Manual-14 en Pile PDF
Manual-14 en Pile PDF
Manual-14 en Pile PDF
Updated: 06/2018
File: Demo_manual_14.gpi
The objective of this engineering manual is to explain the application of the GEO 5 – PILE program
for the analysis of the settlement of a single pile in a specified practical problem.
Problem specification
The general specification of the problem is described in chapter 12. Pile foundations – Introduction.
All analyses of the single pile settlement shall be carried out on the foundations of the previous
problem presented in chapter 13. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile.
We will use the GEO 5 – Piles program to analyse this problem. In the text below we will describe
the solution to this problem step by step.
In this analysis we will calculate the settlement of a single pile using the following methods:
The linear loading curve (solution according to Poulos) is determined from the results
of the calculation of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile. The fundamental input
into the calculation comprises of the pile skin bearing capacity and pile base bearing capacity values
– Rs and Rb . These values are obtained from the previous analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of
a single pile depending on the method applied (NAVFAC DM 7.2, Effective Stress, CSN 73 1002
or Tomlinson).
The nonlinear loading curve (solution according to Masopust) is based on the specification using
the so-called regression coefficients. The result is, therefore, independent of the load-bearing capacity
analysis methods and can, therefore, even be used to determine the vertical bearing capacity of a
single pile when the capacity corresponds to the allowable settlement (usually 25 mm).
“Settings“ frame
Note: The analysis of the limit loading curve is based on the theory of elasticity. The
In the next step we will go to the frame “Soils” and check the deformational properties of soils
required for the analysis of settlement, i.e. the oedometric modulus E oed , or deformation modulus
Angle of Cohesion Poisson´s Oedometric
Soil Unit weight internal of soil ratio modulus
kN m 3
ef / u cef / cu kPa − E oed = MPa
(Soil classification)
CS – Sandy clay,
18,5 -/0,0 -/50,0 0,35 8,0
firm consistency
Then, in the frame “Load”, we will define the service load for the purpose of analysing the
settlement of a single pile. Click on the button “Add” and add a new load with the parameters as shown
in the figure below.
All other frames will remain unchanged. We can now continue to the settlement analysis in the
“Settlement” frame.
In the “Settlement” frame, we will specify the secant modulus of deformation E s MPa for each
of the soil types using the “edit E s “ button.
For the 1st layer of cohesive soil (class CS) we will set the value of the secant modulus of deformation
to E s 17.0 MPa . For the 2nd layer of cohesionless soil (class S-F) we will assume the secant modulus
of deformation E s 24.0 MPa .
Dialog window “Input for load settlement curve – secant modulus of deformation E s “ – CS soil
Dialog window – “Input for load settlement curve – secant modulus of deformation E s ” – S-F soil
Note: The secant modulus of deformation E s depends on the diameter of the pile and the thickness
of each of the soil layers. The values of this modulus should be determined on the basis of in-situ tests.
Its value for cohesionless and cohesive soils further depends on the relative density index I d and the
Further, we will set the limit settlement, which is the maximum settlement value for which the
loading curve is calculated. In this task, we will consider a maximum settlement of 25 mm.
Then, we will click on the “In detail” button and in the dialog window, we can see the settlement
value calculated for the maximum service load.
Results of settlement
For the vertical bearing capacity analysis using the NAVFAC DM 7.2 the resultant settlement of the
single pile is 11,3 mm.
Single pile settlement analysis: Linear settlement theory (POULOS), other methods
Now we will go back to the settings of the analysis. In the “Settings” frame, click on the “Edit”
button. In the “Pile” tab for the analysis for drained conditions, we will first select the option “Effective
Stress” and later the option “CSN 73 1002” for the next analysis. The other input parameters will
remain unchanged.
Subsequently, we will get back to the “Settlement” frame, where we will see the results. The
magnitude of the limit settlement s lim , the pile type and the secant modulus of deformation E s
remain identical with those used in the previous analysis.
For the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile determined using the EFFECTIVE STRESS method,
the resultant settlement is s = 6.1 mm .
“Settlement“ frame – Linear loading curve (according to Poulos) for the Effective Stress method
For the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile, which is determined by the CSN 73 1002 method,
the pile settlement is s = 6.1 mm .
“Settlement“ frame – Linear loading curve (according to Poulos) for the CSN 73 1002 method
The results of the single pile settlement analysis according to linear theory (Poulos) dependent on
the vertical bearing capacity analysis method used are presented in the following table:
We will click on the “Edit” button in the “Settings” frame. In the “Pile” tab, we will choose the
“nonlinear” option (Masopust)“ for the loading curve.
The other data remain unchanged. Then we will continue to the “Settlement” frame.
We consider the service load for the nonlinear limit loading curve because this is an analysis
according to the limit state of serviceability. We will leave the shaft protection factor value at m2 = 1.0
. That means we will not reduce the resultant value of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile with
respect to the installation technology. We will leave the values of the allowable (maximum) settlement
s lim and secant modulus of deformation E s identical with those used in the previous analyses.
Furthermore, we will set the values of the regression coefficients using the “Edit a, b” and “Edit e,
f” buttons as shown in the figures below. While editing is being carried out, the values of regression
coefficients recommended for various types of soils and rocks are displayed in the dialogue window.
Dialog window “Input for load settlement curve – regression coefficients a, b (e, f)“ – CS soil
Dialog window – “Input for load settlement curve – regression coefficients a, b” – S-F soil
“Settlement“ frame – solution according to the nonlinear settlement theory (Masopust)
Note: The specific skin friction depends on regression coefficients “a, b“. The stress on the pile base
(at fully mobilised skin friction) depends on regression coefficients “e, f”. The values of these regression
coefficients were derived from regression curve equations determined on the basis of a statistical
analysis with results from about 350 static pile loading tests in Czechia and Slovakia (for more details
visit the program help – F1). For cohesionless soils and cohesive soils, these values depend on the
relative density index I d and the consistence index I c , respectively (for more details visit the program
help – F1).
The pile settlement for the specific service load is s = 4.6 mm .
“Settlement“ frame – Nonlinear loading curve (according to Masopust)
Note: This method is also used for the pile load-bearing capacity analysis, where the program
calculates the pile bearing capacity for the limit settlement on its own (usually 25 mm).
The program calculated the pile settlement for the specified service load to be within the range
from 4,6 to 11,3 mm (depending on the method used). This settlement is smaller than the maximum
allowable settlement – the pile is satisfactory from the 2nd limit state point of view.