Romanian Seismic Code

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Designing provisions for buildings, code number P-100-1/2006

1. General

1.1 Application field

1.1.1. P100 code is applied when designing the buildings and other civil engineering constructions
in seismic areas. P100 Code corresponds to Eurocode 8 (SR EN 1998-1:2004) in the series
of European codes of structural designing, under elaboration. P100 is a version of the
Romanian seismic designing specifications preparing, through a common effort with the
elaboration of all other structural codes, the execution a new edition completely integrated in
the European designing specifications system, after their coming into force.

1.1.2. Application of the P100-1 code specifications intends to ensure, in case of seismic events,
sufficiently high performances of the constructions in order to:
- avoid losses of human lives or people injures
- maintain without interruption, the essential activities and services for a continuous
economical and social life, during the earthquake and afterwards;
- avoid explosions and spreading of dangerous substances;
- limit material damages.

1.1.3. P100-1 does not apply to constructions having a high risk for population, such as nuclear
power stations.

1.1.4. P100 contains only those additional specifications that along with the specifications of the
code intended for the designing in case of other actions of the structures made up of various
materials (such as reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, wood etc.) must be observed for the
seismic protection of the buildings.

1.1.5. P100-1:2006 is the part of the code referring to the seismic designing of buildings and other
similar constructions (such as stands, bridge stockade etc.). It is divided in 11 chapters and is
completed by 7 appendixes, as follows:
- Chapter (1) contains general.
- Chapter (2) contains essential performance requirements and criteria for control of their
application for buildings in seismic areas.
- Chapter (3) presents the methods representing the seismic action and for their
combination with other actions.
- Chapter (4) contains general rules for the structure of buildings, as well as models and
methods for structural calculus of the buildings.
- Chapter (5) comprises specific rules for reinforced concrete structures.
- Chapter (6) contains specific rules for steel structures.
- Chapter (7) contains specific rules for steel-concrete composite structures.
- Chapter (8) contains specific rules for masonry structures.
- Chapter (9) contains specific rules for wooden structures.
- Chapter (10) contains basic requirements and design rules for the non-structural
elements and equipment inside buildings.
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- Chapter (11) contains concepts and rules for seismic isolations of the structures base.

Appendixes have the following content:

 Appendix A - Seismic action. Definitions and additional provisions.

 Appendix B - Simplified methods for determination of specific vibration periods and forms.
 Appendix C- Modal calculus considering the spatial behaviour of structure.
 Appendix D - Non- linear static calculus (biographical) procedure of structures.
 Appendix E - Procedure for checking the lateral movement of the structures.
 Appendix F - Specific aspects of steel elements composition
 Appendix G - Designing of the beams plate when supporting the pillars of the composite frame

In this section basic notions are defined as used within the entire code.
These definitions are to be completed, as the case might be, by the term explanations as specific for
each chapter, which explanations are given at the beginning of each chapter.

Terms having general use are defined as follows:

- Behaviour factor: a factor used to reduce the forces corresponding to the elastic
response, taking into account the non-linear response of the structure. This depends on
the nature of the structural material, type of the structural system and designing
- Method for ranking the resisting capacities: Designing method by which some
components of the structural system are designed and detailed so that they allow the
dissipation of the seismic energy through inelastic deformations, while all the other
structural elements are designed to have sufficient resisting capacity so that they do not
exceed the limits of elastic behaviour and to allow development of the energy dissipation
mechanism chosen.
- Dissipative area (critical area or potentially plastic area): Part of a structure, where
inelastic deformations are expected to develop, having a high capability of energy
- Structure with inelastic response (dissipative): Structure or part of a structure that it is
expected to develop inelastic deformations, having a high capability of energy
- Factor of importance and exposure to earthquake. Factor assessed on the basis of the
consequences of structural yielding.
- Structure with elastic response (non-dissipative): Structure designed to resist to
seismic actions without considering inelastic behaviour (non-linear).
- Non-structural elements: Elements, components and systems that are not taken in
consideration at seismic designing either because of lack of strength or the way of
connection to the structure.
- Main elements for taking over seismic force: elements composing the structural
system subjected to seismic actions that are considered in the structural calculus and are
designed and detailed according to anti-seismic designing norms.
- Secondary elements: elements not entering in the composition of the structure system
with strength to seismic actions, but that must be built so that they should allow the
gravitational loads transmission, when the structure is under the action of lateral
displacements imposed by the earthquake.

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1.2. Measure Units

(1) The units in the International System (SR ISO 1000:1995) are used.
(2) The following units are recommended for calculations:
- Stresses and loads: kN, kN/m, kN/m2
- Mass: kg, t
- Specific mass (density): kg/m3, t/m3
- Specific weight: kN/m3
- Unitary stresses and strengths: N/mm2,(MPa), kN/m2 (kPa)
- Moments (bending, twisting etc.) kNm
- Accelerations: m/s2
- Ground acceleration: g (9.81 m/s2).

1.2 Symbols

The symbols used are given in the Eurocode 8 (SR EN 1998-1:2004)

1.3.1. The symbols used in Chapters 2 and 3 and Appendix A

ag ground acceleration for designing (for the horizontal component of the ground movement)

avg ground acceleration for designing (for the vertical component of the ground movement)

IMR average reference recurrence period of the seismic action

g gravitational acceleration

TB, TC, TD control (corner) periods of the elastic response spectrum for the horizontal components of
the ground acceleration

β(T) normalised elastic response spectrum for the horizontal components of the ground

β0 maximum dynamic amplification factor of horizontal acceleration

T vibration period of a system with a degree of dynamic freedom and elastic response

Se(T) elastic response spectrum of accelerations for horizontal components of ground


SDe(T) elastic response spectrum for displacements

βν(T) normalised elastic response spectrum for the vertical component of the ground acceleration

TBν, TCν, TDv control (corner) periods of the elastic response spectrum for the vertical component
of the ground acceleration

β0ν maximum dynamic amplification factor for vertical acceleration

SVe(T) elastic response spectrum of accelerations for the vertical component of the ground
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Tp predominant vibration period of ground within the site

M Gutenberg-Richter magnitude

Mw moment magnitude

Sd(T) designing spectrum for accelerations

q behaviour factor

γi factor of importance and exposure to earthquake

EPA peak effective acceleration of the ground movement

EPV peak effective speed of the ground movement

EPD peak effective displacement of the ground movement

SA response spectrum for absolute accelerations

SV response spectrum for relative speeds

SD response spectrum for relative displacements

Vs speed of shear waves

VP speed of compression waves

VS average speed of shear waves balanced with the depth of the profile layers

hi depth of the ground layer i

VSi speed of shear waves for ground layer i

Tg vibration period of ground layers package

h total depth of ground layers package within the site

1.3.2. Symbols used in Chapter 4

eox, eoy distance between the stiffness centre and the centre of masses as measured in the
selected directions of calculus
rx, ry square root of the ratio between the twisting stiffness of the structure and the lateral
stiffness in the calculus directions
γi factor of importance
ds lateral displacement as effect of the seismic acceleration
de elastic displacement under designing seismic loads
ν factor for reducing the displacement value, as applied to service limit state
q factor for reducing the seismic force
c factor for amplification of elastic displacement in the calculus at the resisting limit
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Ed designing value of the seismic action effect (stress or deformation)
Rd designing capable stress
θ sensitivity coefficient of the relative level displacement
Ptot total vertical level load in the calculus on seismic actions
Vtot level cross force
h level height
Efd calculus value of seismic action effect (stress, displacement)
EF,G the effect (stress) of non-seismic loads on foundation
γRd over-strength factor
Δ necessary width of the joint between buildings
eli accidental eccentricity of the mass at “i” level against the calculated position of
masses centre
Li dimension of the plateau perpendicular to the direction of the seismic action
Sd(T1) ordinate of the designing response spectrum, corresponding to the fundamental
period T1
T1 building fundamental specific vibration period on the plan containing the horizontal
direction taken considered
m building total mass calculated as the sum of the level masses mi
λ factor of correction taking into account the contribution of the fundamental specific
mode through the effective modal mass as associated
Fi statically equivalent horizontal seismic force at the level “i”
Fb basic cross force corresponding to fundamental mode
si component of fundamental form in the direction of the shifting dynamic freedom
degree at the level “i”
n storey number of the building
mi level mass
zi height of level “i” compared to the base of construction considered in the model
j j
Fix , Fiy seismic forces al level “i” in direction x and y, respectively, for plane sub-system j
Fix, Fiy seismic forces al level “i” in direction x and y, respectively, for the general plane
Kixj, Kiyj level relative stiffness of the vertical elements which are components of the plane
sub-system j associated to direction x and y, respectively, calculated considering the
shifting movements of the non-deformable plateau only
xj, yj distances in direction x and y, respectively, defining the position of the plane sub-
system compared to the stiffness centre at level “i”
eix, eiy distances in direction x and y, respectively, defining the displaced positions of the
seismic forces compared to the stiffness centre
e0ix, e0iy distances in direction x and y, respectively, between mass and stiffness centres at
level “i”
e1ix, e1iy accidental eccentricities in direction x and y, respectively, at level “i”
mk effective modal mass associated to the specific vibration mode k
Tk specific period in specific vibration mode k
si,k component of the specific vector in vibration mode k in the direction of the dynamic
freedom degree “i”
EE effect of seismic action (stress, displacement)
EE,k effect of the seismic action in the vibration mode k
EEdx, EEdy designing value of the effect of applying the seismic movement in the direction of
horizontal axes x and y, as chosen for such structure
EEdz designing value of the effect of applying the seismic movement in the direction of
the vertical axis z
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M1i twisting moment applied to the level “i” of the structure around its vertical axis

1.3.3. Symbols used in Chapter 5

Ac area of the cross section of a concrete element

AS1 reinforcements on the lower side of a beam
A S2 reinforcements on the upper side of a beam
Ash total area of horizontal wall-brackets in a pillar-beam multiple joint
Asv total area of vertical reinforcement in pillar-beam joint
Awh total area of horizontal section through a wall
Hw height of a wall
ΣMRb the sum of the designing values of the capable moments of the beams entering a
joint, oriented on the analysed direction
ΣMRc the sum of the designing values of the capable moments of the pillars entering a
joint, oriented on the analysed direction
Mi,d the value of the moments at the ends of beams and pillars used for the calculus of the
cross force associated to plastifying
MRb,i designing value of the capable moment in beams at end i
MRc,i designing value of capable moment in pillars at end i
NE,d value of the axial force resulted from the seismic calculus of the structure
Vc designing cross force in the pillar
V’Ed cross force in the wall resulted from seismic calculus of the structure
VEd designing cross force in the wall
VEd, max maximum cross force associated to plastifying, acting at the end of a beam
VEd,min minimum cross force associated to plastifying, acting at the end of a beam
Vjud designing cross force in the joint
b width of a beam measured on the lower side
beff plate width of a beam "T" at the front of the pillar
bc dimension of the cross section of a pillar
bj designing width of the joint
b0 width of the concrete core confined in a pillar or the marginal elements of a wall
bw width of a beam core
bw0 depth of a wall core
d effective (useful) height of the element section
dbL diameter of the longitudinal bars
dbw diameter of a wall-bracket
fcd designing value of the concrete strength to compression
fctm average value of the concrete strength to stretching
fyk specific value for the steel flow limit
fyd designing value of the steel strength to flow
fywd designing value of the cross reinforcement strength to flow
hf plate thickness on beams with section "T"
hjc distance between the extreme reinforcement plans in a pillar within a beam-pillar
hjw distance between the lower and upper reinforcements
hs storey height
hw height of a beam cross section
lcl free height of a pillar
lcr critical area length
lw length of a wall cross section
s distance between the cross reinforcements
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xu height of the compressed area

α1 factor for multiplying the horizontal seismic force according to the development of
the first plastic hinge within the system
αu factor for multiplying the horizontal seismic force according to the development of
the global kinematic mechanism
γRd factor considering the effect of the uncertainties related to the model as regards the
designing values of the capable stresses used when estimating the calculus stresses,
according to the principle of designing the strength capability; it considers the
various over-strength sources
 axial force determined by seismic calculus, normalised by Acfcd
ρ reinforcement percent with stretched reinforcement

1.3.4. Symbols used in Chapter 6

l beam opening
MEd designing bending moment resulted from the loads group including the seismic
MEd,E bending moment resulted from the seismic action only
MEd,G bending moment resulted from the non-seismic actions contained by the loads group
including the seismic action
Mpl,RdA section designing plastic moment
Mpl,RdB section designing plastic moment
NEd axial force resulted from the loads group including the seismic action
NEd,E axial force resulted from the seismic action only
NEd,G axial stress resulted from the non-seismic actions contained by the loads group
including the seismic action
Npl,Rd section designing plastic axial stress
Rd strength to joining corresponding to the way of stress to which it is subjected
VEd cross force resulted from the loads group including the seismic action
VEd,E cross force resulted from the seismic action only
VEd,G cross force in the non-seismic actions contained by the loads group including the
seismic action
VEd,M value of the cross force associated to plastifying of a beam at both ends
Vpl,Rd section designing plastic cross force
Vwp,Ed cross force in the core panel
Vwp,Rd strength to the cross force of the core panel (capable stress)
e length of a dissipative member
fyd designing value of the steel strength to flow
fymax maximum value for the steel strength to flow
q behaviour factor
tw depth of the section core
tf depth of the section boom
Ω factor for multiplying the stresses Med,E, NEd,E, Ved,E for designing the non-dissipative
structural elements
α1 factor for multiplying the seismic force according to the development of the first
plastic hinge within the system
αu factor for multiplying the seismic force according to the development of the global
kinematic mechanism
γM partial safety factor for a property of a material
γ0v factor for amplifying the flow limit of the material (over-resistance)
δ beam deflection at mid-span against the tangent to the beam axis on one of the ends
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γs partial safety factor for steel

θp plastic rotation capability of the plastic hinge

λ dimensionless value of an element fineness

1.3.5. Symbols used in Chapter 7

Aa, Ac, As reinforcement, concrete and rigid steel area, respectively

AS and AT additional reinforcements placed in the plate in the pillar area (A S longitudinal
reinforcement and A(T) cross reinforcement)
bc width of the pillar section perpendicular to the beam axis,
beff effective width of the concrete plate of the steel beam composite with the plate
beff+ effective width of the concrete plate of the steel beam composite with the plate in the
area of positive moment
beff- effective width of the concrete plate of the steel beam composite with the plate in the
area of negative moment
be1 şi be2 partial effective widths of the plate placed along both sides of the beam axis
bf width of steel element boom
b0 minimum dimension of the concrete core as measured between the axes of the wall
c width of the steel element boom wing
d height of the steel section, maximum exterior dimension of the steel pipe section
dbL longitudinal bars diameter
dbw confinement wall brackets diameter
E steel elasticity module
Ecm concrete elasticity module for short lasting loads
EI1 stiffness to bending for the steel beam composite with the plate for the area of
positive moment considering the effective plate width
EI2 stiffness to bending for the steel beam composite with the plate for the area of
negative moment considering the reinforcement in the effective plate width
fcd concrete calculus strength
fy specific steel strength
fyd steel designing strength
fydf boom steel designing strength
fydL longitudinal reinforcement steel designing strength
fydw cross reinforcement steel designing strength
h composite element section height
hb composite beam section height
hc composite pillar section height
Ia moment of inertia of the reinforcement section
Ic moment of inertia of the concrete gross section
Ieq equivalent moment of inertia of the composite beam
Is moment of inertia of the steel gross section
l beam opening
lcl pillar free height
lcr length of a composite element critical area
le length of embedding the coupling corbel in the wall

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MEd designing moment

Mpl,Rd capable moment
NEd axial designing force
Npl,Rd axial force capable to centric compression
q behaviour factor
s distance between the wall brackets
t thickness of the pipe wall
tf thickness of the steel element boom
tw thickness of steel element core
VEd designing cross force
VRd capable cross force of the composite element
Vwp,Sd joint designing cross force
Vwp,Rd capable cross force of the composite joint
x/h relative height of the compressed area in the concrete of the beam composite with the
α1 factor for multiplying the code seismic loads (keeping the other calculus loads
constant) according to the development of the first plastic hinge within the composite
structural system
αu factor for multiplying the code seismic loads (keeping the other calculus loads
constant) according to the development of the complete dissipation mechanism in the
composite structure
vd designing normalised axial force of a composite pillar

1.3.6. Symbols used in Chapter 8

Aasc area of the reinforcement in the compressed little pillar

Asw area of the reinforcements in the horizontal joints for taking over the cross
C*** mark of the masonry block
D length of the frame panel cross stud
Eb concrete elasticity module
Ez short lasting secant elasticity module of the masonry
Ezc longitudinal elasticity module of the confined masonry
FEd (zu) axial force in the compressed cross stud of the filling panel corresponding to
the designing seismic action
FRd(zu) designing strength of the filling panel
FRd1(zu) break strength by slip from the cross force in the horizontal joints of the
filling masonry panel
FRd2(zu) break strength to crush of the compressed cross stud of the filling masonry
FRd3(zu) break strength by cracking along the compressed cross stud
Gz cross elasticity module of the simple masonry
Gzc cross elasticity module of the confined masonry
Ib moment of inertia for the concrete section of the confinement elements
Ist average value of the moments of inertia of the pillars edging the panel
Iz moment of inertia of the confined masonry section
HW wall height
M** mortar mark
Mcap(sus), Mcap(jos) values of the designing strengths to bending at the ends of the
coupling beam, up and down
MEd designing value of the bending moment in the wall plan
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MExd1 designing value of the bending moment in plan parallel to the horizontal
MExd2 designing value of the bending moment in plan perpendicular to the
horizontal joints
MRd designing strength to bending in the wall plan
MRdx1 designing strength to bending of the wall in plan parallel to the horizontal
MRdx2 designing strength to bending of the wall in plan perpendicular to the
horizontal joints
NEd designing value of the axial force
NRd designing strength to the axial force
VEdu value of the cross force associated to the strength to bending of the section of
simple, confined or reinforced core masonry, determined considering the
reinforcements over-resistance
VEd value of the cross force determined by the calculus of the structure in the
linear elastic range
Vg maximum cross force in the coupling beam in the vertical loads
Vgc designing strength to the cross force of the coupling beams in the walls with
VRd designing strength to the cross force
VRda designing strength to the cross force of the horizontal reinforcements in the
median layer of the wall with reinforced core
VRdb designing strength to the cross force of the concrete or mortar-concrete
median layer of the wall with reinforced core
VRdz designing strength to the cross force of the masonry of the wall with
reinforced core
VRd1 designing strength on the cross force of the panel of confined masonry
VRd2 designing strength to shear of the reinforcement in the compressed little pillar
VRd3 designing strength of the reinforcements in the horizontal joints of the
ag designing value of the ground acceleration
g gravitational acceleration
bz total thickness of the two brick layers of the wall with reinforced core
d diameter of the bars in the reinforced concrete elements
fb specific strength to compression of the masonry bodies normally on the front
of the horizontal joint
fbh specific strength to compression of the masonry bodies parallel to the front of
the horizontal joint, in the wall plan
fd designing strength to compression of the masonry
fk specific strength to compression of the masonry
fkd1 specific strength to bending of the masonry parallel to the horizontal joints
fkd2 specific strength to bending of the masonry perpendicularly to the
horizontal joints
fm average strength to compression of the mortar – concrete in the median layer
of the masonry walls with reinforced core
fvd designing strength to shearing of the masonry
fvd0 designing strength to shearing under null compression stress of the masonry
fvk specific strength to shearing of the masonry
fvk0 specific strength to shearing under null compression stress of the masonry
fxd1 designing strength to bending of the masonry parallel to the horizontal joints
fxd2 designing strength to bending of the masonry perpendicularly to the
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horizontal joints
fyd designing strength of the reinforcement in the compressed little pillar
h free height of the wall
hef effective height of the wall
hetaj height of the building level
hgol height of the opening in the masonry
hp height of the filling masonry pane
l beam opening
l0 calculus length of the coupling beam (between the post fronts)
lw wall length
lc length of the wall compressed area
lmin minimum width of the masonry window-recess on a compound section
lp length of the filling masonry pane
m coefficient of the work conditions for the masonry (STAS 10109-82)
n number of the building levels
q behaviour coefficient
s distance between the reinforcements A(sw)
t thickness of the masonry wall
tef effective wall thickness
tm thickness of the median layer of the reinforced masonry wall
tp thickness of the filling masonry pane
x depth of the compressed area resulted from the hypothesis of the plane section
xconv conventional depth of the compression stresses block
xechiv equivalent depth of the compressed area
xmax maximum depth of the compressed area
γM partial safety coefficient for the material
εm maximum linear specific deformation
ε linear specific deformation
ε uz ultimate specific deformation of the masonry
ε ub ultimate specific deformation of the concrete
 normal unitary stress
d determined compression unitary stress considering the vertical load uniformly
distributed on the wall length
θ angle with the horizontal of the diagonal of the filling masonry pane

1.3.7. Symbols used in Chapter 10

Eanc designing value of the sectioned stresses in the brace elements

EEd,CNS designing value of the sectioned stresses in the non-structural components (CNS)
ERd,CNS designing strength to the sectioned stresses in CNS
FCNS seismic force statically equivalent for CNS
H average height of the roof compared to the building base
Kz coefficient representing the amplification of the ground seismic acceleration on the
building height
La brace length of the gripping element
MEd,CNS designing bending moment for CNS and gripping
MRd,CNS designing strength to bending for CNS and gripping
NEd,CNS designing axial force for CNS and gripping
NRd,CNS designing strength to the axial force for CNS and gripping
Ranc designing strength to the sectioned stresses in the brace elements
VEd,CNS designing cross force for CNS and gripping
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VRd,CNS designing strength to the cross force for CNS and gripping
X altitude of the upper gripping point of CNS at level "x"
Y altitude of the lower gripping point of CNS at level "y"
ag designing value of the ground acceleration
bst width of the glass panel
cliber area between the glass and the metallic frame
c1 free area between the vertical edges of the glass and the frame
c2 free area between the horizontal edges of the glass and the frame
D gripping bar diameter
daA, daB relative level displacements admissible for the buildings A and B
dra(glass) relative level displacement producing the break/fall of the glass off the curtain wall
or show window
dr,CNS designing relative level displacement for CNS
dsxA displacement of the building A, on level "x"
dsyA displacement of the building A, on level "y"
dsyB displacement of the building B, on level "y"
fxd1 designing strength to bending of the masonry parallel to the horizontal joints
fxd2 designing strength to bending of the masonry perpendicularly to the horizontal joints
g gravitational acceleration
hetA, hetB level heights for the buildings A and B
hst height of the glass panel
mCNS maximum mass of CNS under use
qCNS behaviour coefficient of CNS
z altitude of the point of gripping to the structure for CNS
βs dynamic amplification coefficient of CNS
γCNS coefficient of importance of CNS
γI coefficient of importance of the building.

1.3.8. Symbols used in Chapter 11

Keff effective stiffness of the insulating system in the main considered direction, for a
displacement equal to the designing displacement d(dc)
KV total stiffness of the insulating system in vertical direction
Kxi effective stiffness for a given element in direction x
Kyi effective stiffness for a given element in direction z
Teff effective fundamental period of the superstructure corresponding to the horizontal
translation while the superstructure is considered as a rigid body
Tf fundamental period of the superstructure considered as embedded on the base
TV fundamental period of the superstructure in vertical direction while the superstructure is
considered as a rigid body
M mass of the superstructure
Ms magnitude
ddc designing displacement of the centre of the effective stiffness in the considered direction
ddb total designing displacement of an insulating unit
etot,y total eccentricity in direction y
fj horizontal forces on each level j
ry torsion radius of the insulating system
(xi,yi) coordinates of an insulating unit compared to the centre of the effective stiffness
ξeff value of the effective damping

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2.1 Fundamental requirements

(1) Design for earthquakes aims to comply with the following fundamental requirements
(performance levels), with a proper safety level:

- life safety requirement

The structure will be designed in order to take over the design seismic actions established in
accordance with Chapter 3, with a reasonable safety marge against the deformation level at which
the local or general crumbling occurs, so that the human lives are protected. The level of seismic
forces in Chapter 3 corresponds to an earthquake having the reference average period of recurrence
IMR = 100 years.

NOTE: The level of the structural deformation next to the crumbling is associated to a rarer and orientational
earthquake having the reference average period of recurrence IMR = 475 years

For the constructions having regular composition and correctly detailed, if the criteria associated to the life
safety requirement are observed for an earthquake with IMR = 100 years, usually the requirements for
preventing the crumbling for an earthquake with IMR = 475 years are also observed.

- degradations limitation requirement

The structure will be designed in order to take over seismic actions with a higher likeliness of
occurrence then the design seismic action, without degradations or retirements, the costs of which
are extremely high compared to the cost of the structure. The seismic action considered for the
degradation limitation requirement corresponds to an average reference recurrence period of 30

(2) Safety differentiation is entered by classifying the structures in various classes by importance
and exposing to earthquake. Each importance class is assigned with an importance factor γ1.
The various safety levels are obtained by multiplying the parameters of the reference seismic
action by the importance factor.

NOTE: The moments in time when the earthquakes occur, their way of manifestation as well as their effect on
the constructions are unpredictable, extremely random. This is why the effectiveness of the measures of
seismic protection is uncertain to a certain extent and may be judged statistically only. The way in which a
seismic event is included in a series of events that are expected for certain time periods, is considered,
including from the intensity point of view, as well as the proportion of the constructions that are affected to
different degrees and the impact resulting from social and economical point of view.

This is why the responsibility for the seismic protection of the constructions must be assessed by the extent in
which the provisions of the design, execution and exploitation codes are observed and not by the occurrence of
special consequences, in case of an individual construction.

2.2 Conditions for controlling the observance of the criteria

2.2.1. General

(1) Except for the cases explicitly specified, the design of the structures corresponding to the
seismic protection level given by the application of this code takes into consideration a seismic
response with forays with specific degradations within the deformation post-elastic range.

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(2) The observance of the fundamental requirements set in point 2.1 are controlled by checking two
categories of limit states:

- ultimate limit states, ULS, associated to the breaking of the structural elements and other forms
of structural wear out that may jeopardise the human life safety

- service limit states, SLS, that consider the development of the degradations to a certain degree,
beyond which the specific exploitation requirements are not observed any more.

(3) Besides the explicit checks of the limit states, other specific measures will be undertaken in
order to reduce the uncertainties concerning the adequate earthquake behaviour of the
constructions (point 2.2.4)

(4) The conditions in the code are minimal binding and not limitative.

2.2.2 Ultimate limit states

(1) The structural system will have the strength capability specified in the relevant parts of the
code. This level of strength implies the observance of all conditions given in the code in order to
obtain the necessary capability of dissipating the energy (ductility) in the areas specially
designed to dissipate the seismic energy, named dissipative areas (or critical areas).

(2) Higher values of the strength capability then those corresponding to the design values of the
seismic forces, may be also considered in certain cases (recommended in areas with lower
seismic hazard), with the corresponding relaxation of the ductilising measures.
Recommendations for such alternative solutions are given within the code.

(3) The structure of the building will be checked with the entire stability under the seismic
calculation action. Both the overturning stability and the sliding stability will be considered.

(4) The structural calculation will consider, when significant, the effects of 2nd degree.

(5) The lateral movements under the seismic actions associated to the values ultimate limit states
will be limited, in order to:

(i) provide a reasonable safety marge for the lateral deformation of the structure compared to
that corresponding to the crumbling
(ii) prevent the risk for persons that the crumbling of the non-structural elements could have

2.2.3. Service limit state (limiting the degradations)

It will be checked whether the relative level movements under seismic actions associated to that
limit state are lower than those ensuring the protection of the non-structural elements, equipment,
valuables, etc.

2.2.4. Additional measures

(1) Favourable locations in the natural environment and the anthropic environment, with minimum
seismic hazards will be chosen, as much as possible.

As a general rule, locations having geological and geo-technical properties with major negative
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potential influences on the requirements and structural seismic response, will be avoided

(2) The design will aim to execute a favourable general constitution for the seismic behaviour of
the construction. This implies:

- choosing favourable plan and vertical forms for the construction and its strength structure (see

- correct placing and constituting of the structural elements and the whole structure, non-
structural construction elements as well as equipment and installations housed by the building

- avoiding the uncontrolled interactions, with the possible detrimental effects, between the
neighbouring buildings, between the structural and non-structural elements (for example,
between the elements of the frame structures and the filling walls), between the construction and
the stored material, etc.

(3) The construction will have a reasonable lateral stiffness to limit the movement seismic

(4) The design will have as main objective, the imposing of a favourable structural mechanism for
dissipating the energy (plastifying mechanism) to the action of the design earthquake.

