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The Mass of the Roman Rite:


(Missarum Sollemnia)
Professor of Theology, University of Innsbruck

Translated by Rev. FRANCIS A. BRUNNER, C. SS. R.

Professor of Theology, St. Joseph’s College, Kirkwood, Missouri

Volume I and Volume II have been combined in this PDF,

but not a single footnote has been removed.

N.B. There is a popular version of Jungmann’s Missarum Sollemnia being sold

which combines Volume I and II … but removes all the footnotes!

Part 5 of 5 — INDICES to the complete book

Imprimi Potest:
Francis J. Fagen, C. SS. R. Exciting news for For more information, visit:
the Ordinary Form ccwatershed.org/vatican
Provincial, St. Louis Province of Redemptorist Fathers
10 March 1950 is coming sometime
during 2014.
Nihil Obstat:
John M. a. Fearns, S.T.D.
Censor Librorum

X Francis Cardinal Spellman
Archbishop of New York
22 September 1950

Translated from the German Revised Edition of Missarum Solemnia (1949) published by Herder Verlag, Vienna Austria — Volume II has a 1955 Imprimatur and 1953 Imprimi Potest

prayers, the Orationes pro opportunitate sacerdotis dicendrE, contains

such texts, of which particularly the first , captioned as Oratio s. ThomrE
Aquinatis, is very old." The prayer following, which is called Oratio
s. BonaventurrE, actually comes from the pen of that doctor of the Church. 35
For the rest, the series of prayers here presented has in recent years been
enriched in many ways. Missals of the Middle Ages now and again con- A. Sources
tain at the end an addition of private prayers of a similar sort.a• But here
a distinction between private and public prayer, while not absolutely ex- I. Christian Sources 26ff., 195,245 3 ,247 20 , 39Y•, 422 5 ,441 a•,
cluded, is even harder to make than in the present missal, since indeed 456 457 7 473 7 4 475•· 5 480 482 15 ·
some of the Mass prayers themselves were still in the stage of private
Canones Apostolorum (Funk) II-10 5 .e. l9
II_:_5 76/ 111 6 1 2 4 125,5 7 13,2 14" 3 /
Canones Basilii (Riedel) I- 238 26 , 258"-',
' ' ' ' ' ' J '
147, 187, 192, 195, 220, 224, 226, 235, 261f.,
prayers. 262 5, 460 28 , 476 7 ; II- 3741, 44 16 , 62 108 , 265, 3014 6 , 322•, 360 2 , 366 34, 38044, 382 68 ,
When we look farther back and try to get a picture of the first thousand 76 1 115 1 118 16 2764 388 108 386 9 •, 388 108 .
years of the Mass-liturgy, we must admit that generally with the Ite missa Can;nes Hipp olyti (Riedel) I - 1S 37, 19711.
est not only communal divine service but also personal devotion were Constitutiones A postolorum (Funk, Quasten) II. Non-Roman Liturgies
terminated, so that the Mass in the Roman liturgy, even when the older I-32 19 35f 51 5 57 29 119 51 195 1 203 55
oration of blessing was still customary, came to a relatively rapid and 243 51 l46 1'4 z6z 5 296 27 ,334 10, 347 6 , 1. Egyptian Liturgies
abrupt end, and there could be but little talk of a special thanksgiving for 350 12, 352.ee 364h 3684 3 374~ 393' Serapion's Euchologion (Quasten) I-31 15 ,
394 3 '411 5 .e '423 10 '443 5 4--48• 0 '457/ 33ff 171£S 408 28 476 8 477 16 480 8 ·
all the great things which God had granted in Christ and in His Church. ' ' , ' ' ,
476 6 •9· 11 481 7 483 20 · II-5 11 15 75 54 62 n~4 10 lOl.e 7 116
9 132 ' 135 3 /
What was momentarily received in the Sacrament was only a sacramental
u4 , ' 1094 ' ' ' ,
76 8 93 6 109•
1 7 1l3 21 27 5
'125 / 191 2 •, 193 51 , 195, 218.e, 219 5, 238 1 , 241 21 ,
corroboration of the presence of that grace in which our Christian life is 128~.4 l3J 26 13641 154i 5 171; 173 1 / 6 6 6 5
276 , 3014 , 420 , 428 , 453 4. 1
imbedded. If the realization of this were revived in the celebration, the ' ' ' ' '
192,200 3 4,219 6 , 221 16 · 17 , 222u, 2264l.4t,
' Egyptian Church Order II-276 6 , 433 5 .
work of the entire day could actually become a sufficient thanksgiving for 19 5
2274, 230 , 231 1, 2354 , 238 , 250 ,
7 7 11 Papyrus of Der-Balyzeh I--41; II-193 51 ,
this new hour of grace, as many a post-communio se ts forth."' But with 276 6, 279 13 , 283.e 9 , 297es,.e 7, 321 1 , 3444, 222 es.n.
the increasing separation of a gradually fixed Mass-liturgy on the one side 386 92 , 388 10 f,l0 7, 392•, 393 11 , 407 2 , 420 6 , Coptic Liturgy (Brightman, Renaudot)
and of personal piety, ever seeking new roads, on the other side, and with 428 5 , 433 2 • I--41, 325.e4 366 36 367f 405 407 18
the growing accentuation of the Eucharist as an all-embracing and all- Didache I-llf., 13.e 8, 16, 174 6, 18, 19 56 · 60 , 423 18 ,424 '430 60 '445
' ' '
449 58 ,
illuminating gift of God , it was but natural that a gratiarum actio should 22, 25 16 · 17 , 30 8 , 170, 191 5 1, 213, 216$5, 457 18 ; II--4 10 , 3741, 114 26 , 145 97 , 202,
352 24; II-154, 264, 297 2 4. 20 79
204, 222, 250ff., 251 , 274 , 276 , 279 , 6 10
become a requirement even after the EU:X.cqnotta. The more conscious
Didascalia (Funk, Quasten) I-32, 195 1 , 2844°, 2864 9 , 297u· 26 , 328, 380 39 , 389,
practice of meditative prayer, which was known to the ancient monks only
2184°, 241 31 , 245 3 ; II-19f. 393, 411, 419, 453 12.
in the form of the lectio divina, was also bound to lead in the same direc- Doctrina Apostolorum I-245 3 • -Coptic Anaphora of St. Gregory Nazianzen
tion. For no moment is so opportune for meditating on what we have re- Peregrinatio JEtherice I --41, 170, 174 58 , I--42; II-334 13 .
ceived and what we possess, as the moment when the last prayers of Mass 262 2 263 8 318 3 398 408 429 5 $ 443 7 Ethiopian Liturgy (Brightman) I-42, 352 21 ,
have died away. Although we are less shocked than our forebears were 445 1 ~ 457 7 477 16 ' 4819. II_:_133 2 .. 366 86 , 3844.!1, 405 10 , 406 18 , 423 11 , 443 7 ,
when the faithful who have work to do take the lte missa est more or less 433 13: 440 5 . ' ' ' ' 445.eo, 486 5 .e; II-35, 77 5 , 118, 145 87 , 160 8 ,
literally, even when they have been to Communion, still for clerics at least Sahidic Ecclesiastical Canones (Brightman) 200 5 ~, 203 7 , 204, 222.e 7 , 2354 7, 261 14,
a good solution would be to use the few moments of quiet prayer after the I--475 6 ; II-388 107 · 108 , 407. 276 6, 2864 9 , 299 8 4· 85 , 356, 380 89 , 382,
sacred action as an opportunity to allow the spirit of the Eucharist to Testamentum Domini (Rahmani, Quasten) 388 108 , 393 15 , 420.
I- 235 3684 3 433 81 468 38 · II-4 10 511 Greek Liturgy of St. Mark (Brightman)
permeate our innermost soul more and more. 38 ll4e 7 ,' 14744,' 276 6, '363" 3 , '380 38 , J86 92 : I--42, 362 9,395 15 ,406 14, 423u; II-54 6 t~,
388 105 , 453 14. 82 11 , 125 59 , 135, 148 5 , 149 10, 151 16 , 159.e,
Cf. supra, p. 404 f. namely, Sit, J esu dulcissime, ss. corpus
M . Grabmann, "Der Einfluss des hl. tuum. Ferreres, 209. - Arabian Testamentum Domini (Baumstark) 193-' 1 , 195, 198.e.e, 222 11 4, 223f., 234• 11 ,
Bonaventura auf di e Theologie und Fri:im- 37
Supra, p. 424. II-241.e 0 , 250 14, 380 39 ,388 106 . 248.e, 250£., 282!!5/., 294 5 , 299 5 4.
migkeit des deutschen Mittelalters," Zeit- 38
Cf. in a like sense the explanation given - Syrian T estamentum Domini (Quasten) -Papyrus fragments I--42.e7; II-241 23 ,
schrift f. As:::ese u. Mystik, 19 = ZkTh, by Pius XII in his encyclical Mediator II-388 105 . 251ff.
68 (1944), 20. Dei of Nov. 20, 1947: AAS, 39 (1947), Traditio Apostolica of Hippolytus of Rome See also Index B: Alexandria; Egyptian
""The missal of Valencia (before 1411) has 566-568. (Dix, Hauler) I-13·119, 14 86 , 15f., 19 60 , Liturgy.
an additional prayer after the Placeat, 465

2. West Syrian Liturgies 8. Irish-Celtic Liturgy 443 10 479e 9 . II--26 1 63 113 92 11 93tt
--Egyptian Liturgy of St. Basil (Renaudot)
BobbioMissal (Lowe) I --45 7, 75 1,105,215 9, 103 9 '105 10s4t 118 '12ou i22 45 '1234s'
Greek Liturgy of St. J ames (B ri ghtman) I--38 10 , 248 3. 124 5 5 143 t 9 t'56 2 / 159 4.9 161 ' 1684 8,
217 38, 220f., 225 88 , 404.e; II--91 10 , 156 27 ,
I--41 91 79 291 2 319 12 340 38 352 20 Liturgy of St. J ohn Chrysostom (Brightman)
169 53 , 177 3k 181ff 185;4.2 6 ' 2604 .a'
169 53 176 35 236 51 239 2454 6 255 39
362 9, '366 30: 395 1 ~, 406 14, 407 20, 4473·< I--3 7ff.; II--125 59 , 171 7, 197 19 .
260 6 ,;, 440 10 : ' ' ' ' 261 9 , '262 15, 2S1 22 , 2iW 5, 292 88, 309 3 4:
455 102 483 18 · II--54 62 73 74 28 92 Byzantine-Slavic Rite I--390 70 , 443 6, 444 12, 5 21 18
4684 1; II--287 53 . Stowe Missal (Warner, Warren) I---45 7, 55, 5
322 , 342 , 422 , 429 .
113 21 /, 125 59 ,' 155 15 , 1s9.e, tit, 192:195:
Melchites I--229 11 4. 75 1 3424 9 422 6 486· II--4725 68 155 18 Gelasianu.-m, Eig!ttlt-Centu.ry [Eighth-Century
197 19, 198 23 , 204 10'·, 221, 222 23 , 230 19 , 163,19 16S 34 205 16 ' 2444 1 2.i6 51 249/ (Frankish ) Gelasian: St. Ga ll] (Moh lberg)
232 31,240, 250, 2564 1,25744, 274 79 , 282f6, 255 39 , 2574 3 '273 75 J0366 · / 323 8 J89 11 / I --63 220 63 491 11 • II---49 34 57 19 6714°
5. Armenian Liturgy
284, 2864 9, 294 5, 299 341., 300 38, 30!49, 119 11 904, 92 11 ,9431 ,953 2 , 118, 120 29· 32, 121ff.:
393a: 396 : 433 : ' ' '
316, 331 54, 392 6, 3984 7, 420, 428, 457 10 Armenian Liturgy (Brightman) I---42, 315,
149 11 169 58 177 871· 181 7 341 5 342 10
395 406 16 423 12 424 25 447 8 4 468 37 Antiphonary of Bangor (Warren) I--348£.,
--Anaphoraof St. James (R ucker) JI--15515, 515 37 : 89 ,432,81, 461 1;.
478~ 0 483 ; 8 · n--4o 44 1 7 114 26 1384 9 , 352 2 4 356 59 · II--353 19 393 12 394 18 ' ' '
224 31,250 111 ,284 4°,2864 9,297 28 , 420 7. 405 8 4: ' ' ' ' --Cellone, Sacramentary of (ca. 780; Martene
--See also Index B: Antioch; Syrian Liturgy. 160 5, '17 19· 10: 198u, '199es,' 204, 2l8, 219 6:
224 3\ 225 3 ~ 274 7 ~ 282 2 ~ 284 3 ~ 2864~ Lectionary of Luxeu.il (Salmon) I--394 1. 1. 1, 18, VI ) I --22 0 6 ·~, 3424 9 ; II--103 11 ,
Maronites, see Index B. 105 .!1 4, 1084 2, 151 20, 389 115 .
287, 294 3, 297 26, 328, 389 110 , 392 7, 393, Book of Dimm.a (Warren ) II--323, 332 60 ,
West Syrian Jacobite (also Uniate) Liturgy
420 5 , 448, 453 . 371£7, 389 116 . --A ngouleme, Sacramentary of (ca . 800;
(Brightman, Renaudot) I---41£., 315, 3844 11, Cagin) II--103 10 143 31 15949 247 66
Pam·itentialeCoumm.eani I --170 10 ;II--20S 16•
394, 399, 406, 4231£, 424, 447 36, 45164, 2684 11 • ' ' ' '
6. Mozarabic Liturgy P mnitentiale Sangallense Tripartitmn II--
454 85, 458 13 , 483 19 ; II--374 1, 83 3, 113ff., 289 68 --Rheinau, Sacramentary of (Ebner) II--
118, 1284, 1384 9, 148, 160 8 , 164t 6, 198 23 , Liber Ordinmn (Ferotin) I--45 6 , 54, 55 20 ;
II--20 109 , 113 2 4, 188 6 , 401 9 , 402 17 . Pmnitentia.le Vallicellanum I I--170 10 . 1817.
202, 221, 224, 242 26 , 252, 28649, 287 51,
Canones Theodori I---434 82 ; II--35 118, 161 8 , Gregorianmn: Paduanmn [Gregorian of Padua]
294 3·6, 297 116 · 28 , 299f., 301f., 387 95 , Liber M ozarabiws Sacramento rum (Ferotin)
(Mohlberg-Baum stark) I--63, 220, 237 19 ;
I---45 6 , 55 20 ; II--144 3 4, 220 13 , 230 18 · 21 . 239 10, 323 13 .
388 110,389 113,408,419,420 7,421,433,437. II--90 4 120.!1 5 164 2 4 1674 6 169 6 e 239 9
Antiphonarium Mozarabiwm I--349 11 .
3. East Syrian Liturgy Missale Mixtum (Lesley: PL 85; Martene 1,4,
9. Milanese Liturgy 2444 8 Z45 45 288 58
' ' J14
19 '315 20 '424 3/
' , ,
Sacramenta.ry of Biasca II--157 36, 200 33, 4301 8.
East Syrian (Nestorian) Liturgy (B rightman, II) I--20 61 45 225 88 282 35 /. 2834 5
285 52 · 55 2s6 60 , 288 8 ; 297 30 ' 358 5 / 303 1. --Kiev fragments I--8133 .
Renaudot) I--41, 51 6 , 263, 347£., 352 10 ,
395 9 404 6 406i 2 423 1 4694~ 477 17 :
Hadrianum [Gregorian of Hadrian] (Lietz-
394£., 399, 406f. , 423 13 , 424, 476 6; II--35, 4 Sacra.mentary of Bergamo II--47£6.
mann ) I --63, 136, 310 81, 311 8 4, 336, 356,
54 62 774 79 16 83 3 113 1604· 7·8 171 7" · u --i6 83 J0 20 46$ 0 66 1; 5 70 1 ~ 5 83 11 , Ordo of Beroldus I --406 15 ; II--221£ 3 •
8520 92lS ll J ·W/.,24 1151 '119£2 '12 13/ Miss ale A mbrosianum (Marlene 1, 4, III) 360 3 3674° 386 432 75 · II--11 54 26 1
194< 219 5, 220 9 , 242 29 ,' 278 5, 282, 284 5 9: 63 11 5 69 152 90;,' 91 8 9S 31 964 ° 97 43 1.'
2864 9, 299 3 4/f ., 300 38, 3124, 327 30 , 328, 163/7/. 204 13 262 17 , 263£~ 278/ 288 57, I--28285 , 2844 6 , 285 66 ; II--78 9 .
107 36: 114 30, 12026 , l674 5 ,'t77 5 ;, 182 11 :
377 25 379 35 382 388 110 394 19 408 8 289 65 291 81 J02 54
' '
J03 56f · '318 3 ; 393 11 ,
--M. A . Duplex (Rat ti -Magistretti) I--
185f., 190, 238, 239 9 , 249 7, 260 3 , 261 9 , 285,
10 ' , ' 33614; II--157 36 .
409 19:420 5 ,453. ' ' ' ' 433 .
--M. A . (1902) I --309 74, 335 14, 405 11 , 290 7 ~ 292 8 ~ 336 1 ~ 343 11 , 363 1 ~ 422 1 ~
Malabar Christians I---41; II--441 7, 1951.
7. Gallican Lituq~y 425 8 8 486 85 · II--49 88 67 14 1 69 152 424 86 , 429ff.
78 9 , 9'0 8 , 157 80, 263 26 , 278 6 , 28966, 318 38: --Codex Ottobon 313 (Ebner) II--106 27 ,
4. Byzantine Liturgy Mane Latin and Greek Masses I---46, 377 16 ;
323 10 , 392 9 , 3984 7, 433 9 , 435$7. 114 50, 120 32, 167 43 , 2444 3, 2+6 56 .
Byzantine Liturgy in general (B ri ghtman) II--136 41.
--Codex of Pamelius II--91 8, 164 25 , 1674 8 .
I--27 81, 42ff., 196 6, 198 11 , 214, 263f., 315, Missale Gothicmn (Muratori) I---46, 49 19 ,
III. Roman Liturgies --Sacramentary of Drogo I --3 11 8 4.
340,347,352 19,355 37,366,390 70,395,399, 78e 1 360 3 366 84 486· II--68 146 69 15 e
92 10 , 115 1 ,119 2 -t ,148 2 ,149 10 162; 5 218/ --Sacram entariunt Rossianum (B rinktrine)
406,407 22 ,423 12,424,445 19, 449 51, 468f., 1. Early Period
22os' 22z 111 i2s4°' 263 17.t5 282.!1 8 , II--157 32 161 11 200 33 · 56 231 80 244 41
478, 483; II--4£., 33t.e, 37, 44ff., 774, a) Sacramentaries 249 6. ' ' ' ' '
112 15 · 171· 114 26 129 4 1374 2 145 37 148 285/t, 401 9,421 131. ' ' '
Leonianmn [L eonine] (Muratori, Feltoe) I-- Alwin S upplement (Muratori ) I --63, 220,
1604, 1717, 13 , 172, 202, 204,10 • 13 , 223£.: Missale Gallicanmn Vetu.s (Muratori)
301 0, 61f., 172 30 , 219f., 221 65 , 31 183 , 367, 221 66 , 287; II--117 11 , 120f., 185, 238 2 ,
232 31 , 240, 247 55 , 264, 274 79 , 278, 279 13 , II--69 152 , 92 10, 239u.
3734 386 50 · II--8 8 4 63 118 94 95 381· 295 12 .
282 26 , 284, 2864 9, 287, 294 3 • 5, 297, 29833, Mis sale Francormn I --75 1 ; II--244~ 1 •
974< 107 4°,'116 4, 118f., 124, i49 1 ~, 150 18: Liturgy of St. P eter (Codr ington) II--150 15,
302, 305 6, 328, 334 10 , 356, 376 13 , 381, 384, Benedictionale of Freising II--294 7.
177, 180ff., 185 £6 , 189 18 , 230 18 , 249 6 , 183 17, 193 56 , 238 8 , 3194 1, 337 29 ·31, 338 36.
389, 394 19 , 3984 7, 404, 407 5, 408f., 410 25 , Ex positio A ntiquae Liturgiae Gallicanae
38 260 2 , 263.u, 277 5 , 2864 5, 400 1, 4232 7,
419£., 4284, 433, 452. (Quasten) I---46 12 86 365 28 394 1 426 b) Lectionaries
433 81 445 17 458 16 476 6 47S 485 , 486 30 : 428 7· 12, 429.
Liturgy of St. Basil (B rightman) I--38£., 42;
n --si 6, 92/.e, 2003!!, 29S 8f.,' 302: 332 60: Gelasianmn [The Gelasian: Vat. Reg. 316] Comes of Wiirzburg (Morin) I--64, 396 18 ,
II--125 59 126 62 149 10 159 2 192 195
(Wilson) I--62£. , 76 8,215 21 ,21948, 22051!/. , 399.
198.t 3, 21B 4, 222£ 5 , 2264 2, 230 19 , 2so 1 s: 395 28 , 428 7.
2624, 311 85 , 338, 3674°, 3864 91·, 40615, Comes of Mmbach (Wilmart) I--64, 3961 6, 18.
25744, 294 5. Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqt~a II--20, 385 8!!,

Comes of Alcuin (Wi!mart) I-64, 21948, 221 60 · 6 4· II-317 31 330 5 4 345 111· 34614 - SS. Apostoli (XV cent.; Ebner) I-1061 3. 315 30 316 33 319 15 325$ 0 3574 9 432 69
401 -' 81. 403 u, 405 3 4, 438< 442 2 4. ' ' St. Amand (Leroquais) II- 121 5 4, 330 5 4. 448 5 / 450 6 .9· 6£ 4St 67 .is2 69 4s4 89 f .'
Ca pitulare E vangeliorum (Klauser) I -64, -(XI cent.; Ebner) II- 16411 3. St. Denis (Martene 1, 4, V) I - 80 28 , 91 7 9, 472 6/ II- 17 89 ' 18 99 47
261· 4B .e 9 51-' 6,

40140. Jumieges, Missal of Robert of (XI cent.; 2724, 275 20 , 281 31, 282 " 9, 2834 1, 285 59 , s3 ss'64 f. s7 1 6z11o 661 38 6it •o 6siH/ .'
Wilson ) II- 348u . 287 68 · 79 292 7 295 19 312 9 315 30 451 6 " 71~ · 9 ]2l4 74$7 7s £9 79 17 8l 98 83 8,
c) A ntiphonaries 453 82 1 4S4 90 · 'II-47; 6 48,; 0 so•~ st•~/ 86 26 '88-'$ '89 55 '99 51 l39 -' i4o 9 i64 2 ;
Le Mans (IX cent.; Leroquais) II-1301 3,
Antiphonary (in general), see Index B:
317 31 , 345 8, 438 7.
8416 8626 88411.44 .46
58 8-', 60 97 , 69 151 , 71 2: 73 1 79 1 81s.e:
186 30 246; 0/ 247 66 296 1 1 314 1~ 317 3 /
319-'/ 330 51 ,'53 332 61 1· 346 16 '249 26 ,
Leofric Missal (Warner) I-487; II- 121.
Gradual of M onza (Hesbert ) I-433 77 .
Limoges (Leroquais) I-305 5-' ; II-46 llo, 349 2 6, 358 5 ~, 359 62, 4389. ' ' 353 1 / 358 571· J82 56 390u 1 39 i 1211 · 150 ,
Compiegne (Hesbert) 1-326 28 ; II- 28 11 , 4 9 ss, 69 152. St. Gall (X-XI cent.; Ebner) II-1674 6. 403es' 438 9 '439 11 / 460 7 , 461 8 · 11 • 1;
395 27 , 435 88 . St. Gatien (Martene 1, 4, VII) I-282-' 5 , 462 .ee:.e4. ' ' ' '
Lorsch (Ebner) II-83 8 , 2454 5.
Corbie (Hesbert) l - 338 e 8; II- 399 56 . 285 56, 286 60 , 299 6 ; II-63 116 , 357 5 -'. Troyes (Martene 1, 4, VI ) I-80.e 8 , 93 5 ,
Lyons (Leroquais) I-272 6, 2731£; II-
Mont Blandin (Hesbert) 1-429 51, 4369 3. St. Thierry (Martene 1, 4, IX) I-2724; 272 6 277 7 281 31 282 86 2834 5 285 5£,5 61·
6311 6, 290 78 .
Rheinau (Hesbert) II- 395 u , 396 93 . 11-47 23 50 39 55 66 58 8-' 83 7 86 27 286 60 287 73 2S8 8 1 29t.e 294 16 295 19,
- (Ebner) II- 80u.
Senlis (Hesbert) 1-425 30 435 86 · II-28u 247 66 3i7 31 · (Marten~ 1 4 'x) 1_:_221 58, 312 8 ·6·9 31634 3574 9 452,69 4549o. II~
Mainz (D old ) II-67-' 0, 238-'.
395 27 . ' ' ' 291 3 ·' II-47 29 50 39 SS 6 ~ 68 1 -' 5 71/ 17 89 19° 9 47 ; 6 48 2 ~ 54 6; 73 19 '74.es
Metz (Leroquais) II- 247 56.
d ) Ordas Modena (Mu ratori) I - 95, 273 8 , 27414.18, 83 7, '86 117 , 18650, 3J1 5 4, J4615
, 3ss-'4; 89 52 , 164$,4 31781 3J1 6 4 JS2 11 '358 5;
See Index A: III, 2, d, Roman Ordas, below. 282 5 ~ 283-'~ 284-'~ 286 6 ~ 287 7 ~ 296 2 ~ 357f., 389 117 ; (Leroquais) I-2724; II- 390 1i9 ,u.e, j 91 1.e4,'402 16.' ' •

308 70 309 76 316 86 · II-49 8 8 514 6 54 60 472 3, 17944. Codex Chigi (Martene 1, 4, XII) 1-93 5· 71·,
2. Carolin!1,ian Period to the Middle 67 14< 86 26 : 884 1,' 140 9, 348.e 0, '3sssS: Salzburg (Ebner) Il-1674 6. 95f 2014 11 2024 6 204 56 274 18 277 10
A!1,es (Middle Period)
402 19 , 439 11 . Seckau, see Index A: III, 3, a, Missals, below. 21s·~4 281 s4 28z4o' 283-' 2 287 72 z88 8°· 82,
a) Sacramentaries Moissac (Martene 1, 4, VIII) 1- 215 21, Sens (Delisle) II-46u. 292 8/ 299/ 301 2$ 304.i.e 305 ~ 9 310 8 /
Amiens (Leroquais) I - 78, 92, 94, 272, 277 6, Soissons (Leroquais) II-3394 5. 312"·6 316 3; 319 14 324 1o' 432 69 ' '
282 35 285 52 · II-46 20 49" 5 69 152 74 113 ' ' ' .
seez (PL 78; Martene 1, 4, XIII) I - 80 118 ,

282 36 2834 5 287 68 291 3 299 319 15 · 17 83 11 ' 139 5 J17 51 33i 5 4 349 !? 6/. '3sss4 Subiaco (Ebner) II-346 15 , 402, 405-'5.
320 2 / 454 91 .'II-42, 47 .11s '74 2 ·; 83 7 84 1/
, ' ' ' ' Tortosa (Ferreres) II- 169 52. 92f 9J1· 7 95 11 274 18 281"-' 2824°
Tours (Martene) 1- 28344, 285 55 , 286 60 , 283.4s 286~ 1 28S 80 3Si4 9 451 6.e . II~
87 36, '129 8, l43 26, i464 9i, 31] 31 , J38 36: Monte-Cassino (Ebner) I-95; II-17 89,
300 161· ; II-2454 5, 317 31 , 357 53 , 403 11 4; 12 60 ,17 89 19 99 47~ 6 1· 48~ 8 51 -'o' 55 6-'
345, 357, 403 25 , 437 . 52-'7 58 84 59 86 6814 6 80211 28963
(Leroquais) II-106 31 2454 5 292 87 346 14 62 11 ,1 67/ 99 · 14; 71 1 · / nt4 7s .e9 83/
Angers (Leroquais) II-46 20 , 121 54, 402 16 . Mon~ (Eb~er) II-69 162. ' .
Arezzo (Ebner) II- 326 27.
403 24. ' ' ' ' 84 16 's8 89 55 140 9 296 1 4 3i4u J36 1/
Paris (Netzer) II-402 16 .
Trier (Leroquais) II-106 31 , 230 23 . 349 26 J53 17 ' 358 5,8 391,125 · 130 438/
Barcelona (Ebner) II- 8846, 8950. Ratoldus (PL 78) 1- 92, 2024 3, 2724, 278 11 ,
Verona (Ebner) I- 95, 105 5, 312 11 • 439 11 : 460 7, 462.e 5. ' ' '
Besan"on (Leroquais) Il- 54 6 ". 281 30 291 9 312 3 · 8 325 26 · II-!2 6e
Bobbio (X- XI cent.; Ebner) II- 884 6, 164.e 5 . 74 23 '78 11 '79 151· l63Ju 2'60 7 266 5/ Vich (Ferreres) II-2574 3 , 403 2 -'. H alinardus (Martene 1, 4, XIV) I -93 5,
Boldau, see Index A: III, 2, b, Seez Group, 295 1 ~ 296; 5 320-'7 323 1 ~ 324;6 333/ Summarized citations of French sacramen- 274 18 287 72 291 5 299 7· II-292 87 460 7
461 1-':
below. 336.~~e; 345 9· ; 11·, 34(>4, 387 99, 43s7. ' taries and missals, listing the name of the ' ' ' ' '
Bologna (Ebner) II- 152 e 1, 339 39 , 444 3 9. Regensburg (Ebner) II-67141. editor only: Verdun-Stablo (Martene 1, 4, XV) I - 80n,
Brescia (Ebne r) 1--105 4, 297 51 ; II- 4411 6. Reims (Chevalier ; PL 78) I-303 58 ; II- Leroquais I - 105 5 294 15 · II-46u 1 58 8 4 934 •7 202 -' 2 273 9 274 18 280 27 28 191· 33
69 162 74 23 105 2 ~ 139 6 164 2 4 165$ 9, 282 3 .;· 591· ' 283;1/ .. H ' 284-'.9 285 58 ,
Caen (Leroquais) II- 353 15 . 15949, 342 5, 389 117, 432 31 . ' '
Camaldoli (XI- XIII cent.; Ebner) 1- 95, Rocarosa (Ferreres) II-236 51.
176 3.e' 18689 214,78 2i1 15 · 21 ' 236 53 , 286 611·, 2877£, 288 80, 3044°, 312 3' · 8 , 319 15 ',
238 3, 245 -' 7, 246 5 1, 267 4 1, 268-' 9 , 308 80 , 454 90 ; II-47 .!16, 51-' 6 , 84 16, 88-' 1, 89 u ,
' ' , ' J

316 36, 324 19 ; II- 52 -' 9, 56 70 , 6714 1, 72 14. Rome, Papal Court Chapel (ca. 1290;
331 4 339 39 17
347 1· 349P 3527 19 353 15 140 9, 314 12, 317 51 , 330 51, 346 15 , 349 £ 6,
Chartres (Leroquais) II- 121 3 -', 34614. Brinktrine) 1- 101 51 106 13 273 11 · 1"
Corbie (Leroquais) II- 47 2 9 ; see also Index
A: III, 2, a, Ratoldus, below.
29s u, 308 71 , 31o, 3u 2, 3 ts ·H, 34s 6 <
II- 50 -' 1, 53 53 , 59 88 , 63 11 6, 80 115 , 83 6,
355 8 / 37 35,64° 39S-' 7 4tJ44 443 311 · 38 ,
448 11 , 4S0 17 , 4SS 14. ' ' '
358 58 , 368 8, 391 J U,I2o , 402 18 , 439 11 ,
460 7, 461 9· 14.
Echternach (Leroquais) 1- 78 19; II- 130 13 , 97 1, 169 52 , 207 -'-', 270 59 , 309 33 , 332 65 , See also Index B : Martene. Gregorienmi.in ster (Martene 1, 4, XVI) I-
For Italian sacramen taries, see Index 93 3· 7 201-' 2 281 33 282-' 0 283-' 9 286 66
246 51,333 5, 403 2 • . 345 12 , 355 38 , 461 1-' .
Eli gius (PL 78) II- 1203£, 124 53 , 158 3 8, -St. Peter's (XII cent.; Ebner) II-55 661·, 13: Ebner. 287 7 ~ , 451 6 $,, 454 90 :, II-1S 99 ' 47 ; 6 ' so •o',
55 66 , 67 142 , 88-' 1, 89 5 s, 140 9, 314u, 368 6,
169 5 .e. 65 191 71 6 72 1$ 257-' 5 355 38 405" 5
Fonte Avellana (XIV cent.; PL 151 ) 1- <
406 4 (XIV cent.; Ebner)' II-21i 58 . '
b) Mass Ordas of the Seez Group
M i ssa lllyrica (Martene 1, 4, IV) I-79f.,
391 12 2 •
Seckau (ca. 1170; Kock) 1-79 24, 93 5 , 273 1-',
284-'9 286 66 298 52 302 25 •S8· II - 19 99 -Biblioteca Angelica (Cod. S ., 1, 19; Ebner)
-'< 74 23 , S8-' 369 19 . 93 2· 8 94 10 95 21 272 6 273 8 · 12 277 5 274 15, 278 11 · 13 , 283 -' 3, 295 211 ,309 74,312 11 ,
67 1 6
' ' I - 310 77 .
278 1; 281~ 3 2S2 37 Z84-' 6 · 51 '285 58 ,
313 15 ; II- 57 77·8 .e, 402 18, 403 2 -' , 439 11 .
Freisin g (Ebner) 1- 275 20 . -Biblioteca Barberini (XI, 179; Ebner) ' ' ' ' ,
Fulda (X cent.; Richter-Schonfelder) 1- 92, II-197 17 . 291 2 , 295 19, 299 7, 3044°, 305 6 s, 312 7, Boldau (ca. 1195; Rad6, Kniewald) I -93 6 ,
281 39 , 297e 9, 302e 9, 315 9 s, 316 93 , 319 16 ; 424'·, s2 1, 90 5, 129 7, 2674°, 319~ 0 , 333 6, 61 1o9.1o8 71 s 79 1s 83 r 84 1s 85 18
Il---49 3 3 , 56 71, 63 11 2· 11 6, 69 15 !!, 884°1·, 342 6. 904 104 18 129~ 143 29 25S51 '· 26s4 1!, 46'
347 15 , 402 18, 406 381·. Or do "Qual i ter Qu.aedam"; Ordo " In Primis"; 2843 7 289,64 295 19 305 8 314/5 3 15 20'·' e) Canonistic
Ordo " P ostquam" , see respectively Ordo 333.11 '33 7 11 9 ' 342 6 '383 60 394 2 ~ 434u'
c) P ontificals R omanus IV; V; VI, below. 439< 4406. , ' ' , , Hispana II---440 10 •
Holy W eek Ordo of Einsiedeln (Duchesne) S tatuta Bonijatii (IX cent.; Mansi) 11-3816 1 .
Cambrai (Martene 1, 4, I ) I-282. -Ordo Roman us Ill (XI cent.) I-66,
Il-333 6, 337 25 , 338 36 . Admonitio Synodalis (IX cen t .; Browe) I-
Codex Casanalense 614 (Ebner) I-297se, 360!! 432 70 448 97 459 2 £ 484U. Il-6.85
210 ; II-146, 386 96 , 415 56 , 416 64, 453 17 .
319 19 ; II-236 62 , 23764, 269 5 4, 272 66 , S t. Amand (Duchesne; Andrieu) I -66, r,'
106, '314 1 31944: 326e6, 337 2,9, 38366:
Decretum Gratian-i (Friedberg) I-178 11 ,
309 3 3 , 310 4°, 3194 1/., 46, 326 28 , 405 36 . 7011, 72 20 , 124 119 , 196 6, 201 35 , 209 9, 439 3, 440 6.
2361 9, 240 36 , 267, 326s 8, 332, 338!! 8, 223 78 229 6 !! 236 13 246 8 · 10 247 211
Donauesching (Metzger) I-311 84. -Ordo Romanus IV [ = "Qualiter Quaedam
2494/ 3684/ II-15,74 22 11 8 120 11 /
Durandus, see Index A: III, 3, c, Pontificals, 339 92, 34144, 3424 9, 343, 356f., 3574 8, Orationes"] II- 161 11 176 9 4 186 91 2399 387 95 : 463 39 • '
3684 6, 421 10, 432 70 .
, ' '
below. 244 41 245 47 247 6 / 267 9 B,40f. ,2864 /
Decretales Gregorii IX (Friedberg) I-212 1!6,
Egbert (Greenwell) Il- 260 2 •7. Engelbert [Ordo Angilberti] (Bishop) Il- 289 68 , 313 12 ,3151! 0 J36 18 424 3 / '
34311, 410e.e, 435.
' , ' 1 •
223 79 , 2504 11 ; 11-210 56, 4134 5.
Freiburg (Metzger) I---486. -Ordo Romanus V [ = " In Primis"] (X
See also Index B: Councils; Synods; Regino;
Hungarian (XI- XII cent.; Morin) II-260.e. Ordo Romanus Antiquus [Vulgatus] (Hittorp) cent.) I-66, 4114 8, 4284 3 , 430 67 , 433 8 1,
Laon (Leroquais) II-89 61, 212 66 , 291 80 · 89 . I-66, 7ou, 240 35 , 284 51 , 300 16 , 310 80 , 451 67 · Il-129 6 258 5!! 305 7 308t 3
Burchard of Worms; etc.
Mainz (Martene 1, 4, XVII) II-56 70 , 369; II-200 39 , 322 3. 3194°:44 3371! 3 ,$ 1 3404,9 3518 3804/ f ) Monastic: Benedictine "Consuetudines"
67140 7211,14 8416 879 1 164!!1 2365f Ordo . . . Ecclesiae Lateranensis (Fischer) 439 3. ' ' ' ' ' Capitulare Monasticum (817) 11-292 85,
269 5 291 8 4, 327 32 ,' 349 2 ;, 353 14: 359 6 < I- 6699, 691 o, 10615,11, 107 21, 199.!13,
20JD 9 · 65 204 56 240 36 303 92 343 56
-Ordo Romanus VI [= "Postquam"] (X 454 17 .
402 18, 461 10 · 18 ; (Martene 1, 4, XVIII ) cent.) I -66, 95, 203 59 , 280£5, 291 3 , 318 10, Capitula Monachomm ad Augiam Directa
II- 295 13 . 359 61 , 362 11 , 3694 7, 37t 59 , 419-', 4274< 324 15 , 445 17, 452 68, 455 96 , 457 11 , 473 68 ; II-20 11 4, 324 16 .
Naples (Ebner) II-56 71 . 441 1!! 7 452 68 456 1 457 11 472 63 494 91 · 11-7£9 944,46 10·F 1469 30.!14 69150 Ordo "Qualiter" I-299 8 .
Il -7 30 sss' 369!!, 4416, 6099' 62to6'
Narbonne (Martene 1, 7, XIII) I-209 10 ; 71 8, 78,11 , so 2 J, s3a,' 84 15 : 140 9: 258 53: Consuetudines M onasteriomm Germaniae
II-281 29 , 323 11 , 363.e 3, 370u. 641!!6 7636 '791 6 l29 6 i31 U Z7266/t.' 295 13 296 15 305 10 306 14 314 16 324 17 II-21 11 4, 324 16 .
Poi tiers (Morin us, Martene) I-300 16, 302u, 306 1 ~ 3081!~ 310~~ 31~4 1 , 32~ 1 ~ 338 9 ~ 326e 6i· 337 9,1 3804~ 382 6 6 384 71, 415 55 , Cluny: Consuetudines [before 1048] (Albers)
386 51 ; Il-27 2 , 146 38 ,3974 6. 3394 7, 3404 9, 342 7, 377s 3, 386 95 , 410.e 1, 416 64, 422 18, 434u, 460 1• ' ' ' 11- 324 16 .
Roman Pontificals of the Middle Ages 4144 7, 417 69 , 4351! 8, 443.e 7, 463 29 . -Ordo Romanus Vll (XI cent.) I-261 1 , -Farfa (XI cent.; Albers) I-69 7, 99 119 ,
(Andrieu) I-198 11!/., 274 19 , 373, 388 60 , Ordines Romani of Mabillon (PL 78) : 443 10, 479 26 ; Il- 342 7. 222 70 , 227 10 411 ., 22 8 108 ; 11-21 11 4,
411, 459$$; Il-13 67 , 324 17 , 370!15, 4134 6. -Ordo R omanus I (VII cent.) I-66, 67 1, -Ordo Romanus Vlli (VIII cent.) I - 29287, 89.
Romano-German Pontifical (Andrieu, Hit- 69 9, 76, 834 6, 196 6, 197 9, 200", 267U,t4, 123115, 339 99 , 44111! 6 ; Il-3044. -Bernhard, Ordo Cluniacensis (ca. 1068;
torp) I-66, 95f., 224 86 , 386 5 1!; Il-305, 290 1, 291 6 , 296 27 , 298t, 314, 318 5 , 323tt, -Ordo Roman us IX (VIII- IX cent.) I - H errgott) I - 99, 225 86 , 229 11 2 , 306 60 ,
390 117 . 333 61 , 340, 344, 3564.!, 3574 8, 362 8, 364.e 1, 231126, 409 96 , 429 61. 316 36, 417 76 , 453 76 ; n-35 2 4· 26, so 21 ,
Salzburg (Andrieu) I-93 1; Il-390 117• 3684 7, 371 60 , 407u, 4104 9, 4114 8, 415 701·, -Ordo Romanus XI (ca. 1140- 1143) I- 138 48, 205, 237 6 4, 269 6 4, 272 68, 292 87 ,
420 6, 430 68, 432 70 · 73, 433 78, 443 8, 444, 6699, 69 10 , 124 119 , 338 118 , 339 3 e, 359 6.e, 3104 9 .
d ) Roman Ordas 445 17 447-'4 449 601· 460 36 48113 · Il- 3694 8 389 66 418 81 433 79 4441£ 457 11 -Udalrich, Consuetudines Cluniacensis (ca.
6 1!5 2' 74 3o'.e.e 37 3 ~ 43 11 ' 504 ' 53u Il~129 6
John the Arch-Chanter: Ordo (Silva- 473 6/ 494 11 i. J37B-' '342 6 • r' 1080; PL 149) I -99 99'· , 199 25 , 2024 6,
611 '03/. J62106 ,108
' '
7916 ' 10311 ' 435!! 6:
Tarouca) I - 65, 76 7 • 9 , 105, 201, 222 70 , 203 56 , 204 61, 225 86 , 227 10 4, 228 112,
' , , '

236 19, 298.e, 345, 3574 8, 3844 ° , 407u, 104 161 : 129 6, 13816, 1464J, 258 60 , 267 40 : -Ordo Romantt5 X II (IX cent.) I-389 66 • 229 113 , 280£6, 289 89 , 299 10 , 30122 , 304 119 ,
455 94; Il---42, 61 10 4, 78 131·, 90, 104, 304t1 .. 5, 305 8, 307 18 ·u, 310 39 , 31lf., -Ordo Romanus XIII (XIII cent.) I - 66 99, 306 66 , 312 7, 326 9!!, 3574 5, 386 52 , 420 6,
115 30 , 142 e 1, 288, 315 20 , 333 7 . 3121!/. , 7, 3151!0f., 316t7, 3194°, 326, 240 96 ; Il-211. 454 92 ;II--9 4 1,29 18,35 2 4,36 9 s,44 16 ,5S 69 ,
- Ca pitttlare Ecclesiastici Ordinis (Silva- 333.!1/., 6, 336 18 , 337, 342 6, 3444, 352 8, -Ordo Romanus XIV (XIV cent.) I -66 39, 74 27 , 78 10 , 205 20 , 306 11, 324 16 , 325 23 ,
383 651 · 69 , 386 93 , 394·u, 396 30 , 412 ,
Tarouca; Andrieu) I- 201, 298 2, 323 121·, 69 10 101 52 197 11 203 55 238 117 2704° 3814 9 382 57 408 11 409 16 415 57 416 66
324 17 , 326 28 , 331, 3414 4, 343 6 !!, 345 67 , 415 6 4, 416, 422 17 , 428 7, 434 14,U, 435.9 3 , 290 9 ~ 295e~ 302 9 8 30443 308 7 ~ 311/ 442.84: , , ' , l

