Rencana Anggaran Biaya Pekerjaan Mekanikal Dan Elektrikal
Rencana Anggaran Biaya Pekerjaan Mekanikal Dan Elektrikal
Rencana Anggaran Biaya Pekerjaan Mekanikal Dan Elektrikal
No Uraian Jumlah
a Lantai 1(LP-1)
- Armature RM TLD 1 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 10.00 122,500.00 1,225,000.00
- Armature RM TLD 2 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 24.00 332,500.00 7,980,000.00
- Armature TL BALK 1 x 36 W Bh 11.00 35,000.00 385,000.00
- Armature TL BALK 1 x 18 W Bh 27.00 33,600.00 907,200.00
- Armature TL 2 x 18 W Bh 3.00 133,000.00 399,000.00
- Lampu Washtafel Gms 1 x 18 W Bh 16.00 157,500.00 2,520,000.00
- Down Light + Esential 13 W Bh 177.00 84,000.00 14,868,000.00
- Lampu Baret 20 ACR 20 W Bh 6.00 122,500.00 735,000.00
- Lampu Taman SL E 27 + B 612M + Tiang 1,5m 18 W Bh 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- Instalasi titik lampu Ttk 276.00 70,000.00 19,320,000.00
- Single Switch panasonic Bh 33.00 12,600.00 415,800.00
- Double Switch panasonic Bh 42.00 15,400.00 646,800.00
- Two way Switch panasonic Bh 2.00 17,500.00 35,000.00
b Lantai 2(LP-2)
- Armature RM TLD 1 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 9.00 122,500.00 1,102,500.00
- Armature RM TLD 2 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 31.00 332,500.00 10,307,500.00
- Armature TL BALK 1 x 36 W Bh 11.00 35,000.00 385,000.00
- Armature TL BALK 1 x 18 W Bh 27.00 33,600.00 907,200.00
- Armature TL 2 x 18 W Bh 1.00 133,000.00 133,000.00
- Lampu Washtafel Gms 1 x 18 W Bh 17.00 157,500.00 2,677,500.00
- Down Light + Esential 13 W Bh 158.00 84,000.00 13,272,000.00
- Instalasi titik lampu Ttk 254.00 70,000.00 17,780,000.00
- Single Switch panasonic Bh 28.00 12,600.00 352,800.00
- Double Switch panasonic Bh 40.00 15,400.00 616,000.00
- Two way Switch panasonic Bh 2.00 17,500.00 35,000.00
c Lantai 3(LP-3)
- Armature RM TLD 1 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 3.00 122,500.00 367,500.00
- Armature RM TLD 2 x 36 W ( Louvre Acrylic ) Bh 29.00 332,500.00 9,642,500.00
- Armature TL BALK 1 x 18 W Bh 6.00 35,000.00 210,000.00
- Armature TL 2 x 18 W Bh 2.00 133,000.00 266,000.00
- Lampu Washtafel Gms 1 x 18 W Bh 3.00 157,500.00 472,500.00
- Down Light + Esential 13 W Bh 57.00 84,000.00 4,788,000.00
- Instalasi titik lampu Ttk 100.00 70,000.00 7,000,000.00
- Single Switch panasonic Bh 30.00 12,600.00 378,000.00
- Double Switch panasonic Bh 12.00 15,400.00 184,800.00
- Two way Switch panasonic Bh 1.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
d Penerangan Luar(LP-OL)
- Lampu Jalan HPLN 250 W Bh 7.00 840,000.00 5,880,000.00
- Tiang Lampu Jalan 7,5 m Bh 7.00 490,000.00 3,430,000.00
- Neon Sign ls 1.00 17,500,000.00 17,500,000.00
- Lampu Taman + Tiang 1,5m 18 W Bh 7.00 175,000.00 1,225,000.00
- Lampu Sorot 1000 W Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Instalasi penerangan Lampu Jalan NYY 2 x 2.5 mm2 m 274.00 5,740.00 1,572,760.00
- Instalasi penerangan Lampu taman & Lampu sorot m 77.00 4,550.00 350,350.00
NYY 2 x 1.5 mm2
Galian & urugan Kembali m 351.00 5,250.00 1,842,750.00