This desideratum requires the following:

- leading the areas susceptible to be stressed in the post-elastic range (the “critical” or
“dissipative” areas), with priority in the elements that by behaviour nature have a substantial
capability of post-elastic deformation, the breaking of which does not jeopardise the general
stability of the construction and that may be repaired without technical efforts and exaggerated

- the dissipative areas should be distributed so that the capability of post-elastic deformation is as
high as possible and the ductility requirements as low as possible; the accumulation of the
plastic deformations to a few areas will be avoided, when high ductility requirements are

- the dissipative areas should be constituted so that to have reasonable capacities of post-elastic
deformation and a hysteretic behaviour as stable as possible

- preventing the premature breaking with non-ductile feature, through the dimensioning method
and the proper construction of the elements.

(5) The foundations and the foundation field will usually take over the stresses transmitted by the
superstructure, without substantial permanent deformations. When assessing the reactions, the
effective values of the strength developed in the structural elements (associated to the structural
mechanism of dissipating the energy) will be considered

The stiffness of the foundations will be reasonable enough to transmit to the field the stresses
received from the base of the superstructure, as uniformly as possible.

(6) The structural calculus will be based upon a proper model of the superstructure that will, when
necessary, consider the interaction with the foundation field, the non-structural elements and the
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neighbouring buildings.

The calculation methods will be differentiated as regards the complexity and the tools (the
calculation programs used) depending on the complexity of the building (its nature, regular or
irregular), the height regime, the calculation seismic area and the high or low uncertainties related
to the characteristics of the action and the seismic response.

(7) When executing the constructions, materials having the properties of those provided in the
project will be implemented, the quality of which is attested according to the legal provisions.

Execution technologies intended to ensure the safe achievement of the provided structural
parameters will be applied.

(8) When designing constructions that imply special technical and/or economical problems
(constructions of major significance, constructions with a high level of repeatability, constructions
with distinct dimensions and/or characteristics, etc), the elaboration of theoretical and experimental
studies is recommended, concerning the thoroughgoing study of one of the following aspects, as

- the influence of the local conditions of the location on the seismic requirements and the
structural response

- the establishment, through experimental research on small scale models or normal size
prototypes, of the strength and deformability features, in various behaviour stages, of the
structural elements and the structure in general

- the development and application of advanced calculation methods able to represent the structure
behaviour as accurate as possible, while showing the development of the stress states during the

The instrumentation of the building with equipment for recording the parameters of the seismic
action for the constructions in class I of significance – exposition to earthquakes (see 4.4.5) and the
high buildings, according to the indications in Appendix A, is recommended.

(9) When exploiting the constructions, operation and maintenance measures that keep the strength
capacity of the structure unchanged will be adopted.

The condition of the construction will be monitored continuously in time in order to promptly detect
the possible degradations and remove their causes.


3.1. Representing the seismic action for the design

(1) For the design of the constructions, the territory of Romania is divided in areas with seismic
hazard. The level of seismic hazard in each area is considered, in a simplified manner, to be
constant. For important urban centres and buildings with special significance, the local
assessment of the seismic hazard based on the instrumental seismic data and the specific studies
for the placement concerned is recommended. The seismic hazard level indicated in this code is
a minimum design level.

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(2) The seismic design hazard is described for a maximum value of the horizontal field acceleration
ag determined for the average reference recurrence period (IMR) corresponding to the ultimate
limit state, which value is referred to as “the field acceleration for design".

(3) The field acceleration for design, foe each area with seismic hazard, corresponds to an average
reference recurrence period of 100 years. The zoning of the field acceleration for design a(g) in
Romania, for seismic events with the average recurrence (of the magnitude) period IMR = 100
years, is showed in Figure 3.1 and is used for the design of the buildings at the ultimate limit

(4) The seismic movement on a point on the field’s area is described through the spectrum of elastic
response for absolute accelerations.

(5) The horizontal seismic action on the buildings is described through two orthogonal components
considered as independent between them; within the design, the spectrum of elastic response for
absolute accelerations is considered identical for the two components.

(6) The normalised spectra of elastic response for accelerations are obtained from the spectra of
elastic response for accelerations by dividing the spectral ordinates to the maximum value of the
field acceleration a(g).

(7) The local field conditions are described through the values of the of the control (corner) period
T(C) of the response spectrum for the area of the site considered. These values show briefly the
frequencies composition of the seismic movements.

The control (corner) period TC of the response spectrum represents the border between the area
(range) of maximum values in the absolute accelerations spectrum and the area (range) of
maximum values in the relative speeds spectrum (see Appendix A). TC is expressed in seconds.

Under the seismic and site conditions in Romania, for earthquakes with IMR = 100 years, the
designing zoning of the Romanian territory of the response spectrum, concerning the control
(corner) period, TC, that is obtained on the basis of the existing instrumental data for the
horizontal components of the seismic movement is showed in Figure 3.2.

(8) The normalised forms of the elastic response spectra for the horizontal components of the
ground acceleration, β(T), for the fraction of the critical damping ζ = 0,05 and depending on the
control (corner) periods TB, TC and TD are as follows:

(β 0 - 1)
0  T  TB β(T) = 1 + ─────────── T (3.2)

TB < T  TC β (T) = β 0 (3.3)

TC < T  T(D) β (T) = β 0 ──── (3.4)

T > TD β (T) = β 0 ──────── (3.5)

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β (T) – elastic response normalised spectrum;

β 0 – maximum dynamic amplification factor of the ground horizontal acceleration by the structure;

T – vibration period of a structure with dynamic freedom degree and elastic response.

The control (corner) period TB can be expressed in a simplified manner, depending on TC: TB = 0,1
TC. Values for TB are showed in Table 3.1.

The control (corner) period TD of the response spectrum represents the border between the area
(range) of the maximum values within the relative speeds spectrum and the area (range) of the
maximum values within the relative displacements spectrum (see Appendix A). the values for TD are
showed in Table 3.1.

TB and TC are the limits of the periods range within which the spectral acceleration has maximum
values and is modelled in a simplified manner by a range with constant value.

Table 3.1 The control (corner) periods TB, TC, TD of the response spectrum for the horizontal
components of the seismic movements

Average recurrence period of Values for the

the earthquake magnitude control (corner) periods
IMR= 100 years, TB, S 0,07 0,10 0,16
For the ultimate limit state Tc, S 0,7 1,0 1,6
TD, S 3 3 2

The elastic response normalised spectra (ζ = 0,05) for acceleration under the seismic and site
conditions in Romania are showed in Figure 3.3 on the basis of the values TB, TC, TD in Table 3.1.

The elastic response normalised spectra for acceleration in Figure 3.4 is used in Banat in the areas
characterised by acceleration ag = 0,20 g and ag = 0,16 g. for the areas in Banat where ag = 0,12 g
and ag = 0,08 g, the normalised spectrum in Figure 3.3 for TC  0,7 s is used.

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Figure 3.1 Zoning of the Romanian territory concerning the peak values of the ground acceleration for designing ag for earthquakes with the average
recurrence period IMR = 100 years
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Figure 3.2 Zoning of the Romanian territory concerning the control (corner) period, TC of the response spectrum

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Figure 3.3 Elastic response normalised spectra for accelerations for the horizontal
components of the ground movement in the areas characterised by the control (corner)
periods: TC = 0,7, TC = 1,0 and TC = 1,6 s

Figure 3.4 Crust sources in Banat: elastic response normalised spectrum for accelerations for the
horizontal components of the ground movement for the areas where the seismic hazard is
characterised by ag = 0,20 g and ag = 0,16 g

The elastic response spectrum for the horizontal components of the ground movement within the
site Se(T), expressed in m/s2, is defined as follows:

Se(T)= ag (T) (3.6)

where the value ag is considered in m/s2.

The elastic response spectrum for displacements for the horizontal components of the ground
movement, SDe(T), expressed in m, is obtained by the direct transformation of the elastic response
spectra for acceleration Se(T) using the following formula:
SDe(T)= Se(T) (T/2π)2 (3.7)

(9) The vertical component of the seismic action is represented by the elastic response spectrum
for accelerations for the vertical component of the ground movement. The normalised forms
of the elastic response spectra for the vertical component βv(T), for the fraction of the critical
damping ξ = 0,05 and depending on the control (corner) periods for the spectrum of the
vertical component TBv, TCv, TDv are showed by the following formulas:

(β0v - 1]
0  T  TBv βv(T) = 1 + ────────────── T (3.8)

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TBv < T  TCv βv (T) = β0v (3.9)

TCv < T TDv βv (T) = β0v ───── (3.10)

T > TDv βv(T) = β0v ────────── (3.11)

where β0v = 3,0 is the maximum dynamic amplification factor of the vertical acceleration of the
ground movement by the structure having the fraction of the critical damping ξ = 0,05.

The control (corner) periods of the normalised response spectra for the vertical component of the
seismic movement is considered , in a simplified manner, as follows:

TBv = 0,1 TCv (3.12)

TCv = 0,45 TC (3.13)
TDv = TD (3.14)

The elastic response spectrum for the vertical component of the ground movement within the site
Sve is defined as follows:

Sve(T) = avg βv (T) (3.15)

The peak value of the acceleration for the vertical component of the ground movement avg is
evaluated as:

avg = 0,7 ag (3.16)

(10) In Bucharest city there is a clear instrumental evidence of the long predominant period (Tp =
1,41,6s) for the ground vibration during earthquakes in Vrancea with moderate and high
magnitudes (magnitude Gutenberg-Richter M  7,0; moment magnitude Mw 7,2).

The definition of the predominant period of the ground vibration is given in Appendix A.

Designing quasi-resonant structures with predominant period of the ground vibration should be

3.1.1. Alternative descriptions of the seismic action

Within the dynamic calculus of the structures, the seismic movement is described through the
variation in time of the ground acceleration (accelerogram).

When a specimen of spatial calculus is needed, the seismic movement should be characterised by
three simultaneous accelerograms corresponding to the three (two horizontal and one vertical)
orthogonal directions. On the two horizontal directions different accelerograms are used

3.1.2. Artificial accelerograms

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Artificial accelerograms are the accelerograms produced on the basis of an elastic response
spectrum for accelerations within the site, Se(T).

The elastic response spectrum of the artificial accelerograms should be similar to the elastic
response spectrum for accelerations within the site.

On the basis of the elastic response spectrum for accelerations within the site Se(T), a set of artificial
accelerograms should be generated, observing the following conditions:

a) Minimum number of accelerograms is 3 (three);

b) Arithmetic mean of the peak accelerations values of the accelerograms generated is not lower
than the value ag for that site;

c) All values of the average spectrum calculated through the arithmetic mean of the ordinates of
the response elastic spectra for accelerations corresponding to all artificial accelerograms
generated should not be lower than 10% of the corresponding value of the response elastic
spectrum within the Se(T).

3.1.3. Recorded accelerograms

The recorded accelerograms can be used if they are recorded in the proximity of the site concerned,
provided that the maximum value of the acceleration recorded is scaled so it has the same value as
within the site and the frequencies content is compatible to the local site conditions.

Accelerograms recorded within other sites may be also used, under the following conditions: the
maximum acceleration is scaled, the characteristics of the seismic sources, the distance source-site
and the site conditions within the site are similar.

In all cases, at least 3 (three) accelerograms should be used.

All values of the average spectrum of the recorded accelerograms to be used will not be lower than
10% of the corresponding value of the response elastic spectrum within the Se(T).

3.1.4. Variability in space of the seismic action

For structures having special characteristics as those for which the hypothesis of uniform excitation
of all support points can not apply, usage of spatial models of the seismic action that consider the
variability of the ground movement from a point to another.
The compatibility between the response spectra of the accelerograms in various points and the
elastic response spectrum for accelerations within the site Se(T) recommended by the norm should
be checked as for the artificial accelerograms.

3.2. Designing spectrum

The designing spectrum for accelerations Sd(T), expressed in m/s2, is a non-elastic response
spectrum obtained by the formulas 3.17 and 3.18:

┌ ┐

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

│ 0/q - 1 │
0 < T  TB Sd(T) = ag│1 + ─────────── T│ (3.17)
│ TB │
└ ┘

 (T)
T > TB = ag ─────── (3.18)


q is the behaviour factor of the structure (factor for changing the elastic response into non-
elastic response), having values that depend on the structure type and its capability of
dissipating the energy.

The values of the behaviour factor q for various material and structural system types are showed in
specific chapters of this code.

The designing spectrum for the vertical component of the seismic action is obtained in a similar
way. The value of the behaviour factor in this case is considered, in a simplified manner, 1,5 for all
materials and structural systems except when higher values can be justified by special analyses.

3.3. Combination of the seismic action and other types of actions

For the designing on the ultimate limit state of the constructions placed in seismic areas, the value
for designing of the combined effects of the actions is determined from the effect groups of the
loads according to CRO-2005.


4.1. General

Chapter 4 of the code includes general rules for choosing the sites and the general structure of the

In Chapter 4 general instructions are also given for choosing the models and methods of structural
calculus on seismic actions and for choosing the values of the behaviour factors depending on the
extent to which the constructions complies with the conditions of good conformity for earthquake.

The chapter is related to the sections 5-11, where the designing aspects specific to the constructions
made up of various materials are detailed.

4.2. Conditions for planning the constructions

(1) The new constructions will be integrated into the natural and anthropic environment so that to
prevent the increase of the risks due to the potential, direct or indirect effects, of future strong
earthquakes. For this purpose, the restriction of the construction density, as well as the number
of persons that may occupy for long periods of time the current type constructions such as living
buildings is recommended. This generally means the restriction on the height of these buildings,
which measure may also have favourable economic effects. Multiple access and communication
roads will be also provided for the possible need of emergency evacuation in order to restrict the
effects of strong earthquakes.
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(2) The length of the provisional situations that may occur during the execution of the constructions
in which there is a low degree of structural protection and the risk of serious effects increases in
case of seismic actions of high intensity will be restricted.

(3) The execution of the new constructions will be related to the replacement or consolidation in
useful time of the old and seismically vulnerable anthropic environment.

4.3. Conditions on the constructions placing

(1) The constructions will be usually placed in areas where the geological structure and the
structure of the superficial ground layers allow the seismic protection under economic
conditions without costly measures.

(2) The constructions will not generally be placed on the banks, steeps or other fields with slipping
or landslide risk. When such placing can not be avoided, necessary measures for the
stabilisation of the fields will be taken.

(3) When the placing of the constructions on lands having lower mechanical properties (sands with
a high degree of aeration, pressing or liquefiable sands, slurries, non-reinforced fillings etc.) can
not be avoided, the necessary measures will be taken for the consolidation of the lands so they
could provide a good seismic behaviour of the constructions.

(4) For the constructions of which possible damage could have very serious effects, specific criteria
of excluding certain placing categories will be specified depending on the nature of the
constructions and the technological processes.

4.4. General structure of the constructions

4.4.1. Basic aspects of the designing conception

(1) The seismic designing has in view the execution of a safe construction related to the seismic
hazard associated to the site, that meets under reasonable cost conditions the fundamental
requirements in 2.1.

(2) The basic conceptual aspects relate to:

- The structure simplicity
- The structure redundancy
- The geometry of the structure and the whole building, considering the manner of distribution of
the structural and non-structural elements and the masses
- Lateral strength and stiffness in any direction
- Performing as membranes of the floors
- Execution of proper foundations.

The most important objective of the designing is the execution of a simple, compact and as
symmetrical as possible structure because the modelling, calculus, dimensioning, detailing and
execution of the simple structures are subjected to much lower uncertainties and, consequently, the
desired seismic behaviour could be applied to the construction, with a high degree of confidence. Structural simplicity

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(1) The structural simplicity implies the existence of a continuous and reasonable strong structural
system to ensure a clear, as direct as possible and non-interrupted line of the seismic forces,
irrespectively of their direction, up to the foundation ground. The seismic forces produced
within all elements of the building are taken over by the horizontal membrane floors and
transmitted to the vertical structure and then to the foundations and land.

(2) The designing should ensure that there are no discontinuities of this line. For example, such
discontinuities are represented by a large hole in the floor or the absence from the floor of the
reinforcements collecting the inertia forces in order to transmit them to the vertical structure. Structural redundancy

The seismic designing will intend to provide the building structure with the proper redundancy. It
thus ensures that:

- The break of a sole element or a sole structural bond does not expose the structure to the loss of

- A plastifying mechanism with sufficient plastic areas is achieved, allowing the exploitation of
the strength stocks of the building and an advantageous dissipation of the seismic energy.

Note: In order to be reduntant, a structure having multiple internal bonds (multiple statically
undetermined) should have all bonds properly dimensioned. For example, a many-stage reinforced
concrete structure does not have redundancy if the joining lengths of the reinforcements in the
pillars are insufficient. Geometry (configuration) of the structure

(1) The seismic designing will have in view the execution of a structure as regular as possible,
distributed in plane as uniformly as possible, allowing a direct and short transmission of the
inertia forces afferent to the masses distributed within the building.

(2) The structure should be as uniform as possible on the vertical of the construction, in order to
prevent the occurrence of sensitive areas where the excessive stresses or plastic deformations
could lead to premature breaks.

(3) The reduction as much as possible of the eccentricities is aimed by choosing an advantageous
shape of the construction, a proper distribution of the masses, the stiffness and the lateral
strength capability of the structure. Stiffness and strength to translation in two directions

(1) Due to the fact that the horizontal action of the earthquakes takes place in two directions, the
structural elements will be placed in plane in a orthogonal system so as to give reasonable
strength and stiffness in two directions. The structural systems may be different in the two

(2) The lateral stiffness will be enough for restricting the horizontal displacements so as the 2 nd
degree effects and the degradations of the building could be controlled.

(3) For the many-stage buildings the solutions with increased lateral stiffness are recommended, by
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providing structural walls on the entire height of the buildings, in all cases when the functional
necessity of certain free areas or the shape of the building does not hinder their use. The
manner of execution of the partitioning and closing walls, the bond between the non-structural
elements and the elements of the strength structure as well as the extent to which the first
prevent the free deformations of the latest will be also considered when choosing the structural
system by stiffness criteria. Stiffness and strength to torsion

The structure should be provided with reasonable stiffness and strength to torsion in order to restrict
the twisting movements of the whole construction that could dangerously increase the stresses and
the horizontal displacements of the buildings. The most efficient solution would be the proper
placing on the perimeter of the construction of elements that are reasonably rigid and resistant (at
least two in each direction). Membrane performance of the floors

(1) Within a construction correctly organised for taking over the seismic loads, the floors play an
essential part by:

- Collecting the inertia forces and transmitting them to the vertical elements of the structure
- Actioning as a horizontal membrane, providing the solidary undertaking of the vertical elements
for taking over the horizontal seismic forces

The membranes organisation, that is the shape, the concrete section and the reinforcement thereof,
of the metallic or wooden elements, as the case may be, should ensure to a large extent the
fulfilment of these roles.

(2) The designing of the floors having irregular structures (irregular shapes and relatively large
holes etc.) and the designing of the floors in irregular structures (lack of uniformity in plane and
on the vertical) will be based upon calculus models able to show clearly enough the behaviour
to earthquake of these elements.

(3) The performance as membranes that are practically infinitely rigid and resistant for forces
applied in their plane of the floors on each level allows certain calculus models structurally
simplified, characterised by the occurrence of only 3 displacements on each level (2
translations and 1 rotation) to be adopted. Execution of a proper foundation (infrastructure)

(1) The structure of the construction foundations and the connection of the construction with the
superstructure should ensure that the entire building is subjected to a seismic excitation as
uniform as possible.

(2) For structures made up of structural walls with different stiffness and strength capabilities, the
infrastructures of rigid and resistant box type or apron type are generally recommendable.

(3) When adopting individual (direct or in depth, through pilots) foundation elements, the use of a
foundation plate (apron) or the provision of tie beams between these elements in both directions
is recommendable.

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(4) It is recommendable to avoid the construction forms on which, for certain directions of seismic
action, over-straining of vertical elements and disadvantageous straining of the infrastructure
may produce.

(5) When designing the foundation, the forces transmitted by the superstructure are those
corresponding to the structural mechanism for the energy dissipation.

(6) Other conditions and criteria for executing the foundation system are given in the "Norm for the
designing of the direct foundation structures", NP 112-04. Conditions on the construction masses

(1) In order to reduce the unfavourable effects due to the irregular placing of the mass loads, the
gravitational loads will be placed on the floors as uniformly as possible, both in plane and on
the vertical.

(2) In order to reduce the seismic inertia forces actioning on the constructions, constructions with
masses as low as possible will be executed. For this purpose:

- When executing the non-structural elements: covers, cold insulators, blankets, partitioning and
closing walls, balcony railings etc., light materials will be used first. At the same time, the
thickness of the plasters, the equalising blankets, the layers for executing the slopes and the
weight of the ornamental elements on the buildings where they are needed will be reduced.

- For the constructions with a high height regime and /or large masses, the use of high strength
concrete in the structural elements, especially in pillars and structural walls, is recommended.

- For the roofs of the ground-floor halls with large openings (including the elements of the
lighting apertures and the cowls), solutions of light materials will be applied first.

- For the buildings with various functions depending on the height, the activities (functions)
involving large useful loads are recommended to be placed on the lower levels.

4.4.2. Main and secondary structural elements in taking over the seismic forces

(1) Certain structural elements may not be considered as part of the structural system taking over
the seismic forces and be designed as secondary seismic elements. The strength and stiffness of
these elements to lateral forces will be disregarded and they do not have to meet the special
provisions given in Chapters 5-9. On the other hand, these elements and their connections with
the basic seismic structure will be organised in such a way to take over the afferent gravitational
loads for the lateral displacements produced by the most unfavourable seismic straining.

(2) The secondary elements will meet the conditions in the designing codes for structures made up
of various materials.

(3) The lateral stiffness of the secondary elements, of which contribution to the taking over of the
seismic forces is disregarded, will not be higher than 15% of the lateral stiffness of the

(4) The elements that are not considered as secondary are designed as main seismic elements and
are part of the system that takes over the lateral forces. Their modelling for the calculus
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complies with the provisions of Chapter 4 and their dimensioning and detailing will comply
with the specific provisions in Chapters 5-9.

4.4.3. Conditions for assessing the structural regularity General aspects

(1) As regards the seismic designing, the constructions are categorised in regular and irregular.

(2) The conditions to be met by the constructions in order to be categorised as regular are given in and These criteria should be considered as necessary conditions that must be
generally met.

(3) Depending on the construction type, regular or irregular, the following are differentially chosen:

- structural model, that may be plane or spatial

- method of structural calculus, that may be the simplified procedure of the equivalent lateral
force (directly assessed based on the response spectrum) or the modal calculus procedure

- value of the behaviour factor, q, that is lower for the irregular structures, according to the
indications in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Manner of considering the structural regularity on the seismic designing

Case Regularity Admitted calculus Behaviour factor

In plane In elevation Model Linear elastic Linear elastic calculus
1 Yes Yes Plane *Equivalent Reference value
lateral force
2 Yes No Plane Modal Reduced value
3 No Yes Spatial Modal Reference value
4 No No Spatial Modal Reduced value

Note: - * Only if the construction is up to 30 m high and has a period of its own oscillations T < 1,50 s.
- Indications in the table 4.1 on choosing the model and the method of structural calculus correspond to the
minimum admitted calculus level

(4) The reference values for the behaviour factors are given in Chapters 5-9.

(5) The reduction of the behaviour factors for considering the uncertainties on the seismic
behaviour of the irregular structures will be established depending on the degree of this
irregularity. For example, the reference behaviour factor will be reduced by 20% for case 2, and
by 30% for case 4. Criteria for the structural regularity in plane

(1) The construction should be approximately symmetrical in plane compared to 2 orthogonal

directions, as regards the distribution of the lateral stiffness, the strength capabilities and the
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(2) The construction has compact shape, with regular contours. If the construction has shrinks in
plane on different levels (shrunk edges), the building is considered as having reasonable
regularity if these shrinks do not affect the stiffness in plane of the floor and for each shrink, the
difference between the floor contour and the convex (circumscribed) polygonal hull of the floor
does not exceed 15% of the floor area. If the form in plane is irregular, with discontinuities in
which significant additional stresses may occur, the sectioning of the construction by seismic
joints is recommended, so that for each section a regular form is reached, with advantageous
distributions of the volumes, masses and stiffness.

(3) For the many-stage buildings, on the levels where clearance reductions are executed, they will
be done on the vertical of the supporting elements (pillars, walls). The pillars will not be usually
supported by beams, except for the pillars with low loads on the last 1-2 levels of the multistage

(4) The stiffness of the floors in their planes is large enough compared to the lateral stiffness of the
vertical structural elements, so that the deformation of the floors has a negligible effect on the
distribution of the horizontal forces between the vertical structural elements.

(5) For each level, in each of the main directions of the building, the eccentricity will meet the
following conditions:

e0x  0,30 rx (4.1 a)

e0y  0,30 ry (4.1 b)


e0x, e0y – distance between the stiffness centre and masses centre, measured in normal direction in
the calculus direction

rx, ry – square root of the proportion between the structure strength to torsion and the lateral stiffness
in the calculus direction

(6) For the monotonous structures on vertical, the lateral stiffness of the structural components
(frames, walls) may be considered as proportional to a forces system with a simplified
distribution (see section 4.5) producing a unitary displacement to these components at the top of
the construction.

(7) Alternatively to the conditions given in (5), the structure is considered regular, with relatively
low sensitivity to the whole twisting if the maximum displacement, recorded on an extremity of
the building is maximum 1,35 times higher than the average of the displacements of the two
extremities. Criteria for the regularity on vertical

(1) The structural system is developed monotonously on vertical without variations from
foundations up to the top of the building. If there are shrinks on the building height, they do not
exceed, for any level, 20% of the dimension on the immediate lower level.

(2) The structure does not have on any level reductions of lateral stiffness higher than 30% from the
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stiffness of the immediate upper or lower level (the structure does not have ductile levels).

(3) The structure does not have on any level a lateral strength lower than 20% from that of the
immediate upper or lower level (the structure does not have weak levels as regards the lateral

(4) If the dimensions of the structural elements are reduced from the base to the top of the structure,
the variation of the stiffness and lateral strength is uniform, without sudden reductions from a
lower level to an upper level.

(5) The masses applied on the construction are distributed uniformly. This means that the afferent
mass to any level is higher only by 50% than the masses applied on the adjacent levels.

(6) The structure does not have discontinuities on vertical to deviate the loads line to the
foundations. The deviation may take place in the same plane of the structure or from a plane to
another vertical plane of the construction.

4.4.4. Conditions for the organisation of the floors General

(1) The horizontal membranes operate as horizontal beams, with proportions of wall beams, rested
on the planes where the vertical structural subsystems (frames, walls) develop. Their loads are
made up of the horizontal inertia forces associated to the weight of all structural and non-
structural elements, equipment and long lasting fraction of the temporary loads, respectively,
according to the provisions in Chapter 3.

(2) The membranes are modelled into the calculus as wall beams or frameworks.

(3) The membranes should be capable for having a reasonable strength capacity so that to transmit
the effects of the seismic action to the elements of the lateral structure to which they are
connected, working mostly in the elastic range.

(4) Designing should avoid the stress of the floors in the inelastic range that could significantly
alter the distribution of the lateral loads (and implicitly the values of the cross forces in the
vertical elements) and the weight of the vibration modes of the floors and the vertical structure.

(5) The specific aspects on the designing of the floors refer to:

- Taking over the tensile stresses in the bending;

- Transmission of the reactions to supports, walls or frameworks through the connection between
these elements and the floor plate;

- Collecting the loads applied in the floor mass, for their transmission to the vertical elements;

- Taking over the cross forces through the mechanism specific to the wall beams (by spring or
framework activation), including with transversal reinforcements of suspension by the
compressed area of the seismic loads distributed in the floor mass.

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006 Designing to bending

(1) The strains in the bending are taken over by reinforcements in the bordering elements of the
floor. These elements, represented by belts on walls and beams (made of reinforced concrete,
steel, wood, as the case may be) or reinforcements mounted between the joints of a masonry,
should meet two conditions:

- To be continuous
- To be properly connected to the plate (elements) of the floor.

If continuous, the reinforcements in the plate that are parallel to the edge of the floor may also have
this role.

(2) When assessing the tensile stresses in the floor, the effects of the relative ductility (stiffness) of
the vertical elements will be taken into account.

