CSP Dish Stirling
CSP Dish Stirling
CSP Dish Stirling
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CSP Dish Stirling technology
New Concentrating Solar Power plant CSP DISH STIRLING Sunflower 35 represents a unique energetic and ecological device, which effectively uses re
newable sources of energy without any greenhouse gas emissions and negative impact on the environment. Several European companies and universi
ties present this technology via newly formed company Concentrating Systems s.r.o. which was founded for sale and promotion of this technology.
Concentrating solar power plant CSP DISH STIRLING represents an
unique energetic and ecological device, which effectively uses
renewable sources of energy. This power plant is built on modern
technologies, which are able to use concentrated solar radiation.
This principle, efficiency and power output overcomes the
possibilities of wide range of other devices using renewable sources
of energy.
A basic composition of the concentrator with the PCU in the focal point. An aggre
gate (PCU) containing Stirling engine is marked on a supporting arm.
Construction allows controlled continuous positioning of the concentrator in azi
muthal and elevation direction. Positioning can be continuous according to sun
position or individual trajectory according to the data or staff instructions. Heat Stirling engine SBT-V183 allows to convert inlet
Compact dimensions of concentrator and tracking to the Sun during the day allows concentrated heat energy into mechanical energy through
dual land use (production of crops, pasture of animals, etc.). working gas in upper side of the engine. Proven technical
For each installed power output 1MW is necessary about ~1 ha (hectare) land area. solution is guaranteed for long-term operating.
A broad team of R&D, which is full of specialists, designers and technicians, prepared high-tech solution in each part of this technology. More than 13 years
of experience and high investment into R&D and long-term testing create strong basis for near hybrid solution and extra enhancements.
Max power 10 kWe in electricity Welded and tilt-up steel construction placed on reinforced concrete base
Robust and resistant concentrator‘s construction diameter 8,5 m;
Max power 25 kWh in heat Concentrator‘s axis height above the ground level 5,3 m. Finished steel construction - zinc coated.
CSP unit total weight : 5 000 Kg.
Minimum total efficiency 70% Designed and verified by static and engineer‘s office according to relevant standards.
Parabolic concentrator (50kW/DNI>1000 W/m2) with reflective surface
Max electrical efficiency 25% Raw concentrator surface is 58m2. Geometric concentration ratio is 1150. Focal length is 6 m.
Segment specially shaped highly reflectance precise mirrors . Mirrors are resistant to a harsh
Up to 3600 working hours per climate conditions and are tested according to appropriate standards.
year Positioning of the concentrator and operating conditions
Maximum elevation positioning range -20° to 90°, azimuthal 30° to 330°. Variable stabilized (parking)
Up to 85 MW of total annual position according to wind velocity.
Positioning meets the requirements for safe operating in very demanding conditions.
production 100% relative humidity, temperature -20°C to + 50°C, resists water, snow, icing, sand and dust.
Maximal allowed wind speed during operation is 65 kmph (optionally 75 kmph) in stable position is
Up to 26 MWe annual output 130 kmph (opt. 150 kmph).
Power Conversion Unit (PCU 35) 35 kW with Stirling Engine SBT V-183
Up to 59 MWh annual output Stirling heat engine 10 kWe (1500 rpm), single action α modification, swept volume 183 cm3, max
efficiency 25%.
Typical LEC = 0,12 - 0,19 USD
Max output 10kWe + 25kWh (on DNI 1000 W/m2), ~400V AC/50Hz/3 phases, IP55, min coolant temp.
50°C, output heat water 60°C.
Typical ROI = 4,9 - 11,9 YEAR
Working gas temperature 600-700°C, max. mean pressure 15 MPa, working gas Helium, volume of
motor oil 2 litres. PCU weight: 500 kg.
Control system with remote access
Automatic and manual control. Controlling, monitoring and archiving of basic states of control
room and of chosen sensors, transducers and detectors (temperature, output, meteodata, location,
emergency conditions). Basic sensors, transducers and detectors.
Switch-board and communication array for remote control, monitoring, service and maintenance.
The control system allows sharing of information and conditions with remote workstations.
Each assembled Stirling engine and its components are tested in test laboratory by combustion application (heat source is gas). After successful testing
and approving the engine is integrated into PCU for solar application for next testing and operating on Dish Stirling power plant.
Our broad team of R&D, which is full of specialists, designers, technicians and mechanics, consists from well-established in
dustrial companies and universities and this experienced team has been creating and developing fine and viable technical
Our technical solution has been tested for several years and it has been improved to today’s status. Standard procedure con
sists of long-term testing and operating of Stirling engine in combustion application in our testing lab (heat source is natural
gas). Next step is practical testing and operating on solar testing-lab and existing power plant which is located in the heart of
Europe in the Czech Republic (heat source is sun radiation). We have been put in extended efforts to achieve present results,
especially high energy power output and efficiency, according to demands for high reliability, long working life, remarkable
economic and environmental benefits and as well as for power independence and low CAPEX and OPEX. Obviously we have
been finding excellent balance between crucial operating parameters (mean pressure and temperature of working gas and
energy power output and efficiency).
System R&D allowed to bring high efficiency and reliability for long-term operating and generating of clean power. High sophisticated computerized simu
lations and their practical verification enabled to increase crucial parameters and optimize production costs as well as operating and maintenance costs.
Dependence of electrical efficiency and electricity power
output on mean pressure of working gas.
Depending on a power plant modification and customer’s specifications, output possibilities,
parameters and linkages can be combined and custom modified. Primary output is clean
electrical energy with parameters allowing direct connection to the transmission network or
direct consumption of this energy for common or technological needs. Secondary output is
thermal energy, which can be accumulated and then used for a number of purposes. Among
the main ways of utilization, production of cold for technological or processional purposes
or desalination of sea water can be placed.
Individual concentrating solar power plants can be connected and used as standalone
systems or can be integrated into big groups with power plant output ranging from tens of
kw to tens of MW. On grid and off-grid solution is possible. Dish Stirling can be installed on
terrain with high slope tolerance. The electrical energy can be accumulated through battery Dependence of electricity power output on direct normal
system. irradiation (DNI).
Ingenious robust design and technical solution with simple assembly is crucial for lowest CAPEX and fast commissioning power plant and earlier connec
tion to the grid. Controlling all aspects of design, manufacturing and installation enable to deliver an effective customized solution.
Dish Stirling technology and SUNFLOWER 35 is ready for harsh conditions and problematic landscape and subsoil. High slope terrain tolerances and zero
water consumption for cooling of the Stirling engine allow placement in different areas and conditions.
Concentrating Systems, s.r.o. Concentrating Systems Ltd. is a newly formed
Bohdalice 63 company for sale and promotion of CSP Dish … the Sun
683 41 Bohdalice Stirling technology (Concentrating Solar Power). is more than energy
Czech Republic
[email protected] Concentrating System, s.r.o. is the subsidiary of
www.concentrating.eu joint-stock company Strojírny Bohdalice, a.s. with
history longer than 100th years (Czech Republic,
EU). Both companies are focused on research
and development, production and installation of
the new high technology of concentrating solar
power plants Dish Stirling type. CS - SB - CSP DS - 2015 V1.0