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Ncu Startup.

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valid for

Software Version

Requirements for Upgrade ........................................................................................... 2

1.1 System software 2
1.2 Tools 2
1.3 General requirements for upgrade 2
1.4 Data backup 3
1.5 Upgrading from CCU 1 to CCU 3 3
1.6 Upgrading from CCU 2 to CCU 3 4
Upgrading to CCU 3.4 with PLC 314C-2DP.................................................................. 4
Notes .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.7 Spindle dynamics 5
1.8 Spindle setpoint display 5
1.9 Upgrading to CCU3 / "Handling" function 5
1.10 Output specifications of predefined auxiliary functions 5
1.11 Changes in Safety machine data (06.05.35) 6
1.12 NCU system resources 6
1.13 M06 auxiliary function output after block search 6
General Notes on Software Upgrades ......................................................................... 6
New Software Version after Hardware Replacement.................................................. 7
General Restrictions ..................................................................................................... 9
Functional Improvements from Version to Version 10

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Requirements for Upgrade

Software version (NCK 51.29.00) is a software update version. The NCK functionality
basically corresponds to software version (NCK 51.15.00).
The upgrade instructions for software versions and are the basis for an upgrade
to version

The current upgrade instructions are part of the delivery releases in ProdIS Update.

1.1 System software

Export versions
Part number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6DY30-5AH0 NCU system software 2 axes NCU *.4, NCU *.5
6FC5250-6CY30-5AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4, NCU *.5
6FC5250-6BY30-5AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU *.5
6FC5250-6AY30-5AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU *.5
6FC5450-6AY30-5AH0 CCU system software CCU 3.*
Standard versions (subject to export restrictions)
Part number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6CX30-5AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4, NCU *.5
6FC5250-6BX30-5AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU *.5
6FC5250-6AX30-5AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU *.5
6FC5450-6AX30-5AH0 CCU system software CCU 3.*

1.2 Tools

• 6FC5250-6AY00-3AG0 (...-4AG0) SinuCom NC with SinuCom FFS.

SinuCom FFS must be used to program the PC card with SW 6.4.13 and higher.
• 6FC5252-6AX21-5AG0 Toolbox V06.05.02 with basic PLC program 06.05.02.
The basic PLC program of Toolbox 6.3.3 can be used. An upgrade is not mandatory.
• PG/PC with STEP 7 V5.2 and higher and optional online MPI link.
Current documentation for SW 6 with additional function-related information.

1.3 General requirements for upgrade

Before upgrading the NCK ensure that at least 50KB dynamic memory is available for each channel. This
can be checked in MD18050 INFO_FREE_MEM_DYNAMIC. If less memory is available, additional
memory must be provided by extending MD18210 USER_MEM_DYNAMIC. If this is not possible, a more
powerful CPU must be used, or unused memory must be released. The machine data, which are identified
in the list as D-RAM, are suitable for this purpose.
An additional 50KB of static memory should be available. This can be checked with MD18060
INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC. If the available memory is insufficient, memory space can be freed by
unloading NC programs.
Set machine data 11210 UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY = FF, 11220 INI_FILE_MODE = 1 or 2.

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1.4 Data backup

Before the NCK is upgraded, a backup must be made to permit recovery of the machine's current
database. This is done by creating a series startup file (see general instructions for software

In addition to the NCK backup, a PLC backup must be created. This backup must be performed
with the PLC in Stop state. Set S4 on the NCU module to position 2. This will switch the PLC to
the Stop state.

If you want to upgrade the basic PLC program you will need STEP 7. For this, you will have to
install the new Toolbox via SETUP. You also need the customer project of this system. The
required blocks are transferred from the new Toolbox library to the customer project (or a copy).
OBs FC12 and DB 4 must not be transferred (these are blocks for creating new user programs)
because they have been modified by the machine manufacturer. After replacing the NCK
software, transfer the blocks to the PLC by using STEP 7. A new PLC series startup file must be

• Replacing the software

Switch off the control and replace the PC card. The card stays in the control.
Set switch S3 to position 1, set S4 to position 3 and switch on the control. When it has powered
up, the state "7-segment display shows digit 6 / PLC LED PS flashes / PF red" is established.
The NC standard machine data have now been loaded. NC and PLC are cleared.
The PLC is started up by switching S4 from position 3 to position 0
=> S4 in position 3 => S4 in position 0. Now the PLC must switch to Run mode.
Set S3 to position 0.
You can check the software version in menu Diagnosis/Service Displays/Version.

