Malaysia Ked Ah 201605
Malaysia Ked Ah 201605
Malaysia Ked Ah 201605
Toyo University
May 2016
This Report is the result of our study and visit of the Regional Development Support
Program (RDSP) with the PPP applicability for the State of Kedah, Malaysia. Public
Private Partnership, PPP is the concept of bringing private sector efficiency, speed
finance and technological advance to the public sector service and projects. The
public is expected to achieve more ambitious development objectives than traditional
procurements by taking this concept.
The Report includes our analysis of the given assignments: development of rubber
industry, technology parks, transportation (airport), tourism (Langkawi) and agriculture
(rice production) by including private-sector orientation for economic growth.
Realizing those ideas are not an easy task. It requires political leadership, strong
institutions and the participation of broad stakeholders including citizens. This is a
lesson taken from our past study experience in several local governments in Japan
and other Asian Countries. We hope that the ideas mentioned in this Report will be
examined for their implementation at the various levels of the State of Kedah.
Throughout this study, we tried to show a part of our ideas to follow “Vision 2020”
launched more than two decades ago by the former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin
Mohamad, who is also Honorary Advisor of Asia PPP Institute at Toyo University.
We intended to show “beyond 2020” concepts for Malaysia and Kedah for their
future economic development planning. We tried to build a base of the next 30-year
vision of Malaysia; such thinking as how Malaysia can become a true advanced nation
from current mid-income nation and how Malaysia can take advantage of its position
in Islamic world. We tried to come up with a partial answer to this subject in the report.
We strongly hope that the limited proposals we have listed in the report can be
considered by Kedah State for the future economic growth of the State and Malaysia
by continuing its attempt to grow, which could be a part of their Wawasan 2050 for the
Sam Tabuchi
Director, Asia PPP Institute
Professor, PPP Graduate School
Toyo University
Director of Asia PPP Institute (APPPI), Professor Tabuchi has attended the Kedah
Investment Seminar held in Tokyo in 2014 with the invitation of Tun Dr. Mahathir of
Malaysia who is an Honorary Advisor of APPPI of Toyo University in Japan. At the
seminar, Dato’ Dr. Ku Abd. Rahman Ku Ismail of Kedah State invited Prof. Tabuchi to
visit his state, which he did in the fall of 2014. At that time, Prof. Tabuchi met with the
former Chief Minister Mukhiriz bin Mahathir of the State of Kedah. Dr. Ku Rahman and
Prof. Tabuchi continued their communication, which lead to conducting the Regional
Development Support Program of Toyo University in Kedah in 2016.
The officials from the State Government, headed by Dato’ Dr. Ku Abd. Rahman Ku
Ismail received Toyo PPP study team in February 2016 and provided all the
necessary arrangements during the field survey. Without their dedicated support, this
Report could not have been produced.
The study team was accompanied by Professor Khairuddin Abdul Rashid from
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design at IIUM - International Islamic
University Malaysia (Toyo University has a collaborative relationship). His inputs and
guidance, from the viewpoint of an expert who is familiar with both the concept of PPP
and the local context of Kedah State, were valuable for the team in formulating
specific recommendations.
During the study mission to Kedah State, we have met with representatives of
Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and Industry and JICA Office in Obihiro, Hokkaido.
We found that Kedah State and Obihiro have a close business relation and some
Obihiro companies are already considering advancing to Kedah to manufacture and
distribute Obihiro product with the Halal approval. Obihiro is out of scope of our study
but we plan to coordinate our effort with the Obihiro group in the future such as
sending our report and invite the representatives from Obihiro when we make the final
presentation and business match up with Japanese firms.
We finally would like to convey our gratitude to all the people of the State of Kedah
whom we met during the field survey. The team was supported by various
stakeholders from public and private sectors, as well as academia and local citizens.
The biggest reason why we believe in the potential of Kedah’s growth is this point:
their willingness to advance.
