Artículo Zoocría Corte 2
Artículo Zoocría Corte 2
Artículo Zoocría Corte 2
1094-9194/06/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
General questions and ideas
During the initial contact with clients, the receptionist should encour-
age them to bring in pictures of the environment and any records
(eg, feeding, weight, shedding) that they may have kept, along with
a fresh fecal sample. If this is not possible, one should have the client
make a sketch of the cage to show heat, light, humidity sources, and
their relative positions to the hide box or boxes, basking site or sites,
water bowl, thermometer, and so on.
One should determine the origin of the animal: wild caught or captive
bred? Which pet store/breeder/show was involved?
Determine the age, sex, species, and breed of the animal or animals.
How long was the animal owned by the current owner? Past owners? Past
Determine the type of collection maintained: number, age, sex, species,
and so on. (Some pathogens and parasites are easily spread from one
species to another with serious consequences; for instance, amoebiasis
in aquatic turtles may be ‘‘relatively’’ benign in that species but can be
fatal when contracted by boas.)
Determine the timing of disease: onset, duration, severity?
Have there been changes in the patient’s diet, environment, or husbandry
in general?
Have there been any recent introductions of new specimens or species
into the collection? Specifically, into the patient’s cage?
Have any efforts or medications been used by the client to correct or treat
the problem?
Determine whether any pesticides or other aerosol sprays or chemicals
have been used in the immediate environment (especially when am-
phibians are involved).
Determine frequency of sheddingdcomplete or partial, evidence of
How often is the animal eating, drinking, urinating, and defecating? One
needs to explain the appearance of normal stool, urine, and urates, be-
cause many new owners mistake the production of urates and urine for
Diet questions
What is the diet? What food is being offered, and what is actually eaten?
How frequently are the animals fed, and how long is food left in the
Are any supplements being offered, such as vitamins or mineralsdnames
and ages?
When the animal is of an ‘‘insect-eating’’ speciesdare insects ‘‘gut-
loaded’’? Are insects dusted before being fed?
Which other prey items are offered live or dead (freshly killed or frozen/
How long are prey items kept with the animal? Is feeding supervised?
When did the animal last eat? Did it eat well? Did it eat readily?
How is water provided? In what manner, and how often is it cleaned?
Evaluate each extremity, including the tail, for appearance of the skin or
scales, muscles and nails (if present), and the range of motion.
Palpate the coelom to evaluate the internal organs; assess the cavity for
the presence of foreign bodies or masses, distension or pain.
Assessment of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is achieved by
means of either auscultation or Doppler flow detector. In most reptiles,
auscultation may be aided by the use of a moistened paper towel (to
create an offset and lessen the artifactual noise created as the skin
rubs against the stethoscope diaphragm).
Assessment of hydration status by evaluating skin turgor, the position of
the globe in the orbit, mucous membrane color and wetness, and the
presence and consistency of mucus in the oral cavity should also be
completed at this time.
Evaluate the ears (if present) and the oral cavity for lesions, exudate,
erythema, petecchia, ecchymotic hemorrhage, and the presence of
Examine the nares for patency, and perform a thorough ophthalmic
Assess neurologic status by evaluating movement during observed loco-
motion, withdrawal of limbs to painful stimulus, and presence of plac-
ing and righting reflex.
Finally, after the examination is finished and all the proper questions
have been asked, it is time to take the animal back to an appropriate loca-
tion in the hospital to collect the necessary laboratory samples and measure
the body weight (and compare it with any previously recorded weights).
Body weight measurements should be taken for all animals that come into
the clinic for any reason; this information is then entered into the patient’s
medical record.
One potentially difficult aspect of a physical examination (even in a com-
pliant reptile or amphibian patient) is the simple act of ausculting the animal
to determine normal heart parameters (heart rate and rhythm). In reptiles
and amphibians, it is difficult completely to auscult the cardiac systoli and
diastoli, because of their unique cardiovascular system; however, the respi-
ratory system may be evaluated by auscultation in most species. The heart
rate may be best evaluated using a Doppler flow probe placed directly
over the heart or a major artery. The ultrasonic Doppler flow detector cre-
ates an audible representation of the moving red blood cells, allowing one to
monitor the heart rate with some accuracy. In lizards, the heart is generally
located between the shoulders, cranial to its typical location in mammals. In
chelonians, because sound waves do not pass through bone, the Doppler
probe is best placed in the thoracic inlet and directed toward midline to
pick up cardiac blood flow. The rate of the reptile heartbeat is dependent
on a large number of variables, including body size, respiratory rate, meta-
bolic rate, sensory stimulation, and body temperature [16–19].
