; mesh size-100x120mm , j=ld=
mesh wire-3.0 mm , selvedge wire-3.9mm and
lacing wire-2.4mm
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically selvedged
double Twist wire mesh sf] x]lj lhÍ sf]6]8
tof/L u]ljog jfs; mesh size-60x80mm , mesh j=ld=
wire-2.2 mm , selvedge wire-2.7mm and lacing
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically selvedged
double Twist sf] x]lj lhÍ /
wire mesh
lk=le=l;=sf]6]8 tof/L u]ljog jfs; j=ld=
mesh size-60x80mm , mesh wire-2.2 mm ,
selvedge wire-2.7mm and lacing wire-2.2mm
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically selvedged
double Twist wire mesh sf] x]lj lhÍ /
lk=le=l;=sf]6]8 tof/L hDjf] u]ljog j=ld=
jfs; mesh size-100x120mm , mesh wire-3.0 mm ,
selvedge wire-3.9mm and lacing wire-2.4mm 274
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, Mechanically selvedged
wire mesh sf] x]lj lhÍ /
double Twist
lk=le=l;=sf]6]8 tof/L hDjf] u]ljog j=ld=
jfs; mesh size-100x120mm , mesh wire-
2.70mm , selvedge wire-3.40 mm and lacing wire-
2.20mm 247
23 Barbed Wire -sfF9]tf/_
12 guage commercial,Medium duty s]=hL 95 95 97
U-hook for barbed wire fencing uf]6f 0.74 0.74 0.75

Fabrication of chain link mesh of size au{ d

1"x1" 12 guage L= 697 697 697
1.5"x1.5" 12 guage ,, 652 652 652

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

2"x2" 10 guage ,, 517 517 517

3"x3" 10 guage ,, 423 423 423
4"x4" 10 guage ,, 337 337 337

;fbf tyf /+lug h:tf kftf

24 Galvanized/Colour Iron Sheet)
-s_ ;]tf] ;fbf h:tfkftf (G P
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 3708 3708 4078
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 4062 4062 4468
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 4336 4336 4769
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 4566 4566 5023
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 4867 4867 5353
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) ,, 5319 5319 5850
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 5894 5894 6483
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 6186 6186 6804
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 6779 6779 7456
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 7354 7354 8089
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 8088 8088 8897
0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 8372 8372 9208
0.75 mm ,, 12018 12018 13219
-v_ /+lug h:tfkftf
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 4867 4867 5353
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 5186 5186 5704
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 5487 5487 6035
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 5779 5779 6356
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 6115 6115 6726
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) 6575 6575 7232
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 7265 7265 7992
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 7628 7628 8391
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 8257 8257 9082
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 8858 8858 9744
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 9628 9628 10591

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 9956 9956 10951

0.75 mm ,, 13973 13973 15370
-u_ UofNefgfOH8 sf]?
u]6]8 h:tfkftf (CG I Sheet)
0.2 mm (30 guage light) a08n 3708 3708 4078
0.22 mm (30 guage Medium) ,, 4018 4018 4419
0.24 mm (30 guage Heavy) ,, 4292 4292 4721
0.26 mm (28 guage light) ,, 4513 4513 4964
0.28 mm (28 guage Medium) ,, 4814 4814 5295
0.31 mm (28 guage Heavy) ,, 5265 5265 5792
0.35 mm (26 guage light) ,, 5850 5850 6434
0.38 mm (26 guage Medium) ,, 6142 6142 6755
0.41 mm (26 guage Heavy) ,, 6726 6726 7398
0.45 mm (24 guage light) ,, 7301 7301 8030
0.50 mm (24 guage Medium) ,, 8035 8035 8838
0.52 mm (24 guage Heavy) ,, 8319 8319 9150
0.75 mm ,, 12018 12018 13219

3_h:tf kftf sf] w'/L (Ridge

Cover) Specified thickness are
thickness of base metal.
0.20 mm a08n 1265 1265 1392
0.22 mm ,, 1381 1381 1518
0.24 mm ,, 1469 1469 1615
0.26 mm ,, 1540 1540 1693
0.28 mm ,, 1646 1646 1810
0.31 mm ,, 1788 1788 1966
0.35 mm ,, 1982 1982 2180
0.38 mm ,, 2080 2080 2287
0.41 mm ,, 2274 2274 2501

ª_ $ lkm6 * * lkm6 sf]

lh=cfO{= Kn]g l;6
1.1 mm lk; 2566 2566 2823
0.90 mm ,, 2124 2124 2336

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

0.80 mm ,, 1920 1920 2112

0.75 mm ,, 1805 1805 1985
0.70 mm ,, 1681 1681 1849
0.62 mm ,, 1504 1504 1654
0.55 mm ,, 1354 1354 1489
0.50 mm ,, 1230 1230 1353
0.48 mm ,, 1186 1186 1304
0.45 mm ,, 1124 1124 1236
0.40 mm ,, 1009 1009 1109
0.37 mm ,, 938 938 1031
0.35 mm ,, 894 894 983
0.30 mm ,, 788 788 866
0.28 mm ,, 743 743 817

r_$ lkm6 * * lkm6 sf] /lËg

Kn]g l;6
0.90 mm lk; 2336 2336 2569
0.80 mm ,, 2115 2115 2326
0.75 mm ,, 2018 2018 2219
0.70 mm ,, 1920 1920 2112
0.62 mm ,, 1726 1726 1898
0.55 mm ,, 1558 1558 1713
0.50 mm ,, 1434 1434 1576
0.48 mm ,, 1363 1363 1499
0.45 mm ,, 1319 1319 1450
0.42mm ,, 1513
0.40 mm ,, 1204 1204 1323
0.37 mm ,, 1115 1115 1226
0.35 mm ,, 1071 1071 1177
0.30 mm ,, 947 947 1041
0.28 mm ,, 903 903 992
mm df]6fO{METAL MESH ePsf]
/ 3' rf}8fO{
1.20 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] /=ld= 115 115 121
hfnL ,, 159 159 167

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
1.00 mm df]6fO{ / 3' rf}8fO{ ePsf]
1.00 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] ,, 97 97 102
0.90 mm df]6fO{ / 3' rf}8fO{ ePsf] ,, 133 133 139
0.90 mm df]6fO{ / 4' rf}8fO{ ePsf] ,, 88 88 93
hfnL ,, 398 398 159
UPVC Roofing Sheet Sunrise or
25 Equivalient brand (3mm thick )

UPVC Roofing Sheet with PMMA

coating & Mesh ( Regular ) j=ld= 1398 1398 1506
UPVC Roofing Sheet with PMMA
coating & Mesh ( Tile ) ,, 1452 1452 1200
Ridge cover Regular Profile 1.10 R.m. /=ld= 1250 1250 1313
Ridge cover Tile Profile 0.78 R.m. ,, 1250 1250 1313
UPVC Clip uf]6f 25 25 26
self tapping screw 3" ,, 25 25 26
self tapping screw 2.5" ,, 10 10 11
self tapping screw 2" ,, 10 10 11
self tapping screw 1.5" ,, 8 8 8.5
Eco-UPVC Roofing Sheet (Ultra Modern
Technology) ) j=lkm
Corrugated sheets(2mm) = 66
Corrugated ridge (2mm) (3'*1.4') uf]6f 745
Corrugated ridge side(2mm)(3'*1.4') uf]6f
j=lkm 448
Spanish tile without fiber mesh(3mm) =
j=lkm 102
Spanish tile with fiber mesh(3mm) = 111
Spanish ridge(3mm)(3'*1.4') uf]6f 1343
Spanish ridge side(3mm) uf]6f 745
Spanish tile tripod(3mm) uf]6f 996
Clip Set uf]6f 9
26 PNd'lgod Kn]g l;6 j=lkm
-s_ @^ u]h = 28 28 29
-v_ #) k|sf/sf]
ljleGg u]h hfnLx? Æ 26 26 27
27 (Netting)
-s_ dl;gf] vfnsf] Mosquito proof
hfnL j=dL 116 116 116

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
-v_ jfn'jf rfNg] hfnL Æ 121 121 121
-u_ s'v'/] hfnL (Chicken wire mesh) Æ 74 74 74
-3_ a|f; qml;Ë hfnL Æ 189 189 189
8= :6Ln hfnL -crossing ) Æ 152 152 152

r dl;gf] vfnsf] steel Mosquito

proof hfnL Æ 263 263 263
28 kmnfdaf6 lgld{t ;fdfgx? s]=hL
a M.S. Grill agfO{ h8fg ug]{ sfd
j=lkm 140 140 140
b sf]NofK;Lan u]6 agfO{ h8fg ug]{
!^–!* u]hsf] kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ = 500 500 500
c agfO{ h8fg ug]{ j=lkm= 350 350 350
d kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ !^–!* u]h h8fg
;lxt :6«Lk ;6/ Kjfn ePsf] Æ 440 440 440
e kmnfd] /f]lnË ;6/ 808L k|of]u u/L
agfOsf] ;fy} h8fg
!^ u]h kftfaf6 ug]{ ;d]t
sDkfp08 jfnsf] u]6 Æ 500 500 500
f agfO{ h8fg ug]{ -%) x %)x % mm)
sf] k|m]d ;d]t_ ,, 650 650 650
#æ–$æ Jof;sf] Iron Black Pipedf PËn
/ kl§ /fvL v'8lsnf ;lxtsf] 3'Dg]
e¥ofË (Spiral Staircase)tof/ u/L /
h8fg ;d]t -e¥ofªsf] gfkL ubf{ floor =lkm
to floor height lng]_ = 3050 3050 3050
kmnfd] ;fdfu|Lsf] km]la|a]zg s]=hL
tyf h8fg sfo{ = 45 45 45
i j=km
All type of general MS structural works L= 170 170 170
j Truss & roofing works Plain sheet 26
gauge Æ 200 200 200
k Truss & roofing works colour sheet 26
gauge Æ 235 235 235
l Black Pipe Tubular Truss fitting & fixing s]=hL
work = 190 190 190
m Mild Steel Props for Concreting 2" dia 3.5
mm thick 3.5 m- 4.0 m length uf]6f 1940 1940 1940

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Steel Structural (Light guage ) frame work

for building ( as 90mm X 38mm wide SS j=lkm
n C C-channel , 0.55mm thick , weight per 770 770 770
square feet 2 kg with fabrication
rebet,screw erection fitting and essembly
charges ) all complete work Panchakanya
or equivalent company
29 Glass ;L;f
Plain ;fbf -;]tf]_ j=lkm
-s_ # dL=dL= =
j=lkm 50 50 50
-s१_ #.५ dL=dL= =
j=lkm 56 56 56
-v_ $ dL=dL= = 64 64 65
-u_ % dL=dL= Æ 86 86 86
-3_ ^ dL=dL= Æ 100 100 100
-ङ_ ८ dL=dL= Æ 168 168 168
!) dL=dL= Æ 190
!@ dL=dL= Æ 220
Printed Glass (a'§]bf/ l;;f)
-s_ # dL=dL= Æ 46 46 48.41
-v_ $ dL=dL Æ Æ Æ 53 53 56.65
Poly Fibre Glass
-s_ )^ dL=dL= Æ 146 146 154.50
Black Color Glass j=lkm
-s_ # dL=dL= = 86 86 91
-v_ $ dL=dL= ,, 93 93 98
-u_ % dL=dL= Æ 106 106 112
-3_ ^ dL=dL= Æ 146 146 153
-ª_ * dL=dL= Æ 213 213 223
-r_ !) dL=dL Æ 305 305 321
-5_ !@ dL=dL ,, 345 345 363
Tinted Float glass aflx/ af6
gb]lvg] leqaf6 b]lvg] j=lkm
-s_ % ld=ld afSnf] = 104 104 109

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d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

5fgfdf k|of]u ul/g] a'§]bf/

P]gf Itching Glass with simple shade
and texture
-s_ $ dL=dL= afSnf] j=ld= 5585 5585 5865

ljleGg /+usf] Reflector Glass

-lzzf_ j=lkm
% dL=dL+ df]6f] = 166 166 174
Note: $ lkm6 * * lkm6 eGbf a9L ;fOhsf] l;;f ePdf %) Ü yk /sd nfUg] 5 .
Corrugated/Plain Fiber Glass
30 Sheet j=lkm
-s_ )=*
df]6f] Kn]g j=lkm
= 109 109 115
-v_ !=@ dL=dL= df]6f] = 121 121 127
Kn]g!=@ dL=dL= df]6f] Æ 121 121 127
-u_ @ dL=dL= df]6f] Æ 139 139 146
Kn]g@ dL=dL= df]6f] Æ 206 206 216
-3_ # dL= dL= df]6f] Æ 243 243 255
Kn]g# dL= dL= df]6f] Æ 279 279 293
sf]/f]u]6]8 364 364 382
ASP Corrugated roofingSheet (L-
6,8,10,12,14,16,18 ft W-3ft
Corrugated steel ,
Weight-5.5Kg/sqm) j=ld6/ 1076
Ridge Cover corrugated /=ld6/ 1550
Self tapping screw 75mm with clip set uf]6f 20
ljleGg ;fO{hs]f h]–x's, o'–x's s]hL 137
@Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; uf]6f 7
#Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; uf]6f 10
-ª_ Fiber Glass 5fgfsf] nflu
Alumunium strip (25 mm x 1.5 mm) Rm 67 67 67
-r_ Fiber Glass
em\ofn 5fgfsf]nfUg]
9f]sfdf nflu Ribet nut no. 7 7 7
31 Fixture x?
Iron af6 ag]sf
Hinge (sAhf)
-s_ #Æ ;fOh uf]6f 15 15 15
-v_ $Æ ;fOh Æ 27 27 28
-u_ %Æ ;fOh Æ 42 42 43

