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Mathcad Prime Keyboard Shortcuts

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PTC Mathcad Prime 3.

0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Inserting Regions

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Area Inserts a collapsible area you can collapse Ctrl Shift A
or expand to toggle the display of your
Excel Component Inserts an excel component. Ctrl Shift E

Image Inserts an image. Ctrl 4

Include Worksheet Inserts variable and function definition Ctrl Shift W

from another worksheet.
Math Inserts a math region. Ctrl Shift M

Solve Block Inserts a solve block. Ctrl 1

Table Inserts a table. Ctrl 6

Text Block Inserts a text block. Ctrl Shift T

Text Box Inserts a text box. Ctrl T

Working with Regions

Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the expression. Home
Moves the cursor to the end of the expression. End

Moves the cursor to the left of the selected expression or to the Ctrl Left Arrow
beginning of the selected word.
Moves the cursor to the right of the selected expression or to the end Ctrl Right Arrow
of the selected word.
Moves the cursor to the next placeholder. Right Arrow

Moves the cursor to the previous placeholder. Left Arrow

Recalculates the selected or active region. F5

Separates the selected regions horizontally. Ctrl F8

Separates the selected regions vertically. Ctrl F3

Toggles the active region selection. Ctrl Enter

Inside a text region, inserts a new line above or below depending on Shift Enter
the position of the cursor.

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Greek Letters Adds a Greek letter corresponding Latin
letter, Ctrl G

i or j Indicates imaginary units. 1i or 1j

Insert String Insert a string “

Subscripts Toggles the baseline of a text. Ctrl -

Toggles Labels Toggles the label type. Ctrl Q

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Swedish
Shortcut Keyboard
Euler's constant/number g, Ctrl G

Infinity Ctrl Shift Z

Pi p, Ctrl G

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
XY Plot Inserts an XY Plot. Ctrl 2

3D Plot Inserts a 3D Plot. Ctrl 3

Contour Plot Inserts a Contour Plot. Ctrl 5

Polar Plot Inserts a Polar Plot. Ctrl 7

All Plots Inserts a new axis expression into the Shift Enter
active axis expression list.

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards


Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Absolute Value |

Addition +

Determinant |

Division /

Exponentiation ^

Factorial !

In-line Division Ctrl / Ctrl *

Matched pair of parentheses (

Multiplication and Dot Product *

Negation and Subtraction -

Separate arguments of a function ,

Square Root and Nth Root \

Percent %

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Calculus Operators
Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Circular Convolution Ctrl Shift V

Derivative Ctrl Shift D

Integral Ctrl Shift I

Linear Convolution Ctrl Shift L

Prime Ctrl ' Ctrl Ä

Product Ctrl Shift # Ctrl Shift 3

Summation Ctrl Shift $ Ctrl Shift 4

Comparision Operators
Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Equal To Ctrl = Ctrl +

Greater Than >

Greater Than or Equal To >= Ctrl 0

Inequality <>

Is Element of Ctrl F7

Less Than <

Less Than or Equal To <= Ctrl 9

Logical Exclusive OR Ctrl Shift %

Logical AND Ctrl Shift & Ctrl Shift 7

Logical NOT Ctrl Shift !

Logical OR Ctrl Shift @

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Definition and Evaluation Operators

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Definition :

Evaluation =

Global Definition Ctrl Shift ~ Ctrl Shift Ö

Engineering Operators
Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Complex Conjugate Ctrl Shift _

Degree °
Hold down Alt
and press
Scaling Ctrl Shift U

Polar Ctrl Shift P

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Symbolic Evaluation Ctrl .

Limit Ctrl L

A new line within a symbolic Cursor at end of a symbolic keyword Shift Enter
keyword placeholder.

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Vector and Matrix Operators

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Cross Product Ctrl 8

Local Definition =

Matrix [
Ctrl M

Matrix Column Ctrl Shift C

Matrix Index [

Matrix Inverse ^-1

Matrix Row Ctrl Shift R

Matrix Transpose Ctrl Shift T

Norm Ctrl Shift | Ctrl Shift §

Range ..
Two periods

Step Range , Comma

Vectorize Ctrl Shift ^ Ctrl Shift 6

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Programming Operators
Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish
Adds a new line to the program. Enter

Also If Ctrl Shift ? Ctrl Shift '

Break Ctrl Shift { Ctrl Shift ´

Continue Ctrl Shift : Ctrl Shift ¨

Else Ctrl Shift } Crtl Shift Å

Else If Ctrl ; Ctrl ¨

For Loop Ctrl Shift “ Ctrl Shift Ä

If } Shift Å

Local Assignment { Shift `

Return Ctrl \ Ctrl §

Program ] Å

Try/On Error Ctrl [ Ctrl ´

While Loop Ctrl ] Ctrl Å

Pressing Ctrl J after a programming Ctrl J

changes the word into
an operator

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 – Keyboard Shortcuts
Swedish Keyboards

Matrices and Tables

Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Insert Left/Right Insert a column to the left or to the Shift Space
right according to the cursor's
Insert Above/Below Insert a row above or below Shift Enter
depending on the location of the


Operator/Command Description Keyboard Shortcut Swedish

Calculate Worksheet Recalculatates the worksheet. Ctrl F5
Function, open dialog box Opens the Functions dialog box. F2
Add Page Break Inserts a page break. Ctrl Enter
Opens the Help Center. F1

Closes the currently open worksheet. Ctrl W

Science Software - Information and Support

[email protected]
Science Software was founded in 2008 and is located on Stockholm (Sweden). Science Software is today
leading Platinum partner to PTC (www.ptc.com) in the Nordics with the product PTC Mathcad.

Science Software Nordic is a provider of Technical Calculation products. We help our customers to realize
business values through streamline technical calculations and provide quality assured documentation. We
are a complete software provider by offering support, education, services and licenses to make our customer
successful with technical calculations and presentation of technical calculations. We help our customers to
realize business values through streamline engineering calculations and provide quality assured


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