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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Chayei Sarah 22 Marcheshvan 5770/October 30, 2010 Vol.2 Num. 9

Havdalah: Recuperation or Preparation? Dovid Zirkind

As a general rule, time-bound mitzvot .‫ כיון ששבת ווי אבדה נפש‬,‫וינפש‬ world with spirituality (the soul), putting
are required of men in Jewish law and into place the final piece in the creation
“Reish Lakish said: G-d gives man an
not women. However, one notable of the world. Without Shabbat, all of
additional soul before Shabbat and takes
exception to this rule is Shabbat. Our creation would not have had the
it from him after Shabbat, as it says in the
Rabbis teach us, based on the independent strength to continue
verse, „He rested, Vayinafash.’ Once the
descriptions of Shabbat in the Torah, existing. Once there was a Shabbat, an
resting is complete, woe (Vay), for he has
that anyone who is obligated in the infusion of spirituality, the world was
lost his soul (Nefesh).”
prohibitions of Shabbat is likewise complete - and therefore able to
commanded to observe its active We work for seven days in anticipation of continue.
mitzvot. This explains why women are Shabbat, and so havdalah can be seen as
Along the same lines, the Zohar writes
obligated in kiddush despite its time- a bittersweet moment in our week. We
that the brit of a baby boy must be on
bound nature. The Rambam writes are thrilled to have Shabbat, and the
the 8th day because this insures that
(Hilchot Shabbat 29:1) that women are break and the enhanced spirituality that
every baby will have already lived a
obligated in havdalah based on the comes with it, but the loss of the
Shabbat and therefore been given his
same principle. However this opinion is neshamah yiteirah at the end of Shabbat is
not universally accepted: The Shulchan a painful one.
Aruch (296:8) cites the Rambam, but From this perspective, havdalah can be
also notes that there are those who In this model it is understandable that
seen as an introduction to the week
argue. havdalah parallels kiddush as a bookend
ahead. If so, the mitzvah of havdalah
of the day, part of the rites of Shabbat;
belongs to the week, inaugurating that
This debate over a woman‟s obligation one rite welcomes Shabbat and the other
continued existence enabled by
in havdalah may teach us a valuable bids Shabbat farewell. Within this
Shabbat. Therefore, it is removed from
lesson about the dual nature of paradigm, women do recite havdalah,
the active commandments of Shabbat
havdalah, and of Shabbat itself. just as they perform the other mitzvot of
and consequently from a woman‟s
In one model, havdalah is the obligation to fulfill it.
termination of Shabbat. This is However, there is a second model of
For every person the Sh abbat
highlighted by a statement of Reish havdalah, in which this mitzvah is not just
experience is something different. Some
Lakish (Beitzah 16a): a farewell to the week that was, but also
people react to the power of its prayers
an initiation of the week ahead.
or the time there is to learn Torah while
Commenting on the same verse as Reish
their phones are off and their computers
‫ נשמה יתירה נותן‬:‫אמר רבי שמעון בן לקיש‬ Lakish, Rav Chaim Ibn Attar (Ohr
are unplugged. Others wait all week for
‫ ולמוצאי שבת‬,‫הקדוש ברוך הוא באדם ערב שבת‬ HaChaim) suggests that “Vayinafash”
family time and a delicious home
‫ שנאמר (שמות לא) שבת‬,‫נוטלין אותה הימנו‬ refers to the Divine act of infusing the
cooked meal. However we experience
it, Shabbat can give all of us the strength
Parsha Questions Meir Lipschitz and rejuvenation we need to make the
next week a successful one.
(Sources are provided to help the reader research answers) [email protected]
Answers are provided on the back page.
 Who was Keturah?
(Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Rashbam, Kli Yakar, and Siftei Chachamim to Bereishit 25:1)
 How old was Rivkah when she married Yitzchak? Beit Midrash Zichron Dov
(Rashi to Bereishit 25:20, Ibn Ezra to Bereishit 23:2, Tosafot Yevamot 61b “)”‫וכן‬
extends its condolences to the
 Did Yishmael do teshuvah?
(Kli Yakar Bereishit 25:1, Rashi Bereishit 25:9, Bava Batra 16b, [Rashi Bereishit 21:9 and entire Gelberger and Beck
21:17 with Siftei Chachamim], Rosh haShanah 16b, Ritva to Kiddushin 68b, Ritva to Yoma families, on the passing of
38b) Samuel David Beck.
 For Children: What do we learn from the way the Torah tells us Sarah‟s age of death?
(Rashi Bereishit 23:1) [email protected]