35644; Il- 5 16, 4241-, 9041 -, 104 16, 1074t, 437, 439 4; (IX cent.; Stapper) I-67 , 317 1 '345 66 '370 59 J88 60 3s9 65 44tar' -William of Hirsau, Constituti ones (XI
71 70 78
129 7, 161 10 , 238 7, 258 50 , 2674 °, 288 60 , 7ou, 3564.e, 360 t, 415 , 432 , 433 , 443/ 454 9 4, 457 1 / 494.e 9'· n -sso 59 9/ cent.; PL 150) I - 99 119 , 226 95 , 229 11 3 ,
304 5 , 314 16 , 315.e 0, 3194°, 321 2 , 326e 4, 484 11 5 ; Il-3151! 1, 342 6, 415 6 4. 6 1 1 0 ~ 62 106 64/u 72; £ 74 25 ' son' 280£ 6, 289 91, 304 99 , 306 60 , 309 74, 388 6 2 ,
333 3 , 337 .!14, 342 6, 379 99 , 383 65 , 395!! 71·, -Ordo Romanus II (IX-X cent.) I-66, 83 6 tOS19 i3o 19 i s6 9.e '205 21 ' 212 6/ 417 76 , 449 53 , 453 76 ; II-12 61 , 21 11 4,
221'15 236~ 8 272;2 31946 324 17 336eo'
399 51!, 400 66 , 412 98 , 434 14. 69 10 72 19 76 9 834 5 358 60 360t 364 , 35!!4, 26 49 92 55 69 205!! 0 290 75 413
7 93 416 67 . ' , , , ' ,
-Breviarium Ecclesiastici Ordinis (Silva- 414,' 418 i, 4Z0 , 4zs4t, 432 4,' 436 ,
8 6 351 5 '375 11 '376£ 0 '418 75 ' 443 2 s' 444 3 6,
Tarouca) I- 199 18 , 201, 206 70 , 2624, 447u, 44837 .411. 46, 449 51, 53, 451 66/., 446 6 ~. 461 17. , ' ' , -Consuetudines of Fruttuaria (XI cent.;
298 3, 324 19, 326 28 , 35644, 421 10 ; II- 4527 5 , 453 78 , 470 60 ; Il-274, 471! 7, 53 5.!1, -Ordo Romanus XV (ca. 1400) I - 66 119, Albers) Il-12 69 , 35.e 5 .
g) Monastic: N ew Foundations - Chotiescha11. Missal (XIV cent. ) II-347 15 ; Amiens (Leroquais) II-291 80, 355 55 . 282 561·, 2844 6, 285 56 , 286 61 , 2914, 297 11 .e,
Augustinians : Rule of the Canons of St. (1578; Legg) II- 29182. Aquileia (1519; Weth) I-350 15 ; II- 298 511, 309 7 4, 310 81, 316 11 4; II-46 21,
Victor (XII cent.; Martene) I - 371 57; St. James in Liege : Liber Ordinarius (Volk ) 355ss. 49 115 56 71 69 16 0 75 27 83 9 86.e 7 87 55
II- 1384 8 . I - 100 20J5 1. 65 205 66 228 1o7,1o9 Aries (Lebrun) II-317 11 0/. 89 50 , 317 5 j 331 5.9 346i4 348 211· '354 u '
2414 °. 42 249 89 z78 11 2s 1·' 1· 39 2R4 5 / Arras (XIII cent.; Turton) II-401 6 • 402 16, 442 1 ~. • • • '
- Ritual of St. Florian (XII cent.; Franz)
II- 332 60, 370u.u, 371 28 , 3734 1. 288 80 , z89 88 , z95, 3o3·' 2 , 304·' 9: 309 7< Augsburg (Hoeynck) I-273 11 , 274 17, 2877!, Franciscan (Ebner) I-102 56 136 2731 3 .
314 19, 324 19, 345 6 4, 357 5 1, 358 5 4, 372 63 , 310 81 · II-50 57 57 77 86 26 332 64 35214 II- 58 84, 59 88 , 68 14 6, 82 8 5, 97< 399 5S:
Carmelites: Ordinate (1312; Zimmermann)
I- 100 301 18 4284 5· Il- 2024 209 46 4104 6 412 56 420 6 433 80 439 117 452 68 <
353 1 354to, 402 18 , 4'144 7 • ' ' ' 402, 442 26 , 446 61 ; (Leroquais) II-351 2;
293 91 '347 16 .io5 85 4064 1 416 67 442 18, 453 7./ 455 97,· 10 1. II-30 ~ 5 5145 /. 56 70 , -(1386) II-56 71 66 19 7 57140 70165, (Martene) I-338 28 .
44915: ' ' ' ' ' 641 25, 661 38 6l1 42 68 150 75 82, 81 27, 88 40 97 2 3194,; 353 17, 355 55 , 358 58 , Freising (1520; Beck) II-68 144, 317 51,
93'1 1 '142 '14 '165 88 '1 86 8 1 zo5 .e 1 '209 4s' 402 1Bf., 4J8 10, 442.es, 446~ 1 . ' 332 64, 418 79, 447 60 .
Carthu sians: Statuta Antiqua (ca. 1295;
Martene I , 4, XXV; Legg) I- 99f., 297 80 , 210 50 , 212 6 4, 213 78, 220 11; , 236 53', 269 5 < -(1555) I-106 11 , 277 10 , 278 15 , 29415, Furtmeyrs (1481; Ursprung) I-346 69 .
307 68 332 52 · 55 333 6Z 454 91 465 17 · 271 62 , 290 75, 295 13, 309 86 ,325 22 ,327 5 1. 8 4, 297 29, 303 85, 315 11 .e, 332 59 , 437. Gerona (XIII- XV cent.; Ferreres) I-307 68 ;
II- 56 74/ . 63 11,7 64 u5 66 7stn t .. se' 337 28 339 46 348 20 375 11 378 26 399 58 See also Index A: III, 3, d, Augsburg: II-2574 11 .
80 11 5 8) 5 93 ' 210 56 ' 236 53 237 5 4 408 11 , 413 44 4l8 75 421 16 '432 se' "Messe . .. ",below. Graz (XV cent.; Kock) II-64I.e 6.
2684~ 291 s4 308 30 3t94 5 330 5 1 34o' 442/.9 : 2 /,lq #3 110 448 i 1 449 15, 461 8 • 1/ Auxerre (Leroquais) II-187 59. Hamburg (XI cent.; Ebner) II-58 85 .
348.!' 0: 408 1 415 57, '457. '
Cisterci ans : Liber Usu.um (XII cent.; PL
' ' 463 '5 0 ' ' ' '

See al so th e va ri ous ind iv idu al orders noted

' Bangor II-352 9; see also Index A: III,
3, a, Maskell, below.
Haus (Kock) I - 302 27, 303 118 , 3131 5,17/ ..
Hereford (1400; Maskell) II-139 5.
166) I - 99f., 106 11 , 199 18, 205 64, 227 106 , in Index B, e.g., Augu stinian s; Carmelites; Barcelona (Ferreres) II-331 69 . -(1502; Maskell) I-455 96 ;II-82 85,421J6.
228 1071- 2414 2 316 115 34Y 7 371 57 412 56 etc. Bayeux (Leroquais) II-356 119 • See also Maskell under Summarized citations
465 17 · 'II-86~ 5 t42 2 4 J24 16 '325 20 , h) M ass Tnterprctations Beauvais (Martene) I-284 61 ; II-87 5 7. at the end of this section.
337 2S: 4134 8, 416 67. ' ' ' "Quotiens contra se" (Martene 1, 4, XI; Bobbio (X-XI cent.; Ebner) I-454 911. Huesca (1505; Ferreres) II-432.
- Rituale Cisterciense (XVII cent.; Schneider) PL 96) I-86; II- 104 17 , 232 82, 337 8 ~_ Breslau (1476; Rad6) II-65 129, 70165, Hungarian Hermits of St. Paul (XV cent.;
I - 228 107 . "Primum in Ordine" (Gerbert; PL 138) I- 327 112 • Sawicki) I-294 16 297 29 311 81 332 59/ . .
Dominicans: Ordinarittm 0 . P. [1256] 865 6 164u 427 4° 432 74- II-336 112 Brixen (1493) II-5569. II-65 1110, 332 61 . ' ' ' '
(Guerrini) I- 100, 106 16 ,197 8, 199 18, 202ff., 337 8,1, 343 11 : 394 2 4, '432 51. ' ' Chalons (1543; Martene) I-289 89 , 297 11 !. Klosterneuberg, see Index B : Schabes.
203 51. 55, 204 56, 227106, 228 107, 109. 111, "Dominus Vobisw m" (Gerbert; PL 138) I- Chur (1589; Gerbert) I- 307 66 , 313 12. Lagny (XI cent.; Leroquais) II-222 21 .
299 9 308 71 309 7 4 324 19 331 5.!' 345 6 4 82119, 86 55 , 178 2 ; II-321 2 , 337 81. Cologne (XII- XVI cent.) I-437; II- Liege (XV-XVI cent.; Smits van Waes-
357 / 1' 365 2 6, 372 6 1, 419< 42844: 433 80: "fntroitus Missae Quare" (Hansse ns) I- 60 97, 63 119 , 66 1117 , 79 17, 337 28, 348.e 0. berghe) II- 55 69 , 66 188 , 6714 2, 68144.
441 127 453 76 471 581 -. II- 55 70 76 11 4 834 8 86 58 · 55 · II- 104 17 318 85 3194 2 --0rdo Celebrandi (XIV cent.; Binterim) Limoges (XV- XVI cent.; Martene) II-
81 e7/ . ,85 25 9J 21 142 2 4 205 111 2094 5 .4 6 , 33o48, 3974°. ' ' ' '
II-5670 5716 62107 6 5 128,1so 66 1111 4620, 567 4,
212 64 ' 220 1 ~ 236~ 3 290 75 32Su 327 5 / 69 152 ' 7B 12 J 80; 0, 86.e 6)' 93 21 , 143.e6, 354 25', Lucca (XI cent.; Ebner) II-345 7.
"Missa pro Mullis" (Hanssens) I-88 6 4,
330 5 / 332 6 / 337 28 , 348 20 , 354 22 , 375 1 / 201" 0 224 8 5 325 25 3414 6 358 59 359 60 391 129 . Lyons (1531; Martene 1, 4, XXXIII) I-
378 2< 399 5 ;, 410,' 41344, 417,' 421 16: 414 68, 4284 / 432 74 449 58 , 4516 o' 472 62: Eichstlitt (Kock) II-403u. 295.e0, 296 24, 307 611 , 309 74, 31315,18,
442 181 ·· 25 , 448, 449 15 , 463 80 . II-94 1, 143 ~ 2 , 3051 1, 31885, 340 s'0 . ' Escorial (XI cent.; Dold) II-102 6 • 45599; II-49117, 5247, 5510, 66 155, 7016 5,
- Missale 0. P. [1 889] I - 228 10, 301 u, Eclogae (PL 105) I- 83 411 88 6 4 414 68 418 81 Evreux-Jurnieges (XIV-XV cent.; Martene 80 11 , 84 16 , 87 111 , 236 53 , 291 81 , 309 31,
308 68 317 58 368 47 453 78 455 100 471 59 · 4284t 448 46 452 74 '472 6 ~- n~ 1os u'J 1, 4, XXVIII) I-269 511, 274 16, 282 561-, 349.e 7 351 1 354.e 6 405 95 4064° 442 19
, , J '
448 11:449 15. • • • •
II- 30 25 56;. 0 · 72 6o 78 81,28 93 2 / 1584; 305 11 ,314 19 . 284 46 285 55 286 61 288 81 290 95 294 17
< <
18682, 309 561 -, 3J0 51 , J52 9, 358 5 396 5 Liber Officiomm of Trier (Franz) I-98 86 ; 297.e 9: 5.e 309 5 4 310 81 3i314· 18 ' 332 6/
II-49 11 ; 62 10 ; 70 16 ; 81 81 84u· 16t.'
-(Buenner) I - 102 58 197 9 308 70 357 5 1.
II--140 111 290 78 J404 8 '358 66 , 393 11 ,
401.e, 421 16 ; (XIII cent.) II-83 10 ; (XIV II-44, 384 75 •
212 65 , 291 85, 308 90 , 317 81, 3J1 69 , 332 65: 3984 7,44S 11 . • • • '
cent.) II- 317 8 2 ; (XVI cent.) II--442 22 . Commentary of the Clm. 14690 (X cent.;
Franciscans, see Index A: III, 3, a, Fran- Franz) II- 289 6 4, 346 14 , 348.e.e, 349 27 , 354.! 9, 358 59 , 359 66 , Metz (1324; Leroquais) II--444 58,
ciscan, below. Rhymed Explanation of the Mass (XII cent.; 40428.111, 44458, 446 s o, 455u. Minden (1513; Cabral) II-289 611 ,
Premonstratensians: Liber Ordinarius (Le- Lietzmann) I - 109 29, 170 10 , 278 11 , 279 20, Fecamp (XIII- XIV cent.; Martene 1, 4, Monte Cassino (ca . 1000; Dold) I- 106 14.
fevre, Waefel ghem) I- 100, 112 50, 203 5 5, 303 88, 345 68 ; II-84 14. XXVI) I-278 15 281 80 282 1151 285s.e -(XI- XII cent.; Ebner) I-95; II-43,
205 299 9 369 51 396 18 465 17 -II-56 70·72 See also Index B: Amalar; Remigius; etc. 286 64 289 90 Z94 17 297 82 J13JII,J8' 4 7.e1 62 1o6t.,111 68 144,146 75 .e8 81 s.e
75 8 ~ 79,17 8625 11,5 85 1s 6" 1 211 9 / 3191/ II-46~1 4954 '60 97 6J116 701611' 884°: 246 51 , 348.e b, 3564". • • •
3. Later Middle Ages
236 5 ~/. 2l0 56 · 5 s' 291 85' 381 49' 398 50' 80 21 B3 10 84 16f· 862 6 87;7 89 511, 317 11 / Monte Vergine (XV cent.; Ebner) II-386 95,
41o·M 415 416 60 '442
' ' ' .
' ' ' a) Missals 346 14, 34Su, 34c).e 7, 3S4u, J58 69 ,' 359 6 < 419 81 , 442 2 4.
-Schliigl Missal (XIII cent.) II-651.119, Admont (Kock ) I- 281 52, 282 116, 285 68 , 44219, Narbonne (Martene) I-285 62.
68 14 9, 347 16 , 355 113 , 356 4°, 360. 296.t4, 297 29 ; Il-347 18 , -(ca. 1400; Martene 1, 4, XXVII) I - -(1528; Martene) II-8416, 8846.
Orteans (X VI cent.; de Moleon) 1- 289 89; St. Pol de Leon (Martene 1, 4, XXXIV) 1-
II- 308 30, 401 11 . 285 611 286 64 288 81 289 90 295 110 30444/. Upsala (1513; Yelverton) I-38864; II- 139 5 1584 3, 164 116, 166 36, 247 66 , 317 3 1,
Paris (XIII cent.; Leroquais) 11-236 53. 309 7/ 313 1-'· 18 4S1 64· II-56 70 66 13 / 514 .e, 69 160, 93 .e 1, 270 68 . 339 38, 346 15, 347 16, 352 1 4, 353 15, 354.e 3,
-(XIV cent.; Leroquais) 11---4433£, 4454 6. 70 163 ,80 11 1 83 1 ~ 86 116 93 11 1 309 3 i 327 31, - (1484) 1- 285 61, 28714 . 402 16, 403s 5, 438 9.
' ' J ' ' ' •
Passau (XIV cent.; Rad6) II-347 16 , 355 36, St. Thierry (XI cent.; Capelle) 1- 470 61. See also Yelverton under Summarized cita- Kock (for Styrian Missals) I-130 19 211 11
419 79 . Salzburg (ca. 1200; Kock) II-49 93 , 671 4t, tions at the end of this section. 228 111 , 273 9, 277 5· 9, 281 33 , 2S2 351/.:
Pressburg (J avor) 1-107 113, 281 33, 282 ·H, 71.e, 332 6.e, 351 3 , 355 36, 368 7, 391 U4// ., Ursin (XIII cent.; Gerbert) 11-22014, 283 4°, 2844 6 ·61 , 285 571·, 286 66, 287 11,
283H, 284 51 , 285 67, 286 86 , 295 19 , 297 119, 4443 6,38. 236 63 • 288 81, 296u, 297.e 9, 303 91 , 3044°, 305 61,
30444, 306 61, 3 10 81, 332 60 , 454 89 ; 11- - (XV cent.; Rad6) 11-661 37. Valencia (XV cent.; Ferreres) 1-3044 8; 11- 306 6.!1, 310 81 , 312 1· 11 , 31 3 111·, 332 59 ; 11-
5991 6311 6 65130 86 11 6 9711 270 58 309 311 -Incunabula (Hain) 11-58 63 , 67 14°, 87 3 1. 65131, 85 19 , 165 119, 214 81, 296 19, 354 1 4, 493 1 52 41 56 r1 57 rr 58 83,86 67 1411.
327 3 3, 351 461 16: 462/9·111.' ' ' See also Index A: III, 3, a, Furtmeyrs, above. 359 66 , 365s.e, 398 50, 404 31 , 4064°, 46416. ns, '78 11,' 82 36: 86 16,' 87 31 , 99 6, 260 3:
Regensburg (1485, ca. 1500; Beck) I- Sarum (including Ordinary, etc.; Legg, Venice (XI cent.; Ebner) II-43911. 315u, 316 161 ·, 317 31 , 330 61 , 332 66 , 347 16 ,
273111·, 274 17, 275 111, 277 9, 282 34, 283 49, Frere, Maskell, Martene [1 , 4, XXXV]) 1- -(1493; Legg) I-306 66. 354.eo,s3,ts, 35533,35, 35 8 68, 359 61,63,
285 67 287 74 294 16 296 118 297 11 9·3£ 102 69, 170 10, 274 16, 280 118, 284 49, 286 67, -(1562; Ferreres) II---442.u. 391 11511 ·, 401 6 · 8, 402 18, 404 31 , 405 35,
298 99 , 302 .e / 303 3 / 33 304 47 306 6 / 297 119 · 3.e 298 33 300 10 309 74 310 79 -(1563; Lebrun) 11-272 69 . 406 391·, 419 19, 439 11, 442 1 4, 443-'.e,
313u' 315 9 !1 442 128 45J 76 4894,8 490 6/ 311 86 3i2 6 319/6 · 18 326 31 332;6 333 6 / Vich (XVI cent.; Ferreres) 1-275 11 , 307u, 448 11 .
492 9 ,493 18 .' II-51; 11 55 6 ~ 65 190 81 3·' 357 6 / 36z 1ot. 38s 6.e 437 99 '446u'
, ' ' , J
313 14, 316 3 4; 11-17 84, 2574 3, 355-", Legg (for English and Northern French
82 9 / 97 11 99 5 165 9 £ '246 66, 260 3 '3194/ 450 67 452 71 454 89 455 101 · 11- 30 19 356 44, 403114. Missals) 1-100 46 102 59 289 89 · 86 296u
327"~ 3:!7 16 ' 354 110 ·118 418 79 ' 421 16, 6
52 49 ' 56 n 5 '-, 11,811 2 t o6 6 5u8 66 t3/ Vo rau (XV cent.; Kock) 11-346 16, 34716, 297 110 · 311, 303 31 ,' 309 7 4, 313 14,' 359 6 <
436 9 439 13 ,' 446 60 , 44S11 , 450;3 , 461 10: 6916,1 ,163 ' 70156 '75 118,3; 7810 813/ 354 30 355 9 4· 36 358 69 391 113 403 16
< 441U 1 442U 8· 11-5144 56 70 •7!1 5744
-Obsequiale (Beck) 1-490 611 . 84 17' 86.e~ ' 87 37' '884 3, 89 67J 90 6 g', 12J5°', 404 9 405 5 4, 40640, ' ' ' 60 961·,' 67 138, '69 153, 80~ 1 , 86 1 o,' 202<
See also Beck under Summarized Citations 124 63, 236 63 , 270 681·, 271 61 , 291 83 , 293 91 ' See also Kock under Summarized citations at 20944 271 61 332 65 346 16 348u 354.e.e
at the end of this section. 308.e 6 ,.e 9 309 36 317 30 327 31 330 61 the end of this section. 358 66 :69 , 3S9 61 , 4o4u, '405 35,' 418 78:
Remiremont (XI- XII cent.; Martene) II- 332 65 J 3J944, 345 7' 346i6, 351 ·,,' 352 131.', Westminster (XIV cent.; Legg) 1-7914,289, 442 11 ~, 444 98 , 446 60 · 63, 448 11 , 450 17.
317 31 319 45 339 411 .4 7 346 16 352 11 358 61 354£.!1 355 33 358 66 359 66 403.e 6 406 38 2914, 299 10 , 309 74, 415 10; 11- 567:1, 7Ql611, Leroquais}
402 16: 403 .e4: 404, 44/4. ' ' ' 418 74: 78, 44J 31 ' 448 11 J 461 15' 462 1o..e./• 82 335 16 346 15 402 16 · 19 442.e4 455 16 Martene (for French Missals), see Index B.
Rennes (XV cent.; Leroquais) 11---449 16 . Schlag!, see Index A: III, 2, g, Premon- Wor~s (X c;nt.; L~roquais) ii-239,8. . Maskell (for English Missals) I-102 59,
Rhenish (XIII cent.; Rode!) II-56 70, 88 39, stratensians, above. York (ca. 1425; Simmons) I-3016, 56 1 ", 296 13 , 297 311, 298 33, 309 74, 316 3 4, 321 11,
403 21. Seckau (ca . 1170), see Index A: III, 2, b, 57 8.e, 68 144, 69 151· 163, 81u, 86t 6, 87 3 4, 326 31 439 111 · II-12U/. 51 H 561 3
Riga (XV cent.; Bruiningk) I-107tt; II- Seckau, above. 89 54, 186 33, 308.e 8, 327 3 1, 358 69, 403 16, 66 13 / 81 Sl B2 116 86 116 ' 884 9 ' 34616,
55 69 56 701· 86.e 6 197 17 327 3.e 345a -later (K&k) I-274 17, 277 6 · 9, 278 11 ·u, 438 8. 352 14: 358 5 9, 404 18, 418 78, 441 17. '
354.es 35967 4o2 18 405 36 406 38·4° , 283 41, 286 6.e, 295.eo, 312 11 , 313; 11-884°, -(1517; Maskell) 11-8734. Rad6 (for Hungarian Missals) I-103 61 ,
416 60: 419 79 . ' ' ' ' 164!4, 347 16, 351 31 · 991·, 406 38 , 418 79 . Zips (XIV cent.; Rad6) 11-5990, 65119, 107 110 273 9 274 14· 11 277 9· 10 27813
Rome: Vetus Missale Lateranense (ca. 1100; Sens (XIII cent.; Leroquais) 11-355 36 . 260.e, 398 60. 282 3 r' 2834~ 284 61 '285 66 · 6 8 , 286 86,
Ebner) I-106t.e; 11-439 11, 46114, 462 19. Siena (XII-XIII cent. ; Ebner) 11-3734 1. Zurich and Peterling Fragments (XVI cent.; 295 19, 297 1 / 303 3 / 30444.4 6, 306 6/
-M. of the Barberini Ms. 1861 (XIV cent.; Soissons (XIV cent.; Leroquais) 11-308 19• Dold) I -395 16 396 18 425 34 48518 . 11-
102 6, 238 3. ' ' ' '
310 8 < 454 89 : 455 100 ; 11-49 3$, 55 69:
Ebner) I-302n. Strengnas (1487; Freisen) 11-405 31 . 63111,116 67141 78111 97t 30931 3273"
-Missale . . . Romanae Curiae [Missale Tarragona (1499; Ferreres) II-3564 1.H. Summarized citations, listing the name of the
editor only :
352 14, 35J 16, 359 61 , 406
381.: 442 1 4: '
Romanum] (Baumstark, Ebner) I-101£., Tortosa (1524; Ferreres) I-3684 7. Smits van Waesberghe (for Netherlandish
102 561·, 135, 137; 11-70, 158, 351 6. -(XI cent.) 11-186 30. Beck (for Bavarian Missals : Regensburg, Missals) 1-297 90 ; 11-66u6, 68147, 80eo,
See also Index A: III, 3, a, Franciscan, above. Toul (XIV-XV cent.; Martene 1, 4, XXXI) Freising) 1- 128 1 2739, 11 28666 303st 86 16 , 87 31 , 93 11 .
332 59 34249. 11-4931 5247 5711 ,5883,8/
- Missale R omanum (1474-1570; Lippe, and I-278 13 281 34 2824° 283 41 286 61 Yelverton (for Swedish Missals) I-273 11,
67 141 78J.e 82 351· 84 16 86 116 87 31 35214
J , J ' ' '

others) I-102 66 248.e 6 294 15 · II-208 292 11 3iJ 14 319 16 · 11_:.56r.e 6S 130 · 13 ,' 274 17, 275 111 , 281 33, 296ee· 18, 316 9 4; n-
354 : 358; 8, 3596 1, 402 18, 4o5 36,' 406 39:
220 12, 369 1.e, 44s·F, 446£., 449i.e. ' 67u 9: 14.e 69t5t 8011 8130 '8413 87s/ 5144, 86 16, 87 31 ' 327 31, 401 1, 44911.
-Missale Romanum .. . Pii V (1570; as are- 89 50 931 1 99; 23668 3J2 64 ,358
690 438 9, 443 3.e, 444 38, 44661.
form ) 1-135£., 275, 305, 327, 345, 359, 437; 404 .e'
r , st 4
05 3s' 418 r8 ' 443 s1' 444 s8' Ebner (for Italian Missals), see Index B. b) Fmther Mass Ordos
II-50 38 , 213, 308,317,418 74,444 39,445£. 4466o, 44811, 46'1to,16, 46219. , , Ferreres (for Spanish Missals) I-10269, Alphabetum Sacerdotum (XV-XVI cent.;
St. Lambrecht (XIII-XV cent.; Kock) II- Toulon (ca . 1400; Martene) II-87 96. 129 16, 273 9, 274 16, 275 110, 2914, 29618, Legg) I-280.e 8 289 83 · 81 294 18 297119,31
314t.e, 33944, 347 16 , 356 38 . Tours (XV-XVI cent.; Martene, Leroquais)
297 , 301 18, 302 119, 303 31 , 305 53 , 30974, 304 46, 306 66,J13 14, 332,58 , 42B4 3, 446 3 0:
-(1336; Kock) 1- 130 19, 294 16, 305 66 , 1-289 87, 297 3.e, 300 11 ; 11- 56 74. 32631, 36841, 43068 ; 11-17 88 ,90, 1894, 451 6!, 11-56 74 57 76 66 131 7015 3 8191
312 7; II- 17 89, 47 117, 514 6, 6814 6, 69 161 . Troyes (XV cent.; Leroquais) 1-312 9 • 48 30, 51 H, 53 511·, 54 58, 65t.e6,ts8, 6916.e, 84 11, '86 116, 93~ 1 , 309 91 , J31 69, '3558 9:
81.e8,3t, 8J11, 8418, 8843 ,46, 89 5o,5s, 91 8, 404n, 4389/ ., 4443 3,98, 446 66.
Bayeux, Ordinarium (XIII cent.; Chevalier) Linkoping, Manuale (1493; Freisen) I-128 5; 4. Modern Times and the Present 1468, 19101, 4415, 5261, 10313, 2094.'.1,
I-4284 7, 430 56 . 11-87 31 , 327 3e, 352 14, 405 37 . 376£ 0, 384 71 .
MUnster i. W., Orditwrius II (1489; Stapper) a) Non-R oman Books
-(XIII- XIV cent.; Martene 1, 4, XXIV) Rituale Romanum 1-137 64, 308 7.'.1, 3424 9,
l-280.es, 297 3 e, 3124,326 31 , 419 3 , 441 1t7, 11-398 47. Braga, Missale (1924) 11-458 14. 363 171 36741.1 11-28 1ss 354£ 7 373 56 ,
449 53 , 450 561·; 11-61 10£, 81 es, 272 67 , Nantes, Ordinarium (1263; Martene) 11- Brixen, Manuale Sacmm (1902 ) II- 372 56. 410£6J 423e.e , 4454 7' 453 17J 463 3 / •
408 13 . 1264. -Prayerbook (1925) 1- 490 56 , 493eo.
-Rituale Sacramenlormn Romanum (1584 ;
Bee (Martene 1, 4, XXXVI ) 1- 227 106 , Rouen , Breviarium (XIII cent.; Martene 1, Constance, Hymnbook (1812; Trapp) 1- Santori) 11-372 3£.
278 15 , 282 35 , 28344, 286 66 , 289 88 , 2914, 4, XXXVII ) 1- 69 10 , 280 26 , 289 88 , 2914, 154 71 .
Breviarium Romanum 1- 135 ; II-457 10 .
297 3e, 298 35, 303 311 , 309 74, 313 14· 18 ; 11- 296t4, 297 31 , 298 33, 302£ 9, 3044 6, 309 74, Koniggratz, Hymnal (1897; Trapp) 1-162 14.
Graduale Romanum I- 159 1, 160, 324f.,
5144, 60 91, 63 tt6,It9, 70 t o3f. , 82 5o, 84 16, 310 81 , 313 14· 17, 319 161·, 441 127 ; 11-44 15 , Landshut, Hymnal (1777; Ursprung) I-154. 325 22 ,426,428, 43t 68,437 106 ,44o 1e.e,473;
164 11 4, 292 86, 330 5 1, 3404 7, 347 16 , 354u, 51 H, 61 toe, 63 tt6, 65 tso, 66 1116, 70 15s, Mainz, Cantua/ (1605; Baumker) I-147, II-28 111, 397 4 3 .
358 59 , 359 66 , 404 51 , 405 35 , 4064°, 418 78 , 82 34 84 17 86.e 7 87 51 332 65 354£ 2 440119.
M i ssale Romanum: RubricaeGenerales Missal is
443 3 e, 444 38 , 449 15, 462£ 5. 401 o' 444 38 , 446 5; 448 449 15 '462! 3 . ' -Hymnal (1787; Trapp) 1-155 7 ~. I-135, 164·1u, 205 68 , 241 4°, 2424 8, 249,
Breslau, Rituale of Henry I (XIV cent.; Sacerdotale R~manu:n (1523,; Casteilani) II- Paderborn, Memorandum-Book (1602; Brink- 259 59 369"o 3875 6,5 7 41149 448 ss. II-
Franz) 1-119 90 ; 11-371 es. 21377, 260 8. trine) 11-376. 141 16: J ' J '
37 -Hymnal (1726; Ursprung) 1-155 75 · 7B.
Bursfeld, Rituale (XV cent.; Martene) 11- Skara, Breviarium (1498; Freisen) 11-405 , 7
-Additiones et Variationes I- 140 .e, 3601,
354£8. 11
448 . Paris, Rituale (1839) 1-4484 1,492 11 . 387 68 ; 11- 450£0.
-Missal (1608; Gerbert) 11-4454°, 447 60 , Soissons, Ritualc (Martene 1, 4, XXII) I- St. Blaise, Hymnbook (1773; Trapp) 1- Missale Romanmn: Ritus Servandus in Cele-
449 15 • 7010, 324 19 , 358 54; II- 74.e 3 , 75£ 8 , 81n, 15577.
bratione Missae I-135, 140 73 , 162 13, 21119,
Chalon, Ordinarium (Martene 1, 4, XXIX) 89 54, 1234 9, 272 65 , 3974£, 408, 417 71 . Schwerin, Rituale (1521; Schonfelder) 11- 227 100 · 10 £, 229 116 , 2494°, 255, 275 2 4,
1-326 31 , 4284£, 441 1t7, 450 57 ; 11-272 66 , Tours, Rituale (XIII- XIV cent. ; Martene 1, 3711!7.
276 16 , 288 78 , 316 97 , 319 19 , 360 1, 365.€6,
291 79 . 4, XIX) I-70 10, 197 9, 324 19 ; II-3394 7. Troyes, Missale (1736) I-152. 4104 6, 412 6611., 4!3 61 , 418 86, 419 1, 444 16 ,
-Missal (15'13; Martene) 1-289 89 . Vienne, Ordinarium (Martene 1, 4, XXX) 1- 446 30 456 1· ll--85 .es 106 33 131 £ 1 138 47
Coutances, Ordinarimn (XVI cent.; Legg) 1979, 313 18 . b) Roman Books 140 1 ; 141/6 142 25 '205 11 1 '213 77 , 3284/
1-278 15, 289 83 · 90, 294 17 , 296£4, 3044 9, c) P ontificals Pot~tificale Romanum I-29 5, 62, 95, 198, 254, 3294 6: 350 3 ;, 352 9,· 373 :'17.· 3974< 411 s<
305 50 , 346 70 , 362 10, 370 53 , 446 30 , 447 34; Castellani (1520; Martene) 1-494! 5. 268 321 e 441 I.e 6 459.ee. II-12 6 £/. 13 67 414 60 , 4454 7, 4604.
11- 5674, 577 6, 62105, 66157, 8151, 86£7, Durandus (Andrieu, Martene [1, 4, XXIII]) 75 30 18S 205 16 262i 6 303" 5 '309 5; -De Defectibus I-227 100, 2494°.
90 1 93£ 1 213 71 2694 9 273 73 291 81 1-69 10 , 242• 6, 269, 270 39 , 271 45 , 274 19 , 373 39 3869 5 38796 391 1; 1 414 60 ' Rites, Congregation of, Decreta A uthentica
, ' ' ' .
309,51, 326e 9, 33051 , 404$ 7, 4389, 444 58 : 278 11 , 290 95 , 296.1! 8, 307 63 , 3574 6, 371 591 ·, Cceremoniale Episcoporu.m (1600) 1-69 10 , 1--134 37 1391· 149 43 155 78 238$ 7 302 28
4454 6, 446 50 , 462 £3. 388 61 , 389 66 · 69 , 415 70 , 494£ 3 ; II-57 75 , 123 11 5 197 8 200 19 203 238 17 2414° 317 1 36J 171 3B0 26 .!1o• 6 474· 11:_11 56 '
Essen, Liber Ordinarius (XIV cent.; Arens) 65, 69 16 e, sot•, 81 se, gg4t, 205 16 , 215 86 , 270 39 '274 1/ 289 84' 3126 364 2; 412 6/ 17 9 e'sass 72 11 ?sst 76 12J 51 131 2 /
1-204 56 ; 11-15 74, 18 94, 61 100 , 213 78 . 295 13 , 296 16 · 19 , 303 55 , 324 17 , 4177t, 415 70 , 416 4t9 91 4so 5 4·~ 0 460~e 461, 137 4:,. 141 i 7 1ss 47 ts9 48, 214ss' 211 99'
Exeter, Ordinate (1337; Dalton) I-4284 5.
494 · II--44 15 8016 131 211 137 44 l40 1/ 751 961
365 3 / 371 3 / 372 3 /
Fontevrauld, Ordinarium (1115; de Moleon)
4435o, 45715.
Noyon (XV cent.; Leroquais) I-451 6£, 44811~ , J J
324 1/ 3284 1 J29 4t4 51 418 76 '443eo'
' '
2564/ 273
382 <
6 110
450 : 458
1 459 1 9 f·.
Codex Juris Canonicis 1- 122 11 3 , 203 54,

1-307. 456 1; 11-19 100, 309 51 .

Gregorienrniinster (XIV-XV cent.; Martene Roman Pontifical of Piccolomini (1485; de Die feierliche Pa.pstmesse (Brinktrine) 1- 215 £11 231 1 ~ 3 233 128 236 13 2504 6 258 35
1 4 XXXII) 1-274 15 277 10 278 13 Puniet) 11-59 95 . 6910, 74.e 6, 200 30 , 311 .t, 407t4, 4441£; II- 27s.t< II-41,64, 387,' 423£< 463 3 ~ '
2;334°, 2844 9, 286 61 , 28774, 307 60 , 311 3 < d) Mass Interpretations
312 11 , 388 6.e; 11-50 37, 67 1 4°· 1 •e, st.e 7,
83 8 87 31 99 5 295 13 349£ 7 3564£ 358 59 Andechs (XV cent.; Franz) 1-116 76 .
404~ 1 • 3 ", 4ts 79, 461 14. '
40s ' ' Augsburg, "M esse singen oder Lesen" (1480;
B. Names, Things, Formulas
See also Index A: III, 2, b, Gregorienmiinster, Franz) 1-143 14, 296 2 8 , 302 16 , 307 ,
above. 308 711 , 313u, 332 59 ; II-50 41 , 65ts , Aachen, I-63 15, 416 76 , 4708°. of the hands, Il- 416ff.; of the mouth; II-
"lndutus Planeta" (1507; Legg) 1-412 56, t57, 67 140, 69 15e, 70 tso, 82s5, 97t, Abbatial Mass, 1-199, 2024 5 , 215 21 ; II-
66 41lff.; 415, 417; of the wine, 11-384,385 81,
441 127 , 455 101 ; 11-292 84, 349 110, 351 5, 418 79 447 60 448 11 449 15 . 29513. 412ff., 416, 454 20; in the Orient, II-419.
443~£. Graz, Cod. 730' (ca. 1300;
Franz) I-108 28 · Abel, 1-52, 56 e 6 ; Il-228ff. Ab occttltis, I-310 79.
Laon, Ordinarium (XIII-XIV cent.; Martene Lay Folks' Mass Book (Simmons) , see Index A b eo sit benedicta de, 11- 65. Abraham, Il- 228ff.
1, 4, XX) 1-326 31, 357 50 , 358 54, 450 57 ; B. Abercius, Inscription of, 11-3846. Absolutio ad tmnbam., 1- 306 58.
11-60 100, 81 n, 140 13, 291 83 , 308.e 5, Melk (1336; Franz) II-89 58 , 239. Ab illo benedicatur, cuius, 11-65. Absolution, 1- 19 56 ; 1- 300, 305ff., 493;
417 71 ; (idem, XXI) 1-197 9, 312 4, 358 54 ; Stuttgart (XV cent.; Franz) I-115 Ablution, 1- 854 9, 100, 119; II-41lff.; of General, 1-300, 306ff., 492ff.; Sacramenta l,
II-296 19. 117 8.!1; Il-16 78 , 176 55 , 214 8! . the chalice, 1- 228; of the fingers, 11-382; 1- 300, 305, 493.
478 INDEX INDEX 47 9

A bsolutionem, I -300. Adoration, I-143; Il-115f., 139 8 • ment, see Index A: III, 1, a; Vita Alcuini, versus populm n, I- 72, 153, 255ff.; vesting
Abuse, I-120£., 129, 134, 214, 218, 235; see Adoremus crucis, II-418 78. 11- 1234 8. at, I- 270, 288f., 294.
also, A bums M issae. Adoro te devote, II-215. Aldhelm, 11- 255-'4. Altarcloths, 11-53 511.
Abusus Missae, I-133, 359 6 4; II-30 16, Adoro te Domine Jesu Christe, II-214 81, Alexander, St., 11-254£. Altar curtains, II-14011.
100 9 ; see also Abuse. 347 18• Alexander I, II-119. Altar pictures, I-256ff.
Accedite ad eum, II-392. Ad repetendum, I-325f.; II-395. Alexander II, 1-223. Altar pieces, permanent, I-109 37.
Accendat in nobis, II-72. Adscripta, 11-188. Alexander VII, I-143, 14941. Altar steps, I-270.
Accendite!, I-68. Adsit nobis, I-297.e 9 , 310 81 . Alexander of Hales, 1-114, 453 77 ; II-1786, Altars, side, I-217, 222£., 301.
Accentus, I-377, 409 35 ; II-108, 289. Aelfric, II-408. 214 81 . Altaria septem ex argenta pztrissimo 11-
Accepit panem, I-116 75 , 120; II-198, Aetheria, Peregrit1atio, see Index A: I. Alexandria, I-33f., 50 1, 443 6, 457; see also 8.
202fi., 205 16 . African liturgy, 1-44; II-6, 27; see also Egypt. Altaris participatio, II-235f., 260.
Acceptabile sit omnipotenti, II-17 89, 56 71 , Augustine, Optatus, Roetzer. Alexandrian Codex, of the New Testament, "Altarists'l ("altar-thanes"), I -13oeo,
99 5 • Agape, 1-2, 13 ff., 18. I-347, 349. 231u 6.
Acceptance of sacrificial gifts, plea for, II- Agatha, St., ll- 254f., 260. Alfonso Padre I-264 10 335 1 " 373 5 485 16 · Amalar, I-75, 834-', 86 55, 87ff., 11569,
150, 170, 188 7, 227£. Agenda, agere agendam, 1-173. n-13z.e 5 , 26J 11 4. • • • • 198 14 2014° 216 1161 2194 8 236f 247 u ,
Acceptum sit omnipotenti, II-54, 54 63, Agere agendam, 1-173. Allegorical interpretations of the Mass, I- 249 39, 266 °269 30 2714 1 , 278 1/ 279 16
5561. 'A-y•arrJJ.6r, I-171. 86ff., 108ff., 177, 244; beginnings, 86ff.; 298 11 '318 '333 611 J41 34-i 3564; 357 so'
Access, see Prmparatio ad miss am. Agimus tibi gratias, II-404. crisis, 113ff.; decline, 144f., 154; kinds, 88, 358 56 36o4 36Z 1-' '364.e't 385' 386 50,
Accipe, quaesmnus Domine, II-58 8 4. Agimus tibi Patri gratias, 11-346 15 . 91, 110ff., 115; special meanings, 409, 412ff., 4104.,' 41148 414 68 417 '4274e 4284 5 ,
Accipiat Dominus sacrificium, I-834 1. ''A-y•or o8<6r, 1-43, 47, 264; 11-129 8. 419 3, 446 119 ; 11-144 8, 55 69 , 61 105 , 139-', 430 6 / 432 7 4' 433 76 .7r 435 436;, 442 2 ,
Acclamations, I-124, 236ff., 339, 365f., Agnes, St., II- 253ff., 353, 406. 247, 258, 445 . 447-'4, 4484~.44 4516 5 452 74 '453 8 /
389£., 420; II-111, 128. Agnus Dei, as Communion hymn, 1-84; Allegorism of the Bible, 1-39719. 471 611~ II-7 17 8 26e' 30 1111 J7 38 43,
Achelis, H., 1-460 34. II-332ff., 336 110, 337f., 340, 397; as Alleluia, 1-8, 13 119, 340, 421ff., 431 67, 435, 48 31 S3 56 61 105 64us 71 73 7s 1 1 so.e o'

Acolytes, I-67f., 70£., 197 9, 203 55, 204 56, Eucharistic devotion, II-335 f.; as fraction 437, 439, 441; II-393; and Easter, 1-425, 83 S4 16 '87" 11 '91 7 964° c)74e '1o3u'

209f 1 444 449 50 479 115 · II-8 35 9 chant, 11-333, 337£.; delegated to the 429; Jubilus, 1-436, 438. 11z 16 1i5-' 1 i29 9 '142e" • 221 st' 248 6;
303ff ., 321-'4 , 3294 5 ' 3304 6, 337.e6,ta'' schola, II-337; dona eis requiem, II-339; Alleluia chant, I-65, 71, 89, 125, 425ff., 2584 7: 53 · 259 5 4· 55 ' 260 3 ' 266 3 5 1 2674 /
383, 414 50, 415 54, 417 71 , 439, 460; as the dona nobis pacem, 11-332, 339; end of the 433ff., 434 8 .e; alleluia psalms 1- 13 119, 422, 289 6 4 303 11 3os 11' 307 1 9 31o-'i 311H'
bearer of the Eucharist, II-303ff., 312, canon, II-347 18 ; in the Gloria, 1-353 f.; 424 111 ; alleluia verse II-330£., 429£., 434ff. 314 16: 18 31,5 2 " 316 116 31B 5 5 1 320 3204 7 ,
.'!24 17, 386 95 . interpolate, Il-339; 393 11 , 3984 7; miserere, Allo, E. B., I-14 55 •36 . 327 36 3J7 119 343 11 349 31 383 6/ 396 3 4,
Acta Saturnini, I-172u, 173 33 . 11-3371!.; musical setting, 1-125, 147, Alms and offertory gifts, II-2ff., 855 • 429, #54 8 • ' ' ' ' '