Table of Contents
Foreword ..................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................... ii
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ vi
Executive Summary ................................................................................................ vii
Table of Tables
Table of Figures
Executive Summary
Based on the above-mentioned overall concepts, each industrial sector has a
potential of further private-sector-oriented growth;
1) High value-added agro-products by collaborating with other industries should be
produced, while Japonica rice production may tap the wealthy consumer’s demand.
2) In the planned Rubber City Project, more economic benefit can be reaped with the
launch of co-generation system (agro-value chain) and collaboration with green car
3) The planned Kedah Science and Technology Park (KSTP) needs more investment
in marketing, partnering, high-tech education and knowledge accumulation.
4) Kulim International Airport (KXP) is recommended to be reviewed from the
viewpoint of political feasibility. Train and bus network needs to be improved, while
a sea port facility can be considered from the context of regional collaboration.
5) The concept of MICE should be introduced to tap the huge potential of Kedah’s
service industry. Muslim-market-oriented “Halal MICE” concept can transform the
tourism sector of Langkawi Island.
6) Halal industry can bring more economic benefit by providing an international
hospitality training institution and by bridging the local halal industry and
non-Muslim countries’ potential business partners/investors, particularly small and
medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Chapter 1: Introduction
1-1. Background
The State of Kedah has been followed the path of economic growth by mobilizing
private sector and aims to achieve higher development objectives in the coming
decades. In this context, the state requested Toyo University to conduct a survey on
the possibility of applying the concept of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for its
further development. The University has a series of experience of studying the PPP
applicability in local governments in Japan and other Asian countries.
Following the pre-visit by Prof. Sam Tabuchi and Prof. Khairuddin of IIUM in
November 2014, Toyo University’s study team composed of twelve researchers and
graduate students from both public and private backgrounds visited the state from
February 14th to the 19th, 2016. The team reviewed key local reports, participated in
seminars presented by Kedah state and related agencies, visited the sites of
economic development projects and interviewed local stakeholders from both public
and private sectors as shown in Appendix 1.
This Final Report is the result of the team’s study. They tried to figure out the
challenges and opportunities of the state and to provide recommendations for further
economic development by applying the concept of PPP.
Chapter 2: PPP trends in Malaysia
Chapter 3: Present Situation of Kedah State
Table 1: Result of SWOT Analysis for Kedah
Strengths Weaknesses
・ Labor force (relatively low cost, ・Low agriculture income
gentle/warm and English speaking) ・Low number of upper-end high-tech human
・Good infrastructure (hard and soft) resource
・Moderate Muslim country ・Weak business marketing/PR
・Stable politics and good security ・Government’s price control for specific items
・Strong government support ・Low business-oriented mindset(may lead to
・Strict environmental regulation too much reliance on government support)
Opportunities Threats
・ Malaysian Halal standards globally ・Competition with other states and countries
accepted ・ Regional trade agreements (impact on
・1.6 billion Muslim world market agriculture state)
・Located in the center of the ASEAN (Next
to Thai market)
The State has various strengths in attracting private sector within and outside the
country. The cost of trained and English-speaking labor force is relatively low
compared to other states of the country. The infrastructure such as electricity, water
and transport is well developed, as well as soft infrastructure such as law, regulation
and financial environment. The central and local governments are strong and stable,
both politically and economically. Being a moderate Muslim country must be another
strength, as it can be a bridge between the conservative Muslim countries (i.e. Middle
Eastern countries) and non-Muslim countries (i.e. Japan and Korea).
The State, on the other hand, has several weaknesses. While the State is
transforming its industrial structure into the high-technology-oriented one, the
development of upper-end high-tech human resources may be a long-term challenge.
The more effort for marketing and PR of its products and services is also required.
Some local (and Halal) products and public facilities such as convention centers,
which we observed their economic potential during the field survey, have not been
fully delivered to or not be well-known in the national or international markets. The
national government’s price control on several basic commodities such as gasoline or
major crops may be another obstacle for private sector to fully perform their business
Several external factors are listed up as opportunities for the State’s development.