This Toronto Torah is dedicated in memory of Oscar Reichner, husband of Magda Reichner, and father of Chani Braunstein and Renee Rubinstein.
To sponsor a Toronto Torah in memory or in honour of a loved one for $180, please email [email protected] or call 416-781-1777.
The Akeidah and Life’s Everyday Challenges R’ Azarya Berzon

I would like to share with you two of the truly been affected, right down to our Avraham…”, and the Torah continues to
ideas that I‟ve heard in the name of the very beings? If our souls have been tell us in detail about the children born to
Rav, Zatzal, concerning the Akeidah. genuinely uplifted, we should be able to Milka, the wife of Avraham‟s brother
1) At the very end of the Akeidah, but enhance our closeness to G-d in every Nachor. The list of names is long, and
before the Parsha closes (as indicated by aspect of our life. Thus the Torah testifies
(frankly) difficult to pronounce. The
the space in the Sefer Torah following about Avraham, that he returned to his Torah doesn‟t fail to tell us about another
the end of a section), the Passuk reads: ordinary life, surrounded by the same four children born to Nachor through
“And Avraham returned to his young associates and disciples, living in the Re‟uma, his concubine. After all, are we
men (“Ne‟arav”), and they rose up and same neighborhood and the day-by-day really concerned with these tidbits? Why
went together to Be‟er-Sheva” (22:19). existence, but now with the Akeidah would the Torah tell us these facts, which
The Rav asked, isn‟t this verse so anti- experience very much a part of his being.seem to be so trivial, and directly
climatic?! Following the intense drama of Every mundane and familiar act would be following the great drama of the Akeida?
the Akeida, at the Rashi explains that the
conclusion of what was entire section of
perhaps the most Nachor‟s generations is
traumatic and profound Book Launch: An Italian Renaissance: recorded as an
religious experience in Choosing Life In Canada introduction to next
the history of man (about week‟s Parsha, since
Please join Beit Midrash Zichron Dov and Torah In Rivka is the daughter of
which the philosopher
Kierkegaard wrote his Motion to hear Eli Rubinstein discuss his fascinating Be‟tuel, one of Nachor‟s
most famous work “Fear and deeply moving account of how his Holocaust sons. This explanation
and Trembling”), couldn‟t lends itself to a number
survivor parents succeeded in reconstructing their of objections, the most
the Torah have told us
something more moving shattered lives in Toronto. outstanding of which is
and significant than the Where: Shaarei Shomayim Congregation the fact that Chazal
fact that Avraham Avinu included this section in
When: Sunday, November 7 at 8:00PM t h e “ k ‟ r i a t
picks up his other boys
(Yishmael and Eliezer) haTorah‟ (public Torah
and returns to good, old reading) for Rosh
dusty Be‟er-Sheva? different; the change in his soul, as a HaShana. We know that the purpose of
result of the Akeidah, would have an the reading of Parshat HaAkidah on Rosh
The Rav explained that the challenge of
impact on every occurrence, even the HaShana is to mention the great “Zechut”
the Akeidah, indeed the challenge of
most ordinary. That‟s the true indication of the Akeidah on the Yom HaDin. But
every intense, religious experience, is
that Avraham Avinu had passed the test of why do we read the section of Nachor‟s
not the moment of spiritual exaltedness.
the Akeidah with flying colors. generations on the Day of Judgment?
We all live through such “highs” and
undergo powerful encounters with the 2) The Rav zatzal was bothered by the
Divine Being at various moments in our very next set of verses (22-24) as well. The Rav explained that apparently this
lives. The real challenge is to take these Immediately following the great episode section too is part of the Akeidah. The
intense experiences back to real, of the Akeidah, the Torah notifies us that “nisayon” (=test) of the Akeidah does
everyday life. The question is: have we “it came to pass after these things (i.e. not end when Avraham is told not to
after the Akeidah) that it was told to slaughter his son. The real test is how
Avraham Avinu will respond when he
descends the mountain and receives the
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 57-60 news that his brother Nachor, and
Nachor‟s family, is living a normal life,
Guarding the Property of Others having children, getting married, with no
challenges or “nisyonot”. It would be a
most natural response for Avraham to
One who agrees to guard the from theft or destruction. A guardian ask “How can it be that I, who have
property of others accepts who is permitted to use the item dedicated my life to discover HaShem
responsibility proportionate to his without charge is responsible to take and to teach the world about Him, I
own benefit. If the guardian will not the greatest steps to guard the item should be called upon to undergo this
benefit tangibly, his responsibility from harm. Mitzvot 57 through 60 most excruciating experience, and my
is minimal – he must simply avoid legislate the types of guardians, as brother, who has done nothing for G-d
carelessness. If the guardian is paid well as the laws pertaining to claims and the morality of the world, lives such
a calm, pleasant life, full of happiness
for his work, or if he is able to use by the owner against the guardian.
and self fulfillment. Where‟s the justice”
the item but he also pays rent for
that use, then he is responsible to And yet, Avraham says nothing… This,
perhaps, is the greatest test of all!
take extra steps to protect the item [email protected]
[email protected]