With most amphibians, handling should be kept to a minimum to avoid
stress to the animal and potential injury. First evaluate the animal in the en-
closure, noting appearance, position, posture, color or colors, and so on.
When this is not possible, the patient may be transferred to a clear plastic
container (with or without water, depending on the species). Such containers
allow for the evaluation of many aspects of the animal (primarily external)
without actual handling of the patient. Always use good lighting and mag-
nifying devices to scan the entire amphibian, including transillumination
techniques though the clear plastic. Once the patient has been evaluated
without restraint (while the veterinarian discusses the visual examination
with the client and asks more questions), the patient is ready to be handled
(Fig. 1).
Amphibians produce various secretions (ie, mucus) to protect themselves
against opportunistic pathogens. Disruption of the skin secretions by abra-
sions caused by mishandling or desiccation of the skin may allow other in-
fectious agents to gain entry. When handling amphibians, one should always
use rubber or latex gloves and rinse the gloves to remove the powder or any
other coating on the rubber. When it is difficult to catch the animal, fine
Fig. 1. Proper handling of amphibians using cleaned, powder-free latex gloves to administer
oral medications. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
between the holder and the table (or even between the holder’s legs). Always
use a towel that is long enough to surround not only the animal’s body but
also the tail. This helps to keep the animal controlled and immobilized. Un-
wrap areas for evaluation as needed. With two holders, wrap the entire an-
imal and the tail completely in a towel; then, while the animal is properly
restrained by the handler, the examiner may unwrap the section to be exam-
ined. This arrangement keeps the patient under control throughout the ex-
amination, while taking care to avoid injury to any part of the animal
(particularly the tail).
Biting is another response that may be seen as both a defensive and an
aggressive reaction. Proper control of the head, specifically the mouth, is
vital to avoiding possible injuries. The head may be controlled by placing
a hand or hands behind the mandible and around the neck. The holder
must be careful not to damage the large dorsal spines in species where
they are present (eg, adult male iguanas). Using a towel also helps provide
a layer of protection between the handler and the lizard, especially in large
Never reach over or in front of the mouth of a lizard that is not properly
restrained: though usually they only feign a bite, there are times when ani-
mals can and will inflict serious injury. Clients should also be carefully in-
structed that they should never come close enough to their pet to risk
injury while it is being examined. To evaluate the oral cavity of lizards, stim-
ulate the animal to open its mouth by gently pressing on the jaws at the soft
tissue of the commissure or by gently pulling down on the tissue below the
mandible. (In some species, this is anatomically called the dewlap.) Slow,
gentle pressure on the dewlap often results in the animal’s slowly opening
its mouth. In lizards and crocodilians, the vagal-vagal response may be
used to help the animal ‘‘relax.’’ The vagal-vagal response occurs when pres-
sure, often digital, is applied to both eyes for a period of time, as long as
a few minutes. It has been shown that some patients respond with a decrease
in heart rate and blood pressure, which often results in their becoming more
sedate [16]. Even after vagal sedation has been accomplished, one should be
vigilant, because the patient may be roused from this state by physical stim-
ulation or noise. When these techniques do not work or do not work com-
pletely, a soft, clean rubber spatula may be used gently to open the mouth to
examine the oral pharynx and glottis.
Although lizards with long or sharp nails can scratch, the nails are not
typically used as a defensive or aggressive mechanism. Nonetheless, ideally
the owner/client should clip all the nails before examination. To avoid any
possible scratches to handlers, the author’s practice commonly provides
a complimentary nail trim to lizards being examined. When handling Old
World chameleons, which are typically most at rest when all four legs and
the tail are securely attached to somethingdpreferably a branchdit may
be beneficial to incorporate a suitably sized perch to allow the animal to
rest during examination. When directly handling these lizards, one should
allow them to hold onto the handler’s hand with all their feet and the tail
and examine and manipulate one leg at a time while the others remain at-
tached to the handler. In very large lizards that are not cooperating with
the physical examination, the best defense is to control head, body, and
tail. Again, one may restrain the head by holding firmly behind the mandible
and around the neck with the thumb and first finger. To control the front
feet and arms, hold them gently yet securely against the body of the lizard.
