Mba 4 Sem
Mba 4 Sem
Mba 4 Sem
MBA 4 sem
Course Objective:
Course Objective:
The objective of the course to develop a deep insight of quality among the students and the current reliance of
quality principles in the competitive era.
Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Quality costs, Quality Philosophies- Deming Philosophy,
Customer Perception of Quality, Customer Complaints, Service Industry and Quality, CRM, Servqual model,
Employee Involvement in Quality Management.
The seven tools of quality, Statistical and Quality Control by the use of Control Charts – Methods of
Inspection and Quality Appraisal. Value analysis and value engineering, Benchmarking- meaning, need, types
and process.
Unit IV
Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO 9000:2000 Quality System – Elements, Implementation
of Quality System,Quality Auditing,ISO14000– Concept, Requirements and Benefits.
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to develop the moral views and ethical thinking of the students. Also to identify
the moral issues in business decision making.
Unit I
Definition; Importance; Nature of Ethics; Need for Business Ethics: Ethical Relativism; stages of Moral
development Moral Reasoning; Forms of Business Ethics- Descriptive, Normative; Ethics and Free Market
Unit II
Conference ,The Earth Summit Agreement ; State Environmental Policy and Legislature, Central
Environmental Policy and Legislature ,Environmental Protection And Fundamental Rights,Trade And
Environmental Concerns And WTO, GATS ,IPR Trade Without Discrimination , Environmental Concerns
And WTO ; Environmental Management System Standard; Need For The New Standards ;
ISO 14000 And Environmental Management System Standard
Unit III
Corporate Social Responsibility- meaning, nature and relevance; Ethics and social responsibility; Profit
Maximization; Forms of social responsibility- social obligation, social reaction, social responsiveness;
Importance of Values in Management; Individual in organization- Employee loyalty, conflict of interests,
managing conflict of interest, whistle blowing
Unit IV
Corporate Governance- concepts ,issues &; Theories of corporate governance: property rights and social
institution Theories, contractual theory, stakeholder theory need of corporate governance code,
Code of Corporate Practices, Social Responsibility of Corporates, Corporate Social Reporting,
Corporate Governance and the Role of Board (BOD), Corporate Governance System Worldwide,
Ethics impact in Business: Ethical Issues in Capitalism and market systems, Ethics and social responsibility, Ethics
and marketing, Ethics in finance, Ethics and human resource, Ethics and Information Technology. Ethical theories and
approaches, Intellectual property rights like designs, patents, trade marks, copy rights.
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اﺳﺘﺠﺎر اﻟﻤﻨﺰل-2
ﻓﻲ اﻟﺒﻘﺎﻟﺔ-3
Course Objective ﻣﺤﻞ اﻟﻨﻈﺎرات-5
Functional Grammar
1-Kanna and its kinds
2-Inna and its kinds
3-Comparative Noun
4-Ordinal and Cardinal numbers
Unit: 3
1-English to Arabic (Simple sentences)
2-Arabic to English (simple sentences)
1-Conversation at the office, airport, hotel and restaurant. 2-
Conversation at shopping mall, bank and sightseeing.
3-Conversation at railway station, hospital, chemist shop. 4-
Conversation at University and market.
5-Conversation at Travel agent’s office.
Course Objective:
The aim of the paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give experience in the application of
concepts for developing an effective advertising Programme.
Role of Advertising in the Marketing Process: Legal Ethical and Social Aspects of Advertising;
Process of Communication – Wilbur Schramm’s Model, Two Step Flow of Communication Theory of
Cognitive Dissonance and Clues for Advertising Strategists: Stimulation of primary and Selective Demand.
Objective Setting and Market Positioning: DAGMAR Approach – Determination of Target Audience;
Building of Advertising Programme-Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Illustration, Appeal and Layout
Campaign Planning; Media Planning; Budgeting; Evaluation – Rationale of Testing Opinion and
Advertising Organization – Selection Compensation and Appraisal of an Agency; Sales promotion – Role of
Creative strategies; Advertising – Retail, National, Cooperative, Political, International, Public
Service advertising
Course Objective:
To enable students to critically analyze the retailing process, the environment within which it operates and
the functions that are performed
Introduction to Retail Management - Retail & Retailing–Retail Mix,Growth of Retail Industry, Factors
responsible for changes in retailing, Challenges & Opportunities.
Store retail formats, Non-Store retail formats. Retail Planning - Retail Planning Process, Retail Finance,
Location Selection Decision, Lay-out ,Planning. Retail promotion: Retail Communication MixImportance,
Elements, Integration of Mix elements.
