Vision and Strategic Objectives For Sustainable Development of The Apuseni Mountains Mining Settlements
Vision and Strategic Objectives For Sustainable Development of The Apuseni Mountains Mining Settlements
Vision and Strategic Objectives For Sustainable Development of The Apuseni Mountains Mining Settlements
The restructuring of the mining sector in Romania since 1989 has had extremely serious social, eco-
nomic and environmental consequences for the mining settlements. Following the mine closure pro-
grams and socio-economic and environmental regeneration efforts the situation has only slightly
improved, the settlements being still very vulnerable in terms of quality of life and prospects for sus-
tainable development. In this paper the authors have developed a vision for sustainable development of
the Apuseni Mountains mining areas that would support policy writing and lead to the identification of
appropriate solutions for socio-economic and environmental development of the studied area.
Key words: mining area, planning models, sustainable development, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
A The Regional Development Agency Centre, 12 Decebal Str., Alba Iulia, Alba County, Romania; [email protected]
B Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, “Babes Bolyai” University,
Cluj Napoca, Romania; [email protected]
C Claflin University, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Department of History & Sociology, 400 Magnolia St., Orangeburg,
• Discussions with local and regional actors and opment of the settlements located in the mining are-
analysis of information obtained during meet- as of the Apuseni Mountains. The main objective was
ings with representatives from some municipalities, to identify the functionality of our concept if applied
mining companies, businesses, or with educational to a network of settlements within a larger goal of im-
experts in mining, environment, economy, demog- proving the economic and living conditions of the res-
raphy, geology, etc. which operate in the geograph- idents.
ic area of the Apuseni Mountains;
• SWOT analysis of the mining areas of the Apuse- Vision and strategic objectives for
ni Mountains; sustainable development of the studied
• Experience in regional planning for sustainable de-
mining settlements
velopment and reducing disparities;
• Consultation of major public documents at nation- Starting from the assumption that a strategy of sus-
al and regional level regarding planning and de- tainable development is the result of collective effort,
velopment of the territory, economic development, the authors propose a concept-strategy of sustain-
human resource development and environmental able development for the mining settlements of the
sustainability; Apuseni Mountains. The intent is to provide both a
• Analysis of European Union directives on territori- vision of integrated development within the context
al, social and environmental cohesion; of major challenges at national and European levels,
• Documentation on the strategic directions of sus- and pragmatic aspects that can represent a template
tainable development in Europe, especially within for decision-makers (ideas and concrete proposals for
the next 10 years projects, funding resources eligible for the proposed
• Scientific literature related to best models proposed action, etc.).
for restructuring of mining areas; The development of such a concept-strategy of sus-
• Knowledge of best practices on planning and sus- tainable development for the mining settlements of
tainable development of mining areas in EU coun- the Apuseni Mountains is the result of a summary of
tries. conclusions drawn from both scientific research and
practice and translated into possible solutions for sus-
More specifically, in terms of the selected documents tainable development. At the same time, the proposed
that pertain directly to decision making for the min- concept - strategy was correlated with major policies
ing areas of the Apuseni Mountains, this proposed con- and strategic, programmed or developmental docu-
cept of integrated development is consistent with both ments.
the principles of political cohesion of the European Generally, a vision of sustainable development im-
Union policy 2007-2013 as presented in the Commu- plies a long planning process in which decisions fo-
nity Strategic Guideliness and EUROPA Strategy 2020, cused on territorial, socio-cultural, economic and
and strategic documents at the national and regional environmental assessments are based on best availa-
level such as the National Strategy for Sustainable De- ble information and coordinated at the local, region-
velopment of Romania 2013-2020-2030, National Stra- al, national, or even global level. Sustainable develop-
tegic Guideliness for Sustainable Development of the ment brings the vital evaluation categories in balance
Carphatians 2014-2020, National Strategy for Region- and facilitates the dialogue and the integrated ac-
al Development 2014-2020, Plan for National Territory tions of interest groups and stakeholders involved in
Development, National Strategic Plan for Rural Devel- the process. It requires consideration of differences
opment 2014-2020, National Programme for Rural De- in spatial and temporal scales and an understanding
velopment 2014-2020, Mining Industry Strategic Plan of the complex interdependencies between economic,
for the period 2006-2020, Sectorial Operational Pro- environmental, social and cultural factors (Campbell,
gramme for Economic Competitiveness 2007-2013, Na- 1995). Therefore, a sustainable development strategy
tional Programme for Mine Closure and Mining Areas is a functional overview of economic, environmental,
Reconversion, National Anti-Poverty and Social-Inclu- and general wellbeing of stakeholders.
sion Plan 2002-2012, Sectorial Operational Programme Mining activities imprint theirs special features
for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Na- into the landscape (Zhang, et al., 2011). Therefore, vul-
tional Strategy and National Action Plan for the Man- nerability becomes their dominant feature (Fabbri, et
agement of Contaminated Sites in Romania, National al., 2002). Thus, a vision for sustainable development
Strategy for Ecotourism Development in Romania, and of these areas requires a complex approach that must
the Plan for Apuseni Mountains Area Development. consider a number of issues addressed in an integrated
Thus, based on the above-mentioned directions the manner, such as time frames (actual period of exploita-
authors have outlined a vision for sustainable devel- tion of resources, the mining restructuring period, and
Efficient management of all categories of available resources starting from the Axis I
knowledge and continual updating of information through an information system
Integrated strategic planning. Establishing directions and policies for sustainable development. Axis I
Development and valorification of local, regional, national and international cooperation
Integrated sustainable
Axis I Axis II Axis III Axis IV Axis V Axis VI Axis VII development of the
mining areas
Figure 2. Priority axes correlation as part of the long-term sustainable development strategy of the Apuseni Mountains
mining areas
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