To secure the rear legs, if needed, position and grasp them against the tail,
just below the pelvis. The tail should be tucked under the arm or between the
holder and the table or wrapped in the appropriately sized towel (Fig. 2).
The procedure is the same as that described for lizards; however, more
handlers may be required, depending on the size and strength of specimens
and the procedures to be performed. The head and mouth as well as the tail
should always be controlled. The muscles used to open the jaws are weak
compared with the biting or jaw-closing muscles, so the mouth can often
easily be held closed. It is best for all involved that the mouth of every
examined crocodilian be gently though properly taped closed.
Approach all snakes slowly and with respect. Most are amenable to han-
dling; so long as the head and body are properly supported, snakes typically
do not resist. Snakes that are not correctly supported or are restrained too
tightly will struggle. Snakes commonly try to wrap the end of their tails
around the examiner or around the table or other furniture. It is best not
to let this happen, because it is difficult to get them to release: they often
tighten up and can be injured in the untangling process. Some snakes may
strike out (ie, those that are ill, threatened, or in a preshedding or shedding
Fig. 2. Demonstration of ventral approach to the ventral coccygeal vein. Towel used for proper
handling of lizards to support body, control tail, and to avoid injury to all involved. (Ó 2006
Byron J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
cycle). It is important to locate the head and immobilize it, holding gently
but firmly just behind the mandible.
To evaluate the oral cavity of snakes, as in lizards, stimulate the animal to
open its mouth by gently pressing on the jaws at the soft tissue of the com-
missure. Gently pulling down on the tissue below the mandible with slight
pressure on this skin often results in the animal’s slowly opening its mouth.
It is usually a good idea to allow movement of the body with only slight re-
sistance, while maintaining control of the head. When a snake is not threat-
ening at all, the head may not require complete restraint for evaluation of
the entire animal. A snake has only one occipital condyle, so dislocation
at this joint occurs more easily in snakes than in other species when the
head is held too firmlydespecially if the snake is fighting to get free.
Concerns about constriction are propagated by bad Hollywood movies,
but this is overrated as a defense mechanism. Snakes constrict when they
are threatened, when they perceive something as a prey item, or when
they feel as if they are not well supported. However, when dealing with
very large snakes, one needs to have the required amount of help to restrain
the animal properly and securely. To properly examine a snake, one needs to
support it well. The snake’s head should be held gently but firmly, depend-
ing on the temperament of the animal. Properly supporting the snake along
its entire body may require multiple handlers. Because the vertebrae extend
along the entire body, the weight of the hanging snake could dislocate ver-
tebrae or cause the snake to fight for balance and support. Hold the head
gently but firmly behind the mandible and move with the movement of
the snake while maintaining control of the head.
mandible at about the level of the ears, using the thumb and forefingers. In
the case of more resistant turtles, the author has used a pair of closed hemo-
stats placed under the horny upper beak in the area of the premaxilla and
carefully levered the head out into a position where it may be restrained.
One must be gentle when applying pressure on this premaxilla area, because
the beak can break, especially in unhealthy turtles. Though it will most
likely grow back completely, this is a temporary abnormality that may
bother the turtle and perhaps bother the owner even more.
In certain turtles, and especially the larger tortoises, some form of inject-
able chemical restraint may be required. Trying to mask or box down a turtle
to allow for a complete physical examination may take hours and is typically
not advised. To evaluate the oral cavity of turtles, as in snakes, the animal
may at times be stimulated to open its mouth by gentle pressure on the jaws
at the soft tissue of the commissure. At times, in large enough animals, the
tissue below the mandible may be pulled down with gentle pressure; this of-
ten results in the animal’s slowly opening its mouth. Like lizards, disturbed,
frightened turtles or tortoises will often urinate and sometimes defecate as
one picks them up and examines them. One must always be ready for this
occurrence, both to avoid being the target and to collect possible diagnostic
samples. The best defense while examining turtles and tortoises is to hold
them midway between the front and rear legs. Keep the animal held away
from your body and watch out for urination and defecation. If possible,
clip nails before procedures or examination. As in lizards, do not reach
across or in front of an unrestrained turtle or tortoise. As with all reptiles
and amphibians, sedation or anesthesia may be needed, especially in larger,
stronger animals.