The country’s Halal standard is given by national government institution, different from
other countries’ cases where such standards are given by religious groups or
organizations, and is globally recognized and accepted. The global Muslim population
has been rapidly increasing in the past decades, currently reaches around 1.6 billion,
and is expected to further expand. This is a huge opportunity for the State, not only for
the sake of its local Halal industry, but also as the gateway for the foreign non-Muslim
enterprises that is interested in this market. The geographic location of being the
center of the ASEAN market is of course another big opportunity for the State.
Some threats for the State are also observed. Other states in Malaysia and other
Asian countries also have an objective of economic development by utilizing the
technology and fund from private sector with similar economic and investment policies.
This competition environment will be tougher by the trade agreement recently
introduced in the trans-Pacific region. Kedah State needs to take policies and
measures to go beyond those rival states and countries.
Chapter 4: Recommendations
Figure 1: Muslim Population in the World
- 10 -
Figure 2: The management of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)
- 11 -
4-2. Agriculture
AverageYield of Paddy
in Southeast Asia country(2013-2014)
[Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan]
t/ha 5 2.84
- 13 -
4-3. Rubber Industry (Rubber City Project)
Figure 5: Natural Rubber production in Malaysia and all over the world
10,000 10,234 10,680
8,857 9,026 9,454
1,072 857 939 996 923 826
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Since Malaysia has reduced amount of natural rubber production, the country’s
competitiveness in export weakened, and it led to high fluctuation of export price. It is
obvious that the change of export price of natural rubber produced in Malaysia
(RM/Metric Tons) was highly fluctuated from 2007 to 2013 as shown in Figure 6.
- 14 -
Figure 6: Change of Export Price of Natural Rubber produced in Malaysia
14,040 60
11,000 10,197
10,131 20
10,000 10
9,000 8,295 0
8,000 7,205 -10
7,000 6,393 -20
6,000 -30
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
On the other front, production of rubber products in Malaysia has increased year by
year and fluctuation on export price of rubber products is more gradual than the one of
natural rubber. For example, the production amount of rubber gloves has increased
and export price of rubber gloves have fluctuated gradually as shown in Figure 7.
34,628 20
32,000 30,893 31,326
30,000 10
24,000 23,133
21,119 -5
20,000 -10
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
(Left) Production (million pairs) (Right) Annual Price Change Ratio (%)
- 16 -
Figure 8: Project Timeline of Rubber City Project
- 18 -
Price of Feed-in-Tariff in Malaysia is 0.45 MR/KWh (approx. 13.5 Japanese Yen /
KWh) so that power producer has potential to take in 266.85 RM in revenue from a
metric ton rice husk. Rice husk accounts for 20% of the weight of paddy; annual
power generation amount therefor will be approx. 109.5GWh (924, 000 metric tons x
20% x 593KWh) and lead to revenue of 49,310 Thousand RM (approx. 1,479 million
Japanese Yen).
In addition, KURIMOTO LTD developed high technology to prepare high-purity
amorphous Silica (SiO2) originated from rice husks. Therefore, 150kg of rice husk
ashes produced by 1 metric ton rice husk can be sold with approx. 0.16RM(approx. 5
Japanese Yen ) per kg at lowest. Furthermore, there is a possibility to install
co-generation system and provide not only power but also heat produced to
manufactures in Rubber City and coconut husk and palm shell can be utilized for
power generation as well.
It is highly recommend examining details of above by Japanese companies and
Malaysian companies and to formulate project scheme like as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Expected Project Scheme for Co-generation system with biomass method
- 19 -
4-4. Science and Technology Park (Kedah Science Technology Park)
As shown in Figure 10, Japan’s TFP growth is not so high relatively. China is
lowering her growth rate after 2010 rapidly. Malaysia keeps good position and seems
to have room for growth.
