Reconstruction of Biochemical Networks in Microorganisms

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SySteMS Biology

Reconstruction of biochemical
networks in microorganisms
Adam M. Feist*, Markus J. Herrgård*‡, Ines Thiele*, Jennie L. Reed§ and
Bernhard Ø. Palsson*||
Abstract | Systems analysis of metabolic and growth functions in microbial organisms is
rapidly developing and maturing. Such studies are enabled by reconstruction, at the
genomic scale, of the biochemical reaction networks that underlie cellular processes. The
network reconstruction process is organism specific and is based on an annotated genome
sequence, high-throughput network-wide data sets and bibliomic data on the detailed
properties of individual network components. Here we describe the process that is currently
used to achieve comprehensive network reconstructions and discuss how these
reconstructions are curated and validated. This Review should aid the growing number
of researchers who are carrying out reconstructions for particular target organisms.

Reconstructed networks of biochemical reactions are of network content on modelling and integration of
at the core of systems analyses of cellular processes. these types of networks, as well as the prospects
Such networks form a common denominator for of reconstructing other types of networks, such as
both experimental data analysis and computational signalling and small RNA (sRNA) pathways.
studies in systems biology. The conceptual basis for
the reconstruction process has been outlined1, and Metabolic networks
computational methods and tools used to charac- Before annotated genomic sequences were available,
terize them have been reviewed2,3. Furthermore, the primary literature and biochemical characterization of
number of available, well-curated organism-specific enzymes provided the main sources of information for
network reconstructions is increasing (Supplementary reconstructing metabolic networks in a select number of
information S1 (table)) and the spectrum of their uses organisms. Accordingly, some of the earliest metabolic
is broadening4. reconstructions that were subsequently used in model-
This Review describes the detailed work flows ling applications were for Clostridium acetobutylicum5,
that form the basis of the reconstruction process and Bacillus subtilis6 and Escherichia coli7–10.
*Department of
provide key procedural information needed for the Today, with the ability to sequence and annotate
Bioengineering, University of
California, San Diego, La increasing number of researchers who are perform- whole genomes, we can generate metabolic network
Jolla, California 92093, USA. ing organism-specific reconstructions. We describe reconstructions at a genome scale, even for organ-

Synthetic Genomics, 11149 the procedures in which various experimental data isms for which little direct biochemical information is
N. Torrey Pines Road, La
types are integrated to reconstruct biochemical net- available in the published literature. To implement the
Jolla, California 92037, USA.
Department of Chemical and
works, the current status of network reconstructions metabolic reconstruction process, we need to answer
Biological Engineering, and how network reconstructions can be used in a the following questions for each of the enzymes in
University of Wisconsin- prospective manner to discover new interactions a metabolic network: what substrates and products
Madison, Madison, and pathways. We will focus on the networks that does an enzyme act on; what are the stoichiometric
Wisconsin 53706, USA.
underlie three key cellular processes: metabolism, coefficients for each metabolite that participates in
Centre for Systems Biology,
University of Iceland, transcription and translation, and transcriptional the reaction (or reactions) catalysed by an enzyme;
Vatnsmyrarvegi 16, IS-101 regulation. The reconstruction process for genome- are the outlined reactions reversible; and where does
Reykjavik, Iceland. scale metabolic networks is well developed, whereas the reaction occur in the cell (for example, the cyto-
Correspondence to B.O.P.
the process for the reconstruction of transcriptional plasm or periplasm)? These data come from a range
e-mail: [email protected]
regulation and for transcriptional and translational of sources. Establishing a set of the chemical reactions
Published online processes at the genome-scale is only now develop- that constitute a reaction network culminates in a
31 December 2008 ing. In addition, we will briefly discuss the impact database of chemical equations. Each reaction also

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Data required End product (see Further information). The genome annotation
provides unique identifiers for the reconstruction, lists
Genome sequence the metabolic enzymes that are thought to be present
Draft in the target organism and indicates how the gene
Similarity-based b0001 YBR212W products interact (as subunits, protein complexes or
b0002 YBR213W
annotation b0003 YBR214W isozymes) to form active enzymes that catalyse meta-
... bolic reactions. The next step in the reconstruction

Reaction one process is to determine which biochemical reactions
Known metabolic these enzymes carry out, which can be determined
manually or by using automated tools.
One ∆Reaction two Three
Genetic data Curated metabolic databases, such as KEGG (Kyoto
Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)18, BRENDA19,
Reaction one
Biochemical data metaCyc20, SEED21 and Transport DB22 (see Further
or or information), contain collections of metabolic and
transport reactions that have been shown to occur in a

Detailed range of different organisms. many of these databases

physiological data
link enzyme commission (EC) numbers or transport
Time metabolic model commission (TC) numbers to individual or sets of
Deletion phenotyping reactions that have been observed biochemically in
(phenomics) Products other organisms. However, substrate specificities and
enzyme activities can vary between enzymes with
Fluxomics 13C 15N 32P the same EC or TC number, and therefore the actual
reactions that are catalysed by the enzyme in the tar-
Metabolomics get organism may differ from that of the analogous
4.2 7.1 5.3 3.9 Platform for
design and enzyme in a reference organism. In addition, some
discovery information that is needed for the metabolic recon-
Transcriptomics struction, such as subcellular localization and reac-
Experiments tion directionality, might be missing (Supplementary
information S2 (table)).
Information from metabolic databases can be
Figure 1 | Phases and data used to generate a metabolicNature reconstruction.
Reviews | Microbiology extracted manually, either by examining each active
Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction can be divided into four major phases, each of
enzyme and reaction for a given organism or by using
which builds from the previous one. An additional characteristic of the reconstruction
process is the iterative refinement of reconstruction content that is driven by automated tools to piece together reactions from the
experimental data from the three later phases. For each phase, specific data types are metabolic databases. A number of such automated tools
necessary that range from high-throughput data types (for example, phenomics and that facilitate the reconstruction process have been
metabolomics) to detailed studies that characterize individual components (for example, developed (BOX 2).
biochemical data for a particular reaction). For example, the genome annotation can
provide a parts list of a cell, whereas genetic data can provide information about the Step two: curating the draft reconstruction. Although
contribution of each gene product towards a phenotype (for example, when removed or the automated extraction of metabolic reactions from
mutated). The product generated from each reconstruction phase can be used and databases provides an initial set of candidate biochemi-
applied to examine a growing number of questions, with the final product having the cal reactions encoded on a genome, it cannot establish
broadest applications.
certain organism-specific features, such as substrate or
cofactor specificity and subcellular localization. Such
has additional information associated with it, such as information requires domain-specific knowledge of the
its cellular localization, thermodynamics, and genetic organism. Therefore, the draft network reconstruction
or genomic information. The genome-scale meta- needs to be manually curated, ideally with input from
bolic network reconstruction process comprises four organism-specific experts. An automatically recon-
fundamental steps (FIG. 1). structed metabolic network will be incomplete, will
have gaps and may also contain mistakenly included
Step one: automated genome-based reconstruction. reactions that do not actually occur in the target
The starting point for reconstructions is the anno- organism. manual curation is thus necessary to add
tated genome for a particular target organism and and correct information that the automatic procedures
strain (BOX 1). Genome annotations can be found in miss or misplace in the initial network reconstruction.
organism-specific databases, such as EcoCyc 11 for Although the automated reconstruction step is rapid,
E. coli and SGD (Saccharomyces Genome Database)12 the manual curation process is labour intensive and
or CyGD (Comprehensive yeast Genome Database)13 sometimes tedious.
for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or in databases with col- organism-specific databases, textbooks23–26, pri-
lections of genome annotations, such as EntrezGene14, mary publications, review articles and experts famil-
CmR (Comprehensive microbial Resource)15, Genome iar with the legacy data for an organism are the main
Reviews (through EBI; European Bioinformatics sources of information for the manual curation step.
Institute)16 or ImG (Integrated microbial Genomes)17 These detailed sources contain information about

