SFIN Demo - Configuration Document

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Demo System 0

Simple Finance 1503 Configuration

July 2015

David Cohen
Berker Kilinc
Laura Anderson
Bish Sahoo
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................5
2. Organizational Structure........................................................................................................6
2.1 Creation of Companies EV1000 and EV2000.................................................................6
2.2 Creation Company Code US10 – HQ Miami..................................................................6
2.3 Define Credit Control Area..............................................................................................7
2.4 Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area...............................................................7
2.5 Define Segments..............................................................................................................7
2.6 Define Functional Areas..................................................................................................8
2.7 Create Controlling Area...................................................................................................8
2.8 Complete Company Code Definition..............................................................................9
2.9 Assign Company Code to Controlling Area....................................................................9
2.10 Review Company Code Currencies and Assign Accounting Principle.........................10
2.11 Check activation of New GL.........................................................................................11
3. General Ledger Configuration.............................................................................................12
3.1 Open Posting Periods.....................................................................................................12
3.2 Define Ledger Group.....................................................................................................12
3.3 Assigning Ledger Group to Company Code.................................................................13
3.4 Assign Company Code to Controlling Version..............................................................13
3.5 Maintain Number Ranges for Company Code..............................................................14
3.6 Create Accounts for Company Code.............................................................................14
3.7 Assign Standard Hierarchy and Activate CO Components...........................................14
3.8 Create Tolerance Group for Postings.............................................................................15
3.9 Collective Changes in Chart of Accounts......................................................................16
3.10 Regenerate Views for CDS............................................................................................17
3.11 General Ledger – Setting up Cost Elements..................................................................18
3.12 Appendix Ledger Creation............................................................................................18
3.13 Update Description of Ledgers......................................................................................19
3.14 Assign Accounting Principle to Main Ledger...............................................................19
3.15 Create Additional Parallel Ledger.................................................................................20
3.16 Activate Cost of Sales Accounting Functionality..........................................................20
3.17 Document Splitting – Classify Accounts.......................................................................21
3.18 Define Account for Zero Balance..................................................................................22
3.19 Define Zero Balance and Splitting Document Characteristics for GL..........................23
3.20 Activate Document Splitting and Balancing.................................................................23
3.21 Create Number Range for Appendix Ledger.................................................................24
3.22 Assign Number Range to Appendix and Parallel Ledger..............................................24
3.23 Preparing GL Account Field Status...............................................................................25
3.24 Field Status Definition...................................................................................................25
3.25 Profit Center Substitution Rule......................................................................................26
3.26 Chart of Account Settings..............................................................................................26
3.27 Tax Codes......................................................................................................................26
4. Accounts Payable and Receivable.......................................................................................28
4.1 Reconciliation Accounts................................................................................................28
4.2 Assign Number Range to Vendors.................................................................................28
4.3 Create Purchasing Organization....................................................................................28
4.4 Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code......................................................29
4.5 Create Plant....................................................................................................................29
4.6 Assign Plant to Company Code.....................................................................................30
4.7 Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant......................................................................30
4.8 Define Account for Cash Discounts..............................................................................31
4.9 Define Account for Rounding Differences....................................................................31
4.10 Define Account for Bank Charges.................................................................................32
4.11 Define Account for Over / Under Payments..................................................................32
4.12 Create Tolerance Group for Company Code.................................................................32
4.13 Reason Codes for Payment Differences........................................................................33
4.14 Maintain Payment Program – All Company Codes.......................................................33
4.15 Maintain Payment Program – Paying Company Code..................................................34
4.16 Maintain Payment Program – Company Code Payment Methods................................34
4.17 Create House Bank........................................................................................................35
4.18 Setup Bank Determination.............................................................................................35
5. Fixed Assets.........................................................................................................................37
5.1 Reference – Cost Centers...............................................................................................37
5.2 Activate Business Function...........................................................................................37
5.3 Tax Settings for Non-Taxable Transactions...................................................................37
5.4 Activate New Fixed Assets (In Preparation status).......................................................37
5.5 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation..........................................................................38
5.6 Create Description for Chart of Depreciation................................................................38
5.7 Maintain Depreciation Areas.........................................................................................38
5.8 Creation of Depreciation Area 02 for Group Currency.................................................39
5.9 Final Settings for Depreciation Areas............................................................................39
5.10 Specify Area Type..........................................................................................................41
5.11 Account Determination..................................................................................................41
5.12 Specify Document Type for Depreciation.....................................................................43
5.13 Define Transfer of APC Values......................................................................................43
5.14 Rules for Take-over Depreciation Terms.......................................................................44
5.15 Assign Company Code to Chart of Depreciation..........................................................44
