Seismic Design
By Murat Saatcioglu1
6.1 Introduction
Seismic design of reinforced concrete buildings is performed by determining earthquake design forces
for the anticipated seismic activity in the region, from the building code adopted by the local authority.
The structural elements are then proportioned and detailed following the requirements of Chapter 21 of
ACI 318-05. Seismic design forces are determined on the basis of earthquake risk levels associated
with different regions. Seismic risk levels have been traditionally characterized as low, moderate and
high. These risk levels are considered in structural design to produce buildings with compatible
seismic performance levels. ACI 318-05 has three design and performance levels, identified as
ordinary, intermediate and special, corresponding to low, moderate and high seismic risk levels,
respectively. Ordinary building design is attained for structures located in low seismic regions without
the need to follow the special seismic design requirements of Chapter 21. These structures are expected
to perform within the elastic range of deformations when subjected to seismic excitations. Buildings in
moderate to high seismic risk regions are often designed for earthquake forces that are less than those
corresponding to elastic response at anticipated earthquake intensities. Lateral force resisting systems
for these buildings may have to dissipate earthquake induced energy through significant inelasticity in
their critical regions. These regions require special design and detailing techniques to sustain cycles of
inelastic deformation reversals without a significant loss in strength. The latter can be ensured by
following the seismic provisions of ACI 318-05 outlined in Chapter 21.
The design and detailing requirements of ACI 31-05 are compatible with the level of energy
dissipation assumed in selecting force modification factors and the resulting design force levels. While
the level of detailing required may be intermediate for a building located in a moderate seismic risk
region, it may be at the special category (more stringent) for a building in a high seismic risk region.
This ensures appropriate level of toughness in the building. It is permissible, however, to design
buildings for high toughness in the lower seismic zones to take advantage of lower design forces.
Professor and University Research Chair, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CANADA
Structural members not designed as part of the lateral-force resisting system may have to be designed
as gravity load carrying members. These members, if present in special moment-resisting frames or
special structural wall systems located in high seismic regions, must be protected during strong
earthquakes as they continue carrying gravity loads tributary to them. They are often referred to as
“gravity elements” and they “go for the ride” during the earthquake motion. Chapter 21 provides
design and detailing requirements for such members in Sec. 21.11. Therefore, the structural engineer
should first identify if the member under consideration for design is part of a lateral load resisting
system, and if so, establish if the element is to be designed as intermediate or special seismic resisting
element. It is important to note that the requirements of Chapter 21 of ACI 318-05 are intended
to be additional provisions, over and above those stated in other chapters of the Code for
ordinary building design.
ii) f’c < 5000 psi for light-weight concrete, unless suitability is demonstrated by tests.
iii) Reinforcement shall comply with ASTM A-706. ASTM A-615 Grades 40 and 60 are permitted if
they satisfy items iv and v below.
v) fu / fy ≥ 1.25
vi) fyt ≤ 60,000 psi for all transverse reinforcement, including spirals.
In addition to the above limitations, mechanical and welded splices of reinforcement and anchorage to
concrete should meet the requirements of 21.26 through 21.2.8.
Members designed to resist primarily flexure (Pu ≤ Agf’c/10) are subject to additional design and
detailing considerations for improved seismic performance. These requirements consist of geometric
constraints, minimum positive and negative moment capacities along member length, confinement of
critical regions of elements for improved deformability, promotion of ductile flexural response and the
prevention of premature shear failure. Design aid Seismic 1 illustrates the geometric constraints, as
well as minimum top and bottom reinforcement requirements for minimum moment capacity in each
section during lateral load reversals. The same design aid also shows the spacing requirements for
concrete confinement at potential plastic hinge locations at member ends (within a distance equal to
twice the member depth). The transverse confinement reinforcement consists of hoops, which may be
made up of two pieces as illustrated in Seismic 2. Where hoops are not required outside the plastic
hinge region, stirrups with seismic hoops should be used as also illustrated in Seismic 2.