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Box 1 | Reconstruction, validation and utilization of a metabolic reconstruction

Genomic scaffold Network reactions

Active enzymes
(genetic content)

Data • Unique open-reading-frame • Subunit composition • Metabolite stoichiometry

required identifiers • Protein complex composition • Cofactor specificity
• Gene product function or name • Enzyme symbols • Substrate specificity
• Gene symbol • Directionality or reversibility
• Enzyme commission number • Cellular location
• Cellular location of gene product

Databases • Entrez Gene • Genome Reviews • BRENDA • KEGG • PubChem

• Gold • SEED • KEGG • BRENDA • Entrez Gene
• KEGG • CMR • MetaCyc • MetaCyc • UniProtKB
• Microbes • UniProtKB • Primary literature • Published literature • TransportDB
online • IMG • Transport DB • PSORTdb

b0004 b0032 b0033 b0004 b0032 b0033 Genes

b0004 b0032 b0033 b0004 b0032 b0033 Transcripts

b0004 b0032 b0033
ThrC Car ThrC Car Proteins


Validation Model-driven refinement

Reconstruction and application

Conversion Simulation Succeed Gap filling Model training Comparison of
to to produce or to account for modelling and
Automated or manual a model biomass dead-end non-metabolic observed
reconstruction constituents analyses activity behaviour

Mathematical • Cell composition data Optimal growth • Additional

representation • Minimal media conditions growth data
growth conditions • Uptake, production • High-throughput
and growth rates data
Biological constraints
• Regulatory constraints
• Enzyme capacities

The process of metabolic reconstruction can be performed in a sequential manner (see theNature Reviews
figure). | Microbiology
The process is
initiated by obtaining the genetic content (that is, a parts list of the cell) from the genome annotation. Active
enzymes on this scaffold are associated with the genetic content by using information from databases and published
literature. The metabolic reactions that these enzymes catalyse are then delineated and a gene to protein to reaction
association is ultimately generated. Automated reconstruction tools are available (BOX 2) to aid in this process and
several databases possess the necessary information for each data type (see Further information and below).
Following the initial reconstruction process, a reconstruction is converted to a model in a mathematical format
that can be used for computation. Further in the validation phase, the ability of the organism to produce biomass
constituents and grow is examined using a biomass objective function (BOX 3). This analysis functionally tests the
reconstruction for an experimentally observed phenomenon. A dead-end analysis should follow, for which
computational algorithms are available (see the main text), to examine reactions on a pathway basis for their
physiological role.
For predictions of physiological behaviour, a training data set is needed to examine non-metabolic energy needs
and organism-specific components (for example, the electron transport system). In this phase, additional known key
network properties can be applied in addition to the metabolic functions outlined in the reconstruction (for
example, key regulatory interactions under a given condition) to improve predictive capabilities. For prospective
use, high- and low-throughput data can also be compared with modelling simulations to validate the content and
make predictions or find specific areas of disagreement between the functionality of the currently characterized
content and experimental observations.
Available metabolic and transport databases include: BRENDA19, CMR15, Entrez Gene14, Genome Reviews16,
GOLD102, IMG17, KEGG18, MetaCyc20, Microbes Online103, PSORTdb104, PubChem105, SEED106, Transport DB22 and

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Box 2 | Automated reconstruction of metabolic networks

Problem Description methods

Genome annotations
Annotations are As new genes are found, older genome annotations are not updated, Automated annotation pipelines can be used
not continuously resulting in incorrectly annotated genes. For example, in most databases, to reanalyse older genome annotations117.
updated with new slr0788 in Synechocystis spp. is annotated as a pre-B-cell enhancing
information factor (a mammalian function assigned to a bacterial gene), but in SEED21,
is correctly annotated as nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase.
Incorrect Incorrect annotations can be due to either missing genes (from Analysis of reconstructed networks can help
annotations sequencing or gene-finding algorithm errors) or incorrect gene identify some of these errors44,93,113,114.
annotations. This can occur for a number of reasons. For example, when
new sequences are not used to update older genome annotations or
when weak homology is used as sole evidence for functional assignment.
Missing Approximately 30% of enzyme activities with enzyme commission Automated tools have been developed
functionalities numbers lack sequence data118.Therefore, not all reactions will be to find missing reactions (for example,
associated with gene or protein sequences. For example, in 2005, SMILEY algorithm44, GapFind (or GapFill)113
the 6-phosphogluconlactonase gene (pgl) in Escherichia coli was PathoLogic114 and topology-based
discovered119. Prior to this, there was no pgl gene in the genome methods120).
annotation even though the enzymatic activity was observed in cell
Transporter Annotations for transporters often lack sufficient detail to determine Methods for improving transporter functional
specificity what substrate (or substrates) they transport, even though the annotations are needed.
mechanism (for example, proton symport or ATP hydrolysis) is known.
Gene-protein- Relationships between genes, enzymes and reactions are not always Can be automated based on comparisons of
reaction (GPR) clearly defined (for example, subunits compared with isozymes). sequences and known GPRs31.
Reaction Reactions are often characterized through their actions on a general Changes in databases are needed or
specificity class of compounds, which can result in ambiguous connections in a automated tools need to be developed.
network. Common general classes include electron carriers (for example,
quinones, NAD compared with NADP) and alcohols (for example, ethanol
and methanol compared with butanol).
Reaction Reactions are not elementally balanced for H, C, P, N, O or S. This means Automated procedures are available to check
imbalances that substrates and products are missing from imbalanced reactions. For elemental reaction balancing96.
example, analysis of the KEGG database96 in 2004 found that only 51% of
the reactions were balanced for C, P, N, O, H and S.
Reaction Reactions are generally defined as reversible. This can be a problem; for Automated procedures have been
directionality example, if cycles between reactions allow the free conversion of ADP developed115,116.
into ATP (free-energy equivalents).
Compound Reactions are generally written for the neutral form of molecules and pKa prediction software is available, and
protonation do not account for the protonation state of compounds (for example, therefore automation is possible.
states carboxylic acid groups are deprotonated at pH 7). This affects the
stoichiometric coefficients for protons across the network.
Coenzyme Enzymes often need coenzymes (for example, pyridoxal 5-phosphate, Automation is possible now that data are
availability vitamin B12 and biotin). For enzymes to be functional, the cell must be becoming available.
able to produce them or get them from the environment. BRENDA19
contains this type of information, and is available for download.
Organism-specific The cell membrane (or membranes) is composed of macromolecules Would require experimental data and is
pathways (for example, phospholipids and peptidoglycans) that can vary across therefore unlikely to become subject to
organisms and species. As a result, the biosynthesis pathways for these automation.
compounds are often unique.