(3) When the floors may not be considered practically infinitely rigid compared to the components
of the lateral structure, as well when the stiffness of the floors is different for the various levels
of the building, the effect of their deformability on the distribution of the lateral forces on the
horizontal and vertical of the building will be taken into account. For this purpose simplified
models of calculus, where the whole structure, including the floors, is represented by a network
of beams, may be used.

(4) For the prominent corners of the reinforced concrete floors having irregular shape, proper
reinforcements will be provided in order to limit the possible dangerous cracks in these areas to
develop in length and opening.

In these areas and the local reduction of the plane dimensions of the floor, the bordering
reinforcement must go well beyond the corner, in order to ensure the engagement of the current
reinforcements of the floor.

Measures with similar role will be also taken for floors made of different materials. Connecting the floors to the elements of the lateral structure

(1) The connection of the floors to the elements of the lateral structure will be dimensioned and
organised so that to be able to transmit the cross forces resulted from the activity as horizontal
membrane. When these forces are excessive, the local thickening of the floor can be used.

(2) This connection is made depending on the concrete way of organising the floor, related to the
encasing systems and the execution technology, through:

- Reinforcements perpendicular to the plate-wall (beam) interface, properly tied to the reinforced
concrete floors

- Welded connections, bolts, to the metallic floors

- Crampons, tie-in through nails, bolts, to the wooden floors

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(3) Connection elements that could also serve to the tie (resting) of certain masonry or concrete
walls on normal forces, to their plane. Collecting the horizontal loads

(1) The behaviour as wall beams of the floors implies certain suspension reinforcements needed
for taking over the tensile stresses from the plate plane, resulted from the distributed
application of the horizontal seismic forces to the floor.

(2) In order to reduce the stresses that are tangential to the floor interface – lateral structure, certain
“collectors”, elements transmitting the mass loads through direct suspension are recommended. Specific measures in floors with large holes

(1) Circulation holes on the vertical in areas where the membrane section is significantly reduced
will be avoided in order to prevent the fracture of thus slack floors.

(2) Bordering elements similar to those at the edge of the floor will be provided around the large
holes. In such cases, the reinforcement of the floor for forces in its plane should be determined
on calculus schemes that consider the slackness produced by the holes.

(3) For the (functional, installations, etc) holes in the floor, the possible effects of the discontinuities
thus created on the way in which the horizontal forces are transmitted from the floor to the
elements of the lateral structure and implicitly on the model of structural calculus will be
analysed. The existence of holes superposed on multiple levels may expose the vertical elements
to the risk of losing the stability or to breaks under normal forces on their plane.

Table 4.2 Classes of importance and exposal to earthquakes for the buildings

Class of Types of buildings γI

I Buildings with essential functions, with an integrity during the earthquakes that is 1,4
vital for the civil protection: firemen and police stations; hospitals and other
constructions afferent to the sanitary services that are equipped with surgery and
emergency rooms; the buildings of the institutions responsible with the
management of the emergency situations, the national defence and security;
stations for production and distribution of the energy and/or providing essential
services for the other categories of building mentioned here; vehicle garages of
the various categories of emergency services; water tanks and pumping stations
that are essential for emergency situations; buildings containing toxic gases,
explosives and other dangerous substances.
II Buildings with a seismic resistance that is important as regards the consequences 1,2
associated to the collapse or serious damage:
 Dwellings and public buildings with over 400 persons in the total exposed
 Hospitals, other than those in class I and medical institutions with a capacity
over 150 persons in the total exposed area
 Penitentiaries
 Residential nursing homes, nurseries
 Schools with various degrees, with a capacity over 200 persons in the total
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exposed area
 Auditoriums, conference and show halls with capacities over 200 persons
 Buildings in the national patrimony, museums, etc
III Buildings of current type not belonging to the other categories 1
IV Buildings of little importance for the public safety, with low degree of occupancy 0,8
and/or low economical importance, agricultural constructions, one family

4.4.5. Classes of importance and exposure to earthquake and importance factors

(1) The level of insuring the buildings differs depending on their class of importance and exposure
to earthquake. The importance of the buildings depends on the consequences on their collapse
on people lives, their importance for the public safety and the civil protection immediately after
the earthquake and the social and economical consequences of the collapse or serious damage.

(2) The class of importance and exposure to earthquake is characterised by the value of the
importance factor γI, according to 2.1(2).

(3) The definition of the importance classes and the values associated to γI are given in table 4.2.

(4) The importance factor γI = 1.0 is associated to seismic events with reference recurrence period
given in 2.1.

4.5. Structures calculus to the seismic action

4.5.1. General

The section comprises provisions for assessing the seismic forces and calculating the structural
effects (stresses and displacements) generated by these forces. In the engineers’ calculations the
following are considered, depending on the way of expression of the seismic action:

- Seismic inertia forces generated by the structure movement produced by the seismic
accelerations on the ground-construction interface;

- Seismic forces transmitted by the systems of resting and connecting to the support structure of
the non-structural components, equipment and installations.

4.5.2. Modelling of the structural behaviour

(1) In order to determine the structural effects, models of calculus describing the behaviour of the
structure to the seismic action are used. The structural module should properly represent the
general configuration (geometry, connections, material), distribution of the inertia
characteristics (level masses, inertia moments of the level masses against the centre of the level
masses), stiffness and damping characteristics, leading to the correct determination of the
specific significant vibration modes, seismic forces and seismic response characteristics. For the
non-linear calculus methods, the models should correctly represent the resistance and
deformation capacities of the elements in the post-elastic range.

(2) The building is schematised through systems resistant to vertical and lateral actions, connected
through floors (horizontal membranes) or not.
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(3) For the constructions meeting criteria of regularity in plane and uniformity on the vertical, the
linear seismic calculus may be done considering two plane models, defined by the vertical
elements and the connections between them, oriented on the main orthogonal directions of the
structural assembly.

(4) While modelling the deformability of the structures, the behaviour of the connections between
beams, pillars and/or structural walls should be also considered. Non-structural elements
influencing the seismic response of the structural assembly will be also included in the model,
such as the partitioning walls significantly increasing the lateral stiffness and the strength of the
structures within the frames.

(5) In order to reduce the size of the model, the mass continuously distributed is centred in specific
points, the dynamic model obtained having a finite number of degrees of dynamic freedom. The
seismic forces associated to the structure movement are centred actions applied to the
concentration points of the masses.

(6) For the multistage constructions, with non-deformable reinforced concrete floors in their planes,
the masses and the inertia moments of the masses on each level are centred on the floor, in the
centre of the masses. Three degrees of dynamic freedom will result (two horizontal translations
and a rotation about the vertical axis) for each level. For the ductile floors in their planes (such
as reinforced concrete floors with large dimensions and important holes), they will be included
in the structural model, with appropriate values of the stiffness and additional degrees of
dynamic freedom. When between the strength elements there are not connections that can be
considered non-deformable, the masses will be applied to the intersection joints of the strength
elements of the structure.

(7) The masses are calculated using the gravitational loads resulting from the combinations of loads
specific to the seismic action according to section 3.3.

(8) For the complex structures with models of large dimensions, the use of condensed dynamic
models with reduced sizes is permitted. The equivalent dynamic and strength characteristics are
determined through standard dynamic or static condensation techniques.

(9) For the structures of the buildings made of reinforced concrete, rigid reinforcement concrete or
masonry, the effects of concrete and mortar, respectively, fissuration will be also considered
when assessing the stiffness of the strength elements.

(10) The deformability of the foundation and/or the deformability of the ground should be
considered if they significantly influence the structural response. Accidental torsion effects

For the constructions with non-deformable floors in their planes, the effects generated by the
uncertainties associated to the distribution of the level masses and/or the spatial variation of the
seismic movement of the ground are considered by entering an additional accidental eccentricity. It
is considered for each calculus direction and each level and relates to the centre of the masses. The
accidental eccentricity is calculated using the following formula:
e1i = ± 0,05 Li (4.2)

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e1i - accidental eccentricity of the mass on level "i" related to the calculated position of the centre of
the masses, applied in the same direction for all levels

Li – dimension of the floor perpendicular to the direction of the seismic action.

4.5.3. Methods of structural calculus General

(1) Depending on the structural characteristics and the importance of the construction, one of the
following calculus methods for the current designing may be used:

- Method of lateral forces associated to the fundamental vibration mode, for the buildings
complying with the conditions specified in the paragraph 4.4.3,

- Modal calculus method with response spectra, generally applicable to all buildings types.

Within the calculus method with lateral forces, the dynamic nature of the seismic action is simply
represented by distributions of static forces. This is why the method is also called equivalent static

(2) Other calculus methods that may apply:

- Linear dynamic calculus method

- Linear static calculus method

- Non-linear dynamic calculus method

(3) Reference method for determining the seismic effects is the modal calculus with response
spectra. The behaviour of the structure is represented by a linear-elastic model and the seismic
action is described by designing response spectra.

(4) Within the linear and non-linear dynamic calculus methods, the seismic action is represented by
accelerograms recorded in various placing conditions and/or artificial accelerograms,
compatible to the specified designing spectra. Mentions on the selection, calibration and use of
the accelerograms are given in Chapter 3.

(5) The non-linear calculus methods may be used if the following are provided: the appropriate
calibration of the designing seismic action; selection of an appropriate constitutive model for the
non-linear behaviour; correct interpretation of the results obtained and check of the
requirements to be met.

(6) For the constructions meeting criteria of regularity in plane and uniformity on the vertical, the
linear seismic calculus may be done considering two plane models oriented to the main
orthogonal directions of the structural assembly.

(7) For the constructions in the classes of importance with the coefficient γ I  1, the elastic linear
seismic calculus may be done on plane models, even if the criteria of regularity in plane are not
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being met, but the following conditions are met:

(a) The construction has compartments and closings distributed relatively uniformly;

(b) The height of the construction does not exceed 10 m;

(c) The proportion height/length does not exceed 0,4;

(d) The horizontal floors have a reasonable stiffness compared to the lateral stiffness of the vertical
resistance elements, to be considered non-deformable membranes in their plane.

(8) The constructions that do not meet the criteria above should be calculated with spatial structural
models. For the spatial models, the designing seismic action should be applied in all relevant
directions. The spatial nature of the seismic action is defined within a reference system
represented by three orthogonal axes, one vertical and two horizontal, selected as follows:

- For the constructions with vertical resistance elements oriented in two orthogonal directions, the
respective horizontal directions are considered;

For the other constructions, the main horizontal directions of the whole resistance structure are
chosen (see Appendix C) Method of the equivalent static seismic forces General

(1) This method may be applied to the constructions that may be calculated by considering two
plane models in orthogonal directions and with a total seismic response that is not significantly
influenced by the superior specific vibration modes. In this case, the fundamental specific
translation mode has the prominent contribution to the total seismic response.

(2) The requirements in paragraph (1) are considered to be met for the buildings in which;
a) The fundamental periods corresponding to the main horizontal directions are lower than the

T 1,5 s (4.3)

b) The criteria of regularity on the vertical as defined in paragraph are met. Basic cross force

(1) The basic cross force corresponding to the fundamental specific mode, for each main horizontal
direction considered in the calculus of the building, is determined as follows:

Fb = γISd(T1) m  (4.4)


Sd(T1)- ordinate of the designing response spectrum corresponding to the fundamental period T1

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T1 - fundamental specific vibration period of the building in the plane containing the considered
horizontal direction

m – total mass of the building calculated as sum of the level masses mi according to the notes in
Appendix C

γI – factor of importance – exposure of the construction in section 4.4.5

 - correction factor considering the contribution of the fundamental specific mode through the
effective modal mass associated to it, having the following values

 = 0,85 if T1  TC and the building has more than two levels and

 = 1,0 in the other cases.

(2) The fundamental specific period T1 is determined on the basis of methods of structural dynamic
calculus. Approximate methods, such as the energetic method Rayleigh described in Appendix
B, may be also used.

(3) The fundamental period may be approximately estimated using the simplified formulas
specified for various categories of structures in Appendix B. Distribution of the horizontal seismic forces

(1) The effects of the seismic action is determined by applying the horizontal seismic forces
associated to the levels with the masses mi for each of the two plane calculus models.
The seismic force actioning on level "i" is calculated using the formula:

mi si
Fi = Fb ───────────── (4.5)
/__ mi si


F – statically equivalent horizontal seismic force on the level "i"

Fb – basic cross force corresponding to the fundamental mode, determined using the formula (4.4),
representing the resultant of the level horizontal seismic forces

Si – the component of the fundamental form in the direction of the translation dynamic freedom
degree on the level "i"

n – number of levels of the building

mi – level mass, determined according to Appendix C

(2) The fundamental specific form may be approximated through a linear variation increasing on the
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height. In this case, the level horizontal forces are given by the formula:

mi zi
Fi = Fb ─────────────── (4.6)
/__ mi zi


zi – represents the height of the level "i" to the base of the construction considered in the model.

(3) The horizontal seismic forces are applied to the structural systems as lateral forces on the level
of each floor considered as non-deformable in its plane. Torsion effects

(1) The plane models consider the same position for the stiffness centres and the mass centres on
each level. In order to consider the torsion effects produced by their different positions, as well
as the effect of accidental eccentricities, the calculus for the plane model should be corrected by
determining the additional level seismic forces that are distributed to the plane subsystems
constituting the model.

(2) The level seismic forces obtained for the plane models associated to two main orthogonal
directions are distributed to the component plane subsystems in each direction according to the

- for the direction x of seismic action

j j
K K y
j ix ix j
F = ──────── F + ───────────────────── F e
ix p ix p ix iy
___ ___
\ j \ ┌ j 2 j 2┐
/__ K /__ │K y + K x │
j=1 ix j=1 │ ix j iy j│
└ ┘
- for the direction y of seismic action (4.7)

j j
K K x
j iy iy j
F = ─────
472;── F + ───────────────────── F e
iy p iy p iy ix
___ ___
\ j \ ┌ j 2 j 2┐
/__ K /__ │K y + K x │
j=1 iy j=1 │ ix j iy j│
└ ┘
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j j
F , F - seismic forces on the level "i" in direction x, respectively y, for plane subsystem j
ix iy

Fix , Fiy - seismic forces on the level "i" in direction x, respectively y, for general plane model

Kjix Kiyj - relative level stiffness of the p vertical elements that constitute the plane subsystem
associated to the direction x, respectively y, calculated considering only the translation displacements of the non-
deformable floor.

xj , yj - distances in the direction x, respectively y, defining the position of the plane subsystem
to the stiffness centre on the level “i”

eix , eiy - distances in the direction x, respectively y, defining the displaced positions of the seismic forces to the
stiffness centre:

eix = e0ix ± e1ix eiy = e0iy± e1iy

e0ix , e0iy - distances in direction x, respectively y, between the mass and the stiffness centres on the level "i"

e1ix , e1iy - accidental eccentricities in direction x, respectively y, on the level "i", calculated according to the

In the above formulas, the axial and torsion stiffness of the vertical resistance elements were
disregarded. Method of modal calculus with response spectra General

(1) In the modal calculus method, the seismic action is assessed on the basis of the response spectra
corresponding to the unidirectional translation movements of the ground described by

(2) The horizontal seismic action is described by two horizontal components assessed on the basis
of the same designing response spectrum. The vertical component of the seismic action is
characterised by the vertical response spectrum.

(3) This calculus method applies to buildings that do not meet the conditions specified for the use
of the simplified method with statically equivalent lateral forces. For the constructions meeting
the criteria of regularity in plane and the criteria of vertical uniformity, the calculus may be
done using two plane structural models corresponding to the main orthogonal horizontal

(4) The buildings that do not meet the criteria above will be calculated using spatial models.

(5) When using a spatial model, the seismic action will be applied in the relevant horizontal
directions and the main orthogonal directions. For the buildings with resistance elements placed
in two perpendicular directions, they may be considered as relevant directions. Generally, the
main directions correspond to the direction of the basic cross force associated to the
fundamental translation vibration mode and the normal in this direction.

(6) The structures with linear behaviour are characterised by the specific vibration modes (specific
periods, specific vibration forms, effective modal masses, participation factors of the effective
modal masses). They are determined by dynamic calculus methods, using the inertia dynamic
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and deformability characteristics of the structural systems resistant to the seismic action.

(7) Within the calculus, the specific modes with a significant contribution to the total seismic
response will be considered.

(8) The condition in paragraph (7) above is met if:

- The sum of the effective modal masses for the specific modes considered represents at least
90% from the total mass of the structure,

- All specific modes with an effective modal mass larger than 5% from the total mass were
considered into the calculus.

(9) The basic cross force F(b,k) applied in the direction of action of the seismic movement in the
specific vibration mode k is

Fb,k = I Sd(Tk) mk (4.8)

mk – is the effective modal mass associated to the specific vibration mode k and is determined using the formula
┌n ┐2
│___ │
│\ │
│/__ m s │
│i=1 i i,k│
└ ┘
m = ───────────── (4.9)
k n
\ 2
/__ m s
i=1 i i,k

mi - level mass

Tk - specific period in the specific vibration mode k

si,k - component of the specific vector in the vibration mode k in the direction of the translation dynamic freedom
degree on the level "i"

The sum of all effective modal masses (for all directions and all vibration modes) is equal to the
mass of the structure.

(10)For the spatial models, the condition (8) above will be checked for each calculus direction. In
the Appendix C, there are details on the modal calculus considering the spatial behaviour.

(11)When the conditions in paragraph (8) can not be met (for example, for buildings with a
significant contribution of the torsion modes), the minimum number r of specific modes to be
included in a spatial calculus should meet the following conditions:

r 3 \│n and Tr  0,05 Tc (4.10)

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r – minimum number of specific modes to be considered

n – number of levels above the ground

Tr – specific vibration period of the last vibration mode considered r Combination of the modal responses

(1) The modal responses for two consecutive specific vibration modes, k and k+1 are considered as
independent if the specific vibration periods Tk şi Tk+1 (where Tk+1  Tk) meet the following

Tk+1  0,9 Tk (4.11)

For the maximum modal responses, independent between them, the maximum total effect is
obtained with the modal composing formula

│ 2
E =\│ (4.12)
E \│ E,k


EE - effect of the seismic action (sectional stress, displacement)

EEk - effect of the seismic action in the vibration mode k

(2) Where the condition in paragraph (1) is not met, other rules of superposing the modal
maximums (for example, affected quadratic combination, algebraic summation of the successive
modal responses etc.) will be considered. Effects of the accidental torsion

Where a spatial model is used in order to obtain the seismic response, the torsion effect produced by
an accidental eccentricity may be considered by entering a torsion moment on each level

M1i = e1i ▪ Fi (4.13)


M1i – torsion moment applied on the level "i" about its vertical axis

e1i - accidental eccentricity of the mass on the level "i" according to the formula (4.2)

Fi – horizontal statically equivalent seismic force applied on the level "i"

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The torsion moment will be calculated for all directions and aims considered in the calculus Method of linear dynamic calculus

(1) The linear seismic response in time is obtained by direct integration of the differential
movement equations expressing the instantaneous dynamic equilibrium in the directions of the
dynamic freedom degrees considered in the model.

(2) The seismic movement of the ground is characterised by accelerograms discretized in time,
which are representative for the designing seismic action and the local placing conditions.

(3) In the linear dynamic calculus a reasonable number of accelerograms for each direction will be
considered. If there are not accelerograms recorded on the site or they are insufficient, artificial
accelerograms may be used according to the provisions in paragraph 3.1.2.

(4) The designing values are obtained from the structural response by considering all situations at
different times, corrected with the behaviour factor q, where at least one effect (stress,
displacement) is maximum. Methods of non-linear calculus General

(1) The model used for the elastic linear calculus will be completed by entering the post-elastic
behaviour parameters (plastic capable stresses, interaction curves or areas, ultimate
deformations etc.).

(2) A minimum condition is represented by the use of the bilinear stress-deformation curves on the
element level. For the ductile elements that may have incursions in the post-elastic range, the
elastic stiffness will be the stiffness cross-cutting the flow point. Ideally elasto-plastic models
may be considered. Tri-linear relations considering also the stiffness in the stages before and
after fissuration of the concrete or masonry elements may be also used. Calculus models where
the non-linear behaviour of the material is described by constitutive laws and flow or yield
criteria similar to the actual behaviour can be executed.

(3) When choosing the behaviour model, the likeliness of resistance and especially stiffness
degradation will be taken into account, which situation is happening in case of the concrete
elements, masonry walls and fragile elements.

(4) If there are no further mentions, the properties of the elements will be determined on the basis
of the average values of the resistance for the materials used.

(5) The calculus model will include the action of the permanent loads that is constant in time and
the seismic action that varies in time. The formation of plastic hinges or yields from the
independent action of the permanent loads are not accepted.

(6) When determining the stress-deformation relations for the structural elements, the axial forces
coming from the permanent loads will be taken into account. For the vertical elements, the
bending moments coming from the permanent loads may be disregarded if this will not
significantly influence the entire behaviour of the structure.

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(7) The seismic action will be applied in positive and negative direction in order to obtain the most
unfavourable effects. Non-linear static (biographical) calculus General

(1) The biographical calculus is a non-linear static calculus where the permanent loads are constant,
while the horizontal loads are monotonously increasing. It may be applied for new and existing
buildings, for the following purposes:

a) For establishing or correcting the values of the proportion of the basic cross force associated to
the yield mechanism and the basic cross force associated to the formation of the first plastic
joint (u/1 proportion estimated in section

b) For establishing the possible plastic mechanisms and the degradations distribution

c) For assessing the structural performance

d) As a designing alternative to an elastic-linear calculus with seismic forces that uses the
behaviour factor q. In this case, the calculus relate to the last admitted displacement.

(2) For the buildings not meeting the regularity conditions in paragraphs and, a
calculus spatial model will be used.

(3) For the buildings meeting the regularity conditions in paragraphs and, a plane
calculus can be made using two models, one for each main horizontal direction.

(4) For the masonry buildings with low height for which the structural behaviour is dominated by
shearing, each level may be calculated independently.

(5) The requirements in point (4) are considered to be met if the number of the floors is less than or
equal to 3 and if for each level, the proportion height/width of the structural walls is less than 1. Lateral loads

(1) At least two types of vertical distribution of the lateral loads will apply:

- A uniform distribution, with lateral forces that are proportional to the mass irrespectively of the
building height (uniform response acceleration), for the assessment of the maximum cross

- A “modal” distribution, in which the conventional lateral seismic forces are determined by
elastic calculus (according to or, for the determination of the maximum bending

(2) The lateral loads will be applied to the points where the masses are concentrated in the model.
The accidental eccentricity will be considered according to the formula (4.2).

4. Response curve

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(1) The relation between the basic cross force and the reference displacement (response curve) is
determined by biographical calculus for values of the reference displacement between zero and
150% of the ultimate displacement, as defined in

(2) The reference displacement may be taken to the masses centre located on the building roof.

4. Proportion  u/ 1

The proportion (u/1) is determined by biographical calculus for the two types of distribution of
the lateral load presented in paragraph (1) in section when assessing the seismic forces,
the minimum value of the proportion will be chosen.

4. Yield mechanism

The mechanism of yield by plastic hinges will be determined for both distributions of the lateral
loads. The yield mechanisms should be in accordance with the mechanisms on which the
behaviour factor q used in designing is based. Ultimate displacement

The ultimate displacement represents the seismic requirement of displacement derived from the
non-elastic response spectra depending on the displacement of the system with an equivalent
freedom degree. In absence of displacement non-elastic spectra, approximate methods based upon
the elastic response spectrum may apply according to Appendix E.
Note: The procedure for determining the response curve through non-linear static calculus is
showed in Appendix D.

4. Assessment of the torsion effects

(1) The biographical calculus effected on plane structures may significantly underestimate the
deformations on the rigid/strong side of a structure flexible to torsion (the structure for which the
first vibration mode is predominantly of torsion). This is also valid for the structures where the
second vibration mode is predominantly of torsion. In these cases, the displacements on the
rigid/strong side should be increased compared to those obtained by a plane calculus in which the
torsion effects are not considered.
Note: The rigid/strong side in plane is that in which horizontal displacements lower than the
opposite side develop under the action of the lateral forces parallel to it.

(2) The above requirement is considered in a simplified manner as being met when the
amplification factor applied to the displacements on the rigid/strong side is based on the results
from the modal elastic calculus of the spatial model.

(3) If for the calculus of the structures regulated in plane two plane models are used, the torsion
effects are estimated according to or Non-linear dynamic calculus

(1) The response in time of the structure may be obtained through the direct integration of the
movement differential equations using the accelerograms defined in Chapter 3 for representing
the ground movement.
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(2) The element models according to must be supplemented by rules describing the
behaviour of the element under post-elastic loading-unloading cycles. These rules should
realistically show the energy dissipation into the element to the extent of the displacements
amplitudes expected for the designing system considered.

(3) If the response is obtained from the non-linear dynamic calculus, for at least 7 movements of
the ground compatible to the elastic response spectrum for accelerations according to Chapter
3, in the checks (displacements, deformations) the mean of the response values of all these
calculations as effect of the action Ed will be used. If 7 non-linear dynamic calculations are not
executed, the most unfavourable response value will be chosen out of the executed calculations
for Ed. Combination of the effects of the seismic action components Horizontal components of the seismic action

(1) The simultaneous action of the horizontal components of the seismic action will be considered
in the calculus.

(2) The combination of the effects of the seismic action horizontal components may be executed as

a) The structural response is assessed separately for each direction of seismic action, using the
combination rules for the modal responses given in

b) The maximum value of the seismic action effect represented by the simultaneous action of two
orthogonal horizontal components is obtained using the probabilistic combination rule
expressed by the square root of the sum of the square values of the effect on the structure,
obtained according to point (a) above, for each horizontal component.

c) Rule (b) above estimates for safety reasons the possible values of the effects of other directions
of seismic action.

(3) As an alternative to the points b) and c) in paragraph (2) above, the effects of the action due to
the combination of the horizontal components of the seismic action may be calculated using the
following combinations:

a) EEdx "+" 0,30 EEdy (4.14)

b) 0,30 EEdx "+" EEdy (4.15)


"+" – means "to be combined with",

EEdx – represents the effects of the action due to the application of the seismic movement in the
direction of the horizontal axis x chosen for the structure,

EEdy – represents the effects of the action due to the application of the seismic movement in the
direction of the horizontal axis y, perpendicular to the axis x of the structure.

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(4) The sign for each component in the combinations above will be chosen in such a way that the
effect of the action considered is unfavourable.

(5) When a linear or non-linear dynamic calculus is executed on a spatial model of the structure, it
will be simultaneously acted by distinct accelerograms on both horizontal directions.

(6) For buildings meeting the criteria of regularity in plane and for which the walls or the
independent systems of vertical bracing in planes associated to the two main horizontal
directions are the sole elements taking over the effects of the seismic movement, the separate
action of the earthquake in the two main horizontal directions may be considered without
making the combinations in paragraphs (2) and (3) above. Vertical component of the seismic action

(1) The vertical component of the seismic action as defined in Chapter 3 will be taken into account
in cases of indirect support (pillars on beams) and for consoles with large opening and other
structural elements with sensitivity to vertical oscillations.

(2) The effects of the vertical component of the seismic action can be determined by the calculus of
a partial model of the structure, containing elements on which the vertical component is
consider to act (such as those mentioned in the previous paragraph) and in which the stiffness of
the adjacent elements is considered.

(3) The effects of the vertical component should be considered only for the elements on which they
act and for the elements or under the structures constituting supports for them.

(4) If the horizontal components of the seismic action are also important for these elements, the
rules (2) in paragraph, extended to the three components of the seismic action may
apply. Alternatively, all combinations below may be used for the calculus of the effects of the
seismic action:

a) 0,30 EEdx "+" 0,30 EEdy "+" EEdz (4.16)

b) EEdx "+" 0,30 EEdy "+" 0,30 EEdz (4.17)

c) 0,30 EEdx "+" EEdy "+" 0,30 EEdz (4.18)


"+" means "to be combined with",

EEdx and EEdy see,

EEdz represent the effects of the action due to the application of the vertical component of the
designing seismic action as defined in Chapter 3.

4.5.4. Calculus of the deformations

(1) Calculus of the deformations (lateral displacements) is needed for checks on both limit states
(see 2.2.1 (2)).

(2) Calculus of the lateral displacements for SLS is made using the formula
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ds = v q de (4.19)


ds - displacement of a point in the structural system as effect of the seismic action

q – behaviour factor specific to the structure type (see Chapters 5..9)

de - displacement of the same point in the structural system, determined through elastic static
calculus under designing seismic loads (Chapter 3)

v – reduction factor that considers the recurrence period of the seismic action associated to the
checks for SLS (see 2.1 and 2.2); v values are given in Appendix E.

