Malaysia Ked Ah 201605

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Final Report

on PPP Applicability Study

for the State of Kedah, Malaysia

Toyo University
May 2016

This Report is the result of our study and visit of the Regional Development Support
Program (RDSP) with the PPP applicability for the State of Kedah, Malaysia. Public
Private Partnership, PPP is the concept of bringing private sector efficiency, speed
finance and technological advance to the public sector service and projects. The
public is expected to achieve more ambitious development objectives than traditional
procurements by taking this concept.
The Report includes our analysis of the given assignments: development of rubber
industry, technology parks, transportation (airport), tourism (Langkawi) and agriculture
(rice production) by including private-sector orientation for economic growth.
Realizing those ideas are not an easy task. It requires political leadership, strong
institutions and the participation of broad stakeholders including citizens. This is a
lesson taken from our past study experience in several local governments in Japan
and other Asian Countries. We hope that the ideas mentioned in this Report will be
examined for their implementation at the various levels of the State of Kedah.
Throughout this study, we tried to show a part of our ideas to follow “Vision 2020”
launched more than two decades ago by the former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin
Mohamad, who is also Honorary Advisor of Asia PPP Institute at Toyo University.
We intended to show “beyond 2020” concepts for Malaysia and Kedah for their
future economic development planning. We tried to build a base of the next 30-year
vision of Malaysia; such thinking as how Malaysia can become a true advanced nation
from current mid-income nation and how Malaysia can take advantage of its position
in Islamic world. We tried to come up with a partial answer to this subject in the report.
We strongly hope that the limited proposals we have listed in the report can be
considered by Kedah State for the future economic growth of the State and Malaysia
by continuing its attempt to grow, which could be a part of their Wawasan 2050 for the

Sam Tabuchi
Director, Asia PPP Institute
Professor, PPP Graduate School
Toyo University


Director of Asia PPP Institute (APPPI), Professor Tabuchi has attended the Kedah
Investment Seminar held in Tokyo in 2014 with the invitation of Tun Dr. Mahathir of
Malaysia who is an Honorary Advisor of APPPI of Toyo University in Japan. At the
seminar, Dato’ Dr. Ku Abd. Rahman Ku Ismail of Kedah State invited Prof. Tabuchi to
visit his state, which he did in the fall of 2014. At that time, Prof. Tabuchi met with the
former Chief Minister Mukhiriz bin Mahathir of the State of Kedah. Dr. Ku Rahman and
Prof. Tabuchi continued their communication, which lead to conducting the Regional
Development Support Program of Toyo University in Kedah in 2016.
The officials from the State Government, headed by Dato’ Dr. Ku Abd. Rahman Ku
Ismail received Toyo PPP study team in February 2016 and provided all the
necessary arrangements during the field survey. Without their dedicated support, this
Report could not have been produced.
The study team was accompanied by Professor Khairuddin Abdul Rashid from
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design at IIUM - International Islamic
University Malaysia (Toyo University has a collaborative relationship). His inputs and
guidance, from the viewpoint of an expert who is familiar with both the concept of PPP
and the local context of Kedah State, were valuable for the team in formulating
specific recommendations.
During the study mission to Kedah State, we have met with representatives of
Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and Industry and JICA Office in Obihiro, Hokkaido.
We found that Kedah State and Obihiro have a close business relation and some
Obihiro companies are already considering advancing to Kedah to manufacture and
distribute Obihiro product with the Halal approval. Obihiro is out of scope of our study
but we plan to coordinate our effort with the Obihiro group in the future such as
sending our report and invite the representatives from Obihiro when we make the final
presentation and business match up with Japanese firms.
We finally would like to convey our gratitude to all the people of the State of Kedah
whom we met during the field survey. The team was supported by various
stakeholders from public and private sectors, as well as academia and local citizens.
The biggest reason why we believe in the potential of Kedah’s growth is this point:
their willingness to advance.

Table of Contents

Foreword ..................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................... ii
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ vi
Executive Summary ................................................................................................ vii

Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................ - 1 -

1-1. Background.................................................................................................. - 1 -
1-2. Scope of the Report ..................................................................................... - 1 -
Chapter 2: PPP trends in Malaysia ...................................................................... - 2 -
2-1. Basic concepts of PPP................................................................................. - 2 -
2-2. Emergence and development of PPP in Malaysia ....................................... - 2 -
2-3. Issues of PPP in Malaysia ........................................................................... - 3 -
Chapter 3: Present Situation of Kedah State ..................................................... - 5 -
3-1. Basic Information ......................................................................................... - 5 -
3-2. SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................ - 5 -
Chapter 4: Recommendations ............................................................................. - 8 -
4-1. Overall Concepts ......................................................................................... - 8 -
4-2. Agriculture .................................................................................................. - 12 -
4-3. Rubber Industry (Rubber City Project) ....................................................... - 14 -
4-4. Science and Technology Park (Kedah Science Technology Park) ............. - 20 -
4-5. Transportation ............................................................................................ - 26 -
4-6 Tourism/MICE ............................................................................................. - 30 -
4-7. Halal Industry ............................................................................................. - 34 -
Chapter 5: Steps Forward .................................................................................. - 38 -

Appendix 1: Visited Organizations.................................................................... - 40 -

Appendix 2: Study Team .................................................................................... - 41 -

Table of Tables

Table 1: Result of SWOT Analysis for Kedah ....................................................... - 6 -

Table 2: Progressing high-tech parks ................................................................. - 21 -
Table 3: Valuation results .................................................................................... - 22 -
Table 4: the FAB analysis of KSTP ..................................................................... - 23 -
Table 5: Malaysia’s Halal Standards ................................................................... - 35 -
Table 6: Favored destinations by Muslim tourists ............................................... - 35 -

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Muslim Population in the World ........................................................... - 10 -

Figure 2: The management of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)
.................................................................................................................... - 11 -
Figure 3: The management of Twin Cities-Minneapolis and St. Paul ................. - 11 -
Figure 4: Average Yield of Paddy in Southeast Asian Countries (2013-2014) .... - 12 -
Figure 5: Natural Rubber production in Malaysia and all over the world............. - 14 -
Figure 6: Change of Export Price of Natural Rubber produced in Malaysia ....... - 15 -
Figure 7: Production of Gloves and its annual price change ratio ...................... - 15 -
Figure 8: Project Timeline of Rubber City Project ............................................... - 17 -
Figure 9: Expected Project Scheme for Co-generation system with biomass method
.................................................................................................................... - 19 -
Figure 10: Growth of Total Factor Productivity .................................................... - 20 -
Figure 11: Location of KXP Project Area ............................................................ - 26 -
Figure 12: Geographical advantage of Kedah .................................................... - 29 -
Figure 13: Image of Halal MICE ......................................................................... - 33 -
Figure 14: Example business structure of Halal Hospitality Training .................. - 36 -
Figure 15: Example business structure of Halal OEM for SMEs ........................ - 37 -
Figure 16: Image of PPP unit in the government structure ................................. - 38 -


ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations

BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GLC Government Linked Company
IIUM International Islamic University Malaysia
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KHTP Kulim High-tech Park
KPI Key Performance Indicators
KSTP Kedah Science and Technology Park
KXP Kulim International Airport
MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing
PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PPP Public-Private Partnership
R&D Research and Development
RDSP Regional Development Support Program
SME Small and Medium sized Enterprises
SOE State-Owned Enterprise
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
TFP Total Factor Productivity
TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership
VFM Value for Money

Executive Summary

(1) PPP in Malaysia

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is often defined as a long-term contractual
relationship between the public and private entity, in which both parties bring their
resources (monetary or non-monetary) in providing public services. In that
relationship, both parties share in risks and rewards in providing services.
Malaysia has been applying the concept of PPP to its public service projects under
the strong initiative of the national government, mainly in the form of privatization and
BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) scheme. Malaysia’s PPP is currently characterized by
simplified administration structure; strong central government leadership and
somewhat overwhelming participation by the Government-Linked Companies (GLCs).
As indicated in the Tenth Malaysia Plan, GLCs should “focus on areas that support the
creation of a vibrant private sector while withdrawing from areas that do not enhance
value creation.” The participation of a GLC into a public project shall be limited only
when the GLC can create indispensable value.

(2) Present Situation of Kedah State

From the viewpoint of mobilizing more private sectors by applying the concept of
PPP, the state has strengths and opportunities such as good infrastructure, strong
government support, globally accepted Malaysian halal standards and 1.6 billion
Muslim world market. On the other hand, it also has weaknesses and threats such as
weak business marketing/PR, low business-oriented mindset and competition with
other states and neighboring countries.

