2T1: The Discrete Fourier: Transform (1 of 2)

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2T1: The Discrete Fourier

Transform (1 of 2)

Xavier Serra
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

● DFT equation
● Complex exponentials in the DFT
● Scalar product in the DFT
Discrete Fourier Transform
N −1
X [ k ]= ∑ x [n]e− j 2 π kn / N k =0,... , N −1

n : discrete time index (normalized time, T =1)

k : discrete frequency index
ω k =2 π k / N : frequency in radians per second
f k = f s k / N : frequency in Hz ( f s : sampling rate)
DFT: complex exponentials

s*k =e− j 2 π kn/ N =cos(2 π kn/ N )− j sin (2 π kn / N )

for N =4, thus for n=0,1,2,3 ; k =0,1,2,3

s*0=cos(2 π×0×n/ 4)− j sin (2 π×0×n/ 4)=[1,1,1,1]

s*1=cos(2 π×1×n/ 4)− j sin(2 π×1×n/ 4)=[1,− j ,−1, j ]
s*2=cos(2 π×2×n/ 4)− j sin (2 π×2×n/ 4)=[1,−1,1,−1]
s*3=cos(2 π×3×n/ 4)− j sin (2 π×3×n/ 4)=[1, j ,−1,− j ]
DFT: complex exponentials
DFT: scalar product
N −1 N −1
⟨ x , s k ⟩= ∑ x [n] s k [n]= ∑ x [n]e
* − j 2 π kn/ N

n=0 n=0

x [ n]=[1,−1,1,−1] ; N =4

⟨ x , s0 ⟩=1×1+(−1)×1+1×1+(−1)×1=0
⟨ x , s1 ⟩=1×1+(−1)×(− j)+1×(−1)+(−1)× j=0
⟨ x , s 2 ⟩=1×1+(−1)×(−1)+1×1+(−1)×(−1)=4
⟨ x , s3 ⟩=1×1+(−1)× j+1×(−1)+(−1)×(− j)=0
DFT: scalar product
References and credits

● More information in:

● Reference on the mathematics of the DFT from Julius O.
Smith: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/mdft/
● Sounds from:
● Slides released under CC Attribution-Noncommercial-
Share Alike license and code under Affero GPL license;
available from https://github.com/MTG/sms-tools
2T1: The Discrete Fourier
Transform (1 of 2)

Xavier Serra
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

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