Seismic induced energy in special moment resisting frames is expected to be dissipated through
flexural yielding of members. During inelastic response, however, the members should be protected
against premature brittle shear failure. This is ensured by providing sufficient shear capacity to resist
seismic design shear forces. Seismic design shear Ve in plastic hinge regions is associated with
maximum inelastic moments that can develop at the ends of members when the longitudinal tension
reinforcement is in the strain hardening range (assumed to develop 1.25 fy). This moment level is
labeled as probable flexural strength, Mpr. Figure 6-1 illustrates the internal forces of a section that
develop at probable moment resistance.
c a c Cc = 0.85 f’c a b
d n.a.
As t
T = 1.25 As fy
Fig. 6-1 Internal forces in a reinforced concrete section at probable moment resistance
Mpr for a rectangular section with tension reinforcement can be obtained from Seismic 3. This design
aid provides values for coefficient Kpr, which is used to solve the following equation:
M pr = 1.25 A s f y (d − ) (6-1)
1.25 A s f y
Where; a= (6-2)
0.85 f c' b
A s = ρ bd (6-3)
M pr = K pr bd 2 (6-4)
Where; K pr = 1.25 ρ f y (1 − 0.735 ρ ) (6-5)
f c'
Once Mpr is obtained, the seismic design shear can be computed from the equilibrium of forces shown
in Seismic 4.
The contribution of concrete to shear, Vc within the plastic hinge region (length equal to twice the
member depth at each end) may be negligibly small upon the formation of hinge due to the
deterioration of concrete. Therefore, when Ve within the hinging region is equal to one-half or more of
the maximum required shear strength, and the factored axial compression including earthquake effects
is less than Ag f’c / 20, Vc should be ignored completely in design (Vc = 0).
6.4 Special Moment Frame Members Subjected to Bending and Axial Load
6.4.1 Flexural Design
Members designed to resist earthquake forces while subjected to factored axial compressive force of Pu
> Agf’c/10 are designed following the requirements of Sec. 21.4 of ACI 318-05. Columns that fall in
this category are designed using the interaction diagrams provided in Chapter 3, with minimum and
maximum reinforcement ratios of 1% and 6%, respectively. The 2% reduction in the maximum limit of
reinforcement ratio from the 8% limit specified for ordinary building columns is intended to reduce the
congestion of reinforcement that may occur in seismic resistant construction. ACI 318-05 also provides
limitations on column cross sectional dimensions as illustrated in Seismic 5.
The strong-column weak-beam concept is enforced in the ACI Code through Sect., which
states that the flexural strength of columns should be 6/5 of that of the adjoining beams, as indicated
∑M nc ≥
∑ M nb (6-6)
∑M nc is the sum of nominal flexural strengths of the columns framing into the joint, computed at the
faces of the joint under factored axial forces such that they give the lowest flexural strength. Nominal
flexural strengths of columns can be computed using the column interaction diagrams in Chapter 3.
∑M nb is the sum of the nominal flexural strengths of the beams framing into the joint, computed at
the faces of the joint. For negative moment capacity calculations, the slab reinforcement in the
effective slab width, as defined in Sec. 8.10 of ACI 318-05 and illustrated in Flexure 6 should also be
included, provided that they have sufficient development length beyond the critical section. The
nominal flexural strength of a beam can be computed using the appropriate design aids in Chapter 1.
