NBP Funds: NAFA Savings Plus Fund (NSPF)
NBP Funds: NAFA Savings Plus Fund (NSPF)
NBP Funds: NAFA Savings Plus Fund (NSPF)
Benchmark** 10.8% 9.2% 8.1% 6.3% 5.8% 4.7% 6.7% 7.1% 6.5% 6.4% 7.1%
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on
All other returns are Annualized Simple Return dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Launch Date: November 21, 2009 To minimize risk, preserve capital and generate a reasonable return along
Fund Size: Rs. 398 million with a high degree of liquidity from a portfolio primarily constituted of bank
Type: Open-end – Income fund deposits and money market instruments.
Dealing Days: Daily – Monday to Saturday
Dealing Time: (Mon - Thr) 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M
(Friday) 9:00 A.M to 5:30 P.M The Fund earned an annualized return of 9.7% p.a. during the month versus
(Saturday) 9:00 A.M to 1:00 P.M the Benchmark return of 10.8% p.a. Since its launch in November 2009, the
Settlement: 2-3 business days Fund has offered an annualized return of 8.4% p.a. against the Benchmark
Pricing Mechanism: Forward Pricing return of 7.1% p.a., hence an outperformance of 1.3% p.a. This
Load:*** Front End Load (Individual): without life outperformance is net of management fee and all other expenses.
insurance 0.5%, with life insurance 3% (Nil
on investment above Rs. 26 million)
The Fund is allowed to invest in Government Securities up to a maximum
Front End Load (Other): 0.5% (Nil on
maturity of 3 years and also in debt securities with rating of A and above with
investment above Rs. 16 million)
a maximum remaining maturity of 1 year. The Fund invests 25% of its net
Back End Load: NIL
assets in less than 90 days T-Bills or saving accounts with banks, which further
Management Fee: 7% of Net Income (min: 0.5% p.a., max:
1.50% p.a.) w.e.f 10-Sep-18 enhances liquidity profile of the Fund.
Total Expense Ratio: 2.15% p.a. (including 0.34% government levies)
Selling & Marketing expenses: 0.4% p.a. The portfolio of NSPF is invested in Treasury bills, MTS and bank deposits etc.
Risk Profile: Very Low The allocation in MTS is around 17% of net assets. The weighted average time
Fund Stability Rating: "AA- (f)" by PACRA to maturity of the entire Fund is around 12 days. Our internal guidelines
Listing: Pakistan Stock Exchange permit MTS financing in only fundamentally strong companies with lower
Custodian & Trustee: Central Depository Company (CDC) volatility. It is pertinent to mention that in this asset class the Fund provides
Auditors: KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants financing at only pre-determined rates of return with no direct exposure to the
Benchmark:** 6-Month KIBOR stock market.
Fund Manager: Muhammad Ali Bhabha, CFA, FRM
Minimum Growth Unit: Rs. 1,000/- We will rebalance the allocation of the Fund proactively based on the capital
Subscription: Income Unit: Rs. 100,000/- market outlook.
Asset Manager Rating: AM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality)
Credit Quality of the Portfolio as of January 31, 2019 (% of Total Assets)
** effective from September 01, 2016; Previously Average 6-Month deposit rate (A & above rated banks)
*** effective from January 02, 2017
Govt. Securities (AAA rated) 6.0%
Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) 31-Jan-19 31-Dec-18 AAA 1.8%
T-Bills 6.0% 5.7% AA+ 2.4%
AA 0.9%
Margin Trading System (MTS) 16.0% 23.8%
AA- 47.8%
Placements with Banks - 9.2% 9.7%
Bank Deposits 77.0% 60.7% A 14.2%
Others including receivables 1.0% 0.6% A- 0.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% MTS (Unrated) 16.0%
Leverage Nil Nil Others including receivables 1.0%
Total 100.0%
Sindh Workers' Welfare Fund (SWWF)
The scheme has maintained provisions against Sindh Workers' Welfare Fund's
liability to the tune of Rs. 1,757,898/-. If the same were not made the NAV per
unit/ last one year return of scheme would be higher by Rs. 0.0449/0.47%. For
details investors are advised to read note 8 of the financial statements of the
Scheme for the period ended September 30,2018.