Acta Thomae, 1-25 19, 169 3. 155; of the litany, 1-341; repeated three "Alphahetum Sacerdotum," see Index A: III, Amand, St., Ordo, see Index A: III, 2, d;
Actio, 1-172; II-102, 178. times, 11-338; said by the priest, II-336£.; 3, b. Sacramentary, II-121 3 4, 330 54.
Actio sacrificii, II-102. song at the Pax, 1-84; 11-337, 339; sung Alphonsus Liguori, St., II-463-'". Ambo, I-70, 77, 108, 412, 415, 416 76, 418,
Actiones nostras, I-310 81 ; II-449 15, 461. by the clergy and people, 11-335£.; while Altar, I-67, 70ff., 150; and the beginning of 432, 433 79 , 451, 460.
Active participation, see People. holding sacred particle, II-320, 335; the Mass, I-291; 11-450; and the Gospel Ambrose, St. I-47, 52, 53u, 174-' 8, 2084,
Acts of the Apostles, 1-10, 174 6 , 22 3; as wording, 11-338. book, I-444; II-451; and the people, II- 214, 239.e 9, 248, 293, 475; II-6 110, 59 9 5 ,
reading, 1-3941!., 398, 405 10• Agobard of Lyons, 1-215 17. 166; as table of oblation, I-178, 186-' 6; 126 64, 1821!1, 187, 1884, 189, 190 19, 197,
A wnctis, I-139. 'AKpoW!J.fVO,, 1-476 1 1. II- 226ff.; center of, I-99, 333, 346£., 199 116 2014° 203 9 220 225 38 ·4° 226.e
Adam, K ., I-19 56 , 39 19 , 383" 8 • Alamo, M. del, II-273 7( 357, 364, 370; II-421, 438; development of 229 13, 23o.e'o 23'1 2J1 117 • 30 '277 1·1/
Adam of St. Victor, 1-437. Alanus ab Insulis, I-119 96. form , 109, 150, 254ff.; Heavenly Altar of sac- 280 16 : 17 281 e'o 283; 9 316 117 360 6 361 8,
Adamsky, R., II-23t.e 6. Alb, 1-68, 276, 282. rifice, 11- 226, 231ff., 236, kissing of, I-79, 383 5 4, J88 10 -', '392 9 , 44o 5; Missal: Am~
Ad complendum, II-421. Albae puerorum, I-231 u.s. 107, 267, 294 16, 311ff., 362, 363 17, 365!16, brosianum, see Index A: II, 9; Oratio S.
Adiutorimn nostru.m, 1-295, 296 18, 306 61 , Albers, Br., 1-99" 9 ; see also Cluny, Index 450 59, 455 101 , 465 17 ; 11-79 16, 142, 236£., Atnbrosii, I-275.
307 65 , 308, 309 7 4, 332; II-444. A: III, 2, f. 272 66, 326£., 330 5 0 , 437ff., 446; incensing of, Ambrosiaster, I-504, 2194 9 ; II-429 16.
Aditwate me,jratres, 11-83 11 , 85, 921.!. Albertus Magnus, 1-109-'.e, 113ff., 182 17, I-317ff.; 11- 75£.; "road altar," I-256; Amen, I-18f., 236, 237U,ll4, 384; II-111 8,
Admonitio Synodalis, see Index A: III, 2, e. 4494 8 ;11-326.e 9,396-' 8. II- 75 118, 375 ; separation, I-40, 83£., 143£., 223, 237, 288 57· 61 , 290, 291 811 , 296, 384,
Admont, 11-292 87, 403 11 4; Missal, see Albrecht IV (1557), II-371 110• 255£.; side-altars, I-217, 222£., 301; singing 428£., 439; after the canon, I- 23 ; II- 106,
Index A: III, 3, a . Alcuin, 1-76, 79 115 , 83f., 87, 197 7, 212u, at, I - 377ff., 409; II-107f., 289; space at 179, 273£.; after the commingling, II-
Ad multos annos, I - 365.e 7, 390 70. 220f., 469; 11- 33 13, 117 11 , 120, 167, 220u, and the people (communion) II-374£.; 319 41; after the lesson, I-420, 447 36,
Adoramus sanctum corpus tuum, II-335 16 . 238.e, 244, 290, 2951!1, 363!1 1 , 368 5, 412; (offertory) 11-Sff., 19, 23 1116 ; symbolism 451 611 ; at the communion, II- 3814 9 ,
Adoramus te, Christe, 1-98 311, 313. Comes, 1- 64, 2194 8 , 401 38 • 39 ; Supple- of, I - 87; veneration, see kissing of altar; 388£., 389 11 4; at the consecration, II-204;
in t he canon, I - 152 ; II- 179 ; K yrie eleison, Anselm, St ., I - 98 56, 108.e 3 ; II- 346 16 Arens, F ., see E ssen, I ndex A: III, 3, b. Augustinians, I - 101 54; A., Discalced I -
I- 366 9 6 , 3844.e. Anselm of Laon, l - 11 8; II- 36810. Arezzo, II- 24649 • 50; confessional guide of, 206re; see also I ndex A: III, 2, g.
Amendment, promise of, I- 18. Ante conspectum, I - 291 3 , 299. I- 306 59 ; Sacramentary, II-326.e 7 . Aurelian of Aries, I-340; II- 163 17 , 3931 6.
Ame rica, Central II-139 8· North II- Antependia, I-257. Arian fragments, II-125 57 , 132 u, 149. Aurelian of Reaume, II-1301° .
261 59 ,140. ' ' Ante tuae immensitatis, I-7 8 11. Arianism, I - 38, 328£., 355 38 , 380 116 , 381 Sf; A ures ad Dominum, II-113 .et .
Amice, I- 68, 276, 278£. , 281£. Anti-Arianism, I-38£., 48, SOd., 302 u , 322, II-362; see also Anti-Arianism. Ames tuas, I - 274 14.
Amiens, II-245 45.49; Missal II- 291 80 380 .e 6, 464, 467 .t 5 , 471£. ; II- 362; see also
Arians, II- 382 60 . Austria, II- 158, 386; see also Salzburg,
355 95 ; Sacramentary, see Index A: III, 2, a.' Arianism. Aristides, I-24 11 . Seckau, etc.
Amort , E. , II-374 6. Antidoron II--45 19, 452£. Aristotle, I- 113. Auxentius, I--46.
Amrhein, A. , I- 14755. Antimensim n, I-253£. Aries, I- 92, 389 66 ; II-317 30 . Auxerre, II- 187 59, 293 93.
"Amt" (service), I- 172 ; see also Missa Antioch, I-33£. , 37, 46, 594 1, 322, 328, 398; Armenian liturgy, I--42; see also Index A: Avedighian, G., II-287 5.e.
Cantata. see also West Syrian Liturgy, Index A: A ve in aeternum, II -352.
II, 5.
A mulae, II-7 116. II, 2. Arms, Extension of the, I-101 , 107; II- A ve in aevum, II- 352.
'A va(3'A<if;as, II-198. Antiphon I-321ff., 328£.; antiphonal song 141£., 211£., 220£., 236 55 ; see also Prayer, A ve Maria, I-29750, 298 35 , 307 63 , 313 15 ,
'Avao• i~ a s, II -198, 202 1. I-321ff., 328f.; II-393ff. ; repetition I - 461, 488£., 48844, 492, 493 18; II-171 13,
posture during.
'A va-yvwO'T'JS, I--410 4-t. 323ff.; II-393ff.; " three antiphons" I- Arnobius, The Younger, II-221 11 . 457 10.
'Avaip.aKTos, II-225 5 7 • 263. Arnold A I-7 1 8 6 10 16 13 17- 18 14 36 A ve principium, II- 215.
Anamnesis, I-16, 29, 36, 48; II-121' 4, Antiphonal, I-65, 105; see also Index A: 25 16, Z6 .e·t, 31 14,,40/1; II--4 9 , 197 1B. ' A ve salus mtm di, II-215, 347 16 .
21 8ff. ; and the congregation, II-222; death III, 1, c. Arras, I-92 8.e, II-12 61 , 401 8. A ve sanctum E vangeliu m, I-312 9.
and resurrection, II- 219ff.; Oriental, II- Antoninus, St., I-250H. Art and liturgy of the Mass, I-2f., 156£. A ve sanguis Christi, II -352 14.
221ff.; parallel forms , I--474· II-116 302 · Aperi Domine, I-291 1 ; II--48 30, 1395. Asceticism, I-192£. A ve verba, I--451.
real, II- 21 8ff.; Roman, II-,117 11 , 2ZO. ' Aphraates, II- 379 35. A sperges me, I-270, 272, 277; II--452. A ve verum corpus, II-215£., 347 16•
Anaphora, I-31 15, 32 17 , 41£., 84, 171; II- Aphthartodocetae, II- 30041. A spersio, II-76-'4. Avignon, II--46117 .
11 7£. Apocalypse, I-16, 18 53 . Assit nobis, II-348 11 4. A vinculis peccatorum, I-315 31 .
Anastasia, St., II- 120.e 6 , 254£., 285. Apologire, I-18 56, 78£., 93£., 106, 272, 274, A subitanea, II--444"8. Avitus of Vienne, I - 173 37 , 434 14.
Anchori tes, II-20114 . 291, 298, 315, 325 110, 3574 9, 442 ; II-5J58, Atchley, E. C. G. F., I-67 1, 68 7 , 69 8, 299 10, Axial type architecture, I-256.
Andechs, I- 116 76. 58 8 4, 92, 98, 129 9 , 139, 214, 246. 317 2 , 318 10 ; II-71 8, 73 .eo, 140 13 , 2094 6. "A~ws, II - 111.
Andrew, St., II-120 u, 174f., 285£., 2854 1 ; 'A'If"OAUf0'0f, I--477 ; II--433 1. Athanasius, I - 181 11 , 207.e, 347 7 , 422 7 ; II- "Arvp.a, I-85; II-33f., 3004.e ; see Bread.
P assio Andreae, I- 18111. 'A7r0</><>P7JTC>V, I - 13f 9• 38045.
Andrew of Crete, I--424f 1. Apostles! I-9ff., 19; Canones Apostolorum, Athenagoras, I- 24IB. Babylonia, I- 14 3 .e.
An drieu M . I- 66 37 86 55 92 80 931 951 8 II-10°-t; Doctrina A postolorum, I- 245 3; Atkinson, R ., I-170 10 . Bags, linen, I-73; II-304.
96 116, '101 ~ 0 , 231 125, 459.ee; ' II~54 6 .e: Epistola A postolomm, I- 15 59 ; in the Baldwin of Flanders, II-368 10 .
Attention of congregation, arousing, I -
200 33, 238 7 , 239 9, 2464 9, 309 53, 313 10, 11 , Canon, II-174£., 251ff. 405ff.; see also Deacon. Ball, H., I-3-t.
314 te 315·H 316117 326.e4 38365 ,66,89 ,70 Apostles' creed, I--463!1. , 472; II-193-' 5, Attwater, D ., I--407 ·es. Balthasar, H . U. von, I-394 5.
384 71 : 76 , 389 11 7, 391te 4; ; ee also Index A; 199.t 6, 215 87 , see also Creed. Audemus dicere, I - 52 ; II-282. Balthasar of Pforta, I-1157t; II-70 15 5 ,
III, 2, c; III, 3, c. A postolica lectio sit, I --4051 1. A uf er a nobis, I - 62, 94,94 11 ,289,292, 308f., 147 45 236 5$ 237 56 325$$ 351 5 448 11
Andrieu-Collomp, II- 2511 9. Apostolic Constitutions, I - 2061. 31081. Baluzi~s, St., I-3907°. ' ' .
Andrieux, L., II-385 81, 414 47 • Apostolic history in the lessons, see Acts of Augsburg, I - 594 1; see also Synods, below; Bangor, II-352 9; Antiphonary, see Index A:
'Av•vo•~ s, I - 22 6 4. the Apos tles as reading. II, 8; see also Maskell, Index A: III, 3, a.
Missals, Index A: III, 3, a; "Messe singen
Angel in Supplices, I-56e5; II-231f. Application, I - 205; II-25; pro populo I- oder Lesen," Index A : III, 3, d. Bannister, H. M ., I-3414 7, 344 61, 345 63 ,
Angels, Choirs of, I-56f 6 ; II-127£. 222 . Augustine, St., I-17 44, 44 11 ,60 1 , 114, 129 13, 358 59 , 359 64, 436 94· 95 ; II-130 16, 134s 8,
An gers, II-13, 46.t 0, 121 54, 402 1 6 . Appropinquet, I-273 9, 274 17. 170, 18111 , 189411 , 19045, 191 51, 2134, 337 27, 338 57, 340 50, 396 35, 43657; see also
Angouleme Sacramentary, see Index A: III, Apuleius, II--434 17 . 214, 219, 236, 247, 251, 262, 303, 361 7 , Blume.
1, a . Aquileia I--480 35 · II- 9 36 · Missal, I- 364 19 373 383 58 394 1 407 £$ 409 423 Baptism, II-242£., 282.e 6,.e 7, 290 74, 447;
Anima Christi , II- 215 9e, 34718. 3501 5; II-355 55. ' ' 426 430 80 ' 434 8.e '447s.t' 457 4S9 1n,$ 5 ,u' Communion, II-385, 41347 ; M ass for per-
Animae omnium (Et), II--446 60. Arabian Testamentum Domini, see Index A: I. 475,1 480 491 .e. II-3 8 6 10~ 1 27 621 os' sons to be baptized, II-180, 181 7 • 8 , 183,
Anniversary II-1818 183 14· see also Arabic, I--407, II--456. 102 5: HOff., i44-' 4, '16i 9 , 172, ' 204 1 s: 185.e 6; rite, I- 15 57 .
Requiem Mass. ' ' Arbesmann, R ., II-366 54. 223 29, 2291S, 240£., 249 5, 269 50 , 273 18 , Baptismal water, blessing of, II- 107 4t, 191.
Announcements I-73, 235, 490£.; Branden- Archdeacon, I- 71ff. ; II-7, 53, 267, 304, 277, 280 16, 283£., 288, 321 1, 360", 366 35, Barbel, J., II-233 4° .
burg, I--489 5.e, 491 5, 492 9 ; Regensburg, 333, 344, 415 55 . 37 5, 378, 379 55, 388, 392, 394, 419£., Barberini Mss. , I- 302 11 7 •
I--490 u , 492 9, 493 18 . Arens, A., I--438107.
447. Barcelona, II-88 46 , 89 5 0 , 331 5 9.
Benedict of Aniane, II- 20. 270 66 , 272 68 , 275 1, 2864 6, 306 11 , 308.e4,
Bardenhewer, 0., I-51 7, 456 6 . Bee, see Index A: III, 3, b.
Benedict the Levite, I-380.e 11 ; II-94-', 309 5.e 31040-4.e 314 18 318 56 326 117 332 65
Bardy, G., I- 31 16, SO( Bechofen, J.; I-115 7.e, 116 76; II- 329 4-', 336 1 / 347 19 J84 75 ,396 3 4' 399 56 401 /
20 11 3, 440 9.
Barefooted communicants, II-377. 348.e6, 405 36, 448, 44811. 41o.e / 429/7 432's .e 43s .e 8 •.e 9 ' 438/
Benedicta fi lia tu, II-404 3 1, 406, 4064 1.
Barin, A., I-237 115 • Beck, A., see Freising, Index A: III, 3, a. 445 48:460 6,46t t.e,J4,462 .e 6. , '
Benedictines, 1-95; II-442; Consuetudines,
Barnabas, Epistle of, I-26.u. Beckmann,]., I-389 66 .
see Index A: III, 2, f.; see also Cluny, Beroldus, I--406 15 ; II-22t.es.
Baroque, I-141ff. Bede, Venerable, I-248.e 8; II- 33 1", 180 3,
Monte Cassino, etc. Bers, II--458 15 .
Bartmann, N., I-185 3.e. 363.!1°, 379 33 .
Benedictio Dei (omnipotentis) Patris, I-454; Berthold of Chiemsee, I- 131.ee,
Basilica, I-68, 253ff., 414fi. Beer, G., II-3846.
II-66 137, 69 16 .e, 296 16 , 441 16, 444, II-2084° 215 85 260 3 296 110
Basilicarii, I-473 69; II- 129 6. Begards, II-210 66 • 444.'18_ 406-' 8 . ' ' ' '
Basil the Great, St., I-38£., 213; II- 360 3, Beginning of the Mass, I-368.
Benedictione coelesti, II-443 3.e. Berthold of Regensburg, I-116 75 , 119 9 0 ,
366 36 , 388 108 ; Canones Basilii, see Index Beguines, II- 210 66 , 365-' 1.
Bmedictiones episcopates, II- 294 7, 295. 252 67 343 64 369 51 472 67 · II-143 311
A: I; Liturgy of St. Basil, see Index A: II, 4. Behm,]., I-1884 1.
Benedictiones super populmn, II- 342, 432 31 . 212 69 : 215 86 , '364.e 9. ' ' '
Batiffol, P., I-so.e, 53 11 , 67 1, 69 8, 70u, Beil, A., II-3014 6, 332 66 .
Benedictionis et consecrationis angelus, II- Berulle, P . de, I-143, 185 3-'.
101 60 , 144 14, 170 13, 172t4 .SO, 207 1, Beissel, S., I-67 1, 320 1, 398.e 3,.e7, 65a7_ Besan ~on, II-54 63, 455eo.
219 49 322 9 338.e 8 360.e 396 16 449 61 40140 402 60 403 61,6t 41570
Betsingmesse ("Pray and sing Mass"), I-
457 1 II-42-', s14.e, 61i 0 4, 70/64, 718: 449 60'; II-7.e6,.e 9, 229 17,,3804 6 . ' Benedictus, (Luke 1 :68- 79) I-47.
Benedictus Detts in, I- 19 60 . 163£.
90 6, 93 17 , 94.e 7, 99 6 ·7, 102 6, 148 6, 151 19, Beleth, J., I-109 30 · 36 , 115 69 , 269 31 , 28877,
Benedictus qui venit, I- 447; II-132!6, Beuron, I-159.
155 17 157 36 1684 8 .4 9 170 3 184.e.e 189 13 303 30 , 326 30 , 387 64· 66 , 4114 6, 417 78 , 419.e,
136ff., 216 97 ; meaning, 136; origin, 136; Biasca, II-157 36, 200 35 , 303 1.
228 10: 234£.', 239a, '255 36, 277 3', 303.1!: 447 36 4484 6 453 77 454 86 470 5 4· II-
1156 ' 14 69,70 189/ 22 ao' 85 19 ' 87 s5 Be'4edictus and Sanctus, 137. Biberach, II-16 77 , 18 94, 251-'4_
307.e~ 312 3 ·~ 3814~ 436 3 ~
Baudot,]., II-1366. <
89 5 1384 8, l65 31 , ,290 73 , ,292 85 ,' 325 23:
Benedictus qui venit ... Deus Dominus, I -
Bible lesson, I-263, 474.
Bickell, G., I-7 1, 124u 1 , 132.e 8.
Bauernfeind, 0., I-10 18 . 326t 9, 327 36 , 3394 5-4 6, 4134 1, 436 36,
Beneventum, I-416 76, 47050. Biehl L I-69 7 221 67 389 66 390 71 443 9 •
Bauerreiss, R., I-11780. 454.e 1. II-'15-j'.H . ' ' ' ' '
Berachah, I-11.e4, 19ff.; II-116.
Baumgartler,]., II-38581 . Belgium, I-161, 163 17 ; II- 231.!!6.
Berachoth, I-154°, 186.e. Biel, Gabr., II-211 68 , 215 86 , 291 8 4, 309 33,
Baumker W I-126IB 7 147 3.I!,S6,.'1 6 15574 Bell, II-131; signal, I-228 109, 230 10, 439,
Beran, ]., II-2864 6. 35644, 404 31 , 406 38 -4 1, 418.
440 u9 ,i.eo."i.ei, 461 H, 47267. ' ' 443 6; II-131u, 207 30,209£., 217, 273.
Berengarius of Tours, 1-119. Billinger, G., I-247 18 ; II-366 38 .
Baumstark A I-13t7-.e 8 19 61 22 1 3010 Bellarmine, Robert, St., 1-185 31 , 187-'8,
31 H 354 '36; 40.e 6 sot-s 51 6 'ssu' s6.ea' Berg, K., II-3 6. Billerbeck, P., see Strack-Billerbeck.
' ' , ' , , , ' 379.e4; II-227 6.
Bergamo, II-47.e8. Billet, L., I-185 31 .
594 1, 604t, 62 8, 63 16 , 64t4, 74f4 ,B7, 928 3, Benches, church, I-242, 468.
60 66 7 66 71 Bergner, H., I--461 38 . Bination, I-139.
101 102 104.e 105 137 140 Benedicamus Domino, I-361; II-435£.
Beringer, F., I-492 10 ; II--45818. Binet, E., II--463 3-'.
111 16: 213 7,.221 63: 263< 323 1S: 32s.e< Benedicat nos Deus, II-4064°; see II-444 36 .
Berlendis, F. de, I-197 7; II-24 13 t, 36"-'. Binterim, A. J., I-276.e 7; II-1584 8, 20141;
3294 3,334 6,335 13,3474, 35014,373 1, 3746, Benedicat nos (or vos) divina maiestas, II-
Berliere, U., I-96 14, 98 83 , 99 39 , 199 18, see also Cologne Ordo, Index A: III, 3, a.
377 10 , 381.e 8, 393 10,394 3, 395 6 · 8 , 399.e9,u, 4433.e, 444 36 .
402 48, 424.e.e,-n,.e8, 438106, 4437, 8, 44519, 217 31 . Biretta, I-287.
Benedicat nos (or vos) Dominus, II-439, 444.
Bernard, St., I-118, 125, 301; Index A: Birthday, II-181 8.
457 7 458 13 4684 3 476 7 477 13 481 7·8,9 Benedicat (nos) et custodial, II-444.
Bishop, I-13.e 9; administering Communion,
482 15, 483 1 ~, 484.e6; II~s 16 , 11't 6, 113.eo:
Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, II-
Bernard de Parentinis, I-114, 128 7; II- II- 324 17 ; as celebrant, I-195ff.; as the
118 19 , 126 611, 132.e 6, 148 6, 150 16, 152", 444. 4489. preacher, I-457ff.; blessing, II--439£.,
17Jl 8, 18S.e4, 188 8, 192.e 8, 193 30, 228 11 ; Benedic (Domine) et, II-262 16, 263.
Bernard of Waging, I- 98 36, 115 71, 33269; 443f., (see also Pontifical blessing, Gallican);
230 19 2454 6 248 1·.e 249 6 253.e 6 254.1! 9 Benedicite!, I-309 76 ; II- 651t 7. IJ-60 98, 67140, 8 5 19. Caeremoniale Episcopomm, see Index A:
255 37 :38 26/57 278/o 282.e4 294; 297.er' Benedicite omnia, II-459ff.
Berning, W., 1-8 5. III--4, 6; consecration of, II-13, 181 7·8,
322 6 3:33 7 345 6 3S7 60 38477 '38798, Benedicite sacerdotes, II-462.
Berno of Reichenau, I-356H, 470 50 . 182 10 · 15 , 184.e 0 , 185u, 376; fermentmn,
388/04, 394 19, '428 7, 43o.e 1,.es, 452 8, Benedict, St.: Rule of, I-204 59, 216, 337,
Bernold of Constance I-103 137 55 205 67 II-312£.; named in canon, II-153, 155
453J.e,t4, 456 3, 461u; see also Gregorianum, 4014 2, 421, 447 36 ; II-12 63 , 284 36, 287 60 ,
Index A: III, 1a; Testamentum Domini, 412 442t4. life II-32 2 3414 381 51
226 911 237 2 4 24i.el1 24s
84 z73
8· 1./ (see also Pontifical service); orations, I-
390,118. ' ' ' ' ' 292 10: 294 18, '3o1u, 304 38, 30S 5 4, 3574 6: 3746; reads the Gospel, I-443.
Index A: 1. Bishop E I-39 18 40.e.e,.es 76 10 334 8
361~ 365.e~ 3684~ 380 11 ~ 386 5 ~ 387 6 ~
Bavaria II-13 66 141.1! 21116 Benedict VIII, I-470.
411 46 , 414 66 , 415, 453 75 , 470 51 ; II- 3424/, 374 6'- II--4/o ' 105 21 '' 1ss.ed, 159 3,,
Bayeux,' II-356 39, 41Z-' 8; Ordinarium, see Benedict XIII, I-155 78 , 439, 492 10.
17 86, 47 17, 48 31 , 49-'t, 50 39, 56 71 , 61 105 , 1604-6 162 15 190 17 191 116 238 7 240 13
Index A: III, 3, b. Benedict XIV I-151 61 196 6 205 68 215.e 8 279 11 '334 9 343 11 4ioe.e 4is.e 6 '
64 1111 , 71 5, 123 50, 143 30, 157 31 , 161 11 , . '
Beata viscera, (Et), II-457ts. 232u 7, 2504 6, 492 10'; II-...:_166-' 6: 227 6: ' ' ' ,
165 31 , 16744, 176 35 , 18631 , 194 3·8, 205 19, Bishop, W. C., I-50 1.
Beauvais, Litany of; II-435.1!4; Missal, 1- 230t.e, 3804 3.
214, 220 16 , 221.u, 2454 7, 248 64, 259 5 4, Blaise, St., I-155 77 •
28461; II-87 37. Benedict XV, I-166.e 7, 167 3 1; II-450.
"Blessed be God ," II-459. Bonitus of Clermont, 11- 416. Breaking of the Bread in the Mass, I-48, 146, 206- 216 (passim) , 275.e, 291 8, 293 94,
Blessin g, I- 34, 91, 174, 239, 454; 11-78, Bonizo of Sutri, I-197 9 , 389 66 ·69 ; II- 72f., 84, 90; 11-202£., 294, 298, 303ff., 338; 302 53 , 324 15, 325 .e 1, 356 41 , 360-378
150, 294f., 420; after Communion, II- 641£ 5, 80 110, 158 98 , 289 68 , 2951£. as symbol, ll-300ff., 310, 318, 334; before (passim), 381 51 , 385ff.; 386 66 , 389 116,
410; after the fore-Mass, I-476£., 494; at Book of Common Prayer, I-141 "· the A gnus Dei, II-309 94; contraction, 11- 3984 8·51, 403.e£, 404 31 , 407-414 (passim),
the end of Mass, I-4, l18, 147, 197 8, 235f.; Borella, P., I-261 1, 444 11 , 47711, 321; dividing, II-298, 305 11 , 310; into 415 56, 416 64, 444ff.; 451, 453ff., 453 17.
11- 427£., 432, 439; before Communion, 478u,.eS,I14 47925,90,9 1,s.e 485.!!7. II- three parts, II-309ff.; over the chalice, Bruiningk, H. von, see Riga, Index A: III,
II- 276, 281f., 294; closing bless ing, I- 5, 17741. ' ' ' 11-309. 3, a.
118, 148, 197 8, 235; ll-439ff.; see also, Bossuet, J . B., I-185 91 ; II-90 6. Brechter, S., I-98 35 . Bruno of Segni, II-368 10.
I-494; final blessing sanctioned by par- Botte B I-514 53a 55.es 2184 9 - II- Bremond, H ., I-141 1, 143 6 • 1 •8 , 144 1 4,1 6 , Brunswick, II-296 18 .
ticula r law, ll-451ff.; formulas 11- 1039: 1.l9.e4, 1J64 1, '150- t7o (pa~sim), 2311£4, 289 90 , 297 90 ; 11-463-' 3. Buchner, F. X., II-414 53.
442£.; individual, II-452; Last Gospel, 175 90 , 183ff., 190 15, 194ff., 220£., 223 119, Brescia, I-1054, 297 31 ; II-441 16. Buchwald, R., I-50 1, 58 3-'; II-153 10,
II-447£.; nos and vos, II-443f.; of the 231.e 8, 233ff., 238 11, 244-251 (passim), Breslau, I-119 90 ; II-65t.e 9, 70 153 , 327 3 ~, 2344 6, 263.84.
chalice, 11-383; of gifts, ll-64ff.; of 2574 9, 265 81, 2864 7, 3031, 336 18 . 371 118. Buenner, D., see Lyons, below, and in Index
natural products, I-2, 251 16 , 260£.; of the Bow, at the blessing, I - 240; II-296, 427f., Breviarittm Romanum, I-135; II-457 10• A : III, 3, a.
deacon, I-454f.; of the sub-deacon , I- 432; at the memento for the dead, I-107, Bridal Mass, see Nuptial Mass. Bulgarians, II-363.e 0 •
419 8; of the reader, II-442; reserved to the 117; II-247, 259; befo re the Eucharist, Brightman, F. E ., (insofar as he is not Bunsen, C., I-50 1 .
bishop, I-197 8; II-440£.; sign of the II-202, 206.u, 210ff., 377. merely as editor) I-27 91 , 37 7, 40£5, 54 16, Burchard, John of Strassburg, I-135,
Cross, I-64f.; II- 143f., 445; with mon- Bow of assistants, I-72, 228 109 , 388; II- 17115,17,18,19,£0,£1, 17336, 25511, 28876, 137 51 , 143t.e, 228 109 , 237 11 4, 240, 242 48,
strance, II-451f.; with relics, 11-445; 139. 315.!5,l16,t7, 335t.e, 3955,6, 7,14, 4059, 2494°, 275.e 0, 288 78 , 289 83 , 311 85 , 365u,
with scriptural texts, II-112 15, 113, 447; Bow of the people, I-228 109 , 240, 371; II- 461 .'19 4766,10. 11-51-' 3740.41 7J19 413 61 , 450 61 , 455, 470; II-17, 61 10 .e,
see also Pontifical blessing. 139, 328. 74 118 , 964 1, 102;, 159 11, 32S4°; see I~dex A: 85.es, 2094 5, 212 71 , 3294 8.4 5, 349 119 , 351 1,
Blood and soul, 11-318 9 4. Bow of the priest, I-90, 303; II-438; at Brightman, Armenian Liturgy, see Index A: 417n, 444-' 9 , 460, 462e 1 •
Bludau, A., I-246 14, 457 7; II-366 36 . the canon, I-72; II-137, 141£., 186, 236. II-5; Byzantine Liturgy in general, Index Burchard of Worms, I-98-'4, 226 9.e, 237.e-',
Blume, Cl., I-327 35 , 344 61 , 345 6£· 6-', 347 7, "Boxed Masses", I - 131. A: II-4; East Syrian Liturgy, Index A: 246 10 , 247.es, 371 54; II-120 30 , 384 76.
352 .e 9 , 358 54, 359 641 ., 420 5, 435 91, 436 94· 95 , Boys as mass servers, I-227, 230f., as II-3; Ethiopian Liturgy, Index A : II-1; Burdach, K., I-120 96 ; II-44 14, 3004 8 •
437 98 , 439 11 4; II-130 16 , 134£ 8, 337£ 7, readers, I-410; as singers, I-443£. Greek Liturgy of Saint James, Index A: Burel, ]., II-366 36 .
338 37, 340 60 , 396-' 5, 436-' 7; see also Brackmann, A., I-96£5. II-2; Greek Liturgy of Saint Mark, Burgenland (Hungary), I- 315.e4.
Banni ster. Braga, I-138; II-177, 458 14. Index A: Il-l; Liturgy of Saint Basil, Biirkler, X., I-144 15 •
Bobbio, I-454 93 ; 11-884 6, 164£5; Missal Brandenburg, "Announcement" from, I - Index A: II-4; Liturgy of Saint John Burse, II-459.
see Index A: II, 8. 489511, 491 9 , 492 9. Chrysostom, Index A: II-4; Sahidic Bursfeld, II-354.e 8, 4454°, 447 60 , 449 15 .
Bock, P., II-2801 7. Braun, ]., I-40 113, 71 16 · 17 , 79 .e 5, 108 117, church canons, Index A, 1. Busch, J., I-14314.
Bocking, E., I-446 11 -'. uos7 11251,59,55 11780 15047 203 55 Brinktrine, ]., I-84, 55.e 5, 57.e 8, 101 61 , Bute, J., Marquess of, I-325£4; II-4 10,
Boehme, M., I-77 13 . 22 2 u>s 223 75,76,BO 224 8.e,8s,s/ 231 as'
185 31 , 208 6, 264t.e, 288 79 , 289 85 , 291 6, 3284°.
Boeri, P., I- 249 95 . 254 8 25,5 13· 14 256 16, u,.es 2714 11 276 11 , 347 3, 351 18, 354 30 , 3564 1, 361 7, 404 6 , Butler, J., I-193 57 •
Bohemia, II-386. 278/~. 290 1: 312 10 , Jl3 15 , ' 318 5: 4104 6, 414 67 , 439 11 .e, 466.et,.es, 467£ 6,.e 9; Byzantine Liturgy, I-27-' 1, 42ff.; see also
Boldau, see Index A: III, 2, b. 4 11 47.48.49. II- 7119 325 3635 4164 II-27 8, 73u, 90 6, 93.e 1· 8 ", 121 sr, 126 64, Index A : II, 4.
Bologna, II- 152.e 1, 339-' 9, 444-' 9. 43 11 53 511 , 55 66 6i 101 '131.e.e' 140 1/ 1364£, 143 17, 144 35, 148 6 , 151 16, 155 16, Byzantium, see Constantinople.
Bomer, F., I-174-' 7. 199 9\ 208h, 21048, 2137 5, 3046, 329 411: 170 1, 179 1, 192s 8, 200-' 8, 203 8, 231 30,
Bona, J ., I-5 5, 79u, 93 5 , 96£ 7, 151 51 , 375 10, 382 57 •611, 383 70, 384 711, 409 17, 2354 8 237 56 ·57 247 69 249 6 260 8 261 11 Cabrol, F., I-30 10, 45.e, 47 17 · 18 , 50 1, 57.e 8,
204 58 , 2227.'1, 269 119 , 275.e 0, 292 8, 298-' 3 , 4144 9, 417 74, 460.e. 266 ss' 2674 1 2S0 16 2'81.e.e '288 6 / 316 1 / 58 33 78.eo 79.e 6 152 56 275.eo 3404.e
301.e 1, 302 11 ~ 307 6 ~ 308 7 ~ 311 81 , 380~~
389 66 , 4494 9 ; II- 11 56, 49 3.e, 139 5, 148 5,
Bread and wine from the faithful, I-16, 29, 3194.e, 325 18 , 376 19 , 403£ 6; Ceremonials of
J ' J ' ' '
36s.er, 3734', 3844i, 420 8,
3 96
:m67 ; ii-34 1 <
71, 189; II-lfi., 5ff., 9, 11f., 14, 19, 32. the Papal Mass, III-4, b; Papal Court 46.e , 159 , 162 , 233 , 273 77 , 279 11 ,
9 15
164.es 246 65 293 911 3574 7 360 5 379-' 3 Bread as matter for the Sacrifice, II-31ff.; Chapel, III-2, a; Sacramentaries, see 289 6-', 462.e 3.
384 75 , 388 10 6 439 11 , 442 110 '449 1.e' ' breadstamp, II-33, 36; domestic, 11-32;
' , , ' . Index A: Rossianum, III-1, a. Caecilian movement, I-157.
Bonaventure, St., I-439; II-212 67, prayer making, II-34ff.; names, II-37; unleav- Brixen, I-124t.e 1, 131.e.e, 132.es; II-55 69 , Caen, II-353 15 .
of, II-464 85 . ened, I-85; 11- 10, 32ff., 40, 258, 3004 11 , 415 53 ; see also Index A: III, 4, a and Caeremoniale Episcoporum, see Index A:
Bone, H ., I-157 86. 305, 333, 382, 412, 454. Synods, Index B, below, see Taufers. III, 4, b.
Bonhomme, P., I-382-' 3 . Bread, Blessed, see Antidoron, Breaking of Browe, P., I-93 8, 188 86, 119 9 4, Caesarius of Aries, St., I-235 8, 36741, 371 66 ,
Boniface, St., I-74, 85 5-'; II- 54 6s, 73, bread, Eulogiae. 121 99,106,107,108, 125t.e1, 1284, 199u, 458, 460; II-3 6, 6 17 , l1 55 , 1104, 129 8,
143, 295, 381 51; in the canon; II- 176. Breaking of bread (Primitive church), I - 210 210 15 215.tO,SJ 226 95 2321£ 6 2494 8 13641, 155, 288 54, 295 10 , 363 8 -', 3804-'.4 7.
Boniface I, I- 54 17; II- 253. 9ff., l3 .e 8 • 30, 169; II-298, 301. 443 9J 4484't.' II-16s.e , 18 97' 131 u'' 141 16,' Caesarius of Heisterbach, II-206.e 6.
Cagin, P ., I-13 17, 50 1 , SS.e ; Il- 102-', II- 120-' 0, 156 31, 307.e 0 , 309-' 4, 3125, Cecilia, St., I-126 1-'-'; II-119, 253, 254, Chavannes, B. de, I-163 10.
125 58 , 135 51 , 148.e, 19S.e, 196 9 , 203 7, 313u, 315.e 1, 389 49 ,336 18 . 255. Cherubim, hymn of, II- 110 6.
2334 1, 2354 7, 333 5, 334 8, 398 47 ; See also Ca pitula diebus apta, Il- 177. Celebrare Missam, I-196. Chevalier, U., I-389 66, 4284 7, 430 56 ; II-
Angouleme Sacramentary, Index A: III, Capitular churches, I- 104, 248. "Celebrating Mass", I-173. 159 49, 342 5,389 117,432 31 .
1, a . Capitulare E vangeliorum, I-64, 401 40 . Celestine I, I-54 18, 322, 457, 482 15. Chevrot, G., I-144 17, 4884£; II-26 14°.
Calde r6n, P., I-117. Cappa, II-307 17 . Celtic Liturgy, I-45, 387 53 ; see Index A: Chigi, Codex, see Index A: III, 2, b.
Calicem salutaris, I-21 6-'; II-55, 353. Cappuyns, M ., I-48215 . II, 8. Children and the Eucharist, II-385, 407,
Calix ministerialis, II-382. Capua, F. di, I-376 15 . Celts, I-76f. 413 47.
Cali x salutaris, I- 134; II-100. Capuchins, I-206 69 · 71 , 317 1; ll-211 , Censer, I-451£.; II-62 108 ; movement, Children's meal, I-15.
Calix sanclltS , II-7, 383. 330 46 . II-74£.; two, I-451; II-76-'4; three, I- China, I-144 16, 166.
Callewaert, C., I-55 .e.e, 140n, 308 69 , 309 74, Carinthia, II-147.e, 413 47 • 3189. Chirat, H ., I-166 18; II-14 68•
322 10, 3294 5 , 336 18 , 338.e 5, 339 5 1, 397.eo, Carloman, I- 85 5 -'. Centonization, I-404. Choir, dress, I-269, 284; of singers, I-
399-' 1, 405 6, 4114 7, 431 67 ; II-99 7, 262 17, Carmelites, I-100, 292, 327, 437 101 , 444 16 ; Centuplmn accipias, II-17 89 · 91 , 19. 106£., 123ff., 148£., 238 (see also Chorus,
263 18, 429 1-'. II-8on, 2024, 221 16 , 270 68 , 293 91· 93, Centurion (Luke 23, 48), II-259. Singers); prayer, I-204, 269; ll-398 ; in
Camaldolese, II-211 58 , 362; Sacramentary, 310 57, 327-' 1, 330 47, 347 16, 405-' 5, 442 18, Ceremonial, enrichment of, I-39£., 67ff., parish churches, I- 212; loft, see Singing-
see Index A: III- 2, a. 458 14; see also Carmelites: Ordinale, Index 107ff. gallery; rules, I- 139, 241, 371; II- 211;
Cambrai, I- 282; II-347 16 . A: III, 2, g. Ceroferarii, II-140, 439. screen, I-256; II-375; singing, I-154£.,
Cancellatis manibus, II-84, 236 5-'. Carthusians, I-99, 199, 204 60 , 210, 225 86, Chaburah, I-11, 16f. 159£., see also Singing; stalls, I-83, 104,
Candles, I-68, 445 ; II-454 1 4, 460 ; on the 290 93 , 297-' 0, 299 10 , 306 61 , 307 63 , 357, Chalice, ablution of, I-228; II-415£.; at 241.
altar; I- 203, 271; see Ceroferarii, Torch, 409-' 6, 450 69; II- 514 6, 64 1!5, 66 136 , 80, the communion, II-351ff., 382ff.; at the Chorus ( = clergy), I-149£., 343, 358, 473;
Consecration Candle. 84 16, 87-'.e, 130 10,207 , 208-' 9,209 45 ,213 71 , concluding doxologies, Il-267ff.; at the II-30, 87, 89, 336.
Canes, I-448, 460. 220 16, 308 50, 33047 •6 1, 340, 348.e 0, 352 9, consecration, II-199ff., 207, 215 91 ; at the Chosroe, II-218.
Cano, M ., I-184 51 . 354.e.e, 358, 371.e 9, 387 99 , 391 151 , 437, offertory, II-54ff.; chaliceless Eucharist, Chotieschau, II-291 81, 347 16.
Canon Actionis, II- 103; allegory, I-89£., 442; S tatua antiqua, see Index A: III, 2, I-26·u 30u. commingling II-383· dis- Chretien de Troyes, I-120 96, 252 56 .
116ff.;' as sanctuary, I- 82£., 143,145,1 611 1 , g. appeara~ce, Ii-385£.; intin:tio, II-3'104-', Christ, Jesus, and the angel choirs, II-126;
II- 104£., 138ff .; as secreta, I-244 69 ; Il- Casanten se 614, Cod., see Index A: III, 2, c. 384, 387 98 ; of benediction, I-9, 11, 15, as an angel, II-233£.; as High Priest, I-
93 97· at the A gmts Dei, Il-106-'4, Case!, 0 ., I-174 8, 21 61, 22 64, 24 9, 31 16, 21 6-'; of the priest, II-351£., 357ff.; 179ff.; in the Gloria, I-350ff.; in the K yrie,
327s.e; 'beginning of, II-48, 97£., 103£.; 3919 844 7 172-' 0 178-' 183! 4 192 55 people's communion, I-138; II-231, 376, I-350ff.; Incarnation of, see Incarnation of
Byzantine, I-522 ; concluding doxologies, 377/7 , 379u; II:_93 18 : 129 5,' 151 18: 378-' 0, 382ff., 387f. ; remainders, II-413f.; Christ; life of, I-89£., 116; mediator of
II- 259ff.; detailed explanation, II-101ff.; 188ff., 194-' 7, 2014°, 218 1 , 219 5, 2254°, seeking a solution, II-383; several chalices, blessings, II-262ff.; pictorial representa-
end of, II- 106, 340; half-aloud, II-104, 335 14, 424-'~ 433 1 ~ II-54 61 , 305; tube, II-383. tion on the altar of, I-257ff.; prayers
244, 258, 289£.; history of the text, I-50ff., Caspar, E ., I-67-'. Chalice veil, II-61 101 , 375 11 , 459. through, I-80, 348, 354£., 365, 381ff.;
101; II- 167ff., 179ff.; Irish tradition, ll- Caspari, C. P ., I-50 4. Chants, intervenient, I-68, 110, 204, 209, II-95, 124ff., 265£., 421 (see also, P er
244 255 39 2864 5· memorization of, I-60; Cassian, John, I-426-' 7 ; II-436-' 8 . 238, 393, 421ff. Dominm 11); prayer to, I-42, 80, 380f.;
mi~or, II-97.e;' Nestorians, II-96 41; Cassiodorus, I-175 41; II-392 9. Chalons-sur-Saone, I-99, 197 9, 289 89 , II-84 16, 95, 124, 330, 335, 349, 401 7, 402,
Castellani, A., I-494.e 3 ; II-213 77, 260 •
picture in, II-105; rite, I- 72£., ll- 101ff.; 297-'t; see also Index A: III, 3, b. 421 15 ; represented by celebrant, I-181;
silence during, I-82f., 94, 109, 124u 1,
Castigatio vocis, I-279 . Chapels, I-213ff., 2227-'; circle of, I-224; see also, Qui vivis, "Jesus," reverence for.
127, 151£., 311; II- 101, 137, 138, 141 ; Casula, bell-shaped, I-277; II-214. house, I-213ff. "Christfuer gen Himmel,'' I-440.
stricter notion, I- 115£.; II- 103£.; struggle Catacombs, II-242£. Charles IV, I-443 9. "Christ ist erstanden", I-440.
of the Reformation, I-132, 134 38 , 138 61, Catechesis, I-490ff. Charles V, II-329. Christ the King, II-121.
141 3 ; tablet, I-60 1. Catechmneni recedant, I-479. Charles Borromeo, St., I-224. Christe audi nos, I-306 61 , 3414 9; II-139 6.
Canonistics, see Index A: III, 2, e. Catechumens, I-13 .e 9; and the Gospel, I- Charles the Bald, prayerbook of, I-243; Christe eleison, I-339£.
Canonization of Saints, solemn, II-13, 19. 443; Mass of, I-261 1 , 474; Prayer for, II-46.e.e,58 8 4,87,89 56,346,370,400. Christian of Mainz, II-72 11 •
Canons of St. Victor, see Augustinians, II-153. Charlemagne, I-63, 237, 325.e-', 469, 491; Christian of Stablo, II-94 1.
Index A: III, 2, g. Cathari, I-119. II-129 9, 163, 343 11 ; see also I-92£. Christmas, I-396 18, 443; II-30 19, 3014 6,
Cantare, I-472 66 . Cathedra, bishop's, I-68, 70, 83, 108, 202, Chartres I-198u. II-121 -'4 131u 209-H 436.
Cantatorium, I-60, 65, 70, 433. 254, 255u, 333, 415ff., 459£.
210 50,itt, 293 9_,. 346 14. ' ' ' Christological hymn, I-13.es.
Canticum tri1t1n puerorum, I-47, 94, 423 11 , Catholic Epistles as lessons, I-395, 405 . Chasuble, I-68, 112, 197 9 , 203 65 , 229111, Christology: in the Credo, I-464£.; in the
Cavaleriis, M. de, Il-269 . 51
435 ; II-460ff. 276ff., 28Sff., 289; II-450; bell-shaped mixing of water, II-39, 63; in the prayer of
Capelle, B., I-63 17, 336 18 ·.e 1, 360-', 379.et, Cavalieri, J . M., I-449 49· 54 , 461 41. I-277; II-214; at the Consecration, II- thanks, I-31£.; II-111ff., 121ff., 148.
397 .e 0, 462\ 464 11 , 469 47 .4 8.4 9 , 470 50 · 66 ; Cecchetti, J., I-3844 1; II-280 16 • 213. Christus vincit, I-389.
Clement VI, 11-293 9 -'. 267£., 339, 360 5 ; (=Mass), 1- 173; (=or- Communion bench, 1- 85; II-375f.
Chromatius, II-280 17 .
Chrysogonus, Il-173, 175. Clement VIII, I-140, 227 10 s, 275!1!1, 456 1; ation ) 1-360£.; see also Collect. Communion chant, 1- 90, 330ff.; choice of
II-445. Collectio ad pacem, 1-43. songs, 1-147 ; II- 399; contents, II-399;
Chrysostom, see John Chrysostom, St.
Collection basket, II-25ts9. decline, II-344£.; Eucharistic communion
Chur, 1-307 66 , 313u. Clement XIII, I-140.
Church, and Christ symbolized, II-39; Clement of Alexandria, I-24, 25 1 -', 276 1 ; Collegiate churches, I-104, 204ff. verse, II-400; of the people, II-392£.;
and the liturgy, l-3f.; concept of, I-82, 83; Il-394 9, 111 13, 298 31 . Cologne, 1-594 1, 138; II-207$ 0 , 209; see of the choir, 11-393£.; Psalm, 11- 393£.,
in prayer, I-383f.; in the Sacrifice of the Clement of Rome, see Clement I. also Index A: III, 3, a, and Synods. 399; read by the priest, 11-398£.; recitation,
Mass, I-179ff.; prayer for, II-153ff., Clementissime Pater, Il-46.e 0 , 150. Colors, liturgical, 1-112. 11-394.
199 17 , 456£.; prayer (general), I-33£., Cletus, Il-173, 175. Columban, St., 1-204 69 ; II-378. Communion cloth, II-16 81 , 375, 380.
Clercq, C. de, Il-323 11 . Comb, 1-278. Communion devotion of Monte Cassino, II-
43, 47, 54 16, 57ff., 336, 392f., 475£., 592ff.;
Comes, 1-64. 34616, 348.es, 368£., 401£., 404, 4064°; Com-
prayer (and secreta), I-483f., cf. 483 17 ; Clergy, liturgy of the, I-206, 256; examina-
prayer (innovations), I-485; II-455; tion of the, I- 85. Commemoration, 1-385£.; II-449; com- munion devotion of Vorau 11-405 3 4.
prayer (retrogression), I-483; self-oblation, Clerics as Mass attendants, I-208ff., 226£., manded by Christ, 1-9, 16; II-201, 218ff.; Communion, people's, after Mass, 1-148;
230£.; as reader, 1-410; see also Acolytes, through particles (Byzantine) II-45f. II-409; at the altar, II-374; at the rail,
Minister. Commemoration of the Passion, see Passion, Il-375; chalice, see Chalice, people's
Church benches, I-242, 468.
Clichtoveus, J., Il-348u. commemoration of. communion; drinking ablution, II- 411ff.;
Church consecration, I-254; II-181.
Closen, G. E., Il-984. Commendare, ll-165 5 .e, cf. II-24 181 • &ce Agnus Dei, Il-372; exterior pro-
Church edifice, I-67, 83£., 108, 252ff.
Closing blessing, 1-5, 118, 148, 197 8 , 235; Commingling of elements, 1-73, 89£., 118; cedure, II-374ff.; fasting, II-366; form of
Church, location of men and women in, I-
41570. Il-439ff.; see also, 1-494. 11-289, 294, 298f., 303, 311ff.; at the Com- distribution, Il-388ff.; frequency of, 1-
Church music, I-123ff., 134, 137, 148ff., Closing doxology, II-108, 259ff. munion, 11-310, 319; at the offertory, see 84, 153, 160f., 226, 238; Il-359ff., from
153£., 155, 156£., 212, 377, 583£.; polyphony, Closing formulas, l-381ff.; Il-259ff., 327 55 , Water; before the Pax Domini, II-309, Hosts just consecrated; II-408ff., 411;
345, 346 14. 313£., 318; consecration, II-316u, 383 66 ; meal, 1-73£.; II-412 38, 4134 1; new order,
I-123ff., 137, 148ff., 156£., 160, 583£.; II-
Clothing, outer, 1-278. formula, 11-315; loss of importance, II- ll-369ff.; posture of body, 1-85£.; II-
130, 137.
Clothing, Liturgical, see Vestments. 320f.; symbolic, II-299f., 314, 316£. 376; prayers following, II-400ff.; prepara-
Church penance, II-430; see also Penance.
Church, Private ownership of, II-14£. Cluny, 1-96, 99, 203 56 , 204, 225 86 , 280u, Commixtio consecrati, II -317 f. tory prayers, II-367ff., 379f.; profession of
Church provinces, I-98, 102, 133. 2844 8, 301, 306; II-11 60 , 362; Cluniac Commixtio corporis, II-317£. faith, II-371£.; reverence in the hands,
Church triumphant, II-134£., 170f. reform, 1-96, 292; Il-49 35 ; see also Commune Sanctorum, I - 136. ll-378ff.; reverence in the mouth, 1-
Index A: III, 2, f. Communicantes, 1-55, 58 36 ; II-152.tt, 85; 11-382£.; reverence in washing of the
Church visits, I-267.
Church year, I-42, 44, 46, 328ff., 398ff.; "Coal" (=Eucharist), 1-455; Il-374 1, 170ff.; grammatical construction, 11-170, hands, Il-380£.; spiritual, 11-364.
1384 9 • 200£., 226 3 ; list of saints, II- 172, 230 18 , Communion prayer of the priest, II-344ff.;
251, 253; special feast-day text, 1- 173$ 1. accompanying words, II-352; formulas,
Ciborium, II-304 6 , 306u, 409 17 , 411.t 9. Coals, pan of, 1-203 55 .
Ciconiolanus I-295.e1. II- 64 1!1$ 164.t4 Cochem, Martin von, 1-144 18, 1504 8, Communicants, non-, 1-73, 235; II-410, 11-345; liberty, II-348; origin, II-344;
246 55 211 6'1 308 29 348.e 5 446 53 ' ' 231u 6 • 429, 441, 453. Roman Mass-orders, II-348£.; to each of
' ' ' , . Cochez, J., 1-376 15 . Communicatio et confirmatio, 1-95 11 ; II- the divine Persons, II-348, 368.
Cincture, I-283. 35868.
Codex Alexandrinus; Codex Chigi, etc., see Communion, priest's, II-275; preparation,
Circular churches, I-256.
Alexandrinian Codex; Chigi, etc. Comnmnio, Il-275, 312. ll-343ff., 351ff.; rite, II-351ff.; see also
Circurn(ad)stantes, I- 162, 226; Il-89, 166.
Codex Juris Canonici, see Index A: III, 4, b. Communion, 1-15, 35, 37, 73f., 191f.; II- Communion.
Circumcinge, I-2834 3 . 15
Codrington, H. W., 1-3694 9 ; II-150 , 275, 294; analogy with the offertory, II- Communion request in the Supplice5, II-
Circumda me, Domine, I-282.
86 183 16 ; see also Liturgy of Peter, Index A: 344, 367; and temperance, 11- 364; and the 234£.
Cistercians, I-99£., 204 60 , 210, 255 ,
particles of the chalice, II-408 15 ; as food, Communion of the saints, II-170!.
226 95 , 228, 270 36 , 301£., 324 19 ; II-49 5 .e, III, 1, a.
6 II-349£.; as visit, 11- 349, 356, 400ff.; Community in divine service, 1- 10, 11, 23,
51 45 52 49 55 1o 66 t 35 78 to 80 .et.n Coelesti benedictione benedicat, II-444$ •
126/4 167 44 2o? 213 7 i 216~ 6 2694 9, Coeli, 11-127. daily, 1-160; II-359£.; framing of the 71, 72, 103, 104, 233, 244, 421, 422; 11-
Cmnae, 1-14 34. prayer, II- 276£., 282; from the paten, II- lllf., 160£., 240, 275, 312£., 320, 427 .
293 9": 296.ed, 3m3116 , 32sr., 362: 371.e 9:
3516; general, II-410£.; Host with the left Community Mass (Mi5Sa dialogata, Missa
402 16 , 413, 439 11 ·u, 442; see also Schneider, Cognoscam, 11-355.
Colander, II-7.e 9, 383 68 . hand, II- 351f.; house, II- 281, 360£.; recitata), 1-161, 162, 163, 327 37, 383 38,
F.; Trilhe, R .; Index A: III, 2, g.
Colatorium, colum, II-7.e 9 ; cf. Colander. laypeople's preparation, II-359ff.; people's, 388, 408 26 , 472, 474; II-288 6 2 , 450.
Clamor, II-292 87 .
Coleran, J. E., ll-228u. see Communion, people's; priest's, see Comparatio missae, 11-24.
Classicism, I - 152£., 158. Communion, priest's; remains of, II- Competentes, I-479.e 6, 480 55 .
Claude!, P., I-3; II-455.e 5 • Collect (Oration), I-57, 70, 77, 89, 110,
2414.e, 263, 359; as concluding prayer, I- 407£.; of the sick, see Sick, Communion of Compiegne· 1-326 28 · II-28 11 395 27 ,
Clement I, I-25 15, 3114· 16, 481 H; Il- 435 8 8 .
265£., 388ff.; see also Oration. the; substitute, 325 23 , 429, 453£. ' ' '
132; in the canon, Il-175; Clementine lit-
Collecta ( = penitential procession) l-67e, Communion address, II-371 51 . Con cede Domine J esu, II-390 tu.
urgy, see Apostolic Constitutions, Index A: I.