• Loading the backups

Once the manufacturer password has been set, the NCK backup can be loaded in menu
Services/Series startup/Load startup archive/ after selecting the backup file.
Once completed, the PLC backup can be loaded.
Once the PLC backup file has been loaded you must switch the system off and on again so that
all components are powered up at the same time.

1.5 Upgrading from CCU 1 to CCU 3

• NC backup CCU 1
The drive boot files must be saved in ASCII format so that they can be loaded into the CCU 3.
For that, you will need to create an upgrade archive with the setting
• Standard startup CCU 3
When standard startup of the CCU 3 is complete, be sure to note down the value of MD18210
• Loading the upgrade archive
The name of drive machine data 1254 has been changed. That is why the following message is
read out when you load the upgrade archive:
Drive x: Line x: Entry not found in ACC file: N1254 $MD_SPACE_VECTOR_FILTER_TIME
Notice !
MD1254 is assigned default values. Check against the data backup whether the value is now
different from the default (0.5 millisecs).

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• DRAM expansion
After loading the upgrade archive, MD $MN_USER_MEM_DYNAMIC should be reset to the
default value of the CCU 3.
• Important changes to standard machine data
MD10072=1 MD10072=0.5
MD10134=3 MD10134=6
MD28070=30 MD28070=38
MD28520=1 MD28520=3

1.6 Upgrading from CCU 2 to CCU 3

Memory problems may occur when upgrading a CCU 3 with a CCU 2 series startup file because the
SRAM memory expansion of the CCU 2 is not defined with option data. On the CCU 3, any SRAM
memory greater than the basic complement (768KB) is defined by options. In that case, part programs
must be unloaded from the CCU 2 before the series startup file is created, so that the series startup can
be reloaded without any problem. If it is not possible to load all the programs again, memory options must
be upgraded.
The CCU 3e software can be flashed. The flash procedure is marked with number 8 on the 7-segment
display and takes about 2 minutes. The end of the flash procedure is displayed with number 9.

Upgrading to CCU 3.4 with PLC 314C-2DP

With CCU 3.4, the PLC 314C-2DP has also been introduced for SINUMERIK 810D analog to the *.4
NCUs. The order number is 6FC5410-0AY03-1AA0.
• Requirements for upgrade:
- STEP 7 version >= 5.1 service pack 2, hotfix 3 or STEP 7 on HMI version >= 5.1 with service pack 3
- CCU software version >= 6.5.26
- PLC firmware version >= 10.60.22
- Toolbox >= 6.3.2
- Basic PLC program >= 6.3.2
- HMI ADV version >= 5.3.20, >= 6.1.15 or >= 6.2.12, 6.3.xx, 6.4.xx
- HMI EMB version >= 6.2.34.
If PLC projects with S7 hardware configurations are to be accepted, a new PLC hardware
configuration will have to be created or adapted. For this purpose, the PLC CPU 314C-2DP must be
integrated into the hardware configuration (e.g. through replacement of components).
The hardware components are available after the installation of Toolbox V 06.05.02 under the STEP 7
hardware configuration. The programming tool STEP 7 and knowledge of SIMATIC STEP 7 are
• PLC changes compared to PLC 315-2DP
- The performance is faster by an approximate factor of 3
- Max. user memory 480KB
- Min. of 16, max. of 32 PROFIBUS slaves / size SDB 2000 <= 32KB
- 256 timers
- 256 counters.

• NC performance
The GX1 processor is now clocked with 266MHz (previously 233MHz).

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1.7 Spindle dynamics

The machine data for describing the spindle dynamics must be set so that they approximately correspond
to the actual dynamics of the spindle. If the values are increased unnecessarily, alarms may be issued
during the changeover from spindle to positioning mode.