China is the second largest economy but yet remains a developing country and is
struggling to avoid the dreaded middle income trap. According to Chinese communist
party’s 13th Five-Year Plan proposal (as of Oct. 2015), China would accelerate supply
side reforming, typical ones are innovation and resource allocation policies such as
entrust resource allocation to private sectors, empower and simplify the government
organization, grow emerging fields, increase productivity to sustain economy growth,
- 20 -
prevent resource bubble, create new industry, enhance technology and derived
business, etc.
Malaysia also needs to employ its original supply side policies or reformation, so
she has introduced concepts and plans of accelerating innovation and transforming to
knowledge based ecosystem, in the vision2020. To accomplish this, as in the case of
China, it would be one of the major considerations to reallocate resources or shift the
center of gravity of investment from hardware (constructions) to software
It is recognized that the performance of high-tech parks is playing a key role in the
economic growth.
In the view of above mentioned change and the context of knowledge based
ecosystem, it is obvious that Kedah Science Technology Park: KSTP should be
oriented, further than the conventional high-tech parks, to science and technology. It
should be aimed at being from labor-intensive business to R&D-intensive business.
However, as above mentioned, China and other ASEAN countries are employing very
similar concept as Malaysia. How should KSTP be competitive? How should the
concept be implemented?
There is an interesting study done by Nazim Baluch et al. [2015] regarding
improving the high-tech park. They evaluated high-tech parks in Singapore, Indonesia
and Malaysia holistically by using the Global Competitiveness Index: GCI. As shown
in Table 3, they valuated Bandung High Tech Valley in Indonesia as not convincing
- 21 -
because of its weak infrastructure marketing. In the case of Malaysia, it is noted that
she has accomplished the Global 18th position in the GCI. Technology Park Malaysia
and Cyberjaya Technology Park may contribute to the economic growth, but they say,
management of the parks is not competent comparing to the best practice in
Singapore. In the case of Cyberjaya they pointed out that the architectural form and
the land use is not performing originally planned knowledge base city. The tenants are
not involved in R&D but in support service and call center functions.
SINGAPOR: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE”. Ki,a; Junal Teknoloi (Siences & Engineering) 77:27, 41-50.
KSTP site:
- 22 -
As in charge of the KSTP group, it is noted that the Global Research Center: GRC
concept is impressive and interesting. It is explicit that GRC undertakes the role of
holistic and global R&D management in KSTP. As it is mentioned above, professional
management of high-tech park is significantly important for successful high-tech park.
The feature, advantage and benefit of KSTP with GRC are shown below.
The concept of GRC is getting definite but not yet embodied. GRC could be the
lemon, defined by Toyo University. Then how KSTP and GRC should be competitive?
- 23 -
Pittsburgh the Steel town Transforming to Medical city
4-4-5. Proposals
It is recommended to transform KSTP as a kind of special innovation zone. Three
specific proposals for the transformation are described below.
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4-5. Transportation
Penang port ●
(cargo) Kulim
● Hi-Tech
Pinang Park
Penang Kedah
[Case studies]
(1) Haneda Airport International Terminal
International area is divided into three districts, the development of all districts have
been carried out by the PFI respectively.
1) Passenger Terminal Project(Financially independent)
2) Cargo Terminal Project(Financially independent)
3) Apron Project(Availability Payment)
- 29 -
4-6 Tourism/MICE
4-6-1. Overview
Niche MICE may be a key to success for further development in tourism and
hospitality sector in Langkawi and Kedah state. To achieve the goal of Wawasan 2020
and become the resort island among the world’s top ten islands, more emphasis on
the existing value such as echo-destination and nature and continuous effort to create
unique strength different from others are required.
The study team’s suggestion is to harmonize uniqueness of Langkawi with the
concept of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions), which is “Halal
MICE.” There is no specified MICE destination for Muslims in the world yet. In the
USA, 2 largest tourism destinations are Orlando, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada with
2 largest convention centers in the USA. Their tourism organizations are called
Convention and Visitor Bureau both in Orlando and Las Vegas. Can Langkawi be a
MICE location for Muslims around the world?
