Real-Time Stereo Vision For Urban Traffic Scene Understanding

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Proceedings of the

IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2000

Dearborn (MI), USA October 3-5, 2000

Real-time Stereo Vision for Urban Traffic Scene Understanding

U. Franke, A. Joos
DaimlerChrylser AG
D-70546 Stuttgart
HPC: T728
{ uwe.franke, [email protected]
scenes, often vertical edges or corners are
extracted in the stereo images and tracked over
time [2]. A trinocular stereo vision system using
vertical edges is described in [3].
Area-based approaches, commonly based on
correlation techniques, can generate dense depth
maps but are computationally expensive and can
have problems at occlusions. Several approaches
have been implemented for vehicular application,
such as a system by Subaru. They use a block
matching algorithm based on 4x4 pixel blocks
[4]. Another approach [5] uses band-pass filtered
images in order to overcome the difficulties due
to different image intensities of the left and right

This paper presents a precise correlation-based
stereo vision approach that allows real-time
interpretation of traflc scenes and autonomous
Stop&Go on a standard PC. The high speed is
achieved by means of a multi-resolution analysis. It
delivers the stereo disparities with sub-pixel
accuracy and allows precise distance estimates.
Traflc applications using this method are described.

1 Introduction
Within the UTA (Urban Traffic Assistance) project
we have developed modules for understanding urban
traffic scenes [l]. This includes the recognition of
the infrastructure like traffic signs and lights,
crosswalks, arrows and lanes as well as the detection
of obstacles and the recognition of cars and
pedestrians. Fig. 1 shows a typical inner city
situation. The recognised objects are visualised on
the screen: the leading vehicle, two pedestrians, the
lane, the traffic light and the sign.

A key component of our demonstrator vehicle that

has been firstly presented at the Intelligent Vehicles
conference 1998 in Stuttgart is stereo vision. It
allows the detection of arbitrary obstacles and the
estimation of their relative motion at distances up to
50 meters.
One can distinguish between two different
categories of stereo vision: area-based and featurebased approaches. Both of them have pros and cons:
Feature-based systems are usually based on
edges. They provide only sparse depth maps but
can be implemented very efficiently. In indoor

0 2000 IEEE

Fig. I : View out of UTA 11

We have developed two different stereo approaches,

one feature based and one area-based. Both have in
common that they do not require specialised
hardware but are able to run in real-time on todays
standard PC processors. They are sketched and


compared in chapter two and three. Their

applications to obstacle detection and tracking and
analysis of free space in front of the car are given in
chapter four.

epipolar constraint and the fact that the cameras are

mounted with parallel optical axis, pixels with
identical classes must be searched on corresponding
image rows only.
It is obvious that this classification scheme cannot
guarantee uniqueness of the correspondences. In
case of ambiguities, the solution giving the smallest
disparity i.e. the largest distance is chosen to
overcome this problem. This prevents generation of
phantom objects close to the camera caused by
wrong correspondences e.g. in scenes with periodic
structures. In addition, measurements that violate the
ordering constraint are ignored.

2 Real-Time Stereo Analysis based on Local

When we started our work on stereo vision,
computationally too expensive for real-time analysis
using standard processors. Since it was always our
policy to avoid special hardware components, we
developed a feature based approach. It uses a fast
non-linear classification scheme to generate local
features that are used for finding corresponding
points. This scheme classifies each pixel according
to the grey values of its four direct neighbours [6]. It
is verified whether each neighbour is significant
brighter, significant darker or has similar brightness
compared to the considered central pixel. The
similarity is controlled by thresholding the absolute
difference of pixel pairs. This leads to 34=81
different classes. In contrast to schemes that
distinguish between positive and negative vertical
edges only, this scheme is able to encode edges and
corners at different orientations.

Fig.2a shows the left image taken from our stereo

camera system with a base width of 30 cm. The
outcome of the correspondence analysis is a
disparity image, which is the basis for all subsequent
steps described in chapter 4.Fig. 2b visualises such
an image. Of course, the result are noisy due to the
extreme local operation. The advantage of this
approach is its speed. On the currently used 400
MHz Pentium I1 processor this analysis is performed
within 23 milliseconds on images of size 384x256
Two facts might be a problem in some applications..
First, the disparity image is computed with pixel
accuracy only. This problem can simply be
overcome by post-processing. Secondly, the
described algorithm uses a threshold to measure
similarity. Although the value of this threshold turns
out to be uncritical, it is responsible for mismatches
of structures of low contrast.

The correspondence analysis works on these feature

images. The search for possibly corresponding
pixels is reduced to a simple test whether two pixels
belong to the same class. Since our cameras are
mounted horizontally, only classes containing
horizontal details are considered. Thanks to the

Fig 2b: Grey value encoded disparities obtained

by the sketchedfeature based approach


3 Real-Time Stereo Analysis based on

The rapidly increasing computational power allows
to realise area based techniques with real-time
performance nowadays. For applications that require
high precision 3D information and can not accept
the noise level of the above scheme, we developed
Nevertheless, the maximum processing time that we
tolerate is 100 msec per image pair.