Concede mihi, omnipotens Deus; II- 81. Consummatum est et, II-4064°. (1415), II-386 88 ; Constantinople I (381), 74; with the chalice, relics, etc., II- 445;
Concede quamtmus omnipotens Deus ut Contestatio, I-48, 473; II- 115 1 . I-462, 464; Constantinople III (692 with the consecrated Hos t, II- 267, 314,
quidquid; II-403.e 5. Continuous reading of Scriptures, I-398f., Trull.), see synods; Ephesus (431), 1- 318, 351.
Concelebration, I-153, 196ff.; general con- 402. 446116; Florence (1439), II-34; Lateran I Crucifix, 1-257, 313£., 415 70 ; II- 74.e 6,
secration, I-196 6, 197; general com- Conventual Mass, I-104, 204ff., 210, (1123), l-206 70 ; Lateran III (1215 ); II- 7ses, 292.
munion, I-198; of the newly ordained, I- 232 12 7, 248ff., 25 2 54,269, 299 10 ; II- 293 96. 362; Lyons (1274), 1-126 1118 ; Nicea (325), Crucis vivificae signa, I -453 811 .
1981 9; II-182 10 . Conversi ad Dominum , I- 383 38, 481. 1-368, 462£., 464; II-20 108, see Arabic Cruel, R ., l-249 36, 461-' 3 , 490 54· 1, 491 3 .
Con~ordator discordiae, I-48. Converte nos, I-3 10 77 . Canons II-407 5; Trent (1545- 63), 1- Cru ets, II-60ff. , 460.
Condren, Ch. de, I-143. Conybeare, F . C., I-406 17. 133£., 148, 160, 183£., 186 56, 187 39, 200, Cruor ex latere Domini nostri, II-352.
Confession, I-300, 302 e 9; public, I-18 56, Cope, II-377. 215 226 911 250 -' 6·1 II-22 25 30 116 39 Crusades, II-292£., 339.
300 16, 3044 1, 307, 490, 492; II-371; see Coppens, J., Il-2 5. 4,
76 3 100 9 ,' 145 36, 293 96 , 3is, J65; vienn; Cultores Diana et Antinoi, I-14-'4.
also A pologiat; Conjiteor and Sins, confession Coptic anaphora of St. Gregory Nazianzen, (1311 /12), II-210 66. Cumont, F., I-354 3-'.
of. I-42; II-334 15. Councils in the diptychs, II-160. Culpa (public confession), I-19 66.
Confessors, Il-172. Coptic liturgy, I-42; see also Index A: Counter-Reformation, 1-142, 143, 145, 146. Cup, Ceremonial, I-8ff.
Confirma hoc, II-53 53 . II, 1. Country churches, 1-155, 210. "Cup of blessing", I-9, 11, !Sf., 2168.
Confitemini, I-295, 308. Coptic rite, Easter celebration, I- 15 59 . Court ceremonials, I- 39, 68n, 69nn, 71, 73, Cure of souls, I-206, 232.
Confiteor, I-18 56, 152, 162 14, 197 8, 240, Corbie, I - 92, 338 118; II-4723 , 399 56 ; see 445, 446; II-436 33 . Cursus, I-376.
242, 289f., 292, 298ff.; II-504 1 , 369fi. also Ratoldus, Index A: III, 2, a. Coutances, see Index A: III, 3, b. Custodi, II-403£5.
Confr actoriutn, II-302f., 333. Corblet, L. A. ]., II-944, 13 65 , 19too, Crailsheim, l-44011 9. Customs, I-99, 100; II-76 3 (
Confraternitie:>., II-21 115 , 23. 20 1o6 22 1.es 36 119 37 411 44 1s 360 5 Credimus, l-469 45. Cyprian 1- 18 50 170 181 11 · 16 191 5 1,
Congregation of Rites, see Index A: III, 4, b. 372 35 , 385 78 '386 95 '387 97 , 408 11 , 4134/ Credis lmnc esse, II-372 31 . 207 11 '2os4 21i 2tB4 1 24Y/ 247 15 ,
Coniunctio oblationis, II-184e 0. 414 53 .
J ' J ' J '
Credis quod, II-371 118 . 372 64, 411 611, 4SO; n-..:2, 38£.,' 102 4· 6,
Connolly, R. H ., I-28 1, 30 11 , 52 10, 54 16, Corciani, L., II-384 . 77 Creditis /we esse, II- 372 3 .e. 107 98, 110, 114, 156 90 , 161 9, 170 5, 229 13,
36949 ; II-111 6. Corinth, I-14. Credo, 1-80, 97, 106, 107u, 125, 146, 203f., 280 17, 283 311, 360 11 , 385 81; in the Canon,
Consecratio (commixtio et), II- 315ff. Cor Jesu sacratissimum, II-458£. 461ff.; application,. I-465ff.; basic form, II-172£.
Conscientias nostras, I-274, 310 81. Cornelius I, Pope, I-50, 2071, 373 1 ; II- 1-462£.; before the communion, II-291 81, Cyril and Methodius, SS., I-81.
Conscinde Domine, I -278 13, 281-' 1. 173, 379 33, 388 105 . 369; diffusion, I-467ff.; on feast days, 1- Cyril of Alexandria, I-446 116 ; II-3004 11 •
Consecration, I-8£., 13.es, 14ff., 82, 115, Comely, R., I-8 6. 470; recited in common, I-468ff.; sung, Cyril of Jerusalem : Catecheses, I-462£.,
118, 145, 150; II-194ff.; accompanying Corona, Il-15 75 , 32. l-472ff.; theological clarity, I-464ff. 464 10 ; Catecheses Mystagogica, I-24 8 , 41,
actions, II-202ff.; as oblation, I-184ff.; Coronation Mass, II-12, 385. Credo et co~~,fiteor, l-450 58 , 451. 53 13 355 37 · II-76 11 109 -' 7 110 5 111 19
128 9 , 160 7 ' 191 15 '238 1 '240 16, 276 r'
elevation, II-206ff.; joint, I-196 6, 197; Corporal, I-71 17, 101 511 , 128; II-18, 52£., Creed, and the Eucharist, II-117; Apostles',
moment of, II-203 9, 207f.; per contactum, 60, 208, 272 67 , 459. see Apostles' Creed; as catechesis, I-490 1, 290 7:, 297; 9 378-'j 388/05 3926 419/
' ' , J ' ,

II-413; petition, II-187ff. , 190; prayers, Corpus Christi, II-388. 491, 492, 493; at the consecration, II-204; authenticity of Cateclzeses Mystagogica, II-
191.e5, 276 , 280 .16
II- 214ff.; rite, II- 98, 102, 103, 280 15 , Corpus Christi play, I- 151 50. see also Credo.
316 115 ; silence, II-216; songs, I-147; Corpus Christi q1w repleti, II-405-'4. Creyghton, J ., I-4661 8.
II-216; Supplices and the, II-232ff.; Corpus Christi triforme, I-90; II-311. Cross, at the incensation, sign of, II-74. Da, Domine, manipulmn, I-284 46 •
words of, see Consecration, words of. Corpus Domini accepimus, II-353 19. Cross, carrying of, l-312£., 446; see Crucifix. Da Domine pro nostris, II-87.
Consecration candle, II-209, 460; see Corpus Domini nostri J esu Christi quo Cross-form, hosts in, II-43, 302; at the in- Da, Domine, virtutem, I-277, 281 9 1, 283.
Sanctus Candle. pasti, Il-402 17• censation, II-74. Dalmann, G., l-9u.
Consecration of church, I-254. Corpus Domini nostri J esu Christi sanguine Cross, inscription on, 1-81. Dalmatica, I -68.
Consecration, words of, I-143 14; Il-194ff., tinctum, Il-384 76 • Cross, particle of the True, II-17 911, 451. Dalmaticae pueromm, I-231 113•
199ff., 205 16, 206; answered, Il-204; Corpus et sanguis Domini nostri J esu Cross, sign of the, at the closing doxologies, Dalton, I-4284-'.
sung, II-204. Christi (varies) II-352ff., 357ff., 368, 388ff. II-267ff.; at the Gospel, I-452ff.; in the Damasus, Pope, I-58 33; II-253.
Conservent, II-403n, 424-' 9. Corpus mysticum, l-844 6. canon, I-101, 107, 109, 113£., 116, 134; Da mihi Domine corpus, II-346 16 •
Consignatio, II-7, 299, 304 6, 315, 318, 325. Corpus tuum Domine quod, II-369, 401, Il-143£., 194, 202, 229, 236; on the altar, Da mihi Domine peccatori, II-345 10.
Constance, I-154 71 . 4064 1. I-316 97 · II-450 115 451· over one's self Daniels, A., II-1664°.
Constance, II-371 31 ; see Councils, Synods. Corroboret Dominus, I-454£. I-7o, 24Y•, 296, 3o6, 3os, 332, 362 10: Da pacem Domine, II-331 59 .
Constantinople, I-467; II-155, 160 5 •8 , Corswarem de, II-291 83 . 452f.; II-138, 215, 217 10.e, 237, 308, Daras, M., 1-343 56, 414 67 ; II-3564 6 •
225, 284, 407 7; see Byzantine liturgy, Index Cosmas and Damian, II-173, 175. 406 4°, 441 17, 443, 450; over the offerings, Day of Atonement, II-187, 232, 233 39•
A: II, 4; Councils, Synods. Councils (General), Basle, (1437), Il- II-62fi., 237; over the people, II-445; Deacon, and the chalice, I-71; II- 54£.,
Constitutiones Apostolorum, see Index A: I. 38688; Chalcedon (451), I-462; Constance triple, II- 296, 445; with the censer, II- 59ff., 386f.; and subdeacon at high Mass,
I-199ff., 312, 432, 478, 486; II-30, 130, Denis, St., I-74.es, 91 79 , 444u, 453 8e; Die!, Florentius, II- 16 81 , 375 11 . Domine Deus omnipotens qui es magnus, I -
212, 273 75 , 3104 5 , 325, 337, 382, 387, 415, II-387; Sacramentary, see Index A: III, Dies irae, I-439. 291 e.
416 59 ; as assistants to the celebrant, I- 2, a. Diettrich, G., II-282£7. Domine Deus omnipotens, si cut, I - 319u.
90, 197 7·9, 208ff., 278 11 , 299, 303, 311.!!, Deo gratias, I-73, 420f., 451; II-296, 342 6, Dignare Domine, I- 295, 310 77 . Domine Deus virtutum, I- 310 79; II- 93 ·111 .
312, 3124, 319, 362; rr-75ff., 85.e 5, 202 5, 405 35, 433f. Dignum et iustu.m est, II-111, 125. Domine Deus, noster qui suscepisti, II-73 19 ,
209, 213, 223.!! 9, 271, 307, 326f., 408, 415 57, Deprecatio Gelasii, I-336, 338; II-153. Dijk A van I- 101 53 405 6 446.e 9 44736 74 23 .
416 66 ; as herald, I-73, 477ff.; II-114, Deprecemur Deum Patrem omnipotentem, I - 44844 .453 7 ~· 80 · rr-4o 6" z59 65 · ~ee als~ Domine exaudi, I-273, 310; II- 63 1 u, 93.
William of Melitona.
' , '
341, 428, 433ff., 436£., 522; as singer, I- 48844. Domine Jesu Christe, da mihi, II- 348n.
13.e9, 432; as the enforcer of discipline, I- De profundis, (Ps. 129), I-273, 488. Dikirion and Trikirion, II-447. Domine Jesu Christe Fili Dei (vivi ), corpus
235; as the leader of prayer for the people, Der-Balyzeh, Papyrus of, I-41; II-193 31, Dimma, Book of, see Index A: II, 8. tuum, II-403, 405 54.
I-40, 44, 164, 334, 366ff., 3684 3, 411, 476, 222.es,e7. Dionysius bar Salibi, II-204 1e. Domine J estt Christe Fili Dei vivi ne indignmn,
481ff.; II-292 87, 420, 455£.; as the reader, Descendat formula, II-69 15 e. Dionysius of Alexandria, II- 273 77 , 363.e 3 , II-346 15 .
I -68, 71, 409ff., 443ff., 447f., 450ff., 454ff., De luis donis, II-224£., 230 11 4. 459 3 3 , 469 94. Domine Jestt Clzriste Fili Dei vivi pone, II-
458; II-1604· 8 , 183 19 , 198, 245; at the Deus a quo sancta, II-3394 3. Diptychs, I-48; II-155, 159ff., 171£., 238, 34615.
communion, I-22£., 73; II-386ff., 407; Deus, cui omne cor, I-274 15 ; II-691 53. 245£., 252e 1 . Domine J esu Clzriste, Fili Dei vivi qui ex, I -
at the offertory, I-22, 29; II-54ff., 59f. Deus cui soli, II-162 15. Dirigatur, I-319 17 ; II-11 10, 72. 78, 94 10, 103; II-345, 347, 368ff., 402£.
Deacons, I-22f., 29, 67ff., 90, 197 9, 208, Deus in adiutorium, I-274 17, 332 59 . Dirumpe Domine, I-285. Domine Jesu Clzriste, non sum dignus, II-
311; II-78, 304£., 380ff., 390, 407; and Deus misereatur vestri, I-454. Disciplina arcani, I-52 10 , 81, 234£., 261 t, 35534.
care of the poor, II-7ff. Deus noster refugium, I-4884 1. 468, 475, 479; II-287. DomiH.e J esu Clzriste pmpitius esto, II -346 15 .
Deaconesses, II-386 95 . Deus omnipotens propitius, II- 346 56 , 347 58 . Diskos, II-45, 304 6. Domine Jesu Christe qui dixisti, I-94 10 ;
Dead, Mass of, I-105, 129, 139, 156 80, Deus pater fans, II-346 15 , 349 32 . Dismissal after the fore-Mass, I-71, 234, II-321 50, 330£.
217ff.; as conventual Mass, I-205; of- Deus propitius esto, II-214 8 .e, 354, 356**. 235, 261n., 474, 475, 476; at the end, II- Domine Jesu Christe, qui es vera pax, II-
fertory chant, I-134; II-30; offertory Deus quem omnia opera, II-462e4. 432; Benedicamus Domino, II-435; ite 33159.
procession, II-12, 17 911, 19 102 , 20 11 4, 23, De-us qui, as mode of address, I-375, 380.e 6; missa est, II-433; Missa ( = dismissal) Domine Jesu Christe qui ex voluntate, II-
30; oralio, I-386f.; preface, II-121; rite, II-124 54. I-173, 174; of the non-communicants, 29286, 347.
I-124 117, 209 10 ,2194 8, 295.e 1, 452, 489u, Deus qui conspicis, II-462.e4. II-341; transformed, II-342. Domine Jesu Christe qui in coena, II-346 15 .
493.!! 0; II-237ff., 331 58 , 339, 365, 396 57 , Deus qui de indignis, I-291 5; II-438 7. Distribution formulas, II-357, 386; as Domine Jesu Christe qui in cruce, I-94 11 ;
436, 4374, 446. Deus qui humanae, I-62, 94, 441 u 7; II- blessing, II-389; as profession, II-388; II-514 6 .
Dead, prayers for, I-386f.; II-47, 49 3 .t·"", 62£., 401 5. basic form, II-389. Domine labia mea, I-450 59 , 455; II-442 2 4.
514.e, 84, 89£., 346 15, 348 2 t, 359, 402 16 ; Deus qui inter apostolicos, I-388 61 . "Divine Praises," II-459. Domine miserere!, I-335.
Communion, II-240£., 365; Memento, Deus qui tribus, II-461, 462 2 4. Dix, G., I-2624, 265 16 , 3414 5; II-4 10, 5 14, Domine miserere nostri Christe, II- 299 95 .
II-160, 163, 181, 237ff.; oblation, II-45; Deus tu conversus, I-273, 310, 310 77 , 320.e.e. 134 29, 155 16 , 160 6 , 280 15 , 300 99, 360.e; Domine non secundum, I-425 90, 431 66.
see also Memento of the dead. Deus veniae largitor, I-4884 11. see also Traditio A postolica, Index A: I. Domine non sum dignus, II- 3194 6, 348 25,
Dealba me, Domine, I-282. Deus vitam meam, I-310 76. Dobbert, E., II- 376 16 · 18 , 382 53 . 354.e 8 , 355£., 368, 371 e 9 , 372£.; beginning of
Debray, F. K., I-231 teo. Deus vita vivorum, II-446. Dohmes, A., I-326 28 ; II-393 16, 394.e.e. prayer, II-346 14, 355 34.
Decentius of Gubbio, I-53. ilEiirE Aa.ol, II-3984 7. Dold, A., I-614, 64 21, 106 14, 324 16, 3844.e, Domine qui dixisti: iugmn, I- 286.
Decretum pro Armensis, II-41 6 4. Deventer, II-414 51 . 395 16 396 18 400 34· 55 4014 3 404 2 • 3·6 Domine, sancte Pater, omni potens aeterne
Dejectus missae, I-128. Devotio, II-1664°. 425 5 4, 485e 8 .' II-102 5 '184eo '238 3 ' Deus, da mihi, II-346, 368.
Dejensores, I-67, 73. Devotio moderna, I-115 74, 276. Dolger: F . J.. i-1149. 5o', 18 51,;.e,o3, inso, Domine sancte Pater, omnipotens aeterne
Degand, A., I-100**, 210 11 . Dewick, E. S., II-12 6.!!. 173 97 217 39 239 e 9· 92 314 23 ·£4 334 1·4· 5 Deus, de abundantia, II-432 3 1 .
Dehio, G., I-206 71 • Dextera Dei Patris omnipotentis benedicat, 336 1/ 340 36 3414 5 J61 7 362; 0 459 2 4~ Domine Sancte S piritus, II-348 23 .
C.ii cf>OO.v<tv rov ~Awv <.,.' Evxa.pturla.v sou, II-691oe. II- 2 oto7 3 22. 3 3 j6,1o-t'e 43 u' 62 1o/ Domine suscipe me, II-4064°, 416 60 .
I-17 50 . Diaconicon, II-5 11 . 107 3 8 112161 1142 8 142e 1 198u 242 26 - 28 , Dominicale, II - 38047.
Deissmann, A., I-354 55 ; II-116 5. Dialogue, at the Conjiteor, I-299; before the 281 18,312 8 360e· 3' 379s:/ 433 15, 434 15 · 1r' Dominicans, I - 100£., 121 106 , 135, 204 56 ,
, J , ' , '

De latere Domini nostri Jesu Christi, I - preface, II-110ff. 435 24, 436 36, 437 5. 228 279 292 306 56 316 38 332 56 364 115
441u7; II-63 116 . Dicamus omnes, I-336. Dam, K., II-291 85 . 396,18 420 6 ' 437 10,1· 102 '446 28 '450 5/
Dele Domine, II-78u. Dickinson, F. H ., II-124 53 . Domestic Eucharist, I-212ff. II-5i 45 55 7o 81 27· 28 84 15 87 3'e 1584/
Delehaye, H ., II-175.e 9, 409 18 . Didache, Didascalia, see Index A: I. Domestic Mass, I-13e 8, 212ff. 2094 5 2z1 15 Z36 53 2694 9·6; 2116.e 293,
Delictum meum, I-310 76. C.tOO.uKa.Aot, I -13 .!!8. Domina nostra, II -404 3 1. 317 30: 33047, 335 1 6, 351, 372s.e, 4o4 31 :
Delisle, L., I-92 79 ; II-46.e.t, 238 5. Didymus the Blind, I-335 37 . Domine, accinge, I-283. 442, 448; see also Index A: III, 2, g.
Dempf, A., I-113 56. Diehl, E., I-209 7; II-243 5 1· 35 -38. Domine Deus omnipotens benedic, II-70 15 ( Dominicum, I-172.
Dominus, I-353; II-1104. 1504 6; II-206 8 3 - 118 , 207.e 9, 20944, 211 68 , II- 11 66 , 18 99, 37 3 8 , 47-89 (passim), Eichstatt, II-14 71 , 403u.
Dominus custodial introitum, II---442t4. 212 61,29181. 103 9 105 !5,.!1 6 106.!1 7-3 1 121 34 139 5 "Eighth day", II-182 a , 4144 7•
Dominus meus et, II- 214 83 . Dungersheym, H ., I- 461 43 . 140 9, 155 17 ·.e4 '159 49 164es-u 16s.e 8.s / Einsiedeln, Il-333 6, 337 16, 338 38•
Dominus nos benedicat, II---443 3.e. Dunin Borkowski, St. v., Il- 226* 1 . 166 3 ,7 169 6!1 '175 30 ' 176 81· 8s .'s4 186 80 , 'E1pJ.Lo<, 1-430.
Dominus sit in corde, 1-444, 453 76 , 454. Duns Scotus, 1- 182 18. 208 39 : 221ft, 236 6.e, 237 5 4, ' 2454< Er, <1-y<o<, ("One is holy" ), II-297.
Dominus sit in ore, 1-455. Dunstan, St., II- 324 16 • 24650-5 !1 ,56, 2574 3,45, 28646, 30717, 315u, Ei>enhofer, L., I-1744, 30 10, 504, 604.e,
Dominzts sit semper vobiscum, I-47 Durandus, 1- 69 10 , 109 3.e, 1124 9, 114 68 , 31781 ,S S , 53 319 41,45 326$8 346- 359 66.e .e 65 88 6639 7817 125126 151 61
Dominus vobiscum, I-19, 29, ssu, 71 , 198u, 234 1, 248 27, 269 82 , 270 39, 2714 6, 273 11 , (passim), J68 9, 38SB4, 391 /s 5 ,l!J 7-1ll 9, 172.er, 17383, 2o36o, 2o910 , 215ss, 220 5<
203, 225, 226, 236, 237u, 310, 316, 333 6.e, 290 96, 294 18 , 303 30 , 3124, 316 36 · 37 , 4018, 4021$-14,1 6,19, 4387, 43911, 44116, 223 77 , 234 1, 248.e 6, 249 39, 254 10 , 258 36 ,
361, 362, 363, 405; II-113£., 1464°, 279, 320 21 -ts, 326 30, 3284.!1, 329 44, 343 63 · 64, 460 6; (Gregorianum), see Index A: III, 1, 264 10 270 38 272.e 296 25 3174 1 334 6
422, 424, 434; and flectamus genua, I- 344 68 , 358 60 , 365 18 , 3684 7, 370 58 , 380 116 , a; see also Index A: Sacramentaries, III, 346 1, '359 6 4, '363 16 ,' 372 66 ,' 387 56,' 410 88:
361 8; at the Orate jratres, II-85; at the 387 65 ,56, 412 66, 41468, 4157 0, 418 8$ ,88,
2, a; Pontificals, III, 2, c. 418 83 , 421 u, 437 98 · 10 4, 439 11 4, 442 '\
secret, II-93; before the lessons, I- 419 8 426 36 4284 3 430 69 435 90 442 11 446£71 454 86 474 76 479£ 7. 11-30£6
405£. 446 ss . .e9 ,W7 36 ,M8 44 ,M 5
9 41 4 0 56,6/
Ecce Agnus Dei, II-335, 372£.
Eccefrater, II-371 .!1 8. 36 29 37 38 4i 1,.e 53/.e 58 8 4 '73.e.e 100 8'
Domnus, I-455 9*. 4527o,7/7S, 45J76, 45488, 4S61, 4651< Ecce J em benigni ssime, II -352. 105 .ee 113'18 140 14 143 27 '1464/ 148;
Dona, Il- 94£.; cf. II-14 70 . 47o s3,u, 471 68, 472 67, 48686 ; II- 836,
Ecce panis, II-451.e. 151 17, 156.es 186_; 1· 33 i94 37 '251 17,
Donauesching, I-311 84. 12 64 1896,9 6 22118 27 " 30$4 406"
Ecce sacerdos, 1-321, 404-e. 2S84a' 266 33 '290 7 4 295'u 300 39 307 20 ,
Doncoeur, P., I-315 2 4; Il-328 36 . 5884' 599.!1 60ioo 641f8 74e7 7810 80.eo'
Ecclesia, 1-253. 349.e 6: 360.!,' 365 33 ,' 385 81 :442 18 : 4454<
Dorn, J., 1-594 1. 83 a' 85 18 88 4£.44 9 31 9 % 89 '130 1s' Ecclesiae tuae quaesumus Domine preces, II- 451 1, 461 17, 463u.
Dorotheus of Thessalonica, II-361 6 . 131 1 ~, 140i 1, 142!1 6,' 179 40: 186 8 i, 201 39: 293. Eiusdem, eundem, I-137 67 ; II-220u,
Di:irrer, A., I-151 60 . 205 16 207 36 208 87 · 38 2104 9 211 57 214 81 Ecclesiastical provinces, see Church Provin- 247 60 .
Dorsch, E., I- 24 10 . 246 6 6, 2564 1, 2s9 56 , '267 89 ,' 290 78 :
236 53 : ces. Eizenhi:ifer, L. (A), I-429 64; II-2494,
ll.O~a, II- 132.!1 6, 1364.t. 308 26 3114 6 318 34 325 !1 3 327 86 331 68 Echternach, see Index A: III, 2, a. 428 9 • 11 , 429 14· 18, 431.e 8.
Doxologies, I-11, 35, 38, 461 " 9 , 466; II- 336.!1°:337si, 347 1.9, 351e,' 3Ss4< 364.e 9: Eckebert of Schonau, I-119 96. 'EK<PWV'T/0'«, 1-197 11 ; II-96, 273 79 .
450111; accompaniment to the rite, II- 396 3*,4074, 416 66 , 435 !1 9, 443 30, 444 36 · 37, Eckhart, Meister, I- 131 s 6 • E ktene, 1-340, 481.
266£.; after the Pater Noster, II-286; at 44544.4 8, 449 16 ; see Pontifical of Dur- Ecks Pfarrbuch (Greving), see Pfarrbuch, Elbogen, I., I-3924, 422 3 ·4; II-111 8.
the end of the canon, II-259ff.; indicative andus, Index A. Johann Ecks. 'E>.<.,uov, 1-334, 335.
mood, I-256, 3284 1, 351, 352 ; per ipsum, Durham ritual, I-303 38 . Eder, K., 1-489 61 . Elevation, as oblation rite, I-21 63 ; 11-
II-265ff.; per quem haec, Il-259ff., see Edmayr, H., 1-28 3. 424, 59, 206; at the consecration, 1- 116,
also Gloria in excelsis, Gloria P atri. Eagle pulpits, I-418 83 . Eeles, F. C., II-131!111. 118, 119, 120, 145, 147; II-131u, 206ff.;
Doxology, closing, II-108, 259ff. Easter, I-15£.; II-180, 185, 397, 436; 'H •ip~v., Tov Owv, II-3211. at the Pater noster, II-290£., 297; at the
Drama, liturgy as, I-61, 150, 177£., 234. Coptic, I-15 89 ; Ethiopian, 1-15 39 ; Mass, EJ!ectus, 1-379!1!1. offertory, II-48.!19, 58f.; becomes de-
Dramatic character, I-77, 78, 101, 102, 107, 1-15; meal, 1-11, 14ff. Egbert, II-260 2· 7 . monstrative rite, II-271; greeting, l l -
108, 109, 409, 410; II-99, 202. Eastertide, order of lessons, I-395£., 398f.; Egeling Becker; 1-115 7.!1; II-1584!1, 444 86• 214ff.; honor, Il-208ff.; little elevation at
Dreves, G. M., I-437 98 . prayer arrangement, I-240, 368, 370, Egger, A., II-374.!1. concluding doxology, 1-72, 90; II-266ff.;
Drews, P., I-13.ee, 50 1, 54 16 ; II-148 3, 375 11 . Ego (miser, reus ... ) peccator, 1-303. of incense, II-74; of the chalice, II-207;
153 10, 154 16. East Syrian Liturgy, 1-41 ; see also Index A: Egypt, Journey out of, I-8. overwhelmed, II-271; presentation, II-
Drogo, 1-311 8 4. II, 3. Egypt-Rome, I-26.e 1, 5Sf.; II-240£., 250ff., 206; showing, II-206£.
Drontheim, see Trondheim, below. Eastward, facin g, I- 70, 239, 254f., 357, 371, 428 7. Elfers, H ., 1-15 36 · 38 , 24 8,25 15, 26.e 3, 27 £4,
Drying of the fingers, 1-277. 415,448, 481; Il- 112 16, 351,422. Egyptian Church Order, II-276 6, 433". 27 28 1 30 11 173s. II-2.e 76 1 111 13
Dublanchy, E., Il-365 33 . Ebel, B., 1- 126 183. Egyptian liturgy (in general), I-1744, 41, 119 4, 225 38 . '
8 ' ' ' '
Du Cange-Favre, I-173s.e,s 6; II-37" 8, Eberharter, A., 1-392 9. 239.!1 9 3641 366f 38441-4 2 395 482· II- Eligius, see Index A: III, 2, a.
131 u, 210 60. Eberle, K., 1-130 17 . 410 i13 114 26 ·i28 4 135 39 13B4 9 iso 16 Ellard, G., I-22 159 ; 11- 1794 5.
Duchesne, L., I-46 14• 16, 47 18, 61 7, 66 36 , Ebionites, II- 384 7. 1719 19J 217/o.e 222 224_;4 230' 25011.' Ember Days, I-246, 367, 396 17, 425,431 66,
254 7, 311 8 4, 332 64, 3351li• 13, 3734, 4014 1, Ebner, A., I-61*, 70 11 , 93 8, 9Su, 101 61 · 5*, 25o 14, 26ot, 261,' 278; , 299 8 6, 360, 427 2: 435.
432 71 467 8 1. II-156 31 163 17 176 33 102 66, 104-e, 1054· 8, 1061£• 18, 2!1.e 1 , 2184 6 , 433; see also Index A: II 1; of St. Basil, see Embolism, II-284; accompanying rites, II-
23os/.e4 233h 238 6 26i 10 294~ 302 63 , 227 1 0 ~ 274 1 ~ 277~ 278 1 ~ 294 1 ~ 296.e~ Index A: II-4. 292; manner of execution, 11-176 85, 285;
312 3, 3J3 1 •8 •6 ·6, 337~ 6 , 33B86 , 361 6; se; 308 7.e, 310 77 · 78, 311.e, 312 6· 7, 315 30, Ehrensberger, H ., II-2454 7. nobis quoque, II-251; of saints' names,
also St. Arnaud, Index A: III, 2, d. 316 · , 319u, 331 o.e, 389 69 ,
33 36 409 36, Ehrhard, A., I-458 13 • Il-176 35, 285; prayer of need, II-292.
Duhr, B., 1-145 19, 14616 ; II-3734". 437 10 .e, 439 111 · 118, 442u 9, 447 37, 451 63 , Eichmann, E., I-68 7, 71 16, 389 66 , 443 9; Emittere digneris, Il-333 5.
Dumoutet, E., 1-11886, 120 97 •98, 121 101 , 452 69, 45488,90,91, 45596,98, 47264, 48S.es; II-7.es, 12 6 -e. Emperor, Roman, delivers Gospel I---443 ;