(3) Calculus of the lateral displacements for ULS is made using the formula

ds = c q de (4.20)


c – supra-unitary factor considering that the displacement requirements within the non-elastic
seismic response are superior to those in the elastic response for structures having the oscillation
period less than Tc; c values are given in Appendix E.

(4) The values of the displacements ds for SLS and ULS can also be obtained from the linear and
non-linear, respectively, dynamic calculus.

4.6. Safety check

4.6.1. General

The safety check is done by the conditions specific to the relevant limit states and by observing the
specific measures as mentioned in 2.2.4

4.6.2. Ultimate limit state General

The requirements associated to the ultimate limit state are considered to be met if the conditions on
strength, ductility and stability are met. Strength condition

(1) The following formula will be observed for all structural and non-structural elements:

Ed  Rd (4.21)

Ed – is the designing value of the effect (see 3.3) of the action (sectional stress), in the combination
containing the seismic action, considering also the effects of 2nd degree, when significant.
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Rd – the value corresponding to the capable stress, calculated on the basis of the rules specific to the
various materials (depending on the specific values of the strengths and partial safety factors) and
the mechanic models specific to the structural system type, according to Chapters 5-9 and codes
specific to the various materials.

(2) The effects of 2nd degree may be considered as insignificant if the following condition is met on
all levels:

Ptot dr
 = ───────────  0,10 (4.22)
Vtot h


 - sensitivity coefficient of the relative level displacement

Ptot – total vertical load on the level considered, in the seismic calculus hypothesis

dr - the relative level displacement, determined as the difference between the average lateral
displacements on the upper part and the lower part to the level considered, calculated according to

Vtot – total floor cross force

h – height of the floor

(3) If 0,1 <   0,2, the 2nd degree effects may be approximately considered, by multiplying the
calculus values of the stresses by the factor 1/1-.

(4) If 0,2 <  < 0,3, the values of the sectional stresses are determined on the basis of a structural
calculus by considering the equilibrium on the deformed position of the structure (by a
consistent 2nd degree calculus)

(5) Values of   0,3 are not admitted.

(6) If the calculus stresses Ed are obtained by non-linear calculus methods (using average values of
the strengths), the check in paragraph (1) is expressed as force only for the elements with fragile
behaviour. In the dissipative areas, designed as ductile areas and for the whole structure, the
formula (4.2a) is expresses as deformation (displacement). Total and local ductility conditions

(1) The whole structure and the structural elements involved in the structural mechanism of
dissipating the seismic energy, associated to the specific type of structure and behaviour factor
has an appropriate ductility.

(2) For this purpose, the conditions in Chapters 5 to 9, specific to various structural materials used,
concerning the imposing of favourable mechanisms of energy dissipation and providing the
dissipative areas with reasonable deformation capacity in the post-elastic range will be met.
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(3) By properly dimensioning the resistance of the structural elements in the multi-storey buildings,
the occurrence of mechanisms of energy dissipation of low level type to which excessive
ductility requirements are concentrated will be avoided.

(4) In order to impose the plastifying mechanism intended, the resistance capacities are
dimensioned in the selected areas for getting an elastic seismic response for moments values
high enough. The method for establishing values of the dimensioning moments is presented in
Chapters 5 to 9, depending on the structure type and the nature of material that makes up the
building structure.

(5) The links between the structural elements, such as the joints of the frame like structures, the
connectors between the elements made of various materials or concrete of different ages, and
the floors will be designed on reasonable high calculus stresses so to ensure that the seismic
response of these elements does not exceed the limits of the elastic range.

(6) In order to meet the conditions in (5), the floors will be designed on forces higher by 20% than
those provided by the structural calculus under the calculus seismic loads. Foundations strength

(1) The foundations system will be checked according to the provisions of "Norm for designing the
structures of direct foundation ", NP 112-04.

(2) When dimensioning the foundations, the superstructure action within the loads combination
including the seismic action corresponds to the plastifying mechanism associated to the
structure type used, considering the effects of the structural elements over-resistance.

(3) For the foundations of the individual vertical elements (pillars, walls), the condition in
paragraph (1) can be considered as being met if the effects of the action E Fd on the foundation
are determined as follows:

EFd = EF,G + Rd  E (4.23)


EF,G – the effect of the action (sectional stress) in the non-seismic loads, included in the combination
of actions considered in the calculus on earthquake

EF,E – effect of the action (sectional stress) in the designing seismic loads

Rd – over-resistance factor, equal to 1 for q  3, and 1,15 for the other situations

- value (Rdi/Edi)  q in the dissipative area of the element i of the structure having the largest
influence on the stress EF considered, and

Rdi - strength (capable stress) of element i

Edi - designing value of the stress in the element i corresponding to the designing seismic action

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(4) The proportion  is calculated as follows:

- For the pillars and walls foundation,  is determined as a value of the proportion of the
moments MRd/MEd in the cross section on the base of the plastic area

- For the foundations of the frameworks pillars with centric bracing,  is the minimum value of
the proportion of the axial forces NRd/NEd, determined for all strained diagonals

- For the foundations of the pillars with eccentric bracing,  is the minimum value of the
proportion of the cross forces VRd/VEd determined for all sheared dissipative areas or the
proportion of the bending moments MRd/MEd determined in all dissipative areas.

(5) For foundations that are common to several vertical elements (foundations beams, aprons or
infrastructures of box type), the formula (EFd = EF,G + Rd EF,E) applies to the base of all
vertical elements, considering Rd = 1. Lateral displacement conditions

(1) The check of the structure on the ultimate limit state should also consider the confinement of the
lateral displacements for:

- Limiting the structural degradations in order to provide a reasonable safety margin to the lateral
displacement producing the collapse

- Avoiding the collapse of non-structural elements that could jeopardise the people lives

- Limiting the 2nd degree effects that, if excessive, could lead to the loss of the structures stability

- Avoiding or limiting the effects of the collision between the neighbouring buildings, when the
dimensions of the seismic joints may not be whatever large.

(2) The checks of the lateral displacements provided in (1) are not needed for the constructions
placed in the seismic areas, characterised by values ag  0,12 g. at the same time, this check is
not needed for the constructions under the influence of the crust earthquakes in Banat area.

(4) For the buildings with structural walls, with firm lateral stiffness (as a guide, having its own
oscillation period  0,8 sec.) it is thought that the lateral displacements are low enough to meet
the conditions given in (1).

(5) The check of the lateral displacements is performed according to the procedure given in
Appendix E. Seismic joints

(1) The seismic joints are provided in order to separate the construction bodies having different
dynamic features and to allow them to independently oscillate under the action of the seismic
movements or to limit the effects of the possible collisions, to a degree under the capacity of
resistance of these buildings, dimensioned under the hypothesis of an independent behaviour.

(2) When the joints separate sections having similar dynamic and structural features, they could
have dimensions established from the condition of dilatation-contraction joint.
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(3) When the neighbouring building bodies:

- Have very different dynamic features (masses, heights, stiffness);

- Have very different lateral resistance (for example, when a new construction is placed in the
proximity of an old construction with high seismic vulnerableness);

- Have eccentric positions to each other (the main vertical planes perpendicular to the joint are
relatively spaced out);

- Have the floors spaced out on the vertical

the joint width is dimensioned under the condition that during the earthquake the sections separated
by joints are not affected by collision when they would oscillate out of phase;

(4) The necessary joints width defined in (3) is determined using the formula:

= d1 + d2 + 20 mm (4.24)


- necessary width of the seismic joint

d1, d2 – maximum displacements of the two sections under the action of the horizontal seismic loads
on the upper ends of the building body having the lower height, which displacements are calculated

(5) Choosing joints with dimensions lower than the values obtained by applying the formula (4.24)
is admitted if:

(a) The impact forces resulted form a dynamic calculus are taken into account when dimensioning
the two sections;

(b) Damping devices (buffers, springs etc.) with features and positions determined by a proper
dynamic calculus are placed into the joints.

(6) When choosing the position of the joints, it is intended that the sections on the ends of the
buildings bearing the maximum shock have, compared to the intermediate sections, an increased
mass (including by providing additional spans) and/or an increased capacity of resistance for
limiting the additional negative effects in these building bodies.

(7) The dimensions of the joints established according to paragraphs (4) and (5) are also valid for
the finish elements. When elements for masking the joint are chosen, they will be chosen in
such a way to not significantly influence the oscillations of the neighbouring building bodies,
and in case of degradation of the masking elements to prevent from the risk of separation and
fall of parts jeopardising people lives or important parts of the constructions, installations, etc.

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4.6.3. Service limit state General

(1) The requirements for limiting the degradations associated to the service limit state are
considered to be met if the relative level displacements are within the limits given in,
under seismic actions more likely to take place than the seismic action used for the check on the
ultimate limit state (according to 2.1).

(2) For the building with significance for civil protection or containing sensitive equipment,
additional checks for the service limit state may be needed, which requirements are provided by
specific regulations. Limiting the relative level displacement

If within sections 5-9 there are not different specific provisions, the following conditions will be

(a) For buildings with non-structural elements made of fragile materials attached to the structure

v dr  0,005 h (4.25)

(b) For buildings having non-structural elements fixed in such a way that do not affect the structural
deformations or having non-structural elements with high deformability

v dr  0,008 h (4.26)


dr – relative level displacement

h – level height

v – reduction factor considering the recurrence period of the seismic action associated to the service
limit state; the values v are given in Appendix E.

4.7. Synthesis of designing methods

(1) Depending on the importance of the construction and more generally, on the exigencies imposed
regarding its seismic performance, the designing process may be organised in two general
calculation methods referred to as method A and method B.

(2) The two methods differ mainly by the indirect, implicit (for method A) and direct, explicit (for
method B) way in which the non-linear nature of the seismic response is considered into the
calculus. Depending on the characteristics of the structure and the necessary accuracy of the
results of the structural calculus, static or dynamic structural calculus procedures for plane or
spatial models may be used, as necessary.

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(3) Method A, having a minimum and binding nature, uses structural calculus methods in the elastic

(4) The plastifying (energy dissipation) mechanism wanted is imposed by designing using the
values of the stresses produced by the designing seismic loads, through a proper hierarchy of the
capacity of resistance of the structural elements (method of "designing the capacity of

(5) The lateral stiffness (lateral displacements control) conditions on the ultimate limit state needs
the assessment of the displacement requirements on the basis of the displacement values
provided by the elastic structural calculus under the designing loads. This is amplified by supra-
unitary coefficients, depending on the ductility of the structure and its oscillation characteristics
(specific vibrations period), in order to approximately assess the effective values of the seismic

(6) The general or local flexibility conditions are considered to be met by the observance of
dimensioning rules (for example, by restricting the compressed areas to the elements of the
reinforced concrete structures) and/or structure organisation (for example, by providing a
minimum cross reinforcement).

(7) Method B is based on using the non-linear, static or dynamic calculus methods. As a
consequence, the method applies, as checking method, to fully dimensioned structures by
applying method A. The resistance and deformation characteristics of the elements are
determined on the basis of the average values of the materials resistance.

(8) The mechanism of plastifying to seismic actions is explicitly outlined, approximately in case of
applying the non-linear static calculus method (of biographical type), or rigorously, in case of
applying the non-linear dynamic calculus method.

(9) The non-linear dynamic calculus method provides the displacement and ductility requirements
corresponding to the accelerograms used. The deformation capacity is established separately,
individually for each essential element for the stability of the building.

(10) The non-linear static calculus method allows the assessment of the deformation capacities.
The lateral displacement or ductility requirements are established separately, optimally from the
spectra of non-elastic seismic response.
The essential elements characterising the methods A and B are showed in table 4.3.

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Table 4.3
No. Designing Calculus Modelling the Basic characteristics of the structural model Establishment of Check of the conditions of
method method seismic action Physical law Nature of the Type of the dimensioning sectional anti-seismic compliance
of the material seismic action structural model stresses
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Method A Linear conventional Linear (L) Static (S) a) plane (PL), - the values of the stresses The following general
static (LS) forces distributed considering in a on the ends of certain conditions impose:
current according to a law simplified manner the elements of the structure a) Stiffness condition: The
designing that is similar to general torsion change depending on the calculus values for the
method the distribution of effects values resulted from the displacements should be
the inertia forces structural calculus, in order lower than the admitted
in the linear to impose the plastifying values
seismic response mechanism wanted
- the stress diagrams on the b) Ductility condition: It
structural elements are is expressed,
those associated to the approximately, by
plastifying mechanism conditions of sections
organisation, depending
on the values of the
b) spatial (SP) sectional stresses
2 Linear accelerograms linear (L) dynamic (D) a) plane (PL) - the stresses resulted from The performance of the
dynamic the structural calculus intended plastifying
(LD) reduce accordingly, up to mechanism can not
the values corresponding explicitly be checked.
to the calculus seismic

- those stipulated in point 1

are followed

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 Method B Non-linear conventional Non-linear (NL) Static (S) a) plane (PL) - The following will be
Method based static forces distributed established:
on the (NLS) according to a law
consideration that is similar to a) mechanism of
of the the distribution of plastifying the structure
deformation the inertia forces (under the considered
properties of in the seismic hypothesis on the
the structure response distribution of the
horizontal forces)

b) spatial (SP) b) deformation and

ductility capacities of the
4 Dynamic accelerograms Non-linear (NL) Dynamic (D) a) plane (PL) The following will be
non-linear established:
a) mechanism of
plastifying the structure
b) spatial (SP) b) structure displacement
and ductility requirements
in the plastic joints

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5.1. General

5.1.1. Field

(1) This chapter concerns the designing of buildings and other similar constructions, in seismic
areas, as defined in 1.1, employing reinforced concrete structure, hereinafter called concrete

(2) The reference normative documents as to the designing of concrete buildings considering the
non-seismic loads are the standards in the SR EN 1992-1 1 collection. The provisions given bellow
complete the provisions of these reference normative documents for the case of designing against
seismic actions.

(3) Other technical regulations as complementary to this chapter are as follows:

CR2-1-1.1:2006: Designing code for constructions with reinforced concrete structural walls.
NP 033-99: Designing code for rigidly reinforced concrete structures.
NP 112-04: Normative for the designing of the direct foundation structures.
NP 012-99: Practice guide for the execution of concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-compressed
concrete works.
ST 009-05: Specification as to requirements and performance criteria for reinforcements.

5.1.2. Definitions

The terms specific to this chapter concerning areas, structural elements and systems, are defined as

- Critical area (dissipative area): area of a main structural element, where the most unfavourable
stresses combinations occur (M, N, V, T) and plastic deformations are likely to appear. The length
of the critical areas is specified in the relevant articles of this chapter.
- Beam: Structural element mainly stressed by cross loads, where the normalised designing axial
force (compression stresses are considered as positive) vd = NEd/Ac fcd  0,1.
- Pillar: Structural element sustaining gravity loads by axial compression, where V(d) > 0,1.
- Wall (structural wall): Vertical structural element sustaining other elements, where the rapport of
the section sides dimensions lw/bw 4.
- Ductile wall: wall having the rotation prevented at the foot, dimensioned and made to dissipate
the energy through bending deformations in the critical area at its foot.
- Coupled wall: structural element made up of two or more coupled walls, connected in a regular
manner by flexible beams (coupling beams), capable to take over by indirect effect at least 30% of
the moments of the vertical beams.
- Structural system of wall type: Structural system where the vertical walls, whether coupled or
not, take over the great part of the vertical and horizontal loads, the resistance of which against
lateral forces is at least 70% of the resistance of the entire structural system. In other words, this
system is designed for the undertaking of at least 70% of the designing lateral seismic force.
- Structural system of frame type: structural system where both the vertical loads and the
horizontal loads are taken over in a percentage of more than 70% by spatial frames.
- Dual structural system: structural system where the vertical loads are taken over mainly by
spatial frames, while the lateral loads are partially taken over by the system in frames and partially
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by structural, individual or coupled walls. There are two variants of making the system:
- Dual system, with prevailing walls: Dual system where the walls contribution to the
lateral forces taking over is of more than 50% of the total.
- Dual system, with prevailing frames: Dual system where the frames contribution to the
lateral forces taking over is of more than 50% of the total.
- System flexible to twisting: In this category walls systems and the dual ones that have insufficient
stiffness to twisting ( are included, for example structural system consisting of flexible
frames combined with walls concentrated in the central area of the building (central nucleus
- System of inverted pendulum type: A system where more than 50% of the mass is concentrated
in the upper third of the structure or where the energy dissipation is made mainly based on one
singular element of the building.
Note: Groundfloor structures of frame type, with pillars where v d < 0,4, with the upper extremities connected through
floor/beams, are not in this category.

5.2. Designing principles

5.2.1. Energy dissipation capacity. Ductility classes.

(1) Seismic designing of reinforced concrete constructions will ensure a proper energy dissipation
capacity in cyclic stress regime, without a significant reduction of the resistance against horizontal
and vertical forces and, with this purpose, the requirements and criteria in Chapter 2 will be

(2) By applying the provisions in this code concerning the concrete constructions, a substantial
capacity of deformation in the post-elastic range, as distributed to numerous areas of the structure,
and the capacity of avoiding the yielding of a fragile type are guaranteed, highly trustful.
Constructions observing these provisions are ranked in the H high flexibility/ductility class.

(3) Alternatively, for constructions placed in seismic areas characterised by values a g  0,16 g, a
designing type that should endow the structures with lower ductility capacity, with a proper
increment of the resistance may be adopted. In such a case, the constructions are ranked in the (M)
average ductility class, for which the code has separate provisions.
In special cases (for example, with elements structures having developed sections, and high
resistance consequently to observance of other conditions), for the constructions placed in seismic
areas a(g) > 0,16 g, the designing for the flexibility average class is actually admitted.

(4) The option to design for the one of the two flexibility/ductility classes is made by selecting the
values of the q behaviour coefficients given in the table 5.1.

5.2.2. Structure types and behaviour factors Structure types

(1) Concrete buildings may be classified in one of the following types, according to their behaviour
estimated under horizontal seismic loads:

(a) frames type system;

(b) dual system (prevalently with frames or walls);
(c) wall type system;
(d) inverted pendulum system;
(e) system flexible to twisting;
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(2) Except for the systems flexible to twisting, concrete constructions may be categorised in
different structure systems in the two main directions.

(3) For the frame type and walls type systems having the vertical elements uniformly distributed in
the plane, condition (4.1) for the estimation of the twisting stiffness must not be verified explicitly
in order to frame the construction within the systems defined in the paragraph (1). Behaviour factors against horizontal seismic actions

(1) The q behaviour factor, that considers the energy dissipation capacity of the structure for each
direction of calculation concerning the building has the values in the table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Values of the q behaviour factor for regular elevation structures

Structure type q

H ductility class M ductility class

Frames, Dual system, Coupled walls 5 u/ 1 3,5  u/ 1
Walls 4  u/ 1 3,0
Nucleus (flexible to twisting) 3,0 2,0
Inverted pendulum type structures 3,0 2,0

(2) In the case of the irregular buildings, the q values in the Table 5.1 are reduced according to

(3) u/1 introduces the influence of some of the factors the over-resistance structure of which is
due, especially the construction redundancy.

(4) u/ 1 may be determined from the non-linear static calculation for constructions in the same
category, as a value of the proportion between the structure capable lateral force (reached when a
sufficient number of plastic hinges formed, being able to make the structure almost similar with the
cinematic mechanism situation) and the lateral force corresponding to reaching the resisting
capacity of the first element of the structure (occurrence of the first plastic hinge).
The upper limit of the value of the proportion u/ 1.

(5) For the common cases, the following approximate values of the u/ 1 proportion may be

(a) For frames or dual structures systems with prevailing frames:

- buildings with one level: u/ 1= 1.15;
- buildings with more levels and only one opening: u/ 1= 1.25;
- buildings with more levels and more openings: u/ 1= 1.35;

(b) For structural walls systems and prevailing walls dual systems:
- structures having only 2 walls in each direction: u/ 1= 1.0;
- structures having more walls: u/ 1= 1.15;
- structures having coupled walls and dual structures with prevailing walls: u/ 1= 1.25.

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(6) If the structure has a complete regularity and, perfectly controlled execution conditions may be
guaranteed, q factor may have values increased up to 20%.

5.2.3. Designing requirements General

(1) This section’s provisions are applied to the resisting structures of the constructions presented in
5.1.1(1) executed as monolith, prefabricated or mixed (partially monolith, partially prefabricated).
The seismic designing of the pre-compressed concrete structures will be made on the grounds of
special prescriptions.

(2) In the seismic designing of the reinforced concrete structures, the provisions given in this
section will be considered jointly with the provisions specific to the other codes regulating the
designing of the reinforced concrete structures (see 5.1.1.(2) and (3)). Local strength conditions

(1) The seismic action, implying incursions in the post-elastic range, must not produce significant
decreasing of the resisting capacity.

(2) It is admitted that the resistance requirement within a certain section should be satisfied if the
designing value of the resisting capacity, determined on the grounds of the reference regulating
documents (SR EN 1992-11), is higher, at equal limit, than the designing value of the maximum
stress of the considered section, according to the relation (4.21). Global ductility conditions Energy dissipation structural mechanism

(1) The main objective of the seismic designing is the developing of a favourable plastifying
mechanism (see paragraph This means:

(a) In multi-staged frame type structures, the plastic deformation should appear firstly in the
sections at the ends of the collar beam and further in the sections at the pillar base.
(b) In case of walls structures, plastic deformations should develop in the coupling beams (if any)
and in the lower areas of the walls.
(c) Multiple joints (connection points between the vertical and horizontal elements) and the floors
should be stressed in the elastic range.
(d) Dissipative areas should be distributed relatively uniformly in the same structure, with low
flexibility requirements, avoiding letting plastic deformations concentrate in some relatively weak
areas (ex. In the pillars of a certain level).

(2) In order to verify the formation of such mechanism, the non-linear dynamic calculation with
natural or synthetic accelerograms, as compatible to the designing spectrum, will be used.

(3) For common structures, the objective presented in (1) may be achieved by dimensioning the
elements for determined stresses, in compliance with the strength capacity designing method, thus
obtaining, for the areas where the elastic behaviour is intended, a supplementary assurance to the
critical (dissipative) areas.

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(4) By dimensioning and composing the structural elements, the manifestation of non flexible or
fragile breaking will be avoided (see

(5) Lateral displacements associated to the ductility requirements will be sufficiently low as the
danger of stability loosing should not appear or the effects of 2 nd order should not excessively
increase. Stress designing (dimensioning) values

(1) Aiming to impose the energy dissipation structural mechanism, which should meet the
requirements of, the following condition will be met for the beams-pillars multiple
joints of the frame type structures:

 MRc  Rd MRb (5.1)


 MRc – designing values sum of the capable moments of the pillars; they
are considered as minimum values, corresponding to the possible
variation of axial forces in the loads combination if the seismic

MRb - designing values sum of the capable moments of the beams composing
the multiple-joint;

Rd – over-resistance factor due to the steel reinforcing effect, to be

considered for the 1,3 high flexibility (H) and for the 1,
average flexibility class (M).

(2) The formula (5.1) will be met in the two main bending planes. Both directions of the actions of
the moments in the beams around the multiple joint (clockwise and counterclockwise direction) are
considered, the directions of the pillar moments being always opposite to the beams moments. If the
frame type structure is developed only in one of the directions, the relation satisfaction (5.1) is
verified only for that direction.

(3) The check of the formula (5.1) is not necessary for:

- multi-stage constructions;
- last level of the multi-stage constructions;
- first level of the 2 staged constructions, if the normalised value of the axial force v d  0,3 in all the

Note: The objective of imposing the energy dissipation mechanism intended may be also reached if instead of verifying
the condition (5.1) for each multiple joint, pillars are dimensioned at the moments values

M(R)B ─
MEdc = Rd M'(Edc) ───, where the sums of the capable moments in the beams M(R)B and the moments in

the beams as resulted from the structural calculation M'Edb refers to the ends of all the openings at the level taken into
consideration. M'Edc is the moment of a pillar as resulted from the structural moment under the designing seismic loads.

(4) In the case of walls structures, the uncertainties connected to the stress distribution in the non
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

elastic response may be taken in consideration as coverage, by adopting of designing moments

curve diagram, as in fig. 5.1.

The following were noted:

M'Ed – moments resulted from the structural calculation at the designing seismic loads
MEd – designing moment
hs – height of the first level on the base

Note: Alternatively, for the determining of the MEd values in the walls, the procedure given in CR2-1-1.1:2006 may be
used, where other provisions necessary are also given, as the ones concerning the applying of the strength capacity
classifying method concerning the coupled walls or where at the base it is more reinforcement than strictly necessary
from calculation (ex. by the necessity of observing the reinforcing minimum coefficients).

Walls system Dual system


(5) The dimensioning stresses (bending moments) may be re-distributed between the structure
vertical elements within the 30% limit, and between the horizontal elements within the 20% limit,
based on the high plastic deformation capacity reached by applying the measures provided in the
Following the re-distribution, the summed values of the stresses must not be lower than the values
obtained from the structural calculus. Avoiding the non-ductile fracture

(1) By dimensioning and composing the reinforced concrete structure elements, premature non-
ductile fracture will be avoided; they might hinder the mobilisation of the mechanism designed to
dissipate the energy. The assurance against such types of breaking will be superior compared to the
one against the bending moment, with or without axial force. With this purpose there will be

(a) Fracture in bent sections due to the cross force action;

(b) Shifts caused by the sliding force along pre-fissured planes, ex: working joints at monolith
elements or joints between the prefabricated elements and the concrete poured over;
(c) Loss of the reinforcements anchorage and degrading of the adherence with the concrete at the
steel reinforcements in the binding areas;
(d) Cracking of areas subjected to strain, reinforced bellow the level corresponding to the cracking
stress sections.
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(2) Designing values of the cutting and sliding forces will be as those associated to the structure
plastifying mechanism and include possible effects of over-resistance, as well as, where the
increase, due to the manifestation of the superior modes of vibration on the plastified structure, is
significant. Provisions for the estimating of the designing cross forces into the structure elements
with walls are given in the calculation prescriptions specific to such constructions (CR2-1-

(3) In certain situations, ex: framework beams working together with strained areas of floors, the
cracking moment may have a value superior to the capable moment, a hypothesis to be considered
when evaluating the cross force of dimensioning the crossing reinforcements.

(4) In order to avoid the strained areas cracking, sufficient reinforcement quantities will be
provided, that will observe the minimum quantities of the calculation prescriptions specific to the
reinforced concrete constructions (SR EN 1992-11 and CR2-1-1.1:2006, etc.). Local ductility conditions

(1) Aiming to obtain a substantial general ductility, by dimensioning and composing the reinforced
concrete structure elements, high and stable capacity of energy dissipation in their critical areas will
be provided, with no significant decrease of stiffness and/or resistance.

(2) This objective is considered as accomplished if the following conditions are met:

(a) Areas compressed at the endurance limit, in the sections of the reinforced concrete elements,
have a limited development, depending on the element nature and its stress.
For the structural walls, the equivalent condition of limiting the average unity stress of compression
in section is allowed. Actual provisions concerning such conditions are still given, differentiated by
the type of the elements.
(b) Compressed steel bars buckling in the potentially plastic areas is prevented by equipping with
cross-ties and clamps at distances sufficiently small, according to 5.3 and 5.4.
(c) Concrete and steel properties are favourable as regards the achievement a local ductility that is
reasonably high. Thus:
- concrete must have a sufficient strength to compression and also a sufficient capacity of deforming
- steel employed in the critical areas of the main seismic elements must possess substantial plastic
elongation. Non-flexible steel, as STNB in welded nets and cases, may be used only in the
situations when, by its dimensioning modality, an elastic behaviour of such reinforcements may be
- the relation between the steel and its yield point should be not excessively high (as a guide  1,4).
- the reinforcements used for the reinforcing of the potentially plastic areas must have substantial
adherence properties by an efficient profiling. Redundancy conditions

Achieving a high redundancy degree and a good capacity of re-distribution of forces is intended in
order to allow that the energy dissipation is distributed in all the structure for the increasing of the
total dissipated energy. Consequently, the structural systems having a low degree of static non-
determination have been attributed a smaller behaviour factor (see table 5.1). The necessary re-
distribution capacity is guaranteed by the provisions on local ductility given in the sections 5.3 and
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006 Additional measures

(1) The purpose of these measures is a supplementary guarantee against the uncertainties on
structural elements and general construction behaviour and the fidelity of the calculation model
reported to the real seismic response.

(2) Choosing a configuration as regular as possible into the plane and the elevation substantially
reduces the uncertainties regarding the general behaviour of the construction and allows to choose
models and methods of structural calculation simple and sufficiently safe in the same time.