(Flexure 1 to Flexure 8)
If Eq. (6-6) is not satisfied, the confinement reinforcement required at column ends, as presented in the
next section and as required by Sec. 21.4.4 of ACI 318-05 will continue through the full height of the
The behavior of reinforced concrete compression members is dominated by concrete (as opposed to
reinforcement), which tends to be brittle unless confined by properly designed transverse
reinforcement. In seismic resistant columns, where inelastic response is expected, sufficient ductility
must be ensured through the confinement of core concrete. This can be achieved by using spiral
reinforcement or closely spaced hoops, overlapping hoops, and crossties. The increased inelastic
deformability is assumed to be met if the column core is confined sufficiently to maintain column
concentric load capacity beyond the spalling of cover concrete. This performance criterion results in
the following minimum confinement reinforcement as stated in Sec. 21.4.4 of ACI318-05:
i) The volumetric ratio of spiral or circular hoop reinforcement, ρ s shall not be less than;
⎛ Ag ⎞ f'
ρ s = 0.45⎜⎜ − 1 ⎟⎟ c (6-7)
⎝ A ch ⎠ f yt
f c'
ρ s = 0.12 (6-8)
f yt
ii) The total cross sectional area of rectangular hoop reinforcement, Ash shall not be less than;
f c' ⎛ Ag ⎞
A sh = 0.3 s b c ⎜ − 1 ⎟ (6-9)
f yt ⎜A ⎟
⎝ sh ⎠
f c'
ρ s = 0.09 s b c (6-10)
f yt
The above reinforcement should be provided with due considerations given to their spacing, both along
the column height and column cross-sectional plane, for increased effectiveness of concrete
confinement. The spacing requirements of ACI 318-05 for transverse confinement reinforcement are
indicated in Seismic 5. The volumetric ratio of spiral and circular hoop reinforcement for circular
columns and the reinforcement ratio of rectilinear transverse reinforcement in square and rectangular
columns can be obtained from Seismic 6 and Seismic 7, respectively.
Seismic design shear in columns is computed from Seismic 4 as shear force associated with the
development of probable moment strength (Mpr) at column ends when the associated factored axial
force, Pu is acting on the column. These moments are computed with reinforcement strengths in
tension equal to 1.25 fy, reflecting the contribution of longitudinal column reinforcement in the strain
hardening range. However, the column capacity is often governed by the crushing of compression
concrete without excessive yielding of tension reinforcement. Therefore, the engineer should exercise
judgment in selecting the probable moment strength for columns, depending on the level of
accompanying axial compression. A conservative approach for estimating column Mpr for shear
calculations is to use nominal moment capacity at balanced section, since this would be the maximum
moment capacity for the column. The seismic shear Ve obtained in this manner need not exceed the
seismic shear force associated with the formation of plastic hinges at the ends of the framing beams,
i.e., column shear balancing seismic shear at the ends of the beams when probable moment resistance
of beams, Mpr are developed at beam ends. However, at no case shall Ve computed above be less than
the factored column shear force determined by analysis of the structure under seismic loading.
Once the seismic design shear force is computed, the plastic hinge regions at the ends of the column
( l 0 defined in Seismic 5) will be designed for Ve. In the design, however, the shear resistance
provided by concrete, Vc will be neglected (Vc = 0) if both of the following conditions are met:
i) Ve ≥ 50% of the maximum shear strength required within l 0 due to the factored column shear force
determined by structural analysis.
The joint shear produces diagonal tension and compression reversals which may be critical for
premature diagonal tension or compression failures, unless properly reinforced. The joint shear may
especially be critical in edge and corner joints, which are not confined by the adjoining beams on all
four faces. A member that frames into a joint face is considered to provide confinement to the joint if
at least ¾ of the face of the joint is covered by the framing member. The shear capacity of beam-
column joints in special moment resisting frames can be computed by the following expressions given
in Sec. 21.5.3 of ACI 31805.
i) For joints confined on all four faces: Vn ≤ 20 f c' A j (6-11)
ii) For joints confined on three or two opposite faces: Vn ≤ 15 f c' A j (6-12)
Where, Aj is the effective joint cross-sectional area defined in Fig. 6-2 as the column depth (column
dimension in the direction of joint shear) times the effective width of the column, which is equal to the
column width except where the beams frame into a wider column.
The column confinement reinforcement provided at the ends of columns should continue into the
beam-column joint if the joint is not confined by the framing beams on all four faces, as described in
the previous section. For interior joints, with attached beams externally confining the joint on all four
faces, the spacing of joint reinforcement can be relaxed to 6 in.
