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Exercise 1

ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis

EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the distribution
of the subcarriers used in ADSL. You will be able to analyze the ADSL signal
frequency spectrum and identify each subcarrier in this signal. You will also be
familiar with the Communications Technologies (LVCT) software, the ADSL
application, and the Spectrum Analyzer used in this application.

DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this Exercise covers the following points:

ƒ ADSL Subcarrier Distribution

ƒ ADSL Maximum Data Transmission Rates
ƒ Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Subcarriers
ƒ The ADSL Application

DISCUSSION ADSL Subcarrier Distribution

The subcarriers in ADSL As mentioned in the Introduction of this manual, ADSL can be viewed, in the
are also referred to as upstream and downstream directions of transmission, as a number of QAM
tones. Both terms can be modulators operating simultaneously at different frequencies spread across the
used interchangeably. available bandwidth of the telephone line. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the
subcarriers used in ADSL. The subcarriers are numbered 0 to 255 and the
frequency separation between each subcarrier is 4.3125 kHz. The frequency of
each subcarrier can be determined by multiplying the subcarrier number by
4.3125 kHz (e.g., the frequency of subcarrier 10 is 43.125 kHz).

Figure 8. Distribution of the ADSL subcarriers (tones) over the telephone line bandwidth.

When in the training mode, Not all subcarriers can be used by ADSL. The frequency band from 0 to 4 kHz is
an ADSL modem deter- reserved for POTS, thereby eliminating subcarriers 0 (DC) and 1. In order to limit
mines the quality of the mutual interference between POTS and the ADSL service, a certain number of
transmission medium (main- the subsequent subcarriers (typically subcarriers 2 to 6) are also discarded. The
ly the telephone line and the actual number of subcarriers discarded mainly depends on the characteristics of
POTS splitter), and sets a the filters used in the POTS splitter, and is determined by the ADSL modem
number of parameters ac- when it is in the training mode.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 11

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Discussion

The pilot tone (tone 16) is Subcarriers 7 to 31 in Figure 8 are allocated to data transmission in the upstream
used in the ATU-C Receiver direction. The transmitter in the ATU-R can apply quadrature amplitude
for clock recovery. The re- modulation to each of these subcarriers to transmit data toward the ATU-C.
covered clock must be Notice, however, that subcarrier 16 is left unmodulated because it is reserved to
properly synchronized with transmit a 69-kHz pilot tone (16 x 4.3125 kHz = 69 kHz). Subcarriers 32 to 255
the ATU-R Transmitter are allocated to data transmission in the downstream direction. The transmitter in
clock to ensure that the the ATU-C can apply quadrature amplitude modulation to each of these
ADSL signal is properly subcarriers to transmit data toward the ATU-R. Notice, however, that
sampled at the ATU-C Re- subcarrier 64 is left unmodulated because it is reserved to transmit a 276-kHz
ceiver. A similar pilot tone pilot tone (64 x 4.3125 kHz = 276 kHz). This subcarrier distribution scheme
(tone 64) is transmitted by reveals that the number of subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the
the ATU-C for clock recov- downstream direction is much higher than the number of subcarriers allocated to
ery at the ATU-R. data transmission in the upstream direction, thereby illustrating the asymmetric
nature of ADSL.

Note that the ADSL subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8 applies when
frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is used to separate the upstream and
downstream data transmissions. When echo cancellation is used in the ATU-C
and ATU-R instead of FDM to separate the two directions of transmission, all
subcarriers dedicated to data transmission (subcarriers 7 to 255 except
subcarriers 16 and 64) can be used for downstream data transmission at the
same time as subcarriers 7 to 31 (except subcarrier 16) are used for upstream
data transmission.

ADSL Maximum Data Transmission Rates

In ADSL, the nominal symbol rate is 4 kbaud and a maximum of 15 bit can be
transported by each subcarrier every symbol interval. The maximum theoretical
data rate for the upstream data transmission, according to the subcarrier
distribution shown in Figure 8, is thus equal to 4000 x 15 x 24 = 1.44 Mbit/s.
Similarly, the maximum theoretical data rate for the upstream data transmission,
according to the subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8, is equal to
4000 x 15 x 223 = 13.38 Mbit/s. However, additional data is required during
transmission to support various functions of ADSL, and the maximum number of
bits that can be transported by each subcarrier every symbol interval is often less
than 15 in actual systems. This decreases the maximum data rates that can be
achieved to the approximate values stated in the introduction of this manual. The
length and imperfections of the telephone line further reduce the maximum data
transmission rates that can actually be achieved.