(3) Recommendations for Kedah’s development

Kedah State needs to pursue a growth path as middle-income country that attracts
investment focusing on knowledge and innovation. It also should capture the key
elements of private sector such as Performance Indicators (KPI) and accountability.
Preparation for the renovation of public infrastructure is another issue to be focused in
the long term. As 1.6 billion Muslim population of the world is a huge opportunity, the
state can take business advantage by leading Muslim countries particularly in the
sector of tourism or MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions).
Securing political feasibility by collaborating with neighbor local governments is
another key concept for Kedah’s future development.

Based on the above-mentioned overall concepts, each industrial sector has a
potential of further private-sector-oriented growth;
1) High value-added agro-products by collaborating with other industries should be
produced, while Japonica rice production may tap the wealthy consumer’s demand.
2) In the planned Rubber City Project, more economic benefit can be reaped with the
launch of co-generation system (agro-value chain) and collaboration with green car
3) The planned Kedah Science and Technology Park (KSTP) needs more investment
in marketing, partnering, high-tech education and knowledge accumulation.
4) Kulim International Airport (KXP) is recommended to be reviewed from the
viewpoint of political feasibility. Train and bus network needs to be improved, while
a sea port facility can be considered from the context of regional collaboration.
5) The concept of MICE should be introduced to tap the huge potential of Kedah’s
service industry. Muslim-market-oriented “Halal MICE” concept can transform the
tourism sector of Langkawi Island.
6) Halal industry can bring more economic benefit by providing an international
hospitality training institution and by bridging the local halal industry and
non-Muslim countries’ potential business partners/investors, particularly small and
medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

(4) Steps Forward

To realize the ideas recommended by the study team in this Report, Kedah State
Government needs to establish a PPP unit that has a full mandate to plan and
implement PPP projects for the state. Consultation with private sector, local citizens
and the national government is also the key to implement the PPP projects. Special
attention should be also paid to the collaboration with academia and training centers
in order to supply upper-end high-tech human resources to the related industries.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1-1. Background
The State of Kedah has been followed the path of economic growth by mobilizing
private sector and aims to achieve higher development objectives in the coming
decades. In this context, the state requested Toyo University to conduct a survey on
the possibility of applying the concept of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for its
further development. The University has a series of experience of studying the PPP
applicability in local governments in Japan and other Asian countries.
Following the pre-visit by Prof. Sam Tabuchi and Prof. Khairuddin of IIUM in
November 2014, Toyo University’s study team composed of twelve researchers and
graduate students from both public and private backgrounds visited the state from
February 14th to the 19th, 2016. The team reviewed key local reports, participated in
seminars presented by Kedah state and related agencies, visited the sites of
economic development projects and interviewed local stakeholders from both public
and private sectors as shown in Appendix 1.
This Final Report is the result of the team’s study. They tried to figure out the
challenges and opportunities of the state and to provide recommendations for further
economic development by applying the concept of PPP.

1-2. Scope of the Report

This report starts with a review of the PPP concept in the context of Asia and
Malaysia in chapter 2, as it helps us properly understand the surrounding environment
for Kedah State.
Chapter 3 examines the present situations of Kedah State from the viewpoint of the
PPP and private sector mobilization. This chapter shows the result of our analysis on
the challenges and opportunities of the State.
Chapter 4 provides the team’s recommendations to the State to realize the PPP
application and further economic development. Following the description of the overall
concept, sector-specific suggestions on agriculture, rubber industry, science and
technology park, transportation sector, tourism/MICE and halal industry are provided.
At the end of the report, specific ways forward are suggested in chapter 5 to realize
the ideas mentioned in the previous chapters.

Chapter 2: PPP trends in Malaysia

2-1. Basic concepts of PPP

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is defined as a long-term contractual relationship
between the public entity and private entity, in which both parties bring their resources
(monetary or non-monetary) in providing public services. In that relationship, both
parties share in risks and rewards in providing certain services. Whoever has the
better ability to manage a certain risk takes that risk and get the adequate reward for
doing it. These are the core values of PPP.
PPP is not just transferring all the responsibility to the private sectors. In a PPP
project, Public sector has to be responsible of setting the public purpose and objective,
developing a strategic planning, and mobilizing and facilitating all stakeholders,
whereas the private sector is responsible of bringing in their technical expertise,
financial ability and management efficiency. Therefore, if the public sector tries to
transfer all the responsibilities and risks to the private sector, private sector may take
advantage of it. On the other hand, if the public sector tries to control too much, it
would prevent private sector from performing its abilities and capabilities in full. Often,
a public sector who designs/plans a project does not understand private sectors’
capabilities, technologies, and know-hows, and ends up designing a project in
malconformation and not attractive for the private sectors. Therefore, the public sector
needs to be open-minded to obtain information from private sectors and plan the
project accordingly.

2-2. Emergence and development of PPP in Malaysia

Early adoption of a partnership model in Malaysia is known as the “Malaysia Inc.”
and privatization program which were introduced in the beginning of 1980’s. Since
then, some 500 projects have been privatized throughout the nation. The second
phase of partnership is Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme, in which private entity
invest and recover the investment through the project revenue (user tariffs). The
newly emerging model, introduced in the Ninth Malaysia Plan, is often cited as the
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) type partnership, where public entity pays for the
non-user-fee projects through unitary payment (or also referred to as the availability
payment). In the Tenth and Eleventh Malaysia Plan also emphasize the importance of
PPP for the country’s development to achieve Wawasan2020. The Government has
established the facilitation fund under the Tenth Malaysia Plan to support PPP
While new PFI model has been introduced, the most widely-spread method is
privatization model in some way or another; outsourcing, selling stocks of
government-owned company (or Government Linked Company: GLCs), long-term
lease of public owned estate. Even in the BOT scheme, government owned (or
affiliated) entities played major roles in utilizing public real estate, building, operating
and maintaining highways, airports, seaports, and other user-fee projects. Therefore,
until recently, PPP projects had not incurred any direct cost to the public entities.
Even though the Government embraces PPP as a tool for infrastructure
development, only a few projects have been implemented in this PFI type (unitary
payment) model. Under the Tenth Malaysia Plan, the Government intended to
implement PPP for urban development.

2-3. Issues of PPP in Malaysia

Malaysia has an impressively simplified structure for PPP. Having well-structured
centralized system is the strength of the country. PPP Unit under Prime Minister’s
Department (UKAS) is the agency in charge of PPP policy and project facilitation.
This simplified structure is one of the strengths of Malaysian PPP model, however,
on the other hand, strong central government control and overwhelming participation
by the GLCs may be a drawback to the private participation. In the Tenth Malaysia
Plan, it is noted that it is necessary to achieve appropriate balance between the
government, GLCs and the Private Sector. While it is believed that GLCs have some
public purposes, management efficiency and VFM could be hindered by the
participation of GLCs in projects. During the research team’s visit, some projects were
designed to include GLCs as a land owner, master developer, and others.
The Government has made efforts to rationalize GLCs through ten year GLC
Transformation Programme (GTP), introducing KPIs, performance based
compensation, and performance contracts to GLCs, conducting diagnosis, publishing
GLC Transformation Manual, and reviewing the progress annually. However, even
though the GTP was completed in 2015, that does not justify the participation of GLCs
in PPP projects.
During the visit, the study team met with several GLCs and other affiliated
organizations, and they have taken it for granted that they would be playing a role in
projects as a landowner, master developer, or an operator. This means that
participation of private sector is limited because certain portion is already taken by the
GLC, and prevents the private sector to achieve the optimized result. By the same
token, if a GLC is participating, it automatically means the project has to bear the
human resource and other organizational costs of the GLC. Roles of a GLC shall be
carefully examined and compared to the potential and capabilities of private sectors,
before deciding to include the GLC into a project.
As stated in the Tenth Malaysia Plan, GLCs should “focus on areas that support the
creation of a vibrant private sector while withdrawing from areas that do not enhance
value creation.” Often, private sector can create better value out of providing some
services, but having the proposition that a GLC will take a part in the project/program
could easily reduce the benefit by hampering private sector’s efficiency and creativity.
Therefore, participation of a GLC into a project shall be limited only when the GLC can
create indispensable value.
In addition, the following issues on the implementation of PPP projects in Malaysia
are pointed out: the need for a more robust scheme to evaluate PPP projects; the lack
of standardized forms of PPP contracts; the general reluctance of private sector
financial institutions; and the number of experienced and capable SPVs (Source:
Rashid, Khairuddin Abdul. 2014. ”Public-private partnership and its significance for
Malaysia” In Commonwealth Governance and Growth, 54-57. Commonwealth

Chapter 3: Present Situation of Kedah State

3-1. Basic Information

The State of Kedah locates in the north of the Malay Peninsula, on the border with
Thailand. The State has the area of 9,426 square meters and 1.95 million populations.
The nominal GDP per capital of the state is 13,294 ringgits, around half the national
average figure of 27,113 ringgits (source: CEIC Database, 2010).
It produces around 30% of the country’s rice and known as “rice bowl.” It also has
one of the most successful technology parks, the Kulim High-tech Park (KHTP) that
attracted major global enterprises such as Intel and Panasonic, and has attracted
other key manufacturing industries such as automobile. The service industry is
another area of the State’s economic development, as it boasts various tourism
resources particularly in the island of Langkawi.
The national government of Malaysia is keen on the development of the State,
initiating various national projects such as the Rubber City and the Kedah Science
and Technology Park (KSTP), new technology parks that focuses on the rubber
products and the high technology products respectively. The construction of an
additional international airport near the KHTP is also planned.