(3) In order to reduce the uncertainties concerning the structural elements resistance:

- reasonable dimensions for the structural elements sections will be adopted, so that the execution
deviations, as framed in the allowed margins, should not seriously influence the structural
behaviour and/or should not exaggeratedly increase the 2nd order effects;
- the relation between the dimensions of the reinforced concrete elements section will be limited in
order to minimise the risk of their lateral stability;
- a minimum reinforcing will be provided on the upper part of the beams, for the entire opening, in
order to cover the differences between the real distribution of the bending moments and the
moments diagrams as resulted from the calculation;
- a minimum reinforcing will be provided on the lower part of the beams on the supports, in order to
ensure a reasonable strength capacity for the positive moments, which should appear in these
sections, even when they do not result from the structural calculation.

(4) In order to reduce the uncertainties related to the tracking of the plastic areas, and to ensure a
flexible behaviour to the reinforced concrete elements:

- crossed reinforcements will be introduced in order to obtain minimum deformation capacities in

all the sections, so that the ductility limited requirements that also might manifest outside the
critical areas are covered;
- a strained reinforcement quantity will be provided, sufficiently to prevent the occurring of a
frangible cracking after the fissuring of the strained concrete;
- anchorage and binding lengths of the reinforcements will be provided as sufficient in order to
prevent the concrete bars pulling away at their cyclically alternating stress.

5.3. Designing of the elements in the high ductility class (H)

5.3.1. Conditions concerning materials

(1) When executing the main seismic elements, concrete in C 20/25 class (at least) will be used.
(2) Structural elements will be reinforced by profiled steel bars. As an exception: closed cross-ties
and clamps for crossed reinforcement that may be executed by non-profiled bars.
(3) In the critical areas of the main elements, specific elongated steel corresponding to the
maximum stress of at least 7,5% will be used.

5.3.2. Geometrical conditions Beams

(1) Beams width will be at least 200 mm.

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(2) The relation between the width bw and the section height hw will not be lower than 1/4.
(3) The eccentricity of the beam axle, reported to the pillar’s axle on the multiple joints will be at
least 1/3 of the normal width bc of the pillar to the beam’s axis. Pillars

The section minimum dimension will be not less than 300 mm. Ductile walls

(1) These provisions refer to separate or coupled walls, properly anchored on their base in the
infrastructure (foundation) so that they are not able to rotate.

(2) Thickness bw0 of the core satisfies the relation:

bw0  max (150 mm, h/20) (5.2)

where hs is the free height of the level.

(3) Additional provisions concerning the necessary dimensions of the pressure bulbs are given in

(4) Walls coupling by regularly distributed embrasures is not allowed, except for the situations
when the irregularity may be estimated as irrelevant or it is considered in the structural and
dimensional calculation by suited reckoning models.

5.3.3. Designing stresses General

The designing stress values are obtained from the structural calculus for the seismic calculation
situation, considering the 2nd order effects, according to, and the hierarchy rules for the
resistance capacity, according to Beams

(1) In order to assess the designing bending moments, provisions of will apply.

(2) The cross forces in the beams are determined from the balance of each opening under the
transversal load of the seismic grouping and the moments at the beams ends corresponding, for each
direction of action, to the forming of the plastic hinge in the beams or in the vertical elements
connected to the multiple joint.

(3) At each end section, 2 values of the designing cross forces are calculated, as maximum VEd,max
and minimum VEd,min, corresponding to the maximum values of the positive and negative moments
Mdb,i, developing at the 2 ends i = 1 and i = 2 of the beam:

┌  MRc┐
Mdb,i = Rd MRb,i min │1,──────────│ (5.3)
└ MRb┘


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MRb,i - designing value de of the capable moment at the end i, in the direction
of the moment associated to the forces direction of action;
Rd - 1,2,over-resistance factor due to the steel reinforcement effect;
 MRc and MRb – sum of the designing values of the capable moments of the pillars and beams composing the multiple
joint. Value of  MRc must correspond to the axial force in the pillar in the situation associated to the direction
considered in the seismic actions. Pillars

(1) The values of the bending moments and the axial forces are determined according to

(2) The designing values of the cross forces are determined from the pillar balance at each level,
bellow the moments at the ends corresponding, to each direction of seismic action, to the formation
of the plastic hinge occurring in the beams or pillars connected in the multiple joint.

(3) The moment on the ends is determined as follows:

┌ MRb
Mdc,i = Rd MRc,i min │1,───│ (5.4)
└  MRc

Rd – a factor that introduces the effect of the steel reinforcement and the concrete hooping in the compressed areas:
Rd = 1,3 for the level on the base of construction and
Rd = 1,2 for the rest of levels.
MRc,i – designing value of the capable moment at the end i, corresponding to the direction as considered.
 MRc and MRb have the meanings given in The values of the capable moments in the pillars are determined on
the basis of the axial forces values in the situation corresponding to the direction considered of the seismic action. Frame multiple joints

(1) The designing cross force in the multiple joint is set according to the situation of plastifying the
beams composing the multiple joint, for the most unfavourable direction of action of the seismic

(2) The values of the horizontal cross forces may be determined by the following simplified

(a) for internal multiple joints

Vjhd = Rd ▪ (As1 + As2) ▪ fyd - Vc (5.5)

(b) for marginal multiple joints

Vjhd = Rd ▪ As1 ▪ fyd - Vc (5.6)


As1, As2 – reinforcements areas of the upper and lower parts of the beams;
Vc – the pillar cross force, corresponding to the situation considered (see and (3));
Vjhd – over-resistance factor, equal to 1,2.

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006 Ductile walls

(1) Determination of the bending moments in the structural walls is made according to the
provisions of Article

(2) Designing values VEd of the cross forces in the structural walls are set by the formula:

VEd =  V'Ed observing the condition

1,5 V'Ed  VEd  qV'Ed (5.7)


V'Ed – cross force resulted from the structural calculus for the designing seismic loads;
– the relation between the value of the overturning moment (capable moment), calculated on the
superstructure base, associated to the wall plastifying mechanism (or coupled walls) and the value
of the overturning moment resulted from the calculation for the designing seismic loads; when
evaluating the capable moments an over-resistance coefficient Rd = 1,1 will be considered.
 – amplification coefficient, introducing the effect of vibration superior modes;  = 1,2

(3) When dimensioning the cross forces of the walls composing dual structures, the curve diagram
in fig. 5.2 will be used, in order to take into account the vibration upper modes effects.
In the fig. 5.2, the diagram (a) represents the values of the cross forces obtained from the structural
calculus on the designing seismic forces, while the diagram (b) is the one associated to the
plastifying mechanism (capable overturning moment).

Note: Alternatively, in order to determine the designing values of the cross force in the walls, instead of provisions in
(2) and (3) the proceedings in the Designing Code for Constructions with Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls CR2-1-
1.1:2006 may apply.

Figure 5.2 Specific provisions for short walls

(1) In the case of walls with height/length Hw/lw proportion  2, the designing values of the
moments are obtained from the structural calculation on the designing seismic loads.
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(2) The designing cross force is calculated using the formula:

VEd = ───── 'Ed  qV'Ed (5.8)

where the values MRd and MEd are determined on the walls foot.

Note: More rigorous proceedings may be used to determine the designing values of the cross forces, regardless of their
proportions, given in the code CR2-1-1.1:2006.

5.3.4. Verifications on the ultimate limit state and organisation provisions Beams Resistance to bending and cross force

(1) For the calculation of the beams limit state of resistance to bending and cross force, SR EN
1992-11 is used as a reference regulating document.

(2) The actual width of the T section beams, flanges area, b(eff) is determined as follows:
- in the case of the beams parts of an external pillar, b(eff) it is taken as equal to the pillar width
b(c), if there are no transverse beams in the multiple joint and is taken as equal to b(c) plus twice
the board width h(f) at each side of the beam, if there are such beams.
- in the case of the beams parts of internal pillars, b(eff) is higher then the values above indicated by
2h(f) of each side of the beam;

(3) The board reinforcements, as parallel to the beam are considered active concerning the taking
over of the beam moments on the supports, if they are placed at the interior of the dimension b(eff)
and if they are properly anchored. Meeting the local ductility requirements

(1) The beams end areas with the length lcr = 1,5 hw, measured at the front of the pillars and the
areas having the same length, placed on a side and the other of a section within the beam fields
where the yielding may occur with the designing seismic combination, will be considered as critical
(dissipative) areas.

(2) The ductility requirements in the critical areas of the beams are satisfied if the reinforcement
conditions given in the paragraphs (3) ... (7) are met.

(3) At least half of the strained reinforcement section is also provided in the compressed area.

(4) The longitudinal reinforcement coefficient of the strained area  = As/bd satisfies the condition:

  0,5 fctm/fyk (5.9)

Minimum value 4 of the reinforcement coefficient has to be observed for the entire opening of the

(5) The longitudinal reinforcements will be dimensioned so that the area height xu does not exceed
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the value of 0,25 d. For the calculation of x u the contribution of the reinforcements in the
compressed area will be also considered.

(6) A continuous reinforcing is provided for all the opening of the beam. Thus:

(a) on the upper and lower part of the beams at least two bars are provided, having the profiled
surface of diameter  14 mm;
(b) at least one quarter of the maximum reinforcement on the upper part of the beams is provided to
be continuous for all the beam length;

(7) The cross-ties in the critical area must observe the following conditions:

(a) cross-ties diameter dbw  6 mm;

(b) distance between the cross-ties will be:

s  min hw/4; 150 mm; 7 dbL (5.10)

where dbL is the minimum diameter of the longitudinal reinforcements. Pillars Resistance to bending and cross force

For the calculation of the pillars on the limit state of resistance to bending by axial force and to
cross force, SR EN 1992-1-11 is used as a reference regulating document. Meeting the local ductility requirements

(1) The normalised axial force vd, usually will not exceed the value 0,4. Increased values v(d) up to
0,65 may be allowed, if a supplementary hooding is provided by transversal reinforcements and if
the vd value increasing may be justified by a homologated reckoning model. Curvature ductility
obtained in this case must be at least equal to the flexibility corresponding to a value vd = 0,4 if the
concrete is unconfined.

(2) The total longitudinal reinforcement coefficient  will be minimum 0,01 and maximum 0,04.

(3) Between the angle reinforcements, at least one middle traverse will be provided on each side.

(4) Areas from the pillar ends will be considered as critical areas for a distance lcr, given in (5).

(5) Except for the case when they are rigorously determined, the critical area lengths are determined

lcr max 1,5 hc; lcl/6; 600 mm (5.11)

where hc is the largest dimension of the pillar section, and lcl is the free height.

(6) If lcl/hc < 3, the entire length of the beams is considered as a critical area and will be reinforced

(7) In the interior of the critical areas, cross-ties and clamps to guarantee the necessary ductility and
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prevent the local buckling of the longitudinal members will be provided. The transversal reinforcing
arrangement will be in such a way as to obtain an efficient triaxial straining condition.
The minimum conditions needed by these requirements are given in (8) ... (10).

(8) The transversal reinforcing coefficient by cross-ties will be of at least:

- 0,005 in the critical area of the pillars on their base, at the first level;
- 0,0035 in the remained critical areas.

(9) The transversal reinforcing will observe the following conditions:

(a) Distance between the cross-ties will not exceed:

s  min b0/3; 125 mm; 7dbL (5.12)

where b0 is the minimum side of the useful section (placed in the interior of the perimeter cross-tie),
and dbL is the minimum diameter of the longitudinal members;
The last condition will be replaced on the pillar base (in the theoretical embedding section)
provided that s  6 dbL.

(b) The distance under section between the consecutive members of the cross-tie angle or fixed with
clamps will not be larger than 200 mm.

(10) On the first two levels of the buildings with more than 5 floors and on the first level in the case
of lower buildings, at the base and beyond the critical area cross-ties more frequent as number will
be provided for a distance equal half its length. Frame multiple joints

(1) Inclined compression force that occurred in the multiple joint by the compressed diagonal
mechanism will not exceed the compression strength of the concrete transversally stressed at strain.

(2) Except for using a more rigorous model, the requirement in (1) is deemed as satisfied if:

(a) on the internal multiple joints:

│ vd
Vjhd  eta\ │1 - ──── bj hc fcd (5.13)
\│ 

where eta = 0,6(1 - f(ck)/250), v(d) is the normalised axial force in the pillar above, and f(ck) is in

(b) at the external multiple joints:

│ vd
Vjhd <= 0,8 \ │1 - ──── bj hc fcd (5.14)
\│ 


Vjhd is given by the formula (5.5) or (5.6), as the case may be.

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Designing width of the multiple joint bj is taken

bj = min bc; (bw + 0,5 hc) (5.15)

(3) In the multiple joints, reasonable transversal reinforcing will be provided ensuring its integrity,
after the bent fissuration. With this purpose, the transversal reinforcement Ash, will be dimensioned
based on the following relations:

(a) on internal multiple joints:

Ash fywd  0,8 (As1 + As2) fyd (1 - 0,8 vd) (5.16a)

(b) on external multiple joints:

Ash fywd  0,8 As2 fyd (1 - 0,8 vd) (5.16b)

In the formulas (5.16a) and (5.16b), vd correspond to the lower pillar axial force. Such relations are
valid, if beams composing multiple joints exist in transversal direction. Otherwise, the coefficient
0,8 will be increased to 1.

(4) Horizontal cross-ties as calculated by (5.16a) and (5.16b) will be distributed uniformly on the
multiple joints height. In the case of external multiple joints, the cross-ties will comprise the bent
ends of the longitudinal reinforcements within the beam.

(5) The vertical longitudinal reinforcement Asv passing through the multiple joint, including the
pillar longitudinal reinforcement, will be at least:

Asv  2/3 Ash (hjc/hjw]) (5.17)


hjw - interaxial distance between the reinforcements on the upper and lower parts of the beams;
hjc - interaxial distance between the marginal reinforcements of the beams.

(6) The horizontal reinforcement of the multiple joints shall not be smaller than the transversal
reinforcement thickened in the critical areas of the pillar. Ductile walls Resistance to bending and cross force

(1) In order to calculate the walls in their limit status to bending, with the axial force SR EN 1992-
11 completed by CR2-1-1.1:2006, is used as a reference regulating document.

(2) Walls calculation for the cross force in bent sections and for sliding in horizontal joints will be
made according to CR2-1-1.1:2006. Meeting the local ductility requirements*)

* In the most important provisions on the guaranteeing of the deformability properties of
the post-elastic range of the critical areas in CR2-1-1.1:2006 are included. When designing the
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structural walls, other measures imposed by this designing code must be taken into consideration.

(1) The ductility requirements are deemed as satisfied if the provisions CR2-1-1.1:2006, concerning
the concrete sections composition, and the ones concerning the longitudinal and transversal
reinforcement are observed.

(2) Critical area height lcr on the base is determined using the following formula:

lcr = 0,4 lw + 0,05 Hw (5.18)


│hs, for n  6 levels
lcr  ┤2hs, for n  7 levels (5.19)

where hs is the skylight of the floor and the base is defined as the upper level of the foundation or
the infrastructure.

(3) The height of the compressed area in the walls sections shall not be superior to:

xu  0,10 (+ 2) lw (5.20)

The condition (5.20) represents also the criterion of pressure bulbs or compression booms on the
free ends of the walls sections.

(4) When the need of pressure bulbs results from applying the condition (5.20), the pressure bulb
thickness will be at least hs/10, and its length at least equal to twice the wall core thickness bw0, and
at least 0,10 wall length, lw.

(5) If the condition (5.20) are not met, special measures are provided in order to confine the
compressed areas, according to paragraph (7).

(6) In the critical areas, measures will be taken in order to avoid the loss of the lateral steadiness. In
common cases, such requirement is met by providing a wall thickness without pressure bulb on its
ends  hs/10.

(7) When the formula (5.20) is not met, a special confinement reinforcement will be provided for a
distance of at least xu/2 from the most compressed margin of the section. The confinement
reinforcement section Awh, towards each direction will be set on the grounds of the following

Awh = 0,10 sb0 ────── (0,5 + xu/lw) (5.21)


xu - height of the compressed area;

s - vertical interaxial distance between the confinement cross-ties sets;

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

b0 - concrete core dimension comprised by the confinement cross-ties as measured perpendicularly

to the direction of the cross-ties arms.

(8) Transversal reinforcement on the ends sections in the critical areas will follow the following

(a) diameter dbw of the cross-ties

dbw  max (dbL/3; 6mm) (5.22)

(b) distance between the cross-ties

s  min (120 mm, 10 dbL) (5.23)

If in the end areas of the sections the longitudinal reinforcement coefficient   2/fyd ▪ (N/mm2) then
the distance between the cross-ties will not exceed 6dbL.

5.4. Designing of the elements in the average ductility class (M)

5.4.1. Conditions concerning the materials

(1) For the execution of the main seismic elements, at least C 16/20 class of concrete will be used.

(2) The structural elements are reinforced only with profiled steel bars. Closed cross-ties and
clamps for the transversal reinforcement are excepted from that.

(3) In the critical areas of the main elements, steel with specific elongations, corresponding to the
maximum unit strain of at least 5% will be used.

5.4.2. Geometry conditions Beams will apply, except for the provision in the last paragraph (3). Pillars will apply. Ductile walls will apply.

5.4.3. Designing stress General will apply Beams

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006 will apply, with Rd = 1.0 in the formula 5.3. Pillars will apply, with Rd = 1.0 in the formula 5.4. Frame multiple joints will apply, with Rd = 1.0. Specific provisions for ductile walls will apply. When calculating  in the formula (5.7), the capable moments are determined
with Rd = 1,0; Specific provisions for short walls will apply.

5.4.4. ULS checking and organisation provisions Beams Resistance to bending and cross force will apply. Ensuring the local ductility

(1) The areas on the beams ends with the length lcr = hw, as measured at the front of the pillars and
the areas having the same length, placed on both sides of a section within the beam fields where the
yielding may occur with the designing seismic combination, will be considered as critical areas.

(2) The ductility requirements in the critical areas of the beams are satisfied if the reinforcement
conditions given in ... (7) are met, except for the formula (5.10) that is modified as

s  min hw/4; 200 mm; 8dbL (5.26) Pillars Resistance to bending and cross force will apply. Ensuring the local ductility

(1) The normalised values of the axial force vd will not exceed the value 0,55.

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(2) The total longitudinal reinforcement coefficient  will be at least 0,008 and maximum 0,04.

(3) will apply.

(4) will apply.

(5) Except for when it is determined by a rigorous calculation, the length of the critical areas is
determined by:

lcr  max [hc; lcl/6; 450 mm (5.27)

(6) will apply.

(7) will apply.

(8) The transversal reinforcement coefficient by cross-ties will be at least:

- 0,0035 in the pillars critical area, at their basis, at the first level;
- 0,0025 in the remaining critical areas.

(9) The transversal reinforcement will observe the following conditions:

(a) the distance between the cross-ties will not exceed

s  b0/2,175 mm; 8dbL (5.28)

where b0 is the minimum side of the useful section (placed in the interior of the perimeter cross-tie),
and dbL is the minimum diameter of the longitudinal members;

(b) The distance under section between the consecutive members of the cross-tie angle or fixed with
clamps will not be larger than 250 mm. Frame multiple joints

(1) The confinement horizontal reinforcement in the frame multiple joints of the main seismic
elements will be at least equal to the one arranged in the adjacent critical areas of the pillars
concurrent in the multiple joint, except for the cases provided in the paragraph (2).

(2) If within the multiple joints beams enter on all the 4 sides and their width is at least equal to 3/4
of the pillar width as parallel to the crossing section of the beam, the distance between the
horizontal cross-ties may be double given the value provided in the paragraph (1), but not exceeding
150 mm.

(3) A least a vertical middle traverse must be provided (between the members at the pillar angles)
on each side of the multiple joint. Flexible walls Resistance to bending and cross force will apply.

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006 Ensuring the local ductility

(1) The flexibility requirements are satisfied if the provisions of CR2-1-1.1:2006, concerning the
composition of the concrete sections and the ones regarding the longitudinal and transversal
reinforcement in the critical areas are met, except for the following paragraphs.

(2) The minimum reinforcement percentage in the field, in the critical area at the wall foot, for the
seismic areas with ag > 0,12 g will be at least equal to 80% of those provided in CR2-1-1.1:2006, in
the table 3 of the paragraph 7.4.2.

(3) The minimum percentage of longitudinal reinforcement in the areas on the walls ends, in the
critical area at the wall foot, for the seismic areas, with ag > 0,12 g will be at least equal to 80% of
those provided in CR2-1-1.1:2006, in the table 4 of the paragraph 7.5.1.

(4) If the compressed area does not exceed the limit value given in the paragraph 6.4.1 of the CR2-
1-1.1:2006, the maximum distance between the cross-ties will be of 150 mm, but not more than

(5) If the compressed area exceeds the limit value given in the paragraph 6.4.1 of the CR2-1-
1.1:2006, a confinement transversal reinforcement should be provided, in a quantity at least equal to
80% of the value given in CR2-1-1.1:2006, formula 7.2 in the paragraph 7.5.2.

5.5. Foundations and infrastructures

(1) This section included regulatory provisions and a small number of composition provisions for
the designing of the infrastructures elements (foundations) within the concrete structures. Basic
elements of the designing of such components are given in the "Normative for designing this
Contract direct foundation structures", NP 112-04.

(2) If the designing stresses as applied to the foundations (of the infrastructures) represent the
reactions of dissipative structures, as projected based on the concepts of classification of the
resistance capacity, generally the foundations must point out the behaviour in the deformation
elastic range.

(3) As the foundations (infrastructures) seismic response present an incertitude degree higher than
in the case of the overstructure, in designing it is recommended, concerning such elements, to
stipulate measures of guaranteeing a minimum capacity of deformation in the post-elastic range,
especially by transversal reinforcing of the most stressed areas.

(4) If the expected response from the structure is quasi - elastic (as a guide q 1,5), then the
dimensioning of the elements of the foundations will be made as for elements of reinforced concrete
which is not designed for seismic action undertaking, according to the designing code for reinforced
concrete structures.

5.6. Local effects due to the interaction with the filling walls

(1) This section refers to reinforced concrete structures of frame type with filling panels of masonry,
made of such materials and having such relations that significantly influence the structures
behaviour. The section includes some measures for avoiding the unfavourable local effects of the
interaction between the frame elements and the filling panels and also protective stipulations for the
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

structural elements, by dimensioning and composing suited to these effects, especially following to
avoid the non-flexible breaking following the cross forces action.

(2) It is intended, to the largest possible extent, that by the manner of arranging the masonry in the
frame formed by the structural elements (ex: breastworks, skylight spaces etc.) proportions and
behaviour of the pillar or short beam type are not produced. In the situations when this is not
possible, the measures indicated in (5) will be taken.

(3) Areas where supplementary cross forces may appear, compared to the ones resulted from the
general behaviour - acting locally the beams and pillars ends – will be dimensioned and
transversally reinforced in order to take over safely these forces, possibly originating from:

(a) the compressed diagonal action having a relatively large width, exercised by the masonry panel,
resulted from the masonry wedging in the frame multiple joints areas (fig. 5.3);

(b) absence of contact between the filling walls and the beams bottom face, consequently to the
improper execution, which determines the concentration of the diagonal action of the compressed
diagonal over the pillars ends;
(c) production of some behaviour conditions of the short pillar type or short beam type,
consequently to the masonry local crushing on a certain portion in the multiple joints area, where
the diagonal compression forces concentrate or following the masonry local detachment of the and
the elements of the reinforced concrete frame, resulted from the difference of the structures
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deformations and the filling panels (fig. 5.4);

(d) provision for doors and windows gaps in the masonry panel (see the paragraph (2)).

Note: In order to be able to determine the stresses in the frame elements, in such situations models where the panel
structural action is equalized by a diagonal will be used. In order to consider the large variability of the masonry
mechanical features it is recommendable to create a number of hypotheses, with unfavourable nature for the reinforced
concrete structure, as regards the stiffness and strength properties of the masonry (see chapter 8)

(4) In order to diminish the negative effects of the structure-masonry panels interaction, when they
are due to the resistance capacity relatively high of the panels, solutions implying the fragmentation
of such panels or adopting flexible links between the structure and the structure may be also

(5) In order to consider the uncertainties related to the effects of the interaction between the
structure and the filling panel, the following will be considered as critical areas:

(a) both ends of the pillar in contact with the masonry panels.
(b) the entire length of the pillars at the first floor;
(c) the entire length of the pillars, where the panel is provided with a window or door gaps, adjacent
to the pillar;
(d) the entire length when the filling walls are placed only on one side of the pillars (as happens at
the corner and marginal pillars).

(6) In the case of a pillar adjacent to a gap in the filling panel, the following measures will be
additionally taken:
(a) The designing cross force in the pillars is determined by considering a calculus model with
plastic hinges developed on the two extremities of the gap. For the pillars of the flexibility class H,
the designing capable moments multiply by a coefficient Rd = 1,3;
(b) The transversal reinforcement of cross force is provided on the gap distance, plus a length equal
to hc (pillar section) in the area of contact with the masonry;
(c) If the pillar length not coming in contact with the filling panel is shorter than 1,5 h c, the cross
force will be taken over by bent reinforcements.

5.7. Provisions for designing the concrete floors

(1) The reinforced concrete boards may achieve the horizontal role for loads applied in their plane,
if they have thickness of at least 80 mm and are reinforced to be able to take over the stresses from
the vertical and horizontal loads.
(2) The diaphragm floors may be also executed as mixed elements: from prefabricated slabs by
concrete poured over, provided that the two concrete layers are properly connected.
(3) Calculation of the stresses in the diaphragm will be made based on the provisions given in the
regulations specific to the various structure types (ex: CR2-1-1.1:2006) while their dimensioning
based on the provisions of SR EN 1992-11, as a reference regulatory document.

(4) For the floors belonging to the reinforced structures of concrete walls in the ductility class H, the
transmission of the horizontal forces from the diaphragms to the wall will be checked. It implies the
(a) Limiting the shearing unit stresses on the wall-diaphragm interface at the value 1,5 fctd.
(b) Providing a connecting reinforcing, dimensioned based on a diagonal model 45 o inclined or the
concept of shearing strength by an equivalent friction.

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6.1. General

6.1.1. Domain

(1) This chapter refers to designing in seismic areas of the buildings and other similar constructions
based on steel structure, hereinafter called metallic constructions.

(2) The provisions covered by this chapter refer to buildings having the proportion between its
height (H) and the shortest side (B), lower or equal to 4.

(3) The reference regulating documents concerning the designing of metallic constructions against
non-seismic loads are given in the SR EN 1993-1 2 standards collection. The following provisions
complete the stipulations of these reference regulating documents for the cases of designing for
seismic actions.

(4) As to metal - concrete composite structures, the provisions of chapter 7 will apply.

(5) The complementary regulating documents for this chapter are as follows:

(a) Technical settlements:

C150-99 – Normative regarding the quality of the steel welded joints of the civil, industrial and
agricultural constructions;
C133-82 – Technical instructions regarding the joining of the elements of metallic constructions by
highly resistant pre-tensioned screws;
GP 016-97 – Guide for designing the joining through contact of the steel pillars in the structure of
the multistage buildings;
(b) Reference regulating documents:
SR EN 10025+A1 – Hot rolling products made of non-alloyed construction steel;
SR EN 10210-1 – Hot finished convex profiles for non-alloyed construction steel and having fine
granulation. Part 1: Delivery technical conditions;
SR EN 1993-1-10 – Choosing the steel quality class;
SR EN 1993-1-8 – Joining designing;

6.1.2. Designing principles

(1) A seismic buildings shall be designed in compliance with one of the following concepts (see
table 6.1) on the structures seismic response:
a) Dissipative behaviour of the structure
b) Slightly dissipative behaviour of the structure

(2) In the concept (a) the capacity of certain parts of the structure (dissipative areas) to take over the
seismic action by an inelastic behaviour is considered. When using the designing conditions
(designing spectrum) as defined in the chapter 3, the q behaviour factor, which depends on the
structure type, (see 6.3), is taken as being superior to 2,0. Application of the concept (a) implies the
meeting of the provisions in 6.2-6.11.

(3) Structures designed following the concept (a) must belong to M or H structure ductility class. A
substantial structure capacity to dissipate the energy in plastic mechanisms corresponds to such
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

classes. Concerning a certain flexibility class, specific requirements regarding the structure type, the
sections class and the rotation capacity of the plastic areas must be met.