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Subcarriers

In ADSL, each data frame In ADSL, the data to be transmitted is organized into frames (the structure of
contains a certain number these frames will be discussed later in this manual). The data contained in each
of bytes. The number of bits frame is separated into n groups of bits, n being equal to the number of
per frame is thus an integer subcarriers used. The number of bits in each group may be different. Referring to
multiple of 8. Furthermore, the ADSL subcarrier distribution shown in Figure 8, the data would be separated
all subcarriers are modulat- into 24 groups of bits for the upstream data transmission, and into 223 groups for
ed simultaneously, that is, the downstream data transmission. Each group of bits is used to apply
the symbol rate is the same quadrature amplitude modulation to a particular subcarrier. A QAM signal is thus
for all subcarriers. produced at each subcarrier frequency. This process repeats every symbol
interval, that is, the data in the next frame is separated into n groups of bits, and
each group modulates a particular subcarrier. The modulated subcarriers are
then combined together to obtain the ADSL signal. Figure 9 is a simplified block

12 © Festo Didactic 39867-00

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Discussion

diagram that illustrates the quadrature amplitude modulation of the subcarriers in

an ATU-R (upstream data transmission). In this figure, the QAM modulator
number corresponds to the subcarrier number. Notice that the number of bits in
each group of bits varies from one QAM modulator to another. This indicates that
certain subcarriers carry more data bits than others.

Figure 9. Quadrature amplitude modulation of the subcarriers in an ATU-R.

The nominal symbol rate in ADSL is 4 kbaud. However, the actual symbol rate,
i.e., the rate at which the subcarriers are modulated, is 4.059 kbaud for reasons
that will be explained later in this manual. For each subcarrier, this results in a
QAM signal whose frequency spectrum has the traditional sin x/x shape, with a
mainlobe that is 8.118 kHz wide. The frequency spectra of adjacent, quadrature
amplitude modulated subcarriers thus overlap severely because the frequency
separation between the subcarriers in ADSL is only 4.3125 kHz, as shown in
Figure 10.

Figure 10. Spectra of adjacent modulated ADSL subcarriers.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 13

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Discussion

One would be tempted to say that this leads to severe interference between
adjacent subcarriers and compromises the viability of the system. However, the
subcarriers used in ADSL are mathematically orthogonal, that is, they are all
integer multiples of the base frequency 4.3125 kHz. Therefore, no inter-carrier
interference (ICI) occurs and demodulation can take place without any problems.
ADSL is in fact an OFDM-based application. You can refer to the introduction of
this manual to learn more about OFDM.

The ADSL Application

The ADSL application is designed to be used with the Reconfigurable Training

Module. The application allows study of ADSL data transmission in the upstream
direction, that is, from the CPE to the local CO. The application thus consists of
the transmitter of an ATU-R and the receiver of an ATU-C, as shown in
Figure 11. Note that data transmission in the other direction is basically the same
except for differences in specifications such as the maximum data transmission
rate, number of subcarriers, number of time-domain samples per symbol interval,

Figure 11. The ADSL application allows study of data transmission in the upstream direction.

The subcarrier distribution Due to technical constraints, the frequency separation between the subcarriers in
in the ADSL application is the ADSL application is 4.439 kHz instead of 4.3125 kHz, as defined in
as shown in Figure 8. Recommendation G.992.1 of the International Telecommunication
Therefore, subcarriers 7 Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU–T). The frequency of
to 31, except subcarrier 16 any subcarrier in the ADSL application can therefore be calculated by multiplying
(pilot tone), can be used to the subcarrier number by 4.439 kHz. Furthermore, the actual symbol rate in the
carry data. ADSL application is 4.178 kbaud instead of 4.059 kbaud as defined in ITU-T
Recommendation G.992.1. Also, the maximum number of bits that can modulate
a subcarrier is 8 instead of 15 as stated in ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1.
These minor deviations from ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1 have no significant
impacts on the principles studied.