2 Visit us at
Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Rav Chaim Berlin R’ Meir Lipschitz Tzippori
Tzippori (Sepphoris) is one of the most
ancient Jewish towns recovered by
Shut Nishmat Chaim #11 Rabbi Chaim Berlin, the first-born son of archaeologists. Tzippori was found in the
the Netziv (R‟ Naphtali Tzvi Yehuda central area of the Galil. Some of the
Saying “Poteiach et yadecha” Berlin), was born in Volozhin (today structures that were recovered include a
with special intent Belarus) in 1832. After learning under his synagogue, a Roman theater, and a
Crusader fortress. Today, Tzippori is a
father for many years, he left Volozhin national park, and a town with the same
and took his first major position as the name is located just a few miles away.
I customarily rebuke the popular practice Rabbi of Moscow in 1865. He returned to
of arousing special intent and Volozhin in 1889 to assist his father inTzippori was first built in the year 100 BCE.
concentration while saying the verse It was built on a hill, which gave the
running Yeshivat Volozhin, and also took
settlement some strategic advantage over
“You open Your hand” during Ashrei a position as the head of the city‟s the Chashmonaim tribes which were taking
three times each day (Berachot 4b). rabbinical court. over most of the Galilee. Perhaps because of
People do this because they have seen in its bird's eye view, it was named Tzippori,
After the Yeshiva closed in 1892 due to the root being the Hebrew word Tzipor-
Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 51:7 that
Russian decree, R‟ Chaim remained in bird.
one must concentrate while saying the Volozhin for five years, before taking
verse “You open Your hand” and that if positions in Poland and Russia and In the year 37 BCE. the Romans came and
one did not concentrate then the verse eventually emigrating to Jerusalem in
took over the city. The residents put up a
must be repeated. fight, but were defeated and sold into
1906. Soon after his arrival, despite not slavery. The Romans chose Tzippori as the
However, in truth, one should be more holding an official position, Rabbi Chaim capital of the Galil.
careful [to concentrate] for all the verses Berlin was already considered one of
Tzippori grew in the next few centuries.
Israel‟s most important rabbinical
which include the name of HaShem, lest After the Bar Kochba revolt, many Jews
figures. Upon the death of Rabbi Shmuel moved to Tzippori and turned it into a
one pronounce the name of Heaven in
Salant, the Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi religious center. Rav Yehuda HaNassi also
vain. It is more important to be careful to Berlin was elected as his successor, but moved to Tzippori, as did the Sanhedrin,
concentrate for verses like, “HaShem is he refused to take the position. He did, albeit temporarily. Tzippori also became a
great and exceedingly lauded,” however, continue another of Rabbi busy market town.
“Gracious and merciful is HaShem,” Salant‟s roles, taking over the In 363, Tzippori was destroyed by an
“HaShem is good to all,” “All Your works management of the Rabbi Meir Baal earthquake. It was later rebuilt, and it
shall thank You, HaShem,” “HaShem Haneis Salant Charity Fund which Rabbi remained an important Jewish community in