Members of intermediate moment frames located in regions of moderate seismicity and are designed to
resist primarily flexure (Pu ≤ Agf’c/10), will meet the beam design requirements of Seismic 10. This
design aid provides guidance for both the longitudinal flexural reinforcement and transverse
confinement reinforcement. Members subjected to higher axial loads will be designed as columns
following the requirements for columns outlined also in Seismic 10, unless the column is designed to
have spiral reinforcement.
The transverse reinforcement in beam-column joints of intermediate moment frames will conform to
Sec. 11.11.2 of ACI 318-05.
The shear strength φVn of members of intermediate moment frames will be at least equal to the shear
force associated with the development of nominal capacities of members at their ends while also
subjected to the effects of factored gravity loads. Also, the shear strength should not be lower that the
maximum shear obtained from the design load combinations where the earthquake loading is assumed
to be twice the magnitude prescribed by the governing code. Seismic 11 shows the design shear force
Vu associated with the development of nominal member strengths at the ends.
6.8 Seismic Design Examples
SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 1 - Adequacy of beam flexural design for a special moment frame.
f'c = 4,000 psi
fy = 60,000 psi
Clear cover: 1.5 in
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Check geometric constraints for the d = 20 - 1.5 - 0.375 - 1.128/2 = 17.6 in
beam. i) Clear span ln= 24 ft ≥ 4d = 5.8 ft O.K.
Seismic 1
ii) bw/h = 14/20 = 0.7 > 0.3 O.K.
iii) bw > 10 in O.K. and bw = c2 O.K.
Check for minimum and maximum ratio i) (ρmin)top = (ρmin)bott. =3 f c' /fy = 0.32%
of longitudinal reinforcement
ii) (ρmin)top = (ρmin)bott. = 200/fy = 0.33 %
iii) 2 # 9 bars result in ρ = 0.81% O.K. Seismic 1
2 # 9 top and bottom continuous bars.
iv) ρmax = 2.5 % O.K.
Check for minimum positive and i) Mn+ $ 0.5Mn- at column face;
negative moment capacity at each ρ - = 4 (1.0) / [(14)(17.6)] = 1.62 %
section. Mn- = Kn bd2/12000
= (834) (14)(17.6)2 /12000
= 301 ft-kips
ρ+ = 2 (1.0) / [(14)(17.6)] = 0.81 %
Mn+ = Kn bd2/12000 Seismic 1
= (452) (14)(17.6)2 /12000
= 163 ft-kips
163 > 0.5 (301) = 151 ft-kips O.K.
ii) Mn+ $ 0.25 (Mn-)max at any section;
(Mn+ )min=163 > 0.25 (301) = 75 ft-kip
iii) Mn-$ 0.25 (Mn- )max at any section;
(Mn- )min= 163 ft-k > 0.25(301)= 75 ft-k
SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 2 - Design of the critical end regions of a beam in a special moment frame
for shear and confinement.
The beam shown below is part of a special moment frame located in a high seismic risk area. Design the
potential hinging regions of the beam for transverse reinforcement. Maximum shear strength required by
analysis under factored loads is 82 kips.