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Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Discussion

The transmitter in the ATU-R of the ADSL application does not include the
interface with the customer’s data terminal equipment (generally a personal
computer). Instead, a data table included in the transmitter of the ATU-R in the
ADSL application provides the data to be transmitted (see Figure 12). Similarly,
the receiver in the ATU-C does not include the interface with the CO’s broadband
data switching equipment. Instead, the recovered data is simply made available
in a table included in the receiver of the ATU-C in the ADSL application
(see Figure 13). These interfacing aspects of ADSL are not covered in this

Figure 12. Tx Data table in the ATU-R Transmitter.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 15

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure Outline

Figure 13. Rx Data table in the ATU-C Receiver.

PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections:

ƒ Equipment Setup and Connections

ƒ The Pilot Tone
ƒ QAM Applied to a Tone
ƒ Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth and Actual Symbol Rate
ƒ Subcarrier Separation
ƒ Subcarrier Separation versus Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth
ƒ ADSL Signal Frequency Spectrum

PROCEDURE Equipment Setup and Connections

1. Turn on the RTM Power Supply and the RTM and make sure the RTM power
LED is lit.

2. Turn on the host computer. Make sure that the system has been installed
and configured as described in the Communications Technologies Training
System User Guide.

3. Start the LVCT software (choose Start f All Programs f Lab-Volt f LVCT).

b If the software is already running, click Exit in the File menu and then restart
the LVCT software to begin a new session.

In the Application Selection dialog box, choose ADSL and click OK. This
begins a new session with all settings set to their default values and with all
faults deactivated. The System Diagram appears showing the ATU-R
Transmitter and the ATU-C Receiver.

16 © Festo Didactic 39867-00

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

Figure 14.Clicking the Default button in the System Diagram displays the default external
connections to be made.

4. Make the Default external connections shown on the System Diagram tab of
the ADSL application. For details of connections to the Reconfigurable
Training Module, refer to the RTM Connections tab of the software.

b Click the Default button in the System Diagram to show the default external
On-line help is accessible from the Help menu of the software and the Help
menu of each instrument.
You can print out the screen of any instrument by choosing File f Print in that

The Pilot Tone

5. Display the block diagram of the ATU-R Transmitter by clicking the

corresponding tab in the ADSL application.

b To display the block diagram of the ATU-R Transmitter or ATU-C Receiver,

you can also place the mouse pointer over the corresponding block in the
System Diagram and double click the left mouse button.

6. Locate the Bit/Tone Table in the ATU-R Transmitter block diagram using the
Pan and Zoom commands. These commands are available in the View menu
as well as buttons in the ADSL application toolbar.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 17

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

b To pan a diagram, you can also right-click on the

diagram and choose Pan / Select in the context-
sensitive menu. Drag the mouse pointer to pan the

b To zoom in a diagram, you can also right-click on

the diagram and choose Zoom in the context-
sensitive menu. Drag the mouse pointer up or down
to zoom in or out. Another way to zoom is to click
the diagram and roll the mouse wheel.

Click the Edit button in the Bit/Tone Table. This opens the Bit/Tone Table
window. This window allows you to change the number of bits allocated to
each tone, i.e., the number of bits which a tone carries.

Set the number of bits allocated to all tones to zero by entering 0 in the data
field next to the Apply to All Tones button, click this button, and click the
Apply button located at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window.

7. Click the Probes bar button ( ) in the ADSL application toolbar. This
displays the Probes bar. This bar contains the probes of the Oscilloscope,
Spectrum Analyzer, and True RMS Voltmeter included in the ADSL

Figure 15.The Probes bar contains the probes of the various instruments included in the
ADSL application.

Connect the Spectrum Analyzer probe to TP1 of the ATU-R Transmitter

(ADSL output signal).

b To move a probe from the Probes

bar to a test point, click the probe,
move the mouse until the tip of the
probe is over the test point, and
click the mouse button to connect
the probe.