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
-3_ ^Æ ;fOh Æ 55 55 56
Locking Set (L-drop)
300 mm uf]6f 252 252 260
225 mm Æ 221 221 227
150 mm Æ 189 189 195
Aluminum af6 ag]sf
Towerbolt -5]:sLgL_
-s_ #Æ nfdf] uf]6f 20 20 20
-v_ $Æ nfdf] Æ 39 39 40
-u_ ^Æ nfdf] Æ 65 65 67
-3_ *Æ nfdf] Æ 78 78 80
-ª_ !)Æ nfdf] Æ 91 91 94
-r_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 103 103 107
Handle (xtsn)
Ordinary uf]6f 31 31 32
Special Æ 46 46 47
Brass af6 ag]sf
Hinge (sAhf)
2"× 1/2 " uf]6f 61 61 63
21/2×3/4" Æ 69 69 71
3" × 3/4 " Æ 84 84 87
2" ×3/4" Æ 69 69 71
21/2"×3/4" Æ 77 77 79
3"× /4"
Æ 84 84 87
3"×1" Æ 184 184 189
4"×1" Æ 276 276 284
5"×1" Æ 368 368 379
6"×1" Æ 444 444 458
Towerbolt -5]:sLgL_
-s_ #Æ nfdf] uf]6f 138 138 142
-v_ $Æ nfdf] ,, 184 184 189
-u_ ^Æ nfdf] ,, 276 276 284
-3_ *Æ nfdf] ,, 368 368 379

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
-ª_ !)Æ nfdf] ,, 459 459 473
-r_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 551 551 568
Handle (xtsn)
6" Brass handle uf]6f 146 146 150
8" Brass handle Æ 444 444 458
10" Brass handle Æ 919 919 947
Brass 5" Æ 138 138 142
Brass 6" Æ 214 214 221
Locking Set (L-drop)
-s_ *Æ nfdf] uf]6f 919 919 947
-v_ !)Æ nfdf] Æ 1516 1516 1562
-u_ !@Æ nfdf] Æ 1685 1685 1735
Special Fittings
Pn 8«k M–
*Æ nfdf] ============ uf]6f 1031 1031 1062
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1164 1164 1199
!@Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1212 1212 1249
x\of08n M –
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1212 1212 1249
6fj/ af]N6 M –
^Æ nfdf] ============ Æ 218 218 225
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 291 291 300
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 364 364 375
8an sn/ -uf]N8
l;Ne/÷ANofs l;Ne/_
Pn 8«k M–
*Æ nfdf] ============ uf]6f 866 866 892
!)Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1097 1097 1130
!@Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 1212 1212 1249
x\of08n M –
^Æ nfdf] ============ Æ 243 243 250
*Æ nfdf] =========== Æ 364 364 375
Mortice Lock

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Ordinary uf]6f 606 606 625

Chinese Æ 404 404 416
Indian Godrej Company Æ 2483 2483 2557
Brass 1097 1097 1130
Door Spring (Door Closer)
Ordinary uf]6f 173 173 178
hydraulic Æ 1819 1819 1874
Other Door/Windows fixtures
Window I-hook uf]6f 18 18 18
Gate Hook
4" Gate hook uf]6f 30 30 31
5" Gate hook ,, 34 34 35
6" Gate hook ,, 41 41 42
Brass Gate hook 73 73 75
Door stopper
Diamond uf]6f
Butterfly Æ 144 144 148
Bell catch 2" size Æ 190 190 196
C.P. handle Æ 413 413 425
Power coated handle Æ 394 394 406
Brass coated handle Æ 849 849 874
Door stopper, single brass stopper ;]6 97 97 100
Door stopper double brass stopper Æ 173 173 178
32 lalaw ;fdfu|Lx? s]=hL
Hold fast different sizes (7 nos./Kg.) =
s]=hL 121 121 125
Nails (different sizes) = 109 109 112
;fnsf sf7sf] vfwfGg /fVg] k'/fgf 3=lk
sjf8L kmnfd] k|of]u x'g]_
;fdfgx?- m= 700 700 700
jGr/f],3g,l5gf cflb kmnfd] s]=hL
k|of]u ug{ g;lsg] k'/fgf d];Lg- = 25 25 25
6fOk/fO6/, 8|LnLª d];Lg,8| s]=hL
LnLª lj6_ = 20 20 20
Nut and Bolts uf]6f
s]=hL 28 28 28
Nut and Bolts (different sizes) = 160 160 165

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Sandpaper -vfU;L_ uf]6f 6 6 6

ljleGg ;fO{hs]f h]–x's, o'–x's s]hL 133 133 133
@Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; uf]6f 7 7 7
#Æ ;fOh ?lkmË g]N; Æ 9 9 9
Screw Brass
20mm uf]6f 2 2 2
25mm Æ 3 3 3
35mm Æ 4 4 4
50mm Æ 12 12 12
75mm Æ 15 15 15
Screw Steel
20mm Æ 1 1 1
25mm Æ 2 2 2
35mm Æ 2 2 2
50mm Æ 7 7 7
75mm Æ 7 7 7
lj6'dLg jf;/ uf]6f
s]=hL 3 3 3
Roofing bitumen -?lkmË cnsqf_ =
j=dL 90 90 90
%)) u]h Knfli6s l;6 = 30 30 31
ISI Mark Trafelt -@)dL= × !dL=_ /f]n 2400 2400 2400
Plasticfelt -@)dL= × !dL=_ Æ 2250 2250 2355
!*–@) lkm6 nfdf] afF; uf]6f
s]=lh 198 198 210
d}g kfln; = 200 200 210
cShflns Pl;8 Æ 115 115 118
h'6 jf kf]lnlygsf] vfnL af]/f uf]6f
3=ld 17 17 17
Dff6f] = 260.00 260.00 267.00
;au]|8df /fVg] df6f]-In Capping 3=ld
layer Granular soil_ =
s]=lh 450.00 450.00 463.00
e'; = 5.00 5.00 5.00
uf]j/ Æ 4.80 4.80 5.00
Staircase sf] 3/4" x 3/4" square pipe df
nufpg] Brass cap uf]6f 90.00 90.00 92.70
Staircase sf] 1" x 1" square pipe df
nufpg] Brass cap uf]6f 95.00 95.00 97.85

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d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
j=lkm &#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Tarpoline sheet -tf/kf]lng l;6_ = 9.00 9.00 9.00
Water -kfgL_
# ls=dL= ;Dd sf] b'/Ldf ln6/ 0.25 0.25 0.25
# ls=dL= b]lv dfyLsf] b'/Ldf ln6/ 0.30 0.30 0.30
33 :6]gn]; :6Ln kfOk -257/kg)
#÷$Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6f dL= 189 189 194
!Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 236 236 243
! !÷$Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6f Æ 300 300 310
! !÷@Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6f Æ 365 365 376
@Æ Jof; ePsf] !^ u]h df]6fO{ Æ 493 493 508

:6Ln /]]nL8= steel Raling sf] af/

nufpg] sfo{-@ OGr kfO{ksf]
vertical post & Hand rail tyf ! OGr
Jof;sf] tLg tx Horizontal pipe _ /=kmL= 1250 1313 1313
:6]gn]; :6Ln /]]nLËsf] sfo{–@
OGr kfO{ksf] 7f8f] kf]i6,
x]08/]n @ OGr tyf ! OGr Jof;sf]
b'O{ tx t];f{ kfO{k /fvL tof/ ul/
h8fg ug]{ sfd /=kmL= 1050
:6]gn]; :6Ln /]]nLËsf] sfo{– !
=% OGr kfO{ksf] 7f8f] kf]i6,
x]08/]n @ OGr tyf ! OGr Jof;sf]
ltg tx t];f{ kfO{k /fvL tof/ ul/ h8fg
ug]{ sfd /=kmL= 950
34 -s_ lrK;
;]tf] /+usf] dfa{n lrK; -@%
-v_ /+uLg af]/f_ lrK; -@% s]=lh=_ af]/f
k|ltdfa{n 165 165 165
-u_ af]/f
qm]hL dfa{n -^ ju{ lkm6 k|lt Æ 165 165 165
-3_ dfa{n kfp8/ -@% s]=lh= k|lt Æ 176 176 176
af]/f_ Æ 149 149 149
35 dfa{n -Marble)
] /fh:yfgL dfj{n a=lk
!# dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL m= 153 153 160
!^ dL=dL afSnf] /fh:yfgL ,, 159 159 175
!@ dL=dL afSnf] u]|gfO6 ,,
a=lk 289 289 289
!^ dL=dL afSnf] u]|gfO6 m= 295 295 310

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
a=lk &#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
!( dL=dL afSnf] u]|gfO6 m= 336 336 352
Kota Stone a=lk
1" thick m=
a=lk 138 138 142
3/4" thick m= 127 127 130
Sand stone ( for rubbing Marble ) uf]6f 70 70 72
36 Porcelain Glazed/Terrazo Mosaic Tiles
Un]h 6foN; Glazed
- !@Tiles
Æx *Æ_ a=lk
;Ddsf] .
Un]h 6foN; - !@ Æ x !@ Æ _ m= 48 48 48
dflfysf] . ,, 66 66 66
Cotto Tiles ,, 122 122 122
Ordinary Floor and Wall tiles ,, 54
Kajaria, Vermura,Somany, Orient Tile or
equivalent ,,
=lkm 83 83 85
Border Tile - @ Æ x * Æ _ =
j=lkm 42 42 43
Border Tile - @ Æ x * Æ _ = 173 173 173
Indian Ceramic Wall Tile (31*45cm) ,, 175 175 180
Indian Ceramic Border Tile (31*45cm) ,, 175 175 180
Indian Ceramic Floor Tile (31*45cm) ,,
j=lkm 146 146 150
24" x 24" GVT =
j=lkm 165
24" x 24" GRES Virtified ( Digital Floor) = 144
12" x 12" GRES homogenous Vertified j=lkm
parking Tile =
j=lkm 106
24" x 24" Virtified = 111
Floor tiles-Kajaria, Vermura,Somany,
Orient or equivalent j=lkm
16"X16" =
j=lkm 98
12"x12" =
j=lkm 88
12'X12" (White / Ivory) =
j=lkm 77
24"x24" (Digital) =
j=lkm 129
12"x24" (Walls) =
j=lkm 134
12"x18"(wall) = 103
LG Floors Tiles
L.G. Deluxe Tiles (300x300x2mm) ,, 74 74 74
L.G. Deco Tiles (450x450x3mm) ,, 300 300 300
L.G. Deco Wood (100x920x3mm) ,, 112 112 112
Fittings for Tiles ,, 13 13 13

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Fittings for Tiles on stairs ,, 15 15 15

Dendrite for tiles ln= 361 361 361
ALL FINISH ) = 350 350 350
ALL FINISH ) ,, 350 350 350
FINISH) ,, 372 372 372
THICKNESS ,, 60 60 60
Forbo marmoleum flooring 2mm thick all
fitting work ,, 391 391 391

Plaster of Parish (POP) cornice and

molding making die, casting of cornice as
37 per design and drawing including fixing in
position using steel screws on resin glue
finishing all complete.
a) POP Molding 1" to 1½" /=ld 231 231 238
b) Up to 5" wide /=ld 277 277 285
c) Up to 8" wide /=ld 382 382 393
d) Above 8" wide /=ld
ls=u| 156 156 161
Plaster of paris f=
ls=u| 23
Wall putty-Normal f=
ls=u| 35
Wall putty-water proof f= 60
/+u/f]ugsf ;fdfgx? s]=lh
-s_ s[lif r'gaf6 pTkflbt ;]tf] r'g = 21 21 21
-u_ ljleGg k|sf/sf] /+lug
ef/lto r'g / Æ 39 39 39
+lug Æ
s]=lh 41 41 41
-3_ l;d]G6 k]G6 (Cement Paints) = 79 79 79
-y_ l;d]G6 k|fOd/ ;]tf] Æ 286 286 286
-ª_ p8 k|fOd/
;fwf/0f (Wood Primer)
;]Gy]l6s Ogfd]n ln6/ 402 402 402
k]G6 ln6/ 560 560 560
r_ g]kfn /]8sf] Dof6 lkmlgl;Ë ln6/ 540 540 540
-h_ sf]?u]6]8 ?km Paint Æ 508 508 508

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
-em_ tof/L cNd'lgod k]G6 Æ 583 583 583
-`_ tof/L jfg]{; Æ 470 470 470
-6_ tof/L jfg]{/ ;]Gy]l6s Æ 363 363 363
-7_ ef/lto lyg/ Æ 247 247 247
8_ p8 P08 Unf; k'l6g s]=hL 140 140 140
9_ d]6n k'l6g ,, 166 166 166
0f_ r'gf k]G6 ug{ /fVg] ud ,, 217 217 217
t_ g]kfnL lyg/ ln6/ 232 232 232
-w_ tf/lkg t]n k]G6 (Red oxide
/]8 cs;fO8 Æ 229 229 229
Paint) Æ 280 280 280
-g_ p8 lk|h/e]l6j k]G6 Æ 244 244 244
-k_ Black Japan Paint Æ
s]=lh 305 305 305
-km_ /fd ltns =
s]=lh 60 60 60
-a_ u]? /+u =
s]=lh 146 146 146
-e_ rk|f kfln; = 978 978 1008
:k|L^ ln^/ 87
-d_ tof/L jf;]jn l8:t]Dk/ ln= 238 238 238

o_ tof/L Knfl:6S; OdN;g k]G6

(interior) ln= 562 562 562
o_ tof/L j]b/sf]6 k]G6 (exterior) ln= 673 673 673
Knfl:^s O{dN;g k])^ ln6/ 650
PS;^]l/o/ j]b/ sf]^ ln6/ 683
-/_ Road Marking Paint Æ 618 618 618
-n_ lngl;8 cfon (linsed Oil) Æ 210 210 210
-j_ :yfgLo :k|L6 ln=
s]=lh 126 126 126
-;_ df]ljsn÷km]ljsn = 280 280 280
-if_ Tata Red Oxide Paint Æ 280 280 280
-x_ u§f r'g -O{08Log_ Æ 24 24 24
-If_ Wall putty equaivalient Asian , s]=lh
Berger & other company. =
s]=lh 74 74 74
Wall putty- water Proof =
s]=lh 60
-q_ Plaster of Parish (POP) = 24 24 24
wood keeper (chapara type ) ln= 588 588 588
Redoxide zink cromate primer For Bridge ln= 495 495 495

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Silk Breathless easy ln= 1240 1240 1240

Road divider ( polythene ) uf]6f 1654 1654 1654
Dust bin ( polythene ) 165 ltr uf]6f 3142 3142 3142
Wall putty Epoxy flooring
wall plast wall putty (40kg) Bag 1331 1331 1331