Cardiocentesis may be used for blood collection in all snakes. The heart is
the first palpable mass, located approximately one third of the distance from
the head, although its location may vary significantly in certain species.
Often cardiac contractions may be visualized when the snake is placed in
dorsal recumbency. Using one’s index finger and thumb to apply gentle
pressure, one may isolate and stabilize the heart’s exact location between
these fingers. After disinfection of the ventral scutes in this area, one inserts
a 22- or 25-gauge needle attached to either a tuberculin or 3-mL syringe
slowly at a 45 angle into the ventricle; with gentle aspiration, the blood
may be withdrawn. If the aspirant appears transparent, pericardial fluid
has probably been collected. The needle should be withdrawn, and another
puncture may be performed using a new needle and syringe. In larger
snakes, an alternative site for blood collection is the ventral coccygeal
(tail) vein. However, when venipuncture is attempted too close to the
vent, one runs the risk of puncturing either the hemipenes or musk glands.
Other sites have been described but are difficult to access (eg, palatine vein,
orbital plexus).
The ventral coccygeal (tail) vein is most commonly used in lizards, al-
though care should be exercised in lizard species that undergo tail autot-
omy. The venipuncture site is approximately one fourth the length of the
tail caudal to the vent. As in snakes, when venipuncture is attempted too
close to the vent, one runs the risk of puncturing either the hemipenes or
musk glands. Care must be taken to use a long enough needle to be able
to reach the ventral vertebral processes. The needle is inserted between
scales at approximately 90 into the midline on the ventral aspect of the
tail until it comes in contact with a ventral vertebral process. Gentle aspi-
ration as the needle is advanced often allows one to collect the sample be-
fore the needle reaches the vertebral process. If the needle reaches the
process, it is slowly withdrawn 1 to 3 mm and gently aspirated to collect
the sample (Fig. 3).
An alternative approach to the ventral coccygeal vein is a lateral one, in
which the needle is inserted from the lateral aspect of the tail between scales
and between the two large muscle bodies in the middle of the crease of the
tail (Fig. 4).
When the ventral tail vein is not productive, the ventral abdominal vein
may be used. It is suspended in a broad ligament 1 to 2 mm within the coe-
lomic cavity on the ventral midline between the umbilical scar and the pelvic
inlet. Again, caution must be exercised, because this ‘‘blind’’ venipuncture
presents the potential for internal or intracoelomic hemorrhage. Less com-
monly used is the brachial plexus, which is immediately caudal to the shoul-
der joint. In diminutive lizards, cardiocentesis with the aid of a Doppler may
be required.
Fig. 3. Blood collection from a ventral approach to the coccygeal vein. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la
Navarre, DVM.)
The preferred place to collect blood from turtles and tortoises is the jug-
ular vein, because these veins have minimal collateral lymphatic vessels. In
many specimens the right vein is larger. Each jugular vein typically runs per-
pendicular and caudal to the ipsilateral tympanum. Sometimes the jugular
veins may be visualized when digital pressure is placed on the thoracic inlet.
In some chelonians (eg, marine turtles), a postoccipital vein or plexus arises
from the right jugular vein and is located between the occipital protuberance
and the cranial border of the carapace beneath the ligamenta nuchae
(Fig. 5).
Fig. 4. Lateral approach to the ventral coccygeal vein in lizards. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la Nav-
arre, DVM.)
Fig. 5. Site for blood collection from the right jugular vein in turtles. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la
Navarre, DVM.)
A brachial vein or plexus is located behind the elbow joint, under the
prominent and palpable tendon of the insertion of the biceps brachii. Access
to both these venipuncture sites is ‘‘blind,’’ and the samples may be contam-
inated with lymph, altering the biochemical parameters. When mixed with
whole blood, lymph dramatically decreases the white cell count, hematocrit,
total solids, sodium, potassium, and chloride values. Chelonians also have
a dorsal midline tail vein that is best approached at the base of the tail. Car-
diocentesis may be performed, but a hole must be created in the plastron
through which a needle may be introduced.