in the Canon, II-153, 157f.; see also Court E pistola apostolorum, I-15 59. EuxaP'""'*pwv, II-4 10, 151 16 . Faith, Hope and Charity, Acts of, I-492 .
Ceremonials, King. Ermengaud of Urge!, I-388 61 . EuxaP'""'*"a~, I-9, 21, II-202 5. Faithful bringing gifts, I-55 115 ; II- 2ff.,
Ems, Congress of (1786), I-153 6.!1. Ermland, Diocese of, II-260 8, 3294 5, 409 14. EuxapLCT-rla, I-12 87 , 16, 21, 22, 23, 25 18 , 166ff.
"Evap~«, I-43, 263. Ernst, J., I - 456 6 . 169, 170, 473; II-102, 115. Falk, F., I-130.!1°, 145.et-.u.
Enclziridion lndulgentiarum (1950), II- Ernulf of Rochester, II- 36 55, 309 57 , 38475. Euxap<CT-roD,..<v <To<, I-19 60 ; II-276 6. Faller, 0., I-52 8.
217100, 459 19 . Eschenbach, J. E ., II-3741. EMoKla, I-351. Famulus, II-250.
'Ev .tp*vu (XptCT-roD), II-433. Escorial, II-102 5. Eugene IV, II-325. Fan (flabellum ), I-203 55.
'EvEp'(OV!LfVOL, I-475 5, 476; II-20 107. Essen, see Index A: III, 3, b. Eu:\o-yiiv, I-9. Fanones, II- 94 1 •
Engberding H I-31 14 38 8 • 9 ·11 516, Et cum spiritu tuo, I-19, 236, 363, 365; II- Eu:\o-y*"a~, I-9; II-202 5. Farfa, see Cluny, Index A: III, 2, f.
429 54; u~113eo, t26 6.e. ' ' 3211, 332 . Eu:\o-yla, I-t•, 22 6 4. Fasting, Law of, I-15 97 ; before Com-
Engelbert, I-217 97 ; II-343 11 , 410.e.e, 435. Et est tibi Deo, II-265.!1 9. Eulogiae, I-13£ 9; II-104 6; see also munion, II-364; on Thursday, II-400.
England, I-74, 102, 129 19 , 133, 215.!11, Ethiopian liturgy, I-18 56, 42; Easter cele- Antidoron. Faustus of Byzantium, II-276 7.
297, 298, 309 74, 312, 319 16, 321 9, 326 9 1, bration, I-15 99; see also Index A: II, 1. Eundum, eodem, I-137 56 ; II-220 12 , 2476°. Fear and the Eucharist, I-39££.; II- 114, 362.
488; II-17 8 4, 51, 56,66 198 , 69, 84, 131.e.e, Et ideo, II-125, 127. Eusebius of Caesarea, I -32 18 , 207 1 , 2531, Fecarnp, I- 96 91 ; see also Index A: III, 3, a .
2024, 209, 270 58 , 317 90 , 324, 326, 328, Et incarnatus, I-372 63 , 465. 257 2 li, 408.e 8 , 464; II-273 77 , 312 8 , 3734°, Fehr, B., II-408 10.
339 346 14 354 3984 7 404.!1 8 418 441 17 Et Verbum caro factum, II-450 115 . 379 9 ~ 3804~ 386 96 . Fehrenbach, E ., II-73.e 0 •
4454 6, 454; 8; s:e Inde: A:
Enlightenment, I-151££., 156£.
3, a: , Et 1Jidimus gloriam, II-405 95 .
Eucharist, and children, II-385, 407, 4134 7;
Eusebius Gallicanus, II -39 51 .
Eutychius, I-68 7; II-5 1 4, 3014 6.
Felicity, St., II-254.
Felix II, I-57 90 , 478.u, 482 15 .
Ennodius, II-15519. and the sacrifice, II-114, 126 611 , 149££.; EO~aCTO<, I-476 11 . Felix III, II-20 108 .
'Ev ovo,..an Kvplov, II-433. basic form of, I-21 63 ; belief of the people, Evagrius Scholasticus, II-407 7. Feltoe, C. L., I-61 5; see also Leoniamnn ,
''Evw<T« -roil 1rava-ylov, II-300·M. II-371£.; carried by acolytes, II-303, Evening Mass, I-1744; 251. Index A: III, 1, a.
''Hvw-raL Kal, II-316. 312, 324 17 , 386 95 ; carried by the laity, Evreux-Jumieges, see Index A: III, 3, a. Fermentum, I-201 9 4; II-300 99 , 303 2 ,
Entrance rite (Roman), I-261, 262, 263, II-386 95 ; celebration of, I-7 11, llff., 17ff.; Evurtius, II-267 37 . 309 3 4, 312£., 320.
264, 265, 266, 320; shrinking, I-269, 270, Christ, I-118, 119, 179, 180; II-369; Exaltabo te, I-423; II-28. Ferotin, M ., I-45 6, 421 1, 4484 5; see al so
271, 323, 324; see Introit. desire to behold, I - 119, 120, 121; II- Examination of clergy, I-85. Liber Ordinum; Liber M ozarabicus, Index
Entrance, for Gaul, see Procession of of- 206; doctrine in the post-communion, II- Exaudiat nos, I-310 81 . A: II, 6.
ferings; Great, I-43; II-5, 92; Little, I- 42.e; doctrine of the real Presence, I-82, Exaudiat te, II-88. Ferreres, J., II-69 1511, 236 51 , 2574 5 , 331 5 9,
43, 263, 390 70 , 445, 449 51 . 83, 84, 160, 161; II-102; domestic cele- Exaudi Christe, I-389. 403 2 4; see also Missals, Index A: III, 3, a.
Entrance rites, I-43, 44, 58, 211, 261££., bration of, I-212££.; double-species, I- E xaudi Domine, I-310 81 . Fiat commixtio ( ... ) vini et aquae, II-65.
320, 332. 184n., 185, 186, 191; miracles, I-119££.; Exeter, I-4284 3 ; II-385 84, 41448. Fiat (haec) commixtio et, II-310, 313a,
Epictetus, I-334 5. Paschal character, I-368, 395, 425; E x hac altaris participatione, II-235f., 260. 314.!! 0 , 315££., 3194 6, 389.
Epiklesis, I-32 17 , 37, 46, 50 1 , ss.e 5 , 56 116 ; prayers (Agnus Dei), II-335£.; (at the Exiit edictum, I-443. Fiat mihi obsecro, II-346 15 .
II-150, 190££., 263 84, 279; communion, consecration), II-214, 335, 352; {before Ex latere Christi, II-63 11 6. Fiat misericordia, I-273, 310 77 .
II-190, 192, 233, 235; consecration, II- the communion), II- 343££., 349; {with the 'E~o!LOAO'(ftCTOa<, I-18 56 . Fiat nobis et omnibus, II-317 81 ,
190££., 194 1, 199 91 , 202 5, 204; Egyptian, Host in the hands), II-335, 346 15 , 349 51, 'E~O!LOAD'f1JCTL<, I-473; II-115 1. Fiat voluntas tua, II-279, 290.
II-193; Holy Ghost, I-32 17 ; II-191, 351; Presence per concomitantiam, I-118; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, I- Fidei cultores, II- 156££.
235; Logos, I-34£.; II-191; Roman II- II- 207 19, 315, 385; reservation, II-406££.; 122, 150, 153; II-451£. Fidelium animae, II-446.
193£.; Syrian, II- 192. touching or handling, I-99, 119, 128; Extendit manus, I-30 11 • Fidelium Deus, I-48844.
Epikletic formulas, II-66f., 98f.; and Canon veneration, I-119, 120, 121, 150, 151, 160, Exue me Domine, I-278 15 . Fides cognita, II-1664 1, 331 56 •
epiklesis, II-66 199 , 68146. 240; II-139 8, 205££., 210££., 224£., 364. See Exultet of Holy Saturday, II-74 1 4, 149; Fiedler, E., I-334 6; II-4271 .
'E7rLOVCTLO~. II- 280 17 . Consecration, Body of Christ. Exultet roll of Gaeta, II-11 55 . Figt<ra (Corporis Christi), II-187f.
Epiphanius, St., I-408 118, 462, 464; II- Eucharist Dove, II-75 88 , 409 17 • E xsurge Christe, I-273. Filioque, I-466 2 4, 469.
2419.!1. Eucharistic prayer, I-13.e 8, 18 59 , 22££., 24 8, Eyes, lifting of the, II-198, 202, 236 51 , 445; Fingers, Ablution of, II-382, 415££. ; drying
Epiphany and the Eucharist, I-118; II- 28££., 30 11 ,31 16,32 17,34,35, 36; II-101££.; touching of the, II-308, 378, 418. of, I-277; keeping together, I-119; II-
141, cf. II-101. as commemoration and presentation, II- SO, 205 .
Epiphany, time after the, I-402 . 115££., 223ff.; breaking-up of contents, II- F acientes commemorationem, II -162, 171 11 . Finsterwalder, P. W., I-434 81 ; II-239 10.
Epistle, I - 89, 110, 399, 400, 401, 419, 420, 108£.; in a loud voice, II-107, 138, 258; Fac meum signum, II- 418 79 . Fire, I-68 7.
421; name, I-419; place where read, I- splitting of unity, II-103; unity, II-101££., Fac me quaeso, I-94 11 , 27J14, 286, 287 6 8. "First-born", II-374 1 .
412, 413; reader, I-227, 410, 411, 419, 420. 106££. See also Prayer of thanksgiving, Fac nobis hanc oblationem adscriptam, II- First fruits, II-10 51 , 260.
Epistle side, I-99, 108, 109, 110, 333, 346, Preface. 188. First Mass, I-356; II-14a, 19 10 .e.
357, 364 115 , 413, 4·14, 415. EuxapL<TTELV, I-12 11 , 22 6 4, 23 5 . Facturus memoriam, II-1394. Fischer, B., I-209 8, 422 9 ; II-216 911 ,
Fischer, L. , see Ordo Ecclesiae Lateranen si s, 235 8, 241 45, 24249, 246 6·9, 2504 5, 252 57, Gabriel Sionita, II-360 5. ("P rimurn in Ordine", " Dominus vobis-
I ndex A: III, 2, d. 287u, 297 50 , 302 26 , 307 65, 310 8 1, 322 59, Gachter, P ., I--408.e 9. cum") Index A : III, 2, h.
Five wound s, II- 194 58, 269. 369 51, 38545; II- 11 55, 1678 , 20111, 30 t 6, Gall, St., 1-63, 92, 126, 218, 436; II-189"; Gerhoh of Reichersberg, II-81s .e.
51 45 5570 60 98 661 56 671 40 701 55 78 12 see also Gelasianurn (St. Gall), Index A: Germanentum (Germanic world), 1-76, 77.
Flacius Illyricus, 1- 79; see also Missa
so t / 82 5; 85 19 s6 t6 89 58, 97 2 '11ss/ Ill, 1, a; Sacramentary, 11-1674 6. German high Mass, 1-155.
lllyrica, Index A: III, 2, b.
Flectamus genua, 1- 204, 267, 367, 3684 7, 143 5£, 147 45, 1SS4 2 , 1?6 85, Zl4 8.e: 220 15 :
Gallican liturgy, 1--45, 46, 47, 74 1, 76, 77, Germanus of Constantinople, 1--406 17.
369, 370, 371, 4819 , 484 ; II-442, 430u. 232 4, 237 , 239 , 260 , 270 51, 275.e,
3 56 11 3 78, 395; Il-119u, 136, 161ff., 218£., 223.e 8, Germanus of Paris, see E x positio antiquae
Fliche-Martin, 1- 30 9. 284 56, 289 64, 292 81, 308t 9, 3114 8, 325u, 276 5, 287f., 294 7, 302ff., 342ff., 395 118 , 421, Liturgiae Gallicanae, Index A: II, 7.
Flicoteaux, E ., 1- 33047. 327S.t,S4, 348u, 351 5, 352 10, 366 87 , 373 41 , 428 7, 440£.; influences on the Roman Germany, I-93, 95f., 103, 143, 146f., 152ff.,
F lorian, St. , Ritu.ale, see Augustinians, 384 75 , 403 .e4, 415 59, 418 79, 438 8, 442-453 liturgy, 1--447; 11--43, 370u ; Missale 161ff., 439 117, 491ff.; 11-21 11 4, 324 16,
Index A: III, 2, g. (notes, passim); see also Mass Interpre- Gallicanum Vetus, Il- 69 15 .e, 92 10, 239u. 386,417 74, 418,446.
Florus Diaconu s (Florus of Lyons), 1- 88, tations, Index A, III, 2, h; III, 3, d. Gallicanism, 1-151; neo-Gallican liturgies, Gerona, 1- 307 63 ; 11- 2574 3.
261 1· 11- 104 17 139 3 150 15 166 35 190 17 Franz, l gnaz, 1- 155 77 . l-158. Gerson, J., I-131 .e 6.
2oo" s, 201 59 , 203 9, 2t9 ", 24s4 6 • ' ' Franzelin, J. B., 1- 185 31 . Gardellini, A., 1-139 67, 363 17. Gestures, of presentation, 1-21 63 ; II--62,
Focke-Heinrichs, 1- 136 50 . Fratres, 11-85£. Garrigou-Lagrange, R ., 1-186 36. 147, 198£., 202. See also Bow, Hands.
Fonte Avellana, see Index A: III, 2, a. Fratres et sorores, Misereatur, 1- 300 ; Gastoue, A., l--488 43 ; 11- 130 13, 13744. Gestures, oratorical, II- 145, 186.
Fontevrauld, 1- 307 . Orate, Il- 83, 85£. Gatien, St., see Sacramentaries, Index A: Gewiess, J.. I - 84, 9 9 , 10 16, 164 3.
" For," offering for someone, 1- 224 ; II- Fregit, imitated, 11-202; see also Breaking. III, 2, a. Ghius, B., 11-193 34.
43, 98, 162, 17lf., 18lf., 438. Freiburg, I--486; Il- 141 17 . Gatterer, M ., 1-139 65 , 140 69 , 230t.e 0, Gifts, plea for acceptance of sacrificial, 11-
Fore-Mass, l - 261ff. Freisen, J., 1-128 35; 11-87 81 , 327 8 .e, 288 78 , 363 11 , 413 60 ; 11-4454 7. 150, 170, 188 7, 227f.
Formulas, closing, see Closing formulas. 352 14,405 57,448 11 ,449 11 . Gaudeamus omnes, 1-329. Gihr N I-316 58 352 .e4 354 56 361 6
Freising, II-21 115, 23J.e 7 ; Benedictionale, Gaudeat Domine, 11-140 9. 363,17 429 65 431 64 437 10 4 470/ 7. II_:_
Forster, W., II- 280 17.
11-294 7; Missal; Sacramentary, see Index 30t 6 66 1 3 5 72 1 .e 124 6.e 151 19 1584 8
' , ' ' J

Fortescue, A., 1- 30 10 , 32 .e 0, 50 1, 121 101 , Gaude Dei Genitrix, 1-134.

140 71 , 170 8, 264 a, 470 50 , 480 5; II-78 9, A: Ill, 2, a; III, 3, a . Gaudel, A., 1-182 19, 184.e 9; 11- 232 85 . 167 4,7J 170 5,, 227 6J 229 1; , 2344 6,, 243 3 / ,
ss .eo, 102 5, 119.t4, 148 5, 154 15, 170 1, Freistedt, E., 1-2184 11 • Gaudete fl ares, 11-216 97 . 245 44 248 64 250 16 316! 7 318 37 349 28
180£ 226 5 230 19 241 .!4 24544 251 17 Frere, W. H., 1-32 17, 51 5, 399 55 , 435 9.e; Gavanti-Merati 1-69 10 363 17 387 5 5 434 19: ' ' ' ' '
2s6/1, 3814 9, 43o.ea. ' ' • 11-193 55 . 412 58 449 5/ 460 3t 470 57 ir- 17 88, Giving, joyful, II-17.
Foundations, II-9f., 23, 167, 414. Friday, I--401, 40244. 19 10 t: 72 11 , '76 5 4, 8su , 130 14, 131 u: Glagolitic language, 1- 81, 165.
Fount, II-77£., 380, 416f. Friedberg, E. A., see Decretum Gratiani; 142.eo, 165 50 , 32841, 446 54. Gloria aeterno Patri, II- 347 16.
Four-time offering, II- 22. Decretales Gregorii IX, Index A : Ill, 2, e. Gebhardt-Harnack, 11-376 17 . Gloria in excelsis, 1- 70, 89, 106, 125, 137,
Fractio panis, 1- 13 £8. Frochisse, J. M ., 11-366 55 . Geffcken, J.. 1--492 9. 155 201 89 204 61 209 9 265 319 17 321
France, I-74ff., 143£., 151f., 158f., 163, Frois, L., 1-372 65 . Geiselmann, J., 1-82 38 ; 11- 34 17, 194 37, 324£ 0, 33J, 346ff:, 369: 37S; II- i3o 10:
230 121, 311, 389, 469, 471, 472 63, 487f., "Fr6ja arrnes", 1- 335 11 . 232 3.!. 131.e.e, 334 13, 436 55 ; as song, 1- 356£.;
492; II- 17 84, 35£., 56, 129, 15846, 202 3, Frontals, 1- 257. Gelasian Sacramentary, see Index A: III, 1, a. explanation, l-349ff., form s of the text,
209, 257 45, 273, 317, 326, 367, 402 16 , 445, Frost, M ., 11- 215 87 . Gelasius I, 1-55, 58, 62, 172n., 336; 11- I - 347ff.; place, 1-355£.
453, 454. Fructuosus of Braga, 1-204 59. 156119, 194 57, 231 eo, 253.eo, 28646. Gloria P atri et, 1- 70, 85, 237 20, 267,
Franchi de' Cavalieri, P., II-175.! 9 . Fructuosus of Tarragona, ll-154. General absolution, see Absolution . 270 36, 295 11 1, 323, 324 19, 325, 328; II-
Francis of Assisi, St., 1-199 2 0 . Fruits of the Mass, l-129ff., 130, 132, 144, Gillone Sacramentary, see Index A: III, 1, a. 264, 297 es, 394£., 405 .
Francis Borgia, St., 1-14945. 232u 7 • "Gelobt sei Jesus Christlts", 1--461 39 . Gloria P atri per, 1- 328.
Francis Xavier, St., II-214 81 , 348 15 . Frumen (Mass), II-241S 3. General Communion, see Communion. Gloria tibi Domine!, 1-77, 237, 447.
Franciscans, 1-101£., 136, 137 55 , 279, 439; Fruttuaria, ll-12 63 , 35 .e 5. "General prayer" of the church, I--480ff. Gnostics, 1- 27 ; II- lf., 38, 2014°, 262.
II-24 15 4, 524 7 , 79, 293, 373. Fulbert of Chartres, I-98 37 ; 11-292 , Gennrich, P., 1-440 uo. Gobi, P., 1--491 6· 7, 492 8.
Frank, H ., 1-52 10.
312 . Genuflection, 1- 123, 465 17; II-212, 273, God, and Christ, 1-349, 350; praise of, 1-
Frankfurt, ivory tablet of, ll-32 5, 34 17 . Fulda I-92 · Codex of the Vulgate, 1- 351, 377£.; before the Sacrament, 11-212£.; 351, 352; separation from Logos, 1-30 11 ;
Franks, land of, I- 74ff., 469, 471; ll-129, 401 8 8; see aiso Index A: III, 2, a. see also Kneeling. songs to, 1- 16; see also Doxologies.
367f., 453; see France. Fulgentius, II-117J.e. Georgius, D., 11-336 18. Godparents, II- 161.
Franz, A., 1-8555, 88 65 - 67, 98 56, 103 61, Fulkwin, Il-164.e.e. Gerbert M 1- 86 56 151 61 2194 7 307 66 God's body, see Gottesleichnam.
108-117 (notes, passim), 122 11 .e, 128 7, Funk, F . X ., 11-15 75 , 20 105 , 148 5, 276 , 313 a '34i'48 408 2,6 · n__:_22o 14' 236 5/ Godu, G., 1- 398 116, 399 33, 401 38, 402 50,
1299-1 5 1301 8, 191 13 1.e5,25,.t 11 1431 4, 77
379s.e, 384 ; see also Constitutiones 244 4/ 246 66 '336 18 J39 88 385 8 6 445 4°, 406 16 , 410 43 •
1 447 601 449
145 20 , 146 28 , 1904 6, 211.e.e, 216.! 6, Apostoloru~n, Didascalia, Index A: I. ' . ' ' ' ' Golden Mass, 1-387 64.
220 52,54 -66, 222 70, 223 81, 22485, 22810 9, Furtmeyrs, 1- 346 69. Gerbert, see also Mass Interpretations : Goltz, E. von der, I-14 51 -s.e, 21 68.

Gondocz, ]., I-314.e~. Greek in the Roman Liturgy, I-74, 91 , 92, Guardini, R., I-21 63, 162 16 , 179 5, 403 5 4. 183; mention of offerer, II-180; reduction
Gondulph of Rochester, I-98. 333, 472 6 4. Gueranger, Pr., I- 138 64, 152 63 - 66, by Gregory the Great, II- 185; special
Good Friday, I-264, 329, 367, 369, 372, Greek Liturgy of St. James (Brightman) , see 158 88 · 89 , 159 90 ; II- 158 46 • formularie s, I-79, 2194 8 , 221; II- 23,
410 46, 420, 425 3e, 467, 481£.; II-289, Index A: II, 2. Guerrini, F., I-1004 6; see also Dominicans, 184£., 238.
291 81 , 321, 397, 409, 425 39. Greek Liturgy of St. Mark (Brightman ), see Index A: III, 2, g. Hanc oblationem, clementissime Pater, II-
Good Shepherd, II-12766. Index A: II, 1. Guido, 0. Cist., Cardinal, II-207 30 . 1899.
Goossens W I-7 1 86 91!-111 1016,19 Greenwell, II-260.e· 7. Guido of Mont-Rocher, I-115 711 • Hanc oblationem quaesmmts, II-42 6, 46 110 .
11.eo' 14:, 6' 10' 25i 6, 26.e 1, 178;·, II- 32/. Gregorian chant, I - 65, 123. GUlden J I-163 16 · 18 342 60 490 57 · II-
ii Hands, covered, I-449; II-61 101 , 307;
Gospel, I-47, 71, 89, 110, 147, 439 117 , Gregorian Sacramentary, see Index A: III, 1283, 41 9 . ' ' ' crossed, II- 84, 142, 236 53 ; folded, I-78,
442ff., 478; choice of, I- 399, 401, 402; 1, a. Guignard, Ph., I-994 1 . 372, 448 46; in the form of a cross, see Arms;
honors paid to, I-77, 394, 395, 405 10 , GregorienmUnster, I-46, 93; see also Mass Guilds, II-23. laying on of the, I-477; II-144, 146 38 ·40,
442ff.; last, see Last Gospel; listened to ordo of GregorienmUnster, Index A: III, 2, "Gulden mess", I-387 64. 440 6, 452; lifted up, see Orantes, posture of;
standing, I-448, 449; place where read, b; III, 3, b. GUmbel, A., I-131 .e.e. over the gifts, I-29, 140; II-90 1, 187,
I-412, 413. Gregory I (the Great ), I - 56 117 , 58, 63, 64, Gztstate et videte, II-392£., 395 16 . 236 611 ; spreading of the, I-364, 372, II-
Gospel side, I-99, 107, 108, 109, 110, 412 59, 98, 130, 175 4°, 19J6 6, 206 70, 208, 214, 216, 142, 378.
413, 414, 415 70, 416, 417, 418, 471 69 . 218 223 74 335 13 336 338 339 426 38 Habemus ad Dominmn, II- 110£. Hands, washing of the, II-76ff.; after the
Gospels, Book of the, I-64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 4316 7 432' 457 477 17 .' n _:15 75 ' 28 32, Haberstroh, L., II-298 31, 299 35 , 31145, communion, II-416ff.; and incensing, II-
, , J ' , ' ,

311, 312, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447, 452, 453, 102 5, 127 66 , 175, 180, 184£., 189, 234, 255, 314 1 ~ 316.e~ 317 .e ~ 318 3 ~ 80; and the offertory procession, II- 79; at
460; II-292; Kissing the book, I-291 6, 278£., 285, 288£., 304 6, 322, 3414, 360 6, Habete osculum, I- 312. the offertory, I- 201; II-78£.; before the
449, 450, 451, 452. 381 51 , 409 18 , 430. See also Gregorian Habete vinculum pacis, II-331. breaking, II- 78, 278 6; before the canon,
Gothic, I-103ff., 158, 224, 277, 305, 313; Sacramentary, Index A: III, 1, a; St. Hadrian I, I- 63; Sacramentary, see Index II-76£., 139; before the consecration, II-
II-216. Gregory's Mass, I-116£.; 119 96 . A: III, 1, a. 78; before the Mass, I-277, 278; II- 76;
Gothicum, Missale, see Index A: II, 7. Gregory II, II- 54 6.e. Hadrian VI, I-181 16 . beginning, II-76£.; by the laity, I-238;
Gottesleichnam (God's body), I-119 90• Gregory III, II-176. Haec, II-231.e 9, 261 11 . II-77£., 380; for the server, I-238 109 ; of
"Got vatir", II-215 88 . Gregory V, I-96. Haec ablutio calicis, II-4134 7. the deacons, II-267 39 ; prayer accompany-
Gotz, J. B., I-131e.e, 212 16 ; 14u. Gregory VII, II- 21, 143 110, 270 65 . Haec commixtio, II-316. ing, I-277; II-80; symbolism, I-87;
Gougaud, L., I-45 7, 301 110, 3141 4. Gregory IX, II-351 6, 362 18 ; Decretales, see Haec dies quam f ecit, I-429. II-76£.
Goussanville, P., I-204 60. Index A: III, 2, e. Haec est lex divina, I-450 68 . Hanssens, J. M., I-8 6, 9 10, 40.ee, 171 17,
Grabmann, M ., I-439 110 , II-464116. Gregory X, II-211. Haec nos communio, II-403 n , 418 78 . 173 34 196 6· 7 197 10 226 91· 96 231 1113
Grace after meal, I-9ff., 20. Gregory Nazianzen, St., I-213; II-4 10 , Haec sacrosancta commixtio, II-313u, 316n, 237 ' / 261 1 2624 264; 272 3 319,1 2 364 18,
Grado, I-415u. 366 36 ; Coptic anaphora of, I-42; II- 317£. 3674/ 389 ° 6 39o 70 '392 3 '405 9 '406 16,
Gradual, I-65, 70, 146, 147, 425ff.; musical 334111. Haec singulariter, I-275.e 1; II-4064°. 407 19 , 423 11 ' 424 26 '4451.9 ' 446 3 J 448 39,
Gregory of Nyssa, I - 246 111 ; II-128 11, 280 17, Haec sunt convivia, II-4064°. 463 9 ,468 36 ,478.eo' 485.e 7: II- 4io 5 1 /
setting, I-125, 426; name, I-77, 431,
432; repetition, I-100, 101, 427, 428, 334 11 . Haec sunt verba, I-450 68, 451 61 . 25t s6 33a' 35 .e 1,.es 3844,40 57 ,59 ,4417,
429. Gregory of Tours, I-30 10, 46, 196 7, 338, Haggada, II-9, 16. 45 18 '774 1'16 8 1281 132 2 6 136 411 'u74 3 '
Gradus Beatae Virginis, I-275 11 . 356 39 , 394 1, 447 11 4; II-5 16 , 129 8, 144 34, Hahn, A., I-462 5; II- 283.e 9. 142 .e6 164u i71 6 in 18 '195 3 · 8 ' 196 10,
Graf, G., II-411 311. 155 17, 288 54, 304 6, 382 60, 453 16. "Hail, saving victim", II- 217 100 . 198 11 / 2024 .5 2036 204/1 205 1 ~ 218 3,
Graff, P., I-141 11 . Gregory of Valencia, I- 184 31. Hain, II-58 63, 67 14°,87 3 1. 225 38• 273 79 '278 5 z87 51 294 2 297 25 • 118 ,
Grail legend, I-120. Gregory's, Mass, St., see Gregory. Hair and comb, I-278. 328 4°, 36o 5 ' 383 6:, 384; 7 39Z 10 408 8,
Grant, G. G., I-1199 11 .94. Greiff, A., II-281 18 . Haito of Basel, I-215. 409 1 / 419 8$ 428/ 433 7· 'see als~ Mas~
Halinardus, Ordo, see Index A: III, 2, b.
' ' ' ,
Interpretations, Index A: III, 2, h.
Grapes, II-260, 262 . Greving, J., see Pfarrbuch, Ecks.
Grata sit tibi, II-47 26 , 54 68 • Griesser, B., II-206 1111 . Hallel, I-8, 9, 422 6, 426 36 • Hariulfus, I-217 7. 3
Gratian, Decretum, see Index A: III, 2, e. Grimaud, G., I-4874°. Halmer, N. M ., I-132so. Harnack, A., II- 384 7, 283 19 .
Gratiarum actio post Missam, II-404, 460. Grimlaich, II- 20 11 4. Hamburg, II-58 66. Hartmann P I-317 1 413 60 493 19 · II-
Gratias agamus, I-16, 29; II-110, 113, 149, Grimm, J. and W., II- 24 133 . Hamm F I- 84 · II-194 1 1956, 7,8, 21374, 214 83..' ' ' '
2264 1, 405 3 4, 418 78 . Grisar, H., I-214 1.e, 397 110, 4024 9, 415 74; 197 1/ 16 l98.eo .t.e-t4 199.e7-.e9 20036,37, Hartmann, Poor, II- 327 3 4.
II-28544, 461 16 . 2014° .4·< 222.e 5 ,£6. '
Gratias tibi agimus, II-2 6, 404. Harvey, I - 27 u , 26, 27, 28, 29.