Table 6.1 Designing concepts, behaviour factors and structure ductility classes

Designing concept Behaviour factor q Required ductility class

High dissipation structures q 4,0 H (high)
Average dissipation structures 2,0  q4,0 M (medium)
Low dissipation structures q = 1,0 L (low)

(4) Structures that do not meet at least one of the compliance and flexibility conditions belong to the
concept (b), as provided in 6.2-6.11. The stresses and deformations condition is evaluated based on
a calculus in the elastic range, considering q = 1,0 (see Table 6.1).
In order to evaluate the elements and joining strength the SR EN 1993-1 2 standards collection is
used as a reference regulating document, without any supplementary requirements.
Behaviour factor values 1.0 < q < 2.0 may be adopted only when this can be theoretically and/or
experimentally justified.

6.1.3. Safety checking

When designing, the possibility that the effective yield point of the steel is superior to the nominal
yield point (fy) is taken into account by introducing an amplifying coefficient (over-resistance) of
the yield point 0v = 1,25.

6.2. Conditions regarding the materials

(1) The steel employed must comply to the regulating documents in 6.1.1.(5).

(2) The proportion between the fracture strength "fu" and the yielding minimum strength "fy" will be
at least 1,20, and the elongation at fracture will be at least 20%. Steels used in the structural
elements having a dissipative role will have a distinct yielding plateau, with the specific yielding on
the end of the yielding plateau of at least 1,5%.
Designing yielding limit steel fy  350 N/mm2 can be employed only if the material plastic
properties are attested by experimental trials.

(3) Iron plate elements with thickness superior to 16 mm, strained by tension stress, perpendicular
on their plane, will be ultrasonically controlled on the entire area thus stressed. Traction trials will
be made on the thickness direction (SR EN 10 002-1) of the pieces in the beam-pillar rigid joining

(4) The screw joining of the seismic structures will be designed with highly resistant bolts in the
groups 8.8 and 10.9.

(5) In the cases of beam-pillar fixing with end board, highly resistant bolts will be employed. When
mounting them, the pre-tensioning will be ensured using a stress of 50% of the pre-tensioning stress
prescribed for the joining working by friction.

(6) Anchor bolts of the pillars in the foundations will be made of steel in the quality groups 4.6, 5.6,
5.8 and 6.8. In case of very powerful stresses, which would lead to complicated constructive
solutions of the pillars base, the use of bolts having the physical-mechanical characteristics in the
quality group 8.8, is accepted (slightly alloyed steel – normalising chemically treated).
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(7) For the dissipative areas and members, the value of the yield point fy,max that may not be
exceeded by the material effectively used in the structure, must be specified and inscribed in the
execution plans.

(8) The yield point fy,max will not exceed the yield point defining the steel brand as amplified by 1,1
0v (fy,max 1,1 0vfy).

NOTE: For steel OL 37 (with fy = 235 N/mm2), Fy,max = 323 N/mm2 will result.

(9) The maximum thickness of the elements depending on the steel brand, the value KV of the
fracture energy (in J), the reference maximum temperature T(Ed), (for a 50 years tempering period)
and the maximum tension stress sigma(Ed) – in service limit state – in the strained or bent elements
is given in the Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Maximum thickness of the elements walls (in mm)


Steel brand Energy Reference temperature TEd (0C)

(SR EN 10025+A1 Charpy KV
SR EN 10210-1)

10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50

S235 On T[0C] Jmin ED =0,75 fy(t)
JR 20 27 60 50 40 35 30 25 20
J0 0 27 90 75 60 50 40 35 30
S275 J2 -20 27 125 105 90 75 60 50 40
JR 20 27 55 45 35 30 25 20 15
J0 0 27 75 65 55 45 35 30 25
J2 -20 27 110 95 75 65 55 45 35
M,N -20 40 135 110 95 75 65 55 45
S355 ML,NL -50 27 185 160 135 110 95 75 65
JR 20 27 40 35 25 20 15 15 10
J0 0 27 60 50 40 35 25 20 15
J2 -20 27 90 75 60 50 40 35 25
K2,M,N -20 40 110 90 75 60 50 40 35
ML,NL -50 27 155 130 110 90 75 60 50
▪ 2
fy(t)= fy-0,25 t [N/mm ]; sheet thickness t in mm
 Ed Maximum tension stress of the strained or bent elements under the service limit state

(10) The steel and welded joining fracture energy KV will be at least 27 J at the minimum reference
temperature, considered in the loads grouping which includes the seismic action. Such values will
be registered in the execution plans.

6.3. Structure types and behaviour factors

6.3.1. Structure types

(1) The metallic constructions will be categorised in one of the following structural types,
depending on the resistance structure behaviour under the seismic action (see Table 6.3):

a) Frames with no bracing. The horizontal forces are taken over mainly by bending. In these
structures the dissipative areas are placed on the beams ends, next to the beam-pillar joining, and
the energy is dissipated by cyclical bending.
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

The dissipative areas may be in the pillars as well:

- pillars base;
- upper part of the pillars on the last floor of the multistage buildings;
- lower part and the base of the pillars in the one floor building, where N(Sd) in the pillars satisfies
the condition NSd/Npl,Rd < 0,3. (NSd – designing axial stress in the loads grouping which included the
seism; NRd – centric compression strength).
b) Centric frames provided with bracing/props. The horizontal forces are mainly taken over by
elements subjected to axial forces. In these structures, the dissipative areas are usually placed in the
strained diagonals. The bracing/props may be designed in one of the following two solutions:
- Strained diagonals active bracing, where the horizontal forces are taken over only by the strained
diagonals, neglecting the compressed diagonals.
- V diagonals bracing, where the horizontal forces are taken over both by the strained diagonals and
the compressed ones. The crossing point of such diagonals is on the beam, which must be
K bracing, where the crossing point of the diagonals is on the pillars (see fig. 6.1) is not allowed.

Figure 6.1: K bracing frame

c) Eccentrically braced frames. For this frames, the horizontal forces are mainly taken over by the
elements axially loaded. Diagonals eccentric fixing on the beam leads to occurrence of dissipative
members dispersing the energy by cyclic bending and/or by cyclic shearing. Configurations in the
Table 6.3, shall be used, ensuring the active character of all the dissipative members.

d) Structures of the inverted pendulum type. In such structures, at least 50% of the mass is placed in
the upper third of the construction height (ex: one pillar structures with full or grates section).
Structures of the type: frames, groundfloor, no bracing on both directions, where the axial forces in
the pillars met the condition Nsd  0,3 Npl,Rd, are not part of this category.
e) metallic structures associated with reinforced concrete cores or walls. In such structures, the
horizontal forces are taken over mainly by the reinforced concrete cores or the walls, while the
metallic structure takes over the gravity forces only.
f) Dual structures (no bracing frames, associated to braced frames). In such structures, the
horizontal forces are taken over by both types of frames in proportion to their stiffness.

6.3.2. Behaviour factors

(1) The q behaviour factor expresses the structure capacity concerning the energy dissipation.
Coefficient q may be taken from the Table 6.3, provided that the structure regularity requirements in
Chapter 4 and the conditions in 6.4-6.11 are satisfied.

(2) If the building is irregular in elevation (see, q values as mentioned in the Table 6.3 must
be reduced by 20%.
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(3) When there is no calculation for the u/ 1 multiplier evaluation, the u/ 1 relation
approximated values, as presented in the Table 6.3. should be used. u and 1 parameters are
defined ad follows:
1 – multiplying coefficient of the designing horizontal seismic force that corresponds to the
occurrence of the first plastic hinge.
u - multiplying coefficient of the designing horizontal seismic force that corresponds to the
formation of a number of plastic hinges large enough to make the structure almost similar to the
situation of cinematic mechanism. u coefficient may be obtained by a non-linear static structural
calculation (pushover).

(4) The values of the relation u 1 obtained by calculation may result superior to those given in the
Table 6.3. The value adopted in the calculation is limited to: u/ 1 = 1,6.

(5) Such structure will be conformed so that should have the deformation capacity in the inelastic
range as much closer as possible in both directions. q behaviour factor will be considered in each
direction with the value given in the Table 6.3.

6.4. Calculation of the structure

(1) Designing of the floors as horizontal diaphragms, should meet the point

Table 6.3 Maximum behavior factors

Structure types Ductility class

a) not braced frames
- groundfloor structures

3,0 2,5

5 ----------- 4

- multistaged structures

5 ----------- 4

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

- dissipative areas in the beams and on the pillars foot

b) centrically braced frames
Bracing with strained diagonals

4 4

Dissipative areas – only the strained diagonals

Bracing with V diagonals

2,5 2

Diagonal strained and compressed dissipative areas

c) Eccentrically braced frames u/ 1 = 1,2

5 ----------- 4

Dissipative areas within the dissipative bent or sheared members

d) inverted pendulum

u 2
2 -----------
- dissipative areas within the pillars foot Dissipative areas within the pillars
NSd/Npl Rd > 0,3
e) Structures with concrete nuclei or walls

See Chapter 5

f) dual frames (non-braced frames associated to X and alternately braced frames)

----------- = 1,2
- dissipative areas in the non-braced frames and the dissipative members u
4 ----------- 4
Dual frames (non-braced frames associated to X and eccentrically braced frames)
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----------- = 1,2
- dissipative areas in the non-braced frames and the dissipative members
u 4
5 -----------

2) The calculation of the structure is achieved assuming that all the structures elements are active,
except for the structures with centric braced frames, with X diagonals or alternating, to which, if no
non-linear calculation is made, the compressed diagonal is considered as non participating at the
undertaking of the seismic action.

6.5. Rules of dissipative behaviour of the structures

6.5.1. General

(1) Designing criteria given in 6.5.2 are applied to areas or bars/members of structures designed
according to the concept of dissipative behaviour against seismic action.

(2) Designing criteria given in 6.5.2 are satisfied if the rules given in 6.5.3-6.5.5 are observed.

6.5.2. Designing criteria for dissipative structures

(1) The structures with dissipative areas must be designed so that the sections plastifying, the local
steadiness loss or other phenomena caused by hysteretic behaviour do not lead to the loss of the
general steadiness of the structure.

(2) The elements composing the sections of the dissipative areas must meet the conditions of
flexibility and resistance.

(3) The dissipative areas will be placed only in the structure bars, avoiding the occurrence of plastic
hinges in the joining.

(4) The dissipative areas, the non-dissipative elements and the dissipative areas joining to the rest of
the structure must have a reasonable reserve of resistance in order to allow the development of the
cyclic plastifying only in the potentially plastic (dissipative) areas

6.5.3. Designing rules for the dissipative elements subjected to compression and/or bending

(1) A reasonable ductility must be provided to the elements dissipating energy by working against
compression and/or bending, by limiting the section walls yielding, according to the cross sections
classes as defined in the Appendix F.

(2) The correlation between the structure global capacity to dissipate the energy (flexibility class),
expressed by the q behaviour factor and the local flexibility of the elements expressed by sections
classes (see Appendix F) is indicated in the Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 Relation between the section class and the q behaviour factor of the structure

Ductility class Behaviour factor q Section class

H q > 4,0 class 1
M 2,0 < q  4,0 class 2 or 1
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L q = 1,0 class 3, 2 or 1

6.5.4. Designing rules for the strained elements

The designing rules for the strained elements are given in the document SR EN 1993-1-1.

6.5.5. Designing rules for joining in dissipative elements

(1) The constructive composing of the elements, having potentially dissipative areas, must limit the
occurrence of the high residual tensions, execution defects and direct the plastic deformations
development to the areas especially conformed for this purpose.

(2) Dissipative elements joining achieved by deep welding with full penetration (acceptance level
B, according to C150-99) must be designed so that work in the elastic range for the entire duration
of the seismic action. The stresses at which the joining is verified (Npl,Rd, Mpl,Rd, Vpl,Rd of the
dissipative elements), will be amplified by 1,20.

(3) Concerning the joining by projection welding or bolts, the following relation must be satisfied:

Rd  1,1 0v Rfy (6.1)


Rd – joining strength (corresponding to the stress mode to which it is subjected). For the calculation
of Rd , SR EN 1993-1-82 is used as a reference regulating document;
Rfy – the plastic strength of the dissipative element to be joined (corresponding to the stress mode to
which it is subjected), according to 6.6.2, 6.7.3 and 6.8.2, using the designing yield point of the
0v – according to 6.1.3(1) ;

(4) Bolts joining stressed in the joining plan (bolts subject to shearing) will be made with highly
resistant bolts (group 8.8 or 10.9) pre-tensioned, while the stresses are transmitted by friction. As
presented in SR EN 1993-1-82, joints in the categories B (hindered sliding at the service limit state)
and C (hindered sliding at the ultimate limit state) are admitted. The surfaces of the pieces in
contact will be processed aiming to frame them in the classes A (friction coefficient µ  0,5) or B
(friction coefficient µ  0,4) as they are described in SR EN 1090-2, a reference regulating
document ca document.

(5) The bolts joints, stressed perpendicularly on the joining plane (bolts that are tension stressed)
will be made with pre-tensioned highly resistant bolts (group 8.8 or 10.9). Joints in the E category
(SR EN 1993-1-82) are allowed.

(6) The bolts joints subjected to complex stresses (in the joining plane and perpendicularly on the
joining plane) will be made with pre-tensioned highly resistant bolts (groups 8.8 and 10.9). B and C
categories of joining are allowed (SR EN 1993-1-82), the surfaces of the pieces in contact will be
processed aiming to frame them in the classes A or B. However it is recommended that constructive
measures should be taken in order to avoid the complex stresses of the joints (ex. Seats

(7) At the bolts joining stressed on their plane, their shearing resistance must exceed at least by 20%
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

the resistance to pressure on the hole walls.

(8) When uncertainties on the behaviour of some structural elements exists, one should resort to
their testing, by experimental trials. In such situations, the elements and joints resistance and
flexibility will be determined by trials to cyclic loads, in order to satisfy the specific requirements
defined in 6.6-6.9 for each structure type and structural ductility class.

(9) The experimental results obtained for similar elements can be used.

(10) It is allowed to make the calculation of the shearing or pressure strength on the hole walls of
the highly resistant bolts joining, in a similar manner with the one for usual bolts joining. In order to
determine the strength of the joining subjected to shearing and/or straining and shearing, SR EN
1993-1-82 is used as a reference regulating document. The pressure resistance on the hole walls will
be lower than 2,5d fy t (d – bolt diameter, t - minimum sum of the sheets thickness which tend to
move in the same direction).

(11) In a bolts joining, in order to take over the stresses, welding seams will not be used.

(12) Using oval holes is accepted at joints stressed in their plane, provided that the ovalisation
should be perpendicular to the stress direction.

6.5.6. Designing rules for the anchor bolts

(1) The anchor bolts will be designed for the maximum tension stress resulted from the combination
of loads including the seismic action. Effects of the action EFd (stresses on the pillar base) are
determined using the formula:
EFd = EF,G + 1,1 0v EF,E
The meaning of the terms EF,G, EF,E is the one in
 proportion is calculated depending on the structure type employing the relations in 6.6.3
concerning frames without bracing, with the relations in 6.7.4 for centric braced frames and by the
relations in 6.8.3 for eccentrically braced frames.
 proportion will be limited so that the condition 1,1 0v < q is accomplished (q – structure
behaviour factor - Table 6.3).
In the case of a simplified calculus the values of the outcome 1,1 0v  of the Appendix F can be

(2) In order to avoid the fragile fracture, it is recommended that the fixing detail of the pillars into
the infrastructure ensures a free deformation surface of the anchor bolts of minimum 5d, where d is
the diameter of the bolt spindle.

(3) It is recommended that the transmission of the horizontal forces from the infrastructure to the
superstructure are not achieved through the anchor bolts. For this purpose, one of the following
constructive conditions may be applied:
a) incorporation of the pillar base into a reinforced concreting has the height equal to at least 40 cm
or 0,5 of the pillar section height;
b) under the bottom plate of the pillar, welded elements will be incorporated in especially executed
embrasures in the foundations, simultaneously with the concrete pouring under the bottom plate of
the pillar. These elements will be dimensioned so that they are able to transmit the cross force from
the pillar base to the foundation.
c) incorporation of the pillar into the infrastructure for a portion that guarantee the direct anchorage
with no need for anchor bolts.
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6.6. Non-braced frames

6.6.1. Designing criteria

(1) The non-braced frames must be designed so that the plastic hinges form themselves in the
beams, according to As well, forming of the plastic hinges in the pillars according to 6.3.1.
(1)a is accepted.

(2) The non-dissipative areas and the joints of the dissipative areas will observe 6.5.2.(4).

(3) Forming the plastic hinges in the areas especially conformed within the structure can be
obtained by following, 6.6.2 and 6.6.3.

6.6.2. Beams

(1) In order to verify and conform the beams at general steadiness, SR EN 1993-1-1 is used as a
reference regulating document under the hypothesis that a plastic hinge formed only at one of the

(2) In the potentially plastic areas, the plastic capable moment and the sectional rotation capacity
should not be diminished by the axial and shearing stresses. The following conditions must be met
for this:

────────  1,0 (6.2)

────────  0,15 (6.3)

────────  0,5 (6.4)


VEd = VEd,G + VEd,M (6.5)

NEd, MEd, VEd are the designing stresses, respectively the axial force, the bending moment and the
designing cross force within the loads grouping which includes the seismic action;
Npl,Rd, Mpl,Rd, Vpl,Rd are the designing plastic (capable) stresses of the section ;
Npl,Rd = Afy ;
Mpl,Rd = Wplfy;
Vpl,Rd = (d - tf) tw fy/ \│3 for double T laminated sections
Vpl,Rd = hw tw fy/ \│3 for double T welded sections

A – section net surface;

d, tf, tw, hw – according to fig. 6.6.
VEd,G - cross force within the seismic actions;
VEd,M - cross force resulted from applying the capable moments Mpl,Rd,A and Mpl,Rd,b
with opposed signs onthe two ends A and B of the beam ;
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VEd,M = (Mpl,Rd,A + Mpl,Rd,B/L; L = opening of the beam;

(3) For sections belonging to 3 sectional class 3, in the formulas (6.2) - (6.5) Npl,Rd, Mpl,Rd,
Vpl,Rd will be replaced by Nel,Rd, Mel,Rd, Vel,Rd.

Nel,Rd = ────────

Mel,Rd = ────────

(d - tf] tw fy
Vel,Rd = ────────────────────
s \│3

NOTE: The coefficient s is the coefficient m of the standard: STAS 10108/0-78.

(4) On the ends of the potentially plastic areas, both compression booms of the beams will be
laterally directly or indirectly supported. Additionally, lateral supports will be placed in the areas
where the concentrated forces apply and in other places where the structure calculation shows the
possibility that a plastic hinge is possible to occur.

(5) Lateral supports, adjacent to the potentially plastic areas must take over a lateral force equal to
0,06 0v fy tf b. The other lateral supports will be calculated against a force equal to 0,02 0v fy tf b.

(6) In order to direct the plastic hinges into the beam, next to the beam-pillar joint (see Appendix F),
the compression booms may be reduced (by slope junctions of 1:3-1:5) by up to 35% for a length of
1,5 hw, (hw being the beam core height). The sectional area thus reduced will be bordered by
crossing stiffening placed on both faces of the core. The reduced section will be checked in the
elastic range at its ultimate limit state against the stresses resulted from the loads grouping (3.21)
and (3.22).

6.6.3. Pillars

(1) The pillars will be checked taking into consideration the most unfavourable combination of axial
force and bending moment. During checking, the stresses NEd, MEd, VEd are calculated with the
following formulas:

NEd = NEd,G + 1,1 0v M NEd,E

MEd = MEd,G + 1,1 0v M MEd,E (6.6)
VEd = VEd,G + 1,1 0v M VEd,E


NEd,G, MEd,G, VEd,G - axial stress, bending moment and cross force in the pillar in the non-seismic
actions contained in the loads grouping that includes the seismic action;
NEd,E, MEd,E, VEd,E - axial stress, bending moment and cross force in the pillar in the designing seismic
actions (see 3.4);
M - maximum value of Mi = Mpl,Rd,i/MEd,i calculated for all the beams where potentially plastic
areas exist; MEd,i represents the bending moment in the beam "i" in the loads grouping that includes
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

the seismic action and Mpl,Rd,i represents the designing plastic resistance in the beam "i". Mi is
calculated only for the beams dimensioned from the loads combination that includes the seismic
action (in this calculation, the beams dimensioned by constructive conditions or by loads
fundamental grouping are not considered). Aiming an action direction of the seism, Mi is unique
for the entire structure;
Mi proportion will be limited so that meets the condition 1,1 0v Mi < q (q – structure behaviour
factor - table 6.3) ;

In the case of a simplified calculation, the values of the product 1,1 0v  from the Appendix F may
be adopted.

1. For each separate beam of the structure, an unique proportion Mi is calculated, on the end of the beam where the
moment ³MEd,i³ has maximum value. The maximum and minimum values of the Mi proportion (for the entire structure)
will not be different by more than 25%.
2. Practically, the stresses values N Ed, MEd, VEd are obtained from the linear static calculus of the loads special grouping,
where the seismic action multiplies by 1,1 0v Mi.

(2) In order to check the pillars resistance and steadiness, SR EN 1993-1-1 2 is used as a reference
regulating document.

(3) Pillar cross force VEd, resulted from the structure calculation shall satisfy the following

────────  0,5 (6.7)

(4) The stresses transfer from the beams to the pillars is made supposing that the beam-pillar joint is

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Figure 6.2 Beam-pillar joint. Core panel

(5) Core panels of the pillars in the beam-pillar joint area (see fig. 6.2) shall satisfy the following

────────  1,0 (6.8)


Vwp,Ed - cross force value in the panel, calculated in dependence of the plastic resistance of the
dissipative areas of the adjacent beams;

Mpl,Rd,i + Mpl,Rd,j
Vwp,Ed = ─────────

Vwp,Rd – shearing capable stress of the core panel is determined as follows:

┌ 3 bs t2f ┐
Vwp,Rd = 0,6 fy ds twp │1 + ───--│ if NEd  0,75 Npl,Rd (6.9)
└ d ds twp┘

┌ 3 bs t2f┐┌ 1,2 NEd┐

Vwp,Rd = 0,6 fy ds twp │1 + ─── ││ 1,9 - ─────│ if (6.10)
└ d ds twp┘└ Npl,Rd ┘
NEd > 0,75 Npl,Rd


twp - panel core thickness

(panel core thickness and the folding plates, if they are used, see fig. 6.3);
ds - total height of the section (core + compression booms);
bs - pillar compression booms width;
tf - pillar compression boom thickness;
d - total height of the beam section (core + compression booms) ;
hw - beam core height;
fy - minimum yield point of the steel in the core panel;

folding plates folding plates
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Figure 6.3 Core panel framed by folding plates

(6) The thickness of the pillars cores and the folding plates (fig. 6.3), when needed, will satisfy the
following condition:

twp  (dp + hws)/90 (6.11)


twp - pillar core thickness or the folding plate;

dp - core panel height as measured between the stiffness for continuity of the beams compression
hws - pillar core height;

(7) When the beam-pillar is achieved by direct welding of the beams compression booms, or the
straps provided on the beams compression booms, to the pillar bottom plates, continuity stiffness
will be provided, in order to transmit the stresses form the beams compression booms to the core or
cores of the pillar. Such stiffness shall have the thickness at least equal to the thickness of the beam
compression boom or the strap on the beam compression boom.

(8) Continuity stiffness fixing to the pillar bottom plates will be made by deep welding and full
penetration or by projection welding on both faces. The welded joints will have the resistance
capacity equal to the minimum capacity among:
- resistance capacity of the continuity stiffness;
- maximum stress within the beam compression booms.

(9) Continuity stiffness fixing to the pillar core will have the capable resistance at least equal to:
- capable resistance of the continuity stiffness;
- effective stress as transmitted through the stiffness.

(10) In the beam-pillar joint area, the pillar bottom plates will be laterally connected at the level of
the superior compression booms of the beams. Each lateral supporting will be designed at a force
equal to 0,02 fy tf b (tf, b – dimensions of the beam compression boom).

(11) In the frames plane, where the beams might form plastic hinges, the beam slenderness is
limited to:

┌──── ┌────
│ E │E
0,7  \ │──── = 0,7 e; (e =  \ │────) (6.12)
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\│ fy \│fy

In the plane where plastic hinges cannot form in the beams, the beam slenderness is limited to:

1,3  \ │──── = 1,3 e (6.13)

(12) For the compression and bending checking for one or two directions, in the elastic range, SR
EN 1993-1-12 is used as a reference regulating document (it may be considered as an uniform
distribution of the bending moment for the length of the bar).

(13) Concerning the pillars, the sectional class 1 or 2 will be considered, according to Table 6.4.

6.6.4. Beam-pillar joints

(1) If the structures designed to dissipate the energy into the beams, the beams joints to the pillars
must be designed so that they work in the elastic range for all the acting duration of the seism, in
relation to the capable moment Mpl,Rd and the cross force (VEd,G + VEd,M) evaluated according to

(2) The potentially plastic area, adjacent to the beam-pillar joint must be designed so that the p
plastic rotation capacity in the plastic hinge is not lower than 0,035 rad, regarding the H flexibility
class structures, and 0,025 rad for the M class ones.
The p plastic rotation capacity must be guaranteed at cyclic loads, with no resistance and stiffness
degrading superior to 20%. Such requirement is valid regardless of the placement of the dissipative
areas taken into consideration when designing.
p is defined as:

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Figure 6.4  deflection on the centre of the beam taken into consideration for the calculation
of rotation  p

p = ───── (6.14)
0,5 L

where:  and L are deflection of the beam on the centre of the opening , respectively beam
opening (see fig. 6.4.) ;

6.6.5. Pillars continuity joints

Pillars continuity joints will be placed at about 1/3 from the floor height of the pillar and will be
calculated according to the provisions of GP 016-97 and SR EN 1993-1-8 2, as a reference regulating

6.7. Centric braced frames

6.7.1. Designing criteria

(1) The centric braced frames must be designed so that the plastifying of the strained diagonal
occurs before the formation of the plastic hinges or the loss of the general steadiness in the beams
and pillars; the joints will be checked according to the provisions in 6.5.5.

(2) The bracing/props diagonals have to be placed so that the structure has relative lateral shifts with
closed values, at each level and in any braced direction.

(3) For this purpose, at each floor, the following rules have to be observed:

│A+ - A-│
─────────  0,05 (6.15)
A+ + A-


A+ and A- are the horizontal projection areas of the cross sections of the strained diagonals, when
the horizontal seismic action has different directions (see fig. 6.5).

(4) The beam-pillar fixing of the centric braced frames will be of rigid type. It is recommended that
the beam-pillar fixing of the non-braced frames situated on the braced direction of the building, is
also of a rigid type.
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6.7.2. Calculation particularities

(1) It is considered that the gravity loads are taken over only by the beams and pillars non
considering the bracing elements.

(2) Under the seismic action, in a linear static calculation (calculation in the elastic range) it is
considered as follows:

- at X or alternating braced frames (where the strained and compressed diagonals do not cross, see
fig. 6.5), only the strained diagonals are considered;
- at V braced frames, both the strained and compressed diagonals are considered.

Figure 6.5 Examples of applications of the provisions in 6.7.1.(2)

(3) Taking into consideration both types, strained and compressed, of diagonals, within the
calculation of any type of centric bracing, is allowed, if the following conditions are observed:

a) a non-linear static calculation (pushover) or a non-linear dynamic calculation (time history) is

b) diagonals digitisation is made with finite element which should simulate the buckling of the
compressed diagonals;

6.7.3. Diagonals calculation

- │Afy
(1) For the X diagonals braced frames, the slenderness coefficient = \ │─────
must have values within the interval: 1,3 <  2,0 (1,3 e <  2,0 e).
1,3 limit is set for avoiding the pillars overloading in the state preceding reaching the buckling
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critical force (when both the strained and the compressed diagonals are active).
2 EI
Ncr = ────── - buckling critical force, Lcr – buckling length.
In constructions having up to two levels, no additional limitation is applied for A, compared to the
ones given in SR EN 1993-1-12 as a reference regulating document.
(2) For the braced frames provided with diagonals working under strain but that are not arranged
under X form, table 6.3; fig. 6.5), the slenderness coefficient  must be limited to: 2,0.
( 2,0 e)

(3) For the V diagonals braced frames the slenderness coefficient must be limited to:  2,0 (
2,0 e)

(4) The capable plastic stress Npl,Rd of the diagonals cross section must have the value: Npl,Rd  NEd.

(5) In order to be able to dimension under compression the compressed frames diagonals provided
with V bracing, SR EN 1993-1-12 is used as a reference regulating document.