Langkawi can develop an Islamic/Muslim MICE center by developing all Halal and
all Islamic teaching destination for the Muslims around the world, which counts over
1.6 billion and is expected to further increase in the coming decades. Langkawi has a
convention center by the airport, which has not been utilized since its construction.
Kedah and Malaysia can utilize its knowledge and experience as a moderate Muslim
country in building Halal MICE center at Langkawi.
- 33 -
4-7. Halal Industry
4-7-2. Strengths
Malaysia’s strength in Halal industry has two dimensions: documented Malaysian
Halal Standards and trades with both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. Malaysia has
been recognized as the first country to set the government initiated Halal Standard. In
many other Muslim countries, Halal Standards are set by religious organizations
and/or intangible and making it very difficult for industries from non-Muslim countries
to get into the market. To fully utilize such strengths, the study team proposes Kedah
to become a gateway for non-Muslims into Muslim Market both in service and
manufacturing industries.
- 34 -
Table 5: Malaysia’s Halal Standards
Malaysian Halal Standards
Quality management system (MS1900)
Cosmetic and personal care (MS2200 Part1)
Use of bones, leather and fur (MS2200 Part2)
Halal Food (MS1500)
Value-based management system
Principles of Islam and Halal (MS2393)
Logistics and storage(MS2400)
Halal pharmaceuticals (MS2424)
Muslim friendly hospitality services (MS2610)
Halal chemicals for use in potable water treatment (MS2594)
(Source: HDC Web site “Halal Standards”)
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Chapter 5: Steps Forward
The following steps forward are suggested for the State Government of Kedah to
realize the ideas mentioned in the previous chapters;
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Step 3: Develop PPP Action Plan
The PPP unit, under the control of the Chief Minister and top executives of the state,
develops PPP Action Plan by elaborating project ideas. The plan should include 1)
Rationale for PPP concept, 2) Priority project list, 3) implementation schedule and 4)
Finance and budget.
We have described what we have found during our visit to Kedah in February 2016
and the study we have conducted before our departure in this report.
We sincerely hope that Kedah State study and evaluate the contents of this report
to determine if some of our recommended proposals can be considered for
implementation for future economic development of the state. Should Kedah requires
additional support from the Toyo PPP School, we stand by to assist.
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Appendix 1: Visited Organizations
The study team visited State Government of Kedah and public agencies, private
sector, academia and training institutions during the field survey in February 2016. We
would like to express our sincere gratitude for those who have spared their precious
time and share their information and knowledge. The followings are the names of
major organizations the team visited and interviewed:
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Appendix 2: Study Team
The study team is headed by Prof. Tabuchi and composed by master’s course
students from various backgrounds from public and private sector. The followings are
name, working organization and comment from each member of the team:
Professor, Toyo University PPP Graduate School
Director, Asia PPP Institute
Vice Chair of the board for UNECE PPP Initiatives
ADACHI Hiroaki
Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
First of all, thank you very much for all support from officials of the state of Kedah.
This visit to Malaysia was for the first time in 10 years and I was so surprised its
economic growth. Today, Malaysia has been tackling the issues on the Middle-income
trap in all sector. I hope our suggestion will be one of triggers that lead Malaysia to be
advanced nation.
AONO Fuminori
Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co.,Ltd.
First of all, I'd like to extend my deep appreciation for your generous hospitality
during our last PPP study visit. Although it wasn't my first time to visit Malaysia, the
infrastructure development in Kedah was very impressive and I was surprised in a
positive way. Surely it would be a good example for us to follow in our future projects
in other south eastern countries. Collaborating with fisheries industry and aiming to
develop an international hub port, I have proposed to effectively develop the existing
marine facilities as the conclusion of my study. We genuinely look forward to further
development and greater success of Kedah.