2mm Epoxy Floor coating with Ultrafresh j=dL

-OPD ( 4layer & 5 component = 2122 2122 2122
2mm Epoxy Antistatic Floor coating for
OT( ( 4 layer & 9 component Æ 3760 3760 3760
Epoxy Paint for Operation theater Æ 11733 11733 11733
Decorative Painting Material Acro &
Specialized paints(Dr. wallz)
Acro Bio-guard (Anti bacterial Hospital दलटर
Paint) 1067.00 1067.00 1067.00

Acro Ellastocrab (Anti carbonisation paint) " 739.00 739.00 739.00

Texture paints
Mediterrano कन .दज 188 188 188
Stucco Veneziano " 1750 1750 1750
Velvetino " 4180 4180 4305.00
Travertino " 400 400 412.00
Gtone plaster " 117 117 121.00
Colorato (Multi color) " 894 894 921.00
Pearl skin texture " 144 144 149.00
TS 52 Spray white " 193 193 199.00
Rustic " 154 154 158.62
Rockart दलटर 154 154 158.62
Manhattan कन .दज 231 231 238.00
Sabbia " 231 231 238.00
Sandy Stone " 169 169 174.00
Insulplast " 229 229 237.00
Poly Under White " 256 256 264.00
Antica(Top coat) " 1220 1220 1267.00
T.C 100(Top coat) " 707 707 728.00
Dekorica White " 2554 2554 2631.00
Poly Plaster " 104 104 107.00
Granite tone " 160 160 165.00
Graffiato " 154 154 159.00
Elligance stone " 183 183 189.00
Marmorino Base " 400 400 412.00
Acro fine दलटर 175 175 181.00
Marmocastro base कन .दज 134 134 139.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Selva Granite " 209 209 215.00
Romart " 232 232 239.00
Weathercoat paints
Guard दलटर 488 488 503.00
Guard -3x " 570 570 588.00
Shield " 312 312 322.00
Acrotex matt " 545 545 510.00
Ext wall Primer " 231 231 238.00
Emulsion Paints
silk Emulsion paints " 506 506 522.00
Aqualin Int.Emulsion " 271 271 280.00
pearl Emulsion paints " 749 749 772.00
int. wall Primer " 167 167 172.00
Acrylic Washable Distemper " 137 137 142.00
Acro gold Enamel " 547 547 512.00
Universal primer ( wood primer) " 303 303 313.00
Red oxide metal primer " 267 267 276.00
Construction Chemical / waterproof
coating system
crack sill " 376 376 387.00
crack fill A+B " 165 165 170.00
Silicon Bases water repellent
Acropreg " 452 452 466.00
Acropreg W " 601 601 619.00
Wall putty कन .दज 42 42 42.00

Acro Texture ISO certified 9001-2008

( Silicone & Ceramic technology / All
weather resistance / Fire retardant / Heat
reflecting / Algae & Fungi resistant / Ultra
violet resistant) for painting works

Acro Spanezia maestro finishes texture

Mediterrano texture ब.दफ 124 124 128
Traventino texture " 190 190 195
Velvetino texture " 163 163 167
Gtone plaster and Colorato
texture(Multicolour texture) " 130 130 133
Stucco veneziano texture " 136 136 140
Pearl skin texture " 117 117 120

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Marmorino texture " 151 151 156
Acro texture
Acro spray flat/Acro spray dews texture " 73 73 73
touch/Superfine/Ceratex texture " 71 71 74
Rustic texture " 97 97 99
Rockart texture " 91 91 93
Graffiato texture " 100 100 103
Marmocastro texture " 87 87 90
Marmoplast texture " 88 88 90
Sabbia texture " 109 109 112
Manhattan texture " 109 109 112
Sandy stone texture " 149 149 154
Selva Granite texture " 112 112 116
Elligance stone texture " 104 104 107
Granite tone texture " 95 95 98
Romaart texture " 121 121 124
Insulplast texture " 131 131 135
Acro Bio-guard (Hospital Paint) " 51 51 54
Acro Ellastocarb(anti carbonisation
paint) " 35 35 38
Acro fire guard (fire retardent paint) 34
1.ACROGUARD 3X ब.दफ 22 22 23
2. ACROGUARD " 21 21 21
3. ACROSHIELD " 17 17 17
4. ACROTEX MATT " 30 30 31
DISTEMPER " 10 10 11
Pro_Plaster Material s]=hL 32
Expansion joint

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Horizontal Area fixing clips affixed

aluminium joint covers VEDA FRANCE RM
Series JDH 5.2.050 standard load.
15000 15000 15000
Clips Affixed Mill Finish Aluminium for
standard and seismic joint covers VEDA RM
FRANCE CJV-180 Alu. 12500 12500 12500
Extruded Aluminium Joint Covers VEDA
FRANCE CJE- PF flat. 14500 14500 14500
Folded Joint Covers VEDA France Series
CJP a silver anodized coating. 17500 17500 17500
Vertical Joints Standard and Seismic
interior use VEDA FRANCE Series JDV RM
4.2 25000 25000 25000
Vertical Joints Exterior use VEDA
FRANCE Series JDV 4.4 flat. 13000 13000 13000
Vertical Joints Exterior use VEDA
FRANCE Series JDV 4.6 flat. 18500 18500 18500
Vertical Joints VEDA FRANCE Series
JDV 4.10 / 4.12 flat 28000 28000 28000
Suspended Ceiling Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JDV 4.14 12000 12000 12000
Floor Joint VEDA FRANCE Series JDH
5.2 standard loads. 20500 20500 20500
Floor Joint VEDA FRANCE Series JDH
5.4 standard loads. 32500 32500 32500
Floor Joint VEDA FRANCE Series JDH
5.8 standard loads. 35000 35000 35000
Floor Joint VEDA FRANCE Series JDH
5.26 heavy loads. 37500 37500 37500

CAR Park Joint VEDA FRANCE Series

JDH 5.30 standard loads(15 to 35mm)
16000 16000 16000

CAR Park Joint VEDA FRANCE Series

JDH 5.32 standard loads (40 to70mm)
31000 31000 31000
BED Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF 1700 18750 18750 18750
BED Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF LUXE 2700 28500 28500 28500

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
BED Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF Deco. 9000 9000 9000
Adhesive Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF 600/1 1500 1500 1500
Adhesive Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF 600/2 2000 2000 2000
Adhesive Affixed Control Joints VEDA
FRANCE Series JF 1600 15000 15000 15000
Stair Nosing VEDA France MDM VD
320/550/1010 9500 9500 9500
38 Wall Paper
Wall paper (10m.x 0.53m) /f]n 1200.00 1200.00 1,236
Fittings for wall paper j=lkm 7.00 7.00 7
White glue for wall paper ln= 105.00 105.00 108
39 Gypsum board
Supplying and fixing of Thai gypsum board
application work
i) kmN; l;lnË ug{} j=lkm
ii)Water resistant false ceiling ,,
iii)Wall partition ,, 116 116 120
iv)Wall paneling ,, 77 77 80
12.5mm thick Gypsum Board False ceiling
including all necessary material ,, 68 68 71

Calcium Silicate Board supplying &

40 fitting all complete work
Solid Infill wall ( Shera, Everest or Thai
Gypsum or equivalent - -
Solid infill wall 3" with EPS AND Foam j=dL
concrete = 3683.00 3683.00 3683.00
Solid Infill wall (Chinese or equivalent) j=dL - - -
Solid infill wall 3" = 1718.00 1718.00 1718.00

Solid Infill wall WITH TWO SIDE .5MM

MS plate, powder quoted infill with high
presurred Polyrethen with 40 kg+-2 kg /cu
mtr j=dL - -
Solid infill wall 50mm = 3192.00 3192.00 3192.00
Interlocking Cement Concrete
41 Block( Not less than M20 RCC Block )

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

a) Curb stone /=ld= 1069.20 1069.20 1069.00

25 mm thick C.C. Tile (Grey color)
Burfi , Round , Boby Checker Sqft 41.04 41.04 41.00
25 mm thick C.C. Tile (Red color)
Burfi , Round , Boby Checker Sqft 43.20 43.20 43.00
50 mm thick CC Block (Grey color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock Sqft 49.68 49.68 50.00
50 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock Sqft 50.76 50.76 51.00
60 mm thick CC Block (Grey color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock , Plus Interlock Sqft 51.84 51.84 52.00
60 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock , Plus Interlock Sqft 52.92 52.92 53.00
70 mm thick CC Block (Red color)
Cosmix , Hexagon , Threehex , Royal tone
Interlock , I-Interlock Sqft 59.40 59.40 59.00
60 mm thick CC Block ( Ocm or
equivalent )
Brick type (23*11*6cm)non colour Nos 10 10 10.00
Hexagon (22*22 cm) non colour ,, 22 22 22.00
Hexagon (22*22 cm) colour 24 24 24.00
Squire paver (30*30*4.5cm)non colour ,, 31 31 31.00
Squire paver (30*30*4.5cm)colour 33 33 33.00
inter block(24*13*6cm) ,, 14 14 14.00
Isave paver (20*16*6cm) ,, 16 16 16.00

supply of concrete Block different items

United concrete or other Equivailent
Hollow Block ( 16"*8"*6") Nos 76 76 76.00
Hollow Block ( 16"*8"*4") ,, 67 67 67.00
Corner Hollow Block ( 16"*8"*6") ,, 86 86 86.00
Lintel Block ( 16"*8"*6") ,, 86 86 86.00

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Pavers Block ( fish or other shape ) 60mm

thick ,, 19 19 19.00
concrete Brick ( 9"*4"*2.5") ,, 13 13 13.00
Concrete block

Concrete block size (40*15*20 ) cm uf]6f 37

Concrete block size ( 40*10*20 ) cm uf]6f 32
Concrete block size ( 39*14*19 ) cm uf]6f 50
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block uf]6f
-24"*8"*4" 162
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block- uf]6f
24"*8"*6" 299
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block- uf]6f
24"x8"x4" 114
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) block uf]6f
24"x8"x6" 171
Cellular light weight concrete(CLC) uf]6f
block24"x8"x8" 228
Interlock Concrete Paving Blocks

Behaton Interlock I Paver (Grey Color) with

Compressive Strength M25 or Above 80MM j=dL
Thickness. 2212

Behatone Interlock I Paver (Single Color)

with Compressive Strength M25 or Above. j=dL
80MM Thickness 2744

Behaton Interlock I Paver (Multi Color) with

Compressive Strength M25 or Above. 80MM j=dL
Thickness 3365

Hexagon Interlock Pavers (Grey Color) with

Compressive Strength M25 or Above. 60MM j=dL
Thickness 1635

Interlock Pavers (Single Color) with

Compressive Strength M25 or Above. 60MM j=dL
Thickness 2066

Hexagon Interlock Pavers (Multi Color) with

Compressive Strength M25 or Above. 60MM j=dL
Thickness 2498

Rectangular Interlock Paver (Grey Color)

with Compressive Strength M25 or Above. j=dL
60MM Thickness 1776

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Rectangular Interlock Paver (Single Color)

with Compressive Strength M25 or Above. j=dL
60MM Thickness 2256

Rectangular Interlock Paver (Multi Color)

with Compressive Strength M25 or Above. j=dL
60MM Thickness 2736
Half Battered Kerb Stone with Compressive /=dL
Strength M25 or Above 1542
Bull Nose Kerb Stone with Compressive /=dL
Strength M25 or Above 1798

Matrix Slab (Grey Color) with Compressive j=dL

Strength M25 or Above. 40MM Thickness 1050

Matrix Slab (Single Color) with Compressive j=dL

Strength M25 or Above. 40MM Thickness 1260

Matrix Slab (Multi Color) with Compressive j=dL

Strength M25 or Above. 40MM Thickness 1635
42 5fgfdf 6fOnsf]
-!=$_ efusf] j'§f
ld>0fsf] sf6\g]
l;d]G6 d;nf/ kfgL k§L sfo{
tof/ ul/ v6 /flv !ÆjfSnf] Knfi6/df ?
lkmª 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] ;fdfg ;lxt
-tof/L_ j=ld= - - 623
!Æ×#Æ ;fOhsf] -!=#_ efusf]
ld>0fsf] d;nf tof/ ul/ v6 /flv
jiff{bsf] kfgL k§L agfpg] sfd -tof/L_ /=dL - - 75

Heritage Wall Surface Texture (Interior

and Exterior) including the cost
43 supplying and fitting
i) Heritage granular j=lkm 97.00 97.00 97.00
ii) Heritage flakes ,, 120.00 120.00 120.00
iii) Heritage granite finish ,, 105.00 105.00 105.00
iv) Heritage Top coat (plastic lamination) ,, 28.00 28.00 28.00
UPVC Profile Door and Window/ Wall
44 partition

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Supplying and installation of UPVC Profile:

Sliding window frame 50*80mm; sash
58*36mm, Sliding Door frame 52*88; sash
80*42, Casement window frame
60*60mm:sash 60*78mm, Casement Door
frame 60*60; sash 60*104mm white colour
with reinforcement, 5mm thick clear float
glass, insect net, patented standard hardware
like: rollers, gaskets, brush seal, moon locks,
push locks, drinage cover, etc.
UPVC sf]] ‰ofn, 9f]sf tyf wall
partition sf lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?
i) Single glazing
UPVC Sliding window with net (frame 50*80
mm, sash 58*36 mm, white colour with 5mm
glass) Sqm 7005.00 7005.00 7215.00

UPVC Sliding window without net (frame

60*60 mm, sash 66*42 mm, white colour with
5mm glass) ,, 6470.00 6470.00 6664.00

UPVC Top Hung window (frame 60*60 mm,

sash 60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm
glass) ,, 7275.00 7275.00 7493.00

UPVC Casement window (frame 60*60 mm,

sash 60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm
glass) ,, 7275.00 7275.00 7493.00

UPVC Single Door with half panel half glass

(frame 60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm, white
colour with 5mm glass) ,, 7975.00 7975.00 8214.00
UPVC Single Door with full panel (frame
60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm, white colour) ,, 8085.00 8085.00 8328.00

