L&T Construction: Practice Aptitude Questions With Answer Key

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L&T Construction

Practice Aptitude Questions with Answer Key

1. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3 and the HCF is 12. The numbers are.
a.12,24,36 b.4,8,12 c.5,10,15 d. 10,20,30

2. What is the unit digit of (23 )123456

a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 6

3. What is the least number which gives the remainder 5 when it is divided by 8, 12, 16 and
a. 245 b. 485 c. 1205 d. All the above

4. What is remainder when 99!99 when it is divided by 81?.

a. 0 b. 99 c. 81 d. 11

5. Excluding the stoppages the speed of a bus is 64 km/hr and including the stoppages the
speed of the bus is 48km/hr. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?
a. 25 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 20 minutes d. 30 minutes

6. The 9 times of the two digit number is equal to 2 times of that reverse number.the sum of
that number is 9. Find the original number.
a.27 b.36 c.18 d.45

7. A man complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21
km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km.
a. 220 b. 224 c. 230 d. 234
8. Sachin can cover a distance in 1hr 24 min by covering 3 of the distance at 4 kmph and the
rest at 5 kmph. The total distance is
a. 5 km b. 6 km c. 7 km d. 8 km

9. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them
at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit?
a. 3.5% b. 5.6% c. 4.1% d. 3.4%

10. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%,
then the value of x is
a. 15 b. 25 c. 18 d. 16

11. A square playground has 14 posts along each side at equal distance. Find the number of
posts present in all four sides.
a. 56 b. 52 c. 44 d. 60

12. The number of times a designer bucket of capacity 4 liters to be used for filling up a old tank
is less than the number of times another traditional bucket of capacity 3 liters utilized for the
same purpose by 4. Tell the capacity of the old tank?
a. 360 litres b. 256 litres c. 48 litres d. 525 litres

13. A photograph is to be fitted in a photo frame of sides 18 cm by 15 cm such that there is a

margin of 1.5 cm left. What should be the area of the photograph?
a. 140 cm2 b. 180 cm2 c. None of these d. 270 cm2
14. Given an input line, a coding machine rearranges the input following certain steps as ex-
plained below:
Input: 47 desert go 56 there often 32 12
Step I: there 47 desert go 56 often 32 12
Step II: there 12 47 desert go 56 often 32
Step III: there 12 often 47 desert go 56 32
Step IV: there 12 often 32 47 desert go 56
Step V: there 12 often 32 go 47 desert 56
If Step II of an input is waive 14 available time 38 46 probation 85, how many more steps
will be required to complete the arrangement?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Two

15. The work done by a woman in 8 hours is equal to the work done by a man in 6 hours and
by a boy in 12 hours. If working 6 hours per day 9 men can complete a work in 6 days, then
in how many days can 12 men, 12 women and 12 boys together finish the same working 8
hours per day?
a. 21.5 days b. 11.5 days c. 31.5 days d. None of these

16. The electricity bill of a certain establishment is partly fixed and partly varies as the number
of units of electricity consumed. When in a certain month 540 units are consumed, the bill is
Rs. 1,800. In another month 620 units are consumed and the bill is Rs. 2,040. In yet another
month 500 units are consumed. The bill for that month would be
a. Rs. 1,560 b. Rs. 1,680 c. Rs. 1,840 d. Rs. 1,950

17. Find the remainder when 83 × 85 × 87 × 88 × 91 is divided by 41

a. 21 b. 31 c. 27 d. 18

18. If the simple interest is 7% annual and compound interest is 6% annual, find the difference
between the interests after 4 years on a sum of Rs 2000.
a. 33.05 b. 32.5 c. 37.5 d. 35.05

19. 30 men can do a work in 30 days and 40 women can do the same work in 40 days. If they
started working together, how many more men required completing the work in 10 days?
a. 42 b. 28 c. 25 d. 38

20. A person travels for 3 hours at the speed of 40 kmph and for 4.5 hours at the speed of 60
kmph. At the end of it, he finds that he has covered 53 of the total distance. At what
average speed should he travel to cover the remaining distance in 4 hours?
a. 70 kmph b. 65 kmph c. 75 kmph d. 60 kmph

