Chapter 5 Welding

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NR 216, Ch 5, Sec 1


1 Scope 2.2.3 Welders and welding operators

Welders for manual welding and for semiautomatic welding
processes are to be properly trained and are to be certified
1.1 General
by the Society, as required in the individual applications,
unless otherwise agreed.
1.1.1 This Section specifies the general requirements for
fabrication by welding, and the other Sections of the Chap- Welders are to be certified according to the procedures
ter concern the requirements for approval of welding con- given in the document NR476 “Approval testing of weld-
sumables ( Sec 2), over weldable shop primers ( Sec 3) and ers”, except for offshore applications where the Society’s
welding procedures ( Sec 4 and Sec 5). Rule Note “Construction survey of steel structures of off-
shore units and installations” referenced NR426 DTO R00 E
1.1.2 The requirements are essentially intended for the dated May 1992 is to be used.
welding of weldable steels and aluminium alloy grades cov-
The certification is to be in due course of validity.
ered by the applicable Articles of these Rules.
Personnel manning the automatic welding machines are to
1.1.3 Different materials, applications and procedures, as be competent and sufficiently trained.
well as other standards and specifications, may be consid-
ered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. 2.2.4 Welding supervision
Welders are to be supervised and assisted, in the course of
the welding operation, by an adequate number of compe-
2 Fabrication by welding tent supervisors, such as to ensure efficient control of the
welding production.
2.1 General Certification of the welding inspectors is not compulsory
and is left to the discretion of the Manufacturer, except in
2.1.1 Fabrication by welding is to be carried out in compli- particular cases where it may be required by the Society.
ance with the applicable Society Rules and according to
normal good practice, general or specific to the individual 2.2.5 NDT operators
processes, to the Surveyor’s satisfaction; in particular the
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out by qualified per-
conditions stated at the time of approval and authorisation
sonnel certified by the Society or by recognised bodies in
for the use of individual processes are to be complied with.
compliance with appropriate standards.
The welded structures, the relevant details and the size of
The qualifications are to be appropriate to the particular
welds are to comply with the applicable requirements; any
other requirements indicated on the approved plans or
specified during survey of construction are also to be com-
plied with. 2.3 Welding procedures

2.3.1 Approval of consumables

2.2 Approval
Consumables are to be approved in accordance with the
2.2.1 Plans provisions of Sec 2.

The constructional plans are to be submitted for approval Requirements for approval of welding procedures, where
when required by the Rules or in individual cases and are to non-approved welding consumables are allowed to be
contain the necessary data relevant to the fabrication by used, are given in Sec 4.
welding of the structures and items represented. In particu-
2.3.2 Choice of consumables
lar, material types, welding details, welding processes and
weld size are to be indicated; any details not represented in Requirements regarding the use of the various grades of
the plans are, in any case, to comply with the applicable approved consumables are indicated in the parts of the
requirements. Rules concerning the application or at the time of plan
2.2.2 Welding procedures and consumables In the case of consumables approved for Mo and Cr-Mo
Welding to be used in hull construction, machinery, pres- weldable steels, the choice of the grade of the consumables
sure systems and equipment subject to the inspection of the is to be made such that the nominal chemical composition
Society, is to be carried out with approved welding consum- of the deposited metal corresponds to that of the base mate-
ables and in accordance with approved welding proce- rial; where electrodes are used, they are to be of the basic
dures. covered low hydrogen type.

April 2005 with amendments May 2006 Bureau Veritas 179

NR 216, Ch 5, Sec 1

In the case of consumables approved for C, C-Mn and Ni a) processes employing electrodes provided with special
ferritic steels intended for low temperature service, the coatings suitable to obtain a deep penetration
choice of the grade of consumable is to be made such that b) automatic or semiautomatic processes employing tubu-
the strength of the weld metal is appropriate to the base lar wires filled with desoxidants and additives with or
metal to be welded and the temperature at which the con- without shielding gas, or bare wire with shielding gas,
sumables satisfy the required impact strength properties is including electro-gas and electro-slag processes
as required in the individual applications; where electrodes
c) automatic or semiautomatic submerged-arc processes.
are used, they are to be of the basic covered low hydrogen
type. The welding procedure specifications involving these spe-
cial welding processes are to be preliminarily approved for
In the case of consumables approved for welding stainless individual users.
steels, the selection of consumables and base metals which
can be welded is indicated in Sec 4, [4]. The special welding processes are to be used within the
limits of their approval and in accordance with the condi-
In the case of consumables approved for welding alumin- tions of use for which the individual Manufacturers have
ium alloys, the selection is to be made on the basis of corro- been authorised.
sion resistance and strength as indicated in Sec 4, [6].
2.4 Type of joints, edge preparations and
2.3.3 Manual welding processes
Manual welding processes using covered electrodes with
diameter within the approved range and employing welding 2.4.1 General
techniques according to normal welding practice are con- The types of joints and the edge preparations are to be
sidered as ordinary welding processes and, in general, the appropriate to the welding processes adopted, to the partic-
use of an approved electrode substitutes for qualification ular structures and to the stresses to which they are sub-
tests of the welding procedure. jected, to the satisfaction of the Society.
Approval of the welding procedure is, as a rule, required for Size and design are to be in accordance with requirements
electrodes for welding quenched and tempered steels and given in the Rules relevant to the applications, approved
for specific applications such as those relevant to ships plans, and specific provisions stipulated for hulls and for
intended to carry liquefied gases, in which case the require- pressure systems and machinery.
ments of the relevant part of the Rules apply.
2.5 Welding execution and control
2.3.4 Special welding processes
Special welding processes are intended to mean those 2.5.1 Edge preparation, surface conditions, assembly pre-
where the heat input from the arc is such as to melt a con- and post- weld heating, welding sequences and inspections
siderable amount of base material and, in any case, those of the welded structures are to be in accordance with good
which achieve automatic or semiautomatic welding, in par- practice and, where applicable, are to comply with the
ticular: requirements given in the Rules relevant to the applications.

180 Bureau Veritas April 2005 with amendments May 2006

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