Laplace Derivatif
Laplace Derivatif
Laplace Derivatif
Abstract: This paper proposes a hybrid approach for the enhancement of aerial images obtained from UAV/MAV
cameras. Aerial images are prone to many undesirable effects such as non-uniform lighting, turbidity due to haze and
other atmospheric noise. The aim of the proposed scheme is to achieve the enhancement, where the existing techniques
relying on Wavelet based Dynamic Range Compression (WDRC) algorithm followed by Local Contrast Enhancement
(LCE) fails to achieve desired results. The processing involves both spatial and frequency domain operations which
have been carried out through the implementation of post-processing techniques to those images which have still very
poor contrast after the application of WDRC and LCE. The post processing techniques involve the use of histogram
equalization, removal of noisy artifacts and Laplacian sharpening in a sequential order. The scheme was used for the
enhancement of a series of aerial images obtained from MAV camera on flight. Images enhanced by the scheme are
found to be of much better clarity and vividness, especially in the case of images acquired by MAV inbuilt cameras.
Keywords: Aerial image processing, Laplacian Sharpening, Local contrast enhancement Spatial/Frequency domains,
Wavelet-based Dynamic Range Compression.
Unmanned Air Vehicles like UAVS and MAVs have thresholding and filtering. A technique based on digital
small inbuilt cameras to take photographs (aerial images) photogrammetric technique for large scaling mapping has
for a number of civil and defence applications. Images been developed by Udin et al [4], which has advantages
taken during the flight from heights above 100m are like low cost, faster and simplicity. A method for
subjected to various undesirable effects due to camera automatic generation of orthophoto mosaics using scale
movement, non-uniform lighting conditions, turbidity, invariant feature transform (SIFT) for automatic key point
haze, fog, clouds etc. This not only causes a significant detection and matching problems has been proposed by
reduction in the clarity of such images, but the important Marcus in [5].
details may be hidden under the noise that contaminates
Many advanced methods have been developed to improve
the image. It is thus obvious that the utility of these
the local contrast of the images. E. Land’s theory [6] has
captured images, unless processed, is very limited.
produced good results in dynamic range compression and
Natural scenes have high dynamic range. Images captured color constancy while MSRCR (Multi-Scale Retinex with
by the cameras are often poor rendition of the natural Color Restoration) [7] is a retinex based algorithm that
scenes. Even though the human eyes have a lesser uses logarithmic compression and spatial convolution. The
dynamic range, the biological system adjusts to it by main drawback of MSRCR is that the color restoration
dynamic range compression and adapting locally to each changes chromatics of the image in an undesirable
part of the scene. The low dynamic range of cameras manner. Adaptive and Integrated Neighborhood
results in the loss of contrast. There are many algorithms Dependent Approach for Nonlinear Enhancement
for dealing with problems regarding limited dynamic (AINDANE) [8] is used for images taken under low
range like global histogram modification, logarithmic illuminance condition, which includes adaptive luminance
compression etc [1]. However, these methods alone enhancement, adaptive contrast enhancement and color
contribute little to enhancement of the quality of images restoration. Locally Tuned Sine Non-Linear (LTSN)
suffered from the above problems. technique [9] is used for extremely high contrast images,
which includes adaptive intensity enhancement, contrast
Considerable research work is under progress, on the enhancement and color restoration. A novel approach for
processing of images obtained from Micro Air Vehicle removing illuminance effect on aerial images taken under
(MAV), in vehicle detection, remote sensing, and non-uniform lightning condition is proposed Ansari and
correction of camera rolling. Manera [2] presents a Arigela [10], where histogram adjustment and color
computational system which automatically processes restoration are used along with WDRC algorithm [1] to
optical and multispectral MAV images. The system improve the visual quality. But this algorithm (Automatic
includes image acquisition, rectification and image WDRC) is not sufficient for images having very poor
mosaicing. Bharati [3] proposes a differential contrast. In the present work, we propose a post-
morphology closing profile for extracting vehicles processing step which improves the visual quality of those
automatically from traffic images, which includes image images with very poor contrast and eliminates noise from
pre-processing, differential morphology profile, the images.
