Incidence of Poultry Diseases in Different Seasons in District Khushab, Pakistan
Incidence of Poultry Diseases in Different Seasons in District Khushab, Pakistan
Incidence of Poultry Diseases in Different Seasons in District Khushab, Pakistan
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eISSN 2311-7710 Abbas et al./ J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res., 2(2): 141-145, June 2015 141
Figure 1: Map of Pakistan showing the study area (Khushab district).
number of infectious agents like NDV, AI along with E. MATERIALS AND METHODS
coli and Salmonella, were responsible for the recent
respiratory outbreaks in layer flocks around The current study was based on the postmortem and
Sammundri Area (Khawaja et al., 2005). The diseases laboratory diagnosis of poultry disease during June
prevalent in rural poultry mostly occurred due to poor 2007 to May 2008 in the Livestock Department (Poultry
vaccination, poor feed, housing, and through wild and Wing) of Khushab district. The data were collected
migratory birds (Khawaja et al., 2005). The widespread from 360 poultry farms during four quarters of the year
presence of contagious as well as infectious diseases using objective oriented questionnaire. The diagnosis
indicated poor vaccination practices, poor management depended mainly upon history, clinical signs, and
on farm, and non-adherence to biosecurity measures. postmortem examination in the district laboratories.
The bacterial and viral diseases were differentiated in
Season, an enormously important environmental the laboratory at Disease Laboratory, Poultry Research
factor, might have deep effects on occurrence of Institute, Rawalpindi, by examining the growth on
diseases in poultry. Previous surveys in this regard McConkey agar by incubating the suspected materials
have reported prevalence of poultry diseases and their at 37°C for 24-28 h. The growth obtained was identified
relationship with age and weather (Yunus et al., 2009). by various biochemical and sugar fermentation tests
However, interactions of various diseases during following methods described by Harrigan (1998). Bio-
different seasons have not been studied in Pakistan, security status index was measured on aspects of
particularly in low poultry populated area like management practices. The results were then analyzed
Khushab district. Khushab district has 7.4 million statistically by using simple score test (Nam, 1995).
broilers, 0.20 million layers, 0.08 million breeders, and
0.28 million rural poultry (Statistical Report, 2011-12).
The district has three distinct areas: barani, plain, and
mountainous. All these three areas have different Data regarding incidence of different diseases in
climatic temperature especially in mountainous area broilers are presented in Table 1. Overall, the incidence
which is more suitable for poultry production. The of ND was found as the highest in broiler, which was
present study was conducted to investigate the followed by Fowl typhoid, Mycoplasmosis, E. coli
incidence of different diseases in different seasons, infection, Coccidiosis, Mycotoxicosis, Infectious Bursal
which will provide baseline data for effective Disease (IBD), Infectious coryza, , HPS, and IB. These
prevention, and control of infectious diseases in rural findings are in support of a previous survey conducted
poultry. by Yunus et al. (2008). However , a lower incidence was
Abbas et al./ J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res., 2(2): 141-145, June 2015 142
noted at Chakwal district; this might be due to the Another study conducted by Ahmad (1998) showed
difference in location or improved vaccination practices 35.8% prevalence of MG infection was occurred during
(Yunus et al., 2008). five years from 1991 to 1995 in northern areas of
Pakistan. The incidence of Mycoplasmosis was
Table 1: Seasonal incidence (%) of diseases in broilers reported higher in the study of Ahmad (1998) as
on quarterly basis in district Khushab, Pakistan. compared to our study. In some countries like Brazil,
the prevalence of MS in chicken flock is increasing and
Diseases Quarters Average even exceeding to that of MG in breeding flocks
Jan- April- July- Oct-
March June Sep Dec (Nascimento et al., 2005). Our results revealed a higher
ND 9.20 7.68 7.91 6.62 7.85 prevalence of MG in winter months as compared to the
Fowl typhoid 7.94 5.47 5.70 7.23 6.58 summer months in broilers, and similar report was
Mycoplasmosis 7.10 7.82 2.70 5.10 5.68 published earlier (Sarkar et al., 2005). This seasonal
E. coli 3.10 3.01 8.58 7.40 5.52
Coccidiosis 4.20 4.30 6.49 3.39 4.59
variation in infection might be due to the sudden
Mycotoxicosis 6.20 3.81 3.40 4.84 4.56 change in temperature and cold stress on the birds.
IBD 2.03 2.18 3.03 4.11 2.84
Infectiuos 2.50 The data regarding prevalence of different diseases in
1.60 1.88 4.84 1.70
HPS 2.10 2.9 0.86 0.81 1.67
layers are depicted in Table 2. In case of layers, ND
IB 1.21 0.93 2.42 1.81 1.59 prevalence was the highest, followed by Fowl typhoid,
Total : 44.68 39.98 45.93 43.01 Mycotoxicosis, Coccidiosis, IBD, Mycoplasmosis,
Average : 5.50 4.00 4.60 5.95 Infectious coryza, Fowl cholera, IB, E.coli, and HPS .
ND=Newcastle disease, IBD=Infectious Bursal Disease, HPS=
Hydropericardium syndrome, IB=Infectious bronchitis.
The period between January to March appeared to be
safer for layers (Total 32.27%). Overall disease
incidence during each of the quarter months starting
The period between April to June appeared to be from January to March, April to June, July to
comparatively safer for broiler birds as due to lowest September, and October to December was 32.27, 35.64,
disease incidence (Total 39.98%; avg. 4.00%) was 41.26 and 40.70%, respectively. The incidence of ND in
recorded at this period. Incidences of E. coli, Infectious the different quarters was 8.34, 8.88, 7.10, and 7.37%
coryza, HPS, and IB were not equally distributed in all and that of Fowl typhoid was 5.01, 6.01, 8.84, and
the months. Fowl typhoid and Mycotoxicosis occurred 8.02%, respectively. The incidence of E. coli infections
during January to March, and E. coli infection and was 7.5 times higher in broilers than in the layers.