UPVC Double Door (frame 60*60 mm, sash

60*104 mm, white colour with 5mm glass) ,, 8625.00 8625.00 8884.00

UPVC Sliding Door with net (frame 52*88

mm, sash 88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm
glass) ,, 8625.00 8625.00 8884.00

UPVC Sliding Door without net (frame 60*60

mm, sash 88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm
glass) ,, 8355.00 8355.00 8606.00

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UPVC Swing Door with half glass half uPVC
panel (frame 60*60 mm) ,, 9700.00 9700.00 9991.00
UPVC 88x60mm Sliding white colour
window with 5mm glass pannele Sqm 8375.00 8375.00 8626.00
UPVC 60x64mm white colour casement
window with 5mm glass pannele ,, 9511.00 9511.00 9796.00
UPVC110x64mm x9mmthick board and 5mm
tjick glass pannel white colour ,, 10051.00 10051.00 10353.00
UPVC60x60mm x9mmthick white colour
partition board with 5mm glass ,, 10405.00 10405.00 10717.00
UPVC60x60mm white colour swing door
with 5mm glass pannel 6531.00 6531.00 6727.00
ii) Double glazing
UPVC Sliding window with net (frame 50*80
mm, sash 58*36 mm, white colour with 5mm
double glass) Sqm 9160.00 9160.00 9435.00

UPVC Sliding window without net (frame

60*60 mm, sash 66*42 mm, white colour with
5mm double glass) ,, 8675.00 8675.00 8935.00

UPVC Top Hung window (frame 60*60 mm,

sash 60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm
double glass) ,, 9435.00 9435.00 9718.00

UPVC Casement window (frame 60*60 mm,

sash 60*78 mm, white colour with 5mm
double glass) ,, 9435.00 9435.00 9718.00

UPVC Single Door with half panel half glass

(frame 60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm, white
colour with 5mm double glass) ,, 10135.00 10135.00 10439.00
UPVC Double Door (frame 60*60 mm, sash 60*104 mm,
white colour with 5mm double glass) ,, 10240.00 10240.00 10547.00
UPVC Sliding Door with net (frame 52*88 mm, sash
88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm double glass) ,, 10780.00 10780.00 11103.00

UPVC Sliding Door without net (frame 60*60

mm, sash 88*42 mm, white colour with 5mm
double glass) ,, 10510.00 10510.00 10825.00
Supply & fixing of 80*50 mm white colour
casement window ,, 9331.00 9331.00 9611.00
Prefab Panel for wall Partition solid
45 wall panel (ESWP) or Equivailent

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Supply and erection of different mm th.

cement base prefabricated Shera, thai
gypsum,everest solid wall panel non asbestos
including 1.1 mm thick GI chennel
(50*25*20) mm with necessary accessories
and fittings charge in partation wall all
a)40 mm thick sqft. - -
b)50 mm thick sqft. 225 225 239.00
c) 75 mm thick sqft. 285 285 302.00

False ceiling/ partition/ external

cladding of everest or equivallent fibre
designer board
Supplying, making, fixing of false ceiling with
everest fibre designer board in E-grid Sqft 88 88 93.00
Supplying, making, fixing of 70mm thick
exterior with full height of partirion with
everest fibre cemnet board Sqft 263 263 279.00
Supplying, making, fixing of 66mm thick
exterior with full height of partirion with
everest fibre cemnet board Sqft 230 230 244.00
Supplying, making, fixing of 91mm thick
exterior with full height of partirion with
everest fibre cemnet board Sqft 293 293 311.00

Supplying, making, fixing of external cladding

with 9 mm HD/ 7.5mm everest sliding board Sqft 258 258 274.00
Supplying, making, fixing of 50mm thick full
height of partirion with everest RAPICON wall
panels Sqft 205 205 217.00
Supplying, making, fixing of 75mm thick full
height of partirion with everest RAPICON wall
panels Sqft 271 271 288.00
6 mm thick Flex-O- Board (Water proof cement
board) 6mm thick for false ceiling Sqft - - 35.00
Cement board Aerocon C Board CK Birala
, Everest or equivalent
6 mm thick Sqft 32.00 32.00 34.00
8 mm thick Sqft 40.00 40.00 42.00
10 mm thick Sqft 50.00 50.00 53.00
12 mm thick Sqft 60.00 60.00 64.00

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Supplying and fixing 130 mm thick

EVG 3D panel with mesh size 50 x 50
GI wire
Supplying and fixing 130 mm thick EVG
3D panel with mesh size 50 x 50 GI wire 2 Sqft 370 370
mm both side 40 mm thick 1:4 cement
sand plaster all complete work. 393.00

Supplying and fixing 130 mm thick EVG

3D panel with mesh size 50 x 50 GI wire 3 Sqft 400 400
mm both side 40 mm thick 1:4 cement
sand plaster all complete work. 424.00

Supplying and fixing 130 mm thick EVG

3D panel with mesh size 50 x 50 GI wire 4 Sqft 494 494
mm both side 40 mm thick 1:4 cement
sand plaster all complete work. 524.00

Joint less false celling chanel 0.55mm

thick flange of 20 mm and another flange Sqft 106 106
30mm ( conform to IS 4862 : 2000 ) all
complete work Everest or equivalent 112.00

Rapicon solid wall panel 50/75 mm thick

conform to IS 14862 ( density more than
1200kg /m3) Everest or equivalent
50 mm thick Sqft 248 248 263.00
75 mm thick Sqft 327 327 347.00
External cladding with 9mm /7.5 mm Sqft
siding board and GI steel frame work 266 266 282.00
Full Height Partition (With 9mm thick Fiber
Cement Heavy Duty Wall Board on exterior
side and 10mm Standard FCB Interior side
and 51mm G.I wall frame system) Exterior Sqft
cum Interior Wall confirming to IS 14862:2000
& Type A Category IV of ISO 8336:1993

270 270 286.00

Full Height Partition (With 8mm thick Fiber
Cement Wall Board on both side and 51mm
G.I wall frame system) Interior Wall confirming Sqft
to IS 14862:2000 & Type A Category IV of ISO
236 236 250.00

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Full Height Partition (With 9mm thick Fiber
Cement Wall Board exterior & 10mm Interior
on interior side and 72mm G.I wall frame
system) Exterior cum Interior confirming to IS Sqft
14862:2000 & Type A Category IV of ISO
301 301 319.00
False Floor / Cavity Floor (With 15mm thick
Heavy Duty Fiber Cement / 20mm Standard
FCB Floor Board and Specified M.S frame Sqft
system for design load) confirming to IS
14862 : 2000
338 338 359.00
EPS ( Expanded Polystyrene) and Cement
Base Light Weight Sandwitch Panel with
4.5mm thick Calcium Silicate Board (Non
Asbestos ) as face board on both sides
(Size 2270*610mm)- excluding installation

50mm thickness Sqft 200

60mm thickness Sqft 275
75mm thickness Sqft 330
90mm thickness Sqft 385
120mm thickness Sqft 465
Installation charge Sqft 50
46 Aluminium &Steel Door & Window
Mention rates are including supplying of
necessary chemicals, materials,fittings,
labours as per manufacturer's
specifications all complete or as per
consultant's direction.
102 series windows
Providing and fixing single panel casement ब.दफ - 692 692

Providing and fixing double panel

casement( hinged) door of aluminium
section in natural or color anodized/
powder coated color sections size - 761 761
(102*45*1.5mm ) Fitted with 5 mm clear
glass or 9 mm both side laminated board
( excluding the cost of handle and door
closer ) "

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Providing and fixing single panel swing

door of aluminium section in natural or
black anodized/ powder coated color - 880 880
sections size (102*45*1.5mm ) Fitted
with 5 mm clear glass or 9 mm both side
laminated board ( excluding the cost of
handle ) "
Providing and fixing double panel swing d " - 968 968

90 series windows
Providing and fixing 2 or 3 panel sliding w " - 557 557

Providing and fixing 2 or 3 panel sliding

windows of aluminium section in
naturally anodized or black - 636 636
anodized/powder coated colors section
size ( 87*56*1.20mm) fitted with 5 mm
clear glas with fly mesh shutter (window
size 6'*5' or avg area 30 sqft per window) "

Providing and fixing 2 or 3 panel sliding

window with top fixed glass of
aluminium section in naturally anodized or
black anodized/powder coated colors - 601 658
section size ( 87*65*1.20mm) fitted with
5 mm clear glas without fly mesh shutter
(window size 6'*5' or avg area 30 sqft per
window) "

Providing and fixing 2 or 3 panel sliding

window with top fixed glass of
aluminium section in naturally anodized or
black anodized/powder coated colors - 693 693
section size ( 87*56*1.20mm) fitted with
5 mm clear glas without fly mesh shutter
(window size 6'*5' or avg area 30 sqft per
47.2.d window) "

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Providing and fixing fixed window of

aluminium section in naturally anodized or
black anodized/powder coated colors - 451 451
section size ( 87*25+12*1.20mm) fitted
with 5 mm clear glas without fly mesh
shutter (Average area 5 sq ft per panel) "

Providing and fixing fixed window of

aluminium section in naturally anodized or
black anodized/powder coated colors - 518 518
section size ( 87*25+12*1.50mm) fitted
with 5 mm clear glas without fly mesh
shutter (Average area 5 sq ft per panel) "
Providing and fixing fly mesh shutter
with stainless steel fly mesh in 90 series
for sliding window(section thickness 1 - 198 198
mm) "
102 series partition "

Providing and fixing full height partation

of almunium section in natural anodized
or black anodized/ powder coated color - 546 546
section size(102*45*1.5 mm) Fitted with
5 mm clear glass & 9 mm BSL board (av.
Panel aera 8 sqft "

Providing and fixing half height partation

of almunium section in natural anodized
or black anodized/ powder coated color - 593 593
section size(102*45*1.5 mm) Fitted with
5 mm clear glass & 9 mm BSL board (av.
Panel aera 6 sqft "
64 series Partition

Providing and fixing full height partation

of almunium section in natural anodized
or black anodized/ powder coated color - 411 411
section size(64*38*1.1 mm) Fitted with 5
mm clear glass & 9 mm BSL board (av.
Panel aera 8 sqft "
Providing and fixing low height partation o " - 503 503

Providing and fixing structurl glazing of a " - 577 577

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Providing and fixing structurl glazing of

aluminum section in natural or color
- 669 669
anodized /powder coated color section
size( 60*75+13*1.6)m m) fitted with 5 m
colour glass (av. Panel area 6 sqft) "
Providing and fixing structurl glazing of " - 814 814


Providing and fixingfixed glass door of 12 " - 1325 1325

Providing and fixing fixed glass partition

of 12 mm clear Toughened glass with - 860 860
stainless steel patches or aluminum frame
( Ground Floor ) "
Providing and fixing fixed glass partition o " - 1425 1425

47 Aluminium Composite Panel

Providing and fixing aluminium composite

panel cladding on wall ( exterior) 3 mm - 350 350
th.ACP( 0.25mm aluminum PVDF core)
on 25*38mm aluminum tube framing. "
Providing and fixing aluminium composite
panel cladding on wall ( exterior) 4 mm - 470 470
th.ACP( 0.25mm aluminum PVDF core)
on 25*38mm aluminum tube framing. "
Steel Door & Windows

Supplying and Fixing of 50 mm steel Door

with frame size (90*80*1 mm )and both
side 0.5 mm thick steel and honey comb
paper in between steel in shuttert including
peep hole 3pcs 130mm size hinges heavy
duty lock ( in five place and all other j=lk
necessary accesories all complete. m - -
Water proofing (chemicals &
48 Tretment)works -


Form Oil ln6/ 100.00

Polymer for M35, M 40 or higher concrete ln6/ 350.00

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Epoxy Bonding agent for old and new
construction ln6/ 2000.00

*}Dk k|'km tyf xf*]{lgª sDkfp)* ;]km dfO{^ ln6/ 235.00

(Damp proof, Anti Termite , Anti Fungal,Anti
Saltpetre and benefit of High Compressive
Waterproof Coating With Latex Kg. 350.00

Waterproof Coating with Polymer Kg. 450.00

Water Reducing Admixture Concrete & Mortar

[ Lignosulphonate Based] Std.
Kg. 181.50 181.50 150.00
Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type A) /
IS 2645 Dose 0.3 to 1.1 % by.wt. cement

High Range Water Reducing Super Plasticizer

for Concrete & Mortar [ Napthalene
Formladehyde Based] Std.
Kg. 272.25 272.25 250.00
Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type F) /
IS 9103 -1999 Dose 0.2 to 3 % by wt of

Ultra High Range Water Reducing Super

Plasticizer for Concrete & Mortar
[ Polycarboxylate Ether Based] Kg. 544.50 544.50 450.00
Std. Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type
F) Dose :0.2 to 1.6 % by wt of cement

Integral Waterproofing Additive for Concrete &

Std. Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type Kg. 332.75 332.75 300.00
G), IS 9103 -2007, IS 2645 Dose :0.4 to 2%
by wt of cement
Integral Crystalline Waterproofing Powder
Admixture Std.
Conformance : ASTM C 494, IS 3085 -1997, Kg. 1028.50 1028.50 1000.00
DIN 1048 - 1991 Part 5 Dose : 0.5 to 2% by
wt of cement
Integral Crystalline Waterproofing Liquid
Admixture Std.
Conformance : ASTM C 494, IS 3085 -1997, Kg. 1028.50 1028.50 1000.00
DIN 1048 - 1991 Part 5 Dose : 0.5 to 2% by
wt of cement
Integral Waterproofing Powder Admixture
Std. Conformance : ASTM C 494, IS 3085
Kg. 1512.50 1512.50 1250.00
-1997, DIN 1048 - 1991 Part 5 Dose :0.2 to 2
% by wt of cement

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Integral Waterproofing Powder Admixture for
Mortars Std.
Conformance : ASTM C 494, IS 3085 -1997, Kg. 181.50 181.50 180.00
DIN 1048 - 1991 Part 5 Dose : 0.2 to 1 % by
wt of cement
Accelerator & Spray Shotcrete / Concrete
Kg. 302.50 302.50 250.00
Plasticizer [ Silicate Based]
Accelerator & Spray Shotcrete / Concrete
Kg. 423.50 423.50 350.00
Liquid Plasticizer [ Alkali Free]
Accelerator & Spray Shotcrete / Concrete
Kg. 363.00 363.00 350.00
Powder Plasticizer [ Alkali Free]
Retarding Superplasticiczer for Concrete
[ Napthalene Based] Std.
Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type G / Kg. 272.25 272.25 250.00
D), IS 9103 - 2007 Dose 0.2 to 3 % by wt of