In order to reach this challenging goal, we use the

sum-of-squared (SSD) or sum-of-absolute (SAD)
differences criterion instead of expensive cross
correlation to find the optimal fit. In order to avoid
wrong results due to different mean and variance of
the image pairs, we control gain and shutter of our
However, the demand for real-time performance is
still a hard problem. Full brute-force correlation of
9x9 pixel windows requires about 9 seconds for
images of size 384x256, if the maximum disparity is
set to 80 pixel. With an optimised recursive
implementation we achieved typical values of 1.2

To speed up the computation, we use a multiresolution approach in combination with an interest

operator. The idea is to find correspondences on a
coarse level that can be recursively refined. First, a
gaussian pyramid is constructed for the left and right
stereo images (see fig. 3). Areas with sufficient
contrast are extracted by means of a fast horizontal
edge extraction scheme, but any other interest
operator that extracts points of significant horizontal
variance can be used, too.
Pixel with sufficient gradient are marked, from
which a binary pyramid is constructed, as shown in
fig. 3. A pixel (ij) at level n is marked if one of its 4
corresponding pixels at level n-1 is set. A nonmaximum suppression can be applied to the gradient
image in order to further speed up the processing. In
this case, we find about 1100 attractive points at
pyramid level zero (original image level), 700 at
level one, 400 at level 2 and about 150 at level 3 on
an average. Only those correlation windows with the
central pixel marked in these interest images are
considered during the disparity estimation
Depending on the application, the correlation

Fig. 3 left: binary pyramid, middle: Gaussianpyramid for left image, right: correlation pyramid


can be selected. The latter strategy avoids the

erroneous detection of close obstacles caused by
periodic structures.

process starts at level two or three of the pyramid. If

D is the maximum searched disparity at level zero, it
reduces to D/2**n at level n. At level 2 this
corresponds to a saving of computational burden of
about 90% compared to a direct computation at level
zero. Furthermore, smaller correlation windows can
be used at higher levels which again accelerates the

If we start at level 2 (resolution 91x64 pixel), the

total analysis including pyramid construction runs at
about 90 milliseconds on a 400 MHz Pentium. If we
abandon the multi-resolution approach, about 450
milliseconds are necessary to yield comparable
results. This corresponds to a speed up factor of 5.
Starting at higher levels causes problems in our field
of applications, since relevant structures can be lost.

The result of this correlation is then transferred to

the next lower level. Here, only a fine adjustment
has to be performed within a small horizontal search
area of +/- 1 pixel. This process is repeated until the
final level is reached. At this level, subpixel
accuracy is achieved by fitting a parabolic curve
through the computed correlation coefficients.

A disparity image derived by this scheme is shown

in fig. 4 with non-maximum suppression. Since a
larger neighbourhood is taken into account during
processing, the result looks less noisy than the
feature based solution. In fact, only very few
mismatches remain.

The price we have to pay for this fast algorithm is

that mismatches in the first computed level
propagate down the pyramid and lead to serious
errors. Since the quality of the found match cannot
be judged by the measured SSD or SAD, we
compute the normalised cross correlation coefficient
for the best matches at the first (i.e. highest)
correlation level and eliminate bad matches from
further investigations. In addition, a left-right check
can be applied to the disparity image obtained at the
highest pyramid level. In case of ambiguities, the
best match or the match with the smaller disparity

4 Understanding Traffic Scenes using the

Depth Information
The obtained disparity or depth image delivers rich
information for the subsequent processing steps in
our UTA I1 vehicle. This includes obstacle detection
and tracking, but also free space analysis and
obstacle classification. Since the results of both
sketched stereo algorithms are disparity images, the
further processing is independent of the used


4.1 Obstacle Detection

Driving on roads, we regard all objects above
ground level as potential obstacles. If the cameras
are mounted H meters above ground and looking
downwards with a tilt angle a!, all image points
with a disparity d given by

B f..[-Y .cos( a)+ sin( a)]

d = xI - xr = -

H f ,

Fig. 4: Grey value encoded disparity image generated by

the correlation approach. Non-maximum suppression has
been applied to the interest image to speed up processing.
Distance is inverse proportional to the darkness.


lie on the road. Here, B i s the base line and f t h e

focal length measured in pixel in horizontal (x) and
vertical (y) direction. The y-axis is looking

frame to frame in the depth image. For the

estimation of the obstacle distance, the disparities of
the object's feature points are averaged.

downward, the center of the coordinate system is the

optical axis.
The projection of all features above the road plane,
i.e. those with disparities larger than given by the
above equation, yields a two-dimensional depth
map. In this histogram, obstacles show up as peaks.