5.16 Final Setting of Number Ranges for Assets...................................................................45
5.17 Asset Class Configuration.............................................................................................45
5.18 Technical Account for Asset Acquisition.......................................................................46
5.19 Assign Technical Clearing Account...............................................................................47
5.20 Change Field Status Group of Fixed Asset Account.....................................................48
5.21 Change Field Status of Rec. Accounts...........................................................................49
5.22 Substitution Rule for FA Technical Account.................................................................50
5.23 Change Account Assignment Category <A> in Purchase Order...................................50
5.24 Activate Account Assignment Objects..........................................................................51
5.25 Specify Account Assignment Type for Account Assignment Object............................52
5.26 Change Number Range 03 to Internal (Depreciation)...................................................53
5.27 Assigning Item Category for Depreciation Accounts....................................................53
5.28 Depreciation Run...........................................................................................................54
5.29 Change of Depreciation Area 01 to Allow Revaluations...............................................54
5.30 Change Default Value Date in Fixed Asset....................................................................54
5.31 Change Take-Over Rule for Depreciation Area 40........................................................55
5.32 Activate New Fixed Assets Functionality (Active Status)............................................56
6. Materials Management and Procurement (Basic Setup).....................................................57
6.1 Maintain Storage Location............................................................................................57
6.2 Maintain Company Code Parameters for Material Management..................................57
6.3 Define Attributes of Material Types..............................................................................57
6.4 Initialize Period in MM.................................................................................................58
6.5 Enter Plant Parameters...................................................................................................58
6.6 Define Number Ranges and Document Types...............................................................59
6.7 Create Tolerance for Goods Movement.........................................................................60
6.8 Assign Valuation Group Code.......................................................................................60
7. Materials Management and Procurement............................................................................61
7.1 Maintain Storage Location............................................................................................61
7.2 Maintain Company Code Parameters for Material Management..................................61
7.3 Define Attributes of Material Types..............................................................................61
7.4 Initialize Period in MM.................................................................................................62
7.5 Enter Plant Parameters...................................................................................................62
7.6 Define Number Ranges and Document Types...............................................................63
7.7 Create Tolerance for Goods Movement.........................................................................64
8. Profit Center Accounting.....................................................................................................66
8.1 Standard Hierarchy........................................................................................................66
9. Special Purpose Ledger.......................................................................................................67
9.1 Basic Settings.................................................................................................................67
10. Cost Center Accounting.......................................................................................................72
10.1 Standard Hierarchy........................................................................................................72
10.2 Statistical key Figures....................................................................................................73
10.3 Internal Activity Allocation...........................................................................................73
10.4 Statistical Internal Orders..............................................................................................73
11. CO-Profitability Analysis....................................................................................................75
11.1 Basic Structures.............................................................................................................75
11.2 Characteristics................................................................................................................76
11.3 Derivation Rules............................................................................................................80
11.4 Value Fields...................................................................................................................81
11.5 Valuation in Costing based COPA.................................................................................84
11.6 Custom Condition table for COPA................................................................................85
11.7 Access sequence for COPA valuation............................................................................85
11.8 Condition types and records for COPA.........................................................................86
11.9 Costing sheet (pricing procedure) for COPA.................................................................87
11.10 CO_PA Direct postings from FI.....................................................................................88
11.11 Transfer of billing documents........................................................................................89
12. Sales and Distribution..........................................................................................................90
12.1 Creation of Sales Organization – USS1.........................................................................90
12.2 Creation of Distribution Channel - 10...........................................................................90
12.3 Maintain Sales Office....................................................................................................91
12.4 Maintain Division – Fitness and Sportswear.................................................................91
12.5 Define Shipping Point – USP1......................................................................................92
12.6 Assign Sales Organization to Company Code...............................................................93
12.7 Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organization......................................................93
12.8 Assign Division to Sales Organization..........................................................................94
12.9 Setup Sales Area............................................................................................................94
12.10 Assign Sales Office to Sales Area..................................................................................95
12.11 Assign Sales Organization – Distribution Channel - Plant............................................95
12.12 Assign Sales Area to Credit Control Area.....................................................................96
12.13 Assign Business Area To Plant And Division................................................................96
12.14 Assign Shipping Point USP1 to Plant USP1.................................................................97
12.15 Basic Functions –Taxes.................................................................................................97
12.16 Define Tax Determination Rules – Remove Entries for Tax Categories UTX2 and
UTX3 97
12.17 Assign Delivering Plants for Tax Determination – Added City Code 0001 and County
Code 001 for Plant USP1...........................................................................................................98
12.18 Change View Material Types.........................................................................................98
12.19 Define Pricing Procedure Determination.......................................................................99
12.20 Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination........................................100
12.21 Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries.............................................101
1. Introduction