3-2. SWOT Analysis

Following the site visits and discussion with the local stakeholders, the study team
conducted the SWOT analysis in order to correctly capture the challenges and
opportunities of the State. This is one of the most major business management tools
to analyze an organization's present situation and its surrounding environment. While
Strength (S) and Weaknesses (W) show the internal factors of the State in terms of
mobilizing more private sectors, Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) show the external
factors that may affect the situation of the state as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Result of SWOT Analysis for Kedah

Strengths Weaknesses
・ Labor force (relatively low cost, ・Low agriculture income
gentle/warm and English speaking) ・Low number of upper-end high-tech human
・Good infrastructure (hard and soft) resource
・Moderate Muslim country ・Weak business marketing/PR
・Stable politics and good security ・Government’s price control for specific items
・Strong government support ・Low business-oriented mindset(may lead to
・Strict environmental regulation too much reliance on government support)

Opportunities Threats
・ Malaysian Halal standards globally ・Competition with other states and countries
accepted ・ Regional trade agreements (impact on
・1.6 billion Muslim world market agriculture state)
・Located in the center of the ASEAN (Next
to Thai market)

The State has various strengths in attracting private sector within and outside the
country. The cost of trained and English-speaking labor force is relatively low
compared to other states of the country. The infrastructure such as electricity, water
and transport is well developed, as well as soft infrastructure such as law, regulation
and financial environment. The central and local governments are strong and stable,
both politically and economically. Being a moderate Muslim country must be another
strength, as it can be a bridge between the conservative Muslim countries (i.e. Middle
Eastern countries) and non-Muslim countries (i.e. Japan and Korea).

The State, on the other hand, has several weaknesses. While the State is
transforming its industrial structure into the high-technology-oriented one, the
development of upper-end high-tech human resources may be a long-term challenge.
The more effort for marketing and PR of its products and services is also required.
Some local (and Halal) products and public facilities such as convention centers,
which we observed their economic potential during the field survey, have not been
fully delivered to or not be well-known in the national or international markets. The
national government’s price control on several basic commodities such as gasoline or
major crops may be another obstacle for private sector to fully perform their business

Several external factors are listed up as opportunities for the State’s development.
The country’s Halal standard is given by national government institution, different from
other countries’ cases where such standards are given by religious groups or
organizations, and is globally recognized and accepted. The global Muslim population
has been rapidly increasing in the past decades, currently reaches around 1.6 billion,
and is expected to further expand. This is a huge opportunity for the State, not only for
the sake of its local Halal industry, but also as the gateway for the foreign non-Muslim
enterprises that is interested in this market. The geographic location of being the
center of the ASEAN market is of course another big opportunity for the State.

Some threats for the State are also observed. Other states in Malaysia and other
Asian countries also have an objective of economic development by utilizing the
technology and fund from private sector with similar economic and investment policies.
This competition environment will be tougher by the trade agreement recently
introduced in the trans-Pacific region. Kedah State needs to take policies and
measures to go beyond those rival states and countries.

Chapter 4: Recommendations

4-1. Overall Concepts

Considering the recognition of Kedah’s present situations analyzed in the SWOT
analysis in the previous chapter, the study team believes that the following concepts
should be considered for the future economic development in Kedah.

(1) Pursue a growth path as a middle-income country and beyond

Malaysia is no longer a low-income country and no longer can rely on inexpensive
labor and the labor-intensive industries. Malaysia should again follow the success of
the eastern neighbors (Japan and Korea) to consider value adding their industries,
development of Research and Development (R&D) centers, and go toward
knowledge and innovation intensive industries. Although Kedah’s nominal GDP per
capital is just around one half of the national average at this moment, the state already
has some success stories in value adding/high-tech and service industries such as
the KHTP, medical devise industrial growth and the tourism sector in Langkawi. Kedah
must continue its effort in pursuing the economic development at a higher level than
before. The role of the government is critically important in setting such
policies/directions and strategically allocating resources in attracting knowledge and
technology based industries within and from outside the state including international
market to increase the productivity of related industries in Kedah.

(2) Capture key elements of private sector

The PPP does not mean just a transfer of management rights from the
government to Government-linked companies (GLCs) or state-owned-companies
(SOEs) whose stake is mostly owned by the government. One of the mid-income
country traps is the public sector having too much control on various activities after
the success of the public lead industrial growth. The study team recommends that
Kedah/Malaysia should allow more private sector freedom and let them implement
what they do best to grow the free market economy. In running the SOE operations,
the concept and methodologies of private sector such as Key Performance Indicators
(KPI), performance based activities and accountability should be evaluated at the all
spheres of government services and projects in order to realize strategic and efficient
resource allocation for economic growth. The public and SOEs should work together
to play leading roles in developing R&D and capacity building and promoting better
value-adding industries and products by utilizing the State’s financial and other
incentive programs.

(3) Prepare for the renovation of public facilities and infrastructure

Malaysia has done public investment to allow economic development success in
the recent years. Many advanced nations which developed substantial amount of
public facilities and infrastructure are faced with huge price tag of updating and
upgrading such facilities and infrastructures, which they cannot afford. The study team
recommends that Kedah/Malaysia starts preparing for the updates, start planning of
better public facility operation and maintenance and starts planning of updating such
facilities and infrastructures for the future. It will require a substantial amount of public
investment. Better preparation will support less spending for the upcoming renovation
of their public assets for in the future. The Toyo PPP School has been assisting the
government of Japan on this subject and feel we can assist Kedah on the subject.

(4) Take business advantage by leading Muslim countries

Malaysia is known to lead the Islam teaching such as setting the Halal standard
and practice Islam religion in the religiously diversified nation. The study team has
been informed that Malaysia receives many foreign students from Middle Eastern
countries with such reputation as well. Malaysia should take advantage of this image
and trend by leading Muslims with more business opportunities. As mentioned in the
following sections, Kedah and Malaysia can utilize its knowledge and experience as a
responsible Muslim country in building Halal MICE center at Langkawi. The local Halal
industry is also expected to grow in the context of 1.6 billion world Muslim population.
These efforts will also give the state and country huge economic and social benefits
for the future growth in Kedah and also for Malaysia.

Figure 1: Muslim Population in the World

(Source: and Kumamoto City Government)

(5) Secure political feasibility by collaborating with other local governments

Political feasibility is the most important element of large-scale PPP projects. We
learned the idea of an additional international airport and new highway that bypasses
the existing one through the State of Penang. It seems obvious that those new
projects will face the issue of conflict with Penang State as the new projects will surely
decrease the business demand in Penang. It is still possible to seek a win-win
relationship between the State of Kedah and Penang, referring the example of the
joint administration of port authority by the State of New Jersey and New York of
United States of America (Figure 2) and the joint growth-management plan and
“tax-share (or allocation of tax benefits from new economic growth)” of the city
governments of Minneapolis and St. Paul, so called “Twin Cities,” of the country
(Figure 3). In both cases, the public sector enjoys the economic and social benefits
gained from the joint city or infrastructure management.

- 10 -
Figure 2: The management of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)

Figure 3: The management of Twin Cities-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Based on the above-mentioned four concepts, specific recommendations for

each sector will be provided in the following sections.

- 11 -
4-2. Agriculture

4-2-1. Current Status of Agriculture sector in Kedah state

According to the related statistics and presentations on agriculture sector in Kedah
State, Kedah’s share in agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is about 4.6%
(2010). This share is eighth of the 13 states across the country. However, Kedah has
large-scale irrigated lands suitable for rice production that had been developed with
the World Bank and these paddy fields have accounted for about 30% of the entire
Malaysia’s paddy field, therefore Kedah has been referred to as “the Rice Bowl of
Malaysia”. Kedah’s rice production per hectare is about 4.5-7.0 tons (2014), which is
higher than that of the Southeast Asian neighboring countries.

