Settlement Control of Soft Ground Using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization
Settlement Control of Soft Ground Using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization
Settlement Control of Soft Ground Using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization
Abstract: Cement is widely used for improvement of soft soils, but financial and environmental
concerns are causing genuine concerns to all parties, leading to the quest for alternative and
effective stabilizers. Ricehusk is an agricultural waste in Malaysia, commonly disposed of by
open burning or dumping in landfills. Considering that the ashes derived from ricehusk are
pozzolanic in nature, there is a possibility that a cement-ricehusk mixture could effectively
improve soft soils with reduced cement dosage. This study examines the mixture‟s effectiveness
by monitoring the settlement reduction in a clay soil. Standard oedometer tests were carried out
on a soft marine clay sample admixed with cement-ricehusk. Test specimens contained 0-10%
cement and 0-5% of ricehusk respectively, and were left to cure for either seven or 28 days. The
stabilized specimens were observed to undergo significant reduction in compressibility, verifying
the potential of cement-ricehusk as an alternative soft soil stabilizer.
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
The ordinary Portland cement (see Table 1 and The remolded clay sample was mixed with the
Figure 2) was first oven-dried at 105ºC for 24 hours required amount of cement and/or RH at their
before being stored in airtight containers to maintain natural water content. Next, the clay, cement and
the consistency (i.e. removal of entrapped moisture RH were thoroughly mixed in a conventional food
content). Cement was added to the clay in the amount mixer. To avoid spillage, the food mixer was run at a
of 0, 5, and 10%, by mass, of the mass of the clay. low speed for the first minute, after which the
mixing process was stopped to scrape off the
Ricehusk (RH) materials stuck on the mixing paddle and sides of
the bowl. Mixing was then resumed for another 2-3
Similar with cement, the RH was oven-dried at 105 minutes, until a homogeneous clay-additive paste
ºC for 24 hours to remove any entrapped moisture was formed. The mixing process took approximately
(see Table 1, Figures 1 and 2). The dried RH was 5 minutes, as recommended in EuroSoilStab [2].
next ground and sieved, where only portions finer
than 425 m were used. The RH dosage ranged The mixture was compacted in the oedometer ring,
between 0 to 5% (see Table 2), based on dry mass of measuring 75 mm in diameter and 20 mm high, in
the clay soil. These percentages were selected based two layers of 75 g each. Each layer was tamped and
on Ibrahim‟s work [12], which focused on the compacted with custom-made miniature compaction
unconfined compressive strength of the same clay tools in the same manner. The top of each compacted
soil admixed with 5% cement and 2-3% RH. The layer was scarified before placement of the following
resulting strengths (qu) were all lower than for the layer to improve bonding between the layers.
specimen with 5% cement addition. This was most Finally, the specimen was wrapped with cling film
likely due to the relatively large particle size of RH and kept in a tightly closed bucket partially filled
used, i.e. 1-4 mm, causing segregation and prefe- with a bleach solution, for prevention of fungal
rential shear planes within the specimens. Hence the growth on the specimen. The specimens were left to
present study adopted the same dosages (and more) cure for seven and 28 days before tests. Details of the
but finer RH particles in an attempt to evaluate the test specimens are given in Table 2. Note that the
settlement reduction potential of the cement-RH 10C specimen was meant to serve as a „target
mix. strength‟ specimen, for comparison with the cement-
RH-stabilized specimens, which contained only 5%
Figure 2 shows the physical quantities of various cement.
percentages of cement and RH. As clearly shown, the
physical amount of 5% cement (5C) is not much Table 2. Test Specimens: Labels and Descriptions
different from that of 2% RH (2RH) due to the lower
Specimen Description
density of RH (Gs for cement and RH are 3.12 and
1.37 respectively). Therefore a seemingly small CONTROL Clay + 0 % cement + 0 % ricehusk
dosage increment of 0.5% RH translates to a 5C Clay + 5 % cement
significant amount in terms of physical quantity. 10C Clay + 10 % cement
5C2RH Clay + 5 % cement + 2 % ricehusk
5C3.5RH Clay + 5 % cement + 3.5 % ricehusk
5C5RH Clay + 5 % cement + 5 % ricehusk
Oedometer Tests
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
Settlement (mm)
Effective stress (kPa)
5C 10C 5C2RH 5C3.5RH 5C5RH
25 0.110 0.020 0.115 0.103 0.096
50 0.799 0.027 0.674 0.545 0.365
100 1.746 0.405 1.431 1.392 1.134
200 3.095 1.393 2.676 2.469 2.438
400 4.530 2.700 3.924 3.877 3.808
800 5.902 4.247 5.382 5.224 5.149
1600 7.560 5.572 6.759 6.534 6.503
Figure 5. The Compressibility Results for the Oedometer Test (seven days).
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
Chan, C-M. et al.. / Settlement Control of Soft Ground using Cement-Ricehusk Stabilization / CED, Vol. 14, No. 2, September 2012, pp. 69–76
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