Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

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Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers

ME 436
Fall 2007

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Abdelmessih

Team Leader: Joel Parker

Team Members: S. Cummings, M. Jorgenson
Table of Contents:

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Design Report

The Problem Statement. ......................................................3

Acknowledgements .............................................................3

Background and Scop e...................................................... ..4

Preliminary Design............................ ..................................5

Preliminary Calculations for the Heat Exchanger................. ..6

Final Design................................................ .......................7

The Apparatus................................ ...............................8 -12

Flow Chart and Description .......................................... 13-14

Revised Calculations for the Heat Exchanger............. .........15

Results of the Test Run ....................... ..............................16

Final Calculations f or the Heat Exchanger...........................17

Discussion................................................................ ........18

Concluding Remarks................................................... ......19


Nomenclature................................................................... 21

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 2


A-1) Budget......................................................................22

A-2) Laboratory Manual Sample .................................. ...23-29

A-3) Contribution of Team Membe rs...................................30

A-4) Experimental Data ................................................. ....31

A-5) Calculations by Hand............................................ 32-37

Preliminary............................................... ...........32-34

Revised............................................................. ......35


Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 3

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Design Report :

The Problem Statement :

The thermal design of heat exchangers class received the

challenge of designing and building a second heat exchanger

apparatus for the thermal engineering laboratory. The heat

exchanger apparatus currently in the thermal engineering laboratory

is the 1 -4 * shell and tube heat exchanger designed and built in

spring semester of 2002. The heat exchanger designed and built by

the thermal design of heat exchangers class will give future

mechanical engineering students an opportunity to work with a

helical coil in a hands-on manner. In testing this apparatus, future

students will be able to use their data to calculate Nusselt number,

heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops for a helical coil.


The Design Team would like to thank the f ollowing people for

their assistance in the completion of this project . First, we would

like to thank the school for funding this design project. W e would

like to extend a thank you to Ms. Hopie Lopez for her assistanc e

with processing paperwork. W e must also thank Otto Jorgenson, as

he has agreed to help make the plaque that we will proudly display

on the apparatus; it is a donation from Jorgenson Manufacturing in

1-4 means 1 shell with 4 tube passes

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 4

Background & Scope :

Up until now, the students in heat transfer classes offered at

Saint Martin’s University would not have been motivated to study

helical coils and their related equations and correlations. Now

however, they will not only be motivated to study these things, but

there exists a means by which to apply them practically in a

laboratory setting. By testing our apparatus, they will gain

knowledge and experience that may benefit them in their careers.

As a term project, a finned helical coil was presented to the

team. The team was instructed to design a laboratory appar atus

featuring the helical coil. Then it was built, tested and an

experiment was created based on it. One of the main concerns for

this experiment was safety based on the maturity levels of the

students who will be testing the apparatus in future years . The

goals of the experiment are as follows ; students should be able to

calculate Nusselt number, calculate the heat transfer coefficient,

calculate the friction factor, and calculate the pressure drop for the

helical coil.

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 5

Preliminary Design:

The original design for the apparatus involved the use of PVC

tubing because it is light, inexpensive, resistant to corrosion and

fouling, and easy to maintain. However, it was difficult to f ind

fittings compatible with the thermocouples and the selected

industrial gauges.

The helical coil is housed in a five -gallon plastic bucket. The

thermal characteristics of the plastic were considered as hot water

is being used. The risks of deformations over time from loading on

the lid of the bucket due to the weight of the helical coil were also


The choice was made to work with single -phase conditions for

the heat exchanger apparatus. W ater was chosen as the working

fluid for both the hot side and the cold side for safety reasons. It is

a very safe fluid to work with. Touching it does not cause chemical

burns although hot water can cause serious scalds and burns if

caution is not taken to avoid contact. It will not stain clothing, nor

will it destroy the actual fabric. It is not likely to cause illne ss if

ingested and it is not harmful if the vapor is inhaled.