Retarding Superplasticiczer for Concrete

[ Polycarboxylate Ether Based]
Kg. 544.50 544.50 450.00
Std. Conformance : ASTM C 494 - 1981 (Type
G) Dose : 0.2 to 2.2 % by wt of cement

Resin ,Multi /polyvcarboxylate ether cholride

free less alkali super plasticizer and micro
kg 650.00 650.00 650.00
siloica in one ASTM C494 Dose :0.5 to 2.1 %
by wt of cement
Silica Cement Admixture (Volcanic Product
Kg. 330.00
Silica Fume / Silica Cement Admixture / Micro
Silica for High Performance Concrete Std.
Conformance : ASTM C 1240 - 2005, IS Kg. 289.00 289.00 110.00
15388 - 2003 Dose :5 to 15 % by wt of
Processed FA Based Mineral Additives Dose :
Kg. 102.85 102.85 85.00
5 to 20 % by wt of cement
Two Component Gun Grade Polysulphide
Kg. 2178.00 2178.00 1800.00
Sealant for Vertical Surfaces
Two Component Pour Grade Polysulfide
Kg. 2178.00 2178.00 1800.00
Sealant for Horizontal Surfaces
One Component Low Viscosity Primer For
Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3000.00
Polysulfide Sealant
Two Component Pour Grade Polyurethane
Kg. 2420.00 2420.00 2000.00
Sealant for Joints
Low Viscosity Primer For Polyurethane
Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3000.00
High Performance Hybrid Silyl Sealant (290
set 1452.00 1452.00 1200.00
ml per set)

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HOT APPLIED Bituminous Sealing Compound
Kg. 350.00
Sealent [TYPE A]
HOT APPLIED Bituminous Sealing Compound
Kg. 450.00
Sealent [TYPE B]
Butyl Tape for various Applications RM 151.25 151.25 125.00
Waterproofing Joint Tape [ 120 mm] RM 605.00 605.00 550.00
Waterproofing Joint Tape [ 200 mm] RM 786.50 786.50 750.00
NBR based Waterproofing Joint Tape [ 200
RM 4840.00 4840.00 4000.00
Joint Tape Epoxy Adhesive Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3000.00
Glass Fiber Joint Tape RM. 332.75 332.75 275.00
Waterproofing / Expansion Joint Tape [100
RM. 1815.00 1815.00 1500.00
Waterproofing / Expansion Joint Tape [200
RM. 3267.00 3267.00 2700.00
Construction Joint Tape [ 100 mm] RM. 786.50 786.50 800.00
Cross Linked Premoulded Compressive Joint
Sq. M. 2964.50 2964.50 2450.00
Filler [25 mm]
Cross Linked Premoulded Compressive Joint
Sq. M. 5868.50 5868.50 4850.00
Filler [50 mm]
Closed Cell Polymerbased Joint Filler [25
Sq. M. 968.00 968.00 800.00
Closed Cell Polymerbased Joint Filler [50
Sq. M. 1815.00 1815.00 1500.00
Compressable Resilint Non- Extrudible Joint
Sq. M. 2500.00
EXJO FILLER [12 mm {4' X 4'}]
Compressable Resilint Non- Extrudible Joint
Sq. M. 3500.00
EXJO FILLER [18 mm {4' X 4'}]
Compressable Resilint Non- Extrudible Joint
Sq. M. 4500.00
EXJO FILLER [25 mm {4' X 4'}]

Hardwearing, abrasion resistant monolithic

industrial flooring compound [ Metallic] Kg. 133.10 133.10 133.10

Liquid Concrete Hardener & Dust Proofer Kg. 453.75 453.75 453.75

Anti Bacterial Floor & Wall Coating [ Epoxy] Kg. 2722.50 2722.50 2722.50
Anti Bacterial Floor & Wall Coating
Kg. 3025.00 3025.00 3025.00
[ Polyurethane]
Anti bacterial Floor & Wall Coating [ Acrylic] Kg. 2420.00 2420.00 2420.00
Self Levelling Flooring System [ Epoxy] Kg. 1210.00 1210.00 1270.50
Self Levelling Flooring System [ Polyurethane] Kg. 1815.00 1815.00 1905.75

Self Levelling Cementitious Flooring System Kg. 363.00 363.00 381.15


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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

General Purpose High Strength Free Flowing,

Kg. 133.10 133.10 110.00
Non Shrink Cementitious Grout [ M40]

Ultra High Strength Free Flowing, Non Shrink

Kg. 151.25 151.25 125.00
Cementitious Grout [M60]
Hard wearing cementitious tile grout Kg. 193.60 193.60 160.00
Hard wearing epoxy based tile grout Kg. 1210.00 1210.00 1000.00
Super Plasticizer, Shrinkage Compensating
Kg. 605.00 605.00 500.00
Grout Admixture
High Strength Precision Grade, Non Shrink
Kg. 3025.00 3025.00 2500.00
Structural Epoxy Anchorgrout
Epoxy Acrylate High Strength Precision
Grade, Non Shrink Structural Grout [ 400 Ml ml 5445.00 5445.00 4500.00
Low Viscosity Injection Epoxy Grout Kg. 7865.00 7865.00 7500.00
Low Viscosity Polyurethane Injection Grout
Kg. 16940.00 16940.00 12500.00
Dose : 231 cubic inchec per gallon
Low Viscosity Acrylate Gel Injection Grout Kg. 10285.00 10285.00 8500.00
Low Viscosity Soil Stabilization Injection Grout Kg. 16940.00 16940.00 14000.00

Low Viscosity Soil Stabilization Hydrophobic,

water reactive, solvent and phthalate free Kg. 9500.00
Injection Grout
Resin Capsule (32*300mm) lk; 130.00
Cement Capsule(32*300mm) lk; 60.00
Microfine Cement (MFC) Kg. 250.00
Kg. 786.50 786.50 750.00
Acrylic Bonding Agent For Concrete & Mortar
Versatile SBR Latex for Bonding, Grouting & Kg. 1028.50 1028.50 950.00
Repair Mortars
High Performanance Pure Acrylic Polymer for
Concrete & Mortar Modification' & Bonding Kg. 1452.00 1452.00 1200.00
Two Component Epoxy Resin Bonding Agent [
Kg. 2178.00 2178.00 1800.00
For bonding new to old concrete]
FIBERS (Steel & Polypropylene)
Kg. 1210.00 1210.00 1200.00
FIBERMESH MF [Monofilament PP Fibers]
FIBERMESH FB [Collated PP Fibers] Kg. 1573.00 1573.00 1500.00
FIBERMESH MACRO [Structural PP Fibers] Kg. 2420.00 2420.00 2000.00
Loose steel Fibers Kg. 302.50 302.50 250.00
Glued Steel Fibers Kg. 423.50 423.50 350.00
Crimped Steel Fibers Kg. 245.00 245.00 250.00

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Protective, Decorative Anti Carbonation
Kg. 1452.00 1452.00 1200.00
Protective, Decorative Insulating Anti
Kg. 1633.50 1633.50 1350.00
Carbonation Coating
Concrete Penetrating Corrosion Inhibitor Kg. 5445.00 5445.00 4500.00
Protective Acrylic Sealer Kg. 1815.00 1815.00 1500.00
Protective Polyurethane Sealer Kg. 2178.00 2178.00 1800.00
Water Based Fire Retardant Coating Kg. 1452.00 1452.00 1500.00
High Performance Water Repellent Paint Ltr. 10890.00 10890.00 900.00
Concentrated & Emulsified Chemical Mould
Ltr. 605.00 605.00 500.00
Release Agent
Ready to use Chemical Mould Release Agent Ltr. 484.00 484.00 500.00
Concrete Curing Aid Kg. 484.00 484.00 450.00
Resin,silica based multi function, water
proofing and curing compound Dose :cover kg 700.00 700.00 700.00
area: 0.15kg/m2
Rust Remover & Passivator Ltr. 1210.00 1210.00 1000.00
Corrosion Inhibitor Kg. 1210.00 1210.00 1200.00
Micro Concrete [ M55] for Permanant Repairs Kg. 169.40 169.40 140.00

Single Component Polymer Modified

Kg. 211.75 211.75 175.00
Cementitious Repair Mortar
Two Component Polymer Modified Kg. 302.50 302.50 250.00
Cementitious Repair Mortar
Kg. 242.00 242.00 200.00
Cementitious, Waterproof Crack Repair Mortar
Acrylic Based Crack Filling Putty Kg. 1452.00 1452.00 1200.00
Resin ,Polycoboxylate Base For ultra High
Strenth Concrete Repairing Dose : Admixture Kg 700.00 700.00 700.00
10% By Wt of Cement
Tile, Mabrble, Granite etc. Adhesive Kg. 90.75 90.75 85.00
Marble & Granite etc. Adhesive Kg. 423.50 423.50 350.00
Coarse and water resistant Readymix
Kg. 90.00 90.00 85.00
plastring Mortar
High Performanance Polymer Based Wall Kg. 70.00 70.00 73.50
Putty (Skim Coat)
High Performanance Polymer Based Insulting Kg. 90.00 90.00 90.00
Wall Putty (Skim Coat)
Integral Waterproofing Additive for Concrete &
Kg. 300.00 300.00 275.00
Silica Cement Admixture / Microsilica / Silica
Kg. 315.00 315.00 330.75

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Single Pack Polymer Modified Flexible Kg. 423.50 423.50 444.68

Waterproof Coating System
Two Component Polymer Modified Flexible
Acrylic Elastomeric Waterproof Coating Kg. 605.00 605.00 500.00
System Dose :cover Area :5 Sqft- 7 Sqft/Kg 2
Two Component Polymer Modified Flexible
Elastomeric Waterproof & Thermal Insulating Kg. 907.50 907.50 750.00
Coating System Dose :consumption: 1.5
Heavy duty reinforced elastomeric acrylic
water proof coating for terrace Dose :cover Ltr. 750.00 750.00 787.50
area: 6 sqft/litre 3 coat
Arcylic elastomeric exterior water proof
coating for exterior wall Dose :35 sqft/litre 2 Ltr. 700.00 700.00 750.00
Crystalline Based Waterproofing Systems Kg. 363.00 363.00 350.00
Fast Setting Plugging Compound for stopping Kg. 423.50 423.50 400.00
running water
Polyurethane based Waterproofing Coating Kg. 1815.00 1815.00 1650.00
Polymer Modified Bitumen based
Kg. 1452.00 1452.00 1250.00
Waterproofing Coating System
Epoxy Resin based Waterproofing Coating
Kg. 1815.00 1815.00 1815.00
Efflorescence Resistance Penetrating Primer
kg 600.00 600.00 600.00
Dose :Cover Area: 80 Sq ft /lt 1 coat
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Modified
Sq. M. 2178.00 2178.00 1800.00
Bituminous Membranes [3mm Plain]
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Modified
Bituminous Membranes [3mm Mineral / Sand Sq. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2000.00
Polymer Modified Self Adhesive Bituminous
Sq. M. 1210.00 1210.00 1050.00
Membranes [1mm]
Polymer Modified Self Adhesive Bituminous Sq. M. 1815.00 1815.00 1500.00
Membranes [ 2mm]

Polymer Modified Self Adhesive Bituminous Sq. M. 1815.00 1815.00 1500.00

Membranes with Aluminium Cover
1.2 mm High Polymer PVC Membranes Sq. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2000.00
PVC Adhesive Kg. 3025.00 3025.00 2500.00
1.2 mm EPDM Membranes Sq. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2500.00
EPDM Adhesive Kg. 3025.00 3025.00 2500.00
EPDM Primer Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3000.00
2mm TPO Membranes Sq. M. 4235.00 4235.00 3500.00

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
Polythene & Polypropylene Polymer
Sq. M. 968.00 968.00 800.00
Compound Waterproof Membrane
100% Synthetic Rubber Roof Coating Kg. 5445.00 5445.00 4500.00
Antistripping Agent for Bitumen Kg. 484.00 484.00 508.20
Anti Termite [ Imidacloprid 30.5% ] Kg. 9075.00 9075.00 9528.75
Expanding Concrete Joint WATERSTOP RM. 2420.00 2420.00 2420.00
WB ADHESIVE Primer for Expanding
2500 9075.00 9075.00 7500.00
Swellable WATERSTOP RM. 3025.00 3025.00 2500.00
Waterstops RM. 3025.00 3025.00
Nodular Drain with Geotextile Roof Garden Sq. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2500.00
SEALGUARD GEOTEX [P] -Polyester 110.00
Geotextile Sq. M. 121.00 121.00
THERMOSEAL XPS - Extruded Polystyrene
Boards [ 25 mm] Sq. M. 1331.00 1331.00 1397.55
THERMOSEAL XPS - Extruded Polystyrene
Boards [ 40 mm] Sq. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2541.00
Cold Applied Multi Purpose Modified
Bituminous Compound in semi Liquid Creamy
for Bonding Kg. 225.00
Cold Applied Viscous Heavy Duty Modified
Bituminous Protective water Barrier Coating
for Below Ground Structures (Raft / Pile /
Footings etc) Kg. 525.00
Bituminous based Aluminized Heat Reflective
Paint Kg. 650.00
Cold Applied Sealing & Calking Compound Kg. 1250.00
Carbon Laminate [50 mm Wide 1.4 mm Thick]
R. M. 9680.00 9680.00 8500.00
Carbon Laminate [75 mm Wide 1.4 mm Thick] R. M. 12100.00 12100.00 10000.00
FRP [ Fiber Reinforced Polymer] CARBON
FiberWRAP Sheet 200 GSM Sq. M. 12100.00 12100.00 8000.00
FRP [ Fiber Reinforced Polymer] CARBON
FiberWRAP Sheet 400 GSM Sq. M. 18150.00 18150.00 12000.00
FRP [ Fiber Reinforced Polymer] CARBON
FiberWRAP Sheet 600 Sq. M. 24200.00 24200.00 16000.00
FRP [ Fiber Reinforced Polyer] GLASS
FiberWRAP Sheet 900 GSM Sq. M. 18150.00 18150.00 12000.00
EPOXY PRIMER Kg. 4235.00 4235.00 3500.00
SATURANT Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3500.00
LAMINATE ADHESIVE Kg. 2420.00 2420.00 2500.00
EPOXY TOPCOAT Kg. 3630.00 3630.00 3500.00