f Lantai 2
- Instalasi Stop kontak 1 Phs 16 A pansonic Ttk 65.00 16,100.00 1,046,500.00
- Outlet Stop kontak 1 Phs 16 A Bh 65.00 18,900.00 1,228,500.00
g Lantai 3
- Instalasi Stop kontak 1 Phs 16 A pansonic Ttk 49.00 16,100.00 788,900.00
- Outlet Stop kontak 1 Phs 16 A Bh 49.00 18,900.00 926,100.00
3 Instalasi Panel
b Panel SDP-Emergency
(Wall Mounted Type, IP 669, Epoxy Powder/
Cat Bakar Plate Steel,
Thicknes 2 mm, Dimensi 800 x 600 X250 mm, etc)
- Box Panel Unit 1.00 1,050,000.00 1,050,000.00
- MCCB 100-125 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 40 KA Set 1.00 560,000.00 560,000.00
- MCCB 63-80 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 25 KA Set 1.00 770,000.00 770,000.00
- MCCB 50-63 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 1.00 770,000.00 770,000.00
- MCB 25 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- MCB 16 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- Indicator Lamp + Fuse Set 3.00 24,500.00 73,500.00
- Arester Buah 1.00 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00
- Busbar CU (MG) Set 3.00 140,000.00 420,000.00
- Instalasi Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Peralatan bantu Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Material bantu Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Grounding System (Max. 2 Ohm lengkap dengan Ls 1.00 700,000.00 700,000.00
electroda/GIP,clamp, Kable BC, Bak Kontrol etc
- Test dan commissioning Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
b Panel SDP-Normal
(Wall Mounted Type, IP 669, Epoxy Powder/Cat Bakar Plate Steel,
Thicknes 2 mm, Dimensi 800 x 600 X250 mm, etc)
- Box Panel Unit 1.00 1,050,000.00 1,050,000.00
- MCCB 80-100 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 25 KA Set 1.00 560,000.00 560,000.00
- MCCB 50-63 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 1.00 770,000.00 770,000.00
- MCCB 50-63 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 1.00 770,000.00 770,000.00
- MCB 20 A 3P 220/380V 50HZ 16 KA Set 3.00 175,000.00 525,000.00
- Indicator Lamp + Fuse Set 3.00 24,500.00 73,500.00
- Busbar CU (MG) Set 3.00 140,000.00 420,000.00
- Instalasi Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Peralatan bantu Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Material bantu Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
- Grounding System (Max. 2 Ohm lengkap dengan electroda/GIP, Ls 1.00 700,000.00 700,000.00
clamp, Kabel BC, Bak Kontrol etc.
- Test dan commissioning Ls 1.00 140,000.00 140,000.00
Harga Satuan
No Uraian Pekerjaan Satuan Volume Jumlah Harga Rp
Instalasi UPS
a UPS 10 KVA Untuk di Ruang Operasi Unit 1.00 4,550,000.00 4,550,000.00
b UPS 10 KVA Untuk di UGD Unit 1.00 4,550,000.00 4,550,000.00
c UPS 10 KVA Untuk Di LAB Unit 1.00 4,550,000.00 4,550,000.00
Jumlah Harga
Uraian Pekerjaan Satuan Volume Harga Satuan Rp
No Rp
b Lantai 1
- TBFA-1 ( 5 Pairs) Bh 1.00 210,000.00 210,000.00
- ROR Heat Detector Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Fixed temperature heat Detector Bh 2.00 122,500.00 245,000.00
- Lonization Smoke Detector Bh 26.00 245,000.00 6,370,000.00
