Low Power Adiabatic Logic Design: G.P.S. Prashanti, N. Navya Sirisha, N. Akhila Reddy
Low Power Adiabatic Logic Design: G.P.S. Prashanti, N. Navya Sirisha, N. Akhila Reddy
Low Power Adiabatic Logic Design: G.P.S. Prashanti, N. Navya Sirisha, N. Akhila Reddy
e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 12, Issue 1, Ver. III (Jan.-Feb. 2017), PP 28-34
Abstract: Adiabatic describe the thermodynamic processes in which there is no energy exchange with the
environment, and therefore very less dissipated energy loss. These circuits are low power circuits which use
reversible logic to conserve energy. Adiabatic logic works with the concept of switching activities which reduces
the power by giving stored energy back to the supply. The main design changes are focused on power clock
which plays the vital role in the principle of operation. This has been used because many adiabaticcircuits use a
combined power supply and clock, or a power clock (Four Phase).To achieve this, the power supply of
adiabatic logic circuits have used time varying voltage charging signal, in contrast to traditional non-adiabatic
systems that have generally used constant voltage charging from a fixed-voltage power supply. Thereby the
circuit topology and operation of the circuit has been changed so that the source current of CMOS transistor
change its direction and goes back to the supply(Recovery) when the power clock falls from VDD to zero.
Power efficient blocks can be designed by using adiabatic logic which can be used in combinational and
sequential circuits. The simulation of the designs is done using a backend tool called MENTOR GRAPHICS in
130nm technology.
Keywords: Adiabatic Switching, Four Phase Power Clock, Recovery, Thermodynamic Process, Efficient
charge recovery logic
of the energy drawn from the supply. The amount of energy recycling achievable using adiabatic techniques is
also determined by fabrication technology, switching speed, and the voltage swing.
2.1 Sources of Power Dissipation
There are three major sources of power dissipation in digital CMOS circuits, each one being affected
by different factors and influencing the system in a different way.
OUT and OUT1 are generated so that the power clock generator can always drive a constant load capacitance
independent of the input signal.
Full Output swing is obtained because of the cross-couple PMOS transistors in the pre charge and
recovers phases. But due to the threshold voltage of the PMOS transistors, the circuits suffer from the non-
adiabatic loss both in the pre charge and recover phases. That is, to say, ECRL always pumps charge on the
output with a full swing. Initially, input IN is high and IN1 is low. When power clock rises zero to VDD, OUT
remains ground level. Output OUT1 follows the power clock.When power clock reaches VDD, outputs OUT
and OUT1 hold logic value zero and VDD respectively. This output values can be used for the next stage as an
inputs. Now power clock falls from VDD to Zero, OUT1 returns its energy to power clock hence delivered
charge is recovered. ECRL uses four phase clocking rule to efficiently recover the charge delivered by power
combinational logic. Other circuits used in computers, such as half adders, full adders, half subtractors, full
subtractors, multiplexers, demultiplexers, encoders and decoders are also made by using combinational logic.
5.1 Multiplexer
A multiplexer (or mux) is a device that selects one of several analog or digital input signals and
forwards the selected input into a single line. A multiplexer of 2n inputs has n select lines, which are used to
select which input line to send to the output. Multiplexers are mainly used to increase the amount of data that
can be sent over the network within a certain amount of time and bandwidth. A multiplexer is also called a data
selector. Multiplexers can also be used to implement Boolean functions of multiple variables.
5.1.1Multiplexer Schematic
5.2 Decoder 2 By 4
A binary decoder is a combinational logic circuit that converts a binary integer value to an associated
pattern of output bits. They are used in a wide variety of applications, including data DE multiplexing, seven
segment displays, and memory address decoding.
VIII. Conclusion
This paper primarily focuses on lowering the power dissipation. Logics for invertor, universal gates,
multiplexer, decoder and d Flip Flop are proposed and the results indicate that they have lesser power
dissipation than some standard adiabatic logic styles. Their percentage power saving indicates their supremacy
over conventional circuits. Moreover, in the proposed logic, the transistor count and the area per chip is also
relatively lesser. The future scope of this work is that these blocks simulated can be used with higher number of
input and output lines can be constructed by cascading the proposed blocks. The basics of adiabatic computation
and the most well-known adiabatic logic families are described. However, new adiabatic design at high
frequency may be targeted so that adiabatic circuit may be used in many high frequency applications also.
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