Coccidiosis were mostly found during July to
September. These results were similar to findings of Table 2: Seasonal incidence (%) of diseases in
Khan (1994). It was noted that Fowl typhoid, commercial layer on quarterly basis in district
Mycoplasmosis and E. coli infections were the 2nd, 3rd, Khushab, Pakistan.
and 4th most prevalent diseases, respectively during all Diseases Quarters Average
seasons with almost similar trend throughout the year. Jan- April July- Oct-
March -June Sep Dec
ND 8.34 8.88 7.1 7.37 7.92
Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is an important pathogen of
Fowl typhoid 5.01 6.01 8.84 8.02 6.97
domestic poultry, causing severe economic losses in Mycotoxicosis 3.21 3.1 8.79 6.97 5.52
poultry industry worldwide. It is considered to be the Coccidiosis 2.22 3.27 6.92 6.60 4.75
most important pathogenic mycoplasmas, and the IBD 2.73 5.62 2.12 2.21 3.17
Mycoplasmosis 3.15 2.43 3.41 3.02 3.00
Office International des Epizooties (OIE) declared the
Infectiuos 2.52
disease caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) as coryza
3.2 2.9 1.8 2.2
notifiable (OIE, 2004). It is the major cause of CRD, and Fowl cholera 1.88 1.1 0.62 2.46 1.52
causes more economic losses as compared to other IB 0.88 1.01 0.81 0.90 0.90
E.coli 1.31 1.11 0.10 0.40 0.73
Mycoplasma species. Birds of all age groups are
HPS 0.34 0.21 0.77 0.55 0.46
susceptible to this disease but young birds are more Total : 32.27 35.64 41.26 40.70
prone to the infection than adults (Mukhtar et al., 2012). Average : 2.94 3.24 3.75 3.70
Besides, MS has also been proven to affect the humoral ND=Newcastle disease, IBD=Infectious Bursal Disease, HPS=
response of chicks vaccinated with La-Sota strain of Hydropericardium syndrome, IB=Infectious bronchitis.
Abbas et al./ J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res., 2(2): 141-145, June 2015 143
comparatively lower in layers (8.88%) as compared to throughout the country affecting mainly brown layers.
broilers (9.20%). Our findings indicated that in all cases Between 2000 and 2008, about 1,000 Fowl typhoid
vaccination could not protect the birds for infection. outbreaks were reported. After adopting a national-
This might be due to use of inappropriate vaccine, wide vaccination program, the prevalence of Fowl
presence of maternal antibody, faulty storage, brooding typhoid in Korea decreased rapidly from 206 outbreaks
and administration of vaccine, as described by Godwin in 2002 to 31 in 2008 (Kwon et al., 2010).
(2001). In the present study, 9.20 and 8.88% of ND
positive cases were found in broilers and layers Mycotoxicosis falls on third ranking in the layer flock
respectively, as compared to the findings of Talha et al. in this study. Higher incidence of mycotoxicosis was
(2001) and Islam et al. (1998). The present findings reported during monsoon in Chakwal district (Yunus
indicated that the re-emergence of ND in commercial et al., 2009), as obtained in the present study. The
flocks was still a threat to the poultry industry. Pakistan is now considered to be the most intensive
poultry farming region in the world. The widespread
A survey was conducted on Fowl typhoid disease in prevalence of multiple mycotoxins today in this region
Hyderabad district and reported only 1.34% incidence might be due to: improved analytical procedures,
of the disease by Habib-ur-Rehman et al. (2004). A which have increased the chances of mycotoxin
survey conducted in Nigeria showed that ND detection in conventional ingredients and complete
accounted for 14.66%, Fowl typhoid 12.02% and feed; increased use of by-products and alternative feed
Coccidiosis 10.81% (Bukar-Kolo et al., 2006). Then, ingredients, which are likely to have a higher incidence
some workers reported that 18.4% (n=129/700) of mycotoxins, in an effort to reduced feed costs; and
prevalence was recorded for Fowl typhoid in Nigeria changes in global climatic conditions, which are more
(Mbuko et al., 2009). The outbreaks of Fowl typhoid conducive to the growth of mold and subsequent
were also observed to be 3.1 times more likely to occur mycotoxin production. Climatic conditions in the
in December, 2.4 and 1.3 times more likely to occur in country range from tropical to semi-tropical and
birds of 15 weeks and above and 1-5 weeks of age, temperate; the global trade in feedstuffs, which means
respectively. Outbreaks of Fowl typhoid were closely feedstuffs are derived from crops both grown locally,
associated with age, type and poultry species of birds. and imported and hence subjected to different
The highest number of outbreaks of Fowl typhoid was conditions during growing, storage and transport.
recorded in the rainy season (July-September). Similar
observations were recorded in the present study, most CONCLUSION
incidence occurred in the same months in layers but
January to March in broilers. Another worker also In district Khushab, there are limitations of housing
reported that outbreaks of Fowl typhoid were observed and environmental management, where contact with
in summer particularly when the weather was wet and the environment cannot be avoided, suggests that
moisture was persistent in the air (Rao, 2000). different approaches involving biological interventions
may be necessary. Under such situations, live vaccines,
Kwon et al. (2010) investigated the prevalence of Fowl nutritional (short chain fatty acids) interventions, and
typhoid during 2000 to 2008 in Korea. According to the other novel approaches can be considered, either
analysis based on the chicken breeds (n=521 farms), the individually or in combination.
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