1.8 Spindle setpoint display

The spindle setpoint display in the HMI spindle window is no longer affected by the content of MD 22410
$MC_F_VALUES_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET. The response is now as follows:


When the spindle is at zero speed, set speed "0" is displayed.
M3 S100
g4 F2
M5 Setpoint display on HMI "0" rpm


When the spindle is at zero speed, set speed "100" is displayed.
M3 S100
g4 F2

1.9 Upgrading to CCU3 / "Handling" function

In SW 6.4 and higher the "Handling" function is no longer available in the default version, but can be
implemented via loadability. This means that the technological function "Handling" must be obtained via
eSupport or from Siemens sales. See the upgrade instructions for the compile cycles for additional

1.10 Output specifications of predefined auxiliary functions

Machine data $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC introduced with SW 6.4 may cause incompatibilities during
auxiliary function output. If required, the output specifications of predefined auxiliary functions can be
adjusted via machine data $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC. The output specifications of user-defined
auxiliary functions can be defined via machine data $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_SPEC.

The order of the output specifications' significance is as follows:

$MC_AUXFU_GROUP_SPEC[ grpindex ]
This means that the predefined output specifications always apply to the predefined auxiliary functions.
- In SW 6.4 and higher, the spindle M functions (e.g. M3/M4/M5) are output by default prior to the
traversing movement, even though MD $MC_AUXFU_M_SYNC_TYPE=1 (output during the
movement). However, the time the spindle M functions are to be output can be adjusted in MD
- The predefined auxiliary functions cannot be overwritten during configuration of user-defined auxiliary
functions. Alarm "4185 channel K1 illegal configuration of an auxiliary function…" will be output in this
This alarm will be also be output, if illegal auxiliary function groups have been defined.
This was not monitored in software versions < 6.4.9.

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M3 placed into the fifth auxiliary function group, although only the second group is permissible.
- The spindle auxiliary functions M1=40 through M1=45 are now assigned to the fourth auxiliary
function group by default (see MD $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_GROUP).
- In SW 6.4 and higher, the master spindle address extension is automatically output at the interface on
programming M40 through M45.

1.11 Changes in Safety machine data (06.05.35)

The maximum values of the following machine data have been increased.

- safe_velo_switch_delay Î 10 min.
- safe_stop_switch_time_c Î 10 min.
- safe_stop_switch_time_d Î 10 min.
- safe_stop_switch_time_e Î 10 min.
- safe_pulse_disable_delay Î 10 min.

1.12 NCU system resources

In "Reset" status, the load imposed on the NCU by the position controller and interpolator should not
exceed 60-65%. The current load can be checked under Diagnostics/System resources.

1.13 M06 auxiliary function output after block search

With standard machine data and definition of an auxiliary function group for M6, this M function is no
longer output as of NCK Software Version 51.20.00 and Version 67.00.00 after block search.

1. Remedy:
Redeclaration from M06 to L06

2. Remedy:
Mx = 06

3. Remedy:
Change the auxiliary function group M6 included in MD 22040 $mc_auxfu_predef_group[>=5] into a free
MD 22040 $mc_auxfu_predef_group[5]=5

General Notes on Software Upgrades

• Before the upgrade, series startup files and upgrade files must be created, which only contain
machine data that differ from the default values.
Machine data 11210 UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY = FF is to be set for this purpose.
This ensures that the machine data contain the originally set values after a software update even
in the case of differing standard preassignments as a result of the respective software versions.
However, machine data with the protection level "System" should be set to the default values
applicable to the relevant software version. A data backup generated with 11210

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UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY = FF contains the machine data with their current values which
differ from their defaults.

• In order to ensure that the machine data with the protection level "System" contain default values
after a software update, it is essential to save the series startup file and upgrade file without "line
check sum". Machine data 11230 MD_FILE_STYLE bit 0 = 0 is to be set for this purpose.

• If the series startup file with the protection level "Manufacturer" generated by
UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY = FF and MD_FILE_STYLE bit 0=0 is read in again, then the
machine data with protection level "System" are not overwritten with the values from the backup
files. They are set to the default values applicable to the relevant software version. This ensures
that no obsolete settings are carried over which might not be executable with new software.

• After the data has been read in, the alarm log contains alarm 4075 "Data not changed because of
lack of access rights". This alarm indicates that default values for system data have not been

• If this procedure is not possible without line check sum (for example with a defective NCU), then a
machine data file should be generated with UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY=FF after the
upgrade, and the machine data it contains should be checked. In this case, the following data in
particular should be checked to see that they have their default settings.


