Fabrication and Characterization of S. Cilliare Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Fabrication and Characterization of S. Cilliare Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Fabrication and Characterization of S. Cilliare Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Abstract. In the recent times, there has been an ever-increasing interest in green composite materials for its
applications in the field of industries, aerospace, sports, household etc and in many other fields. In this paper,
fabrication of Saccharum cilliare fibre reinforced green polymer composites using resorcinol formaldehyde
(RF) as a novel matrix has been reported. A systematic approach for processing of polymer is presented.
Effect of fibre loading on mechanical properties like flexural, tensile, compressive and wear resistances has
also been determined. Reinforcing of the RF resin with Saccharum cilliare (SC) fibre was done in the form of
particle size (200 micron). Present work reveals that mechanical properties of the RF resin have been found to
increase up to 30% fibre loading and then decreases. Morphological and thermal studies of the resin, fibre
and particle reinforced (P-Rnf) green composites have also been studied.
50 A S Singha and Vijay Kumar Thakur
rial for the preparation of resorcinol-formaldehyde (R-F) 30 and 40%) in terms of weight. The surfaces of molds to
resin based green composites. The green composites so be used were coated on the inside with oleic acid to avoid
prepared were subjected to evaluation of their mechanical, adhesion of the mixture and to allow easy removal of the
morphological and thermal properties. composites. The above mixture was poured into a spe-
cially made mold. The mixture was then spread equally
on the surface of the mold. Composite sheets of size
2. Experimental
150 × 150 × 5⋅0 mm were prepared by compression mold-
ing technique on a Compression Molding Machine. Com-
2.1 Materials
pression molding was performed in a hot press using a
mold preheated to 50°C. The material first placed in a hot
Resorcinol and formaldehyde solutions were supplied by
open mold was left for about 5 min, and then the mold
Qualigens Chemicals Ltd and were used as received.
was closed. Composite sheets were prepared by hot press-
Resorcinol–formaldehyde (R–F) was used as a matrix
ing the mold at 50°C for 30 min. The pressure applied
polymer. The natural fibrous materials used as the rein-
ranges from 3–4 MPa depending on the loading of rein-
forcing filler in the composite were Saccharum cilliare
forcing material. All the specimens were then post cured
fibres of particle dimensions (200 μm). Weights of the
at 50°C for 12 h.
samples were taken on Shimadzu make electronic balance
(LIBROR AEG-220), curing of samples was done on
compression molding machine (SANTECH INDIA Ltd), 2.4 Mechanical testing
thermal studies were carried out on thermal analyser
(Perkin Elmer) and SEM micrographs were taken on LEO Tensile, compressive, flexural and wear tests were per-
435VP. formed on specimens cut from the above prepared com-
posite material. Seven specimens of each sample were
2.2 Synthesis of resorcinol–formaldehyde resin used for the determination of mechanical properties and
the tests were conducted at ambient laboratory environ-
Resorcinol–formaldehyde (RF) resin was synthesized by ment. Testing of samples for tensile, compressive and
the standard method developed in our Applied Chemistry, flexural strengths were done on Computerized Universal
Research Laboratory (Singha and Thakur 2007b). Resor- Testing Machine (HOUNSFIELD H25KS), wear testing
cinol and formaldehyde were taken in different molar was done on Wear & Friction Monitor (DUCOM-TR-20L).