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 6

Preliminary Calculations for the Heat Exchanger:

In this section , a summary of the calculations performed to

size components needed to build the heat exchanger is presented .

For further information, please refer to the Calculations section in

the appendices (A-5).

Table 1: Summary of Preliminary Calculations

Parameter Amount Units

Mass Flow Rate 2732.4 lb/hr
Mean Velocity 32346.8 ft/hr
Reynolds Number 53074
Prandtl Number 4.308
Dean Number 21667.4
Radius of Curvature 6.0
Nusselt Number
Straight 276.94
Coil 475.09
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Straight 2429.25 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Coil 4167.38 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Friction Factor
Straight 0.005169
Coil 0.02038
Pressure Drop 3.407 PSI

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 7

Final Design:

W e mounted the apparatus on a utility cart for the purpose of

mobility and ease of storage. For the final design copper tubing and

brass fittings were chosen. W e housed the helical coil in a five -

gallon plastic bucket . Furthermore, we took into consideration the

thermal characteristics of the plastic considering we are using hot

water. W e also considered t he risks of deformations over time from

loading on the lid of the bucket due to the weight of the helical coil.

For thermal data acquisition, we received two two -channeled Fluke

meters. They process the electrical differential of the type -K

thermocouples and display a temperature reading .

Figure 1: The Complete Apparatus in its Final State

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The Apparatus:

The following is a piecewise breakdown of the other main

components that went into construct ion of the heat exchanger

apparatus. The prices are noted where applicable. For further

information on the budget please refer to appendix A -1.

The Helical Coil

This is the main component in our apparatus. The helical coil

is the focus of the heat exchanger; our apparatus will be unique in

this aspect.

Figure 2: The Helical Coil Figure 3: CAD drawing of the Helical

Coil with Dimensions

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The Hot W ater Heater:

The hot water heater is a 3.85 gallon 110 VAC water heater.

The hot water heater has a recovery rate of seven gallons per hour.

It has a maximum pressure of 150 PSI and a temperature range of

65-145˚F. It was purchased at Home Depot for $182.30.

Figure 4: The Hot W ater Heater

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 10

The Pump:

The pump is a one-half horsepower 110 VAC centrifugal pump

made by Chicago Electric Power tools. It was purchased at Harbor

Freight for $32. It is oversized for the design but due to budget

constraints, options were limited. It has a maximum flow rate of 330

Gallons per hour and 115 feet of lift.

Figure 5: The Pump

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 11

The Volumetric Flow Me ters:

The volumetric flow meters are from Cole -Palmer. One is a

fifty-five to three hundred gallon per hour flow meter (figure 5a) for

use with the cooling water and it cost $72. The other is a zero to

sixty gallon per hour flow meter (figure 5b) for the hot water and it

cost $110. Each Volumetric flow meter has a metering valve built

into it. The volumetric flow meters were chosen based on initial flow

calculations for each individual flow source.

Figures 6a (left) and 6b (right): Volumetric Flow Meters

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 12

Pressure Gauges

The Differential Pressure Gauge:

The differential pressure gauge (figure 7a) is also from Cole -

Palmer, although it is an Ashcroft product. It cost $100. It has a

zero to fifteen pound per square inch differential chosen base d on

early calculations. After running the experiment, it was discovered

that the differential was too large. W ith a calculated pressure drop

of 0.18 PSI a smaller differential gauge would work better.

The Standard Pressure Gauges:

These were procured at Grainger for $86.40 for the set of two.

They are the solution to the initial option not functioning properly.