Gratias tibi ref erimus, I-29. Grondijs, L. H ., II- 3004B. Hanc igitur, I-501, 55, 58; II- 179ff.; ac- Haseloff, A., II- 376 17, 378 30.
Graz, I-108.e 6; II- 64 1es. Grosche, R., I-190 46, 254 6. companying rite, II- 186; early form, II- Hattler, F., I- 146.e 6.
"Great Prayer" , I - 32 17 ; II-102, 115; see Grotefend, H ., I- 247 18. 180; formula of intention, II-181, 183; Hau, J., II- 216 96 , 325 .ee.
also "Eucharistic Prayer." Gsell Fels, Th., I-415 74, 418 90. for someone, II-181£.; intention, II-181, Hauler, E ., I-26 110, 28.e, 29 4· 6.
Holbock, K., I-223 77 ; II-41771. Hostias et preces, II-30.
Haungs, R., II-145~ 6• 433 77 , 434 84, 435 86 · 88, 438 109, 4705°;
Holiness of God, II-133. H ostimn nostrorum, II -293.
Haus, I-302.e7, 303~~. 31315,17,18. II-261, 392 9, 395 15 · 17, 400 58, 4571°;
Holland, II-23t.e 6, 63 116 ; see also Simon Hours of Mass, I- 247£.
Havers, W., I-170 10·u; II-231.e 9 , 338.u. see also Antiphonaries, Index A: III, 1, c.
of Venlo, William of Gouda, below, and House chapels, I- 213££.
Haydn, M ., I-155. Hesychius of Jerusalem, II-4074.
Smits von W. (Index A: III, 3, a). House communion, II-281, 359.
Head covering, I-287, 448; II-210 58• Hexameter, I-281 80, 37716.
Hie nominentur, II-163u.
Hollen, Gottschalk, I-249 36 ; II- 20. House-Mass, I- 13.e 8 , 212££.
"Hearing Mass", I-178.
Hie recitentur, II-245.
Holy Ghost, in prayer, I-380 115, 381 ~1, Huesca, II-432.
Heaven, Altar in, II-226, 231fi., 236.
383; in the Credo I-464, 465, 466, 467; Hugh of Lincoln, II-206.t7.
Heer, J. M., II-20 11 .e. ''Hier liegt vor deiner Majestat", I-155.
Jerome, St., I-52, 236, 311 s.e, 425H, 4316 7, invocation of, I-274 297.e 9· II-70 191 Hugh of St. Cher, I-107u, 11264, 11468,
Hefele, C. J., II-381 511 , 38695.
443 8 445 456 457 7· II-156.e 8 162 14 348; see also V eni Cr:ator, et~. ' ' 115, 326 11 ·"'.e, 357 5 "', 380u, 409H, 44415,
Hegel, E., I-153 59, 212.e5.
277": 283;0 , 2844°, 32J 9 , 360 3, 363~". 392.e: Holy Ghost epiklesis, I-32 17 ; II-19115, 450 59 , 452 75; II-83a, 85.es, 152.e 1, 165 3.e,
Heiler, F., I-78 17, 239 30 .
Hierzegger R I-67.e 267 11 268' 7 338.e 9 348. 246 54 2694 9- 51 290 79 308 .e6 325 .es
Heimbucher, M ., I-2067.e.
360 3, 3618, 4014°, 484 16. ' Holy Thursday, see Maundy Thursday. 326.e 9: 348.e4, 3529 , 358 60 : ' '
Heiming, 0., I-334 9, 406 17 ; II-289,11, ' '
193 33, 204u. High Mass, I- 163, 172, 200fi.; daily, I- Holy Saturday, I-209, 329, 332, 338'8, Hugo of Amiens, I-181u.
204, 205, 206; name, I-212.es; peculiarities 339, 3694 8, 396, 4104 6, 420, 424, 430 58; Huius Deus, II-403 16 .
Heinisch, P., II-228t.e.
Il-27, 974 3, 322"', 333, 394, 397. Huius sacramenti, II-36919.
Heinrichs-Focke, I-136 50. (details), I-314 19, 317, 324, 410, 411, 446;
Helbling, K., I-1441 9. II-70, 101, 131 u, 216, 271, 293 93, 306, Holy water, II-77, 452. Humanism, I-137, 281; see also Eiusdem,
Hellenism, I-31, 32. 322, 325, 329; Sunday, I-204 61 ; see also Holy Week, II-53a.e, 333 6, 337 16, 338 36; etc.
Hennecke, E., I-13 19, 2519. Deacon, Reader. see Maundy Thursday, etc. Humbert de Romans, I-100.
Henning, J., II-228 8. High priest of the Old Testament, I-110, Holzmeister, U., I-355 37 • 38 ; II-7211. Humbert of Silva Candida II-35.e 8 36 3 .e
"Homiliary of the Bishop of Prague" 318 38, 407 6 • ' ' '
Hennings-Ball, E., I-3.e. 111; II-138.
(Hecht), I-4894 7· 60 , 491 6, 49316. Humeral, see Amice.
Henry I, of Breslau, I-119 90 ; II-371 18 ; Hilary, II-280 17 .
Rituale, I-118 90 . Hildebert of Le Mans· I-1104 1.4.t 44846. Homily, I-153, 392, 393, 456££.; liturgical Humeros meos, I-281.
Henry II, I-97, 469; II-11 57, 415 57. II-130 11 , 139 3, 206;8 , 336 11• ' '
setting, I-459, 460, 461. Humiliate capita, I-240; II-428, 430.e11.
Henry of Hesse, (t 1397) I-114, 115 71, Hildegarde, St., II-377. Honey, I-15. Humiliate vos, II-296.
122 111 310 81 · II-213 271 61 4454 5 Hilduin, I-91 78 . Honorius III, I-205, 449 6 4; II-210. Humiliati, II-374 6.
Henry ;f Hesse: (t 1427/ I-223,81 . . Hilpisch, St., II-12 61 , 2011-1. Honorius Augustodunensis I-111 H 1146.e Hunc humiliat, II-65t.e 6.
117 81 , 205 67 , 222 69 , 278,11 , 279' 0,' 288 77: Hungarian Hermits of St. Paul, see Index
Henry Suso, II-110 5. Hincmar of Reims I-85 53 · II-16 76 71 1
325 11 , 343 53 , 414 66 , 4284 3, 453 76, 460.e9, A: III, 3, a.
Heraclius, I-68 7. 453 17. ' ' ' '
Herard of Tours, I-325 15, 343 53, 471; II- Hindringer, R., I-151 60. 472 67 , 473 69, 486 36, 4894 9, 491 6 , 493 17 ; Hungary, I- 103 6'; II-371 90, 398; Missals,
II-9"8 13 66 3633,36 63114 130J.e see Index A: III, 2, b; 3, a.
943, 129 9, 440 9. Hippolytus of Rome, see Traditio Apostolica,
Herbert of Sassari, 0. Cist., II-206 11, Index A: I ; Canones Hippolyti, (Riedel) I- 143 311, i86 31, io2.e, 24864, 2951~. 3104 9: Hymns, 1- 9 10, 13u, 346, 423, 424; II-
364.e9, 43019. 393; see also Sequences.
326.e 9 • 1597, 197 11 •
Herbord, II-364.e 9. Hirmos, I-422. Hoppe, L.A. II-23341. Hyvernat, H ., I-441.
Hirsau, II-35.t4,.t 6 ; see also William of Hormann, L. von, II-1679.
Herbs, I-8.
Herd's boy, II-23t.e6. Hirsau. Hormisdas, II-155 .e 0, 171 u, 361 6. lam corpus eius, II-40699.
Herdt, P. J . B. de, I-346 71. Hirscher, J. B., I-154 7-', 157 8-'. Hornykevitsch, M ., I-390 70 ; II-11215, 'I5ou o ap.vhs, II - 3014 9 •
287 58 . 'l•panv«v, II- 22641 .
Hereford, see Index A: III, 3, a. Hispana, II-440 10.
" Here is the body ... ", II-2171°1. History and liturgy, I-2, 3, 4. Horst, J., II-327 38. I('1uou)1:, X1: NIKA, 11-33, 45.
Heribert of Cologne, II-41771. Hittorp M I-66 39 151 61 · II-161 11 H ortttlus animae (1503), II-451. Ignatius of Antioch, St., I-174 5, 2264,2516,
Hermann Joseph Blessed, II-415. 200 33,'314; 0, 326 16, J36 18 ; s~e also Inde~ Hosanna, II-132 16, 137. 195 1, 207 1, 224, 447 31 ; II-3014 4; in the
Hermas I-3 13 18 · II-231.e 6 242.e 6 , A: III, Pontificals, 2, c; III, 2, Roman Hosius, Cardinal, I- 134. canon, II- 255 .
283.11 9.' ' ' ' Ordos, d. Hosp, E., I-45 8 1 8 ; II- 174 11 .e, 254 31 , 2564 1 . Ignatius Loyola, St., I-142, 207 7.e, 222 70,
Hermits, II-360. "Hochamt" (high service), I-172; see High Host, II-36£.; altar bread irons and, II- 248 90.
Herodianus, I-68 7. Mass. 36; as eulogim, II-454; box for, II-460; Ikonostasis, 1-40, 240.
Hoeynck, F. A., see Augsburg (Index A: kept in the hand, II-309; little Hosts, see Ildefons, Bishop, II-43.
Herrgott, M ., see Consuetudines, Index A:
III, 3, a). Particles; names for, II-374 1; odd num- llicet, II-434.
III, 2, f.
Hoffmann, J ., II-361 7, 4134 7. bers of, II-44 17 ; Sacred, see Eucharist; Ill ., II-165 3 4, 2454 9; ille, II-504 1 ; see
Herte, A., II-386 90.
Hofinger, J., I-143u, 150+ 8, 492 10. seeing of, I-118, 120; II- 206£., 216. also "N".
Herwegen, I., I-77 11 ; II-412 35 .
Holbock F I-1904 6 191 6 1. II-39 60 H ostia, I-134; II- 94; Hostiam puram, lllatio, II- 115 1, 149 1 o.
Hesbert, R. J., I-65 19 · 33, 2194 8, 323 14,
326.e 8, 332 53, 339 3 4, 425 30, 427 39, 431 66, 31146. ' ., ' ' ' sanctam, immaculatam, II- 225. lllumina oculos, II-418 79 .
Illyrica, Missa, see Index A: III, 2, b. In nomine Christi, II-433 . Irish-Celtic liturgy, 1-45, 387 63 ; see also Johannis Acta, 1-169 11, 217.
Imitation of Christ, 1-189, 193, 391 1; II- In nomine Domini nostri J em Christi sit Index A: II, 8. John~II, 1-126 128 ; 11-293.
349, 364 111, 463-"-". sacrificium, 1-95 11 ; II-63 11 6, 67£., cf. Isaac of Stella, 1- 111 4-'; II- 139-", 232. John and Paul, 11-156 50, 173, 175.
Immaculata hostia, 11-100. 68150. Isaias, vision of (6, 2£.), II-128, 134f. John Chrysostom, St., 1-24 8 , 37, 181 11 ,
Immola Deo, 1-94 11 ; II-55, 88. In nomine Patris ... , 1-288 81, 296, 332; Ischojabh, 1-208 5 . 208, 239 29, 247 16, 257, 335 10, 361 1, 363 16 ,
Immolare, 11-95. II-55 10, 65, 74.! 1, 315 ee, 355, 358 55 , Isidore of Seville, St., I-46 u, 82 51, 208 5, 365 118, 3684-", 395 1, 405 9, 423, 457, 460,
ltnmolatio, 1-48; 11-1151, 149 10 . 441 11, 443 51 . 224 86, 262 4, 423 14, 425-" 5, 431 61 , 459.e.e, 461 39 ,475 6,476, 47714; Il-111u, 112 14,
Impone Domine, 1-279. Innsbruck 1-270 56. 479 50 ; 11-16 80, 26 1, 103, 386 94. 128 3, 1354°, 160, 219 6, 234, 238 1, 240,
I ncarnatio in the Anamnesis, 11-221 111 ; In sacrificiis matutinis, 1-18 50. Iste, istorum, 11-50. 273 11 , 276 1, 297 118, 3014 6, 3604, 361 8 ,
cf. 11-50. In saecula saeculorum, I-19. Ite benedicti, II-436 51. 3804 3,392, 407.e, 420, 433.e; see also Liturgy
Incarnation of Christ, 11-49£., 135f., 221 111 , Inscription of Abercius, II-384 6. Ite missa est, 1-73, 173, 236, 390 10, 420; of St. John Chrysostom, Index A: 11, 4.
263. In spiritu hmnilitatis, Il- 51fi., 56 7 4, 69 16 ·', 11-398, 432ff., 463. John Damascene, 11- 379 3 4.
Incense, 1-39, 42£., 68f., 77, 91 19, 95, 139, 98, 29286,81,89. !tote, 11-434. John of Avranches, 1-96 51 , 103, 124u 0,
204, 211, 317fi., 450£. ; II-70fi., 278 5; and I n spirittt lmmilitatis (clamor ), II-292 81 · 8 9. l ube Dom(i )ne benedicere, 1-405 11 , 452 16, 202 205 64 209 11 210 14 248 116 292 8
the Credo, 11-75-" 3; and the offering of the Institution of sacramental rite, account of, l - 454; 11-439. 304:, 9 312/ 319~-"·ir 333 6 413 6 .e' 433 80 ,
sacrifice, II-72fi., 278 5; at the canon, II- 9fi., 28£., 34, 37, 43£., 50, 55 115 ; Il-187fi.; lube haec perferri, 1-110; II- 231. 450 66, 45211 · n-7su ZS9 56 ' 2684 7,
, , ' ' '
140; at the omnis honor; II-2 73; blessing pre-biblical tradition 11-195; transforma- 271 6 ~ 306 1 ~ 310 4 ~ 316.!~ 3194~ 324 1 ~
of, l-318f.; 11-71£.; Gospel and, 1- tion, II-19Sfi.; parallelism, Il- 195ff.; Jacobite liturgy, 1-41; West Syrian, see 3304 8, 336 1111 , 338-" 6 , 384 16, 398 60 , 416 60.
451; meaning, II-72£.; of the choir, 11- Paul-Luke, I-9f.; 11- 196£., 197 18, 243 3 6; Index A: II, 2. John of Biclaro, 1-4694 6.
75£.; opening rite, 1-318; place at the of- augmentation of text, Il-197ff. Jacob of Batnli. (James of Sarugh), Il- John II of Constantinople, 11-171 u.
fertory, 11-70£.; prayer, II-71£.; rite, Intention (in Hanc igitur) II-183, 186; see 410, 24018. John of Fecamp, 1-275 110.
II-74; symbolism, 1-754, 318; II- also Votive mass; Mass stipend. Jacob of Edessa, see James of Edessa. John the Almoner, 1-216.
74. Intercessory prayer, I-35, 37, 53, 56.e 5; Jacopone da Todi, 1-438. John the Arch-chanter, see Index A: III,
Incensum istud, 1-319 15; II-72. outside the canon, 1- 334, 335, 336, 480, Jakoby, A., ll-447s. 2, d .
lndignum me, 1-291 5. 481, 482; 11-152 ; inside the canon, II- James, Greek Liturgy of St., see Index A: John the Baptist, 1-89, 1104 1, 302, 418 84,
Individualism, 1-104. 109, 152, 180ff., 237ff.; more recent forms, 11, 2. 419-", 435; 11-50, 253£., 255 ; Mass formula,
Indue me, 1-282, 286. 1-387, 388; II-455£. James in Liege, St., see Index A: III, 2, g. 1-4284 6.
Indulgences, 1-494; II-211 58 , 443 29 . Intinctio, II-3104 5, 384, 387 99. James of Edessa, 1-171 19, 477 18, 48S.er; John the Deacon, 11-32 11,381 61 ,390 118.
Indulgences, see also Enchiridion I ndul- Intrare, 11- 104. 11-117 11 , 144-" 4, 273 19, 383 6-". John, the Evangelist, St., 1-71, 313; 11-
gentiarum. Introductory dialogue, 1-19. Jansenism, 1-151. 25641; reading of his Gospel, 1-399;
Indulgentiam, 1-2894-", 299 1, 300, 305, 493, Introibo , I-291ff.; 11-113 111 ; as a versicle, Janssens, H ., II-3 7. Gospel's prologue, 1-42, 101; 11-447.
493n, 494.es ; 11-371. 1-295. Javor, E., see Pressburg (Index A: III, 3, a) . Johner, D., 1-378·!11.
"Indutus Planeta", see Index A: III, 3, b. Introit Chant, 1-70, 89, 106, 264, 266!1., Jedin H I-133-' B,S 6•36 134 38 ·4° 1354 3 -4 6 Jonas of Orleans, 1-449 51; 11-15 14.
lnfirmitatem, II-462 .e4. 320fi. ; IntroittH regularis, 1-329; private 13761 .,222 70 2424 9 '403 6-"· n-22u 4' Joosen-Waszink, 1-87 61 •
' ' ' , ,
Infra actionem, 11- 178. low Masses, 1-331 ; II-393ff.; Psalm, 1- 121 36, 293 95 , 315 11 4, 316 115 . Joseph, St., 1-167 51 ; 11-121.
Ingolstadt, II-451 11, see also Eck. 332; repetition, 1-325£. ; shortening, l - Jeremias, 1-10 16. Joseph II, II-16se.
Ingressa, 1-335. 323f.; Sundays after Pentecost, I- 330£. Jeremias, J ., 1-9 10, 351 1. Journeys, blessing, 11-433 9; Eucharist, 11-
lnguanez, M ., 1-439 1111. In tuo conspectu, I- SJ5 5 ; 11-101 511. Jerusalem, 1-11, 26 111, 443; 11-92, 113 110, 360; Mass, 11-181 1, 182 9•1 -".
In honore sanctorum, 11- 50. In unitate S piritus Sancti, 1-383 37 ; 11- 407, 409 16 ; symbol, 1-463; see also Joyful giving, 11- 17, 27.
Initials, 11-105, 152 111. 26529. Peregrinatio Index A: I. Jubilus, 1-436, 438.
Innocent I, 1-53, 4014°; 11-91 6, 102 5, In unitate Sancti Spiritus benedicat, 11- Jesuits, 1-142, 146, 206a, 292; 11-24 1-'4, Judaism, I-7fi., 19£.; ll-132.e 6, 134; see
109, 153, 159, 161, 312 8, 322. 44352, 444 56 , 446. 373,449. also Amen, etc.
Innocent III, 1-101, 107 11 1, 11041 , 111, Investitione istius, 1-284. J esu nostra redemptio, 11-347 16, 405-" 1. Judas Maccabaeus, 1-216 11 4.
112, 128, 196 6, 223, 2714 11, 273 10, 294 18, Invitatory, I-427ff. Jesus Christ, see Christ, Jesus. Judde, Cl., 1-144 17 .
303 3 41 315 316 35 319 13 343 5 4 387 55 I oca episcopi, I-85 55, 224 85; 11-39 51. "Jesus," reverence for, 1-369 51 . Judica me (Ps. 42), 1-42, 94, 271, 280 118,
419 4 435 90 437 10,0 446 2 ~ 447 3,; 453 7/ Ipse tibi, Il- 78u. Jeunesse ouvriere catholique (Jocists), 1- 289, 291, 310; 11-460; said on way to
457/11 4736 9 . ll- 7so 121611 276 49-"a'
Irenaeus, I- 24 5, 27u,ea,llr,ll 8 • 29 , 181 11 , 163110. altar, I-289f.
57 81 61 105 64 1$5 71 6, 74 111 '93 1g' 143 383 59, 456 4, 466 21; Il-2, 384 6 , 111 13, Jochum, L., 11-16 811, 23u 6, 141 11 . Jugie, M., 11-73·81 .
1s1 /r, 15814, 237 ~4. 2s74 , 5 z1i so,'3o8u: 120 21, 191 u , 196 10 , 224 35, 231 es, 242 28 , Johann Ecks Pfarrbuch, see Pfarrbuch, Jumieges, see Evreux-Jumieges, Index A:
316 25 , 324 11, 33611 .e, 3394 1, 384 11 , 413, 312 8. Johann Ecks. III, 3, a.
416 65 , 443 116, 461 17. Irene, Empress, II-45 18. Johannes bar Cursos, ll-419u. Jungmann, J . A., 1-21 65, 29 5 •
Justin, St., I-20, 22ff., 31 18, 170, 195 1 , Kissing of the altar, see Altar. Krebs, E ., I-466 11 4. Lange, E . M., I-143 11 , 144 17 .
236, 384, 393, 442 1 , 4564, 465 16 , 480 1; Kiss of peace, I - 18, 19 57·58 , 29, 35, 46, 48, Kreps, J., II-273 75 • Langenberg, R ., I- 240 38 , 456 1; JI-377.!14.
II-384 6 , 116 9, 152, 191 11 4, 203 6, 3224, 72, 85, 87, 153, 211, 228 10 9 , 238, 317; II- Kroll, J. I-3216, 346 1. Langres, II-291 811.
343, 386. 114, 276, 318£., 321ff., 389 117 , 390 12 ~; ac- K uddas, I-171. Langton, Stephen, I-438.
Justinian, I-265 1 4; II-92. companyin g greeting, II-331 ; as seal, II- Kuddasha, I-171. Languages in the Liturgy, I-40£., 81, 166,
Juvencus, Il-280 17. 322; before Communion, II-323; before the Kiinstle, K., I-69 10, 333 7. 407; II-456; see also Latin, literati, Style.
Sacrifice of the Mass, II- 322; order, II- Kur bana, I-171. Lanu vium, I- 14 34.
Kahle, W., I-379.e.e. 76-'4, 327; Osculum manus, II-328; Kurbono, I-171. Aao'Lt ii rpEUL<, 11- 434 17 .
Kahles, W., I-118 89. osculum oris, II-3294 5; pax board, II- Kurfess, A., I-18 6 -'. Laon, II - 89 51, 212 66, 291 80 ·85 ; see also
Ka! <uTa' rO. <Aov, II-279u. 329; prayers for peace, Il-330£. ; proceed- KvpLaKov, I-253. Index A : III, 3, b.
Kalt, E., I-11 11 1. ing from altar, II-326, 330; restricted to KvpLaKov Oit7rvov, I-14 56 . Lapis = Palla, 11- 55 69 .
'KarayyoAAETf, I-164-'. communicants, II-323; stylizing, II- Kvpwt (Christ), I-334 6, 341, 353. Largire sensibu.s, I-277; II-815 .e.
KO.ra KVpLaK'~/V o< Kvplov, I-18 64, 326, 330; substitute for Communion, II- Kuroblzo, I-171, 365 ; 11- 117 11 . Last Gospel, I - 101 ; II-447ff.; as a blessing,
Katechetisclzen Blaettern, II- 217 1011. 325ff. Kuypers, A. B., I - 341 49. II-447; as a Commemoration, II-449£.;
Kattenbusch, F., I-463 8, 467.e 8, 473 74. Klapper, J ., I-491 7. Kyriale, I-378!1. rite, II-450.
Kaufmann, C. M., I-173-' 7, 257.e 9 ; II- Klaus, A., Il-120 118. Kyrie eleison, chant, I-340, 342f., 11-130 10 ; Last Supper, I-7ff., 15, 1744.
137 45, 156 50. Klauser T I-39.e 1 62 9 63 14 64.es 65 80 in liturgies other than Roman, I - 47, Lateran, see Ordo Ecclesiae Lateranensis,
Kayser, C., II-386 96 . 66.e.e . .e~ i1 15 74l 7s'.e 95~ 9 .e.e'96.e 5 ' 264£., 333£., 366, 3844.e, 389, 433 81 , 475 6, Index A: III, 2d ; Vetus Mi ssale Lateranense,
' ' , ' '
102 58 , 141 2 , 183.es, 219 48, 4014°, 459 25 ,
Keddase, I-171. 476, 481, 486£., 488£.; in the Roman fore- I-106 111 ; II-4391!1, 461 14, 462 113; see also
Kellner, H., I-170u. 8 55 65 68
4694 ; II-8 , 11 , 14 , 111 , 128 , 9 76
Mass, I- 58, 70, 74, 85, 89, 124, 238, 264£., Rome, Index A: III, 3, a.
Kempf, T. K., II-127 66. 1704, 229 16 . 324 110, 333; ninefold, I-340£.; repetition, Latin, I-44, 50, 81, 154, 165£., 244; II-
Kennedy, V. L., I-54 16 · 18 , 58-' 6·-'6,.!17, Klawek, A., I-381.e 7. I-333, 340; II-338; said by the priest, 3725 6.
336 11 1 480 6 482 16 · II- 156 51 161 9 Kleinschmidt, B., II- 376 14. I-345; sung by the peop le, I-342£., 472 67 . Latvia, II- 3014 6.
162 16, 171 1; 172 16 ' 173 110 ·.e 1 174.e 5,.e/ Kleist, J. A., I- 12 116 . Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison (Litany), I-340. Lauda Sion, I-438, 441 ; II-451 11.
115.e 6:n,.11a '1s1 6 is5.!1 9 230 18 236 6/ Kley, J. I-317 1, 413 60 ; II-3294 6, 4454 7. Kyrie eleison .. . P ater noster (Preccs), I - Laudamu.s omnes, I-327 86.
240 14 251 i 7 253,.114,.e 6 Z54t7- 5; 2554°, Klosterneuberg, see Schabes. 264ff 273 277 10 297 4884 3· II-69 1 5 ' Laudans invocabo, 11-353.
265 .11 9. s1, 1J9 7, 1:W 9 , 2sl 50, z92, 3394 5 , 369, 4os:
J , ' ' '
Kneeling, I-240ff., 367ff.; at the canon, II- Laudes (Officium), II-398 50 .
Kerle, J . de, I-138 . 60 141; at the consecration, II- 211ff.; at the 457. Laudes gallican<e, I -388£.
Kerygmatic questions, I-380 116 ; II-95 56 ; reception of Communion, II-376£.; of the Kyrie-litany, I-58, 336, 484; 11- 153, 238, Laus tibi Christe, I-447.
see also I-176. priests, I-297, 385; II- 292 87, 294, 457; 455. Lavabo, I- 277; II-80£., 418 78 ; see Hands,
Kettler, J. M., I-150. see also Genuflection. Kyrillos ibn Laklak, II-145 57. washing of.
Kiev, I-81-' 5. Kniewald, D., I- 103 6 .e; 11-402 18, Kyrioleis, I-343. Lavocat, M. H., I-,-1004 7.
King (Emperor), II-45 18, 46; and Christ- 406 58 ·-' 9, 437 ·'1. Lawrence, St., II-173, 461; legends, I-
mas Gospel, I-443; coronation of, II- Knights, I-252, 389, 449. Lactantius, I-335 1-'. 2084; II- 59, 316n, 383 64.
12, 385; in the canon, II- 157, 181 7. Koch, H ., I-477 17. Lagny, II-222 111 . Lay chalice, see Comm union.
Kirch, K., I-18 61 . Koch, W., I-18657 . Lagrange, M. J., II-116 7. Lay Confession, I- 299, 308.
Kirsch, J . P., I-594°, 208 6, 214u, 218 44, Kock, J. see Index A: Seckau, III, 2, b; "Laienregel des 15. Jh.", I-240 58, 2414 5, Lay Folks Ma ss B ook (Simmons) , I- 178.e,
475 11 ; II-8·'-', 173 18, 17S.e 7, 242 50, 254.!1 7. III, 3, a. 456 1, 377 11 4. 242 46 24JD 5 244 59 252 54 449 53 4561.
Kissing, I-70ff., 107, 202, 311ff. ; altar, see Koniggratz, I-162 1 4. Lakner, F., I-192 66 . II-89 58, 211, 58, 2158 7, 29075 . ' '
Altar; bishop's ring, II-324 17; book, I- Kossen, II-13 66. "Lamb," II-37, 44, 332; of God, I-353£.; Lay People, Rule for, see "Laienregel. "
24364; II-142 116, 327; chalice, II-212 66, Kossing, J., I-295 111, 317 59; II-1584 8, Il-301, 332; Paschal, I-7£.; slaughtering Lebon, J ., I-462 1,5,4.
327; corporal, II-18, 327; crucifix, I- 217 101 , 436 5.e, 450 11 1. of the, I-27 51 ; Il-37, 334 10; songs to the, Lebreton, J., I-30 9.
312; Il-327, 371 .e 8; floor, II-215 86, 378; " Komm, Heiliger Geist", I-440. I-16. Lebrun P I- 143 10 14944 151 61 152 5 4
foot, I-71, 444; II-378; hand, Il-18, Koniass, A., I- 155 76 • Lambeth, II-4144 8. 274 18 , 27'6.e 7 287 75 , 29s .e / 311 8/ 3174°,
19 1011, 61, 440 6; hand of one administering Kopp, C., II-4 10, 3284°. Lambrecht, St., see Index A: III, 3, a.
' ' ' ,
346 71 417 77 450 58 451 67 473 70 · Il-
' '
Communion, II-324 17, 381; H ost, I- Kraft, B., II- 28S 4.e. Lamen nais, F., I - 159. 12 61 ,17 8 4 50 38 51 4s 57 79 '64 /tl ll 69 15 3
36317; Il- 212, 215 86, 326; paten, Il-18, Kramp, J. I-122 115, 140 75, 161 8, 162 15, Lampen, W., I-186 56.
' ' ' ' ,
79 17 , 8ses, 93 11 1, 112 16, 16744, 186 31,
' '
308, 327; shoulders, II-272, 328 39 ; vest- 187 39 237 11 4 241 59 24244 270 58 398.e 1 Lamping, S., I-4 5. 5 15 9
201 4 , 220 , 2354 , 244 4-', 272 , 300 , 69 39
ments, I-281 5.e; II- 18, 328 59 ; when 420 6 ; 'll-179.e, 18 9 8, 21 11 ~, 23u6, 73u: Landgraf, A., I- 117 81; ll-134t 8. 306 16 , 317 50 ·51 , 325.e.e, 326.!1 9 , 3294 5, 337 .ea,
handling object, I - 107, 202 ; see also Kiss 139 8, 141 17, 330 46, 372 55. Landshut, I-154. 352 1 4 368 1 .!1 372 34 401 6 404 117 405 55
of peace. Kraus, F. X ., I-415 7.!!. Lanfranc, Il-35.e 6, 318-' 8. 416 66: ' ' ' ' '
Lechner, J., II-295 8, 343 11 , 440 10. Leonine Sacramentary, see Index A: III, Linen bags, I-73; II-304. Lubeck, II- 18 97 •
Leclercq, H ., I-39 111, 45 8 , 210 15 , 212 115 , 1, a. Linkoping, see Index A: III, 3, b. Lubeck, K., 1- 232 127,46841.
9 1 16 18 Lucca, II- 345 7.
322 1· 10 354 311 376 14 382 35 389 66 , Lepin, M., I-143 , 177 , 181 , 182 · ,
Linus, II- 173, 175.
8 55 89 8 445211, 30 33 5
184 , 185 ; 11-39 4, 289' , 318 . 0 38 Lisenmayer, A., I-408 116, 486 37, 4894 6 , Lucchesi-Palli, E., 11-3004£.
395 412 4l8 4io 4434
459 11,5· II~30u 33 11 ,1464 1 , 155 17, Leroquais, 1-91 79, 93 8, 275 110 ; 11-2574 3; 490 1, 493 14, 494.e.e. Lucian of Antioch, I-2134.
162 16 ,224 311 2951 3 3617 392 3 ' see also Sacramentaries, Index A: III, 2, a; Litania, 11- 333 6, 337; litania septijormis, Lucy, St., II-254.
Lecler~q, J., II-2928 7. ' . Missals, III, 3, a; Pontificals, III, 2, c; I-338 118 . Ludolf of Saxony, I-116 75 ; II-32S .es,
Lectern, I-412 54. III, 3, c. Litany, I-268, 273 14, 274 18, 332, 335, 340, 364 119 , 368 10 •
"Lectio," I-419. Lesley, A., I-45 5; 11-1683, 163 18 ; for 386; and the Kyrie, I-334££.; at the Ludtke, W., II- 295t.e, 296 18.
Lectio continua, I-398£., 402. Missale Mixtum see Index A: II, 6. Memento, II- 165.e 9 ; of Beauvais, I-390; Liift, J . B., I-316 38 .
Lectio divina, II-464. Lessius, L., I-184 30 . of the deacon, I-43, 265£., 334f., 366, 478, Lugo, J. de, I-184 31 , 236t.e; II-408 19 .
Lectionaries, I-60£., 64, 104, 105 7, 399£.; Lessons, I-47, 57, 63f., 77, 105, 209, 483££.; 481 ; 11-420, 455£.; of the saints, 1-335, Luke St I- 73 9 9 • 111 10 11 11 .e
see also Index A. as beginning of Mass, I-262; as symbol, 339 85 , 486. Lungkofl~r, J., 1:._4103 9 • ' •

Lector, I-105, 409; blessing of, I-407; I-409, 412; Catholic Epistle at the, I- Literati, II-89 58, 293, 456. Lurz, W., 1-413 60.
Ordo, I-209, 210 17, 410, 459; place, I- 395, 405 10 ; Law as the, I-394; lectio con- Lithuania, 1-212 116, 270 38 ; II-3014 5. Luther, M., I-132, 147 35 ; 11-39, 128 2 ,
411. tinuens, I-398; performance tone, I-409, Liturgical Books, I-30 10, 60f., 75, 95££., 13744.
Lefebvre, G., I-163 110, 4874°. 419; present meaning, I-397; read by 132f., 135££. Lutumjecit, II-4064 1, 418.
Lefevre, P. F., I-1004 5; see also Pre- attendant, I-230, 419 3 ; setting formula, Liturgical ceremonial rights, I-39, 139; Liitzeler, I-15047.
monstratensians, Index A: III, 2, g. I-404, 408 116. 11-329. Lux et origo, I-344.
Legal terminology, II-125, 188f. Letourneux, N., I-143 11 , 1494 3. Liturgical ground-plan, 1-268 116 , 393. Luxeuil, Lectionary of, I-394 1 •
Legenda attrea, II-213 . 73 Levite, see Deacon, Subdeacon. Liturgical movement, 1-161££. Luykx, B., 1-1004 5.
Legg, J. W., see Carthusians, Index A: III, Libelli, I-30 10, 61. Liturgical year, see Church year. Luzzatti, G., 1-406 15•
2, g; Mass Ordos, III, 3, b; Missals, III, 3, a. Libera nos ab omni malo, 11-277 3. Liturgies, multiplicities of in antiquity, I- Lyons, l-8344, 100, 102, 138, 197 9 , 279,
"Leis", I-343, 46144, 472 , 486, 489. Libera nos a malo, omnipotens Deus, II-285. 29£., 32 £ 0 ; in the Middle Ages, 1-97. 2844 8 307 63 324 19 389 67 420 6 455 98 ·
Leisentritt, }., I-147 311 • Libera nos, Domine, I-335. Liturgies, non-Roman, see Index A: II; II-1J 67 493 7 121 s6 289f '297 11 ; 358 5 /
' ' ' ., ' )

Leitner, F ., I-358 56, 422e, 424110, 434 811, Liber mandatorum, I-446. Roman, see Index A: III. 396 33 , 401.e, 449t.e. See also Lyons, in
II-3931£. Liber pontijicalis (Duchesne), I-52 8, 58 3 4, Liturgy, as Mass, 1- 172, 1754£; as sacred Index A, III, 3, a; Council of 1274, 1-
A«roup-yla, I-172; II-151 . 18 172 80 196 6 207 1 247 19 276 8 318 4 drama, 1-61, 150, 177£., 234; languages in 1261118.
336 19: 356;0 .41, 4o9 86 , 415 74,' 444t.e: the, 1-40£., 81, 166, 407; 11-456; meaning
Leitzmann, A., see explanation of the Mass,
Index A: III, 2, h. 4484 1 - 11-8 81 32 5 103 8 107 38 119 11 4 of, I- 1; misunderstandings of, I-172; Mabillon, J., I-5 6, 46 11 , 66 97 · 118 , 207 1,
Lejay, P., 1-45 ; II-124 4, 157 . 5 35 129 5 '180 3 18S 113 Z30.e 1.!4 3128 333/ 1754. 209 10 , 248-'£, 3414 9 , 393 1, 395 10 , 4614 2 ,
429 15•
' ' ' , ' ' Livy, 11-114 118 , 188 8, 434 18. 470 50 ; II-34 16, 305 8, 312 3·8, 323 9 , 351 8,
Le Mans, 1-446; see also Index A: III, 2, a.
Lemonnyer, A., II-411 . 119 Liber sacramentorum, I-60. Lowenberg, B., 1-137 54. 383 61 · 70 , 416 61 ; Ordines Romani, see
Lent, I-109, 248, 375 11, 397, 4024 8, Libri vitae, 11-164£ ; cf., 11-1604. Ao-ytKTJ liuula, II-189. Index A: III, 2, d.
110 311 66 Liege, I-138; 11-55 69 , 140 13 ; Missal, see Logos, 1-30 11 . Macedonians, 1-464, 467£5; II-191 £5.
425 · , 431 , 479; II-429£.
Lentze, H. J., 1-1004 , 369 ; 11-347 ,51 16 Index A: III, 3, a; St. James in, see Index A6-yx11, II-298 33. Maclean, A. J., I- 171.e.e, 347 5; II-453 11 .
359 68 . A: III, 2, g; Statutes of 1286, I-277. Loisy, A., 11-13 65 • Magdeburg, II-296 18.
Leo I (the Great), I-51 6, 55.e.e, 58 33 , 175 39, Liesenberg, K., I-256 .
Longforde, II-215 88. Magistretti, M., 1-479 115 ; 11-22t.es.
8 1 9 11 Lietzmann, H., I-9 8, 11 113 - 11 4, 174 7, 21 63 , "Lord's Supper", I-14, 15 36, 169. Maiestas Domini, I-31314,17.
2504 , 3564 , 376, 42Y , 457, 491 ; II-
15631, 171u, 1774 1, 184111 , 189, 2014!, 26.e 1 30 12 55.!5 60 1 61 6 63 13 · 18 92 Lorsch, Ordo, II-323 11 ; Sacramentary, II- Maiestatem tuam, I-313 17.
10 3654$ 436 7 464 13 · 15. 11.:_68 148 '107 38, 838, 2454 5. Mainz, I-594 1, 8344, 155 74•77 ; II-305;
228 , 230.
Leo III, I-221, 266, 466 11 4. 0:
132 116: 173.el, 185 £ 5· 11 1941, 218< 220 8 · 9: Lot-Borodine, M ., I-120 98. Cantua!, I-147, 440 119 ; Hymnal, I-
11 221 16, 230 19 , 231 31, 2344-', 238 5; Gre- Louis II, Emperor, 11-158 38. 1557 4; Pontificals, see Index A: III, 2, c;
Leo VII, I-364.e •
Leo X, I-250. gorianum, see Index A: III, 1, a; Mass in- Louis XII, Emperor of France, 11-216. Sacramentary, II-674°, 238 3 ; Synods, see
Leo XIII, 1-140, 161, 167 30, 359 6 4; and terpretations, see Index A: III, 2, h. Louis the Pious, 11-412. Synods, Index B, below.
closing prayers, 11-455. Lights, I-68£., 70f.; 11-5; and incense, I- Love, commandment of, I-189. Maistre, J. de, I-159.
Leo Mars., II-416 6.e. 687, 445, 451; see also Incense. Lowe, E. A., see Bobbio Missal, Index A: Malabar Rite, 1-41; 11-44 17, 194 1.
Leo of Achrida, I-431 67. Limoges, Missal, II-46 110, 56 7 4; Rituale, II, 8. Malachias, I-179; II-229 15 •
Leo the Philosopher, Emperor, I-214 9. II-447 5; Sacramentary, see Index A: III, Low Mass, I-229; see Private Mass. Maldonat, J.. I-3414 9 ; 11-146-'9.
Leofric, 1-487; 11-121. 2, a . Lubac, H. de, I-8446 , 118 87 ; II-3114 7. Male, E., I-113 66.
Leonhard, L., 1-200£7. Lindelof, U., 1-303 38 . Lubatschiwskyj, M . J., I-38u, 39 15-17,19. Malherbes, G., 1-255 14; 11-450 19.
Maltzew, A. v., I-443 ; II-328 39.
278- 288 (passim) , 289 89, 297 3 e, 306 66 , days, I-248, 251; several times daily, I - M emoria (prayer), I-489 6.e; (monument),
Manasses of Troyes, II-22 11 9. 309 74, 313 14, 3404 1, 356 39, 3684 7, 371 57, 221ff. II-1704.
Manicheanism, II- 20t4 B, 230, 262. 38966, 68, 3931, 418 81, 419 3, 441 U7, Matern, G., II-409 1 4. Memoriam venerantes, II-170, 177.
Maniple, 1-277, 280, 283fi.; II- 17, 61 10 B; 444t.e 447 37 450 58 479·e7. Il- 94 3 11 67 Mathilda, Queen (t 968), Il-20 113. Memorization of the canon, I-60.
1264 '221£3 '4416 46£01 s4 6£,6S 5S 64,66' Mathyssek, T ., 1-2311£ 6.
of the bishop, 1-289. Menard, H., 1-63 10, 931, 151 61 , 2024 5,
M anipulum innocentiae, 1- 284 51 . 5674' 68150' 691 51-1 63 731 9 8z3 5 8416' Matthew, St., I-7 3, 9 10 , 10. 3414 9; Il-157 3.e, 166 37, 2574 3 •
Manser, A., 1- 60 1, 161 9, 436 94, 439 110 , < <
86 11 87 37 , '88 46, 91 7, io6 31,' 139 5 ,' 156 3 Matthew of Cracow, 1-223 81 . Mendicant orders, 1-250, 458, 460; see also
458 18 · II-457 11 160 8 , 1644, 165£8, 176 31 , 186 30, 212 65 , Matthias and Barnabas, II-255. Dominicans, Franciscans, etc.
Mansi 'II-381 51 .382 53 · 55 383 6 4 384n, 74 2454 5.4 9 257 43 290 78 293 91 306 16 Matzerath, P., I-424 17 . Mensa, I-315; II-8 33 ; cf. I-255, 257.
' '
385 8£ , 84, 390 118 .
' ) ' 31731,9 2: 3305i, 5.'1,64, ' 33516,' 33619: Maundy Thursday, I-1744, 29 6, 30 10, Menth, R., I-102 56 .
M ansionarius, II-76 . 35 33944 .4 6.4 7 3404 8 341 5 348 22 349 3£ 198, 198 12 ; II-104 19, 180, 185, 216, 261, Merati, C. M., I-5 6, 446 30 ; II-18 98, 142!6,
Manz, G., I-220 53, 221 63 ; see also Mohl- 354 28 35644 3586 1 35962 ·66 · 67 371 n' 322 3, 331 58 , 339, 360 3, 366, 410, 414 53 , 165 30.
berg-Manz. <
387 9 389 11 ~, 39847, 404 er· 118, 412 37 · 39: 430,436. Mercati, G., I-136 5 .e; II-125 67, 132.e 6,
Ma ppula, mappa, I-277; II-61, 414 63 . 438 9, 439 12 . Max von Sachsen, I-3864 8, 424 27. 1
150 ' ·
Maranget, P., II-250 10. Martene (Remiremont), II-317 31 , 3194 5, Maximus Confessor, I-87, 394 3. Mercenier-Paris, II-45 19, 114 26, 287 63,
Marcionites, II-62 108. 3394 2.47, 346 15 , 352 11 , 358 6 1, 402 16 , Mayer (-Pfannholz), A. L., I-77 11 , 104\ 452 8.
Marcus Eremita, II-388 108 . 403£4, 404, 4474. 118 86 , 137 66 , 1424, 1504 7, 152 67 , 153 611 , Merear precor, 1-284.
Maria Laach, Missal of, II-106 30, 273. Martial, St., Il-338 37 . 156 81, 231 1B4. Meritis et intercessionibus, 1-94 11 ; Il-
Maria Luschari, 11-374 2 . Martin V, Il-385 86. Mayer, H., I-166 19 ; II-342 7, 371 30 · 31 . 438f.
Marius Victorinus, I-51. Martin, C., 1-231 1£4_ Meal, after Communion, I-73f.; II-412 38, Merk, A., I-7 1.
Mark, St., 1-7 3 , 9 10 , 10; Greek liturgy of, Martinucci, P., I - 139 68 , 2414°, 317 1, 4134 1; and the Eucharist, I-7ff., 13ff., Merk, K. ]., II-104 8, 11 68 , 12 64, 15 74,
see Index A: II-1; liturgy of, 1-41. 380 26 ; II-72 11, 2564 1,382 57. 21f.; ll-275; children's, I-15; grace at, 18 96, 22 118,119,u1, 23 u8, 36 31, 164 ~",
Marmorstein, A., I-14 8 -e. Martyrs, Il-172ff., 253ff.; Acts as lessons, I-11£., 20£.; Jewish ceremonial, I-7ff., 199 31 .
Maronites, 1-407; II-34 18, 44 17 , 1384 9, I, 393 1; graves of, I-258, 317; preface, II- llff., 1Sff.; Paschal, I-7ff., 16f.; religion- Mesini, C., II-120 31.
287 61, 297 26 , 299 35 , 328. 118. sponsored, l-13f., 16£.; sacrificial, I-25 16. "Messe vreumen", II-24 133 .
Marriage blessing, II- 292 88 . Mary, I-301, 313; Il-50 38 , 171, 173, 252, Media vita, 1-147 33. Messerschmid, F., I-366"' 9, 378 18.
Martene, see Bayeux, A: III, 3, b; Bee, A : 2564 1, 285; anaphora, 1-42 ; in Gloria, 1- Meditation, I-275f.; II-464. M.ra 5~ TO EJ.1.1rA1J<T01jva<, 1-12 17 .
III, 3, b; Chalon, A: III, 3, b; Cod. Chigi, 137, 359 64; in Mass, 1- 131 2 3 . Meester, P. de, I-40 16, 229 11 4, 390 70 ; M.raAap.,B<iv<L, II-389 1u.
A: III, 2, b; Durandus, A: III, 3, c; Evreux- Maschek, H., I-112 611 . II-3564 6, 379 34, 452 7. M.ra To 5..... vijua<, I -8, 14.
Junieges, A: III, 3, a; Fecamp, A: III, 3, a; Maskell, W., see Index A: III, 3, a. Mel et lac, II-406 39 . Metz, 1-594 1, 76 8; II-247 56, 444 38 .
Gellone Sacramentary, A: III, 1, a; Gregor- Mass, arrangement of, I-121f., 269 28 , 388, Melania, St., I-214; II-3814 9. Metzger, M. ]., 1-231 t.e 5 , 311 84, 486 9 4.
ienmunster, A: III, 2, b; A: III, 3, b; see also Table of Contents; as dedication, Melcher, H ., II-38047. Meurers, H. v., 1- 196 6, 198 13, 199 18 ,18-eo.
Halinardus, A: III, 2, b; Laon, A: III, 3, l-186f.; as recollection, I-176f.; "boxed", Melchisedech, 1-51£.; II-43 11 , 100, 229ff. Michael, St., I-302; II-30 26 , 458.
b; Lyons, A: III, 3, a; Mainz, III, 2, c; I-131; composition, I-126f.; dai ly, see Melchites, I-229 11 4. Michael de Hungaria, 1-116 77 , 121 101.
Missa Illyrica, A: III, 2, b; Missale Am- Mass, daily; essence, I-175ff., first, see M<Alf<Tat Kal, Il-302. Michel, A., I - 184 30, 185 3e, 431 67 ; II-34 18.
brosianum, A: II, 9; Missale Mixtum, A: First Mass; hours of, 1-247!.; in prisons, Melismas, Il-1084 6, 436. Michels, T., Il- 90 6, 2014£,433 13.
II, 6; Moissac Sacramentary, A: III, 2, a; 1-208, 213 3; interpretations, I-86f., Melk, II-89 58 , 239. Micrologus, see Bernold of Constance.
Narbonne, A: III, 2, c; " Quotiens contra 108f., 115f.; see also Index A: III, 2, h; Memento, I-53f. Migne (liturgical documents), I-46u, 61 6 ,
se", A: III, 2, h; Remirement, see Martene III, 3, d; in the consecration, I-184; Memento mei quaeso, Il- 246 66. 63 10, 66 37, 79 £5, 86 65 , 88- 99 (passim),
(Remiremont); Rouen, A: III, 3, b; St. meal, I-178; multiplication of, see Multi- Memento of the dead, 1-55, 58 36 ; II-160, 337 13.
Denis Sacramentary, A: III, 2, a; St. plication of Masses; names, I-169ff.; 163, 181, 237ff.; and nobis quoque, II- Mihi quoque, Il- 165.
Gatien, A: III, 2, a; St. Pol-de-Leon, A: nuptial, see Nuptial Mass; of the catechu- 250; etiam, Il-241; explanation of wording, Milan, Milanese liturgy, I-45ff., 105, 138,
III, 3, a; St. Thierry, A: III, 2, a; Sarum, mens, I-261, 474; of the faithful, I-474; II-241ff.; insertion formula, II-245; 151 51 279 326 18 335 14 340 349 11 350 16
A: III, 3, a; Seez, A: III, 2, b; Soissons, A: ordos, see Index A: III, 2, b; III, 2, d; III, later insert, Il-237; mention of names, II- 393 1,' 395: 406i5, 42Ju, '42sss,' 478f.;
III, 3, b; Statua Antiqua, III, 2, g; Toul, 3, b; prayers, see Prayers of the Mass; 244; see also Dead, prayers for. II-22u 3, 28, 30, 124 54, 155, 157, 173,
A : III, 3, a; Tours, A: III, 3, b; Troyes, A: Presence of Christ, I-177f., 183, 186; Memento of the living, I - 50 1, 54£., 58 36 ; 254£8, 2574 3, 265e 9, 289; Synod of 1574;
III, 2, b; Verdun-Stablo, A: III, 2, b; private, see Private Mass; series, I-130£., Il-153, 159ff.; names : continuation, Il- Il-18 98 ; see also Index A: II, 9.
Vienne, A: III, 3, b. 134; stipends, I-134, 153 62 , 1914 8, 232; 165; insert formulas, II-165; original Milk and honey, I-15, 29; II-10 61 , 260 11,
Martene E 1-68 6 69 10 79 e 3,t6,£ 6 ,t1 III-24ff., 26, 167; word, see Missa. form, II-168; reading of, II-159ff., 163; 261, 264 16.
8o e 9 8i 44 -~1 79 1oi 59 15; 61 195 1 197; Mass, daily, I-117 81 , 216f., 221f., 231ff., register of, II-164. Miller, A., I-398 111 .
199/6 2l3 9 2311£ 4 ' 242 4; 249 95 · 3 / 247; of the faithful, I-221ff.; on week Memores ... petimus, Il-68 146, 71 9. Minden, II-289 83 .
' ' ' ' ,
Minister, I-140 69 , 211ff., 230f.; II-20 11 4, 28448, 28989 29091!,94 30765 31186, Munda nos Domine, 11-91 10• Nicholas III, II-293.
459; clothing, I-227. 324 19 , 326 51 ,' 393 1, 396i 8, 431 68, 433 77 , Mtmera, 11-94, 150f. Nicholas of Cusa, I-122 111, 124 1-fl, 131,
Minucius Felix, I-25 14, 314.es, 372 65 ; II- 439 117 4461! 9 447 51 473 70 4874°- MUnster i W., 11-3984 7. 1904 6, 2504 5.
8628. II-12~1 13 6/ 18 98 .io 62 44,15 78 10 , Muratori, see Leonianum, Index A: III, 1, a; Nicholas Stoer, I-114.
Misereatur, I-300ff., 493; II-82, 88, 369, 2o9H, 2i1 57, z16 99 , '24s4< 26o",· 29o 7S: Missale Gallicanum Vetus, Index A: II, 7; Nicki, G., I-85 60 , 236 18 · 19 , 325 15 , 34J0 3,
370. 291 82 293 95 296 20 308 30 387 100 389 11 4 Missale Gothicum, Index A: II, 7; Modena 3674 1, 486 35 ; 11-5 16 , 6 18 , 276 5, 295 10 ,
Miserere (Ps. 50), I-78 15, 94, 272, 288 78 ; 396 39 , 39847 401$ 414 50 417 71 437 3 / Sacramentary, Index A: III, 2, a; see also 323 14, 326 2 4, 379 33 , 410.et, 453 16 .
II-165 3 -', 278 5, 354. 442 2<444 4:
38 ,' 449 1 ' ' ' Gregorianum, Index A: III, 1, a. Niebecker, E., I -1904 6; 11-2264 1.
Miserere nostri (versicle), I-310 77 • Mommsen, T., 1-68 7. Muratori, L.A., I-61 6· 7, 63 15 , 142 5, 151 51 ; Nielen, J. M., I-10 16, 393 10 ; 11-116 7.
Missa, I-48, 173; II-432f., 446. Monachino, V., 1-207 1, 247 16. 11-157 36 . Niketas Stethatos, 11-3004 2 •
Missa acta est, 11-433 11 . Monasteries, l-91f., 1Q4ff., 201, 204ff., Murbach, I-64, 396 16 ·18. Nilles, N., I-141 1, 399 50 ; 11-2854 11 .
Missa bifaciata, I-385. 209f., 216ff., 224, 227, 248, 300, 306 56 ; Music, see Church music, Singing. Nobis quoque, I-55, 72; II-104 16, 129 8,
Missa Cantata, I-155 18, 157, 164, 204f., 11-386, 441f. "My Lord and my God", II-212, 217. 178, 240, 248ff.; allegorical, I-90, 108,
206, 207ff., 410; predominant form of re- Monasticism, see Monasteries. Mystagogia, I-468 98 . 117; as recommendation of self, 11-250;
ligious services, I-210ff., 250f.; rite, I-230. Monastic rite, 1-204, 280, 292; II- 442; see Mysterium, I-178 3, 182f., 192 55 , 193. belongs to Memento, Il-248ff.; first words
Missa de Angelis, I-125. individual Orders. Mysterium fidei, Il-199ff. loud, 11-257; list of saints, 11-172, 252.
Missa generalis, I-79. Mone, F. J., I-46, 377 16 ; 11-1364 1, 215 91 , Mystery plays, I-440. Noguer i Mosqueras, T., II-371 18 .
Missa maior, I-204. 216 95 . Noldin-Schmitt, I-236 11.
Missa matutinalis, I-204. Moneta Caglio, E . T., l-326.e 8. "N", II-504 1, 165 5 4, 244; see also Ill. None and Mass, I-249.
Missa prresanctificatorum, I-13.ea; II-281, Monica, St., 11-6. Nagle, A., II-334 11 . Non nobis, I-310 79 .
289, 370u, 384 77 , 409. Monks as priests, I-216. Names, reading of, II-159ff., 183f., 244ff.; Norden, E., I-375 10 .
Missa pro semetipso, I-221. Monophysites, 1-41; 11-40, 160 8, 198 22 , disappearance of reading, II-163f., 245; Normandy, I-92, 96 51 , 2914, 292, 297, 307,
Missa publica, I-206. 199.e 8, 3004 2, 361 6. softly, 11- 164. 309 74, 310 81 , 312 6 , 319 16, 321 5 , 436; Il-
Missa sicca, I-385; II-450. Monstrance, 1-122, 441u 5 ; and blessing, Nantes, 11- 12 64. 1366,51,6097,63119,69,84,34614,354;see
Missa solitaria, I-215, 225. II-451. Naples, 11-56 71 . Rouen, etc.
Missal, translation of, I-143f., 154, 161; Mont Blandin, I-429 51 , 436 95 . Narbonne, I-2855£; 11-4415, 8416, 8846; North side, and reading of Gospel, I-413ff.;
11-456. Montcheuil, Y. de, I-11 10 . see also Index A: III, 2, c. and lte missa est, II-437 39 .
Missal, uniform, I-135. Monte Cassino, I-96, 417; 11-54 61!; Narsai (Connolly), I-40.e.e, 87, 195 1, 3694 9 ; N otitia dignitatum, I -445f.
Missale, I-100f., 104, 133f.; II-459f. Missal, see Index A: III, 3, a; Sacra- 11- 145 56, 299 97 . Notker Balbulus, I-436.
Missale Francorum, see Index A: II, 7. mentary, see Index A: III, 2, a; see Com- Nativitas (Anamnese), 11-50, 221t1. Novatian, I-473 7 4; 11-360 1, 373.
Missale Mixtumt, see Index A: II, 6. munion devotion of Monte Cassino. Nattermann, J. C., I-389 66 . Noyon, see Index A: III, 3, c.
Missale Romanum, l-101f., 128 8, 135f., Monte Gargano, 11-412. Natural products, blessing of, II-260ff., Numbers of host-breads, odd, II-44 17 .
139, 158, 164; universal standard, I-138; Monte Vergine, 11-386 95 , 419 81 , 442.e4. 428 6 , 452f. Numbers, symbolism of, I-109, 111, 386;
see also Index A: III, 3, a; III, 4, b. Monza, I-433 77 ; II-69 161 , 224 31!. Nature, I-22 6 4, 31 16 ; feeling for, I-31; II-43, 143 3 .e.
Misunderstanding of the liturgy, 1-75. Morin, G., 1-46 10 , 47 16 , 56t7, 64 113, 93 5, 11-115. "Nun bitten wir", I-440.
Mittat tibi, 11-87. 322 10 354 52 395 9 396 17 438 108 · 11- Nausea, F., I-141 3. Nunc dimittis, II-404, 4064 1, 461.
Mitzka, F., 1-184 31 . 19811/ 260.e , 279 1; 294 7 '297 19 J984 9 Neophytes, 11-112 14, 180f., 281,385,4134 7. Nuptial Mass, II-14 72 , 23, 181 7·8, 182,
M6csy, E., 11-116 6. 412 38'. ' ' ' ' ' Nestorians, 11-3124; Liturgy, Index A: 185, 327 36 ; blessing at, II-292 88 .
Modena (Sacramentary), see Index A: III, Morinus, J., I-300 16, 386 61 ; 11-146 58. II, 3.
2, a. Morning hours, I-17, 247. Nestorius, I-213 7. Oberndorf (1474), II-18 96.
Mohlberg, C., I-18 55, 46 9, 51 6, 63u, 103 61 , Moroni, G., I-594°. Ne intres, I-273. Oblatae integrae, II-36 52 , 305 11 •
220 57, 336t 1; II-237 54; see also Gelasia- Moschus, J., II-105u, 360-', 386 91 • Ne reminiscaris, I-273. Oblates, I-227; 11-12 63 .
num, Gregorianum, Index A: III, 1, a. Moses bar Kepha, I-3694 9; II-2024, 204. Netherlands, see Holland. Oblatio, II-2, 94; and sacrificium, I-184;
Mohlberg-Manz, 1-274 16 ; II-94 116, Moufang, C., I-162u. Netzer, H., I-74 1, 91 79 ; II-10 53, 78 11 , as Mass, I-170; oblationes cotidianae
9744.45, 12198, 12239·.P.45·45, Mozarabic Liturgy, I-45, 395; II-162, 330 6 4, 402 16 . fidelium, II-23; rationabilis, Il-149; sub
1234 6 .4 7 341 5 342 91 400 1 423 15 · 115 ·£ 9 220 9 • 11 , 223 118, 294 7; see also Index A: Neuss, W., I-13o.eo_ altari, II-8 55 .
42450·54:56-59.' ' '
II, 6. New Testament, I-188f.; II-195f.; lessons Oblationarius, Il-7, 312 7.
Mohler, J. A., I-185 55 . Miiller, J. B., I-69 10 ; II-142u. from, I-395. Oblations, Symbolic arrangement of, II-
Moissac (Sacramentary), see Index A: III, Multiplication of Masses, 1--130, 131, 221ff. Nicephorus Callisti, II-407 7. 43ff., 302f.
2, a. Munda cor meum, I-407; II-139 5. Nicetas of Remesiana, 11-1664°. Oblatio tua, Il-17 92 .
Moleon, de, 1-68 6, 81 35 , 91 79 , 197 9, 276e 7, Munda me Domine, II-81 51. Nicholas I, Il-363.e 0 • Oblatum tibi Domine calicem, II-67.
Obsecro vos fratres orate, II-83. Offertory gifts (bread), arrangement on altar, Opm operaium, I-193. Oremus, I-306, 361, 366£., 484£.; 11-90,
Obumbra Domine, I-281. II-43ff.; laid on hand, II-198, 202; num- Oramus le Domine, I - 315, 486; 11-438. 93, 96, 279, 422; after the Gospel, I-391,
Occulte offerre, II-24 150 • ber, ll-43ff.; threefold, II-44, 151 16 . Orantes, posture of, I-78, 239, 243 54, 35761, 483; prayer pause, I-369f.
Ochsenfurt (Wu rzburg), I-147s.r. Offertory gifts (chalice), paten and chalice 370ff., 447 56, 471 68 , 489 60 , 493; II-89 68, Oren/ pro te, II -88.
0 crux, I-313 16 . offered separately, II-57; paten and chalice 90, 99 6 , 112, 141, 210, 445. 0 rex gloriae, II-701 65 .
Oderisi, V., II-12453. offered together, II-55; position of, II- Ora pro nobis, II-458. Organ, I-124 1111 , 125f., 139,148,439, 4731°;
Odilo of Cluny, I-96. 64; preparation of, ll-59f., 63ff.; presen- Orarion, II-2026. II-130£. , 216f., 341.
Odo of Cambrai, I-109 55 , 226 97 ; II-148 6 , tation of, U-45ff.; oblation of, II-56. Orate competentes, I-479 115 . Orient, ablution in the, II-419.
232 36 . Offertory procession, I-27, 71, 84, 89, 117, Orate fratres, I-79f., 83, 94, 95·u; II-82; Oriental influences in the Roman Liturgy, I-
Odo of Cluny, I-96; II-377 11 4. 131 2 4, 136, 153, 226, 238; II-1ff., 264 26 , after prayers at foot of altar, I-31186; 68f., 73, 333f., 462f.; II-73£., 109f., 120 26,
Odo of Paris, I-3 854 5 , II-207. 455; days of offering, II-20; free-will of- beginnings, II-43, 75 32 , 82f., 99 5 ; by 334£.
Odorare (incensum), I-451 67 ; II-76 35 ; fering, II-20; Gallican, I-43, 46ff.; II- whom said, 11-89, 98, 139; equivalent to Oriental Liturgies, I-33ff., 229; II-4ff.,
see also, 72 1 4, 74 2 7. 5, 61 10 4, 93, (see also Entrance); obliga- Oremus, II-93; forms, II-83; introduced, 33ff., 39ff., 159ff., 276, 294.
Odore cmlestis inspirationis, I-452 69. tory, II-21; object, II-9, 47; origins, see II-85; oralio fidelium, I-475, 483; re- Orient, interpretative oblation in the, I-
Oesterley, W. 0 . E., II-132 116. Offertory procession (origins); proper place, sponse, II-86f., 139; softly, 11-85; to the 2731.
Offerenda, II-12 64, 15 74,26,43. II-16; right, II-19; rite, II-17, 20 11 4. people, 11-84. Origen I-24 257 11 4 374 7 395 13 39719
Offerendum, I-170te; II-18411°. Offertory procession (origins), France, II- Orationes sollemnes, I-367, 369, 373 1 , 481f.; 456; II-13224, 2264 1, 280i 7 , 3224, 334 1 /
Offerentium nomina, II-162, 166 35 . 9; North Africa, II-6; Orient, II-4; II-152f. Orleans I- 198u 289 89 · II-13 65 308 30
Offerimus (Canon), II-224, 226. Rome, II-6. Oralio oblationis, II-278. 401 2 . ' ' ' ' '