To date, most metabolic reconstructions have been generated based networks by filling in missing reactions (for example, SMILEY
on a combination of genome annotation (see the table), and data algorithm44, GapFind (also known as GapFill)113 and PathoLogic114) or
from databases and literature, with heavy reliance on genome by evaluating reaction directionality115,116. Methods that refine the
annotations for less studied organisms. Methods have been networks improve draft reconstructions built from gene-to-reaction
developed to help automate this process, but the resulting mapping from databases, as they can correct incorrect or missing
reconstructions still require manual curation if the goal is to convert information from metabolic databases and/or genome annotations.
them to mathematical models31,108. Because automated methods rely heavily on metabolic and transport
A number of automated methods have been produced that databases, together with genome annotations, errors will propagate
facilitate the reconstruction process. Some of these are used to map into reconstructed networks. A table of common problems
genes in the genome to reactions, thereby forming a draft metabolic encountered during automated network reconstruction is provided
network (for example, PathwayTools109, GEM System110, metaShark111, as a guide for the use of such methods and should enable further
SEED21 and others31,32,112), whereas others are used to refine the advancement of such tools.

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Box 3 | Procedure to generate a biomass objective function

a Organism of interest Cellular biomass Equation Units
RNA or DNA Lipid Protein

Macromolecular 0.56 g protein g per gDW

content + 0.21 g RNA + ...
in weight percent → 1 gDW

b Nucleotides Lipids Amino acids Ions and

NH 2 O
Co2+ Building blocks of x L-Ala + y L-Met + .... mmol
N macromolecules + m UTP + n ATP + ... per gDW
16:0 16:1 NH2 B12 in molar fractions → (x+y+...) H2O
N 18:0 18:1 + (m+n+...) PPi + ...

c Essential Essential
lipids ions Analysis to
and determine x L-Ala + y L-Met + .... mmol
cofactors essential building + m UTP + n ATP + ... per gDW
Nucleotides Amino acids → (x+y+...) H2O +
blocks (gene and
16:0 18:0 18:1 Co2+ (m+n+...) PPi + ...
data required)
Scale to 1 gDW compounds per 1 gDW cell (if necessary) Core BOF

An organism-specific biomass objective function (BOF) can be used to test the functionality of a networkNature by examining
Reviews the
| Microbiology
fundamental property of cellular growth and regeneration (see the figure). The BOF, a known growth-supporting media
condition and a reconstruction in a mathematical format are necessary for this test. Starting with the organism of interest,
the macromolecular weight percent contribution of each component is determined (see the figure, part a). These data can be
generated using readily available assay kits. Each macromolecule is then broken down into the cellular building blocks that
constitute the macromolecule or those that are necessary to synthesize the macromolecule in terms of molar fractions
(see the figure, part b). The building block will often be physiologically present in the network (for example, lipid molecules),
but in some cases, the most appropriate metabolite in the network is used to generate the BOF (for example, protein is
broken down into individual amino acids and the net product of protein synthesis, water). With the availability of gene and/or
component essentiality data, a core BOF can be generated that possesses different metabolites compared with the wild-type
BOF. In formulating the core BOF, gene essentiality data are used together with the pathway context to determine the most
basic macromolecule that is necessary for cell viability (see the figure, part c). Alternatively, published data that determine
BiGG knowledge base minimally essential biomass components can be incorporated to generate the core BOF. A core BOF can be used in
The collection of established simulations to more accurately examine essential components or aspects of the network. This process ultimately results in a
biochemical, genetic and BOF (or BOFs) in mmol per gram of dry weight (gDW) that can be used to evaluate an organism-specific network.
genomic data (BiGG)
represented by a network
properties such as reaction directionality and location examples in metabolic networks are presented in BOX 2
Genome-scale network that are not always found in more general databases. and Supplementary information S2 (table).
reconstruction For example, protein localization studies27 can be used A high-quality network reconstruction is therefore
(GENRE). A two-dimensional to assign metabolic reactions to subcellular compart- based on a combination of automated genome-based
genome annotation (for
example, a metabolic
ments. Similarly, biochemical studies of enzymes from procedures coupled with detailed and laborious lit-
reconstruction) that contains a the target organism (or a closely related organism) can erature-based manual curation. This process creates
list of all the chemical provide information on reversibility and substrate a biochemically, genomically and genetically (BiGG)
transformations known to take specificity that is specific to that organism. These structured knowledge base that is both organism
place in a particular network
sources of information provide more direct evidence specific and available to all researchers working with
(usually the entire metabolic
network of a particular for the inclusion of specific reactions in the metabolic the target organism. All the reactions placed in a BiGG
organism; for example, a reconstruction. The availability of such sources for a knowledge base form a genome-scale network reconstruc-
GENRE of E. coli). These particular organism is highly variable28. The goal of tion (GENRE). GENREs are formed in an iterative
transformations can be manual reconstruction is to fill in gaps or holes in the manner (for example, E. coli29,30) as the corresponding
represented by a
stoichiometric matrix. A genre
network by inference or through direct evidence from BiGG knowledge base grows for the target organ-
is updated as the BiGG the available literature on the organism or its close ism, based on new experimental data or new genome
knowledge base expands. relatives. Gap-filling is further discussed below and annotation.