supports all the fallen ones,” “Righteous Salant had started in 1860 with Rabbi the Galil. During the Byzantine era, the Jews
is HaShem in all His ways,” and “HaShem Yosef Zundel. Rabbi Berlin oversaw the lived peacefully with the Romans, and later
is close to all who call to Him.” In all of tzedakah fund until his death in 1912. the Christians. Only after the Arab conquest,
in the 7th century, did the city begin to
these verses one should concentrate
Rabbi Berlin‟s legacy lives on in many decline.
more than for the verse, “You open Your forms, but none more prominently than
hand,” in which the name of HaShem is In the 12th century, the Crusaders built a
his responsa and the Brooklyn-based fortress and a watchtower that overlooked
not found. Yeshivas Rabbi Chaim Berlin which was Tzippori. When they lost the Battle of Hattin
The statement in Shulchan Aruch that one named in his honour shortly after his to Saladin, the fortress went unused.
must have intent while saying the verse death. Tzippori's importance declined during the
“You open Your hand” is recorded for contain the name of HaShem, it is reign of the Ottoman Empire. The Jewish
two reasons. The first reason is to teach us and Roman communities all but vanished.
obvious that we must have more intent The Jewish buildings became covered in
to include this verse, as well, among in them than the verse, “You open Your dirt, rubble, and debris. The Arabs built
those other verses. He means to say that hand.” This is the first reason. their own city close by, called Saffuriyya,
since this verse does not contain the leaving the Jewish/Roman city untouched.
name of HaShem, we would have The second reason is that regarding
verses which contain the name of In The War of Independence, Tzippori and
[mistakenly] thought to compare it to Saffuriyya came under Jewish rule. In 1990,
verses like, “Every day I will bless You,” HaShem, if one did not concentrate the archeological digs began. As of now,
“Each generation will praise Your while saying them it is a “crookedness most of the town has been excavated. The
deeds,” “The splendorous glory of Your which cannot be made straight,” and Roman Fortress is situated so that it
power,” and “And of Your awesome repeating the verse will not help; the overlooks the Roman theater and the Jewish
transgression has already been town, and today it serves as a museum and
power they will speak,” which may be gives the visitor a beautiful view of the area.
said without intent, since they do not committed. On the other hand,
The excavations of the Jewish town have
contain HaShem‟s name. For this reason regarding “You open Your hand,” found Jewish homes alongside a main
the Shulchan Aruch teaches us that this despite the need to concentrate, one cobblestone street. Several pictures have
verse is not comparable to all other who did not have the required intent been found carved into the street, such as a
has committed no transgression. The menorah and a game that resembles tic-tac-
verses which do not contain the name of toe. Several Mikvaot have been found as
HaShem, and we must concentrate when mistake can be corrected by saying it a
reciting it. But regarding verses which do second time with intent.
[email protected] Adapted from an article originally
published by Torah miTzion.