18 © Festo Didactic 39867-00

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

b To move a probe from one test

point to another, move the mouse
pointer over the probe until the
pointer changes into a grasping
hand . Then, click the probe
and, without releasing the mouse
button, drag the probe to another
test point. Release the mouse

8. Click the Spectrum Analyzer button ( ) in the ADSL application toolbar to

display the Spectrum Analyzer. Make the settings required on the Spectrum
Analyzer to observe the ADSL signal frequency spectrum. Figure 16 shows
an example of what you should observe on the Spectrum Analyzer.

a The noise floor of the ADSL signal frequency spectrum may fluctuate
considerably at a slow rate. Ignore this phenomenon.

Spectrum Analyzer Settings:

Maximum Input .......................... 10 dB
Scale Type .................................... Log.
Scale .................................. 10 dBV/div
Averaging ........................................... 4
Frequency Span ................. 20 kHz/div
Reference Frequency .................. 0 Hz

Figure 16.ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when the number of bits allocated to all
tones is set to zero.

9. Measure the frequency of the single spectral component in the ADSL signal

b To accurately measure the frequency of a spectral component, align one of the

vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer with the spectral component of
interest and read the frequency of the corresponding cursor (it is indicated at
the bottom of the Spectrum Analyzer display).

Spectral Component Frequency: ___________ kHz

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 19

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

What does this spectral component represent? Briefly explain why this
component is a single line in the ADSL signal frequency spectrum.

QAM Applied to a Tone

10. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 7 to 8
by entering 8 in the row labeled Tone 7.

Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window while
observing the Spectrum Analyzer display. Notice that new spectral
components having a sin x/x shape appear in the ADSL signal frequency
spectrum, as shown in Figure 17.

Spectrum Analyzer Settings:

Maximum Input .......................... 10 dB
Scale Type .................................... Log.
Scale .................................. 10 dBV/div
Averaging ........................................... 4
Frequency Span ................. 20 kHz/div
Reference Frequency .................. 0 Hz

Figure 17. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tone 7 only.

11. Measure the frequency at which these spectral components are centered.

Spectral Component Center Frequency: ____________ kHz

20 © Festo Didactic 39867-00

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

What do these spectral components represent, and why do they have a

sin x/x shape?

Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth and Actual Symbol Rate

12. Use the vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer to measure the mainlobe
bandwidth of the new frequency components that appeared in the ADSL
signal spectrum.

b Set the frequency span of the Spectrum Analyzer to 10 kHz/div while

measuring the mainlobe bandwidth. This improves the measuring accuracy.

Mainlobe Bandwidth: ______________ kHz

From the above measurement, determine the actual symbol rate used in the
ADSL application.

Subcarrier Separation

13. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 13 to 8
by entering 8 in the row labeled Tone 13.

14. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Bit/Tone Table window while
observing the Spectrum Analyzer display. Notice that other spectral
components, also having a sin x/x shape, appear in the ADSL signal
frequency spectrum, as shown in Figure 18.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 21

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

Spectrum Analyzer Settings:

Maximum Input .......................... 10 dB
Scale Type .................................... Log.
Scale .................................. 10 dBV/div
Averaging ........................................... 4
Frequency Span ................. 20 kHz/div
Reference Frequency .................. 0 Hz

Figure 18. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7
and 13 only.

15. Measure the frequency at which these new components are centered.

Spectral Component Center Frequency: ____________ kHz

What do these spectral components represent, and why do they have a

sin x/x shape?

16. Determine the subcarrier separation from the measured frequencies of

tones 7 and 13.

22 © Festo Didactic 39867-00

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

Subcarrier Separation versus Subcarrier Mainlobe Bandwidth

17. Compare the measured subcarrier separation with the subcarrier mainlobe
bandwidth measured previously. What does this imply for the frequency
spectrum of the ADSL signal when bits are allocated to adjacent tones?

18. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 8 to 8,
and click the Apply button while observing the Spectrum Analyzer. Do the
same for tones 9 to 12. Figure 19 shows what you should observe on the
Spectrum Analyzer display when the number of bits allocated to tones 7
to 13 is set to 8.