Figure 7a: The Differential Pressure Gauge

Figure 7b: The Set of Two Standard Pressure Gauges

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 13

Flow Chart and Description:

Figure 8: Flow Chart for the Final Design

The figure above shows the flow paths of the hot water and

coolant, which are the working fluids for the heat exchanger

apparatus. The coolant, which is ordinary tap water, flows from the

tap through a volumetric flow meter an d then into the heat

exchanger that houses the coil. The water entering the system

splits off into two flows, one to the hot water tank and one to the

volumetric flow meter. The cold water enters the exchanger shell

and discharges out the bottom of the e xchanger to a drain. The hot

water runs directly through the helical coil into the reservoir, at the

reservoir where it drains to the pump. The flow splits again to the

reservoir and back to the water tank when valve 2 is closed creating

a closed circuit. The configuration dependent flow s hown in green

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 14

in the above figure is dependent on whether valve 2 is open or

closed. W hen valve 2 is open, it allows cold tap water to enter the

hot water tank. W hen valve 2 is closed, it creates a closed circuit

recycling the hot water that is pumping though the system.

Table 2: Valves

Valve 1 Master Drain Valve

Valve 2 Source Inlet to Hot Water Tank
Valve 3 Pump Outlet
Valve 4 Reservoir Overflow Valve

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Revised Calculations for the Heat Exchan ger:

In the table below is a summation of the results of calculating

with improved measurements. These measurements were taken to

aid in making the CAD drawing of the helical coil. The orange fill in

the table below shows what parameters changed. For further

information, please refer to the Calculations section in the

appendices (A-5).

Table 3: Summary of Revised Calculations

Parameter Amount Units

Mass Flow Rate 2732.4 lb/hr
Mean Velocity 32346.8 ft/hr
Reynolds Number 53074
Prandtl Number 4.308
Dean Number 18882.9
Radius of Curvature 7.9
Nusselt Number
Straight 276.94
Coil 457.48
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Straight 2429.25 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Coil 4012.90 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Friction Factor
Straight 0.005169
Coil 0.02038
Pressure Drop 3.59 PSI

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Results of the Test Run:

A test run was completed on the apparatus. Once all of the

components were in place, the system was checked thoroughly for

leaks. After fixing the leaks, the apparatus was prepared for testing.

The test run commenced with the apparatus being tested under

laboratory conditions. Data was recorded every five minutes until

the apparatus reached steady state. The hot temperatures fell as

expected; the cold temperatures seemed to be more unpredictable

in one instance rising six degrees in five minutes and then on the

next reading falling three degrees. The apparatus took 150 minutes

to reach steady state, which can vary based on operating conditions.

Readings were taken until the three -hour mark; however, t he data

became inconsistent, so a steady state set was determined based

on proximity of the readings. The raw data is included in the

appendices for reference (A -4). Full n umerical results are

presented in the appendices (A -5) and a summation is given in the

section below. The apparatus is in working order and ready for use

in the laboratory with a few small exceptions (see discussion).

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Final Calculations f or the Heat Exchanger:

In the tables below, we present our initial conditions and a

summation of calculations . W e computed these calculations after

testing the apparatus u nder laboratory conditions.

Table 4: Initial Conditions

T-hot in T-hot out T-cold in T-cold out (dV/dt)hw (dV/dt)cw P-drop

93.0 84.0 55.5 61.5 58 52 DNF

Table 5: Summary of Final Calculations

Parameter Amount Units

Mass Flow Rate 481.77 lb/hr
Mean Velocity 5685.5 ft/hr
Reynolds Number 7908
Prandtl Number 5.2
Dean Number 2814
Radius of Curvature 7.9
Nusselt Number
Straight 182.6
Coil 292.5
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Straight 1569 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Coil 2153.00 BTU/hr*sq. ft.*F
Friction Factor
Straight 0.008414
Coil 0.03286
Pressure Drop 0.18 PSI

Did Not Function

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 18


These problems were encountered during the course of

working on the design. A reservoir bucket cracked during the

building process and a replacement was purchased . The apparatus

sprung a couple of leaks during the first and second trials. The hot

water heater had to be repositioned , as it would not function

properly in the previo us position.

After testing the apparatus, some possible modifications to the

system are suggested. One such suggestion is to procure a b etter

pressure gauge that fits our final design , one that can detect a

pressure drop of 0.18 PSI. This problem was so lved by using two

standard pressure gauges one for the inlet and one for the outlet.