Figure 4: Average Yield of Paddy in Southeast Asian Countries (2013-2014)

AverageYield of Paddy
in Southeast Asia country(2013-2014)
[Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan]

t/ha 5 2.84

China Vietnam Indonesia Philippines Thailand

4-2-2. Issues and Challenges of Kedah’s agriculture

Kedah State said that main issues of agriculture (especially rice) were small yield
and low productivity. These are typical issues in Southeast Asia. Toyo university PPP
team and a Japanese company have tackled these issues in Butuan city, Philippines
since 2011. By installing Japan’s water management technique, modern farming
machines (trans planter, harvesting machine) and eco-friendly soil conditioner, the
average yield has been increased to 7.8t/ha.
However, critical issue of Kedah’s agriculture that revealed in this study mission is
that the Malaysian agricultural products lose the price competitiveness among
Southeast Asian countries. In fact, the grocery store and local market have already
- 12 -
taken wide sales area of vegetables and fruits imported from neighboring countries.
They are sold at cheaper price than domestic products.
At the end of 2015, Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia launched a
common market called the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) to boost trade and
achieve freer flows of labor, services and capital.
By launching AEC, the tariffs within AEC member countries will be eliminated in
future and the import of foreign cheaper agro-products from other AEC countries into
Malaysia will increase. In addition to this, Malaysia signed the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) agreement with 12 member nations in the beginning of February
2016. TPP will give Malaysia new business opportunities arising from expanded
market and lower tariffs. At the same time, it will be difficult for agriculture sector to
survive alone under TPP.

4-2-3. Future Direction to develop Kedah’s agriculture sector

As mentioned above, Kedah’s agriculture is facing enormous difficulties, therefore
Kedah should promote the below two strategies;
(1) To develop high value-added agro-related products collaborating with other
Present farming style is unable to survive in the future and Kedah should develop
new agro-related industry by utilizing agro-products. The detail suggestions will be
mentioned in the chapter of “Rubber City” and “Halal industry”.
(2) To produce high value-added Japonica rice targeting wealthy class consumers in
Asia, i.e. Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
Recently, the demand for Japanese rice, such as Koshihikari, Sasanishiki and
Akitakomachi, is increasing in wealthy class consumer of Asia. The reasons of the
demand are increase of high-income group with Asian economic growth and increase
of Japanese food restaurant. In order to supply this rice from Kedah area, it is
recommended that Kedah starts to use Japonica variety and produce high-value
added rice targeting high- income group in Asia.

- 13 -
4-3. Rubber Industry (Rubber City Project)

4-3-1. Relevance of Rubber City Project

Malaysia is the world’s sixth country in terms of natural rubber production behind
Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, China and India. Although world supply of natural
rubber has increased, the amount of natural rubber production in Malaysia has been
decreasing as shown in Figure 5. Amount of natural rubber production in Kedah State
accounted for 13.8% of its production in Malaysia in 2012, that amount of production
was 127,110 metric tons in Kedah State.

Figure 5: Natural Rubber production in Malaysia and all over the world

(Scale: 1,000 metric ton)

10,000 10,234 10,680
8,857 9,026 9,454



1,072 857 939 996 923 826
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Rest of the world Malaysia

[Source: Edited by Toyo University using “Malaysian Rubber Statistics 2013”]

Since Malaysia has reduced amount of natural rubber production, the country’s
competitiveness in export weakened, and it led to high fluctuation of export price. It is
obvious that the change of export price of natural rubber produced in Malaysia
(RM/Metric Tons) was highly fluctuated from 2007 to 2013 as shown in Figure 6.

- 14 -
Figure 6: Change of Export Price of Natural Rubber produced in Malaysia
14,040 60
11,000 10,197
10,131 20
10,000 10
9,000 8,295 0
8,000 7,205 -10
7,000 6,393 -20
6,000 -30
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

(Left) Export Natural Rubber Price (RM/Tonnes)

(Right) Annual Price Change Ratio (%)

[Source: Edited by Toyo University using “Malaysian Rubber Statistics 2013”]

On the other front, production of rubber products in Malaysia has increased year by
year and fluctuation on export price of rubber products is more gradual than the one of
natural rubber. For example, the production amount of rubber gloves has increased
and export price of rubber gloves have fluctuated gradually as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Production of Gloves and its annual price change ratio

34,628 20
32,000 30,893 31,326
30,000 10

24,000 23,133
21,119 -5

20,000 -10
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

(Left) Production (million pairs) (Right) Annual Price Change Ratio (%)

[Source: Edited by Toyo University using “Malaysian Rubber Statistics 2013”]

- 15 -
In line with above situation, Rubber City Project must become a higher priority to
convert natural rubber into a commercialization in Kedah State through working hard
to attract private companies.

4-3-2. Investment Scheme for Rubber City Project

Kedah State is schedule to acquire land of 1,536 acres for Rubber City Project and
land of 500 acres will be allocated for early development area. Currently PKNK, a
State-Owned Company, who own the land has made lease contract with a private
company called Tradewings. Although Central Government of Malaysia will purchase
the land from PKNK to allocate for Rubber City Project, there is a possibility to invite
PKNK to a member of Special Purpose Company as a Master Developer of Rubber
City Project for their contribution in kind. The appropriateness of such an arrangement
has to be studied thoroughly before it is made.

Kedah State is also scheduled to prepare Master Plan as Preliminary Stage of

Rubber City Project from 2016 to 2018 as shown in Figure 8. It is necessary to
examine details on establishment of Special Purpose Company who will be a Master
Developer of Rubber City Project through the preparation of Master Plan. The
reinforcement of transportation network especially for a commercial port is one of the
keys for success. Therefore, it is recommend that Kedah State to analyze change of
demand forecast through Rubber City Project and to examine necessity expansion of
Penang Port or establishment of a new commercial port in Kedah State through
Master Plan.

- 16 -
Figure 8: Project Timeline of Rubber City Project

4-3-3. Incentive for private sector

Kedah State coverts to attract plants and firms who are not only traditional rubber
product producer like rubber gloves but also high value added products like Green
Tire for Rubber City. The prospective site for Rubber City is categorized as Less
Develop Area so that Kedah State provides special tax incentives for plants and firms
in Rubber City as follows:
(1) Income Tax Exemption (100% up to 15 years of assessment) OR Investment Tax
Allowance (100% of qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years);
(2) Withholding Tax Exemption on fees for technical advice, assistance or services or
royalty in relation to manufacturing or services activities;
(3) Import Duty Exemption on (a) raw materials and components used directly in the
manufacturing process and (b) machinery and equipment in the activity for the
selected service sector; and
(4) Stamp Duty Exemption on transfer or leased of land or building used for
development in relation to manufacturing and services activities.
In other country who will be a competitor for Malaysia, the tax incentives are less
attractive than Malaysia. For instance, Income Tax Exemption in Indonesia is 100%
tax exemption for 10 years and Income Tax Exemption in Thailand is 100% tax
exemption for 8 years together with 50% tax exemption for additional 5 years (Source:
- 17 -
JBIC). Therefore, it is expected foreign companies including Japanese, who can
convert natural rubber into high value added products; accelerate their examination to
investment money for Rubber City.

4-3-4. Challenges for more attractive Rubber City Project

Kedah State has a unique opportunity to develop rubber city project further if the
following measures are treated:
(1) Promoting attract investment in new rubber related industries like cosmetic item
using serum in cooperation with Rubber Research Malaysian Institute located in
Rubber City Project Area;
(2) Developing strong relationship with car industry to provide car parts like “green
(3) Facilitating large commercial port in Kedah or around for smooth logistics of
rubber products as well as to export goods produced in/around Rubber City like
vehicles; and
(4) Recruiting and Training human resources to correspond with High-Tech industry.

It is highly recommended that Kedah State initiates an opportunity for a discussion

with stakeholders to be involved as soon as possible.