On July 2015 EY prepared a HANA Simple Finance system for a demo to Bloomberg. The
objective was not only to present the new capabilities of SFIN (Simple Finance) but also draw
attention to areas where there was a significant design change in SAP as well as discuss how
compatible is SFIN to existing configuration and tables of SAP ECC 6.0

This document presents the Finance configuration as well as the supporting configuration done
for other areas such as Controlling, Purchasing, and Sales and Distribution.
Organizational Structure

1.1 Creation of Companies EV1000 and EV2000

Transaction: OX15

Creation Company Code US10 – HQ Miami

Transaction: OX02

Transaction OX16 (Assign to Company)

Define Credit Control Area
Transaction OB45

Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area

Transaction OB38

Define Segments
Menu Path:
Define Functional Areas
Transaction OKBD

Create Controlling Area

Transaction OX06

Note: Controlling Area currency was not an option for the definition of the Controlling Area.
Complete Company Code Definition
Menu Path:

Assign Company Code to Controlling Area

Transaction OX19

Review Company Code Currencies and Assign Accounting Principle
Transaction FINSC_LEDGER

 Second currency was added automatically
 There is no parallel valuation
Check activation of New GL
Note: New GL is activated by default
General Ledger Configuration

Open Posting Periods

Transaction OB52

Define Ledger Group

This is the final configuration of the Ledger Group Transaction.
Menu Path:
Assigning Ledger Group to Company Code
Menu Path:

Assign Company Code to Controlling Version

Menu Path:
Maintain Number Ranges for Company Code
Menu Path:

Copy from US01 to US10

Create Accounts for Company Code

Transaction OBY2 (copy from US01 to US10)

(355 accounts created)

Assign Standard Hierarchy and Activate CO Components

Transaction OKKP
Create Tolerance Group for Postings
Transaction: FS01
Collective Changes in Chart of Accounts
Transaction OB_GLACC12

Change Tax Category to allow all types of taxes and allow postings without taxes
Regenerate Views for CDS
SFIN Error Message:
General Ledger – Setting up Cost Elements
Mass Change does not work to set the Cost Elements in SFIN
LSMW was used for setting the accounts that are equivalent to Primary Cost Elements.

Appendix Ledger Creation

Creation of ledger G1
Ledger will be used by company US10 for IAS valuation type transactions

(Not quite so: accounting principles cannot be assigned to Auxiliary Ledgers)

Update Description of Ledgers

Menu Path:

Assign Accounting Principle to Main Ledger

Menu Path:
Create Additional Parallel Ledger

Parallel Ledgter <G2> created with a different fiscal year for company code US10.

Activate Cost of Sales Accounting Functionality

Menu Path:
(Notice that the call-out point is <6> now – substitution rule is empty for now)

Activate Cost of Sales Accounting

Menu Path:

There is an inconsistency here:

BUT we cannot create event 0005 anymore in SFIN – it has to be event 0006 as demonstrated in
the previous configuration step
Document Splitting – Classify Accounts
Menu Path:

Classification used for demo:

Define Account for Zero Balance

Menu Path:
Define Zero Balance and Splitting Document Characteristics for GL
Menu Path:

Activate Document Splitting and Balancing

Menu Path:
Create Number Range for Appendix Ledger
Transaction: FBN1

Assign Number Range to Appendix and Parallel Ledger

Menu Path:
Preparing GL Account Field Status
Transaction: OBD4
Create an additional account group: PLNO

Field Status Definition

Transaction: OBVV
Ensure that postings to COPA are possible in Revenue Accounts
Related Transactions: FBKP, OB41, OKB9
Profit Center Substitution Rule
Created a default Profit Center for cases where system cannot determine a Profit Center from
business transactions
Transaction: OBBH