Another suggestion is at some point replacing the probe

thermometer with a thermocouple to obtain the cold entrance

temperature more accurately. The thermocouple has bee n procured

and has been mounted and functioned properly .

The calculations went through multiple runs, as new

information was discovered that changed what the results calculated

previously. A majority of the needed information for the calculations

was found in textbooks for previous courses or curre nt courses.

The Konakov correlation for friction factor for the helical tube was

found in volume two of the Heat Exchanger Design Handbook.

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 19

Concluding Remarks:

The future students will benef it from the hand s-on study of the

helical coil heat exchanger apparatus. This apparatus will be a

valuable addition to the thermal engineering laboratory for years to


Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 20


Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, 2002 Ed. Volume

2 Section 5 Equation 42

Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design, Kakac &

Liu 2 n d Ed. Pgs 95 and 119

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, Munson et . al. 5 t h Ed. Appendix

B Table 1

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera, DeW it t,

Bergman & Lavine, 6 t h Ed. Page 949,Table A.6 and Conversion

Factors, End pages

Thermal Engineering Laboratory Manual, Abdelmessih, 6 t h Ed. Heat

Exchanger, Chapter 17, Pages 58 -63

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Boles and Cengel, 5 t h

Ed. Page 938 Table A-3E

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 21

Roman Symbols:
D= Coil diameter, inches
d= Tube diameter, inches
(dV/dt)cw=Cold W ater Volumetric flow rate, Gallons per Hour
(dV/dt)hw= Hot W ater Volumetric flow rate, Gallons per Hour
LL= long straight leg of t he coil, inches
SL= short straight leg of the coil, inches
P-drop= pressure drop , PSI

Greek Symbols:
λ= curvature ratio (D/d)

c= Coiled tube property
cw= cold water
hw= hot water
i= inner dimension
o= Outer dimension
s= Straight tube property

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 22

Appendix A-1


Our initial budget allotted was $400. W e ended up spending

approximate ly $830, which was definitely in excess of our initial

budget. The approximated amounts were paid in cash and the

receipts have been submitted to the secretary of the Engineering

department. The exact budget is difficult to compute at this time, as

some of the receipts are not in the team’s possession.

Table 6: List of Expenditures

Part Source Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost

Ariston Water Heater Home Depot $ 182.30 1 $ 182.30
Galvanized Steel Bucket Lowe's $ 8.00 1 $ 8.00
Clearwater Pump Harbor Freight $ 32.00 1 $ 32.00
Differential Pressure Gauge Cole-Palmer $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00
Volumetric Flow meter (55-300 GPH) Cole-Palmer $ 72.00 1 $ 72.00
Volumetric Flow meter (0-60 GPH) Cole-Palmer $ 110.00 1 $ 110.00
Tax from Cole-Palmer purchases Cole-Palmer $ 23.69 1 $ 23.69
Copper tubing Lowe's $ 17.00 2 $ 42.00
Blue Bucket Lowe's $ 4.00 1 $ 4.00
Ball Valves Lowe's $ 7.00 4 $ 28.00
Compression Fit Spigot Lowe's $ 8.00 1 $ 8.00
Utility Cart Harbor Freight $ 43.35 1 $ 43.35
Clear 1/16th inch plexiglass DK Boos Glass $ 5.42 1 $ 5.42
Thermocouple shield Omega $ 22.50 1 $ 22.50
Pressure Gauge Grainger $ 43.20 2 $ 86.40
Sundry Fittings and Miscellany Various $ 174.66
Total $ 942.32

Table 7: List of Donations

Part Source
Duct Tape Peter Jorgenson
Commemorative Plaque Jorgenson Manufacturing
White Bucket Saint Martin's University Maintenance
Surge Protector Saint Martin's University
Helical Coil Thermal Engineering Laboratory

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Appendix A-2

Chapter ___
Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Experiment

Forew ord:
In fall semester of 2007, Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers
class (Jorgscumpark Industries) cr eated this laboratory experiment
for not only your enlightenment but also your entertainment. W e
would like to take this opportunity to remind you to keep safety in
mind as you work through this experiment. So, remember have fun
and be safe.