ratios (1⋅0 : 1⋅0, 1⋅0 : 1⋅5, 1⋅0 : 2⋅0, 1⋅0 : 1⋅5 and 1⋅0 : 3⋅0) by
weight, in a reaction kettle and were mixed with the help 2.5 Analysis of mechanical properties of samples
of a mechanical stirrer. Since the reaction is exothermic,
proper care was taken to maintain the temperature bet- The tensile strength test was conducted on Computerized
ween 40 and 45°C, for initial 1 h. Then temperature was Universal Testing Machine (HOUNSFIELD H25KS). The
increased to 50°C and the mixture was heated at this tempe- specimens of dimension 100 × 10 × 5 mm were used for
rature, till complete resinification. Then heating was analysis. The tensile test was conducted in accordance
stopped and the resin was cooled. The resin synthesized with ASTM D 3039 method. The test was conducted at a
was then transferred to a specially made mould. Resin constant strain rate of 10 mm/min. Force was applied till
sheets of size 150 × 150 × 5⋅0 mm were prepared by a the failure of the sample and load-elongation curve was
closed mould method as described somewhere else (Sin- obtained. The compression test was conducted in accor-
gha et al 2005). The mould was then closed and kept dance with ASTM D 3410 method. Composite sample
under pressure (4⋅0 MPa) until the resin was set into a hard was held between the two platforms and the strain rate
mass. All the specimens were post cured at 55°C for 5 h. was fixed at 10 mm/min whereas the total compression
range was 7⋅5 mm. The compression stress was applied
2.3 Synthesis of polymer biocomposites till the failure of sample. Flexural strength of samples
was also tested on Computerized Universal Testing
Saccharum cilliare fibres collected were first thoroughly Machine. The three-point bend flexural test was conducted
washed with detergent powder. After this these were in accordance with ASTM D 790 method. The wear test
soaked in hot distilled water for 3 h, dried for 48 h in air of the sample was conducted on Wear & Friction Monitor
at room temperature followed by drying at 100°C for 24 h (DUCOM-TR-20L). Wear resistance of composites was
to adjust it to a moisture content of 1–2% and then stored carried out as per ASTM D 3702 method.
over desiccant in sealed container. The dried Saccharum
cilliare fibres were grinded to a powder of pore size 2.6 SEM analysis of samples
200 μm. Thorough mixing of Saccharum cilliare fibre
particles with resorcinol–formaldehyde resin was done In order to evaluate changes in the composite surface
using mechanical stirrer with different loadings (10, 20, morphology, fibres and matrix were analysed by scanning
Fabrication and characterization of S. cilliare polymer composites 51
electron microscopy (SEM). The excitation energy used Reaction between formaldehyde and resorcinol proceeds
was 5 keV. To achieve good electric conductivity all sam- vigorously towards thermosetting state when these are
ples were first carbon sputtered followed by sputtering a heated together. Hence proper care must be taken while
gold palladium mixture before examination. SEM micro- carrying out the reaction. Methylolated resorcinols con-
graphs of the samples show the morphology of the poly- dense with formaldehyde molecules and other resorcinol
mer composites prepared. These micrographs clearly show molecules to form polymeric structure as shown in scheme
the difference between unloaded and loaded RF matrix. 2. In these reactions resorcinol nuclei are joined together
through methylene bridges to give complex molecule.
Complete methylene bridging is shown in scheme 3.
2.7 Thermal analysis of samples
Thermal analysis of natural and synthetic polymers gives 3.2 Optimization of resorcinol–formaldehyde resin
us good account of thermal stability of materials. Thermo-
gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal Optimization of resorcinol–formaldehyde resin was done
analysis (DTA) studies of samples were carried out in by taking the mechanical properties such as tensile strength,
nitrogen atmosphere on a thermal analyser (Perkin Elmer) compressive strength, flexural strength and wear resi-
at a heating rate of 10°C/min. TGA is used to characte- stance into consideration.
rize the decomposition and thermal stability of materials
under a variety of conditions, and to examine the kinetics 3.2a Tensile strength: It has been observed that RF
of the physico-chemical processes occurring in the sam- samples of ratio 1⋅0 : 1⋅5 bear more load at a particular
ple. Basically in this method a change in thermal stability applied load as compared to samples of other ratios (Singha
is examined in terms of percentage weight loss as a func- and Thakur 2007b). This ratio (1⋅0 : 1⋅5) could bear a load
tion of temperature. The mass change characteristics of a of 250⋅8 N with an extension of 2 mm (figure 1). On the
material are strongly dependent on the experimental con- other hand, samples of other ratios bear low loads.
ditions such as sample mass, volume and physical form,
the shape and nature of the sample holder, the nature and 3.2b Compressive strength: It is evident from figure 2
pressure of the atmosphere in the sample chamber and the that the samples of ratio 1⋅0 : 1⋅5 could bear a load of
scanning rate and all have important influences on the 1370 N at a compression of 2⋅17 mm.
characteristics of the recorded TG curve. At the same
time DTA involves comparing the precise temperature 3.2c Flexural test: It is evident from figure 3 that the
difference between a sample and an inert reference mate- samples of ratio 1⋅0 : 1⋅5 could bear a maximum load of
rial, while heating both. 117⋅8 N at a deflection of 1⋅0 mm.