Offerimus tibi, II-55, 57£. Offerunt Deo, II-162. Oralio periculosa, II-205 16 . Oro te Domine, I-315 30.
Offerimus tibi Domine calicem et hostiam, Officium ( = introit), I-321; see also Choir, Oralio plebis, I-485. Orthodoxi, II-156£.
11-56 73. Prayer. Oralio post evangelium, I-485. 0 sacrum convivium, Il-216, 404 31 , 405.
Offerimus tibi Domine sanguinem, II-58 85 . Oils, blessing of, II-216, 261. Orations, I-57, 359ff., 372ff., 483ff., II- '!:ls a:>. .,!Jws, II-125 59 , 2201 3 .
Offero tibi Domine, II-59 90 . Oisemont, II-413 41. 421£., 428f.; as conclusion, I-265ff., II- 0 salutaris hostia, II-216, 347 16 •
Offerre, II-2, 14, 26 1, 94f., 264 116, 267 31 ; Old Testament, allegorical interpretation of, 90; grammatical form, I-373ff., more, I- Osca, II-293 96 .
incensum, II-73, 74!4; pro, see "For." I-87, 110f.; as biblical example, I-320; 386£., odd number, I-387; one, I-385; Ostende nobis, I-273, 295, 310; II-6311 2 .
Offertorium (cloth), I-72; II-61; (plate), II-34 16 , 35, 73, 363; as illustration of New said at the altar, I-200 5 4, 203; tacite, I- Ostiarius, I-47S.t4.
II-944. Testament, I-9, 396; in the prayers of the 388; to Christ, I-379; II-94; to God, I- Otto I, I-95, 97.
Offertory, accompanying words, 11-99; and Mass, I-31, 36 6 ; II-227f.; reading from, 379, types, I-374ff. Otto of Bamberg, II-364 11 9.
canon, 11-97; as a whole, I-71; 11-lf.; I-391ff. Oralio Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, (accession), Our Father, I-488ff., 491f., 493 18 ; see
faithful sit, I-241; "little canon", 11-97; Olier,]. ]., I-143. I-275 21 ; (recession), II-404, 464. Pater noster.
outer activity, 11-52; preparation of Omnipotens ceterne Deus dirige, II-448, Oralio sexta; I-82; 11- 103. 0 vere digna hostia, II- 214 8£, 347 16.
chalice, II-59; principle, I-26ff., 193£.; 449 16 • Oralio super oblata, II-41, 90f., 99, 147f., Oxyrhynchus, I-594 1.
Roman plan, II-49, 58; silent prayer, II- Omnipotens Pater benedic, II-70 16 4. 160; see Secreta.
42. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus; ablue, II-81 311 ; Oralio mper populum, II-343, 363 110, 427; Pabel, R., II-453 9.
Offertory chant, I-330£., ll-26ff., antiphon, dignare suscipere, II-246 66 ; misericordiam, as blessing, 11-428£., 441; as blessing of Pachtler, G. M., I-162u.
II-28; responsory, 11-28; song in ver- I-297 51 ; propitius, II-405 3 4; qui es in penitents, II-430. Paderborn, I-155 76 · 77 · 78 ; II-376.
nacular, I-146f.; text, ll-30ff. sanctis, II-73 19 ; qui es repletus, II-73 19 ; Oralio super sindonem, I-485. Pain beni, II-454.
Offertory gifts, accompanying words, II- qui me, I-94, 94 11 , 291, 316 55 ; te mp- Oralio tua accepta sit, II-884 6 • Palestine, I-14 5.e.
54; ad altare, II-18 95 ; ad librum, 11-18 95 ; pliciter, I-282. Oratories, I-214, 217, 222. Palestrina, I-138 60 , 158.
ad manum, II-18 95 ; ad pedes, II-8 55, Omnis honor et gloria, I-230 121 ; 11-272, Oratorium, equivalent to carpet, I-7oa. Palla Corpora/is, Il- 53 5£.
18 96 ; ad stolam, II-18 96 ; and alms, ll- 298 30 . Oratory, French, I-143£., 185 33 . Palladius, II-3604, 411 32 .
2ff., 8 35 ; blessing, II-65; bread, see Of- '0!J.OOV<HO~, II-125 57 . Ordeal, II-373. Palm Sunday procession, II-9.
fertory gifts (bread); bringing to the altar, 0 panis angelorum, II-347 16 . Ordinary, chants of, I-124ff., 126f., 155, Pamelius, ]., II-157 36 ; see also Gregori-
II-53, 60; chalice, see Offertory gifts "Open confession", see Confession. 211, 238. anum, Index A : III, 1, a .
(chalice); disposition, II-15; hosts, II- "Open ring," II-166. Ordination Mass I-196 6 197f 441· II- Panem cmlestem, I - 94 10 ; II-353, 368.
1261; material gifts, I-27, 187; meal, II- Operari, II-3 7. 181ff., 205 16, J02 66 , 3i2 8, 3'24 17,' 373, Panem cmlestem et calicem, II-55 70 .
1366; money, II-11, 14, 21; oblation, I I - Opfermann, B., I-2194 8; II-121 56 , 396 57 . 389 11 4. Panem de cmlo, II-405.
56; other objects, II-10, 13; "pre-conse- Oppenheim, P., II-377 11 4. Ordination, prayers for , I-30 10 . Panem nostrum, II-280£., 291.
cration", II-99, 187, 190; requirements, Optatus of Mileve, I-50 3 , 207 1, 361 7, Ordos, Roman (in general), I-60, 65£.; see Panfoeder, C., I-454 86 .
II-31ff.; see also Bread, Water, Wine. 364 19 ; II- 6 21 , 154 15, 170 5 , 277 1,283. also Index A: III, 2, d. Panis dewssatus, II-33.
Panis quadratus, II-33. 370; said by the people, II-287; sun g by Penance, Imposition of, I-306, 493 18 ; II- Peter, Gospel of St., I-69 10 ; Liturgy of, see
P apa, II-155. priest, II- 289. 371 30 . Index A: III, 1, a.
Papacy, I-59, 67ff. Pater noster, as oration, I- 338; before the Penitential days, I-368f. , 371. Peter Aemilius, Ordo of, see Ordo Romam's
Papias, I-408£ 9. sermon, I-469; in intercesso ry prayers, I - Penitential psalms, 1-95 111, 27Su. XV, Ind ex A: III, 2, d.
Paramenia, I-68, 276ff., allegorical, I-108, 488ff.; said softly, I-243 56 , 297, 307 63 , Penitents, I-368, 476£.; II-20, 275, 430f. Peter and Paul, I-302; II-SO, 119, 175,
110£.; putting on, I- 228, 276ff.; symbolic, 3674 1; II-3394 6 , 437 11,457,458 1 4. Pentecost, II-180, 185. 257 45, 285.
I-280£. Pater noster and Ave, I-489ff., 493 18 ; II- People; active participation of, I-2f., 85, 91, Peter and Marcellinus, II-253, 255.
Paraphonist, I-68. 21158, 215 87 . 137, 142, 152, 161, 193; offering of, 1-179, Peter Canisius, St., I-145 23, 146 30, 490 55,
Paris, I-92, 152, 450 58 ; II-137 44, 140 1s, Pater peccavi, II-354. 192; II-166£., 223; responding of, I-365; 4921 0.
207, 216, 236 53, 291 83, 402 16, 443s.e, 4454 6, Patientiam habe, II-354. II-110ff., 204, 222, 273, 429; singing, pray- Petru s Cantor, I - 131 2 4; II-207 119 .
488 4£, 492 11 ; see Synods. Paul, St., I-7 3 , 9 9 • 12 , 10, 14, 16, 26 21, 456; ing, etc., I- 243, 334, 342£., 357, 468, 47 1, Peter Chrysologus, I-376.
Paris de Grassis, I-295 21, 412 58, 4!5 70 ; II - 117; Epistles as lessons, I - 394ff., 480, 486ff.; II- 128ff., 287, 371. Peter Comestor, I - 181 13; II-207 119.
II-449a. 405 10 ; Hungarian Hermits of, see Index A: Pepin, I-74. Peter Damian I - 363 16· II-11 59 167 46
Parish, I-153, 160, 206, 210£., 215, 229f., III, 3, a. Per amaram passionem, I-304. 348 113 . ' ' ' '
247f.; restrictions, II-363. Paul V, I-166£7. Per auxilium, I-304. Peter de Blois, I-22586 ; II-364£6.
Parrott, A., II-244 39. Paulinus of Aquileia, I-4694 7; II- 186-' 0. Perceptio corporis, I- 94 10 ; II-345, 349, Peterffy, C., II-371 80, 372 3£.
Parsch, P., I-162 15 , 2504 6 , 264 11 , 269£8, Paulin us of Nola, I- 199, 214, 248 31 ; II- 350ff., 368, 403; distribution formula, II- Peterling and Zurich Fragments, see Index
327 37, 398 11 1, 459 11 0 ; II-3304 7. 3310, 3804 5 . 353, 390. A : III, 3, a .
Partem aliquam, II-251, 257 . Paulus Diaconus, II-390 11 8. Per Christum Dominum nostmm, I-55 25 , Peter Lombard, 1-181 16 .
Particles, I-85; II- 36, 304f., 333. Paulus of Merida, II-323 9. 277 8, 288, 315, 380.t> 6, 381f.; II-99, 124£., Peter of Cluny, I-3674 1, 465 17 ; II-
Paschal meal, I-7ff. Pausantes, II - 163. 330 5 4, 401, 402, 438 9 , 458; in the Canon, 377 25.
Paschasius Radbertus, I-181 te; II-232 35. Pausationes, I -378. II-150f., 159 1, 178, 237, 247, 259; see also Peterson, E ., I-13 28 , 239 311, 354 5 4, 365 27 ,
Pascher,]., I-21 63 . Pax-board, II- 329. Christ. 410 4°· II-3 7 4 10 111 9· 15 128 75 130 15
Passau, II- 347 16, 355 35, 419 79 . Pax-brede, II-329. Per Dominum nostrum J esum Christum, I - 132 £< 134 35 ·54, 1S1 16, 198$3. ' '
Passio Andreae, I-1 8111 . Pax Christi et caritas, II-332 61 . 382; II-95, 286, 421ff.; Deus, I-383; II- Peter the Iberian, II-32£, 34 14.
Passio Domini, II- 119, 219. Pax Christi et Ecclesiae, II- 332. 286 48. Petrus Fullo, I-468 38.
Passion, Commemoration of the, I- 116, Pax Christi quam, I-94 11, 312, 313u, 451 69 . Per evangelica dicta, I-450. Pews, I-242, 468.
117; II-218ff. Pax Domini, I-72, 90£., 118, 2301£ 1; II- Perfice in nobis, II-405 3 4. Pfarrbuch, J ohann Ecks (Greving), I-131 u ,
Passion of Christ, I-176£.; II- 117, 119; 296, 308, 312ff., 318ff., 330, 340; and kiss of Per gratiam Sancti Spiritus, I-304. 172 £8 249 87 440 119 493 18 · II-16 77
allegorical explanation, I-89f., 108ff. , peace, II-321ff. P er hoc sacrificium, II- 53 5-'. 23 1£ 5 : ' ' ' '

115ff., 144f.; II- 289, 309 33 ; symbolic Pax Domini nostri J esu Christi et sanctom 111 Pericope, see Lessons. Pfleger, L., I - 594 1, 130 20 .
rep resen tation, II-61 105 , 247, 258f., 268£., communio, II -389 11 7. Pericula Missae, I- 128. Philo, I-25 18 .
271 64, 299 34, 301, 318, 334. Pax et caritas Domini nostri, II- 323 10 Per intercessionem beati Gabrielis, II-71£. Philostorgius, I-39 18, 2134.
Passion of St. Agnes, II-406. Pax et cormmmicatio, II-323, 331 60 , 389 117 ; Per ipsum, II-26Sff. !f>wn!;OJ.l<Vcn, I-476.
Passiontide, I-328. see also II-323 10. Per istos sacros sermones, II-449 15• Photius, I-466£4; II-411 u.
Paten, I-72£., 85; II- 304ff., 419 85 ; and Pax, fides et caritas, 11-295 8. Perl, C.]., I-389 65 . Piccolomini, P., II-59 9 5 .
Communion, II-291, 351 5; and frac tion, Pax milli, II- 332 65 . Per omnia saecula saeculomm, I-383 39 ; Pictures, altar, I- 256ff.
II-304ff., 308f.; and sancta, II-6 110 4, Pax tecum, II-18 93, 315 111, 332, 390 1110, II-90, 96, 114ff., 273, 291. Pietschmann, P ., I-329 46; 11-394 25,400 57.
307; at the offertory, II-9, 56; blessi ng 3911£ 11 • Perpetua, II-254, 256. Pilkington, R., 1-153 611 .
rites, II-308£., 445; Communion, II- Pax tibil, I-407, 447. Per quem haec omnia, II-259ff., 267; bona, Pillow, II-460.
37511, 382; handed, II-56; kissing, I- Pax tibi (!rater) et, II-332 65 . II- 262 17 ; conclusion of a blessing, II- Pinsk, J., I-293 14, 3854 5 .4 6, 3864 7, II-
31314; II- 18, 307; oblation, II-56; veil- Pax vobis!, I-70, 201, 203, 364. 259ff.; omnia, II-261, 264. 411 29, 450 18 .
ing, I-117; II-61 . Peace, prayers for, II- 185, 285, 455. P er sanctam Incarnationem, I-3044 9. Pirrninius, II-20 11 2.
Pater as address in prayer, II-150. "Pearl", II-374 1. Per sanctam misericordiam, I-304. Piscina, II-416£.
Pater, in manus tuas, II-355 . Peccator, I-303; 11-83, 249£., 257, 359 66 . Perseverance, II- 186, 350. II•ureix>J.l<V Ka.l, II- 204; see also, II-222£.
Pater noster (after the canon), accompanying Pectorius, inscription of, II-379 35 . Per signum crucis, I- 313 . II<UTfVW KVP«, II - 36 711 •
rites, 290£., embolism, II- 284; insertion, Peitz, W., I-466 11 4. Per sparsiones sanguinis, I-304. Pius IV, I-135.
II- 278; introduction, II-282£.; petition Pelagians, II-277-'. Per te Jesu Christe, II-461' 1. Pius V, I-135, see Missa le Romanum,
for bread, II-280, 291; petition for for- Pelagius I, II- 155, 3025-'. Per te Trinitas, II-438 9. I ndex A: III, 3, a; 4, b.
giveness, II-283£., relation to Canon, II- Palagius II, II- 120. Per virtu/em Domini nostri J esu Christi, 1- Pius VI, I- 153 6e.
278£.; relation to Communion, II- 279f., Penance, Apostolic church, 1- 19 56 . 30446. Pius IX, I-161, 456.
Pius X , I-140, 155 78 , 159ff., 205 66 ; II- Post-Communion, I-73; II-397, 403f., Prayer texts, freely composed, I- 29, 30, 32, the people, II - 82f., 111f., 384; separated
212 , 367 99 • 419ff.; II-441, 464 ; as benedictio, II- 33, 34, 372, 373. from the people, I- 82ff. ; II-83, 98,
Pius XI, I-164 29 , 166 28 • 34311; Communion-song, II- 397; content, Prayers of the Mass, at foot of altar, I-275, 167.
Pius XII, I - 164113 , 167, 190; II-411, 464 38 . II-422; pattern, II- 421. 290ff.; liberalized, I-161ff., 244; secrecy Priest, assistant, I-139, 203.
Placeat, II- 437f., 446. Post nomina, I-224 8 5 ; JI-162. concerning, I-144, 159, 161; II-97 11 , 142, Priesthood of the faithful, II-25.
Plane/a, I- 277•, 449; of deacon and sub- Post Pridie, I-82; II - 2354 8 . 456. Priests, monks as, I- 216.
deacon, I- 411; see Chasuble. Post Sanctus, I- 82; II-136• 1 , 148. Prayers said silently, I-77f., 97, 104, 128, Primitia:, II- 10 61 , 260.
Platonism, I- 22 6 •, 113. Post Secreta, I-48. 311; JI-27, 42, 90ff.; of the faithful, I- Primitive church, I - 7ff.
Plebs tua sancta, I- 180; II-223. Posture at the Eucharist, I - 21 63 • 244; see also Canon, silence during; Secret. Private Mass, I-100, 131, 193, 215, 249,
DX~pW<TOY , II- 135 39 . Posture of the faithful, I- 239; see Kneeling, Precedence, I-76 5 "'; II-329. 278, 414; II- 99, 258, and complete Missal,
Pliny the Younger, I-18. Hands, Bows. Precibus et meritis, I - 304, 315 31 , 494.e 3 . I-104ff.; community Mass, I-162; in-
Plural, use of in prayer, I-383; II-95, 402. Pouget, F. A., I-143 10 Precibus nostris, II-140 9 . crease, I- 221£.; II-24 13 £; problem, I-
Plu.viale, II-377. Pourrat, E., I-113 56 , 276 25 . Predication, II-259; relative, I-375, 383. 224; public character, I- 229f.; rite, I -
Podevijn, R., II-30 116 . Prado, G., I - 349 1 J Preface, I-48, 49, 58, 61 7 , 82, 90, 111• 1 , 115, 228ff., 289, 314 19, 417f., 446, 449 53 , 450,
Pamitentiale Cummeani, I - 170 10 ; II- Prreceptis salutaribus , I- 86; II- 281 '22 , 282f. 116 79 , 133, 140, 149, 167, 198; II-101, 455; II-20 11 4, 80 21 , 131 211 , 306, 325u,
20516. Praecin ge me, I- 283. 107f., 115ff.; and the canon, II-103ff.; 399, 442, 448, 455f.
Pamitentiale Sangallense Tripartitum, II- Praedicare-reading, 1-459 22 . chant, II-107; indication of, II-105ff.; Pro, see "For."
289 68. Prredicatio, J- 473; JI- 102. special, see Prefaces, special; theme, see Proba, II-44 15 .
P amitentiale V allicellanu.m , I -170 1 0 . Prrejatio, I-48, 49, 366; JI- 103, IO?f.; Preface, theme of. Probst F I-32 110 38 11 47 17 52 10 58-'-'
Pohle-Gierens, I-183 116 ; II-127 72 , 193 511 . equivalent to 7rpopprJU", II- 107 38 , 114. Prefaces, special, Apostles, II-123f., 125; 61• 47o; 0 473n' II-234• 6 '2864/ 341!
, ' ' J ' •