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
POLYURETHANE TOPCOAT Kg. 4840.00 4840.00 4500.00
Fiber anchor system 5to 10 mm R. M. 2420.00 2420.00 2500.00

Carbon Laminate [50 mm Wide 2 mm Thick] R. M. 9680.00 9680.00 10000.00

Carbon Laminate [75 mm Wide 2 mm Thick] R. M. 12100.00 12100.00 12000.00

Soil Stabiliser / Admixture

Resin, sulfate resistant, admixture for medium

strength concrete and for mud road / gravel
road / eco brick tiles, hollow blocks production
Dose :0.25 to0.4 % by wt of cement kg 650.00 650.00 650.00
Concrete curing compound
Concrete Curing Aid Kg. 484.00 484.00 484.00
Resin,silica based multi function, water
proofing and curing compound Dose :cover
area: 0.15kg/m2lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? kg 700.00 700.00 700.00
49 M–
d7dlGb/df k|of]u x'g] 9'Ësf
ljleGg ;fdu|Lx?
sfnf] 9'+ufsf] a'6f ;lxtsf] yfd ^ÆÍ k|lt
1 70000.00
9'+ufsf] a'6f ;lxtsf] yfd ^ÆÍ uf]6f
2 105000.00
(ÆÍ ^=^Æ
sfnf] 9'+ufsf] a'6f ;lxtsf] yfd ! uf]6f
3 240000.00
@ÆÍ !@ÆÍ &=^Æ uf]6f
4 $Æ afSnf] k]6L 9'+uf -!)ÆÍ $Æ_ lkm6 800.00
5 $Æ afSnf] gfuf]n 9'+uf -!)ÆÍ $Æ_ lkm6 900.00
$Æ afSnf] a'6]bf/L sl;df], sfg]{; /
6 lkm6
ˆof] -!)ÆÍ $Æ_ 3700.00
sfnf] ;fO8n 9'+uf -ONxf]+_ -#)Æ k|lt
7 40000.00
Í#)ÆÍ !*Æ_ uf]6f
8 Peti kuna Dhunga(19.9"*9"*18") 2720.00
9 Peti kuna Dhunga(10"*10"*14") 1900.00
10 Bichako naykha nhu 950.00
11 Dhungey dhara 1360.00
12 Peti Dhunga 4" 2450.00
13 Peti Dhunga 5" ld6/
k|lt 2990.00
14 Shree Ganesh/Kumar Dhunga ko Murti uf]6f 1360.00
9'Ë] wf/f uf]6f 1155.00
df6f] jf6 lgld{t k/Dk/fut
!_ blr ckf;fdfu|Lx?
7"nf] *Æ×@–#÷*Æ×
%Æ uf]6f 20.00 20.00 21.00

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@_ blr ckf ;fgf] *#÷*Æ×@–!

÷*Æ×$–!÷$Æ ,, 16.00 16.00 16.00
#_ blrckf 7"nf]sf] s'+ ,, 24.00 24.00 24.00
$_ blrckf ;fgf]sf] s'F ckf ,, 20.00 20.00 20.00
%_ dfF ckf 7'nf] *–&÷*Æ×@–!
÷$Æ×%–#÷$Æ ,, 18.00 18.00 18.00
^_ dfFckf
&_ df ckf;fgf]
7'nf] 241x60x158 mm
*–#÷*Æ×@Æ× ,, 23.00 23.00 23.00

*_ w'/L rfË 7"nf] (–#÷*Æ%–! ,, 15 15 15
÷@Æ×#÷$ ,, 22 22 22
(_ w'/L 230x295x25 mm ,,
!)_ w'/L rfFË ;fgf] ,, 17 17 17
!!_ lemu6L gofF *–#÷$Æ×$Æ uf]6f 11 11 11
!@_ lemu+6L k"/fgf] uf]6f 7 7 7
!#_ 9's' uf]6f 39 39 39
!$_ Snake body brick traditional uf]6f 24 24 24
!%_ Snake neck brick ,, uf]6f 72 72 72
!^_ Snake head brick ,, uf]6f 141 141 141
s_;fgf ,, 110 110 110
v_7'nf] ,, 220 220 220
!&_ k]6Lsf]nflu 9'Ëf
s_ !*Æ×!)Æ×$Æ ,, 660 660 660
!*_ gfuf]n O{6f uf]6f 19 19 19
!(_(Æx (Æx !* OGr
@)_ kmMNxf]x ckfs'gf 9'Ëf
7'nf] ! ld= 2200 2200 2200
@!_ kmMNxf]x ckf ;fgf] uf]6f 165 165 165
254x229x102mm ,, 138 138 138
@@_ tLgs'g} t]lnof O{+6f -
(Æ×(Æ×@–!÷$Æ ,, 13 13 13
@#_ tLgs'g} t]lnof O{+6f
@$_ rf/s'g} t]lnof O{+6f ,, 10 10 10
-*Æ×*Æ ,, 19 19 19
@%_ t]lnof O{+6f
@^_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f -^Æ×^Æ ,, 13 13 13
-sfzLdf]x?_ ,, 28 28 28
@&_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f s'gf ,, 41 41 41

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
@*_ a'§]bf/L slg{z O6f 7"nf]
@(_ ‰ofn dflysf] slg{z
222x273x76mm ,, 165 165 165
O{6f a'§]bf/L ,, 33 33 33
#)_ sf7sf] slg{z dflysf] O6f !!
#!_ sg{/ :6f]g M !)Æ×!)Æ×! ,, 55 55 55
#@_ s_ ljrsf] ,, 1540 1540 1540
GofxfsNxF !)Æ×&Æ×!$Æ ,, 1045 1045 1045
##_ gfuf]n 9'Ëf !*Æ×!)Æ×% ,, 770 770 770
#$_ ef} Kjf uf]6f 220 220 220
#%_ tfdf kftf=- g]kfnL_ s]hL 1045 1045 1045
tfdf kftf -Indian_ s]hL 1210 1210 1210
#^_ lkQn kftf s]hL 825 825 825
#&_ kf/f] O6f s'l6 w'nf]
#*_ ;"ls{ u|fd 165 165 165
agfPsf] . 6g 1320 1320 1320
#(_ Wind bell xjf 306L $Æ uf]6f 453 453 453
$)_ Gxs+Nxf] aLrsf] ! uf]6f 1650 1650 1650
$! _ k]6L9'Ëf $Æ ! ld= 1980 1980 1980
$@_k]6L9'Ëf %Æ ! ld= 2420 2420 2420
$%_>L u0f]z uf]6f 1100 1100 1100
$^_s'df/ uf]6f 1100 1100 1100
$&_ 9'Ë] wf/f uf]6f 1100 1100 1100
$*_ Nxfs} ;]6 uf]6f 2200 2200 2200
$(_gfua]nL a'§f uf]6f 24 24 27
$(_gfua]nL a'§f s'gf uf]6f 36 36 40
%)_:jf a'§f uf]6f 24 24 24
%!_rL/ a'§f uf]6f 24 24 24
%@_ sfg]{;kmof] uf]6f 21 24 24
%#_sfg]{; uh'/ knL uf]6f 33 24 24
%%_7'nf] snz uf]6f 165 24 24
%^_d;Lgf] ;"ls{ s]lh 13 24 24
%& _v;|f] ;'ls{ s]lh 7.5 24 24
%* _गटप r'g s]=lh= 24 24 24
%(_ df ckf -;fOh 200x50x130) uf]6f 15 24 24
^)_ blr ckf -;fOh 200x55x100) ,, 17 24 24

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l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
^!_ Tjf ckf -;fOh 110x55x180) ,, 17 24 24
^@ _uf]n ckf -;fOh 120x55x80) ,, 17 24 24
^#_u0f]z ckf -;fOh 200x250x35) ,, 330 24 24
^$_s'df/ ckf -;fOh 200x250x35) ,, 330 24 24
^%_tf/f ckf -;fOh 200x250x55) ,, 330 24 24
^^_k~r a'4 ckf -;fOh 170x230x55) ,, 330 24 24
^&_sn; ckf -;fOh 100x140x40) ,, 55 24 24
^*_gfuf]n ckf -;fOh 140x52x120) ,, 19 24 24
^(_sl;df] ckf -;fOh 230x55x100) ,, 28 24 24
&)_;snL] ckf -;fOh 140x55x115) ,, 24 24 24
&@_;fgf] km ckfa'§f
-;fOh ,, 24 24 24
&#_7"nf] km a'§f ckf -;fOh ,, 28 24 24
&$_gof+ km a'§f ckf -;fOh ,, 28 24 24
230x55x110) ,, 28 24 24
&^_7"nf]u ua'§f
-;fOh140x50x110) ,, 24 24 24
230x55x90) ,, 28 24 24
&&_k'Dxf a'§f ckf -;fOh 180x55x70) ,, 28 24 24
&*_ltgs'g] :jfF ckf -;fOh 200x550x30) ,, 28 24 24
&(_ltgs'g] kln ckf -;fOh 200x550x90) ,, 28 24 24
*)_;fgf :jfF ckf -;fOh 140x50x110) ,, 24 24 24
*!_7"nf] :jfF ckf -;fOh 2300x55x90) ,, 28 24 24
*@_gfu 6fpsf] bf+ofaf+ofF -;fOh
,, 138 24 24
*#_gfu 36L bf+ofaf+ofF -;fOh ,, 72 24 24
*$_gfu hLp -;fOh 140x60x70) ,, 24 24 24
*%_gfu sGof÷k'?if -;fOh ,, 550 24 24
*^_vfn gfuf]n -;fOh 130x55x120) ,, 19 24 24
*&_vfn kmof] -;fOh 130x55x135) ,, 19 24 24
**_nx/f a'§f -;fOh 125x45x140) ,, 24 24 24
*(_gu a]nL -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 24 24 24
()_ldvfk'm;L -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 33 24 24
(!_klnof] bfof+÷jfof+ -;fOh ,, 24 24 24
(@_gof+ klnkmf] -;fOh 185x52x80) ,, 28 24 24
(#_l;wf klnkmf] -;fOh 190x55x90) ,, 28 24 24
($_@Æ l;x -;fOh 95x5010) ,, 33 24 24
(%_@Æu?8 -;fOh 95x50x100) ,, 33 24 24

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
(^_wlnVjf -;fOh 95x50x100) ,, 33 24 24
(&_>LoGq -;fOh 70x700x80) ,, 44 24 24
(*_Tjf kmof] -;fOh 140x55x120) ,, 19 24 24
((_tf/f a'§f k'/fgf] -;fOh 180x55x80) ,, 24 24 24
!))_tf/f a'§f gof+ -;fOh 230x70x90) ,, 28 24 24
!)!_:jf+kmf] tf/f+ -;fOh 220x55x90) ,, 28 24 24
!)@_l;qmL a'§f -;fOh 220x55x80) ,, 28 24 24
!)#_Gxfo a'§f ;fgf] -;fOh ,, 28 24 24
!)$_Gxfo a'§f 7"nf] -;fOh ,, 28 24 24
!)%_Guf]n guf]n -;fOh 2000x55x90) ,, 19 24 24
!)^_7L a'§f -;fOh 210x55x75) ,, 28 24 24
!)&_;fgf]÷7"nf] -;fOh ,, 28 24 24
50 Security System
Steel Security Gate supply
Metal detector (black Scorpian Company) uf]6f 16500.00 16500.00 16995.00
Access Controller (Taiwanese ) uf]6f 28000.00 28000.00 28840.00
Access Controller (Chainese ) uf]6f 13500.00 13500.00 13905.00
Steel Security Door
Single leaf :- 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 8430.00 8430.00 8683.00
Half leaf : - 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 9641.00 9641.00 9930.00
Double leaf : - 50 mm, 70 mm, 100mm Sqm 10116.00 10116.00 10419.00
Security System
i) Short range wireless intruder Alarm
(including Host Unit-1, PIR moton detector-1,
Door Sensor-1, Remote Controller -2) (3/
sDkfp08 ;'/Iff k|lalw) uf]6f 33333.00 33333.00 34333.00
iii) Access Controller with record using Card
and Pin ( with 10 piece RFID Card.) uf]6f 20000.00 20000.00 20600.00
iv) Access Controller without record using
Card and Pin ( with 5 piece RFID Card.) uf]6f 12500.00 12500.00 12875.00

v) Finger print access system with software uf]6f 35000.00 35000.00 36050.00
vi) Securty from Panic Alarm uf]6f 35000.00 35000.00 36050.00
vii) GPS (Global Positioning System) Device
with software uf]6f 24999.00 24999.00 24999.00
CCTV System

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Out door high speed Dome Integrated

CAMERA Multi Protocal ,480 TVL,128 preset points ,
automatic surveillance,360 degrees horizontal
rotation , AC 240V power supply , integrated heating
system , highest angle speed 360 degree/ sec
,weather resistance, water resistance, robust type.
Integrated camera chip, normal colour, 23 ;]6
times optical Zoom, 10 times digital zoom 56650.00
Integrated camera chip, day & night, 23 times ;]6
optical Zoom, 10 times digital zoom 58916.00
Indoor high speed Dome Integrated CAMERA

CANON Integrated camera chip, normal

colour, 23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital ;]6
zoom 54384.00

CANON Integrated camera chip, day & night, ;]6

23 times optical Zoom, 10 times digital zoom 56650.00

VISTA Box camera with adoptor, IR view

distance 25mm Mirror shutter;with mirror image ;]6
switchable,white balance; auto,Horizontal
resolution ; 480 TV line , system signal;
NTSC/PALBlacklight compression
:ON/OFF(Switchable) , AGC; ON/OFF 15450.00
7" Sphirical Shilded with bracket included
chip excluded Camera 8364.00

