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Study Plan in China

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Study plan in China

My name is Jelena Vujičić, my Chinese name is Wu Yali. I graduated from

a general Grammar school, and as long as I can rememer !I had a "assion for
languages. #$er since I realised that languages are my strong side and that I am
ale to learn and emrace language systems easily, I dedicated a ig amount of
my time to learning #nglish, German and no% Chinese. I lo$e tal&ing to "eo"le all
around the %orld, and it really is a good feeling %hen I am the one %ho can
estalish a relationshi" not only et%een me and another h uman eing from the
other side of the "lanet, ut a relationshi" et%een countries, cultures and haits.

'ince I($e started learning Chinese,I am "roud to say that I($e een ale to co"e u"
%ith any tas& that I ha$e encountered during this school year. My "assion for
learning Chinese enaled me to achie$e e)cellent results and in academic year
*+*-*+. While in China, I "lan on e)"anding my $ocaulary, learning as much
Chinese characters as "ossile, getting to &no% more aout China(s literature and
history, and eing ale to start to tal& /uently and emrace e$ery0day0tal&

1irst of all, in China I %ill ha$e the chance to study %ith international students2
meet di3erent "eo"le %hich immediately means that I %ill e)"and my &no%ledge of 
other cultures. I ho"e those relationshi"s may lead to future coo"eration ecause I
am sure that my "eers %ill e the most gifted students. I thin& I should e hard
%or&ing and %ill try as much as I can to %or& as a team %ith other "eo"le in my

 If a%arded this scholarshi", I "lan to ta&e the follo%ing ste"s.

4uring my studying in China, I "lan to ma)imi5e my Chinese e)"erience y ta&ing
classes in Chinese language, grammar and Chinese characters. I %ould also li&e to
ta&e se$eral classes in Chinese literature, ecause I 6nd it $ery interesting and a lot
di3erent than that of any other language I7m familiar %ith.

 8he scholarshi" %ill fund my education to study Chinese language at a Chinese

uni$ersity for one year. 8he three uni$ersities I ha$e chosen are 8ianjin 9ni$ersity,
:i7an International and ;an&ai 9ni$ersity. I elie$e that all of these, regardless of
%hich one I %ill go to, %ould de6nitely li$e u" to my e)"ectations, since these
uni$ersities ha$e good teaching methods, facilities and long histories in teaching

I herey must say that I feel $ery lessed and honoured to e one of those rare
students %ho get such a tremendous o""ortunity li&e this. In order to "ro$e just
ho% much I a""reciate it, I %ill gi$e ++< of myself and do the est I can, and
ho"efully return to my country %ith a etter, im"ro$ed Chinese s"ea&ing, reading

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