Poison, II-44 15 . Prregustatio, II- 44 16 , 366 3 •. communis, II-109, 120, 123f., de Cruce, Procedamus cum pace, II-433.
Poi tiers, see Index A: III, 2, c. Prreparatio ad Missam, I-271ff., 288; addi- II-120; Lent, II-120; Mary, II-120; Procedant competentes, I-479 26 •
Poland, II-139 8 , 260 8 , 301• 5 . tional prayers, I-275; general, I-274f.; new, II-121; proprium of orders and dio- Procession, introductory, I-212, 270; at
Polycarp of Smyrna, I-32; II-154, 252u; obligation, I -27 5. ceses, II-121; St. Anastasia, II-120 116, Gospel, I-444ff.
M artyrimn, I-218• 0 , 352 25 . Pra:sta Domine J esu Christe, II- 403.e 5 . 285, 2864 5 ; St. Andrew, II-120 116, 285, Procopius, St., I-408 118 •
Pol de Leon, St., see Index A: III, 3, a. Prresta, Domine, prresta, I- 486. 2864 5 ; saints, II-21; solemn feasts, II- llpotM<TE, I-477; see also I-478.e 0.
Polyphony, see Church music. Prresta mihi peccatori, II- 346 15 . 120116; Sunday, II-121ff.; Trinity, II- Profession, religious, II-373.
Pone Domine, I-282, 295 20, 308. Prreveniat, II-56 71 . 12026. Proficiat nobis, II-403 25 •
Pontifical blessing, after the embolism, II- "Praised be Jesus Christ", I- 461 39 . Preface, theme of, basic schema, II-124f.; llpoKElp.<YoY, I-406.
295; after the Pax Domini, II-295 1 -'; "Praise of the Land," I-11. centrifugal forces, II-118; martyrs, II- Proper of Mass, chant of, I-123, 147ff., 156,
Gallican, I-48, 77, 202f., 235; II- 294f., "Praise of the meal", I-11. 118; natural order, II-llSff.; prayer of 211 23 , 331; missing, I-209, 211, 2194 8 ,
341£., 433, 440 9 ; Roman, II- 295. "Pray and sing" Mass, I- 163f. thanksgiving, II-117; redemption, II- read by priest, I-105, 152, 331; II-398f.,
Pontificate Romanum, see Index A : III, 4, b. Prayer, after the Lessons, I-263, 474, 475, 117; reform, JI-119f.; supernatural order, see also 215£ 1 •
Pontificals, see Index A: III, 2, c; III, 3, c. 480, 481, 482, 485; intercessory, see Inter- II-115ff. Prophets, readings from as lessons, I-394.
Pontifical service, I-200ff., 274, 278f., 290, cessory prayer; in the vernacular, I-146, Pre-formula, JI-93.e 1 . Propitius esto, I-273, 310 77 ; II-214 82 .
312 6 , 358, 364 25 , 389, 420 6 , 493f.; II-80, 147, 487-' 8 ; 488, 489, 490; II-455ff.; multi- Premonstratensians, I-100, 107 211 , 205, 326, Propter magnam gloriam, I-352.
129 6 , 140, 258, 305, 313 12, 328 39 , 343, 380, plying f., I-77, 78, 386, 387; of address to 4014 9 , 4411l1 3 , 446.e 8 , 450 68 , 465 17 ; II- Pro quibus tibi offerinms, I-83; II-167.
384 71 , 418, 436 33 , 439, 443, 451, 463. God,I-80, 81, 149ff.,341, 342, 379ff.;II- 29182, 359 67 · 68 ; see also Index A: III, 2, g. llpopp'Tiu", see Prrejatio.
Poor Clares, II-362 18 . 96, 126, 198f., 423; of inclination, see Bless- Presbyter, concelebrating, I-196f., 296; llpou<v~auO<, I-366.
Poor, gifts for the, II-3f., 8, 15 75 . ing; of penance, I-18 56 , 19 58 ; of petition, II-380; high Mass, I-200f.; Mass, I- Prosit tibi ablutionis, II-4134 7 .
Pope, I-135ff.; anniversary of ordination of, I-134 37 , 374f.; II-115f., 139 7 , 292, 421£.; 75, 206; right to bless, II-440f; right to Proskomide, I-27-' 1 , 43; II-44.
I-30 10 ; decrees (general) of, I-139f.; 455f.; of the faithful, I-475, 483, 484, 485; preach, I-457. llpouKVY'Tiu•s, I-39, 71 15 , 123 115 ; see also
in the general intercessory prayers, II- pause in, I-484; private, see Prayer, Presbyter assistens, I-139, 203. I-70.
153ff., 163; papal curia, I-101; Papal Mass private; thanksgiving, see Thanksgiving, Presentation, gestures of, I-21 65 ; II-52, llpbo-xwp.<Y, I-406 15 ; II-297.
Ceremonials, see Die feierliche Papstmesse, prayer of. 147, 198, 202. llpou<p<>pa, I-171; II-151 16.
Index A: III, 4, b; papal services, see Prayer books, I-145ff., 153, 154, 243, 244. Press burg, see Index A : III, 3, a. Prostratio, I-7ot.e, 240 36 , 289 85, 298, 303"-',
Stational services. Prayer confraternities, I-218, 219; II- Prex, I-56£ 7 ; II-102, 278 7 • 8 • 334; II-210, 292, 377.eo.
llop<f;.<u0• <• <lp~•v, II-433 . 164.eo. Pridie quam, II-119£4, 197f. Protector in te, II-449 18 , 462 1 4.
Portugal, II-139 8 , 217 101 . Prayer formulas, I-374, 489. Prieres du prone, I-487f., 492 11 . llp60•u•s, I-43; II-5.
Poschmann, B., I- 19 5 6 . Prayer, private, I-143; in Mass, I-77, 98; Priest ( = celebrant), as offerer, I-180, Provinces, church, see Church provinces.
Positurre. I-378. II-42, 344f. 186; Christ offering, II-202£!.; representing Prtirn, I-300 17.
Priirnm, K., I-354-' 6; II-2424 6 . Qeduscha, II-132 ' 6 . Ratti-Magistretti, I- 33514; II- 157 56. Responding, I- 85, 152, 164, 209, 226, 236£.,
Psalmellus, I-425. Quaestiones Veteris et N ovi Testamenti, I - Rauschen, G., 1- 24 10 ; II-192 116 . 244, 334ff., 365ff., 422, 433; II- 111£., 273.
Psalmi idiotici , I- 346. 517. Ravenna, II-155, 230, 374; mosaics, II- Responsorial Chant, I-238, 422ff., II-
Psalmista, I-209. Quam oblationem, I-50 1, 53, 54 ; II- 228ff .; 32, 4Jl I, 44 16 . 392£., 395 fi 9 ; refrain, 1-238, 422ff., II-
Psalms in Ordo M issae, I-94; II- 140; in as epiklesis, II-190, 193f. ; meaning, II- Reading from the Law, I-394. 392£.; types, 1- 427.
particular : Ps. 19, II- 87; Pss. 19, 20, II- 189. Reading tone,~I-107, 138; see also Reci- Responsorium, graduate, I-89 75, 427; in
8736, 89 66 ; Pss. 19, 24, 50, 89, 90, II- Quasten, ]., I- 23', 46u, 59 58 , 213', tation. the Breviary, 1- 427.
1409; Pss. 22, 33, 150, II- 299 5 4; Pss. 24, 239 119 410-' 8 423 10 434 811 468 38 · II- Recession, I-94; II-459ff. Res toration in 19th century, I- 156ff.
50, 89, 90, II-884 6; Ps. 25, I-277; II- 1886' 191.e4.u
, i8o ' '322 4' J 79" '
6 Recitation, I-358, 473; II- 107, 130, 289. Resurrection of Christ, commemoration of,
1011 106 107
80f.; see also Lavabo; Ps. 33, II-392; Ps. 388 - · ; see Index A (I : II 7) . R ecommendationes Missm, II-24 131. I-16ff., 18 50 ; symbolized, I-89£., 107£.,
42, see Judica me; Ps. 50, see Miserere; Qttem qumritis, I- 327 56, 440. Redde mihi, I- 285. 118; II-301ff., 318.
Pss. 15, 38, 50, II-369; Ps. 66, I-48844; Quesnel, P., I- 151f. Redemption in the Preface, II-117. Resurrection of mankind, general, 1- 30 11 .
Ps. 73, II-292; Ps. 78, II-139 7, 293; Queste del saint Graal, II- 211 58, 215 88, Reformers, I-132ff., 142; II-227, 316. Retab les, 1-112, 258.
Pss. 83, 84, 85, (115, 116, 118, 129), 1- 94, 371 31 . Reforms, I-133ff., 167. Reverence, II- 60£., 114, 205, 307; see Bow,
272f., 274 19 ; Ps. 115, I- 273; Ps. 116, 1- Qttid retribuam, II-55 66· 70, 353. Refrain, II-28; see Responsorial Chant. Ki ss, etc.
27391 460 · Ps 118 II- 333 6 334 8 400 68 · Qui es omnium Deus, II-330 54. Rejrigerium, I- 2184 5, see also, II- 244. Rex regtmt qui, II-438 9.
Pss. 119, i20,.122, 'II-292 87 ; Pss. i19- 133: Qui passus es , I-314. Regensburg, I- 92, 226 9' ; II-67 14 1; see Rheims, 1- 92, 389 66 · 68 ; 11- 164.!15, 2454 9.
II-140 9 ; Ps. 121, II-293; Pss. 121, 66, Qui vivis, I-80; II-46.e 1, 401 7, 421 16 . also I ndex A: III, 3, a. Rheinau, I-92 ; II-1 817, 395 115, 396 33 .
II-293 93; Pss. 121, 122, II-293 95; Ps. Quod ipse prmstare, II-46!! 1. Regino of Priim, I- 178 11, 212 .!1 5, 226 94, Rheinfelder, H ., 1- 374 9, 375 10 .
122, I-488; Ps. 129, (De profundis), I- Quod ore su.mpsi(mus ), I- 62 , 78; II-3684, 247 115, 248 119, 252, 300 17, 367 4 1, 370 5 4, Rhenish Missal (13th cent.), see Index A:
273, 488; Ps. 140, II-75 118, see also 72u; 369 17, 400ff., 40641, 418 78, 424 39. 487 58 ; II- 9 45, 10 55 , 16 76 , 43 9 , 384 76, III, 3, a.
Ps. 144, II-392, 420 ; Ps. 148, II-393; Ps. Quoniam in aeternum, 1-422. 390 11 8, 408 11 , 415 55 , 453 17 . Rhetoric, schools of, I-376; II-145£.
150, II-299-'4, 393, 460f., 463. Quorum sollemnitas hodie, II-176, 2574 -'. Regionarii, I-343 52 . Rhythm, 1-376£.
Psalms, Penitential, I-95'1, 275' 1. Regula Magistri, 1-204 59 ; II- 376 17 . Ricci, L., II-373 45 .
Psalms in Proper chants, I-321, 325f., 330f., Raabe, R., I-214 1 4. Reichenau, I- 92, 96, 218; II- 338 57, 411, Richard of Salisbury, Il-327 50.
421ff., 434f.; II-28ff., 393ff. Rabanus Maurus, I-84, 88, 2014°, 236 11 , 457 11 . Richard of Weddinghausen, 1- 109 55 ; II-
Ps.-Alcuin, I- 181u, 321 -', 333 6'; II-30u; 237u 433 79 · II- 30 113 33 15 43a 80' 0 Reiffenstuel, A., I-315 50. 270 57,58.
De psalmorum usu, I-301 19 ; II-368 6 ; see 309 54 314 1/ 316t 6 3J7 50 343 11 ' , Reims (Sac.), see also Index A: III, 2, a. Richter-Schonfelder, see Fulda Sacramen-
also Rernigius of Auxerre.
' ' '
Rabulas, Codex of, II-376 17•
' . Reiss, E., I- 387 56 . tary, Index A: III, 2, a.
Ps.-Bonaventure, I-223 81, 273 10, 2751! 0. Radbertus, P., I-84. Relics, I-212, 258; II-292, 445. Rietschel, G., 11-187 5.
Ps.-Boniface, I- 380' 6. Radecki, S.v., I-44. Remembrance of the Lord, I-15 59. Riga, see Index A: III, 3, a.
Ps.-Dionysius, I-87 59, 195 1, 319u, 468-'", Radegundis, St., II-36" 1 • Remigius of Auxerre, I-834 5, 88, 1104°, Right and left at altar, 1-109£.; II-420ff.
473 75, 477 1 4; II-5u, 76 5, 127 74. Rad6, P ., 1-46 11 , see also Index A: III, 181 111 2014° 208 5 237 8£ 2714 1 324 15 Ritchin, G. W., II- 324 16 .
Ps.-George of Arbela, I-406 16 . 2, b; III, 3, a. 3604 '363 17 '364 11 i 370 6 4 413 6 ~ 442 / Rites, Congregation of, see Index A: Ill,
Ps.-Germanus Const., I- 27 51. Radulph de Rivo, I-137 66 , 237 ' 4, 265 14,
' ' ' ' '
446 25 , 453 78 ; II-26 11, 72u, 834, 84 16,
, 4, b.
Ps.-Germanus of Paris, I-46. 266 19 , 358 58 , 3684 7, 396 18 , 465 17, 470 55 ; 3 56 1 63
8s .e s, 87 4· , 96, 105 .e , 126 , 134 , 118 Rituale Romanum, see Index A: III, 4, b.
Ps.-Hildebert, I- 109 34. II-64us, 123 50. 139 3, 166 56, 190 17, 232-'f, 2454 6 , 314 17, Ritus servandus in celebratione M issm, see
Ps. Isidore, II-463 5 3 . Radulphus Ardens, I-116 76 , 119 9-'; II- 319 39 , 326s 6, 337 50 • Missale R omanum, Index A: III, 4, b.
Ps.-Jerorne, II-25744, 440 10. 206'4. Rernirernont, see Index A: III, 3, a. Robert de Borron, 1-120 96.
Pugillaris, II-383. Raes, A., I-40u, 3844', 472 66 ; II-73'1, Renandot (Coptic Liturgy) see Index A: Robert of Jumieges, II-348u.
Pulpit in form of eagle, I-418 8-'. 774 79 16 194 1 299 55 328 4° 384 77 II, 1; (East Syrian Liturgy), Index A: II, Robertus Paululus, 1-1104 1, 428 50; II-
Punctuality, I-235. Raff~ele, I.:_158;' II-1/2 17. ' . 3; (Egyptian Liturgy of St. Basil), Index A: 1301$, 232 5 4, 309 55 .
Puniet, J. de, II-148 6. Rahlfs, H ., I-395 16 . II, 4; (West Syrian Jacobite, also Uniate), Robinson, A., 11-111 6.
Puniet, P. de, I-1954, 196 6· 6, 220 65 , 4104-', Rahner, H., II-301!6, 120.e 7. Index A: II, 2. Rocarosa, II- 236 51.
441 u 6, 443 10 , 459 u ; II-59 9 -', 190 19 , Rahner, K., I-184 118, 192 53, 379 11 4. Rennes, II-449 16 . Rode!, F. S., II-56 70, 88 5 9 , 403 111 •
205 16, 295u, 312 8, 316·e7, 342 9, 424 59 . Raitz v. Frentz, E., I-172 116. Renz, F., I-184 30. Roetzer, W., I-45 11 , 60.11, 236 16 , 247 16,
Purificatio, I- 140; see Ablution. Rampolla, M . Card., I-214 14; II-3814 9 • Requiem mternam, I-219 48, 295 111 , 488; 255 13 303 35 363 17 393 1 396 16 398 114
Purification of souls, 1-19 56. Ratherius of Verona, 11-1464 1, II-90; see Dead, Mass of the. 407 1111, 423 16 425 55 4J0 60 459 111· 11 /
Purificator, II-38, 41771!. Rationabilis, II-189, 225 57 • Requiescant in pace, II-436, 447. 481 6 '48Jl 6 491 11 · II:__6ss i1o 4 204 13 ,
Purificent nos, II-4621!( Ratold, see Index A: III, 2, a. Reredoses, I-110 97 • 238/ 240 10 277 ; 321 1 '360 5 '388 103 ,
Pyxis, II- 306u, 409 17 • Ratramnus, 1- 84. Respice qutBSumus, I- 314. 392 8: ' ' ' ' ,
Rogic, L., I-813 4. Ruotger of Trier, I-225 89 , 22 7 106 ; II- Saft, P . F., 1-490 55• peo ple, 1-237 110, 238; 11-128£. ; melody,
Rogo le, I-287 68 , 298 3; II-4064°. 38695. Sahidic Church Canons, 1-475 6; II- 11-130; origins, 11-132; universality,
Roguet, A. M ., I-4884.e. Rupert of Deutz, I-111 46 , 112, 266, 284·>1 ; 388 107, 108, 407. 11-134£.
Rohault de Fleury, I-278 11 , 416 75 ; II- II-143 3.e, 397 39, 417 71 • Sailer, J. M., 1-154 71 · 7.!1. Sanctus candle, 1-140; 11-140, 209, 460.
141 15, 210 56 . Rusch, P., I-87 58 . Saints' feasts, 1-76, 136, 140,402,403 51 ,491. Sandalia, 1-278 14.
Romanesque, I-103£., 224, 255. Ruthenians, II-45 19 ; see also Byzantine- Saints, mention of, in prayers, 1-375 ; II- Sanguis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, 11-
Roman Liturgy, I-49ff.; pecularity, I- Slavic Rite, Index A: II, 4. 50, 135 37 , 424; commemorated through 357£., 385 84, 389£.
59f., 67, 73f., 76f.; see also Index A: III. particles, II-44; definitive list of, II- Sanhedrists, 1-7 1 •
Romanticism, 1- 156 811 . Sabatier, P., II-134.!1 9. 173fi., 255; further names, 11-175£.; in Santori, Cardinal, 11-372 3 !.
Rome, Liturgy of the ci ty, l-59f., 67ff., Sabbas monastery, St., 1-262. the canon, II-160, 163, 170fi., 252, 345; Sapiential books, 1-394, 4044.
73ff., 95ff., 136, 196 6, 207 1, 208, 214, 222 70 , Sabbath, I-174 7; meal, I- 11 ; morning selection, II-172fi. Saponaro R 1-211 19 227 101 231ts 8 ,
237!6. ' ., , ,
231 a 5, 236, 320, 335f., 373, 415£., 418 90 , service, I-17, 31, 392f. ; service, I-19, 31; Salaville, S., I-39 19 ; 11-16416.
469f.; II-27f., 71 ,97 1, 172ff., 309 3 4,324 17, Salerno, I-416 75 . Sardines, 1-14 4. 1
see also Saturday.
380, 421 15, 428f., 446, 449. Sablayrolles, M ., I- 160 3 • Salimbene, II-241 3 4_ Sarum, I-102; Synod (1217), 11-104 19 ;
Rome, Breviarium, see Index A: III, 4, b ; Sacerdos, 1-201 ; II-44010. Salmeron, A., I-184·u. see also Index A, III, 3, a.
Graduale, Index A: III, 4, b; Missals, Index Sacerdolale Romanmn, II- 213 77 , 260 8. Salmon (Lectionary of Luxeuil), see Index Sasse, H., I-·383 39.
A: III, 3, a; III, 4, b; Riluale, Index A: III, Sacerdotes tui, 1-310 79; II-462u. A: II, 8. Satiati, 1~12.e 7 .
4, b; Sacrmnentaries, Index A: III, 2, a. Sackur, E., I -96.e8. Salmon, P., 1-374 9; II-50 39 ·+1, 5988. Saturday, I-1744, 246; see also Sabbath.
Romuald, St., I-96. Sacra= secreta, II-91 8 . 66137, 17945 ,46, 27271. Sauer, J ., I- 108 118, 256 17 ; 11-297.!19.
Rood altar, I- 256; II-75 118, 375. Sacramentaries, see also Index A: 3. Salvalor mundi, II-345 7, 355 1 4. Savio, F., Il-173.e 0.
Rood-gallery, I-83. Sacramenlarium, I-60ff., 104fi. Salve lux mundi, II-215 88 . Sawicki, P., I-204 58, 205 68 ; see Hungarian
Rood-loft, I-125. Sacraments (enumeration), I-492 9. S alve Regina, 1-296 11 4, 297.!1 9, 313 15 ; 11- Hermits of St. Paul, Index A, III, 3, a.
R osary, I- 147ff., 153; 11-456. Sacrarium, II-5 16 , 6 18, 20101. 457£. Scape-goat, II- 187.
Roskovany, A., I-212 u. Sacrifice, altar of, I -25 16; and the sacrificial Salve rex fabricator, II-347 16. Scavini, P., II-1584 8.
Rossano Codex, II- 376 17, 378 30 , 38148. meal, 1-179, 191£.; II-275; and the Eu- Salve salus mundi, II-347 16. Schabes, L., I-122 111 , 125ts6, 205 68,
Rossianum Sacramenlarit~m, see Gregorianum, charist, II-149; disposition of mind, 1- Salve sancta parens, II-457 18. 225 86, 306 56, 310 81 , 441 1.!1$; 11-79 17.
Index A: III, 1, a. 189; II- 227; effects, l-129; gestures of Salzburg 1-93 1 131 e.e 132 148 38 163 1 9. Scheeben, M. J., I-187 38, 19044.
Rottenburg, II-141 17. presentation, see Gestures of presentation; II-1674 6 296.eo 3J9 J71 31 '390 111' Schepens, P., II-216 9.e.
Ri.itten, F., II-1664 1, 184u, 223 119, 249 6 , heavenly, 1-185£., II-231 .!1 6; intercessory 448 7; see index A:' III, 3: a. ' ' Schermann, Th., 1-10 18, 13 118, 23 1 , 31 15,
262 17 . prayers, II-109; legal character of, II- Sancia, 1-70 11 ; II-307, 309 3 4, 312£. 32 17, 170 6 ; II-119 11 4, 199·u, 312 8, 334u.
Rouen I-209 11 212.e 5 2494° 431 68 II- 111 36 ; Mass as, 1-llOf., 116£., 132£., 141 ", Sancia Dei Genitrix, I-310 79. Schiavetto, 1-407.
18 98 '40 611 176 '20944 '291 83 4o1.e 404" 1 142, 144; ll-223ff.; notion of, I-23£., Sancia Maria genitrix, II-406 58 . Schlager, P., II-63 116, 79 11, 81 u, 325.es,
444 3
8; se: Index A: 'm, b; s~e Syn~ 178fi., 184fi.; of Christ, 1-142, 179ff.; Sancia sanctis, II-297 .e 9, 317 55 . 332 64.
ods. II-223, 227; of the Church, 1-91, 142, Sancia sanclorum, 1-311 81; Sancia sanc- Schlag!, see Premonstratensians, Index A:
Rousseau, 0., 1-157 85, 158 89, 161 9; 11- 179ff., 188; II-223, 227; of the faithful, torum (Rome), II-461. III, 2, g.
2833 1. l-55 .e 5; II-2, 166ff.; spiritual, see Spirit- Sancte Johannes, 1-313 15. Schlier, H ., 1-3844 1 •
Rubrics, I-139fi.; II-460; see also Missale ual sacrifice; to Christ, II-95. Sancte Pater, II-126. Schmid, J., 1-138 64.
Romanum, Index A: III, 4, b. Sacrifice-Mass, 1-261; II-1fi. Sanclifica Domine hanc, ll-67fi. Schmidt, C., I-15 59•
Ruch C 1-12.!17 164 11 26 19 ·.!1 3 18115; Sacrifice of Aaron, II-73. Sanclifica nos, I-273 14. Schmitz, H . J ., 1-170 10, 226 91, 246 10,
n -3847', 264.e 7. ' ' ' Sacrifice of Melchisedech, II-73. Sanctifica qucesumus Domine hunc, II-67. 434 8.e; II-160 8, 289 68 .
Ri.icker, A., I-466 11 .!1; II-144 3 4, 25641; Sacrificial gifts, plea for acceptance of, II- Sanctificatum sit hoc libamen, II-68144 . Schmitz, W., l-146u.
see Theodore of Mopsuestia; see James, 150, 170, 188 7, 227f. Sanctificetur nomen, II-133, 279. Schneidemi.ihl, II-21115.
Greek Liturgy of St., Index A: II, 2. Sacrificium, II-14 70, 30 11 0 , 94; and oblatio, Sancti Spiritus assit, I-296.e 8. Schneider, A.M., I-412 51.
Ri.ickert, G., I-147.!1. 1-184; = chalice, II-68 144; haec sancta Sancti Spiritus gratia, II-88. Schneider F 1- 994 1 210 13 225 8 8 228 108
Rudolf of Bourges, I-237.e 0. sacrificia, II-150£.; = Mass, 1-170; Sancti venite, II-393£. 270 36 296£4 297 119 ' 301 11 / 307 6; 309 7+'
Rudolf von Liebenegg, 1-122 11 .!1. sacrificium laudis, II-20 109, 114.!1 6, 149, Sanctum corpus tuum, II-40218. 316 3 4, 3326° 37i57 420 6 • Ii-s24 9'
Sanctum cum sanctis, II-317 311 • 61 10 / 85.e4 i67 ·H 293 90 297u 325.eo'
Ruf, see "Leis."
Rufinus, II-3604.
Sacri sanguinis, II-317ss. Sanctus, I-18£., 31, 34£., 43, 48, 50 1 , 72, 85,
106, 124f., 127, 147 3, 155; II-116, 128fi.;
386 9 408 15, 417 68: 439 1z,' 442" 0 ·~+. '
Ruinart, T., I-173 33 ; II-154u. Sacristy, 1-270, 294; see also Sacrarium, Schneider, J., 11- 136411•
"Rule for Lay People," see "LaienregeJ.'l Secretarium. chanted by the celebrant, II-130; chanted Schni.irer, G., 1-59 39 , 96 31 , 3044 1; II-
Rumania, II-372 35 . Sacrum, 1- 171. by the clergy, II-129ff.; chanted by the 37341.
Schnlitgen, A., I-159 90 . 313u, 460 7; see also Mass Ordos, Index 272 66 292 86 295 11 296 14 325 29 336 21 Sit, J esu dulcis sime, II- 464s6.
Schola cantormn, I-60, 64f., 68, 70, 73, 347 19 , 430 19 , 443 2 6, 454.e / 462 26 , ' Sit nomen Domini, I-309 74, 332; II-443 28 ,
A: III, 2, b. ' , ' , .
123£., 322£., 340£., 358, 426, 433; II-27£., "Segenmesse", I-122 11 1. Sick, Communion of the, I-469; II-281, 444.
30, 129 6 , 333 5 , 336£., 394. Segvic, C., I-407 25 . 331 60 370 381 61 383 386 95 390 118 Sit signatum, II- 66 188 , 68 1 44, 69 15 1.
Scholasticism, I-113£., 306£., 493. Sejalon, H., I-994 1. 391 124, 406ff., 447!.' ' ' ' Sixtus I, Il-129.
Schonfelder, A., I-489 52, 491 5 ; II-371 27 . Sejourne, P., I-30 10. Sick, prayers for the, I-337, 487; II-165 33 . Sixtus II in the Canon, Il-173£.
Schorlemmer, P., I-379u. Self-accusation, formulas of, I-18 66. Sickenberger, ]., 1-8 6 • Sixtus III, 11-174.
Schosser, L., II-13 65, Self, mention of, II-154 16, 164£. Siwt erat, I-323, 328; II-261 14, 273 7 9. SixtusiV, II-211 68 .
Scotism, II-127 72 . Selhorst, H., I-415 70 . Sicut in co;lo, II -290ff. Sixtus V, I-139; 11-95.
Schott, A., I-161 11 , 162 12, 269 28 ; II- Semharay Selim, T.M., II-145 97 . Sidonius, I-30 10. Skara, II -405 8 7, 448 1 1.
1791. Senlis I-425 30 435 86 · II-28 12 395l?1 Siena, II-37341. "Slaughtering the Lamb", I-27 91 .
Schreiber G I-196 7 215 23 · II-1471 Sens I-197 9 4J3 70 ·II~6 22 29J 99 35S 36 ~''Y1J<Tarw, II-9216. Slavic, Liturgy in, I-81, 164.
15 74 18~4
' '
117 26 2 ~54 2 4 '
' ' .
' ' ' ' '
Sensus, I-284, 409 36 ; II-1074°.4 2.
' .
Sigismund, Emperor, I-443 9 • Slavic rite, Byzantine, see Index A: II, 4.
Schrems, K., I-491 7. Sequence, I-77, 123, 133, 136, 146, 228, Signumfidei, II-242£. Slovenes, 11-14 72 , 4134 7.
Schrod, K., I-1354 6. 425, 436ff.; German strophes, I-440. Silence, see Canon, silence during; Prayers Smaragdus, II-436 8 6.
Schrott, A., I - 145 21,23,24, 49210. Sequentia sancti evangelii, I-399, 404, 452. said silently; Secret. Smits van Wacsberghe, M., I-116 78 ,
Schubert, F., I-4914. Serapion, Euchologion, see Index A: II, Silentium facile, I-406 12 • 16 . 27812, 297so, 43377; 11-5569, 661S6,1S8,
Schubert, H.v., I-81 55, 91 78 , 335 11, 1. Silva-Tarouca, C., 1-65 36 ; II-333 7; Ro- 67 142, 68 144,141, ~ 0 .eo, 86 26, 87 s1, 93 21.
458 17 · 19 , 487 38 . Sergius I, II-333£. man Ordos, see Index A: III, 2, d. Socrates, I-17", 457 8.
SchUller, A., I-146£ 6, 231 U 6 . Sermon, I-148; adjuncts to, I-480ff., Simili modo postqua.m coenatum est, I-8. Sohngen, G., I-21 69 , 183u, 186 36, 187 99 ,
Schlimmer, J., I-18 60 , 239 90 , 246 11 , 247 16 ; 490ff.; song at, I-146, 461; see also Simmons, 1-129 13,297 32, 48844; II-417 71 ; 192 6!'· 55 .
II-366 3 4. Homily. see also Lay Folks Mass Book, Missale of ~oi KUpL<, I-367; II-294.
Schlirer, E., I-3929, 7,9, Serpelli, B. M., II-30 26 . York, Index A: III, 3, a. Soiron, T., 11-280 17 .
Schurhammer, G., II-214 81 , 348 25 • Serra di Vilaro, J., II-54 68 . Simon, P., I-166 29. Soissons, 1-197 9, 389 68 ; II-308 29 , 3394 5 ,
Schuster, I. Card., 1-23 2 . Service of readings, I-20, 391ff., 475, 480£. Simon van Venlo, I-116 78 , 278u. 398; Ritualc, see Index A: III, 3, b.
Schwartz, E., I -28 1, 4621, 476 11 . Servi, servitus, II-184.e 1, 223t 9, 250 10. Simplicius, II-2864 6. Solch, G. G., 1-1004 7, 107 22 , 306 56 , 321 3 ,
Schwartz, R., I-247 17, 255 16 ; II-166 99 . Servites, I-101 64, 279. Sin, confession of, I -18, 292, 298ff., 494; 326 31 · 82 , 327 3 4, 3294 6, 333 63 , 357 52 , 361,
Schwarze!, K., I - 154 711. Servius, II-434 16. II-370ff.; see also Apologiae, Confiteor. 444 15 · 16 , 446 28 , 4484 3 , 453 78 ; II-46 21 ,
Schwerin, II-37121. ~· VJl.VOVJl.<V, II-223. Sin, consciousness of, I-80; II-98. 5146, 5672, 80.e5, 8312, 85 2s, 8782,
Scriptures, Continuous reading of, I-398£., Seven (number), I-77; II-255; seven Sindo, II-61, 305 8 • 142 28 ··€ 4· 26, 1584 1, 179 45 , 220 15 , 231 28,
402. torches, I-47, 201, 20244, 318, 445. Singers, 1-67£., 149, 209, 431£.; and of- 237 5 ~, 2574 5.4 6, 2584 8, 269 5 1, 271 62 · 6',
Scrutinium, I-479; II-161, 183. Severian of Gabala, II-1384 9 • fertory procession, II-29£.; see also Choir 27269, 29078, 30717,18, 30826, 31945,
Scyphi, 1-73, 304 9. Seville, I-134 97 ; II-273a, 295 8 ; (1535, and Scltola cantorum. 325 22 , 326 29 , 3304 7, 347 19,348 2 4, 351 6 • 7,
Seats, I-67, 70, 240f., 420, 459£. Martene), I-273 12 • Singing, I-58, 64, 65, 75, 133, 148; after the 358 66 · 57 , 396 98 , 417 74.
Seckau, I-200£7; see also Index A: III, 2, Sevrin, E., I-159 90 . consecration, 1-55; II-340; at the conse- Solesmes, 1-158, 160.
b; III, 3, a. Sex ordines crucium, II-143£. cration, II-216; in the vernacular, I- Sollem.nia completa sunt, 11-433.
Second coming of Christ, II-221. Sext, I-248; II-398, 463. 146, 147, 148, 154, 155, 156, 157, 460; see Solo chant, 1-426£., 433; 11- 28£.
Secret, I-55 26, 72, 89, 483ff.; II-90ff., Seywald, 0., II-4134 7. also Antiphonal, Choir, Responsorial chant, ~wJJ.a XPL<Trov (and variations), 11-388£.
150, 190; = canon, II-90 6, 290; content, Shawl, I-68, 276, 279, 281. Song. Song, I- 320ff., 421ff.; at sermon, 1- 146,
II-95; Gallic, Oriental influence, II- Shema, I-392. Singing-gallery, I-125, 149. 461; enrichment, 1-123, 124, 125, 425,
92; importance, II-93; meaning, II-94, Shemoneh Esreh, I-392. Singmesse, I-154ff., 163 . 426; polyphonic, 1-125, 126, 127, 137, 148,
99£.; = mysteriwm, II-90 6, 91 10 ; name, "Ship" of church, I-254. Singular in prayers, 1- 78, 221, 225; II- 149, 150, 156, 159, 472, 473; ll- 130ff.;
II-91; number, II-95£.; oralio mper Shoes, I-278. 46, 5041, 59, 98, 344; in the Credo I-462, 137; speech-song, I-377ff., 409; 11-107£.,
oblata, II-90f.; part of canon, II-82; Shoulder covering, I-68, 276, 279, 281. 470£. 289; see also Antiphonal, Choir, Respon-
prayer and sacrificial gifts, II-96; said Shoulder veil, II-61. Sinners, public, II-20. sorial chant, Schola Cantorum, Singing.
silently, II-82£., 90; to God, II-95. Sicard of Cremona, I-1114 6, 114 6£, 124 120 , Sins, venial, I-19 66 . Song-texts used by the celebrant, I - 105,
Secretarium, I-86, 320, 322; II-307. 273 10, 303 30 , 319 17 , 325 21 , 326 90 , 343 64, Si qu.is cateclzumenus, I-479£. 106, 202 .
Sed libera nos a malo, II-288, 290. 358 59, 362 19 , 365 28 , 4284 9, 433 81, 444 14, Si quis non communicat, I-477 17 ; II-341. Sonus, 1-48; 11-5 16 .
Seez, I-92, 96 91 . 447 96 , 450 59, 452 71 , 456 1, 460 29 , 472 67 , Si quis odium, II-114.e 7. Sophronius, 1- 87 61 ; 11-323 9.
Seez group, I -93ff., 201, 272, 277 8 , 2824°, 484l14 486 56 II-9 98 13 66 35t 8 55 69 Sirmond, ]., Il-34 16 . Sorores in Orate fratres, 11-83, 85£.; in the
2834 2, 286 61 , 291, 299 7, 312 9· 8 ; II-71 11, 131 18: 134 2 S: 139 9, 142 26 , :239 11 , '263 20: Sit Domin·us in corde, II-87. Misereatur, 1-300 11 .
'T.wuov ..-<p<ovuwv, I-51. Stephen Asoghik, II---40 68 • 231ff., 303 1 ; angel, II- 231ff.; Communion I-1494 3, 292 86 ; (1549), II-22 1.u; (1860),
Sozomen, I---431 67 , 443 5 • 8 , 4484°, 457 8. Stephen of Bauge, I- 181 14, 226 97 , 303 5 4; epiklesis, II-233ff.; rite, II- 236ff. I-157 86; Compostella (1056), I- 231 J.eB;
Spain, I-30 10, 45, 102 69 , 133, 469; II- II-206.e 8, 272 70 , 436"6. Supra qua;, I- 50 1; II-147, 220, 226ff. II-326.e 6; Constance (1609), II-22 1u;
16f 21 116 23 126 54 68 69 16 :e 141 17 Stetit angelus, II-72 11 . Surgant, J. U., I-490 63 , 492 8,493 18. Brixen (1453), II-366; (1900), I - 131.e.e;
158·: 2o9H, '211, 2574", 31,7" 1, 354, 454 18; Steynen, J. E., I - 441us. Sursum corda, I- 16 29 55 .es 834 2 86 90· Constantinople (544), II-1608; (692,
see also Mozarabic Liturgy, Index A: II, Stiglmayr, J., II-30.e 6. II-107 38, llOff. ' ' ' ' ' ' Trullo) I-214 8 245 6· II- 4 10 168.e 3418
6, Ferreres. Stoics, I -22 64. Suscipe clementissime Pater, II-67141, 40 57, '333 7, J86 96 ;' (1156),' II_.:_95 36 ;
Speculum de mysteriis Ecclesi<e, I - 1114 3, Stoia iustiti<e cirwmda, I -285. Suscipe confessionem, I-80.e 8. Cordova (839) , II-38162; Coventry (1237),
357 61 , 436 94; II-3114 7. Stole, I-277, 280, 285£., 289, 306; II-18; Suscipe Domine sancte Pater, II-54 6 9. II-364; Elvira (4th cent.), I-245; II-
Speyer, Reichstag (1526), I-133. stola latior, I---411. Suscipe qu<esumus Domine, II-73 19. 20108, 161 9; Epaon (517), I---47717;
'T.cppa-yls, Il-374 1, 242 . Stolz, A., I-184n. Suscipe sane/a Trinitas I -78 94 137 67 · Exeter (1287), II-385 8 4, 4144 8; Flor-
Spiritualism, see Gnostics. Stolz-Schmalz, II -2494. II---46ff., 438 9; inserti~n, II-47 ; 'present~ ence (1517), I-131 21 ; Frankfurt (794),
Spiritual sacrifice, I-26, 27, 28; II- 189, 'T.rwp.<v KaAws, II- 114. day setting, II-49£., 59; shifting, II---48; I---491 6; II-163.e 0, 323 14; St. Gall (1690),
219, 225 87 . Stonner, A., I -398.e 1. variations, II-17 89 , 46, 56. II-18 93 ; Genoa (1574), II-37St.e; Gerona
Spiritual struggle, allegorization of, I-lllf. Stowe Missal, see Index A: II, 8. Suscipe sancte Pater, II-54, 57f. (1068), I---410 H; Hildesheim (1539), I-
Spiritus Sancti assit, I-332 69 . Strabo, Walafrid, I-88, 222 69 , 226 95 , Suscipiat, I-137 67 , 87, 884 6. 250 45; Hippo (393) , I-33 1, 373 3, 379;
235 8 247.e.e 3684 6 377 11 46949 472 66 ·
Spiritus Sane/us superveniat, II -87. Sustentatio, I-69 10, 201, 20365, II-10, 264 116 ; Ingelheim (948), II-15 74;
II-43 9 10J 10 176,83 260~ 323 1J 330 48 ,
Sponge, II---419. Swaans, W.]., II-191 u. Lambeth (1281), II---4144 8; Laodicea
Spoon, II---41, 384 7 1. 337 29 , J43 11 , J6111i, J75 10 , 410.e 6.' '
Sweden, see Yelverton, Strengnaes, Upsala, (4th cent.), I- 171 14, 213,215,3461, 411u,
T...-ouoauar• oov 1-''q. •vxapwr£9- XP1iu0a<, I - Strack-Billerbeck I-8 7 9u 11 2 4,26 21 6 3 Index A: III, 3, a. 434 83 , 477 16 · 18 , 483 16 , II-312 8, 374 3,
1745. 4o
392 7; II-384 5, 61 . ' ' ' '
Switzerland, II-14117. 383, 440 6; Liege statutes (1286), I-227;
Springer, E., I-167 31. Strassburg, I-130.e 0, 309 16 ; II-216. Sylvester I, II- 183 16, 3046. Limoges (103_1), I - 202 45 ; London (1215),
Srienc, C., II-14a, 4134 7. Strathmann-Meyer, I-172.e 6. Sylvestrines, I-225 86. II- 207; Lyons (5 17), I---485; Macon (627),
Stabat Mater, I---438. Strengnas, II---405 37 . Symbol, I---479, 287; and Eucharistic I-387 53 ; II-5, 407 7; Mainz, (813), I-
Stablo, Ordo, see Index A: III, 2, b. Striking of the Breast, I-108, 303; II- prayer, I---474; II-117 ; Eastern, I---462ff. ; 8562, 225 90 ; II- 9 37 ; (1261), II- 139 7;
Stachnik, R., I-85 63 , 21011. 215, 257, 259, 336 20 , 354. see Credo, Apostles' Creed. (1310), I-210; (1549), I-133, 211u;
Staerk, W., II-132£ 8 • Strittmatter, A., I-91 78 . Symbolism, of the Eucharist, I-84, 190ff.; Majorca (1639), II-384 3 ; Malines (1920),
Stakemeier, E., I-1894 3. Stroppel, R., I-146£8; II-327 3 4. of rite, I-108ff., 416; see Fraction, Com- I-163 17 ; Merida (666), II-16 80 ; Milan
Standing, I-371, 460; II-248, 251. Stuttgart, see Index A: III, 3, d. mingling, Washing of hands. (1574), II-18 98 ; Mileve (416), II-107 38 ;
Stapper R I-66 38 326 31 416 76 · II- Style, I-373£.; II-156, 1664 1. Symmachus, I-356; II-174, 255, 2864 6, Nantes, I-226 94, 2494.e; Nimes (394),
39847, '414~ 3 . See aiso Ord~ Ro11UJ~us I, Suarez, F., I-185 3.e, 187 38, 3414 9, 381 31 ; 380. II-386 95 ; Orange (441), I---443; II-
Index A: III, 2, d. II-99 6, 170.e, 187 3. Symmetry, II-98, 103B, 270. 31413; Orleans (511), I-365ts, 4401°;
State cum silentio, I---406 16 . Subdeacon, I -67£., 70ff., 90, 363 16 , 410f., Synagogue, I-19, 31, 309, 383 39, 394, 422, (538), I-247.e 1, (541), l -2 15 19 ; Osna-
Stational churches, I-397, 402. 417£. 449 473 69 · n-7 8".e 18 95 130 bri.ick, II---409 16 ; Paris (829) , I-226 93 ;
Stational days, I-246, 251. 258, J04ff.: 324£., J27 5 4, 3294 6: 383, J86 9< 456; II-132.
Synapte, see Ektene. II-386 96 ; Pavia (850), I-215£ 0, 231 1! 6;
Stational Service, I-59, 67ff., 75, 195ff., 387 99 , 396, 460. Synods (Mansi, Hardouin, Hartzheim): Agde Pisa (1409), I---444t.e; Pistoia (1786), I-
200£., 264ff., 322ff., 432£., 457; II-7, Subiaco, II-346 16 , 402, 405 35 . (506), I-215 18, 246; II---440 7; Aix (1585), 153 6.e; Prague (1349), I- 250 45 ; Quiercy
26, 29, 53, 78, 267, 303£., 336£., 344, 363t 0 , Subminister, I -,210 15 . I-227 101 , Aix (1585), I-227 101 ; II- (838), I-88; Ravenna (1314), I-302;
382£., 394, 440. Sub velamenta, I- 281 H. 372; Albi (1230), II---444; Ameria (1595), (1317), I-225 86; Regensburg (1512), I-
Stato die ante lucem, I-18. Summum officium, I-212. II-38 45 ; Armenian (726), II---40 68 ; Arras 2296.e; Reims (8 13), I---458 17 ; Riez (439),
Statu/a Ecclesiae Antiqua, II-20, 385st. Sumption formulas, II-357ff. (1570), II-22 1.e.e; Attigny (762), I-218; II---440 8; Rome (595), I---4327£; (610),
Staudenmaier, F. A., I - 154 73 . Sun-Christ, I-17. Augsburg (1584, 1567), II-216 99 ; Auxerre I-217; (743), I -388; (1059), II-21;
'T.uva~<s, I-173.
Stefaneschi, Ordo of Cardinal, Ordo Romanus (578 or 585), II-3804 7; Basle (1437) II- Rauen (878), II-381, 390 11 8 ; Saragossa
XIV, see Index A: III, 2, d. Sunday, I-270, 368£., 470; II-121£., 211; 386 89 ; (1503) I---492 8; Bourges
' (1336), (380), II-381 50 ; Sardica (343), I-245 6 ;
Stefl!.nescu, J. D., II-379 3 4. and offertory procession, I-20f.; and serv- I-231 1116 ; Braga, (563), I-364, 94 5 ; Sarum, II-104 19; Salzburg (1281), II-
Steiger, K., II-18 93 • ices for the dead, I-222 70, 238; Lessons, (572), II-14; (675), II-384; Breslau 339; Seleucia-Ktesiphon (4 10), I-213 7;
Steinen, W. v.d., I---43696. I-396ff. ; Masses, I-62, 167; precept, I- (1592), I-147 51 ; Carthage, (390), I-214; Seligenstadt (1002) I- 222 71. II---447·
Steinmann, .A., I-101 8 . 19469 , 236, 24Sf., 249. (397), I-379 23 , 393 1; Chelsea (787), II- Seville (619), I- 195 4; II-29S 8, 440 10;
Steinmeyer, E.v., I-35644, 492 1.e, 4931 6 • Super diptycia, Il-245. 9; Clermont (1096), II-384; Clermont Tarragona (5 16), I- 212£ 5 ; Toledo (440),
Stentrup, F. A., I- 186 36 . "Supper of the Lord", see "Lord's Supper." (1268), II- 374 11 ; Cloveshoe (747), I-86 6 4, II-155 17, 381 60 ; (589), I---469; II-15 73 ;
Supplices, I-50 1, 107 .e 0, 113, 316, II-142, (633), I-347 3, 423 14, 459u; II-277,
Stephen, St., II-252£., 25641. 377 11 ; Cologne (1310), I-211 18 ; (1536),
296 19 , 316 28 , 342 8 , 374 5 , 463.t7; (675), Texts, freely extemporized, I-30, 32, 33, Timotheus of Alexandria, II-3414, 366 35. Trondheim (1519) (Freisen ), II- 449 1 1.
II - 20 110 · (681) II-275 2 · (693) II- 32.e 373. T imotheus of Constan tinople, I-468. Tropes, I- 123, 327, 344, 359, 404 2 , 419 5 ,
34 1-i 37 39. (1324 1473) I .:_231 / f B. Tour~ Thalhofer, V., I-162 1 4, 185 33, 186 3 -i; II- Tirol, I-146 26; II-13 65 ; see Brixen, 435, 439; II-130, 134 2 8 , 337 27 , 338 37 ,
(567),' II- '302, 374;
' (813),
' I- 240, ' 458 17 ; 1485, 1674 5 ; Thalhofer-Eisenhofer, II- Kossen, Taufers. 340, 396, 436.
Tribur (985 ), II-40; Trier (1227 ), I - 1365, 16 77 , 260 8 . Titelmannus, F., I-116 79 , 240 36 . Troyes, Missal, I-152, 312 9; Ordo, see
1251 27, 227 99 ; II-365; (1238), I-212 95 ; "Thanes, Altar", II- 130 20 , 231 H 6. Tithe as oblation, II-14. Index A: III, 2, b.
(1549) I - 133 149 43 225 86 439111 . Thanksgiving, Act of, after the Mass, II- Titular churches, I-59, 75, 207 1. T schuor,]., II- 365 31, 424 3 8 .
II- 29,2 85 , 341; Vaiso~ (529), 'I- 210 17: 404, 460. Toledo, see Synods. Tu am cru.cem, I- 313.
328, 336, 458; II- 129 8 , 155; Valen ce (524), Thanksgiving, prayer of, I-9, 11f., 13 28 , Tomek, E., I-99 39 ; II-362 15 . "Tuba", II- 1084 5.
I-475 1; Worcester (1240), II- 16 8 2 ; Wiirz- 15ff., 19, 20ff., 23, 28ff.; II-115ff., 202, Tommasi, J. N., I-480 5 3 ; II-395 119 • Tube, drinking from chalice, II- 383£.
burg (1298), I- 222 71 . 464; after the Communion, II-404£., Tov OavaT6v uov, II-222. TunicCE, I-231 12 3 .
Sy rian Liturgy, I -40f.; II- 40, 192f., 316, 419!1. Tonus rectus, I-377, 409. Turning at the altar, II- 85, 112, 209 43.
334, 388, 419; East, I-41; see also Index " Thank"- "think," II-117. Torcello, I-415 72 . Turning to the people, I-108, 357, 361, 362;
A: II, 3; West, sec Inde~ A: II, 2. Th egan, II-412 37 • Torch, I-271; seven torches, I-47, 201, II- 112.
Sy ro-Malabar Rite, see Malabar Rite. Theodore I, II-334 9 . 20244, 318, 445; see Candles. Tyre, I-257.
Szomor, T ., I-4014 3 • Theodore of Canterbury, Canones, see Index Tortosa, I-3684 7; Il-69 15!1, 186 30 .
A: II, 8. Touching, Ceremonies of, II -308, 378f., 418. Udalrich of Cluny, see Consuetudines, Index
Tel: ii")'ta TOL< ct")'lot<, I- 37, 44, 355; II- Theodore of M opsuestia, I - 40ee, 466u; Toul, see Index A: III, 3, a. A: III, 2, f.
136 41, 267 37, 276, 294, 297. II-72 3 , 92 16 , 114 26, 132 26 , 191.t 5 , 276 6, Toulon, II-87 36 . Ukrainians, I-390 70.
T abu/CE, I-433 77 . 297 23 · 28 299 37 344 2 375 9 378 30 379 3 4 Tours, I-594 1, 92, 447 36 , 450 58 ; II- Umberg, J. B., I-1914 9, 193" 8 .
Taille, M. de Ia, I-182 21 ; II-25 137, 380 37 3s8 106 4,19 1 '
, ' . ' ' ' 39847; see Synods; Missal, see Index A: Unde et rnemores, II-119 2 4, 218ff.
191 25 , 2334°. Theodoret, I-180 10 ; II-4 10 , 384 7, 219 5 . III, 3, a; Ritttale, Index A: III, 3, b; Sacra- Uniates, Eastern, II-205 i 1 , 408; Liturgy,
Tantum ergo, II- 216 99 , 451 2. Theodorus Lector, I-4683.!. mentary, Index A: III, 2, a. see Index A: II, 2.
Ta1r<tvo<, II- 250 9. Theodosius, Emperor, II-4 10. ToiiTo ..-o«<u, I-14 35 . Uniform missal, I- 135.
Tapper, R ., I - 185 32 . Theodulf of Orleans, I - 1954, 222 70 , 22589, Tract, I - 65, 71, 425, 428, 430ff. United States, II-26 111 9· 14°.
Tel: ua EK TWV uwv, I-43, 55!1 5 ; II-224. 246 10 2494 1 - II-94 3 20 112 35u 323 11 Traditionalism, I-158. Unity of the liturgies, I-32.
Ta< <<<paM<, II- 294, 428 . <
371 2 389 1 / 7, 435n.'3 o. ' ' ' Transitorium, II-392 9. Upper Silesia, I-231!1 6, 3014 5.
Taufers, I-122 111 , 131.u, 490 56 ; II- Thibault, J. B., I-7 2 . Trapp, W., I-152 57, 153 58 · 67 , 1546 9· 78 , Upsala, II-327 112 ; see also Index A: III,
231£6. Thiel, B., I - 152 57 . 155 74· 77 , 157 83 ·u, 158 87 , 159 90 , 160 5 , 3, a.
T e adoro, II-215. Thierry, St., I-470 51 ; Sacramentary, see 161 9, 162 1-i, 231 12 4; II-373 38 , 411 29 . Urban VIII, I-140.
Te decet lam, II-460f. Index A: III, 2, a. Trappists, II-115 3 3 . Urban of Gurk, II-398 51.
Te Dezt1n, I-347, 350, 356; II-131 u, 215 87 . Thomas, St., Acts of, I-25 19 , 169 3 . Trecanum, II-395. Ure igne, I-310 81 ; II- 82 35, 462 .
Te i gitur, I-50 1 , 54£., 82, 114; II-147ff.; Thomas Aquinas, St., I-114, 128, 181 15, Trier, I-594 1, 106 91 , 138, 309 75 , 456 1; Ursin, II-220 14, 236 53 .
and Quam oblationem, II-151; as be- 184 29 185 3 .! 186 36 226 97 296.! 6 438· II-296 19 ; see Synods. Ursprung, 0 ., I-91 79, 123 116 , 1241!1 1 ,
ginning of canon, II-102ff.; i gitur, II- II-144 33 i2o 15 Z50 15 '275 1 J85 8 / Trikirion, II-447. 1251 2.e-126, 1261 28-1 11 1, 13860, 147 87,
148f.; initial letter; II-105; washing of oralio, I-275.! 1; Ii-404, 464. ' ' Trilhe, R., I-994 1, 205 6 4, 210 13 , 225 86, 148 38, 149 89-4 2, 1494 5, 15576· 78 , 15681,
hands, II- 78. Thomas of Canterbury, St., I-442u 9 • 228112_ 157 8 4· 86 344 69 346 69 358 67 4284 5
T e invocamus , II-444 3 8. Thomas of Celano, I-439 112 . Trinitarians, I-279. 435 9 .~~ .i4o 118 · ii-10845 130 1 ~ 205 19,
Temple service, II- 134£., 152 2 ; see also
' ' ' ' J
Thorlak, I-226 9 .~~. Trinity, closing formula, I- 380 !1 5 ; epiplesis, 289 6 ~ 337 1 ~ 396 8 ~ 397 4~ 437 11 ~
I - 19. Three hosts (concelebration), I-196 6 ; I l - II-193; Eucharist, I- 32 17 ; II-113; Usener, H., I-174 7.
Ten Commandments, I-492. 44. formulas, I-328, 350, 355; II- 297; 348; Usenicnik, F ., I-81 311 •
T erce, I - 247. Thurifer, II-76, 209. 368£.; Kyrie, I-341; Mass, I- 211 1!2, 220 57 , Utraqui sts, II- 315, 386.
T e rogamus audi nos, I- 335 . Thursday, I-112; II-451 2 ; during Lent, 222 70 .7 1; II-447; prayers to, I - 80; II- Ut terminumfigat, I-30 11 •
Ter-Sanctu s, I- 18 52 ; see •'A"Yta< o Oe6<. II-428£. 46f., 437£.; Preface, I-140; II-123, 125;
Tertullian, I - 13 29 , 25 1 4, 26 2 4, 27u, 170, Thurston, H., II-207.e 9, 429 18 . Sanctus, II-133£. Vaeth, A., I-166 28 .
172 !1 5, 178.~~, 213"' , 2184°, 372 6 4, 393; 8vula, I-25 16 ; II-151 16 ; alv<u<w<, JI- Triplicare, I-327. Vaganay, L., I - 69 10 .
II-2~ 3 7 · 8 71 1 86 !! 8 1094 9 132 2 4 115£. Trisagion, see, •' A")'ta< o 8•6<. Valencia, II-3304 6 ; see also Ind ex A: Ill ,
133 27 ' 191 2 ; 22J 29 2s'o 277/ 28o 17' 8vutauT~ptov, I -25 16 . Trithemius, J., II-35644. 3, a.
' ' ' ' ' ,
322 6, 327 35, 360 2, 366 3 4, 379 33 · 36 , 434 15 . Thymiamaterium, I-68, 318, 444. Triumphare, I-327. Valens, Emperor, II- 4 10
T estamentum Domi ni, see Index A: I. Tibi Domine creatori, II-18 99, 54 60 , 58 83 . Trium puerorum, II-461. Valous, G. de, I - 994°.
Teutonic Knights, I - 100. Tibi taus, II-369, 405 35 . Troas, I-10. Vasquez, G., I- 184 11 1.
Vatican Graduate, see Graduate Romanum, Virgins, consecration of, 11-12, 181 7·8. VVell, see Fount. VVipo, 1--438 107 .
Index A: III, 4, b. Visits to church, 1-267. VVenschkewitz, H., 1-21 6£ . Witte, R. B., Il-3304 7.
Vehlen, H. 1-143 1$, 161 10 · 11 • Vogel, A., 1--403 51 . VVerner, P., Il- 13 65 . Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1-120 96 , 252 66 ;
Veit, L.A., 1-130 18 , 252 58 ; Il-23 1116 Voisin, J. de, 1-143 15. West, churches facing, 1--415. 11--454 19.
Venantius Fortunatus, 11-36 51, 162 15 . Volk, P., 1-1004 8 ; see also St. James in Westminster, see Index A : III, 3, a. VVolker, L ., 1-162 15 .
Vend6me, 11-11 68 , 164ts. Liege, Index A: III, 2, g. West Syrian Jacobite Liturgy, I-41; Il- VVomen, and administering Communion,
Venice, see Index A: III, 3, a. Volusius, A. G., 1-143 12. 74£3, 453; see also Index A: II, 2. Il-386 95 ; and Communion, 11- 363,
Veni ·Creator, 1-274 15 · 17, 280t 8, 297£ 9 ; Vomiting, Burial for, Il--407 6. Weth, VV., 1-350 15 ; Il-355 56 . 380; and Communion in convents, 11-
Il-69, 82 95 . Vorarlberg, Il-16 8!!, 18 9$, 21 115 , 141 17 . VVetter, G. P., 11-3 9 , 13 65 . 363, 365; and Pax, Il-327, 3294 5; and
Veni Sancte Spiritus benedic, Il-70 155 . Vorau, see Index A: III, 3, a. VVibert of Nogent, II-206u. preparation of hos ts, Il-34ff.; in the
Veni Sancte Spiritus et, 1-371 69 , 438, 440. Vola (reddere), Il-168. VVidows, 1-13£ 9. sanctuary, II-94 5 , 374.
Veni Sancte Spiritus reple, 1-274 15, 297e 9, Votive Masses, 1- 62, 108, 129ff., 217; II- VVieland, F., I-24 10, 4105 8. Wooley, R . M., 11-32$.
461; 11-69 153 , 348£4. 23, 161, 181, 422 21 ; formularies, 1-220; Wikenhauser, A., I-10 1 6. VVord-doubles, I-56£.
Veni ... sanctificator (variations), 11-68££. Sunday, 1-222 70 ; VVednesday, 1-220. William of Auxerre, 11-214. Worms, II- 239 8.
Veni sanctificator omnipotens, 1-107£ 0 ; "Vreumen (Messe)'', Il-24 15 5. William of Champeaux, 1-118. Wulff, 0 ., 11- 376 17 .
Il--47£ 7, 49 5e, 65, 66 158 , 68££., 74, 99 5. Vulgate, 1-140. William of Dijon, I-96 51 . Wurzburg, I - 64, 141 17,396 18 , 399.
Veni sanctijicator omnium, Il-6814 6, 70 155. William of Gouda, Il-524 8, 79 17 , 81 5t, Wuttke, G., Il-229 1$.
Venite populi, Il-3404 8, 398. VVaal, A. de, 11-33 8, 199 51 • 325 8 ~ 327 5 ~ 332 6 ~
Verbeke, G., 1-3294 6. VVaefelghem, VV. van, 1-1004 6 ; see also VVilliam of Hirsau, see Consuetudines, Index Xystus, Il-173.
Verbum caro factum, 11-369, 390a 0, 405, Premonstratensians, Index A : III, 2, g. A: III, 2, f.
4064 1. VVagner, P., l-65 5 s, 123 116, 126 151 ,211 11 , William of Melitona (ed. A. van Dijk), I- Year (Church or liturgical), see Church year.
Verbum inseparabile, 1-30 11 . 323 1$' 325£ 6, 326£8, 358 67 , 377 17 , 378 19 ·£ 0, 112 54 114 64 404 6 452 68 · Il-17 86 27 5 Yelverton, see Missals, Index A: III, 3, a.
Verdun, Ordo, see Index A: III, 2, b. 404.! 423 17 426$ 8 4274£ 4284 3 .4 7 433 77 40 63 ' '58 84' '79 19 ,, 8844', 1584 1, Z14 8/
, York, see Index A: III, 3, a.
Vere dignum, 1-19, 55u; 11-105, 125. 436 9 ~· 97 , 439 116 '' 470 50' 472 64' '473 71 ,, 269 50, 416 65 . Young, K ., I--440 118 .
Vere sanctus, 11-1364 1. 47476; Il-261, 28u, 2915-15,17, 3019, VVilmart, A., I-47 18, 64.! 7, 76 10, 86 65 ,
Vernacular, 1-81, 138 61 , 143, 145, 153, 130 10 , 337£ 6, 395$ 9, 396 5$, 3984 7, 400 57 . 2194 8, 221 61 , 275.eo, 401 59 , 438 108 , Zachary, Pope, 1-60 1; 11-143, 295.
407£., 458, 472, 487 58 ; Il-372, 456££. VV alafrid Strabo, see Strabo, VV alafrid. 485 27 ; Il-91 8 , 200 92 , 215 88 , 279 11 , 347 16, Zahn, T., 1--400 86 , 442 1.
Verona, 1-92,95, 105 6,312 11 . VValter of Orleans, 1--471. 352 13 , 355 35 , 368 5, 369 18· 19 , 3974 6. Zak, A., 11-121 56 .
Versus ad repetendum, 1-325£.; Il- 395. VVambacu, B. N., Il-135 50. Wi lson, H. A., I-62 10, 3404 1, 3414 9, Zeiger, I., II -3 734 5 .
Vert, C. de, l-107u, 151 61 ; Il-211 67 . Warmiense, Rituale (Brinktrine), Il-260 8. 348u, 485 27 ; see also Gelasianum, Index Zeno of Verona, II-360$.
Verwilst, H. L., Il-2094 6, 269 51 . VVarnefried, Paul, 1-458. A: III, 1, a. twv, I-44; II-300.
Vespers, Il-398, 430; see also Choir prayer. VVarner (Stowe Missal) see Index A: II, 8, Winchester, Il-324 15, 338 57 ; Troper, I- Zettel, H., 1-141 5.
Vesting at the altar, 1-270, 288£., 294. (Leofric Missal) 1--487; 11-121. 43592, Il-130 10 • Zimmermann, B., see Carmelites, Index A:
Vesting prayers, 1-78, 94, 272£., 274 15 · 18 , VVarning cry, 1--479£.; Il-114. Wine, 1-9, 12; II-37; ablution of, Il-384, III, 2, g.
275, 276££. VVarren (Antiphonary of Bangor), see Index 385 81 , 412ff., 416, 454e 0; see also Ablution, Zimmermann, F., 1-213 5, 248$ 1-$4,
Viaticum, see Sick, Communion of. A: II, 8; (Dimmabuch), see Index A: II, 8; Gifts. 249 36,59, 25151 .
Vich, see Index A: III, 3, a . (Stowe Missal), see Index A: II, 8. "VVing-altars", I-112, 258. Zips, II-21 115 ; see also Index A: III, 3, a.
Victimte paschali, 1--437£., 440. VVarren, F. E., see Index A: III, 8. Winninghoff, A., 1-327 57 . Zurich and Peterling Fragments, see Index
Victor, Canons of St., see Augustinians, VVater, accompanying words, ll-62f.; an- Winter, V. A., 1-153 58 . A: III, 3, a.
Index A: III, 2, g. ticipated, II-59£., 63; at Communion, Winterswyl, L.A., I-354 56 ; Il-11 66 . Zwi:ilfer, T., I-74 1.
Victor of Vita, 1-172 50, 213 5; Il-134 118 . Il-39, 199£ 8; blessing, Il-64ff., 260, 261;
Vidi aquam, 1-272. drunk after Communion, 11--411; in the
Vienna, 1-163. chalice, 1-87; Il-38ff.; mingling, ll- Set Up, Printed and Bound by Benziger Brothers, Inc.
Vienne, 1-8344, 197 9 , 198u, 313 18 , 324 19 , 59ff.; quantity, Il-38ff.; reserved to the
389 67 , 390 70 , 393 1, 450 58 ; 11-290 78 , priest, Il-64; symbolism, Il-38ff.; 62£.
306 16 , 3984 7, 398 50 . VVeapons, 1--449.
Vierbach, A., 1-153 59 . VVeather, blessing for, Il-448, 451.
Vigilius, 11-102 6, 154 14, 177, 429. VVedding Mass, see Nuptial Mass.
Vincent de Paul, St., 1-289 90 , 297 50 . VVednesday, 1-246, 400£.
Vincent Ferrer, St., 1-3044 1. VVeissenberger, P., 1-225 86.
Virgil, 1-387 66 ; 11--434 16 . VVeisweiler, H., 1-302£ 9.
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