Problem Sta tement:

The Heat Transfer Company is seeking your participation in a
program for the investigation of the Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
designed and built by Jorgscumpark Industries in the fall of 2007.
They donated their time creating this apparatus for the Thermal
Engineering Laboratory as well as for the generations of future
employees of the Heat Transfer Company. It is now up to you to
test it.

From your experimental data, you should be able to make
various calculations. You can calculate Nusselt number, heat
transfer coefficient, and pressure drops for the helical coil. You
should be able to find all the information you require in your Heat
Transfer textbook or within this laboratory manual. If you should
need any other information , you may perform a literature search for
it and cite the sources you used.

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 24

Three Thermocouples and a probe thermometer
Two Volumetric flow meters - Cole Palmer
One Differential pressure meter - Ashcroft

Clearwater Pump - Chicago Electr ic Power tools Model #01479

Five gallon white bucket - housing for the coil
Three-gallon bucket- overflow reservoir and trapped air removal

Hot W ater Heater:

Four-gallon water heater- Ariston - It is imperative that you avoid
getting excess water on the hot water heater.

Data Acquisition:
2 two channeled Fluke meters

A mop and mop bucket - for any spills and the leaky fresh water
Rags or paper towels - also for spillage
Reservoir Cover

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 25

Dimensions of the Helical Coil:
Figure 1: Dimensions of the Helical Coil

Experimental Procedure:
Experimental Phase:
1. First, as to not damage the circuit
breaker, turn off any equipment you
are not using for this laboratory
2. Perform a safety check on t he
apparatus. Check the device for
exposed wires and other such
dangers. This is also a good time to
check the connections on the
apparatus. Make sure that all valves
are closed. Plug in the surge

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 26

3. If the pump has not been used in
more than five days, remove the
cover and turn the fan with a

4. Connect the source hose to the

source spigot, making sure that the
spigot is closed. Place the
discharge hose into the floor drain.
5. Open valve 2 and Turn on source
water. Allow the water level to rise
to a point where the helical coil is
fully submerged before. Use the
view port on the heat exchanger lid
to verify, visually, the water level.
W hile the heat exchanger is filling
up, turn on the hot water heater.
6. Once desired temperature is
reached, open the metering valve on
hot water volumetric flow meter and
begin filling the reservoir
approximately half way.
7. Note: Make sure that the valves are
opened in the proper order specified.
8. Close valve 2
9. Open valve 3 and turn on pump by
plugging into the surge protector
(Make sure water in reservoir is at
least half way full as failing to do so
will burn out the pump). This will

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 27

create a closed circuit for the hot
10. Adjust hot water flow rate as
11. Adjust valve 1 and cold water
flow rate (via the volumetric flow
meter) such that the cold water
entering the heat exchanger is in
synch with the cold water exiting out
the discharge.
12. Connect the three
thermocouples to the Fluke meters.
Make note of thermocouple
13. Insert the type -K temperature
probe into the hole on the top of the
heat exchanger until it makes
contact with the cold-water inlet flow.
Then connect it to the Fluke meter
14. Begin taking readings at
desired intervals until steady state
15. Keep an eye on water level in
the reservoir, if overflow is imminent
open valve 4 to discharge.