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Table 1 | Systematic data-driven discovery of new pathways or enzymes be generated for a specific organism of interest. Cellular
biomass composition data can be obtained through assays
Data type Discovery type refs that determine overall cellular composition and further
Growth in diverse media conditions New substrate utilization pathways 44 catalogue the breakdown of each macromolecule of the
Deletion-strain growth Alternative pathway discovery 97,126 cell (this information has been catalogued extensively
phenotyping and synthetic lethal for E. coli37). With essentiality data (gene and/or cellular
interactions content), this equation can be refined30. Genome-scale
Systematic in vitro enzymatic New metabolic reactions and 127 gene essentiality data sets are being produced for model
assays pathways organisms (listed in REF. 38), and these data sets are often
Metabolomics New metabolite utilization or 128 available through specific projects or organism-specific
production pathways databases, such as SGD39. overall, the analysis and testing
Proteomics, transcriptomics and Candidate genes for filling network 120,129, of a network’s ability to produce biomass components are
genomic neighbourhood gaps 130 often used to curate metabolic networks (Supplementary
information S1 (table)).
Aside from simulations to produce biomass constitu-
Step three: converting a genome-scale reconstruction to ents, additional gap-filling analyses can be performed
a computational model. Before a reconstruction can be to add missed pathways or remove those that have been
used for computations of network and/or physiological incorrectly included from the automated reconstruction
capabilities, a subtle, but crucial step must be made in process, and additional cellular objective functions can
which a reconstruction is converted to a mathematical be evaluated computationally to understand cellular
representation31,32 (BOX 1). This conversion translates a behaviour40,41. our current ability to gap-fill in metabolic
GENRE into a mathematical format that becomes the networks has been recently reviewed42.
basis for a genome-scale model (GEm). Subsequent com- once gap-filling analyses are complete, additional
putations serve as a way to interrogate data consistency steps are necessary to account for strain-specific
and to compute which functions a reconstructed network parameters and non-metabolic activities in modelling
can and cannot carry out. simulations. In this phase, growth data are necessary
Representation of a network in a mathematical to understand and quantify these key physiological
format enables the deployment of a large range of parameters. Two major factors to consider during
computational tools to analyse network properties. this phase are the stoichiometry for translocation (or
These computational tools focus on the evaluation of energy-coupling) reactions and maintenance param-
network systemic properties and the functions that eters 30,43. Translocation reactions differ from other
a network can perform under the physicochemical con- reactions in the network because the mass and energy
straints placed on the cell. This approach has led to the balances around these ion-pumping components are
so-called constraint-based reconstruction and analysis difficult to measure experimentally. Characterizing
(CoBRA) framework1 for the target organism. various reactions of this type is therefore challenging, but can
computational platforms have been developed that apply be accomplished if the proper experimental data are
constraint-based methods to metabolic GEms3,33,34. In available (Supplementary information S2 (table)). After
addition to stoichiometric representation, metabolic this phase is complete, a model can be applied to study
networks are commonly analysed as graphs35 or using a the specific growth condition from which the training
pathway or sub-system-based approach36, although these data were based and can be used to explore additional
essentially non-parametric approaches are not discussed environmental conditions.
further here.
With a mathematical representation and computa- Step four: reconstruction uses and integration of high-
tional platform, the generation of a biomass objective throughput data. High-throughput data sets that
function is necessary to compute the ability of a network evaluate a large number of interactions across different
to support growth (BOX 3). Here, the macromolecular growth or genetic conditions can be used to refine and
composition of the cell (and the building blocks that expand the metabolic content of a network. These types
are used to generate them) is used to define a necessary of comparisons and analyses have the potential to truly
functionality that the network must be able to execute. evaluate genome-scale ‘omics data sets in an integrated
A useful consistency check performed on reconstructed manner by placing them in a functional and structured
networks is to use them to compute growth rates under context. Several successful studies have been conducted
a given condition. The set of experimental data that is for microbial species to uncover new metabolic knowl-
necessary to perform such analysis includes: the compo- edge using systematic data-driven discovery (TABLE 1).
sition of cellular biomass; the composition of the minimal The necessary data types to support studies of discovery
growth media that is necessary to support growth in vivo; and expansion, as well as pilot studies for discovery,
Genome-scale model and a training data set that includes growth rate and have been recently reviewed42. Briefly, these studies fall
A network reconstruction in a substrate-uptake rates. Phenotypic data (growth, uptake into three categories: studies that use a reconstruction
mathematical format that can and secretion rates) can be obtained through growth to examine topological network properties, studies that
be computationally
interrogated and can be
experiments in minimal or complex media by monitoring use a reconstruction in constraint-based modelling for
subsequently used for media components. These data are typically available in quantitative or qualitative analyses and studies that are
experimental design. published cell-characterization studies, but may need to purely data driven.

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Box 4 | Reconstruction of transcriptional and translational networks

d c

tRNA Reaction
modifications stoichiometry

tRNA Flux balance
Gene functions
analysis and QC–QA
Position of Transcription
individual Gap analysis
b for each tRNA mRNA
degradation Missing genes
Gene alias and factors
Ribosomal protein
rRNA modifications
Gene position
demand RNA processing
Transcription Legacy data
direction and databases
Protein tRNA
modifications modification
units tRNA charging
(composition) Protein folding Extension of
template and
Protein network Primary and
Sigma factors Protein complex maturation review literature
mRNA stoichiometry
Terminator Genome
Protein folding Mass and
Demethionylation annotation
of amino–terminus balancing
Protein EcoCyc
Signal sequences
Metallo-ions, iron– CyberCell
sulphur cluster
Metallo-ion and cofactor
demand incorporation tRNA database

The reconstruction of a transcriptional and translational (TR–TR) network can be performed Nature
in anReviews | Microbiology
algorithmic manner, as
depicted in the figure (illustrated for Escherichia coli). First, the network components responsible for every
transcriptional or translational step need to be identified from different resources (for example, from primary and review
literature, genome annotations and databases) (see the figure, part a). For each component, functions are then
translated into a stoichiometric, and mass- and charge-balanced reaction based on primary and review literature. The
resulting set of reactions can be separated into two groups: component-specific reactions (for example, the
dimerization reaction of a protein) and template reactions (for example, a transcription initiation reaction). Template
reactions can be formulated because polymerization reactions are similar for most genes. However, they need to be
specified for each gene by considering the information listed (see the figure, part b) to produce active gene products for
the different subsystems or pathways (see the figure, part c). The active form of some gene products may require
post-translational modifications, protein folding, covalent binding of metallo-ions or coenzymes (see the figure, part d).
The resulting reaction list is subsequently converted into a mathematical format (for example, a stoichiometric matrix)
and tested for functionality, completeness, correctness and predictive potential compared with known cellular
phenotypes. Discrepancies are elucidated by repeating the entire procedure again. The overall structure of the
reconstructed TR–TR network resembles that of a metabolic reconstruction (see the main text). The quality control and
quality assurance (QC–QA) procedures help to guaranty consistency and correctness of the network through mass
and charge balancing of all possible network reactions, analysis and filling of network gaps and functionally testing for
the production of every network component and its intermediate form. In the figure, the different resources in part a are
colour coded according to their use in parts b–d.

one example of systematic data-driven discovery third to characterize targeted oRFs experimentally to
integrated a number of data types and GEm modelling confirm their function. To drive discovery, this approach
to annotate unknown gene functions in E. coli44. In this analysed a range of data types (phenotyping, gene
analysis, an iterative process was used first to identify expression and enzyme activity) to propose and vali-
discrepancies between modelling predictions and high- date computational predictions. This example shows the
throughput growth phenotyping data (using data from promise of integrating modelling results and experimen-
Biolog; see Further information), second to determine tal data. Such integration will probably become a key
potential reactions that remedy disagreements (and the approach that will allow us to expand current metabolic
open reading frames (oRFs) that might encode proteins knowledge and aid our discovery of new components
to catalyse them) through a computational analysis and and interactions in cellular processes.