HAGA Katsuyuki
City Environment Department, Hirosaki City Government, Aomori Prefecture
I studied Rubber City Project and the tourism promotion of Langkawi and found
- 41 -
“lemons” in the State of Kedah. Palm shell and rice husk are the lemons for Rubber
City. International convention center, private beach and cable cars are the attractive
lemons for the tourism promotion of Langkawi. I hope those lemons will contribute to
the economic growth of Kedah State. I am grateful for your “Omotenashi” or hospitality
during our stay. Thank you very much.
HARA Tsuyoshi
Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
Although this was the very first time to visit Kedah, Malaysia for me, I felt Kedah
State was an attractive place with natural resources. We hope that natural resources
like Natural Rubber can be changed into productive industries which lead state
economy with an appropriate project design using Public Private Partnership method.
I really say many thanks for the support of Keda State during our visit in February
HORI Kohei
Senior Staff of Asia PPP Institute, Toyo University
In the class prior to the mission, I studied that PPP is a useful tool and applicable
to all country and region to promote social and economic development in efficient and
useful manner. In the mission, I learned that PPP is a tool to look at a region deeply,
discuss people on the grounds face to face, and think how to alter the way of thinking
and social attitude which is sometimes an obstacle to accelerate innovation and
further development. It is quite interesting to materialize our suggestions with friends
in Kedah in the near future. I would like to engage upon regional development activity
Operations Strategy Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
I visited Kedah State for the first time and found a lot of potentials for economic
growth. As discussed in this Report, Kedah State can attract the 1.6 billion Muslim
world markets. It also can be the gateway for non-Muslim countries such as Japan as
already shown in the example of Ambang Dorongan and Tokachi Seika. I hope the
State of Kedah will lead the country as a whole toward “beyond 2020,” hopefully by
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realizing some of the concepts recommended in this Report.
Taisei Corporation
Thank you for your local assistance. This was the first time to visit Kedah and
Malaysia. I was impressed that the infrastructure of road and electricity are well
maintained, the nature is rich, the air is clean, the security is well safe. In the new
airport plan, by taking advantage of PPP, we hope to be a business scheme to reduce
the future burden.
MOGI Masaharu
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
It was my first visit to Malaysia. Kedah was exciting more than I expected. I love
the kind-hearted and sincere people of Kedah, I like the beautiful nature, I miss the hot
and healthy food and I respect your religion and culture. These are resources of
innovative Malaysia. I am confident of your being advanced nation in very near future.
Senior Staff, Research Center for PPP at Toyo University
I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders, staffs, and all the interviewees and
presenters in Kedah for taking a generous care of us. I believe being in the central
location in South East Asia, sitting in between the largest Muslim country (Indonesia)
and the largest Buddhism country (Thailand) is a great potential of Malaysia.
Malaysia's modesty and generosity can accommodate tourists and industry from both
Muslim and non-Muslim countries. I also believe having a great rice production and
potential for rubber goods production, a green agricultural value-chain can be created
(such as rice husk to silica and silica to tires). I enjoyed my visit to Kedah, and hope to
come back sometime soon. Terima kasih baik.
Daiwa Lease Co.,Ltd.
The experience gained from the warm support from officials of the State
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Government of Kedah had a big influence on my life. I convey my deepest gratitude
for this. My first presentation abroad in English became my proud. What I would like to
convey in order that Kedah realize more development and growth is, to look ahead to
the future from the viewpoint of the world economy and the history of public policies.
This is a shift from government-oriented development to the creation of growth of
domestic private companies through “the change to PPP.” I would like to introduce an
aphorism given by Otto Bismarck, Germany's former Chancellor; “Fools say they learn
from experience; I prefer to learn from the experience of others.” I always support the
development and success of my dear Kedah state from Japan.
Takahagi City Government, Ibaraki Prefecture
I visited Kedah State for the first time and had an impression that the state has a
potential of future growth. It needs, however, to keep growing not following the same
path in tackling with the challenges of developed countries. I hope that the state
achieves sustainable growth with the concept of PPP including the recommendations
provided in this Report.
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