From the position of the objects relative to the

camera system their motion states i.e. speed and
acceleration in longitudinal as well as lateral
direction are estimated by means of Kalman filters.
For the longitudinal state estimation we assume that
the jerk, i.e. the deviation of the acceleration, of the
tracked objects is small. This is expressed in the
following state model with distance d, Speed v and
acceleration a:

The map shown in fig.5

has been obtained for the
situation shown in fig.2.
It covers an area of 40m
in length and 6m in
width. The hits in the
histogram are clearly
caused by the cars
parking left and right, the
car in front and the
pedestrian. The shown
depth map has been
correlation method. This
map is used to detect
Fig.5: Depth mapfiom objects that are tracked
bird eye s view (see text) subsequently. In each
loop, already tracked
objects are deleted in this depth map prior to the

'1 T



0 0

The index 1 denotes the states of the lead vehicle, the

index e denotes the ego vehicle. T is the cycle time.
The longitudinal motion parameters are the inputs
for a distance controller. A comparable filter
estimates the lateral motion of the leader, taking into
account the yaw rate of our own vehicle.
Camera height and pitch angle are not constant
during driving. Fortunately, the relevant camera
parameters can be efficiently estimated using the
extracted road surface points. Least squares
techniques or Kalman filtering can be used to
minimise the sum of squared residuals between
expected and found disparities. The lane recognition
benefits from this fact.

The detection step delivers a rough estimate of the

object width (2.1 m for the car, 0.9m for the
pedestrian). A rectangular box is fitted to the cluster
of feature points that contributed to the extracted
area in the depth map. This cluster is tracked from

4.2 Free space analysis

Active collision avoidance is the ultimate goal of
driver assistance. A careful evaluation of the depth
map allows to extract free space on the road that
could be used for a jink. Since this evaluation does
not depend on the object grouping described above,
it can be more detailed and does not depend on the
heuristics used to detect and track obstacles.
Averaging and thresholding the depth map with a
distance dependent threshold result in a binary depth
map, from which all visible points on the road plane

Fig. 6: Free space determinedfvom the depth



can be determined. Fig. 6 shows the found free space

overlaid on the original image.

delay neural network that looks for the typical gatepatterns of walking pedestrians. Still pedestrians can
be recognised by means of a shape based approach.
These schemes are described in [8] in detail.

Alternatively, the driving corridor can be estimated

from the depth map, if no other lane boundaries are
present. In [7] this depth map together with the
tracked lead vehicle is used to optimise the path
UTA I1 should drive in order to avoid the collision
with parking cars or suddenly occuring obstacles.

5 Summary
Stereo vision is a powerful approach for the
interpretation of complex scenes. The described
algorithm generates disparity images with sub-pixel
accuracy in real-time on a standard PC. Thus, no
specialized hardware is necessary any longer to
reach this important goal. The scheme has proven
reliability in daily traffic even under bad weather
conditions including rain and snow.

4.3 Obstacle Recognition

In traffic scenes some objects are of special interest:
vehicles and pedestrians. The 3D analysis supports
their recognition in three ways:
1. It detects these objects much more efficiently
and reliably than most monocular approaches
can do.
2. Detected objects can be pre-classified by means
of their precisely measured width and height.
3. Subsequently applied classification schemes can
work on image regions that have been scaled to
standard size.

[ 13 U.Franke, D.Gavrila, SGorzig, F.Lindner, F.Paetzold,

C.Wohler: ,,Autonomous Driving Goes Downtown",

IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 13, No.6, Nov./Dec..
1998, S.40-48
[2] 0.Faugeras: ,,Three-Dimensional Computer Vision",
MIT Press, 1993
[3] L.Kaminski et. al.: ,,A sub-pixel stereo vision system
for cost-effective intelligent vehicle applications",
Intelligent Vehicles '95, 25.126. Sept. 1995, Detroit,
[4] K.Saneyoshi: ,,3-D image recognition system by
means of stereoscopy combined with ordinary image
processing", Intelligent Vehicles '94, 24.-26. Oct.
1994, Paris, pp.13-18
[5] L.Matthies et. al.: ,,Obstacle detection for unmanned
ground vehicles: a progress report", Intelligent
Vehicles '95,25.126. Sept. 1995, Detroit, pp.66-71
[6] U.Franke, 1.Kutzbach:,,Fast Stereo based Object
Detection for Stop&Go", Intelligent Vehicles '96,
Tokyo, 19.120.Sept.1996, S . 339-344
F.Paetzod, U.Franke, W.v.Seelen:"Lane Recognition
in Urban Environment using Optimal Control
Theory", Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles, October
2000, submitted
U.Franke, D.Gavrila, A.Gern, SGoerzig, R.Janssen,
F.Paetzold and C.Wohler: ,,From door to door principles and applications of computer Vision for
driver assistant systems", in Intelligent Vehicle
Technologies: Theorie and Applications, Arnold,

Potential vehicles are scaled to 32x32 pixel,

pedestrians to 64x32 pixel. Fig. 7 shows such
images. A neural network classification scheme
using spatial receptive fields is used to recognise
these objects. This approach is extremely fast, the
average time for scaling and classification is less
than 1 milliseconds.
This approach is sufficient for the recognition of
cars and trucks. However, the recognition of
pedestrians turns out to be more difficult. If the
network is not sure about it's decision, further
classification stages are triggered for that reason.
Moving pedestrians are checked by means of a time-

Fig. 7: Cropped and scaled image regions

for subsequent class8cation


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