Rehabilitation After Stroke PDF
Rehabilitation After Stroke PDF
Rehabilitation After Stroke PDF
600 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(36): 600–6
Overall 60–90%
Impaired regulation of breathing 20–60%
Dysphagia 35–70%
Aspiration pneumonia 10–20%
Urinary tract infection 10–30%
Pain 15–40%
Depression 15–25%
Simplified diagram of the time course of susceptibility to compli- Recurrent stroke 5–30%
cations and of functional recovery during rehabilitation after stroke.
The phases of rehabilitation (A–D) are indicated below. Epileptic seizures 10%
Myocardial infarction 2–6%
Congestive heart failure 3–10%
Cardiac arrest / arrhythmia 2–8%
surprisingly well from a stroke. The decisive factor Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 3–5%
here is the brain’s reserve capacity, i.e., the absence of
pre-existing damage in the form of subclinical vascular Deep vein thrombosis (lower limb) 2–4%
lesions. Accordingly, persons who had led an active Decubitus ulcer 1–4%
lifestyle till just before the stroke (7) and those with no Pulmonary embolism 1%
more than a minor degree of leukoaraiosis (pre-existing
white-matter damage) have been found to recover par-
ticularly well from stroke. In fact, the beneficial effect
of not having leukoaraiosis is of comparable magnitude
to that of thrombolysis. Thus, pre-existing brain
damage is more important than age as a determinant of Thanks to modern stroke unit care and neurological
the chance of recovery (8). intensive-care medicine, 20% more patients survive
their strokes today than 20 years ago, but those who
Available types of rehabilitation survive are also more severely affected early on than
Another relevant factor for the success of rehabilitation their historical counterparts (10). These patients’ out-
after stroke is the available infrastructure for rehabili- come depends nearly entirely on the prevention and
tative care. In Germany, a stepwise (phased) model of management of complications, notably (Table):
rehabilitation for stroke patients prevails, as recom- ● impaired control of breathing
mended by the Nationwide Rehabilitation Task Force ● dysphagia
(Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation); in this ● aspiration pneumonia
model, the available broad spectrum of rehabilitative ● recurrent stroke
measures can be exploited to a greater or lesser extent, ● urinary tract infection
partially or sequentially, depending on the patient’s in- ● sugar and electrolyte disturbances
dividual needs (Figure 1). Emergency care in a stroke ● cardiac arrhythmia
unit is called Phase A, while early neurological reha- ● thrombosis.
bilitation constitutes Phase B of treatment and rehabili- The early Scandinavian experience revealed that
tation, characterized by a still high demand for medical stroke patients are more likely to make a good recovery
treatment (sometimes including intensive care). In if they are hospitalized in a stroke unit rather than on a
Phase C of post-stroke rehabilitation, patients can ac- general medical ward, even if they are not treated with
tively participate in their therapy but still need medical thrombolysis (11). The specialization and focusing of
treatment and nursing assistance. Phase D is the phase medical teams has markedly lowered the mortality and
right after early mobilization; strictly speaking, this morbidity of acute stroke (9, 12). More empirical data
phase corresponds to the idea of rehabilitation in the are needed before we can say whether the same holds
narrower definition of post hospital curative treatment. true for early neurological rehabilitation.
Phase E consists of occupational reintegration, Phase F Functional recovery is based on the restitution of
of continuing measures to support, maintain, or im- brain tissue and on the relearning of, and compensation
prove function. for, lost functions. Brain tissue restitution involves an
In the early phase after stroke, the patient’s progno- interlinked cascade of biological processes (Figure 2)
sis is determined mainly by potential complications due (14, 15). It has not yet been directly observed in man;
to the disturbance of elementary brain functions (9). we thus do not yet know how variable it is from one
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patient to the next, to what extent it can be influenced trials have been carried out to date. On the other hand,
by current modes of treatment, and whether it might be small-scale controlled trials can point to the basic prin-
promoted by specific drug therapy with inflammatory ciples underlying functional recovery. Such trials have
modulators, growth factors, or other agents. The spon- shown that the main factors affecting outcome are
taneous restitution of brain tissue takes time and is the individual adaptation of therapy and the intensity and
underlying mechanism for the recovery of wakefulness, frequency of training (18).
attention, swallowing, and mobility that is often
observed over weeks after a stroke. The recovery of motor function
Lost functions can be compensated for or relearned The rehabilitation of walking
after stroke because of the complexity and plasticity of In our experience, various formalized physiothera-
the human brain. The complexity of the brain, with peutic methods, such as proprioceptive neuromuscular
over one trillion specified synaptic nerve connections, facilitation or the methods of Bobath and Vojta, are all
is genetically determined only in its coarse structure about equally effective (19). All are based on the
(16). At a finer level, synapses are specified by a pro- transfer of learned performance from one motor task to
cess of plastic adaptation that depends on interaction another. The Bobath method, for example, involves in-
with the environment. Thus, for example, the part of the tensive preparatory training for walking in the sitting
brain that normally becomes the visual cortex can grow and standing positions. In the rehabilitation of stance
to subserve language or tactile perception if visual and gait, a task-specific repetitive approach is increas-
input is lacking during development because of con- ingly being used in addition to conventional therapeutic
genital blindness (17). While complexity enables func- approaches: i.e., the motor task to be learned must be
tional compensation, the inherent adaptive plasticity of practiced by repeating it as many times as possible.
the system enables functional reorganization. Relearn- We recommend organizing the temporal course of
ing and compensation are intertwined. Functional rehabilitation in three transitional phases with different
recovery benefits from stepwise training, beginning goals, corresponding to the patient’s deficit at the time
with simple and supported functions and moving on- of each phase:
ward to complex and increasingly automatic sensori- ● the bedridden patient is mobilized out of bed;
motor interactions. Large-scale randomized and ● the patient, having been mobilized into a wheel-
controlled trials of specific modes of therapy are hard chair, learns to walk again;
to conduct, both because of the heterogeneity of func- ● the patient, having regained the ability to walk,
tional disturbances after stroke (site and extent of learns to do so rapidly and steadily, also under the
lesions, degree of pre-existing brain damage, and sever- prevailing conditions of everyday life.
ity of neurological deficit) and because of the difficulty Very early mobilization of stroke patients has been
of recruiting patients; thus, no more than a few such shown to lead to significantly better functional
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604 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(36): 600–6
(Box). Precise data are unavailable, as these effects Manuscript submitted on 5 October 2010; revised version accepted on
21 March 2011.
depend both on the severity of the stroke and on the
extent of pre-existing damage.
Because the structure of ambulatory care has im- Translated from the original German by Ethan Taub, M.D.
proved in recent years, early hospital discharge pro-
grams for geriatric stroke patients are now being tested
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Corresponding author
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Knecht
Universitätsklinikum Münster
D-48129 Münster, Germany
[email protected]
606 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(36): 600–6
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