Spectrum Analyzer Settings:

Maximum Input .......................... 10 dB
Scale Type .................................... Log.
Scale .................................. 10 dBV/div
Averaging ........................................... 4
Frequency Span ................. 20 kHz/div
Reference Frequency .................. 0 Hz

Figure 19. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7
to 13, inclusively.

Observe that the frequency components associated with a particular tone

cannot be distinguished from those associated with the other tones. Briefly
explain why no intercarrier interference occurs.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 23

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Procedure

ADSL Signal Frequency Spectrum

The sample rate used to 19. In the Bit/Tone Table window, set the number of bits allocated to tone 14
generate the ADSL signal is to 8, and click the Apply button while observing the Spectrum Analyzer. Do
only twice the maximum the same for tone 15 as well as tones 17 to 31, and observe the evolution of
frequency component in this the ADSL signal spectrum. Figure 20 shows what you should observe on the
signal (about 142 kHz). This Spectrum Analyzer display when the number of bits allocated to tones 7
results in a replica of the to 31 (except tone 16) is set to 8.
ADSL signal that extends to
the upper end of the ADSL
signal spectrum. A low-pass
a A replica of the ADSL signal frequency spectrum becomes visible on the
Spectrum Analyzer when bits are allocated to tones 19 to 31.
filter is generally used in the
ATU-R Transmitter to re-
move this undesirable repli-
ca. No filter is used in the
ADSL application for peda-
gogical purposes.

Spectrum Analyzer Settings:

Maximum Input ............................ 0 dB
Scale Type .................................... Log.
Scale .................................. 10 dBV/div
Averaging ........................................... 4
Frequency Span ................. 20 kHz/div
Reference Frequency .................. 0 Hz

Figure 20. ADSL output signal frequency spectrum when data bits are allocated to tones 7
to 31 (except tone 16), inclusively.

20. Measure the frequency of tone 31 using a vertical cursor of the Spectrum

Frequency of Tone 31: ____________ kHz

Is the frequency of tone 31 virtually equal to 31 times the base

frequency (4.439 kHz) used in the ADSL application?

‰ Yes ‰ No
21. Measure the frequency range covered by the ADSL signal spectrum using
the vertical cursors of the Spectrum Analyzer.

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Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Conclusion

What is the ADSL signal frequency bandwidth?

22. When you have finished using the system, exit the LVCT software and turn
off the equipment.

CONCLUSION In this exercise, you learned that ADSL uses a large number of subcarriers to
transport data. You also learned that the number of subcarriers allocated to data
transmission in the downstream direction is much higher than the number of
subcarriers allocated to data transmission in the upstream direction. You saw
that quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is applied to each subcarrier.

You observed that when data modulates a subcarrier, spectral components with
the familiar sin x/x shape typical to QAM signals appear in the ADSL signal
frequency spectrum. You observed that the ADSL signal spectrum is equivalent
to several QAM signal spectra added together. You measured the frequency of a
few subcarriers (tones) and saw that they are mathematically orthogonal, i.e.,
integer multiples of a particular base frequency. You determined the subcarrier
separation from the measured subcarrier frequencies. You measured the
mainlobe bandwidth of the spectral components related to a modulated
subcarrier and determined the actual symbol rate from this measurement. You
related the mainlobe bandwidth to the subcarrier separation to highlight the
importance of subcarrier orthogonality in ADSL. Finally, you measured the
frequency range which the ATU-R Transmitter output signal (ADSL signal for
upstream data transmission) covers when data bits are allocated to all

REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Describe how the subcarriers are distributed in ADSL according to ITU-T
Recommendation G.992.1.

2. Briefly explain why ADSL is considered to be an OFDM-based application.

© Festo Didactic 39867-00 25

Exercise 1 – ADSL Signal Spectral Analysis  Review Questions

3. Briefly describe the asymmetric nature of ADSL.

4. Briefly explain why the ADSL signal spectrum is continuous and fairly flat
over the complete frequency range it occupies.

5. In OFDM applications, what is the key feature which allows the frequency
components resulting from the modulation of each subcarrier to overlap
without producing intercarrier interference? Explain briefly.

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