(6) The diagonals joint with the other elements of the structure, must satisfy the provisions of

(7) The minimum and maximum values of the IN proportion (defined in 6.7.4.(1)) for all the
systems diagonals shall not differ by more than 25%.

(8) Diagonals will have sections in the sectional class 1 or 2, according to table 6.4; angle irons
slenderness will be lower than 11,0┌────
\ │────.

6.7.4. Beams and pillars calculation

(1) Pillars and beams with axial forces will be calculated in the elastic range at the most unfavorable
combination of loads.
Concerning the resistance and steadiness, SR EN 1993-1-12 is used as a reference regulating
document. Calculation stresses are determined using the formulas:

NEd = NEd,G + 1,1 0v N NEd,E (6.16)

MEd = MEd,G + 1,1 0v N MEd,E


NEd,G, MEd,G - axial stress, respectively the bending moment, in the pillar or the beam, caused by the
non-seismic actions, included in the loads grouping including the seismic action;
NEd,E, MEd,E - axial stress, respectively the bending moment in the beam or the pillar, caused by the
designing seismic actions;
N - is the maximum value of the proportion NI= Npl,Rd,i/NEd,i as calculated for the strained
diagonals of the frame bracing system. NI is calculated only for the diagonals dimensioned
according to the combination of loads including the seismic action (the diagonals dimensioned
according to the constructive conditions or the fundamental loads grouping is not considered in the
OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, no. 803 bis /25.09.2006

calculation). Concerning an action direction of the seism, N is unique for the entire structure;
Npl,Rd,i - is the plastic axial stress of the diagonal i;
NEd,i - is the designing axial stress of the same diagonal "i", within the loads grouping including the
seismic action.
N proportion will be limited so that the condition 1,1 0v N < q (q – structure behaviour factor -
table 6.3) is met.
For a simplified calculation, the values of the product 1,1 0v  in the Appendix F will be adopted.

Practically, the stresses values NEd, MEd are obtained from the linear static calculus of the loads
special grouping, where the seismic action multiplies by 1,1 0v M.

(2) For V braced frames, the beams should be designed in order to take over the following:
- all non-seismic actions, not considering the support formed by the diagonals (exclusively in the
case of inverted V bracing);
- the vertical non-balanced stress from the seismic action, as applied to the beam by the bracing
after the buckling of the compressed diagonal. Such stress is calculated taking into consideration
Npl,Rd for the strained diagonal and 0,3 Npl,Rd for the compressed diagonal.

(3) For the frames where the diagonals do not cross (fig. 6.5) the stress or compression stresses in
the pillars corresponding to the diagonals capable stresses against buckling will be considered.

(4) In the crossing section with the diagonals, the beams will be provided, both on the upper and
lower booms, with lateral links capable to take over each lateral force equal to 0,02 b t(f) f(y).

(5) Pillars slenderness in the braced plane is limited to:

1,3  \ │──── = 1,3 e

(6) The pillars continuity joints will be made at about 1/3 of the floor height of the pillar and will be
calculated according to the provisions in GP 016-97 and SR EN 1993-1-8.

6.8. Eccentrically braced frames

6.8.1. Designing criteria

(1) The eccentrically braced frames must be designed so that the dissipative members, elements
especially placed into the structure, are able to dissipate the energy by forming bending and/or
shearing plastic mechanisms.

(2) Such structure will be designed so that a homogeneous general behaviour is obtained by
materialising some dissipative members having characteristics as similar as possible.

(3) The rules further given are intended to ensure that the formation of plastic hinges (including the
effects resulted from the self-consolidation of the steel in the plastic hinges) will take place in the
dissipative members before the loss of the general steadiness or the occurring of plastic hinges in
other structural elements (pillars, bracing, adjacent beams, dissipative members).

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(4) The dissipative bars/members are horizontal or vertical (see the structures in the Table 6.3).

(5) Beam-pillar fixing of the eccentrically braced frames will be of a rigid type. Beam-pillar fixing
of the eccentrically non-braced frames, placed on the braced direction of the building, is
recommended to be of a rigid type.

6.8.2. Dissipative members calculation

(1) The core of a dissipative member must be achieved by a unique element (no folding plates)
without holes.

(2) The dissipative members calculation are classified into 3 categories, in relation to the type of the
plastic mechanism developed:

- short dissipative members, which dissipate the energy by plastifying of the bar in the cross force
(main stresses);
- long dissipative members, which dissipate the energy by plastifying of the section during the
bending moment;
- intermediate dissipative members, where the plastifying of the section is caused by the bending
moment and the cross force;

(3) For the double T sections the following parameters are used in order to define the plastic capable
stresses (fig. 6.6):

Mpl,link = fy btf (d - tf) (6.17)

Vpl,link = (fy/ \│3) tw (d - tf) (6.18)

Figure 6.6 Notations for the double T section dissipative member

(4) If NEd/Npl,Rd  0,15 on the both ends of the dissipative member, the following conditions will be

VEd  Vpl,link (6.19)

MEd  Mpl,link (6.20)


NEd, MEd, VEd are the designing stresses, the axial force, the bending moment and the cross force, on
both ends of the dissipative member.

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(5) If NEd/Npl,Rd  0,15, in the formulas (6.19), (6.20), the following reduced values must be used
Vpl,link,r and Mpl,link,r, instead of the values Vpl,link and Mpl,link:

Vpl,link,r = Vpl,link [1 – (NEd/Npl,Rd)2]0,5 (6.21)

Mpl,link,r = 1,18 Mpl,link [1 – (NEd/Npl,Rd)] (6.22)

(6) If NEd/NRd  0,15, the length of the dissipative member "e", will follow the formula (6.23) if R <
0,3 and the formula (6.24) if R  0,3:

e  1,6 Mpl,link/Vpl,link (6.23)

e  (1,15 - 0,5R) 1,6 Mpl,link/Vpl,link (6.24)

while coefficient R is expressed as follows:

d - 2tf
R = NEd tw ─────────

where: A is the gross area of the dissipative member;

(7)The maximum and minimum value of the rapport i in the dissipative elements of the structure
(defined in (6.8.3.(1)) will not differ by more than 25% in order to achieve a homogeneous
dissipative behaviour in the general structure.

(8) The symmetrical "e" lengths defining the double T section dissipative member type will be
determined as follows (fig. 6.7.a):
if e < 1,6 Mpl,link/Vpl,link – the dissipative member is short (6.25)
if e > 3,0 Mpl,link/Vpl,link - the dissipative member is long (6.26)
if 1,6 Mpl,link/Vpl,link e 3,0 Mpl,link/Vpl,link - the dissipative member is intermediate (6.27)

(9) When an unique plastic hinge is formed on one of the dissipative member ends (see Fig. 6.7.b),
the "e" lengths defining the double T section dissipative member types are:

e < 0,8 (1 + ) Mpl,link/Vpl,link - short dissipative members (6.28)

e > 1,5 (1 + ) Mpl,link/Vpl,link - long dissipative members (6.29)

0,8 (1 + ) Mpl,link/Vpl,link e 1,5 (1 + )

Mpl,link/Vpl,link - intermediate dissipative members (6.30)

│MEd,A │
where: =│────│ < 1,0, and │MEd,A│ < │MEd,B│
│MEd,B │
are the bending moments on the ends of the dissipative member caused by the seismic action

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Figure 6.7 a) equal moments on the ends of the dissipative member;

b) unequal moments on the ends of the dissipative member;

(10) The inelastic rotation angle of the dissipative member p fig. 6.7), formed between the
dissipative member and the element outside it, resulted following to a non-linear calculus, will be
limited to:
p 0,08 rad for the short dissipative members;
p 0,02 rad for the longitudinal reinforcement dissipative members;
p will have a value determined by linear interpolation, between the intermediate dissipative

(11) On the ends of the dissipative member, in front of the bracing diagonals, stiffening will be
provided for the entire height of the core, on both its faces. Such stiffening must have a total width
of at least (b - 2tw), and its thickness will be tst  0,75 tw and tst  10 mm.

(12) The dissipative members must have core stiffening, as follows (see Appendix F.3):

a) The short dissipative member must have intermediate stiffening placed on the core at the "a"
distance, which must observe the following conditions:
a (30 tw - hw/5) for p = 0,08 rad;
a (52 tw - hw/5) for p 0,02 rad ;
For 0,02 rad < p < 0,08 rad, "a" is determined by linear interpolation.
b) The long dissipative members must have stiffening on both core faces, placed at the a distance
from each end of the dissipative member (such stiffening marks the potentially plastic areas).
c) The intermediate dissipative members must have stiffening on the core faces which should meet
the requirements of a) and b) above.
d) Intermediate stiffening is not necessary on the cores of the dissipative members that are than 5
e) The cores stiffening will exist on its entire height. For the dissipative members with a height
lower than 600 mm, stiffening will be provided only on one side of the core, alternatively.
Thickness tst of the stiffening will be tst  tw and tst  10 mm, and the stiffening width will be bst 
b/2 - tw.

(13) Projection welding of the core stiffening of the dissipative member must have the resistance
higher or equal to 0v fy Ast, where Ast = tst bst is the sectional area of the stiffening. Projection
welding resistance between the stiffening and the bottom plates/chords must be higher or equal to
0v fy Ast/4.

(14) On the ends of the dissipative member, both on the upper/top boom and the lower
chord/bottom plate, lateral links must be provided, with a compression resistance higher or equal to
0,06 fy btf (b, tf – dimensions of the section of the dissipative member bottom plate).

(15) In order to verify concerning the local steadiness loss, of the beams cores adjacent to the
dissipative member, SR EN 1993-1-12 will be used as a reference regulating document.
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(16) The dissipative members will be in the 1 sectional class.

(17) The cross point between the diagonal axis and the beam axis will be right in the front of the
stiffening at the end of the dissipative member or in the interior of the length of the dissipative
member. No part of the fixing shall extend on the dissipative member length (see Appendix F).

6.8.3. Structural elements not containing dissipative members

(1) The elements not containing dissipative members, the pillars, the bracing diagonals and the
beams (when vertical dissipative members are used - table 6.3 case c) must be checked in the elastic
range, taking into consideration the most unfavourable combination of loads.
For verifications, the NEd, MEd, VEd stresses will be calculated with the following relations:

NEd = NEd,G + 1,1 0v NEd,E

MEd = MEd,G + 1,1 0v MEd,E (6.31)
VEd = VEd,G + 1,1 0v VEd,E

NEd, MEd, VEd - designing stresses

NEd,G, MEd,G, VEd,G - are the stresses (axial stress, bending moment and cross force) in the pillar or in
the bracing diagonal in the non-seismic loads part of the grouping which includes the seismic
NEd,E MEd,E, VEd,E - are the stresses (axial stress, bending moment and cross force) in the pillar or in
the bracing diagonal in the seismic loads.
- for short dissipative member has a maximum value iV = 1,5 Vpl,link/VEd,i calculated for all short
dissipative members, as dimensioned following to the loads combination including the seismic
action (in this calculation, the dissipative members dimensioned by constructive conditions or by
fundamental loads grouping are not considered). For an action direction of the seism, V is unique
for the entire structure;
- for intermediate or long dissipative members, has a maximum value Mi = 1,5 Mpl,link,i/MEd,i, as
calculated for all the dissipative members dimensioned by the loads combination including the
seismic action. (in this calculation, the dissipative members dimensioned by constructive
conditions or by fundamental loads grouping are not considered). For an action direction of the
seism, M is unique for the entire structure.
VEd,i, MEd,i - are the designing stresses of the cross force and the bending moment into the dissipative
member "i", part of the loads grouping including the seismic action;
Vpl,link,i, Mpl,link,i – are the plastic stresses, the cross force and the bending moment into the dissipative
member "i", according to 6.8.2(3).
Q proportion will be limited so that the condition 1,1 0v < q (q – structure behaviour factor - table
6.3) is met.
In the case of a simplified calculus the value of the product 1,1 0v  in the Appendix F may be
Practically, the stresses values NEd, MEd, VEd are obtained from the linear static calculus of the loads special grouping,
where the seismic action multiplies by 1,1 0v .

(2) At the pillars, the sectional 1 or 2 class will be used, according to the Table 6.4.

(3) The beams adjacent to the dissipative members and the diagonals will have the 2 sectional class.

(4) Pillars slenderness, in the bracing plane is limited to:

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1,3  \ │──── = 1,3 e.

(5) Pillars continuity joints will be placed at about 1/3 of the floor height of the pillar and will be
calculated according to the provisions of GP 016-97 and SR EN 1993-1-8 2, as a reference regulating

6.8.4. Dissipative members joints

The dissipative members joints or of the elements containing dissipative members must be designed
with consideration for the resistance reserve of the section (see 6.8.3(1)) and the probable
increment of the material yield point, expressed through 0v (see 6.1.3).

Ed  Ed,G + 1,1 0v Ed,E

Ed,G - joint stress caused by the non-seismic actions of the grouping including the seismic action;
Ed,E - joint stress caused by the seismic loads;
- resistance reserve of the section, according to 6.8.3(1)

6.9. Designing rules for structures of inverted pendulum type

(1) For structures of inverted pendulum type (defined in 6.3.1.(d)), the pillars will be checked as
regards the compression and bending, taking into consideration the most unfavourable combination
of axial stresses and bending moments in the fundamental grouping and the grouping that includes
the seismic action.

(2) When checking, the stresses NEd, MEd, VEd will be used, calculated according to 6.6.3.

(3) The slenderness coefficient of the pillars must be limited to  1,5; ( 1,5 e)

(4) Sensitivity coefficient to the relative displacement of  level as defined in 4.6.2.(2) must be
limited to   0,20.

6.10. Designing rules for metallic nucleate structures or reinforced concrete walls and for dual

6.10.1. Nucleate structures or reinforced concrete walls

(1) In order to check the metallic elements, this provisions of this chapter shall be observed and SR
EN 1993-1-12 will be used as a reference regulating document. Concrete elements will be designed
according to Chapter 5.

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(2) Elements for which there is an interaction between metal and concrete must be checked
according to Chapter 7.

6.10.2. Dual structures (non-braced frames plus braced frames)

(1) The dual structures provided by non-braced frames and braced frames that work in the same
direction, must be designed employing a unique q factor. The horizontal forces have to be
distributed between the various frames proportionally to their elastic stiffness.

(2) The non-braced frames placed on the braced direction of the building, will be designed so that
they are able to take over at least 25% from the calculation seismic action, assuming that the braced
frames are out of work. The braced frames will be designed for the stresses resulted from the static
calculation in the most unfavourable combination of loads.

(3) The non-braced frames and the braced frames will observe the provisions in 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8.

6.11. Execution check

(1) The execution check must guarantee that the real structure corresponds to the design.

(2) With such purpose, besides the provisions of C150-99, the following requirements must be met:
a) The drawings elaborated for the execution and mounting must indicate the joint details, the bolts
and welding size and quality and the steel brand. On the drawings the maximum yield point of the
steel fy,max able to be used by the manufacturer in the dissipative areas will be marked;
b) The observance of the provisions in 6.2.(1)-6.2.(5) has to be checked;
c) When checking the bolts screwing up and the welding quality, the provisions of the norms of
6.1.1.(5) will be strictly observed;
d) During the execution, it will be checked whether the yield point of the steel, as used in the
dissipative members and areas, is the one indicated in the design. Exceptionally, an exceeding of
maximum 10% of the value fy,max written on the drawings is allowed.

(3) When one of the above-specified conditions is not met, various solutions must by elaborated for
the remedy of the deficiencies in order to categorise the construction in the insurance degree within
the fundamental and special grouping of loads.



10.1 General issues

10.1.1 Object of Provisions

(1) This chapter sets out the minimum safety requirements concerning the seismic action and the
designing rules (general elaboration, calculus, and constructive details) for the Subsystem of Non-
Structural Components (NSC) for constructions.
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(2) The provisions of this chapter refer to:

- the unstructured components (NSC);
- the fixing elements of the NSC on the main structure or on other NSC;
- the elements/ subassemblies of the main structure on which the NSC are fixed.

(3) The safety requirements and the designing rules set out below are classified according to the
following parameters:
- the construction class of importance;
- the seismic acceleration of the land ag at the location;
- NSC category (function);
- the constructive features of NSC and of its joining parts;
- the interaction of un-structural components with the elements of the main structure.

(4) The measures stated in this chapter refer to the NSC protection against the two effects of the
1. Direct effect of the inertia forces resulting from the product of NSC mass and the
acceleration it acquires during the earthquake.

2. Indirect effect resulting from the deformations affecting the NSC through the relative side
shifting of the fixing/ contact points with the main structure.

10.1.2. The subsystem of non-structural components

(1) The subsystem of non-structural components (NSC) includes all parts and elements of the
construction, except those belonging to the subsystem of structural elements, as well as the fixed
furniture for professional use.

(2) The subsystem of non-structural components consists of the following component categories:

A. Architectural components (construction elements):

A.1. Elements attached to the construction casing:

- finishing touches, thermo protection elements or decorations made of brick, concrete,

stone, ceramic materials, glass or other similar materials having locking devices,
structural or non-structural;
- domes, balustrades, attics, sun-blinds, decoration profiles, statues;
- neon signs, TV aerials.

A.2. Casing elements:

- the elements of the casing structure – wall panels – solid or glazed, pillars, rulers, lintels,
flanges, and other elements that are not part of the main structure of the building;
- the carpentry embedded, including the glass.

A.3. Interior subdivision elements (fixed or detachable), including the finishing touch and
the embedded carpentry.

A.4. Suspended ceiling.

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A.5. Other elements of construction: enclosing fences (fencing).

B. Appliances:
B.1. Sanitary fitting

B.2. Electrical wiring/ lighting system

B.3. Heating, air-conditioning and ventilation plants.

B.4. Special plants with equipments operating by steam or water at high temperatures
(kitchens, laundries, etc.)

C. Electro-mechanic equipment:

C.1. Elevators.

C.2. Escalators.

D. Furniture and other fitting equipment:

D.1. Professional furniture: for office (shelves, cabinets), from medical units, for research,
including computer systems, from museums of national interests.

D.2. Furniture and special equipment from constructions of first class of importance: control
panels for the dispatcher’s rooms within the emergency services, fire fighters’ units, police
units, telephone plants, equipments within radio/ television stations or similar ones.

D.3. Shelves within the stores and warehouses accessible for the public.

10.2. NSC general requirements concerning the seismic performance

(1) The users’ requirements concerning the NSC seismic behaviour refer to:
- avoiding the loss of human lives or hurting the people outside or inside the
constructions, by detaching and falling of the NSC;
- avoiding interrupting the vital activities and services during or after the earthquake by
damaging the NSC/ NSC being out of use;
- avoiding the damaging of valuable cultural or artistic goods;
- limiting the material damages concerning the scale and gravity;
- ensuring the emergency exits for the people within the building and the access ways for
the intervention squads;
- avoiding/ limiting the damages of structural elements following their interaction with
non-structural elements;
- limiting the psychological impact due to the discomfort of the people involved.
(2) According to the construction’s class of importance and the role of the component in those
systems, the NSC must comply with the following requirements:

- for the constructions within the first class of importance it must ensure the continuous
functioning during earthquake and immediately after it, with any possible interruptions
within the time limits necessary for the spare equipments and plants to become
operational; the local damages’ effects (e.g. breaking of a water pipe) shall be limited
and shall not prevent the normal functioning of the rest of the building;
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- for the special equipment plants working with hot water or with pressurized steam, as
well the gas systems and electrical wiring and plants, it must avoid the danger of
explosions and short-circuits which could cause fires or emissions of high temperature
water and steam;

- for the constructions within the 2nd-4th class of importance, it must be ensured the
stability of all components and the fixing of any possible damages and it must be
possible to put the equipment under the functioning conditions within a reasonable time
frame for the users.

(3) In order to comply with the requirements specified at paragraph (1), all the categories of non-
structural components must be designed and executed so that they remain stable and to maintain
their physical integrity under the action of forces and shifting due to the two seismic effects
mentioned at 10.1.1.(4).

(4) The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the following categories of components that have
a low risk from the point of view of the parameters mentioned at 10.1.1(3):
- all the NSC, except those in category A1, located on the facades towards the public areas
or crowded areas and those in category B4, for:
- buildings within the 4th class of importance, in the seismic areas having ag ≤ 0,12g,
- buildings within the 3rd class of importance, in the seismic areas having ag = 0,08g,
- all the components of the categories B (except B4), C and D, for:
- buildings within the 3rd class of importance, in the seismic areas having ag = 0,12g
- buildings within the 2nd class of importance, in the seismic areas having ag = 0,08g
- the components of categories B (except B4), C, D with γNSC ≤ 1, regardless the seismic
area and the class of importance of the building, provided they comply the following two
- they are assembled at a height lower than 1,50 meters above the floor level;
- they have the total maximum weight in exploitation lower than 0,20 kN.

10.3 Seismic calculus of the non-structural components

10.3.1. Principles and evaluation methods of the designing seismic force for the NSC

(1) The designing seismic force for NSC depends on the following factors:
- the importance of NSC;
- the value of the land design acceleration and the spectral characteristics of the seismic
action at the location;
- amplifying the land acceleration at the joining level of NSC;
- NSC own dynamic amplification;
- modifying (reducing) the effect of the seismic force due to the energy absorption
capacity of NSC and its joining on the main structure;
- the difficulty of NSC exploitation.
(2) The seismic force resulted from the direct action of the earthquake over a NSC can be
calculated, according to the importance and the role in construction of that component, using one of
the following methods:
- the method of floor spectrums;
- the method of equivalent forces static.

(3) The determining seismic force, according to this paragraph, is used only for designing NSC, its
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joining and for the local verification of the backing elements and it does not cumulate to the effects
of the seismic force for the main structure. The Method of Floor Spectrums

(1) For NSC of great importance or containing particularly high risk (recipients or devices for toxic,
inflammable substances, etc.), the calculus of the seismic force resulting from the earthquake direct
action over the NSC will be made based on a complete calculus model, using the acceleration
spectrum obtained from the seismic reply of the main structure al the joining level of NSC (floor

(2) The calculus model that is to be used shall consider the relevant mechanical properties of the
main structure, of the NSC and of its joining on the main structure.

(3) The seismic action for which the floor spectrums are calculated shall be shaped according to the
provisions of Chapter 3, of this Code. The Method of Static Equivalent Forces

(1) For the buildings where the provisions of this Code apply (see section 1.1.), the effect of the
earthquake direct action over the NSC can be considered equivalent to the static force FNSC.
(2) The horizontal seismic force static equivalent FNSC, shaping the earthquake direct action over the
NSC at the elevation “z” in relation to the construction base, is calculated using the formula:

 NSC a g  NSC K 2
FNSC (z) = m NSC (10.1)
γNSC is the importance coefficient of NSC (see;

ag is the calculus seismic acceleration of the land, set out according to the seismic zoning map;

βNSC is the dynamic amplification coefficient of NSC (see;

K2 = 1+2 coefficient representing the amplification of seismic acceleration of the land on the
construction height, where:
z is the elevation of the fixing point on the structure of NSC;
H is the average height of the roof in relation to the construction base;
Note: The product agK2 represents the seismic acceleration at the fixing point on the structure of NSC (z elevation), and
the product agK2βNSC represents the seismic acceleration at the weight centre level of NSC.

qNSC is the behaviour factor of NSC;

mNSC is the maximum mass of the NSC during exploitation (for the storage shelves see paragraph 5)

(3) The value of the seismic force FNSC, set out by the formula (10.1) is limited as it follows:

FNSC ≤ 4γNSCagmNSC (10.2)

FNSC≥ 0,75γNSCagmNSC (10.3)
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(4) The vertical seismic force static equivalent to F NSC V, is also calculated using the formula (10.1),
the projecting value of the vertical component acceleration, avg, is determined by the formula (3.6).

(5) The seismic force static equivalent FNSC can be considered in the calculus as:

- uniformly distributed load, perpendicular on NSC axis horizontally and vertically (for
the linear elements that can oscillate simultaneously on the two directions-pipes,
ventilation channels and similar ones);
- uniformly distributed load, perpendicular on the NSC plan (for the plane elements –
inner walls, facades and similar);
- Concentrated force, applied on the weight centre of NSC on the most unfavorable
direction (for the elements having three comparable dimensions – tools, equipment,
reservoirs, smoke chimneys, ventilation systems and similar);
(5) For the steel shelves from the stores and warehouses with public access, assembled at the
elevation ± 0,00 or lower, the calculus can be made using the general hypothesis for structures
calculus, considering the following recommendations:
- the mass subject to seismic action shall be equal to the most unfavorable of the following:
- the shelf own weight + 2/3 of the capable load for each storage level;
- the shelf own weight + the capable load at the highest storage level;
- the behaviour factor shall be considered qNSC = 4,0
- the importance coefficient shall be considered γNSC = 1,5
- for rigid shelves, T0 ≤ 0,06s, the seismic projecting force shall be determined with the
FNSC = 1,25agmNSC (10.1a)

where mNSC is determined as above. Calculus coefficients for non-structural components Importance coefficients for NSC (γNSC)

(1) The importance coefficient for NSC shall be considered γNSC ≥ 1,5, at the sole discretion designer
and/ or the beneficiary, for the following categories of components:

- construction elements, plants, appliances and equipments in use or spare ones, essential
for functioning under safety conditions of the constructions included in the first class of
importance or for evacuating them in safety, including their joining parts;
- NSC located on the evacuation ways and the spare lighting systems, for evacuation of
the constructions included in the second class of importance, accommodating a large
number of people.
- Vessels and tanks containing toxic or flammable substances, dangerous for public safety;
- Shelves within the greater commercial galleries and the warehouses with public access.
(2) For all the other categories of NSC, the importance coefficient shall be γ NSC ≡ γI, where γI is the
importance coefficient of the construction. Dynamic amplification coefficient of NSC (βNSC)

(1) The Dynamic amplification coefficient of NSC is established according to the rigidity of the
component and the relevant joining parts:
- rigid components (having their own oscillation period TNSC ≤0,06 s): βNSC = 1,0
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- flexible components (having their own oscillation period TNSC >0,06 s): βNSC = 2,5 Behavioural factor of NSC (qNSC)

(1) The behavioural factor of NSC depends on the deformation capacity and energy absorption
capacity of NSC, its joining on the structure and it is independent in relation to their flexibility.

(2) For the NSC mentioned in art. 10.1.2, the βNSC and qNSC values are explained in the tables below:

Table 10.1
Category and type of non-structural components βNSC qNSC
A.1. Elements attached to the construction casing
- if working on the cantilever or if they are anchored on the main structure under 2,5 2,5
the weight centre level
- if they are anchored above the weight centre level 1,0 2,5
- decorations, neon signs, TV aerials and similar, regardless the method of fixing 1,5 2,5
on the main structure
A.2. Casing elements
- regular elements 1,0 2,5
- plywood and finishing with ductile elements and fixing 1,0 2,5
-plywood and finishing with fragile elements and fixing 1,0 1,5
- fixing and making rigid the casing elements 1,25 1,0
A.3. Interior subdivision elements (fixed or detachable), including the finishing touch and the
embedded carpentry
- non-structural interior walls made of plane masonry which are not fixed on the 2,5 1,5
superior part of the main structure
- interior railing of plane masonry in cantilever or which is fixed above the 2,5 1,5
weight centre
- the other elements of interior partitioning, regardless the materials they are 1,0 2,5
made of
A.4. Suspended ceiling 1,0 2,5
A.5. Enclosing fences 2,5 2,5

Table 10.2
Category and type of non-structural components βNSC qNSC
B. Appliances
B.1. Sanitary fitting (water supply, draining the waste waters)
- piping systems with ductile fixing 1,0 2,5
- piping systems with fragile fixing 1,0 1,5
B.2. Electrical wiring/ lighting system
- main wiring systems 2,5 3,5
- electrical equipment 1,0 2,5
- lighting devices 1,0 1,5
B.3. Heating, air-conditioning and ventilation plants
- equipment insulated against vibrations 2,5 2,5
- equipment non-insulated against vibrations 1,0 2,5
- equipment assembled on pipes 1,0 2,5
- other equipment 1,0 2,5
B.4. Special plants with equipments operating by steam or water at high temperatures
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- boilers, kettles 1,0 2,5

- pressure vessels supported on the shell or regularly placed 2,5 2,5
C. Electro-mechanic equipment
- elevators and escalators 1,0 2,5
D. Furniture and other fitting equipment
- furniture from medical units, for research, including computer systems; for 1,0 1,5
office (shelves, cabinets)
- from museums of national interests 1,0 1,0
- furniture and special equipment from constructions of first class of importance: 1,0 1,0
(control panels for the dispatcher’s rooms within the emergency services, fire
fighters’ units, police units, telephone plants, equipments within radio/ television
- Shelves within the stores and warehouses accessible for the public (T0 ≤ 0,06s) 1,0(*) 4,0
- Shelves within the stores and warehouses accessible for the public (T0 ≥0,06s) 2,5(*) 4,0
(*) shelves assembled above the elevation ± 0,00. For the shelves assembled at the elevation of ± 0,00 or below, see

10.3.2. Determining side shifting for the NSC calculus

(1) The NSC joined at two different elevations on the same structure/ section (A), shall be designed
so that they take over the relative shifting dr, NSC shown by the formula:

d aA
dr, NSC = d sxA – dsyA ≤ (X-Y) (10.4)
(2) The NSC joined at two different level elevations on two different structures/ sections (A and B),
shall be designed so that they take over the relative shifting dr, NSC shown by the formula:

Xd aA Yd aB
dr, NSC = d sxA  d syB   (10.5)
hetA hetB

(3) In the formula (10.4) and (10.5):

d sxA is the shifting of construction A, at level “x”;

dsyA is the shifting of construction A, at level “y”;

dsyB is the shifting of construction B, at level “y”;

X is the elevation of the superior joining point on the “X” level, measured from the structure base
(theoretical section of enclosure)

Y is the elevation of the inferior joining point on the “Y” level, measured from the structure base;

daA, daB, the relative shifting allowable for construction A, respectively B, defined according to art.;

hetA, hetB floor height used for the calculus of the relative level shifting for the construction A,
respectively B.

ds shifting is calculated using the formula (4.19).