- End of Line Resistor (EOL) Bh 1.00 73,500.00 73,500.00
- Alarm Bell Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Push Button (Manual Break Glass) Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Indicator Lamp Bh 1.00 105,000.00 105,000.00
- Instalation Fire Alarm Bh 33.00 105,000.00 3,465,000.00
c Lantai 2
- TBF- 2 ( 5 Pairs) Bh 1.00 210,000.00 210,000.00
- ROR heat Detector Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Fixed temepture heat Detector Bh 2.00 122,500.00 245,000.00
- Lonization Smoke Detector Bh 25.00 245,000.00 6,125,000.00
- End of Line Resistor (EOL) Bh 2.00 73,500.00 147,000.00
- Alarm Bell Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Push Button (Manual Break Glass) Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Indicator Lamp Bh 1.00 105,000.00 105,000.00
- Instalation Fire Alarm Bh 33.00 105,000.00 3,465,000.00
d Lantai 3
- TBF-3 ( 5 Pairs) Bh 1.00 210,000.00 210,000.00
- ROR Detector Bh 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- Fixed Detector Bh 2.00 122,500.00 245,000.00
- Lonization Smoke Detector Bh 26.00 245,000.00 6,370,000.00
- End of Line Resistor (EOL) Bh 2.00 73,500.00 147,000.00
- Alarm Bell Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Push Button (Manual Break Glass) Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Indicator Lamp Bh 1.00 105,000.00 105,000.00
- Instalation Fire Alarm Bh 35.00 105,000.00 3,675,000.00
e Instalasi Kabel
Lantai 1
- ADFA to TBF - 1
FRC 5 x 2 x 2,5 Sqmm m' 15.00 175,000.00 2,625,000.00
Lantai 2
- ADFA to TBF - 2
FRC 5 x 2 x 2,5 Sqmm m' 25.00 175,000.00 4,375,000.00
2 Instalasi Telepon
a. PABX 5 line, 50 Extention, lengkap dengan Pesawat, Recti Unit 1.00 15,400,000.00 15,400,000.00
Battere, etc
b. Lantai 1
- Main distribution Frame ( MDF ) 50 pairs Unit 1.00 630,000.00 630,000.00
- TBT - 1 ( 20 Pairs ) Unit 1.00 217,000.00 217,000.00
- Outlet Telepon Bh 19.00 31,500.00 598,500.00
- Instalasi Telepon Ttk 19.00 105,000.00 1,995,000.00
- Telephone Handset Bh 19.00 105,000.00 1,995,000.00
- Faximile unit 1.00 1,050,000.00 1,050,000.00
c. Lantai 2
- TBT - 2 ( 20 Pairs ) Unit 1.00 280,000.00 280,000.00
- Outlet Telepon Bh 20.00 31,500.00 630,000.00
- Instalasi Telepon Ttk 20.00 105,000.00 2,100,000.00
- Telephone Handset Bh 20.00 105,000.00 2,100,000.00
d. Lantai 3
- TBT - 5 ( 5 Pairs ) Unit 1.00 150,500.00 150,500.00
- Outlet Telepon Bh 5.00 31,500.00 157,500.00
- Instalasi Telepon Ttk 5.00 105,000.00 525,000.00
- Telephone Handset Bh 5.00 105,000.00 525,000.00
e. Instalasi Kabel
- Dari PABX to MDF
Steel-K 50 x 2 x 0,6 Sqmm m' 10.00 49,000.00 490,000.00
- Dari MDF to TBT - 1
Steel-K 10 x 2 x 0,6 Sqmm m' 20.00 13,300.00 266,000.00
- Dari MDF to TBT - 2
Steel-K 20 x 2 x 0,6 Sqmm m' 30.00 16,450.00 493,500.00
- Dari MDF to TBT - 3
Steel-K 5 x 2 x 0,6 Sqmm m' 40.00 8,050.00 322,000.00
- Dari Rk to MDF
Steel-K 10 x 2 x 0,8 Sqmm m' 30.00 14,490.00 434,700.00
- Dari Rk to Telepon Umum
Steel-K 2 x 0,6 Sqmm m' 20.00 7,630.00 152,600.00
f. Biaya Perizinan
- Biaya Penyambungan Line 3.00 1,540,000.00 4,620,000.00
