Bharat San Char Nigam Limited: t$f4 ( MI

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":HIi,fi<AiCf)'1'1'1,~ q:;)t
AGM (Recruitment-III)
Room no 222, Eastern Court ~R~~ ( IOO! m<fiT{ <liT~)
;;t$f4(>'MI- ~~ ooo~ BSNL CO, New Delhi - 110001
~ : o~ ~-'13l9f.f. ~f.19 Tele. No.:011-23766167, BHARAT SAN CHAR NIGAM LIMITED
(A Gov!. of India Enterprise)
e-mail:[email protected]


No. 32-01/2016-Rectt. Dated: '-) .06.2018

All the Heads of Telecom Circles
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(Through BSNL Intranet)

Subject: - Recruitment of Executive Directors under the "Procedure for

appointment to the grade of Executive Directors (ED) in BSNL through
immediate absorption basis".

Kindly refer notifications regarding above subject issued by this office, vide
letter nos 32-01(1)/2016-Rectt, 32-01(2)/2016-Rectt, 32-01(3)/2016-Rectt dated
07.06.2018 for recruitment/selection of EDs (C&M/CN/AB), ED (IT)and ED (Internal
Audit & Corporate Planning) respectively. Kindly refer eligibility criteria of AGE,
deciding date of birth. The notification says: -

''AGE: Applicants should have at least 2 years service left before

superannuation as on 01.01.2019 i.e. Candidates born on or after 01.01.1961
are eligible."

The same may be now read as: -

"AGE: Applicants should have at least 2 years service left before

superannuation as on 01.01.2019 i.e. Candidates born on or after 02.12.1960
are eligible."

This will be applicable for all· three notifications mentioned above.

Inconvenience caused is regretted.

This is issued with the approval of the Competent 'Authority.

5\ i)'"' , '). 0 \ q,
(Manoj Chawla)
AGM (Rectt.-III)

Copy to: l. CMD/ All Functional Directors BSNL Board/EDs BSNL.

2. PGM (Pers.)/GM (Estt.) BSNL CO, New Delhi.
3. CVO DOT/ CVO BSNL New Delhi.
4. Director (Staff), DOT, Sanchar Bhawan, with a request to give wide
publicity among the Officers.
tiJ\'t'<'1'1lCiRtdl~<'1 4'FlIh>l4: m«f~ 3«r.f, ~T~~~,~, crt$ra(>'(>\~ -110001
Regd. &Corporate Office: Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath New Delhi-110001

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