f'c = 4,000 psi
fy = 60,000 psi
Clear cover: 1.5 in
Live load: 1.20 k/ft
Dead load: 2.45 k/ft
Interior beam
(Vmax)req. = 82 kips
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Determine design shear force Ve Assuming #3 hoops, effective depth d:
associated with the formation of plastic d = 24 - 1.5 - 0.375 - 1.128/2 = 21.6 in
hinges at beam ends. ρ- = 5 (1.0) / [18(21.6)] = 0.0129
K-pr = 830 psi; M-pr = K-pr bd2/12000
Seismic 3
First compute probable moment strength M-pr = 830(18)(21.6)2/12000 = 581 ft-k
(Mpr) for positive and negative bending. ρ+ = 3 (1.0) / [18(21.6)] = 0.0077
K+pr = 528 psi; M+pr = K+pr bd2/12000
M+pr = 528[(18)(21.6)2]/12000 = 370 ft-k
Compute design shear force Ve wu = 1.2 D + 1.0 L+0.2S Int. beam; S=0
associated with the formation of Mpr at wu = 1.2(2.45) + (1.0)(1.20)] = 4.14 k/ft
member ends while the member is
loaded with factored gravity loads. M pr 1 + M pr 2 wul n
Ve = ±
ln 2
Shear force diagrams; Seismic 4
370 + 581 4.14 ( 20)
Ve = ±
20 2
Ve = 48 ± 41 = 89 kips
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Determine vertical shear reinforcement Use #3 perimeter hoops and cross ties as
at the critical section. shown in the figure.
s = (3x0.11)(60)(21.6)/119 = 3.6 in
Provide hoop steel in the potential hinge s < d/4 = 21.6/4 = 5.4 in
region at member ends for concrete < 8 (db)long. = 8(1.128) = 9 in
confinement. < 24 (db)hoop = 24(0.375) = 9 in
< 12 in
SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 3 - Design of a column of a special moment frame for longitudinal and
confinement reinforcement.
The column shown has a 24 in square cross-section, and forms part of a special moment column. Design the
column for longitudinal and confinement reinforcement. Assume that the slenderness effects are negligible, and
the framing beams are the same as that given in SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 1.
f'c = 4,000 psi
fy = 60,000 psi
Clear cover: 1.5 in
Slenderness is negligible
Column is bent in double curvature
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Determine column size Given: h = b = 24 in
Check if slenderness effects may be Given : Slenderness effects are negligible.
Check the level of axial compression Ag f'c/10 = (576)(4000)/[(10)(1000)] 21.4.1
= 230 kips
φPn = 1079 kips > 230 kips. Therefore,
the requirements of section 21.4 apply.
Check geometric constraints. h = b = 24 in > 12 in O.K.
Note that the beam reinforcement is 24/24 = 1.0 > 0.4 O.K. Seismic 5
continuous over the support (#9 bars h = 24 in > 20 bd = 20(1.128) = 22.6 in
with bd = 1.128 in). O.K.
Determine longitudinal reinforcement. γ = [24 - 2(1.5 + 0.375) - 1.128)] / 24
First select the appropriate interaction γ = 0.80
diagram. Square cross-section. If equal area of
Estimate γ for a column section of 24 in, reinforcement is to be provided on four Columns
cover of 1.5 in, and assumed bar sizes of sides, select Columns 3.2.3 interaction 3.2.3
#3 ties and #9 longitudinal bars. diagrams.
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Select the critical design loads and φPn = 1079 kips; Pn =1079/0.65 =1660 kips
compute; Kn = Pn /(f'cAg) and φMn = 390 ft-k; Mn = 390/0.65 = 600 ft-k
Rn = Mn / (f'cAgh) Ag = (24)(24) = 576 in2
Obtain reinforcement ratio ρ from Pn / (f'cAg) = 1660 /[(4)(576)] = 0.72
interaction diagrams. Mn / (f'cAgh) = 10.2 Columns
(600 x 12) / [(4)(576)(24)] = 0.13 10.3 3.2.3
for γ = 0.80; ρ = 0.019
As = Agρ As = 576 x 0.019 As = 10.94 in2
(req'd); use 12 #9 bars
Select longitudinal reinforcement As = 12 x 1.00 = 12.0 in2 (provided)
Check the limits of reinforcement ratio ρ (ρ)prov. = 12.0/576 = 0.021
0.01 < 0.021 < 0.006 O.K.