The most commonly used sites for venipuncture in crocodilians are the
caudal (ventral tail) vein, as in larger lizards, and the supravertebral vein,
located caudal to the occiput on the midline [4].
inserted into the colon area through the vent. In snakes, care must be taken
because the colon is located at the most ventral aspect of the cloaca, and, if
the tube is directed dorsally, it will enter a blind pocket. Sterile saline at
10 mL/kg is typically injected into the colon, and the coelomic cavity is
gently massaged before aspiration of the sample. In some instances, this pro-
cedure stimulates voiding, and a larger sample may be obtained. The sample
should be evaluated by culture and sensitivity (when indicated), fecal flota-
tion for ova, and a direct wet mount for protozoans.
Urinalysis [20] can be a useful, economical, and rapid tool for assessing
the health status of many reptile and amphibian specimens. Because there
are significant differences between reptile and mammalian urine, the inter-
pretation differs as well. In reptiles, uric acid is the principal product of pro-
tein catabolism instead of urea. Precipitates of uric acid are normally passed
as hard concretions. Reptilian kidneys lack loops of Henle, so reptiles con-
sistently produce isosthenuric urine with a specific gravity of 1.005 to 1.010,
regardless of their hydration status. Reptile ureters empty into the cloaca.
Urine is subsequently either stored in the cloaca (snakes do not possess uri-
nary bladders) or refluxed into a bladder (in some lizards and all chelo-
nians). Hence microbiologic culturing of urine, even by cystocentesis, can
lead to erroneous interpretation.
The color of reptile urine varies from transparent to brown, depending on
the diet and the presence of bile pigments. Although renal thresholds for
blood glucose have not been evaluated in reptiles, glucosuria is abnormal
and has been observed in cases of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia has
also been found to be associated with inflammatory diseases of the coelomic
cavity, hepatic lipidosis, and severe wasting in chelonians. Some reports in-
dicate that this can be transient, resolving without insulin therapy, although
it may also indicate a grave prognosis. When evaluating for glucose in the
urine, one must remember that the urine glucose reagent pad may show
false-positive results from contamination with substances such as peroxide
and hypochlorite. False-negative results may occur when the urine is refrig-
erated or contains formaldehyde or vitamin C. Ketones do not appear in the
urine of hyperglycemic, glucosuric chelonians. Although protein may be
present in small amounts in the urine of ‘‘healthy’’ domestic mammals,
healthy chelonians appear to have only trace amounts of protein in the
urine. However, because the protein assay is sensitive to a variety of other
factors, it must be interpreted with care. Contamination with fecal matter,
semen, or egg material could introduce proteinaceous materials into the
urine, producing a false-positive result. Moreover, a high urine pH can
cause a false-positive result by interfering with the buffering mechanism
on the test pad. If all these factors have been taken into consideration
and ruled out, then elevations in urine protein levels may indicate glomeru-
lar damage and plasma protein leakage into the urine.
Ultrasonography is a useful tool in reptile and amphibian medicine.
Because of their bony shells, imaging in chelonians may be performed
only through the flank and axillary areas. The organs in the coelomic cavity
may be visualized and differentiated by their specific ultrasonographic tex-
ture. The ultrasound may then be used to image and guide the biopsy of var-
ious organs, including the liver, spleen, cystic structures, kidneys, and so on.
Endoscopy has proved to be a most useful diagnostic tool in veterinary
medicine. Specifically, in the field of zoologic medicine, the application of
diagnostic endoscopy has shown great promise in a variety of species, and
it has been used extensively in avian medicine and surgery [21]. Flexible
and rigid endoscopes are used for a number of different applications in rep-
tile and amphibian medicine and surgery, such as coelioscopy, pneumo-
scopy, gastroscopy, and direct visual biopsy.
CT is an excellent, though not always available, means of evaluating
bony lesions. CT scanning produces transverse x-ray slices (tomographs)
of tissue and is particularly sensitive to calcium or air-containing structures.
