Japan:: Capital: Seoul Population: 48, 846, 823

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Japan is an archipelago of 6,852 islands.

Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. Japan’s capital is Tokyo.
The two major religions in Japan are Shinto and Buddhism.
NIHONGO is a language spoken by over 130 million[4] people in Japan and in Japanese emigrant communities.
The Japanese language is written with a combination of three scripts: kanji, hiragana, katakana.
J-pop- an abbreviation for Japanese pop, is a loosely-defined musical genre that entered the musical mainstream of Japan in the 1990s.
Inspired from the songs of The Beatles.
99.81% are cremated. Fewer cemetery due to small geographic. The scattering of ashes became more popular in recent years, most are
performed in mountains and sea.
Kimono Trivia:
Are originally worn by men. One Kimono is composed of 12 layers of robe. Mostly worn in special occasions and festivals.

 is an East Asian country that is currently divided into two separate states- North Korea and South Korea.
 War lasted from 3 years, from 1950-1953. There was a cease-fire, but no “peace treaty” was signed.
 Official Name: Republic of Korea.
 Capital: Seoul
 Population: 48, 846, 823
 When the first night of the new year comes everybody hides their shoes. This is because there is a belief that a ghost will come down
and try on everyone’s shoes. If the ghost finds a pair it likes it will take it. It is thought that the owner of the shoes will then have bad
luck for the whole year.
 South korea has one of the high rate for suicide in the whole world.
 The martial art 'Tae kwon do' originated in Korea.
 Religion in Korea encompasses a number of different traditions. Traditional Buddhism, Mugyo with a background of Korean
Confucianism and later Christianity all play a role in Korea's religious tradition.
 Persecutions of Christian in North Korea.
 North Korea – Buddhism and Confucianism.
Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu , vegetables, and meats. Traditional Korean meals are noted for the number of side dishes
that accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Kimchi is usually served at every meal.
Kimchi – made from different kind of vegetables and seasonings. Korea, biggest exporters of Kimchi.
Sticking your chopstick or other utensils in a bowl of rice and letting it stand there, instead of placing the utensil on the side. This is considered
bad luck since this in only done at funerals.
Fixed Marriage in most cases. Women values marriage than career. Vice versa for Men.
More than 70 Million speakers.
Some have the same characteristics with Chinese and Japanese language.
The family is the most important part of Korean life.
Family first than needs of oneself.
. Many South Koreans shake hands with expatriates after the bow, thereby blending both cultural styles.
. The person of lower status bows to the person of higher status, yet it is the most senior person who initiates the handshake.
. Gifts express a great deal about a relationship and are always reciprocated.
. It is inconsiderate to give someone an expensive gift if you know that they cannot afford to reciprocate accordingly.
. The number 4 is considered unlucky, so gifts should not be given in multiples of 4.
Giving 7 of an item is considered lucky.
. Wrap gifts in red or yellow paper, since these are royal colours. Alternatively, use yellow or pink paper since they denote happiness.
. Remove your shoes before entering the house.
. The hosts usually accompany guests to the gate or to their car because they believe that it is insulting to wish your guests farewell indoors.
The eldest are served first.
. The oldest or most senior person is the one who starts the eating process.
. Never point your chopsticks.
Finish everything on your plate.
Business Etiquette:
. South Koreans prefer to do business with people with whom they have a personal connection.
Respond to questions directly and concisely.

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