Studying Consumer Behaviour & Other Related Issues in Retailing -Understanding Consumer Behaviour,
Cultural & Social Group influence on Consumer Purchase Behaviour, Consumerism & Ethics in Retailing.
Strategic Issues in Retailing - Development of Retail Brand, Implementation of CRM, Retail Pricing,
Financial Implications of Retail Strategy, Retail Supply Chain.
Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to give students an overall view of the international financial system and how
multinational corporations operate.
Unit I
Unit II
World Financial Markets and Institutions: International banking and Money Market; International Bond
Market; International Equity Market, Interest Rate and Currency Swaps; International Portfolio Investments.
Unit III
Unit IV
Financial Management of the Multinational Firm: Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Border Acquisitions;
International capital Structure and the Cost of Capital; Dividend Policy of the Multinational Firm
Unit V
The Foreign Exchange Market: The Market for Foreign Exchange; International Parity Relationships and
Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates. Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange
Course Objective:
To provide a basic understanding of financial derivatives as well the application of derivatives, trading
mechanism, uses as hedging instruments, risks involved and legal, controlling and regulatory framework
This also provides knowledge, understanding of practical investments and corporate financial
management strategies (such as hedging or risk mitigation) using various derivatives in a manner which
will allow students to apply these concepts and skills in their careers.
Unit I
Introduction to derivatives: Definition, types of derivatives, Uses of derivatives, Exchange-traded vs. OTC
derivatives, Derivatives in India, Regulation for derivatives trading and SEBI guidelines related to derivatives trade.
Recent developments. Unit II
Introduction to Forwards and Futures: Basic Hedging practices, Forward contracts, Limitations of forward
markets, Introduction to futures, Stock Index futures, Commodity Futures and Currency Futures, Distinction
between futures and forwards contracts, pay-offs, Cash settlement Vs Physical settlement, Pricing Principles,
Beta and Optimal Hedge Ratio.
Unit III
Interest Rate Derivatives & Euro-Dollar Derivatives: T-Bill and T-bond Futures, Euro-Dollar Derivatives,
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA), Duration, Convexity.
Credit Derivatives: Types of Credit Derivatives, Credit Default Swaps, Collateralized Debt Obligations, The
Indian Scenario, Credit risk mitigation, Weather and Energy Derivatives
Unit IV
Risk Management with Derivatives: Hedging Using Greeks (Delta-Gamma Hedging), Hedging with Futures
(Strategies of hedging, speculation and arbitrage): Index Options and futures, VaR, Historical Simulations,
Risk management structure and policies in India. Recent developments.
Unit V
The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of Training in the HRD, and to enable
the course participants to manage the Training systems and processes
Unit I
Training and Development; Objectives of Training - an overview; Role, Responsibilities and Challenges to
Training Managers.
Unit II
Organization and Management of Training function; Training Needs assessment and different methods of
training need assessment, Classifying corporate training needs.
Unit III
Instructional Objectives and lesson planning, learning process and principles of learning and challenges.
Unit IV
Training climate and Pedagogy; Developing Training Modules and Training methods for operatives and
Unit V
Training evaluation- Concept. Different data collection methods for evaluation. Different methods of training
evaluation. Evaluating training effectiveness.
Course Objective:
To familiarize the students with the diagnosis of organizational health and performance and the ability of the
organization to adapt to change and to enable the students to act as organizational development facilitators using the
knowledge and techniques of behavioral science
Organizational Development –objectives, concept, characteristics, features and challenges of OD in the current
globalized world.
Dimension of Organizational design-concept, process , Nature, basic parts of an organization strategy and structure,
restructuring strategies, organizational diagnosis, questionnaire methods organizational diagnosis , Tools and
techniques, Questionnaire and interview as a diagnostic tools
OD interventions -concepts, nature and classification: OD interventions and traditional interventions, Structural and
the application of OD interventions, change agent-role. Approaches and process
Research on Organizational Development: Ethical issues in various stages og OD; Ethics of OD professionals: future
of OD, Salient issues in Organizational Development.
Training and development: challenges of training managers; training need assessment; methods, evaluation and
effectiveness of T & D programmes in the Indian organizations
Course Objective:
This course will provide the students with an analytical and technical framework to understand the emerging world
of e-Business. E-Business poses both a challenge and an opportunity for managers. As a matter of
competitive necessity, savvy managers must gain an understanding of the rapidly changing technology and
business models. They need to develop a basic understanding of how electronic business differs from “real”
business settings. They also need to acquire a hands-on knowledge of the underlying technological infrastructure
in order to have a clear idea of the business and organizations_ possibilities inherent in these developments.