3.2d Wear resistance: It has been observed that wear The wear resistance results also support the tensile,
rate of samples of ratio 1⋅0 : 1⋅5 was less as compared to compressive and flexural results, as brittle materials have
any other samples. Loss of material was due to abrasion higher wear rate and low tensile, compressive and fle-
and friction of samples with disc (figure 4). xural strength. The ratio (1⋅0 : 1⋅5) of resorcinol and for-
maldehyde showing optimum mechanical properties was 3.3 Effect of reinforcement on mechanical properties of
taken for further preparation of biomass reinforced resor- RF matrix based polymer composites
cinol–formaldehyde biocomposites.
3.3a Tensile strength: It has been observed that tensile
strength of composites increases on reinforcement with
Saccharum cilliare fibre. Composites with 30% wt. load-
ing bear maximum load followed by 40%, 20%, and 10%
loadings (figure 5). It has been observed that polymer
composite with 30, 40, 20 and 10% loading bear a load of
755⋅37 N, 685⋅00 N, 570⋅00 N and 481⋅58 N, respectively.
Figure 8. Wear resistance of P-Rnf composite with different Figure 10. Compressive stress–strain curve of P-Rnf composite.
Figure 9. Tensile stress–strain curve of P-Rnf composite. Figure 11. Flexural stress–strain curve of P-Rnf composite.
54 A S Singha and Vijay Kumar Thakur
Table 1. Values of various parameters obtained from tensile stress–strain curve at different loadings.
Fibre loading Ultimate tensile stress Yield strength Fracture stress Standard Tensile modulus
(wt. %) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) deviation (N/mm2)
Table 2. Values of various parameters obtained from compressive stress–strain curve at different loadings.
Fibre loading Ultimate compressive Yield strength Fracture stress Standard Compressive
(wt. %) stress (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) deviation modulus (N/mm2)
Table 3. Values of various parameters from flexural stress–strain curve for different percentage of loading.
Fibre loading Ultimate flexural stress Yield strength Fracture stress Standard Flexural modulus
(wt. %) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) deviation (N/mm2)
explained due to fibre–fibre contact at higher fibre load- ing in the case of random orientation. At higher levels of
ing. Hence lower results are obtained for 40% loading. fibre loading, the increased population of fibres led to
Further when fibre-reinforced RF composites were sub- agglomeration, and stress transfer was partially blocked
jected to a load, the fibres acted as carriers of load, and resulting in lowering of mechanical properties after 30%
stress was transferred from the matrix along the fibres loading.
which resulted in composites with good mechanical pro- These results suggest that Saccharum cilliare fibre has
perties. The uniform distribution of stress was dependent immense scope in the fabrication of natural fibre rein-
on the population and orientation of the fibres. At low forced polymer composites having vast number of indus-
levels of fibre loading, the orientation of fibres was poor, trial applications. Further this can provide employment to
the fibres were not capable of transferring load to one a number of villagers.
another, and stress accumulated at certain points of the
composite, which led to a lower mechanical properties.
3.4 Morphological study of biocomposites
At 30% levels of loading the population of the fibres is
just right for maximum orientation and the fibres actively
Morphological results (figures 12–17) show that there is
participate in stress transfer and hence maximum results
proper intimate mixing of fibre with the resin in the bio-
are obtained in case of this loading. As discussed, modulus
composites thus synthesized. Morphological results evi-
showed a clear continuous increase up to 30% fibre load-
dently demonstrate that when polymer resin matrix is
reinforced with different loadings of fibre, morphological
changes take place depending upon the interfacial inter-
action between the varying loading of fibre and the resin
Figure 16. SEM of composite with 30% fibre loading. Figure 17. SEM of composite with 40% fibre loading.
Fabrication and characterization of S. cilliare polymer composites 57
Sr. No. Sample code IDT (°C) % wt. loss FDT (°C) % wt. loss Final residue (%)
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