Scan Mar 28, 2019
Scan Mar 28, 2019
Scan Mar 28, 2019
Applications in Agriculture
2.1. Plant nutrition studies
Fertilizers are very expensive and their efficient use is of great importance to reduce
the production cost of agricultural crops. It is essential that a maxirrum amount of
fertilizer used during cultivation finds its way into the plant and that the minimum is
lost. Radioisotopes are very useful in estimating the amount of phosphorus and
nitrogen available in the soil. ll1is estimation helps in determining the anlOunt of
phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers that should be applied to soil. Fertilizers labelled
with radioactive isotopes such as phosphorus-32 and nitrogen-15 have been used to
study the uptake. retention and utilization of fertilizers. Excessive use of fertilizers
effects biodiversity and damages the environment. These isotopes provide a 1neans to
determine about amount of fertilizer taken and lost to the environment by the plant
insect and parasite infestation in harvested food to prevent various kinds of wastage
and spoilage. Extension of shelf life of certain foods of a few days by irradiation is
enough to save them from spoiling. Irradiation of food has potential to produce safe
foods with long shelf life. Certain seeds and canned food can be stored for longer
periods by gently exposing them to radiations. Food irradiation is energy-conserving
when compared with conventional methods of preserving food to obtain a similar
shelf-life (Wilkinson and Gould, 1996). It can alleviate the world's food shortage by
reducing post-harvest losses. Food irradiation can replace or drastically reduce the use
of food additives and fumigants which are hazardous for consumers as well as workers
in food processing industries. lrradlal lon does ROI heal lhe food material so food keeps
ils freshness in !Is physical slate. The agents which cause spo ilage (microbes, lnsecls.
etc.) are eliminated by Irradiation from packaged food and packaging materials are
impermeable to bacteria and Insects so recontamination does not take place. Irradiation
of food kills insects and parasiles. inaclivate bacterial spores and moulds, prevent
reproduction of microbes and insects, inhibit the sprouling of rool crops, delays
ripening of fruits and improve technological properties of food. FDA has approved
irradialion as a method to inhibil sprouting and to delay ripening in many fresh fruits
and vegetables. Several steps were taken by the FAQ and IAEA division in close co-
operation with the World Health Organization (WHO) to prornole international
acceptance of irradiated food (WHO, 1988). The Joinl FAO/IAEA/WHO E,q,ert
Committees on the Wholesomeness of Irradiated Food (1980) have evaluated the
safety of irradiated foods for human consumption and concluded that the irradiation of
any food up to an average dose of 10 kGy causes no toxicological hazard. Irradiation
of food is controversial in many parts of the world (Diehl, 1993). World-wide
introduction of food irradiation is necessary to enhance confidence among trading
nations that foods irradiated in one country and offered for sale in anolher, have been
subjected to commonly acceptable standards of wholesomeness, hygienic practice, and
irradlalion lreatment control. Efforts and support from international organizations,
governments, and the food industry will be needed for the introduclion of food
lrradlalion on a lnaly commercial scale (Diehl. 1990). Some organlzalions and
industries do not recognize lhis cheap and efficlenl food preservalion method. In the
last 30 years of lesting of lrradialed foods, no harmful effects 10 animals or humans
have been found so now attllude of relevanl organizations is changing and some
Irradiated foods are being released for general consumplion. Many counlries have
accorded clearance for gamma irradiation of food ilerns. The Na1ional Moniloring
Agency (NMA) of Governrnenl of India has cleared radiation processing of onions,
spices and frozen sea foods. In India lwo demonstration plants one al Vashi. Navi
Mumbai and another at Lasalgaon, Nashik are providing irradiation service for
processing of spices, onions and fruits (Sood et al., 2010).
male insects compete with the regular male population during sexual reproduction and
the eggs produced from their mating are infertile so they produce no offspring
(Morrison el al .. 20!0). It Is highly specific form of "birth control which reduces and
eliminates the Insect population after two or three generations. It has been efTec11vely
utilized in elimination of Mediterranean fruit fly from US, Mexico and Chile and
screw worm infestation in the US and Mexico (Klassen and Curtis. 2005; Wyss, 2000:
Lindquist et al., 1992). It has been successfully used to eradicate several insect pests of
agricultural significance throughout the world.