4-3-5. Power Generation by rice husk to enhance value of Rubber City

Kedah State is traditionally known as the “Rice Bowl” of Malaysia and the largest
paddy planted area that accounts for 30% of Malaysia. The agriculture sector in
Kedah is mainly developed and maintained by Muda Agricultural Development
Authority (MADA). Plantation areas under MADA are around 220,000 hectares, on the
other front, plantation areas of Off-MADA are around 34,000 ha. Production amount of
paddy in MADA area is 924,000 metric tons on the average from 2009 to 2012. We
would like to recommend utilizing rice husk that is produced by paddy in Kedah State
for power generation.
Energy efficiency of rice husk power generation is 15 to 20% when Boiler Turbine
Generator is applied and 25 to 30 % when gas engine is applied. If 15% is applied as
energy efficiency for the project, power generation amount per metric ton is estimated
as follow:

>>>1,000(kg;rice husk)×3,400(kcal/kg)÷860(kwh/kcal)×15% = 593KWh

- 18 -
Price of Feed-in-Tariff in Malaysia is 0.45 MR/KWh (approx. 13.5 Japanese Yen /
KWh) so that power producer has potential to take in 266.85 RM in revenue from a
metric ton rice husk. Rice husk accounts for 20% of the weight of paddy; annual
power generation amount therefor will be approx. 109.5GWh (924, 000 metric tons x
20% x 593KWh) and lead to revenue of 49,310 Thousand RM (approx. 1,479 million
Japanese Yen).
In addition, KURIMOTO LTD developed high technology to prepare high-purity
amorphous Silica (SiO2) originated from rice husks. Therefore, 150kg of rice husk
ashes produced by 1 metric ton rice husk can be sold with approx. 0.16RM(approx. 5
Japanese Yen ) per kg at lowest. Furthermore, there is a possibility to install
co-generation system and provide not only power but also heat produced to
manufactures in Rubber City and coconut husk and palm shell can be utilized for
power generation as well.
It is highly recommend examining details of above by Japanese companies and
Malaysian companies and to formulate project scheme like as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Expected Project Scheme for Co-generation system with biomass method

- 19 -
4-4. Science and Technology Park (Kedah Science Technology Park)

4-4-1. Understanding of Kedah and Malaysia

According to the Vision2020, Malaysia is shifting its growth engine from production
elements, i.e. labor and capital, to productivity (Total Factor Productivity: TFP), so that
transforming Malaysia from a middle income to an advanced nation by 2020.
According to the government plan Kedah state is proceeding with its policy
It is, however, obvious that not only Malaysia but also China and other ASEAN
countries are proceeding with similar vision and policy making.

Figure 10: Growth of Total Factor Productivity

As shown in Figure 10, Japan’s TFP growth is not so high relatively. China is
lowering her growth rate after 2010 rapidly. Malaysia keeps good position and seems
to have room for growth.
China is the second largest economy but yet remains a developing country and is
struggling to avoid the dreaded middle income trap. According to Chinese communist
party’s 13th Five-Year Plan proposal (as of Oct. 2015), China would accelerate supply
side reforming, typical ones are innovation and resource allocation policies such as
entrust resource allocation to private sectors, empower and simplify the government
organization, grow emerging fields, increase productivity to sustain economy growth,
- 20 -
prevent resource bubble, create new industry, enhance technology and derived
business, etc.
Malaysia also needs to employ its original supply side policies or reformation, so
she has introduced concepts and plans of accelerating innovation and transforming to
knowledge based ecosystem, in the vision2020. To accomplish this, as in the case of
China, it would be one of the major considerations to reallocate resources or shift the
center of gravity of investment from hardware (constructions) to software

4-4-2. Success of Industrial park

Malaysia has implemented the successful industry park policy so far. It is noted that
the industry parks have grown and advanced to value added high-tech parks shown

Table 2: Progressing high-tech parks

Technology Parks Set up

Johor Technology Park 1994

Kulim High-Tech Park(KHTP) 1996
Technology Park Malaysia 1996
Cyberjaya Technology Park of Malaysia 1997
Perak High-Tech Park 1998

It is recognized that the performance of high-tech parks is playing a key role in the
economic growth.
In the view of above mentioned change and the context of knowledge based
ecosystem, it is obvious that Kedah Science Technology Park: KSTP should be
oriented, further than the conventional high-tech parks, to science and technology. It
should be aimed at being from labor-intensive business to R&D-intensive business.
However, as above mentioned, China and other ASEAN countries are employing very
similar concept as Malaysia. How should KSTP be competitive? How should the
concept be implemented?
There is an interesting study done by Nazim Baluch et al. [2015] regarding
improving the high-tech park. They evaluated high-tech parks in Singapore, Indonesia
and Malaysia holistically by using the Global Competitiveness Index: GCI. As shown
in Table 3, they valuated Bandung High Tech Valley in Indonesia as not convincing
- 21 -
because of its weak infrastructure marketing. In the case of Malaysia, it is noted that
she has accomplished the Global 18th position in the GCI. Technology Park Malaysia
and Cyberjaya Technology Park may contribute to the economic growth, but they say,
management of the parks is not competent comparing to the best practice in
Singapore. In the case of Cyberjaya they pointed out that the architectural form and
the land use is not performing originally planned knowledge base city. The tenants are
not involved in R&D but in support service and call center functions.

Table 3: Valuation results

Country Technology Parks Valuation

Indonesia Bandung High Tech Valley Not convincing

Weak infrastructure marketing

Malaysia Technology Park Malaysia Better / GCI Global 18th

Cyberjaya Technology Park Need high-tech park management

Singapore The Singapore Science Best practice

Park Employing professional high-tech park
management provider
Source: N., Baluch, C. S., Abdullah & R., Abidin[2015], “TECHNOLOGY PARKS OF INDONESI, MALAYSIA, AND

SINGAPOR: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE”. Ki,a; Junal Teknoloi (Siences & Engineering) 77:27, 41-50.

As a result, optimum High-Tech park need to be established and managed

professionally in line with the best practices and whole process should culminate trust
nationally and internationally.

4-4-3. Findings after visiting Kedah

After visiting Kedah, not only excellent presentations but also site tour to the six
nominated subjects in this program were provided.

KSTP site:

- 22 -
As in charge of the KSTP group, it is noted that the Global Research Center: GRC
concept is impressive and interesting. It is explicit that GRC undertakes the role of
holistic and global R&D management in KSTP. As it is mentioned above, professional
management of high-tech park is significantly important for successful high-tech park.
The feature, advantage and benefit of KSTP with GRC are shown below.

Table 4: the FAB analysis of KSTP

Feature Global Research Center GRC

One stop channel for R&D based tenants

Management of knowledge based city
Bridging partnership between tenants and local entities
Incentives from the state and the federal governments

Benefit Accelerate R&D and localization of the tenants

The concept of GRC is getting definite but not yet embodied. GRC could be the
lemon, defined by Toyo University. Then how KSTP and GRC should be competitive?

4-4-4. The Special Innovation Zone Policy in Japan clue to competitiveness

It is a zone designated by the government based on the perspectives of boosting
the international competitiveness of industry. It stimulates innovation by giving priority
to advancing structural reform of economic and social systems.
Researchers may implement a new project that is hard to do at outside the zone,
such as driving unregulated autonomous vehicle on the road, dispensing not yet
permitted medicine and so on.
One of the examples is the Center for Medical Innovation (CMI) at Swanson School
of Engineering in Pittsburgh, Pa, US. CMI is collaboration among the University of
Pittsburgh’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the innovation Institute,
and the Coulter Translational Research Partnership (CTRP). Once Pittsburgh was a
steel town but now it is the center of Medical innovation to establish an internationally
recognized center for developing innovative medical technologies, educating students,
and facilitating commercialization.

- 23 -
Pittsburgh the Steel town Transforming to Medical city

Osaka, in Japan, is also proceeding with organizing Osaka Medical Innovation


4-4-5. Proposals
It is recommended to transform KSTP as a kind of special innovation zone. Three
specific proposals for the transformation are described below.

Proposal 1 – Invest in Marketing

Business intention of many advanced companies is shifting from just supplying
products to supplying social solutions, such as dealing with aging or maximizing
Quality of Life. Some companies are bothered by existing regulations or cultural
resistances in their process of innovation, because the social systems are not
catching up the advanced technologies. If KSTP could provide with not only R&D
infrastructure, but also with features of privileged regulation or waiver, it would
stimulate tenants to proceed with R&D and localization.
There are various kinds of themes and fields that high-tech companies hold
obstacles. It is strongly recommended doing global marketing to find out the
obstacles or Kedah’s customer’s needs, and adjusting and managing the Park for
such objects, so that leading KSTP to the global science and technology park for
The marketing should be effective and the management should be powerful.
Organize a special purpose company (Joint Venture SPC) of Kedah government and
private sectors under GRC. Or GRC should have such operation function by herself. It
- 24 -
may help employ related service provider. It would be a great pleasure that Toyo
University could also contribute to the promotion of KSTP’s marketing through the
planned investment workshop in Japan.
Furthermore, it is recommended that Kedah authorities make their dreams to
specific visions and plans, and allocate resources to fill the gap between current
condition and the goal, so that KSTP is able to start marketing with those materials
and resources.