MRI is an excellent means of evaluating soft tissue lesions, though like
CT it is not always available. It uses tissues’ magnetic properties and
response to radio wave pulses to produce high-detail images of all tissues
except bone.
With the continuing advancement and popularity of these last two dia-
gnostic modalities in human medicine, both CT and MRI are becoming
increasingly available to veterinarians. The benefits of being able noninva-
sively to evaluate exquisite detail in multiple dimensions are making these
procedures more and more appealing.
front limbs to the plastron. The injection is given by inserting the needle par-
allel to the plastron under the arm. Intracoelomic injections are given in the
flank near the junction of the skin with the shell, just cranial to the rear leg.
Again, gentle aspiration before injection assures that the needle is not in any
vital organ. Intracardiac injections are generally reserved for situations
where no other vascular access is available.
Transdermal administration of some medications has been found to be
useful in amphibians (but not in reptiles). The semipermeable nature of am-
phibian skin allows for the systemic uptake of medications administered
topically. Injectable forms of medications may be locally irritating, and dos-
ing problems can certainly occur in the smaller amphibian patients. Oph-
thalmic drops (that are pH balanced and can be diluted with saline) may
become the most useful transdermal medication in amphibians. Medicated
baths may also be of some use in treating certain amphibian conditions [22].
The jugular veins and the heart are currently the only accepted sites for
catheter placement. The right jugular vein is typically larger that the left
and is thus the best choice for catheterization. Catheter placement requires
that a cut-down incision be made from approximately the fourth to the sev-
enth scute cranial to the heart at the junction of the ventral scutes and the
right lateral body scales. The catheter is introduced cranial to caudal
(Fig. 6).
Cardiac catheterization is used in snakes for short-term (as long as 24
hours) or emergency procedures. The technique is the same as that used
for cardiocentesis. No accessible intraosseous sites exist in snakes.
The cephalic veins are the preferred site for intravenous catheterization.
The dorsal (anterior) surface of the antebrachium is prepared for a sterile
procedure: cut-down and dissection of the vein are required in most cases.
The skin incision should extend from the dorsal proximal limit of the ante-
brachium medially to allow the best visualization of the vein [4]. Intraoss-
eous catheters may be placed in most lizards. The author prefers the
proximal tibia. Although insertion of the catheter into the distal femur
has been reported, it is currently recommended that this location be
Fig. 6. Location for jugular catheter placement in snakes. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la Navarre,
avoided, because the stifle joint is invaded and the intercondylar cartilage is
damaged (Fig. 7) [23].
The proximal tibia is easily accessible, and insertion through the cranio-
medial aspect of the bone avoids invasion of the joint capsule and articular
cartilage. Using a spinal needle (size and length determined by the size of the
patient), one drills the needle catheter into the tibia while palpating in the
direction of the bone. The placement may be tested by aspirating and ob-
taining a small flash of blood. When no flash back is observed, a small
amount of saline is injected, and the aspiration is attempted again. If the
catheter is outside the bone, the muscle will swell with the injection of saline.
Ultimately, radiographs may be used to confirm the location of catheter
placement (Fig. 8) [23].
Fig. 7. Materials used and site for intraosseous catheter placement in lizards. (Ó 2006 Byron
J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
Fig. 8. Radiograph demonstrating proper proximal tibial position of right intramedullary in-
traosseous catheter and improper/extramedullary catheter placement in lizards. (Ó 2006 Byron
J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
As in venipuncture, the right jugular vein is the preferred site for catheter
placement in turtles and tortoises, because it is larger than the left in many
species. Animals with thick skin over the jugular vein or those with poor pe-
ripheral blood pressure may require cut-down and dissection to identify and
catheterize the vessel. Discussion is ongoing on the question of whether che-
lonians have marrow-containing long bones [23]. However, it has been
reported that an intraosseous catheter can be placed in the cranial or caudal
aspect of the bony bridgedthe column of bone between the plastron and
carapace [4].
