ICP Debrief Form - Task 1

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Introduction to Collaborative Practice 2015/2016

Preparation for de-brief Feedback Tutorial: Task 1

Name: Grace Galloway

Matriculation Number: 1500022934
ICP Group Number: Group 16

As part of the de-brief session with your Group and the Assessment panel, you are required to
individually talk to us about your involvement in the collaborative process. In preparation, please write
a statement below in response to the three areas listed.

You should print out this statement and pass it to the Assessment panel at the end of the de-brief
feedback tutorial.

1. A synopsis of your involvement in the process AND presentation.

Within the process of making our presentation, I felt that at first, our group was very
reluctant to collaborating or even talking to each other. I found that I initially began the
conversation and starting noting down ideas. I feel I was the only person in the group, at the
beginning, who actually actively started putting ideas forward and getting the group up on
its feet. In the first session, for the first two hours (these were the ones without the booked
room) the group decided to sit in the coffee shop over the road from Spiers Lock Studios. I
found this very unproductive so I started a discussion about what ideas we could put
forward. I put forward the idea of looking at each person’s stereotypes within their subject
which I found was popular within the group. I asked the group to pass around pieces of
paper with each subject on, and write down words that spring to mind when they think of
that art form. We then shared this with the rest of the group, and I lead this conversation,
by asking the majority of the questions and letting others have their say. Over the next
couple of weeks, I took a back seat as the presentation evolved, as the DFTV student, took
the main lead in producing the video for the presentation. I then wrote the live speaking
part for the Actor and Musical theatre part of the presentation, but gave this to the two
actors in my group to say. The week before the presentation, the group decided they
wanted an introduction to the speaking part of the presentation, so I volunteered to write
and speak this on the day. I found that this was a good opportunity to show the leadership
that I had taken throughout the process, in the actual final product. I was extremely happy
with my involvement and feel that without my input, we wouldn’t have even started a
conversation that lead to what we created.
2. What was your individual strength in the collaborative process?
I feel that my main individual strength in the process was my leadership. I feel that I was the
main decision maker in the group. A lot of the students in my group were not used to being
surrounded with many different personalities, therefore I feel that by taking the lead, this
gave the others some room to understand each other and made the use of our time much
more effective. I also feel that my confidence as a performer helped the group a lot. I was
not as nervous as others to get up in front of a group and talk about our collaborative
process. This, I feel, brought confidence to the other people in my group, and made them
give a more convincing, self-assured talk to the rest of the RCS. This is why I started the live
talking section off, so that people could replicate a confident way to portray what they are
3. What areas might you have been more effective in your contribution to the process
and presentation?
I feel that our video was one of the main parts of the presentation. I didn’t have much
involvement within this as my skills do not lie in this specific field. I also feel that in the
video, one of my groupmates took the lead, which was a big responsibility and a lot of
pressure. I feel like I could have relieved some of that pressure by being more involved as a
performer in the video. This disappointed me, as my chosen subject, is all about performing.
By not getting a chance to fully perform within the video was a shame, but the overall end
product was professional and polished, which was our aim.

Name: Grace Galloway
Matriculation Number: 1500022934
ICP Group Number: Group 16

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