The proposed algorithm comprises mainly of the following
(A) Pre-processing
(B) WDRC and LCE
(i) Wavelet based dynamic range compression
(ii) Local contrast enhancement
(iii) Detail coefficient modification
(C) Color Restoration
(D) Post processing
(i) Histogram Equalization
(ii) Removal of noise effect
(iii) Laplacian Sharpening
These modules are discussed in detail in the following
A. Pre-processing
Histogram adjustment [10] is performed in the spatial
domain to decrease the illuminance effect occurring due to
non-uniform lightning conditions. This effect causes a
linear shift (after assuming nonlinear properties of human
visual system [11 and 12]) in the beginning of the lower
tail of image histograms and may vary in different spectral
bands. This linear shift can be observed in the histogram
plotted in Figure 1 for a given image corrupted by
atmospheric haze and turbidity along with noise. The shift
due to illuminance effect is determined from the lower
tails of the histogram in Figure 1(c), (e) and (g). For
Channels R, G and B the corresponding shifts are 0.2275,
0.2353 and 0.2039. They are then subtracted from all pixel Figure 1: Histogram adjustment. (a) Input image, (b)
values of the respective channels to form adjusted Histogram adjusted image, (c),(e) & (g) Histograms of
histograms in Figure 1(d), (f) and (h). Figure 1(b) shows RGB channels of input image, (d),(f) & (h) Histograms of
the corresponding histogram adjusted image. RGB channels of histogram adjusted image.
B. WDRC and LCE where are the approximation coefficients at scale
WDRC is basically an algorithm to deal with the problems with corresponding scaling function ( ) and
caused by the limited dynamic range of the imaging are the detail coefficients with corresponding wavelet
devices and to improve its visual quality. It has been function .
modified in which is followed here. A single level decomposition using Haar wavelet is
(i) Wavelet-based dynamic range compression: This employed here for better and low noise performance. This
particular operation is performed on the intensity image in is followed by a scaling of the approximation coefficients
frequency domain. Intensity image is taken as the one with by a two sided raised hyperbolic sine function which pulls
maximum value of the three color channels and is given up the smaller coefficients and pulls down the larger ones
by equation (1) as follows. as performed in equation (3).
A new algorithm, incorporating both spatial and frequency
domain analysis for aerial image enhancement is presented
in this paper. The scheme, based on Wavelet-based
Dynamic Range Compression, has been found to be
efficient in enhancing images, particularly aerial images
taken by cameras of MAVs, to desirable levels. The
enhancement to a satisfactory level could be achieved only
through a post processing step which involves histogram
equalization, removal of noise artifacts and Laplacian
sharpening. The enhanced images are found to preserve all
the original details. The algorithm can be easily
implemented and can be used very effectively in a number
of applications of UAVs and MAVs.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to
Dr.S.P.Subramanian, Principal and Prof.M.Suhma,
Head, Dept. of Electronics and Communication, Sreepathy
Institute of Management and Technology, Vavannoor,
Kerala for their technical support and constant
encouragement. They are also grateful to Dr. K. T.
Madhavan, Head, R&D, Sreepathy Institute of
Management and Technology for his valuable ideas and
Figure 5: Performance comparison of proposed method [1] N.Unaldi, K.V.Asari, Z.Rahman,”Fast and robust wavelet-based
dynamic range compression and contrast enhancement model with
with other existing aerial image enhancement methods. (a) color restoration..”SPIEproc”2009).
Input image 1.(b) Input image 2. (c), (d), (e) & (f) are the
[2] Manera. J.F, Lucas Rodr’iguez, Claudio Delrieux and Ricardo
final output images of AINDANE, LTSN, MSRCR and Coppo, “Aerial Image Acquistion and Processing for Remote
proposed methods for input image 1. (g), (h), (i) & (j) are Sensing”, JCS&T vol. 10 No. 2.
the final output images of AINDANE, LTSN, MSRCR and [3] Bharti Sharma, Vinod Kumar Katiyar, Arvind Kumar Gupta and
proposed methods for input image 2. Akansha Singh,”The Automated Vehicle Detection of Highway