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Box 5 | Challenges in network reconstruction

A highly systematic process is now used to build a metabolic network reconstruction and model for any given microbial
organism that starts with an annotated genome and ends with a predictive model of microbial physiology. For well
characterized model organisms, this process has already enabled models to be produced that have helped discover new
metabolic functionalities. However, there are many organisms of practical interest for which only initial steps towards the
building of comprehensive metabolic network reconstructions and models have been taken. These include pathogens,
such as Plasmodium falciparum and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as many microorganisms that are relevant to
bioprocessing or bioenergy applications. Below, we outline some of the unique challenges that must be addressed when
building metabolic network reconstructions for these organisms, using the malaria parasite P. falciparum as an example
to discuss these challenges121.
The most fundamental type of challenge for reconstruction is that in which a genome encodes for proteins that have a
low degree of sequence homology to any other organism (for example, owing to severe sequence biases, such as high
A+T content, as for P. falciparum). For these organisms, automated, homology-based, function prediction tools will result
in a highly incomplete initial reconstruction of metabolic networks with numerous gaps. Although more sophisticated
sequence-analysis methods allow more complete initial reconstructions for organisms such as P. falciparum, these initial
networks still require manual curation to define the comprehensive set of metabolic capabilities that the organism
possesses111. The experimental identification of metabolic functions in P. falciparum is further complicated by inefficient
methods for genetic manipulation. However, these methods have improved in recent years, enabling systematic
validation of putative metabolic functions and the development of strain collections that can be used for general
functional genomics studies122.
Our understanding of the metabolic physiology of P. falciparum and many other organisms of practical importance is
also limited by our inability to culture these organisms in defined conditions. In most challenging cases, the organism
cannot be readily cultured outside the host organism. P. falciparum can be cultured in vitro in red blood cells, but the
presence of two different cell types in the culture poses problems to our understanding of the physiology of the parasite.
For example, the transport of nutrients from the media to the parasite is only partially understood123. Further
complications arise from the fact that typical in vitro culturing conditions require the use of non-specific media
components, such as serum albumin. This makes it challenging to perform the types of auxotrophy experiments that are
commonly used to establish metabolic functions in microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli or yeast. Even if well defined
in vitro cultivation conditions can be established, it is likely that the metabolic behaviour in these conditions would fail to
capture relevant features of in vivo physiology. This was shown to be the case for P. falciparum when in vivo expression
profiles derived from patient blood samples were compared with expression profiles obtained from in vivo cultures of the
Despite these challenges, much progress has been made in our understanding of the metabolic physiology of
pathogens such as P. falciparum. Development of metabolic network reconstructions and models for these challenging
organisms has enabled systematic evaluation of current knowledge gaps and the use of model-based gap-filling
strategies discussed in the main text. Progress in reconstructing other types of networks, including transcriptional
regulatory networks, for pathogens is more severely affected by the lack of facile genetic systems. For example, despite
extensive profiling with gene and protein-expression technologies, the mechanisms that regulate gene and protein
expression in P. falciparum have remained elusive125.

transcription and translation processes Step one: automated genome-based reconstruction.

Reconstructions of transcriptional and translational Information about the components of the TR–TR net-
(TR–TR) networks at a genome scale follow a similar work can be directly extracted from the genome annota-
procedure as that established for metabolism. TR–TR tion. This step should provide details for gene function,
network reconstructions can be generated using gene type (for example, protein coding and tRNAs), start
a genome annotation and the genome sequence as a scaf- and stop codons, direction of transcription and transcrip-
fold. A TR–TR network reconstruction contains sequence- tion unit association (for prokaryotes). Some genome
specific synthesis reactions for every included gene and annotations and databases (for example, RegulonDB47
gene product that participate in transcriptional and and BioCyc50; see Further information) provide infor-
translational functions (BOX 4). Such TR–TR reconstruc- mation about the type of transcription terminator (for
tions do not contain transcriptional regulators and their example, Rho dependency and attenuation) and sigma
functions (discussed in the next section). Furthermore, factors for transcriptional initiation (for example, s70 and
the presented stoichiometric TR–TR reconstructions are sH). TR–TR reactions can be formulated in an automated
different from kinetic, small-scale or sequence-independ- manner using this information, the genome sequence
ent formulations of transcriptional and/or translational and template reactions (BOX 4). These manually formu-
networks45–49, which are not discussed here. The scope of lated template reactions can be used because the TR–TR
the TR–TR reconstruction is the synthesis of all proteins, reactions are similar for most genes or gene products.
tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs that are involved in the func- For example, for transcriptional initiation in E. coli, the
tions listed in BOX 4. This scope ranges from the metabo- holoenzyme RNA polymerase (a2bb′) must bind to a
lites that are consumed by the network to the functional sigma factor (for example, s70) and this complex must
proteins (for example, ribosomes), mRNAs and tRNAs. then bind to a promoter site of a gene with a recogni-
This type of TR–TR network has recently been developed tion site for this sigma factor. By contrast, gene-specific
for E. coli 131. information, such as nucleotide triphosphate (NTP)