8 Channel DVR MJPEG Compression Type 8

Channel ionput 2 Channel output
USB2.0Interface , Hard Disc > 200G, Multi- ;]6
Record ,Motion Detector Function , Remote
Control 33990.00
6 Channel Alarm input , 16 Channel Record 8
channel Alarm output , Internate Explore, ;]6
MPG-4 Record 50985.00
17" LCD Monitor ;]6 10815.00
51 Bridge and Trail Bridge Materials
Elastomeric Bearing Pad
Free Type NOS 19955 19955 21247
Fix end Dowel Type ,, 47077 47077 47077
Expansion Joint Works
Single strip seal Rm 9056 9056 9316
Slab seal(320*50) ,, 18716 18716 18716

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&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Φ 13 mm thimble Pc 70.00 70.00 72.00

Φ 26 mm thimble Pc 350.00 350.00 361.00
Φ 32 mm thimble Pc 600.00 600.00 618.00
Φ 36 mm thimble Pc 1200.00 1200.00 1236.00
Φ 40 mm thimble Pc 1500.00 1500.00 1545.00
Bulldog grip
Φ 13 mm Bulldog grip Pc 70.00 70.00 70.00
Φ 26 mm Bulldog grip Pc 350.00 350.00 350.00
Φ 32 mm Bulldog grip Pc 525.00 525.00 525.00
Φ 36 mm Bulldog grip Pc 650.00 650.00 650.00
Φ 40 mm Bulldog grip Pc 650.00 650.00 650.00

Wire mesh netting -10 SWG 50x50 mesh size m2 365.00 365.00 383.25
Sign Board with Fittings (Size - 60cm X
90cm) Pc 6500.00 6500.00 6695.00

Bolts, Nuts & Washers (Galvanised 4.6 grade) Kg 250.00 250.00 262.50

Bolts, Nuts & Washers (Hotdip friction Grip) Kg 350.00 350.00 370.00
High tensile friction grip nut bolts kg 325.50 325.50 350.00
Hot deep galvinazation kg 48.00
Zinc Above 98.5% purity kg 295.00 295.00 295.00
Premix of Zinc amonium chloride kg 577.00 577.00 577.00
Hydraucloric acid Lit 39.00 39.00 39.00
Red oxide zinc chromate Lit 231.00 231.00 231.00
Polyurethine enamel Lit 463.00 463.00 463.00
Coaltar Lit 252.00 252.00 252.00

Sheet pilling work :

Providing, preparing and installing of
52 piling of ms pipe and sheets false work Sq.m. 3020.85 3020.85 3020.85
including necessary supports and
removing after completion for
foundation ,basement and shear wall
Readymade RCC Door & windows frame
53 (4"*2.75" of 1:1:1 concrete mixdesign Rft 225.00 225.00 225.00
safety plate all complete work.

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

" Ventilation ,, 225.00 225.00 225.00

" Arc frame semi circular ,, 450.00 450.00 450.00

V- Panel Board and V board cement fabric
board supplying, fixing, making coplete
54 works
V-panel board 50mm thick solid panel board Sq. ft 231 231 231

V-panel board 6mm thick cement fabric board Sq. ft 80 80 80

V-panel board 8mm thick cement fabric board Sq. ft 92 92 92

V-panel board 10mm thick cement fabric
board Sq. ft 146 146 146
V-panel board 12mm thick cement fabric
board Sq. ft 181 181 181
V-panel board 16mm thick cement fabric
board Sq. ft 205 205 205
V-panel board 18mm thick cement fabric
board Sq. ft 231 231 231
Surface Hardness Element 1000.00
Cover Survey/ Rebar Orientation Element 4000.00
Homogeneity Element 5000.00
Crack Depth Measurement Element 5000.00
E-Modulus Calculation Test Element 5000.00
Resistivity Element 2500.00
Curing Efficency Test Element 2500.00
Corrosion Mapping Element 15000.00
Half Cell Potential Element 7000.00
Sonic Echo/ Void Detection Test Element 10000.00
Pulloff Test/ Bond Test Element 7000.00
Concrete Tensile Strength Test Element 7000.00
Moisture Content Element 4500.00
Core Extraction
32 mm Dia Element 7500.00
52 mm Dia Element 8000.00
75 mm Dia Element 8500.00
100 mm Dia Element 1000.00

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

150 mm Dia Element 12500.00

200 mm Dia Element 15000.00
250 mm Dia Element 17500.00
300 mm Dia Element 20000.00
350 mm Dia Element 25000.00
Rapid Chloride Penetration Test Element 15000.00
Anchor Pullout Test Element 20000.00
Infrared Thermography Element 3500.00
Low Strain Pile Integrity Test Element 11000.00
High Strain Dynamic Pile Load Test Element 500000.00
Fresh Concrete Resistivity (Smart Box) Element 4000.00
Fine/ Coarse Aggregate Moisture Content Element 3500.00
Fresh Concrete Moisture Content (W/C Ratio) Element 3500.00
Cross Hole Sonic Logging Element 12500.00
Impulse Echo Element 10000.00
Maturity Meter Test Element 35000.00
Chloride Profile Element 12500.00
Carbonation Depth Detection Test Element 2500.00
Boroscope Element 35000.00
Videoscope Element 85000.00
Ground Penetrating Radar Element 50000.00
CAPO Test Element 12500.00
Permeability Test Element
Air 30000.00
Water 40000.00
Concrete Cutting Services R. M. 30000.00
Wall Cutting Services R. M. 50000.00
Impact Echo Element 10000.00
Mortar Strength Test (Penetrometer) Element 5000.00
ASR Detection Test Element 10000.00
Moisture Content Test
Concrete Element 2000.00
Brick Element 2000.00

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

Masonry Element 2000.00

Wood Element 2500.00
56 e' ;+/If0f ;DjGwL sfo{
Grass Seeds
hO{ Kg 75.00 75.00 75.00
e]r ,, 170.00 170.00 170.00
g]kLo/ set 3.00 3.00 3.00
jl;{d Kg 175.00 175.00 175.00
l6of];]G6L 3f; ljp Kg 160.00 160.00 160.00
3fF;sf] lap / cf}iflw lhNnf leq 9'jfgL ,, 1.50 1.50 1.50
3fF;sf] lap lhNnf aflx/af6 9'jfgL ubf{ ,, 3.00 3.00 3.00
Vegitation/Shrubs Cuttings/Slip/Plants/etc.
cld|;f] set 7.00 7.00 7.00
cn}+rL ufgf] ,, 11.00 11.00 11.00
cn}+rL la?jf ,, 10.00 10.00 10.00
xf8{p8 sl6Ë;\ -a}+;_ k]lG;n ;fOh ,, 6.00 6.00 6.00
g]lko/ sl6Ë;\ ,, 2.50 2.50 2.50
NB 21 3fF; Slip 2.00 2.00 2.00
lgufnf] /fO{hf]d set 50.00 50.00 50.00
af;sf] a]gf{ -s6Lu /fO{hf]d+_ ,, 350.00 350.00 350.00
aflaof] tfOjfgL b'af] ,, 3.00 3.00 3.00
l;hgn km'n * OGr kf]nL uf]6f 25.00 25.00 25.00
u'nfkm km''n * OGr kf]nL ,, 150.00 150.00 150.00
x]h * OGr kf]nL ,, 30.00 31.50 37.80
sfk]{6 b'af] j=kmL= 30.00 31.50 33.00
sfk]{6 b'af] sf] nfuL 5fKg] sfo{sf] H ,, 20.00 21.00 25.20
lgufnf] -h/f ;xLt_ uf]6f 11.00 11.55 12.00
:YffgLo :t/df pTkfbLt la/jf kmnkm'n ,, 10.00 10.50 11.00
uf]7] dn tof/L s]=hL= 3.00 3.15 3.47
8fn] 3f;sf] la/jf uf]6f 10.00 10.50 11.00
df]nf6f] la/jf ,, 2.00 2.10 2.10
g/Ljn 8f]]/L s]=hL= 120.00 126.00 132.00
gfOng 8f]/L ,, 250.00 262.50 280.00
nf}7 ;Nnf g]kfnL uf]6f 77.00 80.85 85.00
nf}7 ;Nnf cd]l/sg uf]6f 120.00 126.00 132.00

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
7"nf] ;fO{hsf] afF;sf] la?jf
-lapaf6 pTkflbt_ ;Dkfbg
ag sfof{noaf6 uf]6f 200.00 210.00 220.00

ul/g] sfo{x?-sf7 nf]8

57 cgn]f8 tyf 9'jfgLcflb_
rL/fg sf7 nf]8 cgnf]8 So"=lkm= 20.00 21.00 22.05
uf]nLof sf7 nf]8 cgnf]8 ,, 25.00 26.25 27.56
bfp/f nf]8 r§f 2700.00 2835.00 3000.00
bfp/f cgnf]8 ,, 1000.00 1050.00 1102.50
kf]nLYfLg 6o'a $ Kjfn ePsf] @))
u]hsf] ljeLGg ;fOh s]=hL= 325.00 341.25 375.38
7'nf lj?jf /f]kg -$ kmL6 ;Dd_ 125.00 131.25 137.81
7'nf lj?jf /f]kg -$ b]lv ^ kmL6_ k|tL lj?jf 140.00 147.00 154.35
cUnf lj?jf /f]kg -^ b]lv* kmL6_ ,, 210.00 220.50 231.53
bfp/f ;++sng, 9'jfgL, r§f
lgdf{0f -@) lkm x % lkm6 x
% lkm6_
;+sng s6fg, d'5fg r§f 3400.00 340.00 4000.00
nf]8LË ,, 2700.00 270.00 2700.00
9'jgL -% ls=dL=;Dd_ ,, 4000.00 400.00 4000.00
cgnf]l8Ë ,, 1400.00 140.00 1400.00
r§f lgdf{0f ,, 1400.00 140.00 1500.00
kfs{ tyf zx/L
7"nf] lj?jf /f]k0f nflu
-$ lkm6 ;Dd_ k|lt la?jf 140.00
7"nf] lj?jf /f]k0f -$ lkm6 b]lv k|lt la?jf 155.00
7"nf] lj?jf /f]k0f -^ lkm6 b]lv k|lt la?jf 240.00
$ lkm6 ;Ddsf lj?jf
c;f/] uf]6f 600.00 630.00 660.00
cd|L;f]-;fgf] la?jf_ uf]6f 5.00 5.25 6.30
cdnf uf]6f 550.00 577.50 650.00
x/f}{ uf]6f 550.00 577.50 650.00
j/f{] uf]6f 550.00 577.50 650.00
jsfO{gf] uf]6f 550.00 577.50 410.00
s/lj/ km"n uf]6f 700.00 735.00 800.00
rfFk uf]6f 900.00 945.00 1000.00
b]jbf/ uf]6f 2000.00 2100.00 2200.00
;dL uf]6f 775.00 813.75 975.00

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
/Qmsdn uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 1260.00
j/ uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 1260.00
lkkn uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 1260.00
jg ;'kf/L uf]6f 40.00
% lkm6 ;Ddsf] s/lj/ lj?jf uf]6f 1200.00
% lkm6 ;Ddsf] ltsf]df lj?jf uf]6f 1200.00
% lkm6 ;Ddsf] rfksf] lj?jf uf]6f 1300.00
$ lkm6 b]lv ^ lkm6
ltsf]df uf]6f 1250.00
kfNdsf k|hflt
lkm:6]n kfNd uf]6f 1250.00
/f]on kfNd uf]6f 1500.00
jf]6n kfNd uf]6f 800.00
ls+ kfNd uf]6f 1500.00
xjfO{ kfNd uf]6f 2000.00
xf]rf] x'g] k|hflt ! b]lv @ lkm6 ;Dd uf]6f
;fOs; kfNd uf]6f 1000.00
:oflj; kfNd uf]6f 800.00
/]S;f]g kfNd uf]6f 1000.00
kmf]lgS; kfNd uf]6f 600.00
Rofd8f]/f kfNd uf]6f 600.00
l;k]l/of kfNd uf]6f 400.00
kmofg kfNd uf]6f 600.00
Pl/sf kfNd uf]6f 600.00
$ b]lv % lkm6 prfO{ ;Dd
x]lj ;s; uf]6f 800.00
Ph]lnof uf]6f 1500.00
Sofd]lnof uf]6f 1500.00
u|fp08 sd/ uf]6f 250.00
:yflgo jf:gfbf/ k|hflt $ b]lv uf]6f
^ lkm6
kfl/hft uf]6f 1200.00
rd]nL uf]6f 1000.00
hfO{ uf]6f 800.00
j]nkq uf]6f 800.00

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Lalitpur Civil Rate 2075-076

l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^

:yflgo k|hflt @ b]lv $ uf]6f

dfntL uf]6f 400.00
judj]nL uf]6f 500.00
j]nL uf]6f 500.00
k]zg km\nfj/ uf]6f 600.00
dfG8f]ldNnf uf]6f 1000.00
kmfOs; k'ldnf uf]6f 150.00
cfOLd Knf06 uf]6f 250.00
sk'/ uf]6f 1150.00 1207.50 770.00
?b|fIf uf]6f 1400.00 1470.00 950.00
sNsL uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 660.00
hfsf/\G8f uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 660.00
c;f/] uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 660.00
lzl/; uf]6f 550.00 577.50 577.50
k}o" uf]6f 550.00 577.50 440.00
nK;L uf]6f 550.00 577.50 440.00
w'kL uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 495.00
jugj]nL uf]6f 1150.00 1207.50 660.00
sfO{of] uf]6f 1000.00 1050.00 660.00
cd|L;f]-;fgf] la?jf_ uf]6f 5.00 5.25 5.78
t]hkft uf]6f 750.00 787.50 787.50
cdnf uf]6f 650.00 682.50 682.50
x/f}{ uf]6f 650.00 682.50 682.50
j/f{] uf]6f 650.00 682.50 682.50
jsfO{gf] uf]6f 650.00 682.50 682.50
s/lj/ km"n uf]6f 1050.00 1102.50 1102.50
Ogb|sdn uf]6f 1050.00 1102.50 1102.50
nfnLu'/f; uf]6f 1200.00 1260.00 1260.00
:ofnkm';/] uf]6f 1200.00 1260.00 1260.00
k'jfn] uf]6f 1200.00 1260.00 1260.00
b]jbf/ uf]6f 2500.00 2625.00 2625.00
a:tL If]q leqsf ?v s6fg d'5fg
u/L lu08f kfg]{
;fdfGo hf]lvd ePsf] So'=lk 75.00 75.00 75.00
dWod m=
So'=lk 125.00 125.00 125.00