21. The value of a machine depreciates from Rs 32,768 to Rs 21,952 in three years. What is the
rate % of depreciation?
a. 11% b. 12.25% c. 12.5% d. 13%

22. A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the stream is 4
km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68 km downstream.
a. 2 hours b. 3 hours c. 4 hours d. 5 hours

23. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TERMINATE each of which has as
many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. More than three
24. A person sold two cows each for Rs. 9900. If he gained 10% on one and lost 20% on the
other, then which of the following is true?
a. He gained Rs. 200 b. He lost Rs. 200 c. He neither gained nor lost d.
None of the above

25. Taps A and B can fill a bucket in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. If both are opened
and A is closed after 3 minutes, how much further time would it take for B to fill the bucket?
a. 8 min 15 sec b. 7 min 15 sec c. 6 min 15 sec d. 5 min 15 sec

26. From the top of the Tower which is 240m high, if the angle of depression of a point on the
√ is 30Âř, then
√ the distance of
√the point from√the foot of the Tower is
a. 40 3 b. 80 3 c. 120 3 d. 240 3
27. Some articles are purchased for Rs.450. 13 of the articles are sold at a loss of 10%. At what
percentage profit should the remaining articles be sold to obtain a net profit of 20% on the
whole transaction?
a. 25% b. 30% c. 35% d. 40%

28. Three bulbs are chosen at random from 15 bulbs of which 5 are defective. What is the prob-
ability that one of the three bulbs is defective?
a. 45/91 b. 46/91 c. 43/92 d. 41/89
1 1 rd
29. A, B, C, and D purchase a gift worth Rs.60. A pays 2 of what others are paying, B pays 3 of
1 th
what others are paying and C pays 4of what others are paying. What is the amount paid
by D?
a. Rs. 12 b. Rs. 13 c. Rs. 14 d. Rs. 15

30. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be
27, the how old is B?
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10

Answer Key
1. a 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. d
11. b 12. c 13. b 14. b 15. b 16. b 17. b 18. d 19. d 20. b
21. c 22. c 23. b 24. d 25. a 26. d 27. c 28. a 29. b 30. d

1. If the price of the commodity is increased by 50% by what fraction must its consumption be
reduced so as to keep the same expenditure on its consumption?
A. 1/2 B. 2/3 C. 1/4 D. 1/3

2. A train is running at a speed of 40 km/hr and it crosses a post in 18 seconds. What is the
length of the train?
A. 190 metres B. 200 metres C. 160 metres D. 120 metres

3. Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. If their L.C.M. is 48, then what is the sum of the two
A. 64 B. 40 C. 42 D. 28
4. The number of students in 3 classes is in the ratio 2:3:4. If 12 students are increased in each
class, this ratio changes to 8:11:14. The total number of students in the three classes in the
beginning was
A. 162 B. 96 C. 54 D. 108

5. What √is the area of an equilateral

√ triangle of side
√ 16 cm? √
A. 9.6 3 cm2 B. 64 3 cm2 C. 48 3 cm2 D. 128 3 cm2

6. If two angles are said to be supplementary angles and one angle is of measure 122◦ then
another angle is
A. 32◦ B. 60◦ C. 35◦ D. 58◦

7. If A and B together can complete a piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 20 days, in how
many days can A alone complete the work?
A. 40 B. 60 C. 45 D. 30

8. Three gentlemen and three ladies are candidates for two vacancies. A voter has to vote for
two candidates. In how many ways can one cast his vote?
A. 36 B. 9 C. 15 D. 30

9. An urn contains 6 red, 5 blue and 2 green marbles. If 2 marbles are picked at random, what
is the probability that both are red?
A. 5/13 B. 5/26 C. 6/13 D. 7/26

10. A fort has provisions for 60 days. If after 15 days, 500 more men joined them and the food
lasted for another 40 days, how many men were there in the fort initially?
A. 3500 B. 4000 C. 6000 D. None of these

11. Two buses start from a bus terminal with a speed of 20 km/hr at interval of 10 minutes.
What is the speed of a man coming from the opposite direction towards the bus terminal if
he meets the buses at interval of 8 minutes?
A. 4 km/hr B. 7 km/hr C. 3 km/hr D. 5 km/hr