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Parshah Answers Russell Levy

How old was Rivkah when she since he let his brother, Yitzchak,
Who was Keturah?
married Yitzchak? have the primary role in laying
 Rashi states that Keturah was their father to rest.
 Rashi explains that two events
Hagar; she was called Keturah
happened after the Akeidah: Sarah  The Gemara in Bava Batra points
since her deeds were as sweet as
passed away, and Rivkah was out that anyone who is described
the Ketoret (incense in the Beit
born. Since Sarah was 90 when upon their passing as “expiring”
haMikdash), as she did not
Yitzchak was born and 127 at her and being “gathered unto his
befriend any man while she was
death, Yitzchak was 37 at her people” is a tzaddik. Since these
separated from Avraham.
death. Since Yitzchak married words were used to describe
 Rashbam disagrees with his Rivkah at the age of 40, Rivkah was Yishmael‟s death, he must have
grandfather Rashi. He explains
three years old at that time. repented.
that according to the simple
 Ibn Ezra claims that Yitzchak was  The Ritva (Yoma) explains that it
meaning, this woman is not
around 13 at the Akeidah, and is fit to name Jewish children
Hagar, but a new wife. Ibn Ezra
t h e r e i s n o c h ro n o l o g i c a l
“Yishmael” even according to the
connection between the Akeidah, opinion that Yishmael did not
 The Kli Yakar agrees with Rashi, Sarah‟s death and the birth of repent, since he was named by
but asks why she was referred to
Rivkah; we can assume that Rivkah Hashem.
by a name that described her
was of marriageable age at the For Children: What do we learn
actions. He explains that that
time of her nuptials. from the way the Torah tells us
when Hagar was sent from
 Tosafot propose, based on a Sifrei, Sarah’s age of death?
Avraham‟s house with her son
that she was 14 at the time of her  Rashi explains that the Torah
Yishmael, it was because Sarah
marriage. describes her age backwards to
said that both she and Yishmael
teach us that even at 100 she was
were idol worshippers. Now that Did Yishmael do teshuvah? without sin, and that her
both Hagar and her son had  The Kli Yakar, as explained in the appearance was as unspoiled as
repented, their sins were first question above, assumes that that of a seven year old.
transformed from being a both Yishmael and his mother,
blemish on their souls into a Hagar, repented. Send your own answers to
Heavenly offering, similar to the
 Rashi explains that we can see that [email protected].
Ketoret. Yishmael performed teshuvah,

Schedule for the Week of October 30, 22 Marcheshvan

Tuesday, November 2
Shabbat, October 30 1:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Yoel, at Shaarei Shomayim, with
Shabbat Morning R‟ Azarya Berzon: Drashot for Hashkama and Mekorot
Main Minyanim, Shomrai Shabbos 1:10PM Russell Levy: Masechet Pesachim (advanced), Wolfond Centre
One hour before mincha R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara In-depth, 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount
Mizrachi Bayit Learning Centre
8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park
Sunday, October 31
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Halacha and Hashkafa for Life, Lessons to be
8:45AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Medical Halachah: Determining
Learned from Sarah Imainu, BAYT, 3rd floor, classroom #1
Capacity to Consent, CME credit available, BAYT
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg: Parshah & Issues b‟Ivrit, Zichron Yisrael Wednesday, November 3
7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Study of Masechet Megilah, 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women
Shaarei Shamayim Babysitting provided.
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara In-depth, Shaarei Shamayim 7:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara B‟Iyun, Highlights of the week‟s
shiurim, 12 Midvale Road
Monday, November 1
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara B‟Iyun, Shomrai Shabbos
8:15PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Sephardic History: Music of
9:00PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Responsa that changed Jewish
Jews in Arab Lands, JUMP (1998 Yonge)
History, Week 4: Martyrdom, BAYT
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Rambam and the Mitzvah of
Thursday, November 4
Tzedaka, Clanton Park
8:00PM R‟ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
8:45PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Yishuv Eretz Yisrael: Can one spouse force
the other?, Clanton Park
9:20PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Ramban on the Mitzvah of
8:00PM David Teller: Secrets of the Shema,Week 1: What should I be
Obeying the Prophet, 12 Midvale Road
Hearing? Shaarei Tefillah

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