Proposal 2 - Bridge foreign and domestic companies

The companies are seeking domestic partners to create new business in the foreign
market. Because business is shifting from just supplying a product to supplying
holistic solution, the collective development, such as industry – industry cooperation
or industry – academia cooperation, is getting significant. It is not easy for foreign
companies to find appropriate domestic partners and organize a community from
scratch. KSTP or GRC is in a good position to reinforce trust between domestic
and foreign companies, being one-stop channel or service provider for matching
companies with a common objective. Advisers from academe who stand neuter but
help R&D and business would be appreciated. Database of enterprises would help
the companies gain an insight into Malaysian economy.

Proposal 3 – Invest in high-tech education and knowledge accumulation

Industry, academe and government collaboration is essential. KSTP needs
excellent academy of science and engineering at hand to supply knowledge
workers. It would be desirable to Integrate with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM),
specializing business and government, to challenge holistic solutions for social

- 25 -
4-5. Transportation

4-5-1. Basic Information on Kulim International Airport (KXP)

According to the information provided during the field survey, Penang International
Airport, the current air gateway for Kulim High-tech Park (KHTP), is reaching its
maximum capacity (6.5 million passengers per annum: mppa), so that the expansion
of this airport or the development of new international airport, KXP, is necessary.
A consulting firm for this project, KPMG, estimated the number of prospective
passengers is 2.61 million in 2021 and 6.62 million in 2041. The capacity of KXP will
be expected 25 mppa while Penang International Airport will be 10 mppa.
As of February 2016, The Government has already selected site for the
construction of KXP. It also prepares budget for the road connection to KXP namely
“SPIKE” that bypasses the existing highway running through Penang State.

4-5-2. Challenges of KXP project

The study team observed the following challenges on the development of KXP:
(1) Funding
According the estimation of KPMG, the capital expenditure (CAPEX) would be
jointly borne by the public by 548 million RM while private by 600 million RM. The
possibility of private sector’s investment depends on the accuracy of passenger
demand forecast and other financial factors. The viability of implementing the project
by Private Finance Initiative (PFI) needs to be carefully examined from this viewpoint.

Figure 11: Location of KXP Project Area


Project Area of KXP

Penang port ●
(cargo) Kulim
● Hi-Tech
Pinang Park

Penang Kedah

(Source:KPMG and Google Map)

- 26 -
(2) Relationship with Penang State
As the KXP project affects the economy of Penang State, both states are
recommended to create strong relationship for mutual benefits referring to the
examples of Twin Cities and New York-New Jersey Port Authority in the USA
mentioned in the section of recommendations of overall concepts. Penang State can
be a strong partner to compete with other countries’ large international airports in the
global aviation market, not a local rival to compete within the northern corner of the

(3) Feasibility Study

The feasibility study of the Project is recommended to be carefully reviewed
although the study team has not received the document. Special attention should be
paid for the following points: 1) the breakdown of current and future passengers and
2) whether goods in Kedah State is suitable for Air cargo or not in comparison with
other transportations such as commercial port.

[Case studies]
(1) Haneda Airport International Terminal
International area is divided into three districts, the development of all districts have
been carried out by the PFI respectively.
1) Passenger Terminal Project(Financially independent)
2) Cargo Terminal Project(Financially independent)
3) Apron Project(Availability Payment)

(2) Aichi Toll Road Concession

Aichi Prefectural Road Public Corporation grants to a private entity the right to
operate 8 toll roads based on the Act on Special Measures concerning the Road
Construction and Improvement. CEN.JAPAN AIRPORT-ROAD is included in those toll

4-5-3. Issues on Public Transportations

(1) Train
Alor Setar Station is used Only by 200 passengers and passed by only 6 freight
trains per day. According to the officials from Malaysia Railways, one of the
bottlenecks is the weak access from the center to the Alor Setar station.
- 27 -
(2) Bus
The study team observed no time table or any information on bus service is posted
on the wall of bus stops. The number of service per day is also small according to an
official from City Government who accompanied the study team. The usability of the
bus system needs to be improved.

(3) Future Direction

At this moment, no incentive to change the transportation from vehicle to public
transportation such as bus and train has been observed. However, the possibility of
getting seriously jammed in the future is high; therefore effective transportation
system should be established before it becomes too late.
In the USA, a policy measure that enables passengers to combine the use of
vehicle and public transportation such as train, so called Park and Ride System, has
been introduced and making positive effect in decreasing traffic jams. Such policy
measures can be considered also in the context of Kedah State.

ALOR SETAR Station Bus Stop

4-5-4. Issues on Port Facility

Kedah State plans to expand its fishery industry and increase the export of
vehicles and other industrial products in the course of industrialization of the state. On
the other hand, the State currently has only small-scale fishery ports and depends on
Penang Port in terms of importing and exporting goods. From this viewpoint, the idea
of increasing the capacity of fishery and commercial port facility that enables Kedah
State to fully perform its economic growth potentials is appreciated.
However, when considering the capacity of port facilities, the idea of collaborating
with neighbor states, particularly with Penang State, mentioned in the section of the
KXP project should be applied. Although the study team has not accessed the
- 28 -
concrete information on Kedah State’s plan on port facility development during the
field survey, the study team believes that the idea of developing a new port facility that
locally competes with neighbor states’ existing facilities should be carefully reviewed.
As hinted in the box below, the regional collaboration, not local competition, is
necessary to gain huge economic and social benefits from the global market. New
York-New Jersey Port Authority’s practice is also a good precedent to study about.

Box: Possibility of alternative international logistics corridor

As discussed above, the study team recommends the collaboration with neighbor
state to gain the benefit from the development of port facility. In this context, the
possibility of development of larger-scale international port facility may be also
considered in the long term. As shown in the figure below, Kedah State locates in the
thin part of the Malay Peninsula. If the state, with collaboration with neighbor states
and countries, could develop a large sea port on the coast of the Indian Ocean and
necessary land infrastructures including a highway extended to the another coast of
the South China Sea, ships and tankers may avoid passing the Straits of Malacca
where congestions and security risk are observed. This alternative international
logistics corridor may give huge economic impact to the region although careful
considerations from various perspectives are required.

Figure 12: Geographical advantage of Kedah

- 29 -
4-6 Tourism/MICE

4-6-1. Overview
Niche MICE may be a key to success for further development in tourism and
hospitality sector in Langkawi and Kedah state. To achieve the goal of Wawasan 2020
and become the resort island among the world’s top ten islands, more emphasis on
the existing value such as echo-destination and nature and continuous effort to create
unique strength different from others are required.
The study team’s suggestion is to harmonize uniqueness of Langkawi with the
concept of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions), which is “Halal
MICE.” There is no specified MICE destination for Muslims in the world yet. In the
USA, 2 largest tourism destinations are Orlando, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada with
2 largest convention centers in the USA. Their tourism organizations are called
Convention and Visitor Bureau both in Orlando and Las Vegas. Can Langkawi be a
MICE location for Muslims around the world?
Langkawi can develop an Islamic/Muslim MICE center by developing all Halal and
all Islamic teaching destination for the Muslims around the world, which counts over
1.6 billion and is expected to further increase in the coming decades. Langkawi has a
convention center by the airport, which has not been utilized since its construction.
Kedah and Malaysia can utilize its knowledge and experience as a moderate Muslim
country in building Halal MICE center at Langkawi.

4-6-2. Objective and Functions of MICE

MICE is different from the general concept of tourism promotion and it has a firm
relevance to business activities and the grove of academe. It gathers specific groups
and people at a place and creates added value and innovation in the field of business,
academia and so on. Therefore, three major impacts through the MICE can be
expected as follows;
(1) High Economic Impacts
Holding MICE events bring not only benefit for the host organizations but also
positive impacts on regional economy through consumption on commodities and
service by the participants during their stay. Convention and business guests spend
more money than tourists.

(2) Creation of Business Opportunities and Innovation

Holding MICE is an event for human networking and knowledge/information
- 30 -
sharing while participants interact each other. It also contributes to produce business
opportunities, industrial development and innovation as well; and

(3) Enhancement of competitiveness and brand image

The interaction of people and information and the advantage of networking among
people through MICE will enhance competitiveness and brand image of the place.

4-6-3. Japan’s Strengths on MICE

According to the statistical data of ICCA (International Congress and Convention
Association), the number of international conference is in increase trend. The number
of the conference in Asia and the Middle East in 2014 is doubled from that of 2003. In
terms of the number of MICE event, Japan is the seventh in the world and the first
place in Asia.