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(4) The υ factor in formula (4.19), defined according to, and shall be considered as follows:

- υ = 0,7 for:
- the casing elements and the elements attached to the casing on the facades towards
public places (road) and towards other places that can be crowded areas (schoolyard,
atriums and similar ones);
- piping systems fixed on two adjacent sections, for the construction of first and second
class of importance;
- υ = 0,35 for all the other categories of NSC.

10.4 Seismic designing of non-structural components

10.4.1 Joining and connections General principles for designing

(1) The NSC designed to resist to seismic action shall be fixed on the structural elements and/ or
subsystems, accordingly, on other NSC, so that the calculus forces (determined according to 10.5.2)
shall be transmitted integrally to the main structure of the building.

(2) The NSC fixing parts shall be designed, usually, so as to take over the relative shifting of the
structure determined according to 10.5.3; if this requirement is not complied with, when designing
the NSC, the efforts associated to the prevented deformations and/ or shifting shall be taken into

(3) The fixing parts shall have enough strength and rigidity and they will be made so as to ensure
the direct transfer of seismic and gravitational forces from the NSC to the main structure or other
NSC structure, which, at its turn, must be connected directly to the main structure.

(4) The NSC fixing parts on the elements of the main structure or on other NSCs shall have enough
ductility in order to ensure the necessary rotation capacity for taking over the relative shifting of the
floors, determined according to art. 10.5.3.

(5) The NSC fixing parts on the elements of the main structure or on other NSCs can be completed
by any technical procedure, verified by practice, which ensures the blocking and/ or limitation of
shifting in both ways, towards all freedom degrees of NSC (monolith reinforcement, welding, bolts,

(6) The friction effect resulted from the NSC own weight, cannot be taken into consideration for
transmitting the relevant seismic forces of the NSC to the main structure or to other NSC.

(7) The resistance, stability and rigidity of the construction elements on which there are fixed/
supported the NSC (the elements of the main structure or other NSC) shall be verified for the partial
and total effect of the connecting forces. Calculating and performing the connections between NSC and the supporting

(1) The projecting forces for anchors shall be determined with the calculus of the NSC according to
art. 10.5.2 for which the effects of the seismic action shall be increased by 30%.

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(2) For the calculus of anchor stress there shall be taken into consideration the possible installing
conditions, including the assembling eccentricities.

(3) For the anchor joining embedded in concrete or masonry, the capable efforts of the joining parts
shall be 30% higher than the capable efforts of the NSC that are fixed.

(4) In case the joining is made with anchoring elements of short length (L a ≤ 8d), the seismic forces
acting on the NSC shall be calculated using the behavioural factor q NSC = 1,5 even if the value
mentioned in the tables 10.1 or 10.2 is higher.

(5) the bolts mounted by shooting shall not be used as anchors required for stretching for the NSC
in the constructions located within the seismic areas having ag ≥ 0,16g.
10.4.2. Possible NSC Interactions NSC Interactions with Structural Elements/ Subsystems

(1) NSC interactions with structural elements/ subsystems shall be controlled so that their mutual
effects shall not cause the premature destruction of the structural elements following the
modification of the static scheme (e.g. by forming short pillars) or by introducing supplementary
stress within the elements of the structure (e.g. in case of filling masonry panels).

(2) The partial and total effects of the structure interaction with the filling walls shall be considered
for the designing of the structure according to the provisions in section 4.4 and 5.6. Interactions with Other NSC

(1) The interactions of different NSC and their mutual effects must be controlled so that the
destruction/ damaging of a NSC shall not cause the damage, destruction or shutting down the
assembly of NSC or a NSC of superior level (that they are supporting/ serving).

10.4.3. Seismic Designing of Architectural Components General Principles for Designing

(1) The architectural components mentioned at art. 10.1.2 (2), letter A, and their fixing parts must
resist to loads determined according to paragraph 10.5.2 and to take over the shifting determined
according to paragraph 10.5.3.

(2) For the NSC supported on the structural elements on the cantilever or beams with wide openings
it shall be taken into consideration the vertical deformation of the cantilever/ beam (including
deformations caused by the rotation of the knot within the support section). Designing Rules Specific for the Architectural Components Designing Rules Specific for the Component Elements of The Casing

(1) The non-structural exterior walls, which do not make up filling panels (e.g. walls supported on
cantilevers, walls with wide empty spaces) made of brick masonry or pre-fabricated blocks or
panels and they will be designed to resist the effects of the seismic action perpendicularly on the
plane and the shifting determined according to 10.5.3.

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(2) The non-structural exterior walls made of masonry, described at (1) shall be provided,
accordingly, with pillars anchored in the main structure and with flanges. For the walls supported on
the cantilever the provisions of article (2) shall also be taken into account.

(3) ) The non-structural exterior walls made of masonry making up filling panels within the
concrete or steel frames shall be designed according to the provisions of Chapter 8 of this Code and
of the Code CR6-2006.

(4) The non-structural exterior walls made of pre-fabricated concrete panels shall be supported
directly on the elements of main structure or they shall be fixed on it with anchors or other fixing
devices and they shall comply with the following regulations:

- the fixing parts and joints between the panels must allow relative level shifting at least equal to the
level shifting calculated or at least 15 mm;

- the fixing parts enabling the free movement within the panel plane, limited to the calculated
relative level shifting, can be made using curved wholes, openings, fixing parts allowing shifting by
bending steel parts or any other system ensuring the necessary shifting capacity and the appropriate

- the anchors’/ connectors’ body must have enough deformability and rotation capacity in order to
prevent breaking the concrete/ masonry due to small deformations or within the welded parts area;

- all the parts of the fixing systems shall be sized according to art. 10.4.1.;

- the size of the deformation perpendicular on the plan of the non-structural exterior walls, caused
by seismic calculus forces, shall not exceed the allowable deformation of the panel, set out
according to the geometry, mechanical features of the materials, the static scheme of the fixing
system on the main structure and the type of finishing touch;

- the glass embedded in the regular windows, in the facades and the glass of the shop windows shall
be designed and assembled according to the provisions of art. Designing Rules Specific for the Assembling of Suspended Ceiling

(1) The mass of the suspended ceiling for which the seismic force is calculated, must include:
- its own resistance network (the grill)
- the ceiling panels
- the lighting devices, either if they are hanging, fixed by clamps or laterally supported on
the ceiling;
- any other NSC that is laterally supported on the ceiling.

(2) The seismic force afferent to the total mass of the ceiling calculated according to (1) shall be
transmitted, together with the relevant vertical loads through the ceiling fixing parts, to the elements
of the main structure or to the side elements of the ceiling structure. The fixing parts shall be
dimensioned according to 10.4.1.

(3) The suspended ceilings of the constructions of first and second class of importance located on
places having ag ≥ 0,20g must also comply with the following supplementary rules:

- the panels supporting network shall be made of steel laminated profiles type T;
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- the wing of the side closing support shall be at least 50 mm;

- on each of the two orthogonal horizontal directions, an end of the ceiling supporting
network shall be assembled on the side support and the other end shall have the free
shifting possibility for at least 20 mm;
- the suspended ceilings having a surface greater than 100 sqm shall be designed with
lateral fixing parts on the main structure;
- suspended ceilings with an area superior to 250 m 2 shall be divided into area with a
surface ≤ 250 m2 by separation joints or by walls developed along the whole floor
length; this measure can be eliminated if it is proven by calculation that the fixing
system can take completely the side misalignments of the ceiling;

- specific measures shall be conceived in order to allow the free move of the ceiling in the
area of sprinkler heads or other parts crossing the ceiling;

- in case the ceiling has different elevation marks, the side stability of every area shall be
ensured by an specific system which blocks the side moves (wind bracing);

- pipes, air shaft, electric cables and other device elements shall not be fixed on the
suspended ceiling. Design Rules Specific for the Partition Elements

(1) The partition walls in the brick masonry or blocks shall be dimensioned in such a way as to
withstand the perpendicular seismic force on the wall plan calculated with the formula (10.1) where
the wall mass shall also include the exploitation mass of the furniture and of other equipments or
devices suspended on the walls (for example, library shelves, including books, boilers and pipe
systems, water contained included, etc.). The bending moments in the wall panel shall be calculated
according to the provisions of the “Design Code of the Masonry Structures, CR6-2006”, chapter 6,
taking into consideration the ends of the non-structural wall.

(2) The partition walls, which are fixed at the suspended ceiling level, as well as any other partition
walls higher than 2.00 m, regardless to the material of which they are fabricated, shall be
completely fixed aside the fixing system of the suspended ceiling.

(3) The plan layout of the side fixing elements and their dimensioning shall be done in such a way
as the side moves of the upper ends of the walls are compatible with the side moves of the ceiling in
the room in question.

(4) The design and the execution of the partition glass walls shall be done according to the
provisions of the specific regulations.

(5) The Light Cellular Concrete partition walls, the metal or wooden skeleton of the light walls
(“Plasterboard” type) and its joints to the main structure shall be dimensioned so as to withstand the
calculation load mentioned at 10.5.2. The weight of theses walls shall include the exploitation
weight of the furniture and of the suspended wall equipments and devices. Design Rules Specific for the Glazed Frontage

(1) The metallic skeleton of the curtain frontages, window frames and their joints to the main
structure shall be designed in order to take the calculated relative elevation moves, without
permanent deformations and without deteriorating the glass and the sealing parts.
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(2) The glass of the glazed parts of the frontage (glazed curtain walls, big shop windows) must
satisfy the demand regarding the limitation of the relative elevation shifting described by the

Dra(glass) ≥ 1.25 γl d r NSC ≥ 15 mm



dra (glass) relative elevation shifting that produces the breaking / falling of the glass behind the
curtain or in the shop window, established according to the provisions of the paragraph (5);

γl importance coefficient of the building;

d r NSC relative elevation shifting for calculating NSC established according to 10.3.2.

(3) It is no necessary to check the condition (10.6) if the space between the glass and the metallic
frame cfree is big enough so that the contact between them does not take place when the maximum
shifting is reached:

cfree ≥ 1.25 γl dr NSC ≥ 15 mm (10.7)

(4) The value cfree is calculated with the formula

hst c 2
cfree = 2c1 ( 1 + ) (10.8)
bst c1


hst = height of the glass panel

bst = width of the glass panel
c1 = free space between the vertical edges of the glass and the frame;
c2 = free space between the horizontal of the glass and the glass;

(5) The value dra (glass), depends on the type of the respective glass’ this value is transmitted by the
producer or can be determined by calculation according to the mentions of the production norms.

(6) The glass of the windows with an area higher than 2.00 m 2, situated at a height bigger than 2.00
m above the road level, shall be “security” type. Design Rules Specific for the Enclosing Fences

(1) The enclosing fences made of the brick masonry or of concrete blocks, with a height superior to
1.50m, shall be designed as to withstand the seismic forces established according to 10.5.2.

(2) In order to design the enclosing fences the regulations specific to the construction materials in
question. Specific Design Rules for Ensuring the Emergency Exits Out Of the Building

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(1) In order to safely flee the building in case of a severe earthquake, the following measures shall
be considered with respect to the construction elements and the coating situated along the
emergency exits:

- for the establishments with ag ≥ 0.20g, the mechanical command doors of the garages of the
rescue stations, of the firemen units and similar, as well as those of the constructions containing
large crowds of people (more than 250 persons) shall be designed as to avoid the danger of blocking
for relative elevation shifting ≥ 1.50 drNSC ;

-the ordinary operational unit doors of the I and II importance class buildings situated in the
establishments with ag = 0.20g shall be designed so as to avoid the danger of blocking for relative
elevation shifting ≥ 1.25 drNSC;

- the canopies situated above the building’s exit doors shall be checked for a seismic force 50%
higher than the one indicated by the formula (10.1) for the I an II importance class buildings for a
25 % higher seismic force for the III importance class buildings;

- the floors, suspended ceilings and other coatings on the evacuation ways of the building shall be
designed as their fall/impairment does not prevent the people circulation;

- all furniture parts in the I and II importance class buildings situated on the evacuation ways shall
be attached to the structure or to the non-structural walls according to the indications of art. 10.4.1;

10.4.4. Seismic Design of Devices Grouping the Devices in Seismic Categories

(1) In order to differentiate the design measures in accordance with the seismic action, the building
devices are classified in three categories according to their functional role and to the consequences
entailed by damaging/putting them out of practice:

I. “Essential” devices necessary for the uninterrupted functioning of the I importance class
buildings, including the devices that enable their uninterrupted operation;

II. Devices which, if damaged, can have serious consequences regarding the safety of the people in
the buildings or outside, for the II and III importance class buildings.

III. Regular devices (which are not included in the two categories above). General conditions for the device systems

(1) The main objective of the provisions in this section is the design of backings and attachments
for NSC of the category of devices mentioned in art. item B.

(2) The attachments and backings (supports) of all the categories/types of devices shall be designed
for the design loads established according to 10.5.2. and for relative shifting calculated in
accordance with 10.5.3.

(3) The capacity to withstand earthquakes of the devices and equipments which are part of the
devices systems is calculated according to supplier’s catalogues. In case the device or the
attachment systems are delivered together with the equipments/devices, the producer shall
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communicate the values of the capable efforts and their deformability category.

(4) On the interface with the ground or with the adjacent structures, the supply/evacuation pipes
must have the necessary flexibility to safely take the different probable shifts.

(5) For the I and II importance class buildings situated in establishments with a g ≥ 0.20g situated on
low consistency grounds, the sensitivity to seismic action of the exterior networks buried and of the
joints with the interior devices shall be taken into account.

(6) For the equipments and devices included in the device systems with the importance coefficient
γNSC > 1.00, other additional measures shall be taken:

- eliminating the impact for the elements that are vulnerable to impact, for the elements fabricated
of inductile materials or of materials with a ductility may be reduced as a result of exploitation
conditions (low temperatures, for example);

- during the design, the shifting imposed to the devices/equipments of internal/external networks
caused by the relatives moves between the joining points on separated structures shall be

(7) The devices/equipments that contain important quantities of substances which are considered as
dangerous for the safety of persons, shall be designed for seismic and gravity forces in the
conditions triggered by the degradation of the properties of the materials as a result of inappropriate
environment conditions (which favour the corrosion, for example). For these cases, the
dimensioning progress shall be executed with design strengths of the materials reduced as compared
to those used in normal operation conditions. The reduction of strengths shall be more important for
devices / equipments made of inductile materials.

(8) The attachments and backings of the devices/equipments in the sanitary installation,
conditioning, heating and ventilation systems must meet the general requirements of 10.4.1. and the
following additional rules:

- the attachments and backings that transmit seismic forces to the main structure shall be composed,
dimensioned and executed in accordance with the supplier’s documentation, appropriate for the
seismic area in question;

- the use of mechanical anchors with expansion is not accepted for devices/equipments with a
power higher than 8kW;

- the supports executed of cold-processed steel parts shall be dimensioned in order to stay in the
elastic behaviour range.

(9) The devices/equipments mounted on vibration insulators shall be equipped with devices for
limiting the horizontal moves (on both main directions) and of vertical moves. All the parts of these
devices shall be executed of ductile materials. Design Rules Specific for Different Categories of Elements and/or Device Subsystems Design Rules Specific for Sanitary Devices

(1) The design of the sprinkler systems shall be done according to the specific regulations and to the
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provisions of this Code regarding the amount of forces and seismic moves.

(2) The pipe systems with γNSC > 1.00 shall also meet the following rules:

- the empty spaces between the pipes and other construction elements shall de determined so as,
under the effect of the calculation shifts, to avoid any clash;

- the pipes must be able to take the effects of the side moves which take place between the joining
points on the structure, in the field, on equipments and devices or on other pipes.

(3) It is not necessary to consider joints in order to limit the earthquake side moves of the pipe
systems if the following conditions are met:

- the pipe is suspended, on all its length, with round bars with a length ≤ 300mm of the upper part of
the pipe until the structural element to which they are attached, the pipe can support the relative
shifts between the backing points and the suspension system is composed in such a way that the
bars are not stressed at bending;

- for the pipes with a high deformability, with a diameter ≤ 25 mm, which have γ NSC > 1.00, in the
establishments with ag ≤ 0.12g, if measures have been taken to avoid the impact between them, with
a pipe of bigger dimensions, or with another device/equipment;

- for the pipes with a high deformability, with the diameter ≤ 75 mm, which have γ NSC = 1.00 , of the
establishments with ag ≥ 0.16g. Design Rules Specific for Electrical and Illumination Devices

(1) The attachments and supports through which the seismic forces, afferent to the electrical devices
and/or equipments shall be executed of ductile materials.

(2) For the cable systems that cross the joints between the constructions/ adjacent sections and for
the systems of cables connected to equipments insulated against vibrations, measures shall be taken
in order to ensure the transmission of the relative shifts calculated according to 10.5.3. For the I and
II importance class buildings, these shifts shall be increased by 30%.

(3) Measures shall be taken in order to eliminate the risk of impact between the electrical devices
and structure elements or other NSC.

(4) The electrical boards and cupboards as well as the shelves for batteries shall be attached to
ensure the stability, by anchorage, according to 10.4.1., to construction elements resistant enough to
take the seismic loads correspondent to the masses in question. Specific Design Rules for Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation Systems

(1) For the pipe systems and channels that cross the joints between the constructions and/or adjacent
sections as well as for the pipe systems connected to equipments isolated against vibrations,
measures shall be taken in order to ensure the transmission of the relative shifts calculated
according to 10.5.3. For the I and II importance class buildings these shifts shall be increased by

(2) It is not necessary to conceive joints to limit the side shifts for the pipe/channel shifts for which
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γNSC ≤ 1.0 if one of the following conditions is met on the whole length of every pipe:

- the pipe/channel is suspended with joining elements which have the length ≤ 300 mm from the
upper part of the pipe / channel until the structural element to which they are attached and are
composed in such a way as there is no important bend of the suspension element and of its joining


- the pipe/channel has the transversal section ≤ 0.5 m2.

(3) The devices directly connected to the pipe/channel systems (such as ventilators, exhausters,
heats changers, humidifiers) which have an operational weight higher than 0.35 kN, must be
supported and tied on the sides, regardless to the pipe/channel system.

(4) The accessories used for the pipe/channel systems (buffers, for example) shall be attached with
elements able to take the side shifts in both ways.

(5) For the pipes/channels directly connected to equipments, the side attachment is not compulsory
if they have the necessary flexibility to support the relative shifts in the joining points. Design Rules Specific for Special Systems with Devices the Operate on Steam or
Water at High Temperatures (kitchens, laundries, etc.)

(1) This article refers to boilers and pressure pots from the socio-cultural and similar constructions.
The article does not refer to the special devices in the production units, with devices operating on
steam or water at high temperatures.

(2) The design of the boilers and pressure pots which have the γ NSC ≤ 1.0 shall be done according to
the specific regulations to the mentions of

(3) IN case of boilers and pressure pots which have γ NSC ≤ 1.0, the following additional measures
shall be taken:

- the design strengths in steel shall be diminished by 15 % for the body of the container and by 25
% for its joints;

- the uncontrolled interactions shall be avoided between the containers, the afferent pipes and other
construction elements (structural / non-structural ).

10.4.5. The Seismic Design of the Electromechanical Devices. General Design Rules

(1) The elevator cages which are not part of the main structure, the booths, the action devices and
their guiding systems, as well as the strength structure of the escalator, together with the respective
joints, shall be dimensioned according to the specific regulations, for the design forces established
according to 10.5.2. and for side shifts established according to 10.5.3.

(2) For the elevators with a high moving speed (above 45m/min) disconnecting devices gauged for
a value of the ground acceleration of 50% of the design seismic acceleration.
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(3) The escalators of the crowded spaces (shopping centres, exhibition rooms, airports and similar
establishments) shall be designed in order to take shifts between the support points 25% higher than
the ones established according to 10.5.3.

(4) The counterweights of the elevators shall be equipped with special devices in order to avoid
their quitting the guidance rails and impact with the booth.

(5) Blocking devices shall be conceived for the lower and upper part of the booth and for the

10.4.6. Specific Measures for the Protection against Seismic Action of the Furniture in the
Constructions Categories of Constructions and Furniture/ Equipments that Need Protection against
Seismic Action

(1) Measures shall be taken to ensure stability to overturn / move for the following categories of
furniture / equipments:

- professional furniture and the equipments of I importance class constructions which ensure the
uninterrupted operation during the earthquake and immediately after it (particularly for the medical
units, the mass communication units, for the IT systems that contain data bases of national
importance and similar elements);

- professional furniture (cupboards, shelves, etc.) where there are stored substances, which, if
spread, could lead to fires/explosions or can become dangerous for people’s life (such as cupboards
that contain containers with bacteria, viruses, etc.);

- the furniture and objects in museums of national interest;

- the storing shelves in the big shopping centres, open for public access. General Design Rules.

(1) The stability of the pieces of furniture mentioned in shall be ensured through
attachment devices calculated in 10.5.2., and increasing by 25% the effects of seismic forces.

(2) The attaching devices shall be anchored in structural elements or non-structural able to fully
withstand the connection forces.

10.5. Checking the Safety of NSC at Seismic Action.

10.5.1. Generalities

(1) The non-structural parts shall be designed to have, in all sections, capable selective efforts
(NRd,NSC, MRd,NSC, VRd,NSC) at least equal to the design selective efforts resulted from the calculation
loads determined according to 10.5.2.

(2) The capable selective efforts of the NSC and the specific attachments are calculated in
accordance with the technical regulations specific for the materials of which they are executed
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(reinforced concrete, metal, masonry, wood, glass etc.).

(3) The safety levels to earthquake of NSC are differentiated by the importance coefficient γ NSC,
according to their role in the functioning process of the building and, implicitly, in accordance with
the consequences of damage or of shutting down that component.

10.5.2. Design Loads

(1) The design selective efforts (N Ed,NSC, MEd, NSC, VEd,NSC) for dimensioning NSC shall be calculated
by adding the selective efforts resulted from:

- horizontal and vertical seismic forces, determined according to or; the
combination of the effects of the horizontal and vertical seismic forces (in the situations where both
values are significant) shall be done by means of the formulas in;

- the vertical design loads with the acceleration values established in Chapter 3;

- the forces the result from the interaction of NSC with the main structure, determined according to

(2) In order to determine the design forces according to (1), the horizontal seismic forces shall be
considered as acting separately, on both ways, on the calculation direction.

(3) When determining the design loads for the devices systems and equipments, the dynamic effects
of the pipe system, the devices and equipments and of the respective joints shall be considered, as
the case may be.

(4) In the case of constructions for which, according to table 4.1, in order to determinate the seismic
forces and deformations, the plain calculation model, the calculation of selective efforts for
dimensioning/checking the NSC can be done in a simplified way, considering th seismic action
plied separately on the main direction of the building.

(5) In order to check the stability condition, the positive effect of vertical loads shall be decreased
by 15%.

(6) Dimensioning/checking the elements of the cover and those attached to the cover is done for the
biggest efforts that result of the action of the earthquake and of the wind.

10.5.3. Calculation Shifts

(1) NSC and their attachments to the main structure shall be designed in order to take the shifts
resulted of the addition of the following categories of shifts:

- relative shifts of the joining points with the main structure, determined according to 10.3.2.;

- relative shifts between NSC that can have different moves during the earthquake;

- shifts caused by the climatic variations in temperature (for the cover elements) or variations in
operating temperature (for the devices), if they are significant;

-relative shifts between adjacent segments, caused by the settlement of the foundation ground, in
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case the NSC is fixed on both segments (for example, in the case of the pipe systems crossing the
settlement joint).

10.5.4. General Rules for Checking the Safety of NSC to Seismic Action

(1) Checking the safety of NSC, for all categories of constructions and of NSC, without those
excepted from this requirement according to 10.2.(4)., shall be done by calculation, by comparison
to the relevant ultimate limit states (ULS):

- the stability ultimate limit state, at overturning and moving;

- the resistance ultimate limit state.

(2) Checking the safety refers to:

- the component;

- the component’s attachments;

- the structural or non-structural elements to which the component in question is attached or with
which it can be in interaction.

(3) For the NSC with an importance coefficient γNSC > 1.0, a safety check by comparison to the
service limit state (SLS) shall be done.

10.5.5. Calculation Models

(1) The calculation models used for determining the stability, resistance and rigidity of NSC shall
take into account;

- the geometrical dimensions of the component;

- the static fixing scheme of the component on the backing elements;

- the mechanical resistance and deformability components of the materials of which the component
and its joints are fabricated;

- the directions on which the seismic force acts;

- the relative shifts of the joining points determined according to 10.5.3;

- the calculation loads determined according to 10.5.2. Checking the stability, resistance and rigidity conditions.

(1) The general stability of the non-structural components under the action of the design forces shall
be ensured only by mechanical devices designed according to

(2) The resistance condition of NSC is ensured if the following formula is satisfied:

Ed,NSC ≤ Rd,NSC (10.6)

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Ed,NSC the design value of the selective efforts (N Ed,NSC, MEd, , VEd,NSC) in NSC caused by the
effects of the related vertical loads and seismic actions;

Rd,NSC the value of capable selective efforts of NSC (NRd,NSC, MRd, NSC, VRd,NSC).

(3) For the fixing elements that ensure the stability to overturning of NSC attached to the cover as
well as of the boilers and pressure pots, the resistance condition is:

1.25γNSCEanc ≤ Ranc (10.7)


Eanc - the value of the selective efforts in the attachment elements resulted from the design loads
indicated in 10.5.2.

Ranc - the value of the respective capable selective efforts.

(4) The condition of 10.5.4.(3) regarding the safety check in comparison to SLS for NSC which
have γNSC > 1.0 is considered as met if under the effect of the earthquake with IMR = 30 years (see
chapter 3):

- the crack of the reinforced concrete and masonry elements (the occurrence of cracks, the distances
between cracks) is limited and does not prevent the functioning process of the construction;

- the effective deformations of the suspended ceilings and glazed frontages are smaller, for the most
equal, with the values indicated by the supplier;

- the effective deformations/shifts of the devices, systems and equipments does not overpass the
values requiring to put out of function/ the damage values indicated by the supplier.

10.6. Ensuring the quality during the design and the execution.

(1) The execution documentation must include all necessary information (calculation notes,
drawings at a relevant scale) in order to check if the dimensioning and the construction details are
conform to this chapter in the following aspects:

- the level of the considered seismic forces;

- the stability and resistance of the element;

- the design of the joints.

(2) The elements in the execution documentation mentioned in (1) shall be checked by an
authorised verifier for the requirement “resistance and stability” according to Law no. 10/1995.

(3) For the devices/equipments with an importance coefficient γNSC > 1.0, the designer shall supply
certificates of conformity to the resistance to seismic forces demanded by the execution
documentation or by the Technical Specifications.
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(4) For the constructions situated in regions with ag ≥ 0.20g, the designer shall establish, in the
Technical Specifications, a programme for checking the resistance of the mounted anchors for
fixing the NSC which have an importance coefficient γNSC > 1.0 as well as for the elements attached
to the cover situated towards public spaces or crowded.


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