Table 1: Note on valves:

Valve 1 Master Drain Valve
Valve 2 Source Inlet to Hot Water Tank
Valve 3 Pump Outlet
Valve 4 Reservoir Overflow Valve

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 28

Post Experimental Phase:
1. Secure the apparatus; close all
valves unplug the pump, hot water
heater and anything else you
plugged in. Also, please leave the
thermal engineering lab as clean as
you found it.
2. From the volumetric flow rates,
calculate mass flow rates. Do this
with your steady state data
3. Predict the fouling factors for the
4. Begin your calculations for the
a. Nusselt numbers
b. Heat transfer coefficients
c. Pressure drops

Useful Correlations:

Petukhov’s Correlation for Nusselt number (2)

Nu s =((f/2)*Re*Pr)/(1.07+12.7*(f/2)^(1/2)*(Pr^(2/3) -1))

W here f=(1.58*ln(Re)-3.28)^-2

Schmidt’s Correlation for Nusselt number (2)

Nu c =(1.0+3.6*(1 -(1/ λ))*(1/ λ)^0.8)* Nu s

Konakov’s Correlation for friction factor (1)


Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 29


(1) Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Begell House, 2002 Ed.

(2) Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design, Kakac

& Liu 2 n d Ed.

(3) Thermal En gineering Laboratory Manual, Abdelmessih, 6 t h Ed.

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 30

Appendix A-3:

Contribution of Team Members:

J. Parker: Team Leader & Treasurer

 Overall design and construction of heat exchanger apparatus

 Development of experimental procedure

 Maintained budget records

 General research

S. Cummings: Production Assistant & Draftsman

 Construction of thermocouple units

 Computer Drafting of flow chart and helical coil

 Assisted in design and construction of the apparatus

 Photography

 General research

M. Jorgenson: Secretary & Principal Photographer

 Calculations

 Correlation research

 Photography

 Compiled final report

 Scholar’s Day Liaison

Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Page 31

Appendix A-4:

Ex per im en t al D a ta
V ol um etr ic f l o w r a tes : Ho t: 5 8 G PH C o ld : 52 G PH
T abl e 8 : Da t a S pr ea ds he e t
Time (sec) time (min) T-hot in T-hot out T-cold in T-cold out
0 0 93.9 84.0 55.5 61.5
300 5 93.7 83.9 54.5 61.5
600 10 93.8 84.1 53.4 61.7
900 15 93.5 83.9 53.1 61.6
1200 20 93.2 83.7 53.4 61.6
1500 25 93.3 83.7 54.0 61.2
1800 30 93.1 83.5 52.5 61.2
2100 35 93.3 83.6 53.3 61.4
2400 40 93.3 83.5 53.4 61.6
2700 45 92.9 83.1 54.3 61.9
3000 50 93.1 83.3 54.3 61.7
3300 55 92.8 83.1 54.5 61.5
3600 60 92.9 83.1 54.9 61.6
3900 65 92.6 82.7 55.2 61.9
4200 70 92.8 82.9 54.0 61.9
4500 75 92.5 82.8 54.5 61.5
4800 80 92.7 82.8 55.4 61.6
5100 85 92.7 82.9 56.4 61.5
5400 90 92.7 82.7 56.9 61.6
5700 95 92.6 83.1 51.5 61.1
6000 100 92.7 83.3 51.8 61.4
6300 105 93.0 82.8 57.0 61.7
6600 110 92.7 82.7 55.3 62.3
6900 115 92.5 82.9 51.7 61.4
7200 120 92.5 82.9 51.9 61.4
7500 125 92.7 82.9 51.9 61.4
7800 130 92.9 83.0 51.9 61.5
8100 135 92.8 83.0 51.4 61.1
8400 140 92.8 83.1 51.6 61.4
8700 145 92.9 83.3 51.5 61.4
9000 150 92.9 83.3 51.5 61.4
9300 155 93.1 83.7 51.5 60.9
9600 160 93.3 83.6 51.5 61.7
9900 165 93.4 83.4 51.5 61.7
10200 170 93.3 83.3 51.5 61.7
10500 175 93.1 82.7 51.5 61.9
10800 180 92.9 82.5 51.5 61.9
T he ye l l o w h ig h l ig h t i n d ic a tes t h e v a lu es us e d f or s t e ad y s t a te c a lc u la t io ns .

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