Alternatively, an existing file can be modified with the tool SinuComArc, by deleting the machine
data listed above (areas: Global.ini, Chan.ini, Initial.ini).

The channel machine data 28070 NUM_BLOCKS_IN_PREP must be checked. The settings have
often been modified by manufacturer-specific applications, for example memory and time
optimizations. In the event of problems, at least the default values should be set here.

New Software Version after Hardware Replacement

• If an NCU is replaced by new hardware, it may happen that the old software version is no longer
executable. It therefore also has to be upgraded to a newer software version by trained service
personnel. In this connection, as from software version 3.7, in each case the last released version
of the software series must be used (e.g. 3.7.20, 4.4.39, 6.2.10 etc.) with which the new NCU can
be operated.

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• The prerequisite for upgrading is the possibility of

- editing NCU data backups

- starting up drives
- starting up the PLC

and the availability of the necessary tools (e.g. SinuComArc, commissioning tool, STEP 7, etc...).

• Memory configuration problems can occur while reading in the data backups, as "old" settings
were also backed up in the data backups (see general notes).
In this case, particular attention has to be paid to MD18210 USER_MEM_DYNAMIC and
MD18230 USER_MEM_BUFFERED. The following data also have to be checked to see that they
have their default settings.


Alternatively, an existing file can be modified with the tool SinuComArc, by deleting the machine
data listed above (areas: Global.ini, Chan.ini, Initial.ini).

The channel machine data 28070 NUM_BLOCKS_IN_PREP must be checked. The settings have
often been modified by manufacturer-specific applications, for example memory and time
optimizations. In the event of problems, at least the default values should be set here.

In order to be able to check these data, the series startup file and upgrade file must be processed
with the tool SinuComArc. One checks whether these data are in the backup before then deleting
them. This does not overwrite the new default values.
After reading in the edited data backup, the control should then be started. Memory options still
have to be checked.

• Notes:
The data backups cannot be edited with conventional editors (e.g. Word) and then read in again.

Drive data (BOT files):

There is an internal converter for BOT files, which ensures that drive data backups can be read
into various software versions. However, the converter cannot be guaranteed to work for all
software upgrade combinations. Boot file conversion is not provided until drive software version
06.01.01. It may also happen that the drives have to be restarted after an upgrade.

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General Restrictions

- If STEP 7 version 5.3 is being used, the Toolbox has to be installed if projects (including PLC blocks)
containing hardware components of the Toolbox are to be processed.
- Slave operation of the PROFIBUS is not possible with CCU3.4 / NCU*.4. If such a configuration is
required, it must be implemented with a CP module or an NCU *.5.
- Function G643 (block-internal smoothing) has been released for applications in the tool change area
(e.g. optimizations for approaching the tool change position).
It is not enabled for applications in the machining process.
- The functions FCUB and FLIN in combination with the compressor COMPCAD have not been released.
- NCUs nnn.3: The PCU 50 can only be shut down with the Exit button in emergency stop mode if PLC
firmware version < 12.30.10 is used.
- NCUs nnn.4: The PCU 50 can only be shut down with the Exit button in emergency stop mode if PLC
firmware version < 10.60.17 is used.
- With the NCU 573.3, it is no longer possible to enable 10 channels and 31 axes at the same time.
That number is now limited to 8 channels. This restriction does not apply to the replacement type 573.3
- The number of channels is limited to 6 for NCU 572.3 / 572.4, 31-axis software. This restriction does not
apply to the replacement types 572.3 (6FC5357-0BB23-0AA*) and 572.4 (6FC5357-0BB24-0AA*).
- The number of axes including the DMP block is limited to 31. If, for example, a DMP block is used with
31-axis software, a total of 30 axes is still possible.

Functional Improvements from Version to Version

AP00307709 AP00307970 AP00307986 AP00438261 AP00455048
AP00572416 AP00578149 AP00588238 AP00592891 AP00603032
AP00603078 AP00623018 AP00632328 AP00635850 AP00646390
AP00650954 AP00666267 AP00679387 AP00683095 AP00701094
AP00719121 AP00740569

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