Bharat San Char Nigam Limited: t$f4 ( MI
Bharat San Char Nigam Limited: t$f4 ( MI
Bharat San Char Nigam Limited: t$f4 ( MI
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AGM (Recruitment-III)
Room no 222, Eastern Court ~R~~ ( IOO! m<fiT{ <liT~)
;;t$f4(>'MI- ~~ ooo~ BSNL CO, New Delhi - 110001
~ : o~ ~-'13l9f.f. ~f.19 Tele. No.:011-23766167, BHARAT SAN CHAR NIGAM LIMITED
(A Gov!. of India Enterprise)
e-mail:[email protected]
All the Heads of Telecom Circles
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(Through BSNL Intranet)
Kindly refer notifications regarding above subject issued by this office, vide
letter nos 32-01(1)/2016-Rectt, 32-01(2)/2016-Rectt, 32-01(3)/2016-Rectt dated
07.06.2018 for recruitment/selection of EDs (C&M/CN/AB), ED (IT)and ED (Internal
Audit & Corporate Planning) respectively. Kindly refer eligibility criteria of AGE,
deciding date of birth. The notification says: -