Chart of Account Settings

This is the final settings in table SKB1 (Chart of Accounts – Company Code level)
SKB1 - Chart of
Accounts Settings.xlsx

Tax Codes
The demo did not include tax calculation but tax codes E0 and U0 were configured with 0% rate
Transaction: FTXP
Accounts Payable and Receivable

Reconciliation Accounts
Tranasction: FS00
Setting up the following accounts:
121000 – Accounts Receivable
123000 – Accounts Receivable Intercompany
Account setup with mandatory tax information:

Note: It was TAXUS before

Assign Number Range to Vendors

Transaction: OBAS

Note: the default was external numbering

Create Purchasing Organization

Menu Path:
Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
Menu Path:

Create Plant
Menu Path:
Assign Plant to Company Code
Transaction: OX18

Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant

Menu Path:
Define Account for Cash Discounts
Transaction: OBXU

Define Account for Rounding Differences

Transaction: OB00

To avoid the creation of a Cost Element, the Account Type was assigned to Nonoperating
Expense or Income (to be tested)
Define Account for Bank Charges
Transaction: OBXK

Define Account for Over / Under Payments

Transaction: OBXL

Create Tolerance Group for Company Code

Transaction: OBA3
Reason Codes for Payment Differences
Transaction: OBBE

Maintain Payment Program – All Company Codes

Transaction: FBZP
Create entry for US10
Maintain Payment Program – Paying Company Code
Transaction: FBZP
Maintain parameters for US10
Maintain Payment Program – Company Code Payment Methods
Transaction: FBZP
Copied from US01 (US Template)

Create House Bank

Transaction: FI12_HBANK
Although it is possible to create a House Bank in SFIN, the account assignment is not
determined by this transaction any more.
It is necessary to run NWBC (Netweaver Business Client) and run the appropriate role for Bank

Setup Bank Determination

Menu Path:
Fixed Assets

Reference – Cost Centers

Sorted by Profit Center

Activate Business Function

It did not work. Maybe in SFIN it is already activated. The bath job was cancelled.

Tax Settings for Non-Taxable Transactions

Transaction: OBCL
Enter tax codes for company code. Unless this is done we cannot assign the Chart of
Depreciation to the Company Code.

Activate New Fixed Assets (In Preparation status)

Setting must be <In Preparation> while configuring the system to avoid postings to FA module.
Menu Path:
Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation
Transaction: EC08

Create Description for Chart of Depreciation

Menu Path:

Maintain Depreciation Areas

Menu Path:
All depreciation areas were assigned to GAAP for now.
Creation of Depreciation Area 02 for Group Currency
Menu Path:

Final Settings for Depreciation Areas

This is the final setup of the Chart of Depreciation and Depreciation Areas after demo was
Areas 1 and 2 are local and group currency in GAAP accounting standard while areas 32 and 33
are the same two currencies going to parallel ledger for IAS accounting standard.
Area 80 (Insurance) was deactivated for this demo

Most types of value maintenance were opened for this demo.

Specify Area Type

Account Determination
Transaction: AO90

Account determination must be done for both areas (1 and 32).

Specify Document Type for Depreciation
Transaction: AO71

Define Transfer of APC Values

Transaction: OABC
Rules for Take-over Depreciation Terms
Transaction: OABD

Assign Company Code to Chart of Depreciation

Transaction: OAOB
Final Setting of Number Ranges for Assets
Transaction: AS08

Asset Class Configuration

Transaction: OAOA
Technical Account for Asset Acquisition
Transaction: FS00 (create account)
Assign Technical Clearing Account
Menu Path:
Change Field Status Group of Fixed Asset Account
Transaction: OBC4
Change Field Status of Rec. Accounts
Transaction: OBC4
Substitution Rule for FA Technical Account
Transaction: OBBH

Change Account Assignment Category <A> in Purchase Order

Transaction: OME9
Activate Account Assignment Objects
Menu path:
Functional Area and Cost Center are activated

Specify Account Assignment Type for Account Assignment Object

Menu path:
Change Number Range 03 to Internal (Depreciation)
Transaction: FBN1

Assigning Item Category for Depreciation Accounts

Transaction: AFAB
Depreciation Run

Change of Depreciation Area 01 to Allow Revaluations

Area 01 (legal) and 02( group, with currency type 30) were both changed

Change Default Value Date in Fixed Asset

Menu Path:

Changed <Post-capitalization> and <Write-up> from 06 (First day of the year) to 02 (Posting
Change Take-Over Rule for Depreciation Area 40
Transaction: OABC
Changed from 01 to 10
Activate New Fixed Assets Functionality (Active Status)
Materials Management and Procurement (Basic Setup)

Maintain Storage Location

Transaction: OX09

Maintain Company Code Parameters for Material Management

Transaction: OMSY

Define Attributes of Material Types

Transaction: OMS2
Update attributes for FERT (Finished Products) and ROH (Raw Materials)
Initialize Period in MM
Transaction: MMPI

Note: got an error message. See OSS Note 487381 – This activity is not required in this
particular case.
Alternative program: RMMMPERI (for closing and starting a new period in MM)

Enter Plant Parameters

Menu Path:
Copy from plant 0001

Define Number Ranges and Document Types

Transaction: OMBA
Create Tolerance for Goods Movement
Transaction: OMC0
Note: it will not check for tolerance limits.

Assign Valuation Group Code

Transaction: OMWD
2. Materials Management and Procurement

2.1 Maintain Storage Location

Transaction: OX09

2.2 Maintain Company Code Parameters for Material Management

Transaction: OMSY

2.3 Define Attributes of Material Types

Transaction: OMS2
Update attributes for FERT (Finished Products) and ROH (Raw Materials)
2.4 Initialize Period in MM
Transaction: MMPI

Note: got an error message. See OSS Note 487381 – This activity is not required in this
particular case.
Alternative program: RMMMPERI (for closing and starting a new period in MM)

2.5 Enter Plant Parameters

Menu Path:
Copy from plant 0001

2.6 Define Number Ranges and Document Types

Transaction: OMBA
2.7 Create Tolerance for Goods Movement
Transaction: OMC0
Note: it will not check for tolerance limits
3. Profit Center Accounting

Standard Hierarchy
The following standard Profit Center Hierarchy is built for now. The hierarchy will be enhanced
with more Profit Centers in the future as the demo develops

Here is the master data details for the profit centers created for the demo
4. Special Purpose Ledger

Basic Settings
The following tables have been created for the special purpose ledger ZE
No validations or substitutions have been defined,
Ledger ZE has been created to use these tables
5. Cost Center Accounting

Standard Hierarchy
The Standard Hierarchy for cost centers is as follows:

The Standard hierarchy will be enhanced as the demo system develops.

Below is the master data attributes of all cost centers created
Statistical key Figures
Corporate sales and Market research departments will allocate costs to sales cost centers in the
Fitness and Apparel Segments .
The following SKF’s have been created to act as keys for such allocation

Internal Activity Allocation

Corporate sales and Market research departments will charge for employees working on certain
campaigns for cost centers in the Fitness and Apparel Segments . The following Activity Types
have been created for such allocation

Statistical Internal Orders

Evolteq has many marketing campaigns whose costs are tracked using statistical internal orders.
Below are the two current campaigns created in the system.
6. CO-Profitability Analysis

Basic Structures
Both types of profitability analysis are being used. After setting up the operating concern, the
following background job needs to be executed to enhance the ACDOCA table for the
characteristics that are found in the Account based COPA Operating concern.
The program can only be run in the background and takes a long time. The only parameter is the
OP concern name, which is EVOL.
The generation of the Operating Concern will fail in Simple Finance unless these steps are

The program FCO_ADD_COPA_FIELD_TO_ACDOCA was executed . Took very long even in

the background.

The COPA fields, including user defined ones like WWBRN (Brand) are now in ACDOCA with
a “_PA” suffix. This program has successfully enhanced the Universal Journal to include COPA.

Obviously the Value fields are not replicated into ACDOCA as they are only available in
Costing based COPA and are in theory irrelevant to accounting structures like ACDOCA.
Operating Concern EVOL has standard and selected /custom characteristics
The custom characteristics are as follows

Product Family
Error received when entering values for the custom characteristic BRAND.

 “Include L0KEAT00

The Dictionary structure or table "*T2580" is either not active or does

not exist.