4-6-4. Good practices in Japan

Ex.1 International IT business conference
A) Venue:Sheraton Grand Tokyo Bay Hotel
B) The number of participants:300
C) Outline:
300 people from IT related companies in Europe, United States and Asian countries
attended the conference and branch meetings for three days. All participants stayed
at the hotel and utilized conference facilities. Some participants stayed there for one
week in maximum.
D) Tips for the success
Convenient connection from the airport to the venue with shuttle bus
Full utilization of conference facilities not only for conference but also exhibition,
sub- sessions
Smooth access from venue to venue; it enables on-time implementation
Well-maintained facilities and good amenities; comfortable accommodation
enabled participants to stay longer even after official conference.

Ex.2 Miyajima International Night at IPEC in Hiroshima

A) Venue:Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima island. Hiroshima prefecture
B) The number of participants:420 (International: 350, Japanese: 70)
C) Outline:
International Night was coordinated as an additional activity in order to invite
- 31 -
International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC) attendees to Itsukushima Shrine.
The participant worshiped at the shrine and enjoyed nearby tourism spots.
D) Tips for the success
The venue, Hiroshima prefecture, has Itsukushima Shrine which is one of the
best-known world heritages in Japan.
Early setting preparation than usual
Collaboration among Hiroshima tourism convention bureau, Ministry of tourism
and relevant organizations at preparation and implementation phases
Utilization of the off-season

4-6-5. Lemon = MICE in Langkawi

A tough competition is taking place among regions in the world in inviting MICE
events. The important factor for this is to make the event participants have the sense
of specialty by showing regional characteristics. This is the concept of Unique Venue.
Unique Venue is the attempt to create “special experiences” by holding events in “the
special places.” For this concept, it is important to think again about “how to create a
value by doing what, and where doing that.” Langkawi receives 3.6 million visitors per
year. The economic effect of its duty free zone is 5.2 billion ringgit (RM). This great
lemon is Unique Venue. To think about its market concept and economic viability is
crucial factor, which is the most important concept in the PPP research in Japan.
By focusing on the niche of market, it is possible to create business opportunities.
This concept is called “pin-hole marketing” in Japanese PPP. The number of Muslim
population in the world is 1.6 billion out of total population, 7.2 billion. This is
tremendously huge market. Langkawi has already possessed the diversity and
institutions that meet their needs. By improving brand image, Halal MICE, it will surely
make a huge economic impact on regional economy.

4-6-6. Image of Halal MICE

There have been hard and soft infrastructure for MICE business such as the
international convention center, hotels and people’s hospitality for coming together of
a number of people in one place. Private beaches, the cable car, the statue of Eagle
and duty free island are already special features of Langkawi as “special place.” The
convention center located next to the international airport is also an advantage for the
promotion of MICE, as shown in the examples from Japan.
Furthermore, Langkawi has culture and know-how to provide the Muslims with the
services including passenger plane, food, shopping etc., in conformity with a rule of
- 32 -
Halal. Langkawi is the only island that can do it as Unique Venue. If its brand image
and advertising effectiveness as a Halal MICE destination is improved, it will yield
economic development and further prosperity to the region.

Figure 13: Image of Halal MICE

- 33 -
4-7. Halal Industry

4-7-1. Halal Industry in Malaysia

Under the Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3), Malaysia has been promoting Halal
Industry to become the global Halal hub. According to IMP3, Halal food market
worldwide is 547 billion dollars, and 1553 billion dollars for non-food industries
including medical, cosmetics, and service industries. A study presented in Halal World
Food Exhibition 2014 in Dubai forecasted that the Halal Market will reach 10 trillion
dollars by 2030. Malaysia Government has established a 100% government-owned
public enterprise, Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) in 2006 to serve as
a one-stop window for Halal industry development. HDC collaborates with
Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), the authority that issues the
Halal Certification, in promoting Malaysian Halal industry.
Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia have signed an agreement to
recognize their standards each other. These surrounding countries are strong markets
and growing competitors as well. Indonesia and Brunei are also promoting their Halal
industries. Indonesia has largest Muslim population as its market, and Brunei is
reported to eyeing investment opportunities in Halal industries inside and outside the
jurisdiction utilizing its affluent resources. Therefore, in addition to its tangible Halal
standard, Malaysia has to find a way to differentiate their Halal industries.

4-7-2. Strengths
Malaysia’s strength in Halal industry has two dimensions: documented Malaysian
Halal Standards and trades with both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. Malaysia has
been recognized as the first country to set the government initiated Halal Standard. In
many other Muslim countries, Halal Standards are set by religious organizations
and/or intangible and making it very difficult for industries from non-Muslim countries
to get into the market. To fully utilize such strengths, the study team proposes Kedah
to become a gateway for non-Muslims into Muslim Market both in service and
manufacturing industries.

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Table 5: Malaysia’s Halal Standards
Malaysian Halal Standards
 Quality management system (MS1900)
 Cosmetic and personal care (MS2200 Part1)
 Use of bones, leather and fur (MS2200 Part2)
 Halal Food (MS1500)
 Value-based management system
 Principles of Islam and Halal (MS2393)
 Logistics and storage(MS2400)
 Halal pharmaceuticals (MS2424)
 Muslim friendly hospitality services (MS2610)
 Halal chemicals for use in potable water treatment (MS2594)
(Source: HDC Web site “Halal Standards”)

4-7-3. Halal (Muslim friendly) hospitality training

With its understanding and generosity to Muslim (and/or Arabic) culture and
customs, accessibility to Shariah-compliant facility and foods, ability to communicate
in English, decent infrastructure and safety, Malaysia has been one of the most
favored destinations by Muslim tourists. Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) was established
in 2009 to develop Islamic tourism market and attract more tourists from Muslim
countries. In addition, Malaysia published “Muslim friendly hospitality services
(MS2610)” in 2015.

Table 6: Favored destinations by Muslim tourists

2011 2012 2013 2014
1 Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
2 Turkey Egypt Egypt UAE
3 Egypt Turkey UAE Turkey
4 Morocco Indonesia Turkey Indonesia
5 Indonesia UAE Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
(Source: Crescent Rating “Halal Friendly Holiday Travel destination”)

Langkawi is a popular destination for Middle Eastern tourists. By using these

resources and strength, we propose to establish a training center for Muslim friendly
hospitality. Muslim tourists are now growing rapidly in non-Muslim countries, but
hotel/restaurant services are struggling to meet the demand. Utilizing the MS2610,
Kedah State government, ITC, JAKIM, HDC and other concerning bodies (eg.
Langkawi Tourism Academy or KISMEC) can develop a training manual and provide
training for hotel/restaurant personnel who would like to improve their knowledge and
hospitality skills for Muslim tourists. Since Langkawi is receiving many Muslim tourists,
hotels and restaurants in Langkawi can provide internship opportunities under this
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program. Interns can not only acquire knowledge in the classrooms, but also gain
real-life experience working in hotels/restaurants in Langkawi. Hotels and restaurants
may also join this program to improve their employees’ skills. By collaborating with
JAKIM, ITC, and HDC, the training institute will issue a certificate to the trainees.
For example, Walt Disney World provides “Disney internship programs,” a
paid-internship opportunity to students and personnel who wish to work in hospitality
industries. Disney also provide learning opportunities under Disney College Program
for university students. Through these programs, Disney can hire highly-motivated
interns as their workforce and have opportunities for recruitments, while interns can
get paid, obtain a “certification,” and get credits for their college while working in the
world-class hospitality environment.

Figure 14: Example business structure of Halal Hospitality Training

4-7-4. OEMs from non-Muslim SMEs

There are 22 Halal Industrial Parks nationwide to provide incentives to companies
which produce Halal goods. Kedah Halal Park focuses in small and medium sized
enterprises (SMEs), and provides basic building to reduce the burden, while other
Halal Parks mainly provide only plots of land.
For SMEs in a non-Muslim country such as Japan, it is difficult to obtain Halal
certification because lack of knowledge, information and resources. Another obstacle
they often face is that even if they obtain a local Halal certificate issued in Japan, it is
uncertain whether it can be accepted in other countries. Therefore, the study team
proposes an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) cooperation among between
Malaysian SMEs who has experience and knowledge in Halal and Japanese SMEs
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that are expecting to expand their businesses in Muslim market.
Kedah already has a successful case. Ambang Dorongan has signed an OEM
contract with a Japanese confectionary, Tokachi Seika to produce Halal mochi (rice
cake). Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and others have been working under JICA’s
partnership program called “Hokkaido Food Zone-Food Valley Tokachi: Human
resources Development for the Southeast Asian Food Industry with Support for
Overseas Expansion.” Many Japanese SMEs are now eyeing on the expanding their
businesses in Muslim market and Japan Government is also helping Agro- and
fishery- food industry to export their crop/catch or processed foods under national
priority program called “Regional Revitalization.”

