Ferris Wheel Report
Ferris Wheel Report
Ferris Wheel Report
1.0 Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 5
4.0 Problem statement ...................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 9
6.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 10
7.0 Design Details ............................................................................................................................ 12
7.1 Design Overview .................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Working Principle of Ferris Wheel .......................................................................................... 14
7.3 Safety Consideration .............................................................................................................. 15
8.0 Calculation................................................................................................................................. 16
8.1 Engine Selection Analysis ....................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Gear Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 18
8.3 Shaft Analysis......................................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Bearing Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 29
8.5 Key Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 32
8.6 Chain Drive Analysis ............................................................................................................... 34
8.7 Screw Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 36
8.8 Welded Joint Analysis ............................................................................................................ 37
8.0 Discussion.................................................................................................................................. 38
9.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 38
10.0 References .............................................................................................................................. 39
11.0 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 0
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Acknowledgement
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave
us the possibility to complete this report. A special thanks to our lecturer for this subject, Mr.
Mohd Ikhwan Zaini Ridzwan , whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement,
guiding us to coordinate our project especially in writing this report.
We would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the staffs
and technicians of School of Mechanical Engineering, who gave the permission to use all
required machinery and the necessary material to complete this design project.
Last but not least, many thanks go to those who contribute directly or indirectly for
helping us to complete this project.
2.0 Introduction
A ferris wheel is an amusement park ride consisting of a large vertical wheel with places for
people to sit or stand spaced evenly around the outer circumference. In operation, the ferris
wheel revolves about a horizontal axis, and the riders are alternately lifted and then lowered
as they are carried around the wheel in a circle. When the wheel stops, the people in the seat
or platform at ground level exit the ride, and new riders take their place. The wheel then
revolves a short distance until the next seat or platform is at ground level, allowing more
people to exit and enter. This procedure is repeated until all the seats or platforms are filled
with new riders, at which time the wheel is set in motion to undergo several complete
Ferris wheels that are designed to be transported on the road from one location to another
must conform to the overall width, height, and length restrictions for highway vehicles. The
ferris wheel must also be designed to operate safely. This requires calculations to ensure the
horizontal and vertical forces of the fully loaded wheel can be supported when the wheel is in
operation. It also requires the design of safety interlocks to prevent the wheel from revolving
during loading and unloading operations, and to prevent the operator from inadvertently
operating the wheel in an unsafe manner.
3.0 Literature Review
1) Portable Ferris Wheel, US 1867996 A
This Portable Ferris Wheel is invented by JULIU BAER in the early of year 1932.
The main purpose of this design is to ease the process of moving the Ferris wheel from one
place to another place. This Ferris wheel is generated by motor of the vehicle instead of any
commercial motor such as electric or turbine motor. However, this Ferris wheel cannot be
moved down from the vehicle and hence, we have decided to design a Ferris wheel which is
not mounted and generated by a vehicle. Besides, this is specially designed for 6 gondolas
which has the same aim as us in our project. The Wheel in this patent is a star-like shape and
this has given us an idea to make our design in hexagon shape which looks nicer and lighter
in term of the total number of wheel frame bars.
2) Portable Amusement Device, US 1262687 A
4.0 Problem statement
Problems with current mini ferris wheel
In many funfairs and amusement parks, children are attracted to several rides that is considered
as a safe ride such as mini ferris wheel. However, the safety of the ride is questionable. There
are several accidents that some even cause death to the passengers of the ferris wheel.
Problem 2 :
The motor that runs the ferris wheel depends fully on electrical supply. If there is a shortage in
the supply or there is no electricity, the ferris wheel will stop suddenly and causing an impact
to the passengers that may cause fatality. A backup supply is need to prevent this kind of event
to happen during the fun time on the ferris wheel.
Parts that can be modify :
Provides a motor that can runs the ferris wheel mechanically without using the electricity in
order to save the passengers during the during the blackout. Maybe add a generator as a backup
electricity supply.
Problem 3 :
The material that is used to hold each gondola with the centre of the ferris wheel cannot
withstand heavier load. If the load is larger than the limit, it will break and eventually the
gondola with passengers in it will fall. These materials are used because it is cheap and the
manufacturers just consider that only the children will ride the ferris wheel. Sometimes even
the parents ride along with their children. After several rides it will break due to the cheap state
of the material used.
Parts that can be modify :
Use a material that has a high tensile stress and has more hardness and toughness to ensure that
it will not break after several rides. Although it is expensive, it will last longer and the
maintenance does not have to be done frequently.
5.0 Objectives
Our objectives are as below :
6.0 Methodology
During the project, there are several methods used in order to collect all the data and
information about some mini Ferris wheel that already exist to make sure a better design of
Ferris wheel can be created.
Online Resource
The first method is through the internet. Generally, internet is the main information supplier
that really helps people to reach something that they really need. Thus, many information
about mini Ferris wheel can be obtained through the internet. Sites such as marketing sites
that sell various type of mini Ferris wheel really help to make comparison to our design in
many perspectives.
Then, we also collect information by interview method. We visited some factory that
design and manufacture kids Ferris wheel. The interview is made with some designers of
mini Ferris wheel from the factory. Through the interview, there are some tips that the
designers gave to make a good and safe Ferris wheel.
Printed References
Third method is by referring to books. Book such as Mechanics of Material by Hibbeler
helps us to choose the suitable materials that should be used to make the Ferris wheel become
safer. Yield stress of material is really important in order to choose the material that suitable
with the force that is being exerted to the Ferris wheel to avoid some unwanted failure that
can lead to injuries. And of course, we did consult lecturer for opinions on the material
selection and the calculation part.