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composition of an mRNA, needs to be specified in the ray hybridization (ChIP–chip) to quantify the binding
template reaction. This subsequently allows the accurate affinities of the RNA polymerase or other transcription
formulation of the synthesis reactions in a gene-specific factors needs to be established. lastly, integration of the
manner by using information about sigma factors, amino TR–TR network with other cellular processes should
acids and NTPs together with template reactions. enable a mechanistically detailed and comprehensive
description of the capabilities of different organisms.
Step two: curation and formulation based on bibliomic
data. By using data from primary literature articles, transcriptional regulatory networks
template reactions must be manually formulated and The basic structure of transcriptional regulatory net-
curated. manual curation is also required for information works (TRNs) involves the interactions between tran-
about protein-complex stoichiometry and the presence scription factors and their target promoters that lead to
and stoichiometry of metallo-ions or coenzymes (for activation or repression of transcription. This defini-
example, flavins), as many databases do not contain this tion of a network boundary does not include upstream
information. Challenges that are unique to reconstruc- environmental and intracellular signals that regulate
tion of TR–TR networks include reaction mechanisms transcription-factor activity or any additional regula-
of certain modifications (for example, tRNA modifica- tory mechanisms that might influence gene-expression
tions51) or pathways (for example, iron–sulphur cluster levels (for example, DNA is compacted by various pro-
biogenesis) that are not well established131 (BOX 5). These teins that influence DNA structure such that it cannot
reactions and pathways need to be tracked in the recon- be efficiently transcribed). most of the experimental
struction (for example, by using notes or a confidence and computational activities to elucidate TRNs have so
score) to allow their update as new information becomes far focused on mapping the basic structure of the net-
available. work, and therefore this Review will concentrate on the
network of transcription-factor–promoter interactions.
Step three: converting a genome-scale reconstruction to ChIP–chip has also been used to map genome-wide
a computational model. The reactions list generated in locations of proteins that are involved in the packaging
steps one and two can be readily converted into a math- of DNA53,54 (for example, histones and histone-like pro-
ematical format using bioinformatically driven pro- teins), and it is expected that future reconstructions of
gramming that extracts the stoichiometric coefficients TRNs will include global regulation of DNA accessibil-
from each network reaction and transfers them into the ity and thus transcription in addition to local regulation
matrix. The network boundaries in TR–TR networks at specific promoters by specific transcription factors.
typically border metabolism: metabolic components
are imported or exported across these boundaries. The Step one: automated reconstruction. In contrast to
uptake constraints for these metabolites can be derived metabolic networks, for which experimental methods
from experimental data (for example, overall protein to measure system-wide levels of metabolites and fluxes
content) as a function of growth rate. These param- are not yet fully developed, methods for large-scale
eters have been directly measured for E. coli cells with measurement of TRN interactions and components
40-minute doubling times52. are already well established. This has enabled the
development of top-down approaches for TRN recon-
Step four: reconstruction uses and integration of high- struction that integrate multiple high-throughput data
throughput data. The reconstruction of TR–TR networks sets to reconstruct TRNs. The types of experimental
is a first step towards a new generation of cellular net- approaches that are used for high-throughput studies
work models that will account quantitatively for mRNA of TRNs are typically multiplexed versions of classical,
and protein abundance. These models could increase low-throughput assays for gene expression, in vitro
the scope of modelling and therefore our understanding DNA binding and in vivo DNA binding.
of cellular processes. For example, such models would The most direct way to experimentally map TRNs
allow us to calculate ribosome production at different is to determine genome-wide in vivo binding sites of
growth rates and determine functional interactions of a transcription factor using high-throughput versions
the network proteins by detecting functional modules. of the ChIP assay. The most commonly used method
Furthermore, such TR–TR networks will increase our is ChIP–chip, which uses a microarray-based approach
understanding of the relationship between mRNA and to detect genomic loci if a given transcription factor
protein abundance and will allow us to consider the binds under a given condition55. ChIP–chip data have
cost of the cellular machinery synthesis through in silico now been generated in diverse microorganisms and for
modelling. The reconstruction of TR–TR networks will numerous transcription factors, allowing comprehen-
also enable quantitative integration of high-throughput sive mapping of TRNs, especially in yeast56. However,
data to both expand and refine our knowledge of TR–TR challenges remain in applying ChIP–chip (for example,
networks and its components. However, there is a need transcription-factor antibody availability). To fully map
to develop approaches to map relative or absolute TRNs, ChIP–chip experiments need to be performed
molecule concentration data onto network reactions. for the same transcription factor under multiple con-
Although it might be easier to integrate transcriptomic ditions, as the set of target genes can vary from one
and proteomic data, an integration procedure that uses condition to another57. Analogous to the development
chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by microar- of multiplexed ChIP assays, high-throughput in vitro

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DNA-binding assays that use both microarray58 and Step two: reconstruction based on bibliomic data.
microfluidic platforms59 have been developed. In vitro Analogous to the reconstruction of metabolic networks,
methods reveal potential transcription-factor binding TRNs can be reconstructed in a bottom-up way based on
sites in a condition-independent manner. These in vitro both genomic and bibliomic data. Genomic data can be
methods require purified proteins and therefore can be used to identify potential transcription factors as well as
challenging to apply in practice. However, they have potential transcription-factor target sites through com-
been shown to provide valuable complementary data to parative genomics of closely related species71. However,
in vivo experiments60. genomic information alone is insufficient to obtain
Array-based, genome-wide gene-expression profiling- predictions of transcription-factor functions or targets72
based approaches are perhaps the most widely used meth- and thus substantial amounts of additional experimental
ods to characterize TRN function. Expression profiling information is required. The reconstruction of TRNs
studies of strains in which specific transcription factors based on bibliomic data relies on individual studies on
have been deleted61,62 or overexpressed are particularly transcriptional regulation of single promoters that typi-
useful63. In addition, large compendia of gene-expression cally aim to dissect the role of different binding sites on
data measured in response to different genetic and envi- the promoter using gene-expression assays (for example,
ronmental perturbations can be used to identify candidate northern blots, reverse transcription PCR or reporter
regulatory interactions64 and transcriptional modules, as gene approaches) in response to transcription-factor
well as potential regulators for these modules65. However, deletions or partial deletions of promoter regions, in vivo
gene-expression profiling alone is not sufficient to dif- DNA-binding assays (for example, ChIP) and in vitro
ferentiate between direct transcription-factor binding on DNA-binding assays. The challenge in using literature
a given promoter and indirect effects. data is that only a subset of all the promoters have been
A major challenge remains in integrating all the avail- extensively characterized, and even in well-characterized
able experimental data types, as well as cis-regulatory organisms, such as E. coli, the conditions, methods and
motif information derived from sequence conservation, strains used can be variable. For these reasons, bottom-
to systematically reconstruct TRNs56,66. ChIP–chip data up reconstructions are only expected to provide a par-
alone are sufficient to reconstruct the connectivity of the tial picture of the full TRN, and their main role in most
TRN, but expression profiling data on transcription-fac- species would be to provide validation data for more
tor deletion or overexpression or time-course expression comprehensive top-down reconstruction approaches. A
profiling studies are required to establish the mode of limited number of databases currently store literature-
regulation (activation or repression). Furthermore, com- derived information on transcriptional regulation: the
binatorial interactions between transcription factors on most comprehensive is RegulonDB for E. coli73.
promoters can only be mapped by performing expression
profiling experiments in multiple transcription-factor Step three: converting a genome-scale reconstruction
deletion strains61 or by performing ChIP–chip experi- to a computational model. TRNs reconstructed using
ments for one transcription factor in strains in which either automated or bibliomic methods are typically
another transcription factor has been deleted67. represented in two alternative ways: as graphs on which
Fully automated TRN reconstruction would each transcription-factor node is connected to its tar-
require ChIP–chip experiments that target all major get gene nodes by a directed edge or as co-regulated
transcription factors and allow gene-expression pro- gene modules with candidate transcription factors and
filing of transcription-factor deletion strains under a environmental (for example, carbon source) regulators
set of representative experimental conditions. If these associated with each module. However, for the network
types of data are available and are of sufficiently high to predict expression responses to environmental or
quality, TRN reconstruction can be done in a largely genetic perturbations, these network reconstructions
automated manner. Recent developments in massively must be converted to computational models using one
parallel sequencing technologies promise to further of the possible modelling frameworks. Although sto-
improve our ability to automatically reconstruct TRNs chastic and kinetic models provide a good starting point
by providing higher resolution, sensitivity and quality for small-scale regulatory network modelling, these
data on both gene expression68 and DNA binding69 approaches do not scale up to larger and genome-scale
compared with array-based methods. As an alternative networks. most large-scale regulatory network models
to full mapping of transcription factor–target interac- built so far have used Boolean network approaches and
tions, a number of approaches have been developed to a range of probabilistic modelling frameworks, includ-
identify condition-dependent co-regulated gene clus- ing simplified additive kinetic modelling approaches
ters or modules based on large gene-expression data using, for example, log-linear kinetics66,74,75.
sets and assign regulators to these clusters based on a The choice of modelling framework is largely deter-
Bibliomic data combination of ChIP–chip data, expression response mined by the type of network reconstruction that is used
Legacy data that are contained to transcription-factor deletions, cis-regulatory motifs as a starting point to build the model, the type of data that
in peer-reviewed scientific and time-dependent gene-expression profiling data65,70. are available to parameterize the model and what types of
publications. The ‘omic These types of approaches do not always allow all predictions one wants to make. Boolean representations
designation represents a
comprehensive assessment of
individual regulatory interactions to be mapped, but provide a good starting point for building qualitative
legacy data for a target they substantially reduce the complexity of the TRN models based on TRNs reconstructed primarily using
organism. reconstruction problem. bibliomic data61,76. Boolean models have been built