View maintenance tables had to be re generated using program RKEAGENV

Please see embedded here the execution log

Derivation Rules
All standard derivation rules apply.For custom characteristics ,the derivation of Subbrand and
Product Family is done from product hierarchy.
Brand is derived from Subbrand thru a mapping table.
Value Fields
The costing based version of the COPA module has the following Value fields (Custom VF’s
shown in Green):
Field Description Short text Type Custom?
ABSMG Sales quantity Sales qty Quantity N
ERLOS Revenue Revenue Currency N
FERTF Fix prod. costs FxProdCost Currency N
FERTP Vbl.manuf.costs VManufCst. Currency N
HILFS Oper. supplies Op. suppl. Currency N
JBONU Annual rebates Rebates Currency N
KWABMG Quantity variances Qty var. Currency N
KWABPR Price variances Price var. Currency N
KWABSG Other variances Other var. Currency N
KWFOEN Research & Developmt R&D Currency N
KWGOHD Administration Costs Gen. OVHD Currency N
KWMAEK Direct mat. costs DirMatCost Currency N
KWMAGK Mat. overhead costs Mat.Overhd Currency N
KWMKDP Marketing division Mrktg div. Currency N
KWMKPR Promotion Promotion Currency N
KWSGEK Other overhead Other OH Currency N
KWSOHD Sales costs SalesCosts Currency N
MRABA Qty discount Qty disc. Currency N
PRABA Price reduction Price red. Currency N
RABAT Other Discounts Discounts Currency N
UMSLZ Licensing Fees Lic. fees Currency N
VV001 Expense Cat 1 Exp Cat 1 Currency Y
VVEBE Employee Benefits Emp. Benf Quantity Y
VVOQU Other Quantity Oth. Quant Currency Y
VVOTH Other Expenses Oth. Exp Currency Y
VVSAL Salaries Salaries Currency Y
VVWAG Wages Wages Currency Y
VVWBE Wage Benefits Wage Ben Currency Y
VWGK Admin. Overhead Admin Ovhd. Currency N

After generating the operating Concern in both dimensions, the assignment of Cont Area Ev00 to
Opr concern EVOL has been made
Also the Controlling Area has been updated with active COPA (both Types)
Valuation in Costing based COPA
A customized COPA value field was created to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the
Costing based COPA module. In this simple scenario, a discount condition type, specific only to
COPA is created and it is populated using an access sequence, condition records, condition tables
and a costing sheet; based on Revenues in certain Sales Districts and certain product families.
Custom Condition table for COPA
The following Condition table 550 has been custom built

Access sequence for COPA valuation

The following simple access sequence and accesses have been configured for table 550
Condition types and records for COPA
The following condition types were created

ZPFD for Product Family Discount

Zrev For Revenue as basis for ZPFD

The condition records for ZPFD were created as follows

Costing sheet (pricing procedure) for COPA

The following simple costing sheet was built to valuate the custom COPA Value Field.
6.1 CO_PA Direct postings from FI

The following code block “FICH” was configured for direct postings from FI to COPA

RFBU Bus Transaction was assigned the FICH Code block(Char grp)
Transfer of billing documents
For the purposes of this demo, the following assignments of Value fields to Sales conditions
have been made:
7. Sales and Distribution

7.1 Creation of Sales Organization – USS1

Transaction: OVX5

7.2 Creation of Distribution Channel - 10

Transaction: OVXI
7.3 Maintain Sales Office
Transaction: OVX1

7.4 Maintain Division – Fitness and Sportswear

Transaction: OVXB
7.5 Define Shipping Point – USP1
Transaction: OVXD
7.6 Assign Sales Organization to Company Code
Transaction: OVX3

7.7 Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Organization

Transaction: OVXK
7.8 Assign Division to Sales Organization
Transaction: OVXA

7.9 Setup Sales Area

Transaction: VOR2
7.10 Assign Sales Office to Sales Area
Transaction: OVXM

7.11 Assign Sales Organization – Distribution Channel - Plant

Transaction: OVX6
7.12 Assign Sales Area to Credit Control Area
Transaction: OVFL

7.13 Assign Business Area To Plant And Division

Transaction: OVF0
7.14 Assign Shipping Point USP1 to Plant USP1
Transaction: OVXC

7.15 Basic Functions –Taxes

7.16 Define Tax Determination Rules – Remove Entries for Tax Categories UTX2
and UTX3
Transaction: OVK1
7.17 Assign Delivering Plants for Tax Determination – Added City Code 0001 and
County Code 001 for Plant USP1
Transaction: XXXX

7.18 Change View Material Types

Select quantity/value check box for material type FERT Valuation Area USP1
Transaction: OMS2
7.19 Define Pricing Procedure Determination
Transaction: OVKK
7.20 Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination
Assign Shipping Points
Transaction: XXXX
7.21 Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries
Transaction: XXXX

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