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
lhNnf So'=lk
hf]lvds[lif sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg 200.00 200.00 200.00
58 ul/g] sfo{x?
Water Pump
4" koshin Robin waterPump(japanese)or Eqv. set 65000.00 65000.00 65000.00
2"kawama polawat(Thailand ) or Equivalent ,, 29500.00 29500.00 29500.00
3"kawama polawat(Thailand) or Equivalent ,, 35500.00 35500.00 35500.00
Sunction Pipe 2.3" Ft. 145.00 145.00 145.00
Delevery pipe 2,3" kg. 245.00 245.00 245.00
Cotton Pipe 3" m. 365.00 365.00 365.00
Metal Bin
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 262 kg Set 3004.38 3304.81 3304.81
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 245 kg ,, 2895.59 3185.14 3185.14
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 228 kg ,, 2806.00 3086.60 3086.60
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 213 kg ,, 2793.00 3072.30 3072.30
Metal Bin A-Set capacity 198 kg ,, 2575.54 2833.09 2833.09
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 196 kg Set 2546.45 2801.09 2801.09
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 184 kg ,, 2443.98 2688.38 2688.38
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 170 kg ,, 2356.70 2592.36 2592.36
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 160 kg ,, 2277.00 2504.70 2504.70
Metal Bin B-Set capacity 148 kg ,, 2182.13 2400.34 2400.34
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 148 kg Set 2182.13 2400.34 2400.34
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 136 kg ,, 2087.25 2295.98 2295.98
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 124 kg ,, 2015.15 2216.66 2216.66
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 112 kg ,, 1956.96 2152.65 2152.65
Metal Bin C-Set capacity 75 kg ,, 1592.64 1751.90 1751.90
d';fsf] vf]/
Heavy equipment k|of]u u/L uf]6f 253.00 253.00 253.00

59 ljeLGg k|sf/sf] df6f] tyf r6fg

sf6g] sfo{
;a} k|sf/sf] df6f]df klx/f]
x6fpg] . sfo{ (OS,HS, BMS, 3=dL= 54 54 55
;a} k|sf/sf] df6f] sf6g] sfo{ . 3=dL= 81 81 83
dWod k|sf/sf] r§fg (MR) sf6\g]
3=dL= 485 485 500
s8f k|sf/sf] r§fg (HR) sf6\g] sfo{
3=dL= 730 730 750

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l;len sfo{x? -Civil works _

d'=c=s= -VAT )afx]s
l;=g+= lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lx?sf] ljj/0f PsfO{ cf=j ) cf=j ) cf=j )&
&#÷)&$ &$÷)&% %÷)&^
नबटट मपदथ उलनख भएकब सबब पकपरकब मपटब कपटनन कपररकब abbreviation तपदशलमप उलनख गररएकब छ ।
OS - Ordinary Soil
HS : Hard Soil
BMS : Boulder Mixed Soil
MS : Marshy Soil
SR : Soft Rock
MR : Medium Rock
HR : Hard Rock
d]l;g, cf}hf/ tyf pks/0fsf] ef8fb/ ;DalGwM d]l;g k|of]u u/L ;8s
lgdf{0f ubf{ jf cGo sfo{ ug{'kbf{ 8f]h/, PS;fe]6/, /f]n/, u|]8/
cflbsf] b/ /]6 ;8s ljefuaf6 sfod ul/Psf] k|lt306fsf] ef8fb/ Website of
60 Heavy Equipment Division - cg';f/ sfod ug{] .
Road furniture/goods/other materials from DoRWebsite of Heavy Equipment
61 Division - cg';f/ sfod ug{] .
62 Japanese Flat plug cement admixture
Flat plug 1000 Kg. 700.00 700.00 700.00
Flat plug 2000 Kg. 650.00 650.00 650.00
Flat plug 3000 Kg. 650.00 650.00 650.00
Flat plug 4000 Kg. 650.00 650.00 650.00
Accelerator Kg. 650.00 650.00 650.00

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fdu|Lx?sf] b/-/]6_
;Ddsf] nflu l;len,
f ;fdfu|Lx?sf] b/


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Table of Contents
Description Page no.
From To

s ;LeLn - CIVIL PART )

1 ljleGg lsl;dsf] O{+6f 1 1
2 Sn] 6fonx? 1 2
3 9'+ufsf] sfd 2 2
4 ljleGg k|sf/sf] afn'jf 2 2
5 qm;/af6 pTkflbt /f]8f 2 2
6 km'6fn]sf] 9'Ëfsf] lu§L
;8ssf] Sub-base/base course sf nflu k|of]u ul/g] 2 2
7 lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L 2 3
8 ;8s sfnf] kq] ug]{ sfdsf] nfuL 3 3
9 ljleGg sDkgLaf6 pTkflbt l;d]G6x? 3 3
10 Ready made Premix Concrete 3 4
11 kmnfdsf] 808Lx? M 4 4
12 ljleGg lsl;dsf sf7x? 4 4
13 ;fwf/0f, jf6/ k|'km ul/Psf] 4 4
14 s'lbPsf] sf7sf] sfd tof/L 4 5
15 Wooden Parquet Flooring 5 5
16 ljleGg df]6fO{sf] KnfOp8x? 5 6
17 Ready made Door 6 7
18 Prelaminated Particle Board 7 8
19 Other HardBoard/ Sunmica & Formaica) 8 9

Iron Square Pipe/Black Pipe/Channel/ Angle/I-Beam/Black

20 Sheet/MS Plate 9 10
21 G.I. Wire 10 10
d]lzgaf6 a'lgPsf, mechanically selvedged double
22 Twist wire mesh sf] u]ljog jfs; 10 11
23 Barbed Wire -sfF9]tf/_ 11 11

;fbf tyf /+lug h:tf kftf (Plain/Corrugated

24 Galvanized/Colour Iron Sheet) 11 13
25 Carbon Fibre UPVC Roofing Sheet 13 14
26 PNd'lgod Kn]g l;6 14 14
27 ljleGg k|sf/sf] hfnLx? (Netting) 14 14
28 kmnfdaf6 lgld{t ;fdfgx? 14 15
29 Glass ;L;f 15 16
30 Corrugated/Plain Fiber Glass Sheet 16 16
Description Page no.
31 em\ofn 9f]sfdf nfUg] Fixture x? 16 19
32 lalaw ;fdfu|Lx? 19 20
33 :6]gn]; :6Ln kfOk 20 20
34 dfa{n lrK; 21 21
35 dfa{n -Marble) 21 21
36 Porcelain Glazed/Terrazo Mosaic Tiles 21 22
37 Plaster of Parish (POP) /+u/f]ugsf ;fdfgx? 22 27
38 Wall Paper 27 27
39 Gypsum board 27 27

Calcium Silicate Board supplying & fitting all complete

40 work 27 28
41 Interlocking Cement Concrete Block 28 30
42 5fgfdf 6fOnsf] j'§f sf6\g] / kfgL k§L sfo{ 30 30
43 Heritage Wall Surface Texture (Interior and Exterior) 30 30
44 UPVC Profile Door and Window/ Wall partition 30 32
45 Aerocon/Rapicon prefab Panel for Partition wall 32 34
46 Aluminium & Steel Door & Windos 34 36

Aluminium Composite Panel Sheet supplying & and fitting

47 all complete work 36 37
48 Water proofing (chemicals & Tretment)works 37 43

49 k/Dk/fut lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? M– 43 46

50 Security System 46 48
51 Bridge Materials 48 48
52 Sheet pilling work 49 49
53 ReadymadeRCC Door/Window 49 49
54 V Panel Board 49 49
55 Non Destructive Test For Forensic Engineering 49 50
56 e' ;+/If0f ;DjGwL sfo{ 50 51
ag sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x?-sf7 nf]8
57 cgn]f8 tyf 9'jfgLcflb_ 51 54
58 lhNnf s[ifL sfof{noaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{x? 54 55
59 8f]h/ af6 ;a}k|sf/sf] df6f] sf6g] sfo{ 55 55
60 Equipment Hired Rate Based on DoR 55 55
61 Road furniture/goods/other materials from DoR 55 55
62 Japneses Flat Plug Cement Admixture 55 55

Porcelain Clay Sanitaryware (Hindware, Paryware,
1 Somany, cera or eqv. sDkgLsf ;fdfgx?) 1 3
Description Page no.
2 PVC Cistern Set 3 4
3 Stainless Steel Accessories etc. 4 6

Modern Sanitaryware:Grohe, Hansgrohe, American

4 Standard or eqv. 6 6
5 European Pattern C.P. Grab Bar for disable 6 6
6 C.P. Accessories( jaquar, somany, essel or equivalent) 6 8
7 Electric & Solar Geyser 8 8
8 C.I. Manhole Cover including frame. 8 10
9 G.I. Water Tank (17 Gauge) 10 11
10 Water Pumps/Hand Pumps 11 11

PPR Pipe (Poly propylene random co- polymer pipe

11 Panchakanya , Nepatop or Eqv.) 12 17

CPVC Pipes & Fittings for hot and cold water distribution
12 system 17 21
14 GEBERIT 22 22
15 PVC Lead Free White Pipes SCHEDULE 40 22 27
16 Rainwater Collection System sintex or Prince Brand Roof) 27 30


17 SYSTEM 30 32


19 Multilayer Composite Pipe (Sanghai, or eqv.) 34 38
20 R.C.C. Hume Pipe & Hume Pipe Collar 38 40
21 High Density Polythene Pipe NS-40 40 42
22 UPVC (Pipe NS 206/046 42 43
23 UPVC fittings : 43 44
24 G.I Pipe threaded , 6 m. length With Cap 44 45
25 G.I. Pipe fittings ISI or NS Standard 45 52
26 Supplying of Rcc ring for construction of well 52 53
O{gf/ vGgsf] nfuL R.C.C. l/Ë cfk'tL{ ul/ df6f] vGg] ,cfjZos
27 kmLN6/ ;fdfu|L /fVg] tyf h8fg ;d]tsf] ;j} sfo{x? -@) b]lv 53 53
@%kmL6 ;Dd sf] uxL/fOdf 9Ssg afx]s_
28 @% kmL6 b]lv dfyLsf] uxL/fO ePdf 53 53
29 Accessories for Deep boring works by machine . 53 54
30 Sanitary Tools 54 56

Anaerobic treatment for waste water ( sintex/

31 equivalent)As per ASTM-D-2583 56 56
Description Page no.
Irrigation Works excluding pipes including installation
32 ( Rainbird or equivalent) 56 57
33 Miscellaneous 57 58
u Electrical Works
Dyana White Plate series SWITCH SOCKET ANCHOR /
Modular Type Switch Socket set
2 ROMA/VIMAL WAVE or ISI Equivalent
Flush mounting galvanized Metal box for modular type
3 switch & socket
4 PVC Junction Box Ankur metal or Equivalent
5 PVC Listy Double Lock { 6'length =1 no.(uf]6f)}
6 PVC Conduit Pipe BEC MAKE
7 Listy Pipe Accessories
8 Distribution board (DB) Ankur metal or Equivalent
9 PVC Box for MCB
Miniature Circuits Breaker (MCB) , LEGRAND/LS or
10 equivalent

Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) abb, siemens,

hager, legrend, north-west INDO
12 Manual Changeover Panel Type
Dome light Make Homedec, Decon, Fumagalli OR
13 equivalent
14 Roadway light luminaires Wippro,Philips or Equivalent

Materials For Earthing & Lightening Protection (

17 copper =8930kg/m3 )
19 Modular ceiling Luminaries
20 Down Light Fiam Make
21 ISI/CE Eqv.)
Description Page no.
22 RM) NS marked
Multistrand Flexible wire for house wiring (90meter per
23 coil ) NS marked Eqv.
24 Concentric cable NS marked Eqv.
25 Telephone Drop wire/pair cable NS marked Eqv.
26 Other Accessories

Panel board double door type with locking arrangement with 2 coat
of red oxide metal prime & 3 stage quality paint before final coat of
enamel paint (Three phase, Neutral link, earth link ) TPNE copper
busbar including necessary accessories for internal wiring at the
board .) (Rates of MCCB / MCB & measuring instrument are not
27 included here .) Ankur metal or Equivalent
28 Panel Board measurement instrument
29 Trailing Protected Industrial Plug IP44

Access Controller with record using card and pin, Having

capacity 1000 cards and 25000events,responding distance 5 cm to
30 15 cm, dimensin 120 x88 x18 mm built in two relay operating door

Access Controller with record using card and pin, Having

capacity 1000 cards and 25000events,responding distance
5 cm to 15 cm, dimension 120 x88 x18 mm built in two
31 relay operating door (Chinese)
Copper Conductor Armoured Power Cables NS marked or
33 eqv.
Copper Conductor Unarmoured Power Cables NS marked
34 or Eqv.
35 e) 4-core Copper Conductor Unarmoured
Aluminum conductor Armoured (Power) cable NS marked
36 or eqv.
Aluminium conductor unarmoured (power) cable NS
37 marked or eqv.
38 Security Gate System
39 General Lightig ANCHOR, C/G, Eqv.

40 GEWISS PVC Conduit product of Italy

GEWISS Cable Tray with Cover and Accessories BRN
41 Range
Description Page no.
42 Intrusion Detection System
43 Earth Quake Detector( JDS Inc, USA)
44 Automatic Motor Operator for water motor
45 CCTV System
46 Indoor high speed Dome Integrated CAMERA
47 Rates for ELC & IGC Equipments.
48 Mechanical Works at Micro-Hydropower
49 Electrical Equipments for micro hydropower

50 AMF with ATS palel for DG Ankur metal or Equivalent

51 Solar system\Backup Power
52 Angel Eyes solar street light absorb energy
53 MCB/ISOLATOR ORIENT or equivalent
54 Solar component

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