Figure 15: Example business structure of Halal OEM for SMEs

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Chapter 5: Steps Forward

The following steps forward are suggested for the State Government of Kedah to
realize the ideas mentioned in the previous chapters;

Step 1: Examine the Report

The State Government examines the contents of this Report. The Chief Minister
and top executives of the state should bear the responsibility to give judgment on the
evaluation, as the following steps require political leadership and this gives political
feasibility to the planned projects. This report shall be treated as a conceptual idea
proposal, and if Kedah State decide to move it forward, further feasibility study shall
be conducted.

Step 2: Establish PPP unit

The State Government establishes a unit dedicated to PPP projects to elaborate
and implement the recommended ideas. The new unit should be placed under the
Chief Minister and top executives of the state and should have the exclusive authority
to proceed with the PPP related projects, as they require to overcome the existing
regulations and plans authorized by other departments. The unit also should be
composed by full-time staff recruited both from public and private sector as it
obviously increases the possibility of implementation, which is a lesson from our past
studies for other local governments.

Figure 16: Image of PPP unit in the government structure

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Step 3: Develop PPP Action Plan
The PPP unit, under the control of the Chief Minister and top executives of the state,
develops PPP Action Plan by elaborating project ideas. The plan should include 1)
Rationale for PPP concept, 2) Priority project list, 3) implementation schedule and 4)
Finance and budget.

Step 4: Consult with stakeholders

The PPP unit consults the PPP Action Plan with various stakeholders. The
consultation with private sector and local citizens is the key to make projects meet the
market demand. The consultation with the central government is also important as the
consistency with the national plans and budget should be secured. For PPP projects,
the strong collaboration with UKAS would be imperative in its planning and
implementation phases.

Step 5: Implement PPP projects

After the consultation of the PPP Action Plan, the PPP unit implements the priority
projects in collaboration with related stakeholders. As discussed in the previous
sections, collaborating with academia and training centers in terms of high-tech
human resource development is particularly important.

We have described what we have found during our visit to Kedah in February 2016
and the study we have conducted before our departure in this report.

We sincerely hope that Kedah State study and evaluate the contents of this report
to determine if some of our recommended proposals can be considered for
implementation for future economic development of the state. Should Kedah requires
additional support from the Toyo PPP School, we stand by to assist.

We plan to contact several Japanese companies, which are in the industries we

have described in the report to seek their interest in evaluating Kedah for their future
investment in Asia. After such search, we would like to invite Kedah State to Tokyo for
the final presentation and the meetings with Japanese companies.

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Appendix 1: Visited Organizations

The study team visited State Government of Kedah and public agencies, private
sector, academia and training institutions during the field survey in February 2016. We
would like to express our sincere gratitude for those who have spared their precious
time and share their information and knowledge. The followings are the names of
major organizations the team visited and interviewed:

E-Idaman Sdn Bhd

Halal Industry Development Corporation
Immigration, Customs, Quarantine and Security (ICQS) Bukit Kayu Hitam
ICQS Durian Burung
Invest Kedah
Kedah Industrial Skills and Management Development Centre (KISMEC)
Kedah State Development Corporation (PKNK)
Kedah Mango Technology Centre
Kedah Regional Development Authority
Kedah Tourism
Kulim Technology Park Corporation
Langkawi Development Authority (LADA)
Langkawi Tourism Academy
Mardi Agro Technology Park
Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
Malaysia Railways Limited (KTMB)
Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB)
Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA)
Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA)
Panasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (REHDA)
Serba Wangi Sdn Bhd
Tastiway Sdn Bhd
University Utara Malaysia (UUM)

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Appendix 2: Study Team

The study team is headed by Prof. Tabuchi and composed by master’s course
students from various backgrounds from public and private sector. The followings are
name, working organization and comment from each member of the team:

Professor, Toyo University PPP Graduate School
Director, Asia PPP Institute
Vice Chair of the board for UNECE PPP Initiatives

ADACHI Hiroaki
Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
First of all, thank you very much for all support from officials of the state of Kedah.
This visit to Malaysia was for the first time in 10 years and I was so surprised its
economic growth. Today, Malaysia has been tackling the issues on the Middle-income
trap in all sector. I hope our suggestion will be one of triggers that lead Malaysia to be
advanced nation.

AONO Fuminori
Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co.,Ltd.
First of all, I'd like to extend my deep appreciation for your generous hospitality
during our last PPP study visit. Although it wasn't my first time to visit Malaysia, the
infrastructure development in Kedah was very impressive and I was surprised in a
positive way. Surely it would be a good example for us to follow in our future projects
in other south eastern countries. Collaborating with fisheries industry and aiming to
develop an international hub port, I have proposed to effectively develop the existing
marine facilities as the conclusion of my study. We genuinely look forward to further
development and greater success of Kedah.

HAGA Katsuyuki
City Environment Department, Hirosaki City Government, Aomori Prefecture
I studied Rubber City Project and the tourism promotion of Langkawi and found
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“lemons” in the State of Kedah. Palm shell and rice husk are the lemons for Rubber
City. International convention center, private beach and cable cars are the attractive
lemons for the tourism promotion of Langkawi. I hope those lemons will contribute to
the economic growth of Kedah State. I am grateful for your “Omotenashi” or hospitality
during our stay. Thank you very much.

HARA Tsuyoshi
Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
Although this was the very first time to visit Kedah, Malaysia for me, I felt Kedah
State was an attractive place with natural resources. We hope that natural resources
like Natural Rubber can be changed into productive industries which lead state
economy with an appropriate project design using Public Private Partnership method.
I really say many thanks for the support of Keda State during our visit in February

HORI Kohei
Senior Staff of Asia PPP Institute, Toyo University
In the class prior to the mission, I studied that PPP is a useful tool and applicable
to all country and region to promote social and economic development in efficient and
useful manner. In the mission, I learned that PPP is a tool to look at a region deeply,
discuss people on the grounds face to face, and think how to alter the way of thinking
and social attitude which is sometimes an obstacle to accelerate innovation and
further development. It is quite interesting to materialize our suggestions with friends
in Kedah in the near future. I would like to engage upon regional development activity

Operations Strategy Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
I visited Kedah State for the first time and found a lot of potentials for economic
growth. As discussed in this Report, Kedah State can attract the 1.6 billion Muslim
world markets. It also can be the gateway for non-Muslim countries such as Japan as
already shown in the example of Ambang Dorongan and Tokachi Seika. I hope the
State of Kedah will lead the country as a whole toward “beyond 2020,” hopefully by
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realizing some of the concepts recommended in this Report.

Taisei Corporation
Thank you for your local assistance. This was the first time to visit Kedah and
Malaysia. I was impressed that the infrastructure of road and electricity are well
maintained, the nature is rich, the air is clean, the security is well safe. In the new
airport plan, by taking advantage of PPP, we hope to be a business scheme to reduce
the future burden.

MOGI Masaharu
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
It was my first visit to Malaysia. Kedah was exciting more than I expected. I love
the kind-hearted and sincere people of Kedah, I like the beautiful nature, I miss the hot
and healthy food and I respect your religion and culture. These are resources of
innovative Malaysia. I am confident of your being advanced nation in very near future.

Senior Staff, Research Center for PPP at Toyo University
I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders, staffs, and all the interviewees and
presenters in Kedah for taking a generous care of us. I believe being in the central
location in South East Asia, sitting in between the largest Muslim country (Indonesia)
and the largest Buddhism country (Thailand) is a great potential of Malaysia.
Malaysia's modesty and generosity can accommodate tourists and industry from both
Muslim and non-Muslim countries. I also believe having a great rice production and
potential for rubber goods production, a green agricultural value-chain can be created
(such as rice husk to silica and silica to tires). I enjoyed my visit to Kedah, and hope to
come back sometime soon. Terima kasih baik.

Daiwa Lease Co.,Ltd.
The experience gained from the warm support from officials of the State
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Government of Kedah had a big influence on my life. I convey my deepest gratitude
for this. My first presentation abroad in English became my proud. What I would like to
convey in order that Kedah realize more development and growth is, to look ahead to
the future from the viewpoint of the world economy and the history of public policies.
This is a shift from government-oriented development to the creation of growth of
domestic private companies through “the change to PPP.” I would like to introduce an
aphorism given by Otto Bismarck, Germany's former Chancellor; “Fools say they learn
from experience; I prefer to learn from the experience of others.” I always support the
development and success of my dear Kedah state from Japan.

Takahagi City Government, Ibaraki Prefecture
I visited Kedah State for the first time and had an impression that the state has a
potential of future growth. It needs, however, to keep growing not following the same
path in tackling with the challenges of developed countries. I hope that the state
achieves sustainable growth with the concept of PPP including the recommendations
provided in this Report.

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