Nutritional support
Many reptiles that present for medical care are malnourished, either
because of dietary deficiencies or improper husbandry that has an adverse
effect on the animal’s metabolism. It is generally recommended that nutri-
tional support be provided to any patient that has lost 10% of its body
weight acutely or 20% chronically. Nutritional support may be provided
by a number of means, including syringe or force feeding, orogastric tube
feeding, and pharyngostomy feeding-tube placement. At times the greatest
challenge is opening the mouth. Once it is open, the glottis, which is typi-
cally closed at rest, is located at the base of the tongue in the rostral oral
cavity, making it easy to avoid during orogastric intubation.
When continued nutritional support is required for reptiles with mouths
that are difficult to open, placement of a pharyngostomy tube is recommen-
ded. Tube placement is accomplished in the following manner: The animal is
sedated, and a mosquito hemostat is inserted into the pharynx and pointed
laterally against the wall of the esophagus. The tip of the hemostat is pal-
pated externally, and a small nick incision is made over the tip (Fig. 9).
The tip of the hemostat is then gently, bluntly dissected out through the
hole in the skin. Dissection must be cautious, because too large a hole
will allow reflux of material from the stoma.
A Sovereign red rubber feeding tube (Sherwood Medical, St. Louis, Mis-
souri; size and length dependent on animal size) is then measured and
marked, so as to have the tip end up in the stomach. The hemostat is
used to seize the tip/gastric end of the feeding tube, and the tube is pulled
through the hole into the esophagus and out the mouth (Fig. 10). At this
point, the blunt/solid tip of the feeding tube is trimmed to open the end, and
the tube is redirected down the esophagus and into the stomach. The tube
is sutured in place using the ‘‘Chinese finger-trap’’ technique (Fig. 11). It is
important to flush the tube after feedings and best to place some sort of cap
to close the exposed end (Fig. 12).
For herbivorous and omnivorous reptiles, Isocal, Sustacal (Mead John-
son Nutrionals, Evansville, Indiana), Ensure, and Osmolite (Ross Labs, Co-
lumbus, Ohio) are appropriate liquid diets. For carnivorous reptiles,
Traumacal (Mead Johnson Nutrionals), Pulmocare (Ross Labs), and Feline
and Canine Clini-Care Liquid (Pet-AG, Elgin, Illinois) are appropriate liq-
uid diets. Care must be exercised when feeding patients that are suffering
from chronic starvation. ‘‘Refeeding syndrome,’’ namely a condition of hy-
pophosphatemia and hypokalemia, is seen in patients fed large amounts of
calorie-rich foods and can be fatal. The phosphorus and potassium move
Fig. 10. Pulling the feeding tube out through the mouth and trimming the tip, then redirecting
down the pharynx and esophagus into the proper premeasured position. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de
la Navarre, DVM.)
Fig. 11. Proper suturing technique and placement of pharyngostomy feeding tube in turtles.
(Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
into the cells with glucose and thereby deplete circulating levels, resulting in
rapid weakness and often coma, which may lead ultimately to death. It is
therefore recommended that reptiles that have been chronically starved be
fed 50% of their need calculated on the basis of their real, not ideal, weight.
This regimen is continued for several days, until the patient’s condition im-
proves. The number of calories supplemented is then increased in increments
of 10% to 20% until the recommended level of caloric supplementation for
that size of animal is reached [23].
For excellent current information on feeding carnivorous, omnivorous,
and herbivorous reptiles, please see Ref. [24].
Fig. 12. Technique for securing pharyngostomy tube to carapace: after delivering food or med-
ications, remember to flush tube properly to avoid clogging and cap. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la
Navarre, DVM.)
Fig. 13. Example of retained skin and dysecdysis in a prehensile-tailed skink. (Ó 2006 Byron
J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
Note on salmonellosis
Salmonellosis is one of the most widely recognized reptilian zoonoses.
