Cert of Board Reso

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I, Ethel D. Kho, of legal age, Filipino citizen, widow, and with postal address at
Megaworld, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Philippines, after having sworn hereby state, that:

1.) I am the corporate secretary of ABC Corp., a domestic corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, and with principal place of business
at Megaworld, Mandurriao ,Iloilo City, Philippines;

2.) During the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Corp., held on
August 8, 2017 at the principal office of the corporation, the following resolution was approved:


President and Chief Executive Officer, be authorized to represent the corporation
before any person or entity, and therewith to sell, dispose, transfer and convey,
either at public or private sale, for a consideration of not less than P2,500,000.00,
Philippine currency, Prodigy PRO Bone Densitometry System from GE Philippines
Inc., and therewith to additionally perform the following acts and deeds:

a. Sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, and deliver such contracts,

agreements, covenants, and deeds of sale and conveyances, and other
instruments in writing of whatever kind and nature as may be necessary or
proper in the exercise of the powers granted in this resolution upon such
terms as may be thought fit by him, including whether the same shall be
done in cash or in cash installments not exceeding three (3) monthly

b. Execute and deliver good and sufficient deeds or other instruments for the
conveyance or transfer of the same, with such covenants or warranty or
otherwise as may be deemed fit, and to give receipts for all or any part of the
purchase price or other consideration.

c. Deliver any proof of title of ownership of subject property to the person or

entity who purchases the property of and indicated above;

d. Collect, receive, hold and possess all sums of money, dues, goods and cash
proceeds belonging to the corporation by reason of this resolution.”

3.) This Resolution has not been modified, repealed or superceded.

4.) I swear to the truth hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___th day of

_______________________ in Iloilo City, Philippines.

Ethel D. Kho
Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this ___th day of

_______________________ in Iloilo City, Philippines, the principal, whose name and personal
circumstances are stated above appeared in person and presented the foregoing integrally
complete instrument, signed the same in my presence, and affirmed or swore under oath to the
truth and correctness of the contents or allegations of the same. The principal exhibited to me
her _________________________, bearing her name, photograph, and signature.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on the date and at the place

Doc No.________;
Page No._______;
Book No._______;
Series of _____.

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