CAD Softwares
While designing the mini Ferris Wheel model, we use one of the common Computer-Aided-
Designing softwares---SolidWorks to create the 3D model. We have also make the 2D
drawing for the components of Ferris Wheel.
And of course, we do make appointment to meet with our lecturer for consultancy for
designing and calculations part. We do submit report to our lecturer online for any comments
on modification on our project.
Flow chart of project methodology
7.0 Design Details
7.1 Design Overview
As you can see, our design of Ferris Wheel does not differ much from existing model. It has
height up to about 7.8m and it is around 5.8 meter borad. Our model has six gondolas and for
each of them, it carries maximum of two children passengers with total maximum weight of
720 N.
In correlation with Go Green concept by the government, we replace diesel engine with
electrical engine.
Figures above show different view focusing on our motor attaching to speed reducer in which
speed reducer connect to chain drive.
In real situation, there is a casing for the speed reducer and there is a platform to hold all of
the components highlighted : electrical motor, speed reducer, and chain drive. For clearer
image, we do not draw it in the design so they appear to be floating in the middle of the air,
but actually they are not.
Before explaining the flow of how electrical motor together with speed reducer to activate the
mini Ferris Wheel, we would like to show you the actual picture of electrical motor and speed
reducer first for better understanding.
Figures above show the outer and inner part of an existing electrical motor
A common speed reducer
4. The output shaft is connected to the input sheave of chain drive. The chain then rotates and
turn the second sheave (output sheave).
5. The output sheave will be the one to rotate the wheel.
6. Mini Ferris Wheel rotates and ready to be loaded.
Flow of working of
Ferris Wheel.
7.3 Safety Consideration
For safety aspect, we have decided to make the Ferris wheel to achieve stable and ideal
angular speed before any passengers take the ride. The Ferris wheel takes 3seconds only to achieve
full angular speed (10rpm) without any passenger. In this case, the torque produced is larger as the
angular acceleration, is larger. With the larger value of Torque, we can proceed with the selection
of electric motor with suitable horse power to rotate the Ferris wheel without problem of unable to
This consideration is very important as it helps to determine the selection of suitable electric motor
in term of horse power.
, = .
, = .
P= Power, W
1hp= 745.7W
8.0 Calculation
8.1 Engine Selection Analysis
8.2 Gear Analysis
8.3 Shaft Analysis
8.4 Bearing Analysis
8.5 Key Analysis
8.6 Chain Drive Analysis
8.7 Screw Analysis
8.8 Welded Joint Analysis
8.0 Discussion
(A) Material Selection
Considering mechanical properties and safety factor for each part of mini Ferris wheel.
We decide to use Aluminium alloy 6061 for gondola because it is light and can high tensile
strength which suitable to withstand maximum load of 720N, and is corrosion-resistant so
that maintainence could be done once a while. While for the rest of structure of Ferris Wheel,
AISI 12L14 Steel,c old drawn, 19-38mm round is satisfactory because it is strong enough to
hold and support the whole mini Ferris Wheel.
(B) Engine Selection Analysis
We require the Ferris Wheel to rotate at 1 revolution in 6 seconds when fully loaded, so
by identifying material for each components of the mini Ferris wheel and its total weight, we
have calculated its torque produced (766.87 N m) which require a power input of 10.28 hp
(7668.47 W). Considering other factor including power loss due to friction, we find that
15hp, 1400rpm electrical motor is satisfactory.
(B) Gear Analysis
We have made few relevant assumptions and determined the appropriate gear diameter to
be used. For safety purpose, we calculate both allowable bending stress and contact stress for
gears, and compare them with the actual bending stress and contact stress to make sure the
actual values do not exceed allowable values.
(C) Shaft Analysis
By calculation and sketching out the load, shear and moment diagram, we are able to
identify various forces and bending moments to identify the stresses and bending stresses
acting on the shafts. By this, we are able to design appropriate shaft to allocate gears
bearings, keys with respective size.
(D) Bearings, Keys, Chain, Screws and Welded joints analysis
Considerating various factors and conditions, we identify necessary forces, stresses and
So forth for appropriate size selection.
9.0 Conclusion
By applying the knowledge we learnt in the syllabus, this project could be completed. And
with guidance and advice from our lecturer, Mr. Mohamad Ikhwan Zaini Ridzwan, we tend
to know which considerations to be taken especially for safety of the public in designing
10.0 References
1) Julius Baer. Portable Ferris Wheel Patent. US 1867996 A. July 19, 1932.
http://www.google.com/patents/US1867996 [Accessed Online on May 13, 2016]
2) Harvey L Miller. Portable Amusement Device Patent. US 1262687 A. April 16, 1918.
http://www.google.com/patents/US1262687 [Accessed Online on May 13, 2016]
4) Norman D. Anderson. Ferris Wheels: An Illustrated History. Bowling Green Staate University
Popular Press. 1992.
=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Ferris%20Wheels&f=false [Accessed Online on May 15,
8) AISI 12L14 Steel, cold drawn, 19-38mm round, Carbon Steel. E-ZLOK.
http://www.ezlok.com/TechnicalInfo/MPCarbonSteel.html [Accessed Online on May 14, 2016]
11.0 Appendix
View of mini Ferris Wheel from another angle(Left figure) . Side view of the mini Ferris Wheel.
Properties table of Aluminium alloy 6061
Properties table of AISI 12L14 Steel, cold drawn, 19-38mm round