Approaches to safe Electronic Commerce: Overview – Secure Transport Protocols – Secure Transactions –
Secure Electronic Payment Protocol(SEPP) – Secure Electronic Transaction (SET )- Certificates for
Authentication – Security on Web Servers and Enterprise Networks – Electronic cash and Electronic
payment schemes: Internet Monetary payment and security requirements – payment and purchase order
process - Online Electronic cash
Internet/Intranet Security issues and solutions: The need for Computer Security – Specific Intrude
Approaches – Security strategies – Security tools – Encryption – Enterprise Networking and Access to the
Internet – Antivirus programs.
Business Requirements: Concepts Payment processing – E-mail and secure e-mail technologies for
electronic commerce. Introduction – The Mean of Distribution – A model for message handling – Working
of Email- MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions – S/MIME: Secure Multipurpose
Internet Mail
Internet and Web site establishment: Introduction – Technologies for web servers – Internet tools relevant
to Commerce – Internet Applications for Commerce – Internet charges – Internet Access and Architecture –
Searching the Internet- Case study
Course Objective:
:The purpose of this paper to give the basic understanding of the ERP to the students , so that their decision making
skills will enhance.
Unit I
Enterprise Resources Planning: Evolution of ERP -MRP and MRP-II- ERP Packages-ERP products and
Market opportunities .Problems in ERP selection and implementation. Benefits of ERP implementation,
Technological, operational and Business Reasons for implementing ERP.
Unit II
Implementation Team Make or Buy decision,. ERP Implementation life cycle, Causes of Failure of ERP
Implementation, ERP Package selection, Risk Assessment, Data migration –Managing changes in
organization –Preparing IT infrastructure -
Unit III
Integrating With other systems: , Modules in ERP: Business Modules of ERP package, ERP and
Related Technologies:- Business Process reengineering , Data warehousing Data mining, Data Mart, On-line
Analytical Processing, PLM, SCM,CRM, GIS, Intranets and Extranets, Middleware ERP Security
Unit IV
Business functions and Business Processes, Integrated Management Information, Supply chain Management,
Impact of Supply chain management on productivity, increased integration through supply chain. SAP’s ERP to ERP-II, ERP Market overview, Indian scenario of ERP Market
Unit V
Evolution of E-commerce, EDI and E-business – business ,Internet banking and related technologies, ERP
and E-Business, E-Business-Supply chain Integration, The E-business process model, Components of E
Business Supply chain, ERP/e Business integration– technologies for E-business, Future and growth of ERP.
This will be a Project based Paper where students will be taken to certain
Course Objective:
• To provide students with the ability to initiate and carry out advanced analysis and research in the field
of destination development.
• To understand ways of effective destination management.
• To facilitate the assessment of the tourism potential of a destination and prepare tourism de velopment
plan as well as marketing techniques.
Destination as organizational unit. Types of Destination, Destination and Products - Development, meaning
and function, goals for development. Linkage between Tourism, Destination and Development. Destination
Destination planning guidelines, Destination zone planning model, Scenic highways. Destination selection
process, The Value of Tourism.
Tangible and intangible attributes of destination, person’s determined image, destination determined image,
measurement of destination image, place branding and destination image, destination image formation
process, unstructured image, destination appraisal. Strategy development and planning of destinations and
tourism products. Product development and packaging, culture and nature-based development. Image and
image-building of products and destinations.
Destination Services – Six A’s framework, Destination accessibility - Flows Connectivity & Transport. The
dynamic wheel of tourism stakeholders - strategic marketing for destinations and strengthening their
competitiveness Destination management operations -- formulating the destination Product, delivering the
destination product. Destination marketing Mix, Destination competitiveness. Destination service quality
Integrated destination management, Public and private policy, Public Private Partnership (PPP), Power,
Politics and tourism planning, National Planning Policies, UN WTO guideline for planner, References, Role
of Urban civic body, Town planning, urban development, Environmental Management Systems,
Environmental Assessment, commoditization, demonstration effect, carrying capacity, community
Events as a tool for destination developmentE. Event Planning, Event Conceptualization , Event Elements,
Special Events Venue Operations Stage Craft and Design Logistics Management , Crowd Management,
Events as a Brand