Check flexural strengths of columns and 6
beams at each joint. ∑ M nc ≥ 5 ∑ M nb
For sidesway to right:
Determine column strength Mnc from φPn = 1079 kips; Pn =1079/0.65=1660 kips
interaction diagram for ρ = 0.021 and Pn / f'cAg = 0.72;
Mnc /(f'cAgh) = 0.14 when γ = 0.80 Columns
Mnc=(0.14)(4)(576)(24)/12= 645 ft-kips 3.2.3
Determine strengths of the adjoining From SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 1:
beams from SEISMIC DESIGN M+nb = 163 ft-kips
EXAMPLE 1 M-nb = 301 ft-kips
(2)(645)=1290>(6/5)(163+301)=557 O.K.
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Check for maximum spacing of hoops. s < 24/4 = 6 in O.K. Seismic 5
s < 6(bd)long.= 6(1.125) = 6.75 in O.K.
s < s0=4+(14–hx)/3=4+(14–10.3)/3=5.23 in
spacing of hoop legs, hx < 14 in O.K.
l 0 ≥ h = 24 in Seismic 5
l 0 ≥ l c / 6 = 24 in
l 0 ≥ 18 in
SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 4 – Shear strength of a monolithic beam-column joint.
Consider a special moment frame and check the shear strength of an interior beam-column joint. The columns
have a 24 in square cross-section, and a 12 ft clear height. The maximum probable moment strength of columns
is (Mpr)col.= 520 ft-kips. The framing beams have the same geometry and reinforcement as those given in
SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 2. f'c = 4,000 psi; fy = 60,000 psi.
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Compute column shear force Ve Ve = 2(Mpr)col. / 12 Seismic 4
associated with the formation of plastic Ve = 2(520) / 12 = 86.7 kips
hinges at the ends of columns, i.e.
when probable moment strengths,
(Mpr)col. are developed.
Note that column shear need not From SEISMIC DESIGN EXAMPLE 2;
exceed that associated with formation
of plastic hinges at the ends of the M-pr = 581 ft-k and M+pr = 370 ft-k Seismic 4
framing beams.
ACI Design
Procedure Calculation 318-05 Aid
Vx-x = T2 + C1 - Ve
Vx-x = 375 + 225 - 79.3 = 520.7 kips
6. Seismic Design Aids
Seismic 2 – Details of transverse reinforcement for beams of special frames
Consecutive crossties
engaging the same
Detail A longitudinal bars have Detail C
their 90 deg hooks on
opposite sides B
Seismic 3 - Probable moment resistance for beams
fy = 60,000; 1,25 fy = 75,000 psi
f'c (psi): 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
ρ Kpr (psi)
0.004 282 287 289 291 292 293 294 295
0.005 347 354 358 361 363 365 366 367
0.006 410 420 426 430 433 435 437 438
0.007 471 484 493 498 502 505 507 509
0.008 529 547 558 565 570 574 576 579
Seismic 4 – Seismic design shear in beams and columns of special frames
Seismic 5 – Design requirements for columns of special moment frames
Seismic 6 – Volumetric ratio of spiral reinforcement (ρs) for concrete confinement
⎛ Ag ⎞ f c' f c'
ρ s ≥ 0.45⎜⎜ − 1 ⎟⎟ but ρ s ≥ 0.12
⎝ c ⎠ f yh f yh
f'c (psi): 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Ag/Ac ρs
1.1 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020
1.2 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020
1.3 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.023
1.4 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.030
1.5 0.011 0.015 0.019 0.023 0.026 0.030 0.034 0.038
Seismic 7 – Area ratio of rectilinear confinement reinforcement (ρc) for concrete
f'c (psi): 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Ag/Ac ρs
1.1 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015
1.2 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015
1.3 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015
1.4 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020
1.5 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.015 0.018 0.020 0.023 0.025
Seismic 8 – Joint shear, Vx-x in an interior beam-column joint
Seismic 9 – Joint shear, Vx-x in an exterior beam-column joint
Seismic 10 – Design requirements for beams and columns of
intermediate moment frames
Seismic 11 – Seismic design shear in beams and columns of intermediate frames