12. There are 20 couples in a party. Every person greets every person except his or her spouse.
People of the same sex shake hands and those of opposite sex greet each other with a na-
maskar. What is the total number of handshakes and namaskar’s in the party?
A. 760 B. 1140 C. 780 D. 720

13. The average wages of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15 consecutive working days
was Rs.90 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wages was Rs.87/day and the average
wages during the last 7 days was Rs.92 /day. What was his wage on the 8th day?
A. 83 B. 92 C. 90 D. 97

14. A quiz has one multiple choice question with answer choices a, b and c and two true/false
questions. What is the probability of answering all the three questions correctly by guessing?
A. 1/5 B. 1/4 C. 1/3 D. 1/12

15. Two men were sitting on the dining table with one man having 7 eggs and other having 5
eggs. A third man passing by requested them to share their food in return for money. The
three of them shared the eggs equally and the third traveller paid the other two a total of Rs.
24. Find the difference between the amounts received by first two men?
A. Rs. 18 B. Rs. 12 C. Rs. 16 D. Rs. 15
16. In a certain code FIRE is coded as DGPC. What will be the last letter of the coded word for
A. S B. Q C. P D. R

17. In a coded language, 1 3 4 means GOOD AND TASTY.

4 7 8 means SEE GOOD PICTURES.
Which of the following stand for ’SEE’?
A. 8 B. 2 C. 9 D. 1

Directions for Q18 - Q22

In a car exhibition, seven cars of seven different companies viz. Cadillac, Ambassador, Fiat,
Maruti, Mercedes, Bedford and Fargo were displayed in a row, facing east such that:
I. Cadillac car was to the immediate right of Fargo.
II. Fargo was fourth to the right of Fiat.
III. Maruti car was between Ambassador and Bedford.
IV. Fiat, which was third to the left of Ambassador car, was at one of the ends.

18. Which of the following was the correct position of the Mercedes?
A. Immediate right of Fiat B. Immediate left of Bedford C. Between Bedford
and Fargo D. Fourth to the right of Maruti

19. Which of the following is definitely true?

A. Fargo car is between Ambassador and Fiat. B. Cadillac car is to the immediate left
of Mercedes. C. Fargo is to the immediate right of Cadillac. D. Maruti is the
fourth to the right of Mercedes.

20. Which of the following is definitely true?

A.Maruti is to the immediate left of Ambassador. B. Bedford is to the immediate left
of Fiat. C. Bedford is at one of the ends. D. Fiat is second to the right of Maruti.

21. Which of the following groups of cars is to the right of the Ambassador car?
A. Cadillac, Fargo and Maruti B. Maruti, Bedford and Fiat C. Mercedes, Cadillac
and Fargo D. Bedford, Cadillac and Fargo

22. Which of the cars are on both the sides of cadillac car?
A. Ambassador and Maruti B. Maruti and Fiat C. Fargo and Mercedes D.
Ambassador and Fargo

23. A is son of C while C and Q are the sisters of one another. Z is the mother of Q. If P is the
son of Z, which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Q is the grandfather of A B. P is the maternal uncle of A C. Z is the brother
of C D. P is the cousin of A

24. Which one of the following is not a measure of average?

A. Median B. Variance C. Mean D. Mode

25. Frequency is the number of elements belonging to a particular?

A. Class interval B. Study C. Observation D. Experiment
26. Sum of deviations from the mean is?
A. Variance B. Equal to mean C. 0 D. None of these

27. Variance = ______ of standard deviation.

A. Average B. Square root C. Square D. Sum

28. Find the median of the set of numbers: 21, 3, 7, 17, 19, 31, 46, 20 and 43.
A. 19 B. 20 C. 3 D. 167

29. Find the mode from these test results: 17, 19, 18, 17, 18, 19, 11, 17, 16, 19, 15, 15, 15, 17, 13, 11.
A. 15 B. 11 C. 17 D. 19

30. The following numbers represent the ages of people on a bus: 3, 6, 27, 13, 6, 8, 12, 20, 5, 10.
Calculate the mean of their ages.
A. 11 B. 6 C. 9 D. 110

Answer Key
1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. D 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A

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