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for E. coli and yeast, and these representations can be expansion of reconstruction efforts
further converted to a matrix formalism that allows Together, the metabolic, transcriptional regulation,
more straightforward integration with metabolic net- translation and transcription processes represent a
work models77. many different probabilistic modelling sizable fraction of the genes in a microbial genome.
frameworks, including probabilistic Boolean networks74 However, other networks are also being intensively stud-
physical network models66 and more complex types of ied and will probably be the subject of future network
models75, have been applied to reconstruct large-scale reconstruction efforts. Such efforts are likely to develop
TRNs. However, most of these approaches have been according to four-step reconstruction processes that
used as tools for systematic data-based TRN recon- parallel those described above.
struction and have not yet been used to build large-scale Two-component signalling systems are an example of
predictive models. this type of network. Current models of TRNs in E. coli
By contrast, recent studies have used additive kinetic already include some of the known two-component
modelling approaches to model genome-scale TRNs signalling pathways that respond to metabolic stimuli61.
either in settings in which the network structure is The components of two-component signalling pathways
known; for example, based on ChIP–chip or bibliomic (histidine kinases and response regulators) can be identi-
data78 or in conjunction with methods that identify fied easily by sequence homology, but the connectivity of
co-regulated gene clusters70. unlike Boolean models, these pathways is not completely known, even in E. coli.
these simplified kinetic models can be used to predict Progress has recently been made to systematically map
quantitative dynamic expression changes, but substan- the connectivity of two-component pathways in E. coli79
tial amounts of time-course gene-expression data are and other bacteria 80 using a range of experimental
usually needed to parameterize the models. Recently, a methods. It is expected that in the future comprehen-
predictive, additive kinetic model of the Halobacterium sive reconstructions of two-component systems can be
salinarum TRN GENRE was built using a combination achieved by combining literature-based information
of computational methods70. First, condition-dependent with these types of high-throughput data81.
regulatory modules were built using bi-clustering of a The second type of network that has attracted increas-
well-designed gene-expression data compendium ing attention in recent years is the translational regulatory
together with cis-regulatory motif information, and network controlled by sRNAs. The most common mecha-
then quantitative effects of transcription factors and nism for sRNA action is the repression of specific-mRNA
environmental factors on expression of these modules translation through the binding of translation initiation
were identified based on dynamic gene-expression data. regions, although other mechanisms, including the regu-
The H. salinarum study also showed that predictive lation of protein expression or activity, also exist82. It has
TRN models can be built even for species with poorly been estimated that typical bacterial genomes carry up to
characterized TRNs, as sufficient quantities of relevant 300 sRNA genes and that these sRNAs play a crucial part
high-throughput data can be generated in a systematic in the control of cellular functions, including metabolism
manner. and virulence83. The process of finding sRNAs in bacte-
rial genomes is reasonably well-established84, but find-
Step four: applications of TRN models. Analyses ing mRNA targets for these sRNAs is still challenging. A
performed using TRN models have identified novel number of experimental and computational techniques
regulatory interactions and predicted general patterns have been devised to determine the targets of sRNAs at
of cellular behaviour. For example, a previous effort the genome-wide scale (reviewed in REFs 82,85), which
combined a comprehensive literature-based reconstruc- will accelerate the process of mapping comprehensive
tion of the TRN that controls metabolism in E. coli with sRNA regulatory networks. Initial systems studies of
expression profiling of single and double transcription- the known sRNA regulatory network in E. coli have
factor deletion strains to improve the ability of an indicated that sRNA regulation acts in concert with
integrated regulatory and metabolic network model to transcriptional regulation to provide mechanisms that
predict phenotypes and expression changes61. Similarly, allow tight, condition-dependent regulation of target
when predictions from the H. salinarum model70 were protein levels86.
compared with experimental data, a number of novel
regulators for key cellular processes in this archaeon integration of network reconstructions
were identified. once two or more of the five different types of networks
Technologies for mapping TRNs are maturing described above have been reconstructed for a target
rapidly and promise to allow largely automated recon- organism, they can be integrated to form computational
struction of these types of networks in the near future. GENREs and computational GEms that span a high
major challenges still remain in modelling TRNs in a number of cellular activities.
physicochemically realistic fashion and in integrating The integration of TRN and metabolic networks
TRNs with other cellular processes. The signalling path- has received the most attention to date because these
ways that lead to the activation of transcription factors two network types have been most comprehensively
are also less understood than the TRN itself and the reconstructed61,76,87 (see Supplementary information
experimental techniques for mapping these pathways S1 (table) for metabolic networks). TRNs regulate
are not as well developed as TRN mapping methods metabolism by modulating active enzyme concentra-
(discussed below). tions, and subsequently by controlling the maximum