Salmonella is a genus of bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, which
also includes such bacteria as Escherichia coli, Shigella, Citrobacter, and
Yersinia. The salmonellae are gram-negative motile rods with peritrichous
flagellae, which do not form cysts or spores. More than 2000 serotypes exist
within the species S enteritidis (eg, S enteritidis serotype java), whereas S typhi,
the causative agent of typhoid fever, and S choleraesuis have only one sero-
type each. They can survive in a wide variety of environmental conditions,
from 8 C to 45 C, at a pH of 4 to 9, and as facultative anaerobes they prefer
oxygen but can live without it. Salmonella may live for 3 months in tap
water, 4 months in pond water, 9 months in soil, and 28 to 30 months in
avian or bovine feces. Transovarian infection is documented in poultry,
and reptile eggs may be infected within the uterus, while passing through
the cloaca, or after being laid in contaminated soil. In reptiles, salmonellae
usually are nonclinical infections; apparently virulent strains have been
found in clinically healthy animals. The infection rate in reptiles has been
estimated at 83% to 94%, depending on the method of testing, and as
many as five serotypes have been found in one animal. Thus it is currently
believed that most if not all reptiles should be considered carriers of salmo-
nella. It is our obligation as veterinarians to become completely familiar
with the status of salmonella in animals so that we may educate, not alarm,
our clients concerning the potentially significant health risks associated with
keeping reptiles as pets.
There are instances where owners request that their animals be tested for
salmonella. These owners should be informed that even repeated negative
culture results on fecal, cloacal, and water samples from their pets cannot
conclusively identify animals as salmonella-negative, because shedding is
intermittent, and many negative results may be false-negatives. If the owner
insists, special arrangements will need to be made with the laboratory. With
conventional microbiologic techniques, the time required to isolate and con-
firm the identity of Salmonella spp is 72 to 96 hours using the proper media
and environment. Even when all the proper techniques are practiced (eg,
method, quantity), the reliability of culture may be affected by several un-
controllable factors, including temporal and seasonal variation in shedding.
Advances in diagnostic testing have led to the introduction of new technol-
ogies, including ELISA and polymerase chain reaction. It is hoped that
these newer testing methods will improve the true test characteristics of sen-
sitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value
Using medications to eliminate the salmonella organism from the reptile
patient is difficult, because antibiotics may merely suppress the excretion of
detectable organisms without completely eliminating them. This suppression
of the excretion of the organisms following antibiotic use may last for pe-
riods as long as 8 weeks. Because of the intermittent excretion, it may be dif-
ficult to determine whether treatment has been effective and has eliminated
the carrier state. Furthermore, treatment failure may promote the develop-
ment of drug-resistant strains [4].
Therefore, though we must educate ourselves, staff, and clients about the
importance of salmonella in reptiles and amphibians, our current inability to
resolve salmonella infections means that we must focus our efforts on
Fig. 14. Location of bilateral aural swellings seen with aural abscesses. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la
Navarre, DVM.)
Fig. 15. Some of the instruments and equipment used in the surgical technique of bilateral aural
abscesses in turtles. (Ó 2006 Byron J.S. de la Navarre, DVM.)
culture and sensitivity should be collected at this time. Ideally, the author
tries to remove the caseous material in one piece. After removal of all the
grossly visible inflammatory debris, all aspects (especially the caudal extent)
of the tympanic cavity need to be evaluated, because caseous material may
extend quite far, especially in chronic cases.
Once all visible pieces of abscessed material have been removed, the tym-
panic cavity and the eustachian tube need to be gently but liberally lavaged
using an appropriate antimicrobial agent. The author prefers to use diluted
chlorhexadine solution (1 part chlorhexadine to 50 parts saline; Nolvasan,
Fort Dodge, Iowa) [26,27]. Diluted chlorhexadine solution has a wide spec-
trum of antimicrobial activity, is relatively nontoxic to tissue, and maintains
a sustained residual activity. Although use of diluted povidone-iodine (P-I)
solution has been reported, this remains controversial, because in vitro stud-
ies have demonstrated that concentrations in excess of 1% P-I solution kill
fibroblasts. Also, the active antimicrobial ingredient in P-I, free iodine, is in-
activated in the presence of the proteins of serum, which are often present
postoperatively within the tympanic cavity [28].
Throughout the procedure, the oral cavity must be examined frequently
to prevent aspiration, because debris and liquids may be forced or flushed
through the eustachian tube into the oropharynx. While flushing the tym-
panic cavity and eustachian tube, in an effort to avoid such aspiration,
the author typically places the turtle in a head-down position. This measure
allows fluid and debris that enter the oropharynx to exit the mouth by
means of gravity. After thorough flushing, the surgery site may be filled
with an appropriate antibiotic ointment and allowed to heal by secondary
intention. The author prefers to use a triple antibiotic ophthalmic ointment
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