SAP ISU FICA Configurations
SAP ISU FICA Configurations
SAP ISU FICA Configurations
Step by Step
1. Documents Postings
2. Payments
▪ Incoming Payment
▪ Outgoing Payment
3. Dunning
4. Return
5. Refund
6. Reversal
7. Security Deposit
8. Installment Plan
9. Clearing
10. Collection Management
11. Write-off
Tcode Description
FPE1 Document Posting
FPE2M Document Mass Change
FP08 Document Reversal
FP07 Reset Cleared Items
Application Area
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable and
IMG Access path Payable – Basic Functions- Application Area
The application area active within the client. As a rule use one
Description: application area, such as the application area “Utility company”.
Configuration Instructions e.g. “R” for Utility company as per the client domain.
Configuration Instructions e.g. “01” for IS-U Contract Account,”02” for Collective Bill Account.
In this activity define whether use certain functions for posting and
editing documents. Whether or not require these functions depends
Description: on which business transactions for posting.
Configuration Instructions Chose the user name & select manual posting.
In this activity, maintain the number ranges that are used for
posting documents. In the “Maintain document types” activity,
Description: assign the number ranges to the document types.
Configuration Instructions Check the standard lock reasons and change, if necessary.
In this activity, define the document type for the document that is
Description: created when post a collective bill.
Configuration Instructions Maintain the document type for the collective bill document.
Configuration Instructions Maintain the document type for the invoice document.
Maintain the document type and the alternate document type for
Configuration Instructions the invoicing reversal document.
• Clearing document
Configuration Instructions Enter new 4 digit Main Transaction and respective description
Instructions Enter new 4 digit Sub Transaction with the Main Transaction.
Description: Define the main transactions and sub transactions for charges.
Define the CO account assignment key that is used together with the
company code to derive account assignments for cost accounting (like the
Description: cost centre).
Configuration Instructions Map the account assignment key with the company code and cost center.
In the following section, maintain the payment terms. The rules for
determining the due dates are copied as payment terms from the Financial
Accounting (new) (FI) component. Carry out different assignments for
incoming and outgoing payments. Make a calendar assignment which will
Description: then be valid for both incoming and outgoing payments.
Configuration Instructions e.g. Enter Payment term & Name such as “P001” for Local Customers.
• List Type
Configuration Instructions Enter the number range “From Number” to “To Number”.
Define the categories code and their description. E.g. “P1” is for
Configuration Instructions Bank Guarantee – Local Customers & P2 for LOC.
In this activity, activate the cash journal and make settings for the
following basic functions of the cash journal:
In this activity, define cash desk clearing accounts for the cash desk for
the following payment types:
The cash desk clearing accounts must be maintained in the IMG activity
Configuration Instructions Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lot.
In this activity, enter the default values for postings using the cash
Description: journal or a cash desk. These values include the profit center.
Configuration Instructions Enter the branch name, Cash counter and profit centre.
Configuration Instructions Assign the document type with the payment category.
Define the master data for the cash journal, such as counter number,
Description: branch & description as cash desk name.
In this activity, define the accounts for withdrawal and deposit postings
per company code, branch, payment category, payment type, and bank
Description: clearing account.
Make sure that enter the cash desk clearing accounts that enter here in
Configuration Instructions the activity Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots.
In this activity, check whether the number ranges for receipt printing
has been created correctly in the system. If receipts are printed in
In this activity, define the reasons for repeating the receipt print.
Dependent on these reasons, determine which receipt form is to be
Description: used for printing. In addition, for each repeat print reason,
Configuration Instructions Assign the application form for duplicate receipt printing.
Configuration Instructions Map the bank clearing account with the house bank.
Configuration Instructions Define the interim account for the payment lot.
Configuration Instructions Define the clearing accounts for check payment clearing.
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable – Business Transactions- Payments- Processing Incoming and
Outgoing Payments- Define Specifications for Repayment of
IMG Access path Incoming Payments
Configuration Instructions Define bank clearing account, refund account & house bank.
In this activity define the key under which store the house bank ID,
account ID, and (optionally) the user numbers at the bank and the
Description: user names registered at the bank.
Payment Medium
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable – Business Transactions- Payments- Incoming/Outgoing
Payment Creation- Define Bank User Numbers for Payment
IMG Access path Medium
In this activity, define a user number for each set of bank details
to be used. This is required for the correct transmission of data
Description: media to a bank or processing centre.
Instructions Chose paying company code, company name and city
Configuration Instructions Map the bank clearing account & house bank with company code.
Define return type with bank clearing account & general ledger
Configuration Instructions account.
Transfer Reasons
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable – Business Transactions- Transfers- Define Transfer
IMG Access path Reasons
Configuration Instructions Enter the appropriate transfer reasons and there description.
In this activity, maintain the categories for the installment plan. Using
the installment plan category, split the installment plans into different
Description: groups. This enables to create levels for granting installment plans.
Define instalment plan category, e.g. “01” is for Local Customer with
Configuration Instructions 10 Instalments.
In this activity define default values for an installment plan type that call
Description: up when entering an installment plan.
Define the rule & their description e.g. “SECINT” for Interest on
Configuration Instructions security deposit.
In this activity, maintain amount limits for posting debit and credit
Description: interest.
Configuration Instructions Define amount limits for posting debit and credit interest.
Define the fixed values document type and clearing reason and
the default values check level and charge-off currency) that are
Description: used when posting a charge-off document.
Configuration Instructions The fixed value for the clearing reason is “04” = mass charge-off.
Define the fixed values check level and clearing reason and the
default values document type and charge-off currency, that are
Description: used when posting a charge-off document in a mass run.
Configuration Instructions The fixed value for the clearing reason is “14” = mass charge-off.
• Company code
• Write-off reason
• Main transaction
• Sub-transaction
• Division
Configuration Instructions Assign the general ledger account for write off items.
• Company Code
Configuration Instructions Map the write off reason code with the company code.
• Code
Configuration Instructions Define dunning lock reason code and describe lock reason in text.
• Taxable portion
Only select the withholding tax formula field if the tax percentages are
Instructions Enter Withholding Tax Code & Description.
For each withholding tax country and withholding tax code need to
enter the amount and the withholding tax rate according to which the
Configuration Instructions withholding tax is calculated.