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Metabolism Transcription and Translation sRNA regulation

Macromolecules Amino acids Protein
Coenzymes mRNA
Regulation of
Building blocks transcription sRNA

Transcription factors State on or off

ATP and GTP External signal
metabolites +
Anabolism Off
Energy Regulation of

Transcriptional regulation Two-component signalling

Figure 2 | Network integration: the interface between different types of reconstruction. TheReviews
Nature ultimate| Microbiology
goal of
network reconstruction is to fully represent every component of the cell and define the interactions between them.
Reconstruction of metabolism, transcriptional regulation, and transcriptional and translational networks is currently
possible (see the main text), but to date most emphasis has been put on metabolic reconstruction. Incorporation of small
RNAs (sRNA) and two-component signalling interactions are future areas of reconstruction in which reconstruction
technologies and development are needed. For integration of networks, the interplay between each of the processes
needs to be defined to fully connect each of the major cellular functions.

flux levels through reactions. The levels of metabolites, need to seek chemical representation of TRNs. Working
in turn, regulate gene expression and thus the two towards this aim, a small-scale integration of the three
networks are an integrated process. networks has been produced87, foreshadowing what is to
Integration of metabolism and transcription and come at the genomic scale.
translation processes is straightforward in princi-
ple. on the one hand, transcription and translation Conversion to a computational model
requires energy and building blocks, such as nucle- Integrated network reconstructions, which are essentially
otides and amino acids, as inputs, and therefore these two-dimensional annotations88, can be used to build
processes are constrained by the ability of the meta- GEms that represent the functions of integrated networks
bolic network to produce these precursors48. on the to make phenotypic predictions (FIG. 2). This conversion
other hand, the transcription and translation processes mathematically describes the reactions that have been
exert demands on the metabolic network function and shown to take place in a network of interest1 and therefore
thus limit other metabolic functions48. Furthermore, represents the conversion of a BiGG knowledge base into a
the TR–TR network feeds back to the metabolic net- GEm. The use of computational approaches to interrogate
work by controlling the levels of the enzymes in the the properties of GEms has been described2. GEms have
metabolic network. been used for experimentation in three ways4: to discover
Although GENREs that include three or more differ- missing content in a reconstruction, to understand inte-
ent networks have not been produced, they should be grated physiological process and to prospectively design
achievable. In principle, each network can be described experiments and physiological processes. The first topic
by a stoichiometric matrix once the underlying reactions is germane to this Review, as it is aimed at systematically
have been determined. Stoichiometric matrices for discovering the missing content of a reconstruction.
metabolism have been produced (‘m’ matrix), and a
stoichiometric matrix format for TR–TR reactions (‘E’ the effects of missing network content
matrix), which form the expression state of networks, An important issue in the conversion of a network recon-
is also achievable131. TRN reconstruction (‘o’ matrix) struction into a predictive computational model is the
in bacteria can be based on the operon structure of a coverage and accuracy of available data from which the
genome and could also be described by a correspond- network was reconstructed. Therefore, it is important to
Stoichiometric matrix
ing stoichiometric matrix, once the underlying chemical understand the impact and influence network components
A matrix that contains the
stoichiometric coefficients for reactions have been defined. Given that stoichiometric can have on computational results. Intended-use examples
the reactions that constitute a matrices can be integrated in a one-step process, an of in silico models are used to help understand this issue.
network. The rows represent ‘omE’ matrix that describes the integrated network can Qualitative predictions obtained using GEms (for
the compounds, the columns be formulated. Currently, however, TRNs are described example, will an organism grow during a particular envi-
represent the chemical
transformations and the entries
by a set of logistical statements and, although a matrix ronmental or genetic perturbation, or does gene expres-
represent the stoichiometric format has been developed for Boolean statements77, sion increase or decrease) are likely to be less sensitive than
coefficients. which has enabled network integration, we ultimately quantitative predictions (for example, what is the cellular

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growth rate or what level of gene expression is expected) Conclusions

to errors in network content. This is because qualitative The reconstruction process relies on work flows that
predictions are compared with binary outcomes (dig- organize and integrate various data types and other
ital outcomes), rather than a range of numerical values relevant information about the network of interest.
(analogue outcomes). If qualitative predictions regarding over the past 10 years, the development of work flows
growth phenotypes are being generated, omitting an indi- for genome-scale metabolic networks has increased
vidual reaction from a network will not affect the results. to the point at which they represent BiGG knowledge
For example, individually removing approximately 87% bases and are in wide use. more recently, similar meth-
of the 2,077 reactions from an E. coli metabolic model ods have been developed for other cellular processes,
(iAF1260 (REF. 30)) did not affect the qualitative growth such as transcriptional regulation, transcription and
predictions for a particular environmental condition. translation. The implementation of these work flows
In-depth studies have been performed to assess the for a growing number of organisms should accelerate
influence of individual network components, input systems analysis in a single organism, in communities
parameters and the querying methods that are used to of organisms and phyla. The work flows reviewed here
probe GEms on computational predictions. The results have been implemented and have enabled a wide range
from these studies can be used to gauge the influence of of analyses4. To facilitate wider use and the develop-
the content of reconstructions. For example, these analyses ment of additional analysis procedures, improvements
examine input and output values30,43,89,90, biomass objective in the distribution of GENREs are needed. Two areas
function composition30,40,43,91,92, querying methods93,94 and that will aid distribution and usage are the standardiza-
network components90,95–100. TRNs and TR–TR networks tion of a reconstruction format (for example, SBml101
are less developed and are expected to be more difficult to (Systems Biology markup language; see Further
assess than metabolic networks owing to the highly non- information) and available reconstruction databases,
linear structure of some components of the network, the if accessible.
higher number of interactions that are typically observed It is expected that the reconstruction process will
per component and the greater amount of missing knowl- continue to grow in scope, depth and accuracy, and
edge in these networks. missing regulatory interactions enable a broadening spectrum of basic and applied
between transcription factors and metabolic target genes studies. The availability of high-quality comprehensive
in the network would thus be expected to have a moderate reconstructions will accelerate the implementation of
effect on predictive abilities, as the regulation is likely to the systems biology paradigm (biological components
be highly redundant. to networks to computational models to phenotypic
These initial studies demonstrate the necessity to studies), which will help us realize the broad trans-
identify the scope and intention of GENRE applications formative potential of this paradigm in the life sciences.
a priori and further show how computational analysis Network reconstructions are necessary for us to build
can help identify missing components and errors when a mechanistic genotype–phenotype relationship. To
computational results are compared with biological func- date, quantitative genotype–phenotype relationships
tions. This model-driven gap-filling approach is expected have been best established for bacterial metabolism4,
to continue to develop and lead to GEms with improved and this Review should help new practitioners build
predictive capabilities. such relationships for their target organisms.

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