b. Parkir
c. Lantai 1
- TBS - 1 Bh 1.00 280,000.00 280,000.00
- Column Speaker 15 Watt Bh 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- Ceiling Speaker 3 Watt Bh 28.00 66,500.00 1,862,000.00
- Instalasi titik speaker Ttk 30.00 105,000.00 3,150,000.00
d. Lantai 2
- TBS - 2 Bh 1.00 280,000.00 280,000.00
- Column Speaker 15 Watt Bh 2.00 175,000.00 350,000.00
- Ceiling Speaker 3 Watt Bh 33.00 66,500.00 2,194,500.00
- Instalasi titik speaker Ttk 35.00 105,000.00 3,675,000.00
e. Lantai 3
- TBS - 3 Bh 1.00 280,000.00 280,000.00
- Column Speaker 15 Watt Bh 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00
- Ceiling Speaker 3 Watt Bh 13.00 66,500.00 864,500.00
- Instalasi titik speaker Ttk 14.00 105,000.00 1,470,000.00
f. Instalasi Kabel
- Dari SER to Area Parkir
NYYHY 3 x 2.5mm2 m' 65.00 16,100.00 1,046,500.00
- Dari SER to TBS-1
NYYHY 6 x 3 x 2.5mm2 m' 375.00 32,200.00 12,075,000.00
- Dari SER to TBS-2
NYYHY 6 x 3 x 2.5mm2 m' 315.00 32,200.00 10,143,000.00
- Dari SER to TBS-3
NYYHY 6 x 3 x 2.5mm2 m' 195.00 32,200.00 6,279,000.00
b. Lantai 2
- Nurse Call Unit +Control 5 call whit handset NEM-5/A/ Bh 2.00 3,850,000.00 7,700,000.00
- PSU 24V Bh 2.00 770,000.00 1,540,000.00
- call button NAR-6A Bh 7.00 92,400.00 646,800.00
- Reset call button Bh 7.00 91,350.00 639,450.00
- Coridor light NDY-4A Bh 7.00 100,625.00 704,375.00
c. Lantai 3
- Nurse Call Unit +Control 5 call whit handset NEM-5/A/ Bh 2.00 3,850,000.00 7,700,000.00
- PSU 24V Bh 2.00 770,000.00 1,540,000.00
- call button NAR-6A Bh 7.00 92,400.00 646,800.00
- Reset call button Bh 7.00 91,350.00 639,450.00
- Coridor light NDY-4A Bh 7.00 100,625.00 704,375.00
d. Instalasi Kabel
- Dari NCCU 1 to NC1 LT.1
NYMH 5 x 2 x 0.5mm2 m' 33.00 5,250.00 173,250.00
- Dari NCCU 2 to NC2 LT.1
NYMH 4 x 2 x 0.5mm2 m' 42.00 5,250.00 220,500.00
- Dari NCCU 1 to NC1 LT.2
NYMH 4 x 2 x 0.5mm2 m' 37.00 5,250.00 194,250.00
- Dari NCCU 2 to NC2 LT.2
NYMH 3 x 2 x 0.5mm2 m' 46.00 5,250.00 241,500.00
- Dari NCCU1 to NC1 LT.3
NYMH 4 x 2 x 0.5mm2 m' 33.00 5,250.00 173,250.00
4 Instalasi MATV
a. Lantai 1
- Splitter 3 way Unit 8.00 66,500.00 532,000.00
- Outlet TV Unit 9.00 84,000.00 756,000.00
b. Lantai 2
- Splitter 3 way Unit 7.00 66,500.00 465,500.00
- Outlet TV Unit 8.00 84,000.00 672,000.00
c. Lantai 3
- Splitter 3 way Unit 4.00 66,500.00 266,000.00
- Outlet TV Unit 5.00 84,000.00 420,000.00
d. Televisi Unit 39.00 -
a Lantai 1
- Kabel Tray
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm m' 85.00 97,650.00 8,300,250.00
- Elbow
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00
- Tee
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00
b Lantai 2
- Kabel Tray
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm m' 85.00 97,650.00 8,300,250.00
- Elbow
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00
- Tee
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00
c Lantai 3
- Kabel Tray
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm m' 60.00 97,650.00 5,859,000.00
- Elbow
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00
- Tee
Ukuran 200 x 100 mm bh 3.00 87,500.00 262,500.00